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25 2016 046

Flooding is an event that occurs when the flow of excess water soak the land. EU
directives mean flooding floods as temporary submersion by the water on the land that
are not normally submerged in water. In the sense of "flowing water", this word can
also mean the entry of the tide. Flooding caused by the volume of water in a body of
water such as rivers or lakes overflow or break through the dam so the water out of
their natural limits.

The size of the lake or body of water continues to fluctuate according to changes
in rainfall and snowmelt seasonal, but the flooding that occurs is not great unless the
water reaches the area human uses such as villages, towns, and other settlements.

Flooding can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the drains,
especially in the bend of the river. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses
those are built on a natural river flood plains. Despite flood damage can be avoided by
moving away from rivers and other water bodies, people living and working near the
water to earn a living and take advantage of low costs as well as travel and trade near
the waters smooth. Humans continue to settle in flood-prone area is proof that the value
settled near the water is greater than the cost of flood damage periodically.

Types of The Flood

There are a variety of flooding caused by several factors, among others:

1. Water Flood
Flood water is frequent flooding. The cause of the flood water due to overflow of
water in lakes, rivers, ditches, or other water flow causing the water rose and flooded
the land. Usually the water flooding caused by rains that occur continuously, resulting in
water flow can not accommodate any excess water.
2. Flash Floods
Definition of flash floods are floods that transports water and mud. Flash floods
are very dangerous compared to plain water flooding, it is because it would be difficult
to escape. Flash floods can wash away objects and has a high destructive power. Flash
floods usually occur in the mountainous area of mountainous land such as landslides as
the rain water to the water carried on the lower mainland. Usually such flooding can
wash away a large tree that can damage residential areas affected by the flood.
3. Mud Flood
Mud flood is a flood-like flood but mud out of the earth so that it can come
ashore. The mud sometimes contain hazardous materials as well as chemical gas.
4. Rob Flood (Sea tides)
Understanding tidal flood is a flood caused by tides. Generally the tidal flood hit the city
a new estuary in Jakarta. Tides will generally hold water that accumulates, until able to
break through a dike and flooded land.
5. Cileunang Flood
Flood cileunang is one of the kinds of floods. Understanding cileunang flood is a
flood similar to the flood water but the flooding due to rain is very heavy and has a
discharge of water. Flooding is very fast, this is due to very heavy rains that occurred so
it can happen in a short time.

6. Lava Flood
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Definition of lava flood is a flood caused by lava from a volcano is still active
when an erupting or has erupted. The process of eruption, the mountain will issue a
cold lava can spread to the surrounding environment. The water is in rivers or lakes can
experience the silting which leads to flooding.

For example in life ;, CIREBON - Great flood in Cirebon city due to heavy rain for hours a few
days ago, as a sign of the inability of the Department of Public Works and Spatial
Planning (DPUPR / Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang) Cirebon find a
solution to the free from flooding. Because the points flooding in the Cirebon city
unchanged from previous years, namely the Road Cipto MK, Sudarsono, Canal Youth,
Housing, Kanggraksan, Penyuken and Sekarkemuning.

Member of Commission B DPRD Kota Cirebon, the Supreme Supirno rate, should
the relevant agencies have been able to evaluate flooding that often occurs when the
rainy season. He believes, if DPUPR already has the data points where flood waters in
the city of Cirebon. So that the evaluation of the data it already knows indicators cause
flooding in the city of Cirebon.

"Should the technical offices are able to complete the problem of flooding in the
city of Cirebon, I believe the problem of flooding in Cirebon city much because of
narrow drainage and construction of the building on time or channel," he told
"" on Thursday (5/1).

If during this DPUPR determine flood-prone area then it should be balanced with
the anticipation that during heavy rain water can flow quickly into the estuary.
Moreover, last year related agencies have been invited by the Commission B DPRD Kota
Cirebon and argued in detail due to flooding in Cirebon city. However, a year has passed
these conditions no significant results. Indeed, there was a flood in Cirebon city getting

"It should make a technical offices careful planning to cope with the flood, and
realize that planning," he said.

Golkar politician said, factors that cause catastrophic flooding in Cirebon city was
not only by drainage, but many riverbanks paved with concrete and construction of
buildings by the community. It is said Agung, the flooding problems will be discussed
again between the legislative and the executive which will be held next week. This is
done so Cirebon free from flooding.

"The problem of flooding is not only one, but there are also construction of buildings
above the channel. It is worth noting DPUPR, "he said.


Flooding urban areas are different with flooding in rural or inland. In rural or
inland flooding is difficult to overcome because it generally occurs because the rainfall
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is well above normal and also due to the destruction of natural conditions such as the
destruction of forests. While flooding in urban areas generally caused by poor drainage.
Commonplace floods when it rains unusually heavy all day. But in urban areas often
floods when the rain had not hours. This has happened since decades ago and continues
to be repeated every time the rains come. Seemed to have become a habit and will
remain immortal. Should the city be flooded forever?

There is no problem that can not be resolved, so people said. The cause flooding
in urban areas is clear, no need pakartata smart city to find out. Scavengers sort out the
cause. But city officials are too busy looking for scapegoats. And there was the rainy
season has come back. When the officials were willing to reflect on other countries they
should be able to solve the problem of flooding. Can we see in a foreign country, do not
bother going abroad, just watch the movie asing.Sering seen the movie characters chase
got under the highway. Got it is not just enough for people running, but the car was
chased each other freely in dalamya. Try to compare with country got in this emerald,
only mice that could be chasing each other in it. This is the result of development
without careful planning in the long term. City officials are not able to anticipate the
progress of time.

Indeed, the officials had been trying to find a solution, but it proved to be quite
effective. Generally, they choose to make or dredge baniir program channels. Obviously
this is not an effective and efficient manner. Moreover, the canals were far away from
the city center. It is ridiculous that urban planning experts could not calculate how
much the speed of the water to reach the canal. Obviously it took a long time given the
poor drainage network; small, intricate and clogged. Compare with overseas, rain water
directly into the tunnel just below the highway. A more effective way would improve
drainage network. Make a right tunnel under the highway as abroad is clearly not
possible. Because there, the tunnel made a new advance on it made the road. What can
be done is to dismantle the sidewalk and courtyard office building or a shopping mall
and create the greatest possible culverts underneath. City Government can empower
companies landowner to carry out excavations, while the city government provides
gorongnya culverts. Gorongnya culverts should be made of concrete shaped box with a
hole in it as the entrance of water and also at the bottom as the water seep into the
ground. It is well to overcome the intrusion of sea water. Surface culverts can be directly
into the surface of the yard or sidewalk. When this is done simultaneously would be
quickly completed. So as not to interfere, these activities can be carried out at night
time. The same thing can be done in the township. Because in the township or
residential complex road is narrow, there is certainly no place to make great drainage.
The alternative is digging roads and laying culverts earlier, the surface of the culvert
was immediately into the road surface, do not be paved. Again empowering people. The
government now needs to emulate the ingenuity of the late president Soeharto who are
experts suggesting that people want berswakarsa, berswadana and self-sufficient. When
this is done from now, coming rainy season floods may not threaten. Can this be done?
Cant, for those who are pessimistic, skeptical.

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