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Complicated Suicide Versus Autoeroticism?

A Case Involving Multiple Drugs and a Porta-Potty
Evan Matthew Dickerson, MD,* Prentiss Jones, PhD, Dennis Wilkins, Janis Regnier, BS,
and Joseph A. Prahlow, MD,

owner, the decedent was found in the tank of the portable toi-
Abstract: In this report, a unique and bizarre case of complicated let at the edge of the parking lot. The decedents leather jacket,
suicide is presented. The decedent was found dead in the basin of a vehicle keys, and additional tubes of lipstick were found in-
porta-potty, wearing womens pantyhose, jewelry, and makeup. The ini- side the porta-potty.
tial investigation was suspect for homicide. Although an autoerotic ac- Scene investigation revealed an obese man lying on his
cidental death cannot be excluded, the patients medical history and back slightly rotated on his left side in the fetal position with
autopsy results provided evidence for suicide, including several sub- only an arm and torso visible through the opened porta-potty
stances positive in his serum. Tramadol was quantified to be 140 mg/L, seat (Fig. 1). Upon closer inspection, the decedent was noted
approximately 470 times the therapeutic range. Moreover, formalde- to be shirtless, wearing only womens stockings. The body was
hyde was also present, presumably absorbed from the contents of the extricated from the basin of the toilet by cutting the top periph-
chemical toilet. An exhaustive search could not reveal similar circum- ery of the tank, allowing for further investigation and autopsy.
stances of suicide in a porta-potty or with the levels of tramadol found At autopsy, the approximately 220-lb (100 kg) decedent
in the decedent. was noted to have early signs of decomposition, including skin
Key Words: paraphilia, porta-potty, suicide, tramadol, transvestitism discoloration, slippage, and bloating most prominent in the face
and neck but notably absent posteriorly. His head was mark-
(Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2013;34: 29Y33)
edly flexed with his chin touching his chest (Fig. 2). He was
wearing womens makeup, a pair of nylon leggings, and a left
nylon sock. The body exhibited blue debris and had a chemi-

S uicides and accidental deaths can mimic homicide until fur-

ther investigation and pathology are reviewed. In this report,
a unique case of suicide by drug overdose with possible con-
cal smell. No identifying scars or marks were noted.
The flanks, back, and arms showed confluent linear, cur-
vilinear, and irregular abrasions (Fig. 3). Irregular abrasions
tributing factors of positional asphyxia, hyperthermia, and ex- were present on the chest and abdomen. Multiple irregular and
posure to the chemical contents of a porta-potty is described. confluent apparent chemical burns overlapped the abrasions
Moreover, the circumstances surrounding the death are of im- and were primarily present on the flanks, back, and left upper
portance. A search of the media and medical literature failed extremity; the lesions were dry, thickened, and firm.
to reveal a similar case. On internal examination, the abdominal organs showed
signs of decompositional change but few other abnormalities.
RESULTS The aorta showed minimal areas of atherosclerosis, whereas the
A 36-year-old man was found dead in the waste receptacle heart showed marked biventricular dilatation. The heart was
of a porta-potty in a park on a late afternoon of a hot August of normal weight at 380 g. The lungs were unremarkable with
day. Police were notified of an abandoned vehicle in the park- no evidence of pulmonary edema. The stomach contained ap-
ing lot adjacent to a local park and found the body while in- proximately 150 mL of brown fluid, which contained at least
vestigating the vehicle. The vehicle was found with the front 3 capsules exuding a viscous material. A battery-operated vi-
windows down. The interior and exterior were covered with brating device was present within the rectum (Fig. 4). With the
hand-drawn graphic images and writings alluding to the male exception of mild hepatic steatosis, the remainder of the internal
genitalia and to homosexual acts. The vehicle contained several examination and the microscopic examination was unremark-
articles of clothing including the decedents wallet, identifica- able. There were no external or internal neck injuries identified.
tion, cellular phone, receipts, and an open gym bag. The bag Urine, serum, bile, and vitreous fluid samples were sub-
contained personal lubricant among other items. The drivers mitted for toxicologic testing. The urine drug screen was posi-
seat contained several tubes of lipstick that matched the color tive for amphetamine, tramadol, methylphenidate, nicotine,
of the writing on the car. Upon searching the park for the cotinine, and caffeine. Serum drug testing revealed the presence
of ethanol, formic acid, tramadol, O-desmethyltramadol, meth-
ylphenidate, ritalinic acid, D-amphetamine, and L-amphetamine.
Manuscript received June 4, 2012; accepted September 10, 2012. Routine drug testing was not performed on the bile and vitreous
From the *School of Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis; South Bend samples; however, both samples were analyzed for tramadol and
Medical Foundation, South Bend; Portage Police Department, Portage; amphetamine. Drug concentrations are presented in Table 1.
and School of Medicine, Indiana UniversityYSouth Bend at the Uni- Subsequent police investigation failed to reveal any evidence
versity of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.
The authors did not receive sources of support or funding for this study.
that suggested someone other than the decedent was involved in
The authors report no conflicts of interest. this death. Family members denied knowledge of homosexual
Reprints: Evan Matthew Dickerson, MD, School of Medicine, Indiana tendencies and suicidal ideation. DNA analysis was run on sev-
University, 631 N Morton St, Bloomington, IN 47404. E-mail: eral samples collected from the lipstick, swabs of the porta-potty,
Copyright * 2013 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
and body swabs; the results matched the DNA of the decedent.
ISSN: 0195-7910/13/3401Y0029 Upon investigating the decedents home, numerous prescriptions
DOI: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e31827ab5f3 and over-the-counter medications were obtained. Included in

Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 34, Number 1, March 2013 29

Copyright 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Dickerson et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 34, Number 1, March 2013

FIGURE 1. View showing the decedent through the opening FIGURE 3. Right flank of decedent exhibiting the curvilinear
of the toilet seat with only arm and torso visible. abrasions. Note the congealed substance on the skin, consistent
with the preservative solution contained within the toilet basin.
these was a 240-tablet tramadol HCl 50 mg prescription bottle
containing 213 tablets; it was filled on the night of the dece-
dents death. The results of police investigation, autopsy, and toxicology
Based on the autopsy findings and the historical and in- indicated otherwise. The pattern of the flank and other abra-
vestigative information surrounding the case, the cause of death sions was isolated to the area of central obesity, indicating a
was listed as the combined toxic effects of formaldehyde, am- methodic approach to minimize injury when entering the rela-
phetamine, and tramadol with possible contributing factors of tively small opening within the toilet seat. No other evidence of
positional asphyxia and hyperthermia. The manner of death was trauma was present at autopsy. At largest thoracic diameter, the
ruled suicide. decedent was approximated to be 42 cm, whereas the toilet lid
opening was approximated to be 28 by 38 cm (Fig. 5). Ulti-
DISCUSSION mately, the habitus of the man would likely have prevented an
Cases of suicide can mimic homicide upon initial investi- assailant from forcing the body through the opening without
gation.1 Nevertheless, the unique presentation of this case is of excessive trauma being incurred (or the assailant simply giving-
importance. An exhaustive literature/media search was unable up because of the difficult task at hand).
to obtain a similar case with the manner of death reported here. It is important to note the bizarre circumstances sur-
Cases of individuals getting trapped in the basins of chemical rounding the decedents death. Paraphilia is occasionally de-
toilets have been reported in the media,2,3 but none of which scribed in the forensic literature and may be evident at scenes of
resulted in fatality. Provided the immediate evidenceVthe de- suicide.4 Paraphilias are a group of sexual disorders character-
cedent was found dead in the basin of a chemical toilet; the ized by sexual arousal in response to objects or situations that
vehicle was found abandoned with extensive graffiti/vandalism are not part of normal human arousal activity patterns.5 Al-
present; blunt force trauma was evident about the flank, back, though the family reported no known history of cross-dressing,
and abdomenVhomicide must be suspected. Furthermore, it is it is likely that the decedent had a history of partaking in prac-
possible to conceive that a hate-crime against an individual tices of transvestitism because he was found with an anal vi-
who practices alternative sexual lifestyles occurred: the dece- brator while wearing womens clothing and makeup, indicating
dent being assaulted, dressed in womens clothing, forced into a a level of sexual arousal associated with the act. Moreover, it is
porta-potty, and the vehicle vandalized. possible that these acts were of a more common practice; the

FIGURE 2. Photograph showing decedent in fetal position

with head flexed to chest in the small dimensions of the toilet FIGURE 4. Photograph of device obtained from the decedents
basin (after top of seat section has been removed). rectum.

