Sie sind auf Seite 1von 33



5ectiOft I. GENIRAL

4-1. PUfpoM f. Loj(l~tictd requirementll mUlit be antldpated

Thill outlmell pnwt'dUtl'lI {or cumbBt IIl'rv well in IIdnm:e of attual need!!.
Ire lIupport \If jungle ..moLal. OpeFOItiollll lo m
dude .upply, mtlinlenance. transportation, and
4-3. Orgonlaation
comb..t Htvice support IIMpecb! of medical treat- operationll in the junJtlciJ are CArried. out
ment and eVl:I.(ualiorJ, and perllonnel roanagermUlt by tlmall unita or tuk forct'tI operaUnr on an iso-
and flt'rvic~. lated ilnd independent bll!ljll. Dinw.:t lIuPJIQrt ill
!~roYlded by 11 mobile logistk element tailored for
4-2. loti< Con..._ and attached to each lluIk fort't!: general I!!upport
IA furnillhed on lin Area built.
4. 'fM> eIItaLliahed principles of combet IM!rvlce
4. mred Support. The function of the dlreet
lIupport apply to jungle OJM!'rationll. LoaiatiCII
!lupport element is to provide dOR and contin-
:chniqUH, ptueedurell tlnd crjlanizationaL ron
UOUII IqiaUc .IIUpport tu customer unitll of the
~ptM must bP modified to provide re8ptJHIIIW!: eup_
tuk forte. 'I'M dired Ilupport element mU.llt have
port to cambtlt elenten18 ItS f"@quired by the
m.lfl'~O\lntry fMbllity and the capability to IIUI!-
specific: lIitU8lion.
uin the combat opel""tltion& ;}f the t'lUpported unit
b. tn a juoirle environmeot. movmnent overland fur a definite period of tinw without rMuppb.
is .IleVl!i"*ly N'tltrid.ed. The ronftiUtaUon of the The rompoaition 01 the dinw.:t IIUPJXIrt .tern.nt
terrain, denaity of veretation. availability of vArl8 accorGmlt to the type of uTnt l'Iupported and
ground linfm of communication, and tbe Muon Ittl peculiaritiea in equipment.
have a direct inftuence on the ty~ of traol!ijl(lrl,a. b. Ge,.~rcl SUVPQrt. General .upport adivill.
lion thllt ran b. used. and. eonaequentl:r. on the in Sllpport 01 jungle oJ)l!talions are Mublilbed at
fundiontn,lf 01 the supply, maintenance, and med point. that facilitate Jotr!atical movement.!! .ueh ..
kil} evacuaUnn .IIY.llteml!!, and Ptll"3Onnel manaie- waterway., roadl!. lind lllnding fieJdll, and Include
ment and Ilervice.ll. .IIupply. maint.enanCe, Mlrvlce element. of the anv-
ieM lind medica! evacuation flnd hUdplt.ll&ation
c. <;nrulideralion mUlt be acwrded Inereaaed capablUtie.ll. (rimefa) .IIupport actlvitie& aNI orpn-
mainUonan>:e requiNltnenta Nlsultinl frum hip ized to provide backup lIupport to diN .llUpport
humidity and u:mpera\ure; iJUpport of small iso- eklmentll of the tuk force, Theile pn.ral .upport
lated units enll~ in illdtopendent operatloNl; organizations hold &umcient IltockaM"M to .upport
and requiremenlll ror Lmtperawrf' and humidity the projected O~TatlOnll, with due conlilckr.t!on
controlled swrue fad Uti" til proleft shelf life to local "fllenlllhment cydell, time and dl.tance
of dimauHlenaitlve items. fador. and uall()nlll rilllupply conll.ld.,aUohs:
4. The !Opt1CilJ .upport unit must be IlQ lo- ha'l't'" !.he cap&bHlty to OJ.lIIfate liBel of communica-
cated as to bel!t atwmpllllh its IIUpport mluion. tion to direct l'IUpport element.!! crou-country and
and mU.IIt be prepared to provide all or part of by Army aircTlIft; aad hue the cRpabllity to de_
tht!i.rown ~urity. fend themllelvf!ll IIIAIMt attack.
_ II. $Ul'Pl.Y
bllity to support the operlltion. Supply ~ratiQt'la
wHl affect combat unitA in aeeordan with ,....
Planning for eombat oparatluna In the jungle wilt
quirementtl that .lUPPUtI.II be made avanable in the
alwaYIl include (:on~ider.t.ion of the supply cap....
ri)tht amounts Rlld at the time MOO pl1tcc. ble. Fccdm. i~ usually a~'t'ompli~hed durin, day- f.-.Ilnwed by intfWlI1' h'-Ilt 'Combir'i!' to proolJ('e COil. II. ('/a.WH VII'" Thvllt' un' mcdlral mi\tcriel ill.
lWtjuir~mflnL~ for all of Hupply IU'C tlJ light ~Rvlle of the danger and diftkulty 01 dlti(ms thKt Jof,"'idtly at't'elerate the deterioratlHn dudlntt ml':'<lki\1 jWClllinT rl.'plllr part!' Thl'&e
fcd!:'d lIy jnultlt, q,nditiom<. mllvt'lJltmt Ht niJtht Rml the Pl'RRiblhly of enemy or ammllllilloll _nd Il!l;ddnx mail'rialt<, Iligh blh Itmlll lire mlm! Important to the lIuptlOrt of IUlY
ilnlhu~h I" nl.ll'bt altLu'kti. mlll1ll .... , {'nUI}h~1t with iltt.-nl<f' heat. liIalt thl' t'''mhat adiun llfid purtlt'ulffrly t;. thl' IIUPlmrt of
4-5. lam CqmicMra'lon. II. ('Im(lI fl. !1\ II lrulJlioul "!lvil'l)lImimt rnpid de. IItn'/I,Illh HI "~1<'r!\lin~ perMlTInt'1 t .. redm'e thl' J'IIl.ll'lI' ulllndlOn<~. He1'1IIIhl' ,hI' hllHt "'1)\1 hijl'h hll.
t(>r:nrHtin!1 tl! II jlrHunry (OIlMid.. rll.tiIlU In (:III.M II Krtlotmt uf wurk thllt ('11Il be fI.-rform"d. ltltpidly Illllilly fMI I'ml.'il' dl't.;>rlOrutwlI IIl1d 10>111 ,,{ pole!'b'Y
<1, Units t'n)tniwd ill Junlt!t, ('omh.l 1)ltCrlltwlIa
r.Vj!pJy: i""ue dtlthlOl{. vartlcularl.v combnt bootll fnmHll1{ funltl III lad. rJuth t'<lMrml\\'ntll >lurh II~ of ('('f1l~1O ml"llirnl "Illmli.,,, alHl medit'ine... , ft'l"-
IItwuhi be prHvllied ntll.'" th!)l\!' ~uLlpnt'lil !lnd ~\lip- Ilnri llrkJl.. IUlIt II v~ry !';hort lime, rOUT item!! of pmf.wthllll rhlkl'gt' UIlj(" Ilbd ham!lJlel'rll. T~rmlh! ..
mt'nt L"I<~enlH.l tn thf' j\1'tomJ~hllhmpnt of UII:' .II:'. q\!f'Ht rt'RUlIllly lI.ut! rvplm'empl1t o! thes .. itemh
thill n!ltvr/!'. rf'quiremefltll ahouJd be MtlmaWd well elli thrl,uJ(h PIl1'khl)t rna1.'rlllll1 fwd wvod"/I mLly In.' )'tl(lhlrt'll, "lid thl!r,! will 1~ hn IU(Teallcd
lI!ltl1M mi~lItPII !llld NlIltiUJlcnt'ie~ whidl: may
II! ad"anft' Hud Rpedlll woviskm" shlluld be made dunll!\~e. Cumbint'il, t~ ("ooditwM amplify th .. heed fllr rrfdj\Nntlun eqUIpment Ttwn' will nor.
f01 JIllfltillatt' re~upply. At hIIttalitlll It'nl. limited IJrublemli thllf facf' _mmunlti(1O prroonn,,1 in the mnlly be un im'r"n)lt'd l'el.luirMwnt (.-.1' I'lutiseplir
II, Hullklt'llt IJrt'f"A"ll)H11 IItt/fk!! of lIUPllliclI !lud
t'ml'r)teIIl'Y I\oUI)J)hl~1I o! 1llUffi:rted comba~ boots, trol'i1')I. Th., 1It1j)(ll"tant't' af Mlf;'(juat" dutl!lRjI'l" ffillh'ri ..11Jl'\'nll!4'i' thl' bi.llh hNlt lind hUhllciity art'
~ul"mf'nt "h,,"1!! 1M. mniltultJwtl (ur each unit to
JIl)I"kll, 111111 l!nnilur It<:>ml! Ilf )!hurt Wear ~rlodlt Itlwlt!;'1', and \l1'lIti1l1.tion in ... tnrill/!! nmmlmitioH ('{)mlUr'IH' In IlIfl'I'till",
In"ure thf' l'rnvHlI,m of h)KlllbrallllJII1,urt without
rlUlrlllt IK> !)vl'rV'mllha"iited,
>lhoul11 bt- lIt\wked.
{. L'1<M~ Vf. Th{')le lofe p~rjlfmlll demanil item"
" Clu,,/I IX, Thl'l\p 1If<' rlo',,_,r pllfb .1!"MIll mrril-
r. The {)l!lnninlt uf TI'lIUPP)y a .. Hvitiea \n in_ f', ('UI}!}! Ur. Too lIupply Itf GJU!! 111 i~rM dooJ!: 1'111 J~'lIIHlr tI'lHlk IlIIrtll), I&ml indudt 1111 rt'p"ir
not initially prellenL II. great probl&m, WI rela- (n.mmilitnry )lalet< itemtt! nrld !lhould ~ made parh and ('omllOnt'nb, !I. indudf' kill<, lUuwmhli..l'.,
dude klnX f&flJof(' l'rnjH:tiul1 uf requir!Jmenl. multt
tively few vehielc... wH11x! in op(!ration. However, availilble when poll8iblt' Iw.enulle of their In1\uence I&nd "lIblll\l!\'lIlblit'!l ifl'pairllbk! and nonrvpairablrj
ho:> vlttremdy d.. tailNi twd .!Iccomplj~hed wcll in
()Il ihe mordle of trooJll'.
!ldvance uf udm.1 rr,plIremclltll, (':oHlIideratitlll ('IKAA filA will be relluiN!d in Jar.,., II.tnuunlri. rl'quir..d luf mninl('nll.nrt' IlU11jlilrl of u!! i!'quip-
Uuitt> mm~t l'lIt!lblu~h C!tt8$ III diMtribution pointll II, Cup", 1.'fl, The/4e life m1lj{)r vnu item"': A
mUM! he X1H'1l tf) lhl' d(>liVl'ry mean:\. nvailable. At mt'nt. ThiN dul'I~ uf KUpp!}' tllk~ on added 1m.
for vf'h:ide~ II.mlll.ircrl1ft II.Il required. Tank ll'U(ka final t'nmbinatwn of I'nd pr()t!u<v. which il4 ready Iwrtan{'{' ill Il. Junxlr environment l:'wcause of t~
tim~ it may hI' 1lI'\'~~!llIrf to 1l~ ('arryifllf l)IUUto'II.
will l;w' 11"'1'11 jt..~ fnr forward all IlOssible; f)(}(l gill- for iL"I ilttf"udvd UIM', (',Jr., tanb, lmlflchefH, ./Ihopll,
d, The In.. k uf I1l1ffidt:l\l 8.!1 well all J\Ceur'i ftl.ll'h mortnlity rnte of (OmlXlnt'lItH, of .lIlrnd ltem~
Illn I"llllaJllllible drumM are UIlOO for Clau lIt fi!- and vt'hldl'~, F:~Juillm.. nt in thiM I'"ory i.!l ex.
ground lillclt of ,'ummuUlCAtion III the junx!(> jpara 4-7 and 4-8,. r.ummllndenl. at nil It'vel~
lO,upply whel'l \ank trucks cannot rueh the (or_ trcmrly Important to tht' ('t)ntlu ..t 111' optlraliQM in
often Fequirell Utte uf AeriAl r~upply; however, mUllt {'Unl'ltalltly !'mphunlt,(' lind l'pf"tn' l)wpl'r
ward arl'M, When dTC'urnl&w.ncell ptrmlt tM UM a jnttttle envir<;>nment lwi"auM ther~ Are few ladl.
(autiofl mUllt b~ f'ltereilwd in the u~ .of aeriAl re- mllmteruulct' of all typ!"l'l 01 equipment to prevent
of tracked vehide.., planninr mUll. indude addi. itieM in lhe jun.,le 1M the alillembly vf heavy
AuppJy tu II.mid dilW'loIIun' uf PlIllitioAA und JOM of cxee)l!lll.'f' lJSll..Ill' of rf'palr IIRrtll.
tional POL !linct;' tracked v('hides normally have ilemH of ('Quipment. ('Ue mud i:}(" eJ(en:ised to in,
I higher fud l'ul1xumpti()n rate when operating in Mure mainlrnan("(' I)f thtme iwfW'\ while in IlWrage f. ('(m", X. ThlM ill. malrriel reqUired to lIupport
t. Procedur~ fur rt~lu"hlinJ( itMnll .of lIupply
TU .I((!11 brrail1. The UIM! of helicopter" 14 support 110 that they will be oJX)rlltional when Uwy are lit. I1Immil:tll.ry prnltmmll, e .II'" uJtr~culturl' and t't't,.
IIhould bE ~imphl\t'(1 IIml u:reo\'iiy 'Coden ahould be
operalionA rf'qul!'('l!\ that afl adequa:w Iuppiy of lIued to thf' combat fOf<;'('.... CummanderM Hhuuld nom/(' d(,\lt,jlljlml'nt /lnt IUd\1I1t'd In ('111l1li..,. I-IX.
IIRd whenever pc)llflib!e.
rllll411 IliA be available at forward .IIUpply huel. makE" detailed tl.1lA1Yflia of their ~dll for Hpedfl.r The~e itemll are not required for the 'CQndud of
f. Unit dilltributi;:;n Ilf ~upptif'1I Mhould be em item", of !\upply in thilt f'eilUlll, eCAUU rome of'f'd Ii.tI tar forward 88 pc!Allihle. a, CIaIHI fll. TM lupply of CIB!18 IV itemll -will. e(.nveuLjllnal rumbat operRtilinA in the jUnl'le;
ror tht' mMt PArt, concern IIpecial items of indi- theKe itemt< mllY hav/! limited UlW .nd appliellUon howewr, they are very important in the condud
g, RKOnniU:Wln('4! 01 MlJpply routeb and water
vidulil and unit equipment In many CaM\ll, the in a junKle envimnmenl of stability uJH'ration~,
poinlri must be (untinuou9, Afld alternate route8
and diAtributiml; ~)intl& mU./lL t.w Im:.ated and dev!"l_ equipment normally authorized a unit will be
opod, augmented by ndditional aliowalWeI. The UM ot Sftt"'" III. MAlNflNANCE
iarjte amount>; of epKial equipment and
fon.iflcation!b&rrier maleriel ror rie(el'lelve poai~ 4-8. Maintena~ OP't'l'Qtiona
....., Cla.....f Supply lionl will be difficult due to tralUlpDrtalion prob- MainWhant'c (jrJ<llm~ij,tioIlM function eMentmlly (I. OrllUnl.ti'llwnuj M'ail1trndl1rf', Ilimwlty of re.
(I., ClaM 1. NonperillhabJe canned, dried Ill' de
ierM aaaociated with: brinilnx up such m.teritl. the lIame WI in other operations, The hixh humidity Ilupply in tlw junl{le demand/! tontinuin,ll empha~
hydrated iwms primarily are UMd durin/!! jUflgle (/, elM.1.'. Because of the weight and bulk in and temperlltul'e prevalent in jungle an>all wilt SlS (HI the performance of orXAniutionll1 maint
operatiofls under eonditiOIUJ wht"~ kitc~fl C.eili- voj~. the Ilupply of ammunition and exploaivM inere&5e maioienatl(e reQuiremf'ntll, Pre""entive 'lanCe, Hi.llh humidity rWIU wf'afns npidly, TIe-
tleB. with the e(eeplion of Nlfril'"rAtwn, are nor- ofwn pfelle:nlri the mOl'lt ditReun rellupply prob- "",in~nallCe in of paramount irnjlvrt.ll.nte. II.lld the lIIIitatil1~ froquent dtlanin)t, Unnll<!f'lIs8ry expo.
mally available, and the unit ia not actively en lem. Cloae e{)ntNil exerelaed by .11 lea~n: OVfir need for coniinuou... command empha,,11l ill more "ure "f IlmmuniWm eauKh: rapid deterll)ratton.
KtI'"d in eombat, Rations (individual combat ammunition expenditurflll: within thelt unita and Important than in temperate an'all, EmphlUli.ll ill Weekly mnintelllutce, nnrmlilly IJer(ormed on hI'-
meal, lonl' ran~ patrol. or 11"",11 dettu:hment ra- the employmen1 of the appruprlate welpon placerl on (lB-lIite maintenance and thc Vile of air- nal equipment in a lemperllw dimAte. will proba-
tiona) nornut.lly will be IUUed to unit. actively (or the 11 mitvlion will A8IIllIt in eliminating un- eraft for tran.flporlin.ll' maintenance teams and reo hly have tn be ll'Ccompiillhed fin a dAily basis, 8pe.
engaged in eotTlhat. Tbe number of ratioM car- n~ry ammunition rMuppiy. 1'lNt nature ot pair partll trt unit level. Due trt grester reliance l'itk in.llrudion~ on .. lue and malntpnllnre nf
ried by the individual IIOldier should be deter- the terrain and c1imatlc conditiona in the tropies pla<ed on small unit aetiona in junl'ie ('{)mbat op. rlothm., ~Iulflment 8ml l'luppJie)o' ('an be found in
mined by such fadot'M alt weight, how and in magnify the problems involved in siw 1MIleetion eratiorn!. sdeqUlI.te eommuni<'atioos becomell in- pertinent !WId and tKhnicllll1\llualli<
what quantitiell food can be: brought (orwatd, and ammunition lltor.... Lat~ percefl.tapa of cn!38ingly important and the uood for N!sponsivf' b. fHrOlr.( $l.Ipprwf, Direct lIupport malntenanc
wbe:fl retlupply WLIl be: effected, and the e:.Umated the a""a aN! not IlUltable 101' etorap due to .... ilff'lal mllintenanee ~upport ill: e.,Mmtia!. TheN! ia ill providerlll1 the area of "perlllit)n!! by cOntpot!ite
duration or the operation, Hot mealll (lncludlnc eon14ur. Lewd, firm I'round may be wowrted to a a need (or an expanded maintenance f\o8t for im_ maintenallt:e c()nUt1.'r. team!!, It ill normally lin'llted
standard A ration) should be lIerved whefMt\'e:r Quall1lli:re overnight .. a rflal.llt of the huV)' mediate dill!('t elchan~ uf lIervleeabJe tor uSllIerv tu mallltt-Illlnt"e lall-kM that CAn be rompleUd
poasible, eapecially wh&n retrill!ration is ava.lla downpour. ot rain frequently "parl.need. Rain leeable il.emll, IIpoodily. without heavy repair equiPI'Ilf'nt or
hellvy, bulky repuir Illlrtl', Contact le~m~ mny be IIt('(\ by wutef('rilft, hch{'l)]ltH, Uf whooilltld trll",k erty normnll;o prelWribed by tllbltHI of orjlauixlI- fll'lAl rt'>lultll or tlw trt'.tmt!lll. Tht! UI<{' uf tht m{)llt
Itllllij(rwu til orwrllle (urwnrtl with the mHUI'IWer vo:hklf'1'I Ill! haekhllul \(>J\(\14. Nu unaervicellblf' tion alld equipment (TOE) for mtldiral eVII('\U\ rltpirl, mO!lt wmfnrtllUil'. and tnt' ilafNlt mt'Anll of
h.ltlillOlI~, Ilr mny iJt:' held (.n.I'nll al a bHtIe IIreU, ('(Iuipm~nt of Tlo~~ibl\' V1I10<' to helltil" r~)rl'l'~ tion unilll mHy nut ~ the mlll>t 1I\lItahle for junjlll' rVII!'uatiulI i~ fat'lhtll[('l.l wht'n landinsr ,wn\"lI a"e
Mall1l('IIUIH'(' pl'r1l:0I1IIf'i nmy hI' airlifted intn thr ~h()uld h(' left Ut1~t'('urt'd whLlI' IIWuitillj( l'VU'\UI opt'rntilln~, TO"; v('hid~M mllY Ilot be ahlt' lo tn,. /lvjllllll) .... t'\OIlf' ttl thl' blltth Hr~'II; ht,w.I'\'"r, in
l~rrtt ltf I>lwratLnl)~ by hdH.'ollter tn perform crili llmL v .. rlll' lhl' ll'rrain whcrl' operlitiolUll l:.H.!<'ome nCl:eft I\r,'/\M whl'fl' thl' folhlxe ill den~I' and n(') landinJl'
,'1.1 IIU-l>lh' n'l)<I I 1''', lIJl~rn'l<'l'llbk fOm\)(lnl'nlll and /', (;("" 11(1 .'\'/J'iwrl. Ft,r II di,'lt'U~Minll IIr {i~nl'rnl lIary, "nd t'Varlllltwu ()f pjllit'ntM hy liHer may bt> 1.11111'11 IIfI' IIVl\illlhlt,. n ht,]j{'olll\'r 1'lluil/JICd witb II
~nli !h'm~ fl'lluiriuK l'Xl:(>tJIIIV\' f{'lmlrM liN' "VI1('U SlJlllmrll!~lwltl{',~, 1'1'" pnruj(r/IPh 4 MI, It IIlow and exhl/;u~tLn~ t!illk, f't>(\uidnjl aUlnl1cnla t'able hni~t K,\'~lenl ('nil LM' U;;I'I\ for lbiH purpolw
tiOIl IIf lht ml'di(,lI.l unit'! with many nonmt'dit'a! In lIirm!Jblll' upl'rlltinllll. ml'dieal !;!vAtuation pllotll
per1'!nnn{'L AU IIvaililb!e nwthOdM may be UHed to mu~t be fully briefed on initial land;nsr lonell, re"
$eelion IV. MEDICAl
IIUlfml'nt or,(lln[c m('di('ul t'vII;rl1Ut)(m melinll. They IIU!Jp)y inndiuK zoneJI and any other pertinent ill>
k MjtLelll lmllll mllY rL'lpl1r(' ('(jn~id"rltbl,' au!\'-
may inc!ud~' trli\'"kl"d ..... hidel>, pa<"k allimalll, r.CU, fllrmHtian rrllljifill to:! tactical (fOOIl mtwetnenhi
mClllnlwll wh\'ll Mlllj)<>rl!l\l( jllrllOh' h]Wr.!lI!),," 101', Mr(h{'u! lI:irH!lft mny nrbit over a spt't'it1c pOint
M"11II'1I1 lIUj.rll.rt In JUlIxl,' "llI'l"!ltium'l followR ih,. hlJa"', Imnrt'", h('hl'o]ltefll and ]ittl'f hCllr'CrM. Indilf
,'llIllIt' of the 10,01 .. 1<,\1 1;>"HtlO)I1~ "f IIU!elwIH!elll pp- dllrinjl th .. itJJtiHi ph&lW of Sil iillrmr.bil .. (')per.t!(')1'1
1"'1"11 I'TIfIOpli's IIwl I'rnl'tw.'", ,;f mihtnry mt'o:li eni'<IUtI. ]ll'nI(!nlll'! m"y tn' Illll'd lUI lltwr bl'al"frl'.
I'TX\l'm" nnd lhl' (lIiIlnllty 1\1 ('rtl~:;inK ~Hrh ter-
"lnl'. jr"vi,.inn of l'I'\('(Ii.'u! tn'.tmi'nt 'lIld ('~l>CUIt
fam WIth p.u!!I'Hl IoIIHI1'4 WhN"kd IImbulllll1'\'~" in
wh!.'u Ilt'Ollerly MIJ1WrvlIWtI hy Army Mediral ne. to .. xpedite r\'Jlcuation dnrillll thill t'riUea! perioo.
t: ..11 will IIf' "ompilolh,d by trwexil'Bdeli dllltant'e1'4
lrnmt ,'n'w", wlll haH' il) 1:11' N'll;lU'I'd hy nther ;'IK-
partment (AM";IJl), rwrlimmel Groulld medieal (:0 Pr/Olrip/f't1 of Nrorua/wrL Prifl{'iplt>1'! (If
bi>tWN'n ltupportm tmllt'lIl\m:l BreM (If operatinnll. eVIU'lIlltinn m thl' junsrll' wilt normally bt" alome e\'a.uatiml lIrc to~er ..d in detail in FM 3-35, Fcr
olltlOn mt'atu; nmN' HpprUpr,nk for 11/\(' in ttw aupp!y rnutrul. 1(ince the5l' roUifoll are usually jllven prinfiplt's or pVlIcuatiof\ in mnuntaint)ulI jllnjllf'
the ItHlepenilellt nHture of OJ}<'rutiml, Hnd inat'ccll-
jlll1lt'l, When tlit!kult {('rruin "nd wide dt~IKmml all pOlu<ib!t' protct'tion from the enemy. tl'rrain,li<'I.' PM 31_72,
"ibilih' flf h,rrain, The mllllner in which nwiical
Ulll~ RIIVI".rt tHt'l!!';ll HrsrlUI!:mtmll1'4 will thJlI.'lId
"f \'t'nl!lIlt pjt'nwnt>< did"!" th., flt,f'd f,,' ,.,lIhttlnK
{l} i,tiffTl'" All type,.; of littt>rll may be Uflert
.. r hntlllimn nid MU.tH>!\~. h(lhtu>f!hl rrwdil'nl Iwr" durin, opernti;1Il1I io thl' jUl!jl1t~, but whell evatua_ 4-12. Mtdkol Suppliaa and EqulptMnf
1)n ttw tlmploYlTWnt Ilf Hit' IIUPJiurted unit Hnd
lU)llIlel wlllh' rfi]\;lrl!,J Wnl'll II "ll:Nlb!;' unit up,
tl'w tys.w uf J'HlK!" III whwh tht'y Hrl: operl\tinK, timl illVlllVl!!t trlUlllllllrimsr j:mtienbl over l\trulWll. ItPtnB of m!'(ll"Al TO": etlulpment fthould M (>vAlu-
t'rnh~ fl'llm a JIIIIKle hlllill' ,'ami) urNI, it m"y he
The rl.latwel;v hiKh il\{'ldeIH'f' of dUUlbility caulIl'tl jpliliell (}r IIl('Pp MllI1Wl>, mellil hmd<et ittf.l>rll mlluu_ ntM tn df'tl'rnnnt' mlAAinn il~fillnt!:!tA in a humid
advauil11l('!'H!i to! n,jh)('nlto a moL1I\" army Mlll'jfknl
b)' twat. huml/,Ilty, lill!! iMf'dlionlC (ilM'allt';5 will tain typt>: or StllkeM liU\"rI) other some advan- tNlpieBI ellmHie EqUipment may AIAo require
h(!~pjtnl with it, 111 JHII"l!' ternill, ml'<Jil'al "VA("
Tli"l:lulre inrrcllllt'd l'mpballis fill health and IUl.nitl\- taJ{t'fI o~er tbe ~tafld.rd foldin)(litter!!. Metal ball- m.)dlfl('lttion to permit mMximum efficienry in
llfllion IIjwrationl< mllY be fndlihtkd b), the ('11-
tlOn rn"HlIlIfr1'4, If) addition, ml'dkal dortOn! may ket Jitteu provid.- more 1I('('urily to the PAtientfl <'omhnt Medical elemt'nt" I\Upportillsr independent
tabh:<hrnenl of I'olll't'tinl>t JlOlnh. t>pef'llttkl by IYWd-
reqUlr(' oril'nlutliln IIIl di)<j'Ill'4l'~ IIml !lhll~~;'1t ~H'I'U dl.lrinJ{ IIUfh moW!mpnt!!, and in AddltitHl. may b<- UJllt olWrAlllln!( mm>t inllure that they have lIuffi-
,{'n! IIld mt'n l,t mt..rnwtilltlt' puintM Itlmll( tne
IiHr to rprtain tropi('.llIrt'I\, Srwl'ild prf!'t'autinll~ reAdily rlllll~! fflr UM! "u 1)Q('k AnimAl!!. Illdip~
I'lent mt'dkal "IJPlllie.;, Pro~'i"'WII rnuJl1 bf! mad..
rl.ruk ,of t'I'UCUlltHiII Thi.ll mny U('l,"ur whl"u il iM
will hav" to M tak(>ll in tbp lltoru;c of certain noWl l)et'}lOl1llel 111100 all llttpr i.waNlrll may pr.!'fer
ror rel\upply when medkal l\uppliM drttp below
prlll'l\o; III to lnUl1'4rt'r Tllttit'nu. rTUm (IIle type of
meiht'1I1 IIUI)llli~'" lind mrdl.:jlltlll dll(' tn h(,lIt I\nd to WIt' ('lmVIUI ~hN'w wllh Pi,l!' looPl' Attathed,
the nlquired I"~el. Certain druj(R Rut'h 811 penlcil
lrltllllj)prtlitiOlI toj Rll(,lhl'l' ~);t'h II:; from Iiller
nllrh humidity whiton I'nn "H\1~e d*tf'norHtlon and oonrerl'l to IUllh<.!luw;(<iI "r bl'lil'Hlltel'll, ('nfl' m(llll
The CHllvall III liitht Ilnd 1IlU'lily tarried, And poleJl lin, whole blood, f;lintml'nti<. hydro('ortiMln liquidn,
10l1li nf potrnry EqUIpment mlly require modif!('II. mAy be ",ul .us net'dt'd, l.itb>rK may A1IIO be impro_
hi' ext'rei~I'd In lht, \l!!t of th('M! pl'~ureR flHlrl' Mult.liquid.l!l. ek .. have critit'ai IIWrajf'e temperA
lion to permit mK':imlim etH('iellt',V in combBt. vi,.ed from tlothinsr, POn('nOll, IIheller h.!vell or ture rAnpll, To pl'~vent \(IM of JK)tency and !Ipoil-
~\I",h ,~mlll1 i!lnlAleil pomt!! mny be profitable lllr_
other HVIlHable material. a.we, proviaiO'II muat be mllde to provide Adeql.latt'
4-10, o,.rotlan of Mtdi(ClI Unt'" fZ) ,liT' /<:I'/If/wfiml. Thl' many dif'flrultiefl of storaJ{t' for thele drUj(M, When reliJllible, An air
Thf' prlllt'lpt"" ~I't (urih ii, FM 8 Hi II.hollht
(t. medil'lil e~lIt'U/lti(Jn I'll('ounh'rl'd in jungle opera rOlldlliolll!d IItMII,,1' facility "hlluid be used, Card.
be r!f!h.w~,1 til th,' \'lI:t~nt jl!;"rmiHed by the liilua-
4-1 t, ivacuCllion tion,. emllhll!d1.l' thl' Ild~Rntf\JI'''~ nrair evaruation. board eOhtainerll uled for Iljlrkinj( O'f rnl'diealllup-
tifltl; .,,'ntrl>lil(>(t ""ntrn), when Ilrltrtieable, ill more 1/ (;IIIf'rni, Th(> ,'\'a("uu.bol\ (.f wnundrd in Jlltr- In the jUllllil', helieoptl'rll I'tnvlde faftter. more ef. pJletl II:nd IlIbel,. used on bottle druR'1! and medi
('mei~nt than deeentratieatlOn, l"riendly air IIU~ KII' wllr(are prl'lIf'ntl' VBrlM probk-mll, The pro- ftt'icnl tran!!Pf)rtatil)n fur tll ... ultLUeft than other cinea df'leriorate and become iIle"ible or fall oft
riorlty coupl..t wjth availability of helicopter.. portion of Litter "II~'!! to aml:mlatnry rlU'.eK !II in ml'thod!l- whirh mljlht bl' llsed, The reduttion (Of .tter perio(hJ of open aWran in wet humid di.
may KreatLy redure tbe requIrement (or elltabUllh_ rrea~fii in JUIIKW nrellll Aine.> even a IIlilthtly time betwf'f'tl injury nnd treatment hM- dired; matea Adequate rovered slor8J{e il!' an e/i/iential
ment of aid atationll and other intRrmtldlate rru>dl- w!)undM indiviliulIl may rmd It dlffi('ult to lra_ ef'f~t on thf'" tirru> ~luired ror recovery and the requir"ment for maintenJince (')t these lIupplil'lI',
<,al lluJ)p(lrt Ilu'iHUl'It ttl pN"'id~ tan'! for lIerinulI v~rlW thf' rllffJl't'd terrllin Ali a n'llult, the callulI:lty
battle ealtUalUeK Aid l!'tations and other interml'
"'Ate medil'aj lIupport fa(>ilihef. ar~ N'quired for
urdinHrlly dAII"jl\ed aM "walkln, wounded" may
berame litter {'ftfltL Smt'f' the combination n( So"'" V. llIANIPOIIT..TION
sick rall, outpatient rare, unit,ation eupervillion. heat Ilud humidlly ill rotidU<-lve W inln1iol1ll, 4-n, o.n:aral distances. Tbe manpower lind materiel rt'sOurcell
immuhtzationa, lind ltUJetleld rellu8Cltation. Air spet.'ti of evileuII:tion III v\tal. Spe\ial ('(Inllideration requirM fQr ronl5truction, improvement, .. nd
eVB.('uation may Mt bt" poou;ible bec&UIM! the enemy must be given to the romrervati<1J! of manpower, Thit; ,.,cti\>fl pretU'nb only II: very baak dlS(usaion,
Detalbl conrerninjt transportation rt'tOdM, emplGy_
m.lnten.~ of lIurf~ tranaportatlon mode. in
cApahllitiea, t~ weattwr, or the terrain may Litter hauls mWlt lw kept t<H jIIh(trt as the tactical junJ{t. operationll. togetber with aecurity prob-
pNvent the UI\f' HI .irf*yaft. Moo.iI"'Alllupporl plan. JIIltulllion will permit. Wbt'tl t'vJltuatkm by litter ment. and related doctrine art' N'lnt.Airnhi 1n man~
lems, time lImitll:tionA_ and almil.r relat.d fac-
ill requirfli. All forward medklll lrullallatJoM 1/aiB of thl> r'&'weril'M. With few exe.>ptiotIBur~
nlnsr Will have Ie be buM {ill a ;::f)neideration of tor&, may In mAny inetanrea be alpfteantly r ..
IIhould ~ llit.l.IlltM All eJoAe JlJI poMible to the far\" tr&nllp!:lrtation fMdlltie!l in the humid tftlPiea
the fat1crs of mlMlon, enemy, troope and wratn dlK'fid or (wermme by uain, by uIln, II:J\ air JIM
trOOPB IIUpPt'lrtl'd in order to redure exhaujlltingly Are poorly developed Bnd have. very limited t'....
(METT). Evacuation planll muet be euffic!ently of communieatiollll. Howev.r, for muimum
iong litter nau18, p&bllity for movinj{ larKe lonn.1iN of {'arro or
ftexibl. to inilUre the &C('!)rnPU.bmellt of the mi.s-- .flkienty 11 moo. ebollki be coraider.d. and
b. Evacttalion MfalU, The 'lYquitmltl'lt And prop.. numht-n ()f per6()nnel for even reiAtively short
elon wh4n helicopters &re not aVAilable.
'114 :u-"
f', Hiqhu'(t/J (0,,/ MIlM,. TmnRporf. Usin" rwtiw <'rart, (In'fl'rnbly o!)('rated hy indill;e. dio" ,Ii"tant'l' fit wh:,h it CAn "peO!~', thf' hl'li('op...
should I.w inf'()rp,)rated into au i"tf!j(rlited rapid
III (;enerfll!y .'!!wakinl<. l1lt('rior road)'! ill noua per,.unlwi. 11\ eml'rgency. rafts may bt! con~ ti'r in airlRndt'd operations re'llIireR rnmpara
lrAUlIport lIy~tl'm IlPprnprillie: to the situAtion Ilnd
)\\IIlll(' IIrl'R~ ar~' rare. Th<llw thllit ('Xillt, alth(luvh strudt'd for \.lAt, Il~ lin ('xl~ief\t However, r*ftll lIvely llUle III tht' way j}f lanninv fH('lliliell eun
openltimw.t telIWfN'rlettU! ani: dlffit'ull to ('onlrol, (lartkularly in "witt nr ... /rudiorl. U'Munlly heliropter IIreMII rsn i)fl enn-
p<llllljhl~' ltdetjuatt' (<lr tiormal indllf')n<)U1I \lite,
;juwkly neh'rjnrllt.- under fHI)' ~lIhRtantially ftI turbulent 'Itnum~. ('aution ;o;hnuld be eurdsoo in idrJl('~'d hy !rtlOp" "r 1ll(lilleneou~ pel'llmnel uaing
4-14, Transportation MoRt consirut'lil1g" rlllt fmm JunKie haniwDUOII If the hannltml~, powef MaW" and ell:l!lo!livffl. Sinre tht'
."t'II.'1(>(1 tra/lll' Hnw J)urinv WI'! weAthl'r mill'll
.1.llrmwlIl'"rf(I(lf". r1lKdll !IO',IImt' Iml'lIl1)\ub!t' t() nil v;'hid(' trank.
1<>1( ill of Mu<h ,kll)!lly thnt it will not {lmlt. the hi'!il"Uplf'r clin ;"arry ('1lt"lofu eXlf'rnsily, thc nir.
(I} A blll'!l" mell.n~ (If mm'inM' :'\Ul'plif"A lind ";v('o durmll dry HNI~II1, (\llllwuin;:: "fll(im'>'rin;:: urt will !lot fI(llll. I"rsfl may Iw hover ..d and tnt' carll;<I rel ..MNI
~Iuipment in jung!!' Op<!fU(>It~ i~ HUll of hMnt.!~ .-Wort mil)' he rL'<oluireti til in.'!vre their IIlIflhitity by 1'. A.r. from, or attached to, t.he helICopter fll.r}!O hook
("jury!!l/( by trnoplI or mt.!igf'OUllH penlOnncl At m!lltllfY vehlch~. MlIl!y IIrea.'! l)f'(wld(' nothing (1) Th.. lI(lllll'(' o( jungl.-: operatinnlt and lhe Without the airrrllH a('tually landing. rf ne'l1
J)(!lIl. lhl" nll.'lhod ia alo .... lind laOor!lJoll and, pltr- mllr!' thllll trnill\- pUl\-lIRble ()Illy t() Ilaf'k animnh. {lr environment WIthin which th .. operationll are car ;'ary, the, helicopter nperated II.t spprnprtillely re-
Ul'IJlllrl;V wlwll tN!HI,1I art' ll~cd. ill iUt'fficient. Ad- to mPIl nil fut)t. lillrillil lh.- f/lIllY lIeal'l\)1! ~'VI'I! ried Qut; ttw n'l'llrring requirements (or rapid du~ weheM, un be hovered over the jllnJ("ll' clln
dltimu,lIy, th., carrying plLrty, wh<'iher Militllry tnlill! fH'<lul'll11y l;>e!uml' implV<l!Jlhl(' or, al l;>eld, and tho.!!>I,. mowl'n('Jll uf IIllllpHH,. e<]uipment, upy ur (tthH II.reas III heighl.i! romtn(!n~urate with
ur indii'n"tlll, mU>lt iududf' additionfll rWrH(lnnt'1 J(hI'ml' y riill\('ulc ";Xt'l'llt rur anltilll NUld~ f~w snd IH'rl~n'lI\t'l lind fIJr ('VllcHatton o( clUlu*It!eJ:; th.. lel!jllh (!r the helicopter CII.rj{(l wind! cablf.
all >w<:urify r!)r!"\'~ to pfoifft thfO party from hridg~ .. n-tl !tllli nl.>Ht of th.'l1e ure inni))ahl., of and the (tI'1pWlll n"l!exi"t.-ncl' or inadi'tlulli:Y of lMtR"th.
f!nemY [Ielml!. PhYIlJrliil {'mlflitionin" a)1(1 traitllnjt hUPPlll"tlnll mlhtury v('hwlplI without e;.;wmuvt other mov"mt'llt model{ all {'ombine to emphssize I, Rail.
of t~'P<" in tht' m;:thmlll lind techlliqlttlll o( Io.d I'nM'lIwer t'onlltrudlOlI c-tf1lrL lJurillK tlw rainy lWa- the .'Iillnitirunr(l 01 an air line o( rommunirationll (1) With few exeeptionll, nil muvement
earryiull, lnKl'tht'r with timitinlt hand cliTried lIUll mill!)" I<trf'tlmll lIr~ ul~ford!thl<i by vehide. The in lIuPPllr! ~)t j\ln~df' "prrati(JnA. Rupport may be t'llpilbHities ill junille /Ueall are limited or lIunex-
IUlul" lo ollt'rlltll!1U)[ ''1UIt'nhfll Ilt'mM will materi. lack of !.l'O&-t ttl!!llt'{'tiunll hetwe.m exiating road!!. either hy tlxt'd Wing "i,,raft nr hy heJit'opter illt('nL EXcellt for {'O&IIta] linM, mtlf!t serve .11
ally i IICrea!\(' fl\rrll'r efft!l"tiven4'1I1I. m trllill' hamltl'rl< or prl'vetllll "j,mmUBitlJili,m~ Both typ\'l~ of ftitf't"nft arc .~ubJet'l to perfnrm&nfe (\('dt>r hneft from commerdsl elttsblillhment
CO Tht' i~!I'- pad!: honrcl is H Aervk~ab\.e lind clmtrnl tt-lw;>t'll mov~mf'Jlill ;>II'lI'jJnrale UlI.eH limilillHWII jmp"..,,~! hy temperuturlO'denaity alt!. (plantatiQll, mine or (actory) toa port.
carryall. If It ill not avaii8ole, load (urytnll' de- nn Thl' tYlll' Illttl numb!'r u( vphid('!4 thlJit l'lln tud.-: ('(lJlditinnll. "h.- IIj}f'nt(Jr"M m.l!ual puhlilthed (2) Track Ittrudu~ is ulluaUy light, and
vite. suth ..'\ tht" "A' frame u"t!d in KerN:!. may be f\TIl(liJIb!y ulled 'Ill any plu'tit"'ular junl("ie !)lJera for etl('h type uf alrrratl ('olltalns dt1:ailed per- track Stauge may \lllry between dlfrennt areall.
be o"blained (r(!m indigenous IWurces. One or two timl litre Ifepend('ltt UpOll the avallnvl" roadll Alld forman('.-: nll'l\bility t.!ata for that ty!)(, of aireraft The t'cuntry may 00 dependent. upon import tor
mall ItI6d cArryinK devi<'es may be improvilled traill!, terrain, dimllw, vell;etJolion. and lIOil traJ under lIr>edfled co!\ditl{)n.~. {Simply stated, air- etljtinelt, rolling stock. construetjcn and mainte-
frum wood. t'anvas, or rope, llubiHty An additlofllll, Ilnd frequently d"dlllve. craft J~rform"ncl' rapability dec!'e8&ls lUI the nance llq\llpment, and tor (abrka~ ateel items
(3; for eVlltU8tlOl) of patienUi. the boot litter fllt"tor III l'on.~ldering movf'melll by vehidt' il! lhe oou.idt' IIlr temp .. ,.ature inf'rt!&AeR and/or density SlJch 88 rails and atl"uetur.1 memoorll for bridle
svailable LK the Slokell meta! litter which t'IlPRblhty to Mltillfy ('Ouvoy ~C("urity require dre&lle~. Air de(~ in denMity all it bocom.. lind tuiverti!,
weigM ~II.~ puunds. Thit! litter 1M of rigid ton- Warmer,) (S) Railroad right.&.of.way in the jlJnlle
dr!lcllon and will not mllapse IIhould one o( the (3) Wheeled vt'hl('J ..... lire mlrm .. lIy relltri.'ted (2) Gelwf8lly, fixed wing trunsport aircraft afelLS are diffi('uH. to m.1ntaln, partfeularLy dur_
beuers fall. Additionally, il can be rAppelied to dry w...thcl' \1M' of rl)lldll .1Iq wide trails. For can operate .. I ;::n-ater radiUM dtlllnnct'li \dillta~es inr the rainy sea~nn, 180latliln. vuln.rahllity to
down tllffs aod uaed in helicopter hoiat rf.!COV- ('rullll-Ctluntry movement, trlK'ked vehiclefl may out nnd bao:k without rduclingl than <'8.n the sabotage, and the absence 01 alUtrnate route!! may
eTielt. An rxpedlt;nt tilter made (rClm twu polelt prove l<uitnhle provided vegetation and terrAin trsnSj'hlrt tmlieopter. However, !,lit of fhfed wing aubjt rail movement to frequent traffic inter.
and tWil (atill'ue jacket.8 is useful in the event. of nbBtadffl IIml soil trallkllbllity pernnt Cra8ll~ air1:raft ror air,!anded 10ll;istic support o( jungle ruptions,
emergeucie/t, ~1I\fltry mOVl'TT!!'nt r('llult't'l! rt'(:onnalllllll.nCC, Ilnt.! operlltioful rmlujrell lIu'ltable landing .trips. nOr_ 11. Pi,.U'IUI. Normally, if pipeline is svailable
II. A,fll'1J'4l [.uk, mally not found in forward or remote junrk! in jURj't. lire.., It 1a comparatively Hmito.!d and.
pN'!Iei('{tion and mHrkinit of mut.t~. with J'mrll\'\!
{.I; AlthoUjth the UJ3. Army is no 10l1ger au- are~. AirfllfW ('onlltructim! in theae areas USUAlly in moat c ....., MrV1Nl only to rlear the port by
Illr attl'ntlOn 1I.t'("fded the ~tJhof'tlon of Huitnble
thorim pack animals in the ayatem. they do have river, sircMm, lwd t'anHI rr{)MlnK Mit-l's, require. th .. URe of h.-:avy equipment, involves tbe movl1lj' POL trom the pon to ItClrage t&eilltl.
A plaCe in Jungle tranllportation and can, in ""fIH~ d. fnliJnd WafnWill/, Riverll, sLreamll. and m_ "l>enditur~ of lIi"nilleant Amoont.! of manpower \lfllallyloeated only a .hoM distance inland.
a1"t&il, be obtained by wntrad or purchue fmm nab. provide an ewnomkal mode (ar moving Stlp_ and Materiel, requiN's ('(Inlliderable time, and
locallWurCelill. Pack Animals sultable for UAe in the ph.,~ and juipmenl in junR"le operatinna. In I'e- (rmrtkularly during the wet aeason) ia acrom- 4-1S. s.-tIy
"veral jungle a~" of the world include tlw mnt"" Itreaa, lttlflnd waterWaYII may very well ron- pUaht'd under extremely adverse conditions. Ad-
Aors!!, Mule. donkey, water buffalc, and eler>hAnt-
a.. Security of UMfI. of communication in junrle
sUtur. the bat'kbulle of the tranaport system. ditionnlly, e<mtlnuinll; mnlntenanee ia normally operation. I. a COIltinutnj' Pl'Ohltm. edtical to
(2) The lOAd carried by a pack anim.t Is requi red if the air lItrip ill to remain operabte. An
Larke rivera dr.ininll the area may aeeommodate .uce. .(uJ l'Mupply support of forward etemlht&
dependent upon th(!' typeil of anlmll1 used; type, alternative iA to airdrop the lIuppll .. and equip-
the llatlMage or sme.11 1Ihip!l and lanre OOfttA (or J4c,at aurfae. IIG" of eommunieation .n co"'rod
weij'ht Ilnd bulk (If !!lad; diatan t.o be traveled; lWveral hundred miles inlflr.d. Where smaller con. ment. However, bt!t'Auile of the dense Junllle CAn- by a buY)' ov.,hud follap c.t.nOPY that Imw..
terrain; And ra~ of march, Since there ia little tributory streams brarn;;h oat, transfer points. opy and the often impenetrable underrGwth, * ferel wah or p,.",nta ~t!ve Ml'Ial reeonrllu,.
forage in the junirle for dome-&tieated anim81&, may bt! established (or the tnnslolldlng of Clirgo high percentse of airdropped supplies rna), not !lance. Heavy un.rl1'Owth. partl.eularly -.JOlla' in~
tMlr use requiree that fW811"e 00 carried by the be found by sUPJlOrted elements Gr may be r'ov,
lot.> smaller WliWttra(t far further movement land watarway., faellltfial.nerny ambuah of .u....
anlmAla, thereby redudnj' the r<aylood. into the interior_ flooding ('onditiontl in IImaller ered by (,!leroy troopa face MOvement..
tSl Ulle of native handlera with pack ani~
streaMlI, while constllubnj( an added haurd may an Helicopters are particularly well s!,llted b-. Contblutna rout. .un,IUanet aDd f'tiCOlI-
malll ia dellirable in that native hltndlera are nor for movement of Rupphea and equipment In sup.. llAl...nee of ~nd and watar rout. Ia nQUlNd to
aIM prove advflntageous by permiUinlf the ule of
malty more IIkiUed with the animalll and, partieu. port of junKie operatir.nH, Although more re- Iocata and ellmlnata min... ~ ambuh.
deeper draft w*terer*ft and or motors Movement
luly in that troopa are thereby releued ror oth.r atrleted thsn the fixed wing tranHport in the ra- and darnaae or d..truetion of ..rout. fadUt:l-..
by miU\Ary watercraft may be auppltmtenta.d by
Armed ellcorl, surface !lnd fur !llr, ahould ill' J,l'iv('n 4-16. Moyementt tive lial!llln nlld \'ommlinicRtion~ exillt betwf'('n und t'VIIt'uutiO!l of dt'('ell~p(1 p('r,~onnel will nor
IndIvidual vehicle!! and f'nnvoya of land and water their Ilupportt'd unit~ und th(' !lollrc(' of P&A Ser .... mnlly he uvniluhl(' to the ('ommand('r in the jun-
For maximum I'ffiC'ien('y, RlI modt'~ IlvRilable for
mu ... eml'ntll na rl'quir('(l Wherl' ternlin permitll. u.~e In R lillt of cummUIl1('allnnK ~hould ht l'()n~ld
ieell and lhat thcir 1I.~.~iJ,l'nf'd pf'r~onnt'l who ar(' J,l'1, t'n",l)"llnmtnl. All t(,htI01II1 or ('nmmumlllhould
armol't.d elemrntK mlly ht ulled to escort II'round chRrJ,l't'd WIth I'&A n('ljoll!1 nnd liailloll rellpon!li. tmphU~I\(t lht' lnll",rlulU'I' of l'xr)('diti'Ill.~ remnval
erf'd for inrorporlltioll into 1I11 iuteJ,l'rat('d rapid
Vt.hW!t'K. Armed J,l'unrlill ma~' ride WIth rilll move. bilitw~ lllldt'I'~lnlJ(l nnd npprl'l"int(' lht' ne('1i for fIr r,'nlllinn III thl' Illlt'rl'.~l.~ of troop morule, to
tmn~p"rt Hy.~llm nppropriRtp to the operntionnl
nWllh. Armed ht'licullter~ t'lln lx' efTedively UKl'd expl'llit iOUH. Iu(urnlt, nnd timtly pt'r!ltllll1el ,~tntu,~ prl'YI'nt lo.~~, 1')(l't'~~IV\' 111IIrJorulion. or multiln
reqlllr('mf'ot" To R!lIlUrf' 1lt'\'e~~llry mt('J,l'ralion
1I11 t'1I('orl. particlllnrly with nir movement. De. reportinJ,l'to I'&A dire('l !lupJlort el{mtntM. tum (If n'nlnlll~ III Iht jlln.,;lt. IIIHI to muintnin our
nnd (oonhnlltioll. thf' ~y~tl'm mu~t nlll'rRt(' und('r
tailed plnnK of countera('tion to lIpt'rific ~ituationll c, Milllrz,.U 1'111/. C()mmnudf'r~ !lhould impre!lH nutlOlo.~ cnllndell{,(, in tht uniformed lIer ... irell
cenlrnllled ("outrol. Thi~ control i~ e)(erri!l('d by 1\
~houlrl be developtd. rehe!lrst'd. and coordionted upon their men Ixoture nn oJlf'ralion beJ,l'illll that melhod,~ of hurl(lhnl< Ihl'lr dend, Th(' hot and
mo ... ('m('ntll ('ontrnl c('ulpr a~~iJ,l'ned 10 th(' !lUP'
with e.~cort elemenill. Pian~ ~hould include provi there is litllt' or no nt,pd for money in the junJ,l'h' humId cllmnl(', pr'f'lI('!1{'1' of willi nnimal~. birds.
portmJ,l' InJ,l'i~tical hendquRrters Fnr division op-
Ilion fnr arlllltry and el,,~e 1I1r lIupporl o the t'rRtlu!I~, th(' divl~iou lrnn~pnrtntion otlice and
and ('nCUUrRJ,l't lhpnl 10 JlnrticiplI1(' in programll lnlllI't.~, nllliv('.~ IIll1ltht' d(,I1~(, v('g('lution and poor
I'litirl' rnutp. EfTertl"'t Hnd r('lillbh' communicn mlWf'nwntK control ~1'dlonK III t'nch hrlJ,l'nde con whi('h providt' tur pay tlt'JlO,~lt~ in thl' Unifnrml'll vl.~lllilily Oil thl' JIIIII<I!' flour nil pl"t~ent !lpeciltl
tinn hctw('t'll 1111 tltmenlll of the ("OIlVOY ami Kllil SavinJ,l'~ llt'p(lKit~ 1'1"!I1I'1"IIm. trnnHnlittnlnf riel puy Jlr(lhllm~. If hll.~ty Imrilll!l IIrt' lluthori1.t'd lind im-
trnl m(lvemt'utM thrOllJ,l'hout Iht divI~I()n. For R
IlnrlinJ,l' IIccurlty el('m,'nt~ nrt' l'riticnl to mo"'\.' to II bunk or uulhorl'ted KII"'II1J,l'K )l1l1tltlitlOI1 by pl,tllt'llhd !t!l n 11I.~1 1'('~lIrl Whl'lI m('nll,~ of I'VIII'Ua
dl'llllif'd di!lCll!l.~inli ..~I't' 1"1.1 1')1)-1 n.
mpnt ~erurtt.v. C'heck from thl' ~t'rvit'inll' linnllt't' nnke, or ac('rllnl tinn or prf'Mt'r\'lItion of n'mninH ure not IIvailable
of pay Rt thl' fman('(' ofllce for withdrllwnl by the I" thl' l'ommnlldtI'. ('urI' mUllt hI' e)(l'rC'i.~('(1 to ron-
Se<tion VI, PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS member Rt It tutur(' dRt('. Particular ('mphallill Hpicu(lusly mnrk J,l'rRW ~it('~ to enabl(' their
AND SERVICES IIhouid be place(1 011 the RdvanlllJ,l'eH to the mem_ relt)('utlon. finpid I<rHwth of vegetlltiol1. heavy
ber ot dillt'hnrJ,l'inll' hi!l t1nanC'inl rellpollllibililiell rnlll~. lind nther Illllunil fn!'\or!l t('I1(1 tn alter lht'
4-17, General th!' JllnJ,l'h' I'llvlronml'lll F.lfllrls should ht mad(' throuJ,l'h pny nliotment.w.. npJnnrullI,( of junJ,l'lt, tt'rrnin ovt'r Hhort periodK
to promult' thl' huddy Hy.~tem. ('In~eknit tellm or of timt' IIl1d rt'('ovI'ry of rt'ml\ln~ from hllllly bur-
Tht UUilllll' t'rlvlr(JlImt'1i1 or thl' JunJ,l'le pre!lf'nt~
~ll1ull'J,l'ronp rtlutlOn!lhip~. :-:'ul'h rt'IRtinnllhip~
t ... {ry ('omm(lIl(\I'r WIth uddtd per~onnrl mllnnJ,l'I" 4-19. Grovet Reglttration 1111 1I1tl'.~ {,Iln Ill' l'xp('ttl'll t" h(' ditlkliit und('r the
wll! hf'lp predudt !l1lf lsolution. ('(Imbut rlt'riod~ "t'.~l of ('lrI'UmKU!.nCI'M.
ml'lIt Jlrohlcm~. Exll"el1l('~ of tempernturt, eli of t')(tremf' loneliup!ls. nnd !'>hould n.~~1111 ill th(' Direct lIupporl for lh(' recovery. id('ntification
male, yell'elntioll II'rowth. It'rwin tCll1ure!l. llRtiv(,
identification at an early time of symptoms of in-
cultlln'~, and wildlifl' mak!' thc junll'le appt'nr 1111
dlVlllull1 or unlt inlltulily to ~lJ('l'e~.~fullr cope
a natural (Iud formidable foe. In it, the !loldier
With tht junJ,l'lt l'nvll'onmf'llt
f(l('('~ tht llrollped~ of Ilt'W Rnd !ltrllnJ,l'e circum.
lItnn('I~. pott'nl mlly fntul I ropiclll diRt'fllle!l. heat
4-18, Penonnel and Admlnlttrotive Service.
npJll"f'lI~iVt hUnlldlt~'. exltnded periodll nf ~llefl('e,
!lemldnrkfl('~~. or tulal d)(rkne!l~. I1nfllmiliar II. (;I'II('rlll. I'&A ~ervi('{'.~ rUnctlOn cIIsenlililly
siJ,l'hbl, ~JI1cllll, lind Huulld,~. slrnnJ,l'e lIati\'t,s, pre~. the ~umt' UII in more cOllventiounl environment!l;
em'e of wild ben!ll~. tlillkulty or muvement under howt'vpr. thl' mnnlll'r in whleh they lire furnished
dl'peud~ upon nvailable tranJ{portation Rnd the lo_
the \xo!lt of (ol1dllilln.~, pl'riudic illolatioll from
~upporl element~ which hrinJ,l' him mRil. pay lind cation of lIulIPorted umt!!. Complete peraonnei.
Rdmilll.~lrnlivI'. replm'('ment and IlOlItal J{er ... i('eM
t'lItt'rtlllllmeut. nnd ('(1I1111Rnt threat of ('nemy Rm
hu~h Rnd dO~f'.tl\lllrh'ra combnt. Thell(, faC'lorll
(I'M 12-:!). un(1 finlll1('I' (FM 14..,1). normnlly will
will hll\'(' R diret'l lx'ilrinll' on hili auility to prop. hI' uvuilubl( ut hlille (amp~. and pruJcct('d a~ r('
erly rf'nl'l 10 hl.~ It'lIder,~hip and hill dellire to Iruin'li to lIuiJllOrled unit~ hy the Olle of Rmlill ('(Ill
con!li~tenlly perfurm ul peak efficiency, Corn. tart lellmll. Splcial Ser ... ice~ ('an be expected ltl be
mRnderJ{ .~hnulrl recoJ,l'nize the requirement tor a(' minimlll in the jUnll'ie und will C'on~i91 mainly of
dimlitillition and p~ycholoJ,l'kll\ adjustment of 1I11 the indiddunl and small J,l'roup recreational pur-
pl'r~connel. ellllt'{'lllily Individual replacemcnta (1Iet' lIuil~ RepillCementll Rlld mall WIll. In th(' major-
chap 6) nnd Inl\\l1"(, thnl 1111 perannnel re('eiv(' II Ity of ru~r~. bl' delivered by IIlr (prohably h('\1
('umplete orif'ntlltion of thl' unit, it~ millllinn. lind ('uph'r) 10 lho~t, unit.~ whil'h arf' i!lolllt('d from
lhe rO\ltint,~ of jU11I1'I(' liVing, workinJ,l', lind flJ,l'hl mnin wllter. uir~trip. or roud lhorouJ,l'hfar(,H. On
inll'. To thl' extent prRcticllbl('. all men Khouid he o('{'a.~)(m, thc wenthcr, terrnin fenlurell of n pRrti.
kept 1I1formed (If the oyerull situation since it i~ culRr l()('ality in th{, junJ,l'le. ur preval('nt bnltle
lIeldom pO!lllible for II mnn to observe th(' actionll ('ondition~ mny temllorurily delay deli ... ery of
of ndjll('ent unit!l or even individulII!l. Elich man mnil or r('placements; the~e InstRllcell should b('
mll.~t reailz(' his pnrt in the overall operation if of \'f'ry ~hort durnlion Ilnd !lhould ntot develop
hl~ mllximum ('ITedivellt'IIII iK to be II'nined Elich mto t'rill('alitie~ which will uffect the lIupport('(1
lIHlividulll. particularly newly arrived replac('. lInit',~ enpability to perform It II millllion,
mellt~. ,~hould 1)(' furniKhed II r(,RllOnRhle period of /J, PrrMOllllf'1 [./(1I1IUIi rzlld Sln/11i1 Rrportmo.
time to mnk(' It ~RtlllfaC'lory initilll adjulltment to C'ummand('r!l Ahoultl allaurf' thf'msel ... ('~ that efTeC'



