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Faith, Oh The Power!

He ¡s a God of Infinite and vast mercies which are new to us everyday! His word says as soon as we turn
from darkness to light that he remembers our sins no longer, and I believe that to be like this, Once we
turn to have Faith which works by love then Love covers a multitude of sins, or unbelief, thus God doesn't
see those things because as a man thinks in his heart, so he is! We appear to God ¡n one sense as a Son of
God or as lying spirit, which holds the truth in unrighteousness, or the truth in unbelief. So by not believing
the word which is truth when it comes to them they disbelieve it and change the truth into a lie. God's
word is always true, yet when held in unbelief it has become a lie to that individual, not that God's word is
lie. By faith we become a part of the light of truth in God or we become a lie or a part of projected
perversion. Sin, Unbelief, Perversion, Lies, all of these is because Satan changed the truth into a lie there in
the garden and created an evil spirit or caused sin and the powers that be to become evil, even to the point
God had to be delivered from it at Calvary, knowing that he being truth was being held hostage by mans
faith in reverse which caused him to become what seemed to be a bloodthirsty God whom his own people
were more afraid of him than they were in love with him, thus Moses God, was not the true God, but was
the God that was turned into a God of wrath by Faith in reverse, for he has submitted himself to ones faith
and says command thou ME! That is why Jesus said ALL that came before me were Thieves and Liars, and
by faith he corrected the disorder and Satan which was only the truth in perversion or held in unbelief was
released from the bodily imprisonment and Satan was destroyed forever, wrath was destroyed forever, the
curse was destroyed forever! Hallelujah! Unbelief was now gone, Now faith has nothing to condemn it
with, no accuser to condemn your faith, Faith has now been reborn to a real and true God! One of Infinite
Love and Oceans of Mercy! Now we know what Paul meant when he said, I was alive once as to his Faith
but when the Law or the lie, sin, unbelief, or condemnation, came sin revived and my faith died he could
have said. But when grace came then my faith could once again live without fear of condemnation! Now
Death is gone! Sin is Gone! Fear is Gone! Heartaches and trials and tribulations are gone! Because it was
LIE to begin with, truth held in unbelief, changes truth into a lie! The curse of the law was judgment
because Faith in unbelief makes a God of Love and mercy become a God of Judgment to that person, but in
all reality it is a lie and they by faith in reverse bring all of that to themselves, they go to hell and create
hell themselves and bring eternal darkness to themselves because of faith, as they think so be it unto
them, According to your Faith so be it unto YOU! They believed themselves into eternal damnation! While
the saints of God who have the spirit of Truth believe God's word and create a world of heaven and mercy
and Love because that is who God is! Eternal life! That which Eve or unbelief, brought in the garden was
delivered and set free at Calvary. All of creation was Born again, and that by faith! Faith is the victory that
overcomes the world! Faith is thoughts, Faith is your sovereignty, Faith is your belief, and Faith is your
soul, your being, who you are! As you think, you are! The Soul that sins or the faith that disbelieves shall
surely die. Why? It changes the truth into a lie and because they have not a love for the truth God sends
them a strong delusion so that they will be damned. Not his will or his faith that any should perish, but
they are created a sovereignty of faith and God becomes to them exactly what they believe him to be a God
of mercy and Love and heaven, or one of judgment, and wrath and hell. Life is a serve yourself plan. Praise
be to God! That's why God made his covenant with Abraham 430 years before the law ever came! Great
was the faith of Abraham! His faith was counted unto him as righteousness as ours is also to us today. This
body is spirit yet it is flesh. It is spirit when we go to walk through walls, yet flesh when we sit to eat.
Spirit has overcome flesh thus Flesh has now been subjected to Spirit! Whereas Spirit was in bondage to
Flesh which caused perversion, now Spirit ¡s back in control by faith and has subdued and married the
flesh! Now our bodies that appear to be flesh is a lying vanity it is in all reality spirit! Peter said he has
another one eternal ¡n the heavens, or rather inside by faith he knows this outward body is a lie and the
true tabernacle of God is among men. Our body itself is spirit and has the power to come and go as it
wishes to walk on water, through walls, or prisons. By faith it can be what ever ¡t wants to be. Nothing is
impossible! Your wildest dreams are now possible if thou canst believe. More on that subject later. God
bless you

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