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Acid-base Physiology

Additional lab data: Previous ABG reports, electrolytes,

blood sugar, BUN, hemoglobin or hematocrit, chest
Acid-base balance is an essential part of fluid and electrolyte X-ray, pulmonary function tests (if available).
management. Acid is a substance that tends to dissociate
or give a hydrogen ion (proton donor) whereas base is a Identify the Disturbance
substance that tends to bind or associate a hydrogen ion Assess pH: High/low
(proton acceptor). Low pH: pH <7.38: acidemia
Normal pH of blood is 7.40 (range 7.357.45). As a rule High pH: pH >7.42: alkalemia
of thumb, 1 mm Hg increase in paCO2 decreases pH by 0.01 Determine the primary acid-base disturbance (Table
and 1 mEq/L decrease in HCO3 decreases pH by 0.02. 17.6.14)
Disturbances in acid-base balance can occur due to Calculate the degree of compensation (Table 17.6.15)
primary respiratory or metabolic events. In general, if acid- Calculate anion gap.
base imbalance is predominantly metabolic in nature,
changes in pH, HCO3 and paCO2 occur in the same direction Calculate the Anion Gap
(all are reduced or increased and the main alteration is in Anion gap = Na+ [Cl + HCO3]. Normal anion gap ranges
HCO3). In contrast if the disturbance is predominantly from 8 mEq/L to 16 mEq/L (12 4) but it is variable in different
respiratory in origin, changes in HCO3 and arterial paCO2 laboratories. The patient may have high anion gap metabolic
are opposite to changes in pH and main alteration is in acidosis when the calculated anion gap is more than 16.
paCO2. The primary and compensatory changes always
occur in the same direction. Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic acidosis is a clinical disturbance characterized
Assessment and Identification of the
by decrease in plasma bicarbonate concentration and low
Acid-base Disorder PaCO2 resulting from compensatory hyperventilation.
Comprehensive History and Clinical Examination
Information about patients immediate environment normal anion gap acidosis: Diarrhea, renal tubular
FiO2, barometric pressure acidosis, ureterosigmoidostomy, early stage of acute
Clinical information, including the history and physical renal failure.
examination with emphasis on patients respiratory increased anion gap acidosis: Diabetic ketoacidosis,
rate and vital signs, degree of respiratory effort, mental lactic acidosis, inborn errors of metabolism, salicylate
status and state of tissue perfusion poisoning, methanol poisoning, uremia, starvation.

Table 17.6.14 Identification of the primary disturbance

Primary disorder pH HCO3 PaCO Compensation
Metabolic acidosis Low Low N/low Fall in paCo2
Acidic urine
Metabolic alkalosis High High N/high Rise in paCo2, Alkaline urine
Respiratory acidosis Low N/low High Acidic urine
Respiratory alkalosis High N/high High Alkaline urine
1: pH 7.3, HCO3 14 = Primary metabolic acidosis
2: pH 7.57, HCO3 42, PaCO2 47 = Primary metabolic alkalosis
3: pH 7.57, HCO3 18, PaCO2 18 = Primary respiratory alkalosis
4: pH 7.2, HCO3 28, PaCO2 58 = Primary respiratory acidosis