5-1. <hruH"ol (;, if'rNli7l.and Wmthf!r.

Standard and ~urrcnt combat pl"inciple& mual be (1) Terrain.
j/l) Kill Urrain. Key terrain in jungle
applied to a jutll(le eno:jl"'<:!Ilment. with em phaRis
plated 011 Ow mnditkaliol1 to l.b.llIe prineipit!!I that arNS Inducl~ trailR (11.1,. 5-1). rOll.dll (flj. 6-2),
art tlt'8l1itateti by lhe enlltrunment JUII.\f1(. oper.
bridl!'N<, IllrenmbedH. and communkatlon~ c4!lnterll.
.lIODH arechara{'teri~wt by relltricted maneuver.
Hiih Itround il< atill II4!Ileded aA k<'Y terrain but
Alaw tempo or operRtinM. dOAe combat under ron for v/;ITyinsc "'Ulona. A hill mAY be the only fea-
tun~ in the /iTeA whkh alfor& II. suit.b1e area fnr
dltlons of e:dreMI'lY limited vi.llibUlty, and dim.
('ulty in !.rovidin!l' 1()w:i8tical 8Upport. Spec!a! op- defentle', A river thtouJ(h an oliIerwille Impenetra-
erations. ..!len lUI patrolling Actiotlfl. ~ration~ ble fOl"6lt may be II key ternin (eAtUn! (ilg. ~).
from forward poaitiot1a, ambush, and other fl)rmR A h.,lirnpter hmdinj lone ffluJd .lao (an into thill
of c!Me ('ombllt anHommon in jungle areAll. ('at.elCory.
(b) OIlIItr'Catimt and fleld ot flrt. In
t1eut.e jllnlCle, omervation and I'te:ld of ilr. Are Hm-
5-2, fottol'l AH.ctJitI Imp!oy,,*,t H,erl by the underKrowth. In the rain forNit.,
II, lrli6M(m, Bet-au"t' of the difflculties of CIml' howe\~r, althouKb Kood obl\en'fttion into the for-
mand, control and t'ommunieatiot1a, junl(le open. est from the outllide or above may be nQnes;bltent,
tlOrnl ~uit'e eenlrnliU<! planning and decentral- it ilo Il09aibte lo have lair observation Aad good
ized execution. Comml\nders mYllt use miMlion 6eida of tire for a realKmablA dlatanc4!I at around
type Mm.", that give mllllimum latitudl' to .ubor. level tAIt. f) 4), '1'hill nmditi01l u:;i"bI where the
dlnateB, It III e,,&enlia) that the miuion be under. branchea of till! tr<'(:11 inter!~e to form a e.nopy
.t(lOd by all pel'MnneL thrnusch which few t<unrftYI'I penetrate, thereby
h. Eflt-mll. The (:QmMander will requi'l't timely prohlbitlnK the J<TOwth of ICI'IlM, bual:"".. !)1' other
and accurate information on eoemy loeatlon, fi)liaa~. When old fON!1<i.II have burned ('IT hue
.~ngth, d!IlPl'N'>ition. eomJlQtlltion. and activities b('f!n destroyMl. the nmultifli tangle of sl!conduy
II() tbat he l'l'UtY mllke II. continuing Mtlmate !)( p:rowth seriously limits both observation and
enemy capAbilities and lIulnerabillt'ie . In thl' 001- AeldJI of fire. In Opefl ar4!lftll oblltlrllatlon and fleldJl
lectig.n effort, extensiw patrolling ~llon wlll be of fire may be limited by the heilCht or lhe junj}e
f1t!e.s& ..y due to the limitation of other MOrrell SCt'lUl&, whkh IlOmetimmo gt'l.wlllU'verfll feet <}ver It
normally available. PooT observlI.tion froM both mao',Mhead.
ground and air will make it dllli<'ult to delt'rmlne (d ('1H'1'r Itnd wIIUlIlrm'nt. Oenll(' folingl'
enemy loeatioM and tltremrth, Commanderll and /;lifOI'd!! ex('t;llenl t'olltealmt'tlt from the ground
Int.lIiaeoce offic('rll mUllt bit cautioull not to roo- and air oooery-atinn (fill:, GAl). Cover is provided
elude that the enemy t"anoot attack throuah ,,"up- by lIurface irreSCLlillritimo "oeh a, ravinCll and I<ul
poIMdly impenetrnble areas or that he ('annot Iif'!!. III ctlriain jllngle aNall the prruo.enee of ex_
r.ln(ot'fi.! in time tQ alfect the mission Movement leluiv(! grnond l('lIel root" will make IliR'lI:inll' lIery
(rom (rlentil), 1l<l!!iti<lllH lo an objertlve may take tiitlkuJt, requirinl[ lhe ('ulllllrul'Lwn of pm.itioM
lonl<er tban \,,:,limat~, and the enemy may take "b.Wt' ground level
advantascp 1)( thill tl> rpjnfor('e w'lth II unil in!- ((ll OIldar!t-lI. Many natural obatades
U"II)' t1>n~ldered tO(l /lIr away to m- Ulled IOR'icaUy nix! wilhlll the varimlll typt'~ o( jtUlgLe areAl". III
(OT lhllt fiUTjIOM' An "nrmy rApablllty of employ- th" older fnre"l,q {hut' 1.11 ltt'ul'rn\1y nu uhlllllde to
inR' IIlrbnrll!' or l!:ir mohi!(' (orr(']<, mUFt be ronald- rfOu4 m{IVWfll'nl qth{'r lhnll 1I1l'1t1{'l\tul I\wampy
er('d by th~' ('ommander. l)t"a~. m'{'n~imljll fallt'n tr(~t'~, vin!'..; (fisc, r.-6),

,"" 31-35

and ex tensive groulld M"el rooll Hii'. &-7). H ow_

I:V IJ1 f1rO"\I ~ (I rnuJt be ft1 a d~ ~..use (I f thl!! limited
!'I'U , l Ile l ~ themliC!ll'es, d("J)fJI.d ing on th ei r
I!x lllhli' r<JLt\.w. Clri.tinJ( of IitIw I ra ita u d rep' lil'
" pM ting ldl u the mol!ll r.f oU'lld. ad IU (lll>llacw...ll t.o
(I f t hose :tln';ul,\ ' in .'xi81" nr <, ill', ... ()n ~ ta n t t ask:!
\'r.hicula f mOVentE'nl Manmade obttAcles llJ"e
I n ~lo'('Un!\ of ;1\'~ IIlIO "r il ppr O;k h 1t\'llil;!. b le to
Orl.n mort.. etrocth'l! In j unJ,(ll! a raB Lhan In nor. th. ell I,)InY. t he nmlllHl lld(w 11l~ 11 the In telligence
mltl terra in, due to limited comrnuni c:aticln r out ($,
Oflker .~holllfJ nvt \"Oll!>ider Iiny por tion o f the
A log b,lr r ie r ac ro5!l II tra il ro r n u isance m inina jlmf(le 3 r~1l to be impa .~ M bl('. U() matler how dif-
a lo ng the rond may c.aUlie a marked i ner9S0 in fICult o r th k k.
lite delay to th e OI)POStnJ( force and m,>' TOqUir Cl " ( f} 1l"! I'It'" rr,~ . \ l~o Iwr 1i:"a).:"r;lph!l
greater : l fJ'AioU lt l of offort fOl" its removAl (o r the t hrQllab 6-10 f o r U l l!lIl"~ i,,u ~ uu t h .. Hhow'.
t)rl'fl4ratJon of a byp~gs. ,~) 15'" , /1" '1".
{." A ' "'III.4 OI I'MJr(xl.~li . StlltBbrl! r ouWl(, I,!) W('athl'r f"rN' Il~ ~. will 11(1 ,~ellerll1iy
considerin,l!" t he a~p ~b <,1 zood observatio Jt!'! , field rd[.b~ In JtI~l r. urea!! d ue to t he more apparent
of fire, use of key lerr:ti n, emler, and aVoiding ob- d h'l!Ii on ~ bet ",~ n the t wo predomi na nt ~e/lSOn s
s laclel!. mn,\' be virt ually imJIQ~ sible to find. A --dry Ji.nd r~ in~--ex ce pt ill certa in IIr('311 where

fM 31-35 FM JJ--3S

tions taken that do not cons ider the cnpabilities The pO~lI i h ilit)' of ~ u d dtH\ ~nemy air or ground at.
of t he forces available. tack a t 3.ny time must not he Qverlooked. The unit
( 2) The capabilities of a force :l.T e depen- fightinlL' in jungle has to operate within its own
dent on: resourcea more often than in any other type of
(a.) Number of units. terrlli n. The j.unjtle unit lnU~t be 1\0 balanced that
(b) Type of units. it i.~ CApable of devcloJlill~ al any time an elfe<:_
(e) State of training. tive degree of mobility and firepower without
(d.) MoraJe. support from higher echelons. Thht abilitv will
there are no dry seasons. During rainy seasons jungle areas will sometimes rang-! 40 to 60 de- (e) St re ngth in men and equipmenl !&rgcly be dependent upon the factora of com-
rainfall can be predicted with rt'a!of18ble acCu g rees over a period of 12 hours. In other jungle (f) Previous. present aad contemplated munication , maintenanee and diScipline. The ef.
racy. The ....olume of rainfall is the most impor. area! the deviation fr om da y to night will be con- employment. fects of the restrictions imposed by juna-Ie on op-
tant fac tor. Two hundred inches of ra in are not stant and have very little chanlCe. (g) Location Ind di ~p Of;it ion . erRtions are_
unc.o mlt1o n in a year ; duri ng dry!lOllS, it is not (e) Trafficability vari~ " 'ith t he location (h) State of maintenance and supply. II. f>'orccllihould move on lIeparated aXb.
unllllUal for t wo or more months to pi\..~~ wilh 110 of the jungle ar ~:t . Ncar large bntlies of water . (i) AdequHcy of rombal ~u pport and rom- b. Tht: amount of heln'}' ef,uipmeul and sup.
pred pication wh nt.soever. low ,ll'round may be cons tantly soft, cven in the bat service sUllport. portill,lt' WeRponll thl.t can be ul!('d il ae>,'el"l!ly lim
(0) Visi bility may be g reatly restricted d ry !lesson and may, therefore, be pasuble with. (n Experience of commanders. ited.
during rainy 8~a!lOns due not onl y to the rainfall out improvement only to foot troop~. Conversely, c. Control ill difficul t Rnd must be de~enlral_
itselC. but 3.lso to hea ....y ground fogs which may at higher elevations, Lrafficability may remain ex- >-3 . Operational l imitations ired.
It n~e r (or several hours afte r sun rise. Licht da ta cellent throughout most of the year, becoming In junA'le warfare, ro rce~ may ha ve to move rap.. d. Fronl:1I!'H mul't be s hortened and interval ~
which I;Qultl be u.'led in drier climatell is of IHS poor only duri nr, t he wor"t part of tht:' rai ny Se:l idly from primarl' jungle through t.eCOndl\Ty must be !eAAened in Ino\eme nt.
Vil liII' under ai.lch ci rcumat.ancl'll.
$On. At times. elien when traffic.a bility bas twen ;ro to rull ivllled areas. This ""'juirl':!l grut
excellent, the volume of r:.ill fall within an hour r. Nu meruuII limited ob;er:tiv8 mUllt be u-
(e) Abill!nce of wind in area.s of dens e flexihil ity in thouK'ht, planning. organi1;ntion,
or 16S~ may completely hnlt .... !hlCula r mO\'elOent l!i.ikned ill IIll aHack.
jungle or under wth will ha ....e a marked effect equipment, and taCtiCli; it may require dt{:elltrali-
on the employment of smoke. High winds may and s everely restrict foot mo vement. ;. Maintaining- directioo of movement is dim-
tlllion of command and control for at tirnca a unit
not be felt in heavily vegetated areas since t hey may be located where eonlrol is easy ; on otber oc
d . Tr'OO'p' A t!a il4ble. g . Silence and security meklurel! increase in
tend to pass above the jungle canopy. casions. small un it leaders may find thems elves
(L ) No reali&tic plans can be made or ac- importance.
(d ) Tempera t ure changts in mountainous operating on their o..... n initiali ve for loni periods.
FM 31 -35
FM 3 1-3.5

fM 31-35

~_ Preparation hw Combat tlnd shelter preV-rations, march rate, :l:nd forma-

For jungle operations, a detailed lIand in, operat- tions. The batt le drills s hould provide (or action
in, p r ocedure (SOP) and rehearsed battle drills to be 14ken in the event of sudden enemy coDtaet,
should be prePlI!ed by all units down to Ilnd in- OC(upalion of patrol baBes, defensive positions,
cI\.Iding fire teams . Th.i.~ SOP mAy include organi- And silent eommunieati ons.
r.aliull for combat, ,upVly pr()('edur,-~, bivoullc
5-5 . Reconnaiuanca end d i&pC)$ilion. The ~utce.S!\ of olfenllive opera-
R. r.o.urtU. Reconnaissance operolion ... take on t ions dt>siglled to destroy the E'l1emy dl'lu'uds upon
".l(kd importance in ju ngle wa rfare. M:IIIY offell_ bEoinR" ab le to lind him . T he excellent con~aJment
si vl' ,, ~rationl in the jungle ta ke on uspe:b of a found in the jU lIlCle C'R."\blNl the enemy to COII-
rC"(.:vllIllliSl!anee oper:ltion durinlcC mOVenlent to .... trucl wi!ll c:onctaled pu:<ition:< and oftR.1I e nab les
contact. E :den ~i \" e patrolling will be r eq uired to him to move largely u lln bgerved, both d uy a nd
obtain infOlmahon on enemy locatio ns. strength ni g ht. Although the primary objeclive of recon-
fM 21--lS

