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Ex Libris


1. BlsGlASn (Third Edition) . P. U. Dalbiac.

2. CLASSICAL (Secotd Edition) - T. B. Harbottle.

3. FRENCH AND ITALIAN (>S-,f^^W (T. B. Harbottle.

Edition) Ip. H. Dalbiac.

4. GERMAN --.... Lilian Dalbiac.

5. SPANISH T. B. Harbottle.


ABOUT GRE.JlT MEN - - W. Wale.

QUOTATIONS - - - - H. Swan.


AUTHORS E. Latham.

ALLUSIONS T. B. Harbottle.

10. DICTIONARY OF BATTLES - T. B. Harbottle.

From the Earliest Date to the Present Time


High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C.

^'^^, .

The sad death of Mr. Harbottle, just as this work was

going to press, has thrown upon me the onus of correcting

the proofs and preparing the Index. The necessity for

hurrying the work through the press has precluded com-

parison of the references in every instance with the original

sources from which the Author had taken them ; if there-

fore some few printer's errors or varieties of speUing may

still remain, they may, I hope, be attributed to the im-

perfections of one, who had to step suddenly into the

breach caused by the loss of a valued friend and collabora-

tor, whose patience in research, depth of knowledge and

accuracy in compilation, he could never hope to equal.

October, 1904. P. H. Dalbiac.

head of 18,000 Turks. The
French were completely success-
Abensberg (Campaign of Wag- ful, two-thirds of the Turkish
ram.) troops being killed or driven
Fought April 20, 1809, be- into the sea, while 6,000, with
tween the French and Bavarians the Pasha, surrendered.
under Napoleon, about 90,000
strong, and the Austrians, 80,000 Aboukir (British Invasion of
in number, under the Archduke Egypt).
Charles. On the French left, Fought March 8, 1801, when
Lanne's corps drove back the 5,000 British under Sir Ralph
Austrians, after a feeble resist- Abercromby disembarked on
ance. In the centre the Ba- the beach at Aboukir, in the face
varians were hard pressed, but of a force of 2,000 French under
eventually Napoleon succeeded General Friant. The landing
in turning the Austrian flank, was effected under a heavy
left exposed by the defeat of musketry and artillery fire,
their right, and Charles was which cost the assailants 1,100
forced to retreat. The Aus- killed and wounded, and the
trians lost 7,000, the French French were driven from their
and Bavarians about 3,000 positions with a loss of 500 men.
killed and wounded.
Aberdeen War).
(Civil See Nile.
Fought September 13, 1644, Abu Hamad (Soudan Campaigns).
between the Covenanters, 3,000 Fought August 7, 1897, when
strong, under Lord Burleigh, the Dervish entrenchments out-
and the RoyaUsts, about 1,500 side Abu Hamed were stormed
strong, under Montrose. The by a Soudanese Brigade, with
Covenanters were put to flight, 2 guns Royal Artillery, under
and no quarter being given, Major - General Hunter. The
they lost heavily before reach- Mahdist garrison was driven
ing Aberdeen. The Royalist through the town, losing heavily,
losses were insignificant. and their commander, Moham-
med Zain, captured. The Egyp-
Aboukir (French Invasion of
tian loss was 80 killed and
wounded, including 4 British
Fought July 5, 1799, Napo- officers.
leon attacking the position held
by Mustapha Pasha, who had Abu Klea (Soudan Campaigns).
recently landed in Egypt at the Fought January 17, 1885,
between a British force, 1,500 Accra (First Ashanti War).
strong, under Sir Herbert Stew- Fought 1825, between 15,000
art, and 12,000 Mahdists, of .\shantis and 400 British troops,
whom about 5,000 actually wiih. 4,600 native auxiUaries.
attacked. The
British square The Ashantis were completely
was broken at one corner, owing defeated, and the king com-
to the jamming of a Gardner pelled to abandon his designs
gun, and the Mahdists forcing on Cape Coast Castle.
their way inside, a desperate
Acragas (Second Carthaginian
hand-to-hand conflict followed. Invasion of Sicily).
Eventually the assailants were This fortress was besieged
driven off, and the square re-
B.C. 406 by the Carthaginians
formed. The British loss was under Hannibal, the garrison
18 officers, among them Colonel being commanded by Dexippus
Fred. Burnaby, and 150 men.
the Spartan. Early in the siege
In the immediate vicinity of
a pestilence in the Carthaginian
the square, 1,100 Arab dead
camp carried off Hannibal, who
were counted. was succeeded by his cousin,
Abu Kru (Soudan Campaigns). Himilco. A relieving army of
Fought January 19, 1885, 35,000 Syracusans, under Daph-
between 1,200 British troops naeus fought a pitched battle
under Sir Herbert Stewart, and with the Carthaginians under
a large force of Mahdists. The the walls of the city, and suc-
Mahdists attacked a short dis- ceeded in seizing and holding
tance from the Nile, and the one of their camps, but shortly
British square moved towards afterwards dissensions broke out
the river, repelling all assaults in the garrison, and many of the
successfully till they reached foreign mercenaries deserting,
the Nile. The British losses the citizens, after a siege of
were 121, including Sir Herbert eight months, left the place en
Stewart, mortally wounded. masse. The Carthaginians at
This action is also known as the once occupied the fortress.
battle of Gubat.
Acre (Third Crusade).
Acapulco (Mexican Liberal Ris- Siege was laid to this city by
ing). the Christians in August, 11 89,
Fought August 9, 1855, be- and it was obstinately defended
tween the Mexican Government by the Saracens for two years,
troops under Santa Anna, and during which the Crusaders are
the Liberals under Juarez. said to have lost 120,000 men.
Santa Anna was totally routed In June, 1191, the besiegers
and fled from the country. were reinforced by an English
Accra Ashanti War).
army under Richard Coenr de
Fought between 10,000
Lion, and in the followng
Ashantis and a force of 1,000 month the garrison surrendered.
British under Sir Charles Mc- Acre.
Carthy. The British were sur- The city remained in the
rounded and routed by the hands of the Christians till
natives, McCarthy being killed. 1 29 1, when it was captured by
the Moslems under Malek al while the Hungarians made an
Aschraf, Sultan of Egypt. The attempt to turn the allied left.
last stronghold in the Holy Both attacks were repulsed,
Land thus passed out of the and the battle was undecided.
keeping of the Christians.
Actium (Mark Antony's Second
Acre (French Invasion of Egypt). Rebellion).
The was besieged March
city Fought September 2, B.C. 31,
17, 1799, by the French under between the fleet of Antony,
Napoleon, and defended by the 460 galleys, and that of Octa-
Turks under Djezzar, and a vius, about 250 sail, but much
small force of British seamen lighter and less well manned
under Sir Sidney Smith. An than those of Antony. The
assault on the 28th was repulsed battle was fiercely contested,
with loss, and then a threatened with varying fortune but at a

attack by a Syrian army forced critical moment

Cleopatra or-
Napoleon to withdraw a large dered the Egyptian admiral to
portion of his troops. On the make sail, and with 60 galleys
resumption of the siege, no less withdrew from the fight. She
than seven more assaults were was followed by Antony, and
delivered, while the French his fleet,discouraged by his
had to meet eleven sallies of the flight, surrendered after ten
beseiged, but they were unable hours' fighting. The Octavians
to effect a lodgment, and on captured 300 galleys, and 5,000
May 21 Napoleon reluctantly Antonians fell A
in the action.
raised the siege. The fall of few days later Antony's land
Acre would have placed the army of 120,000 men laid down
whole of Syria, and possibly of their arms.
the Turkish Empire, in the
Acultzingo (Franco-Mexican
hands of the French.
Acre (Mehemet All's Second Fought April 28, 1862, be-
Rebellion). tween the French, 7,500 strong,
Mehemet All having refused under General Lorencez, and
to accept the conditions im- the main Mexican army, about
posed upon him by the Quadri- 10,000 in number, under Gen-
lateral Alliance, Acre was bom- eral Zarag09a. The Mexicans
barded, November 3, 1840, by a held a strong position in the
combined British and Turkish Cumbres Pass, from which they
fleet under Sir R. Stopford, were driven by the French,
and the town laid in ruins. and forced to retire upon La
Acs (Hungarian Rising).
Fought July 2, 1849, between Admagetobriga (Gallic Tribal
25,000 Hungarians, under Wars).
Gorgey, and the Russo-Austrian Fought B.C. 61 between the
army, greatly superior in num- Sequani under Ariovistus, and
bers, under Prince Windisch- the Haedui under Eporedorix.
gratz. The allies attacked The Haedui were defeated, vrith
the entrenched camp of the the loss of the flower of their
Hungarians, outside Komorn, chivalry, and were compelled
to give hostages and pay tribute The battle is also known as that
to Ariovistus. of Atherton Moor.

(Gallic Wars).
/Egina (Third Messenian War).
Fought B.C. 53, when a Ro- Fought B.C. 458, between the
man force of 9,000 men under Athenian fleet, and that of
Titurius Sabinus was attacked ^gina, aided by the Pelopon-
camps by the Eburones nesian States. The Athenians
in its
under Ambiorix. The assault were victorious, capturing 70
ships, and landing they invested
failed, but an offer by Ambiorix
of a safe passage to the nearest
^gina, which fell into their
Roman station was accepted. hands after a siege of a Httle
less than two years.
On the march the Romans were
treacherously attacked by the iEgospotami (Peloponnesian
Eburones and cut to pieces, War).
Sabinius being among the slain. Fought B.C. 405, between 180
Athenian triremes, under Conon,
Adowa (Italian Invasion of
and 180 Peloponnesian ships un-
Abyssinia). der Lysander. The Athenian fleet
Fought March i, 1896, when was lying at ^gospotami, oppo-
the Italian force under General site Lampsacus, where Lysander
Baratieri attacked the Shoan was stationed. For four days
army, strongly posted in a difh- in succession the Athenian ad-
cult country, and was routed miral crossed the straits, and
with enormous loss.
endeavoured, but in vain, to
bring on a general action. On
Adrianople (Bulgarian Rising).
the fifth day Lysander waited
Fought April 15, 1205, be- till the Athenians had returned
tween the Imperial troops under to their anchorage, and then,
the Latin Emperor, Baldwin I,
making a sudden dash across
and the revolted Bulgarians the straits, caught them un-
under their chief, Calo-John. prepared, and seized all but
The Bulgarian cavalry fled, and twenty ships, putting to death
lured the Latin horse in pursuit.
all the Athenians who were cap-
Then turning upon them, they tured. This disaster destroyed
routed them with the loss of their
the naval power of Athens, and
leader, the Comte de Blois, and
was soon followed by the end of
in the end the Imperialists were
the Peloponnesian War.
completely defeated and the
Emperor captured. .^gusa (First Punic War).
Fought March 10, b.c. 241,
Adwalton Moor (Civil War). between the Roman fleet of 200
Fought January 30, 1643, quinqueremes under C. Lutatius
when the Parliamentarians, Catulus, and a Carthaginian
numbering 4,000, with a levy of fleet under Hanno despatched
armed peasants, were defeated to relieve the town. The action
by 10,000 Royalists under New- was fought in heavy weather,
castle. Fairfax, who com- and the Roman being
manded the Parliament force, far better trainedthan their
succeeded io reaching Hull. opponents, Catulus gained a
signal victory, capturing 70 and English lost only 1,600, among
sinking 50 of the enemy's ships. whom were the Duke of York
The victory ended the First and the Earl of Oxford.
Punic War,
Agnadello (War of the League
Agedincum (Gallic War). of Cambrai).
Fought B.C. 52, between the Fought May 14, i 509, between
Romans under Labienus, and 30,000 French under Louis XII
the under Camalogenus.
Celts and Marshal Trioulzio, and
Labienus was endeavouring to 35,000 Venetians under General
effect a junction with Caesar, Alviani. The Venetians were
which the Celts were opposing, defeated with a loss of 6,000
and Labienus, crossing the men and 20 guns, Alviani being
Marne in face of their army, taken, and in consequence of
inflicted upon them a severe his victory, Louis XII occupied
defeat, in which Camalogenus all the territory assigned to him
fell. by the League, up to the Mincio.
Aghrim(Warsof the Revolution). Agordat (Soudan Campaigns).
Fought July 12, 1 69 1, be- Fought December 21, 1893,
tween William Ill's troops, between 2,200 Italians, and
under Ginkel, and the French native troops, under General
and Irish under St. Ruth. The Arimondi, and 11,500 Mahdists
English struggled in vain to under Ahmed Ali, who had in-
carry St. Ruth's entrenchments, vaded Italian territory. The
wliich were protected by a bog, Mahdists were routed with a loss
but his flank was at last turned of about 3,000 men. The Ital-
by the cavalry, wliich found a ians lost 13, and 225 natives
passage through the morass, and killed and wounded.
St. Ruth was killed. The Irish
then broke and fled,and are Agra (Farokshin's Rebellion).
said to have lost between 6,000 Fought 17 1 3, between the
and 7,000 in the pursuit. Great Mogul, Jehandar Shah,
with 70,000 troops, under Zulfi-
Agincourt (Hundred Years' War) kar Khan, and the rebel Mo-
Fought October 25, 141 5, be- guls under Jehandar's nephew,
tween the French, numbering Farokshin. After a stubborn
50,000, under the Constable fight, the rebels overpowered
d'Albret, and about 15,000 Eng-
the Imperial troops, and Je-
lish, mostly archers, under handar Shah was captured and
Henry V. The archers pro- put to death by Farokshin, who
tected their front with a palisade
ascended the throne.
of stakes, w'hich broke the
charge of the French men-at- Agra (Second Mahratta War).
arms, and the French army was The fortress was besieged
routed with a loss of 10,000 slain, October 4, 1803, by the British
including the Constable and the under General Lake, and was
Dukes of Alen9on, Brabant and defended by a garrison of Sind-
Bar, and 15,000 prisoners, in- hia's troops, 6,000 strong, who
cluding the Duke of Orleans held the citadel, while seven
and Marshal Boucicaut. The additional battalions were en-
camped in the town. The latter zais. A rush of 3,000 Ghazis
force was attacked on the loth was successfully repulsed, and
and routed, losing 26 guns, the enemy defeated and driven
while the survivors, 2,600 in off, leaving 1,000 dead on the
number, surrendered on the field. The British lost 17 only.
following day. On the 17 th Ahmednugger (Mogul Invasion
the batteries opened fire on the
of the Deccan).
citadel, and on the i8th the
This place was besieged in
garrison surrendered
1 599 by the Moguls under
Agra (Indian Mutiny). Mirza Khan, one of Akbar's
On August 2, 1857, the British generals, and defended by a
garrison holding Agra sallied garrison of Deccanis under
out to attack a body of 10,000 Chand ex-Queen of Bi-
rebels encamped within four japur. A
practicable breach
miles of the city. The Kotah having been effected, the garri-
contingent, which formed a son was disposed to surrender,
portion of the British force, but Chand Bibi, heading the
deserted to the mutineers, and defenders, superintended the
the British troops, hard pressed repair of the breach, and suc-
and short of ammunition, were ceeding in holding out until a
driven back into Agra, and peace was signed by which the
forced to take refuge in the fort. Great Mogul agreed to leave
In October of the same year Ahmednugger unmolested.
Colonel Greathed's column of
Aiguillon (Hundred Years' War).
four battalions and two cavalry
This fortress was besieged by
regiments encountered close to
the French under John, Duke
Agra a force of 7,000 mutineers.
of Normandy, in May, 1347,
The rebels at first held their
and was defended by a small
own, but were eventually put
English garrison under Sir
to flight, and pursued with great
Walter Manny, who held out
slaughter for ten miles.
bravely till the end of August,
Ahmedabad (First Mahratta repelling numerous assaults.
War). The defeat of Cressy then forced
This strong fortress, garri- the Duke of Normandy to lead
soned by 8,000 Arabs and his army northward, and he
Scinde Infantry, and 2,000 was compelled to raise the siege.
Mahrattas, was taken by assault,
Aix, He d' (Seven Years' War).
after a short bombardment, by
Fought March 4, 1758, when
a British force under General
a British squadron of seven sail,
Goddard, February 15, 1780. Edward Hawke,
under Sir at-
The British lost 106 killed and
tacked a French squadron of
wounded, including 12 of&cers. five ships of the line and six
Ahmed Khel (Second Afghan frigates, convoying forty trans-
War). ports, and drove them ashore
Fought 1880, when a British on the He d'Aix. This delayed
force under General Stewart on the French expedition to North
the march to Ghuzni was at- America, and facilitated the
tacked by about 15,000 Ghil- capture of Cape Breton.
Aix-la-Chapelle (Wars of the room, the church within the
French Revolution). enclosure being the last building
Fought March 3, 1795, be- captured, when all the sur-
tween the French under Miranda vivors were put to the sword.
and the Austrians under the The victory cost the Mexicans
Prince of Saxe-Coburg. The 400 killed and many wounded.
French were totally defeated, " Remember the Alamo " be-
and tied in disorder, with a loss came the watchword of the
of 3,500 killed and woundeil Texans.
and 1,500 prisoners.
Aland (Russo-Swedish Wars).
Aiznadin (Moslem Invasion of Fought July, 17 14, between
Syria). the Russian fleet of 30 ships of
Fought July 13, 633, between the line and 180 galleys under
45,000 Moslems under Khaled Admiral Apraxine, and the
and 70,000 Imperial troops Swedish, about one-third of that
under Werdan. The Imperial- strength, under Admiral Erin-
ists were routed with great schild. The Swedes sought to
slaughter, leaving Khaled to prevent the landing of a Russian
prosecute the siege of Damascus. force on the island of Aland,
The Moslems only admit a loss and fought an unequal combat
of 470. for three hours, when they were
overpowered and forced to retire.
Aladja Dagh (Russo-Turkish
The Czar, Peter the Great, who
Fought between the
was serving under Apraxine as
Rear-Admiral, captured Erin-
Russians under General Loris
schild's flagship.
Melikofi, and the Turks under
Mukhtar Pasha. The Russians Alarcos (Moorish Empire in
were victorious, and Mukhtar Spain).
was compelled to take refuge Fought July 19, 1 195, be-
under the walls of Erzeroum. tween the Sloors under Yakub
el Maasur, and the Spaniards
Alamo, Storming of the (Texan
under Alfonso VIII of Castile.
On February 22, 1836, General The Spaniards were utterly
routed, and very few escaped
Santa Anna, with the advance
to Calatrava. The Moors
guard of the Mexican army,
claimed to have taken 30,000
appeared before the walls of
the Alamo, a fortified mission
station held by 145 Texans Albuera (Peninsular War).
under Colonel Travis, who re- Fought May 16, 181 1, be-
plied to a summons to surrender tween the allied British, Portu-
by a cannon shot. On March i guese and Spanish forces, num-
the garrison was reinforced by bering 46,000, of whom 7,000
30 men, Santa Anna's force at only were British infantry, the
this date being 4,000. On the w^hole army being under the
6th 2,500 Mexicans assaulted command of Marshal Beresford,
the fort, and at the third attempt and 33,000 French under Mar-
effected an entrance. The shal Soult. The French attacked
building was defended room by Beresford's position, and the
Spaniards offering but a poor sallied out to meet Tamerlane
resistance, defeat was only in the open field, and suffered a
averted by the extraordinary disastrous defeat. They were
valour of the British troops, driven back into Aleppo with
especially of the FusiUer Bri- the loss of many thousands, and
gade, which came into action a few days later the Tartars
when the day seemed lost, and sacked the city and captured
drove the French from the field. the citadel.
Of the 7,000 British, but 1,800
were left standing. The French Aleppo (Ottoman Wars).
lost over 8,000, including five Fought 1 5 16, between the
generals. Turks under Selim I, and the
Egyptians under the Mameluke
Alcantara (War of the Spanish Sultan, Tooman Beg. After a
Succession). sanguinary engagement, the
Fought 1706, when a force of Egyptians were utterly routed,
British and Portuguese under and Selim added the whole of
Lord Galway attacked and Syria to the Ottoman domin-
drove out of Alcantara the ions.
garrison, consisting of a portion
of Marshal Berwick's army. Alesia (Gallic War),
Ten French battalions laid down Siege was laid to the town by
their arms, and 60 guns were the Romans under Caesar,
captured. B.C. 52,and it was defended by
the Gauls, numbering 80,000 in-
Aleppo (Moslem Invasion of fantry and 15,000 cavalry under
Syria). Vercingetorix, the Romans be-
This place was besieged by ing about 50,000 strong. An
the Moslems under Abu Obeidah attempt was made by the Belgi,
and Khaled in 638, and the city with an army of 260,000 warriors,
almost immediately surrendered, to relieve the town, but they
but the garrison retired to the were met and routed by Labi-
citadel, where under Youkinna enus with terrific slaughter.
it maintained a stubborn de- Tliis disaster so discouraged
fence for five months, and caused the garrison that the town im-
heavy loss to the besiegers. At mediately surrendered, Vercin-
last the citadel was taken by getorix being sent a prisoner to
surprise, and Youkinna became Rome, where five years later
a convert to Mohammedanism. he was beheaded as a rebellious
This was the last serious resist- subject of Rome.
ance offered in Syria to the
invading Moslems. Alessandria (Wars of the French
Aleppo (Tartar Invasion of Fought June 18, 1799, be-
Syria). tween the French, 14,000 strong
Fought November 11, 1400, under Moreau, and the Imperia-
between the Tartars under under Bellegarde.
lists The
Tamerlane, and the Turks under French gained a signal victory,
the Syrian Emirs. Instead of the loss of the Imperialists being
standing a siege, the Emirs 1,500 men and 5 guns.
Alexandria (Moslem Invasion and the Covenanters under
of Egypt). General Bailhe crossed
This city, the capital of Egypt, the Don to attack Montrose,
was besieged by the Moslems, whom he imagined to be in
under Amrou, in 638, and after retreat, but who was really
a defence of fourteen months, in waiting for him in a well-chosen
the course of wliich the besiegers position. The attack was re-
lost 23,000 men, surrendered, pulsed, the Covenanters being
leaving the victors undisputed routed with heavy loss.
masters of Egypt.
Algeciras Bay (Napoleonic Wars).
Alexandria (British Invasion of Fought July 8, 1801, between
Egypt). a British squadron of 7 ships
Fought March 21, 1801, be- of the line, frigate and i brig,

tween the French under General under Sir James Saumarez, and
Menou, and the British expedi- a French squadron of 3 line-of-
tionary force under Sir Ralph battle ships and frigate, under

Abercromby. The French Admiral Linois. The French

cavalry charged the British were aided by the Spanish gun-
right, but were repulsed, and boats and the shore batteries,
after hard fighting the French and Saumarez lost the Hanmbal,
were defeated and driven uniler which ran ashore, and was cap-
the walls of Alexandria. tured by the French. The
Among those who fell was Sir British lost 121 killed and 240
Ralph Abercromby, mortally wounded. The French lost 306
wounded. killed. On July 12, the French
squadron, wliich had been re-
Alexandria (Arabi's Rebellion). inforced meanwhile by 5 Spanish
Arabi Pasha having refused ships of the Une, was again
to cease work upon the forts of
attacked by Sir James Saumarez,
Alexandria, the Admiral, Sir
who succeeded in capturing the
Beauchamp Seymour, who had St. A ntoine and blowing up the
under liis command a fleet of
Hermcnegilda. The British lost
8 battleships and 5 gun-
only 17 killed and 100 wounded ;
boats, decided to shell them.
the alUes, 2,000, chiefly in the
He opened fireon the morning Heymenegilda.
of July II, 1882, and the bom-
bardment continued till the Algheri.
evening of the 12th, when the Fought 1353, between the
forts were totally destroyed, Aragonese under Pedro IV (the
and the garrison abandoned Great and the Genoese. Pedro

the city. The gunboat Condor, won a complete victory, driving

under Lord Charles Beresford, the Genoese out of Sardinia, the
particularly distinguished her- whole of which island became
self, running close in under the an appanage of the crown of
forts, and doing considerable Aragon.
damage. Algiers.
Alford (Civil War). This town was attacked July
Fought July 2, 1645, between 8, 1775, by a Spanish force of
the Royalists under Montrose, 51 ships of war and 26,000 men
under Don Pedro de Castijon alarmed by the approach of a
and Count O'Reilly. After a strong relieving army under
severe conflict, the Spaiiiards Ferdinand, raised the siege.
failed to dislodge their opponents,
Alhandega (Moorish Empire in
and retired, v-ith a loss of over Spain).
3,000 killed and wounded. The Fought 939, between the
Algerines lost about 5,000.
Moors under Abd al Rahman,
Algiers,Bombardment of. and the Christians under Ra-
In Lord Exmouth, in
1 8 16 miro II of Leon. The Moors,
command of 19 British war 100,000 strong, were besieging
ships, and accompanied by 6 Zamora, when they were at-
Dutch ships under Van Capel- tacked by Ramiro, who, aided
lan, bombarded the forts of by a sortie of the garrison,
mountingguns. utterly routed them. In the
Algiers, 500
The bombardment lasted for battle 20,000 Moors fell, and
about eight hours, and resulted 40,000 are said to have been
in the destruction of the forts drowned in the moat surround-
and a large part of the city. ing the city.
The Dey then gave way, and Alicante (War of the Spanish
agreed to the total abolition of Succession).
Christian slavery in his do- On June 29, 1706, Alicante
minions. The loss of the alUes was taken by a British squadron
amounted to 885 killed and of 5 ships under Sir George Byng.
wounded that of the Algerines
The fleet attacked the city walls,
to over 6,000. while the suburbs were occupied
by a landing party of marines
Alhama (War of Granada).
under Sir John Jennings. The
This fortress, one of the ring
place was captured with a loss
of strong places protecting the
to the British of only 30 killed
Moorish capital, Granada, was
and 80 wounded.
surprised by a small party of
Spaniards, under Juan de Or- Aligurh (First Mahratta War).
tiga, in the early morning of This fortress, the arsenal of
February 28, 1482. They Sindhia of Gwalior, was cap-
scaled the ramparts unper- tured August 29, 1803, by the
ceived, and opened the gates 76th Highlanders under Colonel
to the Spanish army. The Monson, forming part of General
garrison continued to defend Lake's army. The place was
the streets most obstinately, and strongly fortified and surrounded
it was only after hard fighting by a ditch 100 feet wide, con-
that the Spaniards mastered taining 10 feet of water. The
the town. An attempt was Highlanders carried the fortress
made to recapture the place by storm, blowing in the main
by Abul Hasan, King of Granada, gate, and fighting their way
who set down before it, with from room to room till the place
50,000 Moors. March 5, 1482. was captured. Two hundred
The garrison, under the Marquis and eighty-one guns were taken.
of Cadiz, made a gallant defence, The British loss amounted to
and on the 29th, Abul Hasan, 223 killed and wounded.

Aliwal (First Sikh War). and the French, in about equal

Fought January 28, 1846. strength, under Brune. The
between the British, 10,000 action began by the Russians
strong, under Sir Harry Smith, driving in the French advanced
and 20,000 Sikhs under Runjur posts. Meanwhile the Duke of
Singh. The troops of the York had outflanked them, and
Khalsa withstood three charges as soon as he was in position a
of the British cavalry with simultaneous attack on the
splendid bravery, but at last French left and centre forced
broke and fled, losing many Brune to abandon the key of his
drowned in the Sutlej, besides position, Alkmaar. which was
those on the field.
left The at once occupied by the allies.
British captured 67 guns.
Allia, The (First Invasion of
Aljubarotta. the Gauls).
Fought August, 1385, be- Fought July 16, 389 B.C., be-
tween the Castilians, under tween the Romans, 40.000 strong,
John I, in support of the claim under Quintus Sulpicius, and
of Beatrix of Castile to the the Gauls, about equal in num-
throne of Portugal, and the bers, under Brennus. The
Portuguese under the Regent Romans took post on the Allia
John. The Portuguese in- to check the advance of the
flicted a crushing defeat upon Gauls on Rome. Here they
the Spaniards, and John I was were attacked by Brennus, who
compelled to withdraw his routed the right wing, where
troops, and renounce his sister's the younger soldiers were posted,
claim. and then broke the Roman
Alkmaar (Netherlands War of centre and left, putting them to
Independence). flight with enormous loss.

Siege was laid to place

Alma (Crimean War).
August 21, 1573, by 16,000
Fought September 20, 1854,
Spaniards under Don Frederico
between the Russians, 40,000
de Toledo. It was defended by strong, under Prince Mentschi-
a garrison of 800 soldiers and koff, and the alhed British and
1,300 armed burghers. On Sep- French armies, 26,000 strong,
tember 18, an assault was under Lord Raglan and Marshal
delivered, which was repulsed, The bulk of the
St. Arnaud.
with a loss to the besiegers of fighting fell upon the British
1,000 men, while only 37 of the Second and Light Divisions and
garrison fell. The opening of the Guards, who carried the
the dykes at last rendered the heights held by the Russians at
position of the Spaniards most
the point of the bayonet, and
precarious, and on October 8 The Rus-
utterly routed them.
the siege was raised. sians lost 1,200 killed, and left
Alkmaar (Wars of the French 4,700 prisoners, many of them
Revolution). wounded, in the hands of the
Fought October 2, 1799, be- alUes. The British loss amount-
tween 30,000 British and Rus- ed to 3,000 killed and wounded ;

sians under the Duke of York, that of the French to

Almanza (War of the Spanish Alresford (Civil War).
Succession). Fought March 29, 1644, be-
Fought April 25, 1707, be- tween the Royalists under the
tween the French under Marshal Earl of Brentford and Sir Ralph
Berwick, and the British and Hopton, and the Parhament-
Portuguese under Lord Galway arians under Sir William Waller.
and the Marques das Minas. The Parliament forces were
Galway, though inferior in victorious, but their losses were
cavalry, attacked at first with so severe that Waller was unable
success, but the Portuguese on to follow up his advantage, and
the right broke and fled, and the Royalists made an orderly
the British centre, attacked in retreat.

front and flank simultaneously,

Alsen (Schleswig-Holstein War).
was routed and forced to sur-
This island, in which the
render. As a consequence of
Danish garrison of Diippel had
this defeat, the whole of Spain
taken refuge, was captured by
was lost to Charles with the
the Prussians, who crossed from
exception of Catalonia.
the mainland in boats on the
Almenara (War of the Spanish night of June 29, 1864, and
Succession). under a heavy fire carried the
Fought July 10, 17 10, when Danish entrenchments, and com-
the British contingent of the pelledthem to surrender. This
Archduke Charles' army, under was the last engagement of the
General Stanhope, attacked and war.
defeated the Spaniards under
Altendorf (Thirty Years' War).
Philip V, after severe fighting.
So complete was the rout that Fought August 24, 1632, be-
Philip's army was only saved
tween Gustavus Adolphus, with
by the fall of night from com- 40,000 Swedes and Germans,
plete destruction.
and the Imperialists, of about
equal numbers, under Wallen-
Almorah (Gurkha War). stein. Wallenstein was very
Fought April 25, 18 15, when strongly posted on the hill and
2,000 British regulars under in the ruined castle of the Alten-
Colonel Nicolls and a force of wald, and after a day spent in
irregular troops under Colonel fruitless assaults, the King was
Gardiner assaulted and captured forced to retire, having lost
the heights of the town of Al- about 2,300 in killed and wound-
morah. Theresult of this vic- ed. The defenders admitted a
tory was the surrender of the loss of 70 officers and 2,000 men
province of Kumaon and all its killed, besides wounded and
fortresses. prisoners.
Alne (Scottish Wars). Alto Pascio (Guelfs and Ghibel-
Fought November 13, 1093, lines).
between the Scots under Mal- Fought 1325, between the
colm Canmore and the English. GhibelUnes under Castruccio
The Scots were totally defeated, Castracane of Lucca, and the
and Malcolm and his" eldest son Florentine Guelfs. The Floren-
Edward slain in the battle. tines were defeated with heavy

loss, among the trophies taken of Arcot, 20,000 strong, and the
by Castracane being the car- combined forces of Muzuffer
roccio of Florence. Jung and Chunda Sahib, aided
by a French contingent under
Amakusa (Revolt of the Chris- M. d'Auteil. Anwar-ud-din
tians). was defeated and slain, and
In 1638, the castle of Ama- Muzuffer Jung assumed the
kusa, held by 30,000 rebels under title of Subahdar of the Deccan,
Masada Shiro, was captured Chunda Sahib that of Nawab
after very hard fighting by the of Arcot.
troops of the Shogun, under
Matsudaira Nobutsuna. The Ambur.
defenders set fire to the castle, This strong fortress was held
and perished to the last man, by a garrison of 500 Sepoys,
either in the flames or by the under Captain Calvert, and a
sword. detachment of Mysore troops
under Mukhlis Khan. This man
Amalinde (Kaffir Wars).
between the had assumed the status of an
Fought 81 8 1
independent chief, but being
Gaikas and the forces of Ndla-
suspected of intriguing with
mbi, in which the former were
Hyder AH, was arrested by
utterly routed.
Calvert. Hyder laid siege to
Amatola Mountain (Kaffir Wars). the place November 10, 1767 ;

Fought 1846, between the but Calvert, now secure from

Kaffirs under SandilU, and the treachery within, held out with
British and Cape troops under his small garrison till December
Colonels Campbell and Somerset. 6, when the approach of a re-
SandilU was totally defeated, lieving force obliged Hyder to
but, rallying his forces, he made raise the siege.
a successful attack on the Brit-
ish baggage train, the loss of Amida (Persian Wars).
which forced them to retire. This fortress, defended by a
Roman garrison, was besieged,
Ambate (Conquest of Peru), and after a vigorous defence
Fought 1532, between the taken by storm by the Persians
two Peruvian chiefs Atahualpa under Sapor II in 359. The
and Huascar, in which the latter garrison and inhabitants were
suffered a complete defeat. put to the sword. The siege,
Ambracian Gulf.
which lasted J2> days, cost the
Fought B.C. when a Persians 30,000 men, and so
Corinthian fleet of ships weakened Sapor that he was
attempted the relief of Epidam- compelled to relinquish his de-
signs upon the Eastern Empire.
nus, which was besieged by
the Corcyreans, and was defeated
The was again be-
with heavy loss by 80 Corcy- sieged by the Persians under
rean triremes. Kolsad in 503, being defended
as before by a Roman garrison.
Ambur. After a defence of three months,
Fought 1749, between the which cost the besiegers 50,000
army of Anwar-ud-din, Nawab men, a weakly defended tower
14 nrcTiox ih'Y OF n.irrLFS
was surpriscil at ni,s;ht. .uul on Amphipolis (Peloponnesian War).
tho follow ing dav Iho Persians, Fought March 4^^ p.c. be-
headed by their Kinj;. scaled the tween 1.500 Athenians, with a
walls, and massacred 80.000 of contingent of aUies under Cleon.
the garrison and inhabitants. and tlie Spartans, hop-
Amiens (Franco-German War). lit es, besides light armed trc^ops,
under Brasidas. Cleon ad-
I'oiii^ht Xoven\ber 2~. 1870.
between the vanced to attack Ampliipolis,
l'"rench under
but finding the garrison prepar-
General Fanre. and the C.ernians
ing for a sortie, wheeled about
under Manteutlel. Ihe French
were compelled to abandon the and commenced to retreat.
city, but the Germans failed to
He was at once assailed by
Hrasidas, and his left tied with-
secure a decisive victory. The
French lost 1.383 killed and
out striking a blow. The Athe-
nian right and centre otlered
wounded, and missini;
the Germans. ~o ollicers and

some resistance, but in the end

were routed with heavy loss,
I. J 10 men.
l^oth Brasidas ami Cleon fell,
Amoaful (Second Ashanti War). the latter while fleeing from the
l-'ou i; h t a n u a r \-
1 ;\ 18,-4. , lieKi.
when the British oxpeditionarv
force under Sir (.larnet Wolselev
Ainstetten (Campaign of the
defeated the Ashantis after a Danube).
desperate resistance, which cost November 5, 1805,

the assailants 10 otVicers and

when the Russians retiring on
X'ieiina fought a rear-guard
174 men killed and wounded.
action against Murat's cavalry
The 4.'nd Regiment, which led
aiul a portion of Lannes" corps,
the attack, lost o ollicers and
in which they were defeated
105 men.
with a loss of i.(.xio killed,
Amorium (Moslem Invasion of wounded, and prisoners.
Asia Minor).
iHiught 83S. between the
Anaquito (Conquest of Peru).
Moslems under the Caliph Alo- Fought January 8, 1546, be-
tassem. and the Cheeks under tween the troops of the Vicerov.
Theophilus. I'liirty thousand
Blasco NuAez, ami those of
Persian horsen\en, serving imder Gonzalo nzarro. nzarro gaiu-
the Fmperor. succeeded in eila signal victory, the N'icerov
breaking the Moslem hue. but being among the slain, and in
the Greeks themselves were consequence the Government of
overthrown by the Moslems, Peru fell into Hzarro's hands.
and the ilay ended in a com- Ancona (Unification of Italy).
plete rout of the Imperial armv. Tliis place was attacked.
Motassem then laid siege to September. i8cx">. by the Hed-
Amorium. aud after a defence montese tleet of 13 warsliips
of 55 days, wliich cost the be- under Admiral Persano. and the
siegers 70.000 men. the gates army of General Cialdini. It
were opened by treachery, and was defended by a sn\all Papal
3o.i.x")o Christians were massa- garrison under La Moricidre,
cred. and after a resistance of over a

week, at the end of which time Angostura (Paraguayan War).

Persano forced the boom guard- Fought December 22 to 27,
ing the harbour, La Moricidre 1868, between the Paraguayans
capitulated. under Lopez, and the allied
armies of the Argentine Repub-
Ancrum Moor (Scottish Wars). lic, Brazil, and Uruguay. Lopez
Fought February 17, 154S, held his position for six days
between the English under Sir against the greatly superior
Ralph Evans, and the Scots forces of the allies, but was then
under the Earl of Angus. The compelled to retire, leaving in
Borderers who had joined the the hands of the enemy 1,000
English deserted during the prisoners and 6 guns.
action, with the result that the
Antietam (American Civil War).
Scots were completely victo-
Fought September 17, 1862,
between the main Confederate
Ancyrae. army under General Lee, and
the Federals under General
Fought B.C. 242, between the
Syrians under Seleucus Callin- M'Clellan. On the morning of
icus, and the rebels under his
the 17th Lee had only 35.000
brother Hierax, aided by a large men on the ground against
contingent of Gauls. After a M'Clellan's 95,000. The Feder-
als strongly attacked Lee's left,
desperate struggle, in which
Hierax nearly lost his life at the and after a stubborn fight drove
hands of his barbarian auxil- it back, but reinforcements
iaries, Seleucus was utterly arriving, Lee resumed the offen-
routed. sive, and recovered his lost
positions. On the following day
Angora (Tartar Invasion of Asia neither side was disposed to
Minor). resume the struggle, and the
Fought June 30, 1402, be- battle was therefore indecisive.
tween the Tartars under Tamer- The Federals lost 12,460 men ;

lane, and the Turks under the Confederates about 9,000.

Bajazet I. The numbers en- Antioch.
gaged are variously estimated Fought B.C. 244, between the
at from one to two millions,
Syrians under Seleucus Callin-
Tamerlane, it is said, having at icus and the Egyptians under
least 800,000 men in the field. Seleucus
Ptolemy Energetes.
The Turks were totally defeated, was routed and compelled to
Bajazet and one of liis sons
take refuge within the walls of
being captured, while another Antioch.
son was killed.
Antioch (Aurelian's Expedition
Angostura (Americo-Mexican to Palmyra).
War). Fought B.C. 272, between the
Fought February 21, 1847, Palmyrenians under Zenobia,
between the Mexicans under and the Romans under the
Santa Anna and the Americans Emperor Aurelian. Zenobia's
under General Scott, when the heavy cavalry defeated and
Mexicans were totally defeated. drove from the field the Roman
i6 DICriO\'AI<Y or fiATTLES

hori'^.but her infantry wa.'i whom H.cxxi axe said to have

unable to withJttand the charge perished. This event is knov/n
of the legionaries, and she was as the Spanish Fury.
totally defeated.
Antwerp (Liberation of Bel-
Antioch (First Crusade). gium).
The city was besieged, Octo- When Holland refused to
ber 21, 1097, by the Crusaders recognize the f^ondon Protrx,ol
under Godefroi dc Boiiillon, creating Belgium into an inde-
and defended by a Saracen pendent State, the French
garrison under liaghasian. The siege to Antwerp, November,
siege was unskilfully conducted, 1832. The city, which was
and provisions and munitions defended by Chasse, held out
ran short in the Christian camp, till December 23, when, the
with the result that the place citadel being demolished by the
held out till June 3, 109B, when French fire, it was forced to
it was taken by stratagem. capitulate.
An indiscriminate ma^ssacrc Aong (Indian Mutiny).
followed, in which ro.cyjrj of the Fought July be-
15, 1857,
defenders perished. On the tween the British relieving force
28th of the same month the under Havelock and the muti-
Crusading army was attacked neers who were opposing their
outside Antioch by a force of advance on Cawnpore. The
Saracens under Kirboga. Kir- rebels were defeated and driven
boga concentrated his attack from their entrenchments.
against one wing of the Chris-
tians, and outflanked it, but Aquae Sextiae (Cimbric War).
was then assailed by the main f-ought B.C. 102, when the
bofly, and driven off with heavy Teutones undc-r the king.Teuto-
loss. bofl, were totally routed by the
f<om;i.ns under Marius.
Antium (War of Chiozza).
{'ought .May 30, 137^, when Aquidaban (Paraguayan War).
Vittorio f'isani, with ;4 Venetian The stand of the Para-

galleys, defeated the Genoese

guayans against the allied
fleet under Fieschi. The Geno- armies of the Argentine Repub-
lic,Brazil, and Uruguay, May i,
ese lost 6 shiy)S, and Fieschi
was taken prisoner. 1870. Lopez, v-ithasmall force
of {Paraguayans and 5.oo<'j In-
Antwerp (Netherlands War of dians, met the attack of the
Independence). allies under General Camera on
This city was sacked by the the banks of the Aquidaban,
Spaniards, iN'ovember 4, 1576. and after a sanguinary engage-
It was defended by G,orx) troops, ment, in which he and the Vice-
mostly Walloons, who offerefl President Sanchez fell, his army
little resistance to the 5,600 was cut to pieces, and the war
Spaniards under Sancho d'Avila, enrled. During the war the popu-
who formed the attacking force. lation of Paraguay was reduced
Having effected an entrance, from 1,500,000 to 221,000, of
the Spaniards proceeded to whom only 29.000 were raale;^
massacre the inhabitants, of over fifteen years of age,

Aquileia (Eugenius' Usurpa- between 47,000 Macedonians

tion). under Alexander the Great, and
Fought September 6 and 7, the Persian army, three or four
394, between Theodosius, Em- times as numerous, under
peror of the East, and Eugenius, Darius Codomannus. Alex-
the usurping Emperor of the ander, wholed the Macedonian
West, whose army was com- right wing, forced a passage
manded by Arbogastes. 'J'lie between the Persian left and
first day's fighting went against centre, and attacked the centre
Theodosius, who was only saved on the flank. After a stubborn
by dari<ness from a severe resistance, and though mean-
reverse, but during the night a while the Macedonian left had
force sent by Arbogastes to been hard pressed, the Persians
secure the passes in Theodosius' gave way, and Darius taking
rear, deserted to his standard, to flight, the whole army fled
and thus reinforced and aided in confusion, and was routed
by a dust storm which blew in with enormous loss, especially
the faces of his antagonists and at the passage of the Lycas,
disordered their ranks, he on which barred their retreat. This
the following day gained a victory made Alexander master
signal victory. of Asia.

Aras (First Mahratta War). Arcis-sur-Aube (Allied Invasion

Fought May 18, 1775, between of France).
Raghunath Rao, the claimant Fought March 21, 1814. be-
to the Peshwaship, with 20,000 tween 23,000 French under
Mahrattas, and 2,500 British Napoleon, and 60,000 allies
troops under Colonel Keating, under Schwartzenberg. The
and the army of the Mahratta French made a gallant stand
chieftains, 25,000 strong under against superior numbers, and
Hari Pant Phunhay. Rag- in the end effected an orderly
hunath's undisciplined levies retreat, with a loss of about
fled, and threw the British line The allies' losses were
into confusion but they rallied,
considerably heavier.
and after hard fighting repulsed
the Mahrattas with heavy loss. Areola (Napoleon's Italian Cam-
The British lost 222, including paigns).
1 1 officers. Fought November 15. 16, and
17, 1796, between the main
Arausio (Fourth Gallic Inva-
Austrian army under Alvinzi,
and the French under Napoleon.
Fought B.C. 105, when the
Napoleon's object was to drive
Gauls under Boiorix totally
back Alvinzi before he could
routed two consular armies
effect a junction with Davido-
under Caepio and Cn. Mallius
wich, who was descending from
Maximus. It is said that
80,000 Romans fell.
the Tyrol. The village of Areola
was occupied on the 15th, after
Arbela (Alexander's Asiatic severe fighting, in which Napo-
Campaign). leon was in great personal
Fought October 31, 331 b.c, danger on the^bridge, but it
was evacuated during the night. the loss of all their guns and
On the 1 6th Napoleon again baggage. The British lost 346
attacked the village, but the killed and wounded. This
Austrians held their ground. victory ended the Second Mah
On the 17th he turned the posi- ratta War.
tion, and Da\'idowich still re-
Argentaria (Invasion of the
maining inactive, Ahanzi was Alemanni).
driven back, ^\^th losses vari- Fought May, between
ously estimated at from 8,000 Romans under Gratianus
to 18,000. The French also lost
and the Alemanni under Priarius.
The Alemanni were overwhelmed
Arcot. by the Roman legionaries,
This fortress was captured by though they stood their ground
Clive,with a force of 200 Euro- bravely, and only 5,000 escaped
peans and 300 Sepoys, in August, from the field. Priarius was
The garrison, 1,100 slain.
175 1.
strong, offered no resistance, but Argentoratum,
marched out on Clive's approach. Fought August, 357, between
In the course of the autumn 13,000 Romans under Julian,
Arcot was beleaguered by an and a vastly superior army of
army of 10,000 natives, and Alemanni under Chnodomar.
1 50 Frenchmen under Chunda The Romans attacked the Ger-
Sahib, the French nominee man Unes shortly before night-
for the Nawabship of Arcot. fall, after a long march, and
Against this overwhelming force, though the right ^^'ing, under
Clive,whose garrison had been JuUan, was at first driven in, they
reduced by sickness to 120 were rallied by their general,
Europeans, and less than 200 and the left and centre pressing
Sepoys, held out for seven on, the Alemanni were totally
weeks, till the approach of a routed, with a loss of 6,000, in
Mahratta army forced Chunda addition to those who fell in the
Sahib to raise the siege. The The Romans lost 4 tri-
garrison had 45 Europeans and bunes and 243 soldiers only.
30 Sepoys killed. Chnodomar was taken prisoner.
Argaum (Second Mahratta War). Arginusae (Peloponnesian War).
Fought November 28, 1803, Fought B.C. 406, between 1 50
between the British under Athenian triremes under Thra-
Wellesley (the Duke of Welling- syllus and other generals, and
ton) and the forces of the Rajah 120 Peloponnesian ships under
of Berar, under Sindhia of Callicratidas. The Pelopon-
Gwalior. Three of Wellesley 's nesians were routed, with a loss
battalions, which had previously of 70 vessels, sunk or taken,
fought well, on this occasion and CalHcratidas slain. The
broke and fled, and the situation Athenians lost 25 ships -with
was at one time very serious. their crews, and the generals
Wellesley, however, succeeded were brought to trial for not
in rallying them, and in the end having taken proper steps to
defeated the Mahrattas, with rescue the men of the disabled

ships. Theywere convicted, Arkenholm (Douglas Rebellion).

and six them, inchiding
of Fought May 12, 1455, be-
Thrasyllus, executed. This tween the troops of James II of
victory temporarily restored to Scotland and the rebels under
Athens the command of the the Douglas brothers. The
sea. rebels were completely defeated.
Archibald Douglas was killed,
Argos (Roman Invasion of Hugh captured, and James,
Greece). Earl of Douglas, forced to take
Fought B.C. 195, between refuge in England.
Nabis of Sparta, with 15,000
men, and 50,000 Romans and Arklow (Irish Rebellion).
Macedonians under Flaminius. Fought 1798, when General
Nabis was totally defeated, Needham, with about 1,400
and though allowed to retain Militia and Volunteers, defended
Sparta, was compelled to restore the town from the attack of
to the Achaean league all his 27,000 rebels led by Father
foreign possessions. John Murphy. The
rebels were
beaten with great slaughter,
Arikera (Second Mysore War). and their intended advance on
Fought May 13, 1791, be- Dublin prevented.
tween the British under Lord
CornwalUs, and the forces of Armada, The Invincible.
Tippu Sahib. The latter was The fight with the Spanish
encamped between Arikera and Armada in the Channel began
Seringapatam, and was attacked on Sunday, July 21, 1588, and
by Cornwallis, who attempted lasted with intervals until the
to surprise him by a night 30th. The Armada consisted
march, but was foiled by heavy of 30 ships,
1 many of large size,
rain. A frontal attack on under the command of the
Tippu's position was, however, Duke of Medina Sidonia. The
successful, and, aided by a English fleet numbered 197 in
flank movement under Maxwell, all, but only 34 were Queen's
resulted in the total defeat of ships, and of these but 8
the Mysore troops, with a loss were over 600 tons burden.
of over 2,000. The British Lord Howard of Effingham
loss amounted to 500. This is commanded, with Drake and
also known as the battle of Hawkins as his Ueutenants.
Carigat. The English vessels hung on to
the flanks of the Spanish ships
Arius, The. as they sailed up channel, harass-
Fought B.C. 214, between the ing them in every way, and
Syrians under Antiochus the doing considerable damage,
Great, and the Parthians and until the Armada anchored in
Bactrians under Arsaces III, Calais roads. Here many of
and Euthydemus. Antiochus their finest vessels were cap-
was severely wounded, but tured or destroyed by fire-ships,
remained at the head of his and finally on the 30th, Medina
troops, and completely routed Sidonia decided to attempt to
the enemy with enormous loss. escape northwards. His fleet
was scattered by storms, and 1857, defended by Mr. Boyle,
many ^\Tecked on the Scotch with 16 Englishmen and 60
and Irish coasts, and in the Sikh police, against the attacks
end only about one-half of the of three revolted native regi-
Armada returned to Spain. ments, led by a Zemindar named
Kur Singh. This small garrison
Arnee. held out from July 25 till
Fought 1 75 1, shortly after August 3, when they were
the relief of Arcot, between relieved by a small field force
900 British
troops, under under Major Vincent Eyre.
600 Mahratta horse
Clive, -with
under Basin Rao, and a French Arras (Wars of Louis XIV).
force of 4,800, including 300 This place, held by a French
Europeans, who were in charge garrison, was besieged August,
of a convoy of treasure. Clive 1654, by the Spaniards under
took up a position in swampy the Great Conde. On the 24th
ground, crossed by a causeway a relieving army under Turenne
along which the convoy must attacked the Spanish lines, and
pass. The French were thrown totally routed them with a loss
into disorder, and forced to of 3,000 men. Conde succeeded
retreat, but night saved them in ralljdng the remainder of his
from complete destruction. The army, and made a masterly
treasure was captured. retreat to Cambray.
Arnee (First Mysore War). Arretium (Etruscan War).
An indecisive action fought Fought B.C. 283, when the
June 7, 1782, between the Brit- consular army of L. Caecilius
ish under Sir Eyre Coote, and Metellus, marching to the relief
the Mysore troops under of Arretium, w^hich the Etrus-
Hyder Ali. cans were besieging, met with a
disastrous defeat. Thirteen
Arques (Eighth Civil War).
thousand, including ]\Ietellus,
Fought September 23, 1589,
were slain, and the rest made
between 5,000 Huguenots under
Henri IV, and 30,000 Leaguers
under the Due de Mayenne. Arroyo Grande (Uruguayan War
Henri had taken up a strong of Independence).
position, defended by marshy Fought 1842, between the
ground, and of such a nature Argentine troops under Oribe,
that Mayenne could only bring and the Uruguayans under
against the king 5,000 troops Ribera. Ribera was totally de-
at a time, thus neutralizing the feated, and Oribe proceeded to
disparity of numbers. He lay siege to Montevideo.
repulsed attack after attack,
Arsouf (Third Crusade).
with heavy loss to the assailants,
Fought 1 192, between the
and eventually Mayenne was
English Crusaders under Richard
forced to withdraw, with the
Cceur de Lion, and the Saracens,
loss of about half his army.
300,000 strong under Saladin.
Arrah (Indian Mutiny). The Saracens made a desperate
A house in Arrah was, in onslaught on the English, and

both their wings gave way, but one of the wings, the Danes,
the centre under the king stood after a desperate conflict, which
lirm and finally drove back the lasted throughout the day, were
Moslems in great disorder, with finally put to flight, having lost
a loss of 40,000 men. one of their kings and five jarls.
Ascalon (First Crusade). Ashtee (Third Mahratta War).
Fought August 19, 1099, Fought February 19, 18 18,
between the Crusaders under between the army of the Pesh-
Godefroi de Bouillon, and the wa, Baji Rao, under Gokla, and
Saracens under Kilidj Arslan. the British under General Smith.
The Crusaders gained a signal The Peshwa fled before the
victory, and for the
a time action began, and Gokla, charg-
Moslem resistance to the Chris- ing at the head of his cavalry,
tian occupation of the Holy was killed, whereupon the Mah-
Land came to an end. rattas broke and fled in con
Asculum (Pyrrhus* Invasion of
Italy), Asirghur (Third Mahratta War).
Fought B.C. 279, between This fortress, held by Jes-
45,000 Romans under Sulpicius wunt Rao, with a strong Mah-
Saverrio and P. Decius Mus, ratta garrison, was besieged by
and the Epirots, with their a British force under Sir John
Italian allies, in about equal Malcolm and General Doveton,
force. The Romans fought to March 18, 18 19. On the 21st
raise the siege of Asculum, but the garrison was driven into the
were finally routed by the Epirot upper fort, and after a con-
cavalry and elephants, and tinuous bombardment, Jeswunt
driven back to their camp with Rao surrendered April 7. The
a loss of 6,000. The Epirots British loss during the siege was
lost 3,000. 313 killed and wounded that

of the garrison somewhat less.

Asculum (Social War).
Fought B.C. 89, between Askultsik (Ottoman Wars).
75,000 Romans under Strabo, Fought 1828, between 30,000
who was besieging the town, and Turks and the Russians, 17,000
60,000 Italians under Juda- strong, under General Paskie-
cilius, who had marched to witch. The Turks were routed,
its relief. The Romans were and their camp, with all artil-
victorious, but Judacilius suc- lery and baggage, captured.
ceeded in throwing a consider- Paskiewitch then laid siege to
able portion of his army into the town, which was defended
the beleagured city. by a garrison of 50,000 men,
and after a siege of three weeks,
Ashdown (Danish Invasion).
carried it by storm, August 28.
Fought 871, between the West
Saxons under iEthelred and the Aspendus.
Danes under Bag Secg and Fought between the
B.C. 191,
Halfdene. Largely owing to Syrian fleetAntiochus the
the brilliant leading of Alfred Great, under Hannibal, and a
(the Great), who commanded Rhodian squadron under Euda-
mus. Though Hannibal was in the course of the battle, the
superior force, he suffered a English were defeated, and
severe defeat. shortly afterwards Knut was
proclaimed King of England.
Aspern (Campaign of Wagram).
Fought May 21 and 22, 1809, Assaye (First Mahratta War).
between 36,000 French under Fought September 23, 1803,
Napoleon, and 70,000 Austrians when General Wellesley (the
under the Archduke Charles. Duke of Wellington) with 4,500
The battle commenced about British and native troops routed
four p.m. on the 21st by an the army of Sindhia of Gwalior,
attack on the French position over 30,000 strong. All the
at Aspern, and at nightfall the camp equipment and 100 guns
Austrians had established a were taken. The Duke always
lodgment in the village. On considered this the
the 22nd, both armies having action, for the numbers
been reinforced during the night, gaged, that he ever witnessed.
the combat was renewed round The British loss amounted to
Aspern, which was taken and 1,566, or more than one-third of
retaken ten times, while Essling Wellesley's entire force.
was the scene of an equall}'
desperate conflict. Towards Astrakhan.
evening the bridge by which Siege was laid to this town,
Napoleon had crossed the 1 569, by the Turks under
Danube was swept away, and Selim II, who required it as a
Napoleon was compelled to base for his projected invasion
retire. Each side lost about of Persia. It was held by a
20,000 men, and both claimed small Russian garrison, which
the victory. Among the French made an obstinate defence, and
who were Marshal Lannes
fell was by an army
finally relieved
and General St. Hilaire. despatched to its assistance by
Ivan the Terrible, which attack-
Aspromonte (Garibaldi's Rising). ed the Turkish lines, and utterly
Fought August 29, 1862, routed them.
between a small force of " Red
Shirts " under Garibaldi, and Atahualpa (Conquest of Peru).
the royal troops under General Fought 1 53 1, between 160
Pallavicini. After a short en- Spaniards under Pizarro, and
gagement, in which Garibaldi 30,000 Peruvians, forming the
was wounded, the " Red Shirts," escort of the Inca, Manco-
largely outnumbered and sur- Capac. The battle was nothing
rounded, laid down their arms. but a butchery, Pizarro, who
had invited the Inca to visit
Assandun (Danish Invasion).
him, falling upon the unsuspect-
The last of the five battles
ing Peruvians, seizing Manco-
fought in 1016 between the
Capac, and slaughtering 4,000
English under Edmund Iron-
men, without the loss of a single
side and the Danish invaders
under Knut. Owing to the
treachery of ^dric, who crossed Atbara (Soudan Campaigns).
over with the Hereford men in Fought April 8, 1898, between

the British and Egyptian army, Auray.

14,000 strong, under Sir Herbert Fought September 27, 1364,
Kitchener, and 18,000 Mahdists between the partisans of John
under Mahmad. The Mahdists de Montfort, and those of
occupied an entrenched zareeba Charles of Blois, the rival
on the Atbara, where they were claimants to the Dukedom of
attacked and utterly routed, Brittany. The Enghsh party,
with a loss in the zareeba of under Sir John Chandos, were
5,000 killed and i ,000 prisoners, besieging Auray, when they
while many more fell in the were attacked by the French,
pursuit. Mahmad was cap- who were led by Bertrand du
tured. The Anglo-Egyptian Guesclin. Chandos' position,
losses were 570 lulled and however, was very strong, and
wounded, including 29 British the French were unable to make
ol'licers. any impression upon it. Mean-
while they were thrown into
Athenry (Conquest of Ireland). utter confusion by an attack
Fought 1 316 between the on their flank, and were ulti
English under William de mately routed, with heavy loss,
Burgh and Richard de Berming- Charles of Blois being among
ham, and the O'Connors un<ler the slain. Bertrand du Guesclin
their chieftain, FeidHm. The was captured. De Montfort
O'Connors were defeated, 1 ,000 1 was shortly afterwards acknow-
of the sept falling in the battle. ledged by "Charles V of France
This is the last appearance of as Duke of Brittany.
the O'Connors as a clan in Irish
history. Aussig (Hussite War).
Fought between the
Atherton Moor. Germans under the Emperor
See Adwalton Moor. Sigismund, and the Taborites,
Auerstadt. the extreme section of the
Hussites, under John Zisca.
See Jena.
The Germans were signally
Augsburg. defeated.
Fought 900, between the
Germans and the invading Austerlitz (Campaign of the
Hungarians. The Christians Danube).
fought gallantly, but were over- Fought December 2, 1805,
whelmed by the numbers of the between 50,000 Russians and
barbarian cavahy, and in the 25,000 Austrians under Kutu-
end suffered a signal defeat. sofi, and 75,000 French under
Napoleon. An attempt to turn
Auldearn (Civil War). the French flank failed, and led
Fought May 9, 1645, when to the left of the alUes being
Montrose and his Highlanders entirely cut off from their centre.
defeated a largely superior force Their left and centre were thus
of Covenanters under Sir John beaten in detail, and the right,
Hurry, who was marching north- which had at first held its own,
ward to raid the lands of the was surrounded, and driven in
Gordons. disorder across a partially frozen
lake, where many perished. and flank, and totally routed,
The alUes lost 20,000 killed, losing 800 killed and 1,600
wounded, and prisoners, and a prisoners. Among the killed
large number of guns. The were 400 men of rank.
French lost about 5,000. The
battle is called the Battle of the Ayacucho (South American War
Three Emperors, those of Russia, of Independence).
Austria, and France being all Fought December 9, 1824,
present with their respective between the South American
armies. patriots, 5,780 strong, under
Sucre, and the Spaniards, 9,310
Avaricum (Gallic War), in number, under Laserna. The
This place was made the head- latter were routed with a loss of
quarters of the revolted Gauls 2,100 killed and wounded, and
under Vercingetorix, B.C. 53, over 3,500 prisoners, including
and was besieged by Caesar, Laserna, in addition to 15 guns.
with 50,000 Romans. The The Patriots lost 979. This
place was strongly defended, engagement, which is also know
but supplies ran short, and as the Battle of Candorcanqui,
Vercingetorix attempted to practically decided the question
withdraw his troops. In this of South American indepen-
he was unsuccessful, and the dence.
Romans, delivering a vigorous
assault, took possession of the Aylesford (Jutish Invasion).
town, and massacred the garrison Fought 456, between the Jutes
and inhabitants. under Hengist and Horsa, and
the Britons under Vortigern.
Avus (Second Macedonian War). Horsa was slain in the battle, but
Fought B.C. 198, between the Jutes were victorious.
20,000 Macedonians under
Philip, and two Roman legions Azimghur (Indian Mutiny).
under T. Quinctius Flamininus. Fought April 15, 1858, be-
A force of 4,000 legionaries tween a British column, com-
penetrated to the rear of Philip's posed of three regiments of
camp, and when Flamininus infantry and three of Sikh
attacked in front, they fell upon cavalry, under Sir Edward
the Macedonian rear, and com- Layard, and the Dinapur muti-
pletely routed them, with a loss neers, about 5,000 strong, under
of 2,000. Kur Singh. The rebels were
routed and dispersed, Kur Singh
Axarquia (War of Granada). falling mortally wounded.
Fought March 20, 1483, be-
tween a Spanish force of 3,000 Azores.
knights, and about 2,000 in- In 1 59 1, a fleet of 7 ships
fantry, under the Marquis of under Lord Thomas Howard
Cadiz, and a strong Moor- was driven from Floris by the
ish force under Abul Hasan. Spanish fleet under Don Alfonso
The Spaniards were marching Bassano. The action was chief-
through the defile of Axarquia, ly remarkable for the gallant
on their way to attack Malaga, fight made bjf Sir Richard Gren-
when they were assailed in front ville in the Revenge, which

maintained an unequal struggle man. Curio being amongst the

for nine hours, when her gal- slain. This victory left the
lant commander was mortally Pompeians masters of Africa.
wounded, and she surrendered
at daybreak.
Bahur (Seven Years' War).
Fought August, 1752, be-
B tween the French, numbering
Badajos (Peninsular War). 2,500, including natives, under
On March 17, 1812, this for- M. Kirkjean, and 2,000 British
tress, held by a garrison of troops, with 4,000 of Mohammed
French, Hessians and Spaniards, AU's under Major Law-
5,000 strong, under Phillipon, rence. The French were totally
was invested by Wellington. defeated, losing heavily in men,
The breaches were declared to guns and stores. This victory
be practicable on April 5, and determined the Mahrattas, who
an assault was ordered. After were wavering, to throw in their
terrible slaughter, the town was lot with the British.
taken, with a loss to the assail-
ants of 3,500, the total British Balaclava (Crimean War).
losses during the siege exceeding Fought October 25, 1854,
5,000. Fearful excesses were between 30,000 Russians under
committed after the assault, Prince Mentschikoff, and the
and for two days the troops British under Lord Raglan.
were completely out of hand. The Russians, having driven
the Turks from their redoubts
Baduli-ki-Serai (Indian Mutiny). at Kadikoi, entered the valley
Fought June 8, 1857, when a of Balaclava, where they were
British force, under Sir Henry encountered and driven back
Barnard, defeated a large body by the Heavy Cavalry Brigade
of mutineers, who were opposing under General Scarlett. Later
their march to Delhi. All the the day, acting under a
rebels' guns were captured.
mistaken order. Lord Cardigan
Bagdad (Tartar Invasion of
at the head of the Light Brigade,
Mesopotamia). charged the Russian guns at
This city was captured by the head of the valley, and
the Tartars under Tamerlane, captured their batteries. Being,
however, shelled from all sides,
July 23, 1401.
he was compelled to retire with
Bagradas (Civil War of Cssar heavy loss. Of this famous
and Pompey. )
feat of arms. General Pehssier
" C'est
Fought B.C. 49, between the is reported to have said,
Caesareans under Curio and the magnitique, mais ce n'est pas la
Numidians under Juba and guerre." Another feature of
Saburra, who adhered to the this singular battle was the
fortunes of Pompey. The Ro- repulse by the Highland Bri-
man cavalry was cut to pieces, gade, in Une, of a charge of the
before the legionaries could Russian cavalry. The British
come to its assistance, and even- losses were small, except in the
tually the Romans were sur- case of the Light Brigade, whose
rounded, and cut down to a casualties amounted to 272 out
of 673 who took part in the several months, was taken by
charge. storm. Genghiz, who had seen
a favourite grandson killed
Balls Bluff (American Civil War).
during the progress of the siege,
Fought October 21, 1861, gave orders that neither woman
between the Federals under
nor child was to be spared, and
General Stone, and the Con-
the whole city with its inhabi-
federates under General Evans.
tants was wiped out.
The Federals crossed the Poto-
mac to attack the Southern Banda (Indian Mutiny).
position, but were repulsed, Fought April 19, 1858, be-
and driven back over the river tween a force of rather over
in confusion losing 1,100 killed 1,000 British troops under
and wounded, 700 prisoners and General Whitlock, and 7,000
the only three guns which they mutineers under the Nawab of
had succeeded in taking across. Banda. After an obstinate
The Confederates lost 155 only. conflict the rebels were totally
Ballymore (Irish Rebellion).
Fought June 3, 1798, when Banda Islands (Wars of the
Colonel Walpole, with 500 Royal French Revolution).
troops, on the march to Ennis- These islands, forming part of
corthy, was surprised and over- the Dutch East Indian posses-
powered by a body of rebels sions, were captured March 8,
under Father Murphy. Walpole 1796, by a British squadron
and the majority of his force under Admiral Peter Rainier.
were cut to pieces. Bands, The (Danish Invasion).
Baltimore (Second American Fought 961, between the
War). Scots under their king, Indulph,
This city was attacked Sep- and the Danish pirates. The
tember II, 1 8 14, by a British Danes were defeated, but In-
fleet often sail, under Admiral dulph fell in the battle.
Sir Alexander Cochrane, and a Bangalore (Second Mysore War).
land force of 3,270 under General This place was besieged by
Ross, who fell during the action. the British under Lord Corn-
The Americans, 17,000 strong, waUis, March 5, 1791, and not-
under General Winder, were withstanding numerous efforts
defeated, but the British retired to relieve iton the part of Tippu
on the evening of the 13th. Sahib, it was taken by storm on
The British lost 46 killed and the night of the 21st, Tippu's
300 wounded, the Americans, final attempt being beaten off
20 killed, 90 wounded, and 200 by the reserve with heavy loss.
prisoners. The British casualties were few.
Bamian (Tartar Invasion of Bannockburn (Scottish Wars).
Kharismia). Fought June 24, 13 14, be-
This city was invested by tween the Scots under Robert
the Mongols under Genghiz Bruce, and the English inva-
Khan in 1221, and after an ders under Edward II. Bruce's
obstinate defence, lasting position was partly covered by

a marsh, and further strength- net, but Edward came out dur-
ened by pitfalls, in which the ing the night and took up a
English cavalry were entrapped, position opposite Warwick un-
and defeated with great loss. seen. The left of the Yorkists
The king escaped with difii- was outflanked and beaten,
culty and the invasion was but their right outflanked and
abandoned. defeated the Lancastrian left,
and then fell upon and routed
Bapaume (Franco-German War). the centre. Warwick was slain.
Fought January 3, 1871, be-
The losses on the two sides are
tween the French under General
said to have amounted in all to
Faidherbe, and the Germans
1 ,000 killed.
under Von Goeben. The result
was indecisive, and though the Barosa (Peninsular War).
French gained some tactical In the course of the opera-
successes, the strategi-
result tions for the relief of Cadiz,
cally was an advantage to the General Graham, with 4,000
Germans, as General Faidherbe British troops, defeated Marshal
was compelled to desist from Victor with 9,000 French,
his attempt to raise the siege of March 5, 181 1. The French
P6ronne. The Germans lost 52 lost 2,000 killed and wounded,
officers and 698 men ; the French including two generals, 6 guns,
53 officers and 15 16 men killed 2 eagles, and 400 prisoners.
and wounded, and 550 prisoners. The British losses amounted to
50 officers and 1,160 rank and
Barbosthenian Mountains (Wars
of the Achaean League).
hie. A large Spanish force
under La Pena stood idly by,
Fought 192 B.C. between the
and took no part in the action.
Spartans under Narbis, and the
Achaean League under Philo- Barquisimeto (South American
poemen. Nabis was totall}^ War of Independence).
routed, with the loss of three- Fought 1 81 3, between the
fourths of his troops. Colombian patrots under Simon
Bolivar, and the Spanish
Barcelona (War of the Spanish
Royalists, Bolivar gaining a
complete victory.
This city, which was held for
PhiUp V of Spain by a Spanish Basing (Danish Invasion).
garrison, was besieged Sep- A victory of the Danish in-
tember 14, 1705, by the British vaders in 871 over the West
under the Earl of Peterborough. Saxons.
After a short bombardment,
the place surrendered, October
Bassano (Napoleon's Italian
Barnet (Wars of the Roses). Fought September 8, 1796,
Fought April 14, 147 1, be- when Napoleon, who had on the
tween the Yorkists under Ed- previous day destroyed the
ward IV, and the Lancastrians Austrian vanguard at Primo-
under the Earl of Warwick. lano, fell upon the main body
Warwick prepared to attack of Wurmser's army. The assault
the king as he issued from Bar- on the town of Bassano was
delivered by Augereau's divi- doned the town, and occupied a
sion on the right, and Massena's strong position at Fort Cornelius,
on the left, and the French in the immediate neighbour-
utterly routed the Austrians, hood. The British stormed the
Wurmser narrowly escaping entrenchments, with a loss of
capture. Six thousand men 872 killed and wounded, where-
laid do\vn their arms, and when upon the survivors of the garrison
Wurmser collected his scat- laid down their arms.
tered forces, he had but 16,000
leftout of the 60,000 with which Batoche (Kiel's Second Re-
he had commenced the cam- bellion).

paign. Fought May 9 to 12, 1885,

when 750 Canadians under
Bassein (First Mahratta War). General Middleton gradually
This place, held by a Mah- drove back and finally defeated
ratta garrison, was besieged by Kiel's force of half-breeds and
a British force under General Indians, with a loss of 224. The
Goddard, November 13, 1780. Canadians lost only 54 killed
A serious attempt was made to and wounded. Kiel surrendered
relieve the garrison, but the on the 15 th.
defeat of the relieving force by
Colonel Hartley at Dugaar, on Batowitz.
December 10, completely dis-
Fought 1653 between 40,000
couraged the defenders, and Poles under John II, and the
they surrendered on the follow- Wallachians under Bogdan. The
ing day. Poles, who were waiting to
intercept the passage of the
Bassorah (Arab Revolt). Wallachians, were thrown into
Fought in 665 between the disorder by a furious charge
Caliph Ali, at the head of 29,000 headed by Bogdan in person,
Moslems, and the rebel Arabs and almost completely annihi-
in superior force, under Telha lated.
and Zobin. The rebels were
defeated with heavy loss, Telha Bautzen (Campaign of Leipzic).
and Zobin being slain, and Fought May 20 and 21, 181 3,
Ayesha, the widow of the pro- between 150,000 French under
phet, who had espoused their Napoleon, and the Prussians and
cause, captured. Russians, 100,000 strong, under
This victory
isknown to Moslems as the Day Blucher and Count Wittgenstein.
of the Camel, 70 men, who in The allies were strongly posted
succession held the bridle of the in and around Bautzen, while
their front was protected by
camel on which Ayesha was
mounted, being killed in the the Spree. On the 20th Napo-
fight which raged round her. leon forced the passage of the
Spree, and seized Bautzen after
Batavia (Napoleonic Wars). severe fighting, driving the
This town was captured by allies from their first line of
the British under Sir Samuel defence. On the 22nd he at-
Auchmuty, with 10,000 troops, tacked the second hne, while a
August 26, 181 1. The French flank march of Ney's corps
and Dutch garrison had aban- drove in their right flank, and

captured all their positions. 1690, between a combined Eng-

The allies retired in good order, lish and Dutch fleet of 73 sail
lack of cavalry preventing under Torrington, and a French
Napoleon from pushing his fleet of 78 ships under de
advantage. The allies lost Tourville, which had been
15,000 killed and wounded in despatched to create a diversion
the two days the French,
; in favour ofJames II in Ireland.
1,300. The allies were defeated, the
Dutch losing six and the British
Bavay (Gallic War). one ship.
Fought B.C. 57 between the
Romans, 50,000 strong, under Beauge (Hundred Years' War).
Caesar, and a large force of Gauls, Fought March 22, 142 1, be-
drawn from the Nervii, Viroin- tween the English under the
and\u, Atrebates and other Duke of Clarence, and the
tribes. The Gauls attacked as Armagnacs, aided by the Scottish
the Romans were pitcliing their mercenaries, resulting in one of
camp on the banks of the the few defeats sustained by the
Sambre, but, although surprised, English during the French wars.
the legionaries stood their The Duke and his immediate
ground, and utterly routed their following, charging ahead of
assailants. The Nervii, in par- his troops, vigorously attacked
ticular, were practically annihi- the Scottish outposts, and, be-
lated. coming separated from the main
body, was surrounded and slain,
Baylen (Peninsular War). all his gentlemen being either
Fought July 19, 1808, be- killed or captured. The bodies
tween 15,000 Spaniards under were afterwards recovered by
Castaiios, and 20,000 French the English archers, but the
under Dupont. The French defeat was complete.
were totally defeated with a loss
of over 2,000 men, and Dupont Beaumont (Franco - German
surrendered with his whole War).
army. Fought August 30, 1870, be-
tween the Fifth French Corps
Baza (War of Granada). d'Armee under General de
This fortress, one of the out- Failly, and the Fourth and
posts of Granada, was besieged Twelfth German Army Corps
by Ferdinand, with 95,000 under the Crown Prince of
Spaniards, in June 1489, and Saxony. The French were sur-
was defended by a strong prised in their cantonments,
Moorish garrison under Sidi and were driven back upon
Yahye. The town was very Monzon, with a loss of 4,800 men
strong, and was gallantly de- and 42 guns. The Germans lost
fended, and the siege lasted until about 3,500.
December, when the place was
Beaune-la-Rolande (Franco-
surrendered on honourable terms.
German War).
Beachy Head (War of the Fought November 28, 1870,
Revolution). between 9,000 Germans under
A naval action fought June 30, the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg,
and 60,000 French under General Turks, under Mustapha II, and
Crouzat. The French assailed the Imperialists, when the Turks
the German position, but, not- gained a complete victory.
withstanding the disparity of
numbers, the Germans suc- Belgrade (Ottoman Wars).
Siege was laid to this city
ceeded in maintaining their
ground, after a desperate en-
by a large Turkish army under
counter, driving off their assail-
Mohammed II, the defence being
in the hands of John Hunyady.
ants with a loss of 8,000 men.
After a gallant resistance of 40
The Germans lost 37 officers and
days, the Turks were compelled
817 men only.
to raise the siege, September 4,
Beausejour (Seven Years' War). 1456. This was Hunyady 's last
This fort in Nova Scotia, held exploit, and he died a month
by a garrison of 460 men under later. Mohammed was wounded
Duchambon de Vergor, was in the course of the siege.
invested June 4, 1755, by 2,000
Massachusetts volunteers and Belgrade (Ottoman Wars).
a small force of regulars under Fought August 16, 1 7 17, be-
Colonel Monckton. On the 14th tween 40,000 Austrians under
Prince Eugene, and 180,000
the besiegers opened lire, and on
the i6th the garrison surren-
Turks under the Grand Vizier,
Ibrahim Pasha. The Turks
were entrenched in and around
Beaver's Dam Creek. See Seven Belgrade, and were attacked by
Days' Battle. Eugene at night. His right
Bedr (Mohammed's War with wing lost touch and were in
the Koreish). danger of being overwhelmed,
Fought in 623, and notable as but was rescued by the Prince.
the first military exploit of The main attack was completely
Mohammed, who, with only 3 1
successful, and the Turks were
followers, routed a force of 950 driven out of their positions
Koreish, who had been sent out with a loss of 20,000 killed and
to meet and protect a caravan wounded, and 166 guns. The
of 1,000 camels, with which was Austrians lost almost as heavily,
their chief, Abu Sophian. After among those who fell being
his victory, Mohammed pur- Marshal Hauben.
sued and captured the caravan. Belgrade (Ottoman Wars).
Bedriacum (Revolt of Vitellius). On October 8, 1789, the city
Fought April 14, 69, between was surrendered by the Turks,
the legions of the Emperor Otho after a brief siege, to an Austrian
and the VitelUans under Valens. army under General Laudon.
The Imperial troops were utterly Belle Isle (Seven Years' War).
routed, and driven back to
Fought November 20, 1759,
their camp, which they sur-
between a British fleet of 27
rendered to the Vitellians on
ships of the line and 6 frigates
the following day.
under Sir Edward Hawke, and
Bega (Ottoman Wars). a French fleet of 20 ships of the
Fought 1696, between the line and 6 frigates under Ad-

miral de Conflans. The French attack, which cost the assailants

were completely defeated, losing 28 officers and 270 men. The
6 ships and a large number of Boers lost about 300 killed and
men. The British lost 2 ships wounded, and 50 prisoners.
ashore, and 58 killed and 251
Benburb (Great Irish Rebellion).
Fought June 5, 1646, when
Belle Isle (Seven Years' War). 5,500 Irish rebels under O'Neill,
On June 7, 1761, the island totally routed the Scottish army
was captured by 8,000 British under Monro. The Scots left
troops under General Hodgson, 3,000 dead upon the field, and
convoyed by the fleet under the fugitives were ruthlessly
Admiral Keppel. After a first butchered by the Irish in their
repulse, the troops made good flight.
their landing, and the garrison
of Palais, the principal town, at
Bender (Ottoman Wars),
This place, held by a Turkish
once capitulated.
garrison, was besieged by the
Belle Isle (Wars of the French Russians under Count Panin,
Revolution). August, 1768. After a defence of
Fought June 23, 1795, be- two months, the place was taken
tween a British fleet of 17 battle- by storm, and the garrison put
ships under Lord Bridport, and to the sword.
a French squadron. The French Benevento (Italian Wars).
endeavoured to escape, but the Fought February 26, 1266,
British gave chase, and captured
between the Neapolitans, under
three ships, with a loss of 3 killed Mainfroy, the usurper of the
and 113 wounded. The French crown of the Two Sicilies, and
lost about 700.
the French under Charles of
Bellevue (Franco- German War). Anjou. After a sanguinary en-
Fought October 7, 1870, when gagement, in which Mainfroy
Marshal Bazaine attempted to was slain, the NeapoUtans were
break through the hnes of the utterly routed, and Charles of
Germans investing Metz. He Anjou remained in undisputed
was unsuccessful, and was
possession of the throne.
driven back into the city \\'ith a
Beneventum (Pyrrhus' Invasion
loss of 64 officers and 1,193 men.
of Italy).
The Germans lost 75 officers and
Fought B.C. 275,when Pyr-
1 ,703
rhus with a strong force of
Belmont (Second Boer War). Epirots and Italians made a
Fought November 23, 1899, night attack upon the consular
between a Boer commando, army of M. Carius Dentatus,
about 3,000 strong, occupying encamped in a strong position
a strong position on the hills near Beneventum. Pyrrhus was
near Belmont, and Lord repulsed with considerable loss,
Methuen's division of j\ bat- including eight elephants. En-
talions of infantry and a regi- couraged by this success, the
ment of cavalry. The Boer Romans shortly afterwards
position was carried by a frontal advanced to meet Pyrrhus ig
the open plain, and were at first his way through the American
driven back by the elephants, lines.
but rallying, they drove these
back through Pyrrhus' lines, and Berea (Kaffir Wars).
disordered the Epirot phalanx, Fought December 20, 1852,
and a charge of the legionaries between the British under
completed the rout. This was General Cathcart, about 2,500
strong, and the Basutos, many
Pyrrhus' last serious attack
against the Roman power, and
thousands in number, under
he soon afterwards left Italy. Moshesh. The British, after hard
fighting, succeeded in holding
Beneventum (Second Punic War) their ground, but were obliged on
Fought B.C. 214, between the following day to retreat to
18,000 Carthaginians under the entrenched camp on the
Hanno, and 20,000 Romans Caledon, having suffered a loss
under Tiberius Gracchus. Han- of 37 killed and 15 wounded.
no's troops were routed, his in-
fantry being cut to pieces, and Beresina (Moscow Campaign).
he himself escaping with diffi- On November 28, 1812, the
culty, with a portion of his
French Grande Armee, in re-
treat from Moscow, was attacked
by the Russians under Tchit-
Beneventum (Second Punic chakoff and Wittgenstein. The
War). former on the right bank,
FoughtB.C. 212, when a assailed Napoleon, who had
Roman consular army under already crossed the river, while
Cn. Fulvius, stormed Hanno's Wittgenstein attacked Victor's
camp, three miles from Bene- corps, which formed the French
ventum, at daybreak, and sur- rear-guard. The attack on
prising the Carthaginians, routed Napoleon was repulsed, but on
them with heavy loss and cap- the other side of the river the
tured all the corn and supplies Russian onslaught caused a
intended for the revictualhng of panic among those who were
Capua. waiting to cross, and though the
rear-guard made a brave resist-
Bennington (American War of
ance, the losses among the
stragglers and others were enor-
Fought August 10, 1777, be-
tween a British force under mous. The official Russian re-

Colonel Baum, and the New port says that 36,000 bodies
Hampshire troops under General were recovered from the Bere-
Stark. Baum had been ordered sina after the thaw.
to seize the American magazines Berestecko.
at Bennington, but found the Fought 1653, between the
place too strong, and asked for Poles. 100,000 strong under
reinforcements. Meanwhile they John II, and a large army of
were surrounded and attacked Wallachians, Lithuanians, and
by Stark.The British fought till Ukraine Tartars, 300,000 in all,
their ammunition was exhausted under Bogdan of Wallachia.
and then surrendered, while After a sanguinarj' battle, the
Baum was killed trying to cut Poles were completely vie-

torious, defeating Bogdan with on the 9th, as there was no

enormous loss. prospect of ultimate success,
the assailants retired, having
Bergen (Seven Years' War). suffered a loss of 300 killed and
Fought April 13, 1759, be- 1,800 prisoners, many of whom
tween the French under the were wounded.
Due de Broglie, and the Han-
overians, about 40,000 strong, Bergen-op-Zoom (Wars of the
under Ferdinand of Brunswick. French Revolution).
The French gained a signal In the outskirts of the town
victory, and retained possession a battle took place September
of Bergen, the recapture of 19,1799, between 35,000 British
which was the object of Ferdi- and Russians under the Duke of
nand's advance. York, and the French under
Vandamme. The Russians on
Bergen-op-Zoom (War of the the right met with disaster,
Austrian Succession). their commander, Hermann, with
This fortress, held by a garri- nearly all his division, being
son of Dutch and English under taken prisoners, but the British
Cronstrun, was besieged July 15, repulsed the French attack with
1747, by 25,000 French under heavy loss. The victory, how-
Count Lowendahl. The besieged ever, was not of much advantage
made numerous vigorous sorties, to the allies, who were forced to
inflicting heavy losses upon the
continue their retreat to Zijp.
French, but on September 17 The French lost about 3,000
the besiegers, by an unexpected killed and wounded, and the
assault, effected a lodgment, and
British 500 only, but the Rus-
after severe fighting captured casualties amounted to
the place. The French lost 26
3,500, while they also lost
22,000 men during the siege ;
the garrison 4,000. A Scottish
brigade in the Dutch service Bergfried (Campaign of Fried-
specially distinguished itself, land).
losing 1,120 out of a strength Fought February 3, 1807,
of 1,450. when Leval's division of Soult's
corps forced the bridge of
Bergen-op-Zoom (Wars of the
Burgfried, and carried the vil-
French Revolution). lage, driving out the Russians
On March 8, 1875, Bergen,
after a short and sharp encoun-
which was held by a French ter, with a loss of about 1,200
garrison 6,000 strong, under The French
men. lost 700.
General Bizouet, was attacked
by a British force, 4,000 strong Bethune (War the Spanish
under General Cooke. The force Succession).
was divided into four columns, This small fortress, held by a
one of which, approaching the French garrison of 3,500 under
town from the harbour side, at M. du Puy Vauban, was in-
low water, effected an entrance, vested July 14, 1707, by the
while two of the others gained the Imperiahsts, with 30 battalions
top of the battlements but under Count Schulemburg.
could get no further. At dawn Vauban made a most skilful and
gallant defence, lasting 35 days, disorderly flight to the British
when, the garrison being re- camp.
duced to 1 ,500 men, he was com-
pelled to surrender. This little
Bezetha (Jewish War).
Fought October,66, when the
place cost the allies 3,500 in
killed and wounded. Romans under Cestius Gallus
were attacked by the populace
Betioca (South American War of of Jerusalem, and driven out of
Independence). their camp, with a loss of 6,000
Fought 81 3,
1 between the men and all their baggage and
Colombian patriots under Simon siege train.
Bolivar, and the Spanish Mahratta
Bhurtpur (Second
royalists, Bolivar gaining a War).
complete victory. This city, garrisoned by about
8,000 of the Rajah's troops, was
Betwa, The (Indian Mutiny).
Fought April i, 1858, be-
besieged by General Lake,
tween 1,200 British under Sir January 4, 1805. Finding that
his siege train was inadequate to
Hugh Rose, forming part of the
besieging Jhansi, and reduce the town by the ordinary
methods. Lake determined to
20,000 rebels, chiefly belonging
carry it by storm. Four succes-
to the Gwalior contingent, under
sive assaults were made, but
Tantia Topi. The enemy was
without success, and on April 21
thrown into confusion by a
charge of cavalry on the flank,
Lake was obhged to withdraw,
and, being then attacked with
having lost 3,200 men during
the siege.
the bayonet, broke and fled,
leaving 1,000 dead on the field Bhurtpur, Second Siege of.
and all their guns. The city was again besieged
Beylan (Mehemet Ali's First by the British under Lord
Rising). Combermere in 1827, a dispute
Fought 1 83 1, between the having taken place as to the
Syrians and Egyptians under succession, and the Rajah who
Ibrahim Pasha, and the Turks, was under British protection
the latter being completely de- having been expelled. After a
feated. bombardment of two months,
which had little eflect on the
Beymaroo (First Afghan War). fortress, it was taken by assault.
Fought November 23, 1841,
when a detachment of General Biberac (Wars of the French
Elphinstone's force, under Brig- Revolution),
adier Shelton, attempted to dis- Fought October, 1796, between
lodge a large body of Afghans, the French under Moreau, and
posted near Beymaroo village. the Austrians under the Arch-
The detachment had one gun duke Charles, who had previ-
only, which, being well served, ously defeated Jourdan at Warz-
did considerable execution, but burg, and now turned upon
it broke down, whereupon the Moreau, who was retreating
Afghans attacked, and a charge through the Black Forest.
of Ghazis caused a panic and a Moreau severely defeated the

Austrians, and continued his Tartars under Katuku, and the

retreat unmolested. troops of Jellalladin, Sultan of
Kharismia, 60,000 strong. The
Bibracte (Gallic War).
Tartars were routed and driven
Fought B.C. between the
from the field in confusion.
Romans under Caesar and a
largely superior force of Hel- Bithur (Indian Mutiny).
vetii. The battle was a momen- Fought August 16, 1857,
tous one, for a defeat to Csesar when 4,000 mutineers, strongly
meant destruction. He there- posted, were attacked and routed
fore sent away all his officers' by the relieving force under
horses, giving them to under- General Havelock. When driven
stand that they must stand from their position, the rebels
their ground to the last. In the had to cross a stream in their
event, the Helvetii were totally rear by a small bridge, and had
routed, and compelled to submit Havelock possessed an adequate
to the domination of Rome. cavalry force, but few could
Bilbao (First Carlist War). have escaped.
This fortress was besieged by
the Carlists November 9, 1836,
Bitonto (War of the Polish
and was defended by a small
Fought May 25, 1734, be-
Christino garrison. The be-
tween the Imperialists, 10,000
siegers took possession of some
strong, and the Spaniards under
of the suburbs, which were re-
captured by a sortie. Finally,
Mortemar. The Imperialists
were driven from a strong
after several unsuccessful at-
position, with heavy loss, and
tempts, Espartero, at the head
the victory resulted in the
of about 18,000 Christinos,
establishment of Spanish rule
drove off the besiegers, Decem-
throughout the Neapolitan pro-
ber 25, and relieved the city,
capturing the Carlist artillery
of 25 pieces. In the action the Blackheath (Flammock's Re-
Christinos lost 714 killed and bellion).
wounded, while the losses of Fought June 22, 1497, be-
the garrison during the siege tween the royal troops under
amounted to about 1,300. Henry VII, and the rebels under
Bingen (Gallic Revolt). Flammock and Lord Audley.
In the year 70, Petilius The rebels were defeated with a
Cerialis, who, with four Roman loss of 2,000 killed, and all their
legions, had crossed the Alps leaders were captured and exe-
from Switzerland, surprised the cuted.
revolted Gauls under Tutor, in Black Rock (Second American
their camp at Bingen. The War).
Gallic legionaries in Tutor's army Fought 1 8 14, between 1,400
deserted to the Romans, and British troops under General
Tutor was totally defeated. Riall, and a force of 2,000
Biruan (Tartar Invasion of American Indians, occupying a
Kharismia). strong position at Black Rock.
Fought 1 22 1, between 80,000 The British stormed the en-
trenchments and dispersed the Blenheim (War of the Spanish
enemy, following up their suc- Succession).
cess by the seizure of Buffalo. Fought August 13, 1704, be-
tween the British and Imperial-
Blackwater (O'Neill's Rebellion). ists under Marlborough and
Fought 1598, between 5,000 Prince Eugene, and the French
Irish rebels under Hugh O'Neill, and Bavarians under Marshals
and 5,000 English under Sir Tallard and Marsin, and the
Henry Bagnall, the English Elector of Bavaria. The French
Marshal. Bagnall was defeated numbered 60,000, the allies
with a loss of 1,500 and all his 52,000. Tallard had massed his
ammunition and baggage, while best troops in the village of
he himself was killed by O'Neill. Blenheim, and Marlborough, see-
ing the weakness of his centre,
Bladensburg (Second American hurled his cavalry against it,
War). and cut the French line in two.
Fought August 24, 1 8 14, Prince Eugene meanwhile had
between the British under withstood the attack of Marsin
General Ross, and the Americans and the Elector, and, after
under General Winder, who was Marlborough's charge, he as-
opposing the British advance sumed the offensive, and the
upon Washington, and had taken French right and centre were
up a positon which commanded totally routed. The French lost
the only bridge over the Poto-
40,000, including 1,600 prisoners,
mac. Ross attacked with a por- amongst whom was Marshal
tion of his force, under Thorn-
Tallard. The allies lost about
ton, and, having carried the
1 1 ,000.
bridge, a combined assault upon
the main position resulted in a Bloore Heath (Wars of the
signal defeat of the American Roses).
army, which broke and fied. Fought September 23, 1459,
Ross entered Washington the between the Yorkists under the
same evening. Earl of Salisbury, and the
Lancastrians under Henry VI.
Blanquefort(Hundred Years' The former, who were inferior
War). in numbers, w^ere attacked by
Fought November i, 1450, Henry, who crossed a brook
when the English made a sally before the assault. As the Lan-
from Bordeaux to repel a castrians were reforming after
marauding band under Amanien. the crossing, the Yorkists
The English cavalry, advancing charged down upon them, and
too rapidly, became separated
dispersed them with heavy loss.
from the main body, and was
cut off. Amanien then fell upon Blueberg (Napoleonic Wars).
the infantry, who, being un- On January 8, 1806, a British
supported, were overwhelmed force 6,600 strong, under
and almost annihilated. So General Baird, which had just
great was the slaughter that the landed at Saldanha Bay, was
day was long known in Bor- attacked by the Dutch and
deaux as the " Male Journee." French under General Janssens,

issuing from Cape Town. The Genghis. The Governor held out
British gained a signal victory, for a short time in the citadel,
in which they lost 212 killed, which was finally fired and
wounded and missing, while destroyed.
their opponents' losses amounted
to about .300. Baird at once
Fought August 29, 1848, be-
occupied Cape Town.
tween the British, 800 strong,
Boadicea, Defeat of (Roman with 250 Griquas, under Sir
Occupation of Britain). Harry Smith, and a force of
In the year 61, Suetonius, 1,000 Transvaal Boers under
with 10,000 legionaries, totally Commandant Jan Kock. The
routed an enormous host of British stormed the Boer posi-
Britons under Boadicea, Queen tion and drove out the defenders,
of the Iceni, who had sacked at a cost of 22 killed and 38
Camelodunum, and taken wounded. The Boers stated their
Londinium and Verulamium. losses at 5 killed and 9 wounded.
The Britons lost 80,000 killed, Italian
Borghetto (Napoleon's
and Boadicea took poison on
the battlefield.
Fought May 30, 1796, in the
Bois-le-Duc (Wars of the French course of Napoleon's pursuit of
Revolution). Beaulieu. The French crossed
Fought November 12, 1/94. the Mincio at Borghetto, having
between the French and Aus- previously repaired the bridge
trians under the Duke of York, under a heavy fire, and forced
and the French under Moreau. the Austrians to evacuate
Moreau's object was to enter Peschiera, with a loss of 500
Holland at a period when the prisoners, besides killed and
dykes would be no obstacle to wounded.
his advance, and for the purpose
endeavoured to cross the Meuse Bornholm (Dane-Swedish Wars).
at Fort Crevecoeur, near Bois-le- Fought 1676, between the
Duc. The allies however, dis- fleet of Charles XI of Sweden, and
puted his passage so vigorously a combined Dutch and Danish
that Moreau was forced to retire, squadron. The Swedes were
and give up his project. utterly routed, a disaster which
was followed by the loss of
Bokhara (Tartar Invasion of Helsingborg, Landscroon, and
Kharismia). other fortresses.
This city was besieged by
the Tartar army under Genghis Bornhoven.
Khan March, 1220, and was
in Fought 1227, between the
held by a Kharismian garrison. Danes under Valdemar II, and
On the approach of the Tar- the insurgents of the province
tars, however, the Kharismian of Dithmarsh, who had risen
general, with the whole garrison, against the Danish dominion.
20,000 strong, fled from the The royal troops were totally
place, and the Bokhariots, routed, and, as a consequence,
having no means of defending the province was lost to the
themselves, opened the gates to Danish crown.
Borodino (Moscow Campaign). destruction, but they were
Fought September 5, 1812, rescued by the arrival of 1,500
between 20,000 Russians under
1 horse under Khaled. After a
Kutusoff, and the French in brief interval, the whole of the
equal force under Napoleon. garrison marched out of the
The Russians, who were in- were de-
city to give battle, but
trenched in a very strong feated by Khaled with a loss to
position, were attacked soon his troops of 250 men only, and
after daybreak, and their first the city was shortly afterwards
line of redoubts was carried and betrayed by Romanus, the
held by the French till the end Governor.
of the day, but the victory was
far from decisive, as at nightfall Bosworth Field (Wars of the
Napoleon retired to his original Roses).
position, leaving the Russians in Fought August 21. 1485, be-
possession of the field. The tween Richard III and Henry
French lost 10,000 killed, in- Duke of Richmond (Henry VII).
cluding and 20,000
8 generals, Richmond had received a pro-
wounded, including 30 generals. mise from Lord Stanley and his
The Russians lost about 45,000. uncle that they would desert
This battle is also called the during the battle, and, after
Battle of the Moskowa. holding aloof for sometime, they
Boroughbridge (Rebellion of the came over, with their followers,
Marches). at a critical moment of the en-
Fought 1322, between the gagement, and Richard was
Royalists under Edward II, and routed and slain. He fought to
the rebels under Hereford and the end, and among others who
Lancaster. The rebels, falling fellwith him were the Duke of
back before the king, were sur- Norfolk and Lord Ferrers.
prised by a force under Sir
Andrew Harclay while crossing Bothwell Bridge (Covenanters'
the bridge at Boroughbridge,
and were utterly routed. Here- Fought June 22, 1679, when
ford was killed, and Lancaster, the Royal troops, under the
with several hundred barons Duke of Monmouth, defeated
and knights, surrendered. the Covenanters with great
Borysthenes, The (Russo-Polish
Wars). Boulogne.
Fought 15 12, when the Poles
Siege was laid to the town by
under Sigismund I defeated an
the English under Henry VIII,
army of Muscovites, 80,000
September 14, 1544. It was de-
strong, with enormous slaughter.
fended with great gallantry, and,
Bosra (Moslem Invasion of in the face of enormous diffi-
Syria). culties, for two months, when it
This strong fortress was be- was forced to surrender, the
sieged, 632, by 4,000 Moslems inhabitants being allowed to
under Serjabil. A sortie of the march out with their arms and
garrison nearly caused their property.

