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9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil


PINTO, Marcus Vincius A B, DUTRA, Jos Carlos Charamba
LIRA JUNIOR, Jose Claudino de

Keywords: gas turbine, part-load, compressor map, characteristics curves


Nowadays, the concern with energy production is been one of the biggest challenges facing society. The increase in
industrial activity and urbanization of cities highlights the need to develop energy sources that are closer to their
consumers, also called distributed sources, eliminating the dependence of electrical distribution lines over long distances,
reducing the risk due to vulnerability and losses caused by them.
The distributed power generation equipment being researched in the world mainly include internal combustion
engines, fuel cell, micro gas turbine and others (Wang et al, 2004). In this context, gas microturbines, which are those
whose mechanical power does not exceed several hundred kilowatts (Malinowski and Lewandowska, 2013), have been
gaining more relevance in commercial and industrial sectors due to some of its characteristics, such as the easy of
installing these equipment in relatively small environments, low operating cost, the large range of power production that
is scalable from 30kW to 30MW.
Gas microturbines are often operated under off-design conditions, despite the manufacturing company only gives
technical information about design conditions. Obviously, the behavior of such equipment under this conditions is not as
the same as those for the design conditions. Due to this, even the study of turbines behavior in partial loads or off- design
has had some attention of the academic environment, many knowledge gaps still exist, and there is a great demand in this
An analytical model to the determine the characteristics for gas turbines operating at partial loads was developed by
Zhang and Cai (2002). In this model, it is necessary to choose some constants that, according to the same author, depend
on the experience of the analyst so that the results are more resembling the real situations.
This work evaluates the impact of the variation of some of these constants on the behavior of the characteristic curves
of the compressor and also the impact of the same on the behavior of a radial turbine with 30kW with the objective of
developing a methodology for its future choice based on the type of turbine Analyzed.


2.1 Construction of the characteristic map of the compressor.

The characteristics curves, sometimes named as compressor map, are those curves obtained from the manufacturer
data. They provide essential information about the operation of a compressor, such as the most efficient points, variation
of pressure ratio for each rotation speed, minimum and maximum points allowed for operation of a compressor. In other
words, a compressor map is a graphic created to the characterization of a compressor in a gas turbine engine. It is an
integral part of predicting the performance of a gas turbine, at design and off-design conditions.
These curves provide the pressure and temperature plotted against the mass flow rate for various values of the speed
of rotation.
These characteristics, however, are dependent on others such as compressor inlet pressure and temperature and the
physical properties of the working fluid.
Any attempt to obtain results for all possible range would fall to an impractical number of experiments. One way to
mitigate the work is through the technique of dimensional analysis. In which the variables involved can be combined to
form dimensionless numbers in smaller quantities and more easily workable. (H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo. et al. 2001)
This approach takes into account all the variables involved with the compressor behavior that leads to an implicit
function of seven variables, equation (1). To equate this phenome it is applied the -theorem to the equation (1).
, , , , , , =0 (1)
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

= characteristic linear dimension of the compressor, = rotational speed, = mass flow rate, and =
stagnation pressure at compressor inlet and outlet, and = stagnation temperature at compressor inlet and outlet,
R= characteristics gas constant.
The use of -theorem can transform the equation (1) into equation(2).

, , , =0 (2)

Which is an implicit function of dimensional parameters. Actually, flow and rotation terms in this equation and are
not exactly dimensionless. Even so, in the literature, they are referred, as non-dimensional mass flow and non-dimensional
rotational speed. Using this approach, its possible to find the function that correlates these variables, namely, the groups
of equation (2), to the compressor test results. So, It makes possible to create a compressor characteristic curve for a
compressor in a gas turbine engine, as is shown in figure (1).
Zhang and Cai (2002) have developed an analytical model for the construction of this characteristic map, using a
second-order polynomial function relating c in a manner dependent on and on three constants being c1, c2 and c3,
as can be seen in equation (3).

! c =c /c0 =
+ + $ (3)

The three constants c1, c2 and c3 are calculated as a function of the reduced speed of rotation nc of the turbine and
also of two other constants, called p and m according to the following equations.

= (4)
) %&'
= (5)
) %&' * %&'+
$= (6)
= ,1 & / + 0&( 0&( (7)
Recalling that the reduced variables are:

0& = 1 (8)

= 4444 (9)

= (10)
444 =

These last two constants, p and m, are fundamental for adjusting the curve of the pressure ratio c as a function of
the reduced flow in order to approximate it to the actual behavior of the turbine. According to Malinowski and
Lewandowska, (2013), both constants must be obtained by trial and error in order to achieve the appropriate formula of
performance maps of the compressor and it should satisfy the condition p2m/3. Wang adds that these values are
obtained by the experience and also by the particularities of the turbines behavior like the direction of flow,th at can be
in a annxial or radial way.