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Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 34, Number 1, March 2013 Complicated Suicide Versus Autoeroticism

TABLE 1. Drug Concentrations

Drug Serum Bile Vitreous Urine

Ethanol 50 mg/dL NT NT NT
Formic acid 45 mg/L NT NT NT
Tramadol 140 mg/L 34.2 mg/L 8.2 mg/L 176.7 mg/L
O-Desmethyltramadol 5.8 mg/L NT NT NT
Methylphenidate 0.2 mg/L NT NT Present
Ritalinic acid 2.5 mg/L NT NT NT
D-Amphetamine 10.6 mg/L NT NT NT
L-Amphetamine 2.9 mg/L NT NT NT
Total amphetamine 13.5 mg/L 2.9 mg/L 0.6 mg/L 14.6 mg/L
NT indicates not tested.

decedent perhaps found sexual excitement from contact with baby. It is unlikely the decedent would have defaced his ba-
feces thus partaking in coprolagnia.6 by if he was planning to return to the vehicle and drive it.
Accidental death must be considered given the circum- Clearly, there was intent and purpose in the drawings and in
stances. The scene suggests that a degree of autoeroticism may leaving the vehicle in the parking lot. In addition, 4 cigarette
have been involved. The anal vibrator and transvestitism with butts were found on the pavement behind the vehicle, all of
the possibility of coprolagnia draws question to the decedents which matched the decedents DNA, indicating that there may
intention for climbing into the portable toilet. It is possible to have been hesitation while he forged his resolve to enter the
conceive that the decedent purposefully forced himself into the porta-potty.
tight quarters but was then unable to get back out. Moreover, he An interview with a friend revealed that the decedent was
could have been overcome by the toxic fumes and lost con- having homosexual thoughts. While at a truck stop, the dece-
sciousness. In addition, the ingested medications found in the dent went into the mens bathroom planning to perform oral sex
decedents serum could have been taken to enhance the eroti- on another male. He did not perform the act but did reveal his
cism but also could have added to the patient unexpectedly thoughts and actions to his friend. Struggling with such ten-
losing consciousness. All of the previously mentioned scenar- dencies helps to provide an explanation for the vulgarities the
ios are possible and would suggest that the decedent did not decedent drew on his vehicleVthey were an expression of his
possess the intention to commit suicide. Ultimately, it is a frustration and search for identity. Among other explicit draw-
manner of death that must not be immediately excluded from ings expressing the desire to perform homosexual acts, the text
the investigation. I am gay was drawn on several locations.
The crime scene and information obtained from the dece- The family reported that the decedent had been battling
dents family support suicide as the manner of death. According with depression and was being treated with medication. The
to family, the decedent frequently referred to his vehicle as his medications found in his home were paroxetine, trazodone,

FIGURE 5. Views displaying the measurements of the porta-potty basin (left) at 52.1 by 104.1 cm and toilet opening (right) at
28 by 38 cm.

* 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 31

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Dickerson et al Am J Forensic Med Pathol & Volume 34, Number 1, March 2013