Bourbon (Napoleonic Wars). attacked him, and were routed

On July 8, 1810, this island with heavy loss, Barreiro and
was captured by a British 1,600 men being captured. The
squadron of five ships under patriots lost 66 only.
Commodore Rowley, with a
Boyne, The (War of the Revolu-
detachment of troops under
Colonel Keatinge. The British between
Fought July I, 1690,
lost 22 killed and 79 wounded.
the forces of WiUiam III, and
Bouvines (Wars of Philip the Irish under James II.
Augustus). William and the elder Schomberg
Fought 1 214 between the attacked the front of James's
French under Philip Augustus, position, while the younger
and the Germans, Flemish and Schomberg crossed the Boyne a
English under Otho IV, the few miles higher up, and at-
numbers engaged on both sides tacked him in flank. William
being considerable. The French forced the passage of the river,
gained a signal victory, which and drove the Irish from their
broke up the coalition and ren- entrenchments at a cost of 500
dered position of Philip
the killed and wounded, including
Augustus secure on the throne the elder Schomberg. The Irish
of France. lost 1,500.

Bovianum (Second Samnite Braddock Down (Civil War).

War). Fought January 19, 1643,
Fought B.C. 307 between the between the Royahsts under Sir
Romans under Titus Minucius, Ralph Hopton, and the ParUa-
and the Samnites under Statins mentary forces under Ruthven.
Gellius. Gellius attempted to The latter had crossed the
relieve Bovianum, which the Tamar and occupied Liskeard,
Romans were besieging, and was without adequate support, and
totally defeated, though Minucius was defeated by the Royahsts
fellin the battle. This defeat with heavy loss.
broke the Samnite power, and
they sued for peace in the Bramham Moor (Northumber-
following year, leaving Rome land's Rebellion).
without dispute the first power Fought February 20, 1408,
in Italy. when Sir Thomas Rokeby, High
Sheriff of Yorkshire, defeated
Boyaca (South American War of
the Earl of Northumberland,
Independence). who had again raised the stan-
Fought August 17, 1819, be- dard of rebelhon in the North.
tween the Colombian patriots The Earl was slain, and the re-
under Bolivar, and the Spanish bellion subsided.
Royalists, 2,500 strong, under
Colonel Barreiro. Bolivar crossed Brandywine (American War of

the Cordilleras, under incredible Independence).

difficulties, and, eluding Bar- Fought September 11, 1777.
reiro, took up a position at between 18,000 British under
Boyaca, cutting him off from his General Howe, and 8,000 Ameri-
base at Bogota. The Spaniards cans under Washington. The
British General made a flank cavalry under Henry and a
movement with a large portion similar French under
of his force, whereupon Washing- Louis VL Though only about
ton attacked the British in the 900 men were engaged, and very
front, but, being ill supported by few killed, the fight was con-
his lieutenant, Sullivan, he was sidered a decisive victory for
driven back, and forced to the English, and Louis shortly
retreat, \\'ith a loss of 900 killed afterwards made peace, conced-
and wounded and 300 prisoners. ing Henry's terms.
The British lost 590 killed and
Brentford (Civil War).
Fought November 12, 1642,
Brechin (Douglas Rebellion). between the Royalists under
Fought 1452, between the re- Prince Rupert, and a Parliamen-
volted Douglasses under the tary force under Denzil Holies.
Earl of Craufurd, and the Three regiments stationed at
Royal troops under the Earl of Brentford were driven out of
Huntl3^ The Douglasses were their entrenchments by the
defeated. Royalists, losing 1,500 prisoners
and 1 1 guns.
Bregenz (War of the League
Above the Lake). Brescia (Italian Rising).
Fought January 1408, be- This city, where the populace
tween the troops of the League had risen and shut up the small
Above the Lake and the bur- Austrian garrison in the citadel,
ghers of Constance, aided by the was carried by assault by Genera
Suabian nobles. The Leaguers Haynau, with about 4,000 Aus-
were totally routed, with the trians, March 31, 1849. Carrying
result that the League was the Porta Torrelunga, he fought
shortly afterwards dissolved. his way from barricade to barri-
cade, till, by the evening of
Breitenfeld, First Battle. See
April I, the resistance of the
citizens was overcome. The
Breitenfeld, Second Battle (Thirty Austrians lost 480 killed, in-
Years' War). cluding General Nugent, and
Fought November 2, 1642, many wounded. The wholesale
between the Imperialists under executions ordered by Haynau
the Archduke Leopold and after the capture earned for
Piccolomini, and the Swedes him the sobriquet of the Hyaena.
under Torstenson. The latter,
who were in retreat, were Breslau (Seven Years' War).
caught by the pursuing Austrians Fought November 22, 1757,
at Breitenfeld, but turning upon
between 90,000 Austrians under
them, they offered a desperate Prince Charles of Lorraine, and
resistance, and finally drove 25,000 Prussians under the
them from the field, totally Prince of Bevern. The Prussians,
routed, with a loss of 10,000 men.
who were encamped under the
walls of Breslau, were driven
Brenneville. into the city with a loss of 5,000
Fought August 20, 1 1 19, be- killed and wounded, 3,600
tween a small body of English prisoners, including the Prince of

Bevern, and 80 guns. They Brihuega (War of the Spanish

evacuated the city at once, Succession).
leaving a garrison of 6,000, Fought 1 7 10 between the
which surrendered two days British under Stanhope, and
later. The Austrians lost 8,000 the French under the Due de
killed and wounded. Vendome. Stanhope, who was
retreating from Madrid to Cata-
Brest (War of the Holy League ). lonia, was surprised and sur-
Fought August 10, 1512, rounded, and, though he made a
between the English fleet of 45 gallant stand, fighting till all his
sail under Lord Edward Howard, powder was spent, and then
and the French fleet of 39 sail leading a bayonet charge, his
under Jean de Thenouenel. The force was at last reduced to 500
French ships were driven into men, when he surrendered.
Brest, or along the coast, with
heavy loss. The English lost 2 Brill(Netherlands War of Inde-
ships and 1,600 men. pendence).
This fortress was captured
Bridge of Dee (Civil War). from the Spaniards by the
Fought June 18, 1639, be- Beggars of the Sea, about 400
tween the Covenanters, 2,300 strong, under De la Marck and
strong, and the Royal troops Treslong, April i, 1572. It
under Lord Aboyne. The bridge was the first success of the
itself was barricaded and held Netherlands patriots in their
by 100 sharpshooters, under struggle against Spanish rule,
Colonel Johnstone, and Mont- and may be said to have laid the
rose, who led the Covenanters, foundation of the Dutch re-
finding the defences too strong, public.
succeeded by a stratagem in
drawing off the main body of Brittany, Action off (Gallic War).
the defenders, whereupon he This, the iirst sea fight in the
forced a passage. The losses on Atlantic, was fought B.C. 56,
both sides were very small. between the Roman fleet under
Brutus, and the fleet of the
Brienne (Allied Invasion of Veneti, consisting of 220 gal-
France). leys. The Romans were vic-
Fought January 29, 18 14, be- torious, and the surrender of the
tween 18,000 French under Veneti and the whole of Brittany
Napoleon, and about 30,000 quickly followed.
Russians and Prussians under
Blucher. The allies were driven Bronkhorst Spruit (First Boer
from their positions, and the War).
Chateau de Brienne taken. After The opening engagement of
nightfall a determined attempt the war, when, on December 20,
to retake the chateau was made 1880, a British column, 259
by the Russians under Sachen, strong, under Colonel Anstruther,
but they failed to dislodge the was ambushed by 150 mounted
French. The allies lost about Boers under Joubert, and de-
4,000 the French 3,000 killed
; feated with a loss of 1 5 5 killed and
and wounded. wounded. The Boers stated
their losses at :: killed and 5 27, 1806, a coup de main, by
woumled onlv. a British 1,700 strong,
under General Beresford, aided
Brooklyn (American War of
by a small s-iuadron under Sir
Independence). Home Popham. Beresford,
Fought August 27, 1776, be- howe\er, was not strong enough
tween 30,000 British under Sir
to hold the place, and before
WiUiam Howe, and the Ameri- reinforcements could arrive he
can'^, about 1. 000 strong, under
was defeated by the South
General Putnam. The Americans General
Americans under
were completely defeated, with
Liniers,with a loss of 250 killed
a loss of about 2,000 killed and
and wounded, and compelled to
wounded. The British lost 65
surrender with his whole force.
killed and 255 wounded.
Buenos Ayres (Napoleonic Wars).
Brunanburh (Danish Invasion). Fought July 5, 1807 when
Fought 937, when .Ethelstan under
9,000 British troops
defeated with great slaughter the
General Whitelocke assaulted
combined armies of Anlaf the
the city. They penetrated into
Dane, Owen of Cumberland,
the streets, but suffered terrible
and Constantine III of Scotland.
losses from the defenders' fire
Bucharest (Ottoman Wars). from windows and roofs, and.
Fought 1 77 1, between the General Whitelocke proving a
Turks under Mousson Oglou, most incapable leader, were
and the Russians under General forced to surrender and evacuate
Romanzoff. The Turks were the whole of the River Plate
totally defeated. region.

Buena Vista (Americo-Mexican Buenos Ayres (Mitre's Re-

War). bellion).
Fought February 22, 1846, Fought November 6, 1874,
between 18,000 Mexicans under between the Argentine Govern-
General Santa Anna, and 4,500 ment troops under Sarmiento,
Americans under General and the rebels under Mitre and
Zacharv Taylor. The Americans Aredondo. The rebels were de-
occupied a series of heights feated, and Mitre forced to
commanding the Angostura surrender.
pass, and were there attacked by
Santa Anna, who failed to dis-
Bull Run (American Civil War).
Fought July 21, 1861, between
lodge them, the day ending with
40,000 Federals under General
the combatants occupying the
M'Dowell, and 30,000 Confede-
same ground as in the morning.
rates under General Beauregard.
On the 23rd, however, Santa The Confederates occupied
Anna retired. The Americans a
position extending for about nine
lost 746 killed and wounded the
miles along the southern bank

Mexicans admitted a loss of 1,500

of the Bull Run, and an attempt
killed, but it was probably
to turn and drive in their left
was at first successful, but, being
Buenos Ayres (Napoleonic Wars). ralliedby General Beauregard,
Thii city was captured June they assumed the offensive, and

totally routed the Northerners, Kaffirs under Sandilli, and a

with a loss of 1,492 killed and small British force sent to arrest
wounded, 1,600 prisoners, and that chief. The British were
28 guns. The Confederates lost preatly outnumbered, and were
1.752- defeated and forced to retreat.

Bull Run, Second Battle (Ameri- Busaco (Peninsular War).

can War).
Civil Fought by Wellington, Sep-
Fought August 30, 1862, be- tember 29, 1 8 10, to secure his
tween the Confederates under retreat to Torres Vedras. He
Stonewall Jackson, and the occupied the heights of Busaco
Federals under General Pope. with 25,000 men and was
The Federals attacked Jackson's attacked by 40,000 French under
position, which he maintained Massena. The actual assault
evening, when, the Federal left
till was delivered by the corps of
giving way, he ordered a general Ney and Reynier, but they
advance, and drove the enemy could make no impression, and
from the field with heavy loss. were repulsed with a loss of about
Over 7,000 prisoners were taken. 4,500. The British lost 1,300
killed and wounded
Bunker's Hill (American War of
Independence). Buxar.
Fought June 17, 1775, when Fought October 23, 1764,
2,000 British troops, forming a between 7,000 British troops and
portion of General Gage's army, sepoys under Major Monro, and
dislodged the Americans holding the army of Oude, 40,000 strong,
Breeds Hill and Bunker's Hill, under Surabjah Daulah, who
on the outskirts of Boston. The was accompanied by the Great
position was stubbornly con- Mogul, Shah AUum. The British
tested, the assailants losing gained a signal victory, Surabjah
800 men. Daulah abandoning his camp
with a loss of 4,000 men and 130
Burlington Heights (Second guns. The British lost 847 killed
American War). and wounded.
Fought May 5, 18 13, when the
British under Colonel Procter Buzenval (Franco-German War).
were attacked by 1,300 Ameri- A sortie from Paris under
cans under General Clay, while General Trochu on January 19,
engaged with another American 1 87 1. The French, advancing
force holding Burlington Heights. under cover of a fog, estab-
The Americans broke the British lished themselves in the Park of
line and seized their guns, but
Buzenval, and occupied St.
Procter, who had only 1,000 Cloud, where they maintained
their position throughout the
men, with some Indian auxili-
aries, rallied his troops and day. At other points, however,
routed Clay, with a loss of
they were less successful, and, on
nearly 1,000 wounded the morning of the 20th, the
and captured. force at St. Cloud, finding itself
unsupported, was obliged to re-
Burns Hill (Kaffir Wars). tire, and all the captured posi-
Fought 1847, between the tions were abandoned. The
Germans 40 officers and 570
lost and the Pontic army under
men ; French 189 officers
the Diophantus and Taxiles. The
and 3,881 men. This sortie is also Pontic cavalry, on which
known as the Battle of Mont Mithridates chiefly reUed, was
Valerien. overwhelmed by Fabius Had-
riauus, and the king was driven
Fought 31S B.C., between the out of Pontus, which was
Macedonian fleet under Anti- erected into a Roman province
ponus, and that of the Asiatic Cadesia (Moslem Invasio.i of
rebels under Clytus. The Persia).
Asiatics were surprised at an- Fought 636, between 30,000
chor, most of the crews being Moslems under Said, the lieu-
ashore, and, after a feeble de-
tenant of the Caliph Omar, and
fence, the whole of their fleet
120,000 Persians under Rustam.
was destroyed or captured, with Throughout the first day the
the exception of the admiral's
Persians, superior in numbers,
galley, in which Clytus succeeded
but far inferior in warlike
in escaping.
qualities, sustained the attacks
Byzantium (War of the Two of the Moslems without losing
Empires). ground, but on the following
In 127, the city was besieged day Rustam was slain, and his
by Constantine the Great after followers, losing heart, were
his victory over Licinius at driven headlong from the field,
HadrianopoUs. Licinius, finding with fearful slaughter. The
the place difficult of defence, Moslems lost 7,500 in the
crossed into Asia and collected battle.
an army to raise the siege. He
was, however, defeated at Chry-
sopoUs, and Byzantium
On April 19, 1587, Sir Francis
Drake, with between 30 and 40
rendered in 324. Constantine
English ships, entered Cadiz
was proclaimed Emperor of the
united Empire, and Byzantium,
Bay, and destroyed over 100
under its modern name of Spanish vessels. This exploit
Constantinople, was made the
Drake described as " Singeing
the King of Spain's beard."
Cadsand (Hundred Years' War).
Fought November 10, 1357,
between 2,500 English under the
Cabala (Second Carthaginian Earl of Derby, and 5,000
Invasion of Sicily). Flemings in the French service.
Fought B.C. 379, between the The Flemings were defeated
Syracusans under Dionysius, with a loss of 1,000 men.
and the Carthaginians under
Mago. The latter were totally Cairo (Ottoman Wars).
defeated and Mago slain. Fought 1517, between the
Turks under Selim I, and the
Cabria (Third Mithridatic War). Egyptians under the Mameluke
Fought B.C. 72, between three Sultan, Toomaan Bey. The
Roman legions under Lucullus, Egyptians were utterly routed

and Cairo taken, 50,000 of the Calais.

inhabitants being massecred. The last English stronghold
Toomaan Bey, the last of the in France was captured by the
Mamehikes, was hanged before French under the Due de Guise,
the city gates, and Egypt January 8, 1558, after a siege of
annexed to the Ottoman Em- seven days only. Mary is said
pire. to have exclaimed, on hearing
the news, that at her death the
word " Calais " would be found
Fought January 8, 1659, be-
engraven on her heart.
tween the Moguls of Delhi,
under Aurungzebe, the Great Calatafimi (Unification of Italy).
Mogul, and the army raised by Fought May 15, i860, be-
his brother Shuja, in support of tween Garibaldi's " Thousand
Dara, the rightful heir to the Volunteers," with a few thou-
throne. After an obstinate con- sand Sicilian " Picciotti " and
flict,Shuja was driven from 4,000 Neapolitans under General
the field with heavy losses in Landi. The Neapolitans were
men, leaving behind him 114 driven back with heavy loss,
guns. and retreated in disorder to
Calafat (Crimean War). Palermo. Garibaldi lost, of his
This position, strongly en- thousand, 18 killed and 128
trenched and held by 30,000 wounded.
Turks under Ahmed Pasha,
was invested by the Russians,
Siege was laid to the city
40,000 strong, under General
Aurep, about the middle of June 16, 1756, by Sarabjah
February, 1854. The Russians Daulah, Nawab of Bengal, with
delivered assault after assault a large force. The garrison,
consisting of 514 regulars and
upon the place, without effect,
and finally withdrew their forces militia, and 1,000 matchlock
in May having suffered a loss men, under Captain Minchin,
was quite inadequate to man the

from disease, privation, and

defences, and it was decided to
battle of 20,000 men. The Turks
lost 12,000.
abandon the city, remove all
non-combatants to the ships,
Calais (Hundred Years' War). and only defend the fort. The
Siege was laid to this fortress Governor, Mr. Drake, was among
in August 1346 by the English those who left the place, and
under Edward III. The citizens he was accompanied by Captain
made a gallant defence, holding Minchin, who deserted his post,
out for nearly a year, but at as did many of the militiamen,
last were forced to surrender with the result that only 190
August 4, 1347. In the course remained for the defence of the
of the siege, six burgesses offer- fort. An assault was repulsed,
ed themselves to the king as with a loss to the defenders of
ransom for their fellow citizens ; 95 killed and wounded, but on
but their Uves were spared the 20th the little garrison
on the intercession of Queen surrendered. The survivors were
Philippa. thrust into a small room, known
as the Black Hole, and used as a under Hussein Ali, and a
soldiers' prison, and out of 146 British force of one European
onlv 23 survived the horrors of and two native regiments under
the nii;ht. Colonel Hartly. Hussein Ali
occupied a strong position in
Caldiero (Napoleon's Italian Cam- front of Calicut, which was
attacked and carried by Hartley
Fought November 11, 1796, with a loss of 52 only. The
between the French under
enemy lost 1,000 killed and
Napoleon and the Austrians wounded, and 2,400 prisoners,
under Alvinzi. Napoleon at-
including their commander.
tacked the Austrian position,
and, for the first time in the Callao (South American War of
campaign, suffered a reverse, Independence).
being unable to carry the On the night of November 5,
enemy's hues, and eventually, 1820, Lord Cochrane, who with
after severe fighting, retiring three Chilian frigates was
with a loss of 3,000. Within the blockading the Spaniards in
week, however, this defeat was Callao, rowed into the harbour
avenged by the victory of with 240 seamen and marines,
Areola. and cut out the Spanish frigate
Esmeralda from under the 300
Caldiero (Napoleon's Italian Cam-
guns of the shore batteries.
On November 1800,
He lost in the enterprise 41
killed and wounded, while the
Massena, with 50,000 French,
whole of the crew of the Es-
encountered the Austrians,
meralda, including the Spanish
80,000 strong, under the Arch-
Admiral, was captured or
duke Charles, strongly posted
in the village and on the heights
of Caldiero. Massena attacked Callao.
and carried the heights, but the The town was bombarded by
village held out until nightfall. the Spanish fleet of 1 1 warships.
During the night the Archduke May 1866.
2, The Peruvian
removed his baggage and artil- batteries replied vigorously,
lery, leaving a corps of 5,000 and, after severe fighting, drove
men, under General Hillinger, off the Spanish ships with a loss
to protect his retreat, which of 300. The Peruvians lost
force was on the following day 1,000 killed and woundeil.
captured en bloc. The Austrians
Calpulalpam (Mexican Liberal
lost 3,000 killed and wounded,
and, including Hilhnger's corps,
8,000 prisoners the French
Fought December 20, i860,

about 4,000 killed and wounded. between the Mexican Govern-

Thus, though the battle was ment troops under Miramon,
indecisive, Massena gained a
and the Liberals under Juarez.
considerable strategic victory.
The Liberals won a signal vic-
tory, which opened the way to
Calicut (Second Mysore War). Mexico, and brought about the
Fought December 10, 1790, downfall of Miramon's adminis-
between 9,000 Mysore troops tration.

Calven, The (Swabian War). armies, and was totally de-

Fought March 22, 1499, be- feated, one of his legions being
tween 6,300 men of the Grisons cut to pieces.
under Benedict Fontana, and
Campaldino (Guelfs and Ghibel-
15,000 Imperialists under Maxi-
milian I. The Swiss carried the
Fought June 11, 1289, be-
Austrian entrenchments, and
tween the Guelfs of Florence
drove them out with heavy loss.
and the Ghibellines who had
Cambuskenneth. See Stirling. been expelled from the city.
The latter were utterly routed,
Camden (American War of and this defeat put an end to
Independence). their power in Florence. The
Fought August 16, 1780, be- battle is notable for the pre-
tween the British under Corn- sence of Dante in the ranks of
wallis, and the Americans under the victors.
Gates and de Kalb. Cornwallis
had concentrated about 2,000 Campen (Seven Years' War).
men at Camden, and though the Fought October 18, 1759,
Americans numbered 5,000, they between the Prussians under
were of very inferior quality. the Prince of Brunswick, and
After a small affair of outposts, the French under General de
the British attacked the Ameri- Castries, when the Prussians
can levies, who were unable to were defeated with a loss of
face the steady attack of the 1,600 men.
regulars, and fled with heavy
Campo Santo (War of the
loss. Among the killed was
Austrian Succession).
de Kalb. The British lost 312
Fought February 8, 1743,
killed and wounded.
between the Spaniards under
Camelodunum (Second Invasion Mortemar, and the Imperialists
of Britain). under Count Traum. Mortemar
Fought 43, between the was endeavouring to effect a
Romans under the Emperor junction with the army of the
Claudius, and Britons
the Prince de Conti, and though
under Caractacus. The Britons the action was undecided, its
were routed, and Camelodunum, results were in favour of the
Caractacus' capital, taken. Imperialists, who prevented the
two armies from joining hands.
Camerinum (Third Samnite
War). Campus Castorum (Revolt of
Fought B.C. 298, between two Vitellius).
Roman legions under Lucius Fought in 69 between the
Scipio, and the Samnites under revolted legionaries, 70,000
Gellius Equatius, aided by a strong, under Valens and Cai-
force of Gauls. Scipio, who had cina, and the army of the
been stationed near Camerinum Emperor Otho under Suetonius
to watch the pass through which Paulinus. The Imperial troops
the Gauls were expected to cross gained some advantage, but
the Apennines, was unable to Suetonius did not consider him-
prevent the junction of the two selfstrong enough to follow it
up, and was relieved of his com- Cannae (Second Punic War).
mand by Otho. Fought August 2, B.C. 216,
between 90,000 Romans under
Camperdown (Wars of the
Varro, and about 50,000 Cartha-
French Revolution). ginians under Hannibal. Hanni-
Fought between the British bal, though outnumbered in
fleet, i6 line of battle ships,
infantry, was much superior in
under Admiral Duncan, and the cavalry. The Romans were
Dutch, in equal force, imder drawn up with the sea in their
Admiral de Winter, October ii, rear, and were attacked and
1797. The Dutch fleet was on broken by the Carthaginian
its way to co-operate with the
horse. The infantry followed up
French in a landing in Ireland,
the attack, and, flight being
and was intercepted by Duncan, impossible, the Romans were
who at once gave battle. The slaughtered where they stood,
British fleet, in two lines, broke
80,000 falling, including the
through the Dutch line, and, in
Consul iEmilius, 25 superior
the general action which fol- The
officers, and 80 senators.
lowed, captured eight ships,
Carthaginians lost 6,000.
including the flagship, the Vvij-
heid. The British lost 1,040 Cape Bona (Invasion of the
killed and wounded, the Dutch Vandals ).
1,160 and 6,000 prisoners. Fought 468, between the
Roman fleet of galleys
Candia (Candian War).
and transports under Basiliscus,
Siege was laid to this place
and the fleet of the Vandals
by the Turks under Jussuf, the under Genseric. The Romans
Capitan Pasha, in 1648, and
were lying at anchor, having
was defended by a small garri-
landed their troops, and Gen-
son of Venetians, under Lviigi
seric, taking advantage of a
Moncenigo. So vigorous was the
favourable wind, sent in a fleet
defence that the Turks lost
of fireships, following them up
20,000 men in the first six
of the siege. The siege
by a determined attack. More
than half the Roman ships
lasted over twenty years, the
were destroyed, Basiliscus es-
place being from time to time
caping with difficulty.
revictualled and reinforced by
the Venetians and the French, Cape Finisterre (War of the
but it was finally surrendered Austrian Succession).
by Morosini, September 27, 1669. Fought May 3, 1747, between
a British fleet of 16 sail under
Canea (Candian War).
Admiral Anson, and a French
This place was besieged June
fleetof 38 sail under Admiral
24, 1644, by 50,000 Turks under
Jussuf, the Capitan Pasha, and
de la Jonquiere. The French
were completely defeated, losing
defended by a small force of
Venetians and Candians, who 10 ships and nearly 3,000
held out until August 22, re-
pulsing numerous assaults, Cape Finisterre (War of the
which cost the Turks 20,000 Austrian Succession).
men. Fought October 14, 1747,

when a British fleet of 14 ships after a very severe action, in

under Admiral Hawke attacked which both sides lost heavily,
a French fleet of 9 battleships captured or destroyed no less
under Admiral de Letendeur. than 15 of the Spanish ships.
The French were signally de- Castaiieta died of wounds re-
feated, losing four ships. The ceived in the action. This battle
British lost 598 killed and is also known as the Battle
wounded. of Messina.

Cape Finisterre (Napoleonic Cape St. Vincent (Wars of the

Wars). French Revolution).
Fought July 22, 1805, be- Fought February 14, I797.
tween a British fleet of i 5 sail of between a British fleet of 15
the Une under Sir Robert ships of the line and 5 frigates
Calder, and the combined under Sir John Jervis, and a
French and Spanish fleets re- Spanish fleet of 26 sail of the
turning from the West Indies, line and 12 frigates. In spite
under Admiral Villeneuve. The of their superior numbers, the
French fleet, consisting of 20 Spaniards were totally defeated,
battleships, was attacked by losing 4 ships and over 3,000
Calder, who captured 2 ships. prisoners, in addition to heavy
Fogs and light airs prevented losses in killed and wounded.
him from following up his The British lost 74 killed and
advantage next day, for which 227 wounded. For this signal
he was tried by court-martial victory, Jervis was created Lord
and most unjustly censured. St. Vincent.
The British loss was 183 killed Messenian
Caprysema (First
and wounded, the French losing
149 killed and 327 wounded. Fought B.C. 743, between the
Cape Henry (American War of Spartans and Corinthians, and
Independence). the Messenians with their allies
Fought March 16, 178 1, be- from other Peloponnesian states
tween a British fleet of eight under Cristomenes. The Spar-
ships of the line and three tans were routed, and, but for
frigates under Vice-Admiral the eloquence of Tyrtacus,
Arbuthnot, and a French squad- would have abandoned the
ron stronger by one frigate. struggle.
The French were forced to Capua (Second Punic War).
retire, the British losing 30
This place was besieged in
killed and 64 wounded.
the autumn of B.C. 212, by
Cape Passaro (War of the 60,000 Romans under Q. Ful-
Quadruple Alliance). vius and Appius Claudius. The
Fought July 31, 17 18, between Romans formed a double wall
a British fleet of 21 ships under of circumvallation round the
Sir George Byng, and a Spanish city, and, early in the winter,
fleet of 29 ships under Don their defences were attacked by
Antonio Castafieta. Admiral the garrison from within and
Byng attacked the Spaniards Hannibal from without, but
in the Straits of Messina, and, with no success. Hannibal then
attempted to draw the be- prisoners, while Strachan only
siegersfrom their position by had lost 2 wounded. This was
marching upon Rome, but only Montrose's last fight, and he was
a small portion of the besieging soon afterwards captured.
force followed him. It being
thus found impossible to relieve
Carenage Bay (American War
of Independence).
the city, it shortly afterwards
Fought 1778, between the
French under the Comte
Carabobo (South American War d'Estaing, and the English under
of Independence). Admiral Barrington and General
Fought June 24, 1821, be- Meadows. After a severe en-
tween the Colombian patriots, counter, the French were de-
8,000 strong, under Bolivar, and feated, and the British took
the Spanish Royalists, about possession of the island of St.
4,000 in number, tinder La Lucia.
Torre. The Royalists were Carigat. See Arikera.
utterly routed, barely 400
reaching Porto Cabello. This Carlisle (Rebellion of the Forty-
battle determined the indepen- five j.

dence of Colombia. This city was besieged by the

Jacobites under the Young
Caracha (South American War Pretender, November 9, 1745,
of Independence). and was defended by the
Fought 1813, between the Cumberland and Westmoreland
Colombian Patriots under Bo- Militia, with small force of
livar and the Spanish Royal- regulars,under Colonel Durand.
ists, Bolivar gaining a complete The besiegers opened fire on the
victorv. 13th, and on the evening of the
Caraguatay (Paraguayan War). 14 th, under pressure of the
Fought August 1869, between inhabitants, Durand surrendered.
the Paraguayans under Lopez, Carnoul (Persian Invasion of
and the Brazilians under the India).
Comte d'Eu. After a stubborn Fought 1739, between the
engagement the BraziUans were Persians under Nadir Shah, and
victorious. the Moguls under the Emperor
Carbisdale (Civil War).
Mohammed Shah and his Grand
Fought April 27, 1650, be-
Vizier, Nizam-ul-Mulk. The
Persian veterans completely de-
tween the Royalists of Orkney,
feated the raw Mogul levies,
1,000 strong, with 500 Swedish
and Nadir Shah shortly after-
mercenaries, and a small Parlia-
wards occupied and sacked
mentary force under Colonel
Delhi, carrying off, it is said,
Strachan. Montrose, who com-
jewels and coin to the value of
manded the Royahsts, saw his
thirty millions sterling.
troops broken by the Parlia-
mentary horse, only the Swedes Carpi (War of the Spanish
offering any serious resistance. Succession).
The Royalist:: lost 396 killed Fought July 1 701, between
and wounded and over 400 the Imperialists under Prince

Eugene, and the French army in Scipio was made consul, and
Lombardy, under Marshal Cati- appointed to the command
nat. The French were signally and he succeeded in completely
defeated, and, in consequence, blockading the city, which,
Catinat was recalled from the after an obstinate resistance
command. lasting six years, was captured
B.C. 146 and razed to the
Carrhae (Parthian War).
Fought B.C. 53, between the
Romans, 52,000 strong, under Carthage (Invasion of the
Publius Crassus, and the Par- Vandals).
thians under Sillaces. The Fought September 14, 533,
Parthians, who were entirely between the Vandals under
cavalry, adopted their usual Gelimer, about 160,000 strong,
tactics of retiring and drawing and the Romans under Beli-
their foes in pursuit. As the sarius, far inferior in numbers.
heavily armed legionaries be- Gelimer divided his army into
came strung out across the three, of which he led one por-
plain, they turned upon them and tion to attack themain body of
cut them down in detail. Of the Romans. The action was
the division, 6,000 strong, which precipitated, however, by the
actually came into action, 500 hasty attack by Ammatas of
were made prisoners, and the the vanguard, wherein he was
rest, including Crassus, slain. routed with heavy loss. Gehmer
then fell upon the pursuing
Carrical (Seven Years' War).
Romans, but Belisarius coming
An action was fought off this up, the Vandals were put to
place August 2, 1758, between
flight,and the Romans gained
a British squadron under Ad-
a complete victory. On the
miral Pococke, and the French
following day Carthage opened
under Comte d'Ache. After a
her gates to the victors.
severe engagement, the French
fleet drew off, but the English Carthagena (War of the Aus-
pursuit, owing to damaged trian Succession).
rigging, was ineffectual, and This was blockaded
d'Ache reached Pondicherry March 9, by a British fleet
1 741,
without the loss of a ship. under Admiral Vernon. An
unsuccessful attack was made
Carthage (Third Punic War).
upon the forts, and eventually
In B.C. 152 siege was laid to
Vernon, having lost 3,000 men
this city by a Roman consular
during the operations, withdrew
army under Manius Manilius, April 9.
aided by a fleet under L. Cen-
sorinus. The Carthaginian army Casal (Wars of Louis XIV).
under Hasdrubal was encamped Fought April 1640, between
outside the walls, and greatly the French, 10,000 strong, under
hindered the operations of the Harcourt, and the Spaniards,
Romans, who would have made numbering 20,000, who were
littleprogress but for the efforts besieging Casal. Harcourt
of Scipio ^milianus, then a pierced the Spanish lines and
military tribune. In B.C. 148, totally defeated them, with a
loss of 3,000 killed and wounded, totally routed, and, after the
SiXT prisoners, and iS guns. action, La Moriciere was only able
to assemble about 300 infantry,
Casilinum (Second Frank In- with which remnant he made his
vasion of Italy). way to Ancona.
Fought 554, between 18,000
Imperial troops under Narses, Castelnaudary.
and the Franks and Alemanni, Fought September i, 1632,
30,000 strong, under Buccelin. between the troops of Louis XIII
The Romans won a signal vic- and the rebel nobles under the
tory, and are said by the Due de Montmorenci, son of the
chroniclers to have exterminated Constable. The rebels were
the invading army with a loss utterly routed, and Mont-
to themselves of 80 only. morenci taken prisoner.
Buccelin fell in the battle.
Castiglione (War of the Spanish
Cassano (War of the Spanish Succession).
Succession). Fought September 8, 1706,
Fought .\ugust 16, 1705, be- between the Imperialists under,
tween the French under the the Prince of Hesse, and the
Due de Vendome, with 35 French under General deMedavi.
battalions and 45 squadrons, The Prince was besieging
and the Imperialists under Castiglione, when he was
Prince Eugene. The Prince, attacked by the French, and
wnth greatly inferior numbers, totally defeated, with a loss of
attacked the French in a strong 8,000 killed, wounded, and miss-
position, which he succeeded in ing.
carrying as the night fell. The Castiglione (Napoleon's Italian
Imperialists lost about 4,000 ;
the French about 5,000. Fought August 3, 1796, be-
Castalla (Peninsular War). tween the French under Napo-
Fought April 13, 181 3, be- leon, and the Imperialists under
tween 17,000 allied troops under Wurmser. Napoleon, with
Sir John Murray, and 15,000 25,000 men, advanced upon
French under Suchet. The ' Lonato, while Augereau moved
French were defeated. The allies upon Castiglione. Lonato was
lost 600 killed and wounded carried by assault, and the Aus-

the French, according to Suchet, trian army cut in two. One

800, according to Murray, 3,000, part under General Bazalitch
but the former figure is probably effected a retreat to the Mincio,
nearer to the truth. but the other section was cut up
by a French division under
Castelfidardo (Unification of Guyeaux and Jimot's dragoons,
Italy). near Salo, losing 3,000 prisoners
Fought September 18, i860, and 20 guns.
between the Papal troops under In the portion of the action
General La Moriciere, about fought near Castiglione, the
8,000 strong, and the Sardinians, Austrians were defeated with a
40,000 strong, under General loss of 2,000 men, after a des-
Cialdini. The Papal army was perate encounter, and driven

back upon Mantua. On the 4th, Caudine Forks (Second Samnite

Napoleon at Lonato, with only War).
12,000 men, was summoned to Fought B.C. 322, when four
surrender by a portion of Baza- Roman legions, under T. Vetu-
litch's force, 4,000 strong. Na- rius Calvinus and Spurius Post-
poleon, however, succeeded in umus were entrapped by the
making the messenger think that Sabines under Pontius, in the
he was in the middle of the main narrow pass of Caudium. The
French army, and consequently Romans fought till nightfall,
the whole Austrian detachment suffering heavy loss, and next
laid down their arms. day, finding every exit from the
pass barred, the survivors sur-
Castillejos(Moroccan War),
Fought January i, i860,
when the advance guard of the Cawnpur (Indian Mutiny).
Spanish army, under General The Residency of Cawnpur
Prim, defeated a strong force of was invested by the mutineers
Moors, after severe fighting. June 6, 1857, and defended by a
The victory opened the road to small garrison until June 24,
Tetuan. when the survivors, about 450
in number, surrendered under
Castillon(Hundred Years' War). promise from the Nana Sahib
This was the last battle of the of a safe conduct to Allahabad.
Hundred Years' War, and was They were, however, fired upon
fought July 17, 1453. The Eng- as they took to the boats, and
lish under Talbot, Earl of only a few escaped. The sur-
Shrewsbury, marched to the vivors of this massacre were
relief of Castillon, and attacked afterwards murdered in cold
the lines of the besiegers, but blood by order of the Nana Sahib.
were taken in flank by a sortie
from the French entrenchments Cawnpur (Indian Mutiny).
and totally defeated, Talbot Fought December 6, 1857,
being slain. On October 19 between the British under Sir
following, Bordeaux opened her Colin Campbell, and 25,000
gates to the French. rebels, including the Gwalior
contingent. The mutineers
Catana (Second Carthaginian ^vere routed at all points, and
Invasion of Sicily). fled, pursued by the cavalry for
Fought B.C. 387 between 200 14 miles, suffering heavy loss.
Syracusan galleys under Lep Out of 36 guns, 32 were cap-
tines, and a vastly superior Car- tured. The British lost 99 only.
thaginian fleet. The Syracu-
Cecryphalea (Third Messenian
sans were utterly routed, partly
owing to their inferior numbers, War).
but also in part to the bad A naval action, fought B.C.
generalship of Leptines, who 458 between the Peloponnesians
dispersed his ships too widely,
and the Athenians, in which the
latter were victorious.
allowing them to be over-
whelmed in detail. The victors Cedar Creek (American Civil
at once entered upon the siege War).
of Syracuse. Fought October 17, 1864, be-
tween Confederates under unsuspectingly, and were cut
C'.encral Early, and about 40,000 to pieces, de Brienne being
Federals under General Sheri- amongst the slain.
dan. Under cover of a fog,
Early turned Sheridan's right, Cerignola (Neapolitan War).
capturing 18 guns, but Sheridan, Fought 1503 between the
rallying his broken right \%ing, Spaniards under Gonsalvo de
totally routed the Confed- Cordova, and the French under
erates, who had been en- the Due de Nemours. The
gaged in plundering the cap- French were totally defeated
tured camii. The Federal losses and Nemours slain.
were the heavier, but Sheridan
CerisoUes (Wars of Charles V).
captured 22 guns, besides re-
taking the 18 he had lost at the Fought 1544, between the
beginning of the action. French under Francois de Bour-
bon, and the Imperialists under
Cedar Mountain (American du Gast, the French gaining a
Civil complete victory.
Fought August 9, 1862, be-
tween 15,000 Confederates under Chacabuco (South American War
Jackson, and about 20,000 of Independence).
Federals under General Pope. Fought February 12, 18 17,
The strong Confederate position between the Chilian patriots
was assailed at 5 p.m., and suc- under San Martin, and the
cessive attacks were repulsed Spanish royalists. The Chihans
until late in the evening, when won a complete victor}'.
the fighting ceased. The Fede-
rals lost about 2,800 killed, Chaeronea (Amphictyonic War).
wounded, and missing ; the Fought August B.C. 338 be-
Confederates, 800 or 900. tween the Macedonians under
Philip, and the Athenians and
Thebans under Chares and
Fought October 23, 1859, PhiUp
Theagenes respectively.

between the troops of the Argen-

had 30,000 foot and 2,000 horse,
tine Confederation under Ur-
the latter led by Alexander, then
quiza, and those of the State of
a lad of eighteen the allies were

Buenos Ayres, under Mitre.

slightly fewer in number. Philip
Urquiza was victorious, and in
reinforced his right wing, which
the following month Buenos
was opposed by the Athenians,
Ayres entered the Confedera-
and sent his heavy cavalry
against the Thebans, on the
Cephisus. alUed right. Their charge broke
Fought between the
1307 the Theban ranks, and they then
Catalan " Great
Band," 9,500 attacked the Athenians in flank
strong, and the troops of Walter and rear. A hopeless rout
de Brienne, Duke of Athens, ensued, the Theban " Sacred
15,000 in number. The Cata- Band " dying where they stood.
lans surroun'led their camp with The Athenians lost 6,000 killed
an artificial inundation, into and 2,000 prisoners. The The-
which the Duke's cavalry rode bans were almost annihilated.

Chaeronea (First Mithridatic After an obstinate engagement,

War). lasting throughout the day, the
Fought B.C. 86, between the Alemanni were routed with a
Romans under Sulla, 30,000 loss of6,000 killed and 4,000
strong, and the troops of Pontus, prisoners. The Romans lost
90,000 in number, under Arche- 1,200.
laus. The Romans were com- Chalons (Invasion of the Huns).
pletely victorious.
Fought 451 between the Ro-
Chalcedon (Third Mithridatic mans and the Visigoths under
War). Actius and Theodoric respec-
F'ought B.C. 74, between the tively, and the Huns under
Roman fleet, under Rutilius Attila. The battle was fought
Niulo, and that of Pontus. The on an open plain, and while the
Romans salhed out of the har- right and centre of the allies
bour, but were driven back, and withstood Attila's onslaught,
the Pontic fleet then broke the the Visigoths on the left made a
chain protecting the entrance furious charge, in which Theo-
and destroyed the whole of the doric fell, and totally routed the
right of the Huns. Attila then
Roman ships, 70 in number.
withdrew to his camp, having
Chalgrove Field (Civil War). suffered heavy loss, and pre-
A cavalry skirmish fought pared to resist the attack of the
June 18, 1643, between the allies on the following day.
Royalists under Prince Rupert, Actius, however, did not renew
and the Parliamentarians under the conflict, and allowed Attila
Hampden, and notable only for to retreat unmolested.
the fact that Hampden was
killed in the affair. Chalons.
Arising out of a tournament
Chalons (Revolt of the Legions in 1274, in wliich the life of
of Aquitaine). Edward I was endangered by
Fought 271, between the foul play, a fight in earnest took
troops of the Emperor Aurehan, place between the English and
and the revolted legions under French knights present. The
Tetricus. Tetricus, who was French were worsted, and a
only a puppet in the hands of considerable number slain. This
his soldiers, concerted measures fight is called the " Little
with Aurelian for their destruc- Battle of Chalons.
tion, and so posted his forces as Invasion
Champ-Aubert (Allied
Emperor the advan-
to give the
of France).
tage, afterwhich he deserted,
Fought February 10, 1814,
with a few followers. The re-
when Napoleon with his main
volted legionaries fought despe- extraordinary
army, by an
rately, but were cut to pieces.
forced march through a difficult
Chalons (Invasion of the Ale- country, fell upon Blucher's
manni). army marching upon Paris, via
Fought July 366 between the Chalons. Blucher was advanc-
Romans under Jovinus, and the ing in three divisions, and
Alemanni under Vadomair. Napoleon attacked the second
of these, under Alsusieff, and and flank, with further success
completely dispersed taking
it, for the Confederates, while on the
r,ooo prisoners and all the guns. 4th the Federals were driven off,
On the following day he encoun- and Hooker forced to recross
tered Sachen, who with 20,000 the Rappahannock on the 5th.
men formed the advance guard, The Confederates lost about
and defeated him at Montmirail, 1 0,000 men; the Federals about
with a loss of 6,000, forcing 18,000, including 7,650 prisoners.
him to abandon the main road
and retire on Chateau Thierry.
Chanda (Third Mahratta War).
On the13th he encountered This fortress, the chief strong-
General d'York, with 30,000 hold of the Rajah of Nagpur,
Russians and Prussians at Cha- was besieged by a British force
teau Thierry, driving him out under Colonel Adams, May 9,
1 8 18. It was defended by over
with heavy loss, including 3,000
prisoners, while finally on the 3,000 of the Rajah's troops, but
after two days' bombardment
14th he turned on the main body
under Blucher himself, who, not the place was taken by storm,
being sufficiently strong to face with small loss to the assailants,
the main French army, was while the garrison had 500
killed, including the command-
compelled to retire, which he
did in good order, after losing ant.
3,000 in killed, wounded, and Chandernagore (Seven Years'
prisoners. This flank march is War).
considered one of Napoleon's This place was besieged March
most brilliant achievements. 14, 1757, by Clive, with 2,000
Chancellorsville (American Civil Company's troops, and defended
War). by 600 Frenchmen and 300
Fought May 2, 3, and 4, 1863, Sepoys. On the 19th three
between 53,000 Confederates British ships under Admiral
under Lee, and 120,000 Federals Watson arrived, and on the 24th
under Hooker. Lee, though a joint attack by sea and land
largely outnumbered, detached resulted in the capture of the
half his force under Jackson to place.
turn Hooker's right, while he
Charasiab (Second Afghan War).
contained the Federals with the
rest of his army.
Fought October 6, 1 879, when
Jackson's Sir Frederick Roberts attacked
march was successfully carried
a force of Afghans and Ghilzais,
out, and on the afternoon of the
2nd he commenced his attack,
who were massed on the road
by which a convoy was approach-
routing the Federal nth Corps.
This success, however, cost the
ing from Zahidabad, under
General Macpherson. The enemy
Confederates dear, for Jackson's
staff was mistaken in the dusk
was routed and dispersed, and
the convoy reached camp safely.
for that of a Federal general,
and was fired into by a South Charenton (War of the Fronde).
Carolina regiment, and Jackson Fought February 8, 1649, be-
mortally wounded. On the 3rd tween the Royal troops, 8,000
the attack was renewed in front strong, under the Great Conde,

and the forces of the Paris Par- posted near Chateauguay. The
liament under Clauleu. Condc Americans attempted to storm
gained a complete victory, driv- the Canadian hnes, but the
ing the Frondeurs from all their Canadians made a most gallant
entrenchments, and forcing them defence, and repulsed them with
back upon Paris with heavy loss, heavy loss.
including loo officers. Among Chateauneuf-Raudon (Hundred
the slain was Clauleu.
Years' War),
Charleston (American Civil War). This fortress was besieged
The siege of this place may be 1380 by the French under Du
considered to have commenced Guesclin, and was defended by
April 6, 1863, on which day the an English garrison under de
Federal fleet crossed the bar. Ros. After an obstinate de-
On the 7th an attack was made fence the town surrendered,
upon fort Sumter by nine iron- July 4, but the siege was fatal to
clads under Admiral Dupont, Du Gueschn, who succumbed to
which was repulsed with a loss his fatigues and privations.
of I ship and the disabling of Chateau Thierry. See Champ-
several others. The defenders Aubert.
lost 2 men only. On July loth
and nth a land force attacked Chattanooga (American Civil

Fort Wagner, but was repulsed War).

with loss. On the i8th an Fought November 24 to 27,
assault by three brigades under 1863, between 80,000 Federals
General Seymour was also re- under Grant, and the Con-
pulsed with enormous loss and ;
federate Army of the West,
preparations were then made for 40,000 strong, under Bragg.
a sap. On September 5, after a The attack on the Confederate
very heavy bombardment, Fort lines commenced on the 27th,
Wagner proved to be untenable, the Federals capturing Look
and, with the works on Morris Out Mountain, on their extreme
Island, was abandoned, but the left. They advanced unseen
besiegers failed in all their through a thick fog, to the upper
attempts on Fort Sumter, and slopes, and drove out the de-
the inner defences. From this fenders, whence this action is
time the siege became a mere known as the " Battle above
blockade of the port, until, on the Clouds." On the following
the approach of Sherman's army, day Bragg's centre was pierced,
the garrison, then 9,000 strong, while the fighting of the 26th
evacuated the city, February 18, and 27th was in the nature of
severe rearguard actions. The
Federals lost 5,286 killed and
Chateauguay (Second American wounded, and 330 missing. The
War). Confederates lost fewer in killed
Fought 181 3, between the and wounded, but they left in
Americans, 7,000 strong, under the hands of the Federals 6,142
General Hampton, and a force prisoners, 40 guns and 7,000
of Canadian Militia, far inferior rifles.Also called the " Battle
in numbers, who were strongly of Missionary Ridge."
Che-mul-pho (Russo-Japanese the Sixth German Corps under
War). Von Tiimpling, with a loss of 74
Fought February 8, 1904, officers and 2,046 men. The
between a Japanese squadron Germans lost 28 officers and 413
of four protected cruisers, con- men killed and wounded.
voying transports, under Ad-
Chevy Chace. See Otterburn.
miral Uriu, and a Russian
cruiser and gunboat which Chiari (War of the Spanish Suc-
sought to ojipose the landing. cession).
After a smart action the cruiser Fought September i, 1701,
was blown up to avoid capture, between the Imperialists, about
and the gunboat destroyed, the 28,000 strong, under Prince
Russians losing 504 killed and Eugene, and the French and
wounded. The Japanese suf- Spaniards under the Duke of
fered no material damage. Savoy. The Prince occupied
the small town of Chiari, where
Cheriton (Civil War), he was attacked by the allies,
Fought March 29, 1644, when who, after two hours' hard fight-
the Royalists under Lord Firth ing, were repulsed with a loss of
were defeated by the Parlia- nearly 3,000. Owing to the
mentarians under Waller. This strength of their position, the
defeat prevented the threatened
Imperialists lost 117 only.
Royalist incursion into Kent and
Sussex. Chickahominy (American Civil
Chelate (Crimean War). Fought June 3, 1864, between
Fought January 6 to 9, 1854. the Federal Army of the Poto-
On the 6th the advanced Rus- mac under Grant, and the Con-
sian post of 6,000 men at Che- federate army of Virginia under
late under General Fischbuch Lee. Grant attacked the South-
was attacked by 6,000 Turks erners' entrenchments, with the
under Ahmed Pasha, and after object of forcing the passage of
heavy fighting, in which the the Chickahomin3^ and his first
Russians lost 3,000 killed and onslaught met with some success,
wounded, and many prisoners, but the Confederates, rallying,
and the Turks 1,000, was driven drove back their assailants to
out of the village. On the their original position with
following days the Russians heavy loss. All further attempts
made desperate attempts to on Lee's lines failed, and the
recover the position. General Federals were finally repulsed
Anrep, on the 9th, bringing up with a loss of over 13,000 kiUed,
some 20,000 men from Cragova. wounded and missing. The
All their efforts, however, failed,
Confederates lost about 6,000.
and the three days' fighting cost
them a further 2,000 men, the Chickamauga (American Civil
Turks losing about War).
Fought September 19 and 20,
Chevilly (Franco-German War), 1863, between the Confederate
Fought September 30, 1870, Army of the West under General
when a sortie from Paris under Bragg, and the Federals under
General Vinoy was repulsed by General Rosecrans. On the 19th

the Confederates attacked along Chios (Social War).

the whole Une and drove back Chios having risen against
their opponents, cutting them Athenian rule in B.C. 357, a fleet
off from the river, and forcing of 60 ships under Chabrias and
them to bivouac for the night Chares was sent to reduce it.
in a waterless country. On the A force having been landed,
20th the attack was renewed, a joint attack was made by the
and though Bragg's right was fleet and the army, but in
repulsed, he was elsewhere suc- attempting to enter the harbour,
cessful, and by nightfall Rose- the galley of Chabrias, which led
crans was in full retreat. Bragg the way, was surrounded and
however, failed to follow up his overpowered, Chabrias falling
victory, and allowed Rosecrans The troops were
then with-
to retire on Chattanooga un- drawn, and the attack aban-
molested. The Federals lost doned.
16,351 men and 36 guns; the
Confederates about 12,000.
Fought B.C. 201 between the
Chillianwallah {Second Sikh Macedonian fleet, 48 triremes
War). and some smaller vessels under
Philip, and the combined fleets
Fought January 14, 1849, be-
tween the British under Lord of Rhodes and Pergamus under
Gough, and the Sikhs, 40,000 Theophiliscus and Attains.
strong, under Shore Singh. The Philip was defeated with the
loss of half his ships, 3,000 killed
battle was very evenly con-
tested, and though in the end and 5,000 prisoners. The allies
lost 6 ships and 800 men.
Lord Gough drove the Sikhs
from the field, his own position Chiozza (War of Chiozza).
was so insecure that he was This city, which had been
himself compelled to retire after captured by the Genoese from
the action. Venice, was besieged by the
Venetians under Pisani and de-
Chiloe (South American War of fended by Doria, who was killed
Independence). during the siege. The place
On January 19, 1826, the made an obstinate resistance,
small group of islands, held for but was forced to surrender
the Spanish crown by a garrison June 24, 1380, the Venetians
under Quintanella, was surren- capturing 19 Genoese galleys
dered to a force of Chilians, and 4,000 prisoners. This dis-
4,000 strong, with a small aster broke the power of the
squadron of warships under Genoese RepubUc for many
Freyre. years.
Chingleput (Seven Years' War). Chippewa (Second American
This fortress, defended by a War).
French garrison of 40 Euro- Fought July 6, 18 14, between
peans and 500 native troops, 4,000 Americans under General
was captured, 1752, by Clive, Jacob Brown, and 2,400 British,
with a force of about 700 re- 1,500 being regulars, under
cruits and Sepoys. General Riall. Riall attacked
Brown in a strong position at garrison, refusing to surrender,
Chippewa, and was repulsed being put to the sword.
with considerable loss.
Chitral (Chitral Campaign).
On March 3, 1895, the Chitral
Towartls the end of the thir- garrison, consisting of 90 Sikhs
teenth century this fortress was and 280 Kashmir Imperial Ser-
besieged by the Pathans under vice troops, with 7 British offi-
Ala-ud-Din. and was defended cers under Captain Campbell,
by the Rana, Lakhsman. The was attacked by a large force of
tirst attack was repulsed, though
Chitralis and Bajauris under
the Rajputs suffered terribly,
Shere Afzal, the Pretender to
but at the second attempt the the Chitral throne, and Umrar
Pathans overpowered the de- Khan of Bajaur. A sortie was
fenders, who were mercilessly
repulsed, with a loss of 58, in-
put to the sword. All the Raj- cluding 2 British officers, and
put women in the place com- General Baj Singh, who com-
mitted suttee, to avoid captivity. manded the Kashmiris, but in
Lakhsman Singh and eleven out spite of a series of attacks, and
of his twelve sons fell in the de-
continual mining operations,
the garrison held out until
The second sack of Chitor April 18, when it was relieved
took place in 1535, when the
by Colonel Kelly. One fifth of
Rana Bikrmajit made a gallant the garrison was killed or
but unavailing defence against
the Gujeratis under Bahadur
Shah. Thirteen thousand wo- Chizai (Hundred Years' War).
men were slain by the remnant Fought July 1373, between
of the garrison, before they the French under Du Guesclin,
opened the gates, and rushed and the English under Thomas
out to fall fighting. Only one Hampton. Du Guesclin, who
small child of the Royal line was engaged in the siege of
escaped the massacre, namely Chizai, was attacked by the
Udai Singh. It was during the English, in about equal force to
reign of this Udai Singh that the his own, and, after a long and
third sack took place in 1568, bloody engagement, totally
by the Delhi Moguls under defeated them, and captured
Akbar. Udai Singh deserted the town. The reverse cost
his capital, which was defended
Edward III Saintonge and
by a garrison of 8,000 Rajputs Poitou.
under Jagmal. The siege was
scientifically conducted, and, a Choczim (Ottoman Wars).
breach having been effected, an Fought 1769, between the
assault was ordered. A mine, Russians under Galitzin, and the
however, was exploded in the Turks under Mohammed Emin
breach, kilUng 500 of the assail- Pasha. The Russians, who were
ants, and the assault was re- endeavouring to capture Choc-
pulsed. Shortly afterwards zim by a coup de main, were met
Jagmal was killed, and a second and defeated by the Turks with
assault proved successful, the considerable loss.

Chong-ju (Russo-Japanese War). made a night assault on this for-

The first encounter between tress with 1 500 men, and blowing

the land forces of Russia and in the gate, captured the place
Japan, April, 1904, when the without losing a man.
advanced guard of the First
Japanese Army came in contact Chrysopolis (War of the Two
with a force of Cossacks under Empires).
General Mischtchenko, and after Fought 323 between 60,000
a brisk engagement drove them troops under Licinius, Emperor
back and occupied Chong-ju. of the East, and a force detached
The losses on both sides were by Constantine from the siege of
Byzantium. Licinius was to-
tally defeated, with a loss of
Chorillos (Peruvio-Chilian War). 25,000, and surrendered. The
Fought January 13, 1861, be- result of this victory was the
tween the Chilians under Gene- re-union of the whole of the
ral Baquedano and the Peru- Roman Empire under one head.
vians under General Caceres.
The Peruvians were totally de- Chrystlers Farm (Second Ameri-
feated with a loss of 9,000 killed can War).
and wounded, and 2,000 prison- Fought November 11, 181 3,
ers. The Chilians lost 800 Icilled between 800 British under Col-
and 2,500 wounded. onel Morrison, and about 3,000
Americans under General Boyd.
Chotusitz (War of the Aus- The Americans were defeated
trian Succession). with a loss of 249 killed and
Fought May 17, 1742, between wounded and 100 prisoners.
the Austrians under Prince The British lost 203.
Charles of Lorraine, and the
Prussians under Frederick the Chunar.
Great. The numbers were This fortress, which was held
about equal, but the steadiness for Shir Khan Sur, Nawab of
of the Prussian infantry eventu- Bengal, was besieged by the
ally wore down the Austrians, Moguls under Humayun in 1538.
and they were forced to retreat, This is the first siege in Indian
though in good order, leaving history which was conducted
behind them 18 guns and 12,000 according to the rules of war,
prisoners. The killed and and was notable for the use
wounded numbered about 7,000 made of artillery by both sides.
on each side, and the Austrians After a siege lasting several
made 1,000 prisoners. The months, the garrison was forced
Prussian cavalry delivered seve- by famine to surrender.
ral desperate and unsuccessful
Cibalis (War of the Two Em-
charges, and were almost de-
Fought October 8, 315, be-
Christianople (Dano-Swedish tween Constantine the Great,
Wars). with 20,000 men, and Licinius,
The first military exploit of Emperor of the East, with
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, 35,000. Constantine was posted
who, during the war of 161 1, in a defile,where he was
attacked by Liciiiius. The under Charles XII, and 24,000
attack was repulsed, and Con- Poles and Saxons under Fred-
stantine followed the enemy erick Augustus. The Saxons
into the open plain, where Lici- fought gallantly, but the Poles
nius rallied his troops, and re- fled at the first onslaught, and
sumed the ottensive. The day in the end the Swedes gained a
seemed lost, when a charge of complete victory. Among those
the right wing, under Constan- who fell was the Duke of Hol-
tine in person, once more broke stein, commanding the Swedish
the Illyrians, and Licinius hav- cavalry.
ing lost 20,000 of his best troops,
abandoned his camp during the Clontarf (Norse Invasion of Ire-
night and retreated to Sirmium. land).
Fought April 24, 1014, when
Ciudad Rodrigo (Peninsular the Scandinavian invaders were
War). totally routed by the Irish of
This town was invested by Munster, Connaught, Ulster and
Welhngton January 8, 181 2, Meath, under Brian Boru. The
and carried by assault twelve Norsemen are said to have lost
days later. The besiegers lost 6,000 men. Brian Boru and his
during the siege 1,290 killed and son fell in the battle.
wounded, of whom 710, includ-
ing Generals Craufurd and Mac- Clusium (Conquest of Cisalpine
kinnon, in the storm.
fell The Gaul).
French lost 300 killed and Fought B.C. 225, when the
wounded, 1,500 prisoners, and Gauls utterly routed a Roman
150 guns. army with a loss said to have
amounted to 50,000 men.
Ciuna (Second Samnite War).
Fought B.C. 315, between the Cnidus.
Romans under Caius Maenius Fought B.C. 394 between 120
and the Samnites under Pon- Spartan triremes under Pisander
tius. The Romans gained a and a largely superior Persian
signal victory. fleetunder Pharnabazus, and
Conon the Athenian. Pisander
Civitella (Norman Invasion of was defeated and slain, and his
Italy. fleetdestroyed. Persia thus re-
Fought 1033, when 3,000 Nor- established her power in the
mans under Robert Guiscard Greek cities of Asia, and the
assailed and totally routed a maritime power of Sparta was
miscellaneous force of Germans destroyed.
and Italians under Pope Leo IX.
Only the Germans offered any Cockerel (Hundred Years' War).
serious resistance, but they were Fought May, 1364, between
cut down to a man, and the Pope the Navarrese under Jean de
was overtaken in his flight and Grailli,aided by a force of Eng-
captured. lish mercenaries under John
Joel, and the French, 10,000
Clissau (Swedo-Polish Wars). strong, under Bertrand du
Fought July 13, 1702, be- Guesclin. Du Guesclin, who was
tween the Swedes, 12,000 strong. executing a strategic retreat, was

attacked by the English, who were Colombo (Wars of the French

surrounded and overpowered, Revolution).
Joel falling. De Grailli came to This town was captured from
their aid, but was also over- the Dutch in 1796, by a squad-
whelmed and made prisoner, ron of four British warships, and
and the Navarrese, deprived of a small force of troops under
their leaders, laid down their Admiral Peter Rainier and
arms. Colonel Stuart.
Colenso (Second Boer War).
Fought December Concha Rayada (South Ameri-
15, 1899,
being the action in Sir Red-
can WarIndependence).
vers Buller's campaign for the Fought February 18 18, be-
relief of Ladysmith. BuUer tween the Spanish RoyaUsts,
attempted to carry by a frontal 5,000 strong, under General
attack the Boer position on the Osorio, and the Chilians and
opposite side of the Tugela, and Colombians under San Martin.
notwithstanding the gallantry The Spaniards gained a com-
of the troops, was compelled to plete victory.
retire, with a loss of 71 officers
Concon (Chilian Civil War).
and 1 ,05 5 rank and file. Of this Fought August 21, 1 89 1, be-
total the Irish Brigade lost about
tween 10,000 Congressists under
half. The Boers captured 10 guns.
General del Canto, and 11,000
Colline Gate (Civil War of Mar- Balmacedists under General Bar-
ias and Sulla). bosa. Aided by the fire of three
Fought B.C. 82 between the warships, the Congressists, who
adherents of Sulla, and the had landed unopposed on the
Roman democrats and Samnites ?oth, stormed the entrench-
under Pontius, outside the walls ments of the Balmacedists, and
of Rome. The battle was ob- (hove them out with a loss of
stinately contested, but, after a 1,648 killed and wounded, and
fight lasting throughout the 1,500 prisoners. The victors
night, the insurgents were lost 869.
routed, and 4,000 prisoners
taken. This victory of the aris- Condorcanqui. See Ayacucho
tocratic party ended the civil
war. Constantine (Conquest of Al-
Colombey (Franco-German War). geria).
Fought August II, 1870, be- This fortified city in Eastern
tween the retiring French army, Algeria, which, under
and the advance guard of the .\hmad, had held out for six
First German Army Corps under years against French rule, was
von Steinmetz. The French invested by the French, 7,000
maintained most of their posi- strong, under Marshal Clausel,
tions, but two of their divisions in the autumn of 1836. Having
were overthrown, and Bazaine's no breaching pieces, Clausel
retreat on Verdun was seriously essayed an assault, but was re-
delayed. The French lost about pulsed with a loss of 2,000 men,
7,000 ;the Germans 222 officers and abandoned the siege. In
and 5,000 men. the following year General
Damr6mont sat down before 7, 1203, by the French and
Constantine October 6, with Venetian Crusaders under Count
10,000 men, and on the 12th, Thibaut de Champagne. After
a breach having been effected, a feeble defence, it was surren-
an assault was on the point of dered July 18, by the Usurper,
taking place, when Damremont Alexius, and occupied by the
was killed. His successor. Gen- Crusaders, who restored Isaac
eral Valce, however, took the Angelus to the throne, and with-
place by storm on the following drew.
day. In January 1204, the Crusa-
Constantinople (Moslem In- ders again laid siege to Constan-
vasion of Europe). tinople, and at the end of three
This city was besieged in 668, months, in the course of which
by the Saracens under Sophian, Isaac Angelus died, and Mour-
the lieutenant of the Culiph zoufle assumed the purple, they
Moawiyeh. The Moslem fleet stormed and pillaged the city.
passed the Hellespont unopposed, Baldwin was then proclaimed
but their attack iipon the city first Latin Euiperor of the East.
was met with a most determined On July 25, 126T, Constanti-
resistance. After keeping the nople was taken by surprise by
field from April to September, the troops of the Greek Em-
Sophian retired into winter peror, Michael PalaRologus,
quarters, but renewed active under his lieutenant, Alexius
operations during the follow- Strategopulus. The Latin Em-
ing and five succeeding summers, peror, Baldwin II, made no
without success, until, in 675, he attempt at resistance, but es-
finally abandoned the siege, caped to the Venetian galleys,
having lost in its progress over and the restoration of the Greek
30,000 men. Empire was accomplished with-
In 7 16, the Saracens again laid out opposition.
siege to the city, vAth. i2),ooo
men under Moslemeh, brother Constantinople.
of the Caliph Solyman. A fleet A naval action fought Feb-
of 1,800 sail co-operated with ruary 13, 1352, between 64
the land forces, but was de- Genoese galleys under Doria,
stroyed by the Greek fire ships, and 75 Greek and Venetian
and thus obtaining the com- galleys under Pisani. The Geno-
mand of the sea, the citizens ese were victorious, taking or
were relieved from sinking 26 galleys, and forcing
all fear of
famine, and repulsed all Mos- Pisani to retire into the forti-
lemeh's assaults. After a siege
fied harbour. The Genoese lost
of months, the Saracens 1 3 galleys.
withdrew, after a defeat at the
Constantinople (Ottoman In-
hands of a Bulgarian relieving vasion of Europe).
army, in which they lost 22,000 On June Amurath
10, 1422,
men. II, with 200,000 Turks, laid
Constantinople (Fourth Cru- siege to the city, which was
sade), defended by the Greek garrison
The city was besieged July under the Emperor Manuel.

After a siege of two months, in of the league of the Northern

which the Turks lost heavily Powers.
in their nuinerous assaults, and
Copenhagen (Napoleonic Wars).
in the defenders' sallies Amurath,
The city was captured Sep-
was called away to Bonrsa tember 5, 1807, by 20,000
by a domestic revolt, and raised British troops under Lord Cath-
the siege.
cart, after a four days' bom-
On April 6, 1453, the Turks bardment of the forts and
again laid siege to Constanti- citadel by 27 ships of the line.
nople with 258,000 men under
The Danish fleet of 18 sail of the
Mohammed II. The garrison, line, which was surrendered,
consisting of 5,000 Greeks and
would otherwise, under a secret
2,000 foreigners, though short clause of the Treaty of Tilsit,
of ammunition, made a gallant
have been placed at the dis-
defence, but were overpowered
posal of Napoleon.
by numbers in a general assault
on May 25, and the city was Copratus, The (Wars of Alex-
captured. Constantine Palaeo- ander's Successors).
logus, the last Emperor of the Fought B.C. 316, between the
East, was killed by an unknown Macedonians under Antigonus,
hand, in the tumult which and the Asiatics under Eumenes.
followed the storming of the Each army was about 30,000
ramparts. strong, and Eumenes fell upon
the Macedonians as they were
Copenhagen (Napoleonic Wars). crossing the Copratus, and sig-
Fought April 2, 1801, between nally defeated them, though
the British fleet of 20 sail of Antigonus was able to retreat
the line, besides frigates, under in good order.
Admirals Hyde Parker and
Nelson, and the Danish fleet of Cordova (Moorish Empire in
10 line of battleships, aided by Spain).
the shore batteries. Nelson Fought August 10 10, between
attacked with 12 ships, Parker the Berbers under Sulaiman,
remaining in reserve, but three aided by the Spaniards under
of Nelson's vessels running Sancho, Count of Castile, and
aground, he met the Danish line the Moors of Cordova under
with 9 only. The Danes offered Almudy. Almudy marched out
a strenuous resistance, and Par- of Cordova to meet the Berbers,
ker hoisted the signal to retire, but was utterly routed, with a
loss of 20,000, including most of
but Nelson put the telescope to
his bUnd eye, and refused to see his principal Emirs.
the signal. The action con- Corinth (Peloponnesian War).
tinued until the Danish fire was Fought B.C. 429, between 47
silenced. The British lost 1,200 Peloponnesian ships under Cne-
men, and had six vessels seri- mus, and 20 Athenian triremes
ously damaged. The Danes had under Phormio. Phormio, who
one ship destroyed, and the was blockading the Gulf of
rest of their fleet completely Corinth, allowed Cnemus to pass
disabled. The result of this into the open sea, and when
victory was the dissolution disordered by the heavy weather
prevailing, he attacked and Coroneia (Corinthian War).
completely defeateil the Pelo- Fought August B.C. 394. be-
ponnesians, capturing 12 ships. tween the Athenians, Argives,
Thebans, and Corinthians, and
Corinth (Corinthian War). the Spartans under Agesilaus.
Fought B.C. 304 between The Spartan right defeated the
14,000 Spartans, and 26,000 Argives, but their left fled be-
Athenians, Corinthians, The- fore the Thebans, who then
bans and Argives. The allies attacked the Spartan right, but,
were defeated, losing twice as after a desperate struggle, were
many men as their opponents, defeated. The Spartans, how-
but the Spartans, in spite of ever, had suffered so severely
their victory, were obhged to that Agesilaus was compelled
retire, leaving the Isthmus in to evacuate Boeotia.
their possession.
Corrichie (Huntly's Rebellion).
Corinth (American Civil War). Fought 1562, between the
troops of Mary, Queen of Sc<"ts,
Fought October 3 and 4, 1862,
between the Confederates under and the Scottish rebels under
the Earl of Huntly. The rebels,
Van Dorn, and the Federals
under Rosecrans. Rosecrans whose forces had been greatly
reduced by desertions, were
was strongly entrenched at
totally defeated, and Huntly
Corinth, where he was attacked
on the 3rd, and driven into his
inner lines. The attack was Corte Nuova (Guelfs and Ghibel-
renewed on the 4th, but an lines).
attempt to storm the entrench- Fought 1237, between the
ments was repulsed, and the ImperiaUsts under Frederick II,
Federals, taking the offensive and the Lombard Guelfs under
against the disordered South- the leadership of the Milanese.
erners, drove them from the Frederick won a signal victory,
field with a loss of (^,423 killed capturing the carroccio of Milan.
and wounded, and 2,248 prison- Corumba (Paraguayan War).
ers. The Federals lost
2,359 Fought 1877, between the
killed, wounded, and missing.
Paraguayans and a Brazilian
Coroneia (Boeotian Wars). army corps which was endea-
vouring to enter Paraguay from
Fought B.C. 447, when an the north-east. The BraziUans
Athenian army under Tolmides, retired in disorder, being pur-
which had entered Bceotia to
sued for many miles, and suffer-
reduce certain of the Boeotian
ing heavy loss. The battle is
towns which had thrown off
remarkable for the presence in
their allegiance to Athens, was
the Paraguayan army of a corps
encountered and totally de-
of Amazons led by Ehza Lynch.
feated by a largely superior
force of Boeotians. Almost all Corufia (Peninsular War).
the surviving Athenians were Fought January 16, 1809,
captured, and, to secure their between 14,000 British under
release, Athens resigned her Sir John Moore, and 20,000
claims over Boeotia. French under Soult, who was

endeavouring to prevent the this battle is commonly known

British from embarking. The as the Battle of the Spurs.
French attacks were uniformly
repulsed, and the troops safely Coutras (Eighth Civil War).
embarked, with a loss of about Fought 1587 between the
800, including Sir John Moore. Huguenots under Henry of
The French lost about 2,000. Navarre (Henri IVJ and the
Catholics under the Due de
Compedion (Wars of Alexander's Joyeuse. The Catholic army
Successors). was annihilated, Joyeuse being
Fought B.C. 281 between the amongst the siain.
Macedonians under Lysimachus, Covelong (Seven Years' War).
and the Syrians under Seleucus. This fortress, held by a French
The two generals met in single garrison of 350, was captured
combat, in front of their armies, by Chve in 1752, after a few
and Seleucus, though 81 years days' siege. Clive had only 200
of age, defeated and slew his European recruits and 500 Se-
ancient comrade in arms. poys, and had great difficulty
The two armies then engaged, men to face the
in getting his
and the Syrians gained a com- French tire. Having, however,
plete victory. managed to erect a battery
which commanded the place,
Coulmiers (Franco - German
the Governor surrendered. On
the following day Clive am
Fought November 9, 1870,
bushed and defeated, with a loss
between 20,000 Germans under
of 100 men, a reUeving force
Von der Tann, and a largely
approaching from Chingleput.
superior French force under
General d'Aurelle de Paladines. Coverypank (Seven Years' War)
After maintaining their position Fought February 1752, be-
for the greater part of the day, tween the British, 380
the Germans were driven back, Europeans, and 1,300 Sepoys,
having lost 576 killed and under Clive, and the troops
wounded, 800 prisoners, an of Rajah Sahib, with 400
ammunition column and 2 guns. Frenchmen, in all about 5,000.
The French losses were about Clive's advance guard marched
1,500. into an ambush, and with diffi-
culty held its ground against
Courtrai (Flemish War).
the fire of 9 guns. Meanwhile
Fought 1302, between the Clive passed round the enemy's
French under Robert d'Artois, position, and attacked them
and the Flemings under Guy de vigorously in the rear, where-
Namur. The French were upon they fled in panic. Most
utterly routed, and so great was
of the Frenchmen and the guns
the carnage among the French
were captured.
nobility and knighthood, that
after the battle 4,000, some say Craonne (Allied Invasion of
7,000, gilt spurs, were hung up France).
as trophies in Courtrai cathe- Fought March 7, 18 14, be-
dral. From this circumstance tween 55,000 French under
Napoleon, and about 90,000 of Cremona (Revolt of Vitellius).
the allies under Blucher. Blu- Fought December 69, between
cher occupied a very strong the Vitellians, and the Flavians
position on the heights about under Antonius Primus, 40,000
Craonne, which was attacked strong. The Vitellians, who
and carried Victor's and
by were without a leader, having
Ney's corps at the point of the deposed their general, Csecina,
bayonet. The French lost were attacked in their camp,
9,000, the aUies 7,000 killed and and after a hard fight, which
wounded. lasted throughout the night,
Cravant (Hundred Years' War). were totally routed. The victors
Fought July 31, 1423. A sacked and burnt Cremona.
force of Armagnacs under Bu-
chan. Constable of France, with Cremona (War of the Spanish
some Scottish mercenaries under Succession).
Sir John Stewart, was advanc- This city, held by a French
ing upon Craonne, the capture garrison, was surprised by the
of wliich town would secure Imperialists under Prince Eu-
Charles VII's communications gene, February i, 1702. The
with Champagne. They were town was entered without the
attacked by the Burgundians alarm being given, and many
and English under the Earl of important officers, including
Salisbury, and defeated with Marshal Villeroy, were made
heavy loss. Both Buchan and prisoners. Aportion of the
Stewart were captured. garrison, however, still held out
in the citadel, and made Eu-
Crayford (Jutish Invasion). gene's tenure of the town pre-
Fought 456 between the Jutes carious, and finally, on the
under Hengest, and the Britons approach of a relieving force
under Vortigern. The Britons under the Prince de Vaudemont,
were defeated, and driven out of he was forced to withdraw his
Kent. troops. The garrison lost 1,000
Crefeld (Seven Years' War). killed.
Fought June 23, 1758, be-
Cressy (Hundred Years' War).
tween 32,000 Hanoverians, Hes-
sians and Brunswickers under Fought August 26, 1346, when
Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, a very inferior force of English
and about 50,000 French under under Edward III defeated the
the Comte de Clermont. The French under Philip VI. The
French were totally defeated, battle is notable as being the
with heavy loss. first in which the English army
was mainly composed of infan-
Cremona (Second Gallic Inva- try, and as proving the power-
sion). lessness of mounted men against
Fought B.C. 198, when the the English archers. The
Romans defeated with heavy French losses were 1 1 princes,
slaughter an invading army of 1,200 knights, and 30,000 of
Gauls under Hamilcar, a Cartha- lesser ranks, a total exceeding
ginian. Hamilcar was slain. the whole English force.

Crimisus (Third Carthaginian about 15,000 Federals under

Invasion of Sicily). Tremont. Ewell was given the
Fought June B.C. 340, be- task of holding Tremont in
tween 10,000 Sicihans under check, while General Jackson
Timoleon, and 70,000 Cartha- marched to meet the Federals
ginians, including the " Sacred under Shields, who were endea-
Band " of 2,500 Carthaginian vouring to effect a junction with
citizens of good birth, under Tremont. The Coniederates
Hamilcar and Hasdrubal. Tim- held their ground, beating back
oleon attacked the Carthagini- their opponents with a loss of
ans while they were crossing the 664 killed and wounded. After
Crimisus, and routed and dis- the action, Ewell crossed the
persed the Sacred Band before river, burning the bridge behind
the main army had crossed. A him, and Jackson was enabled
heavy storm of rain in the faces to fall upon Shields with his
of the Carthaginians came to whole force.
the aid of the Sicilians, and after
a severe struggle, they gained a Crotona.
signal victory, and the Cartha-
Fought 983, between the
ginians fled, leaving 10,000 dead
Germans under Otho II, and the
in the field, and 1 5,000 prisoners.
Greeks, aided by 40,000 Sara-
cens under the Caliph of Egypt.
Many more were drowned in
their endeavour to recross the After an obstinate engagement,
Otho was totally defeated, losing
many of his bravest knights.
Cronion (Second Carthaginian
Invasion of Sicily). Crotoye (Hundred Years' War).
B.C. 379 between the Fought 1347, during the siege
Syracusans under Dionysius, of Calais by Edward III. The
and the Carthaginians. The French attempted to re-

Syracusans were defeated, with lieve the town, but was defeated
enormous loss, and Dionysius and driven off with heavy loss
forced to accept unfavourable by the English fleet.

terms of peace. Cuaspad.

Cropredy Bridge (Civil War). Fought December 6, 1862,
Fought June 29, 1644, be- between the Ecuadorians under
tween the Royalists under Flores, 6,000 strong, and 4,000
Charles I, and a detachment of Colombians under Mosquera.
the Parliamentary army under The Ecuadorians were utterly
Sir WilUam Waller. Waller routed, losing 1,500 killed and
crossed the Cherwell near Ban- wounded, 2,000 prisoners, and
bury with the object of taking all their guns.
the Royalists in the rear, but
was repulsed with considerable
Fought June 13, 1783, when
a portion of the British force
Crosskeys (American Civil War). under General Stewart attacked
A rearguard action, fought the French entrenchments in
June 8, 1862, between 8,000 front of Cuddalore, and after
Confederates under Ewell, and hard fighting, drove the French
into tlie towm with a loss of 700 the centre broke theking's body-
men and 13 guns. The British guard, which fled in disorder.
lost 1,013 killed and wounded. While pursuing his brother,
however, he was struck down,
and his Orientals at once took
.\ naval action was fought off
to flight. The Greeks refused
Cuddalore June 30, 1783, be-
to surrender, and were allowed
tween a British squadron of
to retain their arms and march,
17 sail under Sir Edward This expedition
to the coast.
Hughes, and 12 French ships
of Cyrus forms the subject of
under Suffren. The French, as
Xenophon's " Anabasis."
usual, declined to come to close
quarters, and after a long range Curicta (Civil War of Caesar and
action, in which Hughes lost Pompey).
532 men, fighting was suspended Fought B.C. 49, when the
at nightfall, leaving Suffren in Caesarian fleet under Dolabella
possession of the roads, and able was totally destroyed by the
to prevent the complete invest- Pompeian fleet under Marcus
ment of Cuddalore. Octavius. This victory cut off
the Caesarian army under Caius
Culloden (Rebellion of the Forty-
Antonius, which was quartered
Fought April 16, 1746, be- on the island of Curicta, and
tween the Royal troops under Antonius was forced to sur-
the Duke of Cumberland, and
the Highlanders under the Curupayti (Paraguayan War).
Young Pretender. The rebels Fought September 22, 1866,
were completely routed by the between the troops of Brazil,
English regulars, and in addition Argentine and Uruguay, under
to heavy loss in the field, suf- General Flores, and the Para-
fered terribly in the pursuit, guayans under Lopez. The
being ruthlessly cut down by allies were totally defeated, and
the cavalry. Cumberland's Flores abandoned the army,
cruelty on this occasion earned returning to Montevideo.
for him the title of " Butcher."
The Royalists lost 309 killed Custozza (Seven Weeks' War).
and wounded. This battle is Fought June 24, 1866, be-
sometimes called the Battle of tween 60,000 Austrians under
Drummossie Moor. the Archduke Albert, and
140,000 Italians under General
Cunaxa (Expedition of Cyrus La Marmora. La Marmora
the Younger). crossed the Mincio, and ad-
Fought B.C. 401 between the vanced against the Archduke,
Persians, about 400,000 strong, who was covering Verona. The
under Artaxerxes, and the army Italians having to pass through
of his brother Cyrus, consisting a hilly country, the columns
of ioo,cxx) Orientals, with were much broken up, and as
14,000 Greek mercenaries, they debouched into the plain
under Clearchus. The Greeks of Custozza, they were beaten
on the right wing drove back in detail, and driven back by
the Persian left, and Cyrus in the Austrians, who gained a

signal victory. The Austrians pletely routed, though Pelo-

lost 4,650 killed and wounded ;
pidas fell in the battle.
the Italians, 720 killed, 3,112
wounded, and 4,315 prisoners. Cynoscephalae (Second Mace-
La Marmora was compelled to donian War).
recross the Mincio. Fought B.C. 197, between the
Romans, 26,000 strong, under
Cuzco (Conquest of Peru). Flamininus, and the Mace-
This city was besieged 1536, donians, about equal force
by 200,000 Peruvians, and was under Philip. The Roman van-
defended by 250 Spaniards guard, coming unexpectedly
under Juan and Gonzalo Piz- upon the enemy, was repulsed,
arro. After a siege of five but Flamininus bringing up the
months, Almagro, to whom cer- legionaries, the battle became
tain of the conquered territories more equal. On the right
had been assigned by the king Philip, with half his phalanx,
of Spain, arrived with his troops, drove back the Romans, but his
and attacked and totally routed left wing was utterly routed,
the Peruvians. He then laid and the victorious Roman right
siege to the place on his own then turned and attacked the
account, and shortly afterwards Macedonian right in flank and
compelled Gonzalo Pizarro to rear, and won a complete
capitulate. Juan died in the victory. The Macedonians lost
course of the siege. 13,000 killed and wounded
Cyme. The Roman losses were small. /{
Fought B.C. 474, between the
Cynossema (Peloponnesian War).
fleet of Hiero, tyrant of Syra-
cuse, and the Etruscan fleet, Fought 411 B.C., between 86
which was investing the Greek Peloponnesian ships under Min-
colony of Cyme. The Etruscans darus, and 76 Athenian triremes
were routed, and from this de- under Thrasybulus and Thra-
feat dates the rapid decline of syllus. The Athenian centre was
the Etruscan power. broken, but, in the moment of
victory, Thrasybulus fell upon
Cynoscephalae. the Peloponnesians with the
Fought July 364 B.C., be- right wing, and totally routed
tween the Thebans and Thessa- them, while Thrasyllus on the
lians under Pelopidas, and the left also drove off his adver-
forces of Alexander, Despot of saries, after hard fighting.
Pheree. Both armies made a
forced march to seize the heights Cyssus (War with Antiochus the
of Cynoscephalae, and reached Great).
the spot almost simultaneously. Fought B.C. 191 between the
The Theban cavalry drove back Roman fleet of 105 triremes
Alexander's horse, but lost time under Caius Livius, and the
in the pursuit, and his infantry fleet Antiochus, numbering
made good their position on the 70 sail, under Polyxenides.
heights. However, after very Polyxenides sailed out of Cys-
hard fighting, they were dis- sus to encounter the Romans,
lodged, and Alexander com- but was defeated with a loss of
23 ships, and forced to seek abandoned the pursuit to plun-
refuge at Ephesus. der, and the king, rallying his
troops, broke the Austrian main
Cyzicus (Peloponnesian War). body, and defeated them with a
Fought 410 B.C., when Alci-
loss of 4,000 men.
biades, with S6 Athenian ships,
surprised the Peloponnesian
Admiral Mindarus, who was
besieging Cyzicus, and, after a
hard fight, totally defeated him. Daegastan.
Mindarus was slain, 60 triremes Fought 603 between the
were taken or destroyed, and Northumbrians under ^Ethel-
the Peloponnesian fleet was frith, and the Picts and Scots

practically annihilated. under Aidan, King of the Scots.

.'Ethelfrith was victorious, and
Cyzicus (First Mithridatic War). e.xtended his dominions as far
Foui^ht B.C. 88, when the army as Chester.
of Mithiidates, who was be-
sieging Cyzicus, was hemmed by Dalmanutha (Second Boer War).
the Romans under LucuUus, Fought August 21 to 28, 1900,
and though the latter, with in- when the position of the Boers
ferior forces, did not venture on
from Belfast to Machadodorp
a pitched battle, he fought a series covering the Delagoa Bay Rail-
of minor engagements, in which way, and extending over a line 30
he eventually destroyed the miles long, was attacked on the
Pontic army, west by Lord Roberts, and on
their losses
amounting in the end to over the south by Sir Redvers Buller.
200,000 men. On the 28 th Buller entered
Machadodorp, by which time
Czarnovo (Campaign of Fried- the Boers, who were under
land). General Botha, had been driven
Fought December 24, 1806, from positions. Kruger
all their
between the French under Na- at once to Delagoa Bay.
poleon, and the Russians, The British loss in the four days
about 15,000 strong, under Count amounted to about 500.
Tolstoy. Napoleon, with Dav-
oust's corps, crossed the Ukra,
Damascus (Moslem Invasion of
and made a night attack upon
the Russians, driving them out This city was besieged by the
of Czarnovo with a loss of 1,600
Moslems under Khaled in 633,
and several guns. The French and was defended by a large
lost 700.
garrison of Greeks and Romans.
The city made an obstinate de-
Czaslau (War of the Austrian fence, and the defenders suc-
Succession). ceeded in sending a demand for
Fought 1742, between the succour to Werdan, the general
Prussians under Frederic the of Herachus. Werdan's ap-
Great, and the Austrians under proach drew Khaled away from
Prince Charles of Lorraine. the place, and as he was retiring
The Prussians were driven from he was attacked by the garrison,
the field, but the Austrians whom he defeated with enor-

moiis loss. He then marched port by the Dantzig ships,

against Werdan, defeated him, which defeated the Swedish
and returned to prosecute the fleet under Admiral Stjerns-
siege. After a gallant defence, kold, the Admiral being killed,
the city, 70 days later, was I ship captured and i de-
taken by storm. stroyed.
Damascus (Tartar Invasion of
Dantzig (Campaign of Fried-
Syria). land).
On January 25, 1401, Damas- On March 19, 1807, Marshal
cus was captured, through trea- Lefebvre, with 18,000 French,
chery, by the Tartars under laid siege to the city, which was
Tamerlane. defended by a garrison of
Damme (Wars of Philip Augus- 14,000 Prussians, and 4,000
tus). Russians under Marshal Kalk-
Fought April, 121 3, when an reuth. For complete invest-
English fleet of 500 vessels under ment it was necessary for Le-
the Earl of Salisbury attacked febvre to encompass a circuit of
and dispersed a large fleet of about 17 leagues, for which
French ships designed to sup- purpose his numbers were too
port Philip Augustus' invasion few, and he made httle progress.
of Flanders. The English cap- Receiving reinforcements, how-
tured 300 and burnt 100 vessels, ever, he opened his first parallel
and Philip Augustus was forced April I, while on the 12th an
to abandon his design. important outwork was carried.
Dan-no-ura (Taira War). On the 23rd the batteries opened
fire, and on May 15 a deter-
Fought 1 1 89, between the
mined effort to relieve the
army of the Shogun, Yoritomo,
place was made by a force of
under his brothers Noriyori and
Yoshitsune, and the Taira Clan 8,000 Russians, who were re-
pulsed with a loss of 2,000, the
under Munemori, when the
Taira were routed and dispersed, French losing 400 only. From
this point the city was left to
This defeat broke the power of
the clan, and the Minamoto
its fate, and an assault was
became the dominant clan in ordered fo" the 21st. Before
this date, ho vever, Marshal Kalk-
reuth signified liis readiness to
Dantzig (Thirty Years' War). parley, and on May 26 the place
This fortress was besieged by was surrendered, the garrison
the Swedes under Gustavus being then reduced to 7,000
Adolphus in 1627, and was de- effectives.
fended by a Polish garrison
which successfully resisted all Dantzig (Campaign of Leipsic).
attempts to storm the place, After the Moscow retreat.
until the truce of September 16, General Rapp, with 30,000
1629. In a night attack on French, mostly survivors of the
May 27, 1627, the King of Moscow campaign, was besieged
Sweden was severely wounded, in Dantzig, January 18 13, by
wliile in the autumn of the same the allies, 30,000 in number,
year a sally was made from the under the Duke of Wiirtemberg.
Rapp made a strenuous defence, General Fraser, and the Mah-
but his works were mastered rattas under Holkar of Indore,
one by one, and, finding his with 14 battalions of infantry,
garrison dwindhng rapidly from a numerous cavalry, and
starvation and exposure, he sur- 160 guns. The Mahrattas were
rcndereil November 29, 18 13, utterly routed, leaving 87 guns on
by which date the defenders the field. The British lost 643,
numbered only 18,000 men. including General Fraser, killed,
Dargai (Tirah Campaign). Deeg (Second Mahratta War).
Fought October 20, 1897, The fortress, which was held
when a British brigade, under by a garrison of Holkar's troops,
General Yeatman Biggs, 'stormed was besieged December 11, 1804,
the heights, which were held by by the British under Lord Lake.
a large force of Afridis. The After six days' bombardment,
actual storming was accom- it was stormed on the 23rd, and
plished by the Gordon High- the citadel captured on the
landers, and the British loss following day. Over 100 guns
amounted and 175
to ^j killed were taken.
wounded. Colonel Mathias'
Delhi (First Mongol Invasion).
speech to the Gordons, before
Fought 1297, between 200,000
leading them to the charge w^as,
" Highlanders, the General says Mongols under Kuttugh Khan,
and 300,000 Delhi Mohammed-
the position must be taken at
ans, with 2,700 elephants, under
all costs. The Gordons will
Ala-ud-Din. The Indian right
take it."
wing, with a successful charge,
Dazaifu (Chinese Invasion of broke the Mongols left, but car-
Japan ). ried the pursuit too far. Mean-
In 1 28 1, Hwan Buako, the while the right of the Mongol
General ofKublai Khan, at the army assailed the Indian left and
head of 100,000 Chinese, and drove it from the field. Kuttugh
10,000 Koreans, endeavoured Khan, however, had lost so
to effect a landing at Dazaifu, heavily, that he was unable to
The Japanese, however, kept follow up his advantage, and
them at bay for 60 days, at the retreated with all speed from
end of which time the Chinese India.
fleetwas wrecked and dispersed
Delhi (Second Mongol Invasion).
by a typhoon. The survivors,
Fought 1398, between the
under Chang Pak, took refuge
in the island of Takashima, where
Mongols under Tamerlane, and
the Delhi Mohammedans under
they were attacked and cut to
pieces by the troops of the
Mahmud Tughlak. Tamerlane,
having crossed the Jumna to
Daimiyo of Choshiu, under
reconnoitre with an escort of
Shoni Kagasuke, only 3,000 out
of the vast host making
700 horsemen, was attacked by
way back to China. Mahmud with 5,000 cavalry.
Tamerlane repulsed the attack,
Deeg (First Mahratta War). and later, having brought his
Fought 1780 between the main body across the river,
British, 6,000 strong under totally defeated Mahmud, and

drove him into Delhi, which at the 14th the final assault was
once surrendered. The city was made and the city entered. It
plundered, and Tamerlane with- was not, however, till the 20th
drew laden with spoil. that the Palace was taken, and
all resistance at an end. Among
Delhi (Second Mahratta War). those who fell was John Ni-
Fought September ii, 1803, cholson.
between 4,500 British under
General Lake, and 19,000 Mah-
Delium (Peloponnesian War),
rattas of Scindiah's army under
Fought B.C. 424 between the
Athenians under Hippocrates.
Bourguin. The enemy occu-
17,000 strong, and the Boeo-
pied a strong position with the
tians under Pagondas, 18,000
Jumna in their rear, and Lake,
strong. The armies met on a
feigning a retreat, drew them
plain before Delium, and after
from their lines, and then turn-
an obstinate encounter, in which
ing upon them drove them with
the Thebans on the right over-
the bayonet into the river, in-
powered the Athenians, while
flicting enormous loss upon
their left attack was repulsed,
them. The British lost 400
the appearance of a large body
of cavalry on their flank alarmed
Delhi (Second Mahratta War). the Athenians, who broke and
The city was invested October fled. Hippocrates fell in the
7, 1804, by 20,000 Mahrattas,
with 100 guns, under Jeswunt Delphi (Sacred War).
Rao Holkar, and was success- Fought B.C. 355, between the
fully defended for nine days by Phocians, 5,000 strong, under
a small British garrison. At the Philomelus, and the Locrians.
end of this period, Holkar with- Philomelus, who had seized
drew. So small was the garri- Delphi, attacked the Locrians
son, that they were on constant on the heights above the sacred
duty on the ramparts, through- city, and routed them with heavy
out the siege, without relief. loss, many being driven over
the precipice.
Delhi (Indian Mutiny).
After the outbreak at Meerut, Denain (War of the Spanish
Delhi became the rallying place Succession).
of the mutineers, and on June 8, Fought 17 1 2, when the camp
1857, Sir Harry Barnard com- of the allies, held by 10 battal-
menced the siege of the city. ions under the Earl of Albe-
His force was too small for a marle, was attacked by 130
complete investment, while the French battalions under Marshal
mutineers numbered 30,000, Villiers. Prince Eugene made an
and could obtain continual re- effort to relieve the Earl, but
inforcements, and ample sup- was unable to cross the Scheldt,
plies. The garrison made con- and the allies were overwhelmed
stant sorties, and fighting was by superior numbers, only about
incessant at the outposts. On 4,000 making good their retreat.
September 8 the breaching Five generals were killed or
batteries opened fire, and on captured.
Deniiewitz (Campaign of Leip- being held by 23,000 men under
sic). de Grammont, while the main
Fought September 6, 1S13, body was on the opposite bank
between the French army of of the Maine. De Grammont
the north under Ney, and the left his lines to attack the
alhes under the Crown Prince of British, whereupon George II
Sweden. Ney had detached put himself at the head of his
Bertrand's division to mask troops, and led a charge which
Dennewitz, while his main body broke the French and drove
marched past the position on them headlong into the river.
the road to Berhn, but Bertrand Their losses in crossing were
delayed so long before Denne- heavy, and they left 6,000 killed
\vitz, that what was intended and wounded on the field. This
for a demonstration became a is the last occasion on which
serious action, in which the full the Sovereign has led British
force of both sides was engaged. troops in battle.
The French were defeated with
Deutschbrod (Hussite War).
a loss of 10,000 men and 43 guns.
Fought 1422 between the
Deorham. Taborite section of the Hussites
Fought $yy, when Ceawlin, under John Zisca, and the Ger-
King of Wessex, defeated the mans under the Emperor Sigis-
Welsh, and extended the bor- mund. Zisca was completely
ders of Wessex to the Bristol victorious.
Channel, thus severing the
Welsh nation into two parts.
This fortress, held for Pertab
Dessau (Thirty Years' War). Singh by a garrison of the Tan-
Fought April 15, 1626, be- jore army, was captured in 1749,
tween the German Protestants after a three days' bombard-
under Count von Mansfeldt, and ment, by a British force of
the Imperialists, about 20,000 2,300 men under Major Law-
strong, under Wallenstein. rence. An attack upon the
Mansfeldt was attacking the breach, headed by Clive, was
fort of Dessau, on the Elbe, nearly disastrous, as the Sepoys
when Wallenstein, approaching hung back, and of the Euro-
under cover of the woods, fell peans engaged, only Clive and
upon his flank, and totally three others escaped, but Law-
routed him, killing or capturing rence arriving opportunely with
nearly three-fourths of his army. the main column, the place was
Dettingen (War of the Austrian
Succession). Diamond.
Fought June 27, 1743, be- A faction fight, known as the
tween the British, 40,000 strong, battle of Diamond which took
under George II, and 60,000 place September 21, 1795, at a
French under the Due de village in Co. Armagh, between
Noailles. The British, who were the Peep o' Day Boys and the
retiring upon Hanau from Asch- Defenders. The former were
affenburg, found their retreat victorious, killing 48 of their
cut off by the French, Dettingen opponents.

Diamond Hill (Second Boer Diu.