2.2Thermodynamic modeling

To simulate the micro turbine, the open gas-turbine cycle can be modeled as a closed Brayton regenerative Cycle. The
modelling development was done by applying an energy, an entropy, and a mass balance to each of the micro turbine
components, i.e. the first and second laws of the thermodynamic, and the continuity equation of each component, it was
done under some basic assumptions mentioned in Malinowski and Lewandowska, (2013), The Mathematical model
developed, can predicts the turbine performance at part load and nonstandard altitude and atmospheric conditions. It also
can calculate the values of the electric energy power generated, and the heat rejected in the exhausted gasses. Since the
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

real processes of compression and expansion in the Brayton cycle deviate from the isentropic, it is necessary to introduce
the isentropic efficiency equation to calculate the enthalpy at the non-isentropic states. To get them, Malinowski and
Lewandowska, (2013), coupled the Brayton model with the procedure to calculate the characteristic curves coordinates
Zhang and Cai (2002).


Wang et al, (2004) show how was the trend of the compressor characteristics curves the pressure ratio to axial and
! c varies abruptly with the flow to each
radial compressors respectively. One can see in fig. 1 that the pressure ratio
rotation velocity 0& , to the axial compressor and how these vary smoothly for the radial compressor.
According to H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo. et al. (2001), Axial compressors dominate the field for high powers and
centrifugal compressors are restricted to smaller powers where the flow is too small to be dealt by axial compressors.

Figure 1: Compressor Maps for axial flow (Wang et al, 2004). and radial flow (Zhang and Cai 2002) respectively.

Wang et al, (2004) suggests using values of m = 1.8 and p = 1.8 for radial compressors and m = 1.06 and p = 0.36 for
axial. It was done an analysis of the influence of the parameters m and p on the map of the both kind of compressors, and
the performance of these under the turbine performance at nominal and part load. Based on the equations 03 to 07, ! c is
calculated, varying with for both cases of variable m and fixed p, and vice versa. In order to verify the influence of
these two constants on the speed of rotation of the compressor, the studies were repeated for values of the reduced rotations
0& ranging from 0.7 to 1 (nominal value).

3.1 Analysis of the parameter m (p=1,8)

Before we begin the parametric analysis of the curves, it is important to recognize that only a follow-up of the parabola
is of interest for this study. This is equivalent to the operating range of the compressor.
The interval is limited at its left point by a phenomenon called surge and on its right by another phenomenon known
as choke.
According to BOYCE, Meherwan, P. (2006), a compressor is in surge when the main flow through the compressor is
reversed towards it and flows from the outlet of the compressor to its inlet in a short time. This phenomenon is related to
a pressure differential in the inverse direction of the flow that occurs when there is a decrease of the same, which is
equivalent to leaving the point B toward the point D, in fig.2. If this process persists for a longer period of time, it may
cause irreparable damage to the equipment.
Already the shock limits the maximum capacity of the flow of a compressor. This phenomenon is related to shock
waves that are generated, blocking the flow and causing the pressure drop in the discharge. The same occurs at a point
near E, on the graph. These points are not fixed, varying according to the speeds of rotation 0& .
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Figure 2: Theoretical Compressor Map (H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo. et al. 2001 )

In Fig. 3 to 6, the graphs of and X ! c can be observed for p = 1.8 and m ranging from 1.2 to 2.4. In this first
analysis, it was observed that the lower the value of m, the more abrupt is the drop in the pressure ratio. This means that
the smaller the value of m, the concavity of the parabola is more closed, which represents, in this case, a more abrupt drop
! c It was also observed that, for each value of rotation 0& , there is always a point where, regardless
of Gc in relation to
of the value of m, there is no change in the behavior of the graph, consequently it is the point where all the curves meet.
This value increases with the increase of 0& and tends to the unit for the nominal rotation, 0& = 1. The line formed by red
triangles represents the values used by Zhang and Cai (2002) and Wang et al, (2004) in the abovementioned reference
It is observed that the influence on the concavity of the parabola in the variation of the constant m tends to be greater
for the cases in which the value of rotation 0& is higher. This is evidenced by the larger difference between the angular
coefficients of the curves when 0& is larger. This means that the closer to the nominal value of the rotational speed, the
greater the influence of m on the variation of the characteristic curve

Figure 3: ! c, with m ranging for p = 1,8 and 0& =

X Figure 4: ! c, with m ranging for p = 1,8 and 0& =
0,7 0,8
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Figure 5: ! c, with m ranging for p = 1,8 and 0& =

X Figure 6: ! c, with m ranging for p = 1,8 and 0& =
0,9 1

3.2 Variation of the constant p ( m= 1,8)

In Fig. 7 to 10, the graphs of X! c for m = 1.8 constant and p ranging from 1.2 to 2.4 can be observed.
In this analysis, a behavior similar to the previous one was observed, that is, the smaller the value of the analyzed
constant, p, the greater, in module, is the angular coefficient of the polynomial that forms each curve, again observing
that all polynomials have concavity Facing down.
As previously mentioned, this behavior indicates that the lower the value of p, the concavity of the parabola is more
! c. However, by graphical analysis, it is evidenced that the influence
closed, leading to a sharper drop of Gc in relation to
of the variation of p is smaller than the variation of m.

