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Change the following into active voice?

1. The report was made by the secretary.
2. He was praised by his teacher.
3. The visitor was welcomed by a group of dignitaries.
4. The letters have been mailed by the clerk.
5. The wanted man was told by the police to come out of the flat.

Change the following into passive voice, making no reference to the agent in each case?
1. We use a thermometer to measure temperature.
2. We would pick you up.
3. She would order a pizza.
4. People speak English all over the world.
5. Someone has stolen my watch.

Rewrite the following sentenced in the passive voice, beginning with it is or it was.
People say that the world is getting smaller.
It is said that the world is getting smaller.

1. People believe that a huge creature lives in Loch Ness.

2. They say that the world is running short of food.
3. Many people hoped that the hijackers of the plane would release the sick passengers for medical
4. People believe that t third world war would destroy the whole world.
5. Many people feared that the Presidents decisions would spark off a war between his country and its

Change the passive voice into subordinate clauses, dont put the agent and dont put someone?
1. I want someone to love me.
2. It seems that someone cleaned the office on Tuesday.
3. Amy thinks that someone is reading to her son.
4. I dont like people seeing me in my pyjamas.
5. My little niece loves people chasing her.

Fill in the blanks with suitable verb?

1. Glassware products ________ produced in the city of Bristol since the time of the Romans.
Have have been are been been
2. At the end of war all the remaining ships from the losing side were ____ by the navy of the winner.
Sinking sank sunk sunken
3. My exam results letter finally arrived this morning but it should _____ a month ago.
Delivered be have delivered have been delivered
4. The syringes are designed to single-use only so they cannot ____ a second time.
Been use be use be used have been used
5. Many of Shakespeareans plays are believed _____ written by other less well-known 16th century writers.
Been to have to be to have been

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence?

1. I (have been offered/am offered) a job in Karachi.
2. She (gave/was given) an award for her bravery during the fire.
3. The escaped prisoners (were/were being) reported to be travelling to London.
4. It is (thinking/thought) that the earth is over four and half billion years old.
5. Certificates are (being/been) sent to all of the students who passed the exam.

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