War). In 1545 Diu was again be-
Fought June ii and 12, 1900, sieged by the Gujeratis, the
when General Botha, with the garrison being commanded by
main Boer army of 15,000 men, Mascarenhas. Khojah Zofar,
strongly entrenched about 15 who led the besiegers, was killed
miles from Pretoria, was at- in the course of the siege, and
tacked by Lord Roberts with was succeeded by Rami Khan.
17,000 men and 70 guns, and The garrison, at the end of
driven from his position. The several months, was on the
Boer lines were so extended that point of surrendering, owing to
three distinct actions were in famine, when it was relieved by
progress at the same time. The Juan de Castro, who signally
British lost 25 officers and 137 defeated the Gujeratis, and
men killed and wounded. raised the siege.
Djerbeh (Ottoman Wars).
Dingaan's Day. Fought 1560, betweenthe
Fought December 16, 1838, fleet of Solyman Sultan of
between the Boers of the Trans- Turkey, under Piycala Pasha,
vaal, and the Zulus under Din-
and the combined squadrons of
gaan. The Zulus were totally Malta, Venice, Genoa and Flor-
routed, with heavy loss. The ence. The Christian fleet was
Boer losses were small. utterly routed, the Turks secur-
ing thereby the preponderance
Dipaea (Arcadian War).
in the Mediterranean.
Fought B.C. 471, between the
Spartans and the Arcadian Dniester (Ottoman Wars).
League. The Arcadians were Fought September 9, 1769,
totally defeated, and Tegea, the between the Russians under
head of the League, shortly Prince Gallitzin, and the Turks
afterwards submitted to Sparta. under Ali Moldovani Pasha.
The Turks crossed the river in
Diu. the face of the Russian army,
This fortified Portuguese fac- and attacked their lines with
tory was besieged early in Sep- great impetuosity. After
tember, 1537, by a fleet of 76 severe fighting, however, they
Turkish galleys, and 7,000 sol- were beaten off, and forced to
diers under Solyman, Pasha of withdraw from Choczim.
Egypt, acting with whom was
an army of 20,000 Gujeratis
Dodowah (First Ashanti War).
Fought 1826, between the
under Bahadur Shah, and Kho-
Ashanti army, which had in-
jah Zofar, an Italian renegade.
vaded the Gold Coast, and the
The garrison of 600, under
British under Colonel Purdon.
Antonio de Silveira, repulsed
assault after assault, but were
The Ashantis fought bravely, but
were routed with heavy loss.
nearly at the end of their re-
sources, when the false rumour Dogger Bank (Dutch Wars).
of an approaching Portuguese Fought August 15, 1781, be-
fleet caused Solyman to with- tween a British fleet of seven
draw. battleships and six frigates.
under Admiral Hyde Parker, few days. The British lost
and a Dutch fleet of equal 261 and 837 wounded.
strength under Admiral Zout- The French losses have been
man. After a severe engage- put as high as 15,000, but it is
ment, the Dutch bore away, probable that they lost about
and reached their port in safety, 3,000 killed and wounded, while
the British fleet being too 7,980 were taken in the cap-
crippled to pursue. The British tured ships. This action is also
lost 109 killed and 362 wounded ; known as the battle of the
the Dutch i ship, the Hol- Saints.
landia, 142 killed and 403
wounded. Domokos (Greco-Turkish War).
Fought May 17, 1879, be-
Dollar (Danish Invasion). tween five Turkish divisions of
Fought 875, when the Danish the army under Edhem Pasha,
invaders under Thorstem totally and the Greeks under the Crown
defeated the men of Alban under Prince of Greece, about 40,000
Constantine. The Danes sub- strong. The Greeks held their
sequently occupied Caithness, ground till late in the evening,
Sutherlandshire, Ross and when the right was outflanked,
Moray. and forced to give ground,
though, when the action ceased,
Dolni-Dubnik (Russo-Turkish
the Turks had made no other
Fought November i, 1877, advance. Edhem was prepared
to renew the fight on the follow-
when General Gourko, with two
ing day, but the Crow-n Prince
divisions of the Russian guard,
dislodged the Turks from the found that the retirement of his
right had rendered the position
redoubt of Dolni-Dubnik, and
forced them to retire upon untenable, and retreated during
Plevna. There was little actual the night. The Greeks lost 600
killed and wounded the Turks
fighting, the Turks retiring ;

without much resistance, but about 1,800.

the action is important, because Donabew (First Burmah War).
the capture of the redoubt made Fought March 7, 1825, when
the investment of Plevna com- General Cotton, with about 700
plete. troops, attacked three strong
Dominica. stockades held by 12,000 Bur-
Fought April 12, 1782, be- mans under Maha Bandoola.
tween the British fleet of 36 sail The smallest of the three was
carried, but Cotton's force was
of the hue, under Rodney, with
Hood second in command, and too small, and it was not till the
the French fleet of 33 sail under 25 th that Sir Archibald Camp-
bell arrived, and, shelling the
de Grasse. Rodney departed
from the usual tactics of a ship stockade, forced the Burmans
to ship action, and broke the to evacuate the position.
enemy's hne, gaining a com- Maha Bandoola was killed.
plete victory, and capturing or Donauworth (War of the Spanish
destroying 5 ships, while 2 more Succession).
were captured within the next Fought July 2, 1704, between

the British and Imperialists Douro (Peninsular War).

under the Duke of Marlborough, Fought May 12, 1809, when
and the French and Bavarians 12,000 British under Wellesley
under Marshal Tallard. The (the Duke of Wellington) crossed
Duke attacked the enemy's the Douro and drove the French
entrenched position at Schellen- under Soult out of Oporto.
berg, in front of Donauworth, The French numbered about
and drove them out, forcing 24,000, of whom5,000 were
them to abandon the town. The killed, wounded or captured,
victors lost 5,374 killed and mainly during the pursuit. In
wounded. The French losses the action itself, the French
are unknown, but were probably lost 500, the British, 116.
Dover (Dutch Wars).
Dormeille. Fought November 29, 1652,
Fought 602, between the Neus- between a Dutch fleet of 95
trians under Clothaire II, and sail, under Van Tromp, and an

Austrasians and Burgundians English fleet of 40 ships, under

under Theodobert and Thierry. Blake. The Dutch were vic-
Clothaire was defeated with torious, the English fleet being
great slaughter. much cut up, and two ships
Dorylaeum (First Crusade).
Fought Downs, The (Dutch Wars).
1097, betw^een
70,000 Crusaacrs under Bohe-
Fought June i, 2 and 3, 1666,
mond and Raymond of Thou- between the EngHsh fleet under
and the Duke of Albemarle, and the
louse, 250,000 Saracens
under the Sultan Soliman. The Dutch under De Ruyter, Van
Saracens drove back Bohe- Tromp and De Witt. After an
obstinate fight, Albemarle, on
mond's division on their camp,
the 3rd, retired, after setting
which they proceeded to plunder,
fireto his disabled vessels, but
and, while so engaged, were at-
the Dutch were too seriously
tacked by Raymond and totally
crippled to pursue.
routed with a loss of 30,000.
The Crusaders lost 4,000. Drepanum (FirstPunic War).
Douai (War of the Spanish Suc- Fought B.C. during the
cession). siege of Lilybaeum, between
This place was besieged by
the Roman fleet of 123 galleys
under Publius Claudius, and
the allies under Prince Eugene,
the Carthaginians under Ad-
April 25, 17 10, and was defended
herbal. Claudius was defeated,
by a French garrison, 8,000 losing 93 ships, 8,000 killed and
strong, under General d'Alber- the
20,000 prisoners, while
gotti. The place was obstinate- victors did not lose a ship.
ly defended, numerous sorties
being made, but, the French Dresden (Campaign of Leipsic).
army being unable to relieve it, Fought August 27, 18 13, be-
d'Albergotti was forced to sur- tween 130,000 French under
render June 26. The besiegers Napoleon, and 200,000 Rus-
lost 8,000 killed and wounded. sians, Prussians and Austrians,
under Count Wittgenstein, that of Tucker. The Boers
Klcist, and Prince Schwartzem- were driven out and the road
bcrg, respectively. The Em- to Bloemfontein opened, at a
perors of Russia and Austria, cost to the British of 424 killed
and the King of Prussia, were and wounded. The Boers left
present on the field. Napoleon, over 100 dead on the field.
who was in possession of Dres- Dristen.
den, made his main attack upon
This strong post on the Dan-
the Austrian left, which was
labe was defended for fifty-five
separated from the centre by
days in 973, by the Russians
the ravine of Planen. This
under their Duke Swatoslaus,
attack, which was entrusted to
against the Greeks under the
Murat, was completely success- Emperor At
John Zimisces.
ful, and the Austrians were the end of that time the Rus-
driven with heavy loss into the
sians were forced to surrender,
ravine. Meanwhile, the centre thus ending their invasion of
and right of the allies had been Byzantine territory.
attacked with equal success,
and finally they were driven Drogheda (Great Irish Rebellion).
from the field with a loss of Siege was laid to this town,
10,000 killed and woimded. which was held by an English
15,000 prisoners, and 40 guns, garrison under Sir Henry Tich-
The French lost about 10,000. borne, by the Irish rebels, under
Owen Roe O'Neil, in December,
Dreux (First Civil War). 1641. The garrison held out
Fought 1562, between the successfully for three months,
Huguenots under the Prince de when O'Neil was compelled to
Conde, and the Catholics under raise the siege.
the Constable, Montmorency.
The Constable, heading a charge Drogheda (Civil War).
of the Catholic cavalry, was On September 3, 1649, siege
overthrown and captured by was laid to the place by the
Coligny. The Catholics then Parliamentary army under
fled,but the Huguenots, carrying Cromwell, the garrison of 2,500
the pursuit too far, were charged English regulars being under
and routed by Fran9ois de Sir Arthur Aston. An assault
Guise, and Conde made pri- on the loth was repulsed, but
soner. The victory thus rested on the 1 2th the town was storm-
with the Catholics. ed, and the garrison put to the
sword. Four thousand soldiers
Driefontein (Second Boer War). and inhabitants, including As-
Fought March 10, 1900, be- ton, are said to have perished.
tween the Boer Army covering Drumclog (Covenanters' Rising).
Bloemfontein, imder de Wet,
Fought June 11, 1679, when
and the British under Lord a party of Covenanters, under
Roberts. The Boers occupied
Balfour of Burleigh, defeated the
a position about seven miles in royal troops, under Claverhouse.
extent, which was attacked in
front by Kelly- Kenny's divi- Drummossie Moor.
sion, and on the left flank by See CuUoden.

Dubba (Scinde Campaign). killed and wounded, and 10,000

Fought March 24, 1843, prisoners. Cromwell's losses
between 5,000 British troops, were small.
under Sir Charles Napier, and
20,000 Beluchis, under the Amir
Dundalk (Scottish Invasion of
Shir Mohamed. The enemy
was strongly posted behind a Fought October 5, 13 18, be-
double nullah, which was carried
tween the Scots under Edward
Bruce, 3,000 in number, and the
by the infantry with great
English and Irish under John
gallantry, and the Beluchis
were totally defeated.
de Bermingham. The Scots
were totally defeated, Bruce,
Duffindale (Kat's Rebellion), with about 30 of his kiughts,
The scene of the defeat of the and over 80 men-at-arms, being
rebels under Kat, by the royal killed, and the invasion came to
troops, under the Earl of War- an end.
wick, in 1549.
Dunbar (Scottish Wars). See Talana Hill.
Fought April 27, 1296, be- Dunes (Wars of Louis XIV).
tween the English, under Ed- Fought June 14, 1650, be-
ward I, and the Scots under the tween the Spaniards, 14,000
Earl of Athol. The Scots were strong, under Don John of Aus-
defeated, with a loss of 10,000 tria and the Great Conde, and
men. This defeat led to the the French in equal force under
surrender of Balliol, and Ed- Turenne. A force landed from
ward was proclaimed King of the English fleet commenced the
Scotland. attack on the Spaniards, which
Dunbar (Scottish Wars). was vigorously supported by
This town was besieged, 1339, Turenne, and the Spaniards
by the English, under the Earl were totally defeated, with a
of Salisbury, and was defended loss of 4,000 killed, wounded
by Agnes, Countess of March, and captured. Ten days later
known as Black Agnes of Dun- the town of Dunldrk capitu-
bar, whose husband, the Gover- lated.
nor,was absent at the time. So Dunganhill (Great Irish Rebel-
vigorous was the defence, that lion).
Salisbury was compelled to Fought August 8, 1647, be-
withdraw from the siege. tween the Irish rebels, and an
English force under Colonel
Dunbar (Civil War).
Fought September Michael Jones. The Irish were
3, 1650,
between 14,000 Parliamentar- routed with a loss of 6,000.
ians under Cromwell and Monk, Dunkeld (Jacobite Rising).
and the Scottish Royalists, Fought August 21, 1O89, be-
27,000 strong, under David tween the Highlanders under
Leslie. Leslie left a strong Colonel Cannon, and the Camer-
position on the heights near onian Regiment under Colonel
Dunbar, to meet Cromwell, and Cleland. The fighttook \As.cq
was routed with a loss of 3,000 in the town of Dunkeld, where
the Cameronians held a house fended by a garrison of Greeks
belonging to the Marquis of and Macedonians under George
Athole. The Highlanders were Palaeologus, was besieged by
unable to dislodge them, and the Normans, under Robert
eventually retired, Cannon being Guiscard, July 17, 108 1. On
killed. October 18, the besiegers, now
reduced to 18,000, were attacked
Dunsinnan. by a force of about 75,000
Fought 1054, between the Greeks, under Alexius Com-
usurper, Macbeth, and the nenus, and after a terrible
Anglo-Saxons under Siward, struggle, in which the Normans
Earl of Northumberland, who
w'ere almost overpowered, the
was supporting Malcolm Can- victory rested with Guiscard.
more, the son of the murdered The Greeks lost about 6,000.
Duncan. Macbeth was de- On the Norman side, the Italian
feated, losing 10,000 men, and
auxiliaries suffered heavily, but
fled to the north. The Anglo- only 20 Norman knights were
Saxons lost 1,500. killed. Notwithstanding this
Duplin (Baliol's Rising). disaster, the city still held out,
Fought August 12, 1332, be- and it was not till February 8,
tween the Scottish barons, under 1082, that a night surprise
Edward Baliol, and the forces of rendered the Normans masters
David, King of Scotland. Though of the place.
largely outnumbered Baliol was Diirrenstein (Campaign of the
Diippel (Schleswig - Holstein Fought November 11, 1S05,
War). during Napoleon's advance on
This fortress, protected by an Vienna, when Mortier, with one
outer chain of ten redoubts, French division, was attacked
was invested by the Prussians, by 30,000 Russians, and would
16,000 strong, under Prince have been overwhelmed but for
Frederick Charles, and the first the timely arrival of another
parallel opened, March 30, 1864. division. The French lost
The Danish garrison numbered 3,000 ; the Russians about the
22,000. On April 17, after a same number.
heavy bombardment, the Prus-
sians were launched at the first Dwina, The (Swedo-Polish War).
six of the chain of redoubts, and, Fought 1 701, between 15,000
after a brief resistance, they Swedes under Charles XII, and
were captured and the place was 12,000 Saxons under Marshal
immediately afterwards sur-
von Stenau. Charles, who was
rendered. The Prussians lost marching upon Riga, found the
70 officers and 1,331 men, the passage of the Dwina barred by
Danes, including prisoners,
von Stenau. Having the wind
at his back, he set fire to a large
quantity of straw, and under
Durazzo (Norman Invasion of cover of the smoke, crossed the
Italy). river unperceived. He then
This fortress, which was de- attacked the Saxons, who, after

an obstinate engagement, were Eckmiihi (Campaign of Wag-

defeated and driven from the ram).
field. Fought April 22, 1809, be-
tween 90,000 French, under
Dyle (Norman Invasion of Napoleon, and 76,000 Austrians,
France). under the Archduke Charles.
Fought between the The Austrians occupied a posi-
Norman invaders, and the Ger- tionon the high ground above
mans under Arnulph, Em- Eckmuhl, from which they were
peror of Germany, The Nor- dislodged after severe fighting,
mans were totally routed with but the approach of night en-
enormous loss. abled the Archduke to draw off
his troops in tolerable order
Dyrrachium (Civil War of towards Ratisbon, with a loss of
Car an d Pompey). about 5,000 killed and wounded,
Fought B.C. 48, between the and 3.000 prisoners. The
Caesarians, under Julius Ca?sar, French loss is stated at 2,500.
and the Pompeians, under Pom- By this victory Napoleon cut
pey. The latter having formed the main Austrian army in two.
an entrenched camp some dis- Ecnomus (First Punic War).
tance from Dyrrachium, Cajsar Fought B.C. 256, between 330
interposed his army between Roman galleys, with crews of
the camp and the town. This
100,000 men, under I-. Manlius
interrupted Pompey's com- Valso, and M. Attilius Regulus,
munications, and he, in conse-
and 350 Carthaginian ships
quence, attacked the Caesarian under Hanno. After a hard-
lines, which he forced, at the
fought battle, in which the
cost of 1,000 men, and obliged
Romans lost 24 vessels, they
Caesar to retire. defeated the Carthaginians, with
a loss of 30 ships sunk and 64
captured, and drove the rest of
the fleet to Carthage.

Ebersberg (Campaign of Wag- Edessa (Persian Wars).

Fought between the Ro-
mans under and the
Fought May 3, 1809, when Persians under Sapor I. The
Massena's corps stormed
Romans were totally defeated,
bridge and castle of Ebersberg,
and Valerian taken prisoner.
which was held by about 30,000
Austrians under the Archduke Edgeworth (Wars of the Roses).
Charles. After the bridge was Fought July 26, 1469, between
captured, a terrible conflict the Yorkists under Pembroke,
followed in the streets of Ebers- and the troops of the revolted
berg, and finally the Austrians Nevilles. The Lancastrians at-
were driven out, with a loss of tacked Pembroke, whose troops
about 3,000 killed and wounded, were chiefly Welshmen, and,
4,000 prisoners and many guns. notwithstanding a stubborn
The French admit a loss of 1,700 resistance, defeated them with
only. heavy loss, no less than 168
Welsh knights falUng, besides in 1 1 days, i,8ooshells fell within
rank and hie. Edward IV, who their lines. They held out,
was in the neighbourhood, however, till August 15, when
though not present at the battle, they were relieved by Lord
was captured soon after. Kitchener, having lost 75 killed
and wounded, and nearly all
Edgehill (Civil War).
their horses.
The first battle of the Civil
War, October 23, 1642, between El Caney (Spanish-American
the Royalists under Charles I, War).
and the Parliamentarians, under Fought July I, 1898, when
Essex, each army being about 12,000 Americans, under General
20,000 strong. The victory was Shafter, captured from the
claimed by both sides, but the Spaniards, after heavy fighting,
advantage rested with the King, Caney
the strong position of El
as the Parliamentarians failed and San Juan commanding
to face Prince Rupert's cavalry, Santiago de Cuba. The Spani-
and the Royalists were not ards made various attempts on
prevented from continuing their the 2nd and 3rd to dislodge
march on London. them, but without success. The
Elandslaagte (Second Boer War). American losses during the three
Fought October 21, 1899, be- days amounted to 115 officers
tween a strong Boer force under and 1,570 men killed and wound-
General Koch, and 3 battalions ed.
and 5 squadrons of British Elchingen (Campaign of Auster-
troops, with 12 guns, under litz).
General French. The Boers oc- Fought October 14, 1805,
cupied a strong position, on when Ney's corps, after repair-
high ground near the Ladysmith-
ing the bridge of Elchingen
Dundee railway, from which under fire, stormed and cap-
they were driven by the infantry
tured the convent and village,
and Imperial Light Horse (dis- driving out 20,000 Austrians,
mounted) with a loss of 250 and taking 3,000 prisoners and
killed and wounded, and 200
a number of guns.
prisoners, including Koch. The
British lost 35 officers and 219 Elena (Russo-Turkish War).
men. Fought 1877, between the
Russians imder Loris Melikofi,
Elands River (Second Boer War).
and the Turks under Muhktar
On August 4, 1900, a force of Pasha, in which the former
400 Australians, under Colonel
were victorious.
Hore, were surrounded by 2,500
Boers, with 6 guns. The Aus- Elinga (Second Punic War).
tralians occupied an exposed Fought B.C. 206, between
kopje, with no water nearer than 74,000 Carthaginians, under
the river half -a-mile aw ay. Their Hanno, and 48,000 Romans
maxim became unserviceable, under Scipio Africanus. The
an attempt by General Carring- battle was fougbt on the open
ton to relieve them failed, and plain in front of Hanno's camp,
so severe was the Boer fire that, and resulted in a complete

victory for the Romans. This Iphicrates and Timoleon de-

battle, which is also asknown clined the enterpriseas too
the battle of Silpia, ended the hazardous, and Chares attacking
Carthaginian domination in alone, with a third of the fleet,
Spain. was defeated with heavy loss.
Elk Horn. Emesa (Expedition to Palmyra).
See Pea Ridge. Fought 272, between the
Ellandune. Romans under Aurelian, and
In this battle, fought 823, the Palmyrenians under Zen-
the Mercians under Beorwulf, obia. Zenobia was completely
were totally routed by the West defeated, and forced to retire
Saxons under Egbert. within the walls of Palmyra, to
which Aurelian at once laid
Elleporus. siege.
Fought between the
B.C. 389,
Sicilians, 23,000 strong, under Empingham (Wells' Rebellion).
Dionysius of Syracuse, and the Fought March 12, 1470, when
Italiots, 17,000 strong, under Edward IV totally routed the
Heloris. Dionysius attacked northern rebels, under Sir Ro-
the Italiot vanguard, under bert Wells. The battle is called
Heloris himself, on the march, " Loose-coat Field," from the
and the Italiot army, coming precipitate flight of the rebels,
into action in detachments, was who threw off their upper gar-
beaten piecemeal, and finally ments to flee the faster.
routed wth heavy loss. The
survivors, 10,000 in number, Engen (Wars of the French
surrendered, and were allowed Revolution).
to go free. Heloris was slain. Fought May 3, 1800, between
the French, 75,000 strong, under
El Teb (Soudan Campaigns).
Fought February 4, 1884, Moreau, and 1 10,000 Austrians
under De Kray. Moreau had
when a column of 3,500 Egyp-
crossed the Rhine on the ist, and
tian troops under Baker Pasha,
was advancing through the
marching to relieve Sinkat, was
Black Forest, and the battle
overwhelmed, and practically
annihilated by 12,000 Soudan-
was in reality two distinct
actions. Moreau's right, 25,000
ese under Osman Digna. The
strong, under Lecourbe, over-
Egyptians lost 2,360 killed and
wounded. took the Austrian rear-guard,
and drove them into and through
El Teb. Stokach, capturing 4,000 pri-
See Trinkitat. soners, and a large depot of
Embata (Social War). munitions and stores. Moreau
Fought B.C. 356, when an in the centre was attacked at
Athenian fleet of 120 sail, under Engen by 40,000 Austrians,
Chares, designed to attack the under De Kray, whom he re-
Chians, with 100 galleys, in the pulsed with a loss of 2,000
straits between Chios and the killed and wounded, and 5,000
mainland. The day proving prisoners. The French lost
stormy, however, his colleagues 2,000 killed and wounded.
Englefield (Danish Invasion). Ephesus (Gallic Invasion of
Fought 871, the first of the Asia).
series of battles between the Fought B.C. 262, between the
West Saxons and the Danish Syrians, under Antigonus, and
invaders. The former, imder the Gallic invaders. Antigonus
their king, /Uthelrcd, defeated was disastrously defeated.
the Danes. Erbach (Wars of the French
Fought May 15, 1800, be-
Sec Graspan. tween 15,000 French under
Sainte-Suzanne, and 36,000
Entaw Springs (American War Austrians under de Kray. The
of Independence).
Austrians, who had 12,000
Fought September 8, 1781, cavalry, attacked vigorously,
between the British garrison of but the French, though driven
Charleston, imder Colonel back at certain points, were not
Stewart, and the Americans, routed, and held to their main
under General Greene. The positions for 12 hours, until the
British were attacked and at approach of St. Cyr's corps
first driven back, but rally- forced the Austrians to retire.
ing carried the American Both sides lost heavily in the
positions,but with a loss of 700 action.
men, which so weakened their
small force that they were un- Erisa (South American War cf
able to profit by the victory. Independence).
Fought December, 18 14, be-
Entholm (Dano-Swedish Wars). tween the Spanish royalists,
Fought June 11, 1676, be- under Bover, 8,000 strong, and
tween the Danish fleet, under the American patriots, under
van Tromp, and Swedes. The Ribas. Ribas was totally de-
Swedes were defeated with very feated, and taken prisoner, and
heavy loss in ships and men. in revenge for the death of
Bover, who fell in the battle,
Entzheim. he was beheaded, and his head
See Sinzheim. publicly exposed in Caraccas.
Espinosa (Peninsular War),
Ephesus (Ionian War).
Fought November 10, 1808,
Fought 499 B.C., between the between 18,000 French under
Athenians and lonians, under Victor, and 30,000 Spaniards
Aristagorus, and the Persians, under Blake. The Spaniards
under Artaphernes. The Greeks were routed, and Blake's army
who were retreating to the scattered. The French lost
coast after burning Sardis, were about 1,100 men.
overtaken by the pursuing Per-
sians, under the walls of Ephe- Essling.
sus, and signally defeated. The See Aspern.
Athenians thereupon withdrew Etampes.
their fleet, and took no further Fought 604, between th<
part in the war. Burgundians, under Queen

brunehilde, and the Neustrians Davoust all but succeeded in

under Clothaire II. The latter tuniing the Russian left, but the
were totally defeated with opportune arrival of a Prussian
heavy loss. corps under I'Estocq enabled
the Russians to repulse him,
Ethandun (Danish Invasion). and after a sanguinary engage-
Fought 878, between the West ment, which lasted till ten p.m.,
Saxons, under Alfred, and the both armies retained their ori-
Danes, under Guthrum. The ginal positions. On the follow-
Danes were totally defeated, ing day the Russians retired
and Alfred's victory was fol- unmolested. The French lost
lowed by the Peace of Wedmore, about 30,000 ; the Russians
which lasted for fifteen years. about 20,000 killed and
Eurymedon, The (Third Persian wounded.
Invasion ).
Fought between the
B.C. 470,
Persian and army, and the
Athenians and Delians, under
Cimon. The Greeks were vic- Faenza (First Gothic War).
torious both by land and sea,
Fought 541, between 20,000
defeating the Persian fleet with Roman legionaries, and the
a loss of 200 sliips, and routing Goths under Totila, King of
the landarmy with great slaugh- Italy. The Romans made no
ter. This victory secured the
attempt to resist the onslaught
of the Goths, but throwing
adhesion of the south of Asia
Minor to the Athenian Con-
down their arms fled igno-
miniously, giving the Goths an
easy victory.
Evesham (Barons' War).
Fair Oaks (American Civil War).
Fought August 4, 1265, be-
tween the royalists under Prince
Fought May 31, and June i,
1 between the Federals under
Edward, and the Barons under
The General M'Clellan and the Con-
Simon de Montfort.
federates under General John-
Barons were taken by surprise,
ston. M'Clellan was advancing
having at first mistaken Ed-
ward's army for reinforcements
upon Richmond, and his left wing
under young de Montfort, and
was attacked in the afternoon
of the 31st, and notwithstand-
were totally defeated, Simon de
ing the arrival of Sumner's corp
Montfort falling. This defeat
in support, was driven back for
ended the Barons' War.
two miles. On the ist the
Eylau (Campaign of Friedland). Federals recovered the ground
Fought February 8, 1807, be- they had lost, but made no
tween 90,000 French under further progress, and at the
Napoleon, and 80,000 Russians end of the day the Confederates,
under Bennigsen. Napoleon who were largely outnumbered,
attacked at daybreak, all along were permitted to retire un-
the line, but could at first make molested. The Federals lost
no impression on the Russian over 7,000 killed and wounded,
infantry. Later in the day the Confederates about 4,500,
including General Johnston. The Turks lost 50,000 men in
This is also called the Battle of the course of the siege.
Seven Pines.
Farquhar's Farm (Second Boer
Falkirk (Scottish Wars). War).
Fought July 23, 1298, between Fought October 29, 1899,
the EngUsh under Edward I, between the main Boer army,
and the Scots under Sir William under Joubert, and the garrison
Wallace. The Scots, who were of Ladysmith, under Sir George
greatly inferior in numbers, White. The Boer position
were strongly posted behind a covered about eight miles, and
morass, which at first greatly White attacked in three columns,
hampered the English attack. one of which, detached to the
In the end, however, the Eng- left to hold a position at Nichol-
lish archers overcame the Scot- son's Nek, was overwhelmed
tish defence, and a final charge, and surrendered. The Boers
led by the king in person, utterly meanwhile developed a strong
routed them. Wallace escaped attack against the British right,
from the field, but was a fugitive and White, having no guns
for the rest of his life. capable of coping with the
Falkirk (Rebellion of the Forty- heavy Boer ordnance, ordered
five). a retreat. This was effected in
Fought August 17, 1746, be- good order, and was greatly
tween the rebel Highlanders, aided by the opportune arrival
8,000 strong, under the Young of two heavy naval guns, under
Pretender, and a force of 8,000 Captain Hedworth Lambton.
British troops, with 1,000 Camp- The British lost 317 killed and
bells under General Hawley. wounded, and 1,068 missing.
The charge of the Highlanders The Boer losses are unknown,
broke the British line, and they but were certainly small.
were driven headlong from the
field, with a loss of 600 killed Farrington Bridge (Arundel's
and wounded, 700 prisoners, 7 Rebellion).
guns, and all tents and baggage. Fought July 2y, 1549, be-
The rebels lost 120 only. tween a small force of Cornish
rebels, and an equal number of
Famagosta (Cyprus War). Royal troops under Lord Rus-
This place was besieged by sell. The rebels were defeated
the Turks under Mustapha and driven from the field, but
Pasha, in October, 1570, and there was no pursuit. Each
was defended by 7,000 men, side lost about 300.
half Venetians, half Cypriotes,
under Marcantonio Bragadino. Faventia (Civil War of Marius
The garrison held out until and Sulla).
August I, 1 57 1, when it capi- Fought B.C. between the
tulated, marching out with the consular army of Norbanus,
honours of war. After the sur- and the SuUans under Metellus.
render, however, Mustapha Norbanus attacked with his
murdered in cold blood, Braga- army wearied by a long march,
dino and four of his lieutenants. and his force was totally broken

up, only 1,000 remaining with Murat, with 50,000 Italians,

the eagles after the battle. endeavoured to force the pas-
sage of the Po in the face of an
Fehrbellin (Swedish Invasion of Austrian army, under General
Brandenburg). Bianchi. He was repulsed with
Fought June 28, 1675, be- heavy loss, and forced to retreat
tween the Swedes, under southward.
Charles XI, and the Branden-
burgers, 15,000 strong, under Ferrybridge (Wars of the Roses).
the Elector, Frederick William. Fought 1 46 1, shortly before
The Swedes were totally de- the battle of Towton, when a
feated, and forced to evacuate force of Lancastrian cavalry,
Brandenburg. under Lord Chfford, defeated
the Yorkists, under Lord Fitz-
Ferkeh (Soudan Campaigns). walter, who was endeavouring
Fought June 7, 1896, between to secure the passage of the Aire
9,500 Egyptian troops, with a at Ferrybridge. Lord Fitz-
British horse battery, under walter was killed.
Sir Herbert Kitchener, and
4,000 Mahdists under the Emir Fethanleag.
Hamada. Kitchener, by a Fought 584, between the
night march, surprised the Mah- West Saxons, under Ceawlin,
dists in their camp, and after and the Britons under Cutha.
two hours' fighting, drove them The Britons were defeated.
out with a loss of 1,500 killed
and 500 prisoners. Of 62 Emirs Fish Creek (Riel's Second Re-
present in the camp, 44 fell and bellion).
four were captured. The Egyp- Fought April 24, 1885, when
tians lost 20 killed and 81 General Middleton, with 400
wounded. Canadians, attempted to drive
the rebels, 280 strong, from a
Ferozeshah (First Sikh War). strong position near Fish Creek,
Fought December 21, 1845, After losing 50 men, Middleton
between 50,000 Sikhs, with 108 withdrew. The rebels lost 29
guns, under Lai Singh, and killed and wounded.
16,700 British and native troops,
under Sir Hugh Gough. An Fisher's Hill (American Civil
attempt was made to carry the War).
Sikh entrenched camp by a Fought September 21, 1864,
night attack, but this was un- between 40,000 Federals, under
successful. When the attack General Sheridan, and 12,000
was renewed at dawn, dissen- Confederates, under General
sions among the Sikh leaders Early. The Confederates were
enfeebled the resistance, and defeated and driven from their
the Sikhs were defeated with a position with a heavy loss in
loss of about 7,000. The Brit- prisoners and 11 guns.
ish losses were 694 killed,
Fleurus (Thirty Years' War).
1,721 wounded.
Fought August 29, 1622,
Ferrara (Hundred Days). between the Spaniards, under
Fought April 12, 181 5, when Spinola, and the Palatinate
troops, under Count von Mans- Florence (German Invasion of
feldt and Cliristian Bruns-
of Italy).
\vick. The Germans were en- This city was besieged in 406,
deavouring to retreat into Hol- by the German invaders under
land after their defeat atHoechst Radagaisus, and was almost on
and were intercepted by the the verge of starvation, when
Spaniards, through whom they the approach of StiUcho at the
tried to light their way. In head of a large Roman army,
this effort the infantry was al- encouraged the defenders to
most entirely cut to pieces, further resistance. The be-
but about 7,000 cavalry reached siegers, in fact, now became the
Breda with the two generals. besieged, for Stilicho surround-
ed their camp, and starved the
Fleurus. Germans into surrender.
Fought July I, 1690, between
the PYench, under Marshal Flushing (Walcheren Expedi-
Luxembourg, and the Germans tion).
and Dutch under the Prince of This town was besieged by
Waldeck. The French gained the British under Lord Chatham
a signal victory, the allies being and surrendered after a feeble
driven from the field in disorder defence, August 16, 1809.
with a loss of 14,000 killed and
wounded, and 49 guns. Foksani (Ottoman Wars).
Fought July 21, 1789, be-
Fleurus (Wars of the French tween the Turks, under Yusuf
Revolution). Pasha, and the Russians and
Fought June 16, 1794, be- Austrians under Suwaroff and
tween the Austrians, 80,000 the Prince of Saxe-Coburg.
strong, under the Duke of Co- The allies stormed the Turkish
burg, and an equal force of entrenched camp and drove out
French, under Jourdan. The the Turks with a loss of 2,000
Austrians attacked, and after a men.
severe engagement, were repuls-
Fontenoy (War of the Austrian
ed and compelled to fall back in
the direction of Brussels to
Fought May 11, 1745, between
cover that city.
50,000 British, Dutch and Aus-
trian troops, under the Duke of
Flodden (Scottish Wars). Cumberland, and the French,
Fought September 9, 15 13, under Marshal Saxe. The
when the EngUsh, under the Duke endeavoured to relieve
Earl Surrey, attacked the
of Tournay, which the French were
Scots, under James IV, in a besieging, and the British troops
strong position on the hill of captured the heights on which
Flodden. The position was the French were posted. The
turned by the Enghsh left wing, Prince of Waldeck, however,
under Stanley, and the Scots who commanded the Dutch,
totally defeated with heavy failed to support the Duke,
losses. James and all his prin- and the French being reinforced,
cipal nobles fell. the trenches were retaken, and

the British beaten back. Tour- Fort St. David (Seven Years'
nay fell shortly afterwards. War).
This fortress was besieged.
Formigny (Hundred Years' May 14, 1758, by a French
War). force under Lally ToUendal,
Fought April 15, 1450, when and defended by a garrison of
the newly landed English rein- 800 British and 1,600 native
forcements under Kyrielle were troops. The defence was not
totally defeated, and almost energetically conducted, and, on
annihilated, by the French the arrival in the roads of a
under the Comte de Clermont. French fleet under Comte d'Ache,
This defeat practically put an the garrison surrendered, June 2.
end to the English domination
in the north of France.
Fort St. David (Seven Years'
Fornham St. Genevieve (Re- A naval action was fought off
this place,April 29, 1758, be-
bellion of the Princes).
tween 7 British ships under
Fought 1 173, between the Admiral Pococke, and a squad-
supporters of the rebel princes
ron of 9 French vessels under
under Robert de Beaumont, and Comte d'Ache. After a short
the forces of Henry II under
and indecisive engagement, the
the Justiciary, Richard de Lucy.
French sheered off, but the
The rebels were defeated. British were too severely damag-
ed in the rigging to give chase.
Fornovo (Italian Wars).
The French lost one ship, driven
Fought July 6, 1495, between ashore.
34,000 Venetians and Mantuans
under Francisco de Gonzaga of Fort William Henry (Seven
Mantua, and 8,000 French and Years' War).
Swiss under Charles VIII. This fort, held by 2,200 Brit-
The French were attacked as ish and Colonial troops under
they were retiring, but suc- Colonel Monro, was besieged,
ceeded in repulsing the Italians August 4, 1757, by Montcalm,
at a cost of only 100 of all ranks, with 6,000 French and Cana-
while the assailants lost 3,500 dians and 1,600 Indians. Mont-
killed and wounded. calm's batteries opened on the
6th, and on the 9th, having lost
Fort Frontenac (Seven Years' 300 killed and wounded, and
War). nearly all his guns being dis-
This place, held by about no abled, Monro surrendered. He
French troops, under Noyan, was to be permitted to retire
was captured by Colonel Brad- unmolested to Fort Edward, but
street with 3,000 Colonials, the French were unable to
August 27, 1758. The capture control their Indian allies, who
was of extreme importance, as attacked the unarmed column
it robbed the French of the as it retired. Before order was
control of Lake Ontario, and restored, some 50 had been
severed their communications killed,and 400 carried off pri-
with their posts on the Ohio. soners by the Indians.
Forum Terebronii (First Gothic effecta junction with General
Invasion of the Empire). Thomas. The Confederates lost
Fought 251, between the about 4,500 the Federals,

Romans under Decius, and the 1,500 killed and wounded and
Goths under Cuiva. The 1,000 prisoners.
Gothic army was drawn up in
three Unes, and the legionaries Frastenz (Suabian War).
overthrew the two first, but, in Fought April 20, 1499, when
attacking the third, they be- the Swiss, under Heinrich Wol-
leb, attacked the Austrians who
came entangled in a morass,
and were utterly routed. Decius occupied a strongly entrenched
and his son were slain. position, and drove them out
with a Wol-
loss of 3,000 killed.
Frankenhausen (Peasants' War), leb, who led the charge, was
Fought May 15, 1525, be- the first to fall on the Swiss
tween the troops of Saxony, side.
Hesse and Brunswick, and the
revolted peasants under Thomas Fraubrunnen (Invasion of the
Miinzer. The peasants were " Guglers.")
utterly routed, and Miinzer Fought January, 1376, be-
captured and hanged out of tween the Bernese, and the
hand. This entirely put an end " Guglers," French and English
to the rising. mercenaries, under Baron Ingel-
ram von Coucy, who claimed
Frankfort - on - Oder (Thirty
the Canton of Aargau in right
Years' War).
This place was taken
of his mother. The " Guglers "
by storm w^ere totally routed, and com-
by Gustavus Adolphus, at the
pelled to retire from Switzer-
head of 15,000 Swedes, April 2,
1631. Schaumberg and Monte-
cucculi, who were in the town, Frauenstadt (Russo - Swedish
escaped with a portion of the Wars).
cavalry, but 1,800 of the Im- Fought February 12, 1706,
perialist garrison were killed, between 10,000 S\%-edes under
and 800 captured, with 30 Marshal Reinschild, and 20,000
standards and 18 heavy guns. Russians and Saxons under
Franklin (American Civil War). General Schulemburg. The
Fought June 30, 1864, be- battle did not last a quarter of
tween 30,000 Federals under an hour, for the allies fled with-
General Schofield, and 40,000 out making any resistance. No
less than 7,000 loaded muskets
Confederates under General
Hood. Schofield occupied a
were picked up on the battle-
strong position covering Nash-
ville, where he was attacked by Fredericksburg (American Civil
Hood, who penetrated his lines. War).
The Federals, however, rallied, Fought December 13, 1862
and recaptured the lost posi- between 150,000 Federals under
tions, and after nightfall, Scho- General Burnside, and 80,000
fieldwas enabled to cross the Confederates under General
Harpeth in good order, and Lee. The Confederates, who

occupied a range of heights found it necessary to retreat,

fringing theMassaponax River, and on the 9th he was attacked
were attacked by the Federals, while retiring by a force of
whom they repulsed after hard cavalry. This he repulsed, but
fighting, with a loss of 13,771 Conde, coming up, rescued his
killed and wounded. The Con- cavalry, and drove the Bavar-
federates lost 1,800 only, but ians headlong before him, cap-
Lee, owing to his inferior num- turing all their artillery and
bers, did not feel strong enough
to push his victory home, and
allowed Burnside to evacuate Friedland (Campaign of Fried-
Fredericksburg unmolested. land).
Fought June 14, 1807, be-
Fredericshall (Dano - Swedish tween 80,000 French under
Wars). Napoleon, and 70,000 Russians
This fortress, the strongest in under Bennigsen. The battle
Norway, was besieged by the began at 3 a.m., at which time
Swedes, under Charles XII, only Lannes' corps was on the
early in December, 17 18. On field. Bennigsen at first con-
the nth, as he was inspecting tented himself with an artillery
the advanced batteries, the king duel, and did not attack in force
was struck by a round shot, and till 7 a.m., when 26,000 French
fell dead. The Swedes at once were in position. These held
raised the siege. their ground till the arrival of
Freteval, Napoleon, who with his fresh
Fought 1 194, between the troops launched an attack
English under Richard Coeur against the Russian columns
de Lion, and the French under massed in a bend of the river
Philip Augustus. Richard Alle, drove large numbers
gained a complete victory. of them into the river, and
occupied Friedland after hard
Fribourg (Thirty Years' War). fighting. It was 10 p.m. before
Fought August 3, 5 and 9, the Russians were finally driven
1644, between 20,000 French from the field, having lost 15,000
under the Great Cond6 and killedand wounded and 10,000
Turenne, and 15,000 Bavarians prisoners.The French lost be-
under the Comte de Mercy. tween 9,000 and 10,000. This
On the 3rd, Turenne, after a victory was followed by the
long tlank march, attacked the signature of the Peace of Tilsit.
Bavarians on the flank, while
Conde assailed their front, at Fuentes d'Onoro (Peninsular
5 p.m. When night fell, the War).
Bavarians were giving way, FoughtMay 5, 181 1, in the
and during the night de Mercy course of Mass6na's attempt to
retired to a fresh position. Here relieve Almeida. Wellington,
he was attacked on the 5th, but with 34,000 men, occupied a
held his ground throughout the position behind Fuentes
day. The French losing twice d'Oiioro, which was attacked by
as many men as their opponents. Mass6na with 34,000 troops and
Three days later de Mercy 36 guns. He failed to capture
the position, and finally retired, strong, under General Steinbock,
in good order. The British lost and 24,000 Danes and Saxons.
1,200 killed and wounded, and The allies occupied a position
300 prisoners. The French protected by marshy ground,
lossesare variously estimated, where they were attacked by
but were certainly heavier. the Swedes, and, after three
hours' hard fighting, driven from
Fulford (Norse Invasion). their entrenchments with heavy
Fought 1066, between the loss.
Norsemen under Harold Hard-
rada. King of Norway, the Gaines' Mill.
English under Earls Edwin and See Seven Days' Battles.
Morcar. The English were de-
feated. Gangud (Russo-Swedish Wars).
Fought 17 14, between the
Furruckabad (Second Mahratta Russian fleet under Peter the
War). Great, and the Swedish, under
Fought November 14, 1804, Admiral Ehrenskiold. The
between a small British force Swedes were utterly routed and
under Lord Lake, and an Ehrenskiold and the whole of
army of 60,000 Mahrattas under his squadron captured.
Jeswunt Rao Holkar. Holkar
was signally defeated with Garigliano (Italian Wars).
heavy loss. The British casual- Fought November 8, 1503,
ties were only 2 killed and 20 between the Spaniards, 12,000
wounded. strong, under Gonsalvo de
Cordova, and the French, in
Fushimi (Japanese Revolution). greatly superior force, under
Fought 1868, between the Francisco de Gonzaga of Man-
troops of Aizu and Kuwana, tua. Gonzaga, wishing to pass
under the Shogun, Yoshinobu, the Garigliano, had thrown a
and the forces of Satsuma and bridge over it, and proceeded
Choshu, who gained a complete to cross in face of the Spanish
victory. army. After very severe fight-
Futteypur (Indian Mutiny). ing, the French drove back the
Fought July 12, 1857, be- Spaniards, and made good the
tween a strong force of rebels, passage of the river.
and the British troops under Garigliano (Italian Wars).
Havelock, who was marching
Fought December 29, 1503,
to the relief of Lucknow. The between the Spaniards, about
rebels were completely defeated,
15,000 strong, under Gonsalvo
losing 1 1 guns, while not a
de Cordova, and the French,
single European in the British
slightly superior in number,
force was killed.
under the Marquis of Saluzzo.
Gonsalvo crossed the Garighano
at two points, and fell upon the
French, who were retiring on
Gadebesk (Dano-Swedish Wars). Gasta. After hard fighting, in
Fought December 20, 17 12, which the Chevalier Bayard
between the Swedes, 12,000 bore a notable part, the French

were utterly routed, leaving weeks, in breaching the walls,

4,000 dead on the field, and all and, after three unsuccessful
their artillery and baggage. assaults, carried the city by
The Spanish loss is unknown. storm, the garrison being put to
the sword.
Garigliano (Italian Rising).
Fought October, 1850, be- Gaza (Wars of Alexander's Suc-
tween the Italian patriots under cessors).
Cialdini, and the Neapolitans Fought B.C. 312, between the
under Francis II of Naples. Syrians and Egyptians under
The patriots were victorious. Seleucus and Ptolemy Soter,
25,000 strong, and an equal
Gate Pah (Maori War). force of Macedonians under
Fought April 27, 1864, when Demetrius Poliorcetes. The
1,700 British soldiers and blue- Macedonians were routed, losing
jackets, under General Cameron,
5,000 killed, 8,000 wounded,
attacked the Maori stockade and all their treasure and bag-
known as the Gate Pah. After gage.
a short bombardment, 600 men
forced their way into the stock- Gebora (Peninsular War).
ade, but were repulsed. On the Fought February 19, 181 1,
following day it was found that between 8,000 French, under
the stockade had been evacuat- Marshal Soult, and 12,000
ed. The British lost 14 officers, Spaniards, under Mendizabal.
and 98 men killed and wounded. The Spaniards were routed with
Only 30 dead and wounded a loss of 2,000 killed and wound-
Maories were found in and near ed, 5,000 prisoners and all their
the Pah. guns.

Gaulauli (Indian Mutiny). Gelt, The.

Fought May 22, 1858, between Fought February, 1570, be-
a British column under Sir tween the rebel Borderers under
Hugh Rose, and 20,000 rebels Leonard Dacre, and the royal
under Tantia Topi, the Ranee of troops under Lord Hunsdon
Jhansi, and other rebel leaders. The rebels were completely
The overwhelming numbers of routed.
the rebels at first gave them
Gemblours (Netherlands War of
the advantage, but a bayonet
charge broke them, and they
Fought January 31, 1578.
fled in disorder with heavy loss.
between the Netherlands
This victory was followed by
patriots, 20,000 strong, under
the recovery of Calpi.
General Goignies, and the
Gaza (Alexander's Asiatic Cam- Spaniards, in about equal force,
paigns). under Don John of Austria.
This city, defended by a Per- The patriots, who were retiring
sian garrison, under Batis, was from Namur, were followed by
besieged by Alexander the Great Don John, who sent forward a
October, 332 B.C. Utilizing the picked force of 1,600 men, under
engines he had employed against Gonzaga and Mondragon in
Tyre, he succeeded, after some pursuit. They attacked the
rearguard, under Philip Eg- Geok Tepe (Russian Conquest
mont, and dispersed it, and then, of Central Asia).
falling suddenly upon the main This place, the stronghold of
body, utterly routed it, with a the Tekke Turcomans, defended
loss, it is said,of 10,000 killed by a garrison of 15,000, was
and prisoners. The Spaniards besieged, September 9, 1878, by
lost ten or eleven at most.
the Russians, under General
Lomakine. After a short bom-
Genoa. bardment, an attempt was made
In 1746, the Genoese, in- to storm the fortress, which was
censed by the license of the repulsed with a loss of 500. The
soldiery, rose against the Aus- breaching guns were with diffi-
trian garrison, under General culty saved, and the Russians
Botta, and afteriive days' street retired on the following day.
fighting, lasting from December About 4,000 Turcomans were
6 to 10, drove them out of the killed by shell fire.
city, with a loss of 5,000 men. In 1 88 1, a second attempt
was made by Skobeloft, with
Genoa (Wars of the French 10,000 Russians, the garrison
Revolution), being now nearly 30,000 strong.
Fought March 13, 1795, be- After a regular siege, lasting
tween a British fleet of 14 sail from the 8th to the 17th of
of the line under Admiral January, the place was stormed,
Hotham, and a French fleet of 6,500 Turcomans falling in the
IS sail. The action lasted assault, and 8,000 in the sub-
throughout the day, and on the sequent pursuit.
following morning the French
retired, leaving two line-of- Gerberoi.
battle ships in the hands of the Fought 1080, between the
British. The British lost 74 troops of William the Conqueror,
killed and 284 wounded. and those of his son Robert, who
claimed the Dukedom of Nor-
Genoa (Napoleon's Italian Cam- mandy, and was receiving aid
paigns). from Philip I of France. Robert
In April, 1800, Genoa, held by was defeated and made prisoner,
the French, under Massena, was and, obtaining his father's for-
besieged by the Austrians under giveness, resigned his claim to
General Melas, and later in the the Dukedom.
siege under General Ott. The
city had for some time been Gergovia (Gallic War).
blockaded on the seaward side Fought B.C. 52, between the
by the British fleet, under Lord Romans under Julius Caesar,
Keith. Provisions were con- and the Gauls under Vercinge-
sequently scarce, and notwith- torix. Caesar was besieging the
standing some successful sorties, town, but was compelled to
Massena was forced to capitu- retreat. Before retiring, how-
late, June 5, the garrison march- ever, he delivered an assault
ing out without laying down which was repulsed by the Gauls,
their arms. the Romans leaving over 700

legionaries, and 46 centurions attacks, though at a heavy cost

dead on the field. On the 3rd, Meade succeeded in
driving back the Confederate
Germaghah. left, but Lee's main attack
Genghis Khan's first battle,
succeeded in driving the Fede-
fought 1 193, when with 6,000 rals from the ridge. They rallied
men he defeated the army of and retook it, but had lost too
his father-in-law, Ung Khan, heavily to assume the offensive.
under Sankun, 10,000 strong,
Lee again offered battle on the
surprising them in a narrow 4th, but the Federals declined
pass, and inflicting heavy loss it, and Lee retired unmolested,
upon them. having lost about 20,000 men
Germantown (American War of in the three days. The Federal
Independence). losses were about the same.
Fought October 4, 1777, be- Gherain.
tween the Americans under Fought August 2, 1763, be-
Washington, and the British tween the army of Mir Cossim,
under Sir William Howe. The the deposed Nawab of Bengal,
Americans attacked the British and the British under Major
entrenchments, and were re- Adams. A severe engagement,
pulsed with heavy loss. lasting four hours, ended in a
Gerona (Peninsular War). signal victory for the British.
This fortress, held by 3,000 Ghoaine (First Afghan War).
Spanish regulars, under Mariano Fought August 30, 1842, be-
Alvarez, was besieged, June 4, tween General Nott's force, on
1809, by General Verdier, with its march from Kandahar to
18,000 French. Though ill- Ghuzni, and the Afghans, un-
provided wdth food, medicines, der Shems-ud-din, Governor of
and money, and receiving but Ghuzni. The Afghans were
little assistance from outside,
totally defeated, losing all their
Alvarez held out gallantly till guns, tents and baggage.
December 10, when he capitu-
lated, and the garrison marched Ghuzni (First Afghan War).
out with the honours of war. This fortress, garrisoned by
3,000 Afghans, under Haidar
Gettysburg (American Civil War).
Khan, was captured, January
Fought July I, 2 and 3, 1863, 21, 1839, by the British. The
between the army of the Poto- besiegers having no breaching
mac under General Meade, and guns, it was found necessary to
the army of Virginia under blow in the main gate, and the
General Lee. On the 1st, place was then stormed, at a
Meade's position in front of cost of 18 officers and 162 rank
Gettysburg was attacked by and file, killed and wounded.
A. P. Hills' corps, and the
The garrison lost 500 killed.
Federals driven in confusion
into the town. On the 2nd, Gibbel Rutts (Irish RebeUion).
Meade took up a fresh position Fought May 26, 1798, when
behind Gettysburg, where he the regulars, under Sir James
repulsed all the Confederate Duff, attacked the camp of the
rebelson the Curragh, and dis- Aurungzebe, and then again by
persed them at the point of the Zulfikar Khan. After three
bayonet, with a loss of 350 years had been wasted, Aurung-
killed. zebe took command in person,
and after conniving at the
Gibraltar (War of the Spanish escape of Rajah Ram, carried
Succession). the place by storm.
This fortress was captured,
July 24, 1704, by a combined Gislikon (War of the Sonder-
British and Dutch under
fleet, bund).
Sir George Rooke, from the Fought November 23, 1847,
Spaniards under the Marquis when the Federals, under
de Salinas. The resistance of General Dufour, attacked the
the garrison lasted 2 days only, troops of the Sonderbund, under
during which the allies lost 12 Colonel Salis-Soglio, strongly
officers and 276 men killed and posted at Gislikon, near Lake
wounded. Zug, and drove them from their
position. The losses were very
small. On the following day
From 1779 to 1783, Gibraltar the Federals entered Lucerne,
sustained a siege at the hands
and the Civil War, which had
of a combined French and Span-
lasted 20 days only, came to
ish force, who, though provided
an end.
with powerful floating batteries,
were unable to make any im- Gitschin (Seven Weeks' War).
pression on the defences. In Fought June 29 and 30, 1866,
the course of the siege, the between the Prussians, 16,000
garrison, under General EUiot, strong, under Prince Frederick
were several times reinforced Charles, and the Austrians and
and revictualled by British Saxons, 30,000 strong, under
fleets, which ran the gauntlet Count Clam Gallas. The Aust-
of the blockade. rians were defeated, and driven
from all their positions with a
Gihon, The. loss of 3,000 killed and wounded,
Fought 1362, between the and 7,000 prisoners.
Getes under their Khan, and the
Tartars under Tamerlane. The Gladsmuir,
Tartars were defeated, and the See Prestonpans.
Getes marched upon Samar- Glen Fruin.
cand, but sickness robbed them Fought 1604, between the
of nearly all their horses, and royal troops under the Duke of
they were forced to retire. Argyll, and the Macgregors and
Gingi (Mogul Invasion of the other clans, when the High-
Deccan). landers gained a complete vic-
This place was besieged by tory.
the Moguls in 1689, and was Glenlivet (Huntly's Rebellion).
defended by Rajah Ram. The Fought October 4, 1594, be-
siege was carried on in desultory tween the troops of James VI,
fashion, first by Zulfikar Khan, 10,000 strong, under the Earl
then by Kambaksh, son of of Argyll, and the rebel Earls

of Errol and Huntly. Though the Duke of Albemarle, and a

inferior in numbers, the rebels Dutch fleet of 71 sail-of-the-
gained a complete victory, driv- line, and 30 smaller vessels,
ing off the royal troops with a under van Tromp and de Ruyter,
loss of 500 men. The action lasted two days, and
was desperately contested, but
Glen Malone. the Dutch being reinforced in
Fought 1580, between the the morning of the 3rd, Albe-
English settlers under Lord marle bore away. On the 4th,
Grey de Wilton, and the Irish having been joined by Prince
septs. The English suffered a Rupert's squadron, he renewed
serious defeat, among the slain the attack, but without success.
being Sir Peter Carew. The English lost 10 ships, while
Glenmarreston. most of the others were disabled.
Fought 638, when the Scots The killed and wounded amount-
under Donald Bree, King of ed to 1,700, while 2,000 were
Dalriada, utterly routed the
taken prisoners.
invading Angles.
Goraria (Indian Mutiny).
Glorious First of June. Fought November 23 and 24,
See Ushant. 1857, between a British column,
about 3,000 strong, under Briga-
Goits (Italian Rising). dier Stuart,and a body of 5,000
Fought May 30, 1848, be- rebels. The mutineers occupied
tween the Piedmontese under a strong position, and the Brit-
Charles Albert of Savoy, and ish were to dislodge
the Austrians under General them on the
23rd. On the
Radetsky. The Austrians were following day the attack was
completely defeated, and Radet- renewed, and the rebels were
sky compelled to take refuge driven out and dispersed, with
behind the line of the Adige. a loss of over 1,500.
Golden Rock (Seven Years' War).
Gorni-Dubnik (Russo-Turkish
Fought August 7, 1753, be-
tween 1,500 British under Major War).
Lawrence, together with 5,000 Fought October 24, 1877, be-
Tanjore troops under Monakji, tween the 2nd Division of the
and a detachment of French Russian Guard, under General
and Mysoris, forming part of Gourko, and the Turks, who
the army besieging Trichin- were holding the redoubt of
opoly. The Golden Rock was Gorni-Dubnik, under Achmet
taken by assault, and the enemy Hefzi Pasha. After very heavy
driven off in confusion, but the fighting, the Russians succeeded
victory would have been more in dislodging their opponents,
decisive had the Tanjore horse with a loss of 1,500 killed and
pursued with more vigour. wounded, and 53 officers and
2,250 men captured, including
Goodwins, The (Dutch Wars). the Pasha. The Russians lost
Fought July I, 1666, between 3,300 killed and wounded, in
a British fleet of 60 sail, under eluding 116 officers of the Guards.
Gorodeczno (Campaign of Mos- Romans under Agricola, and
cow). the Caledonians, 30,000 strong,
Fought August 12, 1812, be- under Galgacus. The Cale-
tween 36,000 French and Aus- donians attacked with great
trians, under Cicneral Reynier bravery, but were beaten by
and the Prince of Schwartzem- the superiority of the Roman
berg, and the Russians, in equal discipline, and retired with a
force, under General Tormazoff. loss of 10,000 men. The Ro-
The Russians were defeated and mans also lost heavily.
driven from their positions, with
a loss of 4,000 men. The French Granada (Moorish Empire in
and Austrians lost about 2,000. Spain).
Fought 3 19, when a Spanish
Goa. army, under the Regents Pedro
In 1 5 1 1 Goa, held by a Portu-
and John of Castile, appeared
guese garrison, under Albuquer- under the walls of Granada. A
que, was invested by Kumal sortie of 5,000 picked Moors,
Khan, General of the Rajah of under Said Othman took place,
Bijapore, at the head of 60,000 and the Christians were utterly
men. After a siege of 20 days routed, both the Regents being
Albuquerque found his com- slain.
munication with his fleet threat-
ened, and withdrew the garrison. Granada (War of Granada).
In the same year, however, hav- On April 26, 1491, Ferdinand
ing collected a force of 1,500 the Catholic, with an army of
men with 23 ships at Cananore, 50,000 Spaniards, sat down be-
he attacked Goa, and at once fore Granada, the last strong-
forced an entrance. After hold of the Moors in Spain. The
severe fighting in the streets, siege was carried on in some-
the Deccanis fled in confusion what desultory fashion, and in
to the mainland, with a loss of the early days one serious sortie
6,000. The Portuguese lost 50 was made by the inhabitants
only. and garrison, who were, how-
ever, defeated, with a loss of
Goa. 2,000 killed. The city held out
This fort, which was held by a until November 25, when Ab-
Portuguese garrison of 700, dallah, the last king of Granada,
under the Viceroy, Luis de capitulated.
Ataida, was attacked by Ali Adil
Shah, Rajah of Bijapore, with Grandella (Italian Wars).
135,000 men and 350 guns, in Fought 1266, between the
1570. Aided by the civilians, troops of the Two Sicilies, under
and 1,300 monks, the garrison Manfred, son of the Emperor
made so strenuous a defence, Frederick II, and the French,
that the Rajah was beaten off, under Charles of Anjou. Man-
after losing 12,000 men. fred was defeated, and fell in
the battle, Charles seizing the
Grampians, The (Roman Inva- crown of the double kingdom.
sion of Scotland).
Fought 84, probably on the Grandson (Burgundian Wars).
Moor of Ardoch, between the Fought March 2, 1476, be-

tween the Swiss, i8,ocx3 strong, sion, with a naval brigade, 400
and the Burgundians, number- strong, and a Boer commando
ing 36,000, under Charles the of about 2,500 men. The Boers
Bold. Charles endeavoured to occupied a strong position, the
entice the Swiss into the plain, key of which, a high kopje, was
and to that end ordered a re- attacked in front and flank, and
treat. He was followed by the carried, with a loss of 9 officers
Swiss, and his rearguard being and 185 men. The marines,
attacked, was seized with panic, who numbered 200, lost 3 officers
and fled, and in the end Charles and 86 men of this total. The
was completely defeated and Boers lost about 100. This is
his camp captured. also called the battle of Enslin.

Granicus, The (Alexander's Gravelines.

Asiatic Campaigns). Fought July 13. 1538, between
Fought May, 334 b.c, be- 8,500 French and Germans,
tween 35,000 Macedonians, under Marshal de Thermes.and
under Alexander the Great, and about 10,000 Spanish, Germans
40,000 Persians and Greek mer- and Flemings, under Count Eg-
cenaries, under Memnon of mont. De Thermes' right rest-
Rhodes, andvarious Persian ed on the sea, and a cavalry
satraps. Alexander crossed the charge, headed by Egmont,
Granicus in the face of the Per- broke his line, after severe
sian army, leading the way him- hand-to-hand fighting, and the
self at the head of the heavy French fled in confusion, leaving
cavalry, and having dispersed 1,500 dead on the field, while as
the Persian light horse, he many more were driven into the
brought up the phalanx, which sea, and drowned. Large num-
fell upon and routed the Greek
bers were cut down in the pur-
mercenaries. The Persians lost suit, and de Thermes was cap-
heavily, while the Macedonians' tured.
loss was very slight.
Gravelotte (Franco-GermanWar).
Grant's Hill (Seven Years' War).
Fought September 14, 1758, Fought August 18, 1870, be-
when Major Grant, with 800 tween the French, under Ba-
zaine, and the combined German
Highlanders, and Provincials,
attacked a body of Indians in
army under the supreme com-
the French service near Fort
mand of William of Prussia.
Duquesne. He was repulsed, The battle was most hotly con-
tested, but while the French
and in turn attacked by the
held their ground in the neigh-
garrison of the Fort, 3,000
strong, under M. de Ligneris.
bourhood of Gravelotte, the
Grant was totally defeated,
Germans turned their right
flank at St. Privat, and they
losing 273 in killed, wounded
and prisoners, were eventually obliged to aban-
and was himself
don all their positions, and retire
into Metz, where they were
Graspan (Second Boer War). subsequently blockaded. The
Fought November 25, i8go, German losses amounted to 899
between Lord Methuen's divi- officers and 19,260 men killed
and woundctl. The French engagement, the Russians were
losses were somewhat less. This defeated, with a loss of 10,000
battle is also known as the battle killed and wounded. The Poles
of St. Privat. lost about 5,000.

Great Meadows (Seven Years' Gross-Beeren (Campaign of

War). Leipsic).
Fought July between
3, 1752, Fought August 23, 181 3, be-
350 Virginians, under Washing- tween the French army of the
ton, and 700 French, under north, under Oudinot, and the
Coulon de Villiers. The Vir- allies, 80,000 strong, under the
ginians occupied a square log Crown Prince of Sweden, who
enclosure, known as Fort Neces- was covering the road to Berlin.
sity, where they resisted the Regnier, whose corps formed
French attack for nine hours, the centre of Oudinot's army,
till lack of ammunition forced
captured Gross-Beeren, which
Washington to surrender. The was retaken by the Prussians
Virginians lost 60 killed and under von Bulow, and again
wounded ; the French consider- recovered by Fournier's and
ably less. Guilleminot's divisions, but Ou-
dinot was not sufficiently strong
Grenada (American War of In-
dependence). to press his advantage, and
Fought July 3, 1779, between retired with a loss of 1,500 men,
a British tleet of 24 sail, under and 8 guns.
Admiral Byron, and a French Gross-Jagersdorf (Seven Years'
fleet of 20 sail-of-the-line, and War).
10 frigates, under the Comte Fought August 30, 1757, be-
d'Estaing. Admiral Byron at- tween 28,000 Prussians, under
tacked the French with a view Marshal Lehwaldt, and a largely
of recapturing Grenada, but superior force of Russians, under
was unsuccefssul, though he General Apraxine. The Prus-
inflicted upon them a loss of sians were defeated, but Aprax-
1,200 killed and 1,500 wounded. ine failed to follow up his vic-
The British lost 183 killed and tory, and recrossed the frontier.
346 wounded.
Grozka (Ottoman Wars).
Grangam (Russo-Swedish Wars). Fought 1739, between the
Fought 172 1, between the Austrians, imder Count Neip-
Swedes, and the Russian fleet perg, and the Turks, under the
under Admiral Golitshin. The Grand Vizier. The Austrians
Swedes were completely de- were defeated, with heavy loss.
feated, losing four line-of-battle
ships captured. Grunnervaldt.
Fought 1404, between the
Grochow (Second Polish Rising). Poles, under Vladislas IV, and
Fought February 25, 1831, the Teutonic Knights, under
between the Poles, 90,000 strong their Grand Master. The Poles
under Prince Michael Radziwill, gained a complete victory, and
and 1 20,000 Russians, under Gen- it is said that 50,000 knights
eral Dubitsch. After a sanguinary perished, though it is more than

doubtful whether their whole their guns and ammunition.

army amounted to so many. The British lost 548 killed and
Guadeloupe (Wars of the French
wounded, but the victory served
little purpose, as Lord Corn-
wallis was too weak to pursue
This island was taken by a
his advantage.
British force under Sir John
Jervis, July 3, 1794, with a loss Guinegate.
of 3 officersand 33^ien killed Fought August 16, 1 5 13, when
and wounded. It was recap- a body of French cavalry, who
tured by the French, on Decem- aimed at relieving Terouenne,
ber 10, of the same year. which was besieged by the Eng-
lish, under Henry VIII, and the
Guad-el-Ras (Moroccan War).
Imperialists, under Maximilian I,
Fought March 23, i860, when
were put to flight by the allies
25,000 Spaniards, under Marshal The
without striking a blow.
O'Donnell, routed a large force
French fled so precipitately that
of Moors, entrenched in a very
the action was dubbed the
strong position behind the
Battle of the Spurs.
Guad-el-Ras. This victory end-
ed the war. Gujerat (Second Sikh War).
Guastalla (War of the Polish Fought February 22, 1849,
Succession). between the British, 25,000
Fought September 19, 1734, strong, under Lord Gough, and
between the Imperialists, under 50,000 Sikhs, under Shir Singh.
the Prince of Wiirtemberg, and The British artillery, numbering
the French, under Marshal de 84 pieces, broke the Sikh lines,
Coligny. The Imperialists were and after resisting for over two
defeated with a loss of about hours, they fled, and were prac-
4,000, including the Prince of ticallyannihilated in the pur-
Wiirtemberg. The French loss- suit. Fifty-three guns were
es were about the same. taken. The British lost only
92 killed and 682 wounded.
See Abu Klea. Gunzburg (Campaign of the
Guildford Court House (Ameri- Fought October 9, 1805, when
can War of Independence). Ney's corps carried the three
Fought March 16, 1781, be- bridges over the Danube, at or
tween the British, under Lord near this town, driving off the
Cornwallis, and a largely su- Austrians with a loss of 300
perior force of Americans, under killed and wounded, and 1,000
General Greene. The Americans prisoners.
occupied a strongly entrenched
position in and round Guildford, Gwalior (First Mahratta War).
and the battle consisted of a This strong fortress was
series of independent actions, captured from the Mahrattas,
in which the British were uni- August 3, 1780, by a British
formly successful, driving out force of about 2,000 men, mostly
the Americans with heavy sepoys, under Captain Popham.
casualties, and the loss of all The wall was scaled by two^^com-
panics of sepoys, under Cap- on March 25, captured a large
tain Bruce, supported by 20 and welcome convoy of provi-
Europeans, and followed by two sions. On May 28, however,
battalions. garrison was
The the patriot 50 vessels
flotilla of 1

completely surprised, and an under Martin Brand, on the

entrance effected without oppo- lake, was defeated by 100 Span-
sition, whereupon the place was ish ships, under Count Bossu.
surrendered to the assailants, From this point the reduction
who had not lost a man. of the city by famine was in-
evitable, and the place was
Gwalior (Indian Mutiny). surrendered, July 12, 1573.
Fought June 17, 18 and 19, The garrison, reduced to 1,800,
1S58, between a British column was massacred, with the excep-
under Sir Hugh Rose, and a tion of 600 Germans, and alto-
large body of rebels, led by the gether 2,300 persons perished
Ranee of Jhansi in person. On after the capitulation. The
the 17th the mutineers were Spaniards lost 12,000 men in the
driven out of the cantonments course of the siege.
with heavy loss, while on the
following days the important Hadranum.
positions in the town were cap- Fought B.C. 344, between
tured in succession, until by the Timoleon, the deliverer of Sicily,
evening of the 19th, the British with 2,000 followers, and Hike-
tas, Tyrant of Leontini, with
were in undisputed possession
of Gwalior. The Ranee was 10,000 men. The two had been
known to beamongst the slain, summoned to the assistance of
though her body was never the rival factions in Hadranum,
found. and Hiketas, who arrived first,
was resting his men under the
walls, when he was surprised by
H. Timoleon, and totally routed.
This was Timoleon's first ex-
Haarlem (Netherlands War ploit, and Hadranum became
his headquarters.
This city was invested by the Hadrianople (War of the Two
Spaniards, 30,000 strong, under Empires).
Don Francisco de Toledo, De- Fought July 3, 323, between
cember II, 1572. It was held Constantine, Emperor of the
by a garrison of 4,000, under West, wdth 120,000 troops, and
Ripperda, including a corps of Licinius, Emperor of the East,
Amazons.led by a widow named with 165,000. Licinius, by the
Kenau Hasselaer. The bat- skilful manoeuvring of Constan-
teries opened on the i8th, and tine, was enticed from his en-
on the 2 1st an assault was re- trenched camp into the open
pulsed, the assailants losing plain, and his raw levies being
400, the garrison three or four powerless against the Western
only. A second assault, on veterans, he was totally de-
January 31, 1573, was also re- feated, It is said that 34,000
pulsed, while a brilliant sortie, perished in the battle.

Hadrianople (Second Gothic In- Halidon Hill (Scottish Wars).

vasion of the East). Fought 1383, in the course of
Fought August 9, 378, be- an attempt by Archibald Doug-
tween the Romans, under the las, the Regent, to relieve Ber-
Emperor Valens, and the Goths, wick, which was besieged by
under Fritigern. The Roman Edward III. The Scots were
cavalry fled from the field, and powerless against the English
the legionaries were surrounded archers, and were defeated with
and ridden down by the over- a loss of 30,000, including the
whelming masses of the Gothic Regent, and four Earls. This
horse. Two thirds of the legion- defeat resulted in the submission
aries, and ;9 great officers and of Scotland, and Edward placed
tribunes perished. Valens was Balliol upon the throne.
carried off the field wounded,
but the hut in which he was Halieis.
lying was fired, and he perished Fought B.C. 459, between the
in the flames. Athenians, and the combined
forces of Corinth and Epidam-
Hahozaki (Tartar Invasion of nus. The Athenians were vic-
Japan). torious.
Fought 1274, between the Hallue (Franco-German War).
troops of the province of Kiushiu
Fought December 23 and 24,
and the Tartars forming the between 40,000 French,
expedition, despatched by Kub-
under General Faidherbe, and
lai Khan, under Lin Fok Heng. 22,500 Germans, under Man-
After severe fighting, in which
teuffel. The French lost heavily
the Japanese suffered heavily,
in the village lying in front of
Lin was severely wounded, and their position, but the Germans
withdrew to his ships. A heavy were unable to carry the en-
gale destroyed a large number
trenchments on the heights.
of the Tartar and Ivorean vessels,
After their attack had been
and finally the remnant of the repulsed, the French assumed
invading force made good its
the offensive, but with no de-
escape. The Germans lost
cisive result.
Haliartus. 927 killed and wounded the

French over 1,000, besides 1,300

Fought B.C. 395, when Ly-
sander, at the head of a Spartan
force, without waiting as had Hampton Roads (American Civil
been arranged to effect a junc- War).
tion with Pausanius, attacked Fought March 8 and 9, 1862,
the town of Haliartus. The between the Confederate ar-
Haliartians, seeing from the moured frigate, Merriniac, and
battlements that a body of 5 gunboats, under
Captain Bu-
Thebans was approaching, made chanan, and 5 Federal warships,
a sortie, and the Spartans, at- under Captain Marston. On the
tacked simultaneously in front 8th, the Merrimac destroyed
and rear, were routed, and two Federal vessels, and drove
Lysander slain. one ashore, but on the 9th, the
Federals were reinforced by and the Lowland Scots, under
the arrival of the turret-ship the Earl of Mar, together with
Mouitor, and after an indecisive the town militia of Aberdeen,
action, the Merrimac drew off. led by their Provost. After a
In the two daj-s, the Confeder- most sanguinary battle, the
ates lost only lo killed and Lowlanders were utterly routed.
wounded, but the Federal losses Among the slain were the Pro-
were far heavier, the Cumber- vost, many knights, 500 men-at-
land alone losing 150 out of a arms, and the majority of the
crew of 400. burghers forming the militia.
Hanau (Campaign of Leipsic).
The Highlanders lost 500 only.
Fought October 30 and 31, Harper's Ferry (American Civil
18 1 3, between 80,000 French,
the survivors of Leipsic, under
Napoleon, and 45,000 Austrians Fought September 16, 1862,

and Bavarians, under General when the Confederates, three

Wrede, who had occupied a divisions.under General" Stone-
position at Hanau, barring Na- wall " Jackson surrounded the
poleon's retreat to France. On Federal garrison of Harper's
the 30th, Napoleon attacked Ferry, 11,000 strong, wdth 73
Wrede's left, which was astride guns, and forced them to sur-
of the road, and driving it back render.
continued his retreat with the
main body, leaving three divi- Hashin (Soudan Campaigns).
sions, under Marmont, to seciire Fought March 20, 1885, when
his rearguard. On the 31st, the 8,000 British troops, under
rearguard, under Mortier, at- General Graham, defeated a
tacked [Hanau, and Wrede being detachment of Osnian Digna's
dangerously wounded, his suc- army, inflicting upon them a
cessor, Fresnel, drew off, leaving loss of about 1,000 killed. The
the road clear. The French lost British lost 48 killed and wound-
6,000, the allies 10,000 men in ed.
the two days.
Haslach (Campaign of the
Hardenberg (Netherlands War Danube).
of Independence).
Fought October 11, 1805,
Fought June 15, 1580, be-
when General Dupont, with
tween the Dutch Patriots, under
6,000 French, marching upon
Count Philip Hohenlo, and the
Ulm, was suddenly confronted
Royalists, under Martin Schenck,
w'ith an army of Austrians,
Fatigued by a long march, the
60,000 strong, strongly posted
Patriots were no match for
on the Michelberg. Dupont at
Schenck's fresh troops, and after
once seized and entrenched the
an hour's fighting, were broken
village of Hanau, which he held
and almost annihilated.
until dark against 25,000 Aus-
Harlaw. trians, under the Archduke
Fought July 24, 141 1, be- Ferdinand. After nightfall he
tween the rebel Highlanders, withdrew, carrying off 4,000
under Donald, Lord of the Isles, prisoners.

Hastenbech (Seven Years' War). Havana (Seven Years' War).

Fought July 26, 1757, be- In June, 1762, the Earl of
tween 50,000 Hanoverians and Clanwilliam, with 11,000 Brit-
others, under the Duke of Cum- ish troops, supported by a
berland, and 80,000 French, squadron, under Admiral Po-
under Marshal d'Estrees. The cocke, laid siege to Havana.
Duke, who had taken post on Moro Castle, the key of the
the Weser, to protect Hanover, defences, was taken by storm,
was overpowered by d'Estrees, and after a siege of two months
and driven back to Slade, on the and eight days the city was
Elbe, with a loss of several captured.
hundred men. This defeat was
followed by the signature of the
Fought 633, between the
Convention of Closter-Seven.
Mercians, under Penda, and
Hastings (Norman Conquest). the Northumbrians, under Ed-
Fought October 1066, a
14, win. The latter were defeated
fortnight after landing of
the and Edwin slain.
William the Conqueror. The
English, under Harold, fought Heavenfield.
entirely on the defensive, at first Fought 634, between the
with success, but were at last Anglo-Saxons, under the Bret-
lured from their position by a walda, Oswald of Northumbria,
feigned flight of the Normans, and the Britons, under Cad-
and were then totally routed. wallon. The Britons were
Harold was among the fallen. totally routed.
This battle is also known as the Hedgeley Moor (Wars of the
Battle of Senlac. Roses).
Hatvan (Hungarian Rising). Fought April 25, 1464, be-
Fought April 2, 1849, when tween the Lancastrians, under
the Austrians, 15,000 strong Margaret of Anjou and Sir
under Marshal Schlick, attacked Ralph Percy, and the Yorkists,
the 7 th Hungarian corps, of under Lord Montague. The
about equal strength, and after Lancastrians were totally de-
a severe engagement, were to- feated, Percy falling in the
tally defeated. battle.

Havana (War of the Austrian Heiliger-Zee (Netherlands War

Succession). of Independence).
Fought October 12, 1748, be- Fought May 23, 15 68, be-
tween a British squadron of tween the '"Beggars," under
seven ships, under Admiral Louis of Nassau, and 5,000
Knowles, and a^l^anish squad- veteran Spaniards, under Arem-
ron of equal strength. The berg. Louis occupied a very
action was fought with little strong position on a wooded
determination, and though the height, near the monastery of
British captured one ship, the the Holy Lion, his front being
result was far from decisive. protected by a morass crossed
The Spaniards lost 298, the by a narrow causeway. The
British 179 killed and wounded. Spanish infantry traversed this
to the attack, but were repulsed, of several thousand men, while
and Count Aremberg, leading a the French only lost about 300
charge of horse, in the hope of killed and wounded.
restoring the day, fell mortally
wounded. Upon this the Hellespont (War of the Two
Spaniards broke and fled, hav-
ing suffered a loss of i,6oo men.
Fought 323, between the
fleet of Constantine the Great,
Heilsberg (Campaign of Fried- consisting of 200 small galleys,
land). imtler Crispus, and that of
Fought June lo, 1807, be- Licinius, numbering 350 sail,
tween 30,000 French, under under Amandus. After two
Marshal Soult, and 80,000 Rus- days' hard fighting, Crispus
sians, under General Bennigsen. forced the passage of the Helles-
The Russians occupied the pont, and totally routed the
heights on both sides of the AUe, Eastern fleet, with a loss of 130
and the plains below, being in ships and 5,000 men.
greater force on the left bank.
The French attacked and drove Helorus.
the Russians into the entrench- Fought B.C. 492, between
ments, but could make no Hippocrates, Tyrant of Gela,
further progress, and night put and the Syracusans, The Syra-
an end to an obstinate but in- cusans were totally routed, and
conclusive conflict, in which the were so weakened by this defeat,
Russians lost about 10,000, the that Syracuse fell an easy pres-
French, 8,000 killed and wound- to Gelon, Hippocrates' suc-
ed. cessor, in the following year.

Hekitai-Kan (Invasion of Korea). Helsingborg (Dano - Spanish

Fought 1595, between the Wars).
Japanese, under Kobayagawa Fought between 20,000
17 10,
Takakage, and the Chinese, Swedes, of whom
12,000 were
under Li Chin. The Chinese raw recruits, under General
were utterly routed, Li's army Steinbock, and the Danish in-
being almost annihilated, and vading army. The Swedes won
he himself escaping with difti- a signal victory, and the in-
culty from the field. vaders were compelled to take
refuge under the walls of Hel-
Heligoland (Napoleonic Wars). singborg, and a few days later
This island was captured, to embark for Denmark. Be-
August 31,1 807, from the Danes, sides killed, they left 4,000
by a small British squadron, wounded prisoners in the hands
under Admiral Thomas Russell. of the Swedes.
Heliopolis (French Invasion of Hemushagu (Invasion of Korea).
Egypt). Fought 1595, between the
Fought March 20, 1800, be- Japanese, under Konishi Yuki-
tween 10,000 French, under naga, and the Chinese, under Li
Kleber, and about 70,000 Turks, Chin. The Japanese were de-
under Ibrahim Bey. The Turks feated, and forced to retire upon
were utterly routed, with a loss the capital.

Hengestesdun (Danish Inva- Maximinus was defeated with

sion). heavy loss.
Fought 835, when the men of
Herat (Tartar Invasion of Af-
Wessex, under Egbert, totally
defeated the Danes and Cornish
This city was captured, 1220,
by 20,000 Tartars, under Sudah
Hennersdorf (War of the Aus- Bahadur. The Governor, Emin
trian Succession). Malek, was entirely unprepared
Fought November, 1745, be- to stand a siege, and surrendered
tween 60,000 Prussians, under when the Tartars appeared be-
Frederick the Great, and 40,000 fore the walls. Having mean-
Austrians and Saxons, under while been retaken by a coup-de-
Prince Charles of Lorraine. main, by Shems-ed-din, who
Frederick surprised Prince held it as an independent chief-
Charles on the march, and tain, Herat was again besieged
utterly routed his vanguard, by the Mongols, under Tuli
comprised of Saxons, with enor- Khan, in 1221. After a brief,
mous loss. The Austrians were but resolute resistance, during
compelled in consequence to which Shems-ed-din fell, the
retire into Bohemia. inhabitants opened the gates
to the besiegers, and the garrison
Heraclea (Pyrrhus* Invasion of
was put to the sword.
Fought between the
B.C. 280, Herat (Perso-Afghan Wars).
Epirots, 30,000 under
strong, On November 22, 1837, Mo-
Pyrrhus, and about 35,000 Ro- hamed. Shah of Persia, laid
mans, under P. Laverius Lae- which was held
siege to the city,
vinus. The Romans crossed by an Afghan garrison, under
the Sirisin the face of the enemy, Yar Mohamed. After a some-
when they were attacked by what desultory siege, an attempt
Pyrrhus, and after a furious was made to storm the place,
conflict, were at last broken by
June 24, 1838, when the Persians
his elephants, and fled in dis- were repulsed with a loss of
order, losing about 7,000 men. 1,700 men. From this time a
The Epirots lost 4,000. tacit armistice existed till Sep-
Heraclea. tember 9, when the Shah with-
Fought 313, between the drew his army.
lUyrians, under Licinius, after- Herdonea (Second Punic War).
wards Emperor of the East, and Fought B.C. 210, when the
the troops of the reigning Em- Carthaginians, under Hannibal,
peror Maximinus. Licinius was defeated, and practically des-
marching with 30,000 men to troyed an army of 25,000 Ro-
the relief of Heraclea, when he mans, under Cnaeus Fulvius.
was attacked by Maximinus, Fulvius was among the slain.
with 70,000. was at
first driven back by weight of Hericourt (Burgundian Wars).
numbers, but his skill, and the Fought November 13, 1474,
steadiness of his troops, enabled between the Swiss, 18,000
him to rally, and eventually strong, and the Burgundians,
10,000 in number. The Bur- defeated him, the Cristinos los-
gundians were totally defeated, ing 50 officers, and 2,600 men
the town of Hericourt taken. killed, wounded and missing.
Don Carlos, after tliis victory,
Hermanstadt (Ottoman Wars). advanced to within twelve miles
Fought 1442, and notable as of Madrid, when the appearance
being the first appearance of of Espartero, at the head of
John Huniades in arms against 20,000 troops, obhged him to
the Turks. With an army of retire.
Hungarians he totally defeated
Wejid Bey, who was besieging Herrings, The (Hundred Years'
Hermanstadt, inflicting on the War).
Turks a loss of 20,000 men, and Fought at Roncray-St. -Denis,
relieving the place. The Hun- February 12, 1429. Sir John
garians lost 3,000. Fastolfe was in charge of a
convoy of salt fish for the Eng-
Hernani (First Carlist War).
lish army before Orleans, and
Fought August 29, 1836, be- hearing of the approach of a
tween the British legion, under French force, under the Bastard
General Evans, and the Carlists. of Orleans, intrenched himself
Evans was defeated. at Roncray. Here the French
Hernani (First Carlist War). attacked him, and were repulsed
Fought March 15 and 16, with heavy loss, the Bastard
being severely wounded.
1837, between the British legion,
and a small contingent of Cris-
tinos, under General Evans, and
Hexham (Wars of the Roses).

about 17,000 Carlists, under Fought May 15, 1464, when

Don Sebastian, strongly posted the Yorkists, under Montague,
on the Hernani road. On the surprised the Lancastrians, under
15th, Evans attacked the Car- Somerset, in their camp at
lists on the Venta heights, and Linnels, near Hexham. The
after five hours' fighting occupied Lancastrians were practically
the position. On the i6th, in a trap, and had no option but
when the conflict was resumed, to surrender. Somerset and
the Carlists retired into Hernani, many other important leaders
but reinforcements arriving, were taken, and promptly exe-
they took the offensive, and cuted. Tliis success secured
forced Evans to retreat. Edward IV on the throne.
Herrera (First Carlist War). Himera (First Carthaginian In-
Fought August 23, 1837, be- vasion of Sicily).
tween the Carlists, under Don Fought 480 B.C., between the
Moreno in
Carlos, with General Syracusans and Agrigentines,
actual command, and the Cris- 557,000 strong, under Gelon,
tinos, under General Buerens. Tyrant of Syracuse, and the
Don who was marching
Carlos, Carthaginians, said to number
upon Madrid, attacked Buerens 300,000, under Hamilcar. The
before he could effect a junction Carthaginians were totally
with Espartero, and severely routed, and Hamilcar slain.
Himera (Second Carthaginian Hochstett (Wars of the French
Invasion of Sicily). Revolution).
This place was besieged by Fought June 19, 1800, be-
the Carthaginians, under Hanni- tween 70,000 French, under
bal, B.C. 409. A first assault Moreau, and about 80,000 Aus-
was repulsed, and Diodes arriv- trians, under de Kray. Moreau
ing in the harbour with 25 ships, crossed the Danube with the
rescued half the inhabitants. object of cutting off the Aus-
Three days later he returned trians from their base, and forc-
for the remainder, but too late, ing them to evacuate Ulm. In
for before he could reach the a battle which lasted 18 hours,
harbour the breach was stormed. he succeeded in establishing
The town was sacked, and 3,000 himself upon the left bank, and
prisoners were sacrificed to ap- making Ulm untenable. The
pease the shade of Hamilcar, who French took 5,000 prisoners
had fallen in the battle of 480. and 20 guns, but the losses on
both sides in killed and wounded
Hippo (Invasion of the Vandals). were small for the numbers
Siege was laid to this city in engaged.
May, 430, by the Vandals, under
Genseric. It was defended by Hoechst (Thirty Years' War).
Boniface, Count of Africa, who
Fought June 10, 1622, be-
having command of the sea, was
tween 20,000 Palatinate troops,
able to keep the city well pro-
under Christian of Brunswick,
visioned, and after fourteen
months Genseric and 33,000 Imperialists, under
retired. A-
Tilly. Christian having failed
mong those who died during the
to join forces with Mansfeldt,
siege was St. Augustine.
was in retreat, and was engaged
Hochkirchen (Seven Years' in holding a bridge over the
War). Main. While thus employed
Fought October 14, 1758, he was overtaken by Tilly, and
between the Prussians, under though a village covering the
Frederick the Great, and the bridge was held gallantly for
Austrians, under Count Daun. five hours, he was at last over-
Frederick, who was encamped powered, losing about 12,000
on the heights of Hochkirchen, in killed, wounded and prisoners.
was surprised in the early morn- The Imperialist loss was com-
ing by the Austrians, who broke paratively small.
into his camp and seized his
artillery. He succeeded, how- Hogland (Russo- Swedish Wars).
ever, in forming up his troops, Fought 1789, between the
and descending into the plain, Russian fleet, under Admiral
made good his retreat to Baut- Greig, and the Swedes, under
zen. The Prussians lost 9,000 the Duke of Sudermanland.
men, including the Prince of Each side lost a ship, but strate-
Brunswick and Marshal Keith, gically the affair was a Russian
all their tents and baggage, and victory, for the Swedes were
loi guns. The Austrians lost compelled to seek the protection
8,000 killed and wounded. of the forts of Sveaborg.
Hohenfriedberg (War of the retire until he had lost half his
Austrian Succession). force.
Fought June 3, 1745, between
Homildon Hill (Scottish Wars).
the Austrians and Saxons, under
Fought September, 1402, when
Charles of Lorraine, and the
the Percies lay in wait for
Prussians, under Frederick the
a Scottish force, under Murdach
Great. The Saxons, who were Stewart, and Archibald, Earl of
encamped at Strigau, were at-
Douglas, who were returning
tacked in the early morning,
from a foray into England.
and defeated before the Aus-
The Scots were totally routed,
trians could come to their aid.
losing Stewart, 4 Scottish
Frederick then turned upon the
peers, and 80 gentlemen of
Austrians, and routed them,
after desperate fighting. The
Austrians and Saxons lost 4,000 Honain.
killed and wounded, 7,000 pri- Fought 629, between 12,000
soners, including 4 generals, and Moslems, under Mohammed,
66 guns. The Prussians lost and a force of pagan Arabs,
2,000. 4,000 strong. The Moslems were
lured into the valley of Honain,
Hohenlinden (Wars of the French and were assailed by slingers
Revolution). and archers from the surround-
Fought December 3, 1800, ing heights. They were, how-
between the French, 60,000 ever, rallied by the Prophet, and
strong, under Moreau, and totally routed the Pagans, who
70,000 Austrians, under the submitted to the rule of Mo-
Archduke John. Moreau occu- hammed.
pied the small clearing of Hohen-
linden, and the surrounding Hondschook (Wars of the French
forest, while the Austrian army Revolution).
marched by five distinct routes Fought September, 1793, be-
to rendezvous at Hohenlinden. tween the Austrians, under
The Archduke's attack on the Freytag, and the French, under
village was repulsed, and mean- Houchard. The Austrians occu-
while Moreau had fallen upon pied a strong position from
his advancing columns atvarious which they were driven in dis-
points, and after severe fighting order, and with heavy loss
defeated them. The Austrians As a consequence of this victory,
lost 7,000 killed and wounded, the siege of Dunkirk was raised.
12,000 prisoners and 87 guns.
Hooghly, The.
Hollabrunn (Campaign of the Fought November 24, 1759,
Danube). between three British ships,
A rearguard action to protect under Commodore Wilson, and
the retreat of the main Russian a Dutch squadron of seven sail.
army, under Kutusoff, No- After two hours' fighting, the
vember 16, 1805, between 7,000 Dutch were completely defeated,
Russians, under Prince Bagra- and all their ships captured.
tion, and the French, under Meanwhile a force of 700 Euro-
Lannes. Bagration did not peans and 800 Sepoys landed

from the Dutch fleet, was de- Lopez, and the allied armies of
feated with heavy loss by 330 Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
British troops and 800 Sepoys, The allies largely outnumbered
under Colonel Forde. Lopez's forces, and forced him
to abandon his entrenchments
Huesca (Mohammedan Empire at Humaita, and retire to Te-
in Spain). bienari.
Fought 1 105, when the Moors,
under Ali attacked the Spaniards, Humblebeck (Dano-Swedish
who, under Alfonso VI of Cas- Wars).
tile, were besieging Huesca. Fought 1700, when Charles
Ali was utterly routed, losing XII, with a small force of Swedes,
10,000 killed in the battle. landed in face of the Danish
army, which was strongly en-
Huesca (First Carlist War). trenched close the shore, and
Fought May 23, 1837, be- drove them headlong from their
tween 20,000 Carlists, under position with heavy loss.
Don Carlos and Don Sebastian,
and 12,000 Cristinos and British Hydaspes, The (Alexander's
under General Irribarreu. The Campaigns in Asia).
British legion behaved un- Fought B.C. 327, between
steadily and the Cristinos were 65,000 Macedonians and 70,000
driven from the field, though Asiatics, under Alexander the
the pursuit was checked by a Great, and the army of the
brilliant cavalry charge, in Indian king Porus, numbering
which Irriba.rreu fell. The 30,000 infantry, with 200 ele-
Cristinos lost over 1,000 killed phants and 300 war chariots.
and wounded, of which number Alexander crossed the river a
the British legion lost 277. few miles above Porus' entrench-
ments, and utterly routed him,
Humaita (Paraguayan War). with a loss of 12,000 killed and
Fought May, 1866, between 9,000 prisoners, including Porus
the Paraguayans, under Lopez, himself. The Macedonians lost
and the Argentinians, under 1 ,000 only.
Mitre. Mitre attacked the Para-
guayan entrenchments, but was Hyderabad (Conquest of Scinde).
repulsed with heavy loss. Fought March 24, 1843, be-
tween 6,000 British troops, under
Humaita (Paraguayan War). Sir Charles Napier, and 20,000
Fought February, 1868, be- Beluchis, under Shir Moham-
tween the Paraguayan batteries, med. The latter was strongly
and a flotilla of Brazilian gun- entrenched behind the FuUali,
boats, endeavouring to force the but the Beluchis, being thrown
passage. Their attempt was a into disorder by a heavy artil-
complete failure, and the whole lery fire, were overthrown by a
flotilla was sunk. charge of cavalry on their ex-
posed flank, and a frontal attack
Humaita (Paraguayan War). lay the 22nd Regiment. This
Fought September, 1868, be- defeat put an end to the resist-
tween the Paraguayans, under ance of the Scinde Emirs.
Hysiae. when 8,000 French and Italians,
Fought, approximately, 668 under Victor, defeated the Papal
B.C., between the Spartans and troops, 7,000 strong, under
the Argives. The former were General Colli. Victor took the
totally defeated, and Argos was Papal army in the rear, and
left in undisputed possession of routed them with a loss of a few
the supremacy of the Pelopon- hundred only, as no stand was
nesus. made.
Indus, The (Tartar Invasion of
Fought B.C. 1 22 1, between
Ichinotani (Taira War). 300,000 Tartars, under Genghis
Fought 1 1 89, between the Khan, and the army of Jellalla-
troops of the Shogun Minamoto- din. Sultan of Kharismia, 30,000
no-Yoritomo, under his brothers strong. Jellalladin fought with
Xorigoris and Yoshitsune, and his back to the river, and after
the forces of the Taira clan. an obstinate conflict, in which
The Taira were signally defeated. he inflicted heavy loss on his
assailants, was driven across
Iclistavisus(Germanic Wars). the Indus, ha\dng lost 19,000
Fought 16, between 8 Roman men killed and drowned. The
legions, under Germanicus, and Tartars lost 20,000.
the Germans, under Arminius.
The Germans attacked the Ro- Ingavi.
mans in the open plain, but Fought November 18, 1841,
failed against the superior dis- between the Bohvians, under
cipUne of the legionaries, and Balhvian, 3,800 strong, and the
were routed with enormous loss. Peruvians, 5,200 strong, imder
Arminius with difficulty cut his Gamarra. The Peruvians were
way out of the press and es- utterly routed, and their army
caped. dispersed, Gamarra being among
the killed.
Immac (Revolt of Elagabalus).
Fought June 7, 218, between Ingogo (First Boer War).
the Syrian legions, under Elaga- Fought February 8, 1881
balus, and the Imperial troops when a small British column,
and Pretorians, under the Em- consisting of 5 companies of
peror Macrinus. The Pretor- infantry, 4 guns, and a small
ians, by their superior valour mounted force, attacked the
and discipline, broke the legions Boer position, and were repulsed
opposed, and the victory would with a loss of 139 killed and
have been theirs, but at the wounded. The Boers admitted
the fight, Macrinus fied,
crisis of a loss of 14 only.
and so discouraged his
Inhlobane Mountain (Zulu War).
troops, that in the end they
were totally defeated.
Fought March 28, 1879, when
a British force of 1,300 men,
Imola (Napoleon's Italian Cam- under Colonels Buller and Rus-
paigns). sell, attacked a strong Zulu
Fought February 3, 1797, kraal, and after severe fighting,

were repulsed with considerable small force of Scottish sym

loss. pathisers with the English
claims, under the Earl of Buchan.
Inkerman (Crimean War). The English were totally de-
Fought November 5, 1854, feated and driven from the field
when 50,000 Russians, under with heavy loss.
Prince Mentschikoff, attacked
the British position at Inker- Ipsus (Wars of Alexander's
man, held by about 8,000 troops. Successors).
There was a dense fog, and the Fought B.C. 302, between the
battle was chiefly a series of Syrians, 32,000 strong, under
detached hand-to-hand combats Seleucus, and the Macedonians,
some of the most serious fighting 30,000 in number, under Anti-
being round the Sandbag Bat- gonus. Seleucus utterly routed
tery, where the Russians lost the Macedonians, Antigonus
1,200 killed. At 10 o'clock, the being among the slain. Deme-
French arrived on the scene, trius Poliorcetes, who now took
and the Russians were soon in command, only succeeded in
full retreat, having suffered very rallying 8,000 men, after fleeing
heavy loss. for 200 miles.

Inverlochy (Civil War). Irun (First Carlist War).

Fought February 2, 1645, This fortress was captured,
when Montrose, with 1,500 May 18, 1837, by 10,000 Cris-
Royalist Highlanders, defeated tinos and British, under General
3,000 Campbells and Lowland Evans. Evans appeared before
Covenanters, with a loss of 1,700 the place at noon, and sum-
men. Argyle left the command moned it to surrender. On the
of his forces to Campbell of Carlists refusing, an assault was
Auchinbrech, taking refuge in a ordered by 1 1 p.m. the fortress

vessel on Loch Linnhe. This was taken, with very small loss
defeat broke the power of the to the assailants.
Campbells in the Highlands for
many years. Isandhlwana (Zulu War).
Fought January 22, 1879,
nverkeithing (Scottish Wars). when six companies of the 24th
Fought 1317, between the Regiment, with two guns and a
English invaders, and the Scots, small force of Natal volunteers,
under the Earl of Fife. The under Colonel Durnford, were
first onslaught of the English overwhelmed and massacred by
drove the Scots from their the Zulus, under Matyana. Of
positions, but they were rallied the regulars, 26 officers and 600
by William Sinclair, Bishop of men were killed, in addition to
Dunkeld, and forced the English 24 officers, and a large number
to retire to their ships. of men in the Colonial force.