and tramadol; stolen prescriptions from his father for parox- impossible to determine the degree of tolerance to amphetamine
etine, gabapentin, and cyclobenzaprine were also present. Of the decedent may have acquired and despite the possibility of
the 240-tablet tramadol prescription filled on the night of the postmortem redistribution, the high concentration of amphet-
decedents death, 27 tramadol were missing and thus were amine (13.5 mg/L) reported herein is remarkable.
likely ingested that night. The large quantity consumed fur- Tramadol is a synthetic analog of codeine that possesses
ther supports the intention of the decedent to commit suicide. opiate-like properties. Tramadol is a mu-opioid receptor agonist
In addition, according to family, he was struggling with a that has a unique dual mechanism of action. It possesses central
recent breakup with his girlfriend. This life stressor in com- opiate receptor agonist activity and also exerts norepinephrine
bination with his sexual identity struggles likely contributed and serotonin reuptake inhibition in the central nervous sys-
to his depression, providing greater support for suicide as the tem.17 Tramadol is typically considered to exhibit a lower ad-
manner of death. verse effect profile and abuse potential compared with other
The primary component of many chemical toilets, including opiates.18 The primary metabolite O-desmethyltramadol is 2 to
the one in this case, is formaldehyde.7 Formaldehyde is a colorless 6 times more potent than the parent drug and reaches peak se-
gas at room temperature but is commonly used in aqueous solu- rum level in 2 to 3 hours, allowing for a delayed onset of ac-
tions such as in disinfectants, preservatives, and fixatives. Form- tion.18,19 Common adverse effects reported include nausea,
aldehyde is a highly reactive chemical known to be oxidized to vomiting, constipation, and somnolence.18,20 Furthermore, in
formic acid via red blood cells and the liver.8 Exposure to form- cases of poisoning, seizures, respiratory failure, pulmonary
aldehyde results in damage by 2 mechanisms. First, formaldehyde edema, coma, and liver failure have occurred.18,20 In a study
itself is an irritant that can be absorbed systemically through that evaluated the role of tramadol and its metabolites in drug-
multiple routesVingestion, inhalation, or direct contact.9 At au- related deaths and drug impairment, it was suggested that
topsy, firm (formalin-fixed), chemical burns were noted over interactions of tramadol with other drugs might contribute to
several parts of the body. The skin hardening was essentially due fatalities.21 Although fatal intoxication with tramadol is rare,
to the fixing of the tissue and is reported in other cases discussing several cases have been previously reported.18,22 The highest
formaldehyde exposure.10 Although the mechanism of inhala- reported blood tramadol level for cases of tramadol intoxication
tional injury with formaldehyde is unknown, inhalation of the alone was reported to be 15.1 mg/L.18 In a separate case of
vapors can result in asthma and pneumonitis and acute respiratory multiple drug intoxication, the highest reported blood tramadol
distress syndrome.9 None of these was evident at autopsy, but it is level was 38.3 mg/L,23 at least 100 times the therapeutic range
reasonable to presume that there might have been formaldehyde- of 0.1 to 0.3 mg/L.18Y20
initiated respiratory irritability before death. Ingestion, conversely, The decedent reported in this case had a tramadol level of
results in a combination of liquefaction and coagulation necro- 140 mg/L, which is approximately 470 times the therapeutic
sis,11,12 neither of which was present in the reported case, therefore range. In no other case could such a level of tramadol be found
indicating minimal formaldehyde exposure via ingestion. in the literature. It should be noted that the source for sampling
The primary metabolite of formaldehyde, formic acid, was from the heart and thus was not peripheral; however, tra-
provides the second mechanism of injury in cases of formal- madol does not typically exhibit postmortem redistribution.20,24
dehyde exposure. Formaldehyde is rapidly metabolized, within Moreover, months after the reference laboratory value was
90 seconds of absorption into the blood, to formic acid.9 The obtained, the results were verified from a separate tube of blood
possible toxic effects of formic acid include the following and were within 20% of the reference laboratory value.
mechanisms: an enzyme inhibitor of multiple metabolic path- With no anatomical explanation for death but a sufficient
ways, decreased blood pH resulting in metabolic acidosis, and toxicologic explanation, it would be reasonable to rule this
renal tubular necrosis leading to anuria.9 Normal formic acid death as simply being caused by the combined toxic effects of
levels range between 0 to 12 mg/L (with an absolute level of the several drugs and toxins identified. However, because of the
toxicity not being reported).13 The decedents formic acid level unique body position and the history of an extremely hot out-
was 45 mg/L, well above the reference range, indicating that door environmental temperature, it is reasonable to consider
systemic absorption of formaldehyde had occurred. Whether positional asphyxia and hyperthermia as potential contributing
some of the formic acid production occurred postmortem can- factors in this death. Positional asphyxia occurs when mechan-
not be stated with absolute certainty; however, because the re- ical respiration cannot occur because of contortion or posi-
mainder of the investigation leads to the conclusion that the tioning of the body.25 Environmental hyperthermia occurs when
decedent managed to maneuver himself into the toilet basin, it a bodys temperature-regulating capacity cannot cool the body
is reasonable to presume that at least some formaldehyde ex- sufficiently, the body core temperature elevates, and central
posure and toxicity occurred before death. nervous system and cardiac failure ensue.26,27 Neither posi-
Amphetamine is a chemical that promotes stimulation of tional asphyxia nor hyperthermia can be considered definite
the sympathetic nervous system. More specifically, amphet- contributing factors in this death; nevertheless, their potential
amine is a sympathomimetic amine that exerts a stimulatory contribution to death cannot be dismissed.
effect on the sympathetic or thoracolumbar nerves to organs of In a complex suicide, more than 1 mechanism is applied
the body.14 Structurally, amphetamine resembles the bodys resulting in death.28 The case presented exhibits multiple factors
naturally occurring stimulatory neurotransmitters norepineph- contributing to the decedents death; however, the secondary
rine and dopamine. Amphetamine causes increased release of insult resulting from the constraints of the toilet basin, heat, and
norepinephrine and also blocks its reuptake by nerve endings chemical contents of the toilet were possibly unintentional
thereby resulting in increased levels of norepinephrine that may mechanisms contributing to death. Therefore, the suicide more
be cardiotoxic.15 Tolerance to amphetamine occurs rapidly, thus likely represents a complicated suicideVthe initial insult
making interpretation of results a challenge. Fatal outcomes resulting in suicide (the substances ingested) allows for a sec-
attributed solely to amphetamine have been observed in a wide ondary insult that was not originally planned as part of the
range of blood amphetamine concentrations. In a review of 17 suicide.28
fatalities attributed solely to amphetamine, the peripheral blood The current case is of interest to the forensic community
concentration ranged from 1.1 to 7.4 mg/L.16 Although it is for a variety of reasons. The case emphasizes the importance for

32 * 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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