Illli~..... nt1! In jun"lt, !)!:r/l,tH;fl_' 18 to Plr/l,te I!.nd to f', Oth", H"i'fIlHIIIIMR(lllCf' Ad{otlll,
oblnin illf"rmatitln ,ll thll eUl'my. the enemy'~ r~ (I t Uuonml'HIIIlIICi' 111 /mv;r, PrmciplNI and
'ltlur{,\'11 Hlill terrAin r!'ltttlr!',.. rrmy II{' ns--.. iI{Mli 1111 IN'hJI!tj!l<''' !If thill bill' (If rocI>llUniM;l;l1c\'I ar('
.~~'ul1dnry oLd~tl>'('tj. R!'cllIlltillllunre ill a ,,{}p. <Jrt!'J) 111'111 I... ! in jIHl;rIt> Illwrationll. One dilltinl't
linuilll{ rf'lIpotlldhilily u( PHd} t'ommul1dt'r ~JHI 'hllrml\'ri~ll( (,f Yt>t .. !I1Il11I;{:iHlwe in forrt' ln the
lIo1d1er. All \lltjt~ htlv!, retOllnl,l>b\ll.OCe capah!1ities jtllll.rle I" t.lw drvplopmt'nl ,,( mor!' and "muller
and n'_~lu)f\.~ib!litiell whirh may he limited In mll.IWUVef ",a.ment!' thall 1;< ch.. racleridir flf such
short putrol.~ durinl{ condurt flf normHI roilmion IIperHliom'lI'\ nonjunjflt' arfl'U!
activHi ...... or roilY eXit'.);l to ()ffe!\lIive operntioll)O (2) RF(mllilfii!H~ItU:I' /IJI fir', This type of re-
involving ~pe<'il\{' r('('()Ulln!~!Yillrv Ulllkll. \'()mll.till~lllwe iH made II.l tht' rillk of Io~in;r /lur,
b. IJ{flrwitJ (.'u>lIrfl{, um} ("j(jrliilllUllJlj uf R., \lriH{" !tl JI111Kle Opt'fM\ionll. H rnlty be Ul'l('(1 .. n'oc
rUIII'lIillll(III;"';> Adit'illtll, H(,l'()nlUlilu4h!lt"e I!Jllnning tivel,v tll ti!'lrrmtul' th1' fhulks ur gaplI In enemy
in JflHl(lt, ""{"Flltlon,, mll~t hl' thllf1'lIKh lind 1/)"0- linr!' Itff\>l\l\nlH.IIlI.uo:'e hy I1rt' from armed atlll("k
vi(II, for d"liul!',1 ",Hlt)",)1 lind nH)rrlillll\IUll. ItN'un. helil'ojltt'I")I till l\1J1lpt'd UI'{'U!! ill lin effective meaIll'
ntlifu<tHlr(' mU,,! be rQiln!JlIAh<d ut all level~ nf of 100'Utilll{ well.t;ooC'('aleti t'llenlY troops, Recoll-
command to im.urt. ml'ntimum remlts !rom the in~ nlli!l;llHlre by ';n> mny ahn tw employed effP<'hvely
telliltt'llI'" {tf1;rt, prh'Plll ll\lplln~tiun III ,'!1"nr!, by trill'ked vehidell mnviug j\l'r-.", l'l)untry and by
and j)rnvide for ''l:nnomil'ul \lilt' of rerOIHlal~..ance all \'ehic18 In march ('nillmll _lolli( Jungle roadA,
loi"'lI. ('nmmuoderJ' ,'()l!dudII1K th.c rerOlllllli1\... Such I1r('X will _id in lhl' ellrly idi'ntlfkatio!l of
allte will ,11'11" radin UK the primary meao"ll nf !'Im- f'fi('My "trouJ( point." gull Jl.mbuKh loratio!ls 8nd
trot. When nml!tt't is I,.unlt> with an enemy lou, Will I\i'lp I1r.'vellt ~urpt!lW gnd dOlleIII by
In tht' jlH'll{ie, the JIIIlulltjon mUK! be de\felopd aH the Plle-m,v. When m'liug r<H'lnaillllan('f'- by fin,
quickly IlK pllusible and the information relayed til "Ollllider&tion must be gi'.'en to the larlff! quanti.
the COlltrullinl{ heudlllUirh>rll'!y. tie!' of nmmunitiml expended and the difficult!ell
c. fJr"und ltl'rl)fHl(lIIlI'IlJt{'f Ground re("01lnul"11"11- "f tt'llupply,
anee meuM in jungle IIperlltwn.!! <:OnKiat of obller-
vation I)lmt.!! lind Hhort. Mnd lunK r.n~ J1!i.'onnajS/l- $-6, Sur",.illance O~
anee palrol!!, 'rbe value of obl'oervatil'in po_!!1 will fl. (;n,I'ntl, Rllr\1e!lhlllC(' operatioh! In the jun
be Umiwd dlle til viRibihty limi~tionll in the jUll- Kle !'IWUmpllM .. I! t('('hlllilue~ ot Ilt't'omJlllabin)l!
gle. OWJ('rvlI.tion 111l8ta Hl.abliAhed I!.lonit trail!., NllItinuOUll watC'h nver ge!leral junale
roads and IItrearru. are a Imurre of valuable infor MH", ns well 11M IWlected areal! lIueh lUI tralla,
matio!l on enemy movement ReeonruUllfliuree pa- ..;;treamll. an~l jlllll(it' dt'Hringt Ln ;\ete('t th,' prell.
trola In the jungle ideally <:onsll.t of aix men or ell!'. or absence 01 lh(' enett'ly. They art" usu.lly
!eM m.winw by 8teaJth:. takinw advantage of natu. t'arril'd Hut tn Sllppnrt nther miuiOfla or forees,
ral I"'ooce.alment, .lind avoiding IJn,y enW8jft'ment Whl!lI planning Ilurvellllllll'(! IJperations. the ta~
with tht eMmy. The depth at whkh theae patrols Irll of Mf<~TT will govern the orKaniution and
can operate in e1wmy ar~1UI is increased by the dillprn5ltwn of farrell.
UM of heJicopten: and other lra1Ulportahon means b. Ground Surw-illancf. r;mployment of round
to deliver and rttrieve them, For further details aurvril~am'v deviceM IU JOIlKles ill limited to tbnlle
on reeonnailillAnce patrola, ~ pauitrapb r~4. MrcaM wht.rt' Q'>fetJitHtI1 ill)!! u!l'rtun d(> !lot h'-
d. ,Hr Hl'cIYlt1lai""'I4t1cl', VI1I1,Ial observation from >liriei htwof-lIll{ht. Tht' romplexlty ul ~~'rr,jtjll and
the air am be uHd to locate the enllmY in tholle the envirohment mtt'ke it diflkolt t.o diMplace and
areu whel't' I{1lPA exillt in the jungle canopy and move t!'lec-tronk lI~nllorK in time to be- rellp4l1t1iv..
to Identity prominent terr.llin teatul"8, Aerial 1.0 immediate n!quirement.[l, Higb temperaturell
phoWjfl'apha are a prime IIoutce of informatioh and hlKh humidity have an adverse elfeelon the
on ttlrrain and enemy imltallatlon' and aclivitlel. life of the power eOON:e tor theee de ... ke~,
Dettllled photo interpretation an dillCiMe hidden (1) Shurt rangt' KtOlll1d 8urVl!iHanct. radars,
eM!my poIIitlonll and ('amplI not vjllible to tnt air niKht ohflervatil!l de ... it~, and \Jnattended jlTound
oburver, Theile plfotographll can allo be !red IU aenllOrH un prnvlde information on ent"tny mavt'_
a mean!! 01 locatinlf lIuitaWe helicopter landin. mellt. estimalt!d sixe, dirution, and raw of movt!'-
aollU for friendly toncellL Deaptive air reCoil- ment, Tlte radar Ilnd unattended round lIenllOtli
naiuanc~ mult be practiced during sUl!h IUghta flft! equally effective d.y and niht while the

110 that enemy tOrJS are not warned of imp41nd. night obeervatlun devit-e" IIj1ffate only during
il1K &<'tionl. darkneJitl.
{il Th., m!lIlY waYI\ that th(' unAttt'mlM mutt< l>/T ('I)jCflll:f'd in rivt'rmt hrwratiom~ or am- ClltiOWl will bE< reQ\urm depending on the srelt. phalli. for oppollinr tol"t~ell beeaUH of tha vlslbtl-
arovpd 8t'H>1J'1I rAU be empliwed Ilnd Ul'Ied i .. )!:ain phibiouit<JjWrllttnht< alonK jungle roolll'L JunKie opt>rations !ark th .. unity charactuilltic of ity reatrlctionll impoud by jUn,le vera\l1tion, For
infnrmatinn koout tht' enemy llt'tlVily mAke t~m offensive combat If! morl!: (lpen hn'tain and ..pera- further tactical ton.iderationll in lfOund and air.
a valuable ~ 11\ tht' Jun)!:l ... $-7, S-1Oy Cpo_n. tiona betom.. a M'rlt'~ nf I\mall rtKtlntra!i%.ed and mobile maJWuv.r, see FM 7-11, F)( 7_20. and F.
(" Air SU"'f'Ui41HfC 0, (rl<nrnll. "ht' fU!l(b:mcntal. of lWt'urity oper- etten irlliep"ndt'nt unit elljifAjft!'menU. Stt!;urity ele- 100-lt
n) Villual !lir KurvNlIant'e mlly be eon- atlun1\ ,u.. N'Hftlthwd in FM 7 20, F)( i7 I and ments are ~fltial I.n jUffVt'nt tlurprifte' and to d. ObjN:tittU, Key tenain teatuf'M In jungle in-
ducted frum helll::~)Pten anti n~ed wing fl,ircraft, fo'M 61-1DlI. LacKP I\('ltlt' 5eCurity miflflinn1\ fluph J:l! prott the Jungle areu fl,r .. rondocive dude hiICh Kf'und. roads, trails. nav! ..ble water.
Piluu and ubaerIMrA .h .. uld be completely famil- a corpll ('tlverlnJ!' forc .. are not normally required to surprise attackll, ambullh, Infiltration and way/!, rommunicatlon tent.el'6. and landing z.onee,
iar with ground Sltivlty in their ar~&l\ of nllpCIlI- in juttJ(li!' operatiuns berliulW nf the nature of the flllerri1la warfate, The8e featurell may be ABIIigned All ubjecUvee in
sibility in order to NlCOlniu kny d~viati(ln rrom terraIn and the relatively !mall siu of unit! em- b, F'v"dtt'Mf!lItul8 of Of!enl/ive Action, {lTder kI deny their u.e to the enemy, The impor- palterm. Sy~tematk ('Qvers.lte by the ploycd in th operatlonM. NurmAlly. Kubordinp,te (I) In the off~n .... , romtlat power is aUained tance of hiICh lO'ound All & wrrain objective i. tit-
&Ame penonnei will llIuli~t In revealln, unuRual commlulder" command their own covetinl rorcclI. by formlTlJt rellponsiv-e combined uml' forret! ....- ducM by f'Mtridiona on obllervaUon and Rel,da of
e.ctlVity, Thue p.. r~onnel (!an alao locate and re- II. St'tIH'itll Fflftf'l/, 8flcurlly in Jungle ('Orobal pable ot M{IVillg t'lIph1Jy in lllnlCl-e tli'rraln without Rrf! eXcept where jungleJI border cultivated arH!
port Ukely l..ndinK tones in 'aat mavin, situa- operation/! conflilitfl ot covering for, advance lou of ability to tieliver flr~utate ftre and main. or Kfualandfl. Since Jungle ope:rationa aN!' mar.
tionll fer employment of alrm.. bile furcell. gUlI.rd, lIank Kuard, reat guard, lind ~reening taln ('ontinuoul( rommulliN&tiuIU. S('teri'Zed by limited capability kI reRupply the
(2) Alrial ph%graphll. Periodic photo cov- millRioOfl. OperationR will be slower in th ... Jungl ... (2) The reillrided horitontal and vertical forre, anem), bAllelll of IIl1Pply and operstlon4 an
t'ral~ of an .. rt'a ran be used to supplement viaual and the diatance IX'lween Ml~urit.y torc... and the vlaibility requirell thli' ulle ot III means, in~ludinK pro!\table objectives. The enemy forte iIMlf win
air .urveillllnce, For further detailll on the em- torce beinl lIO"Cured are reduced. Surity mea&- eItenllive ret'onnflj!lfl.anre and security aetionll, to alwllY1\ be ronllidered an objective in junrl:e oper-
ployment of aerial photoKrAphll, refer to FM ure~ are intenRII1..d ~au" of redured obanva locate the ent'my, On('p locllted the li'nemy mu~t be atiltll ....
30-20. tion, diffi~ult;e1\ ot control, cummunleationR, and qukkly nnd creciHively pUlaS('ed lIince contact III
(S) Sidl1.tooking 4irbttrhi' radur (SLAR). movement. It a unit III OfHtraUnl Independently, diffirult 1.<1 mnintairL .5-9. Plannu,g .... Aftodt
Pen~ratlon of tM foiiAP with radar emiNJion all.round. aecurity is eeeentla.1, In dt'l\H g'rOwth, (3) lntMmation ('onrli'rnilllr the en.. my and IT, ';f"ttPrdf. The plan of a.ttll.rk lac:'lud the
from an aerial pt.J.ttorm ill limited; hOWi!ver, Rank l\I8eurity torc mWlt cut tMIt own tran. hla capabillti..ff I~ diffi('ult to obtain in jungle !+ch"mt' (Of mll.neltver and plan fot lire aupport;
SLAR ean IX' uiled effectively during the day, at and often cannot maintain a uniform rate of artalL 1n all offelll<lVe a('t\olla rommandeFM mUlit lIimplirity of plan is the e83l!tI" or a lIul!ceMful
night, or durinlf perloda ot poor Vi3ihility, It ean speed, They must he rotated freqJ.ltntly to avoid take lmmediatf; artion to dewrmine the IItrengih jungle operation. Sueh planninK mullt provide tor
dilJCove:r location and movem~nt of elWmy wa.ter~ fstigue and a ~/)wn in alertneu. The aeturity and locati(m of the t'ruomy'lI main ~itlon to prn- ~f!ntin\Joll" t>lfedive ('Ontl'ol by the commander.
(!ratt along jungle COMta a.nd on rivera, anemy ve. obtained from fritmdly uniu located un tha 1\snka \>fillt premattlr.. dt'Pluym .. nt ot th .. main body Rerum\(" of In., diffleulty in obtalnlnlf Information
hkln on roalD, and railways. It will also locate mU8t he analyud thoroulfhly .. small raps (4) flt!t>a\llt(' nf thf> la('k Ilf artequaU! rout ..s or Uti tht' Nwm)<. planning tor an attaek may occuPy
uvannu and diacover a.ny vehicular movement provide ini!ltration roum for the hmlY. The pe.. communication. tht, f..w (>xllltinJt h"lknpt.r land day!+:: hoW"Vl'I', In many inl\taneew. the commander
therein, rimetf!r defettM: (dilSCuued in pa.ra 6-17-&---111) In.. ~'fWs, MIldlt, anrl tralll< ltTe rritk,ll to junKIe will haw only a f..w hOUri or mlnut. tn plan and
(4) Infrll~d dd~ctimf dt'llicel. ThNe de- should be or,aniiWld by iaolat.ed unita. and by aup- combat. CommandeNl mUKt lle('ure and ('ontl'Ol launch hi. aUllrk. For thill reason, unit!! must
vieu an ABIIilt in detectlnr eciin8 of enemy troop port units locattld in rur area& .. the junlfre af luch reatun's and deny their lise to the enemy. me.intaln & CUTrl'nt SOP to Include rehearM!d bat-
concentrations and .toekpiles ot auppli... The ef. tOr$ the enemy many opportunitiel!l for infUtra- (Ii) The emlt'llt'uratlon (If the terrain with it lie drilL. to eover mail! ('Qntmlienri~, For d.e"
fed.h-eneaa ot these devle.s is rodurod by foe. tion II.nd from any dlmdion, artompanying herivy vegetation will requj~ dOle lailed roverage ot planning in offenllJve combat,
eiouda, v~tatl(in and prtcipitaUon. See FM ~. Suuritv of I.llltltl of Communicntttm. Lin.. t:OOrdination I)('twfl'n fire, 8r.. lIupport, and mft- __ FM 7-11. FM 7-2{l, and FM 61-100.
80-20 tor d*taill. or rommunleatlon surh all toad., paMablt t.rallll neUVl'r "It'rnentll l(j croal,(' II. preP6ndli'rance or IJ. Srhn"f" of Matltljl!l'r. Th" detailed phmnlnll
and 'W&lerwaya aTfl critical to jungle operations combd powf'r anti insure the mom~ntum !It th ... for pllN!ment and movemtnl Iff thr maneuvetlnll
(5) Airbur'nf! ~rto1l1l/l1 /Utl/etor dtt!ic~.
all well &Ii the economies 01 civll population and attack. ror~e I. baRed upon the faciora or MB'rT' and Mn_
(8ftiff,llT.). Theile devlc.. sre valuable in
laeatinll' mUlIl be aetured. Securing linea or eommuniClltion (6) JunKI .. r!lmbat rli'quirps a r(,SE'rVe to gen_ phll1\ill i1\ placed on the lillie of meAIIUreli to Inllure
human habitation under the junlle eanopy. They involv~; route aurveillanet to dlllCover and elimi- erate arlditi!lnal rombat power to exploit IIUCCe1\1I maximum control. Close combat eonditioM in the
detect product.t of hum .. n metabolism in the air. nate minee, other barrltt. to movement, and am- and to inllure ~omllletE' dPfllrucUon of an enemy in JunKlt' require thllt durlnj( an attack the com.
The effeetivenea of thele device. I. redueed by bUl'lhell: security of bridles to prevent deatrud!on retreat. mandt'f be poJdtio-ned where hI! hall the maximum
fOff. p1"fIIeipltatlon and windy conditions, by int'lltrawrII or If\lerrill.. : and I'lctiona outlined r. F()rTft-t! flf .t(fl1H'ltrcr. The initial ('f)fUlidera- !)pportunity to control the eQurse of the battle. H~
(Ii} S.ppm"l!'1lg "meU, Air Foree reeon in parasrraph 106, Flit 17-1. Clear!nl of the vere- mUt<l relate hill obaervatlonll and avallaOM Infor-
tlon in a mSlleunr tactir 1& lhat th~ plan muat IX'
naluanee wina. ~an provide a.ddttkmaJ l'lurv"U. tation alonl' route. will aaaillt In the elimination mation to the manellver and he muat I:>e prepared
lIimpl.. aM that the manE'uver f'lement doel! not
lanee in(Qrm!n llueh all niht pho1oll'aphic, of II.mOOahe. and will enhanca Ilurveillanee. Se- mask the 1\N! fl.t the &uP1K>rt element, Forma of to modify hili flCheme of maneuver baled on
radar photolfraphic and weather information. curity of watentaYK normaUy is ABIIiped to the enemy reactio-n,
offenllivt maneuver in the junlfie an! normally
Naval and Marlnt' air provide similar aup- Navy; hoWt'ver, at tinwll It may be nec.etNry for r, ()rganizatian for (;ombot, OrranltJI:tion for
re.trirted to t'nve:!oPm.. nLA and trontal atta...kII.
port and may I:w primary lK<ureM when Army Army unit& to perform tnill miMJon, Envelopmenta are' e;;;et'uted. where pouible. in jungle combat eombinell adequate tort:ea w ae~
ronjunction with frontal aUarka. Airmobile mmplillh the millsion .nd facllltetea eotnmand
s.rtMtn III. OHINSi and control of th_ fot'CM, In moat JunJle at'ea~
forr"l1 art' tilleful in t''If'(''uting ertvek'J}nwntfl in thP
make the beg UtIe of the capabllitie!'l of all Ita t>le- form of aurpritte atwks, lIankinlf maneuver. a.nd th'" vegetation wlll be den.. and traffleability
menlL The prindplflll of offefUllve combat apply In blu<:kinK eTlemy toutC'il of withdtawaL Inftltra ponr, neeeuitatinr the employment of dlamounted
4.Ctmtf!"t. Unl'" eondueting offensive opera- to a jungle environment, how"t:v,r, cerwin modlfi. and lightly equipped infantry unibl, Savanna
tions will have to IX' tn'll'AnilNt for eombe.t to Uon tactic1\ and lhnlqu('11 take on incre8M!d em-

'MII-U PM 3il-H

Itr.1I1Il am! ""mt' tropkal tQretlt and ~ondary rate ot march j,.; govern~d by the nature ot thl:' of the path mBde by the pOint ilnd the intervAl (e) The envelopinK Coree muat move rap-
Itrowlh (,'rellt ~rrM will be suited tor combined lerrgto and vel(f'iabon. In the' junKie, llm~ faet{)r,~ be,ween men IIhl.uld be rndueed to thre.! p&u:ell. It idly but mW'It arrive at the aIlIalJlt position In
armJl torcv", Airm()bilr (lr Itiroorne torcell Ciln br will be increaRed and gpac(' faClflrs d('rrralll'O tM' main llOLly jN Hit' (".-.malnder of a company. jlJl lIhy~iclll t;olldltlon to enter the ittfht.
luu'd dT(I{'tjv(lly wh('n adequate !lIIooin!( aN'WI and Thl' \,ommflndN" 1,1a('~ him.~lt Rill! hill Itupport_ ow.ratl length wm!ld bt.' HpprUXlmltlely 40(j \II 6lW (d) If /Wrlal 6re 1I0pport 1111 to be UM. the
llroj! tllMff ,are Av!!.ilabl .. The ('om bitt tor' mUllt iOJ( .... ('lIpon~ well forward WhNl thl' pOKltion or ~r~ . l{w:h II 10rmatlllJj iii suitnbli' (or move I,'ader ot thc flnvfi!opinlt forCft must knDw It. .nd
IJ/.' wt'll bll,lun;.-ed Aud bt- able to ItN!nmplUlh the tbl' enl'my hAil IK'efl d.'!ermined and contact l~ lm- tnfl'nt thr{lugh .Iell.'\(! jHl1ltle, In I'hmbttions with Ow l,jjotll mU8t be ('aretully inatructed a8 to tbe
mlll~i'lII with Ii nmnmum or IltldltionAllmpporL Re- mlm>nt, tht' linKI IIb1K~ of the movemcnt ill madc. J'lrulRr ruw,'! of tn"('/t it w!Juld he vulllrl'llbl~ \V i\fi'IVI. timWl Imd dirtion in which tbt!y are to
~e-rve ("!Xell mUl't bf. ~ll.Pltble ot r,al,id deployment. Tbe adVRI1"e ill loy boundg, from fine terrain (ea- rnacbillegtifl lil"r, On PRlIIIiolt Into pflddy field", vi! mak1' bombihil and lItral1nl{ rUM.
d, Plan !If Fir, SUJrrwrt. Fire IIUpport iA.u: M- tUN' W another, maintaining visual {'ontact hP lap and uI~n /tWBMp1<, the formation IIhould be (;> J Wtwn 8upportlnil I1rcs are used, they
~cutiAIIn Utr jun!(!e IMi in open terrain, Fin' IIUP' tw.-.'n Munding el('mentA. Lin!! formation" lin' opened lip 11I1 t'1It'my ob!!!fVlttlOA ill inerenMld. Ttw at(> lifted or IIhltted by the comma.nder ot the en-
purt I'lunll mu~t be duwio\lvd in rollM,nance with ntN'ly ~..ed by leading demenu until I.'fllltact jl> commander o( tht' point IIhould rPNllve IIllJtrut~ lteblPIlig foret:!!.
~I'hf'me \it mltllNIV(lr. ThIll t,ltm must proviM fvr malle. tioJ)tl IllI to thl' mvthud flf tWulillK with uny unex- l/l T{lfflervc elementA pmtect thtt NlAr and
the 1'(ljJNhnAllOJ, ot all available fire lIuPllOrl b. i'f.tjrtllw(I. lJ..tldlL'd planniAg ghouJd ("oJlAid(lr: pected ..haogt'l> ot tOpolfraphy. Le. wh..ther tu by d(>feud all.lnilt enemy countemnvt'lopmenh. If
ff#m:ies to mdude tM:tielll air, nilvAI jtllnll.Nl, and (1) '1'1", t'onfiguratiol) of lhe Itround and type J*III tl:w area and then narth bACk, (If whether to not required (,n' "uch purpo8M, the rpctve ele-
ffrm"d helil'ntltvr~. Maximum USf' should 00 m ot YeJ('t'utwll. .Iter the fnrmHtwn and pa'<ll thrnugh . meutll may be ul<ed tl> e.pln!t a IIIUCCI!8IJ or extend
fit Army And Ail' f.'orce owri!!.1 tire IIUpport when (2) Ukely ambugh Klte,,-- I"mg and egpceially d, Seelfr-it-y, See parii!(rltph 57 and FM 7-00. an envelopment. but they ahould always be held
avalliiblt\ liecan!le of the Isolated nature of jun~ lltf'ep, IItraiJibt stretches of trall networks, bendlll Fill 17_1, aAd PM 61-100. Por brief haltA local "ut imtially until thtt l!ituaUon i. clear,
!(le cl>mhat, commander" at thy lowetlt m:l:wIoIDI ill trailll parlieularly 011 eresbl. !!:mliJl open areP, ttCurlty la ubtained by havln!( troop!! face oul
mu~t lx> awar .. (It the (!1I('tull tiro rlUPIWll't plBn n('ck and rh'er Cnm&iAlfl', timber edgn, traiiA cut .ard!!: (rom the "atb Hf movement and by laltio!( 5-12. CondUit of the Attack
aud ht' eupable (It rallinlt tor atld din;ebnJ{ urtil~ or won; Int<:l hlllKides and grauland tfrowthll up lI.ring PMilions just away from it. For longer B&IU~ on information obtained by n;ermnaiuance
Ivy, tadi... 1 tIlr. I\fival Ituni'tr#, .. tid armed hvll- IIhfl\dd '*' t'aN'fully mllrked 011 the map and ron- haIti:. p at mtllil tIme., lIquad. and platoon! lind other 1I0Ur('$!!, the commander deddM on the
coplkrl', Kidert'd M dllnlter lireaK, .houid form un flU-mund dcfl!nIW- and llCcurity dlref'tiou "'f attack, The attack illl conducted with
>', Confrnl Hlld Courtil1Uliion. Control of an at. (3} Like!y enemy outpoat or oblM!:rvation po.. .lnentl! JihOjl!d be employed_ S('(;urity mea.aurell a fprmation 81milar to th .. t ua.ed In night attack
lIiljnn~.. KnoUs, the end! o( ridge linea alonK Jb01,11d hc .!It~fldard oottlc drill lind ueeuh1d with-
tt:it ttl jun!(le deI*nd. upon the COl'nmander and :0 "'pen country, Dll!l:ance and interv&ls aN r~
hi. lIuoordlnatt' leaders hninlt current informa- whIch the axi, of advant'e passes, variations in out orders during hAth. duood. and the column formation III maintained u
tum abnut the prol{l'1!SS of the RU.ack and having the \o'e)(etatwn palterM which provide l{ood flelda tar forward all pO&llllble. Flm IIl1pport !II .... ttuen
t1Hcicnt means tu paM inf(lrmation on to all eon of fire to the enemy, and trail Junction!! IIhould ~ 5-11, MMting InVO"tMnft tlal in tbe junKltt all In open terrain; uMupported
cerM<t The eummander lncl'elll!e& hia control of avulded or carefully reconnoitered prior to Crag- infantry ",rdlnarily cannot breach a detenalve po-
$. G~f'fft Meeting en!(a.wt!roontll wilt l'lCtur
the Itltuallon by 1IOI'Itioninit himaelf lie he can ob- inK. IIltton without !ncurrlna heavy cUIl.tUn. 'l1Ie
(4, Any marked "'arlation in terrain or ve~ fr.tuenUY In junKie are.u: ~Ruae of varyinl{
Ilerve the adion. it the lH'rain permil..B, IAmmuni- Ihnllbetl of eir'!"Lation which restrict v[.ibilit)' are to be brea:ehed muli be pinpointed. Artillery
eationa arc the key to command contlVl in the tation Uitely to require .. chanp 114 formation, and mortar forward abHrYertI may bave to ap-
.nch u the tr .. nllition from jungle to vlliaft! areall. aAd muffle Ilounda of m.ovement, The prindpal
junl{U! attack, Good COMmunlcatlona can be fKlli eharact4:ristiC& ot juna'ltt meetina enppment.ll proach within .xtremely l!bort r.nee of their own
tated by ealabhahini :I headquarteR on a reduced lIwamp!!, U .....l.ndil. and cultivatioM ahould ~ firM, Durin, the ulIalllt. Ilupportin,a:; ahoilid
identified and formulated accordjna'ly, .... a minimum of ti1n4'l for the commander to de-
seale wt!"11 forward before the attack ataN, ThJil
.... ...Iop tbe lIIituaUen and a NQuirement for rapjd continue until they are lifted ar shitted by tile .....
hudquarteu ,hook! be- .ited in an tnoonl!lpkuoua (/li) Poajble po&.ition! for indl1'td lire weap- ...u!tlnr commander. They ar~ them .hltted to
fQrmul~tion lind execution of pia,.,.
po.ttlon which favorl! radio equipment and aftor-dt! b. CtntdtU~t qf MtetiftQ Enpup(\1tt.tJnt", eever the speelfte ta......bJ that will moat ...ltt the
a .uitabl# command poat ;:IOIIe .t hand, The com- c. Fl)nn.iltiou. The veretation found In pri- prorretlll of lh, al&aultin. torce and block proba-
mary jungle or LWCondary a'rowth often torceI! the (1) fn a mMtlna eneaaement the commander
maooer l!houkl lene thl. CP only durlnr the ac- bl~ withdrawal routel. of til, ClnIIID),. Beau.. of
unit to ad,,'&nce in the ftle formation. Whenever who tkat eatimates tb, situation. arrlvea ..t a d....
tive pha" of the battle when he conaidel'a that cl.ton, humes his ordeu and executea hia plan, terrain and vhubUftt reetrletlon, an aluult line.
hia prellence will directly inl1uenee the outCOme of poae:ible, however. the unit IIhouid move in multi- u Iuh, I. not nonully tormed, Rather, .~
ple eolumnll even if the columlltl are forced tn ad. OI!.h.aneu hil chanc", of .ucoo... By rapidity of
the attsck, or when he can be-It ec.ntrol frc.m an action, he seiux the inlUatlve and p.!nil l\lrpriM. lift ftN and movement by __ultina: tElarna
aerisl cp t.bove the bottle Bre.. In eloM junale vance in file, Such a platoon or company ronna" ar& conducted to overcome enem)' l'flliataDei. Due
tion i. more difficult to control under theM dr" Th, nature at the ena'apme:nt coupled with lIm.w
where CQntrol ilt adYetllely affected, lw mu.t poll. ited obeeryation will require th. commander tv tv the dltneulty Irt I~..tlba: e-nem,y empiaetment.&
tion hlm"elf whel't' hv can beJ\t inl\utnce the a.:Uon cum"tancea, and they may require greater than by vlaual muna alone, th& f\n abd nIOYIJJ1Mnt
oormal time to deploy. In order to apeed up de- bue hill Mtimate and decillion on very limited In-
.nd where he can qukkly move tn th~ area. al- tormation. phue of the .....ult may f01'e& tile enemy to dla-
fM:"."d. In areas where the ve~tion penn-Ita. ployment trom 1I.1e or multiple columlUl in dMe ciNe his poeltion. AI eDemy emplaeem~nt8 &ra lo-
junKie country, un itA should develop and reheane (2) The tollow!na' teatures common to meet,..
amoke can be used etreetlvely to mark the nanklll inll:' ena'Rlft'menll ilhould be noted: cated, the ....loIltlJl,f force: ,..nerally movee oa a
snd poIition of I'r~endly torlll. SOP'III and immediate action relllpon.~. It a "Quad ain,le axil. with the ftre oone.Dualed OD a M-
ill Uged, &II. the point durina' the advance, dilltancel (u) There il no ilta,. ot development ot
the column_ The troopil may, from route column leeted and limited aNa of the enemy d4i1ttMiv...
betwHin men may avera1ft' ftve to !!even pacl'll! but perlm.ter. Smoke mQ' btl UNd to ecnen oft' the
$-10, MoWI'Mnf tv Camad to &Mault poIltiona.
troop! mUlIt retain villual contact. It a platoon ia I\snka ot tht ot the tnernt dtt-en.lve ,"rim..
4. G'Mrol, The muvement to contact ill otten (b) Supportlng tire! are delivered on the
uaed, thia lame IIIpacina' lllhouid be continued Ulr, 8m!).. mQ' be wted to It:NIrl oft' the of
Nstricted unleM trailll are cut. Flank protection thrOUa'hout the platoon IU) that the oV&l'all lenKtb enemy immediately upon contact and attempt to
the arM Mlect.d for peHtn,UoI\, Thl objeetivt of
tor moviOl{ columns i8 difficult and fMlCurlty .aln itre luperiority while the friendly (oreel de-
of the point platoon applVximatea 2W meten In
ploy, the Initial ...... utt ,. to achieve a local puwtn,t1on
toree8 work at greatly reduced distancea. The
lenl{th. The main body may Ule one or both sidem
Into th~ mflin battl~ poaition nf th .. enemy. Onc" Il. Punmit. In pur.!lUlt or defeatoo enemy fOree!! The elWmy wilt hnv(' tv he hllrtle.l l)r hll'hted lIUt thl' nt<;\'\'nwllt of lHlppht'~. ammunillfl!l lllld the
th~ JWMlratinli :J'I mad~, It is exp!<llttd until the tht' N)mmander may be upetted to run many O'f hiM jXMltilHh. Thl:f wi!! rt'lillirc a .!f'reat Amount Wl"lllml)" tht !<fi! i" lw ullt'd to SUPPQTt the Ktbck,
obJtive ill takl'1\, Aft~r the obj<FtUvf' j", OVCTrun, morr risb thlon would ordinarily ~ tolerared. of flrept,wl'r lmd !ronlnlf"l1 mu:.l be l1nrrowrd ttl f'r"d"",llfllllh,d IKUdinl( :tOne;. or drop ;OMII {,.r
it mUllt b.o J'lt'C'urO'd immcdl;ltely with II haJ'lty pe-. S\)('('I!\!JI in jUfllf!e p~rlluit j~ del'*ndenl on mllin- buure thl' ronrelltr .. tJ(f1i ..r lhe~c 1i1l~1I. Limitf'!! 1l(>T!ul rt'1lUI)),I)' mluila!.w bel!)!1l!'idered.
rlml"ler, ,,('curity mt'allurt"ll IICt UI) and preparli- tfIJlUll1( \'\)nh(t, eIther rhYllicall;.r or by short dill- objet'tivt'8 nHlflt !llIlO bl' I'fltKbHllhed to fal'~lilah' d. If t!l!vlll gllllt\)'\' ~Kh be u!il'd tn llrivantalte, it
t.OUII mad(> tn r!!pel an tnf'my ('Ilunt{,rllttfl('k or tl) tllll\'('~. }o~xlrtt. llre(,l\utlOn~, whkh mUMt \M" taken ('ontrot. ~houJd lit' 1'(",\w)l1ell and a "chedule of the flrell
1HII'IIII1' rt'J'lidual el1em~ f-or('ell, tv tt.v(lld moving into an /lmbUJ~h, rfln "low pl1T11ult b. HllaviJy (urtilied cnl'my d;.fl'nHeJ1 ill denlle J,IUHlWd 111 utivnlll't', A llilval Itullfirc liaillnn team
UlleratlOlls ('(IMinelably. Normally the fatlj(ue of Jun"ht arc O!tCIl Ml well ;;mmJalecl thn1 tht'i r prell- ntHy llIuqllt in dln:'('tinll the srunflre by dired
the AiHarkinl{ troo])/I will exc~d tlUlt (lr the de- e!'ICe Is not k!l{)wn ulltilj.hyeicfllly en<:ountered by AAlp,Ukllh,,,v ('(lfl:lrnunimliclUi.
S- 13. Infiltration fender. For thll' I'{'allon It ili! betttr t<> emp!oy re- trlltndly rOrCf'll at clOKe TanKe. In this situation, i', ArrallJWrnelltK Jlhould be made ror maximum
II hmgle "relUl flYt' lde-Ally !\uitt'd Ul inflltrJl_ lleryell in the purlluit inlluad (If tbe troops nf the UN will not haye L,-,en mflde of l.reJlilratory fire> flrtdk-ry prepHrut\(>n and ;:Of\tinuinN: artillery sup
tlon, Ik<n5t' Y~If(>tbtitlfl flnd unullual landformll IIttllt'klflsr t'Chdon, .., IOttell enemy ddeTlsJ'Ye poaltiQnll flll i" tkJrmal. port, Tht> Artillery WIll require adequate time for
wIn limit (h1' !'!WmY'1I nwrvalinH and hi" abimv The use of mllRlUVe supporUnlt' flTIIllI At thi:s liMe dlllpllwemenl hi m'w ,md better ~iti.,n8 alld reR'-
t() d.. tl't"( n\iIVl'mt'nt All a t&hni1tu{' of movf"m('~t uuaUy ill nl>alltlTy to det~at the eMmy and de. llltrntlofl.
$-1 S, Night Cambell ltrOy hill position without A~"erinlt' undue friendly
throusrh {'nemY pn~ilionll, infiltraUon may ~ ul'etJ f, }o'qrwKrd Rlr t'(lntroi!erll ~rform aro~nd reo
III conjunction with offfl'n"ive fTum1lver in tlw /I, {;I'tIl'Yfll. N1R'ht fightinsr in the Junlt'le iM ex- u.auallies. Once lIuch type defen8e" are enwun- l'onllaiHHan('e, rmploylnll' al! poulble means to
Jungle. Allhotigh jU!lltJe mflltYationll are uMaHy trl'J\ldy (liln('ult; lrourll mUiSlt be e<rnditioned to teed, the ('ommander may on oc('aaion have to locate accuTlltely the targeb tor prcpsrato.ry
diMMounl{'d, undcr certain CirtuMilt/lnC{,1I aircraft the (lid t.hat It i~ nut jmpOll~ible, but on the ron- ad,Iu.t his forward di"pOl>ition, whiffi, 8till mllin- bombing and IItraflng attaCKS.
and watercrAft ('an t.. ufl!!d effectlve!y til expedite trar)" (luilt, probllble. 1n jung!e wherl' ther!! ill II. talnin" contact, in order to permit exteneive em- IJ Thl' prt\('ur!!menl or combat intelhJPln~ by
ffH1V\,ment. nlllO!).\', 1lI1lhl hriug/l ('nmplt>tl' darkn('AJ'l to lhr ploymenl or tacti<:al air and artiHery flrell. Simul- melln" of IIlrjlh(ltn knd elednmic rcconnalAllnce,
b, An inlilln.tlnn 11rior to tin tdtock iM diffic1!!t I(nmll'!. Thl~ t'lItHl:tijHl !()l'ft'~ the :-toldier til ulle t.ntoUII!y, additional mane~V"f!r fOrtH are tom- mterroKlltion of pri~Oljerll and around re<:onnaiH-
to \'Otlrdinate uhd t'olllm:, rlklminl{ mUlil lw. de- hi~ ~1'nlW.!I of lime!), h('Krinlf and tlluch to il high mitted to blOCK the enemY'!i pollllible withdrawa!. "snce patrolling ,.. eMlential.
tailed and tmtlpA must be urefully brided, ;jeIlT"(' Trntlllll, R!< It t'tlllf!e<juenef'. iSlh(,~ld T~ive 0008 the i.rtparat<>ry flrl'l'I bav"" been wmpleted, h, ('(!mbal patrolling mllllt be rontinuuue .and
IWads, iralllt Hnd watfirwaYA will n<trmully be liltell!<ifivd niltht trRining ....I\durted eltht'r in jun- torooe aN maneuvered to defeat him in detail. .,gr~lve, k~inJ!' the enemy on the defeMive
under e!wmy !lurwillal'lCc and cAution IIhould be Itte terraiu or in dell!<e WoodA iht' fmldier should (I. 'rhe preparatory pbue (It 8ueh!:a will and limiting hil. ability to patroL
he mlld.' .. thnt thirk velretuUon Mild heavy ilwolve the construction and impr(lwrMnt of
ext'reilWti when tillinll lh~JIIt! tUI inliltration TOII{i>II,
Movement by IItenlth through dpnJ'lP jungle wit
00 extremely IIlow and exhnullth~ll. Adt!<juute ('urn
mill IIbw moveml'llt, nml lIIrreUlie tht> d./li<'ulti~!I
of nmlJJtmllllllf't with J(rouj'Y.< All ;If theIW
roada. and trl'li/a behind friendly linN to. permit and LKhnlqut!tl ot combat ~ '!If
i, For detailed ;:harad.rlatiu of tortified areu

