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According to the EU directive
(Directive 2010/31/EU) and
Maltese Law, an Energy Performance
Certificate (EPC) is required
whenever a building is constructed,
sold or rented.

What is an EPC? How is an EPC obtained?

This certificate shows the energy performance of a This certificate is issued by an authorized assessor and
building and is similar to the energy label on domestic remains valid for a period of not more than 10 years
appliances such as refrigerators. from date of issue. To obtain a list of authorized
assessors, follow the link:
What is energy efficiency?
Energy efficiency is the reduction of energy
consumption and the elimination of energy wastage. What does an EPC consist of?
How important is it to look after energy consumption? The EPC shows the buildings energy consumption. The
The more energy efficient we are, the more: assessor also includes a number of recommendations
- we save money in the EPC which bring an improvement to the
- we improve the environment buildings energy efficiency. The implementation of
- we improve the quality of life these recommendations not only reduces carbon
dioxide emissions, but also reduces energy expenses.
Who should commission an EPC?
Whoever is selling, constructing or renting a building is What happens if an EPC is not commissioned?
obliged to present an EPC. In the case of sale or rental, By law, the owner of the building may be fined
this certificate must be given to the buyer or tenant between 500 to 5000 if the certificate is not
during the period of promise of sale or rental presented within 60 days from the date of request
agreement or on contract date. made by the Building Regulation Office (BRO) in the
absence of it not being regsitered as contemplated in
the same local legislation.

For further information, visit the website

or call the BRO on the helpline number 2292 7343 between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m. (Summer hours)
and 9.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. (Winter hours) or send an e-mail to:

Skond direttiva tal-Unjoni Ewropea
(Direttiva 2010/31/UE) u l-Lii Maltija,
kull min se jbieg, jibni jew jikri xi tip ta
bini gandu jkollu ertifikat
tar-rendiment fl-uu tal-enerija (Energy
Performance Certificate jew EPC).

Xinhu EPC? Kif jista jinkiseb l-EPC?

Dan i-ertifikat juri kemm il-bini huwa effijenti fl-uu Dan i-ertifikat jinare minn assessur awtorizzat u
tal-enerija u galdaqstant jixbah lill-energy label li llum jibqa validu gal perjodu ta mhux aktar minn 10 snin
il-urnata nsibu fuq il-household appliances balma minn meta jinare. Biex tikseb lista ta assessuri
huma l-fridges. awtorizzati, segwi dan il-link:
Xinhi l-effijenza fl-uu tal-enerija?
Dan mhu xejn gajr it-tnaqqis tal-konsum tal-enerija Xikun fih l-EPC?
u l-eliminazzjoni tal-ela tal-enerija. L-EPC juri l-konsum tal-enerija tal-bini. Fl-istess
Kemm hu important li narsu l-konsum tal-enerija? ertifikat ikun hemm numru ta rakkomandazzjonijiet li
Aktar ma nkunu effijenti fl-uu tal-enerija: jwasslu gal titjib fl-uu tal-enerija. L-implimentazzjoni
- aktar niffrankaw flus ta dawn ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet tista twassal mhux
- aktar intejbu l-ambjent biss gat-tnaqqis fl-emissjonijiet tal-karbonju, ida
- aktar titjieb il-kwalita tal-ajja gat-tnaqqis fl-ispejje tal-enerija wkoll.

Min hu obbligat jagmel l-EPC? Xjiri jekk ma jsirx EPC?

Kull min se jbieg, jibni jew jikri proprjeta huwa obbli- Skont il-lii, sid il-bini jista jeel multa ta bejn 500 u
gat jippreenta EPC. Fka ta bejg jew kiri, dan 5000, jekk i-ertifikat ma jiix ippreentat fi mien
ic-ertifikat irid jingata lix-xerrej jew kerrej prospettiv 60 urnata minn meta ssir it-talba mill-Uffiju dwar
fil-perjodu tal-konvenju jew filwaqt li jkun iffirma ir-Regolament tal-Bini (BRO) fin-nuqqas ta
l-kuntratt tal-bejg jew kiri. reistrazzjoni normali skond kif tistipula l-istess
ligi fpajjina.

Gal aktar informazzjoni, ur is-sit

jew empel lill-BRO fuq in-numru tal-helpline 2292 7343 bejn id-9.00 a.m. u 12.00 p.m. (inijiet tas-sajf)
u d-9.00 a.m. u s-2.00 p.m. (inijiet tax-xitwa) jew ibgat e-mail fuq:

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