Figure 7: Curves of the relation ! c, varying with

X Figure 8: Curves of the relation ! c, varying
p for m = 1,8 and 0& = 0,7 with p for m = 1,8 and 0& = 0,8
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Figure 9: Curves of the relation ! c, varying with

X Figure 10. Curves of the relation ! c, varying
p for m = 1,8 and 0& = 0,9 with p for m = 1,8 and 0& = 1,0

Once again, it has been shown that for all values of 0& , there is always a meeting point of the graphs, where, regardless
of the value of the constant p, there is no change in their behavior. This value increases with increasing 0& and tends to
unity when 0& = 1.

A similar analysis proceeded with values for m= 1,06 and p =0,36 and this results can be seen below

3.3 Analysis of the parameter m (p= 0,36)

In Fig. 11 to 14, the graphs of and X ! c can be observed for p = 0,36 and m ranging from 0,96 to 1,1. Again, it
can be seen that the lower the value of m, the more abrupt is the drop in the pressure ratio. It was also observed that, for
each value of rotation 0& , there is always a point where, regardless of the value of m, there is no change in the behavior
of the graph, consequently it is the point where all the curves meet. It is the same behavior for the former analysis. This
value increases with the increase of 0& and tends to the unit for the nominal rotation, 0& = 1.
As previously mentioned the line formed by red triangles represents the values used by Zhang and Cai (2002) and
Wang et al, (2004) in the abovementioned reference conditions
The influence on the concavity of the parabola in the variation of the constant m tends to be the same as the previous
analysis. It is greater for the cases in which the value of rotation 0& is higher
For 0& = 1, it was observed that the values of m = 0.96 and m = 0.98 generate a graph with inverted concavity. These
values are not physically consistent with the model and should not be used

Figure 11: ! c, with m ranging for p = 0,36 and 0&

X Figure 12: ! c, with m ranging for p = 0,36 and 0& = 0,8
= 0,7
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Figure 13: ! c, with m ranging for p = 0,36 and 0&

X Figure 14: ! c, with m ranging for p = 0,36 and 0& = 1
= 0,9

3.4 Variation of the constant P (m=1,06)

In Fig. 15 and 18, the graphs of X ! c for m = 1.06 constant and p ranging from 0,16 to 0,86 can be observed.
In this analysis, again, the behavior of the graph repeats. The lower the value of p, the greater the drop in pressure
expressed in the graphs. In addition, this behavior is accentuated by the increase in the values of the rotational speeds.
Again it was observed that for some values, there was a change in the concavity of the parabola, representing situations
physically incompatible with the model, as occurred for 0& = 0.7 and 0& = 0.8, both with p = 0.16

Figure 15: Curves of the relation ! c, varying

X Figure 16: Curves of the relation ! c, varying
with p for m = 1,06 and 0& = 0,7 with p for m = 1,06 and 0& = 0,8

Figure 17: Curves of the relation ! c, varying

X Figure 18. Curves of the relation ! c, varying
with p for m = 1,06 and 0& = 0,9 with p for m = 1,06 and 0& = 1,0
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

3.5 Analysis of the Turbine performance behavior under p and m variations

It is procceded the performance analisys with the same parameters of Itens 3.1 and 3.2.
Fig. 19 shows the performance behavior of radial turbine of 30kW under the variation of the parameter m from 1,2 to
1,8for p =1,8 m constant (datas from, iten 3.1). It can be seen that the difference between the cases is perceptible to small
electric power generated values.

Figure 19. performance behavior of radial turbine of 30kW under the variation of the parameter m from 1,2 to 1,8 for p
=1,8 m constant.

Fig. 20 shows the performance behavior of radial turbine of 30kW under the variation of the parameter p from 1,2 to
1,8for m =1,8 m constant (datas from, iten 3.2). It can be seen, again, that there is no relevant difference between the

Figure 20. Performance behavior of radial turbine of 30kW under the variation of the parameter p from 1,2 to 1,8 for m
=1,8 m constant.
9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
12-15 June, 2017, Iguazu Falls, Brazil


This work was based on the analysis of an analytical methodology for the determination of the relation of X !c
and such methodology has some constants that need to be assigned according to the type of turbine to be evaluated,
highlighting the parameters m and p. We sought to understand the relationship of these two parameters in the characteristic
curve of the compressor and also the impact of the same on the behavior of a radial turbine with 30kW. As a starting point
for the analysis, values of the two parameters for an axial flow turbine(Wang et al, 2004). and radial axial flow turbine
(Zhang and Cai 2002) ,both single shaft, were used. After the analysis of the results, it was observed that the parameter
m has greater influence than the p in the variation of the compressor pressure ratio. It was also observed that for both
parameters, the lower its value, the greater the drop in the pressure ratio ! c in relation to the flow rate. It was noted too
that, the more the values of this parameters are close to the unit, the less the influence of them on curves variations, In
relation to the behavior of the turbine power, it can be seen that the difference between the manufacturer data and the
model only is perceptible to small electric power generated values.. This is a very relevant data since it allows to optimize
the adjustment in the model to adapt it to different types of turbines as for example the ones of radial and axial flow.


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