mllnicatimu! mUMt be provided in order to check flldor~ .... hullid i)(-' rt'lnled to the prl)bwm/l nor- Semon IV, DINNSt:
the prOllre"" (It the \Ijwralion and to coorninate nw!)y Il""{)("mled with fllKht ol'*rlltiliOlI ~fI Itn), lypt'
..r tl~rrajn.
is) Enemy pelletratione of frkl1ldly defen
lirell with the mOVement. .~or further ladicul /lIve poIIition!1 ortUr more readily in junl]e terrain
euh.~iderAti(Ontl of infi]trlllion Bee FM fit-IOO. b. Ni,<,hl MIll'fnlt"lj 011(1 Mailllflu/I1ID ('()"Inct. a, Getttral. DefenlliYe ('ombat In jun,le terrain
doa not differ greatly (rom combat in other typell since it ill extremely dlffltult to cover ground with
[Jurlnlf-thf"fIlllht rruwement in the Jungle is tnollt
ot terrain. The baaic prinrlp1ea remain -valld; men, a_Tvation, and Are. ConaeqlMntly, the
~uc'KI\rul wheu ('(lnlinvd to Ntablished trails and
5-14, Ixplofhlttorl ond "'-MlUif bow.v~r, tha techniques uled to apply them ,..ary principle of all-round defen&e becGmetl more im-
Y"KdM, It MUlit Iw remembered, RoW{'ver, that
11. f:rploitatifl1L Etwh 10('11.1 SUN'eM should be dependiq 00 the natuTe 01 the terrain, See FM portant than ever, Dttfenae in depth will help
lIu('h tmiJ!< lind rhad~ are putentl.. l kill!ng
pl:ploited immedIately and vlltOro!lsly by reat'rve 'i-lIS. PM 1-20, FM 1-30, FM 61-100 and FM flehleve rood aU-round defenM.
Ifrtnm<ix rur t'flf'my amliullfwJI, GrOlllm mdnll' theIW
e!emenb tn ('ut "ff the rctTt'at of il\Olated efU!trlV 100-1> for prinelplN, fundanmntalM and 40ctrine ( .. ) Short 1\tld. 61 Are and heavy varetation
rllum mUllt be- prepand t(lr ImfM{liKlo' adion. If
toTeel'. Airmobiffi, tl'()(!PU can be u"w E'ffectively tfOvtf'ain, d.refUliW! combat, reQuire that d*'enlh'e poaitiOff8 be- elot.ely linktM!
it ill Hilt l}t)lIlIiblc ur tea.'I,lb)e h' u"e thlMW routei',
to block retreat hy employment alonll probable ell_ b. F'IM4mt''lttal4 of 1Ht~nu in a 'Jt#lIJle 811.- for mutual support. Adequate suPPOrt flte with
troops shvuid be Itr{'pared to nwVt> ('TO$-roun-
cape mutell as weU 811 to cause haraH"ment and tnrtml'l'U1t.t, centralized control muat be provided to &IIIiat in
try. 'fhi" mvwmvlll wlll be Hlow, IlrdUOUI, and ~X:_
disruption of efl(!my r8~rve and Aupply arealt (l) Co.mmandera at all Ievt"i. muet make a brWinll up enemy Ml&Ult., to dutroy enemy r.
hsulltinl(, Extenllive nilt'ht movement i/l not prar-
Artillery should IlI"twide fire- Mupport to cov"r ell- thotouah terrain analyeie of any jun,le area tbey eervea, to hamper or prevent relnfol'Ctmnll, and
t."a!, IlApt>cially for IIh:able unill!. 'The problem of
I'ape ave-nuell. Helicopters may be e-mployed to '" to defend in order to take maximum Nyan" to provldt combet eoyanp by AnI of tilt entire
('(lnlrul afld maintaininlt' rontal't will b.! difficult
shift artillery weapon" and fwward owrver!! !\lId Will reqllire thorough I)lllntlinil. ca,. of its unJqu(' ('har~urllltiea;, deflm.lve atM.
(51 In order to counter the .MITIY's attack
rapidly. without relt'ard to terrain ob8tadt>l'I. and, t". Niuht Fir/hlinlJ Tahtliqlletf. For a detailed on ElI:tenll.ive ulle of MCurlty me&lurtll will
it armed. tn altack Withdrawing ('Mmy rorre~. b.! neeeellary to prevent lIurpr!St, Sel:urity ele .and to me the Inltiattve, the comm.artder muet
aCrOlJllt and dellcription or the thnil.juell of
Tllnka may be utill:Ni aio1l trails, rQlld/!, and menta will be hindered hy the I'fld~ -vlalbUlty make provleton. for a reaerve. The eountetatt&ek
llillnt f1"b\illl{. 1Ie' PM 21_60 and F'M 2j_15. Is critical to the aueceu of Jun,te dtftnM.
1t'M den&t' jungle flnms (0 atta~k and/or block re- .and adaptability of el.etnmie eeneore .in den"
treating enemy to~" Tattkal air BUpptort, if junrle arut!. To counter tld. f(I(!~rity limitation, (8) The UN of artiAdal ot:.t.ekl aad bar.
available. "hould ~ called uJW)n to attaek retr!!'at~ 5-16. CoordinDMd Attock Agoifttf Q U\orolJJ!'h and contlnuoue around ree<>nnaiuanre rle,.. muat be con.ldared in ecmJvnetton with na1o.
inlt' rOrC". HelleopUir ffUnshiPf. may alllo be MU' fortified Penh_ ia IneIINtU'y alonlt' with the employment of a ral obat&d. lated aNUn\! the dtfnalw potj_
pkJyM. nuriJlIl exploitation, tht' security of rear rreater than norml portion (If the de-fen" foree lion.
11. Whf"n attackinlt' a tortiflw p06iti(ln, man-
aN!&!! mUlit b\! allll~red aj(ainllt actions of bypaaaed In tile &eCurity miNion. r, FfYf1fU ()f Det~ftH, The "'"' bule f()rma of
made ob8t.adell .u('h aft heavy bunkers, prote(\iYf!
enemy j(FOUpll.

and t.l'Liul wire, and mineR will be enco.unlered.

... .
mll .....U

dfcn"l", th", mobilt' defenlll(' lind the Itr... d"fenae, nUlut'II o-f Iwrimt-wr d(>fernw /U'e- ulIllaily liMed tn !', Comma1H/ '1111' (',m/rot R(')!trit'ti(tnl!: impt)Med ward df.fl'llJW! areM, ilnd JII~flportlnl( artillery
flfie Imt UI!:Ufltly .mikd in th dflAAi{' form, to de- providf illl-round d!'fem', Wtwn jlrnIlIinl(>, a natu~ bv jllnllll' tf'rrllin Oli mllnueVl'r and control place unitJI,
fewliw nl)j:,rflthm~ ill the JunKie, Vflt'lfltions in de- rill nW!tadl' !\urh P'S 1\ riv"", lil~m, lIwamp, th(' Ill'ellte.">i l'ml.hll'lIis m1 ptulillinJl, !'oordinution, g. ~';,e PlOlffllil1(1 in nt'lt'ntlf\ Sinre denRe vep..
f{'nlle 100"UrjmrAtinK applkAblt' pt)l'iinnlt of t'fleh Rtft'p I'li" or !Wit ,.,holl'" iw rnH.IIlde-r~1 .1Id inl(>- lind MfHlll llIHl j,'WIf'tllblll, IIt'CI'lIirnii:tI'!1 I'flutl'nl Ultion will rtt<tmt e"octive mutu.lI fire IIUPf)(In.
will hl!:\!(' tf! hI' dt'viAm wt'fl \Ipnn u eonlliderRtion JlnWd in tht Hvt-r"l1 dl,ft-lI11ivl' lllR" Whilt- lillrn llt Ot'cl'tll'lnry 1n illiuw HIll1ll to rl'!I{t Ijlliddy ilJlftinllt from adjlk'ent Pilttitim)lI, It Will I:JIt' t"a:t~mel)' 1m.
nf tbt' fl'k't"YA of Mt<:T'L Umu will frequently fellhttt>a r,lIIlItit;t{e- ob.dadl'R ttl tnt' atiarkf'r, tbey 1I.mllitunt'ol!:< nmltiplt lbr!'nt... i<:tfl'("tiVl' cuntrul portant tbat plilM Inelud<t fl'ntrali%&i t'ontrol of
hav!' tt, l'i.nd!tt,t {k'f~m\lVi' llJ1f'YlltlOng nn An 1110- art' nt'Vpr ('tlIlJddt'ml aJil iwmrmolJutuble bitrrll'r.. by lInlnll ltmt l;'nlln,~ i.", vitll~ III fls:htl/lj( dlf !Iud fl.ra IIIlJlPort FiN'1!: are planned snd e:lt6Cutm as in
Iktfil lmAill whkb will Yt"lllirt' RII flil.round form anti prn'ii",iun", mu",t be mmj., to nlf'{ with fln ih.. den l\llllllilltl' >It dnlU' rlW!<'t'. G{)(ltl firt' di.llciplirw any other type or Lenjun, f'nfo!'minK to the de-
u( dd.'nlW.Th .. JW'rimeu'r typl' d('femw will mOflt ent'my who aHRt'kR ov{'r and thrf!lll'h them. multt hi' l'lWr\'j1lCd tlurlnJl hUllrll nf darknellJll to sire.ll of tbe ~mmilndt'r and the availability (It
frequently I:JIt' employed; hnwever. it is hiKhly de- (2} i'rnmi'nit<m n/ dr/('ltlti1lr Jlf!8itl'mL Thf! prf'Wnt !irin .. lit unidelltifit'tl tur!relx, thm{ dilt- ummunltion. BeealUll: ot the: unullual landto!'mll
"inthle to ul'KJlnne in rtt'Pth wben th~ terrllin p'r- flut ,.,Iep In lll')ttmi~iIlK tht- I't41lud tifte-r Rt'<'llrinll dooillg frit'ndly defellSIV(' lKIitionl!:, (>8peeially prelleflt in roMt junJ(le turain, It will be difflcult
mitll it And t.n retail, a reIWr~, 111 lIuitabl .... reaK tb .. Krea IS til phu:.. th(' lI.u(omnlit' Wt'lIrHlIV! nntl el'f'w~)\j'l'v(*/I w., pons. to tb .. NIt'1n,V. Of 1bt m1\ny to ('over All SfhJ'lll with ditfl1: fire. In s1J(h dt'nlm.
Uw M'aHabllity DC brlk(l}.te-rJl will (lm.blt" .om- prl'pIUt' fi1'lds Ilf fir,.. t'Ufi' mu .. tlll' tnk'-lI tn m-sllr.' prohlem$ pt't'lllIar tn rlt'fenl't' III juns:lt' terrain, IltaOfieR, planll Mud b.:o made fur t'OvereJ1'9 of thue
malldl'YM til ('Imlhlet rntlliill' d{'ft'nllt' n~rfltimlJl, that W}t.tntinH iM !lift ('!It Hnlll'rf'~"Jlri1)'. All eut- th{' nW!lt I'rltlt'lIl HI rOmmunkAt!OIlIl. Alternat" areM with inrlirt fire Tht deereaaed frnota~
tillS: Rlwukl hi! ('art'fully ,dnllnt'd oml {'tllltroll('\l t'umrnUOl<'ailllllli (..('diUt'" IIhoulrl be provided IIborl.4!r djMtaOt'M, and dOlier interveb'l lMl'twee-n
5-18, PJannlng the D4mrlM 1Iy w1\d ..1'>\. Primary .. nd alterm,l(' TlflJIIltiUIli< Are to the ffillximum e~tent pll.'lJlihle. An effective unib! (,HII (or v;tenMiet) lind d .. taUed planninll for
t'\!lll'tr'Jdl'tI. Tht> !\hurt rlltlJlI" nf nbM>rvatiufl, C(lmmuuiclltioll netwtlrk within the perimeter fl.nal probwtive finl!l, In jUliKIe defenrtive opera..
a. (;(lIl'ml. Th plan iii devt!llll)<'d frum .. de-
... hort fl.el!l:4 of IJr., .. tul I"f'!ltrkt..d ranl'e (of aut<! enhKn('('.~ Uw f(!mmand(>f',~ Rhility to rontrul the tlonJl it h...!\!Wotial thut ull flN'II!)fm<"1 art" f ..mlllAT
tll.ih'tl n'('nnnRiOlOllu)I'(lof Iht' IHt'U lind .n (,Mtimatl'
matI!' fir' ('l)v.'rtlJ(" wdl r~lulre- lhat deft'tlJlive 110- effort, Infhl('UN' UII' adi\!1l I!.nd "N'riure unnt"eellfll!.ry with the ~llit tire plan And proeedurf!tl for tllN!('t.
nf th. MitUlltinn til d(,le-rmin(l th(l mtlRt .. ff('ctivl'
KitinlUl nr" dour])' JIIitl'd f<lf mutual MUPIIMt And to n1n'it'!\1I'TIL inl! theae flreL
way IAl UMe tb t'1" and nVRilable reKourceK. It
IIrt'vl'n1 infiltr!l.lioll. l'rf'plU'hll'UI.'I nf oVI'rh('lul l. Sa.1flfll fllIIl SI'I'I tilftl'frr Mr-nKJfrrJl. l"ecurity h. 1.(joidi~ll, O~e t() the IMllated nature ot uniltl
provide" for ~e('urity f(JUl'M, f(;rward d(lft'nlll'
l'OV(lr ill of Ilal'Rmoullt imlMlrtltm-e \.f) ffrtU('(' vul" jM plRon"d lo Itflin I'ltr1y inf()rmntirm or th .. en- involved in defenRlve operaUunR and tbt confllfU-
f"rcm~ hnd II r"M'rVl', It indkRtt'M the location of
nrrnbility to hil(h anl(le fin', emy'JII,,>!b: JIlrIlIJl. ~I"ntril'l'<. ubllf'rvation ratinn ot th(* terrain, both aerl.l and IJl'Ound n:"
the forwllrd d(lfrnllt' urea, prflvldCfl fire lIupport u>
(3) Strt7!l/thtllinJ) the rli'!i"llIirr pOJIilinll. IlOlIt, jjlltl'ninl(' P()$\tlol, !'urnbat OU!lfuanJ", llnd ",m- "upply will be limited, For this realWm, added (l'm-
all detl'nMivi' (~b"lonll. and providM (or artificial
Tht! f1Rturlll tt'rrRin ()bKtaelt!ll IIhnuld be rein- bUMh.'1oI III'I' u!I(ld. Tbf'.1II' outl(ul!.rds (firm the nu- phB!l.ill muat be placed on aupply economy And po..
obi8tfld(ll1 and barrit'rll t.o improve the natural d(L
forred. witb II.rtifiriRI ob!\taelell i'I(lth fI); min$H, Ilit. de-ull uf tht, mmbat IJutpost s~~m IIlonx ('ritklll lIitionlnK of JIIuppliu to protect them from the ele.
renKive s.lrengtb of tb!' t"rrllin, II MpellK out ..-oun-
fallM, f'tI .. Tb"y JIIb()llld b.:o ('()V"rt'd hy fir" Rnd Kitu. jl1nKit' 1\IIllrm\thl'.~. Tbey Jfive nrly warninlf of rut'ntB and to prevent their deJlltr"dion by enemy
t"raUIl('k pl!lnM Hnd (r!~'flM (Irllignll(e-d for tbt!l pur-
utt'(] wb"rl' tbt, enemy will be dt'nii'd ()b:-l(>l'VRtinl) tht' "ut'my undo within tb!'ir rJlpability, delay, flre.
of tbem. They ~hnuld U()t bE' III('nle-d wilbin jtr(l" dlll()rjtllni:tl', lind d.'rl'iVl' the- enl'my R~ to tbe tru/'
/J. PUHO!Wg CmlludrraliMHt. When plAnnln tbe
ddenl!>e, the followin/it fal'i.orll !lhould be ..-onlld~
niule-thrnwtnl( raH~e of defenKive pOMitifmll.
'l1wir Innlinn mUllt tit' blilant't'/I ajt/f,inllllbc tbick-
10cROOn (If th., main !Jo!lition. Trip Wlre8 con_
nect(ld tn noi!'ll'maken, .ntiperl!lonnel mines, or II
5-19. Co"dud of th. 0."""
ered: (1. Durin, amall unit o.,.ration&, tbere are
neSll of ve~tation and pOfIMibility o( vClletation lllminatin", flRres may be in&l.a.lled around the poai-
0) Tb..-re Are about 12 buura Gf daylhl'bt in beinl( destroyed. For instance, II. win> ohlltRrle lo- timl!8 wben a t'ommander ruUJllt lI11ddenly revert
tion lit nillhl ta wllrn or tbe enemy'a approacb. trom the attack to the deteltlNl. When this (\(CUI'll
junKl(> foflowed by extreme darkae$lL Cl>mmand~ cated If) yard", nutside a pollilion may be ~urrwient Olht'r menn" m~y be mwri to itiuminatt' tbe bat-
t!t8 should preparatiQn of defenltve poal~ be may have to eatabliah .I baaty defen.e. On
to pfievf'nt JlfienadCfl beinR' tbrown in if tb .. jfMwlb tlefield. Ilt night; c.nM filled with jellied a:uoU"e
tlon!l At le...t two hpur!l prior to ni.tltfall. iM denfte, but it would p.fflbably nnt Allffice after tbolle Ot'!C!8alonl thenl i. little or no lime tor the
with. fiernoU> lIy"l.4!m of ienition lTtay be placed in application of thf teehniquIHI and procedurH M.
(2) The hi.h bumidity will advertely affect the growth had been IIh.a away, .tra~l(' reaJII and i"nlted wh~n ~ enemy ap- &OCtated with tlw preparatton ot a dellber.te de
phyalt'al eft'art and tl'OOJ)& &hl)1Jld be retied &.II .....
d. Organu:afilnt lOll' C(I:ottbl1t Ol'scaniuUon for proaches. Sucb de'>'icell abould be located far fenae. Such a situation can OCC'ur wben tbe enemy
qulred. elmuKb beyond tbe patlltlon 1M) tbat tIM! llJ:ht will
(S) Tropical downpours wilt Qul..-kly ft09d rombat will be bued on a conAideration of the- suddenly atrenethenll tbe objeeth'e and the: attack
not blind the defender. or disdoae their poeitiona. i& momentarily atalled; or at dusk while the unit
JKl*llioRl \In_ th(lY art adeq\lately drained. Thll fli(*t01'1' of ME'I'T. NOTmally. three ladl(lI.l R'fflUp-
Inp: an>: orR'aniud-tbe &e<'urity force, the fOI'(M yet dese Ilnougb not to be obsenred by veptatiun. 1, nlll in contact tlrith tilt tl1lNlm7 and. a nl,ht at.
ahnuld be etm8itk>red whtm aitin", poeitionJ. Tbe The riled ef all iIlumln.tion ia limited by the
hlKh water table durltijf the rainy aNUl(lO often in th~ forward defenM. and tbe retli'r"'e. Penetra- tack la not plaanad; or whan an hlterrnadi.te ob-
tion or infiltration between defenMIY* iocationJil heavy foliap and tbe t , . top canopy of the Ju,,~ jective bu beta HCund and the unit II reorpn.
Nquir. daftmaive poeltlonll to be dUK Oft hl.h ",Ie. Additional mMM to provide .Iu~fUal'l(e in~
""",lid, may occur, lhu.ll requl.inR' orR'aniution that for idn. before eontinutna the attaek, Dutiq these
~mbat provldn for aJl_round derenlle. Tire em-
dude ni",ht villion aide,, infrartld devk-. sU.dtlona datalttd p-ound NCOnna~ .,...
(4) Limited fleldl of obMrvat/Gn allow the
ployment of unattended around SelVK>rll All lntru- and a variMY of unattended jfl'Ound IleOIlOt'1l. 0. tematie plamnot of automatic W_JIGlI.* and tM
enemy to appruaeh poeltiGna without bein. ~" tailed planninjt and t'oordlnation muat: ba tffecW
t.cted. facilitate Infiltration by th.. enemy and alon deteetonl 1& valuabl@ for the early detel'tion piadn. of Mlphiatleat.e4 early wamin. davieet

. 4_
of enemy aetivity; bo~ver, the limited visibility by all tommanden III!ndlna out niaht patrola. an not feulble. GenvaUy 0lI th.,.. ectUlOnt the
incmate pouibiHty of attack from any dinICtion, indude tbe miMwn. t'ompoeltion time and
The UM of lltartiirht ~ and anti~intrU5ion de and ~ueed etrtiveneu of other electronic unit i, atlll ia coataet aad l.I undv dinet ....
MnllOrft may requjm a greater number of tl"OOpl'l J>lnt of departure, time and point of return. from enemy smaU armt. WId.. the ~ dtf.....
vleet ahould be conaldend in planniu. n~bt de route. to be used. alJ'TI and counteraian. and emer- ......... _ _ to all 1III!11ry_tl_11
than normal for security of an area. It 111 ntltt!ftury
tenalve -po&itj''fI\1l,
c. o..(1Mtillilian 01 thl! GNh.,ut
(1) GtflHlr47. The battalion and &mailer unit.
oftl!n of"!rste all indf.pendent unibl, T'h~ tleh-
til maintain a mobile reJlPrYe fo~ of auifident
aize and compoaition to facilltate rapid reactiOn
in IIny dJrection,
aency aii'Mla, Patrol&' plana an! Hnt to the nnt
hllher beadquartel'tl for C<JOniiMtion with adj&-
1'Jnt unita, leCurity elem<tnbl In front of the tw
taka em addId &~ 1ft ihI j . . . du. to
the proxJmft7 qf the . . . , Ud tIM .nII taU.,.

..." .....
b. When a hasty defense ill required, a p~rim~ the t'nemv tu wllhdraw. Ont;e lbe immt'diatt' arna fi. Delaying Action. b. Wifhdra.UJ<J1.
ter dele-nae ift el'llalthfthed whith l)rovides all 1("' dt'al't'd 01 the enf'my. the tt!(':hniqu~ tor 1m
(I) LonK ranjte If FOund obM!rvabon and
round surity with the unit eammand poIIt in the prnvil1l( tht' pUHition tWACnbed in pa:raliraphl {1) BeniIJllE 01 the cnwr and t'ontealm~nt
l\eldA of fire can rarely ~ obtained.
cenler of the perimeter. Whi!1" !lot norm.llly pos- r; 17 and 6-18 MPply. (2) U/W of'hind forct'JI. lOll. raOIlf'.
provldf!d by tht, Junale, a withdrawal und~r
lIibll" when in c\Olle cnnlacl with the ~nemy, out NIPfflY pn','<_~urn may bl' lIall<'(\ nn de~ptl()n aR in a
1', SOP'.... IIhnuld be: developed f'nVf!ring adlon. ~Ul'lty und ('ontact p.ttrnl", a("rial <;btwrva\inn
pfmts or other mean .... of local l'Il";'urlty Ithauld 00 !o I.w lIken hI the event that a prolonpd Ind rN'tmntuAABrn::e. and u11attended Krouni! len ..... 1tl;dr."'lI! mit ullrter .. nl'my Tlr.'l'IlIurt".
utabli"hed Inl'l"(a.r aH pr.ctit"uble, Unit fr(lnta~H lit n","eAAAry. fUronll' leadeFllhip ill requirfli durin, &orf!. t<1 llUjlm"-llt Krolmd obHervati{ln and adjullt. (2) Ruule!!, 1I1'l'1embly Itreml. and n.ew posi.
l'Ihould 00 dra."tically reduced, nopeda.lly at night. "l,l('h artlonH to imure the morale, health and menl of ION. raUK"- :Ore..... !inn)! mu~t be thllrouf{'hly rt!{'onnolt~re!1 and
to pN!V~nt enemy infiltration into the poaltion. t'ffkiern:y nt the command are maintained. 1'roopa on Rdensive cuttinll flnd markinlt of traiill >lhllu\(j i.I<' moll'ked for !dt'"tificatiull, If it doe/\ nol
Orjlanic mortar ft!'el'l, and .... (lpportinjl momr and mUllt not be allowed to beeome rompiacent. may be required. rnmprnmi!l(' KE!C'rl'l'y_ illcl'canert \lite of It'llidea wI!!
artlilery firea, if available, Ithould be relli.tend IfUltx'f'ti<>nll of weaponl. poaitiofll~ and dt'anline'llll (4; Seledion al1d retluirem('nt~ for prepara. )1ormllHy Ill' reljuired, e"lWrlully In areal! ('{lntain.
u lIOOn u pouible and the diIurinJl of foxholeA ioi {If troup$ arf' mandutory to insur.. the sOP III tion 'If fW'IitionM for indira.. t firl' weapolllI, Wit l!tllll\f> vt'lI.'elHlion
Uated at on. Auwmatk weapoJV\ mu"t be placed hein. folklwed, PllilnH for practkinjl unit aatria, (5; Lark 01 rl)\1tt'H for lateral m{lvt'ml'nt of
Imm~hately, Tbe.e weapon" are placed where the fur tHdlnjt, (or mainlenanre and bathing. are unitlt H.11.1 ('()mmllnd and rontroll't'rl'lofHll'l r ';rOHm! S~U/l!>/'II. Unattt'mlt"d arillllld !'lenl\()r~
veKetAtinn offer.! the best ~ible fields ot tI~. part of tht! unit SOP. However, the ne! to Ittar~ (6) ~;nltl\llemen,," with the main body of nm m ('mpL()YfClla!otlK trll.iI~.
Nti!d~, ~tream(l;, riv.
I'l SOP'.... for this typf' of w.rfare must be pre- frer the.e -periilda to predurle tha nu.bUahment of enemy {orte" mny take pin!:'.. at d!)J~e ranj(I''' l'f'lIInd utb"r hkely enemy .... vellues .Jf approach
pared in advance of actual operaUch and individ- a Mt routiM cannot be overempha.aized, &II the (7) URf' o{ obKtade.... , demolitions, mitl~, lind III hkl'ly pnO'm.Y lls-'1emhly IireM;, to provid", in-
u.. 11 mu.t be instru<:t,.ed and rehear.-ed in their enemy wilt take advantawe of these periocbl of rew booby trnVI<, dremif'.l!!, (when author(zt'd) olft'n, formaHlm 011 I"nl"my mllv;>m ...r:t and McHviti.w; in.
application 8M troop Madinl proceduNII by small rlu..-ed elff'..-lIvenetlfl once he ha.s learned the rou- liVe adlrm nnd ambushe.... to infikt dama~ on tbl' f ..rmailoll ohtained ,'an bt> used to pIAN~ 10nJ
unit commandu" may not be practical. linf'. enemy lind hi dt'!ay him. ranlte fll1.!l1 up.m thf' aPllrollvhillK {"l\emy fH~
tl. Once the hMty defensive polIJtlon ha.s been es-
tabUahed, weaponll emplaced and local Ht"urity f. Whln a prolonjfed defensive poIIilion "'U Hetlol't VI. OMR COMeAT OHRATIONS
potted, the unit continues to improve the poailion boon elt..blillhed, the (ollow(nlf llpecial <:onsldt!ra
... in any other type dflftnse. Should cirt!um liOn9 Arn appropriate and are wwth:r of conaider- "'21. _IIi,. find the- probable unfamiliarity of trOfiplO: with the
.taMAlt &.velep requilinr proloni'ed occupation ation: tt. r;/fflr'l'ai. Palrollinll ia important in all type!! IIre1l (If "pf'ratlon, theM! patrolK IIhould be de
&t the poIIition, Ule poeition ",Ult be madec formi. ii' SfC1<ritf of ttrd. Patrota a~ diapatehed ot warfare; howeVt'r,:lt hill! inrrea~ important't" i-m'hf'd from II rombat Plltrol when po.111ible, The
dab"- and the bMlt' doctrine for establiahinl a -pe- to gain and eon~ with the enemy. under JUllj(lf' 1'OlIditirmll, l!*\pt'ClalJy Bjlainllt JnlU' nHflhnt palnll will tlwn havf' th .. I!.dvantulH' of
rimttAtr defttnr.e .ppU..... important conlliden- Outruardll and/or ambuMh,. atE .let up to co",r rllla ("''''''11, Patrlll thnique" fur the jUllKle are ",nme mO!mner;o who .are familiar with the tll"rrain
lion, in t~ia conneetJon are: major avenues of appr06Ch, Amh\1lh,. ahould be nnt Wlfally dl/ferent. but ~a\llle of the tt'rrAin, IlIlht, Immedillt.. vil'inlly.
(1) The unit tront contmuel to be c!n:ul.r .tet up alona the route tak1:n by the unit into their w!ttt..twn, and \llJUlll JluerrUla jUllltle tllt'tlc.!l, (2) ('fllli/Iltl l'a/rolA. In j\lIllll~ operlltiun~
front. delen.lve poaition all well III routell utiliHd b:r ,... lIOme modificati;:m... t6 normal tet;hniquell and thiA typO! "t pnlml may be a~"iK'l!ed ,~pt!{'inl' mi~
{2} A raerve ie eon&tituWd .u 5OOn ... prae- torniq patrolt!. When authorised by appropriate methoo," are IIdvillabJl", The ballil' allJM"CU! of PIl- sioM to!
tiul eommanderl. warninr devices in the form of anti- trollin5l' are covered ill FM 21~75 and advanced (al Attack enemy patrol blll\e~.
13) LeeAt Ht"uf'ity it pu,hed all far forwal'd per.onnel minta. boobytrapa. trip fiar,., virus. tralnlnr III \hill 5ubjt, all W1;!U a!! a delK"ription (h)l)esttoy or tkpturt' enemy perll;H\ne1.
"poMibk, noilltmu.ra. .nd rre:nades Ihould be in.talled. of patrvilinlt' OJ)crl<tivnM ill FM 21-1)0. I'lluipnlent, iIlIlLaUa{iol\s and ('ulli\-ntl<)n.~.
(4) Coun"'rattack pt.u are d*Vtloped. Unattended ,round MnllOr. ca. be Inatalled on Ii. TJlllfif (ltI# MiM~iOllIl. Patrol" are dallHified a~ (c) Pursue an cnf'my (Ufee after I!.Ua('k by
(IS) Communleationa an improved. likely AvtOlJN of approach and Meembly are... to e:!lher n'Connl\iMIUH'f' ur comhat, the dellillnation 1\ IUlI.'er unit.
(8) Machin"uM are employed lIingul.rl), provldt warning and '.formatlon on enemy .diy wenerally indiealillil the mil!ll;oll AIII)atrolli are s (d) Provide It<<:urity
co",rint .. many enemy approacnea .. poAAlb!e. ity, souree (If il1fnrmnUoll lind mu"i bf' prepared to if) AmblJl!!h {'!n('!myekn>i'!lt~
The eonaideration when prollTeM1nl' (2) Frmcard dlftlMt IlrflL Unita Ihould report all Illform..tion, topollraphka! or enemy, (fJ Dominate or intt'rdiet ,in .. reI W PH'-'
fTom a h ...ty dtfenr.e te a ptolonpd dete1lle Is to mainLain Itrict tit'le diacipline to preclude compro- whf('h 1M di!!('owred, Combat rmtroJII are often. vent enemy elt'mt'nlll from runtat'tinll friendly
obt.iln "workin, room." Often thla can be mlaing f'Xatt localion of defen.lve poeitiona. Con- IIQOd lIouree of information and "houtd be de- civilian el('!mentH,
achltved br ulle of IimlLed .ttacb, by heavy strurtlon of lightly camoutl.apd dummy defen- briefed after f'ypry million with FeIlp8Ct to enemy {SIt CoUtct Information.
wellpltll!ed mortar and .rtlller:r fire. and I...Uy, livt! poIIitioni can be ~lfedjve in d':eivjnl the poIIititln~, lradll, oblltadeA, terrain chaFilderiAticA (h) Starch lpec!tled are...
by u.e ot c1Me-ln automatic weapons firt foreini' enemy, or other important and unua...1 O('(!ur",nCeA, The (i) In.tall unatte:ruied ,round QnlOrA for
mluilm of Intt'lliltt'nc-e ("ann..! be oYeremphubed 1mbaequent lur't"fllllance in an .rea.
Sodiaft V. IIfTIIOOIADI MOVIMINT5 In tht> JunKie beCftUII~ of ihe d!flkulty in obtainina c. lw.fiutJtcl! til JJI1tgu Tf~iff. 011 P4t,.oUi1tg.
fle<:urate infurmation from other lOurce5. Many condition. of the jllqle aert patro1l:ln,
...20._ communications, and mowment. A retrorrade: t 1) RllCVft1laUx4m:r ptItrolA, A reeonnaiu-. aalnn&. Thut int\uencin, 1aeror. are veret.atton,
movement ix a planoed operation with a poaiUv.l' anc~ patrol in tbf' juftllir normltlly should not ex- t'limate, weather, terrain and aniNI life, Thll
RelrQffrAde op:lTatlonl an'! conducted in accord
purpo&e' Fon:eful lMden:h\P. Itrlct dlaclpHne. ceed Hix men becaUM! of the difficulty in moyinlf romblnatlon or 'aeter. and .Iemante averely Jlm-
ance with Ulf' doctrine and. prlnelplea conta,!ned
rontrol, and prior plannina are ~ to in .nently thtouJth de-nae v.l'~tion; a lar'fr num- ite the ran... aJ;*d and txt.ent of Pltrol actionll.
In FM 7-11, FX 7-2(1, FM 17-1, FM 17-15 and
FM 61-100. with could.ratlon to the restrictio~ lure that the intent of the o~r.tion II rl!alilliHd ber of men iH !lable to ('ause n ..i&e whit:h would (I) Adll41ttog... In .pJte &t tbe Ifenerally
on obie-rvatJon. 1'l.,Jda, of 8re, tI.~ aupport. control, and execU~< Special conaidtraUona arn: increase ehafo~ of detection, Beca\lse of the con.idered boatJle n.tll'" of tb. . factora ..nne
\lfual eearcity of mformation abou~ the terrain