Table 17.6.15 Compensatory changes in Paco2 and HCO3 in response to acidosis and alkalosis
Primary disorder Compensatory change Expected compensation
Metabolic acidosis Fall in PaCO2 PaCO2 = 1.2 x HCO3
Fall in HCO3
Metabolic alkalosis Rise in PaCO2 PaCO2 = 0.7 x HCO3
Rise in HCO3
Respiratory acidosis Rise in HCO3 Acute : HCO3 = 0.1 x PaCO2
Rise in PaCO2 Chronic : HCO3 = 0.3 x PaCO2
Respiratory alkalosis Fall in HCO3 Acute : HCO3 = 0.2 x PaCO2
Fall in PaCO2 Chronic : HCO3 = 0.5 x PaCO2
Clinical Features Chloride resistant metabolic alkalosis: Treat the
Manifestations of acidosis are related to the degree of underlying cause and give potassium supplementation
acidosis. Worsening acidosis may produce hypotension, or potassium sparing diuretic.
lethargy, stupor and progresses to coma. pH <7.2 is Respiratory Acidosis
associated with increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
Increased work of breathing (kussmauls breathing) may In respiratory acidosis there is decreased elimination of
predispose to superimposed respiratory acidosis. Chronic carbon dioxide from the body due to poor ventilation, which
acidemia results in osteopenia, muscle wasting, and growth leads to accumulation of carbon dioxide. Acute respiratory
retardation. acidosis is characterized by a primary rise in paCO2 above
45 mm Hg that remains at this high value up to 612 hours.
Management Sustained elevation of paCO2 beyond 12 hours is defined as
Emergency measures: Prevent further production of chronic respiratory acidosis.
H+ by ensuring a proper airway, adequate peripheral
Clinical Features
perfusion, oxygen delivery
Treat underlying disorder if possible Signs and symptoms are related to the degree of
Bicarbonate therapy: Intravenous bicarbonate should hypercapnia. Child develops headache with either
be used very judiciously if the pH is <7.2 and/or HCO3 irritability or depression due to increase in intracranial
5 mEq/L aiming to raise pH to 7.2. NaHCO3 needs to pressure (ICP). There is impairment of consciousness
be diluted at 1:1 concentration for IV infusion and the varying from drowsiness to deep coma. Muscular tremors
amount of bicarbonate to be given = 0.3 x body weight can occur. Tachycardia, flushing of skin or perspiration may
x base deficit. be present. Blood pressure may be low with signs of shock.
Ventricular fibrillations may occur.
Disadvantages of NaHCO3 therapy are hyperosmolality,
hypernatremia, hypokalemia, decrease in ionized calcium, Management
intracerebral acidosis, shift of oxygen dissociation curve Treatment is directed at the underlying cause and
resulting in worsening of tissue hypoxia and worsening of improvement of alveolar gas exchange by assisted
intracellular acidosis. ventilation. Oxygen administration with high flow rates
Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis can be done to treat may help to wash out carbon dioxide. If hyperkalemia
metabolic acidosis if severe or if associated with renal or ventricular fibrillation develops in a child with acute
failure (uremic acidosis), or in poisonings. respiratory acidosis, sodium bicarbonate may be life saving.
It should be administered after establishing ventilation.
Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis is defined as HCO3 >2830 mEq/L, Respiratory Alkalosis
usually with a rise in pH >7.45. It usually occurs due to hyperventilation; psychogenic or
Clinical Features neurogenic. It may be one of the earliest signs of sepsis.
Acute respiratory alkalosis last no longer than 612
Symptoms are due to hypokalemia and decreased ionized
hours. The compensatory response to this phase involves
calcium levels.
consumption of HCO3 by body buffers. In the chronic phase
Mild metabolic alkalosis (HCO3 < 36) is asymptomatic.
renal suppression of H+ ion excretion and chloride retention
Moderate metabolic alkalosis: (HCO3 3642 mEq/L) can
cause paresthesia, weakness, orthostatic hypotension,
fatigue, muscle cramps, lethargy, hyporeflexia, muscular clinical feature
irritability. Usually there is hyperventilation with features of tetany as
Severe metabolic alkalosis: (HCO3 > 4550 mEq/L) alkalosis decreases blood levels of ionized calcium.
arrhythmias, tetany, seizures, delirium, stupor. Child may
develop hypoventilation which could result in hypoxemia,
difficulty in weaning from ventilator, increased digoxin Breathing in a closed circuit would cause accumulation
toxicity, worsening of hepatic encephalopathy. of carbon dioxide. The underlying condition should be
treated. Sodium bicarbonate therapy is not indicated.
Chloride responsive: Treating the underlying cause is Mixed Acid-base Disorders
the primary therapy. Correct the hydration status with Mixed acidbase disturbances are conditions where
intravenous 0.9% saline infusion at 10 mL/kg over 10 more than one primary acid disturbance occurs. The four
30 minutes and if there is coexisting hypokalemia, that commonly encountered mixed acidbase disorders are: (1)
needs to be corrected with KCl supplementation. In case respiratory acidosis + metabolic acidosis, (2) respiratory
of diuretic-induced metabolic alkalosis, stop the loop acidosis + metabolic alkalosis, (3) respiratory alkalosis +
diuretic and it can be replaced by K sparing diuretics. metabolic acidosis and (4) respiratory alkalosis + metabolic
alkalosis (Table 17.6.16). The most serious acidbase
disorders are of mixed type when respiratory and metabolic
disturbances result in a pH change in the same direction.
4 Acid-Base Balance and


Acid-base disorders are common in pediatric intensive Acid Production
care unit (PICU) patients. Acidosis both metabolic and
As fire makes smoke, so metabolism makes acids. Acids are
respiratory, are the hallmarks of multiple organ failure and primarily:
seen in sepsis, trauma, and postoperative patients (particularly Respiratory acid: CO2 which is excreted via the lungs. This
cardiac surgery) as well as in renal, metabolic and endocrine combines with H2O to produce H2CO3 which dissociates
conditions. Both respiratory and metabolic alkaloses also occur into HCO3 and H+ ions
with regularity in PICU. Thus it is important that the intensivist Metabolic acid: Fixed organic acids (not excreted by lungs),
not only understands the underlying processes involved which dissociate into anions (A) and H+ ions, are excreted
in acid-base disorders but can also apply this to managing in the urine
conditions properly. This is vital as there is compelling Lactate from carbohydrate metabolism
research base evidence that misinterpretation and consequent Ketoacids (acetoacetate and -hydroxybutyrate) from
mismanagement of acid-base disorder is common in hospital fat metabolism
medicine. Phosphates and sulfates from protein metabolism.