Inverary (Scottish Wars). Isara, The (Third Gallic Inva-

Fought 1 5 10, between the sion).
Scots, under Robert Bruce, and Fought August 8, 121 B.C.,
the English, under Sir John between the Arverni and AUo-
Mowbray, with whom was a broges, under Betuitdus, and the
Romans, under Q. Fabius Maxi- leaving 1,500 dead on the field.
mus. The Gauls were totally Abd-el-Kader was captured.
defeated, and a bridge breaking
down under the press of the Ismail (Ottoman Wars).
fugitives, they sui?ered enormous This fortress was taken by
assault by the Russians, under
Suwaroff, December 23, 1790.
Isaszcq (Hungarian Rising). The Russiaiis lost enormous
Fought April 6, 1849, between numbers in the storm, and in
the Hungarians, 42,000 strong, revenge they massacred the
under Gorgey, and the Croats, garrison and inhabitants without
under Jellachich. The Hun- mere}'.
garian First Corps, under Klap-
ka, was put to flight, but the Issus. (Alexander's Asiatic Cam-
rest stood their ground, and paigns).
repulsed the Croat attack. Both Fought B.C. 333, between
armies bivouacked for the night 35,000 Macedonians, under
on the ground they held, but Alexander the Great, and a vast
early on the following morning horde of Asiatics, with 30,000
Jellachich retired, the Hun- Greek mercenaries, under
garians thus being entitled to Darius, King of Persia. The
claim a victory. Persians were drawn up on the
right bank of the Pinarus, which
Isleda France (Napoleonic Wars). crosses the plain of Issus. Alex-
This island, now known as ander, led his heavy cavalry to
Mauritius, was cajitured from the attack on the left, crossing
the French, December 3, 18 10, the river, and routing the Per-
by a fleet of 19 ships, under sian cavalry. The phalanx in
Admiral Bertie, convoying a the centre was opposed to the
number of transports, carrying Greek mercenaries, and after
10,000 troops, under General heavy fighting, the Macedonians
Abercromby. The British lost made good their footing on the
167 killed wounded and right bank. Alexander mean-
missing. Seven frigates and while led his squadrons against
ten sloops were taken, as well as the bodyguard of Darius, who
21 French and 3 captured Brit- fled from the field, followed by
ish merchantmen. the whole of the Asiatics, and
Isly (Abd-el-Kader's Rebellion). the victory was complete.
Fought August 14, 1844, be-
Issus (Ottoman Wars).
tween 8,000 F ench, under Fought 1488, between the
Marshal Bugeaud, and 45,000
Turks, under Bajazet II, and
Algerines, chiefly cavalry, under
the Egyptians, under the Sultan
Abd-el-Kader. The French in-
of Egypt. The Turks were
fantry repulsed all the charges
of the Algerine Horse, and aided
by the artillery, inflicted heavy Itabitsu.
loss upon them; when suffi- Fought October, 740, between,
ciently shaken, a charge of the the Japanese rebels, under Hirot-
French cavalry completed the suke, 13,000 strong, and the
rout, and the Algerines fled, troops of the Emperor Shommu

under Ono-no-Atsuma. The ani, and the Turks, under

Imperial troops, who were only Osman II. The Poles were
8,000 in number, attacked the completely defeated.
rebels as they were crossing the
Jellalabad (First Afghan War).
river, and routed them with
This fortress was besieged by
heavy loss. Hirotsuke was the Afghans, under Mohammed
Akbar Khan, March 11, 1842,
Ivry (Eighth Civil War). after the destruction of General
Fought March 14, 1590, be- Elphinstone's force in the
tween the Huguenots, under Khoord Cabul pass. It was
Henri IV, and the Catholics, defended by a small British
under the Due de Mayenne. garrison, under General Sale.
Henri gained a complete victory, Akbar led his whole army to
and marched forward to invest the assault, but was gallantly
Paris. repulsed, and then sat down to
besiege the place in form. An
attempt to relieve it by Briga-
J. dier Wyld, in January, 1843,
failed, Wyld being defeated in
Jalula (Moslem Invasion of
the Khyber Pass by the Khy-
Fought 637, between the beris. The garrison mean-
while made several successful
Moslems, imder Said, and the
sorties, and on April 7, drove
Persians, under Yezdegerd.
Yezdegerd fled from the field,
Akbar Khan out of his entrench-
ments, with a loss of all his guns,
and his troops discouraged,
and many men, forcing him to
were totally routed with heavy
raise the siege. All chance of
a renewal the investment
Jamaica. was ended by the arrival on
This island was captured the 1 8th, of a strong relieving
from the Spaniards, May, 1655 force, under General Pollock.
by a combined English naval
Jemappes (Wars of the French
and military force, under Ad-
miral Penn and General Ven-
Fought November 6, 1792,
between the Austrians, under
Jarnac (Third Civil War). the Archduke Albert, and the
Fought March 13, 1569, be- French, under Dumouriez. The
tween the Catholics, under the Austrians occupied a very strong
Marshal de Tavannes, and the position on the heights above
Huguenots, under the Prince de Jemappes, from which they
Conde. The brunt of the action were driven with heavy loss,
was borne by the Huguenot the French gaining a signal
cavalry, who were overpowered victory.
by the Catholics, and Conde
Jena (Campaign of Jena).
This name is generally given
Jassy (Ottoman Wars). to the two battles fought Oc-
Fought September 20, 1620, tober 14, 1806, by the two wings
between the Poles under Grati- of the French army under Na-
poleon, at Auerstadt and Jena. tember 8, the resistance of the
At Auerstadt the Prussian left, defenders was finally overcome.
70,000 strong, under the Duke Josephus says that 1,100,000
of Brunswick, was encountered persons perished in the siege,
by the French right, under Da- but this is doubtless an exag-
voust, with sUghtly inferior geration. The Romans after
numbers, and after very severe the capture sold 97,000 into
fighting, were defeated, the slavery.
Duke of Brunswick being killed.
Napoleon, on the left, with Jerusalem (Moslem Invasion of
100,000 men, attacked the Prince Syria).
of Hohenlohe with 70,000 Early in 637 Jerusalem was
Prussians, and after a sternly besieged by the Moslems, at
fought engagement, drove him first, under Abu Obeidah, and
from the field. The two de- later by the Khalif Omar. After
feated armies, retiring by con- a defence of four months, during
verging routes upon Weimar, which scarcely a day passed
the retreat became a rout, and without a sortie or an assault,
Napoleon's pursuing cavalry the city was surrendered by
caused them further heavy the Patriarch Sophronius.
losses. The Prussians in the
two actions lost 22,000 killed Jerusalem (First Crusade).
and wounded, 18,000 prisoners The Crusaders, under Godefroi
and 300 guns. Twenty generals de Bouillon, laid siege to the
were killed, wounded or cap- city, June 7, 1099, and on
tured. The French lost 11,000 July 1 5, itwas taken by assault,
killed and wounded, 7,000 of and for three days was the scene
whom fell at Auerstadt. of a promiscuous massacre, in
which 70,000 Moslems perished.
I Fought 1 5 50, when an English Jerusalem.
squadron, under Sir William On 1187, the Holy
October 2,
Winter, attacked a French fleet, City was besieged by the Sara-
which was besieging St. Heliers. cens, under Saladin, and after a
The French were completely siege lasting fourteen days, in
routed, losing 1,000 killed and the course of which several deter-
wounded, and the siege was mined sorties were repulsed, the
raised. Moslems forced an entrance,
and Guy de Lusignan, the last
Jerusalem (Jewish War). King of Jerusalem, surrendered.
This city was besieged by The Christians were given forty
Titus, with 60,000 Romans, in days to evacuate the city.
March, 70 a. D. It was defended
with the utmost heroism by the Jhansi (Indian Mutiny).
Jews, who were led by the Zealot This place, which fell into the
faction. At the end of six weeks hands of the mutineers in June,
Titus gained possession of the 1857, was recaptured by Sir
suburb of Bezetha, and then by Hugh Rose, who invested it in
hard fighting, captured position March, 1858, and carried the
after position, until on Sep- city by assault, April 2.

Jidballi (Somali Expedition). General Elphinstone's army

Fought January lo, 1904, made January
their last stand,
between the Somahs, 5,000 12, 1842, against the Afghans
strong, and a small British and and Ghilzais. Of the few who
native force, under Sir Charles escaped the massacre at this
Egerton. The Somalis' camp point, only one. Dr. Brydon,
was attacked, and after a brisk succeeded in reaching Jellala-
action they were driven out and bad.
pursued by the cavalry for
Julian's Defeat by the Persians
twelve miles, losing 1,000 killed
(Persian Wars).
in the fight and pursuit. The Fought June 28, 363, between
British losses were very small.
the Romans, under Julian, and
Jiron. the Persians, under Sapor II.
Fought February 28, 1829, Julian had advanced against
between the Peruvians, under Ctesiphon, the Persian capital,
Lamar, and the Colombians, but finding himself too weak to
under Sucre. The battle was attack it, was retreating along
indecisive, both sides claiming the left bank of the Tigris. In
the victory, and it was followed the course of the retreat he was
by the signature of peace, Sep- attacked by the Persians, and
tember 23. worsted in an action unimport-
ant in itself, but resulting in the
Jitgurh (Gurkha War). death of Julian, who was mor-
Fought January 14, 1815, be- tally wounded in the skirmish.
tween 4,500 British troops, under The election of Jovian as Em-
General Wood, and 1,200 Gurk- peror was followed by a peace
has, occupying a strong stockade. which restored to Sapor almost all
The British were led unex- the Roman conquests in Persia.
pectedly into the zone of fire by
a treacherous guide, and though Junin (South American War of
Wood fought liis way to a Independence).
position from which he could Fought 1824, between the
have carried the stockade, he Spanish Royalists, under General
retired, having suffered con- Cauterac, and the Colombian
siderable loss, just when the Patriots, under Sucre. The
Gurkhas were about to abandon Spaniards were completely de-
their works. feated.

Jotapata (Jewish War).

This place was besieged by K.
Vespasian, with 60,000 Romans,
December, 67, and was defended Kaiping (Chino- Japanese War).
by the Jewish army under Fought January 10, 1895,
Josephus. The fortress held out when a Chinese force in a strongly
for 47 days, when it was stormed entrenched position was at-
and sacked. Josephus gave him- tacked and driven out by a
self up to Vespasian. Japanese brigade under General
Nogi. The fighting lasted three
Jugdulluck (First Afghan War). hours, the Chinese showing
At this place the remnant of more steadiness than usual,
and inflicting on the assailants under Bulbuddur Singh. An
a loss of 300 killed and wounded. unsuccessful assault cost the
besiegers 260 officers and men,
Kagoshima (Satsuma Rebel- and after waiting a month for
the arrival of heavy guns, a
On August 8, 1876,
1 the breach was made, and a general
rebels,who were closely be- assault ordered. This also
sieged in their lines at Enotake, failed, 680 men being killed and
succeeded in passing through the wounded. The fortress was then
Imperial troops, and making a shelled for three days, at the
forced march, under Saigo end of which time the survivors
Takamori, seized the city of of the garrison, 70 only out of
Kagoshima. They were quickly 600, made their escape, and
followed by the Imperial army, the place was captured.
under Prince Taruhito, and an
engagement followed which Kalpi (Indian Mutiny).
lasted for ten days, at the end of
This town, which had fallen
which time the insurgents were into the hands of the mutineers,
driven out and retired to was besieged by Sir Hugh Rose,
Shirogama, both sides having May The garrison
19, 1858.
suffered heavy loss.
made two ineffectual sorties, in
Kagul (Ottoman Wars). which they were repulsed with
Fought August 3, 1770, be-
heavy loss, and on the 23rd the
tween 17,000 Russians, under
town was entered without fur-
ther resistance, the mutineers
Roumiantsoif, and 150,000
having fled.
Turks, under HaUl Pasha. The
Russian rear was threatened by
a force of 80,000 Tartars, under
Kamarut (First Burmah War).
the Khan of Crim Tartary, but Fought July 8,1824, when a
Roumiantsoff boldly attacked small British force, under Sir
the Turkish lines, and after Archibald Campbell, stormed a
severe fighting drove the Turks series of stockades held by
out of their entrenchments in 10,000 Burmans, under Tuamba
headlong flight, capturing all Wangyee. The Burmans left
their artillery and baggage. 800 dead on the field, including
their leader.
Kalisch (Russo-Swedish War).
Fought 1706, between 10,000 Kambula (Zulu War).
Swedes, under General Meyer- Fought March 29, 1879, when
feld, and 30,000 Russians and Colonel Wood, with 2,000
Poles, under Prince Mentschikoff British and native auxiliaries,
The Swedes were defeated with was attacked in his lager by
considerable loss. three Zulu impi. The Zulus
were repulsed with very heavy
Kalunga (Gurkha War). loss, and pursued for seven
This place was attacked by miles. The British lost 81
the British under General killed and wounded. The defeat
Gillespie, in October, 18 14, and practically broke Cetewayo's
was defended by the Gurkhas power.

Kandahar (Tartar Invasion of Kandahar (Second Afghan War).

Afghanistan). Fought September i, 1880,
This city was besieged by the between the British, under Lord
Tartars, under Tuli Khan, in Roberts, and the Afghans, under
1 22 1. The Tartars possessed Ayub Khan, immediately after
themselves of the city, and were the completion of the famous
investing the citadel, when march from Kabul. Ayub was
Jellalladin, Sultan of Kharismia, completely defeated, with a loss
fell upon them with a large of 2,000 men, and his army dis-
force and cut them to pieces. persed. The British losses were
only 248 killed and wounded
Siege was laid to Kandahar in Kapolna (Hungarian Rising).
March, 1545, by the Moguls, Fought February 26 and 27,
under Humayun. The place, 1849, between four Hungarian
which was defended by an divisions, under Dembinski, and
Afghan garrison under Mirza the Austrians, under Windisch-
Askari, held out for five months, gratz, of whom only Schlick's
when, weakened by famine and corps, 15,000 strong, was
desertion, the garrison was seriously engaged. The Hun-
forced to surrender. garians held their own on the
26th, but on the evening of the
Kandahar (Perso-Afghan Wars). 27th Schlick captured the key
In the autumn of 1648 the of the position at Kapolna,
Persians, under Abbas II, laid whereupon the Hungarians re-
siege to the which was
city, tired, though unpursued.
defended by a Mogul garrison.
Kappel (Second War of Kappel).
An attempt to relieve it was
made by Aurungzebe, but he Fought October 10, 1531, be-
tween the army of the Swiss
arrived to find it already in the
Catholic Cantons, 8,000 strong,
hands of the Persians. He in
turn laid siege to it, but was un-
and 1,300 Zurichers, under
George Goldli, reinforced later
successful, and after four months
in the day by a similar number
was compelled to retire. Subse-
under Rudolf Lavater. Goldli
quent attempts to recapture the
attacked in defiance of orders,
city were made by Said Ullah,
the Vizier, and Dara Sheko,
and was totally defeated,
the eldest son of Shah Jehan,
among those who fell being
but without success.
Kara Burur (Ottoman Wars).
Kandahar. Fought August II, 1 79 1,
Fought July 29, when
1834, when the Russian fleet, under
Shah Sujah, the expelled Amir Admiral Ouschakoff, totally de-
of Afghanistan, attempted to
feated the Turks after a san-
take the city. His successor,
guinary engagement.
Dost Mahomed, and Kohandil
Khan sallied forth at the head Karamuran.
of their troops, and totally Fought during the winter of
defeated Shah Sujah, dispersing 1225, between 300,000 Tartars
his followers. under Genghiz Khan, and
500,000 Turks, Chinese and was finally forced by famine to
others under Shidasker of Tan- capitulate, November, 1855.
gat. Shidasker was totally
routed, with a loss, it is said, of Kars (Russo-Turkish War).
300,000 men. This fortress, garrisoned by
Karaku (Tartar Invasion of 24,000 Turks under Hussein
Kharismia). Pasha, was stormed by the
Fought Russians under Loris Melikoff
1218, between the
Tartars, 700,000 strong, under
on the night of November 17,
Genghiz Khan, and 400,000 1877. The attacking force was
led by Lazareff, and after severe
Kharismians under the Sultan
fighting captured all the eastern
Mehemed. At nightfall the
forts. Hussein then endeavoured
battle was undecided, and the
to cut his way through to the
armies u-ithdrew to their camps,
west, but the bulk of his force
but Mehemet, who had lost
140,000, refused to renew the
was driven back, and only he
conflict on the following day,
and a few of his officers suc-
and Genghiz Khan, having ceeded in the attempt. The
suffered too severely to attack
Russians lost 2,273, killed and
his entrenchments, withdrew.
wounded ; the Turks 2,500
killed, 4,500 wounded, 17,000
Karee (Second Boer War), prisoners, and 303 guns.
Fought March 29, 1900, when
a Boer force holding a line of Kashgal (Soudan Campaigns).
hills about eighteen miles north On November 3, 1883, an
of Bloemfontein. were driven Egyptian force, 11,000 strong,
from their entrenchments by under Hicks Pasha, with several
a British division under General British officers,was led bv a
Tucker. The British lost 10 treacherous guide into a defile,
officers 172 men killed and where they were attacked by
wounded. the Mahdists, and after fighting
for three days, were massacred
Kargaula (Cossack Rising).
almost to a man.
Fought 1774, between the
insurgent Cossacks of the Don,
Kassassin (Arabi's Rebellion).
under Ikkelman Pugatcheff, and
the Russians, under Prince Fought August 28, 1882, be-
Gallitzin. The insurgents were tween the British, under General
routed with great slaughter, and Graham, and the Egyptians,
Pugatcheff fled [to the moun- under Arabi Pasha. Arabi at-
tains. tacked the British position,
Graham remaining on the de-
Kars (Crimean War). fensive throughout the day, but
This fortress, held by a towards evening he launched
Turkish garrison under General his heavy cavalry, under Sir
Williams, was besieged by the Baker Russell, against the
Russians in the course of the enemy, who broke and fled.
Crimean war. The place was The British losses were only 11
most gallantly defended but killed and 68 wounded.

Katzbach (Campaign of Leip- Mohammed III, and the Im-

sic). perialistsand Transylvanians,
Fought August 22, 1813, be- under the Archduke Maximilian
tween 130,000 French, under and Prince Sigismund of Tran-
Napoleon, and 100,000 Prus- sylvania. The battle at first
sians, under Blucher. Blucher, went badly for the Turks, and
who had on the previous day Mohammed would have fled but
retired behind the Haynau, was for the remonstrances of the
pressed hard by Napoleon, and Grand Vizier. In the end, how-
driven across the Katzbach, ever, they gained the upper
with considerable loss. hand, and the Archduke was
totally defeated.
Katzbach (Campaign of Leip-
sic). Kharisme (Tartar Invasion of
Fought August 26, 181 3, be- Kharismia).
tween the French, under Mac- This city, the capital of
donald, and the Prussians, under Kharismia, was besieged by the
Blucher. Macdonald crossed Tartars under the three sons of
the Katzbach, and while waiting Genghiz Khan, in the summer
for his left wing and cavalry of 1220. It was most obsti-
under Souham, was attacked by nately defended for a period of
Blucher, and driven back. As seven months by the inhabit-
Macdonald was retiring Souham ants, under Himartekin, but
appeared on the field, but before in February the Tartars mas-
he could deploy he was attacked tered the place, massacring
and routed with great slaugh- 100,000 persons.
ter, while the centre under Khartoum (Soudan Campaign).
Lauriston also suffered severely This city, defended by an
in recrossing the river. The Egyptian garrison under General
French lost 15,000 killed and Gordon, was invested by the
wounded, and over 100 guns. Mahdi in the early part of 1884,
Kazan (Cossack Rising). and, after a gallant defence,
Fought 1774, between the was stormed January 26, 1885.
rebel Cossacks, under Pugat- The forerunners of the relieving
cheff, and the Russians, under force, consisting of the river
General Michel son. The Cos- gunboats under Lord Charles
sacks were utterly routed. Beresford, arrived off the city
on the 28th, two days too late,
Kemendine (First Burmah War). and after a brief engagement
Fought June 10, 1824, when with the Mahdist batteries, re-
3,000 British troops, under Sir turned down the river.
Archibald Campbell, stormed a
Khelat (First Afghan War).
series of stockades, occupied by
This place, which was de-
a large force of Burmans, and
fended by a garrison of Beluchis,
drove out the defenders with
heavy loss.
under Mehrab Khan, was cap-
tured by a British force, 1,000
Keresztes (Ottoman Wars). strong, under General Willshire,
Fought October 24 to 26, November 13, 1839. The de-
1596, between the Turks, under fenders lost 400 killed, includ-
ing their leader and 2,000 Kimberley (Second Boer War).
prisoners. TheBritish lost ^y This town, defended by a
killed and 107 wounded. garrison of 4,000 (including
KhojahPassfFirst Afghan War).
armed townsmen under Colonel

Fought March Kekewich, was besieged Octo-

28, 1S42, when
ber 15, 1890, by the Boers,
General England, an en-
deavour to relieve General Nott under Commandant Wessels,
in Kandahar, marched into the
and later under General Cronje.
It withstood a severe and con-
pass with 500 men only, without
tinuous bombardment till Feb-
waiting for the rest of his
brigade, and was defeated by
ruary 15, 1900, when it was
relieved by a force of cavalry,
the Afghans with a loss of 100
killed and wounded, and com- 5,000 strong, under General
pelled to retire to Quettah.
French. The losses of the
garrison during the siege a-
Khoord Kabul Pass (First Afghan mounted to 18 officers and 163
War). men.
While passing through this
Kin-chau. See Naushan.
defile, the British force, under
General Elphinstone, retreating Kineyri (Second Sikh War).
on Jellalabad, was attacked by Fought June 18, 1848, be-
the Afghans, January 8, 1 842, and tween 8,000 Bhawalpuris, under
lost 3,000, including followers. Futteh Mohammed Khan, aided
by 3,000 Sikh irregulars, under
Killiecrankie (Jacobite Rising). Lieutenant Edwardes, and the
Fought July 27, 1689, be- Sikhs, 8,000 strong, under Rung
tween 4,500 Royal troops, under Ram. The Bhawalpuris were
General Mackay, and 2,500 repulsed in an attack on the
Highland Jacobites, under Dun- Sikh positions, but the arrival
dee. Dundee allowed Mackay of Lieutenant Edwardes' guns
to enter the plain below the pass turned the scale, and at a
of KiUiecrankie, and then des-
second attempt the entrench-
cending from the heights, fell ments were stormed and cap-
upon and utterly routed the tured, with a loss to the victors
Royalists, with a loss of over of 300 men. The Sikhs lost 500
2,000 killed and 500 prisoners. killed in the action, and many
The Jacobites lost about 900, more during their flight to
but amongst them was Dundee. Multan.
Mackay on reaching Stirling
had only 400 men with the Kinloss (Danish Invasion of
colours. Scotland).
Fought 1009, between the
Kilsyth (Civil War). Danes under Sweyn of Den-
Fought August 15, 1645, be- mark, and the Scots, under
tween the Royalists, "under Malcolm II. The Danes were
Montrose, and the Covenanters, besieging Nairne, and Malcolm
under BaiUie. The Royalists attempting to raise the siege,
won a signal victory, Baillie's they attacked and defeated
infantry, 6,000 in number, being him after hard fighting, in which
cut down almost to a man. Malcolm was wounded.

Kinnesaw Mountain (American Ferdinand, and the French,

Civil War). under Soubise and the Due de
Fought June 27, 1864, be- Broglie. The French attacked
tween 90,000 Federals, under the strong Prussian position in
General Sherman, and 50,000 and around Kirch-Denkern, and
Confederates, under General after severe fighting were re-
Johnston. Sherman attacked pulsed with a loss of 4,000 killed
Johnston in a strong position and wounded.
and was repulsed with a loss
of about 3,000, the Confederates
Kirkee (Third Mahratta War).
losing 500 only.
Fought November 5, 18 17,
between the Mahrattas under
Kinsale (O'Neil's Rebellion). Bajee Rao, and a British force
This town, which had been of one European and three
seized in September, 1601, by native regiments, under Colonel
5,000 Spaniards, under Juan Burr. On moving out of his
d'Aguila, sent to support the entrenchments, the flanks of
rebels, was besieged by the Burr's force were attacked by
Royal troops, under Lord the Mahratta horse, but their
Mountjoy and the Earl of charge was repulsed, and the
Thomond. On December 23 an British advancing drove off the
attempt by Sir Hugh O'Neil to enemy with a loss of over 500.
relieve the place was defeated, The British loss was 75 killed
whereupon d'Aguila surrendered and wounded.
and was permitted to ship for
Spain. Kiso (Taira War).
Fought September, 11 80, be-
Kioge (Dane-Swedish Wars). tween the adherents of the
Fought July, 1677, between the Minamoto clan, under Yoshi-
Danish fleet, under Admiral naka, and the troops of Taira-
Juel, and the Swedes, under no-Kiyomori. The Taira men
Admiral Horn. The Swedes attacked the position of Yoshin-
suffered a disastrous defeat, aka at Kiso, but were defeated
losing eleven ships of the line and driven from the field with
sunk or captured. heavy loss.

Kirbekan (Soudan Campaigns). Kissingen (Seven Weeks' War).

Fought February 10, 1885, Fought July 10, 1866, between
when the British, about 1,000 the Prussians, under General
strong, under General Earle, Falkenstein, and the Bavarians,
stormed the heights of Kirbekan, under General ZoUer. The
which were held by a strong Bavarians were defeated and
Mahdist force, and totally routed driven out of Kissingen with
them, with heavy loss. The heavy loss.
British lost 60, among whom
was General Earle, killed. Kiu-lien-cheng (Russo-Japanese
Kirch-Denkern (Seven Years' Fought May i, 1904, between
War). 40,000 Japanese, under Marshal
Fought July 16, 1761, between Kuroki, and the Russians, about
the Prussians, under Prince 30,000 strong, under General
Sassulitch. After four days of Austrians, who occupied a very
skirmisliing, the Japanese strong position, were attacked
crossed the Yalu, April 30, in the early morning by Prince
and on the following day at- Frederick Charles, who, how-
tacked the Russian position at ever, made little impression
Kiu-lien-Cheng, driving out the upon them, and it was not till
defenders with a loss of 4,000 the arrival of the Crown Prince
killed and wounded, 30 officers on their right flank at 2 p.m.
and 500 men prisoners, and 48 that any advantage was ob-
guns. The Japanese lost 898 tained. Then, however, the
killed and wounded. Prussians succeeded in piercing
the Austrian lines, and seized
Kizil-Tepe (Russo-Turkish War).
the key of the position, after
Fought June 25, 1877, be- which further resistance being
tween the Russians, under hopeless, the Austrians retired,
General Loris Melikoif, and the
with a loss of 20,000 killed and
Turks, in superior numbers,
wounded, 20,000 prisoners, and
under Mahktar Pasha. The
174 guns. The Prussians lost
Russians were defeated, and 10,000.
forced to raise the siege of Kars.
Koenigswartha (Campaign of
Klausenburg (Ottoman Wars).
Fought May, 1660, between
the Turks, under the Grand
Fought May 19, 18 13, when
General Peyri's Itahan division,
Vizier, Mahomet Koprili, and about 8,000 strong, was at-
the Transylvanians, under the
tacked and defeated by 15,000
Voivode, George Ragotski II.
Russians, under Barclay de
The Turks gained a complete Tolly, with a loss of 2,000 killed
victory, Ragotsld being mortally
and wounded. The opportune
wounded. arrival of the cavalry of Ney's
Klonchino. corps saved the division from
Fought July 4, 1 6 10, between destruction.
the Russians, under Choniski,
aided by a contingent of 5,000
Kojende (Tartar Invasion of
Swedes, under James de la Kharismia).
This fortress was besieged in
Gardie, and the Poles, under
Sigismund III. The Russians 1 2 19, by the Tartars, under
were totally defeated, and, as a Tuchi Khan, and defended by a
result, the usurper, Basil Cho-
Kharismian garrison, under
niski, was deposed. Timar Malek. After an obstinate
resistance, Timar, finding he
Koeniggratz (Seven Weeks' could hold out no longer, em-
War). barked with his officers and his
Fought July 3, 1866, between best troops, and sailed down the
200,000 Austrians, with 600 guns, Jaxartes, pursued by the Tar-
under Marshal Benedek, and tars, whom, however, after
the Prussian armies of Prince heavy fighting, he succeeded
Frederick Charles and the Crown in escaping. The city surren-
Prince, together about equal to dered the day after Timar's
the Austrians in number. The departure.

Kokein (First Burmah War). prised the Austrian entrenched

Fought December 12, 1824, camp, taking 6 guns and 200
when 1,800 British troops, under prisoners. The Austrians re-
Sir Archibald Campbell, stormed tired,though not energetically
and captured two large stock- pursued, and the fortress was
ades, garrisoned by about 20,000 relieved.
Burmans, under Maka Bandula. Koniah (Mehemet Ali's First
Kolin (Seven Years' War). Rebellion).
Fought June 18, 1757, be- Fought 183 1, between the
tween 34,000 Prussians, under Turks, under Reschid Pasha,
Frederick the Great, and 54,000 and the Egyptians and Syrians,
Austrians, under Marshal Daun. under Ibrahim Pasha. After a
Daun occupied the heights be- severe engagement, the Turks
tween Kolin and Chotzewitz, were totally defeated, and fled
where he was attacked by in disorder. Reschid was severely
Frederick, who had nearly suc- wounded, and captured.
ceeded in turning his right Kornspruit. See Sanna's Post.
flank when the Prussian right
broke and tied. The Prussian Korygaom (Third Mahratta
cavalry charged gallantly six War).
times, but could make no im- Fought January i, 18 18,
pression on the Austrian de- when a small British force of
fence, and Frederick was beaten under 1,000 men, chiefly native
back with a loss of 14.000 men troops, under Captain Staun-
and 43 guns. The Austrians ton, was attacked by 25,000
lost 9,000. Mahrattas, under the Peshwa,
Baji Rao. The British held
Komatsu (Nine Years' War). their ground gallantly all day,
Fought September 5, 1062, and the approach during the
between the Japanese rebels, night of large reinforcements
under Sadatoki, and the Im- under General Smith determined
perial troops, under Yoriyoshi. the Peshwa to retreat, with a
Sadatoki, who was besieged in loss of 600. The British lost 275,
his camp, made a vigorous sortie including 5 out of 8 British
at the head of 8,000 men, but officers.
after a severe conflict was re-
pulsed. The fighting was re- Kossova (Ottoman Wars).
newed on subsequent days, and Fought June 15, 1389, be-
on the 1 6th Sadatoki was tween the Turks, under Murad I,
slain, and the rebelhon came to and the combined army of the
an end. Servians, Bosnians, and Al-
banians, under Lazar, Despot
Komorn (Hungarian Rising). of Servia. The Turks gained a
An action fought by Gorgey, signal victory, though Murad
April 26, 1849, for the relief of was mortally wounded in the
Komorn, which was besieged by battle.This success secured
the Austrians. In the early morn- the Turkish domination over
ing two Hungarian corps, under Servia and the neighbouring
Klapka and Damjanics, sur- states.
Kossova (Ottoman Wars), between 40,000 Poles and
Fought October 17, 1747, and Lithuanians, under John So-
two following days, between the bieski, and 80,000 Turks, under
Hungarians and Wallachians, Hussein Pasha. The Turks strong, under Jolin occupied a strongly entrenched
Hunniades, and a vastly superior position, which was stormed
Turkish army, under Murad II. by the Poles, and the Turks
The Hungarians left their en- driven into the river, losing
trenchments to attack the over 40,000 killed. In conse-
Turks, and throughout the day quence of this signal victory,
the battle was evenly con- Kotzim capitulated, and Caplan
tested. On the 1 8th, however, Pasha, who was approaching
the Wallachians deserted to with a large army, recrossed
the Turks, and the Hungarians, the frontier.
assailed in front and rear, were
hard pressed, while on the 19th Krakovicz (Ottoman Wars).
they were unable to maintain On January 17, 1475, 40,000
their position, and were forced
Moldavian peasants, aided by
to retire, defeated, with a loss of 7,000 Hungarian and Polish
17,000 killed and w'ounded. The
regulars, under Stephen of
Turks are said to have lost Moldavia, fell upon Suleiman
Pasha, with 100,000 Turks, in
40,000 men in the three days.
an untenable position near Lake
Kotah (Indian Mutiny). Krakovicz, and totally defeated
This place, which had been them, driving them into the
seized by the rebellious troops lake. Very few of the Turks
of the Rajah of Kotah, 5,000 escaped death, either by the
in number, was besieged by sword or by drowning.
General Roberts, March 22,
Krasnaoi (Moscow Campaign).
1858. The Rajah, who held the
Fought November 17, 18 12,
citadel, joined forces with the
when the Russians, 50,000
British, and after a short
strong, under Kutusoff, after a
bombardment the town was
series of combats on the two
stormed, March 30.
preceding days, during which
Kotzim (Ottoman Wars). they had inflicted heavy losses
Fought September 22, 1622, on the retreating French army,
between the Poles, 60,000 were defeated by the corps of
strong, under Chodkiewicz, and Davoust and the Young Guard.
the Turks, 300,000 in number, The French losses amounted to
under Osman II. Chodkiewicz, 5,000 killed and wounded, and
old and worn out by fatigue, about 8,000 missing.
was forced to retire to his tent
Kringellen (Dano-Swedish Wars ).
in the middle of the battle, and
Fought August 29, 161 2,
on his death-bed handed over
the command to Labomirski,
when a force of Scots in the
Danish under Colonel
by whomthe Turks were totally
George were ambushed
routed, with a loss of 30,000 men.
in the mountains by the Nor-
Kotzim (Ottoman Wars). wegians, and massacred, not-
Fought November 11, 1673, withstanding a strenuous re-

sistance. Only two of the Scots Schwartzenberg, who were re-

succeeded in escaping. treating after their defeat at
Dresden. To check the pursuit
Kronia (Ottoman Wars). they occupied Kulm, from which
Fought 1738, between the they were driven by Vandamme
Imperiahsts under Counts Wal- on the 29th. On the 30th, how-
lis and Neipperg, and the ever, not having received his
Turks. Thelatter were defeated, expected reinforcements, Van-
but at very heavy cost, and the damme was compelled to re-
Imperial army was so weakened main on the defensive, and
that it was unable to prevent being attacked in front by the
the Turks capturing Semendaia, Austrians and Russians, and in
Orsova, and other important the rear by the Prussians, he
was totally routed, with a loss
Krotzka (Ottoman Wars). of 6,000 killed, 7,000 prisoners,
Fought July 23, 1739, be- and 48 guns, being himself
tween 56,000 Austrians, under wounded and captured. The
Count Wallis, and over 100,000 alhes lost about 5,000.
Turks, under El Hadj Moham-
med Pasha. The Austrian Kumai.
Fought February, 1355, be-
vanguard was attacked by the
Turks when approaching Kotzin tween the troops of the Emperor
and driven back, but the main Gomarakami, under Yoshinori,
body withstood the Turkish and the rebel Japanese, under
onslaught from 5 a.m. to sunset,
Moronoshi and Tokiushi. The
rebels were defeated, and
when Wallis retired, with a loss
of killed and 4,500 Moronoshi severely wounded.
wounded, including 9 generals. Kumamoto (Satsuma Rebellion).
The Turkish loss is unknown, The castle in this town was
but was very heavy. besieged February 22, 1876, by
the Satsuma rebels, 15,000
Kulevtcha (Ottoman Wars).
strong, under Saigo. The place
Fought 1829, between the
was gallantly defended by the
Russians, under General Die-
garrison under General Tani
bitsch, and 40,000 Turks,
The Tateki, though many Samurai
under Reschid Pasha.
deserted to the rebels, and
Russians were lying in wait for
strenuous efforts were made by
Reschid in the Kalevtcha defile,
the Imperial army under Prince
and after a severe struggle,
totally routed the Turks, with a
Taruhito to come to its reUef.
loss of 5,000 killed and wounded,
In the course of March Saigo was
attacked in the rear by a force
and all their guns. The Pasha
himself escaped with difficult}'.
under General Kuroda, but still
maintained the siege, and it wa,s
Kulm (Campaign of Leipsic). not till April 14, when the garri-
Fought August 29 and 30, 181
3, son was on the verge of starva-
between the French, under tion, that Kuroda, bringing up
Vandamme, and the Austrians, every available man, succeeded
and Russians, with a small force in driving off the rebels and
of Prussians, under the Prince of raising the siege.
Kunersdorf (Seven Years' War). Lade (Ionian War).
Fought August 12, 1759, be- Fought B.C. 494, between a
tween 40,000 Prussians, under Persian fleet of 600 sail, which
Frederick the Great, and 80,000 Avas blockading Miletus under
Austrians and Russians, under Artaphernes, and 353 Lesbian,
Generals Landon and Soltykoff. Chian and Samian ships, which
Frederick first attacked the attempted to raise the siege.
Russians in flank, driving them The Samians, bribed by the
out of their entrenchments, and Persians, deserted at the be-
capturing 180 guns. Then, ginning of the action, with the
against the advice of SeidUtz, he exception of 11 vessels, and the
attacked the Austrian position Greeks were totally defeated,
on the left of the allies, and, with heavy loss. The Chians
though deserted by the Rus- made a specially gallant fight.
sians, the Austrians held their
ground, and, bringing all their Lade.
artiller}- to bear on the Prus- Fought between the
B.C. 201,
sians at close quarters, totally Rhodian fleet,under Theo-
routed them, with a loss of phiUscus, and the Macedonians,
20,000 men. The allies lost
under Heraclides. The Mace-
24,000. donians had rather the better
of the encounter, though both
Kunobitza (Ottoman Wars). sides claimed the victory.
Fought 1443, between the
Turks, under Amurath II, and Ladysmith (Second Boer War).
the Hungarians, under John Sir George White, with about
Hunniades. The Turks w^ere 12,000 troops, was shut up in
utterly routed, and in conse- Ladysmith by the invading
quence Amurath concluded with arm}-, under General Joubert,
them a ten years' truce. November 2, 1899. The Boers,
who were well provided with
Kurdlah. heavy guns, contented them-
Fought March 11, 1795, be- selves in the main with a con-
tween the army of the Mahratta tinuous bombardment. On
Confederacy, under the Peshwa, January 6, 1900, however, a
Madhao Rao II, and Hari Pant, picked force, under Command-
and the forces of the Nizam of ant de VilUers, supported by
Hyderabad. The troops of the several thousand Boer marks-
Nizam gained an advantage in men posted on the heights, made
the fight, but the Nizam being attempt to force the British Unes
persuaded to leave the field, his at Waggon and Caesar's
troops followed him, and were Camp. The battle lasted
soon in headlong flight. The throughout the day, and more
Nizam was captured a few days than once the defenders were
later. very hard pressed, but they held
their ground till nightfall, when
the Boers withdrew, having lost
L. about 800 men. From this date
the Boers again contented them-
La Belle Famille. See Niagara. selves with bombarding the

town, until it was finally re- warships. The skilful manoeuv-

lieved by Sir Redvers BuUer, ring of Rooke, however, saved
February 27. In addition to the rest of the convoy from
deaths by disease, the garrison destruction.
lost during the siege 89 officers
and 805 men, more than half La Hogue (War of the Revolu-
of whom fell in the battle of
Fought May 19 and 20, 1692,
January 6.
between a combined Dutch and
La Favorita (Napoleon's Italian English fleet of 96 sail, under
Campaigns). Admirals Russell and Allemande,
Fought January 16, 1797, and a French fleet of 64 sail of
between the French, under the line and 47 smaller vessels,
Napoleon, and the Austrians, under de Tourville. After heavy
under Provera. Provera moved loss on both sides, the French
upon Mantua to succour the fleet was dispersed, with a loss
beleaguered garrison, and was of three ships. On the 22nd
aided by a sortie in force. Admiral Rooke destroyed 16
Napoleon, making a forced sail of the line and a number of
march from the field of Rivoli, transports.
fellupon Provera and totally Lahore (First Tartar Invasion
routed him, while the sortie of India).
was repulsed by the French Fought 1296, between the
besieging force at the point of Mongols, 100,000 strong, under
the bayonet. Provera sur- Amir Daood, and the army of
rendered, with 5,000 men. Ala-ud-Din, King of Delhi,
La Fere Champenoise (Allied under his brother, Alaf Khan.
Invasion of France).
The Mongols were routed, with
Fought March a loss of 12,000 men.
25, 18 14, be-
tween Marmont's and Mortier's Lake Erie (Second American
corps, 30,000 strong, and the War).
allied army marching on Paris. Fought September 10, 181 3,
The French were defeated and between the English flotilla of
forced to retire, with a loss of six schooners, under Commodore
about 5,000 men and many Barclay, and a largely superior
guns. This was the last action American squadron, under
fought in the north before the Commodore Perry. The whole
first abdication of Napoleon.
British flotilla was destroyed,
Lagos (War of the Revolution). with a loss of 134 killed and
Fought June 17, 1693, when wounded. The Americans lost

a squadron of 23 Dutch and 27 killed and 96 wounded.

English ships, under Sir George Lake George (Seven Years'
Rooke, was attacked by a War).
French fleet of 71 sail, whilst Fought September 8, 1755,
convoying 400 merchantmen to between 1,500 French and In-
the Mediterranean. The French dians, under Baron Dieskau,
destroyed 90 merchant ships, and 2,500 New England militia,
and one English and two Dutch under Colonel William Johnson.
A small force sent by Johnson Romans, under P. Cornelius
to the relief of Fort Lyman was Dolabella, and the Gauls and
ambushed by the French and their Etruscan allies. Dolabella
driven back tocamp, but attacked the Etruscans as they
Dieskau pursuing, was repulsed were crossing the Tiber close to
in his attack upon the camp, the lake, and destroyed the
with a loss of about 400. Dies- flower of their army. He then
kau himself was wounded and fell upon the Gauls, whom he
captured. The loss of the New also defeated with heavy loss,
England men during the day with the result that in the
was 216 killed and 96 wounded, following year they made peace
most of whom fell in the ambush and withdrew from Italy.

Lake Kerguel (Tartar Invasion Landau (War of the Spanish

of Russia). Succession).
Fought July, 1 39 1, between This fortress, held by a French
300,000 Russians, under Tokat- garrison under M. de Melac, was
mich, and an equal force of besieged by the Imperialists,
Tartars, under Tamerlane. The under Prince Louis of Baden,
battle began at daybreak, and June 19, 1702. The garrison
by mid-day the Russians were made a gallant defence, but was
utterly routed, and tied in dis- forced to surrender, September
order, leaving their camp in the 10. The Comte de Soissons,
hands of Tamerlane. elder brother of Prince Eugene,
fell during the siege.
Lake Regillus.
Fought 497, the first authen- Landen. See Neerwinde.
tic date in the history of Rome.
Landskrone (Dano - Swedish
The details handed down, how-
ever, belong to the domain of
Fought July 14, 1676, be-
legend rather than to that of
According to the
tween the Swedes, under Charles
XI, and the Danes, under
chroniclers, this was the last
Christian V, in which the Danes
attempt of the Tarquinian
suffered a serious defeat.
family to recover the throne of
Rome. They
were, however, Langensalza (Seven Weeks'
totally routed by the Romans, War).
under Aulus Postumius, and all Fought June 27, 1866, be-
the sons of Tarquinius, and his tween 12,000 Prussians, under
son-in-law, Mamilius, were slain General Flics, and the Han-
in the battle. The legend avers overians, in about equal strength,
that the Romans, when victory under George, King of Hanover.
was trembling in the balance, The Prussians attacked the
found at their head two young Hanoverian position, and after
men on white horses, whom severe fighting were repulsed
they claimed to be Castor and with a loss of about 1,400 killed
Pollux, and wounded, and 900 prisoners.
Lake Vadimon (Gallic Invasion The Hanoverians lost 1,392.
of Italy). The victory, however, was fruit-
Fought B.C. 283, between the less, as the Prussians in the

neighbourhood were in over- pieces by the Spaniards, 2,600

whelming numbers, and the being killed in one hour's
King was compelled to surrender fighting.
on the 29th. This is the last Lansdown (Civil War).
appearance of Hanover in his- Fought July 1643, between
tory as an independent state. the RoyaUsts, under Sir Ralph
Langport (Civil War). Hopton, and the Parliamen-
Fought July 1 645, between
10, tarians, under Waller, who was
the Parliamentarians, under endeavouring to prevent Hop-
Fairfax, and the Royalists, ton's advance upon Bath. The
under Lord Goring. The Roya- Royalists stormed Waller's en-
lists were routed, and driven trenchments and forced him to
by Cromwell's horse nearly into retreat, though at a heavy cost
Bridgwater, with a loss of 300 to themselves.
killed and 1,400 prisoners.
Laon (Allied Invasion of France).
Lang's Nek (First Boer War). Thisfortress, held by the
Fought January 28, 1881, allies under Blucher, was at-
when a British column, 1,100 tacked May 9, 1 8 14, by the
strong, under General CoUey, French under Ney and Marmont.
attacked the Boers in a strong Ney seized two of the suburbs,
position at Lang's Nek. The but Marmont, failing to support
British were repulsed with a loss him as promised, he could not
of 198 killed and Avounded. The make good his footing. During
Boers lost 14 killed and 27 the night the allies attacked and
wounded. routed Marmont, and on the
loth Ney, after hard fighting,
Fought May 13, 1568, when was forced to yield the ground
he had gained. The French lost
the army of Mary Queen of
about 6,000 men the allies
Scots, 6,000 strong, was de-

feated and dispersed by the S

forces of the Regent, Murray. La Paz.

The Queen's troops were broken Fought January, 1865, be-
by a cavalry charge, in which tween the partizans of General
they lost 300, while only one Belza and those of Colonel
man of the victorious horse was Melgarejo, each of whom had
killed, and fled in confusion proclaimed himself Provisional
from the field. Mary escaped President of Bolivia. Belza's
to England. forceswere totally defeated, and
himself slain.
Lannoy (Netherlands War of
Independence). La Placilla (Chilian Civil War),
Fought January, 1567, be- Fought August 28, 1 89 1, be-
tween 3 ,000 Flemish Protestants, tween 10,000 Congressists, under
under Pierre Cornaille, and a General Del Canto, and 14,000
small force of the Duchess of Balmacedists, under General
Parma's troops, under Novi- Barbosa. The latter were
carmes. The Flemings, mostly routed with a loss of 3,363
half-armed peasants, were cut to killed and wounded, including
Barbosa, while thousands laid pulsed with a loss of 480. On
down their arms on the field. Rlay 8 a relieving force of
The Congressists, who lost 1,609, 10,500 men, under General
at once occupied Valparaiso, Comonfort, was defeated by
and a few days late Balmaceda a small French column under
committed suicide. Bazaine, losing 8 guns and
1,000 prisoners, and from this
La Puebla (Franco-Mexican point further resistance was
War). useless. Ortega, therefore, after
Fought May 5, 1S62, between a most gallant defence, surren-
the French, 7,500 strong, under dered with 1,455 officers and
General Lorencez, and about 11,000 men. May 17, 1863.
12,000 Mexicans, under General
Zarago^a. The French endea- Larcay (Chilian Revolution).
voured to carry the ridge of the Fought December, 1829, be-
Cerro de Guadalupe, command- tween the Federalists, or Govern-
ing the town, but were repulsed ment Party, under General
by General Negreti, with 1,200 Zastera, and the Pelucones, or
men, losing 456 killed and Unitarians, under General Pri-
wounded, and forced to retire eto. The Pelucones gained a
from La Puebla. The Mexicans signal victory, following which
lost 215 only. they drove out the Government
and abrogated the constitution
La Puebla (Franco-Mexican of 1828.
War). Largs (Norse Invasion of Scot-
On May 4, 1863, the French land).
army, 25,000 strong, under Fought October 2, 1263, be-
General Forey, laid siege to
tween the Norsemen, under
La Puebla, which was held by Haco, and the Scots. The Norse
a Mexican garrison under Gene-
fleet of 160 ships was driven
ral Ortega. Forey's force was
ashore off Largs by a violent
too small for a complete invest-
storm, and many of them
ment, and he began opera-
wrecked, and Haco landed a
tions against the Fort of San
force to protect the shipwrecked
Xavier. On the 29th this crews. This force was attacked
post was taken by storm, the
by the Scots and utterly routed,
French losing 230, the defenders
and Haco was forced to with-
600 men. From this point the draw, and abandon the project
French obtained foothold in the of invasion. The only name on
town, and then proceeded to
the Scottish side which has come
capture the houses block by
down to us as taking part in the
block. So determined was the battle is that of Sir Pierce Curry.
resistance, however, that their
progress was very slow, and by Larissa (Third Macedonia War).
April 7 they had made next to Fought 171 B.C., between the
no advance, though they had Romans, 40,000 strong, under
600 men. Later in
lost a further P. Licinius Crassus, and 43,000
the month an attack on the Macedonians, under Perseus.
Convent of Santa Cruz was re- The Romans were defeated with

a loss of 2,200 killed and 600 tured the village of La Rothiere.

prisoners. Napoleon with the Young Guard
retook the village, and the
Larissus, The (Wars of the battle ended with the French in
Achaean League). possession of the field. The
Fought B.C. 209, between the French lost 5,000, the allies
Achaeans, under Philopoemen, about 8,000, and Napoleon was
and the ^tolians and Eleans. enabled to continue his retire-
The allies were defeated and ment without molestation.
cut to pieces, the Elean general
being among the slain. Las Navas de Tolosa (Moorish
Empire in Spain).
La Rochelle (Hundred Years' Fought July 10, 1212, be-
War), tween a huge army of Moors,
Fought June 22, 1372, when said by the chroniclers to have
an English fleet, under the amounted to 600,000, under
Earl of Pembroke, intended for Mohammed al Nasin, and the
the relief of La Rochelle, was allied armies of the Kings of
intercepted by a greatly superior Castile, Leon, Aragon, Navarre,
Spanish fleet, under Don Am- and Portugal. The Moors were
brosio Bercenegra, and after utterly very few of
very hard fighting was entirely their enormous host escaping
destroyed or captured. from the field.

La Rochelle (Huguenot Re- Las Salinas (Conquest of Peru).

bellion). Fought April 20, 1538, be-
This fortress, the principal tween the forces of Francisco
Huguenot stronghold in France, Pizarro and those of Almagro.
was besieged by the Royal The latter were totally routed,
troops, under Richelieu, in 1627. and Almagro captured and
The garrison, under the mayor, executed.
Guiton, made a gallant defence,
Laswari (Second Mahratta
but the assassination of Bucking-
ham prevented the arrival of War).
the promised English succours,
Fought November i, 1803,
and the town surrendered, after between the British, 10,000
strong, under General Lake, and
holding out for fourteen months.
Scindhia's army, consisting of
La Rothiere (Allied Campaign 9,000 infantry and 5,000 ca-
in France). valry. Scindhia's veteran in-
Fought February i, 18 14, fantry made a most gallant
between 32,000 French, under defence, standing their ground
Napoleon, and 100,000 Prussians until 7,000 had fallen, when the
sians, Russians, and Wiirtem- survivors laid down their arms.
bergers, under Blucher. Napo- The cavalry also suffered
leon held a strong position, heavily. The British loss
where he attacked by
was amounted to about 800. Seventy-
Blucher, whom he succeeded in two guns and a large quantity
holding at bay till late in the of ammunition and stores were
afternoon, when Bucher^cap- captured.
Laupen (Burgundian Wars). hands of the Germans, who lost
Fought June 21, 1339, be- 34 officers and 344 men.
tween 5,000 Swiss of Berne and
Leek, The (Thirty Years' War).
the Forest Cantons, under Ru-
dolf von Erlach, and 15,000
Fought April 5, 1632, between
Burgundians, under the Counts 26,000 Swedes and German
of Kiburg and Nidau. Despite
Protestants, under Gustavus
their superior numbers, the
Adolphus, and 20,000 Im-
Burgundians were unable to perialists, under Count Tilly.
withstand the charge of the Gustavus had prepared a bridge
to cross the river, and immedi-
Swiss, and were utterly routed
ately after daybreak his engi-
and forced to raise the siege of
Laupen. neers commenced to fix it, the
Swedish artillery meanwhile
Lautulae (Second Samnite War). keeping the Imperialists in
Fought B.C. 316, between the check. In the artillery duel
Samnites, under Pontius, and Tilly was mortally wounded,
the Romans, under Q. Fabius and his troops retired, leaving
Maximus. The Romans were the Swedes to effect the passage
defeated with great slaughter. unmolested.
L'Ecluse (Hundred Years' War).
Lawfeldt (War of the Austrian
Fought 1340, when the Eng-
lish fleet surprised the French
Fought July
2, 1747, between
in a narrow channel, and totally
the alhed Austrians and British,
routed them, with a loss of 90
under the Duke of Cumberland,
ships and 30,000 men.
and the French, under Marshal
Saxe. The village of Lawfeldt Leghorn.
was thrice carried by the French Fought off Leghorn March 31,
and thrice recaptured, but about 1653, when six English ships,
noon the British centre was under Commodore Appleton,
driven in, and defeat was immi- were destroyed by a Dutch fleet
nent, when a cavalry charge, of 16 sail, under Admiral Van
headed by Sir John Ligonier, Gelen. Only a sloop escaped the
saved the day, and enabled the destruction. Van Gelen was
Duke to retire in good order. mortally wounded during the
The allies lost 5,620 killed and action.
wounded, the French about Legnano (Wars of the Lombard
10,000. League).
Le Bourget (Franco-German Fought May 29, 1 176, between
War). the Lombard League, aided by
A determined sortie by the Venice and the Pope, and the
French from Paris, October 27, Imperialists, under Frederick
1870, in which they carried the Barbarossa. Frederick was
village of Le Bourget. They held utterly routed, and fled from
their ground there until October Italy in disguise.
30,when they were driven out War).
Leipsic (Thirty Years'
by the Prussian Guard Corps, Fought September 7, 163 1,
leaving 1,200 prisoners in the between 20,000 Swedes and an

equal force of Saxons, under about 35,000. Both sides re-

Gustavus Adolphus and John ceiving reinforcements during
George, Elector of Saxony, and the night. Napoleon on the
44,000 Imperialists, under Tilly. morning of the 17 th was at the
The Imperialist right totally head of 1 50,000 troops, while
routed the Saxons, who fled the alhes numbered nearly
from the field, headed by the 300,000, including the Swedes
Elector. Meanwhile, the Swedes under Bernadotte. Little was
had completely defeated the done on the 17th, but on the
left of the Imperialists, under 18th Napoleon moved out to
Pappenheim, and repulsed the drive back the allies, and leave
centre under Tilly, and on the a road of retreat open. He was
return of the right from pursuing repulsed at all points, and driven
the Saxons, they were attacked back into Leipsic, whence dur-
by the Swedish left, and driven ing the night of the iSthto 19th,
from the field, only four regi- the French retired by the only
ments holding their ground in a serviceable bridge. The corps
wood until nightfall. The Im- under Poniatowski left to cover
perialists lost 8,000 killed and the retreat was almost annihi-
wounded and 5,000 prisoners ; lated, and Poniatowsld killed.
the allies 2,700, of whom
only The French lost in the three
700 were Swedes. Gustavus cap- days over 60,000 men, while
tured the whole of Tilly's the losses of the allies were also
artillery, and his victory was the enormous.
salvation of the Protestant
Leitskau (Campaign of Leipsic).
cause, which was trembling in
Fought August 27, 1813, be-
the balance.
tween 5,000 French, under
General Girard, and a Prussian
Leipsic (Campaign of Leipsic). division, under General Hirsch-
Fought October 16, 17, and berg, aided by some Cossacks,
18, 1813, between the French, under Czernitcheff. Girard was
under Napoleon, and the forces defeated, losing heavily in killed
of the Great Coalition. Napo- and wounded, besides 1,500
leon, who held Leipsic with prisoners and 6 guns.
155,000 men, was faced by
160,000 Austrians and Russians, Le Mans (Franco-German
under the Prince of Schwartzem- War).
berg, and 60,000 Prussians, Fought January 10, 11, and
under Blucher. On the i6th 12, between the Germans,
Schwartzemberg attacked, being 50,000 strong, under Prince
faced by Napoleon with 115,000 Frederick Charles, and the
men, and, after an obstinate French, numbering about
engagement, which lasted till 1 50,000, under General Chanzy.

nightfall, the French had gained The French army was com-
a little ground. At the same pletely routed, and the whole
time Blucher attacked Marmont, force so completely demoralised
who, with 24,000 men, held his as to be no longer an effective
own throughout the day. The fighting unit. The Germans
French lost 27,000 ; the allies took 20,000 prisoners, 17 guns.
and great quantities of war tween the Spaniards, under
material, at a cost to themselves Leganez, and the French, under
of 200 officers and 3,200 men. Lamothe-Houdancourt. The
Spanish army was defeated, and
Lens (Thirty Years' War). this victory, in conjunction with
Fought August 20, 164S, be- the fall of Perpignan, gave the
tween the French, 14,000 strong, French possession of Roussillon.
under Conde, and the Austrians,
in somewhat superior force, Lerida (Thirty Years' War).
under the Archduke Leopold. This city, held by a garrison
Conde feigned aretreat, to draw of 4,000 Spaniards, under Don
the enemy from their lines, and Jorge Britt, was besieged by
then turning upon them, de- the French, under the Great
cisively defeated them, with Conde, May 12,^1647. The de-
a loss of 4,000 killed, 6,000 fence was vigorous, the garrison
prisoners, and all their baggage making constant sorties, and
and artillery. about the middle of June the
appearance of a large Spanish
army at Fraga forced Conde
This city, the stronghold of
either to deliver an assault or
the National party in Sicily,
held by a garrison of Syracusans
to raise the siege. He chose the
second alternative and with-
and Roman deserters, was
drew his troops June 17.
stormed and sacked, B.C. 211, by
three Roman legions under M. Lesno (Russo-Swedish War).
Marcellus. Two thousand Roman A series of actions, fought
deserters captured in the place 1709 between 40,000 Russians,
were put to the sword. Hippo- under Peter the Great, and
crates succeeded in escaping, 15,000 Swedes, under General
Lepanto (Cyprus War). Levenhaupt, who was escorting
Fought October 17, 1571, be- a convoy of 8,000 waggons to
twen a fleet of 250 Spanish and the army of Charles XII. The
Venetian ships, under Don John battle lasted over five days, at
of Austria, and a Turkish fleet
the end of which time the rem-
of 270 sail, under Piale, the nant of the Swedes, though de-
Capitan Pasha. The Turkish feated, were permitted to retire
left wing, under the Dey of
in good order, but without their
Algiers, met with some success, convoy. The Swedes lost in
but the centre and right were this series of actions two-thirds
almost destroyed, the Turks of their numbers. The Rus-
1 osing 200 vessels, and, it is said,
sians lost 10,000 men.
30,000 men. Piale was killed.
Leucopetra (Wars of the Achaean
The Dey of Algiers succeeded
n extricating the majority of Fought 146 B.C., between a
his ships. The allies lost between
Roman Consular Army, under
4,000 and 5,000 men, including Lucius Mummius, and the forces
1 5 Venetian captains. of the Achaean League, under
Lerida (Thirty Years' War). Diacus. The Greeks, who were
Fought September, 1642, be- only half as strong as their oppo-

nents, were routed, and all re- Edward. The king was com-
sistance came to an end, the pletely defeated, and the two
Greek cities, one after another, parties signed an agreement,
opening their gates to the Ro- known as the Mise of Lewes,
mans. to submit the points in dispute
to arbitration.
Leuctra (BcEOtian War).
Fought July, 371 B.C., between Lexington (American War of
11,000 Spartans, under Cleom- Independence).
brotus,and 6,000 Thebans, under Fought April 19, 1775, be-
Epaminondas. The
principal tween the Royal troops, under
fighting took place on the Theban General Gage, and the Ameri-
left,where Epaminondas had cans. After a brief engage-
massed his best troops, and after ment the Americans were de-
a fierce encounter the Spartans feated, and retired. The losses
were driven back, leaving 1,000 on both sides were very small.
dead, including Cleombrotus, on
the field. As a result of this de- Lexington (American Civil War),
feat, the Spartans evacuated This place was invested Sep-
Bneotia. tember 18, 1861, by the Con-
federates, 8,000 strong, under
Leuthen (Seven Years' War). General Price, who having cut
Fought December 5, 1757, off their supplies, forced the
between 33,000 Prussians, imder garrison of 3,500, under Colonel
Frederick the Great, and 90,000 Mulligan, to surrender, Septem-
Austrians, under Prince Charles ber 20. The Confederates lost
of Lorraine and Count Daun. 100 men only.
Frederick made a feigned attack
Leyden (Netherlands War of
on the Austrian right wing, and Independence).
then under cover of the ground
This city was invested May
withdrew the major part of his
26, 1574, by 8,000 Walloons and
force, and strongly attacked the
Germans under Valdez, who in
Austrian left, which was driven
the course of a few days had
back and finally overthrown by
erected 62 batteries round the
a charge of cavalry. The Aus-
place. There was no garrison,
trians lost killed
7,000 and with the exception of a few
wounded, 20,000 prisoners, in- " freebooters " and a burgher
cluding three generals, and 134
guard, under Jan van der Does.
guns. The Prussians lost 5,000 The Prince of Orange, in order
killed and wounded. In conse- to save the city, determined to
quence of this victory, Breslau
open the dykes, and on August
surrendered to Frederick, with
3 the gates at Schiedam and
over 18,000 troops, on Decem-
Rotterdam were opened, and
ber 10.
the dykes broken along the
Lewes (Barons' War). course of the Yssel. Mean-
Fought May 14, 1264, be- while the citizens had come to
tween the Barons, under Simon an end of their bread, but by
deMontfort, and the Royalists, strenuous efforts the fleet under
under Henry III and Prince Admiral Boisot succeeded in
throwing relief into the city at Lille(War of the Spanish Suc-
the beginning of October. By cession).
this time the city was on the This city was besieged August
verge of starvation, and 8,000 12, 1708, by the Imperialists,
of the inhabitants had perished under Prince Eugene, and was
of pestilence. The Spaniards, defended by a French garrison,
however, had been driven from under M. de Boufiers, which
Avork after work, and on October after repulsing several deter-
3 tlie last of theirredoubts was mined assaults, surrendered
mastered, and Valdez forced October 25. The besiegers lost
to raise the siege. in the course of the siege 3,632.
The French lost about 7,000.
Lignitz (Seven Years' War).
Lilybaeum (First Punic War).
Fought August 15, 1760.
This fortress was besieged B.C.
Frederick the Great with 30,000
Prussians was posted near Lig- 250, by the Romans, under C.
Attilius and L. Manlius, and was
nitz, and expecting to be
attacked by the Austrians,
defended by a Carthaginian
garrison, 10,000 strong, under
90.000 strong, under Count
Daim, commenced a retreat
Himilcon. The Romans in-
vested the place both by sea
towards Parchwitz, and took
and land, but the superior sea-
up a position which, according
to Daun's plan was to have
manship of the Carthaginians
enabled them from time to time
been occupied by Landon's
to throw succour into the place.
corps. Landon. quite uncon-
scious of the presence of the
The first line of the defences
was soon carried but the Ro-
Prussians, marched into the mans were then confronted
middle of Frederick's lines, and
with a second rampart, equally
was utterly routed, with a loss
strong, and the siege was begun
of 4,000 killed and wounded,
anew. In 249 P. Claudiijs took
6,000 prisoners and 82 guns.
over the command, but a defeat
Ligny (Hundred Days). of the Roman fleet at Drepanum
Fought June 16, 1815, be- gave the Carthaginians com-
tween 84,000 Prussians under plete command of the sea, and
Blucher and 60,000 French though the Romans continued
under Napoleon. The French to blockade the fortress on the
attacked Blucher's position, and land side, it held out till 241.
met with a stout resistance, After the naval battle of ^gusae
especially at the village
Carthage sued for peace.
Ligny, but by sundown the Lincoln, Fair of.
Prussians had exhausted their Fought in the streets of Lin-
last resources, and Napoleon, coln, 1217, between the Royal
bringing up the Guard, and a troops, under the Earl of Pem-
division of heavy cavalry, drove broke, and the adherents of the
them from their positions, with Dauphin Louis, under the Comte
a loss of about 12,000. The de la Perche. The Royalists
French lost 8,000 killed and were victorious, and the French
wounded. leader was killed.

Lindley (Second Boer War). Admiral Tegethoff, and the

At this place a force of 500 Italian fleet of 10 armour-clads,
yeomanry, under Colonel under Admiral Persano. Teget-
Spragge, after holding out for hoff attacked in wedge forma-
four days against a largely tion, with his flagship as the
superior Boer force, surrendered apex, and broke the line of the
May 27, 1900. Italian fleet, which was steam-
ing, line ahead, across his bows.
Linkoping. He rammed and sank the Italian
Fought 1598, between the flagship, and the rest of the
Poles, under Sigismund III, action was a melee in which the
King of Poland and Sweden, Italians were defeated and
and the Swedes, under Charles driven off, with a loss of 3 ships
the Regent. The Poles were and over 1,000 men. This de-
surprised and totally defeated,
feat forced the Italians to raise
with a loss of 20,000 men, the the siege of Lissa.
Swedes losing, it is said, only
240. This victory was shortly Little Big Horn (Sioux Rising).
followed by the dethronement On June 25, 1876, General
of Sigismund and the accession Custer, with the 7th United
of Charles as King of Sweden. States Cavalry, 700 strong, at-
tacked the village of the Sioux
Liparsean Islands (First Punic chief. Sitting Bull. He divided
War). his force into three columns,
The scene of a naval battle, one of which, led by himself,
B.C. 257, in which the Roman marched into an ambush, and
fleet, under the Consul, C.Atti- was massacred to a man. The
lius, completely defeated the other two columns were vigour-
Carthaginians. ously attacked by the Sioux,
Lippe (Germanic Wars). and forced to retire. The
Fought B.C. 1 1 between the cavalry lost on this occasion
Romans, under Drusus, and the 265 killed.
Sicambri, Suevi and Cherusii.
Lodi, Bridge of (Napoleon's
The Romans were largely out-
Italian Campaigns).
numbered and surrounded, and
Fought May 10, 1796, during
so certain were the Germans of
Napoleon's pursuit of the re-
victory, that they had already
tiring Austro- Sardinian army,
apportioned the spoil among
under Beaulieu. The bridge
the various tribes. Drusus, how-
over the Adda was defended by
ever, attacked the barbarians
the Austrian rear-guard, with
vigorously, and totally routed
some 20 guns, commanding
them with very heavy loss.
passage. Napoleon sent a force
Lissa (Seven Weeks' War). of cavalry round by a ford to
The only naval action be- take the defenders in rear, and
tween ironclads in European then rushed the bridge, the
waters, fought July 20, 1866, storm ers being led by Berthier
between the Austrian fleet of and Massena, while Napoleon
7 armoured ships and some himself was in the thick of the
obsolete wooden vessels, under fighting. The French loss is
said not to have exceeded 400, drawing in good order, he
while the Austrians lost in the lostmost of his baggage and
action and subsequent pursuit, artillery.
2,000 killed and wounded, 1,000
prisoners, and 20 guns. Lonato. See Castiglione.

Loftcha (Russo-Turkish War). Londonderry (War of the Re-

Fought September 3, 1877,
between 20,000 Russians, under This town in which the Ulster
Prince Imeretinsky, and 15,000 Protestants, to the number of
Turks, under Adil Pasha. The about 30,000, had taken refuge,
actual attack on the Turkish was besieged by James II, April
positions was made by Skobe- 19, 1689. It was defended by

leff, at first with 5,000, and about 7,000 armed citizens,

afterwards with 9,000 men, and under Major Henry Baker, and
the Turks were driven out of held out imtil July 30, when
Loftcha with a loss of 5,200 Colonel Kirke succeeded in forc-
ing the boom at the head of
killed. The Russians lost 1,500
killed and wounded. Lough Foyle and reprovisioning
the town. The besiegers then
Loigny - Pouprey (Franco - Ger- withdrew, having lost 5,000
man War). men during the siege. The
Fought December i, 1870, garrison was reduced to 4,000.
between the Germans, 34,000 Among those who died during
strong, under the Grand Duke the siege was Major Baker.
of Mecklenburg, and about
Loose Coat Field. See Emping-
90,000 French, forming the
army of the Loire, under General ham.
d'Aurelle de Paladines. The Loudon Hill (Scottish Wars).
Germans gained a signal victory, Fought 1306, between the
completely breaking the aggres- Scots, under Robert Bruce, and
sive power of the Army of the the English, under the Regent
Loire. The French lost 18,000 Pembroke. Bruce met the at-
killed and wounded and 9 guns, tack of the English cavalry
the Germans 4,200. with a line of spearmen, which
they were unable to break, and
Loja (War of Granada).
they were driven off with heavy
Fought July 4, 1482, between loss. Pembroke thereupon with-
the Spaniards, under Ferdinand
drew his army and returned to
the Catholic, and the Moors,
under Ali A tar. The King, who
was besieging Loja, was en- Louisburg (War of the Austrian
camped on the heights of Almo- Succession).
hacen, but finding the position This place, the strongest for-
insecure, decided upon a retreat. tress in America, was captured
As he was retiring he was vigor- June 16, 1745, by a force of New
ously attacked by the garrison, Englanders, under Pepperel,
and though, after very heavy aided by a naval force under
fighting, he succeeded in with- Commodore Warren.

Louisburg (Seven Years' War). ing, forcedhim to retire. Each

Louisburg, having been re side lost about 3,000, but the
stored to the French, was in- victory was of great importance
vested June 3, 1758, by a force to Frederick, as it led to the
of 11,600 British troops, under surrender at Pirna of 17,000
General Amherst, and a fleet of Saxons and 80 guns.
of 41 ships of war, under Admiral
Boscawen. It was defended by Luncena (War of Granada).
3,800 French regulars, besides Fought April, 1483, when the
Indians and armed citizens, Moors, under Abdullah and Ali
under the Chevalier de Drucour, Atar, who were besieging Lucena,
while in the harbour were 12 were attacked by a Spanish re-
ships of war, with crews number- lieving force under the Comte
ing 3,000 men. Owing to heavy de Cabra. The Moorish infan-
weather no siege guns were try fled, and Ali Atar, heading
landed till the i8th, but by July a charge of cavalry in a gallant
20 a practicable breach had attempt to retrieve the day,
been effected, whereupon the was slain, whereupon his follow-
garrison surrendered. During ing broke and fled, pursued by
the siege the defenders lost the Christians to the banks of
1,200 men killed or died of the Xenil, where the majority
disease, while the prisoners were cut to pieces.
numbered 5,637, and 239 guns
and mortars were taken. Wolfe, Lucknow (Indian Mutiny).
who commanded a brigade, On
the approach of the rebel
specially distinguished himself. Sepoy army, July i, 1857, the
garrison and residents took re-
Lowenberg (Campaign of Leip- fuge in the Residency, which
sic). had been prepared to stand a
Fought August 21, 1 81 3, be- siege. On September 19, 1857,
tween 130,000 French, under a force of 3,179 British troops,
Napoleon, and 80,000 Prussians, under Havelock and Outram,
under Blucher. Blucher being left Cawnpore to relieve the

vigorously attacked, retired be- garrison. On the 23rd they en-

hind the Haynau without offer- countered and defeated a force
ing any serious resistance to the of 12,000 rebels at the Alum-
French advance. The Prussians bagh, capturing 5 guns. On
lost 2,000 killed and wounded. the 25 th they forced the Char-
bagh bridge, and captured the
Lowositz (Seven Years' War). Secunderbagh, and the main
Fought October i, 1756, be- body, after prolonged street
tween 24,000 Prussians, imder fighting, reached the Residency,
Frederick the Great, and a some- the rearguard with the wounded
what superior force of Austrians, getting in on the 26th. The
under Marshal Brown. Brown loss during the operations
was marching to relieve the amounted to 535, while the
Saxons penned up in Pirna, garrison up to this time had
when he was attacked by the lost 483 killed and wounded.
Prussians, who, after hard fight- Outram now took command
and the garrison held out until attacked by the Americans.
November 19, when it was re- The fighting lasted till far into
lieved, after very heavy fight- the night, when a final assault
ing, by a column under Sir Colin- was repulsed, and the Americans
Campbell, and the whole force retired to Chippewa with a loss
withdrawn. On March i, 1858, of 858. The British lost 878.
the recovery of the city from
the rebels commenced by the Lutter (Thirty Years' War).
capture of the Alumbagh, and Fought August 27, 1626, be-
was completed on the 21st, tween the Imperialists, under
when the mutineers were finally Tilly, and the Danes and Ger-
driven from the place. During mans, under Christian IV of
the interval the various fort- Denmark. The allies were re-
resses and palaces held by the treating before Tilly, who came
rebels were successively carried up with them in an open plain
by assault, the fighting in many near the Castle of Lutter, where
cases being exceedingly severe. the King had taken up a strong
position. Tilly attacked, and
Lugdunum. See Lyons. notwithstanding Christian's per-
sonal gallantry, his infantry was
Luncarty (Danish Invasions of
overwhelmed, while the German
cavalry refused to take any part
Fought 980, between the Scots, in the fight. The Danes left
under Kenneth III, and the
4,000 dead on the field, and Tilly
Danish corsairs, who had landed
captured 2,000 prisoners, 22
on the Tay to attack Dunkeld.
guns and 60 standards. The
After a furious hand-to-hand
King ^\dth difficulty cut his way
fightthe Danes were defeated
through the enemy's horse, and
and driven to their ships.
Lunden (Dano-Swedish Wars).
Fought 1676, between the Liitzen (Thirty Years' War).
Swedes, under Charles XI, and Fought November 16, 1632,
the Danes, under Christian V. between 20,000 Swedes, under
Both sides claimed the victory, Gustavus Adolphus, and 30,000
but the advantage rested with Imperialists, under Wallenstein.
the Swedes, for Christian had The Swedes attacked with suc-
to fall back upon Copenhagen, cess on their right, but their left
while Charles forced the Danes was driven back by Pappenheim,
to raise the siege of Malmoe. and Gustavus, hurrying off to
rally them fell mortally wounded.
Lundy's Lane (Second American The fall of their king, however,
War). did not dishearten the Swedes,
Fought July 25, 1 8 14, be- and a fresh charge, in which
tween 5,000 Americans, under Pappenheim was killed, gave
General Jacob Brown, and 3,000 them a complete xnctory. A
British, under Sir George Drum- dense fog, however, came on,
mond. Drummound occupied which enabled Wallenstein to
high ground on each side of effect an orderly retreat, though
Lundy's Lane, where he was he left all his guns on the field.

Lutzen (Campaign of Leipsic). 22 officers and 200 men killed

Fought May 1813, between
2, and wounded.
the French, 70,000 strong, under
Napoleon, and the Russians and Lyons.
Prussians, 65,000 strong, under
Fought 197 between the le-
gions of Britain, under Clodius
Wittgenstein and Blucher. The
Albinus, and the legions of Pan-
King of Prussia and the Russian
nonia, under Severus, both
Emperor were present on the
field. Napoleon held five vil- generalshaving been proclaimed
lages in front of Liitzen, round
Emperor by their respective
troops on the death of Pertinax.
which the battle centred. They
Albinus was defeated and slain.
were taken and re-taken several
times during the day, but at 8
p.m., in spite of the remon-
strances of Blucher, the two M.

sovereigns ordered a retreat,

and the honours of the day Macalo (Italian Wars).
rested with the French. The Fought October 11, 1427,
allies lost about 20,000 the ;
when the Venetians, under Car-
French about 18,000. magnola, in a strong position
near Macalo, were attacked by
Luzzara (War of the Spanish the Milanese, under Malatesta.
The Venetians repulsed the
Fought August 15, 1702, be- attack, and assuming the offen-
sive,surrounded Malatesta, and
tween the French, 35,000 strong,
compelled him to surrender
under the Due d'Anjou, and
with his whole force, numbering
25,000 Imperialists, under Prince
about 10,000 men.
Eugene. The Prince attacked
the French in their entrench- Madonna dell' Oleno (War of the
ments in front of Luzzara, and Austrian Succession).
after a stubborn resistance, Fought September 30, 1744,
drove them out with a loss of between the French and Spani-
about 4,000 men. The Imperi- ards, under Prince Louis de
alists lost 27,000 killed and Conti and Don Phihp of Spain,
wounded. and the Imperialists, under the
King of Sardinia. With a view
Lynn Haven Bay. of relieving Cuneo, which the

Fought September 5, 178 1, allies were besieging, the King
between a British fleet of 19 attacked their lines, and though
ships of the line and 7 frigates, he was defeated in the battle,
under Admiral Thomas Graves, he gained his object, for Conti
and a French fleet of 25 line of was compelled by lack of sup-
battle ships. Admiral Graves plies to raise the siege, October
attacked the French as they 22, having suffered heavy losses
were lying in Lynn Haven Bay, from famine, flood and battle.
but was unsuccessful, and drew
off after two hours' hard fight- Madras.
ing, with a loss of 79 killed and This city was invested by the
230 wounded. The French lost French under Labourdonnais,
with 9 ships and about 3,700 men, but finally the place was
troops, mostly Europeans, Sep- taken by surprise, and a mas-
tember 14, 1746. It was de- sacre followed, in which 6,000
fended by a garrison of 200, of the inhabitants perished.
and after a week's bombard-
ment, surrendered September Mafeking (Second Boer War).
25. The garrison lost 5 men This small township, entirely
only ; the French not a single destitute of regular
man. was invested October, 1899, by
Madras (Seven Years' War). a force of 5,000 Boers, under
On December 16, 1758, Ma- General Cronje, and defended by
dras was invested by Lally- a garrison of about 700 irregulars
ToUendal with 2,000 European and armed townsmen, under
and 4,000 native troops. The Colonel Baden-Powell. Later
garrison consisted of 4,000 men, in the siege Cronje withdrew a
more than half of whom were large part of his force, leaving
Sepoys, under Colonel Laurence, about 2,000 under Snyman to
After a bombardment lasting prosecute the siege. Though
from January 2, 1759, to Feb- the bombardment was continu-
ruary 16, Lally-Tollendal was ous, only one resolute attempt
on the point of ordering an as- was made to penetrate the de-
sa It, when the arrival of the fences when on May 12, 1900,

British fleet caused him to raise 300 Boers, under Sarel Eloff,
the siege and retire. The garri- succeeded in getting within the
son lost during the siege 1,341 lines, but were surrounded and
killed and wounded. The forced to surrender. On May
French losses amounted to 700 17, the place was relieved by a
Europeans, besides Sepoys. cavalry column under Colonel
Mahon. The garrison lost 273,
Madeira (Napoleonic Wars). the Boers about 1,000, in the
This island was occupied with- course of the siege.
out bloodshed by a combined
naval and militarj^ force, under
Magdeburg (Thirty Years' War).
Admiral Sir A. J. Cochrane and
This held by a small
General Bowver, December 26,
Swedish garrison, under Falken-
1 807,
berg, was besieged by the Im-
Maestricht (Netherlands War of perialists, under Tilly, March,
Independence). 1 After a desultory bom-
63 1.
This city, the German Gate of bardment, Tilly was forced by
the Netherlands, was besieged the approach of Gusta\-us Adol-
by the Spaniards, under Prince phus either to raise the siege or
Alexander of Parma, March 12, to attempt a storm. Choosing
1 579. It was held by a garrison the latter course, an assault was
of 1,000 troops and 1,200 armed delivered, under Pappenberg,
burghers, under Melchior, while and after two hours' severe
the besiegers numbered 20,000. fighting, in the course of which
Two unsuccessful assaults were Falkenberg fell, the garrison
made April 8, which cost the was overpowered. The victory
Spaniards 670 ofi&cers and 4,000 was sullied by an infamous mas-

sacre of the unarmed inhabi- troops, and the Romans, 40,000

tants, thousands of whom perish- strong, under Cnaeus Domitius.
ed at the hands of the Croats Antiochus, leading the right
and Walloons. wing, drove back the Roman
left and penetrated to their
Magenta (Franco-Austrian War). camp, which he nearly suc-
Fought June 4, 1859, be- ceeded in capturing. His left
tween the 2nd French Corps wing, however, was routed, and
d'Armee, under Macmahon, and his elephants becoming unman-
the main Austrian army, under ageable, broke the ranks of the
Marshal Giulay, about 100,000 phalanx, whereupon his whole
strong. Macmahon attacked army fled in confusion, with a
the Austrian position, and, after loss, it is said, of 50,000 killed.
hard fighting, drove them out of The Romans lost 300 only.
Magenta, and totally defeated Maharajpur (Gwalior War).
them with a loss of about 6,000 Fought December 29, 1843,
killed and wounded. The French
between the British, 14,000
lost 4,400.
strong, with 40 guns, under Sir
Hugh Gougl^, and the troops of
Magersfontein (Second Boer Bhagerat Rao Scindhia, 18,000
War). strong, with 100 guns. The
Fought December 11, 1899, Mahrattas occupied a strong
between 9,000 Boers, under position at Maharajpur, the
General Cronje, and Lord Me- exact locality of their lines being
thuen's division, with the addi- unknown to Sir Hugh, until his
tion of the Highland Brigade. troops came under fire. The
Cronje's position was exceed- British at once charged and car-
ingly strong, and an attempt ried the batteries, and finally
to turn it lay a flank march routed the Gwalior infantry at
undertaken at night led to a a cost of 787 killed and wounded.
disaster to the Highland brigade, The Mahrattas lost 3,000 killed
who came under a heavy fire
and wounded, and 56 guns.
before they were extended, and
lost 57 officers and over 700 Maharajpur (Indian Mutiny).
men, including their brigadier, Fought July 16, 1857, be-
General Wauchope. Eventu- tween 5,000 rebels, under the
ally the attacking force was Nana Sahib, and the British re-
withdrawn, without having lieving force, under Havelock.
made any impression on the The Nana was entrenched across
Boer position. The total British the Grand Trunk Road, and his
losses were 68 officers and 1,011 position being too strong for a
men. The Boers admitted a frontal attack, Havelock turned
loss of 320, but it was probably his left flank. After severe
considerably heavier. fighting the rebels were de-
feated, though Havelock was
Magnesia (War with Antiochus left with only 800 Europeans
the Great). available for further service. On
Fought B.C. between
190, the following day Cawnpore was
Antiochus the Great, with 80,000 re-occupied.
Mahidpur (Third Mahratta War). men wounded. The survivors
Fought December 21, 18 17, escaped with difficulty to Kan-
between the British, under Sir dahar.
Thomas Hislop, and the army
of Holkar of Indore. The Mah- Main, The (Germanic War).
rattas, ^nth 70 guns, were Fought B.C. 9, when the Ro-
strongly posted behind the mans, under Drusus, attacked
Sipra, which Sir Thomas crossed and totally routed the Marco-
in the face of a heavy fire, and manni, driving them to the east-
completely defeated them. The ward and occupying their terri-
British lost 778 killed and tory.
wounded, the Mahrattas about
3,000. Majorca (Napoleonic Wars).
This island was captured from
Maida (Napoleonic Wars). the Spaniards in 1706, by a small
Fought July 4, 1806, between British force under Sir John
the British expeditionary force Leake.
In Calabria, 5,000 strong, under
Sir John Stuart, and the French, Majuba (First Boer War).
in equal strength, under General Fought February 27, 1881,
Reynier. The British charged when a column, 647
with the bayonet, and the strong, under Sir George Colley,
French, though veterans, failing posted on the summit of Majuba
to withstand Hill, was attacked and driven
the onslaught,
broke and tied, losing very off by the Boers under General

heavily in the pursuit. Joubert. A strong party of

young Boers stormed the hill
Maidan (First Afghan War). while the fire of the defenders
Fought September 14, 1842, was kept down by a picked body
between the British, under of marksmen, and the British
General Nott, and 12,000 Af- were driven from their position
ghans, under Shems-ud-din, who with heavy loss, especially
occupied the heights command- during the retirement down the
ing the road to Kabul. Nott hillside. The casualties amount-
attacked and carried the Afghan ed to 223 killed and wounded,
position, the Afghans being Sir George Colley being killed,
driven off with heavy loss. and 50 prisoners. The Boer
losses were very small. After
Maiwand (Second Afghan War), this disaster an armistice was
Fought July 27, 1880, be- agreed to, and peace soon after-
tween a small British force, with wards concluded.
6 guns, under General Burrows,
and the Afghan army, under Malacca.
Ayub Khan. A Bombay native This city, which was defended
regiment was broken by a Ghazi by 30,000 Malays, under the
rush, and although the 66th Sultan Mohammed, was cap-
Regiment fought magnificently, tured by Albuquerque, with 19
the British were routed, with a ships and 1,400 Portuguese re-
loss of 32 officers and 939 men gulars, after a very feeble de-
killed, and 17 officers and 151 fence, in 1 5 13.

Malaga (War of Granada). men killed and wounded. The

This city,defended by a Chitralis lost about 500.
Moorish garrison, under Hamet
Zeh, was besieged by the Span- Malakoff (Crimean War).
iards, 60,000 strong, under Fer- This fort, forming an impor-
dinand the Cathohc, April 17, tant part of the southern de-
1487. After an obstinate re- fences of Sebastopol, was
sistance, lasting for four months, stormed by 30,000 French,
the garrison was forced to sur- under General Pelissier, Sep-
render, and Ferdinand and Isa- tember 8, 1855. The Russians
bella entered the city August being taken by surprise, made
1 8th. The inhabitants were sold but a feeble resistance.
into slavery.
Malavilly (Third Mysore War).
Malaga (War of the Spanish Suc- Fought March 20, 1799, when
cession). the camp of the British force,
Fought August 13, 1704, be- under Lord Harris, marching
tween the combined British and on Seringapatam, was attacked
Dutch fleets, consisting of 45 in force by Tippu Sahib. The
sail of the line, under Sir George enemy was thrown into confu-
Rooke, and the French fleet of sion by a charge of cavalry,
53 line-of-battle-ships, under the under General Floyd, and re-
Comte de Thoulouse. The tired with a loss of about 1,000,
French admiral was endeavour- The British losses were trifling.
ing to effect a junction with the
Spanish fleet, which was en- Maldon (Danish Invasion).
gaged in the siege of Gibraltar, Fought 991, between the
and was brought to action by Anglo-Saxons, under Brihtnoth,
Sir George Rooke off Malaga. and the Danes, under Olaf
The fighting was severe, and Triggvason and Guthmund,
though no ships were lost on The Anglo-Saxons were com-
either side, the British gained pletely defeated and Brithnoth
an important strategic victory slain.
as the junction of the two hostile
fleets was prevented. The Malegnano (Franco - Austrian
British lost 6 officers and 687 War).
men killed, and 18 officers and Fought June 8, 1859, be-
1,645 men wounded. The tween three French divisions,
French lost 191 officers and under Marshal Baraguay d'Hil-
3,048 men killed and wounded. liers, and the Austrians, in
about equal force. After three
Malakand Pass (Chitral Cam- hours' hard fighting, the
paign). Austrians were defeated and
Fought April 3, 1895, when driven out of Malegnano, with
the Britishexpedition, under heavy loss, including 1,000
General Low, 15,000 strong, prisoners. The French lost 850
forced the pass, which was held killed and wounded.
by about 12,000 tribesmen,
with a loss of 8 officers and 61 Mahnate. See Varese.
Malo-Jaroslawetz (Moscow Cam- Capitan Pasha. It was de-
paign). fended by the Knights of Malta,
Fought October 24, 1812, be- under their Grand-Master Lava-
tween 24,cxx) Russians, under lette, and though St. Elmo was
General Doctoroff, and a portion taken, Valet ta held out against
of Eugene Beauharnais' corps, numerous assaults until Sep-
15,000 strong, under General tember II, when Mustapha
Uelzons. After a sanguinary raised the siege. The garrison
engagement, in which Malo- lost 5,000 men, the Turks 20,000.
Jaroslawetz was taken and re-
taken seven times, the action Malta (Wars of the French Re-
ended in a drawn battle, but
the strategical success lay with The town of Valetta and the
the Russians, who obliged Napo- island of Malta were captured
leon to abandon the southerly from the French September 5,
line of retreat he had projected.
1800, by a combined British
The French lost 5,000, including naval and military force, under
General Delzons killed, Captain George Martin, R.N.,
Russians about 6,000. and Major-General Pigott. Two
line-of -bat tie-ships and three
Malplaquet (War of the Spanish frigates were seized in the har
Succession), bour.
Fought September 11, 1709,
Malvern Hill. Sec Seven Days'
between the British and Imperi- Battles).
alists, under Marlborough and
Prince Eugene, and the French, Mandonia.
under Marshal Villars. Villars Fought B.C. between the

offered battle with the object of Italian Greeks,under Archi-

relieving Mons, which the allies damus. King of Sparta, and the
were besieging, but while they Lucanians. The Greeks were
were waiting for reinforcement defeated, and Archidamus slain.
from Tournay, he was enabled
Mangalore (First Mysore War).
to entrench himself strongly on
This place was besieged June
the ground he had chosen. After
20, 1783, by Tippu Sahib with
desperate fighting, however, the
his whole army, and was de-
French position was carried
fended by a small British garri-
from end to end, and they were
son, under Colonel Campbell.
driven out with a loss of 17,000
killed and wounded. The allies
On the conclusion of peace be-
tween France and England, the
lost,according to most accounts,
French officer assisting Tippu
about 8,000, though some con-
withdrew, and on August 3 an
temporaries assert that their
armistice was arranged, during
losses were even heavier than
which the garrison was to receive
those of the French.
regular supplies.This article
Malta (Ottoman Wars). was evaded, and the defenders
This place was besieged May half starved, and after some de-
19, 1565, by 30,000 Turks, under lay Tippu renewed the siege.
Mustapha Pasha, aided by a No attempt, however, was made
fleet of 185 sail, under Piale, the to relieve the place, and after a

gallant defence, Campbell sur Athens, Sparta, and Mantineia.

rendered January 26, 1763. Epaminondas attacked strongly
with his left, holding back his
Manilla (American-Spanish War) right in reserve, and after the
Fought May i, 1898, between driving back of the Mantineians,
the American squadron of 6 routed the Spartans in the
ships, under Admiral Dewey, centre. The Athenians were
and 1 1 Spanish vessels, chiefly hardly engaged, but the Boeotian
small, and unarmoured. The victory was complete. In the
Spanish fleet was totally de- pursuit Epaminondas, fell and
stroyed, the Americans suffering the loss of the great leader so
no loss. disheartened the Boeotians that
they did not further press their
Mansfield (American Civil War). victory.
Fought April 8, 1864, be-
tween 20,000 Federals, under Mantineia (Wars of the Achaean
General Banks, and about 8,000 League).
Confederates, under General Fought B.C. 208, between the
Taylor. Banks, while march- Achsans, under Philopoemen,
ing through a difficult country, and the Spartans, under Macha-
was attacked by Taylor, and nidas. The Achsans drove the
utterly routed, at a cost to the Spartans into a ravine in great
assailants of less than a thousand disorder, and routed them with
men. Besides heavy losses in a loss of 4.000 killed, amongst
killed and wounded, the Federals whom was Machanidas.
lost 3,500 prisoners, 22 guns,
Mantua (Napoleon's Italian
and 220 waggons of stores and
ammunition. by
This city was invested
Mantineia (Peloponnesian War). Napoleon June 4, 1796, and
Fought B.C. 418, between was defended by 14,000 Aus-
trians, under General Canto
10,000 Spartans and Tegeans,
under Agis, and an equal force d'lrles. The siege was vigor-
of Athenians, under Laches and ously prosecuted, but the ap-
Nicostratus. The Spartan left proach of Wurmser with a large
was completely routed, but the Austrian army forced Napoleon
Athenian centre and left failed to concentrate his forces, and
Spartan he raised the siege July 31,
to withstand the
attack, and but for the defeat After a brief campaign, which
of Agis' left wing, would have
resulted in the dispersal of
been surrounded and captured. Wurmser's army, that general,
In the end the Spartans gained with the remnant of his forces,
a signal victory. Larches and was shut up in the city, which
Nicostratus both fell in the was again closely invested Sep-
tember 19. Wurmser held out
till his provisions were ex-
Mantineia (Boeotian War). hausted, when, on February
Fought B.C. 362, between the 2, 1797, he surrendered, with
Boeotians, under Epaminondas, 20,000 men, of whom only
10,000 were fit for service. It
and the combined forces of
is computed that 27,000 perished Romans, under Lupicinus, and
during the siege. the Goths, underFritigern.
The Romans were totally de-
Maogamalcha (Persian Wars). feated, but stood their ground
This fortress, defended by a to the last, and were cut to
Persian garrison, and considered pieces almost to a man. Lupi-
impregnable, was besieged by cinus fled as soon as the ulti-
the Romans under the Emperor mate success of the Goths be-
Juhan in 363. A
mine was came apparent.
carried from the trenches under
the ramparts, and three cohorts Mardis (War of the Two Em-
broke through into the streets, pires),
whereupon the garrison de- Fought 315, shortly after the
serted the ramparts and the battle of Cibalis, between Con-
stantine. Emperor of the West,
besiegers entered. The place
was sacked, and afterwards and Licinius, Emperor of the
razed to the ground. East. Constantine moved a
body of s,ooo men round his
Marathon (Second Persian In- opponent's flank, and attacked
him simultaneously in front
Fought September 490 B.C., and rear. The Illyrian vete-
between the Athenians and rans formed a double front, and
held their ground, though with
Plataeans, 10,000 and 1,000
strong respectively, under Mil- heavy loss, till nightfall, when
Licinius, having lost thousands
tiades, and the army of Darius
of his best troops, drew off his
Hystaspes, about 100,000 in
number, under Datis. Being army towards the mountains of
greatly outnumbered, Miltiades Macedonia. The consequence
of this defeat was the acquisi-
altered the usual arrangement
tion by Constantine of Pan-
of the Greek line, so as to extend
his wdngs across the whole width
nonia, Dalmatia, Dacia, Mace-
of the valley in which the battle
donia and Greece.
was fought, and thus escape Marengo (Napoleon's Italian
being outflanked. To effect Campaigns ).
this he was forced to weaken Fought June 14, 1800, be-
his centre, which was repulsed, tween 30,000 French, under
but both his wings drove back Napoleon, and 40,000 Austrians,
the invaders, and then fell upon under Melas. The Austrians
and routed the victorious Persian attacked, and drove back in
centre. The Persians fled in disorder the first line under
confusion to their ships, which Victor, and, following up their
they succeeded in launching, success, a serious defeat for
and escaped with a loss of Napoleon seemed inevitable,
6,400. The Athenians lost 192 when the arrival of the reserve
only. corps under Desaix turned the
scale. Under cover of his attack,
Marcianopolis (Gothic Invasion the broken divisions reformed,
of Thrace). and the Austrians were finally
Fought 376, between the repulsed at all points, and fled

in disorder. Desaix was killed 40,000 Swiss mercenaries. The

at the head of his troops. Swiss attacked the French
camp, and forcing the lines,
Margus. fought till midnight without
Fought May, 285, between decisive result. On the morn-
the legions of the Emperor ing of the 14th the battle was
Carinus and those of Diocletian, renewed, and the Swiss were on
who had been raised to the the point of success, when the
purple by his soldiers. The arrival of a small force of Vene-
troops of Diocletian, wasted by tians obliged them to withdraw.
the Persian War, were all but The French lost 6,000 men, and
overpowered by the fresher the Swiss losses were very heavy,
legions of Carinus, but the de- including 1,200 who perished
fection during the battle of in the flames of a village they
one of his generals turned the were defending after the repulse
scale, and Carinus himself being of the attack. Marshal Trivul-
killed by an officer whom he zio, who commanded a wng of
had wronged, Diocletian gained the French army, called the
a complete victory. action the " Battle of Giants."