advantap" .... ott'.red. Tb. den .. vtptation at
...... ...
tM 11_1'
painfully tllow, Mov('mellt in tht!' jungle iH fatigu. .'Ilediv(' f'ontrol meallA svaHable to a patrol
f'lrdH ,:t('('lIeut 1'.m,etl!ml'nt, Mnd provldca Mm.' iI JI'f..:,d lI1U~{"il ill r()wtmrutiv.' :'dll'II(,I'. F,lIch Huldit:r
lng, i;.)tb phYMica;ly lind mentally, and s balanre h'ader are silent arm and hand Hilmala whicb are
('OIvt'r whkh tcnd~ tn fhvor Ihl' 1I11trollinl( unit lIh<luht mnYI' ~tl'lulily, tlt'llb.'rftWly lind ('ur~ully. llutlined in FM 21-60; howeYrr, lIil{'nala mU15t be
between the del.irr lo move ~uidlly mull1 be main-
Tlw tl"I)I'(' vew'lDtillA lind krrltin obHtucle.'l will 1111rLnl{ thl' llliderj(rt>wth rlllhl'F thall rrruthinK
tained with tht!' nf'<'C"'Alty o( kt!'eping troopM ftel!h, kept to a minimum commensut'lltc with the fl:eede
DIIOt' hilLlIt'f NlE'my nwvemtut Dnl! o\mervlltin/l throul(h. Thi .. mi!<htk.- Iwl (mly 'll.IlHt'lI hruilleH.,
.tnmg lind Rjert for em,my ambuah and action (tf a patrol.
Advantlll(\1 Nill alsu bt! u.ken (If the ele-ment'!, "rrnll'hj>~, und I~'t nf din'I,thm, bll! til 11) very
(tnce thl> ()bJ('ctivl' ill rM.ched. Hal", mud be (1) /<'orntlIti01l8.
fl\llh H~ rl1111 whkh rt'<fl1~i'!! th., .'Ioun;l {If mnvl'" nnj~y. WhNI fjH.... ihl", l .... IHp" ~hould Rvoi,l walk- called fllr ut_rvRt:on, IiMtenitlg, alld naHn$/' all (IIi SqulIIl, GCJlerally, tWI) tYf)(>11 of forma
m;'nl. ur daml'lll'I<x of I(tI)lUl(j ami v"l'tation hIlt 1m drv Il'<lvl'lI, 'I1i('ks, rotll'n w,".d, cl('. required: terrain ;Uffkultl~ will ulJually dictate tiona tor IlQuad'l'Iin'ti f;ntrojA wtll sufflee f()r I!IDV~
(2) Cllflillr} /1'(1;1.. Tr(lI>jlll .. h(){)!d lIMl' thl"ir
whil'h .. 1);(> mulnes IIlHl',t' when to take breakll. When halted, troops must ment in the jUlIgle. TheSt' are the lIinKIe filt' and
(2) f}lIwdMlIrl)""~ Primary timon" di8ad- mw'helt'>' to I'lit trllils only a~ a lAst resort 01' to
alwaYll tRb liP potlitions pt'tlv!ding for all-round column fQrmabonll.
vanlaWo's bT<)1lKht Oil by thc lJlf'lli~ndnl( fd,)r!! iK iI>,'nhl rX'('.~II]V.' detl'UTII. Thf'rc i~ n!'rirly alwayll 1I
teeurit)'. When mlirching in Mingle ftle it may be HI) Ploh;e/>. The IIquads of a platoon Will
t~ prohll'm or (,{lotro1 and movl'trlent. All nH:lVc" rout!' m'llrhy whef't' movrmt!'nt will ht> elllljer. Cltt-
l\fICellllary lo del~At~ rt'fIJ)(tMibiHty for protection u"ual!y have to mHve ill HIt!' (,r coillmJt formation
ml,tlb by trDl'I' c\!'m<'llts it! {ht' jllnKI(" most \)(' 11 11K J( lNtlJ hn.~ ih(' fQ!tnwlnlt diRadvpnlpJ(t!'rI: and lookouta dowlI to indlviduII.IJI. AJI a J{Ulde, It lB it! the junl{'le. At limell the ustur{' of the lerrain
l'onHidt'rcn ttl. ht'al rnOli!menht The eaae wIth (1I) It III m)t lIikml
augat<"ted that, wht!'ll WCll'kinl{ nut time. fo-I' re.!lt may I'i'!IIJ)Te a more o~n formatitHl; in this .ease
whi('b t.'flf'my el('rnO'llhl ('an infiltrate deep inl/) (h; tt rr.t!u('{11 f4IW'Mof mnvl'ment.
halt,." the patrul leader con!!idel' tbt!' terrain Over I'ifit!' aqundH may move, two j>l' thrcl' forwlIC'd, On
Hnl,p!)aroly Kerurr areall require!! tbat n,] rehu.a- (r) Jo'atil(ue of aoldiertl in the Ielidilll( <:'Ie-
wbieh the unit ill movinlt'" In r~latjvely ~aay ~r paralld a)l;tI8. The palrol leader mUl'lt t!l1l5lantly
thm illt\) "lI.dmiuiHtratiVt'" ,(>tlditjmu. or !litUlt- nwnt 1M il1('rl'alU'd, rAIn, he should Ktart with the u8ual ten minutH analyze tIM! terrain and vary (;;rmationa of the
tiona be rwrmlttcd om't' troop!'- IItan a tactical QP' irl) HMndlinl( <If wHj)C)nll ill dift\cult. t\'ery hour for rf'1\t break". However, when tl'av. I)atrol to lIult it_
eratlon. ThIll r!'!fU1rf'li t!'xlf'Mivr ('onLrol measurell (I') It leaws a wellm.rkNI trail.
ersing dlllkult tt!'l'l'ain. haltM must be more fre- (2) Ponitirm "1 lNUll"" Squad leaden
th.t m\lf.t lit> I,ff{'('lerl by all IrIiM"', Rate of CH 1'T(lil~ IWrl troll dilU"iplilll'. Movl'ment.., quent; only A patml lell.dt!'r whn knows the ph)"lli. !!hould remain With alld contrnl itw!r l!Iiuada.
movem .. nt in prlmary Hnd Hl!Cnntlll,ry jumdell iH m! trail,. !'Ihmll!! la' IIvoidf'd: howeYI"" It maY eal condition nt btM m(,l] ean detel'm!llc how frlJ-~ ThiA ('an uMual1y be d;;ne from near the head of
l\eldllffl mllrc thall on('hld1 ml~ tJr one kilomett!'r lOt.m..tlrn(l b.' llV<:eH:lary when Ifpcvd III e""entia! or quent theAe hfll~ shtould !\t!'. After plWling the C01UmJI; malurnum nile IIhl>UJd be made of fire
earh hour Tr()(q>1I mHI<t hi> ('unditioned III tnili when m()villl( In mI)Ullta:lu>UH (ountry, Nut only through a .... wamp or dimbing a !'>tt!'ep ~Iope. it ia a t;>Rm leaders w maintain t'olltrol and manLo-man
fae-t and mUHt learll not to fivt!'rf'll.timate tht!' dlA- IIhould patrols aYQid 6J>tabhllht!'d ir.ns but fIlhould JOOd plan to !:IiJl 11 ahoTt bTeak to a8Certain that contact with lIquad memberA, r....dt'rll 01 platoon-
iaoce aetuall)' tra~Jed, II ill poa"lble to re!ive make all paMIibJe elTort to hide siKl1II of move- the entirp patrol hall pasaed throLigh the dlRkult .ized or oornmandera of eornpany.aikd patroll
air droplI in .re,u wheft the vei't'tKtion ill not too ment to IlteVellt IE'IIvin, a trail thern!Wlwa: thia area. If th;1I ill nol dont!', (lnly the- leading t!'le- will be located within their patrols tu!ctJrding to
dfUlflfl provided adequate air-xmund !!hm&la art' III {'xtremely lmportant when movml(' throultb menta will be rellted. 0' mort!' aeriolJa contle- thf' dktateR. ot tha situation Rnd the formatinn
available, patrollead(>rll should Attempt kJ. accur virKin <:ountry alJd in proximlty of lh., enemy, queflCtlll will be thl" dt'trimt'ntal t!'tfeet on morale, UlI+'d. Thellt!' pOlliti()Aa Alwuld be auMdently for-
.leIy kk-.te ('lear('d an'aS t')n tM map (or later Some addililllild rOjjllideutionN l&r\l; {lH ()11~,.rt'lItin". A IIDJdwr mUBt notlee trVery WII!"'d t(~
aeriAl feAuJ,lply ~ilell nr medka~ eval'uat!onll. It {a) All troopg ahould wesar the ttamt!' pat 11m of mov-ement around him, all markll or II.lgnll (11) Allow the leader to iufiuenct! the ac-
w;luid appe.r that becauM' o( the IIhade provided tt!'Tn .iOh' 011 the c.)mbat boot. on tht!' It'round, and alilnatanceB nf broken, eut or tion from the lltRrt. Although it il'! nut desirable
by treell, mowment in the jungle collid be made (b) Troops must M rt'quirro to ob"rve trampled ve~tstifm. The st!'llse of smell must \)(' for tha ltader to be ('aught in opening bunta of
.ner retl1llluable distances without great phYllical trail dillCiplint!'. They mullt NOT lIiKnrU)st tht' teln and free trom (tgateUe amoke. the odor of flre. he ahould plll<,t' himaelf where he can direci
diKComfort from heat; however, the high humid- ToUte with littcr and Whte food. these IIhould be candy, hair oil, IIhave lotion, or talf'um .w that the and qu~kly exploit immediate action drllla.
Hy Alld the h('at (rum the jfl'<!\1nd mailnlfy the hurled carc(ully. Troops on patrol should be per. individual lJI)ldier will immediately noUet! any (b) Enab" tht!' reader to f!'l!ercilte and en-
llE\llutioll nf hrat. TM combination tend, to ex- mitWd til carry only the bart!'llt f:lItlf:mtial,. wMn wanlle smellfl. Periodkally, dep,'ndtnl{' upon how force oontrol meuur., control the point and nav
hallat trOOpll quickly And ~~na their norma! "peratlft",. lKadt'ta mlJllt be cOMtantl,y al~rt to dOlflI the pHtrol leatlt'r JlusJX!('bI the ell~my to be, iR'Htion team, read the mall. lind order halts pro-
powerll of endurant!'e Owln, to the rl'llltricted vi",. I)revent nwn from pluckinK leaves or breaking thl ~trol should !!top and liaten. At haltft, every perly when deemed neee.lary.
lbllily in the j.ingle, the only lIure- m(>ana to mMn twil(ll, eaveelal!y at halta. member of the patrol concentratM on IJlltenlng (3) Guide-,. The word "pidt!''' aa ulled here
taln direction is, by rompaall. Every leader, down (c) When PAtr(tU move thr(tu8'h dGSf!, Ind repona anything he ht'lIra:. Troopa mUlt be meana lM:)meone who baa an l:ntlmate knowledp
to the mMt junior, must be able to use the oom_ hilly countT)', tl'OOp3 ah<tuld avoid arnall aaplinJJII, trained to disregnrd the general pattern of folt- of an Brei. or WM ean (riendly (on:et to a
p&.lIII with oonftdenet< and acturacy. Movem-ent The sh.kina of overhead branchM ean be Been . . . turrounding them and to look "throup" known enemy lneatlon. Guide. may be ,urren~
through awampa ill the trull'l.t tlrin.ll' and 1I10we&t of and hurd at a distante, rathtr tbHn "at" the v~\lon. A better view i, dered enemy p.r8Onnel, or n,tlftl of the ,rea. In-
the conditionll hkely to ~ene()unl.erfd. (d) When moving ihrouab tree cultiya- ofttn obtained by loolcina throu,h juna-Ie at forMation received from Any of th... lOureel
(3) MiltitnUjftD Ow ,l!lIeu fif tAt! ilt/tuffIC- tiona, patrol member. mutt keep off trailA, If 0111,. I1'OlInd k'w!L If any unusual ,11lI or lI{)und II should be carefully evatuated ~d \l:Md with re-
i'lt(;' (adON. Troopa muat learn to op.rate within by walkinll a few f$l't Qff thtllle traHI. IIOted a flAtml mUlt "f~" in plaet In.nUy; hrvatlon. tt I. unwl.e to completely c:kJ1ld upon
the IlmitatiolUl impoaed upon patl'!)} .dione by th~ abould be no other movement until the pa- all Information offerM by "friendly" JlIitive& or
(4l Spuid {If mqltemnnl. Spet!'d of mov~nt
the junKie; they multt become acetUoomed to the trol leader or KCOUts ha'W inve.!Itigated the eitua- captured enemy pttnlOnnel. The patrol tet.den
1110 dktated by tbe nature of the terrain, the mis.
jun.le environment and ~ madt!' to realize that lion. mutt exerdJe fun command mtd oontrol of the
aion, and requirt!'m.nta for a!eurity. SpcN.! in
it provide!! advantageoul wnditlofll whef'e flue- e. CtmtrQI Mea,,"". It la obviolill that wMn patrol And must avoid the tendeR!:',. to nllow the
movin. from one locatJon to another wUl be bet-
eeI.ful operaUons ("an be eonducted. ODbfronted with tbe many problema pf'M&n~ by JJ\lidM t!) Iud the patrol, A guide'a funedo" ta
ter obtained by jnt~llilt!nt routA! planning than by
.... Juna-Ie a patrol leader must C'OJ;('flrn blmHlI! merely to Ihow dlnK!'lkin and provide Inform.
d. MQvMnfitt Qf Prdrolll'1t llu ldllU, tryln. k> pUllh quicklY and blindly forwal'd. It i.
1rith the meana to control hia foree, Volee eom tlon. If enemy troopa are oncountered ~U\ 1'OliIt4.
{I) Stinee-. Silerme, with reapect to both important to emphaaise that apeed will alwa)'J ~
manda .nd other aud!ble tllrnal& are of limited ef. Kufdu mAY ~nic and prejudle. the patrol'.
Y()iea and movem-ent. ill euentlal at all tim... lImlttd by the n~ity to avoid nolae in move- t!'hnnce& of aomplillhln. the miaalon, Patrol
With prat'tiee it ia paaaible for trooplI to move at ment: alllO, movflflent must be expected W be
t.etlven8A5 nnd am" threat to MCrecy, The moat
whkh he iEl unprepnrOO:. If the enemy cannot be a boring and uncomfortable joh. It may 1w neee&-
I..dera mUlJt tw wary of twinll ~d into ail ambul<h which lhe!\(! patrols would make to hia l"ombat d taken completely by Jlurprlle, he mUllt become liMy for the soldier to (()reKO .smokinK, to' endure
by trl"achuoul< bu1 I4>emil'lR"ly wel!.~aniI'lK forti, aware too late to read effectively. ~urpriM> can in Bilen~, inllect bile/!, thtnt, Rnd the deRire to
guIda, The rorr;a('1 pOl>ition of a Kulde. It u/red on e!} The dJlmaJ(f: rau"f:d by the har/Uil!'M!nt be achif'ved by lI~d, lIe('reey, de"t'ption, by varia- elISe {'Tampc!d !el('8, or to perf<)rm normal body
a patrol, III W be wilh the patrol reader. The pa~ or trl'ljuent RmbuJlhl!f\ III leu lliPPllirent than phy.i. tion in mean" and ml'thtmll lmo by URII1It lleoI!m- functionl. ExtenSIVe and conhnuoug traininlt ia
trol ieader wll! make dl"dllluM al< 10 diredion and ut dam~l{r. but !II very important. When am- lug)' impo.llllible I('rrain. Efl'C1:'Uve firepower mUM necea.. ry to nev"lop tfu. rf'(juired pati~ru:e and
iacti(.'1lo, U8lUil aa u~rrwd approvrlat.e. the Kuide'~ bUllhes Jill'(' fre.juent. troopR bmd to be reluctant uplmt IIUfJlrj~, lIel(-dilJC'ipline,
adviC4I. to ItO on putrnli'l and mo~ in oonV6YII, or IImall (2) CIm/Tnl, (',untro! ill diffkult to i;l$t.ablillh
r, P141f1l1ng (HId PrrpflmtirH!_ The plan for an
(4) Mainto.i1liJttJ ((J1I!!U't. The pa1ml leader KrOllj!!L Thc)' berome leM IIgltrelllJ11ie and more de and mawiRIl1. Control is ne!lIl'4\ry during th~ ambuh mUJllt provide ror every eventuality that
muat alwaYI adapt hillapeed of movement to that fenllive minded; they llivoid niR"ht oper,alionl!, be- movement to, occupation of, and withdraWAl
may tw encountered duril'lg movlrnlent to, conduet
of hia N'ar and lIank /M!('urity elem~nta. Reaponai- come more Ilubj.~d to confulliittn and panlt' it am- from the amb\lsh Ilite. Tlw mGllt cruda! time of of, and return fl1)m the ambuMJ. And it muet be
bBity for rnaintAininlC contact mURt hi: rrnm front bUl<hl'd, Sind in I{l'mersl. derline in etrectiveneRli. the ambuflh operation 18 the moment of execution. rehesrAl'd in d,tail. A de1ibrrate ambUllh permits
iI) rear, (.'l) An ambullh mllY be an ideal method in Control meAllut'('R mUll! be prnvided for upeninK detadMi plannitll{ IIln('f' guffkijOnt reUable !nfor- intf!tlil{f'nctl lnrormatiotl, A Jluc('Cfl/t(u! am- ftre. The timfl the enemy'M ~lId element arrive. at
mation i. available (HI intf'ndt'd or eetabliahed
5-22. AmlNth bURh ('nab!el'l the unit to CIl})ture pril'lonerll, dOrt'u- ~il1 Inatlon may 1w dellillnaled All the time
patternl of enemY m(lvement. In iii hnly ambuah
menlll, {'nemy equipment, to mnke identlfkaUoll wopen lire. I n any event, Gpeninll firel mOllt be in
or ambUllh of opportunlly there iiI not lIufftcient
0.. Gtt1r~al of enemy unila by obllervinll inahmia ttn dellid or dira:t oontrol of the ambullh t:onnnanoor. Com-
{I) An ambuRh i! $I spedalilled form of com-
Information ."ailllible on Intended or e.tabliahed
(,Apturcd IIOldierll, and to obtain information on l'IIunicatiolls with security elementa i.e tItUIflntial.
bat in which ihl" print'iplell of {,()ncealment, lIur-
patterns of ~nemy mO\!!:lment. In a h&lty ambufth
thc iltatUIi of enemy tr.ininlt, Bnetlna rontr!)l mU.t be exerdlled ttl inaure that
(lr ambullh of opportunity there III not .ufftclent
prie, and ttffellilive adion are u!led to reduce Uw (4) PatroM operating deep in enemy areall the ambul'lhinll for('e ill alen and .Bent_ AMembly
information to permit detailed piannln. Plan
tmemy'li combat 1"ft't'e\l""i!eM when they ar~ .}n may be able til partially ur <:ompletA!l)' rellupply and raUyin, poinla are deRIIlns.ted to A&l.t in
nlnll for such an ambulh muat lftlude tentaUve
the move or wmPQrarily halttlij by infiktlnR" thenvwJveB. throuKh ambllilhe. Mt to ~ize ,"up- control durIn. withdrawal.
plan. for varylnr typtlll of ter,;8U and .lluetiona.
heavy cuualtle! and cau~inR" ('(Infm.ion. In tttt plll!fl and equipment, thull increaainK combat ef. (3j CoJt;:ffltrntf'd lirf'lI. The ,hort killin,
In both. plane mUllt be fte:dble enou,h wallow
tither 1yPfi of ItlIHtary a('tion ill the ambuah more fff"tiveneRR at the e:tpel!&e of the enemy. In many time demand. hiR"hly concentrated ftm whkh aN
modifying, u appropriate, at the ambulh alt..
impaNnt. more effective. or mOTe frl'quently em instaneell, thil'l ia the primary lIOuree of anppliell ac::hklved by carefu! p1anninlf and poaitlonlq of
Planning mutt provide for the follmnll::
ployed than in junle combat. The bAIlie elementa llind material for It'uerrilla elemenla. ,...pon. The 6rH of all weaponl, indudin ri-
of ambutlh are ('(Inred In FM 21-50, r~M 21-76, ft . . dOH-;n auttlmatie w*"pont, l'O(!ket launcb- OJ SiMplicitll, When developing the plan, it
,", Tl'PNJ 13/ AmbwA IS1Id AmbwrA F&rmatil'mf.
and FM 31-16: hGweVer, Si d.tailed diseulIJUon of i I) Typf'lI ill mou.. A, The two bailie typ(!tl of er.. ,renllde launchers, claymore minea and other mUlt be kept wimple to eliminAte confualon, If one
this subjed ill included in thlt! manual beeauM of llimbullh are po!nt and llirea. ....pon. are tied into the fire J)lan. The aui.l'n- man forl('ete what he i. lIuppoaed W dO, ttt. enUre
ita application in junlCie operatwnlL (ai A point ambulh ia (lne where foree!l mant of Sl!Ctorll! of tire. and the J~tjon ot ambu.h is endanpred,
12) Ambullh may be def\nt'tl aR; "A trap
are det>loyed to engaxl' the enemy in .. single kil! fttendly elements art' tl)nllidered, Plans a,.. made (2) T~~ 0/ a~A. The type ot ambUlb
Rprun, on A movinK enemy and ill ba8ed on con- for ilKl..tina the ambUlh area to prevent eeca~ mUlt be detarmlned and .tatlld in the piaM. Type
inlt' ZI)tW,
centraUd JI"pri-te lire from roncftlled JKIsitiona." (b) An area ambu.h Is one where forcea
ud mnfortement by th(\" enemy. Eft'e<tivenesa of tlf amhu.h a!f.n.. orrani:r.ation and number- of
Speda! note Rhould be taken of the wordll "trap" /(r~ d~ployed al< multiple related point amb~hel.
Ute ambWlh deJ)ende. upon the llurpriM delivery of men, equipment and communieatiOtU required.
and "lIprung" and tht' phn.IIi:!1I "concentraUd lIur. I larp volume of fire, FII'f! from at le.u:t two di_ (3) D"loyMftt Each po&II1b1e formation
(2) Amllt"-'''- !drmationJt. Formationa are
prille tlre" and "ctmceak!d poaitiona.' A trap i. "'fI('U<m5 and ronverrinr on the tarpt la d.lra. ahGuld be con.ldered for ita advantapa and dia~
identified by the lteMra! patt..<rn lormed on the
"Iprung" ber-aUM! an intrllM Wllume or 6re ill. de. IlffiUnd by deployment of the att;uk (tlrCe, Com bl.; tare mWlt be exercised to prevent friendly Mvanta...,
liVered into lh~ kllhnlt :ton~, 1'hee flTf'1I can I>e dl. mon f()rm!ltiolll! are Line, I., Z, T, V. TrlJ~nR"kI tI'OOptI from IIrinK into other friendly poaltionl! of (4) OrfOiMUon 'Itd fil~ c! 4mh,eA IMVI.
reeted At a ain,le pGint or def,jltnat.ed area and
{Open alld Closed} and Box. Th formaUnn in be the ambullh wh~n rnnveralna fire ia uHd. The ambuah (0lT'e i. t.Uored fot' ita miuiOl1. Two
tlie delivery is mad.. audd~nly, viorently, Knd Oiled will be determIned by ('areml eonl!ideratiun (4) $AmpliritN. Another e8llential fundanMln- m.n may be adequate fOr a haraaaing ambulh.
withMlt prior indication. "Concealed pofitionll" tal of the ambush il> llimplidty. Simple planll and wherua a platoon or .....ttr a.lJe unit may be l'&-
of th advant.aE'!I and dludvant.1in8 of e..:h in
prevent membeu of th .. ambullh and their ~ujp relatioo to the tollowing: terrain, conditi01ll! nt ordera are eMily ul'ld~rltood and exllCUted, partie. qillnld for a deetrurtlon ambueh. Detennlninr
ment frum beini' pr8matuN!ly Men by the enemy. viRlbWty. fort'etI, weaJKInll. equipment, control, "lady if th~ ambush jl> ro be in pollltiGn for a ffoetor. will be th~ porpo,M of the atnbuth and the
Surprille ill el!lIential for alluttl'lsfulambWlh. target to be .lta.eked, and overall combAt lIitua Iont' period ot time; ltnrthy. detailed orden are tarpt to be attacked.
b, PJtrp08t1l vI Aml!!.Id. Ambulht'A are eX~ not likely to b!& Imembertd euttly end. 00,,"- (5) E~"Mtftt, Prop equipment to a.e<:om-
tuted for the genual purpotlt' of redutinR" the en (3) see FM 21-75 for a d4!biled explanation quently, an either not earded out or .rt mlaln_ plillh the milelon and meet emerll8ncia mult he
emy's overall combat etfectl\lt!091 and for the ~. This mRY OCi'ur even after detailed /"e. planned for, Each man .hGtild carry a boule load
specific purpolet'l of deatruction, har&lllment. and
pininr intellipnce infol'11'Ul.tion,
of the tyJ'K!'" of ambush and the varioUl Ambush
Hi) Concnrlr/1f11i1t of IUltW1I.. Once .prun&,.
of ammunition. and maximum uaeahGtiId be made
of cren.du and daymorea. All equipment .hould
(1) DMtruetkm III the primary puJ'Pl.'lR. be- d.. Funda:mfflta" o! Svuetlll!vJAmbNilA, an ambu.h mUll ulle 1111 available Ilrepower, To be muffied Ot taped to pr.vent noiM.
caWl(llou of men and equipment caUIle the enemy (it Surpriu. The mM Important elemtnt do tid. t'equirea CAreful a1tentlGn durin tralnlnr. (6) RlIGdiOti !orea, A l'tIadlon tom. Ihoukl
to dlvRt troop. from other miulons to proieet of an ambollh la lIurpTiIH'!; If aurprlse ill not Under exdtement &time men will Ilhoot Inafree be planntJd tor ami prepaNd tor eaeh amhuah pa.
h!1NIelf aralnl'lt ambuah_ The failure of the en~ achieved, there iA no ambUllh. It ill the decisive tl....y. or fall to fire their weapon. trot Normally, a reaellon fOfU will only be em.
eIDy!l! reeonnaluane. snd combat patrola to ;u~ rjI,CtoT which 8hlftA the immediate control of the (6) mmlmlle. The !alt fundamental I. ployed when the patrol encountaTt ..r10U1 dl"'~
eombAt lIitualion to the ambullhing force by atrik. ..1f-dlecipliM, ItemainlnK in a set ambush can be cully.
eomplish their mi8llloTltl berauM they were am-
buhed deprivlillJ him of valuable C(lntr!butiolUi iRl' ttt. enemy When, where, llind in a manner for
FMll-3S PM 11-1.