DEFINITIONS Acid-Base Regulation

Acidosis is an abnormal process or condition which lowers For acid-base balance, the amount of acid excreted must equal
the arterial pH if there is no compensatory response the acid produced. The body has three processes to regulate
Alkalosis is an abnormal processes condition which raises acid-base balance:
the arterial pH if there is no compensatory response 1. Buffer
Acidemia is arterial pH lower than 7.35. It can cause 2. Ventilatory
hyperkalemia as potassium exits cells to preserve trans 3. Renal
membrane potential Immediate buffering: The body has a huge capacity to
Alkalemia is arterial pH greater than 7.45. It is associated with buffer via the process: A + H+ HA. Thus, a 1 mmol/L
hypokalemia due to potassium movement into cells fall in A requires 106 nmol/L (1 mmol/L) of H+ ions to
In mixed acid-base disorders, coexisting disorders may be mopped up by another buffer. The main buffers
have opposite effects on pH. Generally the most severe are bicarbonate (HCO3), plasma proteins, hemoglobin
disorder dictates the pH. and phosphates
Immediate respiratory response: H + ions stimulate
chemoreceptors to increase ventilation, and more CO2
is excreted (lowering PaCO2) as follows:
Hydrogen ion concentration [H+] is expressed in nmol/L, i.e. a H++ HCO3 H2CO3 CO2 + H2O

millionth of a mmol. Thus, the concentration of Na+, Cl , K+ and Slow renal response: The kidney reabsorbs filtered
other strong ions are a factor of a million times more concentrated HCO3 ions (raising plasma HCO3) and excretes fixed
in extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF) than H+. acids in response to respiratory acidosis. This response
Due to the scale of this, the [H+] is routinely expressed as the takes between 12 hours to several days (acute or
negative logarithm of [H+]. chronic renal response).
pH 7.4 corresponds to [H+] 40 nmol/L
The normal range for pH is 7.357.45 ([H+] 4535 nmol/L), Simple and Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances
i.e. the change in [H + ] is only 10 nmol/L. This is an A simple acid-base disturbance denotes the presence of one
indication of how tightly controlled [H+] is in normal daily primary process, coupled with its appropriate physiologic
processes, e.g. exercise. response. For example, in primary respiratory acidosis with
Due to the logarithmic nature of pH, at the acidotic end PaCO 2 of 50 mm Hg, plasma HCO3 generally increases
of the scale, the change in [H+] is much higher than at appropriate by 23 mEq/L in an attempt to balance acidemia,
the alkalotic end, i.e. pH 7.1 = 80 nmol/L [H+]; pH 7.7 = caused by increased PaCO2 (partially compensated).
20 nmol/L. A drop in pH from 7.4 to 6.8 involves a 6-fold A mixed acid-base disturbance refers to coexistence of two
increase in [H+]. or more primary processes. These processes may have additive
or nullifying effect on plasma acidity. For example, if in above Diabetic ketoacidosis (increase ketones) 163
condition of PaCO2 50 mm Hg, plasma HCO3 decreases instead Renal failure (increase SO42 and PO43 accumulation).
of increasing, then metabolic acidosis together with respiratory Poisons, e.g. ethanol, methanol, salicylates, ethylene glycol
acidosis have taken place, for example such conditions Metabolic disorders: Inborn error of metabolism like