Maria Zell (Campaign of the Marosch, The (Conquest of

Danube). Dacia).
Fought November 8, 1805, Fought loi, between the
during the French advance on Dacians, under Decebalus, and
Vienna, between Davoust's the Romans, under Trajan.
corps, and the Austrian corps, The Dacians were utterly routed,
under General von Meerfeld. and driven across the river with
The Austrians were defeated heavy loss.
and driven off in disorder,
leaving 4,000 prisoners in the Marseglia (Wars of Louis XIV).
hands of the French. Fought October 4, 1693, be-
tween the French, under Mar-
Mariendahl (Thirty Years' War). shal de Catinat, and the Aus-
Fought May 2, 1645, between trians, Spanish, and English,
the French, under Turenne, and under the Duke of Savoy. The
the Imperialists, under Merci. allies, who were inferior in num-
Turenne, who had 3,000 in- bers, were attacked by the
fantry and 8 regiments of horse, French, and, after severe fight-
was surprised in his camp by ing, driven aci^oss the Po with a
Merci at 2 a.m., and being placed loss of about 6,000. The Duke
between two fires, was com- of Schomberg and Lord War-
pelled to beat a disastrous re- wick were taken prisoners. The
treat, with the loss of almost all loss of the French was sUghtly
his infantry, 1,200 cavalry, and less.
all his artillery and baggage.
Mars-la-Tour (Franco-German
Marignano (Italian Wars). War).
Fought September 13 and 14, Fought August 18, 1870, be-
1575, between 50,000 French, tween the French, under Mar-
under Francis I, and about shal Bazaine, and the 3rd and
loth German Army corps, under the Rymna. The victors lost
Von Alvensleben. The Ger- 617 killed and wounded.
mans, though at times very hard
Martinique (Wars of the French
pressed, succeeded in holding
their ground, and prevented
the French breaking through to
This island was captured
from the French in 1794, by a
the westward. The battle is
remarkable for the
combined naval and mihtary
force under Sir John Jervis and
desperate charges of the Ger-
Sir George Grey, -with a loss to
man cavalry, and especially of the victors of 6 officers and 37
Von Bredow's brigade, against
the French infantry, under
men killed and wounded.
cover of which the shattered Martinique (Napoleonic Wars).
German infantry was enabled Having been restored to
to reform. The losses were France at the Peace of Amiens,
about equal, amounting to Martinique was again taken by
about 16,000 killed and wounded the British, February 24, 1809,
on each side. The action is the force engaged being under
also known as the Battle of Admiral Sir A. Cochrane,
Vionville. and Lieut. -General Beckwith.
Marston Moor War).
(Civil Maserfield,
Fought July 2, between
1644, Fought 642, between the
18,000 Royalists, under Prince Northumbrians, under Oswald,
Rupert, and 27,000 Parhamen- and the Mercians, under Penda.
tarians, under Manchester, The latter were defeated, and
Leven and Fairfax. For the Penda slain.
first time in the war, Rupert's
cavalry was repulsed by Crom- Masulipatam (Seven Years' War ).
well's Ironsides, and though the This fortress, held by a French
right wing under Fairfax was garrison, under Conflans, was
broken, the left and centre were besieged by the British, about
victorious, and the RoyaUsts 2,500 strong, under Colonel
were totally defeated, with a Forde, in March, 1759. After
loss of 4,000. This victory a fortnight's bombardment the
gave the Parliament complete place was taken by storm, the
control of the north. resistance being very feeble,
and Conflans surrendered with
Martinesti (Ottoman Wars). his whole force, which consider-
Fought September 23, 1789, ably outnumbered the assail-
between the Austrians and Rus- ants. One hundred and twenty
sians, 27,000 strong, under the guns were taken in the fortress.
Prince of Coburg and Suwaroff,
and the Turks, 80,000 strong, Matchevitz (First Polish Insur-
under Osman Pasha. The rection).
alUes stormed the Turkish en- Fought October 10, 1794, be-
trenchments, and drove out tween the Russians, under
the defenders, of whom 7,000 Baron de Fersen, and the Poles,
were and wounded, while
killed under Kosciusko. The Poles,
8,000 were drowned in crossing afterhard fighting, were totally

defeated, leaving 6,000 dead prisoners, the Chilians losing

upon the field, while Kosciusko over 1,000 killed and wounded.
was severely wounded. The result of the battle was the
estabUshment of the independ-
Matchin (Ottoman Wars).
ence of Chili.
Fought July 10, 1791, be-
tween the Turks, under Yussuf Medellin (Peninsular War).
Pasha, and the Russians, under Fought March 28, 1809, be-
Prince Repnin. The left and tween the French, under Mar-
centre of the Turkish army held shal Victor, and 30,000 Spani-
its ground manfully, and the ards, under Cuesta. The Spani-
victory was long in doubt, but ards soon gave way, and were
a brilliant charge of the Russian mercilessly sabred in the pur-
left, under General Kutusoff, suit by the French cavalry,
drove back the Turks who were losing, it is said, 18,000 killed
defeated with heavy loss. and wounded. The French
Maxen (Seven Years' War). lost 300 only.
Fought November 21, 1759, Medina (Mohammed's War with
between the Austrians, under the Koreish).
Marshal Daun, and the Prus- Siege was laid to this town in
sians, under General Finck. 625 by 10,000 Koreish, under
Daun surrounded Finck' s posi- Abu Sophian. It was defended
tion, and after comparatively
by Mohammed with 3,000 Mos-
Uttle fighting compelled him to lems, and during the space of
surrender with over 15,000 men, 20 days several half-hearted
including 17 generals. Seven- assaults were easily repulsed.
teen guns were captured. The At the end of this time Abu
casualties on both sides were Sophian withdrew, and the
very small. Koreish made no further at-
Maya (Peninsula War). tempt to interfere with the pro-
Fought July 25, 1813, be- gress of Mohammedanism.
tween a British division, under
General Stewart, and the French
Medola (Napoleon's Italian Cam-
divisions of d'Armagnac, Abbe
Fought August 5, 1796, be-
and Maransin. The French, at tween the French, 23,000 strong,
a cost of 1,500 men, forced the
under Napoleon, and 25,000
pass of Maya, driving back the
Austrians, under Wurmser. The
British with a loss of 1,400 men
Austrians were totally defeated,
and 4 guns.
and driven back to Roveredo,
Maypo (South American War of with a loss of 2,000 killed and
Independence). wounded, 1,000 prisoners and
Fought April 5, 18 18, between 20 guns. Prior to this defeat
the Chilian Patriots, 9,000 Wurmser had succeeded in re-
strong, under San Martin, and victualling Mantua, but at very
6,000 Spanish Royalists, under heavy cost, the Austrian losses
General Osorio. The Spaniards during the three days' fighting,
were totally defeated with a from the 3rd to the 5th, amount-
loss of 1,000 killed and 2,350 ing to 20,000 men and^6o guns.
Meeanee (Scinde Campaign). allies,under Agis, King of Sparta,
Fought February 17, 1843, were besieging Megalopolis,
between 2,800 British and native which had declined to join the
troops, under Sir Charles Napier, league, when they were attacked
and about 20,000 Beluchis, by the Macedonians, under An-
under the Amirs of Scinde. The tipater, and completely routed,
infantry were at one time ahiiost Agis falling in the battle.
overpowered by the overwhelm-
ing numbers of the enemy, who Megalopolis (Wars of the
attacked with great bravery, Achaean League).
but they were rescued by a Fought B.C. 226, between the
charge of the 9th Bengal cavalry, Spartans, under Cleomenes,
who broke up the assailants, and and the forces of the Achaean
in the end the Beluchis were League, under Aratus. The
routed with a loss of 5,000 men Achseans early gained an ad-
and several guns. The British vantage, and the Spartans fled,
lost 256 killed and wounded. .
pursued by the light troops.
These, however, being unsup-
Meerut (First Mongol Invasion ported, the Spartans turned
of India). and routed them, and then over-
This place was besieged in whelmed the Achaean hoplites
1398 by the Tartars, under in their turn with enormous
Tamerlane. It was considered slaughter.
impregnable, and Tamerlane
commenced mining operations, Melanthias (Sclavonian Inva-
but these methods were too sion).
slow for his followers, who by Fought 559, between the Im-
means of scaling ladders carried perial troops, under Behsarius,
the fortress by storm, and mas- and the Sclavonians and Bul-
sacred all the inhabitants. garians, under Zabergan, Prince
Tamerlane afterwards com- of Bulgaria. The barbarians
pleted his mines and destroyed assailed the Roman lines, but
all the defences. were easily repulsed, and so
precipitate was their flight that
Megaletaphrus (First Messenian only about 500 fell. This was
War). Belisarius' last victory, and it
Fought 740 B.C., between the was closely followed by liis dis
Messenians, under Aristomenes, grace and death.
and the Spartans. The Mes-
senians were surrounded and Meldorp.
cut to pieces, Aristomenes es- Fought 1500, between the
caping with a few followers. Danes, 30,000 strong, under
John of Denmark, and the in-
Megalopolis. habitants of the province of
Fought B.C. 331, in the Dithmarsh, which John de-
attempt of the Spartans, aided signed to bring again under
by the Arcadians, Achaeans Danish rule, after two centuries
and Eleians, to shake off the of virtual independence. The
Macedonian yoke, during Alex- advancing Danes delivered an
ander's absence in Asia The assault against a small fortified

outpost, but we/e repulsed, and ment were laid the foundations
driven in confusion into the of Old Cairo.
surrounding marshes, where War).
Memphis (American Civil
over 1 1 ,000 perished. A
river action fought June 6,
1862, between 8 Confederate
Melitene (Persian Wars). armed vessels, under Commo-
Fought 578, between the Im- dore Montgomery, and 10
perial troops, under Tiberius, Federal gunboats, under Com-
and the Persians, under Chosro- modore Davis. Only one of
es. After a somewhat inde- the Confederate vessels escaped
cisive battle, at the end of which destruction, and Memphis fell.
each side had held its ground,
Chosroes, owing to his heavy Mensourah (Fifth Crusade).
losses, found it necessary to Fought 1249, between the
retire during the night. The French, under Louis IX. and the
battle was, however, signalised Moslems. The town of Mensourah
by an exploit of a Scythian was seized by the Comte d' Artois,
chief, in command of the Roman but being surrounded, he and
left wing, who at the head of his the knights with him were
cavalry charged through the killed. The king meanwhile
Persian ranks, plundered the had seized the Saracen camp,
royal tent, and then cut his way but was unable to hold his
out through the opposing hosts. ground, and was driven back
to Damietta. In the course of
Memphis (Athenian Expedition his retreat, however, he was
to Egypt). surrounded and taken prisoner
This city was captured b.c. bv the Saracens, with his whole
459 by an Athenian fleet of 200 army.
ships, which sailed up the Nile Mentana (Garibaldian Rising).
to the assistance of Inaros, who Fought November 3, 1867,
had raised the standard of re- between 10,000 Garibaldians,
volt against Persia. The cita- under Garibaldi, and the French
del, however, held out until
and Papal troops, 5,000 strong,
B.C. 456,when a Persian army, under General Kanzler. Gari-
under Megabyzus defeated the baldi was totally defeated, a
Athenians and drove them out result largely due to the brilliant
of Memphis. work of I, SOD Papal Zouaves,
who drove them out of position
Memphis (Moslem Conquest of after position. The Garibal-
Egypt). dians lost 1,100 killed and
In 638, Amron, lieutenant of wounded, and 1,000 prisoners.
the Caliph Omar, with 8,000 The alUes' losses were only 182
Moslems, invested the city, and killed and wounded, of which
after a siege of seven months, the Papal troops lost 144.
in the course of which the be-
siegers were nearly overwhelmed Merida (Moorish Empire in
by the rising of the Nile, the Spain).
place was taken by assault. On This place was besieged in 712
the site of the Moslem encamp- by 18,000 Moors, under Musa.
After a defeat in the open plain stroying practically the whole
before the city, the Spaniards of their fleet. Charles of Anjou
made a long and obstinate de- was captured, and henceforth
fence, which cost the besiegers made no further attempt to re-
many lives, but in the end they estabhsh his authority in Sicily.
were forced by famine to sur-
render. Messina. See Cape Passaro.

Merseburg. Metauras (Second Punic War).

Fought 934 between the Ger- Fought 207 B.C., between
mans, under Henry the Fowler, 50,000 Romans, under Claudius
and the Hungarian invaders. Nero and Marcus Livius, and
The Hungarians were completely the Carthaginians, in rather
defeated, with heavy loss, and smaller force, under Hasdrubal.
withdrew from Germany, which The Carthaginians were sur-
they did not again invade for prised at early dawn as they
twenty years. were endeavouring to find a
ford in the Metaurus, and being
Merta (Mogul Invasion of the vigorously attacked, were totally
Deccan), routed, Hasdrubal being slain.
This strong fortress, belong- The completeness of the victory
ing to the Rajput Rajah of was due to Nero, who being in
Malwar, was besieged, 1561, by command of the right wing,
Sharf-ud-Din Hussein, one of where the ground prevented his
the generals of Akbar, the Great getting to close quarters, and
Mogul. The place held out seeing the Roman left hard
gallantly for several months, pressed by Hasdrubal's best
but was then forced by famine troops, led the major part of his
to capitulate. One of the Mal- force round the Roman rear,
war chiefs, however, refused all and fell iipon Hasdrubal's right,
terms, and cut his way out at routing him utterly.
the head of 500 men, of whom
250 fell in the enterprise. Methuen (Scottish Wars).
Fought June 19, 1306, when
Merton (Danish Invasion). a small Scottish force, under
Fought 871, between the West Robert Bruce, w^as attacked
Saxons, under Alfred, and the and defeated by the English in
Danish invaders. After a se- superior force.
vere engagement the Danes were
victorious. Metz (Franco-German War).
This fortress was invested by
Messina. the Germans after the defeat of
Fought October 2, 1284, be- Bazaine at Gravelotte in August
tween the Sicilian and Catalan 18, 1870, and after several fruit-
fleet, under the Grand Admiral, less attempts to break through
Roger de Lauria, and the French the German lines had been re-
fleet, under Charles of Anjou. pulsed, Bazaine surrendered to
The Sicilians, who largely out- Prince Frederick Charles on
numbered the French, totally October 26, with 3 marshals,
defeated them, burning or de- 6,000 officers, and 173,000 men.

The Germans took 56 eagles, Miletopolis (First Mithridatic

622 field guns, 72 mitrailleuses, War).
S76 pieces of fortress artillery, Fought B.C. 86, between the
and about 300,000 rifles. Romans, under Flavins Fimbria,
and the Pontic troops, under
Mexico (Conquest of Mexico). Mithridates. The Romans gained
Fought June 20, 1520, when a complete victory.
the Spaniards, under Cortez,
who were evacuating Mexico Millesimo (Napoleon's Italian
during the night, were attacked Campaigns).
by the Aztecs, and suffered Fought April 13, 1796, when
heavy loss. The Spaniards the divisions Augereau,
called this event the " Noche Massena and La Harpe attacked
Triste." the Austrians, strongly en-
Michelberg (Campaign of the trenched, under General Colli,

Danube). and after severe fighting, drove

Fought October 16, 1805. them back, thus cutting CoUi's
Ney's corps stormed the heights communications with General
of the Michelberg at the same Beaulieu, the Austrian Com-
time that Lannes carried the mander-in-Chief. The Austro-
Frauenberg, driving the Aus- Sardinians lost about 6,000
trians back into Ulm, where on men and 30 guns, and all effec-
the 17th General Mack capitu- tive co-operation between the
lated with 30,000 men. two wings was at an end. Also
called the Battle of Monte Lezino
Middelburg (Netherlands War of
Independence). Mill Springs (American Civil
This fortress, the last strong- War).
hold in Walcheren to hold out Fought January 19, 1862,
for the Spanish king, was be- between the Federals, about
sieged by the Patriots in the 9,000 strong, under General
winter of 1593. It was de- Thomas, and 8,000 Confederates,
fended by a garrison under under General Crittenden. The
Colonel Mondragon, who in Confederates attacked, and at
spite of a gallant resistance and first drove back the Federals,
numerous attempts to relieve who began the action with
him, was forced by famine to 5,000 men only, but reinforce-
surrender, February iS, 1594. ments arriving, Thomas re-
pulsed the assailants with con-
Milazzo (Unification of Italy). siderable loss, capturing 12
Fought July 18, i860, be- guns. The Federals lost 246
tween the Italian Volunteers, only. This was the first con-
under Garibaldi, and the Nea- siderable defeat suffered by the
politans, under General Bosco.
Confederates in the war.
The Neapolitans occupied a
strongly entrenched position, Minden (Seven Years' War).
which Garibaldi succeeded in Fought August I, 1759, be-
turning, the Neapolitans, after tween the French, 64,000 strong,
a severe struggle, being totally under the Marquis de Contades,
defeated and driven out. and the Hanoverians, British
and Prussians, 54,000 strong, 12,000 French and Spaniards,
under Ferdinand of Brunswick. the garrison, under General
Ferdinand detached a force of Murray, being only 700 strong.
10,000 men to threaten de Murray made a sturdy defence
Contades' rear, and then, at- but was forced to surrender.
tacking strongly, broke the
first line of the French. But Miohosaki.
for the failure the allies'
of Fought September, 764, be-
cavalry to advance, the French tween the Japanese rebels, under
would have been routed. As Oshikatsa, and the Imperial
it was, they were able to rally,
troops, under Saiki-no-Sanya.
and effect an orderly retreat, The rebels were totally routed,
though with a loss of 7,086 killed, and Oshikatsa and his son slain.
wounded and prisoners, 43 guns Miraflores(Peruvio-Chilian War).
and 17 standards. The allies Fought January 15, 1881, be-
lost 2,762, fully a half of this tween the Chilians, under
number being in the ranks of General Baquedano, and the
the six English regiments pre- Peruvians, under General Ca-
sent, who bore the brunt of the
ceres. The Pervuians were
totally defeated, losing 3,000
killed and wounded, while the
Minorca (Seven Years' War),
victors lost 500 killed and 1,625
This place, garrisoned by 2, 800
wounded. Following up their
British troops, under General
victory, the Chilians occupied
Blakeney, was invested by the
Lima on the 17th, and the war
French, under the Due de came to an end.
Richelieu, May, 1756. On
May 20, a British squadron of Missionary Ridge. See Chattan-
IS line-of-battle-ships and 3 ooga.
sloops, under Admiral Byng,
attacked Richelieu's blockading Missolonghi (Greek War of In-
squadron of 12 sail of the line
and 5 frigates, with the object This place was besieged in
1 82 1 by a force of 11,000 Turks,
of throwing succours into the
place. The attack, however, under Omar Brionis Pasha, and
was conducted with so little was defended by a small Greek
garrison, under Mavrocordatos.
resolution and resource, that
Byng failed in his object, and The little garrison made so
gallant a defence, that at the
allowed the French ships to
escape him. Blakeney was end of two months Omar was
shortly afterwards forced to
forced to raise the siege. On
April27,i825, the town was again
surrender, and Byng was tried
besieged by the Turks and was
by court-martial, condemned
again most obstinately defended
and shot.
by the garrison and inhabitants.
Minorca. So little progress was made that
Having been restored to Eng- it was found necessary to call
land by the Treaty of Paris in for the aid of the Egyptian
1762, Minorca -was again re- army, under Ibrahim, son of
captured in 1 78 1, by a force of Mehemet Ali. It was not,

however, till three months after enabled him to drive Cronje

his arrival before the place that from his entrenchments. The
it was finally taken by storm, British losses were 24 officers
April 22, 1826, having held out and 46 1 men killed and wounded,
for all but a year. those of the Boers being about
the same.
Mita Caban.
Fought 1362, between the Mohacz (Ottoman Wars).
Tartars, under Tamerlane, and Fought August 29, 1526, be-
the Getes, under the Khan Elias. tween 30,000 Hungarians, under
The Getes were routed with King Lewis, and Tomore, Bishop
heavy loss. of Kolocz, and over 100,000
Turks, with 300 guns, under
Miyako. Solyman the Magnificent. The
Fought June, 1353, between Hungarians made a heroic re-
the revolted Moronoshi, and the
sistance against overwhelming
troops of the Emperor of the numbers, but were finally
South, Gomurakami, under routed, leaving 22,000 dead on
Yoshinori. Moronoshi gained a the field, including the king, 7
complete victory, and Yoshinori bishops, 28 magnates, and over
and the Emperor fled into the 500 nobles. This disaster
Eastern provinces. placed Hungary at the mercy
of Solyman, and was quickly
followed by the fall of Buda-
Fought December 30, 1391,
between the troops of the pro-
vinces of Idzumo and Idzumi, Mohacz (Ottoman Wars).
under Mitsuyaki, and those of On the battlefield where 160
the Emperor of the South, Goka- years previously Solyman had
meyama. A series of engage- gained so decisive a victory, the
ments took place in and around Austrians and Hungarians sig-
Miyako, and in the end Mitsu- nally defeated the Turks, under
yaki was driven off with heavy Mohammed IV, in 1687. In
loss, among the killed being the consequence of this disaster, fol-
Daimio of Idzumi. lowing upon a long series of re-
verses, Mohammed was deposed
Modder River (Second Boer War). by the discontented solidery.
Fought November 28, 1899,
between a Boer force, about Mohilev (Moscow Campaign).
9,000 strong, under General Fought July 23, 18 1 2, be-
Cronje, and the British, under tween 28,000 French, under
Lord Methuen. Cronje held a Davoust, and 60,000 Russians,
strong position on both banks under Prince Bagration. Ba-
of the river, which was not gration attacked Davoust in a
accurately known to Lord strong position, which counter-
Methuen, who was marching to balanced the great disparity of
the Modder. His columns numbers, and the Russians were
came under fire about 7 a.m., repulsed with a loss of about
and the action lasted till even- 4,000. The French lost barely
ing, when a turning movement
Mohrungen (Campaign of Fried- Contrecoeur, and about 1,400
land). British and Virginians, under
Fought January 25, 1807, Braddock. The EngUsh were
between 10,000 French, under attacked shortly after crossing
Bernadotte, and 14,000 Rus- the river, and though the officers
sians, under General Marhof. and the Virginians fought gal-
The French were defeated with lantly, the troops, ignorant of
a loss of about 1,000 killed and Indian warfare, gave way to
wounded. panic, and after three hours'
fighting, were driven across the
Molino del Rey (Peninsular War).
Monongahela, with a loss of 877
Fought December 21, 1808,
killed and wounded. Of 86
between 26,000 French, under
officers, 63 fell, including Brad-
General St. Cyr, and the Spani-
ards, about equal in strength,
dock, who was mortally
under Reding. The Spaniards
wounded. The French lost 16
only ; their Indian allies some-
were routed with a loss of 10,000
killed, wounded and prisoners,
what more heavily.

and 50 guns, at very slight cost Mons-en-Puelle (Flemish War).

to the victors. Fought 1304, between the
French, under PhiUp IV, and
Molwitz (War of the Austrian
the Flemings. The Flemings
were unable to withstand the
Fought April 8, 1741, be-
charge of the French cavalry,
tween the Prussians, 30,000
and broke and fled, leaving 6,000
strong, under Frederick the
dead on the field.
Great, and the Austrians, under
Marshal Neuperg. Frederick Montcontour (Third Civil War).
surprised the Austrian general, Fought October 3, 1569, be-
and, after severe fighting, drove tween the Huguenots, under
him from his entrenchments, Henri le Bearnais, and the
with a loss of about 5,000 killed, Catholics, under the Due
wounded and prisoners. The d'Anjou and Marshal de Tavan-
Prussians lost 2,500. nes. The Huguenots occupied
Monarda (Moorish Insurrection). an untenable position, and at
Fought March 18, 1501, be- the end of half an hour were
tween the Spaniards, under the utterly routed, and almost ex-
Count di Cifuentes and Alonso terminated, some 700 only re-
de Aguilar, and the insurgent maining with the colours after
Moors. The Spaniards were the battle.
largely outnumbered, and were
overpowered by the rebels, Monte Aperto (Guelfs and Ghi-
suffering a disastrous defeat.
De Aguilar was killed, fighting to Fought September 4, 1260,
the end. between the Florentine Guelfs,
and the GhibelUnes, who had
Monongahela (Seven Years' been driven from the city, under
War). Manfred of Sicily. The Guelfs
Fought July 9, 1755, between were totally routed, and the
900 French and Indians, under victors took possession of Flor-

ence, and re-established their when d'Argentian, with the

rule. central division of the Austro-
Sardinian army, attacked the
Montebello (Napoleon's Italian
Campaigns). French position at Montenotte,
held by Cervoni's division. Cer-
Fought June 9, 1800, between
the French, under Napoleon, voni was driven back, but the
and the Austrians, under General key to the position was held
Ott. Napoleon, being igno-
throughout the day by Tampon,
ran of the fall of Genoa, was with 1,500 men, and on the 12th
marching to the relief of that d'Argentian found himself out-
city, when his advanced guard, flanked by Augereau and
under Lannes, was attacked by Massena, and was compelled to
fall back, with a loss of 1,000
Ott, who was endeavouring to
killed, 2,000 prisoners, and some
effect a junction with Melas.
Lannes held his ground until guns. This was Napoleon's first
reinforcements arrived, when
he assumed the offensive, and Montereau (Allied Campaign in
drove the Austrians from the France).
field with heavy loss, capturing Fought February 18, 18 14,
5,000 prisoners. between the rearguard of the
French army, under Napoleon,
Montebello (Franco - Austrian
and the Wiirtembergers, under
Prince Eugene of Wiartemberg.
Fought May 20, 1859, be-
Eugene attacked Napoleon's
tween the Austrians, under
position, but was repulsed with
General Stadion, and about
a loss of about 2,000 killed and
7,000 French, under General
wounded and 4,000 prisoners.
Forey. The Austrians were de-
feated and driven back to Stra- Monterey (Americo - Mexican
della, with a loss of 2,000 killed War).
and wounded, and 200 prisoners. This town in southern Cali-
fornia was captured from the
Monte Caseros (Urquiza's
Mexicans, September 23, 1846, by
the Americans, under General
Fought February 3, 1852, be-
Taylor, and this success was
tween the Argentine Govern-
followed by the occupation of
ment troops, under President
the whole of Northern Mexico
Rosas, the leader of the Gaucho
by the American army.
party, 25,000 strong, and 20,000
insurgents, under Urquiza. Montevideo (Napoleonic Wars).
Rosas was totally defeated, and This city was taken by assault
compelled to fly to England, February 3, 1807, by 3,000
thus ending the long domination British troops, under Sir Samuel
of the Gauchos in the Argentine Auchmuty. The capture was
Republic. preceded by an action outside
Monte Lezino. See Millesimo. the town, in which the Rifle
corps, now the Rifle Brigade,
Montenotte (Napoleon's Italian especially distinguished itself.
Campagns). The British losses amounted to
Fought April 10 and 11, 1796, about 600.
Montevideo (Uruguayan War of Montiel.
Independence). Fought 1369, between the
This city was besieged Febru- French, under Bertrand du
ary i6, 1843, by the Argentine Guesclin, and the Spaniards,
troops, under Oribe, and was under Pedro II of Castile. Pedro
defended by the Uruguayans, was routed and taken prisoner,
and a number of foreign resi- and Henry of Trastamare placed
dents, amongst others Gari- on the tlurone of Castile.
baldi, under General Paz. In Montlhery (War of the Public
the course of the siege, Gari- Good).
baldi, at the head of 160 ItaUans, Fought 1465, between the
made a sortie, in which he held forces of the Ligue du Bien
his own for a whole day against Public, under the Comte de
12,000 Argentines, and eventu- Charolais, and the Royal troops,
ally effected a retreat in good Louis XL
Louis was
order. The intervention of totally defeated, after a sangui-
France and England eventually nary engagement, and driven
forced Oribe to raise the siege, from the field.
November, 1845.
Montmirail. See Champ Aubert.
Montevideo (Uruguayan War of Montmorenci (Seven Years'
Independence). War).
Fought October 8, 1851, be- Fought July 31, 1759, during
tween the combined forces of the siege of Quebec, when Wolfe,
Uruguay, Brazil and Paraguay, with 5,000 men, attacked the
under Urquiza, and the Argen- entrenched camp of the French,
tines, under Oribe. The Argen- which was defended by 12,000
tines were besieging Monte- men under Montcalm. As the
video, and Oribe was hemmed British were landing, 13 com-
in in his lines by the allies, and panies of grenadiers advanced
forced to capitualte. to the attack without waiting
for the main body. They were
Montevideo. repulsed with heavy loss, which
Fought August, 1863, between so weakened Wolfe that he de-
the Colorados, or Liberal party, cided not to press the attack
of Uruguay, under General further. The British loss a-
Venancio Flores, and the,
mounted to almost the
Blancos, under General Medina. whole of which fell upon the
The Blancos were victorious.
grenadiers. The French losses
Montfaucon (Norman Invasion were very small.
of France). Montreal (Seven Years' War).
Fought 887, between the This city was surrendered to
French, under Eudes, and the the British, under General Am-
Norman invaders. The latter herst, by Vaudreuil, Governor-
were totally defeated, losing General of Canada, September
19,000 men in the battle, and 8, 1760. One of the conditions
were forced to retire from before of the surrender was that the
the walls of Paris, which they whole of the French army in
were besieging. Canada and its dependencies

must lay down their arms. Morawa (Ottoman Wars).

Canada thus became a part of Fought November 3, 1443,
the British dominions. between the Hungarians, under
John Hunniades, with 12,000
Mont Valerien. See Buzenval. horse and 20,000 foot, and a
greatly superior Turkish army,
Moodkee (First Sikh War).
under Amurath JI. The Turks
Fought December i8, 1845,
were defeated, with a loss of
between the British,
2,000 killed and 4,000 prisoners.
strong, with 42 guns, under Sir
This battle is also called the
Hugh Gough, and the Sikhs,
Battle of Nissa.
30,000 strong, witli 40 guns,
under Taj Singh. Gough, at
the end of a long march, was Morazzone (Italian Rising).
surprised by the Sikhs, and his Fought 1848 between 1.500
force thrown into some confu- Garibaldian volunteers, under
sion, but he succeeded in rally- Garibaldi, and 5,000 Austrians,
ing them, and finally drove the under General d'Aspre. After
Sikhs from the field, capturing a resistance lasting eleven hours.
The British loss was Garibaldi, hopelessly out-num-
17 guns.
872 killed and wounded, among bered, withrdew his force from
the former being Generals the town, and executed a
M'Caskill and Sir Robert Sale. masterly retreat to Arona.

Mook (Netherlands War of In- Morella (First Car list War).

dependence). This fortress, the last strong-
Fought April 14, 1574, be- hold of the Carlists, was be-
tween the Dutch Patriots, 8,000 sieged by Espartero, with 20,000
strong, under Count Louis of May It was
Cristinos, 23, 1840.
Nassau, and 5,000 Spaniards, defended by a garrison of 4,000
under Don Sancho d'Avila. veterans, under Cabrera, who on
The village of Mook was held by the 30th attempted to break
the Dutch infantry, who were through the besiegers' lines.
driven out by the Spaniards,
His plan, however, had been
and totally routed, with a loss betrayed, and he was met and
of at least 4,000. Among the driven back, whereupon the
slain were the Counts Louis and place surrendered. Cabrera, how-
Henry of Nassau. ever, with a portion of the
Morat (Burgundian Wars). garrison, made a second and
Fought June 22, 1746, be- this time a successful attempt
tween the Burgundians, 35,000 to cut his way out.
strong, under Charles the Bold,
and 24,000 Swiss, under Hans Morgarten (First Swiss-Austrian
Waldmann. After a few hours' War).
hard fighting the Burgundians Fought November 16, 131 5,
were driven into the plain, The men of Schwyz, 1,400 in
where the Swiss utterly routed number, took post in the Pass
them, no less than 8,000 falling. of Morgarten, and lay in wait
The Swiss chroniclers aver that for the Archduke Leopold, who,
the victors only lost 500 killed. with 15,000 Austrians, was
marching into Schwyz. Having Mortlack (Danish Invasion of
disordered the Austrian ranks Scotland).
by roUing down boulders upon Fought loio, between the
them, the Swiss then fell upon Danes, under Sweyn, and the
them with their halberds, and Scots, under Malcolm II. After
totally routed them, with a loss a long and obstinate engage-
of 1,500 killed. ment the Danes were totally
defeated, and forced to flee to
Morshedabad. their ships. A victory for them
Fought July 24, 1763, be- on this occasion would probably
tween the troops of Mir Cossim, have given them a permanent
the deposed Nawab of Bengal, lodgment in Scotland, as Mal-
and a British force of 750 Euro- colm had his last available man
peans and a large body of native in the field.
troops, under Major Adams.
The British stormed Cossim's Mortmant (Allied Invasion of
entrenchments, driving out his France).
army in confusion, and followed Fought February 17, 1S14,
up their victory by the occupa- between the Russian advance-
tion of Morshedabad, without guard, under the Count de
further opposition. Pahlen, and the French rear-
guard, under Victor. The Rus-
Mortara (Italian Rising). sians were repulsed with a loss
Fought March 21, 1849, be- of 3,000 killed and wounded,
tween the Piedmontese, under and 1 1 guns.
the Duke of Savoy (Victor Em-
manuel) and General Darando, Moskirch (Wars of the French
and the main Austrian army, Revolution).
under Radetsky. No steps had Fought May 5, 1800, between
been taken by the Piedmontese 50,000 French, under Moreau,
to render Mortara defensible, and 60,000 Austrians, under de
and little guard was kept, with Kray. The French advance-
the result that they were sur- guard, under Lecourbe, ap-
prised by Radetsky, and driven proaching Moskirch found the
out of the town in confusion, heights strongly held by the
with a loss of 500 killed and Austrians, and attempted to
wounded, 2,000 prisoners and carry them, but without suc-
5 guns. The Austrians lost cess. The arrival of the main
300 only. body, however, turned the
scale, and the Austrians were
Mortimer's Cross (Wars of the obliged to abandon all their
Roses). positions, with a loss of about
Fought February 2, I4'5i, 5,000 men. The French lost
when Edward, Duke of York, about 3,500.
defeated the Lancastrians,
Moskowa. See Borodino.
under the Earls of Pembroke
and Wiltshire, and drove them Motya.
back into Wales, thus pre- This city, the chief stronghold
venting a concentration of the of the Carthaginians in Sicily,
Lancastrian forces. was besieged by Dionysius of

Syracuse, with men,

83,000 Mount Seleucus (Revolt of
B.C. 398. Having mole
built a Magnentius).
to connect the mainland and Fought August 10, 353, be-
the island on which Motya stood, tween the rebels, under Mag-
he erected thereon his new nentius, and the Imperial legions,
engines of war, the catapults, under Constantius. Constan-
used for the first time in this tius forced the passage of the
siege. He
also built large mov- Cottian Alps, and defeated
ing towers to enable him to cope Magnentius in a sanguinary
with the lofty defences of the battle, which dispersed his army
place, and by these devices suc- and finally broke his power,
ceeded in effecting an entrance. Gaul and Italy being thus again
Every house, however, was in brought under the Imperial sway.
itselfa small fortress, and after
days of street fighting, which Mount Tabor (French Invasion
cost the assailants a heavy of Egypt).
price, the city was still unsub- Fought April 15, 1799, when
dued. At last by a night sur- Napoleon defeated and dis-
prise he mastered the quarter persed the Syrian army raised to
which still held out, and the in- create a diversion in favour of
habitants were massacred or thejbeleaguered garrison of Acre.
sold as slaves. Kleber's division bore the brunt
of the fighting.
Mount Gaurus (First Samnite
War). Mount Taurus (Moslem Invasion
Fought B.C. 342, between the of Asia Minor).
Romans, under Valerius Corvus, Fought 804, between the Mos-
and the Samnites. The Romans lems, under Harroun-al-Raschid,
won a signal victory. and the Greeks, under the Em-
peror Nicephorus I. The Greeks
Mount Lactarius (Second Gothic were totally defeated, with a
War). loss of 40,000 men, and Nice-
Fought March 553, between phorus, wounded in three places,
the troops of the Emperor with difficulty escaped from the
Justinian, under Narses, and field.
the Goths, under Teias. the last
Gothic king of Italy. The Mount Tifata (Civil War of
Romans gained a signal victory, Marius and Sulla).
and Teias was slain, the Goths Fought B.C. 83, when the
thereupon accepting the rule legions of Sulla defeated the
of Justinian. army of the Consul, Norbanus,
with heavy loss, and drove them
Mount Panium. to take refuge in Capua.
Fought 198, between the
Syrians, under Antiochus the Mouscron (Wars of the French
Great, and the Greeks and Revolution).
Egyptians, under Scopas. Sco- Fought 1794, between the
pas was routed, and Antiochus French, under Moreau and
took possession of the terri-
all Souham, and the Austrians,
tory held by Egypt in Asia, up under General Clarifait. The
to the frontier of Egypt proper. French were victorious.
Miihlberg (Wars of Charles V). the assailants with very heavy
Fought April 24, 1547, be- loss.
tween the German Protestants,
9,000 strong, under the Elector Multan (Second Sikh War).
Frederick of Saxony and the This fortress, defended by the
Landgrave of Hesse, and the Sikhs, under Mulraj, was be-
Imperial army, together with sieged by Lieutenant Edwardes
3,500 Papal troops, 13,000 in with about 1,200 men in
all, under Charles V. The Pro- July, 1848. After an ineffectual
testants were totally defeated, bombardment, the siege was
and their two leaders taken raised September 22, but was
prisoners. The ImperiaUsts lost renewed December 27 by Gene-
50 only. ral Whish, Avith 17,000 men
and 64 guns. After a heavy
Miihldorf. bombardment the place was
Fought 1322, between the stormed January 2, 1849, and
Imperial troops, under the Em- on the 22nd of the same month
peror Louis the Bavarian, and Mulraj surrendered the citadel.
the German malcontents, under The British loss during the
Frederick, Duke of Austria. siege was 210 killed and 910
Louis won a signal victory, and wounded.
put an end to the resistance to
his rule. Miinchengratz (Seven Weeks'
Miihlhausen (Gallic War). War).
Fought B.C. 58, between the Fought June 28, 1866, be-
Romans, 36,000 strong, under tween the advance-guard of
Prince Frederick Charles' army,
Julius Cjesar, and the Sequani,
under Ariovistus. The Romans and the Austrians, under Count
occupied two camps, one of Clam-Gallas. The Austrians
which was held successfully by were defeated with a loss of
two legions against a deter- about 300 killed and wounded,
mined attack of the Gauls. The and 1 ,000 prisoners. The Prus-
sian losses were very small.
attack having been
Caesar united his forces, and led
Munda (Civil War of Caesar and
them against the Sequani, whom Pompey).
he totally routed with enormous
Fought March 17, B.C. 45,
between the Pompeians, under
Mukwanpur (Gurkha War). Cnaeus Pompeius, and the
Fought February 27, 18 16, Caesareans, under JuUus Caesar.
when a village,forming part of The Pompeians were totally
Sir David Ochterlony's position, defeated, losing 30,000 men,
was attacked by 2,000 Gurkhas. including Labienus and Varro,
The \dllage was defended by while the Caesareans lost 1,000
three companies of Sepoys and only. Cnasus Pompey was
40 men of the 87th Regiment, wounded. This defeat put an
and the defenders were hard end to the resistance of the
pressed, but the arrival of re- Pompeian faction in Spain, and
inforcements enabled them the action is further notable as
after severe fighting to beat off being Caesar's last battle.

Muret (Albigensian Crusade). a British force, under Sir James

Fought 1213, between the Outram, totally routed a body
CathoUcs, under Simon de of mutineers, 7,000 strong,
Montfort, and the Albigenses, under Huzrat Mahul, Begum
under the Count of Thoulouse, of Oude, which was holding the
aided by Pedro II of Aragon. Musa Bagh, a fortified palace
The Albigenses were routed, in the outskirts of Lucknow.
and this defeat put an end to
their organized resistance. Pe- Muta (Moslem Invasion of

dro fell in the battle.

Fought 629, between the Mos-
Murfreesboro (American Civil
lems, under Zaid, and the troops
War). of the Emperor Heraclius. Zaid
Fought December 31, 1862, was slain, and so successively
between 35,000 Confederates, were Jaafar and Abdallah, who
under General Bragg, and 40,000 followed him in the command,
Federals, under General Rose- but the banner of the prophet
crans. Bragg attacked and was then raised by Khaled, who
drove back the Federal right, succeeded in repulsing the on-
but the centre and left held slaught of the Imperial troops,
their ground, and prevented and on the following day led the
the defeat degenerating into a Moslems undefeated from the
rout. Both sides lost heavily, field. This is the first battle
but the Confederates captured between the Mohammedan
a large number of prisoners and Arabs and a foreign enemy.
over 20 guns. On the following
day the Federal right retook the Muthal, The (Jugurthine War).
ground it had lost on the 31st, Fought between the
B.C. 108,
and at the end of the day both Numidians, under Jugurtha,
armies occupied their original and the Romans, under Metellus
positions. Early on January 2, Numidicus. The Numidians
however, Bragg retired in good were strongly posted on the
order. Each side lost about heights above the river, but
8,000, killed, wounded and were driven out by the legiona-
missing, in the two days' fight- ries with heavy loss. Jugurtha
ing. did not again face the Romans
Mursa (Revolt of Magnentius). in the field, contenting himself
Fought September 28, 351, with a guerilla warfare.
between the usurper Magnen- (Mark Antony's First
tius, with 100,000 troops, and
the Emperor Constantius, with
Fought April 16, 43 B.C., be-
80,000. The battle was se- tween the adherents of Antony,
verely contested, but finally
and three Consular armies,
the legions of Magnentius were
under Hirtius, Octavius, and
driven from the field with a loss Pansa. Antony, who
of 24,000 that of the victors Mutina, was
was besieging
amounting to 30,000. attacked simultaneously by the
Musa Bagh (Indian Mutiny). three armies. That of Pansa
Fought March 19, 1858, when was routed, and Pansa slain
but Octavius and Hirtius gained and the fleet of Antiochus, under
some small success. Antony, Polyxenides, who had an ad-
however, was undefeated, and vantage of nine ships. He was,
continued the siege. On the however, defeated by the supe-
27th Octavius and Hirtius made rior seamanship of the Romans,
a combined attack on his lines, with a loss of 42 vessels.
and succeeded in forcing their
way through into the town, Mytilene (Peloponnesian War).
though Hirtius fell in the action. This city, which had revolted
against Athens, was invested
Mycale (Third Persian Invasion). in the autumn of 428 B.C. by the
Fought August, 479 B.C., be- Athenians, under Paches, with
tween the Greeks, under Leoty- 1,000 hoplites and a fleet of
chides the Spartan, and a large triremes. A feeble attempt at
Persian army. The Greeks ef- relief by a Peloponnesian squad-
fected a landing near Cape ron, under Alcidas, was unsuc-
Mycale, and drove the Persians cessful, and in May, 427, the
back upon their entrenchments, city surrendered, and all the
which they then carried by iT'ale inhabitants were con-
storm, whereupon the Persian demned to death. In the end,
auxiliaries fled. The fugitives however, only the leaders of the
were slaughtered in detail by revolt were executed.
the revolted lonians, and the
whole army destroyed. Mytilene (Peloponnesian War).
A naval action fought B.C.
Mylae (First Punic War). 406, between 140 Peloponnesian
Fought B.C. 260, when the under Caliicratidas, and
Roman fleet, under Caius Dui- 70 Athenian triremes, under
lius, defeated the Carthagini- Conon. Conon was defeated,
ans, under Hannibal, with loss with the loss of 30 ships, the
of 50 ships, 3,000 killed and rest of his fleet being driven into
7,000 prisoners. Duilius had IMytilene, where it was blockaded.
introduced the boarding bridge,
which was lowered on to the
deck of the opposing galley, and
this gave full scope to the supe-
rior powers of the Romans in
hand-to-hand fighting.
Nachod (Seven Weeks' War).
Mylex (Civil War of Caesar and Fought June 27, 1866, be-
Pompey). tween the 5 th Prussian Corps,
Fought B.C. 36, between the under General Steinmetz, and
Pompeian fleet, under Sextus the Austrians, under General
Pompeius, and the fleet of the Ramming. The Austrian ca-
Triumvirs, under Agrippa. The valry, which was considerably
Pompeians were defeated. superior in number, was de-
Myonnesus (War with Antiochus feated by the Prussian Uhlans,
the Great). and the action resulted in the
Fought B.C. 190, between the retreat of the Austrians, ^^^th a
Roman fleet, under Caius Livius, considerable loss in killed and

wounded. The Prussians, who Nanshan (Russo-Japanese War).

lost 900, captured 2,000 pri- Fought May 26, 1904, between
soners and 5 guns. three Japanese divisions, under
General Oku, and a Russian
Naefels (War of Kiburg). division, with a large force of
Fought April 9, 1388, between artillerj'-, under General Stoes-

6,000 Austrians, under Tocken- sel. The Russians occupied a

burg, and 500 men of Glarus very strongly entrenched posi-
with a few Schwyzers. The tion on the heights of Nanshan.
Swiss were driven from their After an artillery preparation,
first position behind the " Letzi" the Japanese attempted to
at the entrance to the valley, storm the heights, eight suc-
but, retiring to the heights of the cessive attacks failing before
Rauhberg, disordered the ad- the concentrated fire of the
vancing columns by rolling Russian guns, though the last
boulders upon them, and, then survivors of the assailants got
attacking, utterly routed them. within 30 yards of the trenches.
The Austrians lost 80 knights The infantry were then retired,
and 2,000 soldiers. and after a further bombard-
ment, aided by the Japanese
Nagy-Sarl6 (Hungarian Rising). fleet in Kiuchau Bay, the whole
Fought April 19, 1849, be- force attacked simultaneously,
tween the Hungarians, 25,000 and, penetrating the defences on
strong, under Gorgey, and the the Russian left, drove them
Austrians, who endeavoured to from their positions with heavy
prevent Gorgey constructing loss, the defenders leaving 500
bridges over the Gran. The dead on the field. The Japan-
Austrians were signally de- ese lost 4,304 killed, wounded
feated, and the river success- and missing. Seventy -eight
fully bridged. guns were taken, and the Rus-
sians penned up in Port Arthur.
Naissus (Gothic Invasion of the
East). Narva (Russo-Swedish War).
Fought between
269 the Fought November 30, 1700,
Imperial troops, under the Em- between 8,000 Swedes, under
peror Claudius Crotliicus, and Charles XII, and ^' Rus-
the invading Goths. The Ro- sians, under General Dolgorouky,
mans were hard pressed, when The Russians were besieg-
the Gothic lines were attacked ing Narva, and after driving
in the rear by a force of 5,000 in two large bodies who occu-
men, which Claudius had con- pied advanced positions, Charles
cealed for this purpose in the boldly attacked their entrenched
neighbouring mountains, and camp. After a brief cannonade,
being thrown into confusion, the Swedes stormed the trenches,
were totally routed. Fifty and though the Russian artil-
thousand men are said to have lerymen stood to their guns,
fallen in the battle. after three hours' hard fighting,
the defenders were driven out
Najara. See Navarrete. in disorder having lost 18,000
in the trenches, while many 300 sliips, under Sextus Pom-
more fell in the fight. The peius, and
the fleet of the
Swedes lost 600 only. Triumvirs, of equal strength,
under Agrippa. The action
Kaseby (Civil War). was severely contested, but in
Fought June 14, 1645, be- the end Agrippa was victorious,
tween 14,000 Parliamentarians, and Pompeius fled with 17 ves-
under Fairfax, and 7,500 Roya- sels only.
lists, under Charles I, with
Prince Rupert in actual com- Naupactus (Peloponnesian War).
mand. Rupert's first charge Fought 429 B.C. between 20
broke the Parliamentary left Athenian ships, under Phormio,
wing, but, as usual, the pursuit and 27 Peloponnesian ships,
was carried too far, and before under Cnemas. The Athenians
the cavalry returned, Cromwell were entrapped by Cnemas at
on the right had turned the the entrance to the Bay of Nau-
scale, and the battle was over. pactus, and 9 of his vessels
The Royalist infantry, over- driven ashore. The remaining
whelmed by superior numbers, 1 1 fled towards Naupactus,
was almost annihilated, 5,000 closely pursued by the Pelopon-
prisoners, and all the artillery nesians, when the rearmost of
and munitions of war being the flying Athenians suddenly
captured. turned, and rammed the leading
ship of Cnemas' squadron. The
Nashville (American Civil War). pursuers hesitated, and the rest
Fought December 15 and 16, of the Athenians then returned,
1863, between 50,000 Federals, and gained a complete victory,
under General Thomas, and taking 6 ships, and recovering
40,000 Confederates, under 8 of the 9 which had run ashore.
General Hood. Thomas at-
tacked the left of Hood's lines Navarino (Greek War of Inde-
before Nashville, and after hard pendence).
fighting, in which Hood lost Fought October 20, 1827,
1,200 prisoners and 16 guns, the when the allied fleets of Great
Confederates withdrew during Britain, France and Russia
the night to a position a few under Codrington, de Rigny,
miles in the rear. Here they and Heiden respectively, and
were again attacked on the i6th, numbering in all 24 ships, anni-
and, though at first holding hilated the Turkish and Egyptian
their ground, were in the end fleets, 60 vessels being en-
driven from the field in confu- tirely destroyed, and the re-
fusion, with heavy loss in killed mainder driven ashore. The
and wounded, besides 4,460 allies lost 272 in killed and
prisoners and 54 guns. wounded ; the Turks over
4,000. This battle is note-
Naulachus (Civil War of Caesar worthy as being the last general
and Pompey). action fought under the old
Fought September 3, b.c. 36, conditions between wooden
between the Pompeian fleet of sailing ships.

Navarrete (Hundred Years' order. This victory which cost

War). the French 10,000 men, was a
Fought April 3, 1367, be- barren one, for William's retreat
tween 24,000 English, under was unmolested, and he was
Edward the Black Prince, and almost at once in a condition to
60,000 French and Spaniards, renew the conflict. This is also
under Bertrand du Guesclin called the Battle of Landen.
and Henry de Trastamare. The
English, mainly owing to the Neerwinde (Wars of the French
skill of their archers,
defeated their opponents, with Fought March 18, 1793, be-
heavy loss, du Guesclin being tween the French, under Du-
made prisoner. This battle is mouriez, and the Austrians,
also known as the Battle of
under the Prince of Coburg.
Najara. The Austrians won a signal
victory, and in consequence of
Naxos. his defeat Dumouriez was com-
Fought September, 376 B.C., pelled to evacuate Belgium.
between 80 Athenian triremes,
under Chabrias, and 60 Spartan Negapatam.
ships, under PoUio, who was
Fought 1746, off the Coro-
endeavouring to waylay the mandel coast between a British
Athenian grain ships from the squadron of 6 ships, under Cap-
tain Peyton, and 9 French ships,
Euxine. PoUio was totally de-
feated, with a loss of 49 triremes.
under Labourdonnais. The
fight was conducted almost en-
Nechtan's Mere. tirely at long range, and was
Fought May 20, 685, between indecisive, but after the action
the Picts, under Brude, and the Peyton sheered off and made
Northumbrians, under Ecgfrith. for Trincomalee, thus practically
The latter was defeated, and the admitting defeat, though the
Picts by their victory freed French had in fact suffered the
themselves from the North- heavier loss.
umbrian domination. Negapatam.
Siege was laid to this place
Neerwinde (War of the Revolu-
October 21,178 1, by a British
Fought July 19, 1693, be-
force, 4,000 strong, under
tween the English, under Wil-
Colonel Braithwaite. The gar-
rison, partly Dutch and partly
liam III, and the French in
superior force, under Marshal
Mysore troops, though 8,000
in number, did not wait for a
Luxemberg. The French at-
tacked the English entrench-
bombardment, but surrendered
ments, and were at first re-
November 3.

pulsed, but after eight hours' Negapatam.

hard fighting, they succeeded A naval action was fought off
in driving them back all along this place in 1782 between a
the line, though owing largely British squadron, under Sir
to the personal bravery of the Edward Hughes, and a French
King, the retirement was in good squadron, under Suffren. The
opposing forces were of about Newburn (Scottish Wars).
equal strength, and the action Fought August 28, 1640, be-
was indecisive, but the French tween 4,500 English, under
designs on Negapatam were Lord Conway, and the Scottish
frustrated, and Suffren drew off army, 22,500 strong, under
to the southward. Leslie. Conway endeavoured
to hold the ford of Newburn,
Nehavend (Moslem Invasion of
near Newcastle, but his raw
levies, after a cannonade of three
Fought A.D. 637 between the
Moslems, under Said, the lieu- hours, fled in confusion. Con-
tenant of the Caliph Omar, and
way was consequently obliged
to evacuate Newcastle, which
a Persian army, 1 50,000 strong.
The Persians were was occupied by the Scots.
routed, tliis being the last stand
The losses on both sides were
made against the conquering
Moslems. Newbury (Civil War).
Neon (Sacred War). Fought September 20, 1643,
Fought B.C. 354, between the between Royalists, under
Phocians and certain mercenary' Charles I, and the Parliamenta-
troops, 10,000 in all, under Phi- rians, under Essex. The object
lomelus, and the Thebans and of Charles was to stop Essex's
Locrians. The Phocians were march on London, and though
totally defeated, and Philo- his troops held their ground
melus, driven fighting and throughout the day, he could
covered with wounds to the not be said to have gained a
edge of a precipice, preferred victory, as during the night he
death to surrender, and sprang felt himself obliged to abandon
over the cliff. his position.
A second indecisive battle
Neuwied (Wars of the French was fought at Newbury, October
Revolution). 27, 1644, when the Royalists,
Fought April 18, 1797, be- under Charles I, again sustained
tween the French, 80,000 strong, throughout the day, without
under Hoche, and the Austrians, giving ground, the attacks of
under Werneck. Hoche won a the Parliamentary army, under
signal victory, driving the Aus- Waller, Manchester, and others,
trians beyond the Tahn, with a but, as on the previous occasion,
loss of 8,000 men and 80 guns. retired during the night.

Neville's Cross (Scottish Wars). Newmarket (American Civil

Fought October 17, 1346, War).
between the Scottish invading Fought May 13, 1864, be-
army, under David II, and the tween 15,000 Federals, under
northern levies, under Henry Sigel, and 3,500 Confederates,
Percy and Ralph Neville. The under Breckenridge. The Con-
Scots were completely routed, federates, by a rapid flank move-
with a loss of 15,000 men, and ment, fell upon Sigel's force
David and many of his nobles while on the march, and drove
captured. them to seek shelter a wood m

behind their artillery. The After this fort and Fort Mary
guns were then most gallantly- had been shelled with little in-
attacked and taken by 250 boys, termission until the 25th, Fa-
pupils of the Lexington Military ragut forced the passage, and
School, who lost 80 of their num- anchoring off the Levee of New
ber in the charge. Sigel re- Orleans, the city at once sur-
tired,having lost very heavily rendered. The forts, however,
in men, and leaving 6 guns in still held out, but a mutiny
the enemy's hands. broke out in Fort Jackson, and
on the 28th they surrendered
New Orleans (Second American to Commodore Porter.
Thiscity, held by a garrison New Ross (Irish Rebellion).
of 12,000 Americans, under Fought June 5, between
General Jackson, was attacked 30,000 rebels, Father
December, 1814, by a British Roche and IBagenal Harvey,
force of 6,000 men, under and about 1,400 regulars, under
General Keane, aided by the General Johnstone. The rebels
fleet. On the 13th the Ameri- attacked the troops posted in
can warships, lying in the Mis- New Ross, and penetrated into
sissippi, were captured by a the centre of the town, but were
boat attack, and by the 21st then driven back with the
the whole of the troops were bayonet, and totally routed,
disembarked. After a few skir- with a loss of 2,600 killed.
mishes. Sir Edward Pakenham,
arrived and took command Newtown Butler (War of the
on the 25th, and on Janu- Revolution).
ary I, 181 5, a determined Fought August 2, 1689, be-
attack was made upon the tween 5,000 Catholics, under
American position. This failed, Maccarthy, and 3,000 Protes-
and owing to difficulties as to tants, under Colonel Wolseley,
supplies, the British retired. in defence of Enniskillen. The
On the 7th a final assault took Catholics were totally routed,
place, but the assailants were and fled in disorder, losing 1,500
again repulsed, with a loss of in the action, and 500 drowned
1,500, including Pakenham, and in Lough Erne.
the expedition then withdrew.
Niagara (Seven Years' War)
At the time of the action peace
had already been concluded, This fort was besieged in
though of course neither party June, 1759, by 2,500 British,
with 900 Indians, under General
was aware of the fact.
Prideaux, the garrison consist-
New Orleans (American Civil ing of 600 French, under Cap-
War). tain Pouchot. Prideaux was
On April 16, 1862, the Federal killed by the premature explo-
fleet of 30 armed steamers and sion of a shell, and Sir William
21 mortar vessels, under Com- Johnson succeeded to the com-
modore Farragut, began the mand. On July 24, when the
attack on this city by the bom- garrison were almost in extremis,
bardment of Fort Jackson. an attempt to relieve the fort
was made by 1,300 French and Asiatic troops fled at the first
Indians, under Ligneris, but he onset, and he was completely
was repulsed by Johnson with defeated, only the steadiness of
considerable loss, at La Belle the Romans saving him from
Famille, and Pouchot at once disaster.
Nicopolis (Ottoman Wars).
Nicaea (First Crusade). Fought September 28, 1395,
This city was besieged by the between 10,000 French and
Crusaders, under Godefroi de 50,000 Hungarians, under the
Bouillon, May 14, 1097. The Due de Nevers and Sigismundof
Saracens were greatly aided in Hungary, and the Turkish army
the defence by the possession of of Bajazet I. The French
Lake Ascanius, but with great charged the Turkish lines, with-
labour the crusaders trans- out waiting for the Hungarians,
ported boats from the sea to and penetrated the two first
the lake, and thus completed lines, kilhng 1,500 Turks, but
the investment of the place. they were then overpowered by
Two determined attempts to the Janissaries in the third line
relieve it were made by the and 3,000 killed, while all the
Sultan Soliman, but both were survivors were captured. Baja-
repulsed, and Nicsea surren- zet then turned upon the Hun-
dered June 20. garians, who fled Avithout strik-
ing a blow. Bajazet massacred
Nicholson's Nek. See Farquhar's all his prisoners, excepting 25
Farm. nobles.

Nicopolis (Russo-Turkish War).

Nicopolis (Third Mithridatic This place was captured July
War). 16, 1877, by the 9th Russian
Fought B.C. 66, between the Army Corps, under General
Romans, under Pompey, and Krudener, after two days' bom-
thearmy of Mithridates. The bardment, when the garrison
Romans had occupied the of 7,000 Turks surrendered.
heights in front of the retreat- The Russians lost 1,300 killed
ing Asiatics, and Mithridates and wounded.
encamped under their position.
In the night the Romans at- Nieuport (Netherlands War of
tacked him in his camp, and Independence),
utterly routed him. This was Fought July 2, 1600, between
the last battle fought by Mithdri- the Dutch, under Maurice of
dates against the legions of Orange, and the Spaniards,
Rome. under the Archduke Albert of
Austria. Prince Maurice was
Nicopolis. surprised by the Archduke in a
Fought B.C. 47, when Domi- very critical position, but suc-
tius Calvinus, wth one Roman ceeded in holding his own, and
legion and a contingent of after a long and evenly-con-
Pontic and other Asiatic troops, tested engagement, ultimately
encountered the Bosporans, defeated the Spaniards with
under Phamaces. Calvinus' heavy loss.

Nikko (Japanese Revolution). bian Patriots, under Bolivar,

Fought 1868, between the completely defeated the Spanish
adherents of the Shogun, under Royalists.
Otori Keisuke, and the Imperial
Nisib (Mehemet Ali's Second Re-
army, under Saigo Takamori.
The rebels were defeated, and
Fought June 23, 1839, be-
fled to the castle of Wakamatsu. under
tween 30,000 Turks,
Nile (French Invasion of Egypt). Hafiz Pasha, and Mehemet
Fought August I, 1798, Ad- Ah's Syro-Egyptian army,
miral Brueys, with 13 ships of under his son Ibrahim. Ibrahim
the line and 4 frigates, was was far the stronger in artillery,
anchored in Aboukir Bay. and his fire so shattered the
Nelson, with 13 line-of-battle- Turks, that when he finally
ships and one 50-gun ship, advanced his infantry, they
penetrated with half his squad- made no stand, but turned and
ron between the French line fled. Von Moltke, as a captain
and the shore, while his remain- in the Turkish service, was
ing ships engaged them on the under fire in this action for the
outside. Thus caught between first time.
two fires, the French were Nisibis (Persian Wars).
utterly routed, only two of
This fortress, known as the
their vessels escaping capture
Bulwark of the East, was thrice
or destruction. Admiral Bru-
besieged in 338, 346 and 350 by
eys was killed, and his ship
Sapor II, King of Persia. In
L'Orient blown up. This battle
the two former years he was
is also known as the Battle of
compelled to retire after a siege
of 60 and 80 days respectively,
Nineveh (Persian Wars). In 350 the city was defended by
Fought December i, 627, a garrison under Lucilianus,
between the Imperial troops, and Sapor, finding the ordinary
under the Emperor Heraclius. methods unavailing, diverted
and the Persians, under Rhaz- the course of the Mygdonius,
ates, the general of Chosroes II. and by building dams formed a
The Persians stood their ground large lake, upon which he placed
manfully throughout the day a fleet of armed vessels, and
and far into the night, and were attacked the city almost from
almost annihilated before the the level of the ramparts.
surviving remnant retreated in Under pressure of the water a
good order to their camp. The portion of the wall gave way,
Romans also lost heavily, but and the Persians at once de-
the victory opened the way to livered an assault, but were
the royal city of Destigerd, repulsed and by the following

which fell into the hands of day the garrison had rebuilt the
Heraclius, and peace was made wall. At the end of about
the following year. three months. Sapor, having
lost 20,000 men, raised the siege.
Niquitas (South American War
of Independence). Nissa.
Fought 1813, when the Colom- A naval action, fought at the
mouth of the Nissa in 1064, resulted in the total defeat of
between the Danish fleet, under the allies, who lost 12,000 killed,
Sweyn II, and the Norwegians 6,000 prisoners, including Horn,
under Harold Hardrada. Sweyn and 80 guns.
was totally defeated, and his Nordlingen (Wars of Louis XIV).
fleet destroyed, he himself es- Fought August 3, 1645, be-
caping with difiiculty to Zea- tween 17,000 French under
land. Conde, and 14,000 Imperialists,
Nissa. See Morawa. under Mercy. The French at-
tacked the village of Allersheim,
Nive (Peninsular War). where the Imperialists were
Fought December 13, 1813, strongly entrenched, and after
between 35,000 French, under very severe fighting, the left
Soult. and 14,000 British and under Turenne succeeded in
Portuguese, under Wellington. expelling them, with a loss of
Having crossed the Nive on the 6,000 killed,wounded and
loth, Wellington took up a prisoners, and almost all their
strong position on the heights guns. General Mercy was killed.
near the village of St. Pierre. The French loss amounted to
Here he was attacked by Soult, about 4,000.
but repulsed him, and occupied
the French position in front of Noisseville (Franco - German
the Adour. The French losses War).
in this battle and the combats A sortie of the French, under
which preceded it, amounted to Bazaine, from Metz, August 31,
10,000 men. The British lost 1870, in the endeavour to break
5,019 killed and wounded. through the investing line of
the Germans, under Prince
Nivelle (Peninsular War). Frederick Charles. The French
Fought November 10, 181 3, had some slight success at first,
when the French, under Soult, and maintained the ground
were driven from a very strong they had won during the day,
position by the British, under but on September i, their
WelUngton, and forced to retire further efforts to advance were
behind the Nivelle. The French fruitless, and they were driven
lost 4,265, including about 1,200 back into I\Ietz with a loss of
prisoners, 51 guns, and all their 145 officers and 3,379 men.
field magazines. The British The Germans lost 126 officers
lost 2,694 kiUed and wounded. and 2,850 men.
Nordlingen (Thirty Years' War). Northallerton. See Standard.
Fought September 6, 1634,
between 40,000 Imperialists, Northampton (Wars of the
under Ferdinand of Hungary, Roses).
and a numerically inferior force Fought July 10, 1460, be-
of Germans and Swedes, under tween the Lancastrians, under
the Duke of Weimar and Count Henry VI, and the Yorkists,
Horn. The action was fought under the Earl of Warwick.
to relieve Nordlingen, which The king's entrenchments were
Ferdinand was besieging, and betrayed by Lord Grey de

Ruthyn, and the Lancastrians Radetsky. After hard fighting,

were defeated with a loss of the Piedmontese were com-
300 killed, including Bucking- pletely defeated and driven
ham, Shrewsbury, Egremont, from the field in disorder.
and other prominent men. The
King was made prisoner. Novi (Wars of the French Re-
North Foreland (Dutch Wars). Fought August 15, 1799, be-
Fought July 25, 1666, be- tween the French, under Jou-
tween the English fleet, under bert, and the Russians and
the Duke of Albemarle and Austrians, under Suwaroff.
Prince Rupert, and the Dutch, Early in the action Joubert fell,
under Van Tromp and de Moreau succeeding to the com-
Ruyter. The English gained mand. The result was disas-
a complete victory, capturing trous to the French, who were
or burning 20 ships. The Dutch defeated with a loss of 7,000
had 4,000 men killed or drowned. killed and wounded, 3,000
Notion (Peloponnesian War). prisoners, and 37 guns. The
Fought B.C. 407 between the allies lost 6,000 killed and
Peloponnesian fleet, under Ly- wounded and 1,200 prisoners.
sander, and the Athenian fleet of Nujufghur (Indian Mutiny).
Alcibiades, which was lying at Fought August 24, 1857, be-
Notion. Alcibiades was not tween 6,000 rebels, under Mo-
present during the action,
hammed Bukht Khan, and a
which was the result of a sur- small British force, under John
prise, and the Athenians were
Nicholson. The rebels were
defeated with a loss of 1 5 ships defeated, at small cost, with a
loss of over 800 men and all
Nova Carthago (Second Punic
their guns.
This city, defended by a small Numantia (Lusitanian War).
Carthaginian garrison, under This city, defended by the
Mago, was stormed by 27,500 inhabitants under Megaravicus,
Romans, under Scipio, b.c. 209. was besieged B.C. 142 by a
Novara (Italian Wars). Roman consular army. In the
Fought June 6, 1515, between course of 141 the Romans were
10,000 French, under La Tre- twice defeated under the walls,
mouille, and 13,000 Swiss. The and though negotiations for a
French camp was surprised by surrender were entered into in
the Swiss, who, after hard fight- the following year, they were
ing, totally routed the French
not concluded, and in 139 the
with a loss of 6,000 men. The new Roman commander, Popi-
lius La?nas, refused to ratify
Swiss losses were also heavy.
the terms. Shortly afterwards
Novara (Italian Rising). he was again defeated by the
Fought March 23, 1849, be- Numantians, as was his suc-
tween 50,000 Piedmontese, cessorMancius in 137. It was
under Chrzanowski, and three not tillthe arrival of Scipio
Austrian army corps, under /Eiuilianus in 134 that the
lengthy resistance of the in- were attacked by Seymour,
habitants was at last overcome, whom they defeated with a loss
and fifteen months after he of 1,200 men and 5 guns. The
took command the city fell, in Confederates loss amounted to
the autumn of 133 B.C. 700.
Ockley (Danish Invasion).
Fought 851, between the
Danes, and the West Saxons,
under Ethelwulf. The Danes
Oberstein. were completely defeated.
Fought 1533, between the
Poles, under Tarnowski, and Oczakov (Ottoman Wars).
the Wallachians, under Bogdan. This fortress, defended by
The Wallachians were signally 10,000 Turks and Bosnians, was
defeated, with heavy loss. besieged 1737, by the Russians,
under Count Miinnich, and
Obligado (Uruguayan War of after the magazine had been
Independence). blown up was stormed by the
Fought November, 1845, be- besiegers, and the garrison cut
tween the Argentine fleet, under to pieces. In 1788 the place
Oribe, and the combined French was again besieged by the Rus-
and British squardons. The sians, under Potemkin, and
allies were victorious, and Oribe after a strenuous resistance of
was forced to raise the siege of six months, was taken by storm,
Montevideo, while the waters of December 17. In the massacre
the Parana were opened to the which followed, 40,000 of the
shipping of all nations. garrison and inhabitants were
Ocaiia (Peninsular War). put to the sword.
In this action, at which Odawara (Hojo RebeUion).
Joseph Buonaparte was pre- The castle of Odawara, the
sent, Soult, with 30,000 French, last stronghold of the Hojo
defeated 53,000 Spaniards, un- family, was besieged by the
der Areizaga, with a loss of Japanese Imperial troops, under
5,000 killed and wounded, Hideyoshi. The castle held out
26,000 prisoners, including 3 for over three n^onths, but at
generals, 45 guns, and all their last finding that they could hope
baggage and transport. The for no support from without, the
French only lost 1,700 men. garrison surrendered, and the
Ocean Pond (American Civil power of the Hojo family came
to an end.
Fought February 20, 1864, CEnophyta.
between 5,000 Confederates, Fought B.C. 457, between the
under General Finnegan, and Athenians, under MjTonides,
6,000 Federals, under General and the Thebans and other
Seymour. The Confederates oc- Boeotian states. The Boeo-
cupied a strong position, pro- tians were totally defeated, and
tected by swamps and forests, were in consequence compelled
near Lake City, where they to acknowledge the headship of
Athens, and to contribute men Frederick's task was a difficult
to her armies. one, and Marshal Daun was
able to keep communications
Of en (Hungarian Rising). open, and supply the town with
This fortress, held by an provisions. After a siege of
Austrian garrison, under General seven weeks, the Austrians
Hentzi, was besieged by the captured a convoy of 4,000
Hungarians, under G<Jrgey,
waggons, under the escort of
May 4, 1849. After an un- Landon, destined for the Prus-
successful assault, a siege in due sian army, and Frederick was
form was commenced, and forced by this loss to raise the
several further assaults having siege, and retire.
also failed, the place was finally
taken by storm on the 21st. Olpae (Peloponnesian War).
General Hentzi was mortally Fought 426 B.C., between a
wounded. small Athenian force, under
Demosthenes, and a force of
Ohud (Mohammed's War with Ambraciots, with 3,000 Spartan
the Koreish).
hoplites, under Eurylochus.
Fought 623, between 950 Demosthenes gained a com-
Moslems, under Mohammed, and plete victory, by means of an
3,000 Koreish of Mecca, under ambuscade, and Eurylochus was
Abu Sophian. The latter were slain.
victorious, 70 Moslems being
slain, and the Prophet himself Oltenitza (Crimean War).
wounded, but Abu Sophian did Fought 1853, when a Turkish
not feel himself strong enough army, superior in numbers,
to follow up his victory by an under Omar Pasha, totally
attack upon Medina. defeated the Russian army
which had invaded the Danub-
Olmedo. ian Principalities.
Fought 1467, between the
Spanish adherents of the In- Omdurman (Soudan Campaigns ).

fante Alfonso, a claimant to the Fought September 2, 1898,

throne.under the Archbishop of between the British and Egyp-
Toledo, and the Royal troops, tians, 23,000 strong, under Sir
under Henry of Castile. After Herbert Kitchener, and 50,000
an action which began late in Dervishes, under the Khalifa.
the afternoon, and lasted for The Dervishes attacked the
three hours, without any very British zareba, and were repulsed
decisive result, the Archbishop, with heavy loss. Kitchener
who was considerably inferior then advanced, to drive the
in numbers, withdrew his troops, enemy before him into Om-
leaving Henry in possession of durman, and capture the place.
the field. In the course of the operation,
however, the Egyptian Brigade
Olmiitz (Seven Years' War). on the British right, under
This place was besieged by General Macdonald, became iso-
Frederick the Great, May, 1758. lated, and was attacked in
Having insufficient troops to front by the centre of the Der-
completely invest the place, vish army, while his flank and
rear were threatened by the contingent, under Morari Rao,
Dervish left, which had not forming a part of Colonel Donald
previously been engaged. The Campbell's column, was attack-
position was critical, but through ed by a detachment of Hyder
the extreme steadiness of the Sou- Ali's army. The Mahrattas re-
danese, who changed front under pulsed the Mysore cavalry with
heavy fire, the attack was re- a loss of about 300, at a cost to
pulsed. The British and Egyp- themselves of 18 only.
tian losses were 500 killed and Opequan (American Civil War).
wounded. The Dervishes lost Fought September 19, 1864,
about 15,000. between 13,000 Confederates,
Onao (Indian Mutiny). under General Early, and 45,000
Fought July 28, 1857, between Federals, under General Sheri-
Havelock's relieving force, 1,500 dan. Success at first inclined
strong, and the rebels, who to the side of the Southerners,
occupied a strong position near but their left wing was broken
Onao, so protected on the flanks by a charge of 7,000 cavalry,
that a frontal attack was neces- under Custer, and the Con-
sary. This was successful, and federates were completely routed
after the town had been passed, and fled in confusion.
a further attack by the muti- Oporto (Peninsular War).
neers was repulsed, with a loss Fought March 28, 1809, when
of 300 men and 15 guns. the French, under Soult, com-
Onessant. pletely defeated the Portuguese
Fought July 27, 1778, be- under Lima and Fareiras, out-
tween 30 British ships of the side the city of Oporto. Soult
line, under Admiral Keppel, and followed up his success by storm-
a French squadron of equal ing Oporto, with horrible slaugh-
force, under the Comte d'Es- ter, it being computed that
taing. After a fight which 10,000 of the inhabitants perish-
lasted throughout the day, the ed. The Fi^ench lost 500 only.
two fleets drew off to repair Oran (Ximenes' Expedition to
damages, neither side having Morocco).
lost a ship. Fought May 17, 1509, be-
Oondwa Nullah. tween the Moors and the Spani-
Fought September, 1763,
ards, under Navarro. The
when 3,000 British and native Spaniards, late in the evening,
troops, under Major Adams, attacked and drove off the Moors
carried by storm the entrench- from a strong position on the
ments and the fort held by heights above the city. They
Mir Cossim's army of 60,000 then stormed the city itself,
men with 100 guns. Mir Cos- escalading the walls by placing
sim fled and his army was their pikes in the crevices of the
entirely dispersed. stones. The Moors lost in the
battle and the storm 4,000
Ooscata. killed and about 8,000 prisoners,
Fought August 23, 1768, while the losses of the victors
when the camp of the Mahratta were very small.

Orchomenus (First Mithridatic 4,000 killed and wounded, and

War). 6 guns.
Fought B.C. 85, between the
Pontic army, under Archelaus, Oruro.
Fought 1862, between the
and the Romans, under Sulla.
The Asiatic cavalry attacked Bolivian Government troops,

and drove back the Roman line, under the President, General
but Sulla himself rallied his Acha, and the rebels, under
troops, and led them in a charge
General Perez, who had pro-
which totally routed the enemy claimed himself President. Perez
with heavy loss.
was utterly routed.

Ostend (Netherlands War of

Ordovici, The.
Fought A.D. 50, between the
This place was besieged, July
Romans, under Ostorius Scapula, under
5, 1601, by the Spaniards,
and the Britons, under Carac- The town
the Archduke Albert.
tacus. The Britons occupied
the slope of a hill, where they
made a most remarkable defence}
holding out for more than three
were attacked by the Romans
years, but Spinola having taken
and totally routed. Caractacus
fled to the Brigantes, by whom command of the besiegers, it
he was surrendered, and sent a
was finally captured, September
14, 1604, by which time scarcely
captive to Rome.
a house in the town was left
standing. The Spaniards lost
Orleans (Hundred Years' War).
This city was besieged by the 70,000 men in the course of the
English, under the Regent, the
Duke of Bedford, in October, Ostia (Italian Wars).
1428. In April, 1429, a French This place, held by a French
force, 7,000 strong, under Dunois garrison, under Menaldo Guerri,
and Joan of Arc, succeeded in was besieged in 1500 by the
entering, it having been found Spaniards, under Gonsalvo de
impossible to invest the place Cordova. After five days' bom-
completely. After various suc- bardment, an attack was made
cessful attacks on the batteries upon the town on the opposite
erected by the besiegers, Joan, side by a small party of Span-
on the 6th and 7th of May, led iards resident in Rome, under
the garrison to victory against Garcilasso de la Vega. Thus
the English lines, and on the between two fires, Guerri sur-
8th Bedford was compelled to rendered.
raise the siege.
Ostrolenka (Crimean War).
Orthez (Peninsular War). Fought 1853, between the
Fought February 27, 1814, Turks, under Omar Pasha, and
between the British under Wel- the Russian army which had
lington, and the French, under invaded the Danubian Princi-
Soult. The French were driven pahties. The Turks, who were
out of Orthez and across the considerably superior in num-
Luy de Beam, with a loss of bers, gained a complete victory.
Ostrowno (Campaign of Mos- totally defeated, with a loss of
cow). about 2,000. The battle is
Fought July 25 and 26, 18 12, celebrated in the old ballad of
between the French corps of " Chevy Chace."
Ney and Prince Eugene, with
Murat's cavalry, and the Rus- Otumba (Conquest of Mexico).
sian corps of Count Osterman Fought July 8, 1520, between
and General Konownitzyn. The 200 Spaniards, with some
Russians were defeated and thousands of Tlascalan auxili-
driven back on both days, with aries, under Cortes, and a force

a loss of 3,000 killed and wound- of about 200,000 Aztecs. The

ed, 800 prisoners and 8 guns. Spaniards, wearied by a long
The French loss was about the march on their retreat from
Mexico, were intercepted by
the Aztecs, and after many
Oswego (Seven Years' War). hours' fighting, were on the
This place, held by a garrison verge of defeat, when a charge
of ,400 Provincial troops, under
1 of a few cavahers, headed by
Colonel Mercer, was besieged Cortes, into the very heart of
by the French, under Mont- the Aztec army, so discouraged
calm, August II, 1756. After them that they fled in disorder.
a bombardment of 3 days, It is said that 20,000 Aztecs
in the course of which Mercer fell.
was killed, the place surrendered.
Oudenarde (War of the Spanish
The losses on both sides were Succession).
very small.
Fought July II, 1708, be-
Otrar (Tartar Invasion of Khar- tween -80,000 British and Im-
ismia). perialists, under Marlborough
This city was besieged, 12 19, and Prince Eugene, and 100,000
by 200,000 Mongols, under French, under the Duke of Bur-
Oktai and Zagatai, sons of Gen- gundy and Marshal Vendome.
ghiz Khan, and defended by a The French, who were besieging
garrison of 60,000, under Gazer Oudenarde, raised the siege on
Khan. The place was entered the advance of the allies, and
after a four months' siege, by marched to meet them, but were
which time the garrison was totally defeated with a loss of
reduced to 20,000 men, but with 3,000 killed, 7,000 prisoners,
this remnant Gazer Khan held and 10 guns. The allies lost
out in the citadel for another 2,000.
Otterburn (Scottish Wars),
Fought August 19, 1388, be- Paardeberg (Second Boer War).
tween 9,000 English, under Fought February 18, 1900,
Henry Percy (Hotspur) and a between 5,000 Boers, under
greatly inferior force of Scots, Cronje, and the British, number-
under Earls Douglas and Mur- ing 4 Infantry Brigades, with 4
ray. Hotspur attacked the batteries, under Lord Kitchener.
Scottish entrenchments, and was Cronje had taken refuge in the

bed of the Tugela river, and an of a third of their number.

attempt was made to dislodge Onomarchus was slain.
him. The absence of cover for Palais Gallien (War of the
the attacking force, however, Fronde).
rendered this impossible, but he Fought September 5, 1649,
was surrounded, and on the between the Royal troops, 8,000
arrival of Lord Roberts, sub- strong, under the Marshal de la
jected to a sustained artillery Meilleraic, and 7,000 Bordelais,
fire, which lasted until he sur- under the Dues de Bouillon
rendered on the 27th. The and de la Rochefoucauld. The
British losses during the opera- Bordelais successfully repulsed
tions amounted to 98 officers four or five assaults, but by
and 1,437 men, of whom
1,100 nightfall were driven from their
fell in the battle of the i8th. entrenchments into the city,
The prisoners taken numbered with a loss of about 120. The
3,000 Transvaalers and 1,100 assailants lost over 1,000 killed
Free Staters, with 6 guns. and wounded.
Pabon. Palermo (Italian Rising).
Fought September 17, 1861, Fought May 26 and 27, 1848,
between the troops of Buenos when Garibaldi, with 750 of his
" Thousand Volunteers," and
Ayres, under Mitre, aided by an
Italian legion, under Piloni, and about 3,000 Sicilian " Picciotti,"
the army of the Argentine Con- succeeded in surprising one of
federation, under Urquiza. The the gates of Palermo, which
latter were defeated. was garrisoned by 18,000 Nea-
politans, under General Lanza.
Pagahar (First Burmah War). The " Picciotti " fled at the
The only occasion during the first shot, but Garibaldi pene-
war when the Burmans met trated into the city, where, be-
In 1825
the British in the open. ing joined by the citizens, he
Sir Archibald Campbell, with erected barricades, and after
1,300 men, encountered 15,000 some severe fighting, in which
Burmans, under Zay - ya- the Neapolitans suffered heavily.
Thayan but the battle was General Lanza surrendered. The
almost a bloodless one, for the last of the Neapolitan troops
Burmans failed to make any were withdrawn on June 20.
stand, their general being the
Palestrina (Italian Rising).
first to flee.
Fought May 9, 1849, between
Pagasaean Gulf (Sacred War). 4,000 Italian Patriots, under
Fought B.C. 352, between the Garibaldi, and 7,000 Neapoli-
Phocians, under Onomarchus, tans, under King Ferdinand.
and the Macedonians, under After three hours' fighting, the
Philip. Phihp's infantry was Neapolitans were totally routed.
about equal in numbers to that Garibaldi was wounded in the
of the Phocians, but he was far action.
superior in cavalry, and in the Palestro (Unification of Italy).
end the Phocians were com- Fought May 30, 1859, be-
pletely defeated, with the loss tween the Sardinians, under
General Cialdini, and the Aus- cost the assailants 170 out of
trians, under General Stadion. 400 men engaged, while two-
The Austrians attacked the thirds of the garrison were
Sardinians while they were killed, Morgan started to cross
crossing the Sesia, but were the Isthmus, at the head of
repulsed, and Cialdini effected 1,200 men, January 18, 1671.
the passage successfully and The garrison of Panama, 2,400
drove the Austrians out of strong, met him outside the
Palestro with considerable loss. city, and were defeated with
heavy loss, the Buccaneers
Palmyra (Expedition to Pal- losing 600 men. Morgan then
myra). sacked the place, and on Feb-
This city was besieged by the ruary withdrew with 175
Romans, under Aurehan, after mule loads of plunder, and 600
the defeat of Zenobia at Emesa prisoners.
in 272. An obstinate defence
was made by the Queen, but Panama (Raids of the Buc-
Aurehan being reinforced by caneers),
Probus early in 273, Zenobia Fought April 23, 1680, be-
fled from the city and the place tween the Buccaneers, with
was captured. Zenobia failed three ships, under John Coxon,
to escape, and was brought into and three Spanish vessels. The
Aurelian's camp. During his Spaniards were defeated, after
return march, Aurehan learnt a hard fight in which two Span-
that the citizens had risen, and ish vessels were captured by
massacred the Governor and boarding. The Spanish com-
the garrison he had left in the mander was killed. The Buc-
place. He thereupon retraced caneers then entered the Bay,
his steps, and destroyed the and captured six vessels lying
city, sparing neither young nor in the roads.
Palo Alto (Americo - Mexican Fought 331 B.C., between the
War). Italian Greeks, under Alexander
Fought May 8, 1846, between of Epirus, and the Lucanians.
the Americans, under General During the battle Alexander
Taylor, and the Mexicans, under was stabbed by a
Arista. The Mexicans were Greek army,
exile serving in the
completely routed, at very small and the Greeks were in the end
cost to the victors. defeated.

Panama (Raids of the Buc- Pandu Naddi (Indian Mutiny),

caneers ). Fought July 15, 1857, be-
On December 16, 1670, Morgan tween a British relieving force,
the Buccaneer sailed from His- under Havelock, and the muti-
paniola with 2>7 ships and about neers who were opposing his
2,000 men to plunder this town. advance to Cawnpore. By a
Having captured the castle of forced march in the heat of the
San Lorenzo, at the mouth of day, Havelock succeeded in
the Chagre, an exploit which seizing the bridge over the

Pandu Naddi, which the muti- a complete victory. Hemu was

neers were engaged in mining, wounded and captured. By
thus securing an open road to this victory Akbar recovered
Cawnpore. The rebels were Delhi, which had fallen into the
driven off after a short engage- hands of the rebels.
Pandu Naddi (Indian Mutiny). Fought 1759, between the
Fought November 26, 1857, Mahrattas, 85,000 strong, under
between 1,400 British, under Sedashao Rao Bhao, cousin of
General Windham, and the the Peshwa, and the Duranis,
advance guard of the mutineers numbering, with Hindu allies,
and the Gwalior contingent, about 90,000. The Bhao at-
under the Nana Sahib. The tacked, and dispersed Ahmed's
rebels were posted beyond the Indian troops, but on the Du-
river, and the British crossing ranis coming into action, the
the dry bed, drove them from Mahrattas were broken and
their entrenchments, capturing utterly routed,with enormous
3 guns. Windham, then finding loss. The Bhao, and the son
himself close to the main body of the Peshwa were among the
of mutineers, retired towards slain.
Panormus (First Punic War).
Panipat (Third Mongol Inva- Fought B.C. 250, between
sion). 25,000 Romans, under L. Cte-
Fought April 20, 1526, be- cilius Metellus, and the Cartha-
tween the Delhi Mohammedans, ginian army in Sicily, under
10,000 strong, with 100 ele- Hasdrubal. Hasdrubal offered
phants, under Ibrahim, and the battle in front of Panormus, and
Mongols, about 2,000 picked Metellus sent out his light
men, under Baber, the first of troops to engage him. They
the Great Moguls. Ibrahim was ran back into the town before a
totally defeated, being himself charge of the elephants, which,
among the slain. The battle following closely, were driven
marked the end of the Afghan into the ditch surrounding the
dynasty of Delhi, and the com- place, where many were killed.
mencement of the Mogul Em- Meanwhile Metellus sallied out
pire. with his legionaries, and taking
Hasdrubal in flank completely
Panipat. routed him. The whole of the
Fought November 5, 1536, Carthaginian elephants in Sicily
between Akbar, the Great were killed or captured in this
Mogul, with about 20,000 troops, battle.
and the forces of the revolted
Hindu Rajahs, 100,000 strong, Paraetakene Mountains (Wars
under Hemu. The Hindus of Alexander's Successors).
attacked, and the onslaught Fought 316 B.C., between the
of the elephants being repulsed, Macedonians, 30,000 strong,
their ranks were thrown into under Antigonus, and an equal
disorder, and the Moguls gained force of Asiatics, under Eumenes.

Eumenes attacked the Mace- Parkany (Ottoman Wars).

donian camp, and after a severe Fought August, 1663, be-
engagement, in which the tween 200,000 Turks, under the
Asiatics held the advantage, Grand Vizier, Achmet Koprili
Antigonus, by successful man- Pasha, and the Hungarians, in
oeuvring, withdrew his army far smaller force, under Count
without serious loss, leaving Forgacz. The Hungarians were
Eumenes a barren victory. defeated, and driven into Neu-
hausel, which town, after a
Parana (Paraguayan War). valiant resistance of six weeks,
Fought 1866, between the capitulated September 24.
Paraguayans, under Lopez, and
the Brazihans, under Porto Parma (War of the Polish Suc-
Alegre. Lopez was victorious. cession).
Fought June 29, 1734, be-
Paris (Allied Invasion of France ). tween the French, under Marshal
On March 30, 18 14, Paris, de Coigny, and the Imperialists,
which was defended only by 60,000 strong, under General de
20,000 regulars and National Mercy. The Imperialists were
Guard, under Marmont, was defeated with a loss of 6,000,
attacked by the Grand Army including de Mercy. The French
of the aUies, under Schwartz- loss was almost as heavy.
emberg. Three columns as-
saulted the French positions at Paso de la Patria (Paraguayan
Vincennes, Belleville and Mont- War).
martre, while a fourth attacked Fought 1866, between the
the extreme left of the French Paraguayans, under Lopez, and
Hne in order to turn the heights the Brazilians, under Porto
of Montmartre. The two first Alegre. The Paraguayans gained
positions were carried, and a signal victory.
Montmartre turned, whereupon
Joseph having fled, Marmont Patay (Hundred Years' War).
surrendered. The French lost Fought June 18, 1429, be-
over 4,000 men the allies about
tween the French, under Joan
8,000. of Arc and the Due d'Alenfon,
and the English, under Talbot
Paris (Franco-German War). and Sir John Fastolfe. The
Paris was invested by the English were retiring after the
main German army, under the siege of Orleans, and their ad-
King of Prussia and von Moltke, vanced guard under Talbot,
September 19, 1870, The gar- being attacked by the French,
rison, under the command of was seized with a panic, and
General Trochu, made a gallant refusing to meet the charge of
defence, many serious sorties the French cavalry, broke and
taking place, but the Germans fled. The main body, under
gradually mastered the outer Fastolfe, however, maintained
defences, and finally, being much its formation, and made good
straitened by famine, the city its retreat to Etampes. Talbot
surrendered January 28, 1871. was made prisoner.

Patila (Tartar Invasion of the attack of the Imperialists

Persia). on his lines, and his artillery
Fought between the
1394, wrought great havoc in their
Tartars, under Tamerlane, and ranks, then, charging at the
the Persians, under Shah Man- head of his cavalry, he was
sur. The Persians vigorously repulsed by Lannoy 's infantry,
attacked the Tartar centre, and and the Swiss mercenaries being
Tamerlane was nearly over- taken in flank, and thrown into
whelmed, but rallying his troops disorder, the battle was lost.
he led a charge which restored Francis was captured. This is
the battle, and gained a com- the occasion on which he wrote
plete victory. The complete to his mother, " Rien ne m'est
subjugation of Persia followed. demoure, excepte I'honneur et
la vie qui est sauve."
Pavia (Invasion of the Ale-
manni). Peach Tree Creek (American
Fought 271, between the War).
Romans, under Aurelian, and Fought July 22, 1864, in the
the German invaders. Aurelian course of the operations round
gained a signal victory, and the Atlanta, between the Federals,
Alemanni recrossed the frontier. under General Sherman, and
the Confederates, under General
Pavia (Lombard Conquest of Hood. Hood attacked the
Italy). Federal position, and drove off
This city was besieged in 568 their left wing, capturing 13
by the Lombards, under Alboin, guns and some prisoners being ;

and after a gallant defence, last- reinforced, however, the Federals

ing over three years, was at last rallied, and recovered the lost
subdued, rather by famine than ground. The Confederates, how-
by force of arms, and surrend- ever, claimed the victory.
ered to the besiegers. Pavia The Federals lost 3,722, in-
then became the capital of the cluding General McPherson.
Lombard kingdom of Italy. The Confederate losses were
Pavia (Italian Wars). about the same.
Fought May 22, 1431, on the
Ticino, near Pavia, between Pea Ridge (American Civil War),
Venetian galleys, under
Fought March 7 and 8, 1862,
Nicolas Trevisani, and a some- between 16,000 Confederates,
what superior number of galleys under General von Dorn, and
in the pay of the Milanese.
the Federals, in equal force,
The Venetians were defeated, under General Curtis. On the
with a loss of 70 galleys and 7 th the Confederates drove
3,000 men.
back the Federal right wing,
and nearly succeeded in cutting
Pavia (Wars of Charles V), their communications, though
Fought February 25, 1525, they lost General M'Culloch
between the French, under in the course of the action. On
Francis I, and the Imperialists, the 8th the Federals drove back
under Lannoy. Francis, who the Southerners, and recovered
was besieging Pavia, awaited the ground they had lost, the
battle ending without decisive strong, under General Zotoff,
result. The losses on each side succeeded in repulsing all the
were about i,ooo. This is also Turkish attacks, with a loss of
called the Battle of Gek Horn. about 3,000 killed and wounded.
The Russians lost 1,000.
Peiwar Kotal (Second Afghan
War). Pelusium (Persian Conquest of
Fought December 2, 1878, Egypt).
between a British force, 3,200 Fought 525 between the
strong, under Sir Frederick Persians, under Cambyses, and
Roberts, with 13 guns, and the Egyptians, under Psam-
about 18,000 Afghans, with 11 meticus. The Egyptians were
guns, strongly posted in the totally defeated, and this vic-
Kotal. By an able, but diffi- tory was followed by the com-
cult turning movement, the plete subjugation of Egypt,
pass was crossed, and the Af- which became a Persian sa- j

ghans completely defeated, with trapy.

heavy loss, all their guns being
captured. The British lost 20 Pelusium (War of Alexander's
killed and 78 wounded. Successors).
Fought B.C. 321, between the
Peking (Tartar Invasion of Macedonians, under the Regent,
China). Perdiccas, and the Egyptians,
This city was besieged by the under Ptolemy Lagus. Per-
Tartars, under Genghiz Khan, diccas attacked the fortress, but
in 1 210, and after a long and was driven off with heavy loss, in-
obsintate defence, which so cluding 1 ,000 drowned in the Nile.
exhausted the besiegers that
Genghiz Khan is said to have Pena Cerrada (First Carlist War).
decimated his men in order to This fortress, held by a Carlist
feed the rest, the city was garrison, under Gergue, was
taken by stratagem. captured by Espartero with
19,000 Cristinos, June 21, 1838.
Pelekanon (Ottoman Conquest After shelling the place for
of Asia Minor).
7 hours, Espartero attacked the
Fought 1329, between the Carlists, who held the heights
Turks, under Orkhan, and the outside the town, and dispersed
forces of Andronicus the Young- them, capturing 600 prisoners,
er, Emperor of the East. The and all their guns. The re-
Imperialists were defeated. mainder of the garrison then
This is the first occasion in abandoned the place.
which the Byzantines met the
Ottoman invaders in battle. Penobscot Bay (American War
of Independence).
Pelischat (Russo-Turkish War). Fought July 14, 1779, when
Fought August 30, 1877, a British squadron of 10 ships,
when the Turks, 25,000 strong, under Sir George Collier, com-
with 50 guns, made a sortie pletely destroyed an American
from Plevna, and attacked the squadron of 24 ships, and cap-
Russian lines in front of Pora- tured the 3,000 men who formed
dim. The Russians, 20,000 their crews.

Pen Selwood (Danish Invasion). rison, reduced to 400 men,

Fought 1016, between the surrendered, and were allowed
EngUsh, under Edmund Iron- to march out with the honours
and the Danes, under Knut,
side, of war. The capture of Per-
shortly after Edmund's elec- pignan gave France possession
tion as King by the Witanege- of Rousillon.
mot. This was the first of the Perryville (American Civil War).
series engagements between
of Fought October 8, 1862, be-
the rivals, which ended
two tween 45,000 Federals, under
with the Peace of Olney. General Buell, and a somewhat
Pered (Hungarian Rising). smaller Confederate army, under
Fought June 21, 1849, be- General Bragg. The Confeder-
tween the Hungarians, 16,000 ates attacked, and drove back
strong, under Gorgey, and the the Federals, but no decisive
Austrians and Russians, under result was arrived at, and dur-
Prince Windischgratz. The al- ing the night Bragg withdrew,
lies attacked the Hungarian having inflicted a loss of 4,000
position, and after severe fight- on the enemy, and captured
ing, drove them out, with a loss an artillery train. The Con-
of about 3,000. federates lost about 2,500 killed
and wounded.
Perembacum (First Mys ore War ).
Persepolis (Wars of Alexander's
Fought September 10, 1780,
when a Mysore force, 11,000
Fought B.C. 316, between
strong, under Tippu Sahib,
the Macedonians, 31,000 strong,
surrounded and cut to pieces a
with 65 elephants, under Anti-
detachment of Sir Hector Mon-
gonus, and 42,000 Asiatics,
ro's army, 3,700 in number, with 114 elephants, under Eu-
under Colonel Baillie. Only a
menes. At the first onslaught,
few, including Baillie himself,
Antigonus' infantry was
escaped the massacre.
overwhelmed, but his cavalry
Perisabor (Persian Wars). retrieved the day, and seizing
This fortress, defended by an the enemy's camp, threw Eu-
Assyrian and Persian garrison, menes' phalanx into confusion.
was captured. May, 363, by the Upon this the Macedonian in-
Romans, under Julian. The fantry ralhed, and gained a
fortress was dismantled and complete victory, Eumenes be-
the town destroyed. ing captured.
Perpignan. Peshawar (Second Mohammedan
This fortress was besieged by Invasion of India).
the French, 11,000 strong, under Fought looi, between 10,000
the Seigneur du Lude, at the Afghans, under Sultan Mahmud
end of 1474, and was defended of Ghuzni, and 42,000 Punjabis,
by a Spanish garrison. The with 300 elephants, under the
Spanish army could not succeed Rajah Jaipal of Lahore. The
in relieving the place, and after Rajah was totally defeated, and
holding out with great gallantry captured with 15 of his prin-
until March 14, 1475, the gar- cipal chiefs.
Petersburg (American Civil Prince Eugene, with 80,000
War), Imperialists, mostly veteran s
Fought June 15 to 18, 1864, from the Flanders campaign,
forming an episode in the signally defeated 150,000 Turks
Federal on Richmond. under Darnad Ali Pasha. The
General Beauregard, with 8,000 Turks lost30,000 killed, 50
men, was charged with the standards and 250 guns. The
defence of Petersburg, and at Imperialists lost about 3,000.
the same time had to contain
General Butler at Bermuda Petra (Persian Wars).
Hundred. His entrenchments This strong fortress, gar-
before Petersburg were attacked risoned by 1,500 Persians, was
on the 15th by General Smith, besieged by tlie Romans, 8,000
strong, under Dagisteus, in 549,
and a portion of the first line
carried. On the i6th Beaure- After a series of unsuccessful
gard withdrew the force mask- assaults the Romans succeeded
in bringing down a large portion
ing Bermuda Hundred, and
concentrated his troops in front of the outer wall by mining. By
this time the garrison was re-
of Petersburg, but after holding
out till the afternoon, a panic duced to 400, but Dagisteus,
seized the defenders, and they delaying to storm the fortress,
were driven from the first line. the Persians succeeded in throw-
Beauregard, however, rallied ing in reinforcements, which
them, and retook the entrench- brought the garrison up to
ments. During the night he 3,000. Meanwhile all the
withdrew to a second and breaches had been repaired, and
stronger line of defences, and on the Romans had to undertake
the 17th and 18th repulsed, with a second siege. At last a breach
terrible slaughter, all the efforts
was effected, and after very
of the Federals to carry it.
severe fighting the
effected a lodgement. Of the
Petersburg (American Civil War ). defenders 700 fell in the second
On June 30, 1864, a mine was siege, and 1,070 in the storm,
exploded under the Confederate while of 700 prisoners, only 18
defences in front of Petersburg, were unwounded. Five hun-
and an attempt was made by the dred retreated to the citadel,
Federals to carrj^ the entrench- and held out to the last, perish-
ments during the confusion ing in the flames when it was
that ensued. The Confederates, fired by the Romans.
however, stood their ground,
repulsing all attacks with heavy Pharsalus (Civil War of Caesar
loss, and of the Federals who
and Pompey).
succeeded in entering the breast- Fought August 9, B.C. 48,
works, 5,000 were killed or between the Pompeians, 60,000
captured. Both the generals
strong, under Pompey, and
Caesareans, 25,000 strong, under
commanding, Lee and Grant,
were present during the action. Caesar. The Pompeian cavalry
drove back that of Csesar, but
Peterwaradin (Ottoman Wars). following in pursuit, were thrown
Fought August 5, 1 7 16, when into confusion by the legion

aries, whereupon they turned by the Goths, under Cniva, and

and from the field the in-
fled ;
after a gallant defence, and the
fantry followed and the battle defeat of an attempt by Decius
became a rout, in which 15,000 to relieve it, was stormed and
Pompeians, and only 200 Caesar- sacked. It is said that 100,000
eans fell. After the battle, of the garrison and inhabitants
20,000 Pompeians surrendered. perished in the siege and sub-
sequent massacre.
Pharsalus (Greco-Turkish War).
Fought May 6, 1897, when Philippopolis (Russo-Turkish
Edhem Pasha, with three Turk- War).
ish divisions, drove the Greeks Fought February 17, 1878,
from their entrenchments in between the Russians, under
front of Pharsalus, at a cost of General Gourko, and the Turks,
about 230 killed and wounded. under Fuad and Shakir Pashas.
The Greek loss was not very The Turks made a stubborn
heavy. defence of the approaches to
Philiphaugh (Civil War). Philippopolis, but were over-
Fought September 13, 1645, powered by superior numbers,
when 4,000 Lowland horse, and forced to retreat with a loss
under David Leslie, surprised of 5,000 killed and wounded,
and cut to pieces Montrose's 2,000 prisoners, and 114 guns.
force of Highlanders, encamped The Russians lost 1,300.
near Selkirk. Montrose escaped
Philipsburg (War of the Polish
with a few followers. Succession).
Philippi (Rebellion of Brutus). This fortress, held by the
Fought B.C. 42, between the Imperialists, was besieged 1734.
Republicans, under Brutus and by the French, under the Duke
Cassius, 100,000 strong, and the of Berwick. The Duke was
army of the Triumvirs, about killed by a cannon ball while
equal in numbers, under Octa- visiting the trenches, but the
vius and Mark Antony. Brutus place fell soon afterwards, not-
on the right repulsed the legions withstanding the efforts of
of Octavius, and penetrated into Prince Eugene to relieve it.
his camp. Cassius, however,
was overthrown by Antony, Plater's Hill (Second Boer War).
and would have been over- The scene of the severest fight-
whelmed but for the arrival of ing in the course of Sir Redvers
aid from the successful right Buller's final and successful
wing. The action was renewed attempt to relieve Ladysmith.
on the second day, when the The operations commenced by
Triumvirs were completely vic- the capture of Hlangwane, on
torious, and the;Republican army February 19, 1900, which gave
dispersed. Brutus committed the British command of the
suicide on the field of battle.
Tugela, which was crossed on
the 2 1 St. On the 22nd a steady
Philippopolis Gothic In-
\First advance was made up to the
vasion of the Empire). line of Pieter's Hill, which was
This city was besieged, 251, attacked by the Irish Brigade,
under General Hart, on the 23rd. surprise attack, recovered Pirot,
At a cost of nearly half their which was later retaken by the
numbers, they succeeded in Bulgarians, though the Servians
establisliing themselves under continued to hold a position to
cover, close to the Boer trenches, the south of the town till night-
but could not dislodge the de- fall. Early next morning an
fenders. It was not till the armistice was conchided. The
27th, when BuUer had turned Bulgarians lost 2,500, the Ser-
the Boer left, that a general vians 2,000 killed and wounded.
assault was successful, and the
Boers evacuated the position. Pittsburg Landing. See Shiloh.
The British losses during the
Placentia (Invasion of the Ale-
operations were 1,896 killed
and wounded. manni).
Fought 271, between the
Pingyang (Chine- Japanese War). Romans, under Aurelian, and
Fought September 15, 1894, the invading Alemanni. The
between the Japanese, 14,000 barbarians attacked the Romans
strong, under General Nodzu, in the dusk of evening, after a
and 12,000 Chinese, entrenched long and fatiguing march, and
in a strong position. After threw them into disorder, but
severe fighting the Chinese were they were rallied by the Em-
driven from their entrench- peror, and after severe fighting,
ments with heavy loss. The succeeded in beating off their
Japanese lost 650 killed and assailants.
Plains of Abraham (Seven Years'
Pinkie Cleugh (Scottish Wars). War).
Fought September, 1547, be- Fought September 13, 1759,
tween the Scots, under the Earl when Wolfe, who was Ijdng on
of Huntly, and the English, shipboard in the St. Lawrence
under the Protector Somerset. above Quebec, with 4,000 troops,
The Scots crossed the Esk, and effected a landing secretly in the
attacked the EngUsh lines, at night of the 12th to the 13th,
first with success, but they were and took up unperceived a
thrown into confusion by a strong position on the Plains of
charge of cavalry, and in the Abraham. Next morning he
end fled from the field with was attacked by Montcalm,
heavy loss. with about equal numbers, but
notwithstanding the most des-
Pirot (Servo-Bulgarian War). perate efforts, the French were
Fought November 26 and 27, unable to carry the position,
1885, between 40,000 Servians, and were driven back into
under King Milan, and 45,000 Quebec ^^athaloss of about 1,500.
Bulgarians, under Prince Alex- Both Wolfe and Montcalm fell
ander. After some desultory mortall}'wounded. The British
fighting, the Bulgarians seized loss amounted to 664 killed and
the town of Pirot in the course wounded. The French imme-
of the afternoon. At dawn on diately afterwards evacuated
the 27th, the Servians, by a Quebec.