{7J 811f" Whl>ll HihTlJ!'a" ambu>~h th(llerral fl

nmbu~h I~ tn Il;}ll trlt' ehemy by ~Ilrprilin" him,
al\d tlJ lIu thIS ,'jwh mt'mhl'r nf the IllTlMlllh fn'ree
mUllt iJe equally pr~11IC to prevenl the tar~
(rom TeIl<:ling.
"'Ham (a\;or the u"e of ambu.h tacUc., Comw
ml1Ht b!' caN,fuliy um,'Y7.l'd A {'jjrtJful lItudy must mlu.dt<r.~. rClIplInl<iLIe for Movement throutth ju:n-
hop mlulP \>IIi"l< ml\jl:<', 1I,'rilll Ilhoto)<raphK, and nlUS\ 00 hllltll'n frhm the I'Il~my'" view. Ant'r g. WiUutr.uo'!Or. io'!Jllowin the IlUcce""ful eom. yll" h-rrRHI mulil plllll rnr ihe folwwin,i:
whl'1\ Pfl:~:<'lbh\ a llt'rKOfwl fN'I>nnail'HIUtN". Tht' f,('Hllj( mtn phlition, 1'l4ch mao (,lIrefully COll('t'nlll pletion ;)f 1\1\ amhush, the leadf'r will iniUllte tht" ilt) J'rr'}JoIlrlllU /trr ffW1MmMtt. The com.
:;I'rnl.lnll mu~l ('!lithl,- fl<'t'uTmtioo lind/or pO'IHUa- him~f<!f lwd tho' 1"IHlpr ('hi",')!;" II! ptlllltinnll for witndrnWIl! lIignat atld lht. ("rtc will mov\' hark nllm<JtT IHltkl"," Ii thllroulth map rvt'(JrmaiAuncll of
Hull II( ;'on!'\'i\1t>d Il{Mlti(l11~ All ri'\'UllIlaisAAOrl' prop.:'r ('otl"elnwot. LIlHtly, tht're mll)',t b4:l on llh_ to .. ,.rodt'lllj(nated raUy point, ('omplctillM nt'C~" th., l\;rrUlH m'IT which h.. will move hj/\ unit. If
nnd lwlvt.'mt>nl mto 1""l1titm rnlll'l bl' fr'fim the 'If'"l't'H~lIry tnlkillll'. !!l't1okhlj.f III" lntw.'m('nt If re- ary rt,... rf,(OniI,lIti!lII, nod then rl'Lurnmg hI the !'()MHlh]I'. Illi nerlill n'I'NHlai.wulCt' IIhoultl aleo be
rt'ar 'lf ttl'(> Kt'lt,t'tt.'d ".mbuHh p'Jllitum, CO'o',;H'Il Ilef.~ 11ft' tu I:w u!lerl, thty I\hnultl he pf;:llrranRed. b&k of UlWrlltionll, If the fnree hUll an IIIlflIJ(ned IU'(,llml)H.~h~'i1 All eVl~ltlRlion of ~ terraln
ruutl'';or wlthtJraw.ll] ~hould be jl.vail.llbiu to ell- Oo('e tlw rulmr 1.wR'ln:<., only a few mf'1l IhUlIiti milUlion of !!CarChlllK the deatl for documenl.!<, :;hnultl bl' mud., ftom the enMnY tKIil(t of view in
nbll' lh(, ambuM to brC.IIK n.ntM"t and livoi;l jlur nmv(' at IJ tlm(', be(,.fIlI!U:l it 1M le"~ likely that (lne .. isln~ etIuipment, or taKing prlsbneNl, thjH is ae" ~lt-tnmi1til\)< tik.,I,)' lImbullh ~ite.'!:. Sin-ce mapll uf
lIull by f,r.,. F .. vorahlt> OI'ld" (tunrwh,) of fire J,f tWIl mfi'n ni"vino{ at onr(' will 1.1i' ~p(j\ted, eomplished hy that portion of the for~ aH"igned )1<11)1'1<' terr,IW hl't Ofti'll mru1~urate, the terrain
mUKt Ill' ullflwt'd the ilmLllllh. Th,' :<.lte l!elt'('il,d Wh('telL" if th(' ",utir" rehet mllved Ij,l nllrc, thr thtll taKk while th~ other memberll of the force nllll'l tit, "mIlHdl'n'ti i n r~ll1tmn w the I.. l.e,t avaU-
"hvult! ImIlO~t' ('II11a!iLlIi!NI {)f tht' I"llemy forct' (ham'('!' <If }W!I\II' III't'n '\Nun!.1 ~om(l mll('h would ('oVer lhrnn Th!! fnrc!' then withdrawil II) 1Ii111' Itd~lfnl"fHlIL An tlcr! .. 1 recvnnaill:ll8l1ee of the
JIll the kWinlof Z()l!(", th" sill' IIhuuld, of {'(IUFlle, grefltt'f. In 1'01) nthf'r opcrntion il( (,.lim'lUft.M~ diHci- the tl.IIime manner ItS lll'ev101J"ly Ilell('ribetl, If the 11f1'11 WIll !lM)o\1111 III ('onlPnl'InIt map!! to tM
IIff"rti a p!)lIltmn llHHlfioll' rOI\~d with the enemy. plit'le mlH'e imrllrtrint than in lhr I'mh\J!lh. WPI\P- embullh canHut IlVl'rr"mt' the em"my column. the Mill 1'1111 pr"vidl' m("rmllimu on the dtnAity 01 vq-
The !<it~ mUlIt ('onlribute tn, or at !e/illl not de- <JfVI !lhnultl ftre through II<'re<"nl of undil<turbed. fon::e !!hfluld tmmet!ill.Wly withdraw and rapidly ('iul "n uutl ~t'JL~[l!lIIl l"'mtlltiqn 01 Ktreams,
trnt't from, the "'urprl~e of the Ilmbuah. ConHider hVln;l fo\ial;t'e. :Iud nll sjlIHlajte ntHultinll from move to the rally pili nt, qtlJckly roorganu:e anti
(M f'flrmtli"",. fo'IITmations which provide
WI{ lbill. th .. ambuM ]lll.lm] leuder tIoell not hflV(I Jlreparlltiut'l of pMitinns should be removed, depart thf! area, R~ardlc"" of what happen!!, on
!\{'l"IIt1ty tu h"unl. flank" .. nd rear mUllt be W!led.
to !'.elect tbe lWl'l Jl'fflund or terrain "uited !.artie I'tt'tlvirlti lhe withdrawal Higna] all elenwntH
In tht> jllllMle. tr"up,. uMually mow in Il column {)r
I, ('tull.I!U't !l/thr Am //UJlJJ, withdraw alouR" f! pl"fviously r~onn(;jte11!d routf'
,,"llv fUf hIli ambUMh. MAllY iilT\ell lh,' ttelediun of filt,. 'I'hl!! 111 1If!('1'"~ary for r(Jhtmt purpoe,ell dU4! to
a l'Iitt- f,lr ~\lrpri",e aloll{' w)11 bo more fldvanla (I) ,'ilf1IIi1L!. An nmbll"h Ifader will Ileed at to the rlilly poiut. Situatmn permitting. eaeh lhj dl'n,~e Illld"rp;rowth whkh hiudeNl but d04ll\
~lUa than atttmillitlll' \1! Ilmbllllh an enemy {rom ;eu.~t lhrel' MiJ(nalfi fnr hi" hmb\tflh: .fI w.rninJl: member of thi' r()fce IN"1et'ta route to the rally
fjfJl jlre\'lude thc 11M' of 14 point, dank, and rear
II ~P;lt of which Itt' ill HII re to be Acu~picioull. There.. fllR'OIiI. Il !ligna1 for execution, and a ~ignAI fOT point pnor to the eXl'cutlOn And walkll thiM foote
~\jnrdH, The mtf'rvltl between men ahould hi!
fore, the .. mbmlh mi;lht 00 laid downhill from lite withdrAwaL Thl' wnrninx ailotnal ",hO'llld be a Ai- until he eRn fnllow it even In tht' dark. The rally
nbnut fh'e yurdl' wh('r(' '>'iOlibUity perroita. 'The
enemy aM well aa uphilL When downhill from the lent !!igna!. EXAmple" of .~ilent siJl:nab are hand point ill fRf enou~h from the ambUSh site l!O that
cornmJlIlu.. r ... hJ)uld lil' well fO/'Wllrd in the column
atld arm aill'nal!! and \'ineH, ~[lN!.'t or nytoo flshinlot there ill \10 danger of its beinj( overrun if the
enemy, It beroml'll n'l/)re dLfficult fOT him if> e%Cape and the !1~PI'Wl'r uf the unit Abould be evenly diA-
lOinte he will have to Meape uphill. It the ambUilh IIIlf:' laid "('fOO!! the arms or anklH of Reletted enemy ntta\'k~ the amhul\h, At the rally tK>lnt the
fler.wcl thrnuJ(hllut tht> ('olumn. Then. if am.
ill uphill trom the enemy, it iA easier for him to memberH III the (lIttr,,!. Wh('1\ \hf' ~nemy ecm~'" forc' i. chL'('ked f'lIr miming members and caMulIl-
bu!!hrd, nol all !If hiM firepower, marhlneJ{Una and
et!t'ape by rllnning oownhill, Howe'Yf!r, if advan- into I\itiht the Kfmtry pullll- on the vine or rord tie&. thtll movt'1t on it" rt'lurn fUlIIrch bther mllJor W1'l\pN10i are J'lubject to delltrucl,ion in
tage is !.aken of untural ob&taclefl or mine!!, the whit'h alerUl the ambull-h leAder, lie, in turn, a- th .. imliIJj burllt Variation!! !)1 formations to
uphill pD"ltion shonld be the more lIUt!eeellful (If lerts the other mrmbers of th(' patrol. TIlt' "Ignal 1-23, n.Nn.. Aeainllt Arnbu.h chj)n~e the IU('MtiUllH of commulliclI.tionl, ieadenl,
the two, for u:CC'ution may hi! the explodinJl: of minell, Tap- a. afn~rnl. Si~ ambullh~ are more fre- lind automlltic Weap(Jjll!l within the unit Ahould be
(8) Pflllittrrns, Security fnree!! are pOflitioned pinjt or !UUlppirqc oounds auth as hitting the hel- quently Rnd more etrft'tively employed in jon.le practiced, TheM vllriatiou" mas lIimply be forma_
nut to prevent Aurprifle while the ambush il' rott with a atoM, hittini two mrtai objtA to combat lhR!\ nny (.thi-r type of comb&t, It unit lion ~hQnl(ell during the eonduct of one p!lrtieular
being eaubl\lIhed. Automa\ie wea.pvn" are then IOflther or .Ii '>'oice rommantl. For tht' .hrnal to moving thruutih jungle terrain muat takt' all 'POfI< movement Variation of patterns and fonnatiollll'
poldtioned 110 that elU"h can fire arong the entire withdraw. voit'(' ('ommani&, whiHt1$1l or pyrotech~ alble meaaur~1 to rlldufi! Its: vulnerability to am- wlll require aimilar c:tuu'!/(~ in the orpnislltlon
killing sone, It thi" ill not po88ibie. l)yt,rlappinlt nkll mIIoy hi! uaed, SliTIAlIlllhould be cbanlled fre- bu..h. Th!' fl'lillIt t"ffective rntIlins ot comb&ttini an of tbe .mbuMh forc~; be~, random chanJ(e1l in
Aector" of fire are de!litinated for ~ weaponA quently to prevent eompromiat<, AIl'IbuAh ill tv dillcuver it before enl.erina the kHl. or~animtion durinit' mOVtmant ma)' prt.'vent the
ao that the entire killing 'COne ill .eavered. The tOT(:(: (2) Eu(utltm. The ambullh fOt'Ce mUlt walt ina :lone. However, thb IH oot alwaYIll pouibkl, A enemy trom rt'{lfMII'lizinll" in time to properly ell-
lea~r then aelecta a pMition from which he can neceu.ity for II~ III movement, coupled with galle the unil
until the u.rpt 11\ well within the killing zone,
best d~t~rminf when to initiate th~ ambu&h. Tht" force ".der or IlOmeOn~ desipated by him il _VI jungle, mRY requirt' movement on r0ad5 or
{~i SrcuritTi. Since the ambush, ideally
Rlflem~ nnd tirenadienl are then pl"ced to cover reAponlltble tor trlacerinJi \tte ambush. Jud,.. tnill. thu& incfeatllng a unit's vulnerablllt.y to condueted, 111 net d!lIcovered nnti! the ambuah ia
any dead lpaet: len by the automatk wHpon. All ment mu.t be exercillOO In deciding the exact m~ _bum. For thiR realllfln, adive meuuru will
llP1'un1l. the effecti~ preventive mea/\ure ia PH'
we"'POnl '$l'e alt'ligned IMl(ton of fire to provide numt to triaaer the ambUlh. Prematur~ triner. have w tw otupplrnnented by pualve deten.lvfI
employment lit 11.11 around JteCurity, Alert ACOU~
m1.ltual IU.rppM'i. For the mOlit pari.. ambu$bes in in,r can r&llult in a failure of the ambustt III _11 meallurell in order to dedroy or eK&J)It from an
and patrolll will detect ambuah 8i1M by sH.rchln1l
jUnJ:ie operations are ",ited alon1l pa4ll&bte trallll. Ilftbullh.
as placmg the ambu4h torce Juelt in danller. out !.,Wi\'.M<ted areu, obAerving inditaton, or by
AmbW!lh personnel have to be pOliitioned where 0, PretautWtlarll MfJaAure~.
Upon initiation of a definite and deftnabJe lignal. drawlnll ftre. When movl nl{ alon,it trails tn denAe
they can 8ef! enemy per80nne! and not n.oe8ll&riiy tht; ambullh will be e1luted. 'The (of! must lay OJ DI8f1'/(Ju7Itlld trfWpi!. Dillmounted t.roop junile, maintain complete silenCi! as poor noiAe
the trail i1M-H, Tht' ambullh leade'( e.etll a time by down an immedia~ heavy volume of fire. Prop. Ubita have the adwntage over mounted troop' in
dilelpllne on the part of the eltf'my can l't!Ault in
which position", are 1.0 be p'repared; the del'l'et! of erly timed lind delivered ft,... contribute heavUy ""oidintt ambW!lnet! Bince they an not oolmd to early detection and d~umvention 'of an ambuan
thfl ObVlflUII ruutell of movement, Altboullh am.
prepar"tlon deJ)ltnd:$ on the time allowed. All men to the achleV4ment of AUrprlN III weU III to the ReprdleM of the formation empln,yed, Ilecurity U;
work at top l'lpeed durina: th" allotted time. des\ruct!on of the tara.t. Inltfally, fire muat be \Nah. IgainAt dillmounted troop' an the moM: the front. rur and flanb !a neceaury at all
difficult to ('OIldutl. the Limited!Uty and u.
(9) C<u'Iw",/fage, Camoufta.,.e play. au im- low and then acUUllted on !,arret, When the tarpt tim., A front lIecurlty element should provide it.
ill to be ..u.aaulted. the linina or shlttinJ: ot fIru eeUent cover and t9ncealJMnt tound in juq-Je own flank M(urit,y, be placed well forward, or lUI
portant mie in th_ amblUh. The purpoH of the

fAr forward IU!: ])(}Mible and lltill be in rommuni will minimiUl th~ 1nddcn .... of this type of am .tely inftkt. maximum '('i!llIualtiell and. normally, tht' taetlcal plan may rt'quire periodIC reli,,1 01
(,lIhon with tht> mRin bod.v, T'hf' front &ei:'urity ete- bush, All roada flh<>tlld be dailldfled into cateKQ-. no attempt la mad.. to prolong tlu! engagement, commitl(,d unib. Su('h reliefl! .re I/rcomplillihed
mt>nt mll~t bt- ~lrong t'noUll:h to /l-ulitRin Iwlt ul1tll ri ..11 wllh thp dnO;flifit'atioll beillg balled primarily Immediah' teadion ) build anti retain fire IIUpe--. by a ft!1i~( III pl6xe or a pBlllla.e of linea. The
fo!lOW\IP. tlnitA (An be dep)uyeri til lUUIi!!t ;n rt'du(' nn Plltimatcd enem)' !tCtiOll in th~ arelUl t'Ollt''rlled, riorlty IPl: tbe bt>lIt initial defenlle lIjfablat thi" am. halite prim:!piell II( rt'lief <!p..1rat-ionll apply to jun-
;nll' th .. Ilm!m"h. 1<~IRnk IIC<"urity t'lt'1TWOt/l in thl' TrafrJ{' nn all ruad:". in t'lmllmt url'ttll mn"t bt- rij buab, The tWI) It''t'hlHtIUf'PI: t'ammonly o~ {j, ('oun. k]t' ~'ombat; hnw!'vtlr. ,'('rtl/ln flHKh1klltion!4 wlll
junj(lf' u!!uRlly mU:oIl move Rdjll .... nt 10 the (101umn iri!y c.mtrolled ntl.l kI;'pt U1 Ii. minimum. All "''ehi. ter ambullhfNI ill Jun/lli' wnain are-- be 11~i'lHl4Uy, 'f(,y detAilM inrormation oil relief
.11loll/( routt'll pRrllllt'liolf the dirlX'tio-n of mafi'h. plpfl mUllt hRYP lit INlSt nnl' .tIrmffi ridt'r ElS air . (0) In nmbu!!:hftl whl'h> the ambul!hinlf nperathlllS. 1If't' r'M Bt-IOll.
The think lIe!.urity I'lementl'l mU!lt be dOfl(' r.nou,irh Ifrnund J(uar!1 and trawl at nil(ht mUllt. be reo force 111 riepleyed I\t It 1lilltann> (rom the killing h. Bu.i.. C;"mfllin'fI/"IIj', The followinjf conllid-
for ('ontro] and yt'l diJ;tant elioull:h to- provide ade Itttwt('(1, unlt'sil tht' pnl'my bl!.i'lllir Kuperlorlty. Ar- Icme, the rout' heing nmll1lllhed will have 1IIm11" erutl'mll UN' pet'ullar ttl plaltnlnlf And execution of
(jUltlt' rt'.IIttion timf' ROri ~paj"I' to th' main column mnrcd vt'hidt'A ~houlri b> Ul('d to l!l\t'ort convoys, lpaC(' lor maneuvpr !lnd Mme opportUnity to lltffik all typt!:11 ;)f relief operatij)~ ('ondudfii in tbe
10 the "'YI'n1 the f'nI'my Itt rontal'led. ReRr Reeurlty snr! informatiHn r('lnlinll' to ronvny or vehidf' ~ver At 11 It'~~ .. r rll1lo: r.f ril"lltruetion. In thi~ in- jUllgle;
I'leml'ntli ]It>Ttnrm ~imiIRrl>' to thf" point; they ('j\l1 movpml'llt mu~l Ix> (,lIn'fully Il:uanled. Every unit I\aneC'. thl' I'II'mNlt whkh n'n'iYl'~ the IlliHaJ (ut' (1) The reduced Yillibllity founil in m~t
be \I~Pd .II~ Il mllnt>lIVi'r elem'llt in the f'Vf'nl (if "hould formulRtt' !'Umpr('hl'n~iY!' .~tl\l'l(linlf npera talwll t'tIVl't and immedh.lely rt>!urnR !l mllximllm jungle Mea" will permIt umu ti> conduct relief
Rmhullh. tiO!) Ilrnct'dureil ftIVerinlf mOVt'lTlellt by mads. volume of fir ... All th(' ell'menl IItrivl'!\ to gain fiN' 'mctationll durin" the day.
iii; (',-mfm{, All av.ilablt> m('aOIl Hf I'om ThL~ AOP "h<>uid stlite drRrl}, whn III authorized lupHiority, th( ..l('m('ntll that ;'!lcalled the initial (ll) Tn prevenl l'!1IlWtiIJI! all well It!!; <let&.
muoit'Atinnll 1lN' Ulled to .lIlIiKt in maintAininll: lo pill A cunWlY on thl" rOfld lind IIhould a~o pro- bul'llt bf'gin prt'riri!1o;>d maneUYerll to "lIvt'I"pe lh .. lion by the enemy. inct'ealled emphlUi" will hav!"
(ootrol. In lldditioll. detailed prier plaonioll:, vIde dMai!t'd infr,rmatinn rOllcf'rning the appoint. flank~ withNli fur!h"'r <>rder!l. to be placed (m ooordil!&tion and liaisolt
bTiefinW', and rt'ht'IlTIIII.1 for all p('rMlnnel will mpnt and dutit'fl oC r<myu}' and yetnell' rnmtnand (t)l III ambullhf'1I where the vegetation iM (3) Durin" relief operatiMIl in the jung!!'.
permit rapld 8ftiOllll and nrdt'MI when An Ambl.lllh ('rH, th(' Orf'lllll'tatilln of {'onv()y~, wea1lOm' ami tx.trem('ly fletJ.~l', tho;> killinl( :wnf' wilt W unner mltvt'ment will be by "kalth, i>Kpe-daIJy durinll:
dveJI our. It mUilt be< rt>membered that In tht' blUlif IOArill ttl bfo t'.rrit'ri, hl>ltrud.lnnK r ..S/:Ardinll: hMVY. highly rnlLt'IIntratf'ri. cloRe"rltnj(e fire!4. hnutR of daylill'ht. RteaUh combined with co-m-
juntt!e tht're ill rIP 1Iul)lltitule for pel'l'Umd ('ontad wiod~hit'ldl\, tRillllltr'l< IIl1d tlll'llnulinlf of vphirlt'li. ThiK will prnlii!lo;> liUl; timf' lI.nd IljlB,rt' tor men tl) pledty of the terrain wi!! make movement very
e!fe{'ted by leadf'rlt with their stlbordimttt!t' to In."d lmml"diat,(' at'tjnl! dl"jllfl, HIII1 illl!lru('- maneuver ;)1' l<('t'K ~'vel. The lOllll:er they remflin xlllw and difficult.
SUN> malumum t'flfltroluf Uu,jr furtelt tlnn!O to ri(>l'rihl' 1Wt'1Irlty polidell. in th(' killinlf V,;Hle, th .. mort (,-(riain thell- de- (4) IllcreaAed emphalliK will be placed on
{r) Spum' I'qulpmrftr AddHinnAI item!!: af ta} Wf1t('ff.T(!/f, Tht> IImbulih of beat? and atrudion_ In thl!l in~tance. the element initially ('ommunicationll to illllure adequate controL
equipment and wellpons are Mlmetimm nHtfed hy "mull naft moving along narrow junkIe watt'r~ Ared U1wn r",tuT",! fire and Immt'diat~!Y aliKaultJI flS) Joint patrollinll: qholild be cnnducted 10
I!. umt. t'llpet'tRlly wtwn it movt'il through Are~ WAyfi II. lIimilar to the amlmsb o( mOlltlit'd troops, directly :nti) ttw 11mbuJ;h pmdtlonK" Tbh adion IllIlUN:! that the incoming unit iK completely fami.
whert' IlUf'rTilLR .... are likely to he e/Kounteffd. Ad 'rhli' Ilro})lemll ar.' uml)liflf'd by tht; (a1:t that prillT ft!;6v1'1< thMn out ..r th .. killing %onl;' lind IH'evehlJ< III'Il"itf'd with tht' terrain and the enemy lIituaHon,
rilt!omtl lIlllnmati(' Wt'fl.jxmll mlly be- np('eKKal"Y~ l1i t<> IIny ..tff!chYe Cftlmtl'Tflrtion, troop mUllt firat othu t'lt'mell(A Hi thi" Jl,mbullh from flrinlC fln
onlYr toolll- 8ml min' dl"tf'l'torf', art Wled to detect tellrh IIhorf'. Furth~r, point and Ihmk !IOOutliy fttt> them withnut firillR (lfl their own men. 5-25, hMia
and redure T'fJ/ulblo.:kll or minel\eldR, Demnlition riifii;:ult, mBKing {hia typO' o( mOVf1ment l"~trem<;,ly 13) !,fmwtnl frtlirp;!. 'Ao'hea ambuahinsc
mtintffi trtlOlm, tht' e1!t'my will IIKllally chooae a a. Jumd" terrain lenda itxelf to QperatiortJl.
equipment IR uHd lo dell-troy abal8dew encoun- Yu!nt'rllblt> to ambulloh. for further oonaiderationa The limited villibihty and i'xf:p.lllmt rollcf'lilment
tered en Toute. Additional eommUniCllUr})18 equip- a( de-(eoll(' lI.Jfainlit ambush of WAterrraft. &ec j)Hr~ b!ation when- ht' ('iOll deliver fitell at point blank
!'H.hle akilltd rairlinll: patrol,o; to penetTate det'p
ment and identification df'vieell ~uch 81t panllllletil, all:rllph~ &--SO throUKb 5--33. ranjfe and fcom ahuVf1 into' canop.y, The driv.
into enemy territMY. A platoon 01" >m'Ulller lIiz..
lightll, or IIml,kr grlllladeR may be I'8qUlred. en of vehidej! which r~l;'ive tbe initial tI,..
r. ('mmll'1'omllU.IIh mtOllurn. unit ill best suited tH rail type uperlltionA in jun.
.boold attempt h. drive u!t through the ambllah
(f) l'irl'; lIt1ppo'rl. A detailed n.Te IIUPPOTt (I) Gf11f''P'al. PerRonncl mua~ be trained In ald. SUPportiQ' Area II:hnuld be planned anti ulti'd,
kUllnlf :tUllf' wfote 1I!1l0winj( the vehicle occupant.
plan to indudt' plaoned flrea on Ilkt'ly enemy 8m- how 1.0 dlllrovt'r 8nd/or def ..flt enemy ambullhea. If avallab1e. but the probw-m of Are oontrol, the
to @trlll'k (ow rounlf'fatt.llt'K purpoll(", Vehkl_
buab lIites Is llece"Rary alon8' with nn-call air IIUp- They mUllt bi' I)rofid!'nt in countcrmt!uurell tlmln. o( operatioIl& and diffkult!e!I of rommuni.
approa('hing th(' killing mite Abould not .twmpt
POTt 5nd Ifl"ound .nd airborne forward air coo- whicb 1!8n be IAken when ambushed that will not. ca.tiOM make the empt.;yrnent !lC fire II'Ull.llOrt di(.
to. run thrflugh Ihf' Rmbllah; rather, they .houtd
trolll"ra, when available. CoordinaUon with the <Illly reduce tbe !'tr(>('tiveneKs ot the ambush. but neult. 'the elteeution of raid. that rl!1;!uiw deep
halt dear or the Itr!'a alld tfiM:hat,e occupants for
fll'f! ./!iupport unlta indudell: route to be followed~ alao may r-edut't' ineitkn of ambu.b. The key ill penetratloT1o!l into the juni:le will be atre.:ted by
deployml'nt. In ambushell (lr thlll type oft.naive
&ebeduled and en.t:aU lints; ~Jl aixnll and tlrea; eRrly detedioo followl'ri by imm~dialc and vitrOr. thll! pby,kal e-oouranee required of the men to
maneuv('r i.~ normally carried out by thQae troop!!
t'he<'kpointa, phAu lint>e" and other control meas OUK ret\ell"type !!'Ount.era(lion, appliutiol'l of max- traverN the terrain. the lack o! tktalled informfl'.
whn Rrt' dear nf the kdllhlt' wne. It no l'Iuch
urea; timea of departu('t! and returl'l. imum firepower and fele-ntletlll purault. 1'h!' mOllt tlon of the enemy pOllUont, n1l1upply and eVB{,UIl-
trooPIl arf' twaillilbl(', then" rroutal attack under
(2) MCfmtMl IrlXfP$. Roadt an extremely etred.ive meana for a unit to I!i)\Inter ambullhu ill lion. Thil ean be minimized by ut.ablilhln,a iii lifI.
wnCf!lIlmt'llt IIf !4mnk!', if pORRiblt'. will he nec-es-
acar! in junle .reM,. In !lOme ioeationa. howM'er, b}, appb~atiQn of apprnpriate immediate action tro1 bUll near tbe ,.nera' area of the final obj~.
"'Y. Uve. From there. reoonnallAlnc:e patrola can be
the jun,le edge is adjacent to road" making; am- drill.. CnmmAnde1"5 ahonld inaul'tl that lheu (-1) W-alf'rrrftft. Meallur{'s tu cuunteram-
buah of vehli"ular eoh'mn& extf'tmely eaay; units drillll are well reheared and that every man un- dlspatcbed to ICOUt ille en_my poeitiona. Maal1-
bush Df watt'rnaft are covered ill FM 31-75
mwd eonsider the dan. .r of ambuah ever present detalanda wh.t he is aup~ to do, Immediaw (Teat). while. other membe,. of the raidl. fcree ean be
rexard_ of the t&eticst or admlniatntive situa- sctil)n driJ!aareJ; in detailln FM 21-76. .II11nwed to reat and to eomplet.e preparatioN! for
tion, Althnurh ambuah of vl!lhkular roIumIl& I. a iZ) f)Wftmnded i'/"OOpl:. When ambuahed. the raid. Whenever poNlblt and praet1cabl., air-
primary t.aetk ot peTrillu ttl obtain supplies. it
1-24_ hlief "nd POltoe- of Lin.. craft or watercraft Mould be uMd to tran.porl
dismountN troops witbln the kiiJin. wne mUllt
must bf: eapeewd that mnl'e conventional enemy reatt immediately and vlokmtly ""t.hout ortMrt to ft. {,l'm'Y'" W'tU'n ttidical junKie ulX\rlttwnlt raiding patrol membt:,. Into or MIlr tit. . . nef.1
forcea will emplny tbls technique wMnll!ver paulo overoome t.he iniUal advant.&if ... lned by the wntinut' oller. prolOlufetl period, C()t!~rvatiMI <>t urea of th .. objl!clJvfl, Thll will anable the ,.(dln,
ble, Properly applied pl'eet:utioury muauru eMmy, BeeaUI\(!: an ambuah it dulaned to immedi- fiv;htillic powt'r. mlllnwna/Kt' of f'I're<"tivene&ll, and patrol to I"f!./l.Ch their objteUvl futer and In bat"


ter phYJlwal condition to accoIDpliJlh their mill-

8\.on, Thfi limitlnjf fa~wl"R in the Ullt! of aircraft
motkup 01 the target village, Jt ponible and
within Sflf'urity limitations. rehea,..als should be
tually C(loriurt ttw search ~hould be indigenouJl
tlnn. The u nit will move from the buea to
dennable rdeRIle points, which will Mtvt u
ami wltten'rart are landing .rellll. lad eapedty, ('ondueted uJllnJl: a aimilar vU!a,e, The operation iI, F'lr~ ~lipporf r./f'mtnl. This eltm'wnt rontrol measure, Onet' all mftTiberl 01 the unit
ItM the po.AIIlbl" 10M fi1 the element or lIurprillG ill normally plAnned in three phue.: in the Hrat "xJl prnvi.11' lire ~upp"rl for the aJlllalllt tllree and aTe in p<J8itloll at the rele... points, tlmultaneout
due to the noill/!, Ilnd hyrimgrftphil: limitation!! phillie the villaKe ia iJwlate<! hy encirclement; in later t<IF thi' sNlrvh !('lImlt .hollld It rw nM'ded. mow>ment MJ(in1J wward the line of ene!relemenl
b, For a dlA('U88ion u1 the jff'neral prinelples th(> lIe('ond phalle the iAhlated area Is deared up to 4 Ctm/r'(,/ rIf'In..,,/, Thi~ element will all- Movement IIhould he lIu~h that aU torces arrive at
J('OveJ'nlul< conduct of raid ope:ratifin8, .Kef' FM 21- the vil!aKe and the villalte ill lIei:r.ed; and In the lume !."olltrol of t'!'diialill alld priscners of war_ their portion of the line of endrdtrrnmt at the and FM 21-7r" third phu.e the viUap is &ellJ'{'hed, Meihodll and Depe:ndhlJ( on the J'lir;> (,t the .operatiou, lhia team Mme timl.', OnCe an tOr<'et make eontact wilh ad-
technique!l IIhould "tot varied 1rom operation to op ea.n be lIupplemented with POW interrl)lfatorft. jAtent fOf{'t'1l on ooth Hankll and the encirdement
5-26, VIIIOI'* S.-xu,.. and Seorch eration to avoid set patterns. p'yehnloJ(kRI warfare pt't"AOtlnel nnd dvie action iA formed, the llwll\tiun ope:ration is complete.
~. (2) SflCtlritV (!nd lIurpn'u, Seeurity and parll(lnnel. (Me tlg.I)-8),

a, Gtl'H'Jfal, When intelligence hAl reported couJlteriJl~IIi~n~e take on Kreat importance dur- ;1) Slll'riftlrqmptntnt f/(!d m.a!rl"lill. enroll;}. (2) l'h(f~r If, IIl'izUYf, After the "ilia,. a
enemy IIodivity ill a jungle villase. a unit may be Ing Jill vlanninlt and brieHnlf phaHII betore the .ration IthouJd flO.' J(i\'e1l to the ullliUltion of IIpti- bmlaw!l tho)(e nwmrwra dlllllll{l1at.ed a6 ....''It
jfiv(jn the mlllKion to i3ulate lM vJllaKe and ton nt>eratiotl ProJM"l' phYII!!'at /J~uritY meAluret! and eiai l'quiprnt'nl lhn! may im'n>afI;> the thof()uJ(h. (ur("!" will movf' h, the villAjle itself ud Nt.abll6h
duet a 8ear!:h tor enemy peraonnel. weapon8, doc. d(>tt'ptive rMMurea will have to bt emplo)'ed dur~ Mh 01 the !lfmn'h a)t wf'1I aft llpet>d H up. Exam, a cord"h. The tordl.tdng of the viliaKe ean be at.
unwnta, and lIupplielO, M05t jungle vtllagllS are of inw movement to tbe targ-et villan to prevent the plea ur !<Pl>eifd e<juiplnt'nl1hll\ tlln be uaPd in r011- 1()Jl1p!J~h\d in any 'me of the followinK mttho(iII,
tWtl typet>. The mOlit tummon ia the "mali vlllaitt. ent'my from iearJlinlt ita true de>tination. P~r junetilln with ~ar<:h operaticn.ll at"e: mine detec- \n) Tightening tltt twrdt:mtmt. This
whith usuaJ~ tonllilltll of a collec"Uon ot hutll OJ' !lecutity will permit surpriJte. whkh jIJ ..enti,1 tou, l<mckl:' ltl'nerDturs, lind Jlrncke, 1rawnent. meth(,.j I~ lllWd when the vlll ..... Ie Imall a.nd tbe
hQlules eaver!nfi III very IImfl,U .1"8& and a tr.1I run to tht> IIUN~ells ot thill type ot operation, DtPlmd. tlon and tear lZ'1I>1 Kn'lmill's, BI.'!lut dolt~ can alllo eJl(>my force iK weak in relation to friendl),
/liliK through ~he Cf;nt,er. The other ia INi!ttle injf on the proximity or the jun/ifle to the villa",. Ohal)(,(' Uw '1}W'ratiuh by IJtovitiinK adrlitimml ~. rm,'('~ In jumclp tnrl\ln thlll method requ!rim em.
hellt'tlpl.trx ran J,rovidl' nil excelltnt meanll of eurity HIIlI UAAi.'ltml/." in the detection uf ent-my l,nnMi~ OJI (,olltrol to pf'event the cl"I!ation or aapl
menlo or IArJft'" vllla~. ifl!l1erallY eOMi..till' ot
lIeveralllf'attered ;rruup& of hu,," or trude MUJ\oeIl. rllpid lIud Aet'ure mllvement to the vlllase, When panonnelllnd l.'!jlllptt'.t'nt, !iurl1lK mm'PAwnt and tf) In"ure that &8UulUng
There III uaufl,Uy main trail or "street" runninK und<'rt.kinlt thill type of operation eXC1!S!ive and (" Gm"ll/~d "I Ihl" Opantwl! j(rtJ(lj)>I Itrl' not "red 00 by another ifl"OUp, Tbe en-
throu.h the area and a number of 5ubaldiary apparent N.!Connaillnnce ot tne aret! eh()uld be {I; [>hn..~I' I, 11I1I/n.UOIl Mn.~l i>l!ation opera. \'(>:npI!:K forcl' ~h.;u!d dl!velop depth b)' position-
trailll linkinjf lhe ;rrnuJifI of huta, JUngle vill~a /l,vQided t() maintt!in sectt!<,)'. Rl!'<luired intorn1&-< tlons are .\I turm ot eoc:rclement. Units will nor. IfIX multiple rellerve 1orce! u the circle ti,htene
art' often under IWIDe type 01 (>nt"lny control or tion ("oncerning the tetrain IIhould be ohtlJne<! mall\' e)ltRbliJ'lh hdiMI'lI Klter the ap}IrOftch march In st'iu' tn,' vltlal{(t. Thie will make a break.
dUl'ellll. Enemy fOl'Cl'~ will ttempt to obtain in. from aerial Photolffaphll, to the t.b)et,tlve villll.He. ThelW LaBes ahould be Rt throuKh in IItrclli(th by the enemy more dU'lcult.
telligent'l.', food, ('luthlng, muu(>y. and recruita fa) ()t'f1(!ft"14litl#, The unit ma.y be orp~ '~ a di,!lt!liluo tNm tht' V:IlIlKt' to )ll"evel1t their deter ThiJl m"thml or Keixure IIhoold be eoMldered
niU'd M a !!ombat petrol. Within the unit pro\-'i~

frPm tht'lW "iilllJ(l!!I in order W Ilullwin their op.
eratitln"l, The Vmll/l mllY be ~ illS a hid!n,
pla~ tor Wdf.l!)nll. ammunition, &11 well AI enemy
"il/n~ Mould be mad~ ror R headquarterll element,
a blotkinlt toreff, and an &8sauit fo~.
to) Heodqunrteu ~ml"nt, Thla ekment
( ..... )

. . . . '. T"
(orceII themselves. Members of the village are
often recruited hy the enemy to provide informa- will be reaponllible tor conduct of the operation.
tion un friendly mfwentenb. Any torm of human (bi Blodtittg fore" Thill. force will be used
habitation In the jungle or on Its periphery within ttl jill/late the "ill durillJf the isolation phalle.
l\ unit',. area or ril"ll(JQMlbllit)' will have an effect
Sufficient tOtcp mu.t be available to hold the line
ilfi Ita ~Imbat /)~l"atioNl, The Ability to etl'ectlvely
oJ encirclement and to provide a ruerve capable
illOlate and l'Ii'nreh a junlt villue will result in of delllhlK with any enemy thre:ats which may d*-
velop during the operation.
the reduced ef'fecUvent'SlI of the enemy and in en
Ci>Uraaement 01 the local popuJACf! it adequate
proteetion and aupport for the people Iubse~
quently pravlded, The methods And pfQCt!durea
uat'd to 6rht In theM: villagU wlllpnerally tollow
(c) A"auJt lortf'. Once the vilkta'e is tllo..
Isted thil' 10rte will move Into tbe villa", itaolf.
seiu it and Mareh it. The uaault f~e lIhoukl be
or,anis.ed into the folio-winK tlementa:
(,...--~) Of"INCIlCUM.flT

the prlndplell set rurth in FM 31-60. However. 1. RecmtW'HltCll. tLtmenl. This element
jungle: villa", ftghtin, baa l\.s own peculiarltlea will be the Iud element of the lUAult for
which moves out 1rom the line of encirclement to
and requ!refl modifkadon to tht standard th-
Mixe the village. They provide early warnln. tor
tdq\1f5 0' eombat In huilt-up a~.
b, .PlGn1l"t1l"U till! Op.rntV1I"
(l) GenfrQ.l. Each villare aelaurt! and ..areh
the usault force.
I. Sfarclt 1!!Jenwn.t. This element will
conduct the detaile<! ..aN:h and el9rln, of th.
---~--- ...............
operation InUIt be earetully and rompltte.l)'
planned, based on current intall!.enC*. Ord.n
IIhould contain conaiderable d~1 and "tot eapable
of rapid hnplemente.tKl-R. The), ,hQuld bt ~om
"iIIa~. It a lan,ua,e barrier exitU. the HANh
fONe IIhOl.lid Include auHklent int.rp,..... to In-
IU" adequate. comml.lniution, TheR interpnt.en
Ilbould reprwe:nt tlul loc.f.l. ~ lOVern-

p.!Iinied b)' detetled brieAnp ulI!n, a aandteb1e

..... ment, Whene".r pouibie, the peraonnel who &e


/ ~,

ii I r I,.INI '0'

/1 ~

------ti---- /V
'I'htrt{ore. the IIfWjarhead forcu mu.t bit -.ltrt for uru and ad .. a amal! loul re&:!rvt! for the
/ aLOCklU I'OJItCl: .and have plan. to oven:ome them. 'fbi. Mar"h commandtr. The ftre Iupport element pot/.
I method of Histln! ia complete when .eh ..-{pte! tlon) itaelf where It can rift ftre .uppo:rt to lhe
action of the village or villa. . iii encircled (aee .earcllllementa .hould It bit needed. The bloekln

fta'.lS-1i ). fOrN ,mQuld remain dear of the vlllaRe6 wheN It
(8) PJua~ 111, HareA. The adual eonducl of cannot be HNI, It 8bouid be poaitioned 110 U to
\ tM natch operation win be carried out l1li!Wn prevent eeeape attemptJ by .mall rtrOuPl Or indio
thoae teclIniqu. outlined in YM 41-10. ThtI vil- vlduall _ho try CO inftlt,.te from the vii",",. to

.paclfic unituei._
tap win be divided Into lanea or aeetora and a
the rupoatibiUlJ for durw
In. the area. The hw,dqlS&l1era element .bould be
counter detennlntd and OOfItAlnt,.t/d brule.
thl'OUltl atiernptJ 'by Utmy fort .. , aM to repulte
an)' att.mpte b7 oem)' tore.. to "lleft the UIo-
poIltioJHld when! it am but control Ute mov. lated vll_. roUo_il'll' tilt eompletion of the
ment of the durin. partiN. Kember. f1l tIM re. Mf.I'\:h, unitt Mould _Jthdra_ tactically from the
cnnnaiManee element parlorm IoeaI ..e:uritJ nteIUJ..vlu.o.lIfpmvld!q_.. _ ...
_ VII. _ _1'l0III

when th(!r~ are many avenueft of eaeape open

theenflmy httf' fur. &-9).
u) relti~tllnt(" The bY}>llHHed pock.. ,"", or teMillUlnn'
will I~' Ij'minllted by lh~ ron'ell rollmvinll tnt'
J...27. _ I I..,. ~ 111l1>li ........ _
lIflllo .......... _ofw_ _ _
Moat lowland j u1\lle IJl'4IU haft aiaIl~ Mt.- ~.... to _ 1IIl!ltorr f - . ...........d
lead ell!!mclIlII or by the rfllleTVeA (Me flf(. r>-IOI.
(n) Hal1l'1t(r flwl anvil. Thill method iM worb of rivlH'8, aireama, and .~. Kudt of oqul _ _ . . _ ........... r l _
dllltll1:ttoriZt'd by the UII. of bhxlclng forces and 11 ttl S,ll!(lfhf'llda, The third method ill to th. terrain in the j\,ul-lle th. .!,..'OUWDt 11 1M _ Ii... by II'K 11-'11 (Toot) II applleabIo
mobile drlvitliol force whlrh ill ofj!aniztd In depth, hnld the line of enrirdel'nent Illld drive !l.pear.
)ubjoef; to periodil: Inundation and othtr ......