Acid-Base Balance and Disturbance

occur in respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), cystic fibrosis, organic acidemia, fatty acid oxidation defect. A useful
unresponsive or untreated acute severe bronchial asthma. aide to remember is MULEPACK for different causes of
metabolic acidosis with increased AG.
METABOLIC ACIDOSIS M = Metabolic defects, e.g. organic acidemia, fatty acid
Acid derives from the Latin word acidus, which means sour.
U = Uremia
Examination of Acid-Base Status L = Lactic acidosis: Tissue ischemia in shock (hypovolemic
or septic shock)
There are three accepted models for quantifying acid-base E = Ethanol, methanol
status in common use: P = Paraldehyde
HCO3/PaCO2 relationship, i.e. Henderson-Hasselbalch A = Aspirin
C = Carbon monoxide
BE and AG calculation
Stewarts quantitative approach, i.e. strong ion difference K = Ketones in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
(if indicated and available). Normal AG metabolic acidosis occurs in following
conditions. This is commonly due to the loss of HCO3 from
Bicarbonate/PaCO2 the gut or kidney, or impaired acid secretion by the kidney.
Diarrhea (most frequent cause in children)
CO2 is directly measured in blood gas analyzers Type I (distal) renal tubular acidosis (RTA): Inability to
CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid which can excrete hydrogen ion, urine pH is always high (>6.5);
dissociate: caused by a variety of medications or is inherited; often
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H++ HCO3 associated with hypokalemia and hypercalciuria
HCO3 is not directly measured but is calculated from the Type (proximal) II RTA: Impaired reabsorption of HCO3
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: from proximal tubule, usually associated with other
pH = pK + Log10[HCO3]/[CO2] proximal tubular dysfunction such as phosphaturia or
where K is the equilibrium constant (6.1) glycosuria (Fanconi syndrome)
The normal range for HCO3 concentration is 1826 mmol/L Type IV (hyperkalemic) RTA: Inadequate aldosterone
but can be lower (1216 mmol/L) in preterm babies. production or inability to respond to it, seen in acute
pyelonephritis or obstructive uropathy.
Base Excess
The BE is a single calculated variable that is used to quantify Approach to Diagnosis and
the metabolic (nonrespiratory) component of a patients Management of Metabolic Acidosis
acid-base status Clinical Assessment
Base excess is defined as the quantity of alkali (HCO3)
required to titrate blood to a pH of 7.4 with a fixed PaCO2 of History:
5.3 kPa (i.e. normal) at 37C. In practice, this is calculated A thorough history is important. One will need to identify any
from the Siggaard-Andersen nomogram by most modern symptoms of fever, flank pain and vomiting (pyelonephritis),
blood gas analyzers lethargy, or altered mental state (metabolic disease, sepsis
A negative BE (base deficit) implies metabolic acidosis. or poisoning). Then specific question should be asked about
A positive BE implies metabolic alkalosis. the gastrointestinal symptoms particularly of diarrhea and
renal tracts, and growth. Lastly, there may be a significant
Anion Gap family history of renal disease, kidney stones or early infant
This is a parameter used to establish the cause of a patients
metabolic acidosis, i.e. the underlying problem is: Examination
Secondary to accumulation of unmeasured anions and
thus H+ ions, i.e. raised AG. A full examination is needed (Fig. 1). Assess:
or Cardiovascular system: Warm, flushed skin or cold
Secondary to accumulation of chloride ions (Cl-), i.e. clamming extremities, increased pulse rate, decreased
normal AG. blood pressure
AG = ([Na+] + [K+]) ([Cl] + [HCO3])
Respiratory system: Tachypnea, deep rapid respiration in
absence of clinical respiratory features like cough and no
Normal AG is 816 mmol/L. If this is clearly raised, i.e. added sound on chest auscultation (suggestive of renal
more than 20 mmol/L, then this represents significant failure, DKA)
unmeasured anions in plasma/ECF. Hydration:
Causes of metabolic acidosis with increased AG (due to Significant dehydration associated with diarrheal
unmeasured anions): disease and DKA
Shock status (lactic acidosis from septic shock, hypovolemic Severe dehydration, deep rapid breathing with
shock) abdominal pain is suggestive of DKA.
164 Maintain supportive measures and organ support even in
the absence of diagnosis until pH improves.
Consider HCO3 therapy if indicated.
Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics

Ensure the airway breathing circulation (ABC). Then, the
form and type of monitoring will be dictated by the patients
condition. Start with continuous pulse oximetry and ECG
monitoring, and intermittent BP monitoring. Follow hourly

