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1.1 Background of the study
Literature is humans expression all about humsn life is written in literature. In other words,
literature works such as drama or play, novel and poem expose the human life. According to Podish
(in Sri Hartiningsih education to literature 2002. P.3) literature is an art form that generally means
an imaginative writing from wich fictional word is created. In this case literature often attempts to
convey something importan about life or society.
The form of literature divide into drama, novel and poetry. Literary works have a function as
media communication between writer and reader. Throught the literary works we can broad our
knowledge and learn to be wisdom in seeing the world. In other words, reaing literary works will give
us pleasure and knowledge. The important thing to in analaysing literary works is to understand
what literary works to say, what the ideas of literary works are tried to deliver, because the literary
works is a way for people to learnand teach about the way of people saying, hearing, and seeing the
real life.
Literary works are also used as a data source. As a data source, literary works have functions
as a fiction and fact that is divided into genres. Novel for example, is created to criticize the problem
that happens in the special place. Beside, the literary work can be used as a control of life in society
(Ratna, 2005:2)

In this analysis, the writer concerns on one of literary works namely novel. According to
Webster (In Sri Hartiningsih Materi pembelajaaran Prose2002:2) Novel is a ficion prose narrative of
considerable lenght, portraying character, action and scence representative of real life in a plot of
more and less intricacy. Novel gives the reader many perspective about the real life.

Wings is one of the novels that is written by the famous woman writer, Danielle Steel. This
Novel is purely fiction, all the characters are fiction. In addition, the interesting things that the writer
found in this novel is how the authors expression and creation of the characters. By taking the
setting of the age of European war, the author makes this novel more lively and interesting, as other
woman writer. In wings, Danielle Steel also describe the story of woman struggle to get their
freedom from the discrimination in family and patriarchal culture. The girls name is Cassie OMalley
who tries to be a pilot.
In this analysis, the writer tries to explore the idea about novel wings by Daneel steel
especially aboout femenist. Femenism has gradually become more far-ranging in attacks on male
dominated society. Many injustices still need to be corrected by femenism. Femenism brings an
issue about gender equality in every aspect.

On wings, womans descrimination and womans struggle to get their freedom become the
major theme. In this novel Danielle Steel describes about the discrimination of woman in family
under capitalism. Throught the character of Cassie OMalley, Danielle steel presents the story of
womans struggle in fighting the discrimination in family to be a pilot woman and patriarchal culture.
In this analysis, the writer indeed to explore the exploitation of female character and the factors
tahat influence it.
This analysis begins from the young cassie, where at the time, she feels unequal between
her and her brother. When she was teenager, she has a fascination with airplanes and she really
wants to be a pilot but her father against her. Her father wants his son to be the one whose follows
his footsteps, not his doughter. Cassies father felts it is improper for a young lady to become a pilot
or even to fly. But Cassie keeps trying to prove that she has a talent in airplane, and the end, she
gets permission his father.
1.2 Problem of the study
There are some problems that will be analyzed by using liberal feminism namely ?
1. What is the descrimination faced by the major female character portrayed in wings ?
2. What factors are influencing the descrimination over woman portrayed in wings ?
1.3 Purpose of the study
To know what is the concret reason descrimination woman in family.
1.4 Significance of the study
This analysis is supposed to give theoritical and practical contribution in literature. Theoritically,
the study is supposed to contribute new point of view in the analysis novel.
1.5 Scope and limitation
There are many aspects can be analyzed in the Danieel Steels wings. Such as social, politic, and
economic. Scope of this study is Cassie OMalley as a major character on this novel. But this
analaysis has many weakness in formulate the problems and theories.
1.6 Definition of the key term
Femenism is a woman movement which aims to fight for woman equal right with man in every
aspect of live.
Sayap adalah salah satu novel yang ditulis oleh penulis wanita terkenal, Danielle Steel. Novel
ini murni fiksi, semua karakternya fiksi. Selain itu, hal menarik yang penulis temukan dalam
novel ini adalah bagaimana pengekspresian dan penciptaan karakter penulis. Dengan
mengambil setting zaman perang Eropa, penulis membuat novel ini lebih semarak dan
menarik, seperti penulis wanita lainnya. Di sayap, Danielle Steel juga menggambarkan kisah
perjuangan wanita untuk mendapatkan kebebasan mereka dari diskriminasi dalam keluarga
dan budaya patriarki. Nama gadis itu adalah Cassie O'Malley yang mencoba menjadi pilot.
Dalam analisis ini, penulis mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi gagasan tentang sayap baru oleh
baja Daneel terutama di luar femenist. Femenisme secara bertahap menjadi lebih jauh dalam
serangan terhadap masyarakat yang didominasi laki-laki. Banyak ketidakadilan masih perlu
dikoreksi oleh femenisme. Femenisme membawa isu tentang kesetaraan gender dalam setiap

Di sayap, kekeliruan wanita dan perjuangan wanita untuk mendapatkan kebebasan mereka
menjadi tema utama. Dalam novel ini Danielle Steel menggambarkan tentang diskriminasi
wanita dalam keluarga di bawah kapitalisme. Diambil karakter Cassie O'Malley, baja
Danielle menghadirkan kisah perjuangan wanita dalam memperjuangkan diskriminasi dalam
keluarga menjadi wanita percontohan dan budaya patriarki. Dalam analisis ini, penulis
memang mengeksplorasi eksploitasi karakter perempuan dan faktor-faktor yang
Analisis ini dimulai dari cassie muda, di mana pada saat itu, dia merasa tidak setara antara dia
dan saudara laki-lakinya. Ketika dia masih remaja, dia memiliki daya tarik dengan pesawat
terbang dan dia benar-benar ingin menjadi pilot tapi ayahnya menentangnya. Ayahnya
menginginkan anaknya menjadi orang yang mengikuti jejaknya, bukan doughter-nya. Ayah
Cassie menebalkan itu tidak pantas bagi seorang wanita muda untuk menjadi pilot atau
bahkan untuk terbang. Tapi Cassie terus berusaha membuktikan bahwa dia memiliki bakat di
pesawat terbang, dan akhirnya, dia mendapat izin ayahnya.

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