It I,. URll!!.!!)' UIINI when pa.rt fir the line of enclr- ht'nd~ lhrflu~h_ ThDI ml"thvd i,. fharRft~~rizoo by .\leh .. man~ve ma1 be ptI"fUDIDu,
wWI ...." _ to tilt j\tal" ,,"rll. enviroo-
______ _ _
dement 11< fI natura! barrier nwh 11M dlfT or "tlMd and il< UII\!d wh~n "",('tlom~ of the villaife are Iftllndated. J\mi'le rlverlne ...... .,.. e1l.vt.otlf.
(IVf'r. 0,\(,, lhe bIH('kinp: forrellllTe in pOl'1ltion the dlll~rAeti or lie-vera I ArnAll viliAfte8 are located in IMId by very lImif.e;d or n(lnallten-t O'NrlMd
lead elem... nl.!! of th" drivilw (ore.., will move prmtimlly I" l'Arh othf'r, Thill method i8 mort' vul- tran.portation eapabllitl .., thua makina' InlPd
q\11(''kh' throUllh the At'fl'I, bypllJ!,8lng poc'keta (Jr nerable lo ambush thAn lh~ oth~r methodll. w.tarw". the p:rincipat m~na of t.raJllporioltJDn.
f/rlll 1 1--3$
I'/rlil 31--35

5 - 1 8 . J u ngle Ri... erimt Env ironment (2 ) MiMI' $er'~r (e"'ltrol NLl/,W). The
4. A ju ngle riv erine envirollme nt IS :t b.nd en- cent rll l \'1,11(1,. hu broId ri v!'r .... hich ill U,"1\U)'
vlTon m(" nl domi na too by ..... ter lines of communi- nav1ll nblt (or ar!'lIl d if.ln nu 1I Inlllnd. The r;\'er is
cation", There may be one or mo re major water- USUIl!!), fed tt,. numerO!b tnbu tllries. In thru<e
waYI Ind an extenSive networ k of lesller water- Jun; nJleu whe l'e Lhf:,..u a d ~ll ite dry and wet
wal'S. U"able roads a~ 3o.:IITCe a nd cross-count r y !Ca:<t1n. m 3ny of the tr i b llta ri~" (ound during the
movements are dns tlc.:Jly t urta llcd. Althoug h wet ~a.5(ln may cea u to ex ist during the dry sea-
e"tens ive variation is not ent ounter ed in the dif son Th(' middll! r iv.-", il wide. s low lind o f len me
ferent j\ln.t. ri vl' rine en vironments at the world . anders (3t!'e rhr. 2-3 ) . During periods nf hellvy
thorough lI nller.d'::Llldinsr of a partieulu\' un\'iron- I'1Ijnra ll t he C1)u rNe of the ri ver 1& 8ub/ t lo
ment i ~ e5Mnu.vo1 priYr l.o the tonduet or ofJeu- ~ hlln.p. A kJ n ~ Lh t>gt widt.: r1,'erl t he j un,lt Je ,top!!.

t1Ons. sh('l r( of I t~ 1m J\k.~ .. n d the CIlDOJ)Y a \l pear s to

b. Ge neral descri ptio n of jungl e rive rs. comlJ tu mbli n~ down to ill! edlJe. With the in t ro-
(1) Upper I'cc i qr,f (h.eadII!!U er~ ). Headwa- duct ion of direct s\l1l11~ht. the vegetation jJl'ows
lers are us ua lly in a mountainous region drai ned up to (arm a solid nnd sometimes impe netrable
by numerous brae and smail tributades which wall which can be up to 100 meLers thi c k ( M~~ Jig.
mer~ to form 8 river I)'stem. Head waters are
5--(2). The banks o f the river !ue of len s loped
charaelllri7.ed hy waterf.lls. rapids, and local var- a nd s liPIIN)' (11M na:. 1i-13 ) . Many of the na\'igo-
iations in w.ter depth wh ich limit o r rutrid the blc t rlbu t:)ri. (foCdma the mojor r jver will often
lie complel 'll)' overgrown with vegetation (see fig .
use of wat.erc rah.

~14) . These tributa ries M e orhUi inte"persed S--29. S~I Consld....a tions in the
wit h obstacles s uch as fa lle n trees (aee fi~. &_15). Conduct of Jungle Wote rbo rne
(S) Loww eecl(rf' ( fUIlII ) . T he 19w1!r :w.ctor Operation,
ot a major ri ver 8)'ltem i. a ftllt del>Ollitional n, Th(' nilica\ily af lerrlain IlItclliaence and
plai n form ed by a number of river diNtribuloriclI mule reconll.l&illXllnCll ;1\0 111( ju n~lle ....uterwa}s
dh;bu N in" a great amount of "edinle nt in to l\ place!; unusu.a lly heav)' demands on engineer re-
gulf. bllY or ocea n. This .area i ~ usually c hAr.actc r- connai!lSance eJemenu. While aeria l reeonnai5l-
iiA!d by ma ny la rge tu1d smali tidal slream.!l lind ance yield.~ a considerable amnnnt o f informa tion
channels, wh ose currents may chllollge l peed o r it will hne to be knpptemented by boat recon:
rever3e with the tide in a rouJthly l)fedictablc naissance, ~pially i n area..<: wh.-r(l lr ibulliriCII
manne r. Bottoms Ilf thf' dillt rihu todes normlilly are nvergn>wn by vell'etation.
!llope up to a c rest. ur bar. at t he Ii ve r'. mouth. 'I. The hellvy \'ell'e{.alion 4101lM' t he Lank. or in-
111 some iosla nces. on l), w ll te~rart wit h mar Kinal lund wll tc r wollyll oft'ers exc.Oent collc",imenl and
draft wi\! be able to CJ'OS.S it a t high t ide. enhllnces the effel"liven~ of IImbnllhillJ! water_

FM 31 -3S

r "iof"YI i - I ' . 1'.... u/ "'''''j1af ,a~ al ~ fI MI, /fY'_' fr rM _r. ......

1I~ .. g J ~ "",,I~ ..... ,....... W.
craft. Counternmbu~ h measures must be pla nned \.o r y work to faci litate entrance a n d exit of com-
in ln j ullclion ",ith all waler mnvementl. Steep hilt ftll"("~l<. Section VIII. STABILITY OPERAnONS
s lippery river banks ('nupled with dense vCJ(eta d. Secu r ity me.:l~ure. dur ing tile movement
tion rtdu~ lhf' ,,,,K>;lhih ly "r committ ing the wa_ p hll5c nlong n jungl., wlI w rwa y include IJrOper 5-30. Ge ne ral 1I10 VI?HlI'Ot. b....e ~ ur("ed ill SiOme or the ju njlle
le rborDe force in .:I ('flurtlimttecf malllluvcr to mak(' watercraft formu t iun~, consta nt water 1)8trollilli". I'. The doc t rl lW! ((l r employm.tlt o f r"ou ~ In .rt!.llll dl"!lt.r i~\1 In c hu ptcr 2 ; tll. j un$ le Areal! de_
I'm a.sQult landing, thus requiring increRsed flTI- Rnd air observation whe n po~ible. F ir e support the condlKt 0 ' , !.:Ibilit )" oJM:fatiO nlJ-COlltlter,rue r. 1I~lbed are ide.lly s uited fill th(' ('onduct of in.
phll:'lis on water m4neU \lers to coulll!!r the am to in("lude artille ry, close air ~upport, nnd availa- rilla oplraLlOn$ U cont_il1td in FM 100- ZO, FM lIurg~1 ..nd J,"'"Uerrillll op('.ralio!lll.
bush. ble naval gunfire mus t be prepta nned for all 31-23 , and F M 81-16 a n: Il Jl Plicable whe n modi-
water movements. fied lo m~t the condlti crM uf the jUIli!"I... environ 5-3 1. Influe nc ing Factor.
c. The lac.k of ade\tultle landing shell along jun- c. A detailrd di,,"f' LI~,,"ion of waterborne opera. mt- nt . S lablllty I)pr!ratlou.a lire lpec.iJI4:nlly d efined &. n anUCl1M whether ~ uniL it conducUTlH
gle r iver btlll ks u~"('~lSitale:s utenllive prePllra tionsc.:tn M (ound in FM 31- 75 (Test) . lUI : thal tyP41 of In le rlUll de-1 1!"~ and in ter!.!.1 de- C!(M,/n1-erlfuerrilla "Il~ratiilll~ ill ltAbil l'Y opera.
vtluvm en t ul)o'r.aU!OU Mild IlJlI..ta llce pr ovldr.d by tion nr ill ;IIlY uther I)'tit al'iiOTl, t he 1l1n f>' lc: 1"1>-
the- .la m~t!d For~f!!II to maintain, r.t.o ... or Ktab- Illalnl the ";.nw with its many influe-t1ti ntl' tilctO,...
IiJlh II. lmale o f orde r within whic h l"'Mpo nlible T ~. . 1 1I1I11clld n~ fACwr1i will a lWRYI include ,'eg_
Kovemmell t t'a " funct :OIl (!ffecliveJy nnd without II!t ...dnrl. cli mate-, we"ther, mobility And IIl1tunl
which I>.-o.ress cannot be II.chie,ed. obet&clfiIL. Thf' t!fTectiveneu of n,ilitary comb.t
b. It ahoutd be noted that malor insur.ency uni ts in !lIability operations is deicrmined by

.... u
tl'!eir intelligence eap.abitily. mobility. firepower whkh internal dev~lopment and other meuurea Anding the ba!le camp: (2) attackin a fortiftfld tremely Ahort rahltt' (often 20 u; tit) meter,,} And
differentia!, eommunkation capability and ability aimed at raining population aupporl un be con- pDaltlon: (3) d~troYlng the guerrill. for!'eII be- by widellpread tacticAl offenSive opentionll by
to optrat. in the tteld on .n aupport hula. dueted effectively. fore they ('lIcal~; And (4) tielltroying the e:den. uni~ vAryinl( (rom pl"t..)On to muitidivi/liOMl
The ultimate Impoilition of fON:. la Intlueneed d, In jun,te areaa the population normally illl live networb of eJlrthYll)rkll and reinforced tun. HIit'" The rombat oper.tlonll Are lolJilllkally IIUP-
by the aiu and capability of the oppotition foree, wn~ntrated aloni the coutll ,..~nl and major nell. ThNl" camlM mURt be tlelltro)'tU:! M the guer- ported (rom J1!emipermAnent hll10e campe widely
lines of communication and the natl.lre of the ter~ eommunicationR eentera with vUlallfl' And hIm rilla will N'turn to them onee thl' preallure in the 1(1( ated th FOughout mnHt regiOM 01 the country.
rain. Infantry, airborne and airmobile unlta poa.. leU dispel'led. Iiong the periphery or the Jungle. Irell of operation ill. relievt'd. Yri. few unit! have ThClle unit bAlle ramPl', in turn, are dependent
88M the eharlCterietkJl and quanti . . .pedany The junlle itulf la normally occupied by priml. ..ther time nr organk nwanll to d$!ltf'Oy even a upon larA'" 8I.'JiJe logi.tkal inlltallationl stab-
aulted for thl. type of op&ration In a jon"'e envi- tlve tribes. The peopJe along the par!phery of the J1D&1l percentage of the baae eamps they find. De ""hed near or iu rommunication eenteu and deep
ronment; howevfJr. in many lituaUonl, armor and junKie and the tribes therein have little aile. strudion of billie eam;m requiretl time, manpower, wl!.kr ;;orta, Tactiul olfenllive operation. hay~
mechanized \Inlu un be oeed to adv.n~" giance to a ~ntral goyernment lind an &ubjeet to equipment and larKf' am<lunu. of explru!ive, When the gent'ra] Jt01l1 01 locating .nd dNtroyinr the
perau.aai'On. ('~rcion and intimidation by the time permi~, the Job ciln bctIt be done by plowll, enemy .rmed (orr.llll all OPI!OII.ed to the Aeiture of
b. Operational plana for combattinr f'lM!rrUIA
perrilla fOI"('(I&. Unlea the ijDwrnment ean pro bulldol.('rll. chain hwa, llhllped ('har.l(6ll and explo. terrain objectlvtill: coneurrent!y, fQrctill mUlt
fol'Cft in a junlfl.e envlronlMnt ia covered In de-
tect these people from the lfUerrillA terror ttetle.. elves. When time doetl nut permit. methodical. pmvlde JllflCurlty If) their OWn baM! eampll and
taU In refenMfS lilted abolle, IOmt
they Mnnnt hope to ,ain their lIupport. One eon~ .:omplek deJl!trudion by trooJ'NI on the ground, the ~lIppartini logiNtiCII! InNtaUationJl!. AI prevloualy
modj1\catiol\f of theae techniqua may be required
eept whkh may dlifer from eonyentional wartare b&le CAmll J1!hould be marked for eMY aerial ob- lit_ted, all f)ffeliJl!ive lind 1I(,(,lIflly operatiollJl muat
at tlmM becaule of the hani1e anvlronment or be.
iJ the ruerrilla u" 'Of baH eamps in aupport uf .rvat1on Then the ba&e eamp should be sYlltem. be unde-rlake-n within the brooder ioal of rtIIStor.
t:a\Ule of reatridiolU impoiW!d upGn a commander
,heir operation.. The very characterilltic of the &tlully opened up to obKervation and dt!JItroyed ing jiOvernment eontrol over the popuilltion 110
by a hoat IOvernmenl and the poUtleai situation.
when ...trh:tiol\f are im~, the eommandar jungle environment provldtll tho hiflorrent with b7 a progum of aerial detollllltion, air IItrikt'lll that tlation buildinlt ealt }'rUI(I'6\I:II.
numeroUI arua for the cOllJItruction of lIecure with napalm alld hf!lilvy bombs, and by artiUery f~, Tattical oJl(\rlltionll l1!trmJllly t:ondutted in
mUit reviae his taetleal doetl1ne to At thOH eondl-
ballJ!! campa hecaUR of the excellent cover and tlrinlf (uze dt!'lliy, A deJItruction progr.m of this ~t"bility..('oullterguerrill" operationll are outlined
tlonl, nt J,e mtl#t not \ole .lirM of hla ultimate
.eonet!&lment The relatiYflly InaceMllibie terrain naturt' over a llerlud (It time will JI!:ytIte:matirally In FM ~u-:m and f'M 31-W. The.!e tactical opera-
miuion which Ie to And and deatroy the enemy,
rstridl! the full appllcati'On of the firtlpower nOr reduce the JUllrle IIINla I!.vatlable all a refuge and Hllnll are fully applicable wheu adapted to mM!t
Durin, aJlltablllty operationl, commanden must
mally ayailable to a ronvenilonlll torce and pro Inhibit the lluerrlllt.'11 mobility whkh dej)()ndll lhe eondit!ulU! previllent In a junrte enYironment.
not 10M &ipt of the overall objectivea of the sta.
videa the insurf{'l'!nt with hill liihtly equipped, foot upon thellt< b&!!e eampll. ('. Tho..~ ('ap.bHiti(\1! and limitationa of ('ombat
bility .woTt. Military and paramill:tuy a.;:lion
ap!nat. ilulIJrrent f~ ar4l only a part of the mobile fOr'(:e, lln advantellfl over conventionai .nd combat J1!ervice lIupport elementR diaculIMd in
overaU Internal defenM and deveropment effort. urllu, AIIIG, the intemrence iatherlrnr capability S-33. O,.rationa nth,-r N!('tron!l of this manual are equally applica.
The def..t of 'he hoatlle armed fortel doeJ not of the eon'nntional foree: III reatrlcted due to low bl", .lind mUJl!t be ('(lnllidered when wnduetinif ate.
s. COlluu'rKtu'rrilla operatl(lnH in A jun,le envj~
ruaranlee vletory; tilt deddin, faetor in Ute .Ui:- populaUon density within the jun,le and the de,~
ronmeut are characterized by ('Iolle ('ombat at ex.
bility-t'ounu'rWlerrilla nperatwnll lJ! a jun~l(' fll-
eeee 01 the lllablllty etl'Qrt is the recondllation be- radatlon of Il.Irveillance and other intempnce
tween tM Inaurren.tJI and tha ..over~t In gather!nJ' .yatema (e.i., rlld.l', aerial photo,ra
power. Therefore. lIince the ultimate objeetive of phy, and urial reconnll..,.nce).
aU internal detente fortM I, to JAin tile loyalty
of the people for their IOvernment. every mili- S-32. Ia.. Compl
tary action mUllt be planMd and !lvaJuated with 6. The tactkal aueceaA of the ruerrilla in llta
full reeornition or il,& polltleal consequenetlll, Ex. bility operaticrllO 10\ hued primarily upon hi. abil.
treme eare mUllt be taken to in.ure that mlJltary ity to UM'mble quickly, Kui1ce and retreat to a
operation. do not &lienaw th4! mUMII of the pe0- Rhelt.ered or protected balle eamJL The jungle b.wIe
ple to a point where auch reconeillaUon ia ImpoA- camp, theretQt'e. ii, critical to the Kuerrilla opera-
aible. UOIl.l, From the baae camp he iaunehes hil at-
1:. One of the fl:r.t conlliderationa of the WOVfJrn t&eb And to the baae camp he N!turnll for Roor.
m/ftit muat be the prot.ection of the Plple from ity and fttling, HIli mobilJty depend, to a irQt
11l11urrenl ra~rell and repriaala, Often the em. deal upon a chain ot secure bMe eampI, There
ployment of rorcet! to this fled deniell the eom~ fore. finding .nd dattoy!!]1I' junJJle baH tampa
mandfr thoae troop. required to conduct effective and the forcell the~ln I, paramount to count.r-
milUary Qperationa apinsl the guerrilla. Rqard guerrilla fON:e opt'raUonJ. Baae campa aN! ott.n
_ of the other rneaaur. taken to improve eon- well orpniMd, well fortified and usu"lIy lIur~
dltione. and otherwiae pin population lIupport, rounded with mines and other warnlnll' and de.
unJeM the PIlOple know they wll! be proteeted laylnrdevicea,
from Jnaurrent coercion Ind u:t! of t.rror, their Q, Oht:e the Junkie baM camp ill diecovered it I"
resporuM! 00 other wovernment overtlU" wUl be attackad usln.. the ume technique. as thOM' em-
minimal. Therefore, bulc operatlOruJ mu.t pro. ployad in the atlat'k on any fortified poalt\on In &
vIde for the eatabliehment of nlaUvtl)' Meur. and junrle environment. There Are four operational
atebJe environmental a:rua within the country in problema involved In attaddng baM eampa; (l)


6-t. o.MrClI tean uaodated with the jun,te (llnakes, InHtt&.

Adual JunKie conditions tonll\'itut.1 the ideal animam),
training lliWaholl, when junrle terrain ill not
avaiJab~, denIM! woOOII, rivtr bella. ''''a",pI. 6-3. Troin.,. P,IorI.",
marllhee: or th!cketll can be u~ effectively (or Q. Fin! p"orit,. Individual and unlt proft
haining, Application of night ftghtinJt tecitniquea deney ahould be attained in the followlq- au})..
I, effective in aimulatin, the reduced ranret ot jt!('tA and ,k1til:
.... ull. I'$ltricted movement, and control difll (1) Pat.rolllna'.
eultitlf imJXIled by the junl'le. (2) Day and land 1)4vlpUon.
f8) 1'.rl1l1: detection and enppment,
6-2. ' ........ Obi....." (4) Ambuehand(oonterambueh.
II. Thl! objectives of junale tn,lninK are to ~
\ iii) ~rimmr dtienM in juna'le terrain.
(fI) Immediate adlon drill!,
JMLre the individual and unit to function etfee
Unl)" in jUnM'le enyinmmente, Trainina "dtv.. (1) VlllaplMI&N:h and~noperatlonlfl.
tlom I'hould be created whlch Rquire execution h. 8"O'ftd Priorit<y. l'he fo1klwlmr 6ubJeete
of milUliooll by amall umu: operatinr indepen- t!tio\lld be intelu'ated Inw .11 Individual aoo. \l.nlt
dently. (',(lnirel or un!bI "houla be d~ntraUzed. junl(k training!
rIuirlnlf relianee upon !lmall unit leaden and (1) JungJellvlna:.
the individual .oldler, TraininK IIhould demand (2) Field IUlnltatlon and peraonallly~ene.
Individual .elt.rtllane.. te&mWOTk, Ilkill and "r~ (8) Supply and evacuation techniquee,
mlnaUon on the part or parlicipaUfllf trooP!. The (4') Boat drill and UN ot junl'le wate""".
IICOpe of the trainin. prortam ahoold extend (5) Guerrilla W"paM, mil'lM and trap
tNm lIurvival of the Individual in the jungle, to (6) Ail'Tl'lO'biJe movel'Mnu.
partidpation of unib in combined opentiona" (1) Trttking tH:hniquefl.
b, Troop' must be physlully (ondiUoned to op- (~) Terrain orientation.
erate in the bil(h beat and humidity ot the JUftJrle (9) Individual maintenanu of WM'POf\I. d~
environment. In addition. they mU8t be pey(hol thing and equipment,
Oi'ically cortditioned tll eliminate the (ommon {to) CBR operationl.


6-5. CorwI~ aM Aeclimcrtlutlon
It ill elllenUal that the Indlvidua.llOldler be eondi. .. Commander. muat Ifi.... (lllllderaUon 10 the
tlQned w the j)uliaritlel! of t~ Junl'le Mvlron- phyt:lcaJ eondlUonlna and aedimaUon of hll
ment in wbieh they are to operate; otherwille, troopa, M.n mUlt be in the beat pouible ph1wkal
they .re liable to become occupied ""tely with shape prior \0 initietion of junlle operation. and
their surroundlnlPl and rive little attention to the .hould be riven a mlnhrtum ot 7 dayt &Iter IU"~
uairned mlulon, lunate operational trainlftJr rlva' In the tropiea t.n become &etllmat! to th.
ahwld emphaalu ttl. importance ot Individual hu.t and humidity. 'The aeeUmation pf'O(llMl ill au-
raoureefuln.... imarlllaUon, and determination. 10matie .nd belinlfl the ftrat day of arrivalln tht
The r.oldiar should acquire and apply lIOund ha}).. tropIC&. The eaae and rapidity with wbleh tJIlf1 bod,.
1\1 W Ute everyday routine of JMq in the jUlli'le. bemmea aeclimat.<i depenWl upon dqree of *-'~
peratul'(' t'han",e b4>tWeE'1J the two dimateil In- 6-4t, Indlvid"al Clothing and Eq"lpm.t ahould be Wflrn hiJt'h (In U,e lIhoulder to prevent it .)t an entire command, Commandetl at all levels
volwd, TrtX.l'l'~ {rom a KHutherll location in thll (rom ('(Jmlnj( In tltnw'ct with mud lind water. It mUilt enforce hilth f,tandardil of milttary I&nita
<I. Cnml,.'1/ I 'llilflr!'!{l<'fltlfJlU'ld. Thi'!! untt(!tm Iii
mldlatltud$i will becnme lu::rlit'M!.t>d euier than ad("I*.mte, II~ IM~ll('tl, fpr wenr in the jUlIglt'. While Ihould be MlCUred to the ~ullpenders by II "trin/{, bOil and perlKlnal hy;rlime. Since the jun,l. la-
troop.. (rom a place farther tr. lht" north. Troopli JUlIglt' fllligue~ urr bellt auited fM jungle terr.ln, i. (.'t,mhwg Nti/'" utld SlIlI1' j.!Uh. Theae two vorll operatioM by IImaII unl", .....er1 acldler mUlt
which are tran!lJKlrt~l t(t troplCAI areall by lIur- if other tatlgq('l! !\I'e wMII, th('y mU1-lt fit lomwly. plet.'lIlI 01 eQulpnwmt lire required tnr negotlatinJt' have at IQlt an elementary know!eda:e of how to
facr trlloll'(JOrtRtinn wIll tlot experlent't" Ill! much 'Til onl velltllntl(1l1. tl'1l"Pl! l\hullid he nllowed t..o the numerou~ nbitlfttlcl! enCilUntet't'a ill the jungle, care f(lr hia own health, See FM 21-10 and P'M
di4Womfort wheh tbey I<rriv" p would trooPll Wf'lIY \hl' jl,kf't !m the ollbhlr of their lmUllerll, ElI.Ch pll.tuolIl<bwld carry Ii minimum of 120 feet 21-16 tur addiUon.1 inform.tion; ami thlt .ppro-
which are trAIl~p.lrt(-d by air. The body will reo T~) lllke fttivllntage of lhl' hll'ndmSt ('olor of fa- of rope &I:d each individual IIhould CArry a snap prjal.e TB MED tor clinkal featurft. trulment,
main Af'Climated (rom (Int' to two weE'XtI after de_ link, oonlrol.nd pt1!ventlOn of s.l*ilic din:uetI.
tigue.'! with the btu-k"found ~)!Tered by the jJ~"le,
partul'(' from a 1rop1cAI em'ironmE'nt. the (']olhil!j( ~hl"luld not he flXces.'1ively faded fr(lm i. Cnu'-eel!. While Water ill lIV",Jllible in the jun- b, Tropical DiMetUea. All tropical a~ due t.o
h. The (orebmhnR' appt"IlTRnCe ot tbe jungle, op- the ofi"iTwl I"Ihtt' vrlWll cOolor. Wl"lrn Of thrNuI. cle. it ill u1-lually 1)( fluelftiollable potability, There- thair ,nrm and humid climatml. favor rapid fa-
pteAAIVe humIdIty and heat, Ilnhmlliar noi!M!'fl hal"t' duth!Ol{ will lint pn,trct lh{' lIuldier from in- fore. each !'.OlditT /Jhould carry two cllnteeTUl, ont! p(1)du(!Uon. j(fowth. and J'pr*ad ot dieeue tausln..
and abject f~HI1j( or lilneli'H!AA tbat one tHlhl. !It,d h!l"~, hl'nmblcl', nnd ;I!red tlunlilcht lilt wen beint UIIed tor drinkmjf while lhe Wllter in lb. gerrM, MOlit of thee ftNlAI have hJ~ rate ot
when enterinK lhe jUnJ(le Intt'nllHy the already M new doth. Tl"j)()Jt ~hollhlavi>id wellr1n/{ under-
other lit In thl! prO(!ll1U1 of beinst purified. endemk: diMlalltlll; the pril'rtlUve eanitatlon sya_
exiahng fear !If the unkl1own, To overcome theR wea!' 8.'1 It mllY irritllte tht' IIkill and redm:e venU- k. inJect {MrJIJlllI-ito) RaT. The mO&qul!O b.r III terns. and a:mt lIul'rtbera and varlfltiea of dl......
fllMI And uncertaiutiell, commllrurel'1l muat condi- an important item of equipment. It IIhonld be carrylux lnaect.. compound this cOndition, It
tion the 30Idler'" mind for thig nt'w experience. /; #'lIlliH'fnr. The li/{htW1'i"ht jnngLe boot with rolled inside the poneho which can be fl&ned would not be poaaible OJ' practical to dlllCUM the
ThE' JIOldier mUllt iw giv(',n cQnf\denl"t' in hit. ability denwd tlnle UI the preferred footwellr for opera- onto the top of the combat pA(k, or attached to Aubjed. of tropical dileaMI at any Ill'Ut lenrth,
to IiV!!, move lind operllte io the Jun,1e, Good 1iolill in tht" jnngle, Whl'n comhat bootll ulled, the IUHPt!nder hRrnetlfl with lI,ht rope. The mo.s-- However. a baAie koowledae of the dl..... tondl-
phYlical fi.lnditil)ning wBJ enable him to face thl' 1\olell flhnuld iw de.tC'd. Boob should b4> taken quito \Jar alMlld be UtiliHd whenell(!r hoopA tionll, tholr CaU" and mHhnd of aprtadin and
physkal hllrdAhillll, fJe mU:d be trained in te('h. d6t>p 111 lhe juo"le, It NJnditlonl prevent C{ln~ their prevention i. noc_ry, Th. cl)mmunklable
()" III every Olllltll'tunity to allow for drying of
niq"'l of lIunlval and in the tK'hlliquel of BUIi feet ami hUHtA. find for IIPplicll.tiun G1 100l JXlW' airllction elf a IIhelter the b.r can atill be med by dl'*MN wUl be catf!toriRd by their method at
talned GperatioM over Wf4( per!Gdl of time, Only dE'r. tyina: it to tret!fI (.r bruah, Be!lidel providin .. pro- tranllmiaaion. Tbtu .re tour major j(I'OUpa of
throu.h aYltem.tic and thonruah training will r. HI'n.dl/l1i1r, A utilily hat jll l'C'\'omrnendf'll II)r tection trnm jnlleCta, the moaqulto bar will otrer thetle dlae&Ml: contact.. inteltlnal, waterborne.
th* 8(lJd~r CGMe to N'allu that the junale ia neu- wellr on ll.1I (lperations where stellith ill requIred JU'oiection from bal..ll, whQ&e bit. are a potentifll Ilnd insect and animal borne,
tral and can be made to work for him a,a.inlt the OOc;aull(' of the nmlle ('ll.Ul'Cd by thl' ~lN'!i1 h ..lmet IItfUrt't' ot rab;ea, Troopa should not anow any i 1) Cont!u:t .u..tltUer. Aa the name Imp)t..
enemy, 11\ deml(' vej;j'etatioll,
portion 01 the body to l'ontad the mOlquito bar th_ dill .... aN apread by pt!IraonaJ or dtrect
~. Heat dilKlri\erll in the trGpkll. d, Gltw"" If ftvilitable, ffOkiiefll Rh()ujd wear when It ill huna, lUI mrnlquitOIl and bat.. will bite wntatt EJeamplflll of these are venereal dl......
{l) (;t'1IIf'nL llent dillorJt'rll att' II !lErioullo Kll)v('~ wht!'1) movlnlf' thrt>uKh \el{eillUOon to pru-
through the net. and mtal!po:.,
problem in the trupi(,"!l, TrollPI' mUllt ~ trAIned in vidl' jlwiN.'t1<lR (rum thurru, brll.mLln, In!let't bltell l. Po'IIC40, Whecn the poncho it worn .. a rain- (2) /rttuh'wal 'fl/fJd\oftt. Th_ di...... !U"e
Uw caulle& and IIYml~t\)mH lind prev~ntlon &f heat ant! .~nake bite3. GloveJl will allk) protet.'t the ~t in the jungl~. ll..ll nonporous atructure will Ul,uall1 tranami\ted by eaUna ~mln.tfrd food
('xhaustion and hmt stroke liS outlined In FM hllnd!! from bli;itl'r)l whl't! uSIng the maciwt tor e.auae penpiration and will eaule the &oldi.,. to bet or drinlein. untrl&ted waLer. Conl.atnlnation of
21-10, pmlonKoo j)('rll)d~ of ti mC' lind will prevent bu rnM more uncomfortable, and wetter. than he would food is common. The eonta.mlnatkm may be
(2) H,'o1 ~.rhUIIJtlI'm, Heat t'lihaul1tlon i!< wh('tl u\j)('lIing r.pidly When oot .I!~tual1y bt if the did not attempt to clothe hlmMlf aaaiMt cau.ed in ~ble product. by t'mltad .ith In-
('"aulleQ by 1'l(l't'IIIIive lou (If water aud qlt frGm needed, gifn'rul lOh'lUld not be worn bet'aUll! thl!Y the rain, AlIo, the e,etation at Ume.a win UWw fected material durltll Ilrowth, such u human
th* body. Gnmmll.nd~rll muat ilUlUr{' thllt lhere ill willlloftt'Illhc IIkin unflet.'e~"llrily, ally tear the poncho from the we.rer'a body, The neremetlt !.Iud u t,rUllar, Contamination of
.mpie waleI' II.vlldllhll' and that troOpli drink , SliH/ltllll,.nL The 1I11spelUterll iMllIed with the poncho ta an expedient haa m.ny uMful plIr* any food May be ClUed by dirty utanatla. IbinJ:
l'11mbll1 Illlek IIhould be w('rn when the belt ill ,P<IoIoN. It ean be uaed to eOllfltruct .heltere and l~ or hy food hand,.,. who have, (lr are eat-
enough ttl avert hN\t exhlluli{ir.n, Huring normAl
operation!l, lH)hiil'rll l'boukl drink from 6 to I;) WIITn. Truop" "hould nHt weur the rombat. pack ""it.. and it can be u.ed &II a a!eepina ba... mU nerl ot, lna.unal diMaMa. Some of the par&lllUe
l'anteenlJ of wlI.ter II dRY, dependinQ' UPI)I1 how vll!ellll the mi!4!<lon di('tllt('s. Ind!v!dual equipment trae And an improvtud p.rachute for aerial de- 1itt.ltin.1 Intectto,,- (wch u hookworm) &N ae-
mu.:h tru. individual "w(,!lt~, IIm1 nmmnnltion IIb!lu!d hf' worn nn the b4>IL IIv..,,. of materiel. qu.lMl thl"OUj'h the DIn by..w... bt.re1oot.
flU liUM(, (Ii/I'll 1m' pUN'filwn l1f hnll ,II~""- .I. Mad",! . Thl' nl1li'l'wtt' I.'~ lin indi!<lIt'n."4Ible til, ot.\.n, Additional Itema of equipment
Ul) WAi.,.bDrw .......... 'l'MM dlMU_
dey", lIitl tn the jun"!e fi"hter In ffi(1\'ill" lhr'JUgh thicK whlcb are UMfulln the Jno,ll are- may be tranamltttd b)' 1mpurt water which ta
(4i Truup!' IIhould drink plenty of w.Wr. JUI1It'" lind fur ('nll~trudiHIl pnrpi'l<I"~. It ilf lin d ( I) Map CUI. UHd for drhlkin,. eooJdD' aM kthi ... purpo...
Some exam,. tift t:ypoId ftqr. . . ._ _.....
(Il) SHldierl\ mll!<ll \)r('l)me fll'('limfltt'd, (tll'tIVt' weupm) a.<l well AI' an cXl:ellenl rultinK (2) Map protractor,
(f') TrOOI)S Ilhdlild UIIt' extra Imlt with food (8) WhlRlle.
br.elllar)' d)'Hntary, amblMll, dtoMra. aD4 tehJ.a.
tUl'" toBoml..t. (brood tlub), whleb mQ bt ,.....,
and wRter. Bnth MAli ami water are needed to fl. Bfl/Mld. ElIl'h ~oldtl'r IIh(luld be equipped (4) W.terproot'flaahll,ht.
encountered In llWface water whUe ........ (a..
prewnt ftll heat diwrderlt with It baronet. There ure milt)}, vllried UIIU to (lB Waterproof .auh.
(<I} Soldiere l'Ilmuld eat thE'ir heavy meal whwh lhi.~ klllft, {'<In be pllt A huntinR' kmfe ;.r trenee may .. throush &flY min. bNt 1. tM
IIKln) or .wlmmillJ'. and throqb driUiq.
durinp: the l'(1(')1 of thr dny !f this i1-l pOMub!e, Food pm.kef kllire ('IU! hf'llIw;l in nll(\ition t(1 a bayonet. 1>-7. _ . Hyglono cmd Scmltatlon (of) fUM; . . _ _ hrtN ....... 1ft,.
is lUI imJll'rllwt .~()llt'~' of )lult fM lhl' body, h. ('''I''I/frll~ JfnvuI'Iif', The t<mall unit lefider
lJ. HwU'" IlU $anit4Iiolt, In no other t.rJNI of Met and animal borne d , - * ..... trutml....
it) TrHHI).~ ~hl'lIld [lrt"M PJ'lJI!('rly for heat IIhlnl,d ulwny.~ "Jury <I t"nmpa!<ll in the jUlltllt'. It
mUitary operation la eanitation and peraonal hy- fN)tn man to man dlrectlr t.hroIctItd... of bIoDd..
Kiens mont Importt.nt than In the junll. for dta- *ucklna irllecte Or antmall. Tht ..... ..., be I .
. . . . an quiekly neutraUH the ftahUq pot.erJ.U.1 trtX!ueed tnto the hum.n btl , trMID 01' . . . . .