Correction of Dehydration
If the patient is dehydrated then this problem should be treated
with oral or IV replacement. This alone may improve serum
HCO3. Other interventions if required are follows:
Fig. 1: Clinical features of metabolic acidosis Inotropes in persistent hypotension after fluid resuscitation
Identify the underlying cause and treat accordingly
CNS: Altered sensorium in sepsis, poisoning and metabolic (antibiotic in sepsis)
disorder associated with metabolic acidosis The use of buffers is common but lacks consensus on
Abdomen indications and possible benefits
Growth: Usually retarded in renal failure, untreated Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) may worsen intracellular
diabetes mellitus acidosis, hypokalemia and hypocalcemia. It may increase
1. Confirm diagnosis (blood gas analysis): the risk of cerebral edema in diabetic ketoacidosis.
Arterial pH less than 7.34 However, HCO 3/alkali therapy may be used for specific
Base excess less than 3 mmol/L
metabolic disorders.
PaCO2 appropriate for acidosis, i.e. it is usually low
when hyperventilatory compensation occurs but
Metabolic Acidosis with Increased AG
is often high if there is also a respiratory acidosis
component or normal in ventilated paralyzed patients. Identify the cause and treatment; IV NaHCO 3 is only
2. Check blood and urine: given as last resort (child must be able to excrete the CO2
Measure serum Na, K, Cl, urea, creatinine, lactate, generated)
glucose and albumin Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% (1 mmol/mL) is commonly used
Check urine for pH, ketones and may be indicated in:
Imaging: Renal ultrasound scan looking for nephro Severe acidosis (pH <7.1) and hypotension when
calcinosis (type I RTA) inotropes appear to be ineffective due to receptor
Once diagnosis of metabolic acidosis is confirmed, dysfunction
attempt to identify the underlying cause by calculation of Sodium bicarbonate should not be given as rapid bolus
corrected AG.
but as slow infusion (i.e. 12 mL/kg/hr of 8.4% NaHCO3 =
3. AG more than 16consider clinical context and treat cause:
12 mmol/kg/hr) and titrate to effect, i.e. target pH more
Lactic acidosis: Does this fit with clinical context, e.g.
than 7.2
hypotension, fluid/blood loss, myocardial dysfunction,
septic shock, seizures, etc. Estimate the deficit = (20 [HCO3]) weight (kg) 0.5 mmol
Ketoacidosis ( blood sugar) Replace over 2448 hours with oral supplements
Renal failure ( urea, creatinine) Tham (tromethamine) is a sodium-free buffer that does
If none of these, consider underlying metabolic disease not generate CO2. Despite its attractive qualities, it has
or poisoning. not yet been shown to have clinical advantages over
4. AC less than 16 consider clinical context and treat cause: NaHCO3. It has also been linked with the adverse effects
HCO3 loss from gastroenteritis (GIT). of hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia and apnea.
HCO3 loss from kidneys (RTA).
Check chloride, whether it is raised. Metabolic Acidosis with Normal Anion Gap
Excess chloride from drugs, infusions. This indicates HCO3 loss. Diarrhea is the most common cause;
acidosis is corrected by fluid and electrolyte correction by oral
Treatment rehydration salt or in severe rehydration by IV polyelectrolyte
Most metabolic acidoses seen in PICU are lactic acidosis solution. Usually do not require extra IV NaHCO3.
with normal plasma lactate. This only rises in more severe Other causes of metabolic acidosis with normal AG are:
cases, secondary to shock (reduced oxygen delivery) Distal or proximal RTA: Treatment includes HCO 3
or seizures (oxygen consumption) and improves with supplementation
attention to fluid resuscitation and oxygen. Hyperkalemic RTA: Correct serum HCO3 and increased
Aim for target pH more than 7.25, if possible. Consider fluids to improve sodium delivery to the distal tubule (this
ventilatory support if pH less than 7.2. will enhance potassium secretion).

Acid-Base Balance and Disturbance

Fig. 2: Clinical features and etiology of metabolic alkalosis Fig. 3: Etiology and clinical features of respiratory acidosis

METABOLIC ALKALOSIS 3. Obstructive airway disease (severe acute bronchial asthma

as late finding, severe pneumonia; retention of CO2 cause
Causes pCO2 with respiratory acidosis)
Often results from chloride depletion (secondary to 4. Respiratory functions in primary metabolic disorders
vomiting or loop diuretic therapy) (metabolic acidosis like diabetic ketoacidosis and
It is rarely due to alkali administration, laxative, or diuretic metabolic alkalosis like hepatic failure). In metabolic
abuse acidosis, hyperventilation washout CO2 in an attempt to
Both severe vomiting and diuretics can cause hypokalemia compensate metabolic acidosis. In metabolic alkalosis,
and an aggravating paradoxical aciduria which worsens hypoventilation occurs, retaining CO2 in an attempt to
the alkalosis as seen in pyloric stenosis. Clinical features compensate metabolic alkalosis.
and etiology of metabolic alkalosis are shown in Figure 2. Respiratory Acidosis
Treatment Step 1: Confirm the pH (<7.35)
Step 2: Determine the PaCO2 (>5.3 kPa or >40 mm Hg)
Standard rehydration with 0.9% normal saline and Step 3: Increased BE. Slightly high (23 mmol higher
potassium supplementation is usually an adequate therapy HCO3 than normal) in acute condition. In chronic
Some causes of chloride depletion are resistant to condition, kidney gets more time to conserve more
replacement therapy such as renal tubular defects (Bartter HCO3 (BE), to compensate acidemia and pH almost
syndrome should be treated with indomethacin) become normal (compensated respiratory acidosis)
Administration of acid is very occasionally needed for Step 4: Clinical condition: Primary clinical condition should
metabolic alkalosis: be respiratory, like pneumonia, bronchiolitis or
0.5 mL/kg of 5.35% ammonium chloride into a central hypoventilation due to primary respiratory condition
vein over 1 hour (do not give in liver impairment) or CNS depression.
In liver impairment, use 5 mL/kg of 100 mmol/L Remember if PaCO 2 increases, BE also increases and
hydrochloric acid into a central vein over 1 hour. if PaCO2 decreases, BE also decreases as a compensatory
mechanism (Fig. 3).
ALKALOSIS Causes of Respiratory Acidosis
(Following Steps are Essential Characteristics)
When an increase or decrease in PaCO2 initiates a disturbance,
it is referred to as respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis. Any process (other than alkalemia) that produces alveolar
Also consider primary clinical conditions as respiratory hypoventilation results in respiratory acidosis. The causes are:
disorders like pneumonia, asthma, bronchiolitis, etc. Central Nervous System Disease
Acid-Base Balance Involving Respiratory System Sedative overdose
Narcotic poisoning
1. Acid-base disorders involving primary respiratory diseases Respiratory arrest secondary to brain damage due to
(pneumonia, bronchial asthma, etc.) with hyperventilation intracranial lesion
causing respiratory alkalosis (pCO2) due to washing out Brain tumor
of CO2
2. Acid-base disorders due to hypoventilation associated with Pulmonary Diseases
primary lung function and hypoventilation due to CNS Primary alveolar hypoventilation in late complicated acute
depression. It results in respiratory acidosis (pCO2) due bronchiolitis, life-threatening bronchial asthma due to
to CO2 retention exhaustion
166 Acute airway obstruction (foreign body obstruction) Clinical settings associated with mixed respiratory and
Acute obstructive lung diseases (late stage of severe acute metabolic acidosis with Type 2, respiratory failure (pO2,
bronchial asthma) pCO2) are found in severe complicated acute bronchiolitis,
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease final stage of acute severe bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis,
Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics

Severe and very severe pneumonia (pneumonia usually respiratory distress syndrome, etc. In both acute severe
causes respiratory alkalosis due to hyperventilation) bronchiolitis and acute severe bronchial asthma, initially there
Severe pulmonary edema is decreased pO2 and decreased pCO2 due to hyperventilation
Tension pneumothorax and respiratory alkalosis follows. As bronchial obstruction
Respiratory muscle disorders like Guillain-Barr syndrome and hypoventilation finally occur due to exhaustion, pCO 2
(GBS), poliomyelitis, myopathies, spinal muscular atrophy increased. If increased pCO 2 and decreased pO 2 are not
Restrictive disease of thorax (scoliosis, pectus excavatum). corrected timely by assisted ventilation, respiratory acidosis
takes place. If respiratory acidosis and hypoxemia continue
Acute versus Chronic Respiratory Acidosis then anaerobic glycolysis and lactic acidosis take place causing
metabolic acidosis. Serum HCO3 then falls inappropriately
Most of the acute respiratory acidoses are short-lived with short
to increased pCO2 and decreased pH. Here increased pCO2 is
lived increased PaCO2. There is a small secondary increment of
associated with decreased HCO3. Such clinical setting sets in
HCO3 (23 mEq/L), and pH still remains low (acidic).
mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis.
In chronic respiratory acidosis (most often the consequence
of chronic obstructive lung disease), secondary renal responses
result in more marked increase in plasma HCO3 concentration.
The mean increment in HCO3 concentration in an individual A 1-year-old child with acute severe bronchiolitis, developed
fully adapted to chronic hypercapnia is approximately 0.4 type II respiratory failure with pO2 of 50 mm Hg and pCO2 60
mEq/L for each mm Hg increment in PaCO2. The coexistence mm Hg, serum HCO3 of 12 mEq/L and pH of 6.9. A rise of pCO2
of metabolic acid-base disturbance in patients with primary of 20 (6040 mm Hg) is supposed to increase serum HCO3 to
respiratory acidosis can be assessed by determining whether 20 0.4 = 8 mEq/L, that is serum HCO3 is expected to be (24 +
the level of plasma HCO3 concentration corresponds to the 8) = 32 mm Hg. However, serum HCO3 (base deficit) was found
level anticipated for the observed degree and duration of to be 12 mEq/L. This indicates another primary process (here
hypercapnia. lactic acidosis due to hypoxia) working in opposite direction
to make acidemia worse.
A child with long-standing chronic lung disease (cystic Practice
fibrosis) has a PaCO 2 of 55 mm Hg, pH 7.34 and plasma
A 4-day-old preterm newborn baby presented with respiratory
HCO 3 concentration of 30 mEq/L. The increment above
distress, since birth with pO2 of 55 mm Hg and pCO2 60 mm
normal PaCO2 is approximately 15 mm Hg (5540 mm Hg).
Hg. His HCO3 level is 8 mEq/L and pH is 6.9. X-ray shows air
Thus one might anticipate an increment in plasma HCO3
concentration of approximately 6 mEq/L just on the basis of
1. What is his respiratory status?
chronic hypercapnia (15 0.4 mEq/L). The increment in HCO3
2. What is the most likely clinical diagnosis?
concentration will make serum HCO3 (considering mean
3. What is the acid-base status?
serum HCO3 as 24 mEq/L) level to be (24 + 6) 30 mEq/L, which
is called partially or completely compensated (if pH becomes Answers:
normal) respiratory acidosis. This sort of compensated 1. The baby has developed type II respiratory failure (pO2
respiratory acidosis may also be found in chronic obstructive and pCO2)
airway disease in adult and sometimes in persistent (moderate 2. Most likely, diagnosis is respiratory distress syndrome
to severe) asthma in children. Compensatory respiratory (RDS) as evidenced by air bronchogram on chest X-ray
acidosis is unusual in acute respiratory conditions. If HCO3 3. Mixed respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis.
level increases more than 30 mEq/L, than independent
process also works, which is an evidence of mixed acid-base
pH: Less than 7.4 (Acidemic).
disturbance in which an element of metabolic alkalosis is
pCO2: More than 40 mm Hg respiratory acidosis as primary
present (the respiratory acidosis + metabolic alkalosis). clinical setting is respiratory problem (RDS)
Plasma HCO3: Decreased instead of physiological response
Mixed Respiratory Acidosis with of increased HCO3.
Metabolic Acidosis
pCO2 is 20 mm Hg (6040 mm Hg) more than normal. In
This is not an uncommon mixed acid-base disturbance, where simple respiratory acidosis, there will be increase of 23 mEq/L
two primary mechanisms work. Important steps are: of serum HCO 3 in acute hypercapnia (within few hours)
Clinical settings and 0.4 mEq/L for each mm Hg increase of pCO2 in chronic
+ hypercapnia. If condition continues further (chronic), 8 mEq/L
Step 1: Confirm the pH (<7.5) (20 0.4) increase in serum HCO3 above normal is expected. If
Step 2: Confirm the PaCO2 (>5.3 kPa or >40 mm Hg) normal mean serum HCO3 is considered to the 24 mEq/L than
Step 3: High negative BE (base deficit) and decreased HCO3 is expected to be 32 mEq/L (24 + 8). However, the baby
HCO3 instead of usual increased BE and increased had serum HCO3 of 8 mEq/L which indicates another primary
HCO3 found in chronic respiratory acidosis with its process, which has inappropriately decreased serum HCO3.
appropriate physiological response. Here, prolonged hypoxia has caused tissue hypoperfusion
and lactic acidosis. Therefore mixed respiratory acidosis with steady state is maintained, the average reduction in plasma 167
metabolic acidosis occurred instead of respiratory acidosis HCO3 is approximately 0.5 mEq/L for each mm Hg reduction
with usual physiological compensated (partially or completely) of PaCO2.
metabolic alkalosis. For example, if PaCO2 is 20, than fall in HCO3 will be 4020