Plassy (Seven Years' War). was made to break through the

Fought 1757, between the enemy's lines, which half the gar-
British, 3,000 strong, witli 8 rison succeeded in doing, with the
guns, under Clive, and the army loss of one man. The remainder
of Surabjah Daulah, Nawab of held out till 427, when being on
Bengal, aided by a small force the verge of starvation, they
of Frenchmen. Clive was en- surrendered. The survivors
camped in a grove of mango- were tried having deserted
trees, where he was attacked by Boeotia for Athens, at the out-
the Nawab. He beat off the break of the war, and 200
attack, and then stormed the Plataeans, and 25 Athenians
Nawab's lines, totally routing were put to death.
his army, which fled in panic,
with a loss of about 500. The Plescow (Russo-Swedish Wars).
British lost 72 only. This fortress was besieged by
the Swedes, under Gustavus
Plataea (Third Persian Invasion). Adolphus, August 20, 161 5,
Fought B.C. 479, between the and defended by a Russian
Greeks, about 100,000 strong, garrison. It is notable as mark-
under Pausanias the Spartan, ing a departure from the estab-
and 300,000 Persians, with lished practice of surrounding
50,000 Greek auxiliaries, under a besieged city with walls of
Mardonius. The Persians fought circumvallation. For these
bravely, but were overborne by Gustavus substituted a series
the superior discipline and of entrenchedcamps, communi-
heavier armour of the Greeks, cations between which were
and Mardonius falling, a panic maintained by strong patrol-
ensued, and they fled to their ling forces. Little progress was
entrenched camp. This was made, owing to a delay in the
stormed by the Athenians, and arrival of the Swedish breaching
no quarter was given, with the guns, and through the media-
result, it is said, that with the tion of England, negotiations
exception of a body of 40,000 were opened with Russia, and
which left the field early in the the siege raised, October 14,
battle, only 3,000 Persians 1615.
Plevna (Russo-Turkish War).
Plataea (Peloponnesian War). Four battles were fought in
In 429 B.C., this city, held by the course of the siege of Plevna,
a garrison of 400 Plataeans and the first three being attacks on
So Athenians, was besieged by the Russian defences, and the
the Spartans, under Archida- fourth, Osman Pasha's final
mus. All the useless mouths attempt to cut his way through
were sent out of the place, only the besieger's lines.
no women being retained to On July 20, 1877, the advance
bake bread. The garrison re- guard of Kriidener's corps,
pulsed numerous assaults, and 6,500 strong, under Schilder-
the siege soon resolved itself Schuldener, attacked the de-
into a blockade, but provisions fences to the north and east
becoming scarce, an attempt of Plevna. The Russians ad-
vanced with impetuosity, and that angle of the fortress. On
carried some of the advanced the 1 2th, the attack on the
trenches, driving the defenders second Gravitza redoubt was
back to the outskirts of the repulsed, and the two redoubts
town, but their heavy loss, and a captured by Skobeleff were
failure of ammunition compelled retaken, after a terrible struggle.
a retreat, and the Turks rallj'ing, The losses in the two days'
drove them from the positions fighting amounted to 20,600
they had captured, and pursued including 2,000 prisoners, on
them for some distance. The the Russian side, on that of the
Russians lost two-thirds of their Turks to 5,000, Of these, 8,000
officers, and nearly 2,000 men. Russians, and 4,000 Turks fell
The second battle took place, in Skobeleff's attack.
July 30, when General Krudener, On December 10, Osman
with 30,000 Russians in two Pasha, at the head of 25,000
divisions, assailed the Turkish Turks, accompanied by 9,000
redoubts to the north and east convalescents and wounded in
of the town. Schakofsky had carts, attempted to cut his way
command of the latter attack, through the Russian army, now
Kriidener himself leading the 100,000 strong, under the King
assault on the Gravitza redoubt of Roumania, with Todlebeii
on the north. Krudener was as Chief of the Staff. The
absolutely unsuccessful. Scha- attempt was made on the east
kofsky by 5.30 p.m. was in pos- of Plevna, and was directed
session of two of the eastern against the Imperial Grenadiers,
redoubts, but before nightfall under General Ganetzki. Hav-
these were retaken by the Turks, ing successfully crossed the Vid,
and the Russians retired, de- Osman charged down upon the
feated all along the line. Their Russians, on a line two miles in
losses amounted to 169 officers length, and carried the first line
and 7,136 men, of whom 2,400 of entrenchments. Todleben,
were left dead on the field. On however, hurried up reinforce-
the nth and 12th of September, ments, and the Turks were in
the investing army, 95,000 turn attacked, and driven back
strong, under the Grand Duke in confusion across the river,
Michael, attacked Plevna on Osman being severely wounded.
three sides, Osman Pasha having Here they made their last stand,
now 30,000 men under his com- but were overpowered, and
mand. On the nth an attack driven into Plevna, which be-
on the Omar Tabrija redoubt fore evening capitulated, after a
w-as repulsed with a loss to the defence lasting 143 days. In
Russians of 6,000 men. The this engagement, the Turks lost
attack on the Gravitza redoubts 5,000, and the Russians 2,000
resulted in the capture of the killed and wounded.
" Bloody Battery," which the
Russians held till the end of the Podhaic.
siege. On the south-west, Sko- 1667, between 10,000
beleff captured two of the six Poles,under John Sobieski, and
inner redoubts which protected So,ooo Cossacks and Tartars

who were besieging Kaminiec. battle to the Venetian fleet,

The Cossacks were totally routed under Pisani, which was lying
and forced to evacuate Poland. at Pola. Pisani sallied out with
20 galleys, and captured the
Podol (Seven Weeks' War). Genoese flag-ship, Doria being
Fought June 26, 1866, be- killed. The Genoese, however,
tween the advance-guard of rallied, drove Pisani back, and
Prince Frederick Charles' army, defeated him with a loss of
and the Austrians, under General 2,000 killed, and 15 galleys and
Clam-Gallas. The Austrians 1,900 men captured.
were defeated and driven out
of Podol, after severe fighting, Pollentia (First Gothic Invasion
in which they lost heavily. The of Italy).
Prussians took 500 prisoners. Fought March 29, 403, be-
tween the Goths, under Alaric,
Poitiers (Gothic Invasion of and the Romans, under Stilicho.
France). Stilicho attacked the Gothic
Fought 507, between the camp while they were celebrat-
Franks, under Clovis, and the ing the festival of Easter, and
Visigoths, under Alaric II.
owing to the surprise, the charge
Clovis and Alaric met in single of the Roman cavalry threw
combat, and Alaric was slain, them into confusion. They
following which the Goths were were, however, soon rallied by
utterly routed. By this decisive Alaric, and the Romans driven
victory, the province of Aqui- off with heavy loss, but Stilicho
taine was added to the Frankish advancing at the head of the
dominions. legionaries, forced his way into
(Hundred Years' War).
Poitiers the camp, and drove out the
Fought September 19, 1356, Goths with enormous slaughter.
between 8,000 English, under Alaric's wife was among the
Edward the Black Prince, and captives.
80,000 French, under King Pollicore (FirstMysore War).
John of France. The English Fought August 27,^1781, be-
occupied a strong position be- tween 11,000 British, under Sir
hind lanes and vineyards, in Eyre Coote and the Mysoris,
which their archers were posted. 80,000 strong, under Haidar Ali.
The French cavalry, charging Coote seized the village of Polli-
up the lanes, were thrown into core, turning Haidar's flank
confusion by the bowmen, and and forcing him to retreat,' after
were then taken in flank by the an action lasting eight hours.
English knights and men-at- The British lost 421 killed and
arms, who completely routed wounded, the Mysoris about
them, with a loss of 8,000 killed, 2,000.
and numerous prisoners, in-
cluding the King, The English Polonka (Russo-Polish Wars).
losses were very small. Fought 1667, between the
Russian invaders, and the Poles,
Pola (War of Chiozza). under Czarnie^ki. The Rus-
Fought 1380, when Doria, sians were totally routed, a
with 22 Genoese galleys, offereil defeat which was largely in-
strumental in bringing about by sickness or in action nearly
the signature of peace in the a third of his land force. The
same year. French lost 250 only during the
Polotsk (Moscow Campaign).
Fought August 1 8, 1812, be- Pondicherry (Seven Years' War ).
tween 33,000 French and Bavar- In August, 1760. Colonel
ians, under General Saint Cyr, Coote, with about 8,000 British
and 30,000 Russians, under and native troops, invested
Count Wittgenstein. The Rus- this place, which was held by a
sians were taken by surprise,
French garrison, 3,000 strong,
and after an action which lasted under Lally-Tollendal. Coote
two hours only, were driven was almost immediately super-
back with a loss of 3,000 killed, seded by Colonel Monson, but
1,500 prisoners and 14 guns. the latter having been wounded,
The French lost a little over Coote resumed the command.
1,000 killed and wounded.
Fire was not opened from the
Polotsk (Moscow Campaign). breaching batteries till Decem-
Fought October 18, 18 12, ber 8th, and on the 31st a
when General Saint-Cyr, with terrific hurricane wrecked all
30,000 French and Bavarians, the land batteries, and drove
was attacked and defeated by ashore six ships of the blockad-
the Russians, in slightly superior ing squadron. On January 10,
force,under Count Wittgenstein, 1 76 1,however, fire was reopened,
and forced to evacuate Polotsk. and the town surrendered on
the 15th.
Ponani (First Mysore War).
Fought November iq, 1780, Pondicherry.
when a force of British and Having been surrendered to
native troops, about 2,500 the French hy the Peace of
strong, under Colonel Macleod, Paris, Pondicherry was again
entrenched near Ponani, were besieged by a British force,
attacked before daybreak by a under Sir Hector Monro, in
strong force of Mysoris, under conjunction with a squadron of
Tippu Sahib. The Mysoris were ships, under Sir Edward Vernon,
repulsed at the point of the August 8, 1778. It was gallant-
bayonet, with a loss of 1,100. ly defended by the French, under
The British loss was 87 only. M. Bellecombe, until the middle
of October, when after a month's
bombardment the place sur-
This place was invested by rendered.
the British, under Admiral Bos-
cawen, with a fleet of 30 sail, Pondicherry.
and a land force of 6,000 men, A naval action was fought off
August 30, 1748, and was de- Pondicherry, August 10, 1778,
fended by a French garrison of during the third siege, when a
4,800, under Dupleix. The French squadron of 5 ships,
siege was mismanaged,
grossly under M. TronjoUy, issued from
and in October Boscawen was the roads, and offered battle to
forced to withdraw, having lost the 5 ships of Sir Edward

Vernon. The French were Rao, and the united armies of

worsted, and driven back to the Peshwa and Sindhia of
their anchorage. GwaUor. After an evenly con-
tested action, Jeswunt Rao got
the upper hand, and gained a
A second naval action off
complete victory, Sindhia fleeing
this place was fought June 20,
from the field, leaving behind
1783, between a British squad-
him all his guns and baggage.
ron of 18 ships of the line, and
12 frigates, under Sir Edward Port Arthur (Chino - Japanese
Hughes, and a French squadron, War).
under de Suffren. The battle This place, held by a Chinese
was undecided, the British ships garrison of 9,000 men, was at-
suffering considerably in masts tacked and stormed by the Jap-
and rigging, and being unable anese, after a short bombard-
to chase when de Suffren sheered ment. The Chinese made but a
off. The British loss was 520 feeble resistance, the assailants
killed and wounded. losing only 270 killed and
Pontevert (Gallic War).
Fought between Port Arthur (Russo - Japanese
57 B.C.,
50,000 Romans, under Caesar, War).
and the Suevi, 300,000 strong, Fought February 8, 1904,
under Galba. The Suevi attack- between a Japanese fleet of 16
ed the Roman entrenched camp, warships, under Vice-Admiral
but were repulsed with very Togo, and the Russian fleet of
heavy loss and their army dis- 6 battleships and 10 cruisers,
persed. under Vice-Admiral Stark, lying
at anchor off Port Arthur. The
Pont Valain (Hundred Years' Japanese attacked with torpedo
War). boats, and succeeded in seriously
Fought 1370, between the damaging 2 battleships and a
French, under du Guesclin, and cruiser, which were beached at
the English, under Sir Thomas the mouth of the harbour. They
Granson. The French sur- then opened a bombardment,
prised the English camp, but in which they injured a third
the English ralhed, and a severe battleship and four more cruisers
conflict followed, in which the sustaining no damage to their
French attack was at first re- own ships. The Russians lost
pulsed. A flank movement of 56 killed and wounded, the
the French, however, threw Japanese, 58, chiefly in the
the English into disorder, and torpedo boats.
they were defeated with a loss
of nearly 10,000 in killed,
On April 13, the Japanese
torpedo flotilla attacked the
wounded and prisoners, a-
Russian squadron, under Makar-
mong the latter being Sir Thomas The battleship Petropav-
lovsk was torpedoed and sunk,
Poonah (Second Mahratta War). Makaroff and 700 officers and
Fought October 25, 1802, men being drowned. The battle-
between the forces of Jeswunt ship Pobieda, and a destroyer
were also torpedoed, but man- divisions, under General Banks,
aged to reach the harbour. The and defended by 6,000 Con-
Japanese suffered no material federates, under General Gard-
loss. ner. An assault on the 27th
After numerous only partially was repulsed, and a regular
successful attempts to block siege commenced. After a
the fairway, the Japanese, on second unsuccessful assault, on
May 2, sent in a fleet of mer- June 14, the garrison, having no
chant steamers, accompanied by hope of relief, surrendered,
the torpedo flotilla. Of these, July 9, having lost 800 men
eight succeeded in reaching the during the siege. The losses of
outer harbour, and two of them the besiegers were far heavier,
broke the boom guarding the the two unsuccessful assaults
inner harbour, and were blown showing a heavy list of casual-
up by their commanders in the
fairway. Several others were Portland (Dutch Wars).
simk near the harbour entrance. Fought February iS, 1653,
Of the 179 officers and men between an English fleet of
forming the crews of the mer- about /O sail, under Blake,
chant steamers, only 42 were Deane and Monk, and a Dutch
rescued by the Japanese, though fleet of 73 ships, convoying 300
a few survivors fell into the merchantmen, under VanTromp,
hands of the Russians. This is de Ruyter and Evetzen. In
one of the most daring exploits the early part of the engage-
in the history of naval warfare.
ment, which was very severely
Porte St. Antoine (Wars of the contested, three English ships
Fronde). were carried by the board, and
Fought July 2, 1652, between that portion of the fleet which
the Royal troops, under Tu- had come into action was nearly
renne, and 5,000 insurgents, overwhelmed. At this crisis,
under Conde. Conde occupied however, the rest of the English
a position round the gate, pro- ships engaged, the battle was
tected by barricades and fortified restored, and the captured ships
houses, where he was attacked retaken. On the 19th the battle
by Turenne. The barricades was renewed off the Isle of Wight,
were taken and retaken several 5 Dutch ships being captured
times, but at last, after heavy or destroyed. On the 20th the
fighting, Conde abandoned all Dutch sheered off defeated,
idea of penetrating into Paris, having lost during the three
and retired. His losses were days' fighting, 1 1 men-of-war,
heavy, especially in officers, 60 merchant ships, 1,500 killed
among the severely wounded and wounded and 700 prisoners.
being the Due de Nemurs, and The English losses were also
the Due de la Rochefoucauld. heavy.
Port Hudson (American Civil Porto Bello (Raids of the Buc-
WarJ. caneers).
This fortress was invested, This Spanish-American fort-
May 25, 1863, by five Federal ress was captured in 1665 by

460 Buccaneers, under Morgan. being driven from the field in

The walls were scaled, and the disorder and with heavy loss.
town sacked, unheard-of cruel-
ties being perpetrated by the Potidaea.
Filibusters. This city was besieged by a
force of about 3,000 Athenians,
Porto Bello (War of the Austrian B.C. 432, and was defended by a
Succession). small garrison of Corinthians,
This place was captured from under Aristaeus. The town
the Spaniards, November 21, held out until the winter of 429,
1740, by a British fleet of 6 when the garrison surrendered,
ships, under Admiral Vernon. and were permitted to go free.
The British loss was trifling.
Potosi. (South-American War
Porto Novo (First Mysore War), of Independence).
Fought July I, 178 1, between Fought April, 1825, between,
8,500 British troops, under Sir the Bolivians, under Bolivar,
Eyre Coote, and about 65,000 and the Spanish Royalists,
Mysoris, under Hyder Ali. under Olaneta. The Spaniards
Hyder occupied a strongly en- were completely defeated.
trenched camp, blocking the
British advance upon Cuddalore. Prague (Thirty Years' War).
Here he was attacked by Coote, Fought November 8, 1620,
and after a day's hard fighting when Imperialists, under
the position was stormed, and Maximilian of Bavaria and
Hyder forced to retreat. The Count Tilly, drove 22,000 Bo-
British lost 306 only, while the hemians, under Frederick of
Mysoris are computed to have Bohemia, up to the walls of
lost 10,000. Prague, and signally defeated
them, with a loss of 5,000 men
Porto Praya Bay. and all their artillery. Frede-
Fought April 16, 1781, when rick was obliged to take refuge
Commodore Johnstone, in com- in the city, and soon afterwards
mand of a British squadron of capitulated. The battle onlj'
5 ships of the line and 5 frigates, lasted an hour, and the Imperi-
repulsed a determined attack of alists lost no more than 300 men.
a French squadron of 1 1 sail,
under de Suffren. The loss in Prague (Seven Years' War).
the British squadron amounted Fought May 6, 1757, between
to 36 killed and 147 wounded. 70,000 Austrians, under Charles
of Lorraine, and 60,000 Prus-
Port Republic (American Civil sians, under
Frederick the
War). Great. The Austrians occupied
Fought June 9, 1862, between a very strong position on the
the Federals, 12,000 strong, Moldau, which was attacked
under General Shields, and an and carried by Frederick,
equal force of Confederates, Charles being driven back into
under General Jackson. The Prague with a loss of 8.000
Federals were completely de- killed and wounded and 9,000
feated, a portion of their army prisoners. Marshal Braun was
among the killed. The Prus- between 2,300 Royal troops,
sians lost 13,000, including under Sir John Cope, and a
Marshal Schwerin. slightly superior force of Jaco-
bites, under the Young Pre-
Prairie Grove (American Civil
tender. Cope's infantry failed
to stand up against the charge
A sanguinary but indecisive
of the Highlanders, and fled in
action, fought December 7,
confusion, losing heavily in
1862, between the Confederates,
killed and wounded, and 1,600
under General Hindman, and
prisoners, including 70 officers.
the Federals, under General
The Highlanders lost about
Herron. The losses were about
140 killed and wounded. This
action is also knowTi as the
Preston (Civil War). Battle of Gladsmuir.
Fought August 17, 1648,
when Langdale, with
Primolano (Napoleon's Italian
Royalists, was deserted by the Campaigns).
main body of the Scottish in- Fought September 7, 1796,
vading army, and left to face
when Napoleon surprised and
the attack of about 8,000 Par- totally routed the vanguard of
liamentarians under Cromwell, Wurmser's army. The Aus-
The Royalists fought despe- trians lost over 4,000 killed,
rately for four hours, but were wounded and prisoners.
overpowered, and the whole
Princeton (American War of
force killed or captured.
Preston (Rebellion of the Fifteen). Fought 1776 between the
Fought November 12, 171s. Americans, under Washington,
between 4,000 Jacobites, under and the British, under General
General and a small
Forster, Gage. The British were de-
force Royal troops, chiefly
of feated, and this victory enabled
dragoons, under General Wills. Washington to regain posses-
The Jacobites had barricaded sion of New Jersey.
the approaches to the town,
Pruth, The (Ottoman Wars).
and held their ground through-
Fought August 2, 1770, when
out the day, but reinforcements
the Russians, under General
arriving. Wills was able to in-
Romanzoff, stormed the triple
vest the place completely and ;
entrenchments held by the
early on the morning of the 14th
main Turkish army, 120,000
Forster surrendered. Many of
strong, under Halil Bey, and
the rebels having left the town
drove out the Turks with a loss
on the night of the 12th, the
of 20,000 killed and wounded.
prisoners numbered 1,468. The
Jacobite loss in killed and War
Puente (South American of
wounded was 42, that of the Independence).
Royalists about 200.
Fought February 16, 18 16,
Prestonpans (Rebellion of the between the Colombian Patriots,
Forty-five). under Lorrices, aud the Spanish
Fought September 21, 174?, Royalists, under Morillo. The

Royalists gained a complete getting through, and in this

victory. part of the field the action was
indecisive. On the left the
Puente de la Reyna (Second French did little more than
Carlist War). hold their own, but the Rus-
Fought October 6, 1872, be- sians retired during the night,
tween 50,000 Carlists, under having lost 3,000 killed and
Olio, and about 9,000 Republi-
wounded, 2,000 prisoners, and
cans, under Moriones. The Re- a large number of guns. The
publicans were defeated after French admitted a loss of 1,500
hard fighting, and were at last only, but this is probably an
driven in disorder from the field Russian ac-
by a bayonet charge. The Car- counts estimating the French
lists lost 113 only the losses of
losses at 8,000.
the Republicans were far heavier.
Puna (Raids of the Buccaneers).
Pultowa (Russo-Swedish Wars). On April 27, 1687, three Buc-
Fought July 8, 1709, between caneering vessels, under Captain
the Swedes, 24,000 strong, under
Davis, engaged two Spanish
Charles XII, and the Russians, off Puna. The ac-
70,000 in number, under Peter tion was entirely one of long-
the Great. After some suc-
range firing, and lasted till May
cesses early in the battle the
3, when the Spanish commander
Swedes were overwhelmed by withdrew his ships. In the
the Czar's great superiority in
seven days only three or four
artillery, and were defeated Buccaneers were wounded.
with a loss of 9,000 killed and
wounded and 6,000 prisoners. Punniar (Gwalior Campaign).
Charles with difficulty made his Fought December 29, 1843,
escape from the field by swim- between the left wing of Sir
ming the Borysthenes. Hugh Cough's army, under
Pultusk (Russo-Swedish Wars).
General Grey, and a force of
12,000 Mahrattas, with 40 guns.
Fought 1703, between 10,000
Swedes, under Charles XII, and The Mahrattas were totally
an equal force of Saxons, under
Marshal von Stenau. The Saxons Pydna (Third Macedonian War).
made practically no resis-
Fought June 22, 168 B.C.,
tance, but fled from the field, between the Romans, under
losing only 600 killed and 1,000 ^milius Paulus, and the Mace-
prisoners. donians, under Perseus. The
Pultusk Campaign of Fried- Macedonian phalanx attacked
land). the Roman hne, and drove them
Fought December 26, 1806, back on their camp, but be-
between 43,000 Russians, under coming disordered by the un-
Bennigsen, and 18,000 French, even ground, was broken by the
under Lannes. Lannes endea- legionaries and cut to pieces.
voured to pierce the Russian The result was a total defeat of
left and cut them off from the the Macedonians, with a loss
town, but he did not succeed in of 20,000 killed and 11,000
prisoners. The phalanx here 43 ships, the crews of which
fought its last fight and perish- occupied Sphacteria. Demos-
ed to a man. thenes repulsed an attack on
Pylos, and Eurymedon, arriving
Pyramids (French Invasion of with 50 Athenian vessels, de-
Egypt). feated the Spartan fleet, and
Fought July 21, 1798, when blockaded Sphacteria. After a
the Mameluke army, under protracted siege, the arrival of
Murad Bey, endeavoured to reinforcements, under Cleon,
arrest Napoleon's march on enabled the Athenians to land
Cairo. The Mameluke infan- 14.000 men in the island, and
try, numbering about 20,000, the garrison, reduced from 420
took no part in the fight, but to 292, surrendered.
their cavalry, perhaps at that
time the finest in the world,
charged the French squares
with the utmost gallantry. They
were, however, repulsed time
after time, with great slaughter, Quatre Bras (Hundred Days).
and were eventually driven into Fought June 16, 181 5, be-
the Nile, where the shattered tween the advance guard of the
remnants escaped by swimming. British army, under Wellington,
and the left wing of the French
Pyrenees (Peninsular War). army, 16,000 strong, under Ney.
The engagements fought be- Napoleon's object was to pre-
tween Wellington's lieutenants vent the junction of the British
and Soult's army, which was and the Prussians, and Ney's
endeavouring to relieve San orders were to drive back the
Sebastian, are known as the British, while Napoleon, with
Battles of the Pyrenees. They his main body, engaged the
include the fighting from July Prussians. Ney attacked at 3
25 to August 2, 181 3, and speci- p.m., but the British held their
ally the actions of Roncesvalles, own till evening, when Ney, not
Maya, Santarem and Buenzas. receiving the reinforcements he
The British loss in these battles expected, began to fall back.
amounted to 7,300, while the Wellington then attacked vigor-
French lost fully double that ously all along the line, retaking
number. all the positions occupied by the
French during the day.
Pylos and Sphacteria (Pelopon-
nesian War). Quebec (Seven Years' War).
The promontory of Pylos, This city was besieged June,
which is separated by a narrow 1759, by 9,000 British troops,
channel from the island of under General Wolfe, assisted
Sphacteria, was seized and for- by a fleet of 22 ships of war,
tified by
an Athenian force under Admiral Holmes. The
under Demosthenes, B.C. 425. place was defended by about
Here he was besieged by the 16,000 French, under Montcalm.
Spartans under Thrasymelidas, Wolfe was too weak numerically
with a land force and a fleet of for an investment, and his object

was to draw Montcalm into an sail of the line and 10 frigates,

engagement. On July he 31 under Hawke, and 21 French
was defeated in an attack on line-of-battleships and 3 frigates,
Montcalm's lines outside the under Conflans. The action
city, but on September 13, was fought in a heavy gale on a
having landed above Quebec, lee shore, and resulted in the
he met and defeated the French, French being driven to take
who evacuated the place on the refuge in Quiberon Bay, with a
17th . loss of 2 ships sunk and 2 cap-
After defeating General Mur- tured. Notwithstanding the
ray, April 27, 1760, the Cheva- gale, Hawke followed up his
lier de Levis laid siege to Quebec, advantage, and standing in,
with about 8,000 French and succeeded in capturing or de-
Canadians. The garrison con- stroying all but four of the ships
sisted of no more than 2,500 which had taken refuge in the
effectives, but owing to the bay, though in so doing he lost
superiority of their artillery, two of his own ships, which
Levis was unable to make any were driven ashore and wrecked.
impression on the defences. On The British lost in the action
May 15a small British squadron only I officer and 270 men
anchored off the city, and on killed and wounded.
the following day attacked and Quipuaypan (Conquest of Peru).
destroyed the French ships Fought 1532, between the
carrying de Levis' suppUes and rival Peruvian chiefs, Atahualpa
reserve of ammunition, where- and Huascar. Huascar was
upon he hastily raised the siege, totally routed, and taken pri-
leaving behind him 40 siege soner.
guns and all his sick and
wounded. Quistello (War of the Polish
Queenston Heights (Second Fought July, 1734, between
American War). the Imperialists, under Prince
Fought October 13, 18 12, Eugene, and the French, under
between 4,000 British (chiefly the Due de Broglie. Prince
Canadian volunteers), under Eugene gained a signal victory.
General Brock, and about 5,000
Americans, under Van Reusse-
laer. The Americans attacked
the British position on Queens- R
ton Heights, and after very
severe fighting, were totally Raab (Campaign of Wagram).
defeated. The exact losses are
Fought June 14, 1809, be-
unknown, but the British took tween 44,000 French, under
1,000 prisoners, and the Ameri-
Eugene Beauharnais, and about
can column was practically 40,000 Austrians, under the
Archduke John. The French
attacked the Austrian position,
Quiberon Bay (Seven Years' War ). and driving them successively
Fought November 20, 1759, from the villages of Kismegyer
between the British fleet, 23 and Szabadhegy, totally de-
feated them. Under cover of them from the field utterly
night, however, the Archduke routed. It is said that the
was able to make an orderly Turkish losses amounted to
retirement, with a loss of about more than the whole Christian
3,000 killed and wounded and army. Ahmed Bey was among
2,500 prisoners. The French the slain.
lost something over 2,000.
Ramillies (Seven Years' War).
Radcot Bridge. Fought May 23, 1706, be-
Fought 1387, between the tween the British and Imperi-
troops of Richard II, under De alists, under Marlborough and

Vere, Duke of Ireland, and the Prince Eugene, about 80,000

forces of the Lords Appellant, strong, and the French, in equal
under the Earl of Derby (Henry force, under Marshal Villeroy.
IV). De Vere and his troops The allies drove the French out
fled almost without striking a of Ramillies, their resistance on
blow, and the King was thus left the whole being unworthy of
entirely in the power of the them, and in the end they were
Barons. disastrously defeated with hea-
vy loss, 5,000 being killed
Ragatz (Armagnac War). and wounded, while 6,000 pri-
Fought March, 1446, between soners and 50 guns were taken.
the Austrians and the Swiss The allies lost less than 3,000.
Confederation. The Swiss gain-
ed a brilliant victory, which was
Fought 1 177, between the
followed by peace with Austria
Saracens, under Saladin, and
and the Armagnacs.
the Christians of Jerusalem,
Rajahmundry (Seven Years' under Renaud de Chatillon.
War). The Christians won a complete
Fought December 9, 1758, victory.
between 2,500 British troops, Ramnugger (Second Sikh War).
under Colonel Forde, in con- Fought November, 1849,
junction with about 5,000 native
when Lord Gough attempted to
levies, and the French, 6,500
dislodge Shir Singh, who with
strong, under Conflans. The about 35,000 Sikhs, had occu-
native troops did little on either
pied a position behind the
side, but Forde's 500 Europeans
Chenab opposite Ramnugger.
routed Conflans' Frenchmen, The attempt was made by a
and the latter fled with con- brigade under General Camp-
siderable loss.
bell,with a cavalry force under
Raker sberg (Ottoman Wars). General Cureton, and failed ow-
Fought 14 1 6, between 20,000 ing to the unexpected strength
Turks, under Ahmed Bey, and of the Sikh artillery, which
12,000 Austrians and others, was well posted and served.
under Duke Ernest of Stjnria. General Cureton was killed.
Duke Ernest marched to the Raphia.
relief of Rakersberg, which the Fought B.C. 223, between the
Turks were besieging, and drove Egyptians, under Ptolemy Phi-

lopator, and the Syrians, under tween the Royalists, under

Antiochus the Great. Anti- Ormonde, and the Parhament-
ochus at first held the advan- ary garrison of Dublin, under
tage, but pressing too far in the Colonel Jones. Ormonde having
pursuit, was overpowered and ordered a night attack upon
totally routed. The Syrians lost DubUn, the Parliamentarians
14,000 killed and 4,000 prisoners. made a sortie, and driving back
Rastadt (Wars of the French the assaulting column, attacked
the main body of the Royalists
Fought 1796, between the in camp, totally routing
Fiench, under Moreau, and the them, with a loss of 4,000 killed
Austrians, under the Archduke and wounded and 2,000 pri-
Charles. After a severe engage- soners. All Ormonde's artillery
ment Moreau succeeded in seiz- was captured.
ing the heights held by the Aus-
trians, and forced Charles to the
Fought 729 between
retreat to the Danube.
troops of Leo the Iconoclast,
Raszyn (Campaign of Wagram). and a force of Italians, raised
Fought April 19, 1809, be- by Pope Gregory II, in defence
tween 30,000 Austrians, under of image worship. After a
the Archduke Ferdinand, and severe struggle, the Greeks were
about 20,000 French and Poles, routed, and in their flight to
under Poniatowski. The Arch- their ships were slaughtered by
duke was marching on Warsaw thousands. It is said that the
when Poniatowski, to whom the waters of the Po were so in-
defence of that city had been fected with blood, that for six
entrusted, came out to meet years the inhabitants of Ra-
him, and after a stubborn fight venna would not eat any fish
in the woods and marshes round caught in that river.
Raszyn, was driven back upon
Ravenna (War of the Holy
Warsaw, with a loss of 2,000
killed and wounded. A few
days later he surrendered the Fought 1512, between the
city to the Austrians to save
troops of the Holy League, and
the French, under Gaston de
from a bombardment.
Foix. The French gained a
Rathenow (Swedish Invasion of signal victory, but Gaston de
Brandenburg). Foix fell in the moment of his
Fought June 25, 1675, be- triumph, pierced with sixteen
tween the Brandenburgers, wounds.
15,000 strong, under the Elector
Frederick William, and the Reading (Danish Invasion).
Swedes, under Charles XI. The Fought 871, between the
Swedes, wearied by a long Danish invaders, and the West
march, were surprised by the Saxons, under ^Ethelred and
Elector in their camp, and Alfred. The West Saxons,
suffered a serious reverse. after a stubborn resistance,
Rathmines (Civil War). were defeated and driven from
Fought August 2, 1649, be- the field with great slaughter.
Rebec (Wars of Charles V). spring of 1790 by the Swedish
Fought 1524, between the fleet, under the Duke of Suder-
Imperialists, under Constable de manland. The Russian bat-
Bourbon, and the French, under teries, however, aided by the
Bonnivet. The French were fleet under Admiral Chitcha-
totally defeated, with heavy goff, drove them off with con-
loss,among those who fell being siderable loss.
the Chevaher de Bayard.
Revolax (Finland War).
Redan (Crimean War). Fought April 27, 1808, when
This fort, forming part of the General Khngspoor, with about
southern defences of Sebasto- 8,000 Swedes, surprised an
pol, was attacked by the British isolated Russian column of
Second and Light Divisions, about 4,000 men, under General
September 8, 1855. The ram- Bonlatoff. The Russians were
parts were stormed, but the surrounded, and tried to cut
assailants were unable to make their way through, but failed,
good their footing, and were less than 1,000 succeeding in
eventually repulsed with heavy escaping from the trap. Gene-
loss. The fall of the Malakoff, ral Bonlatoff fell fighting to the
however, rendered the southern last.
side of Sebastopol untenable,
and the Russians retired during Rhe.
St. Martin, the capital of this
the night. The British losses
amounted island, was besieged by the
to 2,184 killed and
English, under the Duke of
Buckingham, from July 17 to
Reddersberg (Second Boer War)- October 29, 1627. An assault
Fought April 3, 1900, when on October 27 was repulsed,
5 companies of British infantry and the landing of the Duke of
were surrounded by a force of Schomberg, with 6,000 French,
Boers, with 5 guns, and after on the island, made the English
holding out for twenty-four lines untenable, whereupon
hours, were compelled by want Buckingham raised the siege.
of water to surrender, having While returning to his ships
lost 4 and 43 men killed
officers Buckingham was attacked by
and wounded. The prisoners the French, and suffered con-
numbered 405. siderably. The English losses
Reims (Allied Invasion of during the operations amounted
France ). to about 4,000 men.
Fought March 13, 18 14, when
Rheinfeldt (Thirty Years' War).
Napoleon, with 30,000 French,
surprised and routed
Fought 1638, between the
Prussians and Russians, under
Protestant Germans, under
Saint-Priest, with a loss of
Duke Bernard of Saxe Weimar,
6,000 killed, wounded and and the ImperiaUsts, under
The French Jean de Wert. The Duke was
soners. lost a few
hundreds only.
besieging Rheinfeldt, when he
was attacked by de Wert, and
Revel (Russo-Swedish Wars). forced to raise the siege and
This port was attacked in the retire. After retreating, how-

ever, a short distance only, un- rals, under General Manson.

pursued, he suddenly retraced The Federals were routed and
his steps, and taking the Im- driven headlong into Richmond,
perialistsby surprise, inflicted where 5,000 prisoners, 9 guns
upon them a severe defeat, dis- and 10,000 stand of arms were
persing their army and captur- captured. The Confederate
ing de Wert. In this action losses were slight.
fell the veteran Due de Rohan.
Richmond (American Civil War),
Rhodes (Ottoman Wars). In the neighbourhood of this
This place, defended by the place were fought the final
Knights, under their Grand actions of the war, when Lee,
Master, Pierre d'Aubusson, was with the army of Virginia, en-
besieged May 23, 1480, by a deavoured to break through
Turkish army, under Meshid the ring of Grant's troops by
Pasha, aided by a fleet of 160 which he was surrounded, and
ships. The siege lasted three being everywhere repulsed, was
months, and was raised after compelled to surrender March
the failure of the second assault, 8, 1865, on which date he had
the Turks having by that time but 10,000 effectives under his
lost 10,500 killed and wounded. command.

A second and successful siege Rich Mountain (American Civil

was begun July 28, 1522, by War),
Solyman the Magnificent. The Fought July 12, 1861, be-
Knights, under Villiers de LTsle tween 15,000 Federals, under
Adam, held out until December General McClellan, and 6,000
Confederates, under General
21, repulsing numerous attacks,
but at last, worn by famine, they Garnett. The Federals stormed
were compelled to surrender. the heights of Rich Mountain
The Turks are stated to have and Laurel Hill, and drove the
lost by disease and battle over
Southerners from their posi-
tions, with a loss of about 1,000,
100,000 men. This siege is not-
including prisoners. During
able as being the first in which
the Turks used explosive bombs. the'pursuiton the following day,
General Garnett was killed in a
cavalry skirmish.
Riachuelo (Paraguayan War).
Fought June 11, 1865, be- Rietfontein (Second Boer War).
tween the fleets of Paraguay Fought October 24, 1899,
and Brazil. After a sanguinary between 4,000 British, under
engagement the advantage rest- Sir George White, and the Free
ed with the Brazilians. Staters, who were advancing to
interrupt the retreat of Colonel
Richmond (American Civil War), Yule from Dundee. The enemy
Fought August 30, 1862, be- occupied a range of hills about
tween the Confederates, about seven miles from Ladysmith,
6,000 strong, under General where they were attacked by
Kirby Smith, and 8,000 Fede- White. After an indecisive
action the British retired to Rinya (Ottoman Wars).
Ladysmith, with a loss of 1 1 Fought July 21, 1556, be-
killed and wounded, but the tween 40,000 Turks, under Ali
object aimed at was attained, Pasha, and a comparatively
for the Boers were prevented small force of Austrians and
from interfering with Colonel Hungarians, under Thomas Na-
Yule's march. dasdy. The Turks were de-
Rieti (Neapolitan Rising).
feated with heavy loss, the
Fought March 21, 1821, be-
Christians losing 300 men only.
tween 12,000 Neapolitans, under Rio Seco (Peninsular War).
General Pepe, and the Austrian Fought July 14, 1808, when
invading army, 80,000 strong. Marshal Bessieres, with about
As long as he was opposing only 14,000 French, defeated 26,000
the advance guard, Pepe made Spaniards, under Cuesta. The
a most resolute resistance, but Spaniards lost about 6,000,
on their being reinforced from while the French loss was only
the main body, the Neapolitans 370 killed and wounded. Fol-
were overpowered by superior lowing upon this victor3^ Joseph
numbers, and finally driven in entered Madrid.
confusion from the field. Two
days' later the Austrians entered
Rivoli (Napoleon's Italian Cam-
Naples, and reinstated Ferdi-
Fought January
14, 1797,
nand on the throne.
when theAustrians, wdth five
Riga (Thirty Years' War). divisions, under Alvinzi, at-
This place was invested by tacked Napoleon's position on
the Swedes, under Gustavus the heights of Rivoli. The
Adolphus, in the early part of position proved too strong to
August, 162 1, and was defended be carried, and Napoleon's
by a garrison of 300 Poles. A superb handling of liis troops
resolute defence was made, and resulted in the total defeat of
several determined assaults re- the assailants. The fifth Aus-
pulsed, but a large breach having trian division, which had not
having been effected by Sep- taken part in the frontal attack,
tember II, the garrison, now appeared in the rear of the
reduced to a handful, had no French position after the battle
option but to surrender, and was over, and being forced by
the to^\Ti was entered by the overwhelming numbers, laid
Swedes, September 15, 1621. down arms. Massena, who

Rimnitz (Ottoman Wars). had specially distinguished him-

self, took his title from this
Fought September 22, 1789,
battle when later ennobled by
when 25,000 Austrians and
Russians, under the Duke of
Coburg and Suwaroff, routed Roanoke Island (American Civil
an army of 90,000 Turks, under War).
the Grand Vizier. The Turkish This island, which com-
losses were enormous, the whole manded the entrance to Albe-
army being killed, captured, or marle Sound, North Carolina,
dispersed. and which was defended by

1,800 Confederates, under Gene- whom only 4,000 came into

ral Wise, was attacked Febru- action, attacked the French,
ary 7, 1862, by three brigades 3,000 strong, under Laborde,
of Federals, under General and after a half-hearted re-
Burnside, aided by 26 gunboats. sistance drove them from their
On the 8th the Federals landed, position, with a loss of 500 men.
overpowered the garrison, and The allies lost about 400.
occupied the island, losing 235
killed and wounded. The Con- Rome (First Invasion of the
federates lost 91 killed and Gauls).
wounded. Of 7 Confederate The first siege of Rome by the
gunboats employed in the Gauls, under Brennus, took
defence, 5 were captured or place B.C. 387. No attempt
destroyed. was made to defend the city,
which was seized and burnt by
Rocoux (War of the Austrian the barbarians, the greater part
Succession). of the population fleeing to
Fought 1747, between the Veii and other neighbouring
French, under Maurice de Saxe, cities. The Capitol, however,
and the Imperialists, under was held by the leading Patrician
Charles of Lorraine. The families, and it is said withstood
French won a signal victory, a siege of six months, when
as the result of which they Brennus accepted a heavy ran-
occupied Brabant. som and withdrew his army.
Rocroi (Thirty Years' War).
Rome (Second Gothic Invasion
Fought May 19, 1643, be- of Italy).
tween the French, 22,000 strong, The city was besieged in 408
under the Great Conde; and
by the Goths, under Alaric, and
27,000 Spaniards, under Don
after being brought to the verge
Francisco de Melo. The battle
of starvation and losing many
was sternly contested, and at thousands from famine, the
first went against the French,
Romans but re-
their left wing being repulsed,
tained their freedom on pay-
and the centre shaken. Want ment of a heavy ransom, where-
of cavalry, however, prevented
upon Alaric retired northward
Melo pressing home his advan- In the course of the
in 409.
tage, and the French, rallying,
year, however, Alaric seized
broke the Spanish line, and
Ostia, the port of Rome, and
severely defeated them. The
summoned the city to sur-
Spaniards lost 9,000 killed, and
render. In the absence of the
6,000 prisoners in the infantry
Emperor Honorius, the populace
alone. The French only ad- forced the authorities to yield ;
mitted a loss of 2,000, but it Hono-
and Alaric, after deposing
was doubtless considerably hea- rius, and bestowing the purple
on Attalus, withdrew his troops.
Roliga (Peninsular War). In 410, during the month of
Fought August 17, 1808, August, Alaric for the third
when Wellington, with 14,000 time appeared before the walls,
British and Portuguese, of and on the night of the 24th
the Salarian gate was opened the besiegers by some Isaurian
to the besiegers by some sym- sympathisers within the walls,
pathisers within the city, and and Totila thus made himself
Rome was given over to pillage master of the last Italian city
and massacre, in which thou- excepting Ravenna, which had
sands perished. resisted his victorious army.
Rome (Ricimer's Rebellion).
In 552, after the defeat of
The rebel Count Ricimer, Totila at Tagina, Rome was
with a large army of Burgun- invested by the Imperial army,
dians, Suevi and other bar- under Narses, who, after a brief
barians, laid siege to Rome in siege, stormed the defences,
472, and after a defence of three
and finally delivered the city
months the besiegers entered from the Gothic domination.
the city by storming the Bridge
of Hadrian, and sacked it. Rome.
In the course of dispute with
Rome (First Gothic War). Pope Gregory VII, who had
In March, 537, the city was refused to recognize him as
besieged by the Gotiis, under emperor, Henry III of Germany
Vitiges, and defended by Beli- laid siege to Rome in 1082.
sarius. After a determined re- After two interruptions to the
sistance, during which a vigor- siege, the city was finally sur-
ous assault was repulsed, and rendered to him by the Roman
several successful sorties made, nobles, March, 1084. Gregory
with heavy loss to the besiegers, was deposed, and the anti-Pope
Vitiges in March. 538, was com- Clement III set upon the ponti-
pelled to raise the siege. fical throne, Henry at the same

Rome time assuming the Imperial

(Second Gothic War).
In May, 546, Totila, King of
Italy, at the head of an army
Rome (Wars of Charles V).
of Goths, laid siege to Rome, The citywas taken by storm
which was defended by a garri- May 9, 1527, by the Imperialists
son of 3,000, under Bassas. An under the Constable de Bour-
attempt to relieve it by Beli- bon, who in the assault.
fell A
sarius was on the point of suc- massacre followed, in which
cess, but Bassas failed to co- 8,000 of the inhabitants perish-
operate with the relieving force, ed. The Pope retired to the
and Belisarius was forced to Castle of St. Angelo, where he
retire, whereupon the city sur- held out until November 26,
rendered, December 17, 546. when a treaty between him and
It was recovered by Belisarius Charles V
put an end to the
in the following February, but
was again besieged by Totila in
549. On this occasion it was Rome (Italian Rising).
defended by a garrison of 3,000 After the proclamation of a
troops, under Demetrius, who, Roman republic by Garibaldi
aided by the inliabitants, made and his adherents in 1848, a
a gallant resistance, but the French army, under General
Gate of St. Paul was opened to Oudinot, was sent to restore the

papal rule. On April 30, 1849, Roncesvalles (Peninsular War).

the French, 7,000 strong, at- One of the actions known as
tacked the Porta San Pancrazio, the " Battles of the Pyrenees,"
where they were encountered fought July 25, 1813. Soult,
by the Republicans, under at the head of Clauset's division,
Garibaldi, and repulsed, with a attacked the British, consisting
loss of 300 killed and wounded of three brigades, under General
and 500 prisoners. The Gari- Byng, but was unable to carry
baldians lost 100. their position, and after severe
On June 3 of the same year fighting was repulsed with a
the French, under Oudinot, loss of 400. The British lost
20,000 strong, made a night 181 killed and wounded.
attack upon the Garibaldians,
who brought up about 8,000 Rorke's Drift (Zulu War).
men to oppose them. The
Garibaldians were repulsed, On the night of January 22,
1879, after the disaster of
with a loss of over 2,000, in-
cluding 200 officers. Oudinot Isandhlwana, this outpost, held
then laid siege to the city, by a company of the 24th Regi-
which, after a terrible bom- ment and details, in all 139 men,
bardment, surrendered July 2, under Lieutenants Bromhead
1849. and Chard, R.E., was attacked by
a force of Zulus, estimated at
Romerswael (Netherlands War 4,000. After a most heroic
of Independence). defence, in which many acts of
Fought January 29, 1574. heroism were performed, especi-
between the " Beggars of the ally in the removal of the sick
Sea," under Admiral Boisot, from the hospital, which was
and a Spanish fleet of 75 ships, fired by the Zulus, the assail-
under Julian Romero. The ants were beaten off, leaving
" Beggars " grappled the ene- over 400 dead on the field. The
my's ships in a narrow estu- little garrison lost 25 killed
ary, and after a very severe en- and wounded. Eight Victoria
counter, in which the Spaniards Crosses and nine Distinguished
lost 15 vessels and 1,200 men, Conduct medals were awarded
Romero retreated to Bergen- for this affair.
Rosbach (Seven Years' War).
Fought 778 between the Fought November 5, 1757,
Franks, under Charlemagne, between 80,000 French and
Austrians, under Marshal Sou-
and the Basques and Gascons,
under Loup II. The army of bise, and 30,000 Prussians,
Charlemagne, retreating from under Frederick the Great.
Spain, was caught in the defile Frederick, who occupied the
of Roncesvalles, in the Pyre-
heights of Rosbach, was at-
nees, and the rearguard was to- tacked by the allies. The Prus-
tally annihilated, among those
sian cavalry, however, under
who fell being the famous Pala- Seidlitz, charged down upon
the Austrians, and threw them
din, Roland.
into disorder, and the infantry Roundway Down (Civil War).
falling upon the broken columns Fought July 13, 1643, when
utterly routed them, with a loss the Parliamentarians, under
of 4,000 killed and wounded, Waller and Hazlerigg, attacked
7,000 prisoners, including 11 the Royalists, under Prince
generals and 63 guns. The Maurice, who was advancing to
Prussians lost 3,000 only. the relief of Devizes. The Par-
liamentarians were totally de-
Rosbecque. feated, their attack on Prince
Fought 1382 between 50,000 Maurice being repulsed, while
Flemings, under Philip van at the same time they were
Arteveldt, and the French, taken in the rear by a sortie
under Charles VI. The Flem- from the town. Of 1,800 in-
ings at first drove back the fantry, 600 were killed and the
French, but were overwhelmed rest taken prisoners.
by the charges of the French
cavalry on their flanks, and Roncray St. Denis. See
were in the end utterly routed. Herrings.
Thousands fell in the action and
subsequent pursuit, amongst Roveredo (Napoleon's Italian
them van Arteveldt. Campaigns).
Fought September 4, 1796,
Rostock (Dano-Swedish Wars). between 25,000 Austrians, un-
Fought June, 1677, between der Davidowich, and the main
the Danish fleet, under Admiral body of Napoleon's army.
Juel, and the Swedes, under Napoleon attacked the Austrian
Admiral Horn. The Swedes entrenched position, and in
were completely defeated. spite of a determined defence,
carried it, driving the enemy out
Rotto Freddo (War of the Aus- of Roveredo with heavy loss,
trian Succession). including 7,000 prisoners and
Fought July, 1746, when the 15 guns. This victory enabled
rearguard of the retreating Massena to occupy Trent, and
French army, under Marshal the remnants of the Austrian
Maillebois, was attacked by the army were driven headlong
Austrians, under Prince Lich- into the TjTol.
tenstein, and after a gallant re-
sistance defeated with heavy Rowton Heath (Civil War).
loss. In consequence of this Fought September 24, 1645,
defeat the French garrison of when a body of Royalist cavalry,
Placentia, 4,000 strong, sur- under Sir Marmaduke Langdale,
rendered to the Imperialists. which was endeavouring to pre-
vent the investment of Chester,
Rouen (Hundred Years' War). was attacked by the Parlia-
This city was besieged 141 8, mentary horse, under Colonel
by the English, under Henry V. Poyntz. The first attack was
After a gallant defence the repulsed with loss, but Poj-ntz
garrison surrendered January receiving infantry support, ral-
15, 1419, the city paying a ran- lied his troops, and drove the
som of 300,000 crowns. Royalists from the field, with a

loss of 300 killed and wounded 20,000 strong, under Count

and 1,000 prisoners. Bossu and Frangois de la Noue,
and the Spaniards, numbering
Roseburgh (Scottish Wars).
about 30,000, under Don John
This town, defended by an of Austria. Don John crossed
English garrison, was besieged
the Demer, and attacked Bossu
by the Scots, under James II of
in his entrenchments. He was
Scotland, in 1460, and after a
however repulsed, after severe
stubborn defence was captured fighting, and retired, leaving
and destroyed. This is the 1,000 dead on the field. He
first occasion on which artillery
offered battle in the open on the
was used by the Scots. During following morning, but Bossu de-
the siege the Scottish king was
clined to leave his lines, and
killed by the bursting of a gun
Don John was indisposed to
of large calibre, August 3, 1460. back
renew the attack, and fell

Rullion Green (Covenanters' upon Namur.

Fought November, 1666, be-
tween the Covenanters, under
Colonel Wallace, and the Royal
Saalfeld (Campaign of Jena).
troops, under General Dalziel.
Fought October 10, 1806,
The Covenanters were defeated. between 7,000 Prussians, under
Rumersheim (War of the Spanish Prince Louis of Prussia, and a
Succession). division of Lannes' corps, under
Fought August 26, 1709, be- the Marshal himself. The
tween the French, under Mar- Prussian infantry was broken
and the Iinperi-
shal Villiers, and driven under the walls of
ahsts, underCount Mercy. Saalfield, whereupon the prince
Mercy was defeated and driven put himself at the head of his
out of Alsace. cavalry, and charged the ad-
vancing French. The charge
Ruspina (Civil War of Caesar was repulsed, and the Prince
and Pompey). refusing to surrender was cut
Fought January 3, 46 B.C., down and killed. The Prus-
between Julius Caesar, with three sians lost in action 400
legions,and a force of Pom- killed and wounded, 1,000 pri-
peians, composed entirely of soners, and 20 guns.
cavalry and archers, under La-
Sabugal (Peninsular War).
bienus. Caesar's troops were
Fought April 3, 181 1, be-
surrounded, but behaving with divisions,
tween three British
extreme steadiness, were able and the
under Wellington,
to retire to Ruspina in good
French, consisting of Reynier's
order, though with very heavy
corps. Reynier held the salient
angle of the French position on
Rynemants (Netherlands War of the Coa, and was driven back
Independence). after less than an hour's fight-
Fought August I, 1578, be- ing, with a loss of about 1,500.
tween the Dutch Patriots, The British lost 200_only.
Sacile (Napoleon's Wars). by the French, 22,000 strong,
Fought April i6, 1809, be- under Soult, September 23,
tween 45,000 Austrians, under 181 1. Built on the heights
the Archduke John, and 36,000 above Murviedro, the place was
French and Italians, under accessible on one side only, and
Eugene Beauharnais, Regent an attempt to escalade this was
of Italy. After hard fighting, repulsed September 28. A re-
in which little generalship was gular siege was then com-
shown on either side, a flank menced, and a second unsuc-
movement of the Austrians, cessful assault was made on
which menaced the French line October 18. On the 25 th
of retreat, forced Eugene to General Blake, with 30,000
retire,victory thus resting with Spaniards, made an attempt to
the Austrians. The losses were relieve the place, but was de-
about equal on the two sides. feated with a loss of 1,000 killed
and wounded and 4,000 pri-
Sacripontus (Civil War of Marius soners, the victory costing the
and Sulla). French about 800 men. On
Fought B.C. 82, between the the following day the garrison
legions of Sulla and the army surrendered.
of the younger Marius, 40,000
strong. Sulla's veterans were St. Alban's (Wars of the Roses).
too steady for the newer levies Two engagements were fought
of Marius, and the latter was here in the course of the war.
routed, with the loss of more On May 22, 1455, 2,000 Lancas-
than half his army killed or trians, under Henry VI, posted
captured. After this victory in the town, were attacked by
Sulla occupied Rome. 3,000 Yorkists, under the Duke
of York. The Duke pierced
Sadowa. See Koeniggratz. the Lancastrian centre, and
Sadulapur (Second Sikh War). drove them out of St. Alban's
Fought December 3, 1848. with heavy loss, among those
After the failure of his frontal who were killed being the Earls
attack on the Sikh position at of Somerset and Northumber-
Ramnugger in November, Lord land.
Gough despatched a force under
Sir Joseph Thackwell, to cross
The second battle took place
the Chenab and turn the Sikh February 17, 1461, when the
left. An indecisive action fol-
army of Margaret of Aujou, led
by Somerset, Exeter, and others,
lowed, which Lord Gough
claimed attacked the Yorkists, under
as a victory, but
though the Sikhs retired, it was Warwick, Warwck withdrew
his main body, leaving his left
slowly, and only to take up a
fresh position, which Thackwell
unsupported to withstand the
did not consider himself strong
Lancastrian attacks, and these
troops, after a feeble resistance,
enough to attack.
broke and fled. Henry VI,
Sagunto (Peninsular War). who was a prisoner in Warwick's
This fortress, held by a camp, escaped and rejoined the
Spanish garrison, was besieged Queen, and a rapid advance on

London would probably have Cochrane and General Bowyer,

led to his reinstatement. War- December 25, 1807, but little
wick, however, took such prompt resistance being offered.
measures as to render the
St. Eustache
Lancastrian victory practically
Fought 1837, between the
St. Aubin du Cormier. rebels, under Girod, and the
Fought 1487, between the Government troops, under Sir
Royal troops, under La Tremou- John Colborne. The rebels
ille, and the forces of the rebel were completely defeated, and
Princes, under Marshal deRieux. the rebellion was suppressed.
The rebels were totally defeated,
Ste Foy (Seven Years' War).
and a large number of nobles
Fought April 27, 1760, be-
made prisoners, including the
tween 3,000 British troops,
Due d'Orleans and the Prince
under General Murray, and
of Orange.
8,000 French, under the Cheva-
St. Charles (French-Canadian lier de Levis, who was approach-
Rising). ing from Montreal, with the
Fought 1S37, between the object of recapturing Quebec.
Loyalists, under Colonel Wether- Murray marched out to attack
all, and the Canadian rebels. Levis, but was defeated and
The latter were defeated. driven back into Quebec with a
loss of over a third of his force.
St. Denis (Second Civil War). The French lost about 800.
Fought November 10, 1567,
between the Catholics, under St. George (Ottoman Wars).
the Constable Montmorenci, This place, the capital of the
and the Huguenots, under the island of Cephalonia, was be-
Prince de Conde. Victory sieged in October, 1500, by the
rested with the Catholics, but Spaniards and Venetians, under
at the cost of the Constable, Gonsalvo de Cordova and
who was killed, and the battle Pesaro. The garrison consisted
had no decisive effect upon the of 400 Turks only, but being
course of the war. veteran soldiers they made a
most gallant defence but at ;

St. Denis (French - Canadian the end of two months the place
Rising). was stormed from two quarters
Fought 1837, between the simultaneously, and the sur-
Canadian rebels, and a force of vivors of the garrison, some 80
British and Canadian troops, only, laid down their arms.
under Colonel Gore. The rebels
were victorious, but the results of St.Gothard (Ottoman Wars).
their victory were unimportant. Fought August I, 1664, be-
tween 100,000 Turks, under
Ste Croix (Napoleonic Wars). Achmet Kopriali Pasha, and
This island, held by a small 60,000 French and Germans,
Danish garrison, was captured under Montecucculi, who occu-
by a British naval and military pied a strong position behind
force, under Admiral Sir A. J. the Raab. On the Turks ad-
vancing to the attack, a young by a British squadron, under
Turk rode and challenged
out, Sir John Jervis.
a Christian to
single combat. St. Mary's Clyst (Arundel's Re-
The challenge was accepted by bellion).
the Chevalier de Lorraine, who Fought August 4, 1549, when
killed his adversary. The Turks Lord Russell, marching with
then assaulted Montecucculi's the Royal army to the relief of
entrenchment, but could make Exeter, was attacked by 6,000
no impression, and after hard rebels, detached from the be-
fighting were beaten ofi with a
sieging force. The rebels were
loss of 8, GOO killed.
defeated with a loss of 1,000
St.Jacob an der Mirs (Armagnac killed, and Arundel was forced
War). to raise the siege of Exeter.
Fought September, 1444, be- St. Privat. See Gravelotte.
tween 30,000 Armagnacs, under
St. Quentin.
the Dauphin, and 1,300 Con-
Fought August ID, 1557, be-
federate S\viss. The Swiss tween 22,000 French and Ger-
being hard pressed, occupied
mans, under the Constable
the hospital of St. Jacob an der
Montmorenci, and about 5,000
Mirs, where they maintained
Spanish and Flemish cavalry
the unequal fight until the last
of the Duke of Savoy's army,
man had fallen. The Arma- under Count Egmont, supported
gnacs, however, had lost 2,000
by a small force of infantry.
killed, and the Dauphin felt
The French, in attempting to
compelled to abandon the in-
throw reinforcements into St.
vasion of Switzerland.
Quentin, were entrapped in a
St. Kitts (Dutch Wars). narrow pass, and were utterly
Fought May 10, 1667, when routed, with a loss of 15,000
Sir John Harman, commanding killed, wounded and captured,
an English squadron of 12 fri- and all but two of their guns.
gates, fell in \\ith a combined The Spaniards only lost 50 men.
Dutch and French fleet of 22 St. Quentin (Franco - German
sail, under Commodore Kruysen
and M. de la Barre, off Fought January 19, 1871,
St. Kitts. Notwithstanding between the French, 40,000
his inferiority, Harman boldly strong, under General Faid-
attacked, and gained a signal herbe, and 33,000 Germans,
victory, burning 5 and sinking
under Von Goben. The French
several more of the enemy's
were decisively defeated, with
vessels. The allies took refuge a loss of 3,500 killed and wound-
in the harbour of St. Kitts, and ed, 9,000 prisoners, and 6 guns.
Sir John, following them in,
The Germans lost 96 officers
destroyed the rest of their fleet, and 2,304 men.
at a cost of 80 men only.
St. Thomas (Napoleonic Wars).
St. Lucia (Wars of the French This
island was captured
Revolution). from the Danes, December 21,
island was captured 1807, by a combined British
from the French, April 4, 1794, naval and military force, under

Admiral Sir A. J. Cochrane and Salamis (Third Persian Invasion).

General Bowyer. Fought 480 B.C. between the
Greek fleet of 370 sail, under
Saints, The, See Dominica.
Themistocles, and the Persian
Salado. (Moorish Empire in fleet, of over 1,000 galleys. The
Spain). Greeks at first hesitated to
Fought 1344, between the attack in face of the overwhelm-
Portuguese and Castilians, un- ing numbers of the Persian
der Alfonso IV of Portugal ships, but an Athenian trireme,
and Alfonso XI of Castile, and commanded by Aminias, dashed
the Moors, under Abu Hamed, in, and being followed by the
Emir of Morocco. The Chris- rest of the Athenians and the
tians won a signal victory, and jEginetans in good order, the
Alfonso so distinguished him- Persians were, after a hard
self in the battle as to earn the struggle, totally defeated, with
title of the " Brave." the loss of more than half their
fleet. Xerxes and his army
Salamanca (Peninsular War). witnessed the rout from the
Fought July 22, 1812, when shores of Salamis.
Wellington, with 46,000 British
and Spanish troops, encoun- Salamis (Wars of Alexander's
tered 42,000 French, under Successors).
Marmont. The battle was Fought B.C. 307, between the
forced on by Marmont, who Macedonian fleet, under Deme-
was endeavouring to interrupt trius Poliorcetes, and the Egypt-
Wellington's retreat, but the ians, under Ptolemy Soter. The
Marshal was severely wounded Egyptians were routed, with the
early in the day, and the con- loss of 100 ships captured and
duct of the action was in the the rest sunk, and 30,000 pri-
hands of General Bonnet. The soners.
result was a signal victory for
the British, the French losing
Salankemen (Ottoman Wars).
wounded and Fought August 19, 1691, be-
12,500 killed,
prisoners, and 12 guns. The tween 100,000 Turks, under the
British and Spanish loss a-
Grand Vizier, Mustapha Kopriali
Pasha, and 45,000 Imperialists,
mounted to about 6,000. These
figures include the skirmishes
under the Margrave Louis. The
of the days preceding the battle,
Turks were signally defeated
during which the armies were in and Kopriali slain.
touch. Salano (Moorish Empire in
Salamanca (Mexican Liberal Spain).
Rising). Fought 1340 between the
Fought March 10, 1858, be- Spaniards, under Alfonso XI
tween the Government troops, of Castile, and the Moors, under
under Miramon, andtheLiberals, Abu '1 Hasan of Granada. The
under Doblado. Doblado's raw Moors, who were besieging
levies could not face Miramon's Tarifa, were attacked by the
trained troops, and were utterly Spaniards, who utterly routed
routed. them and relieved the town.
Abu '1 Hamed fled to Africa, where Shah Jehan was impri-
and Alfonso was enabled to soned and Aurungzebe seized
recover Algeciras. the crown.
Saldanha Bay (Wars of the Sampford Courtney (Arundel's
French Revolution). Rebellion).
Fought August 17, 1796, The final engagement with
when Sir Keith Elphinstone, the rebels, fought August 17,
with a British squadron, entered 1549, when Arundel was de-
the bay, and after capturing a feated by the Royal troops,
Dutch ship of war lying in the under Lord Russell, with a loss
harbour, landed a force, to of 700 killed and many prisoners,
which the garrison surrendered including most of the ring-
after a brief resistance. leaders in the rising.
Sale. See Castiglione.
San Giovanni (Wars of the
Samarcand (Tartar Invasion of French Revolution).
Kharismia). Fought June 17, 1799, be-
This place, which was de- tween the French, under Mac-
fended by a garrison of 110,000 donald, and the Russians, under
Turks and Kharismians, under Suwaroff. After three days'
the Governor, Alub Khan, was hard fighting, the French were
besieged by the Tartars, under forced to retreat, having suf-
Genghiz Khan, in June, 1220. fered a loss of 6,000 killed and
The garrison harassed the Tar- wounded and 9,000 prisoners.
tars by numerous sorties, and The Russian losses were about
littleprogress was made with 6,000.
the siege, but some of the in-
habitants, hoping to save the San Isidore (Paraguay War).
city from pillage, opened the Fought April, 1870, between
gates to the besiegers. After the Paraguayans, under Lopez,
heroic efforts to defend the and the allied army of Brazil,
city against the overwhelming Argentina and Uruguay, under
hordes of the enemy, Alub General Camera. Camera at-
Khan put himself at the head tacked Lopez's entrenchments
of 1,000 picked horsemen and and drove him out, forcing him
cut his way out. The survivors to take refuge in the mountains
of the garrison, now reduced to with the small remnant of his
30,000, were put to the sword. troops.

Samaghar (Rebellion of Aurung- San Jacinto (Texan Rising).

zebe). Fought April 2, 1836, when
Fought June, 1658, between the Mexican army, under Santa
the army of the Great Mogul, Anna, about 5,000 strong, was
Shah Jehan, under Dara, and routed and almost destroyed
the forces of his rebellious sons, by the Texans, under General
Aurungzebe and Marad. Dara Houston. The survivors, with
was totally defeated, and his Santa Anna and his staff, were
army dispersed, and three days taken prisoners, and Texas was
later the rebels occupied Agra, freed from the Mexican yoke.
San Jacinto. San Sebastian (Peninsular War).
Fought February 12, 1867, This town was besieged July
between the adherents of the 10, 181 3, by the British, under
Emperor Maximihan, under General Graham, and was de-
Miramon, and the Mexican Con- fended by a French garrison,
stitutionalists, under Escobedo. under General Rey. An assault
Miramon was defeated, and his on July 25 was repulsed, and
army surrendered, he himself pending the arrival of heavy
escaping with difficulty from guns from England, the siege
the field. resolved itself into a blockade.
San Juan. See El Caney.
Active operations were resumed,
and on the 31st the town was
San Lazaro (War of the Austrian taken by storm. Rey, how-
Succession). ever, still held out in the citadel,
Fought June, 1746, between and it was only after further
the Austrians, 40,000 strong, bombardment that he sur-
under Prince Lichtenstein, and rendered on September 9. The
the French and Spaniards, under besiegers' losses amounted to
Marshal Maillebois. The allies over 2,500 killed and wounded.
attacked the Austrian entrench-
ed camp, and after an obsti- San Sebastian (First Carlist War).
nate conflict, lasting nine hours, This fortress, held by a garri-
were repulsed with a loss of son of Cristinos and a small
10,000 killed and wounded. detachment of the British
legion, under Colonel Wylde,
Sanna's Post (Second Boer War).
when was besieged by the Carlists,
Fought March 31, 1900,
under Sagastibelza, February,
a force of cavalry, with 2 R.H.A.
1836. The siege was carried
batteries and a considerable
on in desultory fashion, with
convoy, under Colonel Broad-
constant fighting between the
wood, was ambushed by a party when
outposts, till June, 1836,
of Boers, under De Wet, while
General Evans, with 10,000
crossing a donga. The guns
British and Spanish troops,
were just entering the donga
occupied the advanced Carlist
when the Boers opened fire, and
positions, and forced them to
4 guns of Q battery succeeded withdraw.
in getting clear and opening
fire, stuck to their work till Santa Lucia (Rio Grande Rising).
only 10 men of the battery were Fought 1842, between the
left standing. Broadwood suc- Brazilian Government troops,
ceeded in extricating his force, under General Caxias, and the
but at a cost of 19 officers and rebels, 6,000 strong, under Feli-
136 men killed and wounded, ciano. The rebels were totally
426 prisoners, 7 guns, and the defeated.
whole of his convoy. General
Colville's column was within a Santarem (Dom Miguel's Re-
few miles, but though the firing bellion).
was heard, he failed to relieve. Fought February 18, 1834,
This is also known as the action when the Portuguese Govern-
of Kornspruit. ment troops, under Marshal
Saldanha, totally defeated the force of Austrians, British,
" Miguelists," under Dom Mi- Dutch and Portuguese troops,
guel. 23,000 in number, under the
Santa Vittoria (War of the Archduke Charles. The Portu-
Spanish Succession). guese in the right wing gave
Fought July 26, 1702, when way, leading a large force of
Spaniards in pursuit, but the
4 regiments of Prince Eugene's
army, under General Visconti, left and centre stood their
were attacked by 15,000
ground, and finally repulsed
French and the enemy, with a loss of 4,000
Spaniards, under
Due de Vendome. prisoners, besides killed and
the The Im-
perialists were forced to aban-
wounded. The Archduke at
don their camp and retire with once took possession of Sara-
the loss of their baggage, but lost gossa.
only 500 men, while their quali- Saragossa (Peninsular War).
fied success cost the allies nearly In June, 1808, siege was laid
2,000 killed and wounded. to this city by the French,
under Marshal Lefebvre. A
Santiago (Spanish - American successful defence was made,
War). and the marshal's forces being
Fought July 3, 1898, between insufficient to effect a prompt
the American fleet of 4 battle- capture, he raised the siege in
ships and 3 cruisers, under August. In December of the
Admiral W. T. Sampson, and same year it was again besieged
the Spanish fleet of 4 armoured by the French, under Moncey
cruisers and 3 torpedo-boats, and Mortier, and defended by a
under Admiral Cervera. The Spanish garrison, under Pala-
Spaniards endeavoured to es- fox. A most heroic defence
cape from the blockaded har- was made, notable for the bravery
bour of Santiago, but were of Agostina, the maid of Sara-
unsuccessful, the whole squad- gossa, who took the place of
ron being destroyed. The her wounded lover on the ram-
Americans suffered hardly any parts, and helped to serve the
damage, the Spanish gunnery guns, but despite all the efforts
being very inefficient, and lost of Palafox, the place was
only I man killed. stormed, and, after very severe
Sapienza (Ottoman Wars). house to house fighting, cap-
Fought 1490 between the tured, February 21, 1809.
Turkish fleet, under Kemal Saratoga. See Stillwater.
Reis, and the Venetians. The
Venetians suffered a severe re- Sardis (Wars of Alexander's
verse, this being the first naval
victory of the Turks in the
Fought B.C. 280, between the
troops of Pergamus, under Eu-
menes, and the Syrians, under
Saragossa (War of the Spanish Antigonus Soter. Eumenes
Succession). gained a signal victory, and
Fought August 20, 1700, be- annexed a large part of the
tween 25,000 Spaniards, and a dominions of Antigonus.

Sarkany (Hungarian Rising). Savage's Station, See Seven

Fought December 30, 1848, Days' Battle.
between the Austrians, under
Windischgratz, and the Hun- Savandroog (Second Mysore War).
Siege was laid to this place
garians, under General Perczel.
Perczel liad been entrusted by
December 10, 179 1, by a column
of Lord CornwaUis' army, about
Gorgey with the defence of the
Sarkany defile, but on being 4,000 strong,. It was de-
attacked by the Austrians, his fended by a strong garrison
division made little resistance,
of Mysoris, and was con-
sidered impregnable, but a
and fled in disorder, thus forcing
practicable breach having been
Gorgey to retire from the line
he had chosen to defend. effected, it was taken by storm
eleven days later, the garrison
Sauchie Barn (Rebellion of the offering little resistance. The
Barons). assailants did not lose a man.
Fought June 18, 1488, be-
tween the rebel Barons, under Saxa Rubra (Revolt of Maxen-
" Bell-the - Cat," tius).
Angus and
the troops of James III of Scot-
Fought October 28, 312, be-
tween the Imperial troops,
land, under the king. The
under Constantine, and the
royal army was totally defeated
legions of Italy, under Maxen-
and James slain.
tius. The Italian cavalry,
Saucourt (Norse Invasion of posted on the wings, was routed
France). Ijy Constantine's horse the ;

Fought 861 between the infantry, thus left unsupported,

Neustrians, under Louis III, fled from the field, only the
and the invading Norsemen, Pretorians making a brave re-
when Louis gained a brilliant sistance, and dying where they
victory. stood. Maxentius escaped, but
crosing the Tiber into Rome by
Sauroren (Peninsular War). the Milvian Bridge, was forced
Fought July 28, 1813, be- by the crowd of fugitives into
tween the French, 25,000 strong, the river and drowned.
under Soult, and the British,
Scarpheia (War of the Achaean
12,000 strong, under Welling-
ton. Soult attempted to turn
the British
Fought B.C. 146, between the
left in order to drive
Romans, under Matellus, and
them from a strong position,
the Achaeans, under Critolaus.
but after severe fighting he was
repulsed, with a loss of about
The Greeks were totally de-
feated with heavy loss, Critolaus
3,000. The British losses were
being killed.
about 2,600. Soult renewed
his attempt to force WeUing- Scio (Ottoman Wars).
ton's lines on the 30th, but was Fought July 5, 1769, between
again repulsed, with a loss of a Russian fleet of 10 sail of the
2,000 killed and wounded and line, under Admiral Spiritoff,
3,000 prisoners. The British and Turkish ships, with some
1 5

loss amounted to 1,900. small vessels, under the Capitan

Pasha. After a severe engage- Schwechat (Hungarian Rising).
ment, in which both the flag- Fought October 30, 1848,
ships were blown up, the Turks between the Austrians, under
were driven into the Bay of Prince Windischgratz, and the
Tchesme, where a few days Hungarians, under General
later their fleet was destroyed i\loga. The Hungarian militia
by fire-sliips. made a very feeble stand against
the Austrian regulars, and were
Schipka Pass (Russo - Turkish driven back all along the line
War). with considerable loss.
Fought August 21, 1877, and
following daj's, when the Rus- Scutari (Ottoman Wars).
sians, 7,000 strong, under Gene- This place, held by a Venetian
ral Darozhinsky, holding the garrison, under Antonio Lore-
pass, were attacked by 25,000 dano, was besieged by the
Turks, under Suleiman Pasha. Turks, under Suleiman Pasha,
The Russians were driven from May, 1474. The garrison held
point after point of their de- out stoutly till the middle of
fences, and were on the verge August, when Suleiman raised
of being overwhelmed, when the siege.
the arrival of reinforcements Four years later, in June,
enabled them to assume the 1478, Mohammed II invested it,
offensive and recover their lost the garrison now being under
positions, and on the 26th fight- the command of Antonio di
ing ceased. The Russian losses Lezze. Though few in numbers,
amounted to 4,000, including the Venetians \%-ithstood a con-
Darozhinsky, while the Turks tinuous bombardment, repuls-
lost about 11,500. ing two serious assaults, until
On September 16 Suleiman, September 8, when Mohammed
reinforced to 40,000 men, made retired, leaving behind him
an attempt to carry the Rus- only a blockading force. When
sian position on Mount St. on the conclusion of peace the
Nicholas, but was repulsed vith place was handed over to the
a loss of 3,000, the Russians Turks only 450 men and 150
losing 31 officers and about women were alive in the town.
1 ,000 rank and file. In the first assault the Turks
lost 12,000 men, and an even
By January 8, 187S, the Rus- greater number, it is said, in
sian force in the Schipka had
the second.
been increased to 60,000 men,
under General Radetski, while Sebastopol (Crimean War).
the Turks, numbering 40,000 Tliis fortress was besieged
were under Vessil Pasha. Gene- by the allied French and British
ral Mirsky, with 25,000 men, armies, under Marshal St.
attacked the Turldsh entrench- Arnaud and Lord Raglan, Sep-
ments and drove them out of all tember 28, 1854. It was de-
their positions, and on the fol- fended by a large force of Rus-
lowing day Vessil Pasha sur- sians, under Prince Mentschi-
rendered with 36,000 men and koff, with General Todleben as
93 guns. The Russians lost 5,000. his principal engineer officer.

The besiegers were too few for now, by Sir Colin Campbell.
a complete investment, and The Secunderbagh,a walled
though the harbour was closed enclosure of strong masonry,
by the British fleet, under Sir held by a large body of rebels,
Edmund Lyons, the Russians was, after a bombardment of
were throughout the siege en- about an hour and a half, taken
abled to obtain reinforcements by storm by the 93rd High-
and provisions from the north landers and the 4th Punjabis,
side. The batteries opened with very heavy loss to the
on October 17, and from enemy, over 2,000 dead bodies
that time till September 8, being afterwards carried out
1855, town was more or
the of the enclosure.
less bombarded.
On that day the Malakoff, an Sedan (Franco-German War).
important part of the southern This battle, the most decisive
defences, was stormed by the of the war, was fought Septem-
French, and the place became ber I, 1870, The French, under
untenable, the allies entering it Marshal Macmahon, who was
unopposed on the following wounded early in the action,
day. The Russians, during the were driven from all their posi-
later days of the bombardment, tions by the Germans, under
are said to have lost as many the King of Prussia, and com-
as 3,000 men a day. pelled to retire into Sedan,
where they laid down their
Secchia, The (War of the Polish arms. The Emperor Napoleon
Succession). III was among the prisoners,
Fought September 14, 1734, and one of the results of the
when theImperialists, under surrender was his dethrone-
Count Koningsegg, surprised ment and the proclamation of
the camp of the French army, a republic in Paris. The battle
under the Due de Broglie, cap- is remarkable for the charge of
turing 5,000 prisoners, 100 guns the Chasseurs d'Afrique, under
and the whole of the stores, General Margueritte, in the
baggage and ammunition. neighbourhood of Floing. The
Secessionville (American Civil brigade was cut to pieces and
War). the general killed. The Ger-
Fought June 15, 1862, when mans lost in the action 460
6,000 Federals, under General officers and 8,500 men the ;

Benham, attacked the strong French 3,000 killed, 14,000

position of Secessionville, cover- wounded, and 21,000 prisoners,
ing the road to Charleston, while 83,000 subsequently sur-
which was held by 2,000 Con- rendered in Sedan. The Ger-
federates, under General Evans. mans took 419 guns, 139 for-
tress guns and 66,000 rifles.
The Federals were repulsed
with a loss of 600 men, the Con- Sedgemoor (Monmouth's Re-
federates losing 200. bellion ).
Secunderbagh (Indian Mutiny). Fought July 5, 1685, between
Fought November 16, 1857, the Royal troops, under the
during the second relief of Luck- Earl of Faversham, and the
rebels, under James, Duke of Selby (Civil War).
Monmouth. Monmouth at- Fought April 11, 1644, be-
tempted a night attack on tween the Royalists, 3,300
Faversham's camp, but the strong, under Colonel John
alarm was given, and the Royal Bellasis, and a slightly superior
troops falUng upon their assail- force of Parliamentarians, under
ants, put Monmouth's cavalry Sir Thomas Fairfax. Bellasis
to flight, and though his in- had occupied Selby with the
fantry madea sturdy resistance object of preventing a junction
they were at length overpowered between Fairfax's troops and
and routed with heavy loss. those of the Scots at Durham.
This defeat put an end to the He was attacked by Fairfax
rebellion. and totally defeated, with the
loss of 1,600 men and all his
Segeswar (Hungarian Rising). artillery and baggage.
Fought July 31, 1849, be-
tween the Hungarians, under Selinus (Second Carthaginian
General Bern, and the Russians, Invasion of Sicily).
under General Liiders. The This city was besieged by the
Russians, after a severe engage- Carthaginians, 100,000 strong,
ment, were totally defeated. under Hannibal, B.C. 409. An
Segikahara (Rebellion of Hide- attempt by the Syracusans,
yori). under Diodes, to relieve came
Fought September 16, 1600, too late, for after resisting
between the troops of the Sho- stubbornly for nine days, the
gun Tokugawa Tyeyasa, 80,000 garrison, hopelessly outnum-
strong, and 130,000 rebels, un- bered, were overpowered and ;

der Mitsunari. The rebels were the place stormed and sacked,
utterly routed with the loss all the survivors being carried
of 30,000 killed, among whom off into captivity.
was Mitsunari, and the rebel-
lion was suppressed. Seminara (Italian Wars).
Fought 1495 between 6,000
Seine Mouth (Hundred Years' Spaniards and Neapolitans, un-
War). der Gonsalvo de Cordova and
Fought August 15, 1416, Ferdinand of Naples, and a
when the English fleet, under largely sviperior French army,
Bedford, sailed into the Seine with under D'Aubigny. The Nea-
the object of revictualling Har- politans fled almost without
fleur, which the French were striking a blow, and though
besieging. The blockading the Spaniards fought well, they
force, consisting of 8 large were overpowered by numbers,
Genoese carracks, besides and in the end totally routed,
smaller vessels, attacked the only Gonsalvo with 400 Spanish
English fleet, and after six cavalry making an orderly re-
hours' hard fighting were totally treat.
defeated, with a loss of 5 car-
racks and 5 other ships, while Sempach (War of Sempach).
Bedford succeeded in throwing Fought July 9, 1386, between
supplies into the town. 6,000 Austrians, under Duke

Leopold, and 1,500 Swiss Con- 7 officers and 177 men killed
federates. The Swiss gained a and wounded.
complete victory, the Austrians
Senlac. See Hastings.
losing 1,500 killed and wounded,
while only 120 Swiss fell. The Sentinum (Third Samnite War).
battle is celebrated for the Fought B.C. 298, between five
heroic action of Arnold von Roman legions, under Q. Fabius
Winkelried, who broke the line Maximus and Publius Decius,
of the Austrian spearmen at and the Samnites and Gauls,
the cost of his life, and enabled under Gellius Equatius. The
his followers to penetrate their Roman left was disordered by
phalanx. the war-chariots of the Gauls,
Seneff (Wars of Louis XIV). but was rallied by Decius, who
Fought August II, 1674, be- restored the battle, but at the
tween the French, 45,000 strong, cost of his life. On the right
under Conde, and the Flemings the Samnites were routed, and
and Spaniards, 60,000 strong, Fabius then fell upon the Gauls
under the Prince of Orange. in flank, and broke them. Mean-
Orange, finding Conde's posi- while the Samnite camp was
tion too strong to attack, began attacked, and Equatius slain,
a retreat towards Le Quesnay, the Romans gaining a signal
thereby exposing his flank. victory. The losses of the
Conde took instant advantage victors amounted to 8,200, while
of this error, and dispersed the the Gauls and Samnites lost
vanguard of the allies, but the 25,000 killed and 8,000 prisoners.
Prince took up a strong position Sepeia (Argive War).
at Seneff, from which Conde Fought B.C. 494, between the
was unable to dislodge him, Spartans, under Cleomenes, and
and the conflict ended in a the Argives. The Spartans, by
drawn battle, after seventeen a ruse, succeeded in surprising
hours' hard fighting. the Argives while the soldiers
Senegal (Napoleonic Wars). were dining, and totally routed
The French garrison of this them. This defeat deprived
place surrendered, July 13,
Argos of the paramountcy in
1809, to a British force of i the Peloponnesus.
frigate and 2 brigs, with some
Seringapatam (Second Mysore
transports carrying troops, un-
der Captain G. H. Columbine. This city was besieged, Feb-
Senekal (Second Boer War). ruary 5, 1792, by 22,000 British
Fought May 29, 1900, when and native troops, with 86 guns,
a British force, under General under Lord Cornwallis, and
Rundle, attacked the Boers, defended by a Mysori garrison,
strongly posted on the Bid- under Tippu Sahib. On the 6th
dulphsberg. The attack was an assault upon the outlying
made amidst great bush fires, works was successful, all the
in which many of the wounded redoubts commanding the city
perished, and was unsuccessful, being carried, at a cost to the
the British losses amounting to assailants of 530, while the
Mysoris lost 20,000. On the brothers Noriyori and Yoshi-
approach of reinforcements, tsune, and that of Yoshinaka.
under General Abercromby, on The rebels were completely
the 6th, Tippu consented to
1 defeated, and Yoshinaka killed.
treat, and peace was signed in
Seven Days' Battles (American
the following month.
Civil War).
Seringapatam (Third Mysore A series of actions fought by
War). General Lee, with 100,000 Con-
The second siege by General federates, against General
Harris, opened April 6, 1799, M'Clellan, with 95,000 Federals,
when the city was defended by Lee's object being to relieve
a garrison of 20,000, under Richmond. On June
26, 1862,
Tippu. On May 3, the breach General Hill, 1,400 Con-
was declared practicable, and federates, attacked M'Call's
the place was stormed by 4,000 division, in a strong position at
men, under General Baird. Beaver's Dam Creek, which
Tippu was slain in the rout attack M'Call repulsed, at small
which followed the assault. cost to his force. On the 27th,
The British losses during the General Porter, 35,000 strong,
siege amounted to 1,464. About posted on the Chickahominy
8,000 Mysoris fell in the assault. at Gaines' Mill, was attacked
Seringham (Seven Years' War). by 54,000 Confederates, under
Fought 1753, between 1,000 Lee in person. The Southerners
British troops, under Major advanced under a heavy artil-

Laurence, and the French, with lery fire, and after severe fight-
their Mahratta and Mysori allies, ing, drove the Federals across
under M. Astruc. The French the river, and captured 20 guns.
attacked in force an isolated On the 28th, M'Clellan prepared
post, held by 200 Sepoys, and to withdraw to the James River,
carried it before Major Laurence his centre having been pierced,
could come up. He then at- and commenced his retreat. On
tacked, and in turn carried the the 29th, 4 Confederate divi-
position, driving off the French, sions, under Longstreet, aided
and the Mahrattas who came by an armoured train, came up
up to their support, and cap- wth Sumner's corps at Savage's
tured three guns. Station, but was repulsed, Sum-
ner thus inflicting a serious
Seskar (Russo-Swedish Wars).
check upon the pursuing co-
Fought 1790, between the
lumns. On the 30th, 3 divisions,
Swedish fleet, under the Duke
under General Jackson, over-
of Sudermanland, and a Rus-
took the Federal rearguard,
sian squadron, under Admiral
under General French, near the
Kruze. The Swedes were total-
White Oak Swamp, and an
ly defeated, after a severe
artillery duel followed, which
engagement, which lasted from
cost the Federals some guns.
daybreak till far into the night.
Two divisions, under Long-
Se<-a (Yoshinaka's Rebellion). street, also attacked M'Call's
r'ought 1 183, between the division, and routed it, M'Call
army of Yoritomo, under his being captured. By the even-

ing of the 30th, M'Clellan reach- The wing led by the Shah in
ed Malvern Hill, overlooking person was victorious, but the
the James River, and deter- Persian left was totally routed,
mined to oppose here the and in endeavouring to restore
further advance of the Con- the battle on that side Ismael
federates, On July ist, the was wounded, whereupon the
Confederates attacked, but the army was seized with panic, and
Federals held their ground took to flight.
throughout the day, and on the
2nd retired in good order and Shannon and Chesapeake (Se-
practically unmolested. The cond American War).
Federals admit a loss of 15,249 A famous frigate action, fought
men and 25 guns during the May 29, 181 3, between the
operations, but Confederate British frigate Shannon, of 38
accounts put the figures much guns, commanded by Captain
higher, and claim 51 guns. The Broke, and the American frigate
losses of the Southerners were Chesapeake, also of 38 guns,
also very heavy, especially at under Captain John Lawrence.
Malvern Hill, but Lee's object The Chesapeake sailed out of
was accomplished, and Rich- Boston Harbour to attack the
mond was relieved. Shannon, and after a brisk
action was taken by the board
Sevenoaks (Cade's Rebellion). by the British. The Shannon
Fought June 18, 1450, be- lost 4 officers and 21 men lulled,
tween the rebels, under Cade, and 3 officers and 56 men wound-
and the royal troops, under ed ; the Chesapeake, 8 officers
Sir Humphrey Stafford. The and 39 men killed, and 9 officers
force under Stafford was quite and 106 men wounded. Captain
inadequate for the work in Lawrence was killed and Cap-
hand, and was routed, Stafford tain Broke wounded.
being killed.
Seven Pines. See Fair Oaks. Sheerness (Dutch Wars).
Fought June 7, 1667, and
Shahjehan (Tartar Invasion of following days, when the Dutch
Kharismia. ) fleet, under de Ruyter, sailed up
This city was besieged 1221, the Med way as far as Upnor
by the Tartars, under Tuli Khan, Castle, and destroyed 7 ships of
and was obstinately defended war.
by the garrison under a Turkish
general named Bugha. For Sheriffmuir (Rebellion of the
twenty-one successive days the Fifteen).
besiegers delivered assaults, Fought November 13, 17 iS.
which were repulsed, but finally between 3,500 royal troops,
the inhabitants made terms with under the Duke of Argyle, and
Tuli Khan, and opened the gates 9,000 Highlanders, under the
Shaldiran (Ottoman Wars). Earl of Mar. Argyle's left wing
Fought August 24, 1 5 14, be- was routed by the Macdonalds,
tween 120,000 Turks, under and his left and centre, though
Selim I, and about 80,000 Per- at first they held their own, were
sians, under the Shah Ismael. in the end compelled to retire,
and Argyle effected a retreat in ing among the killed. The
good order to Stirling. Federals lost 9,617 killed and
Sherstone (Danish Invasion). wounded, and 4,044 prisoners.
Fought 1016, between Ed- Shinowara (Yoshinaka's Rebel-
mund Ironside, and Knut, the lion).
rival claimants to the throne. Fought April, 1183, between
The battle was indecisive. the troops of the rebel Daimio
ShijoNawate (War of the North- Yoshinaka, and the Japanese
ern and Southern Empires). Imperial army, consisting of
Fought 1339, between the 100,000 horsemen, under Taira-
army of the Northern Emperor, no-Kore. The Imperial troops
under Takaugi and Tadayoshi, were defeated with a loss of
and the troops of the Southern 20,000 killed.
Emperor, under Kusunoki Ma- Shirogawa (Satsuma Rebellion),
satsura. Masatsura was attack- Fought September 24, 1876.
ed at Yoshino, which place was when the last remnants of the
temporarily the Imperial resi- rebels, under Saigo, were de-
dence. Feehng that he was too feated by the Imperial army,
weak to defend it, he marched under Prince Taruhito. The
out A\ith his whole force to meet rebels were practically anni-
his assailants, and fell fighting hilated, and most of the leaders
to the last, theNorthern troops of the revolt killed. Saigo,
gaining a
complete victory. after the defeat, committed
Japan was soon afterwards Hara-kiri on the field.
again united, under the rule of
the Northern line. Sholapur (Third Mahratta War).
Shiloh (American Civil War).
Fought May 10, 1818, when
a bod}' of cavalry, under General
Fought April 6 and 7, 1862,
Pritzen, forming part of General
between the Confederates, 43,000
Monro's force, attacked and
strong, under General Johnston,
dispersed the retreating rem-
and the Federals, 40,000 strong,
nant of the Peshwa's army.
under General Grant. The Con-
Sholapur surrendered on the
federates attacked Grant's posi-
15th, the operations having cost
tion on the west of the Tennessee
the British only 97 killed and
river, and surprised the Federals,
wounded, while the loss of the
driving back the first line in
Mahrattas exceeded 800 killed.
confusion. By nightfall. Grant
was practically defeated, but Sholingur (First Mysore War).
Johnston failed to take advan- Fought September 27, 178 1,
tage of his opportunity, and between the British, 10,000
Grant being reinforced by 20,000 strong, under Sir Eyre Coote,
men during the night, was able and the Mysoris, numbering
on the 7th to assume the offen- about 80,000, under Hyder Ali.
sive. After severe fighting the Hyder was surprised in the act
Southerners were driven from of striking camp, and though a
the field with a loss of 9,740 series of cavalry charges enabled
killed and wounded and 959 him to withdraw his guns in
prisoners, General Johnston be- safety, it was at a cost of 5,000

men that he eventually made engagements Ali lost 25,000,

good his retreat. The British and Moawiyeh 45,000 men, but
loss did not exceed 100. the latter was undefeated, and
the sanguinary conflict was
Shrewsbury (Percy's Rebellion). ended by an unsatisfactory
Fought July 21, 1403, when compromise.
the royalists, under Henry IV,
met and defeated the insurgents, Sikajoki (Finland War).
under Hotspur. Hotspur was Fought April 18, 1808, be-
killed, and Douglas and Wor- tween the Swedes, under General
cester taken prisoners. The Klingspor, and the Russians,
battle was the baptism of fire under General Bouxhoevden.
of Henry, Prince of Wales The Russians endeavoured to
(Henry V), who displayed great outflank the Swedes by moving
bravery, and was severely out on to the ice at the mouth
wounded. of the Sikajoki river, at the
same time assailing them in
Sidassir (Third Mysore War). front. Both attacks were re-
Fought March 6, 1799, be- pulsed, and after eight hours
tween the advance guard of fighting, Klingspor took the
General Stuart's force, com- offensive,and drove the Rus-
posed of three regiments, under sians from the field, with heavy
Colonel Montresor, and 12,000 loss. The Swedes lost 1,000
Mysoris, under Tippu Sahib. killed and wounded.
Montresor's small force with-
stood the attack of Tippu's Silistria (Crimean War).
troops for over six hours, and This fortress was besieged by
their ammunition was all but the Russians in 1854, and was
exhausted when Stuart came up, defended by a Turkish garrison,
and drove back the enemy with who received valuable assist-
alossof 2,000 men. The British ance from two English officers,
lost 143 killed and wounded. Captain Buller and Lieutenant
Nasmyth. Many attempts to
storm the place were repulsed,
Fought July between
9, 1553, and though no efforts were made
the Germans, under Maurice,
to relieve them, the garrison held
Elector of Saxony, and the
out until June 22, when the Rus-
Brandenburgers, under the
sians raised the siege, having
Margrave Albert. The Bran-
suffered a loss of over 12,000
denburgers were defeated, but
Maurice was wounded in the
action, and died two days later Silpia. See Elinga.

Siffin. Simnitza (Russo-Turkish War).