by the biu> o( thl' inrected IIlllt'('t or it may be de- (K) Avoid wl'aring underwear if lit all pO.!l~i 11'1111, tl'lll It for lallt(' If thl' liqUid bUl"n.!l the meallurell lind lIupervlsion lit IImali unit level.
pOllited upon thl' IIkin by dl'fl'('IItion or durinll the hie; thill III known II~ the .!lingle layer principiI'. tonguc or talllell bllter, dillcard it. If it hllll no Careful attention to food and wllter, penonal
proce~1I of bill nl/. f n thl' latter two i nalanc:ell, (9) Kl'ep the hllir cut IIhort lind lIhave fre- tll.!lte or Ilol'~n't 1111111' bl!.d, then It III /I good cieanlineKs, and keellinp: the body well covered
KC"ratchinl/ the inlll'('t bile in(ects the wound with quently. lIourCI' of wllter. Specilll care mUlit hI' lKken Will I'educe the Im'idence of nonbBltle caaualtlell
the a-ermll. llillealll'lI lrallllmitted by mOIl'luitoell (III) R('m()vl' bootll arl(1 maliliage the feet all aglllllllt wlltl'rborne lIillealieli. All wall'l", except from Inllettll. For a diKCUllllioll of dllieMell caulled
Include mfllarill, y('lIow (ever, dengue (break orten a.~ 1lIllIlIlble, lind wh('n the tactielll lIituation the water frum vinell, hamho() lind bl!.lIanll plllnt!l. by In~eclll, llee pllragraph 6-7
bunl') (ever, Rlal"illHill (elephantia.!li.!l), and lIoml' permltll. IIlwaYIi I"l'move the bootll while IIlecpinll'. mUlit he purIfied Ilrior II! ('onllumption Roiling. ('. [>Oi~01101I' SI!tlkl'l/. Fellr of 1IlllIkell, which ill
(ormll of I'llcephl!.hli.'!. Tickll tranllmlt tick born (11) While at sl'mipcrmllnent camps, brush for lit lea~t one minute IIlulI lin I!.dditionlll minute common among men. ia IlIrllely II reault of miain.
typhu!I, rabbit fever, tick paralYllill, lind relap.!linll' 1111(1 vel/etatlon IIhould be rl'movl'd lind inllecli- for eVI'ry 1,(lOU feet above Ilea level, or chemical rorml!.tion and unrllmiliarity. Actulllly. only II
(ever. Rand flea hite!! call produce varioull dill- cldell should be applied as directed by mediCilI pUrifielltion hy hailu;olll' or' wdlOe tahlell< i& neces- .~mllll portioo of all Hllilkell in the tropiclI are poi-
euell lIuch all lropical and orienlal lIoreli. Fleall Sl'rVlce ofljcl'rs. Elich individuaJllhould apply akill airy. Onl' lotline Illblel In clean wllter, two for IInnUUII lind thl'Y art' ~eld(!m 1I('f'n even by men en-
may convey thl' bub()hir plague (rat ftea) and ma- repeJll!.1l1 10 eXIIII~etl areall and to the uniform mudd~' wllt.'r fur thirty mlnutell and three fur gl!.ged in jungll' (ombnl. Jo'amililirizl!.tioll with the
rine lyphulI: IICrub typhu~ i~ tran~mitted by lima II ov('r 111"1'11.11 ()f IIkln ('(lnlact (.!Ihoulder.!l-llneell) and pl!.cllly wlltl'r I.~ >lullil'u'lIl for pUrifying the water. habib of IIllllkell, how to identify l)Oilionouli
miteH. Rody lind head lice may tran.!lmit epidemic ulle inlll'Ctlcide lIuollollI IIround .!Ileepinll' area, and ~nllk('11 of the IIrefi. lIimllh' Ilrl~IIUtiolill to prevent
typhull (ever and rela()lling (evl'r. Mitell, blood whl'll Indicated, wear dothinl/ Impregnated with 6-8, Jungle Maler!.1 ~nake bitt'll. lind appropriate first aid meaaurell In
lIucking ftiell, killllinl/ bug.!l, and ball< can convey rellellant. Whenever pOllslble, Illeeping IIhould be the very rare eml'tp:ency of being bitten, will do
di~e8.!le.!l and rabie.!l to human beinp by their bite. off the ground in a hammock or on a platform. Thl' jUngl., ('ontllinll a larl/e amount of native ma-
much to eliminllte a IIOldier'.!I fear.
Inal'(!l repellant and impregnated uni(orm~ are (12) Eaeh .!Ioldier IIhould dUlit his feet, a~kll terials thl!.t can be ulled for cOllstruetion, posi-
tionll, IIheltellI. oblll.aeleK IIlId lIurvival. TrOOI)1I d. Marine Lift. Mllrine life whieh conatitute a
effl'(!tive in preventinll" many o( thMe di&ellllell. Hnd b(lIltli with foot powder at every opportunity. hazard in tropieal areaa are poillonoua, venomoull.
(5) Ji'unf}ulI dillefllle'. TheM! diAeaAl!tl merit (IS) The individufll rellponalbility for per_ IIhouid bf' lrullIl'd III the conlltruction lind ulle of
IIhelll'rll I!.lId III the 1l.~1' of Reid expedienl.ll mllde lind ferocioull ftllh; crO('odilell and caymen; aea ur-
additional con.!lideration becauae they are 110 M!rl- lIonal health cannol be overemph8.!lised. However, chillI!; and conI, which filII inftlct pllinful eutll.
from JlIllgle mlltf'rilllll
OUII in the junl/le a~ the cllmatll (avon the thia alll(! flllll within the eommand rMponslbility Caution mUllt be exerciMe(1 in fording lind bathing
growth o( mlcr08Copic plantA called (una'i which at every echelon. Frequent and delailed Ina~. In jungle IItrellmll of the dllnger poal'd by
produce the.!le diNallell. AIIIO, .!Iweat-lIO&ked .!Ikin tiona by the junior leaders to inaure that eaeh 6-9. Tropical Plonfl and Foodl ('lIymlln lind erocodile. TrooplI should be made
invite~ atlack by (ungua. RinllWorm, athiete'll lloldier lakell proper preventive hYa'enie meuurea See FM 21 76 ror Informlltion on typell, IOdentift- IIWllre of any wllter hazardll peculillr to an opera-
(oot, and trichophyto~ia, a (ungul diNue of the will I'educe the number of IIOldiera inef'r'ective due .~ ('lIllon. I'dlhihty telll~ and preparlltion of plllnts tion,,1 area.
hair, are the principiI funa'ua dieeaaell. to health reallOIlI. fllId roodll fuund ill thf' Jungle 1'. Mamm{1.Ut. The type!! of IInimat.!l one elln ex-
c. Coulltl"rmea.tHrl"a (PrIlVllrttil!e). There are d. Watl'r. JII'ct lo encounter will depend on the JunKie reMion
variou~ c(!untl'rmea~ure~ that eaeh I10ldier can (I) (;e71nol. }o;very effort Ihould be made to 6-10, Tropical Hazard, lind the lype of vegetation. Thf' lara-er lind more
apply to protect hlm8e1( (rom the&e dl&ea.!lell: ubtaln wllter from lin approved water point. An dilngerolill IInimlllll arf' found in the gralllliandll
(l) Fint and (Orerr1011t, the IIOldier ahould
fl. (;I'!/I'r/fl. TI'1l0jJlI .!Ihould be familillrized with
ahundance of water can be found in the junll'le; Ilonll' the periphery of the junp:le. With few ex-
whal formll of lifl' in the area IU which they are
MIlUmI' per~onal reapon.!libility (or hil own elean however, all water oblained from other than an ceptionll, animl!.t.~ of the junp:le and itllllurround-
operl!.tlllg cOlllltitulf' hazardll. how to recognize
linellll and the aanilation o( hia environ.!l, approved 1I0uree muat be purifted before It ill con- ing arellll, will withdr"w from any encounter with
them, lind whllt pret.'aullOnary meallurell ean be
(2) lnaped hl.!l body (requently (or lice,
tlek!, or other inaed bitel! (Ule the "buddy .!Iy~
aumed. Streamll and rivera, waterholea, and IIOme
vine.!l will fnrni.!lh water, Ranana tree IItalk!!,
I taken TrolllclIl hllzllrdll I!.re only dillCulised in
I/elll'ral tl'rmll III 1hlll ml.nllal Thl'Y are covered In
mlln. A familiariZlltlOn with the wild inhllbitantll
o( the jungle lind lh('I" hllbitll will contribute to
tern"). wrunll" out like a wet eloth, are a aource of wlter. the IIf)ldier'lI undentandilig of the lIurroundinM1l
detllilin Io'M 21-76.
(S) fnaped hill body (or akin break!, laeera- Ramboo .!Ilplinlfll eonteill a aupply of water in the in whieh he mUllt ftl'ht,
lionll and IICratehe.!l, and more important, treat lower III'Ctiona. Rain i.!l a Kood flourte of water, I!. [,'~I'('r.~. Thl' grelltellt hll7.lIrd (If the tropiclI ill f. Poillon/!!III PW.1I'_II, As a rille. poillonoull planl!c
them immediately, Due to the excellllive heat and however, the junllle eanopy ill inhabited by thou- the inllectll. The mtenlle heat, high humidity, are not a lIerioulI hllZard In the junp:le. The two
humidity, the body will .!Iweat pro(ulely and thill l1andl1 of erel!.ture.!l. Troopli should wait for rain to heavy rainfall lind inCidence of low sWllmpland gl'neral typell of poisonoua plantll are tholle poi-
moilt eondition o(ten eaulea I minor or
IIkin laeeratlon to beeome infl'(!ted and not heal.
fall for 16 to 3n minutea to in.!lure that water that
falill through the eillopy ia free from eonlamlna-
1 couilled with dense vep:elation of the junll'le con-
IItitut(' lin Idelll ('nvironment for inllectll. The
~on(!UII to touch and those poiltOnou~ to ellt. Tn
tropical rellionll several kindll of planla poiKon by
(4) Avoid eontact with the naUvea, never tion caulled by eXcretlO1I of thl'lIe creature!!. I/relllt'lit dallgl'r I~ th., Ili!llity of inaecb to trl!.m" ('nnlact. There are alllO varlelie.!l of plantl! with
IIteep In native hutll or have intimate relatlon~ (2) TI'.III (lnd pl/ri/ic/llion. If a vine 115 used mit weakl'ninl/ Ilml fre(llIently falal dillell~ell ~tlllglng hairll which a-enerlllly do not conatitutf' fI
with native women. The VD rate il quite hia'h in for a "ourcl' of water. certain teala IIhould be through their bite.'!. The biwlI alllO con.!ltitute a lie relll dllnger; however, their .!lUng, due to formir
the tropiclI And III a lIerlouR problem. made 10 deter mille ill< potability. A segment of riouI! thrl'lIt to health by promotinll' infectionll lUI I!.cid, ill painful. The vllrieties of poillOnoua and
(5) Protect the body from insect bite.!l by larll'e VIOl' IIhould be cut in a length of about ILCratchinl/ an inllect bit I' will a-eneraliy eause an stinging plllnla will vary in dlf'r'erent junl'le
uainll the mosquito bar. U&e latrines where pOASi- three feet and not.ched to get the wllter ftowinll. infection if 110 medication ill applied. Emph8.!lis IIrells. Troop!! IIhollld be IIble to reeognize them
ble, and keep the ba.!le camp or bivouac area well If the liquid III a white lIap or very dirk in eolor, musl bl' lIlaCI'd (lI! I'x"rci~ing ballic preventive and Ilvoid them whenever pOllllible.
polieed. It ill nut drinkable. I( the liquid 115 elear, teat it
(8) Rathe (requently and air or Ilun.dry the for odor. If it il! IlJia'htly pink or red in eolor thlll Sectkln III, TRACKING
body III o(ten a.!l the IIhuation allowi. normally indieatea the prellence of lannie aeld. If 6-11. General particulllr area and who hll.!l an Intimate IInowl
(7) Wear elean, dry, 100151' fttling elothe.!l the liquid IImellll bad, like turpentine or 80mI'
In Jungie opl'ratioliK frIendly force.!l may be eon- edge of the terrain. TrOllplI conductinl' Junl'le op-
when pOASible. other offenlllvc 11mI'll, then di.!lcard It. If It ill odor-
fronted by an enemy force whieh ia native to a erlltJOIl~ (ilarticularly eounterir\Jerrllla opera-

'M Jl_U

{jOM) .should be proticient If! th., t'hniques nt 6-12. Tracking

tracking. An ability (!') trAck And to correctlv in. Tracking ill tbe Art of fol1tJwing the path of man
wrpr('t lIisCIl" will enable troof)ll to detect the PNlI- <lr ix'altt by hh. neltlrllla! "dor Ilind for by rwinl{
f!n~ M an ('nI'mY. to follow them, locate and
the't'l'I !)f tbt' Kround, veJ{1!!.Jltion IIr ani"
avmd ml1lf!ll and boohytrapli, and Iwe early w.rn mill HI' Th<-l-~' lire two lIl'JIratt' but (omplemen.
... PPENDIX ...
illg or ambu8hWl. COlu.lderatioli mUOIt all10 be lat')' method!! of (tlllHWiox K trark: ViAUa! tratk
I{iven t!; wuntertnf'a8Uh'lR to prevent the enemy lng and areot lrllcking. The principal tracklnsc REFERENCES
from tltitldnll traddnK tochniqueR aKalnllt the IIUU:rCe!I aTe: nlltive trackefli. hCOut dOJr!l. and
triendly {ortN!. troops. For del&llll on tracking teochniqueJ. 8M
FM 2O-:.!O.
......1. ""my ............. (....,
S4tCfion IV, TAlCGET DETECTION AND ENGAGEMENT 310-21) Dictionary or United Statell Army Ternu,
310.::.0 Author!"d AbbN!viationsand Bt~vll)' Cod~.
6-13. G.rwral lidon Kiven off by enemy troopll, IIl.1ch .. the .mel!
Df ,arlk. eurried rice, widely used .. uee.., and
....... Dopo"..... 01 tho ....... P""'f'hloto (0'" ""1ft'
In dense junjtle. t/I,rjI't!UI are rarely visible u :UO-l Military Publicat.iona, Indu; or Admini&ttativ(> Publications.
eept at dOlie ran.lf'l and normally wjIJ be irregu pungent tobaccO!! or n.r<:Otie .... SOldi'r"" Must be 310.-3 MUlury Publication!!, Index of Dodrin.l, Training .nd Organisational
I.rly apae.d, The IIvailability !')f vegeteUon for come .ccustomed to the eharaeWri.tic Jll)Unds of PubllcatioDa,
concealm('nt and RTound rnldll, roeilf'>, larjfe tre~, the jun,le and learn to di.ti:nruillh thMe 00\_ 31!}4 Mllitary Publication!!, Index of Technieal Bulletinll,
and hardwood tontll for cnver rns.lIe detection hom tho.e made by the enemy. Troops I.1nfMnil Supply {Ty})M 7, a and it}, Supply Bulletinl, .nd Lubrication
very diffieult TrouplI mlllllt JJM propo!lr .earen iar with the tounds of the jl.1na:le can eaue a Art Orde,.,
techniquM 10 order to dillMver. attack and d.... l'I,ht .moUi friendly fof('(!ll at nlJ{ht or idve aWay
unit positlonll by ftrin& .t these ooi~. A knowl- ....... FIoIcI MG_" (I'M)
troy the "n@my.
edge of the enemy'll ethnic eharaet.ri.tietl. cl0- 1-1> Avlation Company,
thing and equipment will .nable a &oidier to iden. 1-100 Army Aviatic.n Utilization.
6-14. Det.ctioft 8_10
tlfy the enemy by touch. Employment at Chbllealand Jjiolo,kal Apnta,
The employment of all the Hnaell taile!l on added l'-12 Operational Aapeet.e of Radlololtlcal Deterue,
significance when attemptiq to detect penonal 0-30 ChemIul Smoke Gener.tor Urdu and Smoile Operation&.
tarprl.8. in denae junfiP, especially at nl.h:L Dur.
6-15. E"fIOPCI'M'nr ...1 En,ln.r Troop OrpniMtwnI and Operations.
Ing houu of daylight. tatfeta will be detecU!d
primarily by lIifhL Tr()()J)& m.ult teteive training
00 the target hlUl been detected, troop!! muet re-
Ad inatinctively to it, TU.,eb! detected D), .ny
..... Field Fortlfteatkma.
Ena:lneer Intellt.,elK'.e,
on proper 8IMlrcit techniquea and must not 4llow mana willl.U!ually be aeen only tor. few Momenta ".., Boob)rtrape.
their eyfll to Mnet!nt:rate on any Ain." In;e or and mutt be taken under tire and .ttkiled imme. f>-3< En.lneet Field Data,
Vine, They muat look through the ve~tAUon as di.tely, The nature of the tarret and the "... Enl'il1eera' I'Wiference and Lori_tical Date,
one looks through a dirty automoblW! wlndth:!eld may favor on~ tiring position over another. When "... Route Reeonnalsaance and CI....ll\eation,
w concentrate on the road ahead. emphasis mu.t tbe vegetation ie flXeaedingly denle, troope m.y 6-20-1 Field ArtllMr)I Taetle.,
be placed on looking for thlnfa that don't bJend be to.N!ed to ~nPJfe the enemy rapidly by I\rin. 6 .. 20--2 Field Artillery Technlql.1(11l.
in with the folial{e, aueh M a man', boot, PI,tAI from the hip, B~fore conduetlnr operationa In '1-11 Rlfte Company, Infant"., Airborne. and Mechanised.
belt, face .nd handa. Durin, houl'6 of darknua, denle Jlln,l~, troopa Ihould receive IntenalYe '1-16 Rlfte Platoon and Squada, (ntantr)l, Alrbo:rn.. and Meehanised,
by factor. in detectin, tar.,ets are: lMInlle of tralnln, in "quicil ilill" tirin, as well as ruetlOI1 '1-20 Infantry, Airborne lnf.ntry, and MecharuMd [nrantry Battalion.e.
tiring. 7-6.
amen, hearing and touch; and eharaeterlfltle
0-,. The Infantr)l Brl&'adu.
Modk&l Senolee, Theater of Operatkma.
0-,' ~ieal Service in D{viaiona. Seppata BrIaadu, and the ArmoNld

Caval". R..-hnent.
Tunaportat\on of Ua Sick and W01Indtd.
Ammunition SHYlce In the '1'heatara of Operation,
1<4 Airdrop of Supplle!l and E4ulplMftt in the TMatar ot Operationa.
10-lill Handlin. of Deceued PftrtOftnelln 'l"beatera of Operation..
1:1-' Adjutant General SuPPOrt in of OperaUona,
1'-3 Comptroller Support in Theata,.. Of OperatJcml,
17-1 Armor Oper.tlona,
U'..30 Pbyt.ieal s.:urity.
Enemy Prltonera ot War and CI"Uiu Inta,."....
Milltwy ~ Training and Enrployment.
2<l-ll2 l,.andmine Warfare,

'M 31-35 fMJJ_l!

20-88 CombJ.t Flartw Operation!!, 101_"0 At"l'ned Force.& Oottrine- for ChemIcal and Biologl!::al Weapollli Employ_
21-HI MilitAry Sanitll.tiotl, mt'nt and Defen~,
21-11 FirsL Aid for Soldien,
21-18 Foot MArthea A-4. TrQl"'"I (lrclIkm (T()
21-26 Mep Ibladjng. 8--t4 Employm .. llt M kwt I :pntt<)1 AIt1'nUi, Fllln1O', Smok" Anti_plnul A.Ilt'Ilt.~,
21--80 Military Symbohl, and l-'~rllOnn ..1 j)t'telt'ml in ('ountergu\'rrill .. 0Pl'tUt(Ultl':"
21-81 Topographic Symbola,
21-40 Chemkal.lholollic.l, Rad!.,joltind, find Nudt:-ar lIefense A-.S. T..:hnl4:al Manual, (TM)
2(.---41 &ldier'g Handbot:lk {or DtlfenMl lkl{lkinllt Chemical and Biologlcsl OperA. 1-300 Meteorology ;or Army AViation,
ti01Ull end Nuclear Warfare. 8-21& Military Chemistry and Chemical Aien~.
21-60 RanjJ'tlr Trflininlland RAnft.. r Operationg, 8--214 Military Biology and Bio-iogieaJ A~ntA.
21-tJO ViAual Signalll. 8-220 Cht'mical, Biofollica] and RadioloilcaJ (CRR) TleeolttamiJlatiol1,
21-76 Combat Trainlnl fi( the IndiVidual Soldier and Pelt()lllng. 8-W> Field Behavior ot Chemical, Bioloiical and Radinlosrka! AJ'{'nlll.
21-76 Survival, .~vallifin end RM'ept". &-210 MHiLlry Floatin, Bridlr'! Equipment.

21-77 Evasinn And E&cnlW. &-21. CablewayJl., TramwayII' and Suspension RridKes.


Rooeye Guided MilllAlie Sylltem.
Gnl'nedea and Pyrothni<.:a.
Rifle Marumanship.
Bailey Bridsre.
Military Fixed Bridgell,
Plan nina- and Hesign of Roads. Airball4.!:a, and Heliportll in the Theater
211- 4.2--inch Mortar, M30 of Operationti.
24-Ht FIeld Rt.dio Te<'hnlques. 6-6SO blateriallf Teatinsr,

, .ield Wire lind Fiel'; Cabl.. Tet'hulqu(!A,
Field Rndio Relay Tet'hniquellC.
Main~natlN! Battalion And Company Operationa in Divlaionll and Sepa-
Care, Handlini'. Preat!rvation and Deatrut'tion of Ammunltl-on.
Ammunition. General.
Anl.ennaa and Radio Propaplion
rate BrEgadeli.
30-0 Combat Intelligence,


Tll-l"T'ain Intellipnce,
All-rial Surveilfance-Rt(onnaiMJInN!, Field Army
Army For(1I!:1I in AtnphibioU!~ OperRtioM iThe Army l.andtl1$[ Forre).
81-16 Counterrue-rrtlla Ope-ratLona.
81-21 SPfl('lal Forte~ Operation&~lI,S. Army [)o,trine.
31-22 U.S. Army Counterinllurie:ncy PorCeA.
81-2.8 Stability Operation.!!----lJ.s. Army Doctrine.
3t --86 (Te.t) NiR'ht Oper-ationll.
81,U,i Explollive Or-dn.nce f}illpo.!!a' ServiN'.
81-60 Combat in Fortifted and Built-up Areal!,
81~O Rivtf,CMuinll Operationll
31-72 MnunLlln Operatlnnll.
81-78 AdvillOr Handbook for Stability Operatiun".
81-75 (""10 Riverine OperatIons.
iI8-' PJJy-rhnlogit'&i Operations-U.S. Army DQ("trine.
4!~ Hi Civil AlTair.!! Operation".
44-1 C.S. Army Air Defense Artillery Rmployment.
&~1 (i'Mt) 'Tranaportatlon Movements in a Tht'atel' ot Opuatioilll.
55+1 (Tfi!!i) TranaportRbnn Service!!. in a Theater or Operationll,
~20 Army Rail Tr.anaport Operationll.


6&-66_1 (Teat)
Army Motor Tran"port OperationM,
Army Air Transport Operation!!.
TrAlUlpcrlation Terminal Operations.
iH 100
Airmobile Operationa.
The Dlvllli6n.
,~& Operations of Army Fottea in the Field,
te) 10020 Field ServiCf' RegulaUon_1nwrnal J1dt'nlll' Imd t~velnpment
(JDAm) (U). t
100-21 U.S, Army JU.S. Air Foree Jloctrlft(' tor Tattkal Air Lift Operatlona,



Ain",." J"IIII'W

F.a"t .,.tI C..I'!((.I A".k ..

, !1

........ "'''''V<lH
h, ........


2-&.( I) (.)
2 17 2 111 ('ant1py "2 ~p, 2-:'1,
Eq .."t<>rial Alnra i !l6(2),
2-8&0 ),
~(2), ,...

,".'" '''.
Wut Atria 2-!lD(1), .. ;111,

2 " 2-1"" ,."

Air ~!}Wjr Z_'l1b 2-2~ Callw.n /l..,g,
Air d.. J..." ... :lA:. 3 10 CIOtr,.1 ,"w."'p
2 &!{~j

Air d"' .. n",, utiHuy

AlrUn "",t.U..,._
~<lona! ..... n""
A_II rlv"
.,.. ..


Ch'''''al "p"...tio".
CIa. ._ <If .11"17
""'lIrtrah jurr';f
Md"'l\ J\lftvl~
('Antnl A_rit.n <niP"'"
. "
"m"nun iun,I", on.ntal juql.. 2-211
Am.-lan 2-&.(1),
"'. ('1_ .Ir "uppOrt 1,2711 3-Jil

('_U.I A"'etkan
ONatn C.. Iu",bUln
2-11 Cloth'n. and IOqlllp,.. .. t
Cautal tMdltit ""
U.(>4J. ,.,
Column IMlnr 3--2111(3) !\-11I
"(ric." j_1lk> , .,
Cu",bat ...".1" .uppott:
C l _ ..t lu,pl, ...,....
," ,"
Am_rl,an jl>n,h>

.., M.ln"hliM'il
... ,'
OT"lIIOtal jllnlllol ~-l!~" 2-24 Mftlul

Antlt.&fllr .... p;rttt MI-It!&ry pl)U"",
, ... ,

ar....l, ...
B t~
Otpnlutloll for ilOflIbat
..," ~"",a ..... _ t

4-11 ...
,., Tl'IIIOlIUIportaUOII
Olflnat 11-1%.

......" ...'-,
ComMlILl\ltllotJo/la ,
Air dtl_ ....
n.,.mM 3--I2J
Armored .,..l1l>I..,. .......
..... .........
.ilmoJ' .vl.tlon
............. _"_
Artllkry, c-e.lilment 8-80,
Fi... _lI'Ql
COlli<> bull! .....

..It ....""

'-" 0.,
""'. ...~
O.... n'll~IOII '->1


011'._ -"<I "".n..
"OIIltlol11 CwUq,tfoft
..... .........
a.u.:lIllrM. 1--14,

.." ....

"'- ....
..... ......
DoIt.nM ....11'11 mbuM
. '....11_ ........
4~,"riil Inim14lb'

A_ _ n1 'PPI'OI.M
... Amll'lc.n j ...1I:

JIIII ....

s.. callO~
Otkntal jllllrM

Mlllta,y ........
1'tallllnr q.PM
~ P..... ,.,...
.,'-, ....

~.lll, Obo.tula, Pl.nla and rood. ShIt.."

Eflt,rdt'm.. nt

MUlt.rr Polk~

poI..,,,o... pl."b

Hlttphl. ~, .. k"n~
2-9, 1-11

2-20.., & 1-11, 1-.11

3~3~ 1-11

, ..
En,l_r ~(O a-20 Mol.o. tr.nlport O(~l.fe
Atrle." Jlln.l.. ~~I',
H 2-14, Il-\J.,
E""~lIilllnn C 11 M"v.",ent ."d dl,an: ~ Hid,
2-Z4l. 1:-11,
i!:Mplpl\Attnn root IrIOVIltUlnta I-It
t-2~. \1w24,
YI.ld_ I1f liN 2~2l1, %-26, Gener.l A"'''I'I~.n jll".I.. 1-1$
0-. 2_2~. \!wZ4,


I'lt_ ",I'.p!U
Yomlll.d poaltlon
... "" m"vlml"Ur:
T."ln ."d APC'. t~(4},
. ,.
, ill

SUbl11ty "P'"'~fltloo~'
.. ~2It

YVI1I'\&1 0\ IJ,
1-1 .
..... Wllatl.a "'Ih.ltlal t- ... Ol) alII ital\&llOTt .~U1
Arm), fl".I.Uon

... ..
.'., Mov.",.nt w roI.tad 6_10:
kUl'an, r.-~

GIo~... C; .. nttal
On.~u "",ittrt.tion
Gf1I'llW 1t.."d\.eT

N....l S ..."l\n '1I1PfIOrt
Ht&ht oem_t,
Afrk ....
( ....... ral
2 lI.b
i-6a. It
Surf..... 1II.!.. r I 2-7
OW_ &-U.U)

..., ........ o.1.m..

Go_' Orm.ta.1 jUft.t"

:; 27

... ....
Ham..... I.I!Jd t!!IVU &-~(2j(.} Tach".l I1r .Ilp,....t

-"" ..... m-r-Uon;

&u<>llku tI~
~ ... i _......
,"" 1'.. mvt'"W .... 2 1\0, ii,
2' ltoO!),
.... ........
....~ H Red .... nV!W1' 2~"il)''') !Ii),

.,""'''~ ApI> A
H,..... ..., .... It 12,
H~ ...,. V."""", <-I.. .....11. ~
.. I atlkl 6-21 t llll>

........... ,-....
J-Uit) MatNt".dP v~r&ti ...... 11-11
Inl.lI\17 H 1'r.dw'i.
...... ...
[)&1&y,nl' ..ctiun
a.M,.1 ..." 1'.,...t """~i(/'" ,,
InfUtntJoe 6-1#(1)(4) 1'r.11'I1'"
[1I1i11d bet

.... ..... ......,

WltMn. ..... 1
Riu fIoolda ''''''
Tr.,.,.potl.&tiu!! ,
t 11In', 2 211.

. ..."
If'Ibtll.ip'11Cft A'",I'&" JII~""
111.Jltlt 1..ln.
..... ......
t-l o.t."
....- ...
... 16
Kill ..
Xl ..... " f:wulnl" W.
j9b 2-21
'b1 tarnl!\.
..... ..... Lm\\<IIl
A",frir.!! junjl'~ t-U>
2 !II

6-1. Kin,,!n\! upentlo".: ()~!! 2 U
..on >-
...... ........ ...
Army a"l.u."" T",n'lIofh,W,on mt!d..~'
l._,..I1... .,:,,,
00., _ba,
opIratJ.oN. .....
_II';" .........
Co",... unll"1ltion
11.. 27
Ai, <I 14..

....... .......... O"n..,,,1 Anll'l'l.l p.~k 414b

1.1",' >-,
.., ",.,
&-iK&JMance I.nd 4_14~
>-11 Rot.d roNtrv.tlo" '-" Hljl'hw.; ~!!d m1)~1>r
IIIIIIK'hI"IIf'I" ..."...., R,,, 5-lIi HIII'I'I&n poort.aK'f"

Orlanal )11...... :
a.... ra.l --
1-11 .. Sa"h.. U."n
Sa" .,,,.
W .. t ..'''''fl)''
2 22<1
2 U
"". ltwll,ln..c.,.Ioa_ I-k(t),
.,'2-18t ~ .. !k, 2--11,
Tfopk.l dfddu!!u. (0,...\
~ 2-11<,

~ 1-11, fkrub 11pl...fl 17.

..... ....
"". 1-10('). ~"(4), Z-2fl.
1-1". -- ~"ndlr)' Sf"",th {,,",at 2 IIII' .

.. , ~_lll", 2 Z!.
..... ..... ....
2-22., 223.


-.... . ..,
Mtppint' i-lIt. 2-24 2-24
~f(lJ 1-.
0IMr _D&loperatltlM: 2-22f:, '-10

M.... T,opinl h.,.. rd.

-.. <-1I ......."


1'rop"fll uintOf'ni 2-D.

:: II<

<-. !>-2:U.(l)(~! 1\ 0\&
ftalkt .ad ~p of IlIMa 2.1~ 2 HI
s..,u. aM tqWipmartt <-II 3-16. J~II,

U.... tuYWi", ..-.tIoaa 2-1i*, i-it.

...,.U- 3_2t J~ln

.-.tA a.wllt,.- 2-t2t:. H
.. 12/.
IhtUI\C .... "'11 Vru... ~ .nd _rdl 5-11. !i-H;, ,."
.............. ...........
Pad! .ft~t. 4-1"
S--&:(2I. 3-f.
P&IlII a_I" .......{I) 3-11.
..., f,-,II(3)

lIUarr MPKV:
p--"eftl_ HI< J~!lj,

A _ _ 01 tpprtiUl\ II 27bHH, 1'ypJIv
,., UNlu..A'kd ..,oonA ~ 3_1*

4-U" 4,7,
eo-I_t AUap _
....... ~
, ,,.
3-!2d. ~.
' V... ~UeI\:
Artinn jlil~ 2-1"',
n.JdI '" 6 ..
B:IIIY Ur~1n ""11'"
"'''(0(1 fJ-;t6
fM :n_:u: PM ;1'_)5

r ..... nph ,- 1'., ..... \>1> 'q. By Ord~r lJ( tb{' 8t!Cr~tary or tn", Army:
AmH'~." )lln ..l ..
0,... 1\,,*1 )lln .. l..
2-~:t tr.nlp(>Tt
~,,2~(<t) W. C. WESiMORF.LAND.
..... n,.,....1 di ......... 2,9

'" Willto- ",.n ..."",' ;; I'UIOHr) "'-, Gl7U!rol. lfnilt'd Arm),
'o'm ..... .....",.... .nd .... ufk D-lIli " 11M Wind n.
, 2"~ Offlrlal: eM", of Std,
W... , J-U,
;j Zl, Y.w~
Y~I1"w (~VH ":.1 It. "
~-l!1)l) ~ .j/~
MaiM UNlffal, l!1IIl~d SIIIIi'1i Army,
TIw Adjfo!/41l1 Gtm.rlfd.

1'" be diatributltd in acrotdanoo with DA l'orm 12-11 requiremente tor JunS'le Optr.Uonl,


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