Acid-Base Balance and Disturbance

0.5 = 10 mEq/L, plasma HCO3 will be 2410 = 14 mEq/L.
Respiratory Alkalosis
Clinical conditions : Pneumonia, bronchial asthma, Pulmonary Function in Primary Metabolic
bronchiolitis associated with hyperventilation (Fig. 4). Acid-Base Disturbance
Although respiratory disorders, like pneumonia, bronchial Lungs also play secondary important role by increasing or
asthma, bronchiolitis commonly cause respiratory alkalosis, decreasing ventilatory rate in primary metabolic acidosis or
very severe pneumonia, acute severe bronchiolitis and alkalosis. In metabolic acidosis, there will be hyperventilation
untreated or medically unresponsive acute severe bronchial with CO2 washout (pCO2), and in metabolic alkalosis, there
asthma (hypoventilation due to exhaustion and severe will be hypoventilation, with CO2 retention and increased
bronchial obstruction), may eventually cause respiratory
acidosis due to CO2 retention.
In metabolic acidosis for each mEq/L, reduction of
Step 1: Confirm the pH (>7.45)
HCO3 there will be a fall of pCO2 of 1.0 to 1.3 mm Hg through
Step 2: Determine the PaCO2, it should be less than 4.5 kPa
hyperventilation. For example, if serum HCO3 is 12 mEq/L,
or 33 mm Hg
then decrease of pCO2 will be 14.4 (12 1.2), considering mean
Step 3: Increase in plasma HCO3 (BE)
serum HCO3 as 24 mEq/L. Therefore anticipated pCO2 will
Degree of decreased BE depends on acute or chronic be 25.6 mm Hg (4014.4 mm Hg), considering mean normal
clinical condition. In acute clinical condition (acute respiratory PaCO2 as 40 mm Hg. This is primary metabolic acidosis with
alkalosis), there will be slight fall in decreased BE (HCO3). appropriate physiological response, which tends to compensate
However, in prolonged clinical condition (chronic lung acidemia.
disease), kidney gets more time to adjust HCO 3 (excretes However, lungs may also act as another primary process
HCO3) and pH may become almost normal (compensated in addition to metabolic disturbance. Like mixed metabolic
respiratory alkalosis). acidosis with respiratory alkalosis, when lung hyperventilates
disproportionately. This commonly occurs in Gram-negative
Example of Acute versus Chronic Respiratory
Many respiratory diseases causing respiratory alkalosis, like Examples of Mixed Metabolic Acidosis and
pneumonia and bronchial asthma, are short-lived. In this Respiratory Alkalosis
instance, the acid-base disturbance is manifested by primary
decrement in PaCO2 (due to primary hyperventilation and A child with Gram-negative septicemia with shock found to
tachypnea) and a small secondary physiological decrement have rapid deep respiration. Arterial blood studies revealed
in HCO 3 concentration that results from the titration of a PaCO2 of 15 mm Hg, a pH of 7.35 and a plasma HCO3 of
nonbicarbonate tissue buffers. A decrement of only 34 mEq/L 8 mEq/L. Plasma HCO3 is 16 mEq/L below normal (248
(considering mean serum HCO3 24 mEq/L as normal) may be mEq/L); as a result of metabolic acidosis, presumably as the
expected to occur with several minutes after PaCO2 is lowered result of lactic acid over production. Thus one might expect a
to 2025 mm Hg. reduction of PaCO2 of approximately 19 mm Hg just as the result
Less commonly if respiratory alkalosis lingers enough (a of physiologic response to this degree of metabolic acidosis (16
few days or more), renal adjustment in HCO3 concentration mEq/L 1.2 = 19 mEq/L). However, the observed reduction of
occurs, e.g. in patients with hepatic insufficiency, chronic pCO2 is 25 mm Hg (4015), instead of anticipated reduction of
hyperoxic states, chronic salicylate poisoning, etc. When PaCO2 of 19 mm Hg. This discrepancy between the observed
secondary renal adjustments are fully established and a new and expected degree of pCO2 signifies an independent process
stimulating ventilation and thus evidence of mixed disturbance
in which metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis coexist.
This condition may be found in Gram-negative septicemia.