A series of actions extending Fought June 26, 1877, be-
over a hundred days, in 656, tween the Russians, under the
between the Moslems, under Grand Duke Nicholas, and the
the Caliph Ali, and the adherents Turkish garrison of Sistova.
Moawiyeh, the son of Abu So- On the night of the 26th, the
phian, a pretender to the Caliph- Russian advance-guard, 15,000
ate. In the course of these strong, under Dragomiroff,
crossed the Danube in boats, Over 4,000 Turks were killed,
and then, under SkobeleS, drove and it is said that only 400,
the Turks headlong from their almost all wounded, escaped the
entrenchments. On the morn- massacre.
ing of the 27th, Sistova was
occupied, the Russians having Sinzheim (Wars of Louis XIV).
lost S20 only in the operations. Fought October 4, 1674, be-
tween the French, under Tu-
Singara (Persian Wars). renne, and the Imperialists, under
Fought 348, between the General Caprara and the Duke
Romans, under Constantius, and of Lorraine. The French gained
the Persians, in largely superior a signal victory. This action
force, under Sapor II. The is also known as the Battle of
Persian king, having posted the Entzheim.
major part of his army on the
Sitabaldi (Third Mahratta War).
heights overlooking Singara, en-
Fought November 24, 18 17,
gaged the Romans with a com-
between a small force of Madras
paratively small force of light-
native troops, and some Bengal
armed troops, who were easily
cavalry, in all about 1,300 men,
routed by the legionaries. The under Colonel Scott, and the
pursuit, however, was carried
too far, and when night fell, the
army of Nappa Sahib, Rajah of
Nagpur, 1 8, 000 strong, with 36
Romans, exhausted by their
guns. The Sepoys held their
efforts, bivouacked under the
ground for 18 hours, and even-
heights. During the night.
tually beat off their assailants,
Sapor led his best troops to the
at a cost to themselves of about
attack, and routed the weary
300 men.
Romans, with terrible slaughter.
Skalitz (SevenWeeks' War).
Singara (Persian Wars). Fought June 28, 1866, be-
This fortress, held by a Roman tween the 5 th Prussian Army
garrison, was captured, after a Corps, under General Steinmetz,
brief siege, by the
Persians, and the 6th and 8th Austrian
under Sapor 360.
II, The
in Corps, under General Ramming.
garrison was sent into captivity The Austrians were defeated,
and the fortress dismantled. and Skalitz occupied by the
Sinnaca (Parthian War). Prussians, who captured 4,000
At this place the remnants of prisoners and 8 guns.
the army of Crassus, after the
Slivnitza (Servo-Bulgarian War).
battle of Carrhse, B.C. 53, sur-
Fought November 17, 18 and
rendered to the Parthians. Only
19, 1885, between the Servians,
5,000 men were with the eagles.
28,000 strong, under King Milan,
Sinope (Crimean War). and Bulgarians, at first 10,000
Fought 1853, when the Rus- in number, but reinforced on
sian fleet attacked the Turkish the night of the 17th and during
fleet of 9 sail, lying in the har- the 1 8th, by a further 5,000,
bour of Sinope. No quarter under Prince Alexander. On
was given, and the Turkish the 17th, Prince Alexander, who
fleet was totally destroyed. occupied a position strong a-

gainst a frontal attack, but very- Smolensko (Campaign of Mos-

vulnerable on his left, made a cow).
strong attack on the Servian Fought August 17, 1812, be-
left, to distract attention from tween 175,000 French, under
his weak flank. This attack Napoleon, and 130,000 Russians,
was repulsed, and on the follow- under Bagration, of whom about
ing day the Servians attacked 50,000 and 60,000 respectively
Alexander's left. Having been were actually engaged. Bagra-
reinforced, however, he was able tion's corps occupied the town
to beat them off, while a frontal of Smolensko, which Napoleon
attack was also repulsed with attacked, carrying two of the
loss. On the 19th the Servian suburbs. During the night the
attacks were again unsuccessful, Russians set fire to the place, and
and by 3 p.m. they were in full evacuated it, having lost in the
retreat, pursued by the Bulgar- action about 10,000 Idlled and
ians. The Servians lost about wounded. The French lost 9,000.
2,000, the victors 3,000 in killed
Sobraon (First Sikh War).
and wounded, in the three days.
Fought February 10, 1846,
Sluys (Hundred Years* War).
between the British, about
15,000 strong, and 25,000 Sikhs,
Fought June 24, 1340, when
the English
under Runjur Singh. The
fleet of 250 sail,
Sikhs were strongly entrenched
under Sir Robert Morley and
Richard Fitzalan, attacked the on the Sutlej, and Sir Hugh
French fleet of about 200 sail, Gough, with feigned attacks on
their centre and right, succeeded
under Hugues Quieret, lying in
in pushing home his assault on
Sluys Harbour. Practically the
their left, and after hard fighting
whole of the French fleet was
drove the defenders to the river,
captured or destroyed, and
Quieret was killed. The French
where many perished. The
British lost 2,383, the Sikhs
lost 25,000 men, the English
about 8,000.
Soczawa (Ottoman Wars).
Smolensko (Russo - Swedish
Fought 1676, between the
Poles, under John Sobieski
Fought September 22, 1708,
and the Turks, under Moham-
when Charles XII Sweden,
with 4,000 infantry and 6 regi-
med IV. The Poles, who had
been reinforced by the Lithuan-
ments of cavalry, attacked a
ians, under Paz, totally routed
force of 16,000 Cossacks and
the Turks, who were greatly
Tartars. The king with one
superior in numbers, and drove
regiment was in the course of
them in confusion into Kami-
the action cut off from the rest
niec, with the exception of which
of his troopsby a body of Tar-
fortress, the whole of Poland
tars,and had a narrow escape.
was thus freed from the Otto-
His immediate following was
reduced to 5 men, when he was
man invaders.
rescued by a cavalry charge. Sohr (War of the Austrian
In the end the Swedes routed Succession).
the Cossacks with heavy loss. Fought September 30, 1745,
between 18,000 Prussians, under Victor Emmanuel. The French
Frederick the Great, and 35,000 attacked the Austrian position
Austrians, under Prince Charles on the heights round Solferino,
of Lorraine. The Prussians at- which were held by SchoUck,
tacked the Austrian position and after very hard fighting,
and the Austrians, failing to they were captured by the corps
display their usual courage of Macmahon and Baraguay
made no stand against the steady d'HilUers. Meanwhile Wimp-
advance of the Prussian infantry, ffen, with three Army Corps,
and were driven back in con- attacked the French left, but
fusion, uith a loss of 6,000 killed, was held at bay throughout the
wounded and prisoners, and 22 day by Marshal corps,
guns. The Prussians lost be- and when night the Aus-
tween three and four thousand trian centre being broken,
men. Francis Joseph had no option
but to retreat, and consequently
recrossed the Mincio. The Aus-
Fought 486, and notable as
trians lost 22,000 killed, wound-
the first military exploit of
ed and missing. The allies'
Clovis, the founder of the Mero-
losses were 18,000, of which
vingian dynasty, who here de-
feated Syagrius, Count of Sois-
number the Piedmontese corps
of 25,000 lost 4,000.
sons, and annexed his dominions.
Solway Moss (Scottish Wars).
Solebay (Dutch Wars).
Fought December 14, 1542,
Fought May 28, 1672, when
between the Scottish invading
the French and English fleets,
army, under Oliver Sinclair,
together about 140 sail, under
and a band of 500 English
the Comte d'Estrees and the
borderers, under Thomas Dacre
Duke of York, were surprised at
and John Musgrave. The Scots
anchor, by a Dutch fleet of 115
were totally defeated, and many
ships,under de Ruyter. The
important nobles captured.
French were first attacked, but
soon edged out of the fight, and Somnauth (Mahmud's Twelfth
the bulk of the work fell to the Invasion of India).
English. The battlewas inde- This city, one of the holy
cisive, for though Dutch
the places of India, was captured
lost five or more ships, and the by the Afghans, under Sultan
English one the allied
only, Mahmud of Ghuzni, in 1024.
fleet was too crippledto take According to tradition, he car-
the offensive for over a month ried off the great gates of the
after the action. city to Ghuzni and certain gates

purporting to be the same, but

Solferino (Franco-Austrian War).
which afterwards proved to be
Fought June 24, 1859, be-
of later date, were brought back
tween 150,000 Austrians, under
to India with a flourish of
the Emperor Francis Joseph,
trumpets, after the capture of
"with Generals Wimpffen and
Ghuzni by the British in 1842.
Scholick in actual command,
and the French and Piedmont- Son-Tai (Tongking War).
ese, under Napoleon III and This fortress, defended by a

garrison of 25,000 Chinese, in- tained his position there, with-

cluding 10,000 " Black Flags," drawing on the morning of the
under Lin Yung Ku, was attack- 15th. Each side lost about
ed by the French, under Admiral 2,500 men, but Lee had gained
Courbet, with 7 river gun-boats his object, as the delay to
and force of 7,000 men, Decem- M'Clellan ensured the capture
ber 14, 1883. On this day the of Harper's Ferry.
outer defences were carried, and
Southwark (Cade's Rebellion).
the garrison driven into the
Fought July 5, 1450, between
citadel. During the night the
the rebels, under Cade, and the
French were surprised by a
citizens of London, under
sortie, which however they re-
Matthew Gough. The Lon-
pulsed, after severe fighting. On
doners endeavoured to hold
the 1 6th they stormed the cita-
del, losing in the three days 92
London Bridge, to prevent the
plundering expeditions of Cade's
and 318 men killed and
followers into the city, but were
wounded. The Chinese lost
driven back, and the central
about 1,000.
drawbridge set on fire. The
Sorata (Inca Rising), Londoners lost heavily, among
This city was besieged, 1780, the killed being Gough.
by the revolted Peruvians, under Southwold Bay (Dutch Wars).
Andres, the last of the Incas. Fought 1665, between the
The fortifications, well provided English fleet, under the Duke of
with artillery, proved impreg- York, and the Dutch fleet, under
nable, but Andres diverted Admiral Opdam. The English
certain mountain torrents a- were completely victorious, the
gainst the walls, and thus opened Dutch losing 18 ships and 7,000
a large breach, through which men. The English lost one
the Peruvians entered the city, ship only, and 700 men.
and massacred the whole of the
garrison and inhabitants. Of Spanish Galleons. See Vigo Bay.
20,000 souls, it is said that only Sphacteria. See Pylos.
one priest escaped.
Spicheren (Franco - German
South Mountain (American War).
Civil War). Fought August 6, 1870, be-
Fought September 14, 1862, tween the Germans, under Von
between the Federals, under Alvensleben, and a superior
General M'Clellan, and the Con- French force, under General
federates, under General Lee. Frossard. After an obstinate
Lee's object was to hold M'Clel- encounter, the French were
lan in check while Jackson cap- driven from all their positions
tured Harper's Ferry, and to with heavy loss, and compelled
this end he posted General D. Hill to retreat on Metz. The Ger-
with 1 5, 000 on South Mountain. mans lost 223 officers and 4,648
Here Hill was attacked, and men. The battle is remarkable
driven to the upper slopes, but for the storming of the Rote Berg
being reinforced by a portion of by I company of the 39th
Longstreet's command, he main- Regiment and 4 companies of
the 74th Regiment, under were overpowered by the French
General von Franfois, who was cavalry, and
totally defeated
killed. These 5 companies main- with a of 6,000 killed,
tained their position throughout wounded and missing. Among
the afternoon, in face of a the prisoners was the Prince of
vastly superior force. This Hesse.
action is also known as the
Battle of For bach. Splitter (Swedish Invasion of
Spion Kop (Second Boer War). Fought January, 1679, be-
General Buller's second at- tween 16,000 Swedes, under
tempt to break through the Field-Marshal Horn, and 10,000
Boer Imes on the Tugela, and Brandenburgers, under the
relieve Ladysmith, is known by Elector Frederick William. The
this name. The operations Swedes were utterly routed,
commenced on the 19th, 24,000 Horn being taken prisoner, and
men being employed. On that not more than 1,500 succeeded
day Sir Charles Warren's divi- in making their way to Riga.
sion commenced to turn the
Boer right, and gradually drove Spottsylvania (American Civil
them from ridge to ridge till War).
the evening of the 22nd, when A continuation of the Battle
by a night surprise, Spion Kop, of the Wilderness, fought May
the centre of the position, was 10 to 12, 1864, between the
seized. It was, however, found Confederates, under General Lee,
impossible to get artillery up and the Federals, under General
the steep slopes, and the brigade Grant. Lee's position covering
holding the hill lost about a Richmond was attacked on the
third of their strength in the loth by Grant, and the day
course of the 23rd, including ended \\-ith both armies in their
the Brigadier, General Wood- original positions, while the
gate. At nightfall. Colonel losses, especially on the side of
Thorneycroft, who had been the assailants, were very heavy.
appointed to the command, On the 1 2th Grant renewed the
abandoned the hill, and on the attack, and General Hancock,
following day General BuUer on the right surprised the first
decided to recross the Tugela. line of the Confederate defences,
The British losses during the and compelled General Johnson
operations amounted to 87
and his division to surrender.
officers and 1,647 men. With this exception, entailing
the loss of about a mile of ground
Spira (War of the Spanish Suc- Lee held his own throughout
cession). the day, and Grant had suffered
Fought November 15, 1703, too severely to renew the attack.
between the French, under The losses from the 5th, the date
Marshal Tallard, and the Im- of the first Battle of the Wilder-
periaUsts, under the Prince of ness, to the 1 2th inclusive, were :

Hesse, each side being about Federals, about 50,000 killed

20,000 strong. After a severe and wounded, Confederates,
engagement, the Imperialists about 12,000.

Spurs. See Courtrai. Bishop of Durham. The Scots

were routed, and fled in disorder.
Spurs. See Guinegate. The battle derives its name
Stadtlohn (Thirty Years' War). from the fact that the banner of
St. Cuthbert of Durham, which
Foiaght August g, 1623, be-
tween the army of the Protestant was held to ensure victory, that
of St. Peter of York, and those
Princes of Germany, about
of other saints, were carried in
22,000 strong, under Duke Chris-
tian of Brunswick and the Im- a waggon in the midst of the
perialists, under Tilly. The English army.
Protestants were utterly routed
Stavrichani (Ottoman Wars).
and dispersed, Christian fleeing
Fought August 28, 1739, be-
to Holland.
tween 30,000 Russians, under
Staffarda (War of the Revolu- General Miinnich, and the
tion). Turkish army, under Veli Pasha.
Fought 1690, between the The Russians stormed the
French, under Marshal Catinat, Turkish entrenched camp, driv-
and the Imperialists, under ing the Turks headlong into the
Victor Amadeus of Savoy. The Danube, where thousands perish-
Imperialista met with a crushing ed, and capturing all their guns
defeat. and baggage. Miinnich follow-
ed up this success by the capture
Stamford Bridge.
of Choczin.
Fought September 25, 1066,
between the English, under Steinkirk (War of the Revolu-
Harold, and the Norse invaders, tion).
under Harold Hardrada and Fought August 8, 1692, be-
Tostig. The Norsemen were tween the English, under Wil-
surprised by Harold in their liam III, and the French under ,

camp, and totally defeated, both Marshal Luxembourg. The En-

Hardrada and Tostig being glish attacked the French camp
killed, and the survivors driven and broke and
at daybreak,
to their ships. dispersed a brigade. Luxem-
Stamford Bridge (Wars of the bourg, however, rallied his
Roses). troops, and after a severe en-
An encounter between the gagement, repulsed the English
retainers of Sir Thomas Neville, attack, though William was
and those of Lord Egremont, able to withdraw his forces in
which developed into a pitched good order.
battle, in August, 1453. It is
considered to be the beginning
Stillwater (American War of
of the Wars of the Roses.
Fought October 7, 1777, be-
Standard, The (Scottish Wars). tween the British, 6,000 strong,
Fought at Euton Moor, near under General Burgoyne, and
Northallerton, in 11 38, between the Americans, under General
the Scots, under David, and the Gates. The Americans occu-
English, under Thurstan, Arch- pied a strongly entrenched posi-
bishop of York, and Raoul, tion, which was attacked by
Burgoyne. After a severe en- mercenaries, under Martin
counter, the attack was repulsed Schwarz. The King, whose
at all points, and the British force was superior in numbers,
driven back upon their camp completely defeated the rebels,
at Saratoga, with heavy loss, Simnel and all the rebel leaders
including General Fraser, mor- being taken prisoners.
tally wounded. The Americans
followed up their success by an Stolhoffen (War of the Spanish
assault upon the British camp, Succession).
in which they succeeded in Fought May 22, 1707, when
effecting a lodgement, and on Marshal Villars, with 45 French
the following day, Burgoyne battalions, stormed and cap-
withdrew, and took up a fresh tured the lines of Stolhoffen,
position on the heights near which were held by the Impe-
the Hudson. On October 15, rialists, under the Marquis of
Burgoyne, surrounded by the Baireuth. The French took 50
Americans, and finding that guns.
no aid could reach him, sur-
rendered with 5,790 men, his Stone Creek. See Murfreesboro
total losses during the cam-
paign having amounted to 4,689. Stormberg (Second Boer War).
Fought December 10, 1899,
Stirling (Scottish Wars). when General with
Fought September 11, 1297, about 3,000 men, made a night
between the Scots, under Sir march to attack the Boer posi-
William Wallace, and the Eng- tion at Stormberg. He was
lish, 50,000 strong, under the misled by his guides, and came
Earl of Surrey. Wallace fell unexpectedly under a heavy
upon the English army as it Boer fire. The position was
was crossing a narrow bridge too strong to carry, and Gatacre
over the Forth, and practically was forced to retire, with a loss
annihilated it. This battle is of 89 killed and wounded, and
also called the Battle of Cam- 633 prisoners.
Stralsund (Thirty Years' War).
Stockack (Wars of the French
This place was besieged, July
5, 1628, by the Imperialists,
Fought 1799, between the
under Wallenstein, who had
French, under Jourdan, and the
sworn to take it in three days.
Austrians, 60,000 strong, under
It was defended mainly by the
the Archduke Charles. The inhabitants, aided by a small
French were defeated and driven
garrison of Swedes and Scots.
back upon the Rhine.
An assault on the 8th was re-
Stoke (Lambert Simnel's Rebel- pulsed, and though on the 9th
lion). some of the outworks were gain-
Fought June 16, 1487, be- ed, the town still held out, and
tween the royal troops, under finally, after a siege of 1 1 weeks,
Henry VH, and the rebels, under Wallenstein was compelled to
John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, withdraw lus troops, having
who was aided by 2,000 German suffered a loss of over 12,000 men.

Stralsund (Dano-Swedish Wars). camp, and routing and dispers-

The town was again besieged, ing the rebel army.
October 19, 1715, by an army
of Prussians and Danes, 36,000 Suddusain (Second Sikh War).
strong, under Frederick William Fought July I, 1848, when a
III of Prussia and Frederick IV force of Bhawalpuris and British
of Denmark, and was defended 18,000 strong, under Lieutenant
by a Swedish garrison, under Edwardes, encountered 12,000
Charles XII. At the end of Sikhs, under Malraj. The Sikhs
three months, the besiegers attacked, but were beaten off,
succeeded in seizing the island largely owing to the superiority
of Rugen, which commanded of the British artillery, and
the town, and an attempt by defeated with heavy loss.

Charles to retake it ended disas- Sudley Springs (American Civil

trously, the king escaping with War).
difficulty, and severely wounded,
Fought August 29, 1862, be-
while the whole of his force was tween the Federals, under
killed or captured. On October General Pope, and the Con-
10, the allies captured the horn- federates, under Jackson. Jack-
work, and on the 20th, the place son, by a forced march, had
being no longer defensible,
succeeded in taking up a strong
Charles left the town and em- position in Pope's rear, and
barked for Sweden on the only defied all attempts to dislodge
ship remaining in the harbour. him, repulsing the Federal
The garrison immediately after- attacks with a loss of over 8,000
wards surrendered. men.
Stratton (Civil War). Sugar-loaf Rock (Seven Years'
Fought May between
16, 1643, War).
the Parliamentary troops, under Fought September 20, 1753,
General Chudleigh, and the between the British, about 3,000
Cornish Royalists, under Sir strong, under Major Laurence,
Ralph Hopton. The Royalists and the French army which was
attacked the Parliamentarian besieging Trichinopoly, under
position on Stratton Hill, and M. Astruc. Laurence attacked
after severe fighting defeated before daybreak, and the native
them, capturing 1,700 prisoners, auxiharies with the French
including Chudleigh, 13 guns army were seized with a panic
and all their baggage and muni- and fled, leaving the Europeans
tions of war, unsupported. In the end the
French were defeated, with a
Suero, The (Civil War
of Ser-
loss of 100 killed and 200 prison-
ers, including Astruc. The
Fought B.C. 75, between the British lost 40 killed and wound-
rebels, under Sertorius, and the
Roman army, under Pompey.
The Roman right, under Pom- Surinam (Napoleonic Wars).
pey, was broken and defeated, This place, held by a Dutch
but Afranius turned defeat into garrison, was captured. May 5,
victory, capturing the Sertorian 1804, by a British squadron,
under Commander Hood, to- Sveaborg (Crimean War).
gether with 2,000 troops, under The town, which had become
Sir Charles Green. an important Russian arsenal,
Sursuti, The (Mohammed Ghori's was bombarded by a British
fleet, under Admiral Dundas,
August 9 to II, 1854. By the
Fought 1 191, between the
latter date, the arsenal and
Aghans, under Mohammed storehouses had been destroyed,
Ghori, and the Hindus, under
the King of Delhi, with 200,000
and Dundas withdrew, making
horse and 300 elephants.
no further attempt to destroy
the fortifications.
Afghans, who were greatly out-
numbered, were surrounded, and Sybota.
utterly routed, Mohammed Fought 433 B.C., between a
Ghori escaping ^^^th difficulty Corinthian fleet of 1 50 sail, and
from the field. a Corcyrean fleet of no sail,
Sursuti, The (Mohammed Ghori's aided by 10 Athenian triremes.
Invasion). The Corcyrean right wing was
Fought 1 192, when Moham- defeated, and would have been
med Ghori, on the field where destroyed, but for the assist-
he had suffered defeat in the ance of the Athenians, and the
previous year, encountered the arrival of a reinforcement of 20
Rajputs and Delhi men, under Athenian ships caused the
the Rajah of Ajmir. The Corinthians to retire. The
Afghans, numbering 120,000, Corcyreans offered battle on
completely routed the Rajputs, the following day, but the
and captured the Rajah. Corinthians declined. Both
sides claimed the victory, but
Sveaborg (Finland War). the advantage lay with the
This place was besieged by Corinthians, who captured
the Russians, under General several ships.
Suchtelen, in February, 1808,
and was defended by a garrison Syracuse (Athenian Expedition
of 7,000 Swedes and Finns, under to Sicily).
Admiral Cronstedt. The siege Siege was laid to this city by
was conducted under consider- the Athenians, under Alcibiades,
able difficulties, the transport Lamachus and Nicias, who with
of breaching guns being almost a fleet of134 galleys, took pos-
impossible. However, lack of session of the harbour and
supplies compelled the Admiral eft'ected a landing in the autumn
to sign an armistice, on April 3, of 415 B.C. Alcibiades was
by which he agreed to surrender soon recalled, and Lamachas
if not relieved by at least five killed in a skirmish, while Nicias
ships of war on May 3. This proved weak and incompetent.
being still unbroken at that The siege works were not pressed
date, he handed over the town and in the follovdng year, Gylip-
to the Russians, with 200 guns, pus of Sparta succeeded in get-
and 2 frigates and 19 transports, ting through the Athenian lines,
which were ice-bound in the and bringing a considerable
harbour. force to the aid of the SjTacusans,

capturing at the same time the under Appius Claudius. The

advanced positions of the be- city was defended by a garrison
siegers. Early in 413, Demos- under Hippocrates. The siege
thenes arrived from Athens, isspecially notable for the pre-
with a 73 triremes, and
fleet of sence in the city of Archimedes,
made a desperate attempt to whose military engines played
recover tlie lost ground. He an important part in the defence,
was, however, totally defeated, especially against the fleet.
and in a series of sea-fights During the winter, the revolt
which followed, the Athenian of other Sicilian towns drew off
fleet was completely destroyed. a portion of the besiegers, and
This disaster forced the vVthen- during the spring and early
ians to raise the siege, and was, summer of 212, only a partial
in addition, a death-blow to the blockade could be maintained.
naval supremacy of Athens. Then however, taking advan-
tage of a festival in the city,
Syracuse (Second Carthaginian
Marcellus stormed and cap-
tured the upper portion of the
Syracuse was again besieged,
town. An attempt to force
B.C. 387, by about 80,000 Car- the Roman lines by a Cartha-
thaginians, under Himilco, aided
ginian relieving force, under
by a powerful fleet, and de- Himilco, was repulsed, and
fended by Dionysius, with about
shortly afterwards the rest of
an equal number of troops. A the city was captured by
fleet of 30 Lacedremonian tri-
remes arrived to the succour of
the Syracusans, and meanwhile Szigeth (Ottoman Wars).
a pestilence had carried off This small place, held by
thousands in the besiegers' a Hungarian garrison, under
camp. At this juncture Diony- Count Zrinyi, was besieged by
sius decided on a joint sea and the Turks, under Solyman the
land attack upon the Cartha- Magnificent, in 1566. The siege
ginians, which was completely was prosecuted with jvigour but
successful. Leptinus, with 80 was fatal to the great Sultan,
galleys, surprised the Cartha- who died on the night of Sep-
ginian fleet while the crews were tember 4. On the following day,
ashore, and completely des- however, the Turks stormed
troyed it, while Dionysius storm- and sacked the town, and Count
ed Himilco's defences,and utterly Zrinyi and his Uttle garrison
routed the besiegers, Himilco perished in the flames.
and his principal officers escap-
ing from Sicily, and leaving the
army to its fate.

Syracuse (Second Punic War).

In 213 B.C. Syracuse, then in Tabraca (Revolt of Gildo).
the hands of the pro-Cartha- Fought 398, between 5,000
ginian faction, was besieged by picked Roman legionaries, under
the Romans, 25,000 strong, Mascazel, and the revolted
under M. Marcellus, and a fleet Africans, 70,000 strong, under
Gildo. At the first onslaught Austria. The Ghibellines were
of the legionaries, all the Roman utterly routed, and their leaders,
soldiers serving under Gildo including Conradin and the
deserted, and the Africans tak- Duke, captured and beheaded.
ing to flight, Mascazel gained an
almost bloodless victory. Gildo Taiken Gate (Hogen Insurrec-
was captured and committed tion).
suicide in prison. Fought 1 1 between the
Japanese under Shitoku,
Tagna (Peruvio-Chilian War). and the Imperial troops, under
Fought May 26, 1880, between Bifukumonia and Tadamichi.
the Chihans, under General The rebels were utterly routed.
Baquedano, and the Peruvians, This battle is remarkable for the
the Chilians gaining a signal fratricidal nature of the conflict,
victory. The Peruvian losses many of the greatest families of
were very heavy, including 197 Japan having representatives in
officers. Following up their both armies.
victory, the Chilians captured
the fortress of Arifa. Taillebourg.
Fought 1242, between the
Tacubaya (Mexican Liberal Ris- French, under Louis IX, and
ing). the English, under Henry III,
Fought April 11, 1859, be- with whom were alUed the
tween the Mexican Government rebellious vassals of the French
troops, under Marquez, and the crown, the Comtes de Marche
Liberals, under DegoUado. The and de Foix. The allies were
Liberals were completely routed, defeated, and Henry '^vithdrew
with the loss of all their artillery his forces from France.
and munitions of war,
Takashima (Chinese Invasion
Tagina (Second Gothic War). of Japan).
Fought July, 553, between After the wreck of the Chinese
the Goths, under Totila, King of fleet,in 1281, the survivors,
Italy, and 30,000 Imperial troops, under Chang Pak, took refuge
under Narses. The Romans on the island of Takashima.
withstood the charge of the Here they were attacked by the
Goths, broke their cavalry, and troops of Kiushiu, under Shoni
then drove their infantry from Kagesuke. They were almost
the field, Avith a loss of about without exception killed or
6,000. Totila was overtaken captured, only tliree out of the
and slain in the pursuit. vast host returning to China.

Tagliacozzo (Guelfs and Ghibel- Taku Forts (Second China War).

lines). Fought June 25, 1859, when
Fought 1268, between the an attempt was made by the
Guelf party, under Charles of British to carry the forts at the
Anjou, the usurper of the throne mouth of the Peiho River.
of Naples, and the Ghibellines, Eleven Ught-draught gunboats
under Conradin, the rightful crossed the bar, and tried to
heir, and Frederick, Duke of silence the batteries, but %nth-

out success, and at 5 p.m. an Talavera (Peninsular War).

attempt was made to carry the Fought July 28, 1809, be-
defences by a land attack. A tween 19,000 British and 34,000
force of 600 marines and blue- Spaniards, under Sir Arthur
jackets, under Captain Van- Wellesley, and 50,000 French,
sittart, was landed, but after under Marshals Jourdan and
severe fighting was driven back Victor, with Joseph Buonaparte
to the boats, with a loss of 68 in nominal command. The
killed, and nearly 300 wounded. British repulsed all the attacks
Six of the gunboats were sunk on their position, at a cost of
or disabled, and their crews also 6,200 killed and wounded. The
suffered heavily. Spanish losses were returned at
On August 21, i860, a second 1,200, but the figures are doubt-
and successful assault was made ful, as they took practically no
on the forts by a force of 1 1 ,000 part in the fighting. The French
British and 7,000 French troops, lost 7,389 killed, wounded and
under Sir Hope Grant. After missing, and 17 guns.
a brief bombardment, the small of
Talkhan (Tartar Invasion
north fort, garrisoned by 500
Chinese, was stormed by 2,500
Khorassan ).
This fortress was captured,
British, and 400 French, 400 of
1 22 1, by the Tartars, under
the garrison falling, while the
Genghiz Khan, after an obstin-
British lost 21 killed and 184
ate defence of seven months, in
wounded. In the course of the
day the remaining forts sur- which thousands perished on
rendered without further light- both sides.

ing. Talneer (Third Mahratta War).

By the treaty of January 6,
Talana Hill (Second Boer War). 18 1 8, this fortress was sur-
Fought October 20, 1899, rendered by Holkar to the
between 4,000 Boers, under British, but on Sir Thomas
General Lucas Meyer, and a Hislop, with a British force,
British force of equal strength, arriving to take possession, on
under General Syraons. The February 17, the commandant
Boers occupied a strong position , refused to hand it over. Though
on the heights of Dundee, from warned of the consequences, he
which they were dislodged by firedupon tlie British, where-
the British infantry, with a loss upon Hislop opened fire, and in
of about 300. The British lost the afternoon of the same day
19 officers, 142 men killed and the place surrendered. By
wounded, and prisoners,
331 some misunderstanding, how-
the latter a detachment of ever, the Arab garrison of 300,
cavalry and mounted infantry, were drawn up at one of the
who were surrounded by a gates, and on the approach of
superior force of Boers, and two British officers and some
surrendered. General Symons Sepoys, cut them down. No
was mortally wounded. The quarter was then^f'given, Ihe
action is also called the battle of garrison being killed to a man,
Dundee. and the commandant hanged.
Tamai (Soudan Campaigns). Tanjore.
Fought March 13, 1884, when The fortress was besieged,
4,ocx) British,under General August 20, 1773,by a British
Graham, attacked and defeated force, under General Joseph
the Mahdists, under Osman Smith, and defended by a gar-
Digna, destroying their camp. rison of 20,000 men, under the
The British fought in two Rajah, Laljaji, and his Vizier
squares, one of which was mo- Monacji. On September 16, a
mentarily broken by the Mah- breach having been effected, the
ilists, who captured the naval besiegers delivered an assault
guns. The second square, how- at midday, when their garrison
ever, moved up in support, and were taking their usual noon-
the Mahdists were repulsed and day rest, and meeting with little
the guns recovered. The Brit- opposition, made themselves
ish lost ID officers and 204 men masters of the place.
killed and wounded ;the Der-
vishes over 2,000 killed. Tansara Saka (Satsuma Rebel-
Tanagra. Fought 1876, when the rebels
Fought 457 B.C., between the in a very strong position were
Spartans, and their Pelopon- attacked by the Imperial troops,
nesian allies, and about 14,000 under Prince Taruhito, and
Athenians and others, including after very severe fighting, driven
a body of Thessalian cavalry. out with enormous loss. The
The battle was stubbornly con- Imperialists also suffered se-
tested,both sides losing heavily, verely.
but the desertion during the
action of the Thessalians turned Tarapaca (Peruvio-Chilian War).
the scale, and the Spartans Fought November 17, 1879,
were victorious, though at a cost and resulted in the defeat of
which deterred them from their the Peruvians with heavy loss.
intended attack upon Athens.
Tarento (Italian Wars).
Tanjore (Seven Years' War). This fortress, held by a Nea-
This place was besieged, politan garrison, under the
August, 1758, by the French, Conde di Potenza, was besieged
under Lally-Tollendal, and was by about 5,000 Spaniards, under
defended by a garrison, under Gonsalvo de Cordova, in August,
Monacji. After five days' bom- 1 50 1. Gonsalvo endeavoured to
bardment, the walls were still reduce the place by blockade,
insufficiently breached, and ow- but found his forces melting
ing to lack of ammunition, Lally away by desertion, and was forced
determined to retire. Hearing to have recourse to more active
this, Monacji made a sortie, and measures. The north front of
nearly succeeded in surprising Tarento being bounded by a
the French camp. He was with lake, was unfortified, and Gon-
difficulty beaten otf, and the salvo, with incredible labour,
French withdrew, with the loss transported overland some of
of all their siege guns and heavy the smaller vessels of the Span-
baggage. ish fleet lying in the Bay of

Tarento, and launched them on equipped with beaks, but Va-

the lake. The town was then tinius, though his ships were
at his mercy, and surrendered, inferior both in number and
being entered by the Spaniards, quality, boldly attacked the
March i, 1502 Pompeians, and after severe
fighting, completely defeated
Tarragona (Peninsular War). them, compelling Octavius to
This city was besieged by the abandon the Adriatic.
French, 40,000 strong, under
General Suchet, in May, 181 1, Taus (Hussite Wars).
and defended by a garrison but Fought August 14, 143 1, be-
little inferior in The tween the Hussites, under John
outer defences were stormed Ziska, and the Imperialists,
one by one, and by June 21, under the Emperor Sigismund.
the besiegers had effected a The Hussites gained a signal
lodgement in the lower town. victory.
On the 28th, the upper town
was taken by storm, and the Tayeizan (Japanese Revolution).
survivors of the garrison, 8,000 Fought 1868, when the adher-
in number, laid down their arms.
ents of the Shogun made their
The French lost about 6,000 last stand in Tokyo at the Tay-
during the siege. eizan temple in the Park of
Uyeno. They were defeated
Tashkessen (Russo - Turkish after a sharp conflict, leaving
War). the Imperialists in undisputed
Fought December 28, 1877, possession of the Shogun's
between 2,000 Turks, under capital.
Valentine Baker Pasha, and a Tchernaya (Crimean War). !ij

Russian division, under General Fought August 16, 1855, be-

Kourloff. In order to cover tween three Russian divisions,
Shakir Pasha's retirement from under General Gortschakoff, and
the Shandurnik heights. Baker's three French and one Sardinian
greatly inferior force withstood division, under General Marmora,
throughout the day, the deter- The Russians attacked the allies'
mined onslaughts of the Rus- position on the Tchernaya, and
sians, when Baker finally with- after severe fighting, were re-
drew, having effected his object, pulsed with a loss of 5,000 killed
He had lost 800 men, and had and wounded. The allies lost
inflicted a loss on his assailants 1,200.
of 32 officers and over 1,000
men. Tchesme (Ottoman Wars).
Fought July 7, 1770, between
Tauris (Civil War of Caesar and the Russian fleet of 50 sail, under
Pompey). Count Alexis Orloff, and the
Fought B.C. 47, between the Turkish fleet of nearly 100 sail
Pompeian fleet, under Marcus of the Une, under Hassan Bey.
Octavius, and the Caesareans, With the exception of one ship,
under Publius Vatinius. The which was captured, the whole
Caesarean fleet consisted of of the Turkish fleet was des-
merchant vessels, temporarily troyed.
Tearless Battle. Tel-el-Mahuta (Arabi's Rebel-
Fought B.C. 368, when a force lion).
of Arcadians endeavoured to Fought August 24, 1882, when
cut a Spartan army, under
off the Egyptians attempted to
Archidamus, in a narrow defile oppose the march of the British
in Laconia. They were repulsed advance guard, under General
with heavy loss, and not a single Graham, to Kassassin. They
Spartan was killed, whence the made, however, but a feeble
engagement came to be called resistance, and were driven off
the Tearless Battle. with heavy loss.
Tegea. Te-li-ssu (Russo-Japanese War)-
Fought 473, when the
B.C. Fought June 14 and 15, 1904,
Spartans defeated the combined between 35,000 Russians, under
forces of the Arcadian League Baron de Stakelberg, and about
and the Argives, under the walls 40,000 Japanese, under General
of Tegea. Though victorious, Oku. The Japanese attacked
the Spartans were too much the Russian position, but the
reduced in numbers to venture Russians held their ground
upon the attack of Tegea, which throughout the 14th, at a cost
had been the object of the ex- of about 350 killed and wounded
pedition. On the 15 th, however, their
flank was turned, and after hard
Tegyra (Boeotian War).
fighting in which they suffered
Fought B.C. ^y^, when Pelo-
heavil}^ two batteries of artil-
pidas, with the Sacred Band of
lery being absolutely cut to
300 Thebans, routed a large
pieces, they retreated in some
force of Spartans in a narrow
disorder, leaving over 1.500
pass near Orchomenus, slaying
dead on the field. The Japan-
two generals
600, including their
ese, who lost 1,163 in the two
Telamon (Conquest of Cisalpine days, captured 300 prisoners
Gaul). and 14 guns. The total Rus-
Fought B.C. 225, when the sian losses were about 10,000.
Gauls, marching upon Rome,
found themselves caught be- Tellicherry (First Mysore War).
tween two Roman consular This place, held by a small
British garrison, and very im-
armies, and though fighting
perfectly fortified, was besieged
desperately, were cut to pieces.
June, 1780, by a Mysore force,
Tel-el-Kebir (Arabi's Rebellion). under Sirdar AU Khan. Aid was
Fought September 13, 1882, sent to the garrison from Bom-
when the British, 17,000 strong, bay, and a most gallant defence
under Lord Wolseley, after a was made till January 18, 1782,
night march across the desert, when reinforcements arrived,
attacked and stormed Arabi's under Major Abington, who,
entrenchments, which were de- aided by the garrison, stormed
fended by 22,000 Egyptians. the Mysori. entrenchments, cap-
The British lost 339 killed and turing all their guns, 60 in
wounded, the Egyptian loss number, and 1,200 prisoners,
was very heavy. among whom was Sirdar Ali.

Temesvar (Hungarian Rising). Saxons, under Edward the

Fought August 9, 1849, be- Elder. The Danes were de-
tween the Austrians, under feated.
Haynau, and the Hungarians,
under Dembinski. The latter Tetuan (Morocco War).
was totally routed, and his army Fought February 4, i860,
dispersed, this being the last when 30,000 Spaiiiards, under
stand made by the Hungarians Marshal O'Donnell, stormed the
in the war. On the 13th, Gorgey Moorish entrenchments outside
and his army surrendered to Tetuan, held by about 40,000
the Russians at Villagos. Moors. Three days later Tetuan
was entered by the Spaniards.
Fought September 28, 1106, Teuttingen (Thirty Years' War).
between the English, under Fought November, 1643, be-
Henry I, and the Normans, tween the French, under the
under Robert of Normandy, Marechal de Rantzau, and the
Henry's brother. Robert was Imperialists, under the Count
totally defeated and made pri- de Merci. The Imperialists sur-
soner, and Henry annexed Nor- prised the French camp, and
mandy to the crown of England. totally routed them, Rantzau,
being captured with most of his
Tergoes (Netherlands War of superior officers, and all his
Independence). artillery and baggage.
This fortress was besieged,
August 16, 1572, by the Dutch Tewkesbury (Wars of the Roses).
Patriots, 7,000 strong, under Fought May 4, 147 1. when
Jerome de 't Zeraerts, and was the Yorkists, under Edward IV,
defended by a small Spanish defeated the Lancastrians, under
garrison. On October 20, a Prince Edward, Somerset and
force of 3,000 Spanish veterans, others, with heavy loss. Prince
under Colonel Mondragon, suc- Edward and other leading Lan-
ceeded in crossing the " Drowned castrians were killed, and Mar-
Land," with a loss of only 9 garet of Anjou promptly sur-
men drowned, and relieved the rendered.
town, 't Zeraert's troops refus- Texel (Dutch Wars).
ing to face this unexpected Fought June 2, 1653, between
a British fleet, under Monk, and
Testry. a Dutch fleet, under Van Tromp.
Fought 687, between the The action was undecided, but
Neustrians, under Thierry III, on the following day, Monk
and the Austrasians, imder having been reinforced by 18
Pepin d'Heristal, the Maire du ships, under Admiral Blake,
Palais. The Neustrians were renewed the attack, and signally
routed, and Thierry captured. defeated Van Tromp, with a loss
of II ships and 1,300 prisoners
Tettenhall (Danish Invasion). taken, and 6 ships sunk. The
Fought 910, between the British lost 20 ships and 363
Danish invaders, and the West killed and wounded.
Thala (Numidian Revolt). against the Persian host, under
In the 5^ear 22, this fortress, Xerxes. They kept the Per-
defended by no more than 500 sians at bay until a considerable
Roman veterans, was attacked force having passed the moun-
by a large force of nomads, under tains by another part, they were
Tacfarinas. The Romans sal- attacked in the rear. They then
lied out, and inflicted so severe retired to a hillock, and fought
a defeat upon Tacfarinas that till the last man fell.
his army was dispersed.
Thermopylae (War with Anti-
Thapsus (Civil War of Caesar ochus).
and Pompey). Fought B.C. 191, between
Fought April 6, b.c. 46, be- 40,000 Romans, under Glabrio,
tween the Caesareans, consisting and the army of Antiochus the
of 10 legions, under Julius Great, King of Asia, Antiochus
Csesar, and the Pompeians, 14 was entrenched at Thermo-
legions, in addition to cavalry, pylae, where he was attacked by
light troops, and 100 elephants, the Romans, and a post held
imder Metellus Scipio and Juba. by 2,000 .^tolians being sur-
prised, his flank was turned, and
he was disastrously defeated.
Antiochus escaped from the
This city was captured by the
field with barely 500 men.
Macedonians, under Alexander
the Great, in September, 335 Thetford (Danish Invasion).
B.C. The Thebans were block- Fought 870, between the
ading the Macedonian garrison, Danish invaders, and the East
which held the citadel, and Anglians, under Edward. The
the Cadmea Perdiccas, one of
; latter were defeated and Edward
Alexander's captains, without killed.
orders, broke through the earth-
works outside the city. Before Thorn (Russo-Swedish War).
the Thebans could shut the Siege was laid to this place by
gates, Perdiccas effected an en- the Swedes, under Charles XII,
trance into the cit5\ and being September 22, 1702. It was
joined by the garrison of the defended by a garrison of 5,000
Cadmea, soon overcame the Poles, under General Robel, who
resistance of the Thebans. Six made a gallant defence, but
thousand of the inhabitants after a month's siege, he was
were massacred, and the city compelled by famine to sur-
was razed to the ground. render.

Thermopylae (Third Persian In- Fought B.C. 282, when a Ro-
vasion). man consular army, under Caius
Fought 480 B.C., when 300 Fabricius, routed the Lucanians
Spartans and 700 Thespians, and Bruttians, who were besieg-
under Leonidas, defended the ing Thurii. The siege was
pass of Thermopylae, leading raised, and the Tarentine coaU-
southwards out of Thessaly, tion temporarily broken up.

Tiberias. losing half the rank and file, and

Fought July, between
1 187, 25 officers killed and wounded.
the Saracens, under Saladin, and On July 22, 1759, a British
the Christians
of Jerusalem, force of 1 1 ,000 men under
under Guy
de Lusignan. Sala- General Amherst, arrived before
din gained a signal victory, Ticonderoga, which was held by
capturing the King, the Grand about 3,500 French and Cana-
Master of the Templars, and the dians, under Bourlamaque. On
Marquis de Montferrat. Follow- the 23rd, Bourlemaque with-
ing up his success, Saladin drew to the Isle-aux-Noix, on
recovered in succession, Acre, Lake Champlain, leaving only
Jaffa, and other important 400 men, under Hebecourt,
places, and in the month of with instructions to hold Am-
October of the same year, re- herst before the place as long as
captured Jerusalem. possible. On the 26th, how-
ever, Hebecourt set fire to the
Ticinus (Second Punic War),
magazine and retired.
Fought B.C. 218, between
26,000 Carthaginians, under Ticonderoga (American War of
Hannibal, and 25,000 Romans, Independence).
under P. Cornelius Scipio (the This place was invested,
Elder). The Romans were de- June 22, 1777, by the British,
feated with heavy loss, Scipio under General Burgoyne, and
being severely wounded. was defended by 5,000 Ameri-
Ticonderoga (Seven Years' War). cans, under General St. Clair.
Fought July 8, 1758, between After a brief siege, the Amer-
Montcalm, with 3,600 French icans evacuated the Fort, July 5.
and Canadians, and the British, Tifiis (Tartar Invasion of the
1 5 ,000 strong,including 6,000 reg- Caucasus).
ulars,under General James Aber- Fought 1386, between the
cromby. Montcalm was strong- Tartars, under Tamerlane, and
ly intrenched on a ridge in front
the troops of the Caucasian
of Fort Ticonderoga, his posi-
tribes, under the Queen of
tion being furthered strength- Georgia. The Queen issued
ened by an abatis. Aber- from Tifiis to offer battle to the
cromby made no attempt to Tartars, but her forces could
turn the position, but without not stand against them, and
waiting for his guns, ordered
were cut to pieces.
the regulars to take the lines by
storm. Notwithstanding the Tigranocerta (Third Mithridatic
gallantry of the troops, who War).
advanced six times to the Fought B.C. 69, when the
assault, the position proved Romans, 10,000 strong, under
impregnable, and Abercromby LucuUus, who was besieging the
was forced to withdraw, with a city, were attacked by 200,000
loss of 19,44 killed and wounded, Pontic and Armenian troops,
the French losing 377 only. The under Tigranes. ''Tigranes had
42nd Regiment (Black Watch) failed to occujiy some high
showed conspicuous bravery, ground which commanded the
position of his cavalry. This General McNeill, with 3 battal-
Lucullus seized, and attacking ions of Indian, and \\ of British
the Pontic cavalry in rear, troops, was surprised in his
broke it. He then attacked and zariba, by about 5,000 Mahdists.
routed the infantry, with a loss One of the native regiments
according to the Roman account broke and fled, but the Berk-
of 100,000. The Romans lost shires and Marines, made a
5 men only. gallant defence, though the
Tigris (Persian Wars). zariba was forced, as did the
Fought 363, when the Romans other native regiments. After
under Julian, crossed the Tigris twenty minutes' fighting the
in the face of a large Persian attack was beaten ofi, the Mahd-
army, strongly entrenched on ists leaving 1,500 dead on the
the opposite bank. At the first field. The British lost 294
assault, though an attempt at combatants and 176 camp-
a surprise failed, the Romans followers, killed, wounded and
stormed the Persian lines, and missing.
after 12 hours' fighting, drove Tolbiac.
them from the field. The Ro- Fought 496, between the
mans only admitted a loss of 75 Franks, under Clovis, and the
men, while they claimed that Alemanni. The Franks, after
the Persians lost 6,000 killed. a desperate conflict, began to
give way, but were rallied by
Tippermuir (Civil War).
Clovis, who leading a charge in
Fought September i, 1644,
between the Covenanters, 6,700 person, utterly routed the Ale-
strong, under Lord Elcho, and manni. This victory gave the
about 3,000 Scottish Royalists, Franks undisputed possession
under Montrose. The Coven- of the territory west of the
anters were totally defeated, Rhine.
with a loss variously estimated Tolentino (Hundred Days).
at from 1,300 to 2,000 killed, Fought May 2, 181 5, between
and 800 prisoners, while the 50,000 Italians, under Murat,
Royalist loss was trifling. Fol- and 60,000 Austrians, under
lowing up his victory Montrose General Bianchi. The Italians
occupied Perth. were routed and dispersed, and
Toba (Japanese Revolution). Murat compelled to flee from
Fought 1868, between the Italy.
troops of Aiza and Kuwana, Tolenus (Social War).
under the Shogun Yoshinobu, Fought B.C. 90, between the
and the army of Satsuma and Romans, under Lupus, and the
Choshu. The Shogun was to- revolted Marsians. Lupus was
tally defeated, and abandoned attacked while crossing the
his invasion of Satsuma, return- Tolenus, and totally routed
ing with his troops to Yedo by with a loss of 8,000 men.
sea, surrendering shortly after-
wards to the Imperial forces.
Tondeman's Woods (Seven
Years' War).
Tofrek (Soudan Campaigns). Fought February 14, 1754.
Fought March 22, 1885, when when a convoy to revictual

Trichinopoly, escorted by 180 attacked the Portuguese at 4

British and 800 native troops, p.m., and at the end of two
was attacked by 12,000 Mysore hours' fighting, signally defeated
and Mahratta horse, under them with heavy loss.
Hyder AU and Morari Rao,
supported by a small French Toulon (War of the Spanish Suc-
force. The Sepoys at once laid cession).
down their arms, but the Euro- An attack was made upon
peans made a gallant defence, the fortress by a combined
until the arrival of the French Dutch and British fleet, under
force, when, hopelessly out- Sir Cloudesley Shovel, July 17,
numbered, they also surrendered. 1707. The allies failed to gain
The convoy and the whole a footing in the town, but 8
detachment were captured. French ships lying in the har-
bour and 130 houses were
Torgau (Seven Years' War). destroyed by fire.
Fought November 3, 1760,
between the Prussians, under Toulon (War of the Austrian
Frederick the Great, and the Succession).
Austrians, under Count Daun. Fought February 11, 1744,
The Austrians, besides being between a British fleet of zj sail
numerically superior, occupied of the line, and 8 frigates, under
a strong position at Torgau. Admiral Matthews, and a com-
Frederick divided his forces, and bined French and Spanish fleet
while one portion, under Ziethen, of 28 line-of-battle ships. The
attacked in front, he himself led British fleet suffered a serious
the rest of his army round the reverse, in consequence of which
position, and fell upon the Aus- the Admiral and four captains
trian rear. Both attacks were were tried by court-martial and
repulsed, but during the night, cashiered. The British lost 274
Ziethen, finding the heights killed and wounded, the allies
badly guarded, gained them, about 1,000.
and seized the batteries, turning
Toulon (Wars of the French
a defeat into a signal victory.
Revolution ).
The Austrians lost 20,000, the
Prussians, 13,000, and the vic-
On August 29, 1793, Toulon,
which had opened its gates to
tory gave Frederick possession
the British, and was held by a
of the whole of Saxony.
small garrison, under Lord
Toro (War of the Castilian Suc- Mulgrave, was besieged by the
cession). French, under Dugommier. By
Fought March i, 1476, be- December 18, most of the land-
tween the Portuguese, and the ward defences had been carried,
Spanish supporters of Joanna and the place having become
for the throne of Castile, 8,500 untenable. Lord Mulgrave car-
strong, under Alfonso of Portu- ried off his troops by sea.
gal, and the adherents of Isa- This siege is chiefly memorable
bella, about equal in numbers, as being the first important
under Ferdinand the Catholic. appearance of Napoleon, who
Ferdinand, after a long march, commanded the artillery.
Toulouse (Peninsular War). battle lasted several days
Fought April lo, 1814, be- according to the Arab chroni-
tween 38,000 French, under clers, two, while the Christian
Soult, and 24,000 British and
Spaniards, under Wellington.

accounts say seven and ended
in the fall of Abderrahman,
The French entrenchments in when the Saracens, discouraged
front of Toulouse were attacked by the death of their leader,
by the British, who after severe owned defeat, and iied, losing
fighting captured some of the heavily in the pursuit.
outworks. The victory, how-
ever, was incomplete, and was Towton (Wars of the Roses).
in effect of no value, as Napoleon Fought March 29, 1461, when
had on this date already sur- Edward IV, immediately after
rendered to the allies in Paris. his proclamation, marched a-
The French lost about 3,000 gainst the Lancastrians, under
killed and wounded, the allies, Henry VI, and vigorously at-
4,659, of whom 2,000 were tacked their entrenched position
Spaniards. at Towton. Aided by a heavy
Tournay (Netherlands War of snowstorm, blowing in the faces
Independence). of the defenders, Edward de-
This place was besieged, Oc- feated them all along the Une,
tober I, 1 58 1, by the Royal with heavy loss, among the
troops, under Alexander of killed being Northumberland,
Parma, and in the absence of Dacre and de Mauley. Henry
the Governor, Prince Espinay, and Margaret escaped from the
was gallantly defended by the field, and fled northward.

Princess, who held out until

November 30, when, an by Trafalgar (Napoleonic Wars),
honourable capitulation, she Fought October 21, 1805, be-
was allowed to march out at the tween the British fleet of 27
head of the garrison, with all sail ofthe line and 4 frigates,
the honours of war. under Nelson, with Collingwood
second in command, and the
Tournay (War of the Spanish
combined French and Spanish
fleets, numbering 33 sail of the
The town was besieged by the
line and 7 frigates, under Ad-
British,under the Duke of Marl-
miral Villeneuve. Nelson at-
borough, July 8, 1709, and was
tacked in two lines, and destroy-
defended by a Frenth garrison
ing the enemy's formation,
under M. de Surville. After 56
completely defeated them, 20
days of open trenches, the gar-
ships striking their colours.
rison surrendered, having suf-
Nelson fell in the moment of
fered a loss of 3,000 men.
victory, while the Spanish Ad-
Tours (Moslem Invasion of miral was killed, and Villeneuve
France). captured. Most of the prizes
Fought 732, between the were lost in a heavy gale which
Franks, under Charles Martel, sprang up after the battle, but
and the Saracens, under Abder- the destruction of Villeneuve's
rahman Ibu Abdillah. The fleet put an end to Napoleon's

scheme for an invasion of Eng- the Trebbia to attack the Car-

land. The British lost 1,587 thaginians. The Romans fought
killed and wounded, the losses with determination, and the
of the allies being far heavier. issue was for some time in
doubt, but finally a charge of
Trautenau (Seven Weeks' War). the Carthaginian horse, under
Fought June 27, 1866, be- Mago, against their left flank,
tween the First Prussian Army threw the legionaries into con-
Corps, under General von Bonin, fusion, and they were routed
and the loth Austrian corps, with enormous loss.
under General Gablenz. The
Trebbia (Wars of the French
Prussians at first drove back the
Austrians, but General Gablenz
advancing in force, fell upon Fought June 19 to 21, 1799,
the Prussians, wearied with a
between the French, under Mac-
donald, and the Russians, under
long march, and compelled them
Suwaroff. After a severe con-
to retreat, with a loss of 1,277
flict the French were totally
killed and wounded. Owing
defeated and driven beyond the
to the superiority of the needle-
Apennines, being obliged shortly
gun, the Austrians, though vic-
afterwards to evacuate Italy.
torious, suffered a loss of 5,73.3.
Trebizond (Ottoman Wars).
Travancore (Second Mysore This city, where the last re-
War). presentative of the family of
Fought December 28, 1789, Comnenus had taken refuge
when Tippu Sahib, with about after the fall of Constantinople,
15,000 Mysoris, made a night was besieged by the Turks,
attack upon the British lines.
under Mohammed II, in 1461.
Having thrown down a portion After a brief resistance the city
of the rampart, a small advance
surrendered, and the last vestige
party were hastening to open
of the Empire of the East was
the gate, when they were as-
swept away.
sailed by a detachment of the
garrison, and hurled back into Treveri (Gallic War).
the trench. This repulse threw Fought B.C. 55, between the
the advancing troops into con' Romans, 50,000 strong, under
fusion, and they were routed Julius Caesar, and 300,000 Asi-
with a loss of over 2,000. German tribe, who hatl
petes, a
made a raid into Gaol. The
Trebbia (Second Punic War). Germans were routed with
Fought December B.C. 218, enormous loss indeed,
; the
between 26,000 Cathaginians, action was less battle than
6,000 being cavalry, under a massacre, and very few suc-
Hannibal, and 40,000 Romans ceeded in recrossing the Rhine.
under the Consul Sempronius.
Sempronius' colleague, Scipio, Tricameron (Invasion of the
had been wounded a few days Vandals).
before in a skirmish, and Sem- Fought November, 533, be-
pronius, contrary to his advice, tween the Romans, under Beli-
being in sole command, crossed sarius, and the Vandals, under
Gelimer and Zano. The Romans On September 26 of the same
were drawn up behind a stream, year, a second engagement took
and were attacked by the Van- place near Trincomalee, when
dals, though only the wing under Colonel Smith, with 12,000
Zano displayed any vigour in British and native troops, came
the assault. In the end the unexpectedly upon the united
Vandals were defeated with a armies of Hyderabad and My-
loss of 800, the Romans losing sore, 60,000 strong, under Hyder
50 only. This defeat put an Ali, while rounding a hill which
end to the Vandal domination in separated them. The superior
Africa. discipline of the British enabled
them to take full advantage of
the surprise, and they inflicted
This place was captured, after
an overwhelming defeat upon
a three months' siege, by the
their opponents' disordered
Mahrattas, March 26, 1741. It
masses. Hyder Ali lost over
had been provisioned for a long
4,000 men and 64 guns, the
siege by Chunda Sahib, but the
British loss being 150 killed
Mahrattas refilled to a distance and wounded.
of 250 miles, whereupon the
avarice of Chunda Sahib im- Trincomalee.
pelled him to sell the grain A naval action was fought off
which he had in store. The this place April 12, 1782, be-
Mahrattas, who had been count- tween 1 1 British ships, under
ing upon this, retraced their Sir Edward Hughes, and 12
steps, and the garrison were in French vessels, under Suffren.
a very short time starved into After a sanguinary action with
submission. no decisive result, the two.
fleets, both too seriously damaged
Trincomalee (Seven Years' War). to renew the conflict, sep-
Fought August 10, 1759, be- arated, the British making for
tween a British squardon of 12 Trincomalee, and the French
sail, under Admiral Pococke, for their base to repair damages.
and a French fleet of 14 sail, On Septembers, 1782, another
under the Comte d'Ache. After indecisive fight took place be-
an engagement lasting two hours, tween the same Admirals off
the French were worsted, but Trincomalee, the British having
sailing better than the British, 12 and the French 15 sail. Both
as usual at this period, eluded squadrons were compelled after
pursuit and lost no ships. the action to return to their
respective bases to refit.
Trincomalee (First Mysore War).
Fought September 3, 1767, Trinidad (Wars of the French
between the British, under Revolution).
Colonel Smith, and the Mysore This island was captured from
army, under Hyder Ali. Hyder the P"rench, without resistance,
attacked the British camp, but by a naval and military expedi-
was beaten off with a loss of tion under Admiral John Harvey
2,000 men while the British and Sir Ralph Abercrombie,
lost 170 only. February 17, 1797.

Trinkitat (Soudan Campaigns). disaster of Ticonderoga, and as

Fought March 29, 1884, when Parkman says (Montcalm and
the British, 4,000 strong, under Wolfe, chap, xx.) " The death

General Graham, totally de- of one man was the ruin of

feated 6,000 Mahdists, under fifteen thousand."
Osman Digna, after five hours' Troy.
severe fighting. The British The siege and destruction of
casualties amounted to 189 this city by the Hellenes, though
killed and wounded the Mahd-
all the details are legendary,

ists lost about 2,000. This may be accepted as a historical

action is also known as the fact, and the date may be put
Battle of El Teb. approximately at 1 100 B.C.
Tripoli (Moslem Conquest of Truceia.
Africa). Fought 593, between the
Fought 647, between the in- Neustrians, under Queen Frede-
vading Moslems, under Abdal- gond, and the Austrasians,
lah, and 1 20,000 Imperial troops under Childebert II. The Aus-
and African levies, under tlae trasian army was totally routed
Prefect, Gregory. The Moslems and fled from the field.
gained a signal victory, Gregory
being among the slain.
Tsushima (Mongol Invasion of
Trivadi (Seven Years' War). Fought 14 19 between the
Fought 1760, between 5,000 Chinese and Koreans, and the
Mysoris, under Hyder Ali, and ships of the Barons of Kiushiu.
a British force of 230 European The Japanese gained a signal
and 2,700 native troops, under victory, and from that time
Major Moore, Notwithstanding were no more troubled by
his inferior numbers, Moore foreign invasion.
attempted to prevent the junc- Tudela (Peninsular War).
tion of Hyder Ali with the Fought November 23, 1808,
French, and was totally de- between 30,000 Frencli, under
feated. Lannes, and 45,000 Spaniards,
under Castanos and Palafox.
Trout Brook (Seven Years' War)*
A small skirmish, in which
The Spaniards were totally de-
feated, with a loss of about 9,000
the advance guard of Aber-
killed and wounded, 3,000 pri-
cromby's army, marching on
soners and 30 guns. The French
Ticonderoga, fell in with a
losses were small.
French scouting column, 350
strong, under Langy, July 6, Tunis (First Punic War),
1758. The French lost 150 Fought B.C. 255 between
killed and wounded and 148 15,000 Romans, under Regulus,
prisoners, and the affair would and 16,000 Carthaginians, of
be without importance but for whom 4,000 were cavalry, with
the fact that Lord Howe, who 100 elephants, under Xanthip-
was the brain of Abercromby's pus, the Spartan. The Romans
staff, was killed in the fight. were broken by a cavalry charge,
His death was followed by the and their rout was completed by
the elephants, and all but 2,500 perialist garrison, 10,000 strong,
fell on the field. Regulus was under the Duke of Savoy, was
captured, and Tunis at once besieged by a French army of
occupied by the Carthaginians, 68 battalions and 80 squadrons,
with artillery and engineers,
Tunis (Ninth Crusade).
under the Duo de la Feuil-
This city was besieged by the
lade, May 26, 1706. On
French Crusaders, under Louis
June 17 the Duke of Savoy
IX in 1270. While before the
left the city to orgainse a relief
walls of the place, which offered
force. Count Daun taking the
an obstinate resistance, Louis
command. The garrison held
died of a fever, and the crusaders
out stoutly till September 7,
at once raised the siege and
when the approach of a large
relieving force under Prince
Turbigo (Franco-Austrian War). Eugene compelled the French
Fought June 3, 1859, when to raise the siege. About 5,000
the advance guard of Marshal of the garrison perished either
Macmahon's corps, under the in action or by disease. In the
Marshal in person, was attacked action which preceded the re-
by a portion of the Austrian tirement of the French, the Im-
division of Clam-Gallas, while perialists lost i,500,the French
simultaneously 4,000 Austrians 2,000 killed and wounded and
assailed the bridge over the 6,000 prisoners.
canal near the Ticino, which the
French main body was crossing. Turnhout (Netherlands War of
After severe fighting both at- Independence).
tacks were repulsed with con- Fought August 22, 1597, be-
siderable loss. tween the Dutch, under Prince
Maurice of Nassau, and the
Turcoing (Wars of the French
Spaniards under the Archduke
Albert. The Spaniards were
Fought 1794 between the totally defeated, and this vic-
French, under Souham, and the
tory may be said to have set
British, under the Duke of York.
the seal of the Independence of
The British were defeated and the Netherlands.
driven back upon Tournay.
Tyre (Alexander's Asiatic Cam-
Turin (Revolt of Maxentius). paigns).
Fought 312, between the
This strongly fortified city,
legions of Gaul, 40,000 strong,
built an island separated
under Constantine, and the from the mainland by a channel
troops of Maxentius, consider-
1,000 yards wide, was besieged
ably superior in number. The
by the Macedonians under Alex-
charge of Maxentius' heavy ander the Great, B.c.,332. Alex-
cavalry failed, and he was driven ander at once commenced the
back into Turin with enormous construction of a mole across
the channel but was much
Turin ((War of the Spanish Suc- hampered by the Phoenician
cession). galleys, which issued from the
This place, held by an Im- two fortified harbours, and de-

stroyed his military engines. Upsala (Dano-Swedish Wars).

He therefore collected in Sidon Fought 1520, between the
a fleet of 250 ships from the Danes, under Otho of Krumpen,
captured Phoenician cities, and and the Swedes, under Christina
holding the Tyrian galleys in Gyllenstierna, widow of the
check, completed his mole. It Administrator, Sten Sture. The
was some time, however, before Danes, in superior force, were
a breach could be effected, but strongly entrenched at Upsala.
in August, 332, an assault was They were vigorously attacked,
delivered, headed by Alexander but the advantage of position
in person, and the city was and numbers enabled them to
stormed and taken. Eight beat off their assailants with
thousand Tyrians fell in the heavy loss, though only after
storm, and about 30,000 were severe fighting.
sold into slavery.
Upsala (Dano-Swedish Wars).
Fought 1 521, when 3,000
u Swedes, under Gustavus Vasa,
defeated the troops of the
Ucles (Mohammedan Empire in Bishop of Upsala, who was
Spain). holding the city in the Danish
Fought between the
1 109, interest. After his victory Gus-
Spaniards, Don Sancho
under tavus occupied the city.
of Castile, and the Moors, under
Urosan (Invasion of Korea).
Ali. The Spaniards were de-
This place, held by a Japanese
feated, with a heavy loss of the
garrison under Kiyomasa, was
Christian chivalry, among the
besieged 1595 by the Chinese
killed being Don Sancho.
and Koreans, under Tik Ho.
Uji (Taira War). The garrison had been reduced
Fought 1 1 80 between the to such straits that they had
adherents of the Taira clan, eaten their horses, when the
under Shigehira, and the Japa- approach of a relieving force,
nese, who had risen against the under Toyotomo Hideaki and
domination of the Taira at the Mori Hidemoto, forced Tik Ho
Court of the Emperor Antoku, to withdraw. While retreat-
under Prince Yukiiye and Yori- ing, however, he was attacked
masa. The Taira gained a com- by the Japanese and totally
plete victory, Yukiiye being routed.
killed, while Yorimasa com-
Ushant (Wars of the French
mitted suicide in the held. Revolution).
Ulundi (Zulu War). This action, generally known
The last battle of the war, as the " Glorious First of June,"
fought August, 1879, between was fought June i, 1794, be-
5,000 British, under Lord tween a British fleet of 25 sail
Chelmsford, and about 20,000 of the line, under Lord Howe,
Zulus. The Zulus were routed and 26 French ships, under
with a loss of over 1,500, the Villaret. After four hours'
British losing only 15 killed fighting the French were de-
and ;& wounded. feated, with a loss of 6 ships
captured, and one, the Vengeur, V
sunk. The sinking of this ship
was elaborated by the French Vaalkranz (Second Boer War).
into a fable, to the effect that General Buller's third attempt
she refused to surrender, and to pierce the Boer lines on the
went down with all hands and Tugela. On February 5, 1900,
colours flying. She had, however, he seized Vaalkranz, under
undoubtedly struck her colours, cover of a feint attack at Brak-
and her captain and over 200 fontein towards the Boer right.
of her crew were rescued by the The hill was held by a brigade
boats of the British fleet. The during the 6th and 7th, but
French admitted a loss of 3,000 finding further progress im-
men, besides prisoners, while the possible,BuUer again recrossed
British lost 922 killed and the Tugela. The British losses
wounded. amounted to 374 killed and
Utica (Civil War of Caesar and
Pompey). Valenciennes (Netherlands War
Fought B.C. 49 between the of Independence).
Pompeians, under Varus, and Siege was laid to this place in
the Caesarians, under Curio. December, 1566, by a force of
Varus sallied from his entrench- Spaniards and Germans, merce-
ments to attack the Cssarians, naries, under Noircarmes. The
but was signally defeated, his operations were somewhat in-
troops fleeing in disorder, and dolently conducted, insomuch
opening the way for the occupa- that he and his six lieutenants
tion of Utica by Varus. were derided as the " Seven
Sleepers," but towards the end
Utica (Moslem Conquest of of February Noircarmes began
Africa). to press on his siege works, and
Fought 694 between 40,000 on March 23 his batteries opened
Moslems, under Hassan, and fire, the city surrendering on
a large force of Greeks and the follo^ving day.
Goths in the Imperial service.
The ImperiaUsts were defeated Valenciennes.
and driven out of Africa, and Defended by a Spanish garri-
Hassan followed up his victory son under Francisco de Manes-
ses, Valenciennes was besieged
by the destruction of Carthage,
which thenceforth ceased to June, 1566, by the French,
exist, except as an obscure under Turenne and La Ferte.
The French encamped in two
divisions on the opposite side
Utsonomiya (Japanese Revolu- of the Scheldt, and when the
tion). city was on the point of sur-
Fought 1868, between the rendering. La Ferte's division
forces the Shogun, under
of was attacked by 20,000 Spani-
Otori Keisuke, and the Imperial ards, under Conde, and totally
troops, under Saigo Takamori. routed with a loss of 400 officers
The ImperiaUsts were com- and 4,000 men, before Turenne
pletely victorious. could come to his assistance.

In consequence of this defeat, strong, and a strong rear-guard

Turenne was forced to abandon of Barclay de Tolly's army,
the siege and retire. about 40,000 strong, under Bar-
clay de Tolly in person. The
Russians were strongly posted
Fought 1047, between tiie
in marshy ground, protected by
Normans, under WilUam of
a small stream. The French,
Normandy, with aid from
attacking resolutely, carried the
Henri I of France, and the
Russian position in the face of
rebel Norman Barons. The enormous natural difficulties.
rebels were totally defeated.
Each side lost about 7,000 men.
Valetta (Wars of the French
Revolution). Varaville.
The capital of Malta, held by Fought 1058, between the
a French garrison, 60,000 strong,, Normans, under William of
under General Vaubois, was Normandy, and the French and
besieged September, 1798, by a Angevins, under Henri I of
force of and Maltese,
British France. The Normans gained
under Alexander Ball. Vau-
a complete victory, and the
bois held out for two years, but French king shortly afterwards
on September 5, 1800, was com- made peace.
pelled by famine to surrender. Varese (Italian Rising of 1858).
The Maltese lost during the Fought May 25, 1859, be-
siege 20,000 men. tween 3,000 Garibaldians, under
Valmy (Wars of the French Garibaldi, and 5,000 Austrians,
Revolution). under General Urban. The
Fought September 20, 1792, Austrians were repulsed after
between the French, 70,000 hard fighting, and suffered con-
strong, under Dumouriez, and siderable loss. This action is
the Prussians, under the Duke also known as the Battle of
of Brunswick. The battle con- Malnate.
sisted in the main of an artillery Varmas (South-American War
duel, in which the French had of Independence).
the upper hand, and after night- Fought 181 3 between the
fall the Prussians retired, re- Colombian Patriots, under Boli-
crossing the frontier two days var, and the Spanish Royalists.
later. The latter were defeated.
Varna (Ottoman Wars).
This city, entirely open and Fought November 10, 1444,
undefended, was bombarded between the Turks, under
March 31, 1866, by the Spanish Amurath II, and the Hunga-
fleet under Mendez Nuiiez. By rians, under King Ladislaus.
this disgraceful action Val- The Hungarians attacked the
paraiso was reduced to ashes. Turkish camp, but were beaten
Valutinagora (Moscow Cam- off with heavy loss, the King
paign). being killed. On the following
Fought August 19, 18 2, be- 1 day Amurath stormed the Hun-
tween Ney's corps, about 30,000 garian entrenchments, practi-
cally the whole of the defenders being carried on in a desultory
being put to the sword. fashion for seven years. At the
end of this period the^citizens
Varna (Ottoman Wars). of Capua and Valerii made an
This held
fortress, by a attack upon the Roman camp,
Turkish garrison of 20,000 men, and inflicted a signal defeat
was besieged July, 1828, by upon the besiegers. M. Furius
the Russians, under Prince Camillus was then appointed
Mentschikoff, and though a dictator, and a determined at-
feeble attempt to reUeve it was tempt was made to end the
made by Omar Vrione Pasha, siege, mth the result that Veii
the place was taken by storm fell B.C. 393. Rome's greatest
on October 1 1, rival in Italy was thus destroyed.

Varus. Defeat of (Germanic Veleneze (Hungarian Rising).

Wars). Fought September 29, 1848,
The famous battle
site of this between the Hungarians, under
is supposed to be between the General Moga, and the Croats,
rivers Ems and Lippe, not far under the Ban, Jellachich.
from the modern Detmoldt. In The battle was indecisive, and
A.D. 9 the Roman army, under was followed by a three days'
Quintilius Varus, was attacked armistice.
while on the march and en-
cumbered by a heavj' baggage- Velestinos (Greco-Turkish War).
train, by the Germans, under Fought May 5, 1S07, between
Arminius or Hermann. The a Turkish division under Hakki
country was thickly wooded Pasha, and the Greeks, 9,000,
and marshy, and the Romans under Colonel Smolenski. The
could make but little defence, with Greeks occupied a strong posi-
the result that they were almost tion at Velestinos, where they
annihilated. Varus committed were attacked by the Turks, but
suicide on the field to avoid held their own throughout the
falUng into the hands of the day. After nightfall, however
victors. his line of retreat being threat-
ened. Colonel Smolenski with-
Vasaq (Ottoman Wars). drew to Volo, where he em-
Fought 1442, between So,ooo barked his troops on the 7th.
Turks, under Shiabeddin Pasha,
and 15,000 Hungarians, under Velletri (Italian Rising of 1848).
John Huniades. The Turks Fought May 1849, be-
were utterly routed, with a loss tween 10,000Garibaldians,
of 20,000 killed and wounded, under Roselli, and the Nea-
and 5,000 prisoners, including pohtans, 10,000 strong, under
the Pasha. Ferdinand, King of Naples.
The advance guard, under Gari-
Vauchamps. attacked the town of
See Champ-Aubert.
Velletri, which made a poor
Veii. defence, and was evacuated
This city was besieged B.C. during the night. The losses
400 by the Romans, the siege of the Garibaldians were small.

Vercellae (CimbricWar). was slain, and his soldiers fol-

Fought July 30, loi B.C., be- lowing him, renewed the con-
tween 50,000 Romans, under flict. Manlius now brought up
Marius, and the Cimbri, under his veteran reserve, and the
Boiorix. The Cimbri were al- Romans breaking the Latin
most annihilated, and their line, slew or captured nearly
king slain. three-fourths of their oppo-
Verneuil (Hundred Years' War) nents. The Roman loss, how-
Fought August 18, 1424, be- ever, was so heavy, that they
tween 3,000 English, under the were unable to pursue.
Duke of Bedford, and 18,000 Viborg,
French and Scots, under the Fought between the
1 1 57,
Constable Buchan and the Earl adherents of Sweyn III of Den-
of Douglas. The men-at-arms mark, and those of his succes-
on both sides fought dis- sor Waldemar. Sweyn was
mounted, but the French could totally defeated and fled, but
make no impression upon the falling into a morass in his
English archers, who were pro- flight was overtaken and slain.
tected by a barricade of stakes,
and in the end were utterly Vicksburg (American Civil War).
routed, leaving over 4.000 dead This city, held by a Confede-
on the field, among them rate garrison, was invested June
Buchan and Douglas. The Due 24, 1862, by a fleet of 13 Federal
d'Alencon was taken prisoner. gunboats, under Admiral Farra-
gut, aided by a land force of
Verona (Revolt of Maxentius). 4,000 men, under General Wil-
This place was besieged 312 liams. After a bombardment
by Constantine, with the legions which made no impression on
of Gaul, and was defended by a
the defences, Farragut reim-
body of rebels, under Pompei- barked the troops, and with-
anus. After a sortie had been drew, July 24. In the course
repulsed, Pompeianus escaped of the siege Captain Brown
through Constantine's lines,
with the Arkansas, a small river
and raised a force for the relief
steamer, coated with iron, and
of the city. He was, however, carrying eight guns, attacked
met and defeated by Constan- the Federal flotilla, which
tine, many thousands of the
mounted 200 guns, and ran the
Italians, including their leader, gauntlet successfully, losing 14
falling, and Verona at once sur-
men killed and wounded.
rendered. The Federals lost 82.
Veseris (Latin War). On January 9, 1863, the city
Fought near Mount Vesuvius, was again invested by two
B.C. 339, between the Romans, Federal corps, under General
under Manlius Torquatus and M'Clernand, aided by a flotilla
Decius Mus, and the I.atin army. of gunboats, under Admiral
The Roman left was repulsed, Porter. It was defended by a
but Decius Mus, sacrificing him- garrison of 3,000 Confederates,
self for the army, sprang into under General Churchill. On
the midst of the enemy and the nth an attack by the
combined forces overpowered Vigo Bay (War of the Spanish
the garrison of the fort, but the Succession).
town defences stiU held out, and Fought October 12, 1702,
the siege was not pressed. On when the combined fleet of 30
May 1 8, the siege was renewed British and 20 Dutch ships,
by three army corps of General under Sir George Rooke, forced
Grant's army, the garrison being the boom at the entrance to
now commanded by General Vigo Harbour and destroyed
Pemberton. On the 22nd an the French and Spanish fleet
unsuccessful assault cost the anchored therein. Of the men-
Federals 2,500, and a regular of-war, II were burnt and 10
siege commenced, with the result captured, while 1 1 Spanish
that on July 4, Pemberton sur- galleons, with treasure, were
rendered with 25,000 men taken. This action is generally
and 90 guns. called the affair of the Spanish
Vienna (Ottoman Wars).
Tliis city, held by a garrison Villach (Ottoman Wars).
of 16,000 men, under Count de Fought 1492, between the
Salm, was besieged by Solyman Turks, under Ali Pasha, and a
the Magnificent, at the head of Christian army, under Rudolph
120,000 Turks, in September, de Khevenhuller. During the
1529. From the 27th of that battle 15,000 Christian prisoners
month till October 14, the gar in the Turkish camp broke out,
rison withstood a series of as and fell upon the rear of the
saults, culminatingin an attempt Turks, who were in consequence
to storm the breach, which were totally defeated. The Chris-
repulsed with heavy loss. Soly- tians lost 7,000 killed, the Turks
man thereupon raised the siege 10,000 killed and 7,000 prisoners,
and withdrew. including Ali.

Vienna (Ottoman Wars). Villa Viciosa (War of the Spanish

Fought September 12, 1683, Succession).
between 300,000 Turks, under Fought December 10, 17 10,
Kara Mustapha and
Pasha, when 13,000 Imperialists, under
70,000 Christians, under John Staremberg, retreating into Cata-
Sobieski. The Turks w-ere be- lonia, after the defeat of Stan-
sieging Vienna, and Sobieski hope at Brihnega, were attacked
marched to its relief, with by 20,000 French, under Philip
30,000, bringing up the avail- of Anjou and Marshal Vendome.
able forces to 70,000, of which Staremberg's left wing was cut
he was given the command. to pieces, but his right and
With this army he attacked centre more than held their own,
the Turkish lines, and after a driving back the French with
sanguinary engagement, lasting considerable loss, and capturing
throughout the day, routed the some gims. Staremberg was,
Turks with enormous loss. Six however, too weak to take
Pashas were killed, and Mus- advantage of this partial suc-
tapha only escaped capture by cess, and continued his retreat
a precipitate flight. after the action.

ViUeta (Paraguayan War). was not followed up by Sir

Fought December 11, 1868, Harry Burrard, who was in
between the Paraguayans, under supreme command, and the
Lopez, and the armies of Brazil, French were allowed to evacuate
Uruguay and Argentina. Over- Portugal unmolested, under the
whehiied by vastly superior Convention of Cintra. The
numbers, Lopez was forced British lost 720 killed and
to withdraw his forces to the wounded.
entrenched camp at Angostura.
Villiers (Franco-German War). Fought 717, between the
A determined sortie from Austrasians, under Charles
Paris, under General Ducrot, Martel and the Neustnans, under
on November 30, 1870, directed
Chilperic II. The Neustrians
against the Wurtembergers. were defeated.
The operations lasted till De- Vionville.
cember 3. The French, who See Mars La Tour.
had at first gained some suc-
Vittoria (PeninsularWar).
cesses, were finally repulsed,
with a loss of 424 officers and
Fought June 21, 18 13, be-
tween 80,000 British, Portu-
9,053 men. The Germans lost
guese and Spanish troops, under
156 officers and 3,373 men.
Wellington, and about 70,000
Vindalium. French, under Joseph Buona-
Fought B.C. 121, between the parte. After severe fighting the
Romans, under Q. Fabius Maxi- French were defeated at all
mus, and the Arverni. The points and made a somewhat
Arverni were completely de- disorderly retreat, losing 6,000
feated, and compelled to sue killed, wounded, and pri-
for peace. soners, 143 guns, and almost all
their baggage and treasure. The
Vinegar Hill (Irish Rebellion).
alhes lost 5,000. This battle
Fought June 20, 1798, when
finally closed the era of French
the British regulars, under
domination in Spain, and opened
General Lake, attacked the
to Wellington the road to the
camp of the Irish rebels, 16,000
strong, under Father Murphy.
Little resistance was made, and V6gelinseck(Appenzel Rebellion).
the rebels were driven out of Fought May 15, 1402, be-
their camp with a loss of 4,000 tween 5,000 troops, of the Swiss
killed and wounded, and 13 Imperial towns, and 900 rebels
guns. of Appenzel and Schwyz. After
Vimiera (Peninsular War). a brief engagement, the rebels
Fought August 21, 1808, be- were driven from the field, with
tween 18,000 British and Portu- a loss of 250 men.
guese, under Sir Arthur Wel- Volconda.
lesley.and 14,000 French, under Fought April, 1751, between
Junot. The French were signal- Mohammed Ah's army, 5,600
ly defeated, losing 2,000 men strong, under Abdul Wahab
and 13 guns, but the victory Khan, aided by 1,600 British,
under Captain Gingen, and poleon crossed the lesser arm of
Chunda Sahib's troops, 17,000 the Danube from the Island of
strong, together with a battaUon Lobau, on the night of the 4th
of Frenchmen. Captain Gingen, and 5th July, and driving the
though greatly outnumbered, Austrian advanced posts before
insisted on attacking, but was him, prepared to attack their
repulsed, his Europeans not main position. An attack upon
showing their usual steadiness, them on the evening of the 5 th
and forced to retreat with con- was repulsed. On the 6th the
siderable loss, Austrians attacked the French
Volturno (Unification of Italy). right, under Davoust, but were
Fought October i, i860, be- unsuccessful later,
; however,
tween 20,000 Italians, under the French centre and left were
Garibaldi, and 40,000 Neapoli-
compelled to give ground, but
tans, under Afan de Riva. Napoleon bringing up the artil-
lery of the Guard and Mac-
Garibaldi's position in front of
Capua was attacked by the donald's corps, checked the
Neapolitans, who, after hard Austrian advance, while Davoust
carried the heights on the Aus-
fighting, were repulsed all along
trian left, outflanking them, and
the line, with heavy loss. The
Garibaldian rendering their position unten-
casualties were
2,023 killed and wounded. The
able. By three o'clock they
Neapolitans lost 2,070 prisoners, were in full retreat, having lost
but their losses in killed and about 24,000 killed and wounded,
wounded 9,000 prisoners, including 12
are unknown. In
consequence of this victory, generals, and 20 guns. The
Garibaldi almost immediately French lost 18,000 killed and
captured Capua. wounded.
Waizan (Hungarian Rising).
Fought April 10, 1849, be-
Fought 507, between the
tween the 3rd Hungarian corps,
Franks, under Clovis, and the
under Damjanics, about 7,000
Visigoths, under Alaric II.
strong, and two Austrian bri-
Alaric was endeavouring to effect
gades, under Gotz and Jablo-
a junction with Theodoric, King
nowski. Damjanics attacked the
of the Ostrogoths, when he was
Austrians and drove them out
attacked by Clovis, and totally
of Waizan with heavy loss,
defeated. Alaric fell in the
among those who fell being
General Gotz.
Wakamatsu (Japanese Revolu-
w lution).
The last stand of the Shogun's
Wagram (Campaign of Wag- followers was made at the Castle
ram). of Wakamatsu, which was
Fought July 6, 1809, between stormed by the Imperialists,
150,000 French, under Napoleon, September 22, 1868, The resist-
and 140,000 Austrians, under ance to the new regime was thus
the Archduke Charles. Na- completely broken.

Wakefield (Wars of the Roses). Flint held out with the utmost
Fought December 30, 1460, gallantry till January 22, 1781,
between the Lancastrians, under when the approach of Sir Eyre
Somerset, and the Yorkists, Coote forced fiyder Ali to raise
under Richard, Duke of York. the siege. The garrison had
The Lancastrians advanced then only one day's ammunition
from Pontefract and offered left.
battle to Richard, who, though
Warburg (Seven Years' War).
weakened by the absence of Fought July 31, 1759, be-
foraging parties, accepted the tween the French, 35,000 strong,
challenge. Somerset prepared under the Chevalier de May,
an ambush, into which the Duke and a largely superior force of
fell as he marched out of Wake-
Prussians and British, under
field, and the Yorkists were Prince Ferdinand. The French
defeated with heavy loss. The were in danger of their flanks
Duke and many other nobles being turned, and after a brief
were killed, and Salisbury cap- engagement, retired, having lost
tured and beheaded.
1,500 killed and wounded and
Waltersdorf (Campaign of Fried- 1,500 prisoners.
Warsaw (Second Polish Rising).
Fought February 5, 1807, be- This which was held by
tween the French, under Ney, a garrison of 30,000 Poles, under
and the Prussian corps of Les- General Dembinski, was attack-
tocq. The Prussians were de- ed by the Russians, 60,000
feated with a loss of about 3,000 strong, under General Paskie-
killed, wounded and missing.
witsch. The first onslaught on
Wandewash (Seven Years' War). the Polish entrenchments was
Fought January 22, 1760, made on the 6th September,
between the British, with 1,900 1 83 1, and the Poles, were driven

European and 3.350 native from their first line. On the

troops, under Colonel Coote, 7th a further assault was
and the French, 2,250 Europeans made, notable for the defence
and 1,300 natives, under Lally- of the Wola redoubt, where,
ToUendal. The French army when it was finally captured by
was accompanied by 3,000 the Russians, only eleven men
Mahratta horse, who took no remained aliv^ out of a garrison
part in the action. After severe of 3,000. On the 8th the last
fighting Lally was defeated, with defences were overcome, and the
a loss of 600 Europeans, besides city capitulated. The Poles had
natives, the British losing 190 9,000 killed in the defence.
only. The Russians admitted a loss
of 63 officers and 3,000 men
Wandewash (First Mysore War)-
killed, and 445 officers and 7,000
This defended by a small
men wounded.
native garrison, under Lieu-
tenant Flint, who had only one Wartemberg (Campaign of Leip-
other European with him, was sic).
besieged, IDecember, 1780, by Fought October 3, 181 3, when
the Mysoris, under Hyder Ali. Blucher, with 60,000 Prussians,
defeated 16,000 French, under enabled Wellington at last to
Bertrand, posted in a very assume the offensive, and drive
strong position, protected by a the enemy headlong from the
dyke and a swamp. Aided by field, utterly routed. The Brit-
the ground, the French with- ish lost about 15,000, the Prus-
stood the Prussian attack for sians 7,000 in the battle. The
over four hours, but finally losses of the Dutch and Belgians
Blucher turned their right flank were very small, as they left
and drove them from their posi- the field early in the day. The
tion. The Prussians lost about French was never ofiicially
5,000. The French admit a stated, but it was doubtless
loss of 500 only. enormous, and the army practi-
cally ceased to exist as an organ-
Wartzburg (Wars of the French ized force.
Fought 1796, between the Watigaon (First Burmah War).
French, under Jourdan, and the Fought November 15, 1825,
Austrians, under the Archduke when Brigadier-General M'-
Charles. The Archduke inter- Donell, with four native regi-
posed between the armies of ments, advanced in three col-
Jourdan and Moreau, who were umns, against a large force of
endeavouring to effect a junc- Burmans, under Maha Nemyo.
tion, and inflicted a severe defeat The columns failed to keep
upon Jourdan, forcing him to touch, and were repulsed in
retire to the Rhine. detail, with a loss of 200 men,
including the Brigadier.
Waterloo (Hundred Days).
Fought June 18, 18 15, be- Watrelots (Netherlands War of
tween 24,000 British, and 43,500 Independence).
Dutch, Belgians and Nassauers, Fought January, 1567, be-
in all 67,655 men, with 156 guns, tween 1,200 Flemish Protest-
under the Duke of Wellington, ants, under Teriel, and 600
and the French, 71,947 strong, Spaniards, under the Seigneur
with 246 guns, under Napoleon. de Rassinghem. The Protest-
Wellington posted his troops ants were defeated and 600
along the line of heights cover- took refuge in an old grave5'ard,
ing the road to Brussels, with where they held out till the last
advanced posts at the farms of man had fallen.
Hougoumont and La Haye Wattignies (Wars of the French
Sainte. Napoleon attacked
this position with the utmost
Fought October, 1793, when
resolution, but the British
the French, under Jourdan, at-
squares held their ground against
tacked the Austrians, under
the French cavalry and artillery
the Duke of Coburg, and drove
throughout the day, and though
him from his position, forcing
the French captured La Haj'e
him to raise the siege of Mau-
Sainte, and obtained a footing
in Hougoumont, the arrival of
Blucher, with the Prussian Wavre (Hundred Days).
army, on the French right, Fought June 18, 181 5, between

the French, under Grouchy, carried the French position, and

and the Prussians, 27,000 strong, captured the town of Weissen-
under Thiehnann, who had been burg, at a cost of 91 officers and
entrusted by Blucher with the 1,460 men. The French lost
task of containing Grouchy, 2,300 killed, wounded and pri-
while the main Prussian army soners.
marched on Waterloo. Grouchy,
who was anxiously expected at Wepener (Second Boer War).
Waterlooo, mistook his instruc- This place was invested by a
tions, and wasted the day in strong force of Boers, under De
attacking Thielmann, whom he Wet, April 9, 1900, and was
defeated, but uselessly. defended by 1,700 men of the
Colonial Division, under Colonel
Wednesfield (Danish Invasion). Dalgety. Notwithstanding the
Fought in 911, between the Boer's great prepoiiderance in
Danes and the West Saxons, artillery, and a succession of
under Edward the Elder. The bold assaults on the trenches,
Danes were defeated. the garrison held out gallantly
till April 25, when they were
Wei-hai-Wel (Chino - Japanese relieved by General Rundle,
War). having lost 300 killed and
On February 4, 1895, the wounded in the course of the
boom protecting Wei-hai-Wei operations.
harbour was cut, and the Chin-
ese fleet attacked by 10 Japan- Werben (Thirty Years' War).
ese torpedo-boats, who succeed- Fought July 22, 1631, be-
ed in sinking one battleship, at tween the Swedes, 16,000
the cost of two torpedo-boats. strong, under Gustavus Adol-
On the following night the at- phvis, and 26,000 Imperialists,
tack was renewed by four boats, under Count Tilly. Tilly at-
and three Chinese ships were tacked Gustavus' entrenchments
sunk. On the 9th another in front of Werben, but his
battleship was sunk by the troops could not face the fire of
Japanese land batteries, where- the Swedish batteries, and being
upon Admiral Ting, the Chinese thrown into disorder, were then
commander, surrendered, and charged by the cavalry, under
he and his principal officers Baudissen, and repulsed. The
committed suicide. attack was renewed a few days
later with a similar result, and
Weissenburg (Franco-German Tilly then drew off his forces,
War). having suffered a loss of 6,000
The opening engagement of men.
the campaign, fought August 4,
1 870, between the advance-guard Wertingen (Campaign of Auster-
of the Third German Army, litz).
under the Crown Prince of Fought October, 1805, be-
Prussia, and a portion of Mar- tween the cavalry of Murat's
shal Macmahon's army, under corps, and nine Austrian bat-
General Abel Donay, who fell talions, strongly posted in and
in the battle. The Germans round Wertingen. The Austrians
were defeated, losing 2,000 Williamsburg (American Civil
prisoners and several guns, and War).
had the French infantry been Fought May 5,1862, between
nearer at hand, it is probable the Confederates, under General
that the whole force would have Magruder, and the Federals,
been captured. under General M'Clellan. Ma-
White Oak Swamp. gruder occupied a very strong
See Seven Days' Battles. position and held the Federals
at bay throughout the day, but
Wiazma (Moscow Campaign). being greatly outnumbered,
Fought November 3, 181 2, withdrew during the night.
when the corps of Eugene Beau- The Federals lost 2,228 killed,
harnais and Davoust were at-
wounded and missing, the Con-
tacked during the retreat from
federate loss being much smaller.
Moscow, by the Russians, under
Kutusoff, and suffered a loss of Wilson's Creek (American Civil
4,000 men. War).
Wilderness, The (American Civil
Fought August 6, 1 861, be-
tween 6,000 Federals, under
General Lyon, and 16,000 Con-
Fought May 5 to 8, 1864, be-
federates, under General M'-
tween the Army of the Potomac,
Culloch. General Lyon divided
150,000 strong, under General
his force into two columns, for
Grant, and 53,000 Confederates,
under General Lee. Lee's ob- the attack on M'Culloch's posi-
tion, and that led by himself
ject was to intercept Grant's
surprised the Southerners, and
advance on Richmond, and
early on the morning of the 5th
gained a partial success. They
he attacked the approaching rallied, however, and beat him
Federal columns, and after a off, Lyon falling, the other
hard-fought day, succeeded in column being also repulsed. The
Federals lost 1,236, and the Con-
arresting the progress of Grant's
right wing. On the 6th, Lee federates 1,095 killed, wounded
almost succeeded in breaking and missing.
Grant's centre, but at the critical Wimpfen (Thirty Years' War).
moment, Longstreet, who was Fought April 26, 1622, be-
to lead the attack, was fired tween 14,000 Palatinate troops,
upon and dangerously wounded under the Margrave of Baden,
by his own troops. The Federal and the Imperialists, under
right wing, however, was driven Count Tilly and Gonsalvo de
back in confusion, and Lee on Cordova. Tilly attacked the.
his side lost no ground. The Margrave's camp, which was
two following days minor skir- not entrenched, and though a
mishes took place, leading up to brilliant cavalry charge cap-
the great battle of Spottsylvania. tured his guns, it was not sup-
The Confederates lost about ported by the Palatine infantry,
8,000 in the two days' fighting. and the Imperialists rallying,
The Federal losses were far drove off the cavalry in disorder,
heavier, amounting to 15,000 in recovered the guns, and then
the second day alone. routed the infantry, \\-ith a loss

of 2,000 killed and wounded, Worcester (Civil War).

and all their artillery, baggage Fought September 3, 165 1,
and camp equipment. between 12,000 Royalists, under
Charles II, and about 30,000
Winchester (American Civil War ). Parliamentarians, under Crom-
Fought June 14, 1863, when well. Charles attacked Crom-
7,000 Federals, under General well's wing, and was repulsed
Milroy, were defeated by three
and driven into Worcester,
Confederate divisions, under
where he was met by the other
General Ewell, and forced to wing of the Parliamentary army,
retreat with heavy loss, includ-
under Fleetwood. The Royal-
ing 3,700 prisoners and 30 guns.
ists were utterly routed and

Winkovo (Moscow Campaign). dispersed, losing 3,000 killed,

Fought October 18, 18 12, among whom was the Duke of
when Murat, with 30,000 men, Hamilton, and a large number
forming the advance-guard of of prisoners, including Lords
the retiring French army, was Derby, Lauderdale and Ken-
attacked by the Russians, under mure, and five generals. Charles
Count Orloff Dennizoff, and himself escaped with difficulty.
driven from his position, with This was the last pitched battle
a loss of 2,000 killed, 1,500 of the Civil War.
prisoners, and all his baggage Worth (Franco-German War).
and artillery.
Fought August 6, 1870, be-
Wisby (Dano-Swedish Wars). tween the Third German Army,
A three days' battle, fought under the Crown Prince of
1613, between the fleet of Gus- Prussia, and the French, under
tavus Adolphus of Sweden, and Marshal Macmahon. After a
that of Christian IV, of Den- closely contested engagement,
mark. The action was very the French were driven from all
obstinately contested, and final- their positions, and made a hasty
ly the fleets separated without retreat beyond the Vosges. The
any decisive result. Cuirassier division of General
Bonnemain was completely cut
Wisloch (Thirty Years' War). to pieces in charging the German
Fought April 16, 1622, be- infantry, near Elsasshausen.
tween the troops of the Count The German losses amounted to
Palatine, under the Count von
489 officers, and 10,153 men,
Mansfeldt, and the Imperialists, while the French lost 10,000
under Count Tilly. Tilly at- killed and wounded, 6,000
tacked and drove in the Palat- prisoners, 28 guns and 5 mitrail-
inate rearguard, but failing to leuses.
check the pursuit, was con-
fronted by the main body, and Wrotham Heath (Wyatt's In-
defeated with a loss of 3,000 surrection).
killed and wounded, and all his Fought January, 1554, when
guns. This victory enabled the Kentish insurgents, under
Mansfeldt to effect a junction Sir Henry Isley, were totally
with the army of the Margrave defeated by the Royal troops,
of Baden. under Lord Abergavenny.
Wargaom Mahratta War).
(First Gothic monarchy, and the begin-
Fought January 12, 1779, ning of the Moorish domination
when a British force, 2,600 in Spain.
strong, under Cock-
burn, retreating from Poonah,
was attacked by the Mahratta
army, under Mahadaji Sindhia,
and Hari Pant. The British Yalu (Chino- Japanese War).
succeeded in beating off the Fought September 17, 1894,
attack, and making good their between the Chinese fleet of
position in the village of War- 2 battleships and 8 cruisers,
gaom, but at a loss of 352, in- under Admiral Ting, and the
cluding 15 officers, and ulti- Japanese fleet of 10 cruisers, and
mately a convention was signed 2 gunboats, under Admiral I to.
by Sindhia, under which the The two fleets met at the mouth
British retired unmolested. of the Yalu, the Chinese steam-
ing out in line abreast. Ito
Wynandael (Napoleonic Wars). attacked in line ahead, using his
Fought September 28, 1^08, superior speed to circle round
between the British, under
the enemy's ships. Two of the
General Webb, and the French
Chinese vessels hauled out of the
under the Comte de la Motte.
line and fled without coming
The French, with 40 battalions into action, while two more were
and 40 squadrons, attempted to set on and made for the
intercept a convoy of supplies
shore. The remaining 6 ships
for the army
besieging Lille,
fought well, and a little before
and were totally defeated, by a sundown Ito retired, leaving
far inferior force, with a loss of
the crippled Chinese fleet to
7,000 men. make its way to Port Arthur.
The Japanese lost 294 IdUed
X and wounded, of whom 107 fell
on the Matsushima,
flagship, the
Xeres (Moslem Empire in Spain). while the Chiyada, which was
Fought July 19 to 26, 711, the next ship in the line, had
between 90,000 Spaniards, under not a man touched. The
Roderic, and 12,000 Moslems, Chinese losses are unknown.
with a numerous force of African
Yalu. See Kiu-lien-cheng.
auxiliaries, under Tarik. On the
fourth day the Moslems suffered Yamazaki.
a severe repulse, leaving 16,000 Fought 1582, between the
dead on the field, but the defec- adherents of the Ota family,
tion of Count Julian, with a then predominant in Japan,
large part of the King's forces, and the followers of the rebel
revived their courage, and finally Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide sustained
the Christians were routed and a crushing defeat.
dispersed. Roderic fled from
the field, but was drowned in Yashima (Taira War).
crossing the Guadalquivir. This Fought 1 1 84, between the
victory marks the fall of the adherents of the Taira family,

and the rebels, under Yoshi- 469 rank and file, killed and
tsune. The Taira forces were wounded.
Yorktown (American Civil War).
Yawata (War of the Northern This small village gives its
and Southern Empires). name to the entrenched position
Fought January, 1353, be- occupied by General Magruder
tween the armies of the Northern with 11,000 Confederates, wliich
and Southern Emperors of Ja- was invested by 105,000 Federal
pan. The army of the latter, troops, with 103 siege guns,
led by Moroushi, gained a signal April 5, 1862. On the i6th, an
victory. unsuccessful attack was made
upon Magruder's lines, and both
Yenikale, Gulf of (Ottoman sides having been reinforced,
Wars). M'Clellan set about the erection
Fought July, 1790, between of batteries. On May 4, the
the Turkish fleet, and the Rus- Federals were about to open
sians, under Admiral Onscha- fire, when it was found that the
koff. The battle was fiercely Confederates had abandoned
contested, but eventually botli the position and retired.
fleets drew off without any
decisive result. Youghiogany (Seven Years' War).
A skirmish of no importance
Yermuk (Moslem Invasion of
in itself, but notable as being
Syria). "the shot fired in America
Fought November, 636, be- wliich gave the signal that set
tween 140,000 Imperial troops, Europe in a blaze" {Voltaire,
under Manuel, the General of Louis XV), and was in a sense
Heraclius, and 50,000 Moslems, the cause of the Seven Years'
under Khaled. The Moslem War. On May 27, 1754, Wash-
attack was thrice repulsed, but ington, with 40 Virginians, sur-
they returned to the charge, prised a small French detach-
and after a long and sanguinary ment, under Coulon de Jumon-
engagement, drove their op- ville, despatched probably as a
ponents from the field with reconnaissance by Contrecoeur
enormous loss. The Moslems from Fort Duquesne. The de-
lost 4,030 killed. tachment, with one exception,
Yorktown (American War of was killed or captured. ^,

