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1. Learn to be nice to people.

It is nice to be important but it is

more important to be nice."

2. " Learn to express your opinions but don t talk back to others.
Learn the art of disagreeing without being disagreeable."

3. " Become labeled as trustworthy and a person of integrity,

because our credibility affects our profitability not only in
money but also in goodwill."

4. " Choose your friends carefully. We reveal our character not

only by the company we keep but also by the company we

5. " Return what you borrow on time as it builds credibility."

6. " Don t cheat as it becomes a habit and habits form character."

7. " Be well groomed because you never get a second chance to
create a first impression."

8. " Never take anything without asking permission because

borrowing without permission is stealing."

9. " Be polite, courteous and sensitive to others feelings. It shows


10." Become a good role model. Set a good example by your

behavior. "

11." Remember you have freedom of choice but not freedom of

consequences so make your choices carefully."
12." Accept constructive criticism in a positive manner. It only
shows that the giver cares."

13." Wise people learn from their mistakes but wiser people learn
from others mistakes."

14." Making a mistake is not the end of the world but repeating it
certainly can be."

15." Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift,

thats why we call it the present."

16." Honour is more important than Honours."

17." Do the right thing for the right reason."

18." Practice does not make perfect. Practice only makes
permanent whatever you practice. Only perfect practice makes

19." There is a fine line where decency stops and vulgarity

begins. Dignified people respect other peoples dignity."

20." Time management is a name given to life management.

When we waste time we are wasting our lives. "

21." People don t care how much you know, they want to know
how much you care."

22." It s never too late to show kindness."

23." A universal philosophy to live by: always give more than
what you get to your family, organization, customer and

24." Laugh with people not at them."

25." Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what

you get."

26.Money becomes a blessing or a curse by the way we use or

abuse it."

27." Don t argue especially with your superiors. Always make a

point with modesty."
28." Don t gossip. People who gossip with you also gossip about

29." It is better to be alone than in bad company."

30." Do not disclose anything told in confidence."

31." Don t make remarks or ask questions that may embarrass


32." Be a good listener. Listening shows caring and makes the

other person feel important."

33." Practice courtesy. Don t complete the other persons

34." Don t whisper in the company of the others. It s bad

35." Confidence without humility is called arrogance."

36." Don t be a bully or allow others to bully you."

37." Be gentle but not timid. Be meek but not weak."

38." Jealous people: Their own problems don t bother them as

much as other people s successes bother them."
39." Give sincere appreciation to others. Don t flatter.
Appreciation comes from the heart, flattering comes from the

40." Seek responsibility not control."

41." Our actions and inactions can be hurtful to ourselves and


42." Make your parents proud and give a great heritage of values
to your children."

43." Pick your mentors and role models carefully as they can lead
or mislead you."

44." Never look for a job. Always look for a career."

45." There is no accomplishment without activity. However, all
activity does not result in accomplishment."

46." Don t try to buy friendship. Stay away from the people who
do that."

47." Take initiative. Don t wait for things to happen. Make them

48." Committing mistakes just because there is forgiveness

amounts to wickedness."

49." Personalities without principles make life miserable."

50." Judge a persons character not only by how they make a
living but also how they spend it."

51.Know what you will and won t stand for."

52." Choose your advisors based on values and not on


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