Management of Respiratory Acidosis

Usually occurs secondary to respiratory failure, e.g.
ventilation perfusion abnormalities, low compliance,
increased airway resistance, decreased respiratory drive,
airway obstruction, increased dead space
In chronic setting, metabolic compensation (provided
renal function is adequate) usually normalizes pH
Pay attention to ABCs, i.e. intubate and ventilate if necessary
and treat underlying cause of respiratory failure
Heparin contamination of a gas sample can lower
PaCO2 and HCO3 measurements and can mask renal
Fig. 4: Etiology and clinical features of respiratory alkalosis compensated respiratory acidosis.
168 Management of Respiratory Alkalosis Treatment
(pCO2 <25 mm Hg) Treatment consists of treating specific underlying causes
Disorders of high pH are classified into those resulting from Check oxygen saturation to exclude hypoxia
Illustrated Textbook of Pediatrics

excess removal of CO 2 (respiratory alkalosis), and those Try to find the source of anxiety and take steps accordingly
resulting from loss of nonvolatile acids or accumulation of If occurs in patients on ventilators due to excessive minute
buffer (metabolic alkalosis). Respiratory alkalosis can occur volume then measures to be taken include reducing minute
due to: volume and/or introducing dead space into the ventilator
Hyperventilation from different causes leading to circuit.
respiratory alkalosis (pneumonia, bronchiolitis, bronchial
Other causes include anxiety, hysterical hyperventilation Regulation of normal extracellular pH (7.4) and intracellular
and central hyperventilation from brain injury, encephalo pH (7.0) is vital for organ function in the long-term
Apart from primary metabolic disorders, most acid-base
pathy, encephalitis, salicylate toxicity, hypoxia
disorders in PICU should be viewed as a complex physiological
Also commonly occurs in ventilatory support from excessive response to an underlying pathological abnormality
minute volume when a patient is initially intubated and Despite some controversy in mechanisms, it is best to
ventilated. It can be minimized from monitoring early approach acid-base disorders via the principles of:
arterial gases or from use of EtCO2 monitoring-severe
PaCO2 relationship (Henderson-Hasselbalch equation) to pH
hypocapnia. Respiratory alkalosis from overventilation can Calculation of the base excess (BE)
significantly reduce brain perfusion and aggravate cerebral Anion gap (AG)
ischemic injury.
Clinical Features of Respiratory Alkalosis 1. Kraut JA, Kurz I. Metabolic acidosis of CKD. Diagnosis, clinical
characteristics and treatment. Am J Kidney Dis. 2005;45:978-93.
In addition to hyperventilation symptomatic respiratory 2. Rodriguez Soriano J. Renal tubular acidosis. The clinical entity. J Am
alkalosis appear only in acute severe respiratory alkalosis Soc Nephrol. 2002;13: 2160-70.
which are one or more of the followings: 3. Rose BD. Clinical physiology of acid base and electrolyte disorders,
Tingling around mouth and fingers 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, New York; 1984.
4. Scchwaderer AL, Schwartz GJ. Back to basics. Acidosis and alkalosis.
Parasthesias, numbness Pediatr Rev. 2004;25:350-7.
Tetany and convulsion due to decrease in ionic calcium 5. Shaw, Patricia, (Ed). Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!
commonly found in hysteric hyperventilation. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Publishing Co.; 1997.

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