The entrenched position of
Lord Comwallis, with 6,000
British troops at this place,
was invested by Washington, Zab, The (Bahram's Revolt).
with 7,000 French and 13,000 Fought between the
Americans, in September, 178 1. troops of the Persian usurper
The British held out until Oc- Bahram, and the army of the
tober 19, when, surrounded and Emperor Maurice, under Narses.
outnumbered, Cornwallis sur- The usurper's forces were totally
rendered, having lost during routed, and Chosroes II restored
the operations, 12 officers and to the throne of Persia.
Zalaka (Moorish Empire in Mukhtar Pasha. Melikoff at-
Spain). tacked the Turks in a strongly
Fought October 26, 1086, entrenched position, but was
between 40,000 Moors, under repulsed with considerable loss.
Almoravid, and 300,000 Chris-
Zendecan (Turkish Invasion of
tians, under Alfonso VI of
Castile. The Spaniards were
utterly routed, with enormous
Fought 1039, between the
Seljuks, under Moghrul Beg,
loss. Alfonso, at the head of
and the Afghans, under Musrud,
500 horse, cut his way out, and
Sultan of Ghuzni. The Afghans
with difficulty escaped.
were defeated, and Musrud
Zama (Second Punic War). compelled to retire on his
Fought B.C. 202, between capital.
the Carthaginians, under Hanni-
bal, and the Romans, under Zeugminum (Hungarian War).
Scipio Africanus. The Cartha- Fought 1 168, between the
ginians began to attack with Greeks, under Manuel I, Em-
their elephants, 80 in number, peror of Constantinople, and the
but some of these became un- Hungarian invaders. The Hun-
manageable, and fell back upon garians were signally defeated,
the cavalry, throwing them and the war, which had lasted
into disorder, while the legion- for five years, came to an end.
aries opened out and allowed Zeuta (Ottoman Wars).
the others to pass down the Fought September 11, 1679,
lanes between their ranks. The between the Austrians, under
infantry then closed, and after Prince Eugene, and the Turks,
severe fighting, the Romans under Elwas Mohammed, the
gained a complete victory, Grand Vizier. Eugene attacked
20,000 Carthaginians falling, the Turkish army as it was
w^hile as many more were made crossing a temporary bridge
prisoners. Hannibal escaped over the Theiss, and the cavalry
from the field at the end of the being already across, cut it in
day. two, and completely routed the
Zamora (Moorish Empire in infantry, driving them into the
Spain). river. The Turks lost 29,000
Fought 901, between
the men. The Austrians 500 onh^
Spaniards, under Alfonso the Ziela (Third Mithridatic War).
Great, King of the Asturias, Fought B.C. 67, between the
and the Moors, under Abdallah, Romans, under Triarius, and
King of Cordova. The Moors the Pontic army, under Mithri-
were utterly routed, with heavy dates. The King attacked the
loss, Alfonso thereby extending
Roman camp, and practically
his dominions as far as the annihilated them, though him-
Guadiana. self dangerously wounded in
Zeim (Russo-Turkish War). the assault.
Fought April 20, 1S77, be- Ziela.
tween the Russians, under Loris Fought August 2, B.C. 47,
Melikoff, and the Turks, under between 7 Roman legions, with

some Asiatic auxiliaries, under and Swedes, under Turenne and

Julius Caesar, and the Bos- Wrangel, inflicted a decisive
poraiis, under Pharnaces. Phar- defeat upon the ImperiaUsts.
naces attacked the Romans
while they were pitching camp, Zurakow (Ottoman War).
but the legionaries quickly In 1676, John Sobieski, with
formed up, and utterly routed 10,000 Poles, was besieged by
their assailants. This is the 200,000 Turks and Tartars,
occasion of Caesar's famous under Ibrahim Pasha (Shaitan).
despatch, " Veni, vidi, vici." Having 63 guns, Sobieski made
a sturdy defence, and by con-
Ziezicksee (Flemish War). stant sorties inflicted enormous
Fought 1302, when the loss on the besiegers. At last,
Genoese galleys, in the service being unable to make any im-
of PhiUp IV of France, under pression on the defence, and
Grimaldi and FiHpo di Rieti, finding hisarmy wasting away,
utterly destroyed the Flemish Ibrahim consented to treat,
fleet. and withdrew his forces from
Pohsh territory. The Turks
Zlotsow (Ottoman Wars). lost enormous numbers during
Fought 1676, between the the siege ;
the Poles lost 3,000.
Poles, under John Sobieski,
and 20,000 Turks and Tartars, Zutphen (Netherlands War of
under Mohammed IV. The Independence).
Turks were signally defeated. Fought September 22, 1580,
between the Spaniards, under
Znaim (Campaign of Wagram). Prince Alexander of Parma,
Fought July 14, 1809, when and the English, under the Earl
Massena, with 8,000 French, of Leicester. The Spaniards
attacked 30,000 Austrians, endeavoured to throw a convoy
under the Prince of Reuss, and of provisions into Zutphen,
drove them into Znaim with Leicester was besieging.
considerable loss, including 800 attempted to intercept it, but
prisoners. without success, and was forced
retire after suffering con-
Zorndorf (Seven Years' War). to
Among those
Fought August 25, 1758, be- derable loss.
who fell on the English
side was
tween the Prussians, 25,000
strong, under Frederick the Sir PhiUp Sydney.
Great, and a Russian army, Zuyder Zee (Netherlands War
under Fermor, which was besieg- of Independence).
ing Custria. Frederick attacked
Fought October 11, i573.
the Russian entrenchments, and between 30 Spanish ships, under
drove them out, with a loss of Bossu, and 25 Dutch ships,
19,000 forcing them to relin- under Admiral Dirkzoon. The
quish the siege. The Prussians Spanish llect fled, after losing
lost about 11,000. ships, only Bossu standing
Zummerhauscn (Thirty Years' his ground. Mis ship, however,
War). was eventually captured, alter
Fought 1647, when (he I'"r( nch losing three-fourths of her trow.
Ahmed Ali, 5
Bey, 206
Abbas II, 121 Pasha, 45, 58
Abbe, 155 Aidan, 72
Abdallah, 100, 143, 169, 255 Aiza, 94, 250
of Cordova, 272 Ajmir, Rajah of, 240
Abd-el-Kader, 116 Akbar, 60, 158, 187
Rahman, 10 Khan, 117
Abderrahraan Ibn Abdillah, 252 Alaf Khan, 131
Abdul Wahab Khan, 263 Alaric, 197, 211
Abercrombie, Sir Ralph, i, 9, 254 II, 197, 264
Abercromby, Gen. James, 116, 249, 255 Ala-ud-Din, 60, 74, 131
Aberdeen, Provost of, io5 Albemarle, Duke of, 9, 75, 99, 179
Abergavenny, Lord, 269 Sound, 210
Abington, Major, 246 Albert, Archduke, 70, 117, 176, 183, 256
Aboukir Bay, 177 Margra\'e, 231
Aboyne, Lord, 41 Albigenses, 169
Abu Hamed, 219 Albinus, Clodius, 145
'1 lo, 24, 219 Alboin, 189
Obeidah, 8, 118 Albuquerque, 100, 148
Sophian, 30, 155, i8r, 231 Alcibiades, 72, 179, 240
Abysinnia, Italian Invasion of, 4 Alcidas, 170
Acha, Gen., 183 Alemanni, 18, 55
Achmet Hefzi Pasha, 99 Alexander of Bulgaria, 194, 232
Koprili Pasha, 188, 217 Despot of Pheroe, 71
Acre, 3, 167 of Epirus, 186
Adams, Major, 56, 97, 166, 182 of Parma, 146, 252, 273
Adda, Tlie, 141 the Great, 17, 54, 95, loi, 113, 116,
Adherbal, 79 248, 256
Add Pasha, 142 Alexander's Asiatic Campaigns, 95, loi,
Adour, The, 178 113, 116, 256
ifimilius. Consul, 48 Alexius the Usurper, 64
Paulus, 203 Alfonso IV, of Portugal, 219, 251
/Ethelfrith, 72 VI, 113, 272
/Ethelred, 21, 86, 207 VIII, of Castile, 7
/Ethelstan, 42 XI, of Castile, 219
Aetius, 55 the Great, 272
Afan de Riva, 264 the Infante, i8i
Afghan Wars, 6, 34, 56, 97, 117, 119, 121, Alfred the Great, 21, 87, 158, 207
123, 124, 148, 190 Algeciras, 220
Afranius, 239 Algiers, Dey of, 138
Africa, Count of, iii Ali, 28, 113, 231, 2.S7
Agcsilaus, 66 Adil Shah, 100
Agis, 151, 156 Atar, 142, 143
Agnes, Countess of March, 81 Khan, 246
Agostina, 222 Hussein, 46
Agra, 220 Moldovani Pasha, 79
Agricola, loi Pasha, 210, 262
Agrippa, 170, 172 Alio, River, 108

Allemande, Adm., 131 Arbogastes, 17
AUersheim, 178 Arbuthnot, Adm., 49
Allied Invasion of France, 41, 55, 67, 131, Archelaus, 55, 183
133. 135, 166, 18S, 208 Archidamus, 150, 195, 246
Almady, 65 Archimedes, 241
Almagro, 71, 135 Ardoch, Moor of, loi
Almohacen, Heights of, 142 Aredondo, 42
Almoravid, 272 Aremberg, Count, 107, 108
Alonzo-di-Aguila, 162 Argive War, 227
Alub Khan, 220 Argyle, Duke of, 98, 115, 229
Alumbagh, 144 Arica, 242
Alsusielf,56 Ariovistus, 3, 168
Alvarez Mariano, 97 Ashanti Wars, 2, 14, 77
Alviani, Gen., 5 Arista, 186
Alvinzi, 17, 18, 46, 200 Aristoeus, 201
Amandus 108 Aristagorus, 86
Amanien, 36 Aristomenes, 156
Amboiorix, 4 " Arkansas," The, 261
Ambrosio Bercenegra, Don, 135 Armagnac War, 206, 218
American Civil War, 15, 26, 42, 43, 53, 54, Arminius, 114, 260
57, 58, 66, 69, 87, 89, 92, 97, 105, Arnulph of Germany, 83
125, 139, 151, 157, 159, 169, 172, Arona, 165
180, 189, 191, 192, 200, 201, 202, Arsaus III, 19
209, 210, 225, 230, 235, 261, 268, Artaphernes, 86
269, 271 Artaxerxes, 70
Spanish War, 150 Arundel's Rebellion, 88, 218, 220
VVar of Independence, 32, 34, 39, 42, Arverni, The, 263
43. 46, 47, 49. 54. 56, 59, 63, 86, 97, Asipetes, The, 253
102, 103, 139, 190, 202, 237, 249, Aston, Sir Arthur, 80
271 Astruc, Mons., 228, 239
Wars, 26, 35, 36, 43, 57, 59, 61, 131, Atahualpa, 13, 205
144, 175, 205, 229 Athens, Duke of, 54
Americo-Mexican War, 15, 42, 163, iS6 Athol, Earl of, 81
Amherst, Gen., 143, 164, 209 Athole, Marquis of, 82
Amiens, Peace of, 154 Atlanta, 189
Aminias, 219 Attalus, 59, 211
Amir Daood, 131 Attila, 55
Amraatas, 51 Attilius,C, 140, 141
Amphictyonic War, 54 Attilius Regulus, 83
Amron, 9, 157 Auchmuty, Sir Samuel, 28, 163
Araurath II, 64, 130, 165, 259 Audley, Lord, 35
Andres, 235 Auerstadt, 118
Andronicus the Younger, igo Augereau, 28, 52, 159, 16^
Angelus, Isaac, 64 Aulus Postumius, 132
Angostura, 263 Aurelian, 186, 189, 194
Angus, 14, 223 Aurelian's Expedition to Palmyra, 15, 85
Anjou, Due d', 145, 162 Aurep, Gen., 45, 58
Anlaf the Dane, 42 Aurungzebe, 45, 98, 121, 220
Anson, Adm., 48 Austrasians, The, 247, 2')5, 263
Anstruther, Col., 41 Ayesha, 28
Antigonus, 44, 65, 86, 115, 187, 191 Ayub Khan, 121, 148
Antigonus Soter, 222
Antiochus the Great, 19, 21, 147, 167, 170,
207, 248
Antipater, 156
Antoku, 257
Antonius, Gains, 70
Primus, 68
Antony. Mark, 3, 169, 193 Baber, 187
Anwar-ud-Din, 13 Baden, Margrave of, 269 ,

Appenzel Rebellion, 263 Baden-Powell, Gen., 145

Appius Claudius, 241 Bagenal, Harvey, 175
Appleton, Commodore, 136 Bagnall, Sir Henry, 36
Apraxine, 7, 102 Bagration, 112, 161, 233
Arabi Pasha, 122 Baghasian, 16
Arabi's Rebellion, 9, 122, 246 Bag Secq, 21
Aratus, 156 Bahadur Shah, 60, 77

Bahram's Revolt, 271 Bercenegra, Don Ambrosio, 135

Baillie, 124 Beresford, Lord Charles, 9, 123
Col., 9, 191 Marshal, 7, 42
Baird, Gen., 36, 228 Berkshire Regt., 250
Baireuth, Marquis of, 238 Bermuda Hundred, 192
Bajazet I, 176 Bernard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, 20S, 209
11, 15, 116 Bernadotte, 137, 162
Baji Rao, 21, 125, 127 Berthier, Gen., 141
Baj Singh, 60 Bertie, Adm., 116
Baker, Major Henry, 142 Bertrand, Gen., 76, 266
Valentine, Pasha, 85, 245 Berwick, 105
Baldwin I, 4 Berwick, Duke of, 193
II, 64 Marshal, 8, 12
Balfour of Burleigh, 80 Bessieres, Marshal, 210
Ball, Sir Alex., 259 Betuitdus, 115
Balliol, 82, 105 Bevern, Prince of, 40
Ballivian, 114 Bezetha, 118
Balmaceda, 134 Bhagerat Rao Scindhia, 147
Balmacedists, 133 Bianchi, Gen., 89, 250
Banks, Gen., 151, 200 Biddulphsberg, 227
Baquedano, Gen., 61, 160, 242 Bifukonionia, 242
Bar, Duke of, 5 Bijapore, Rajah of, 100
Baraguay d'Hilliers, 149, 234 Bizonet, Gen., 33
Baratieri, Gen., 4 Black Agnes of Dunbar, 81
Barbarossa, Fredk., 136 Black Prince, The, 173, 197
Barbosa, Gen., 63, 133 " Black Watch," The, 249
Barnard, Sir Heiory, 25, 75 Blake, Adm., 79, 200, 247
Barons, Wars, 87, 139 Gen., 86, 216
Barreiro, Col., 39 Blakeney, Gen., 160
Barrington, Adm., 50 Blasco Nunez, 14
Basin Rao, 20 Blois, Comte de, 4
Basques, 213 " Bloody Battery," 196
Bassano, Don Alfonso, 24 Blucher, Marshal, 28, 41, 55,68, 123,133,
Bassas, 212 135, 137, 140. 143. 145, 265, 266,
Bastard of Orleans, no 267
Bates, 95 Boadicea, 37
" Battle of Giants," 153 Boeotian War, 66, 137, 151, 246
" Battle of the Spurs," 103 Boer Wars, 31, 41, 63, 72, 77, 80, 84, 88,
Baudissen, 267 101, 114, 122, 124, 130, 133, 141,
Baum, Col., 32 146, 147, 148, 161, 184, 193, 208,
Bavaria, Elector of, 36 209, 221, 227, 228, 236, 243, 258,
Bayard, Chevalier de, 94, 208 267
Bazaine, Marshal, 31, 63, loi, 134, 153, Bogdon, 28, 180
158, 178 Bohemond, 79
Bazalitch, Gen., 52 Boiorix, 17, 261
Beatrix of Castile, 11 Boisot, Adm., 139, 213
Beauharnais, Eugene 150, 205, 216, 268 Bolivar, 27, 34, 39, 50, 177, 201, 259
Beaulieu, Gen., 37, 141, 157 Boniface, Count of Africa, ni
Beauregard, Gen., 42, 192 Bonnemain, Gen., 269
Beavers Dam Creek, 228 Bonnet, Gen., 219
Beckwith, Gen., 154 Bonnivct, 208
Bedford, 226 Borysthenes, The, 203
Duke of, 183, 261
" Beggars," The, 107, 203
Boscawen, Adm., 143, 198
Bosco, Gen., 159
Belgium, Liberation of, 16 Bossu, 104, 215, 273
Belisarius, 51, 156, 212, 253 Botha, 77
Bellasis, Col. John, 226 Botta, Gen., 96
Bellecombe, Mons., 198 Bover, 86
Bellegarde, 8 Boucicault, Marshal, 5
Belleville, 188 Bouillon, Due de, 185
" Bell-the-Cat," 223 Boulatoff, Gen., 208
Belza, Gen., 133 Bourbon, Constable of, 208, 212
Bem, Gen., 226 Francisco de, 54
Benedek, Marshal, 125 Bourlamaque, 249
Benham, Gen., 225 Bourquin, 75
Bennigsen, Gen., 87, 93, 108, 203 Bouxhoevden, Gen., 231
Beorwulf, 85 Bowyer, Gen., 146, 217, 219
Boyd, Gen., 6i Burrard, Sir Harry, 263
Boyle, Mr., 20 Burrows, Gen., 148
Brabant, 211 Butler, Gen., 192
Duke of, 5 Byng, Adm., 160
Braddock, Gen., 162 Gen., 213
Bradstreet, Col., gi Geo.,
Sir 10,
Bragg, Gen., 57, 58, 169, 191 Byron, Adm., 102
Braithwaite, Col., 173
Brakfontein, 258
Brand, Martin, 104
Braun, Marshal, 201
Breckeoridge, Gen., 174
Brennus, 11, 211 Cabra, Comte de, 143
Brentford, Earl of, 12 Cabrera, Gen., 61, 165
Brian Boru 62 Caceres, Gen., 160
Bridgwater, 133 Cacina, 47
Bridport, Lord, 31 Cade, 229, 235
Brihtnoth, 149 Cadiz, Marquis of, 10, 24
British Invasion of Egypt, i, 9 Cadmea, 248
Britt, Don Jorge, 138 Cadwallon, 107
Broadwood, Col., 221 Caicilius Metellus, 20
Brock, Gen., 205 Caecina, 68
Broglie, Due de, 33, 125, 205, 225 Cajsar, Julius, 8, 24, 29, 35, 83, 96, 16S,
Broke, Capt., 229 193, 199, 215, 253, 273
Bromhead, Lieut., 213 Cesar's Camp, 130
Brown, Capt., 261 Cairo, 157, 204

Gen. Jacob, 59, 144 Caius Moenius, 62

Marshal, 143 Calabria, 148
Bruce, Capt., 104 Calder, Sir Robert, 49
Robert, 26, 81, 115, 142, 15S Cahph Omar, 157
Brude, 173 Callicratides, 18, 170
Brueys, Adm., 177 Callinicus, Seleucus, 15
Brune, 11 Calo-John, 4
Brunehilde, Queen, 87 Calvert, Capt., 13
Brunswick, Christian, of, 90 Calvinas, Domitius, 176
Duke of, 118, 259 Calvinus, T. Vetiffius, 53
Ferdinand of, 33 Camalogenus, 5
Prince of, 47, in Cambray, 20
Rrutus, 41, 193 Cambuskenneth, Battle of, 23S
Brydon, Dr., 119 Cambyses, 190
Buccaneers, 186, 200, 203 Camera, Gen., 16, 220
Buccelin, 52 Cameron, Gen., 95
Buchan, Constable, 68, 261 ] Camillus, M. Furius, 260
Earl of, 115 Campaign o^ Austerlitz, 84, 267
Buchanan, Capt., 105 Friedland, 33, 72, 73, 87, 93, 108,
Buckingham, Duke of, 135, 20S 162, 203, 265
Buda-Pesth, 161 Jena, 215
Buell, Gen., 191 Leipsic, 73, 76, 79, loi, 106, 123,
Buenzas, 204 126, 129, 137, 143, 145
Buerens, Gen., no Moscow, 100, 184, 233
Buffalo, 36 the Danube, 14, 23, 82, 103, 106,
Bugeaud, Marshal, 116 112. 153, 159
Bugha, 229 Wagram, i, 22, 83, 205, 207
Bukht-Khan, 179 Campbell, Capt., 60
Bulbuddur, Singh, 120 - Col., 13, 150
Bulgaria, Prince of, 156 - of Auchinbrech, 115
BuUer, Capt., 231

- Sir Archibald, 78, 120, 123, 127, 185

Sir Redvers, 63, 72, 114, 131, 193, 236, - Sir Colin, 53, 144, 206, 225
258 Cananore, 100
Burgoyne, Gen., 237, 249 Candorcanqui, Battle of, 24
Burgundian Wars, 100, 109, 136, 165 Canmore, Malcolm, 12, 82
Burgundy, Duke of, 184 Cannon, Col., 81
Burleigh, Lord, i Canto d' Irles, Gen., 151
Burmah, Wars, 78, 120, 123, 127, 185, 266 Caplan, Pasha, 128
Burnaby, Col. Fred., 2 Caprara, Gen., 232
Burnside, Gen., 92, 211 Capua, 167, 260, 264
Burr, Col., 125 Caractacus, 47, 183 ..
Cardigan, Lord, 25 Chevy Chace, 184
Carew, Sir Peter, 99 Chickahominy, River, 228
Carigat, ig Childebert II, 255
Carinus, 153 Chilian Civil War, 63, 133
Carlist Wars, 35, no, 113, 115, 165, 190, Chilian Revolution, 134
203, 220 Chilperic II, 263
Carmagnola, 145 China Wars, 242
Carrington, Gen., 84 Chinese Invasion of Japan, 74, 242
Carthaginian Invasions, 2, 44, 53, 69, no, Chino- Japanese War, 119, 194, 199, 267,
in, 226, 241 270
Cascias, Gen., 220 Chippewa, 144
Cassius, 193 Chitchakofi, Adm., 208
Castaiieta, Don Antonio, 49 Chitral Campaign, 60, 149
Castailos, 255 " Chiyada," Tlie, 270
Castigon, Don Petro de, 10 Choczm, 237
Castor, 132 Chodkiewicz, 128
Castruccio Castracane, 12 Choniski, 126
Cathcart, Gen., 32, 65 Choshia, Daimyo of, 74
Catinat, Marshal, 51, 237 Choshu, 94, 250
Catulus, C. Latatius, 4 Chosroes, 157
Cauterac, Gen., 119 II, 177, 271
Cawnpore, 143, 147, 186 Chotzewitz, 127
Ceawlin, 76, 89 Christian IV, 144, 269
Cefuentes, Count di, 162 V, 144
Censosiaus, L., 51 Duke of Bnmswick, in, 237
Cephalonia, 217 Christina Gyllenstierua, 257
Cerialis, Petilius, 35 Christomenes, 49
Cerro de Guadaloupe, 134 Chryanowski, 179
Cervera, Adm., 221 Chudleigh, Gen., 239
Cervoni, 163 Chunda Sahib, 13, 18, 254, 264
Cetawayo, 120 Chuodomar, 18
Chabrias, 59, 173 ChurchiU, Gen., 261
Chagre, The, 186 Cialdini, Gen., 14, 52, 95, 186
Champagne, Comte Thibaut de, 64 Cimbric War, 16, 261
Chandos, Sir John, 23 Cimon, 87
Chang Pak, 74, 242 Cintra, Convention of, 263
Chanzy, Gen., 137 Civil War, i, 4, 9, 12, 39, 40, 41, 50, 55, 58,
Chard, Lieut., 213 69, 80, 81, 84, 114, 115, 133, 154,
Chares, 59, 85 172, 174, 193, 202, 214, 239, 250,
Charlemagne, 213 269
Charles I, 174
69, 84, 172, of Caesar and Pompey, 70, 83, 172, 192,
II, 269 215, 245, 258
V, 132, 212
168, of Marius and Sulla, 63, 68, 216
VI, 214 of Sertorius, 239
VIII, Clam-Gallas, 98, 168, 197, 256
XI, 91 132, 144, 207
37, 89, Clanwilliara, Earl of, 107
XII, 202, 233,
62, 82, 93, 113, 138, 171, Clarence, Duke of, 29
239, 248 Clarifait, Gen., 167
Albert Savoy, 99
of Claudius, 47
Archduke, i, 207, 222,
22, 34, 36, 83, Appius, 49
238, 264, 266 Gothicus, 171
James, Young Pretender, 202
tlie Nero, 158
Martel, 252, 263 Publius, 140

ofof Anjou, 242

31, 100, 158, Claulen, 57
Clauscl, Marshal, 63
of Blois, Clauset, 213
of Lorraine, 109
40, 61, 72, 139, ,112, Claverhouse, 80
211, 234 Cleland, Col., 81
the 201,
Bold, loi, 165 Clement III, 212
the Regent, 141 Cleombrotus, 139
Chasseurs d'Afrique, 225 Cleomcnes, 156, 227
Chatham, Lord, 90 Cleon, 14, 204
Chaud Bibi, 6 Cleopatra, 3
Chelmsford, Lord, 257 Clermont, Comte de, 68, 91
Chenab, River, 206, 216 Clifford, Lord, 89
Cherusii, 141 Clive, 18, 20, 56, 59, 67, 76, 195
" Chesapeake," Tlic, 229 Closter-Seven, Convention of, 107
Clothaire II, 79, 87 Coxon, John, 186
Clovis, 197, 234, 250, 264 Cragova, 58
Clytus, 44 Crassus, 232
Cnceus Domitius,147 P. Licinius, 134
Publius, 51
Fulvius, 109
Pompeius, 168 Cfauford, Earl of, 40, 62
Cnemas, 65, 172 JTrimean War, 11, 25, 45, 58, 115, 122, 149,
Caiva, 92, 193 L^ 181, 183, 208, 231, 232, 240, 245
Coa, River, 215 Crispus, 108
Cobourg, Duke of, 90, 210, 266 Critolaus, 223
Prince of, 154, 173 Crittenden, Gen., 159
Cochrane, Sir A. J., 26, 146, 154. 217, 219 Cromwell, Oliver, 80, 81, 154, 172, 202, 269
Lord, 46 Cronje, 124, 146, 147, 161, 184
Cockburn, Col., 270 Cronstedt, Adm., 240
Codrington, Adm., 172 Cronstrun, 33
Coepio, 17 Crouzat, Gen., 30
Colborne, Sir John, 217 Crown Prince of Prussia, 126
Cohgay, 80 Crusaders, 2, 16, 20, 21, 64, 79, 118, 157,
CoUey, Sir Geo., 133, 148 176, 255
Colli, Gen., 114, 159 Ctesiphon, 119
Collier, Sir George, 190 Cuddalore, 201
CoUingvvood, Adm., 252 Cuesta, 155, 200
Colorados, 164 Cumberland, Duke of, 70, 90, 107, 136
Columbine, Capt., 227 " Cumberland," The, 106
Colville, Gen., 220 Cureton, Gen., 206
Combermere, Lord, 34 Curio, 25, 258
Comnenus, 253 Curry, Sir Pierce, 134
Alexius, 82 Curtis, Gen., 189
Comonfort, Gen., 134 Custer, Gen., 141, 182
Conan the Athenian, 62 Custria, 273
Conde, 20, 56, 80, 81, 93, 117, 138, 178, Cutha, 89
< 200, 211, 217, 227, 258 Cyprus War, 88, 138
Conflans, 154, 205, 206 Cyrus the. Younger, 70
Congeen, Commodore, 218 Czarniecki, 197
Congressists, 134 Czernitchieff, 137
Conon, 4, 170
Conquest of Algeria, 63
Dacia, 153

Ireland, 23
Mexico, 159
of Peru, 13, 14, 22, 71, 135. 205
Conradin, 242
Constantine, 44, 61, 104, loS, 152, 223, 261 d'Abergotti, Gen., 79
Ill, 42
d'Ache, Comte, 51, 91, 254
of Alban, 78 Dacia, 152
PalcBologus, 65 Dacre, 95, 252
Thomas, 234
Constantius, 167, 169, 232
Contades, Marquis de, 159 D.igisteus, 192
Conti, Prince Louis de, 47, 145 d'Aguila, 125
Contrecoeur, 271 d'Albret, Constable, 5
Convent of Santa Cruz, 134 d"Alen(;on, Due, 5, 261
Conway, Lord, 174 D.ilgety, Col., 267
Cooke, Gen., 33 Dilziel, Gen., 215
Coote, Sir E\Te, 20, 197, 198, 201, 230, 265 Dalmatia, 152
Cope, Sir John, 202 Damietta, 157
Copratus, The, 65 Damjanics, 127, 264
Corinthian War, 66 Damn'mont, Gen., 64
Cornaille, Pierre, 133 Dinish Invasions, 42, 78, 86, 87, 109, 144,
Cornwallis, Lord, 19, 26, 47, 103-, 223, 227, 158, 166, 180, 207, 230, 247, 248,
271 267
Cortes, 159, 184 Dano-Spanish Wars, 108
Cossack Rising, 122 Swedish Wars, 37, 61, 86, 93, 94, "3.
Cotton, Gen., 78 ' 125, 128, 132, 144, 214, 239, 257,
Coulon de Jumnville, 271 269
de Villiers, 102 Danube, The, 232
Courbet, Adm., 235 Dara, 220
Covenanters' Rising, 38, 80, 215 Darando, Gen., 166

d'Axgentian, 163 de Lucy, Richard, gx

Darius, Codomannus, 17 Lusignan, Guy, 118, 249
King of Persia, 116 Delzons, Gen., 150
Hytaspes, 152 de Marche, Count, 242
d'Armagnac, 155 Mauley, 252
Darnad Ali Pasha, 192 Dembinski, Gen., 121, 247, 265
Darozhinsky, Gen., 224 de Medari, Gen., 52
d'Artois, Robert, 67 Melac, Mons., 132
d'Aspre, Gen., 165 Mercy, Gen., 18S
Datis, 152 Demetrius, 212
D'Auijigny, 226 Poliorcetes, 115
d'Aubusson, Pierre, 209 de Montfort, John, 23
Daun, Marshal, iii, 127, 139, 140, 155, 181, Simon, 139
251. 256 Demosthenes, i8r, 204, 241
d'Aurelle de Paladines, Gen., 67, 142 de Namar, Guy, 67
d'Auteil, Mons., 13 Dentatus, M. Carius, 31
David II, 274 Derby, Lord, 44, 206, 269
of Scotland, 82, 237 de Rantzau, 247
Davidowich, 18, 214 Rassingham, 266
d'Avila, Don Sancho, 16, 165 Rieux, Marshal, 217
Davis, Capt., 203 Rigny, Adm., 172
Commodore, 157 Ros, 57
Davoust, 87, 118, 128, 153, 161, 264, 268 Ruyter, 79, 99, 179, 200, 229, 234
de Aguila, 162 Desaix, 152
Deane, Adm., 200 d'Estaing, Count, 50, 102, 182
de Ataida, Luis, 100 Destigerd, 177
Beaumont, Robert, 91 d'Bstrees, Coimt, 107, 234
Bermingham, Richard, 23 de Suffren, 199, 201
John, 81 Tavannes, Marshal, 162
Burgh, Thermes, Marshal, loi
Bouillon,William, 23
Godefroi, 118 Tourville, Adm., 29, 131
Bonflers, Mons., 140 Trastamare, Henry, 173
Castries, Gen., 47 d'Bu, Comte, 50
Castro, Juan, 77 de Winter, Adm., 48
Catinat, Marshal, 153 Vandemont, Prince, 68
Decebalus, 153 Vere, Dulce of Ireland, 206
de Charolais, Comte, 164 Villiers, Commandant, 130
Confians, Adm., 31 Coulon, 102
Decius, 193
92, Devizes, 214
De Wert, Jean, 20S, 209
Mus., 261
Publius, 227 Wet, 80, 220
de Coigny, Marshal, 188 Dewey, Adm., 151
Coligny, Marshal, de Witt, 79
Drucour, Chevalier,103143 Dexippus, 2
Gen., 29
Failly, de Zetenden, Adm., 49
Defenders, 76 Diacus, 138
de Fersen, Baron, 154 Dicbitsch, Gen., 102, 129
Degollado, 242 Dieskau, Baron, 132, 136
de Gonzaga, Francisco, 91, 94 di Lezzp, Antonio, 224
Grasse, 78 Dingaan, 77
Kalb, 47 Diodes, in, 226
Kray, 85, 86, in, 116 Diocletian, 153
la Bresse, 218 Dionysius, 44, 69, 85, 166, 241
la Feuillade, Due, 256 Diophantus, 44
Gardie, James, 126
la di Potenza, Cond6, 244
la Dirkzoon, Adm., 273
MeUlerac,41 Marshal, 185
la Djezzar, 3
Motte Count, 270
la Doblado, 219
Nouc, Frangois, 215
la Doctoroff, Gen., 150
Pole, Earl of Lincoln, 237
la Dolabella, 70
Rochefoucauld, 185
la Dollabella, P. Cornelius, 132
Lauria, Roger, 158 Dolgorouky, Gen., 171
Del Canto, Gen., 63, 133 Domitius, Cnaeus, 147
de Levis, Chevalier, 205, 217 Dom Miguel's Rebellion, 220
Delhi, King of, 240 Donald, Bree, 99
de Ligneris, Mons., loi Lord of the Isles, 106
Lorraine, Chevalier, 218 Don Carlos, no, 113
Don Francisco de Toledo, 104 Edwin, 107
John Austria,
of 81, 95, 138, 215 Earl, 94
Sancho of Castile, Egbert, 85, 109
Sebastian, no, 113757 Egerton, Sir Charles, 119
Doria, 59, 64, 197 Egmont, Count, loi, 218
Dost Mohammed, 121 Philip, 96
Douay, Gen. Abel, 267 Egremont, Lord, 179, 237
Douglas, 231 Ehrenskiold, Adm., 94
Archibald, 19 Eighty-Seventh, Regt., 16S
Arch., Earl of, 105, 112 Elagabalus, 114
Earl of, 184, 261 Elbe, River, 107
James, Earl of, 19 Elcho, Lord, 250
Rebellion, 40 EI Hadj Mohammed Pasha, 129
Doveton, Gen., 21 Elias Khan, 161
Dragomiroff, 231 Eliot, Gen., 98
Drake, 19, 44 Eloff, Sarel, 146
Mr., 45 Elphinstone, Gen., 34, 119, 124
Drepanum, 140 Sir Keith, 220
Dresden, 129 Elsasshausen, 269
Drummond, Sir Geo., 144 El Teb, Battle of, 255
Drusus, 141, 148 Elwas Mohammed, 272
Dublin, 207 Emin, Malek, 109
Duchambon de Vergor, 30 Emir Hamada, 89
Ducrot, Gen., 263 EruniskiUen, 175
Duff, Sir James, 97 Enotake, 120
Dufour Gen., 98 Enslin, IJattle of, loi
du Gast, 54 Entzheim, Battle of, 232
Dugommier, 251 Bpaminondas, 139, 151
du Guesclin, 23, 57, 60, 62, 164, 173, 199 Epidamnus, 105
Duilius, Caius, 170 Bporedorix, 3
du Lude, Seigneur, 191 Equatius GeUius, 47, 227
Dumouriez, 117, 173, 259 Erinschild, Adm., 7
Duncan, Adm., 48 Ernest of Styria, Duke, 206
Dundas, Adm., 240 Errol, Earl of, 99
Dundee, 124 Esk, River, 194
Battle 209,of, 243 Escobedo, 221
Dunkeld, 144 Espartero, 35, no, 165, 190
Bishop 115 of, Espinay, Prince, 252
Dunkirk, 112 Essex, Earl of, 84, 174
Dunois, 183 Etampes, 188
Dupleix, 198 Ethelwulf, 180
Dupont, Adm., 29, 57 Etruscan War, 20
Gen., io6 Eudamus, 21
Durand, Col., 50 Eudes, 164
Durham, Bishop of, 237 Eugene, Prince, 30, 36, 50, 52, 58, 68, 75,
Durnford, Col., 115 79, 132, 140, 145, 150, 192, 193, 20s,
DutchjWars, 77, 79, 99, 179, 200, 229, 234, 222, 272
'235, 247 of Wurtemberg, 163
d'York.l'Gen., 56 Eugenius, 17
Eumenes, 65, 187, 191, 222
Euryolocus, i8r
Eurymedon, 204
Euthydemus, 19
Evans, Gen., 26, no, 115, 221
Earle, Gen., 125 (Am.), 225
Early, Gen., 54, 89, 182 Sir Ralph, 15
Ecgfrith, 173 Evetzen, 200
Edhem Pasha, 78, 193 Ewell, Gen., 69, 269
Edmund Ironsides, 22, 191, 228 Exeter, 218
Edward, 248 Earl of, 216
I, 55, 81, 87, 88, 139 Ex mouth, Lord, 10
II, 3, 26, 38, 105 EyTe, Major Vincent, 20
Ill, 4, 5, 60, 68, 69
IV, 27, 84, 85, no, 166, 247, 252
the Elder, 247, 267
the Black Prince, 173, 197
Edwardes, Lieut., 124, 168, 239 Fabricius, Caius, 8, 24

Fabius Maximus, Q., 116, 136, 227, 263 Frauenberg, The, 158
Faidherbe, Gen., 27, 105, 218 Fredegond, Queen, 255
Fairfax, Sir. Thos., 4, 133, 154, 172, 226 Frederic II, 66, 100
Falkenberg, 146 IV, of Denmark, 239
Falkenstein, Gen., 125 Augustus, 62
Farokshin, 5 Barbarossa, 136
Farragut, Adm., 175, 261 Charles, Prince, 82, 98, 126, 137, 158,
Fastolfe, Sir Jolm, no, 188 197
Faure, Gen., 14 Duke168, 178,
of 168, 242
Faversham, Earl of, 225 Elector of Saxony, 168
Feidlim, 23 of Bohemia, 201
Feliciano, 121 the Great, 60, 72, 109, in, 112, 126,
Ferdinand, Archduke, 106, 207 129, 139, 140, 143, 162, 181, 201,
of Naples, 185, 210, 226, 234, 273
68, 160 William III, 239
of Hungary, 178 Elector, 89, 207, 236
Prince, 125 French, Gen., 84, 124
the Catholic, 100, 142, 149, 251 Canadian Rising, 217
Fermor, 273 CivU Wars, 67
Ferrars, Lord, 38 Invasion of Egypt, i, 3, 108, 177, 204
Fersen, Baron de, 154 Fresnel, 105
Fife, Earl of, 115 Freyre, 59
Filipo de Rieti, 273 Freytag, 112
Finck, Gen., 155 Fritigern, 105, 152
Finland War, 208, 240 Frossard, Gen., 235
Finnegan, Gen., 180 FuUali, Tlie, 113
Firth, Lord, 58 Fulvius, Cn., 32
Fischbach, Gen., 58 Q-, 49
Fitzalan, Richard, 233 Futteh Mohammed Khan, 124
Fitzwalter, Lord, 89
Flaminius, 19, 24, 71
Flammock's Rebellion, 35
Flavins Fimbria, 158
Cnaeus, 109
Gablenz, Gen., 253
Fleetwood, 269
Flemish War, 67, 162, 273
Gage, Gen., 43, 139, 202
Flics, Gen., 132 Gaines' Mill, 228
Flint, Lieut., 265 Galba, 199
Floing, 225 Galgacus, 100
Flores, Gen., 69, 70, Ib4 Gallic Invasion of the East, 86, 105
Revolt, 35
Floyd, Gen., 149
Foix, Comte de, 242
Tribal Wars, 3
Fontana, Benedict, 47 Wars, 4, 5, 8, 24, 29, 35, 41, 96, 168,
Forbach, B.ittle of, 236 199, 253 ;i

Forde, Col., 113, 154, 206 Gallitzin, Prince, 60, 79, 122
Forey, Gen., 134, 163 Galliis, Cestus, 34
Forgacz, Count, 188 Galway, Lord, 8, 12 Li

Forster, Gen., 202 Gainarra, 114

Fort Duquesne, loi, 271 Ganctzki, Gen., 196 - '

Lyman, 132 G.-ircilasso de la Vega, 183

Necessity, 103 G.udnier, Col., 12
Gnrdner, Gen., 200
Fournier, Gen., 102
Fraga, 139 Garibaldi, 22, 45, I57, 159. 164, 165, 185,
Francis I, 153 189 212, 260, 264
II of Naples, 95 Garnett, Gen., 209
Joseph, Emperor, 234 Gaston de Foix, 207
Gatacre, Gen. Sir W., 238
Francisco de Manesses, 258
Melo, 211 Gate Pah, 95
Toledo, Don, 104 Gates, Gen., 47, 236
Pizarro, 135 Gauchos, 163
Gazer Khan, 184
Franco-Austrian War, 147, 149, 163, 234,
256 Gck Horn, Battle of, 190
German War, 14, 27, 29. 3i. 43. 58, 63, Gelimer, 51, 254
Gellius, 39
105, 137, 142, 153, 158, 178, 188,
218, 235, 263 Gelon, 108, no
Mexican War, 3, 134 Genghiz Khan, 26, 97, n4, 121, 122, 123,
Fraser, Gen., 74, 238 184, 190, 220, 244
Genseric, 48, in Grey
George II, 76 Gen.,
Geo., 154
King of Hanover, 152 de Ruthin, Lord,
Georgia, Queen of, 249 de Wilton, Lord, 178
Gergue, 190 Grimaldi, 273
German Invasion of Italy, 90 Grouchy, 267
Germanic Wars, 114, 141, 148, 260 Grseco-Turkish War, 78, 193, 260
Getes, 161 Guelphs and Ghibellines, 12, 47, 66, 162,
Ghuzni, 97, 234 242
Gildo, 242 " Guglers," 92
Gillespie, Gen., 120 Guilleminot, Gen., 102
Gingen, Capt., 264 Guiscard, Robert, 62, 82
Ginkel, 5 Guise, Due de, 45, 80
Girard, Col., 137 Guiton, 135
Girod, 217 Gurkha War, 12, 119, 120, 168
Giulay, Marshal, 47 Gustavus Adolphus, 12, 61, 73, 92, 136,
Glabrio, 248 137, 146, 195, 210, 269
Glarus, 171 Vasa, 257
Goddard, Gen., 6, 28 Guthmund, 149
Godefroi de Bouillon, 21, 176 Guthrun, 87
Goigues, Gen., 95 Guy de Lusignan, 118, 249
Gokameyama, 161 Guyeaux, 52
Gokla, 21 Gwalior Campaign, 147, 203
Goldli, Geo., 121 Gylippus of Sparta, 240
Golitshin, Adm., 102
Gomurakami, 129, 161
Gonsalvo de Cordova, 54, 94, 183, 217, 226,
Gonzaga, 95
Gonzalo Pizarro, 14, 71
Gore, Col., 217
Gordon, Gen., 123 Haco, 134
" Gordon Highlanders," 74 Hadji, Ahmed, 63
Giirgey, 3, 116, 127, 171, iSi, 191, 223, 247 Hadrianus, Fabius, 44
Goring, Lord, 133 Haidar Khan, 97
Gortschakoff, 245 Hakki Pasha, 260
Gothic Invasion of France, 197 Half dene, 21
Italy, 132, 211 Halil Pasha, 120, 202
Thrace, 152 Hamayun, 61, 121
Wars, 87, 92, 167, 171, 193, 197, 212, Hamet Zeli, 149
Hamilcar, 68, 69, no, in
Gothicus, Claudius, 171 Hampden, 55
Gotz, Gen., 264 Hampton, Gen, 57
Gough, Lord, 59, 89, 103, 147, 165, 203, Thos., 60
206, 216 Hancock, Gen., 236
Matthew, 235 Hannibal, 2, 21, 48, 49, 109, in, 170, 226,
Gourko, Gen., 78, 99, 193 249, 272
Gracchus, Tiberius, 32 Hanno, 4, 32, 83, 84
Graham, Gen., 27, 106, 221 Hanover, King of, 132
Gen. Sir G., 122, 244, 246, 255 Hans Waldman, 165
Grammont, Due de, 76 Harclay, Sir Andrew, 38
Gran, The, 171 Harcourt, 51
Granson, Sir Thomas, 199 Had Pant, 130, 270
Grant, Gen., 57, 58, 192, 209, 230, 236, 262 Harman, Sir John, 218
Sir Hope, 243 Harold, 107, 236

Major, 107 Hardrada, 94, 17S, 236
Gratiaui, 117 Haroun-al-Raschid, 167
Graves, Adm., 145 Harper's Ferry, 235
Gravitza Redoubt, 196 Harris, Gen., 149, 228
Greece, Crown Prince of, 78 Hart, Gen., 194
Greek War of Independence, 160, 172 Hartley, Col., 28, 46
Green, Sir Chas., 240 3 Har^'ey, Adm. John, 254
Greene, Gen., 85, 103 j Bagenal, 175
Gregory', 255 Hasdrubal, 51, 69, 158, 187
II, 207 .
" T Hassan, 258

Grenxdlle, Sir Richard,''24 Bey, 245
Grey, Adm., in Hasselaer, Kenau, 104

Hauben, Marshal, 30 Honorius, Emperor, 211

Havelock, Sir Henry, 16, 35, 94, 143, 147, Hood, Adm., 78
182, 186 Commander, 240
Hawke, Adm. Sir E., 6, 30, 49, 205 Gen., 189
92, 172,
Hawkins, 19 Hooker, 56
Hawley, Gen., 88 Hopton, Su: Ralph, 12, 39, 133, 239
Haynau, Gen., 40, 247 Hore, Gen., 84
The, 143 Horn, Adm., 125, 214
Hazlerigg, 214 Field Marshal, 178, 236
H6b6court, 249 Horsa, 24
Heiden, Adm., 172 Hothani, Adm., 96
Hellenes, The, 255 Hotspur, 184, 231
Heloris, 85 Houchard, 112
Hemu, 187 Hougoumont, 266
Hengist, 24, 68 Houston, Gen., 220
Henri I, 259 Howard, Lord Edward, 41
IV, 30, 67, 117 Lord Thomas, 24
le Bearnais, 162 of Effingham, Lord, 19
Henry Howe, Gen., 39
91 247
I, 40,
II, Lord, 255, 257
Ill, 139, Sir William, 42, 97
IV, 231 242 Huasca, 13, 205
V, 214, 231
5, Hudson River, 238
VI, 216, 252
36, 178, Hughes, Sir Ed., 70, 173, 199, 254
VII, Hugues, Qui^ret, 233
VIII, 103238
35, 38,
38, Hundred Days' War, 89, 140, 204, 250, 266
of Castile, Years' War, 5, 6, 29, 36, 44, 45, 53, 57.
of Germany, 212
Ill, 60, 68, 69, 91, 136, 162, 183, 188,
of Nassau, 214, 226, 261
the Fowler, Count,
Hungarian Rising, 116, 121, 171, 181, 191,
Hentzi, Gen., i8i 224, 226, 247, 260, 264
Heraclides, 130 War, 272
Heraclius, 169, 177, 271 Huguenot Rebellion, 135
Hereford, 38 Huniades, John, no, 128, 130, 165, 260
Hermann, 33 Hunsden, Lord, 95
Herron, Gen., 202 Huntley, Earl of, 40, 66, 98, 194
Hesse, Landgrave of, 168 Huntly's Rebellion, 40, 66
Prince of, 52, 236 Hunyady, John, 30
Hicks Pasha, 122 Hurry, Sir John, 23
Hideyori, 226 Hussein Pasha, 122, 128
Hideyoshi, 180 Hussites, 23, 76, 245
Hierax, 15 Huzrat Mahal, 169
Hiero, 71 Hwan Buako, 74
Hiketas, 104 Hyde, Adm., 65
Hill, Gen., 228, 235 Parker, Adm., 77
Gen. A. P., 97 Hyderabad, Nizam of, 130
HiUinger, Gen., 46 Hyder Ali, 13, 20, 182, 197, 201, 230, 251,
Himartekin, 123 254, 255, 265
Himilco, 2, 241
Himilcon, 140
Hindman, Gen., 202
Hippocrates, 75, 108, 138 241
Hirotsukc, 116, 117
Hirschberg, Gen., 137
Hirtius, 160, 170 Ibrahim, 160, 177, 187
Hislop, Sir Thos., 148, 243 Bey, io8
HIangwane Hill, 193 Pasha, 30, 34, 127, 273
Hoche, 174 Daimio of, 161
Hodgson, Gen., 31 Ikkelman Pugatchcff, 122, 123
Hogeu Insurrection, 242 Iiiierctinsky, Prince, 142
Hohenlo, Count Philip, 105 Inaros, 157
Hohenlohe, Prince of, 118 Iiica Rising, 235
Hojo Rebellion, 180 Indian Mutiny, 6, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26, 34, 53,
Holkar, 148, 243 75, 94. 95. 118, 128, 147. 169. 179,
Holies, Denzil, 40 182, 187, 225
Holmes, Adm., 204 ludulph, 26
Holstein, Duke of, 62 Ingelram vou Coney, Baron, 92
Invasion of Britain, 47 Johnson, Gen., 125, 230, 236
Korea, 108, 257 SirW., 131, 175
the Alemanni, 189, 194 Johnston, Gen., 87
the Huns, 55 Johnstone, Col., 41
the Vandals, 48, 51, 253 Comm., 201
Invasions of the Gauls, 11, 211 Gen., 175
Ionian War, 86, 130 Jones, Col., 207
Iphicrates, 85 Col. Michael, 81
Irish Rebellions, 31, 81, 97, 175, 263 Jonquiere, Adm. de la, 48
" Ironsides," 154 Joseph Buonaparte, 180, 188, 263
Irribarreu, Gen., 113 Josephus, 119
Isabella, 251 Joubert, 41, 88, 130, 148
Isley, Sir Henry, 269 Marshal, 179
Isle-aux-Noix, 249 Jourdan, Marshal, 34, 90, 23S, 243
Isle ofWight, Action off, 200 Jovian, 119
Ismael, Shah, 229 Jovinus, 55
Italian Invasion of Abyssinia, 4 Joyeuse, Due de, 67
- Risings, 40, 95, 165, 166, 179, 185, Juan d'Aguila, 125
212, 259, 260 Juan Pizarro, 71
- Wars, 31, 91, 94, 100, 145, 153, 183, Juarez, 2, 46
189, 226, 244 Juba, 25, 248
Ivan the Terrible, 22 Judacilius I, 21
Juel, Adm., 125, 214
Jugurtha, 169
Julian, 18, 119, 152, 191, 250
J Count, 270
Jaafar, 169 Junot, 52, 263
Jablonowski, 264 Jussuf, 48
Jackson, Gen., 43, 54, 56, 69, 106, 201, 228, Justinian, 166
235. 239 Jutes, 24
175 Jutish Invasion, 68
Jacobite Rising, 8t, 124
Jaffa, 249
Jagmal, 60
Jaipal, Rajah of Lahore, 191 K
James 11, 39, 142, 215
Ill, of Scotland, 223 Kabul, 148
IV, of Scotland, 90 KafSr Wars, 13, 32, 43
VI, 98 Kalkreuth, Marshal, 73
River, 229 Kaminiec, 197, 233
Jan Koch, 37 Kambaksh, 98
Janssens, Col., 41 Kanhadar, 124, 148
Japanese Revolution, 94, 177, 250, 258, Kanzler, Gen., 157
264 Kat, 81
Jaxartes, The, 126 Katuku, 35
Jean, Joel, 62 Keane, Gen., 175
Jehandar Shah, 5 Keatinge, Col., 17, 39
Jellachich, 116, 260 Keith, Lord, 96
JeUalabad, 124 Marshal, in
Jellaladin, 35, 114, 121 Kekewich, Col., 124
Jennings, Sir John, 10 Kelly, Col., 60
Jervis, Sir John, 49, 103, 154, 218 Kemal Reis, 222
Jerome de 't Zeraerts, 247 Kenau Hasselaer, 104
Jerusalem, 249 Kenmure, Lord, 269
Jeswuut Rao, 21, 74, 75, 94, 199 Kenneth III, 144
Jewish War, 34, 118, 119 Keppcl, Adm., 31, 182
Jhansi, Ranee of, 104 Khaled, 7, 8, 38, 72, 169, 271
Joan of Arc, 183, 188 Khalifa, The, 181
Joanna, 251 Khan, Elias, 161
John I, II Khojah Zofar, 77
11, 28, Khoord Kabul Pass, 117
Archduke, 205, 216
112, Khyber Pass, 117
Duke Normandy,
of 6 Kiburs, Count of, 136
of 100
Castile, Kihdj Arslan, 21
Denmark, 156
of Kirboga, 16
King of France, 197 Kirby Smith, Gen., 209
Regent, 11 Kirke, Col., 142

Kirkjean, Mons., 25 Lambton, Capt. Hedworth, 88

Kismegeyer, 205 La Moriciere, Gen., 14, 52
Kiushiu, 242 Lamothe-Houdancourt, 138
Kitchener, Lord, 23, 84, 89, 181, 184 Lancaster, 38
Kiyomasa, 257 Landen, Battle of, 173
Klapka, 116, 127 Landi, Gen., 45
Kleber, 108, 167 Landon, Gen., 30, 130, 140, i8i
Kleist, 80 Langdale, Sir Marmaduke, 202, 214
Klingspoor, Gen., 208, 231 Langy, 255
Knowles, Adm., 107 Lannes, Marshal, 14, 22, 93, 112, 159, 163
Knut, 22, 191, 230 203, 215, 255
Kobad, 13 Lannoy, 189
Kobayagawa Takakage, 108 Lanza, Gen., 185
Koch, Gen., 84 La Pena, Gen., 27
Jan, 37 Laptines, 53
KohandO Khan, 121 Laserna, 24
Kolocz, Bishop of, 161 Latin War, 261
Konningsegg, Count, 225 La Torre, 50
Konoslii Yakinaga, 108 Tremouille, 179, 217
Konownitzu, Gen., 184 Lauderdale, Lord, 269
Kosciusko, 154 Laurel HUl, 209
Kotah, Rajah of, 128 Lavallette, 150
Kourloff, Gen., 245 Lavater, Rudolph, 121
Kriidener, Gen., 176, 195, 196 Lawrence, Capt. John, 229
Kruge, Adm., 228 Major, 25, 76, 99, 146, 228, 239
Kublai Khan, 74, 105 Layard, Sir Ed., 24
Kumal Khan, 100 Lazar, 127
Kuroda, Gen., 129 Lazareff, 122
Kuroki, Marshal, 125 Leake, Sir John, 148
Kur Singh, 20, 24 Lee, Gen., 15, 55, 58, 92, 97, 192, 209, 228,
Kusinoki, Matsasura, 230 235, 236, 268
Kuttugh Khan, 74 Lecourbe, 166
Kutusoff, 23, 38, 112, 128, 155, 268 Lefebvre, Marshal, 73, 222
Kuwana, 94, 250 Leganez, 138
Kyrielle, 91 Lehwaldt, Marshal, 102
Leicester, Earl of, 273
Leo IX, Pope, 62
the Iconoclast, 207
Leonidas, 248
Leontini, 104
Leopold, Archduke, 40, 138, 165
La Belle Alliance, 176 Duke, 227
Labienus, 5, 168, 215 Leotychides, 170
Labomirski, 128 Leptinus, 241
Laborde, Gen., 213 Le Quesnay, 227
Labourdonnais, Adm., 145, 173 Leslie, David, 8r, 193
Laches, 151 Lestocq, 87, 265
Ladislaus, 259 Letzi, The, 171
Lady smith, 193 Leval, 33
Laevinus, P. Laverius, 109 Leven, 154
La Ferte, 258 Levenhaupt, Gen., 138
Harpe, 159 Lewis, King, 161
Haye Sainte, 266 Lexington Military School, 175
Lake Ascanius, 176 Ley, 68
Champlain, 249 Liberation of Belgium, 16
City, 180 Li Chin, 108
Gen., 5, 10, 34, 75, 135, 263 Lichtenstein, 221
Lord, 74, 94 Licias, 240
Zug, 98 Licinius, 44, 61, 104, 108, 109, 152
Lakhsman Singli, 60 Crassus, P., 134
Laljaji, 244 Ligneris, 176
Lally Tollendal, 91, 146, 198, 244, 265 " Ligue du bicn public," 164
Lai Singh, 89 Ligonicr, Sir John, 136
Lamachus, 240 Lille, 270
Lamar, 119 Lima, 182
La Marmora, Gen., 70 Lincoln, Bad of, 238
Lambert Simnel, 238 Liniers, Gen., 42
Lin Fok Heng, 105 Macrinus, 114
Lionels, no Madhao Rao II, 130
Linois, Adm., q Magnentius, 167, 169
Lin Yung Ku, 235 Mago, 44, 179, 253
Lippe, River, 260 Maha Bandoola, 78, 127
Livius, Caius, 71, 170 Maha Nemyo, 266
Marcus, 158 Mahadaji Sindhia, 270
Loch Linnhfe, 115 Mahmud, 23, 191, 234
Lomakine, Gen., 96 Mahmud's invasions of India, 191, 234
Lombard League, 136 Mahmud Tughlak, 74
London Bridge, 235 Mahomed IV, 161, 233, 273
Longstreet, Gen., 228, 235, 268 Mahomet Koprili, 126
" Loose-coat-field," Battle of, 85 Mahon, Col., 146
Lopez, 16, 50, 70, 113, 188, 220, 263 Mahratta Wars, 5, 6, 10, 22, 28, 34, 56, 74,
Lorencez, 3, 134 75, 94, 103, 125, 127, 135, 148, 199,
" L'Orient," The, 177 230, 232, 243, 270
Lorraine, Duke of, 232 Maillebois, Marshal, 214, 221
Lorrices, 202 Main, The, iii
Louis III, 223 Mainfroy, 31
VI, 40 Makaroff, Adm., 199
IX, 157, 242, 256 MalakoS, 149, 208, 225
XI, 164 Malatesta, 145
XII, 58 Malcolm II, 124, 166
~ XIII, 52 Sir John, 21
Dauphin, 140 " Male Journee," The, 36.
di Conti, Prince, 145 Malek-ai-Aschref, 3
of Nassau, Count, 107, 165 Malmoe, 144
Prince of Prussia, 215 Malnate, Battle of, 259
the Bavarian, 168 Malraj, 168, 239
Loup II, 213 Malvern Hill, 229
Low, Gen., 149 Malwar, Rajah of, 158
Lowendal, 33 Mamilius, 132
Lucca, Castruccio Castracane of, 12 Manchester, 154, 174
Lucilianus, 177 Mancius, 179
Lucius Mummius, 138 Manco Capac, 22
Lucknow, 225 Manfred of Sicily, 100, 162
LucuUus, 44, 72, 249 Manius Manililius, 51
Lliders, Gen., 226 Manlius, 140
Lupicinus, 152 Torquatus, 261
Lupus, 250 Maimy, Sir Walter, 6
Lusitanian War, 179 Mansfeldt, Count von, 76, go, in, 269
Luton Moor, 237 Mansur, 189
Lutter, Castle of, 144 Mantua, 131, 155
Luxembourg, Marshal, 90, 173, 237 Manson, Gen, 209
Luy de Beam, 183 Manteuffel, Gen., 14, 105
Lynch, Eliza, 66 Manuel I, 64, 271, 272
Lyon, Gen., 268 Maori War, 95
Lyons, Sir Edmund, 225 Mar, Earl of, 106, 229
Lysander, 4, 105, 179 Marad, 20
Lysimachus, 67 Marainsin, 155
Marcantonio Bragadino, 88
Marcellus, M., 138, 241
M Marcus Livius, 158
Mardonius, 195
Macbeth, 82 Margaret of Anjou, 107, 216, 247, 252
Maccarthy, 175 Margueritte, Gen. 225
Macdonald, Gen. Sir, H. 181 Marhof, Gen., 162
- Marshal, 123, 220, 253, 264 Mariano, Alvarez, 97
Macedonia, 152 Marines, The, 250
Macedonian Wars, 24, 71, 134, 203 Marius, 16, 216, 261
Macgruder, Gen., 268, 271 Mark Antony, 193
Machanidas, 151 Antony's Rebellion, 169
Mack, Gen., 159 Marlborough, Duke of, 36, 78, 150, 206,
Mackay, Gen., 124 252
Mackinnon, Gen., 62 Marmora, Gen., 245
Macleod, Col., 198 Marmont, Marshal, 106, 131, 133, 137, 188,
Macmahon, Marshal, 147, 225, 256, 2O7, 269 219
Marquez, 242 Mercy, Count, 93
Marsin, 36
Gen., 178
Marston, Capt., 105 Merrimac," The, 105
Martin, Capt., R.N., 150 Meshid, Pasha, 209
Mary Queen of Scots, 133 Messenian Wars, 4, 21, 22, 49, 53, 156
Mascarenhas, 77 Metaurus, The, 158
Mascazel, 241 Metellus, 88, 225
Massena, 43, 45, 83, 93, 96, 141, 159, 163, L. Caecilius, 187
210, 273 Numidicus, 169
Mathias, Col., 74 Methuen, Lord, 31, loi, 147, 161
Matsudaira Nobutsuna, 13 Metz, 178, 235
" Matsushima," The, 270 Mexican Liberal Rising, 2, 46, 219, 242
Matthews, Adm., 251 Meyer, Gen. Lucas, 243
Matyana, 115 Meyerfeld, Gen., 120
Mauberge, 266 Michael, Grand Duke, 196
Maurice, Elector of Saxony, 231 Michelberg, 106, 159
^ Emperor, 271 Michelson, Gen., 123
Prince, 214 Middleton, Gen., 28, 89
Prince of Nassau, 256 Milan, King, 194, 232
Prince of Orange, 176 MiHtus, 130
Mavrocordatos, 160 Milroy, Gen., 269
Maxentius, 223, 256 Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, 114
Maximilian I, 47, 103 Minas, Marques das, 12
Archduke, 123 Minchin, Capt., 45
Emperor, 221 Mindarus, Adm., 71, 72
of Bavaria, 201 Minocius, Titus, 39
Maximinus, 109 Miramon, 46, 219, 221
Maxwell, Col., 19 Miranda, 7
Maya, 204 Mir Cossim, 97, 166, 182
Mayenne, 20 Mirsky, Gen., 224
Due de, 117 Mirza Khan, 6
McCarthy, Sir Charles, 2 Mise of Lewes, 139
McCall, Gen., 228 Mischtchenko, Gen., 61
McCaskill, Gen., 165 Mithridates, 176, 272
McClellan, Gen., 15, 87, 209, 228, 235, 268, Mithridatic Wars, 44, 55, 72, 159, 176, 183,
271 249, 272
McClernand, Gen., 261 Mitre, 54, 113, 185
McCuUoch, Gen., 189, 268 Mitre's Rebellion, 42
McDonnell, Brig. -Gen., 266 Mitsuhide, 270
McDowell, Gen., 42 Mitsunari, 226
McNeil, Gen., 250 Mitsuyuki, 161
McPherson, Gen., 56, 189 Moawiyeh, 64, 231
Meade, Gen., 97 Moga, Gen., 224, 260
Meadows, Gen., 50 Mogrul Bey, 272
Mecklenburgh, Grand Duke of, 29, 142 Mogul, The Great, 158, 187
Medina, Gen., 164 Mohammed, 112, 155,
30, i8r
Medina-Sidonia, Duke of, 19 II, 30, 224, 253
Medway, The, 229 Ill,
Megabyzus, 157 Ali, 25,
Megaravicus, 179 Nasin,263135
Mehemet Ali, 3, 160, 177 Emin
All's Rising, 34, 127 Ghori, Pasha,

Mehrab Khan, 123 Shah, Emperor, 50

Mejid Bey, no
of Persia,
Melas, 96, 152, 163 Sultan
Mechior, 146 Zain of Morocco, 148
I, I
Melgarejo, Col., 133 Mohammed's Wars, 155, 181
Melikoff, Gen., Loris, 7, 84, 122, 126, 272 Moldau, The, 201
Memnon of Rhodes, loi Monakji, 99, 144
Menaldo Guerri, 183 Moncenigo, Luigi, 48
Mendez Nunez, 259 Moncey, 222
Mendizabal, 95 Monckton, Col., 30
Menon, Gen., 9 Mondragon, Col., 95, 159, 247
Mentschikoff, Prince, 11, 25, 115, 120, 260, Mongol Invasions, 74
274 Invasion of the Deccan, 6, 98
Mercer, Col., 184 of India, 156
Merci, Comte de, 153, 215, 247 of Japan, 255

" Monitor," The, 105 Murad II, 128
Monk, 81, 200, 247 Bey, 204
Monmouth, Duke of, 38 Murat, 14, 80, 89, 184, 250, 267, 269
James, Duke of, 226 Murdach Stewart, 112
Monro, Gen., 31, 43, 9^> 230 Murphy, Father, 19, 26, 263
Hector, 198
Sir Murray, Earl, 184
Mons, 150 Gen., i6o, 205, 217
Monson, Col., 10, 198 Sir John, 52
Montague, Lord, 107, no Regent, 133
Montecucculi, 92, 217 Murviedro, 216
Monte-Lezino, Battle of, 159 Musa, 157
Montcalm, 91, 164, 184, 194, 204, 205, 249 Musgrave, John, 234
Montferrat, Marquis de, 249 Musrud, 272
Montgomery, Commodore, 157 Mustapha Pasha, i, 88, 150
Montmartre, 188 Muzuffa Jung, 13
Montmorenci, Constable, So, 217, 218 Mygdonius, 177
Due de, 52 Myronides, 180
Montreal, 217 Mysore Wars, 19, 20, 26, 46, 149, 150, 191,
Montresor, Col., 231 197, 198, 201, 227, 228, 230, 231,
Montrose, i, 9, 23, 41, 50. "5. I93, 250 246, 253, 254, 265
Moore, Sir John, 66
Major, 255
Moorish Insurrection, 162 N
Morari Rao, 182, 251
Morcar, Barl, 94 Nabis, 19, 27
Moreau, 8, 34, 37, 85, iir, 112, 166, 167, Nadasdy, Thos., 210
179, 207, 266 Nadir Shah, 50
Morgan, Capt., R.N., 186, 201 Nagpur, Rajah of, 56
Mori Hidemoto, 275 Nairn, 124
Morillo, 202 Najara, Battle of, 173
Moriones, 203 Nana Sahib, 53, 147, 187
Morley, Sir Robert, 233 Napier, Sir Charles, 81, 113, 156
Moro, Castle, 107 Napoleon, i, 3, 17, 23, 27, 28, 32, 38, 41,

Morocco Wars, 53, 103, 247 46, 52, 53. 55, 65, 68, 72, 79, 80, 82,
Morosini, 48 87, 93, 106, 118, 123, 1Z9, 135, 137,
Moroushi, 129, 271 140, 143, 145, 150, 151, 152, 155,
Morrison, Col., 61 163, 167, 202, 204, 208, 210, 214,
Mortemar, 35, 47 233, 251, 252, 266
Mortier, 82, 106, 131 Napoleon III, 225, 234
Moscow Campaign. 38, 100, 128, 150, i6i, Napoleonic \Vars, i, 9, 22, 27, 28, 32, 36,

198, 259, 268, 269 37, 42, 46, 49, 52, 65, 96, 108, 114,
Moshesh, 32 116, 131, 146, 148, 151, 152, 163,
Moskowa, Battle of, 38 202, 210, 214, 217, 218, 227, 239,
Moslem Conquest of Africa, 255, 258 252, 270, 273
Empire in Spain, 10, 63, 100, 113, 135, Nappa Sahib, 232
157, 219, 270, 272 Narses, 52, 167, 212, 242, 271
Invasion of Asia Minor, 14 Nasmyth, Lieut., 231
Egypt, 9, 157 Nassau, Prince of, 256
Europe, 64 Navarro, 182
France, 252 Neapolitan Rising, 210
Persia, 44, 117 War, 54
Syria, 7, 8, 38, 72, 118, 169, 271 Negreti, Gen., 134
Moslemeh, 64 Neipperg, Count, 102, 129
Mosquera, 69 Nelson, Lord, 65, 177, 252
Motassem, Caliph, 14 Nemours, Due de, 54
Mountjoy, Earl of, 125 Nero, Claudius, 158
Mourson Oglou, 42 Netherlands War of Independence, 11, 16.
Mourzouple, 64 41, 95, 104, 106. 107. 133. 139. 146,
Mowbray, Sir John, 115 159, 165, 183, 213, 215, 247, 252,
Mukhlis Khan, 13 256, 258, 266, 273
Mukhtar Pasha, 7, 84, 126, 272 Neuperg, Marshal, 162
Mulgrave, Lord, 251 Neustrians, 223, 255
Mummius, Lucius, 138 Nevers, Due de, 176
Munemori, 73 Neville of Lancaster, 83
Munnich, Gen., 180, 237 Ralph, 174
Miinzer, Thomas, 92 Sir Thomas, 237
Murad I, 127 Newcastle, 4, 174

Ney, Marshal, 28, 43, 76, 84, 103, 126, O'Reilly, Count, 10
133. 159, 184, 204. 259. 265
Oreizaga, 180
Nicephorus I, 167 Oribe, 20, 164, 180
Nicholas, Grand Duke, 231 Orkhan, 190
Nicholas, Trevisani, 189 Orleans, no
Nicholson, John, 75, 178 Bastard of, no
Nicias, 240 Duke of, 5
NicoUs, Col., 12 Count Alexis, 245
Nicostratus, 151 Ormonde, 207
Nidau, Count, 136 Orsova, 129
Niel, Marshal, 234 Ortega, Gen., 134
Nile, The, 157, 204 Ortiga, Juan de, 10
Nine Years' War, 127 Oshikatsa, 160
Niuchiau Bay, 171 Osman II, 128
Nizain-ul-Mulk, 50 Digna, 85, 106, 255
Noailles, Duo de, 76 Pasha, 154, 195
" Noche Triste," 159 Osorio, Gen., 63, 155
Nodzu, Gen., 194 Osterman, Count, 184
Nogi, Gen., 119 Ostorius Scapula, 183
Oswald, 154
Noircarmes, 133, 258
Norbanus, 88, 167 of Northumbria, 107
Norfolk, Duke of, 38 Otho, 30, 47
Norigoris, 114 II, 69
IV, 39
Noriyori, 73, 228
Norman Conquest, 107 of Krumpen, 257
- Invasion of Italy, 62, 82 Otori Keisuke, 177, 258
Ott, Gen., 96, 163
Norse Invasion, 94
Ottoman Conquest of Asia Mmor, 190
of France, 223
Invasion of Europe, 64
of Ireland, 62
of Scotland, 134
Wars, 8, 26, 30, 31, 42, 44, 46, 60, 77,
79, 90, 102, no, 116, 117,
120, 121,
Northallerton, 237
Northumberland, 253 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 161, 165,
- Earl of, 216 176, 188, 192, 202, 206, 217, 2I9f
222, 224, 229, 233, 237, 241, 245,
Northumberland's Rebellion, 39
Nott, Gen., 97, 124, 148 253, 260, 262, 271, 272, 273
Noyau, 91 Ouchterlony, Sir David, 16S
Nudo, Rutilius, 55 Oudinot, Gen., 102, 212
Numidian Revolt, 248 Outram, Sir James, 143, 169
Owen of Cumberland, 42
Oxford, Earl of, 5

O'Connors, The, 23
Octavius, 193
Marcus, 3, 70, 245
Paches, 170
O'Dounell, Marshal, 103, 247
Oktai, 184 Pagondas, 75
Oku, Gen., 171, 246 Pahlen, Count de, 166
Olaf Trigg vason, 149 Pakenham, Sir Ed., i75
Olaneta, 201 PaloEologus, Constantino, 65
George, 82
Olearchus, 70
Olio, 203
Michael, 64
Olney, Peace of, 191 Palafox, 222, 255
Omar Brionis Pasha, 160 Pallavicini, 22
Caliph, 44, 118, 157, 174 Panim, Count, 31
Pasha, 181, 183 Pannonia, 145, 152
Tabrija Redoubt, 196 Pansa, Vibius, 169
Vrione Pasha, 260 Papal Zouaves, 157
Pappenberg, 145
O'Neil, Owen Roe, 80
Sir Hugh, 31, 36, 125 Pappenheim, 137, i44
Paraguayan War, 15, 16, 50, 66, 70, 113
Onomarchus, 185
Ono-no-Atsuma, 117 188, 209, 220, 263
Onschakoff, Adra., 121, 271 Parana, River, 180
Opdam, Adm., 235 Parch witz, 140
Orange, Prince of, 139, 217, 227 Pareirus, 182
Orchomenus, 246 Park of Uyeno, 245
Parker, Adm., 65 Philopoemen, 27, 151
Parthian War, 51, 232 Phormio, 65, 172
Paskiewitsch, Gen., 21, 265 Piale, 138, 150
Paulinus Suetonius, 47 " Picciotti," 185
Pausanias, 195 Piccolomini, 40
Paz, 164, 233 Piggott, Maj.-Gen., 150
Peasants' War, 92 Piloni, 185
Pedro II, of Aragon, 169 Pinarus, The, 116
IV, 9 Pirna, 143

Regent, 100 Pirot, 194
Peep o' Day Boys," 76 Pisander, 62
Peiho, River, 242 Pisani, 197
Pelissier, Marshal, 25, 149 Vittorio, 16, 59, 64
Pelopidas, 71, 246 Pizala, Pasha, 77
Peloponnesian VVar, 14, 65,
71, 72, 74, Pizarro, 22
151, 170, 172, 179, 181, 195, 204 Pizarro Francesco, 135
Pelucones, 134 Gonzalo, 71
Pemberton, Gen., 262 Juan, 71
Pembroke, Earl of, 83, 140, 166 Placentia, 214
Regent, 142 " Pobieda," The, 199
Penda, 107, 154 Pococke, Adm., 51, 107, 254
Peninsular War, 7, 25, 27, 29, 43, 52, 66, Poland, King of, 141
79, 86, 93, 95, 97, 155, 162, 17S, Poliorcertes, Demetrius, 95
180, 182 183, 204, 210, 213, 215, Pohsh Risings, 102, 154, 265
216, 219, 221, 222, 243, 245, 252, Pollio, 173
255, 263 Pollux, 132
Penn, Adm., 117 Pollock, Gen., 117
Pepe, Gen., 210 Polj-xenides, 71, 170
Pepin d'Heristal, 247 Pompeianus, 261
Pepperel, 142 Pompeias, Cnseus, 168
Perche, Count de la, 140 Pompey, 25, 83, 176, 192, 239
Percy, Henry, 174 Poniatowski, 137, 207
Sir Ralph, 107 Pontius, 62, 63
Percy's Rebellion, 231 Pontras, 53
Perczel, Gen., 223 Pope, Gen., 43, 54, 239
Perdiccas, 190, 24S Popham, Capt., 103
Perez, Gen., 183 Sir Home, 42
Pergamus, 59 Popilius Lsenas, 179
Perpignan, 138 Poradim, 190
Perry, Commodore, 131 Porta san Pancrazio, 212
Persano, Adm., 14, 141 Porto Alegre, 1S8
Perseus, 203 Porus, 113
Persian Conquest of Egypt, 190 Postumus, Spurius, 53
Invasion of India, 50 Postumius, Aulus, 132
Invasions, 152, 170, 195, 24S Potemkin, 180
Wars, 13, 83, 87, 152, 157, 177, 191, Pouchot, Capt., 175
192, 232, 250 Poyntz, Col., 214
Perso-Afghan Wars, 121 Pretender, The Young, 50, 70, 88
Pertab Singh, 76 Priarius, 18
Pertinax, 145 Price, Gen., 139
Peruvio-Chilian War, 61, 160, 242, 244 Prideaux, Gen., 175
Peter the Great, 7, 94, 138, 203 Prieto, Gen., 134
Peterborough, Earl of, 27 Prim, Gen., 53
" Petropavlovsk," The, 199 Pritzen, Gen., 230
Peyri, Gen., 126 Probus, 186
Peyton, Capt., 173 Proctor, Gen., 45
Pharnabazus, 62 Provera, 131
Pharnaces, 176, 273 Prussia, Crown Prince of, 267, 269
Philip I, 96 King of, 188, 225
IV, 68, 162 King William of, loi, 145
Philip V. 12, 27 Psammeticus, 190
Augustus, 93 Ptolemy, Euergetes, 15
Don, of Spain, 145 Logus, 190
of Anjou, 262 Philopator, 206
of Macedon, 24, 54, 59, 71, 185 Soter, 95, 219
Phillipon, 25 Publius Claudius, 79
Philomelus, 75, 174 Pugatcheflf, 122

Punic Wars, 4, 32, 48, 49, 51, 79, 83, 84, Richard Coeur de Lion, 2, 20, 93
141, 158, 170, 1S7, 241, 253,255,272 Duke of York, 264
Purdon, Col., 77 Richelieu, Due de, 135, 160
Pyrrhus, 31, 109 Richmond, 192, 229
Pyrrhus' Invasion of Italy, 109 Rich Mountain, 209
Ricimer, Count, 210
Riel, 28
" Riifle Brigade," 163
Q Rio Grande Rising, 221
Ripperda, 104
Quadrilateral Alliance, 3 Robel, Gen., 248
" Q " Battery, 221 Robert of Normandy, 96, 247
Quetta, 124 Roberts, Gen., 128
Quintanella, 59 Earl, 56, 72, 77, 80, 121, 185, 190
Quintilius Varus, 260 Roche, Father, 173
Roderic, 270
Rodney, Adm., 78
Rohan, Due de, 209
Rokeby, Sir Thomas, 39
Roland, 213
Raab, The, 217 Roman Invasion of Scotland, 100
Radagaisus, 90 Occupation of Britain, 37
Radetski, Gen., 99, 166, 179, 224 Romanus, 38
Radziwill, Prince Michael, 102 Romanzoff, Gen., 42, 202
Raghunath Rao, 17 Romero, Julian, 213
Raglan, Lord, 11, 25, 224 Roncesvalles, 204
Ragotski, II, George, 126 Roncray St. Denis, no
Rainier, Adm. Peter, 26, 63 Rooke, Sir Geo., 98, 131, 149, 262
Rajah Ram, 98 Rosas, President, 163
- Sahib, 67 Rose, Sir Hugh, 34, 95, 104, 118, 120
Ramiro II, 10 Rosecrans, Gen., 58, 66, 169
Rammi, Gen., 170 Rosetti, 260
Rami Khan, 77 Ross, Gen., 26, 36
Ramming, Gen., 232 Rote Berg, Storming of the, 235
Raoul, Bishop of Durham, -537 Rotterdam, 139
Rapp, Gen., 73 Roumiantsoff, 120
Rassingham, Seigneur de, 266 Rousillon, 138, 191
Rauhberg, The, 171 Roveredo, 155
Ravenna, 212 Rowley, Commodore, 39
Raymond of Toulouse, 79 Rudolph de Khevenhuller, 262
Rebellion of Aurungzebe, 220 von Erlach, 136
Brutus, 193 Rundle, Gen., Sir L., 227, 267
Fifteen, 202, 229 Rung Ram, 124
Forty-five, 50, 70, 88, 202 Runjur Singh, 11, 233
Hideyori, 226 Rupert, Prince, 40, 55, 84, 154, 172, 179
Ricimer, 210 Russell, Adm., 108, 131
Riel, 28, 89 Col., 114
- the Marches, 2S Lord, 88, 218, 220
Reding, 162 Russia, Emperor of, 145
" Red Shirts," 22 Russian Conquest of Central Asia, 96
Regulus, 255, 256 Russo-Japanese War, 58, 61, 171, 199,
Reinschild, 92 246
Renaud de Chatillon, 206
Repnin, Prince, 155 SwedishWars,
197 38,
7, 92, 94, 102,in, 138,
Reschid Pasha, 127, 129 171, 203, 208,
195, 228, 233, 248
Reuss, Prince of, 273 Turkish Wars, 7, 78, 84, 142, 176,195,
Revolt of Maxentius, 223, 256, 261 231, 245, 272
the Christians, 13 Rustan, 44
Legions of Aquitaine, 55 Ruthven, 39
Vitellius, 47, 68 Rymna, The, 154
Rey, Gen., 221
Reynier, Gen., 43, 100, 102, 148, 215
Rhagates, 177
Rhodes, 59
Riall, Gen., 35, 59
Ribas, 86 Sabinius Titurius, 4
Ribera, 20 Saburra, 25
Sachen, 56 Scipio /Erailianus,
Sacred War, 75, 174, 185
Sadatoki, 127 Africanus,
Lucius, 47
24284, 179,

Said, 44, 117

Metellus, 248
Othman, 100 Cornelius, 249, 253
UUah, 121 Scopas, 167
Saigo, 129 Scottish Invasion of Ireland, 81
Takamori, 120, 177, 230, 258 Wars, 12, 15, 26, 81, 88, 90, 105, 112,
Saiki-no-Sanya, 160 115, 142, 158, 174, 194, 215, 234,
Sainte Suzanne, 85 237
Saint Priest, 208 Scott, Gen., 15
Saladin, 20, 118, 206, 249 Sedashao Rao Bhao, 187
Sale, Sir Robert, 117, 165 Seidlitz, 130, 213
Salinas, Marquis de, 98 Seleucus, 67, 95, 115
Salis-Soglio, Col., 98 Sehm I, 239
8, 44,
Salisbury, Earl of, 36, 68, 73, 81, 265 Semendaia, 129
Salm, Count de, 262 Sempronius, 253
Saluzzo, Marquis of, 94 Senlac, Battle of, 107
Samarcand, 98 Serjabil, 38
Samnite Wars, 39, 47, 53, 62, 136, 167, 227 Sertorius, 239
Sampson, Adra., 222 Servo-Bulgarian War 194, 232
Sanchez, Vice-President, 16 Seven Pines, Battle of, 88
Sancho, Count of Castile, 65 Weeks' War, 70, 98, 126, 132, 141, 170,
Sandili, 13, 43 197, 232, 253
Sandbag Battery, 115 Year's War, 6, 25, 30, 31, 40,
47, 51, 56,
Sankum, 97 59, 67, 68, 91, 99, loi, 102, 107,
San Lorenzo, 186 III, 127, 130, 131, 139,
Martin, 54, 63, 155 146, 154, 155, 159, 160,
140, 143,
164, 168,
Xavier, Fort of, 134 181, 194, 195, iq8, 201, 204, 205,
Santa Anna, Gen., 2, 7, 15, 42, 220 206, 213, 217, 228, 239, 244, 249,
Santarem, 204 250, 254, 255, 265, 273
Sapor I, 83 Sextus, Pompeius, 170, 172
II, 13, 119, 177, 233 Seymour, Adm., Sir Beauchamp, 9
Saracens, zo Gen., 57, 180
Saragossa, Maid of, 222 Shafter, Gen., 84
Saratoga, 238 Shah Alluen, 43
Sardinia, King of, 145 Jehan, 121, 220
Sarniiento, 42 Mansur, 189
Sassulitch, Gen., 126 Sujah, 121
Satsuma, 250 Shakir Pasha, 193, 245
Rebellion, 121, 129, 230, 244 " Shannon," The, 229
Saumarez, Sir James, 9 Sharf-ud-Din Hussein, 158
Savage's Station, 128 Shelton, Brig.-Gen., 34
Savoy, Duke of, 58, 153, 218 Shems-ud-Din, 97, 109, 148
Saxe, Marshal, 90, 136, 211 Shere Afzal, 60
Coburg, Prince of, 7, 90 Shere Singh, 59
Saxony, Crown Prince of, 29 Sheridan, Gen., 54, 89, 182
Schakovsky, 196 Sherman, Gen., 124, iSq
Schalemberg, 53 Shiabeddin Pasha, 260
Schaumberg, 92 Shidasker, 122
Schleswig-Holstein War, 12, 82 Shields, Gen., 69, 201
Schenck, Martin, io5 Shigehira, 257
Schiedam, 139 Shir-Khan-Sur, 61
Schilder Schuldener, 195 Mohammed, 81. 113
Schlick, Marshal, 107, 121 Singh, 103, 206
Schofield, Gen., 92 Shirogama, 120
Scholick, Gen., 234 Shitoku, 242
Schomberg, Duke of, 39, 153, 208 Shogun, The, 245
Schomberg the Younger, 39 Shommu, Emperor, 116
Schulemberg, 92 Shoni Kagesuke, 74, 242
Schwartz, Martin, 238 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, 25
Schwartzemberg, 17, 80, 100, 129, 137, Shrewsbury, Earl of, 179
188 Shuja, 45
Schwerin, 222 Sigel, 174
Schwyz, 165 Sigismund I, 38
Scinde Campaign, 81, 156 HI, 141
Conquest of, 113 Emperor, 23, 76, 245

Sigismund Prince of Transylvania, 123 Stafford, Sir Humphrey, 229

Sikti Wars, 11, 59, 89, 103, 124, 165, 168, Stakelberg, Baron, 246
206, 216, 233, 239 Stanhope, Gen., 12, 41, 262
Sniaces, 51 Stanley, Lord, 38, 90
Silpia, Battle of, 85 Staremberg, 262
Simon de Montfort, 139 Stark, Adm., 199
Sinclair, Col., Geo., 128 Gen., 32
Oliver, 234 Staunton, Capt., 127
William, Bishop of Dunkeld, 115 Steinbeck, Gen., 94, loS
Sindhia, 18, 22, 135, 199 Steinmetz, Gen., 170, 232
Sioux Rising, 141 Stephen of Moldavia, 128
Sistova, 231 Stewart, Gen., 6, 69, 86, 155
Sitting Bull, 141 Murdach, n2
Siward, Barl of Northumberland, 82 Sir Herbert, 2
Skobeleff, Gen., 96, 196, 232 John, 68
Slade, 107 Stilicho, 90, 197
Smith, Col.,
254 Stjernskold, Adm., 73
Gen., 127
21, Stoessel, Gen., 171
Gen., Joseph, 244 Stopford, Sir R., 3
Harry, 37
Sir 11, Stone, Gen., 26
Sydney, 3 Strabo, 21
Snyman, 146 Strategopulus, Alexius, 64
Sobieski, John, 128, 196, 233, 262, 273 Strigan, 112
Social War, 59, 85, 250 Stuart, Col., 63, 99
Soissons, Count de, 132 Gen., 231
Soliman, 176 Sir John, 148
Soltykofl, 130 Suabian Wars, 47, 92
Solyman Suchet, Gen., 52, 245
Caliph, 6477
Suchteien, Gen., 240
Pasha Egypt, 77
of Sucre, 24, 119, 120
the Magnificent, 161, 241, 262 Sudah Bahadur, 109
Somali Expedition, 119 Sudermanland, Duke of, in, 208, 228
Somerset, Col., 13 Suetonius, 37
Earl of, no, 216, 247, 265 Suffren, Adm., 70, 173, 254
Protector, 194 Sulaiman, 65
Sophian, 64 Suleiman Pasha, 128
Sophronius, 118 224
Soubise, Marshal, 124, 213 Sulla, 55, 167, 183, 2i6
Soudan Campaigns, i, 2, 5, 22, 85, 89, 106, Sultan Soliman, 79
122, 123, 181, 244, 250, 255 Sulpicius Saverrio, 21
Souham, 123, 167, 256 Surabjah Dowlah, 3, 4, 45, 195
Soult, Marshal, 7, 33, 66, 79, 95, 108, 178, Surrey, Earl of, 90, 238
182, 183, 204, 213, 216, 223, 252 Suwarroff, 90, 116, 154, 179, 210, 220, 253
South American War of Independence, Sveaborg, in
120, 155, 177, 201, 202, 259 Swatoslaus, Duke, 80
Spanish-American War, 84 Sweden, Crown Prince of, 76, 102
Spinola, 89, 183 Swedish Invasion of Brandenburg, 89
Spiritoff, Adm., 223 Swedo-Polish War, 62, 82
Spragge, Col., 141 Sweyn, 166
Spurs, Battle of, 67, 103 II, 178
Strachan, Col., 50 Ill, 261
St. Angelo, Castle of, 212

of Denmark, 124
Arnaud, Marshal, 11, 224 Swiss-Austrian War, 165
Augustine, in Sydney, Sir Philip, 273
Clair, Gen., 249 Symons, Gen., 243
ICuthlDert, 237 Syragius, Count of Soissons, 234
Cyr, Gen., 86, 162, 198 Szabadhegy, 205
Elmo, 150
Heliers, 118

Hilaire, Gen., 22
.Martin, 208
Paul, Gate of, 212
Peter, 237 Taborites, 23
Pierre, 178 Tacfarinas, 248
Privat, loi ladamichi, 242
Ruth, 5 Tadayoshi, 230
Stadion, Gen., 163, 186 Tagina, 212
Taira-no-Kiyomori, 125 Tilly,Count, in, 136, 137 138, 144, 146,
Kore, 230 201, 237, 267, 268, 269
- War, 73, 114. 125, 257> 270 Tilsit,Treaty of, 65
Timar Malek, 126
Taj Singh, 165
Takangi, 230 Timoleon, 69, 104
Talbot" 1&8 Ting, Adm., 267, 270
- Earl Shrewsbury,
of 53 Tippu Sahib, 19, 26, 149, 150, 191, 198,
Tallard, Marshal, 36, 78, 236 227, 228, 231, 253
Tamerlane, 8, 15, 73, 74, 98, 132, 156, 161, Tirah Campaign, 74
189, 249 Tishe, 174
Tampon, 163 Titus, 118
Tani Tateki, Gen., 129 Tockenberg, 171
Tantia Topi, 34, 95 Todleben, Gen., 196, 224
Tarik, 270 Togo, Adm., 199
Tarnowski, 180 Tokatmich, 132
Tarquinius, 132 Tokiushi, 129
Tartar Invasion of China, 190 Tokugawii Tyeyasa, 226
Japan, 105 Tokyo, 245
Kharismia, 35, 37, 114, 122, 123, Toledo, Archbp. of, 181
126, 184, 220, 229 Don Francesco de, 11
Khorassan, 189, 243 Tolenus, The, 250
Russia, 132 Tolmides, 66
Syria, 8, 73 Tolstoy, Count, 72
the Caucasus, 249 Tomore, 161
Taruhito, Prince, 120, 230, 244 Tongking War, 234
Tayeizan Temple, 245 Tooman Beg, 8, 44
Taylor, Gen., 42, 151, 163, i85 Tormazofif, Gen., 100
Taxiles, 44 Torrington, 29
Tchesme, Bay of, 224 Torstenson, 40
Tebienari, 113 Tostig, 237
Tegethoff, Adm., 141 Totila, 87, 212, 242
Teias, 167 Tournay, 150
Telha, 28 Toyotomi Hideaki, 257
Teriel,266 Trajan, 153
Terouenne, 103 Traum, Count, 47
Teutobod, 16 Travis, Col., 7
Tetricus, 55 Tremont, 69
Texan Risina;, 7, 220 Treslong, 41
Thackwell, Sir Joseph, 26 Trent, 214
Theagenes, 54 Triarius, 272
Thenouenel, Jean de, 41 Trivulzio, Marshal, 5. 153
Theodobert, 79 Trochu, Gen., 45, 188
Theodoric, 55, 264 Tronjolly, Mons., 19S
Theodosius, 17 Tuamba Wangyee, 120
Theophiliseus, 59 Tuchi Khan, 126
Theophilus, 14 Tucker, Gen., 122
Thielmannj 267 Tuli Khan, 109, 121, 229
Thierry, 79, 247 Turenne, Marshal, 20, 81, 93, 200, 232, 273
Thirty Years' War, 12, 40, 73, 76, 89, Turkish Invasion of Afghanistan, 109, 121,
02, 93, III, 136, 144, 146, 153, 272
178, 201, 209, 210, 247, 267, 268, Tutor, 35
269 Twenty-second Regt., 113
Thomas, Gen., 92, 159, 172 Tytacus, 49
Thomond, Earl of, 125
Thorneycroft, Col., 236
Thornton, 36
Thorstem, 78 U
Thoiilouse, Count of, 149, 169
" Thousand Volunteers," 185
Thrasyllus, 18, 71 Udai, Singh, 60
Thrasymelidas, 204 Ulm, III
Thurstan, Archbp., of York, 237 Umrar, Khan, 60
Tiberius, 157 Ung Khan, 97
Tichborne, Sir Henry, 80 Unification of Italy, 14, 45, 52, 159, 185,
Tiflis, 249 264
Tigranes, 249 Urban, Gen., 259
Tik-Ho, 257 Uriu, Adm., 58

Urquiza, 54 W
Urquiza's Rising, 163
Uruguayan War of Independence, 164, iSo
Waggon Hill, 130
Wakamatsu, 177
Walcheren Expedition, 90
Waldeck, Prince of, 90
Waldemar, 261
Wallace, Col., 215
Sir William, 88, 238
Vadomair, 55 Wallenstein, 12, 76, 238
Valdemar II, 37 Waller, 12, 58, 69, 133, 174, 214
Valens, 30, 47, 105 Wallis, Count, 129
Valerian, 83 Walpole, Col., 26
Valerius Corvus, 167 War of Chiozza, 16, 58, 199
Valle, Gen., 64 of Granada, 10, 100, 142, 143, 149
Van Arte veldt, Philip, 214 of Kiburg 171
Capellan, 10 of the Austrian Succession, 33, 47, 48,
Vandamme, 33, 129 51, 61, 72, 76, 109, 112, 132, 145,
Van der Does, Jan, 139 162,201, 211, 214, 221, 233, 251
Dorn, 189
66, of the Holy League, 41, 207
Van Gelen, Adm., 136 of the League Above the Lake, 40
Rensselaer, 205 of the Polish Succession, 25, 188,
Vansittart, Capt., 243 193, 205, 225
Van Tromp, Adm., 79, 86, 99, 179, 200, of the Quadruple Alliance, 49
247 of the Revolution, 5, 39, 131, 142,
Varro, 48, 168 173. 175, 237
Varus, 258 of the Sonderbund, 98
Quintilius, 260 of the Spanish Succession, 98, 140,
Vatinius, Publius, 245 145, 149, 150, 215, 222, 236, 251,
Vauban, Mons. du Puy, 33 252, 256, 262
Vaubois, 259 of the Two Empires, 44, 61, 104, 108,
Vaudreuil, 164 152
Veli Pasha, 237 Warren, Commodore, 142
Venables, Gen., 117 Sir Charles, 237
Vendome, Due de, 41, 52, 184, 222 Wars of Alexander's Successors, 65, 67, 95,
" Vengeur," The, 258 115, 187, 190, 191, 219, 222
Vercingetorix, 8, 24, 96 of Charles V, 208, 212
Verdier, Gen., 97 Louis XIV, 51, 189,
81, 153, 178, 227,
Vernon, Sir Ed., 51, 198, 201 232
Vespasian, 119 Philip
of Augustus,
Vessil Pasha, 224 of the Achsean League, 73135, 138, 222

Victor Amadeus, 237 the Revolution,

of 7, 8,11, 31, 33,
Emanuel, 166, 234 34, 37, 48, 49, 63, 85, 86, 90, 96,
Marshal, 68, 114, 152, 155, 166 103, III, 112, 117, 154, 167, 173,
Vid, The, 196 174, 179, 218, 220, 238, 251, 253,
Villaret, Adm., 257 254, 256, 259, 266
Villars, Marshal, 75, 150] of the Fronde, 56, 185, 200
Villeneuve, Adm., 49, 252 of the Roses, 27, 36, 38, 83, 89, 107,
Villeroy, Marshal, 68, 206 no, 166, 178, 216, 237, 247, 252,265
Vincennes, 188 Warwick, Earl of, 27, 81, 178
Vinoy, Gen., s8 Lord, 153
Visconti, Gen., 222 Warzburg, 34
Vitiges, 212 Washington, George, 3, 9, 97, 102, 271
Vladislas IV, 102 Watson, Adm., 56
Von Alvensleben, Gen., 154, 235 Wauchope, Gen., 147
Bonin, Gen., 253 Webb, Gen., 270
Bredow, Gen., 154 Weimar, 118, 178
der Tann, Gen., 67 Wellington, Duke of, 18, 22, 25, 43, 62, 79,
Francois, Gen., 236 178, 183, 204,
93, 213, 215, 219,
Goeben, Gen., 218 223, 243, 263, 266
Meerfeld, 153 Wells' Rebellion, 85
Moltke, 177, i88 Wells, Sir Robert, 85
Steinmetz, 63 Werdan, 7, 72
Stenau, Marshal, 82, 202 Werneck, 174
Tiimpling, 58 Wessels, Commandant, 124
Vortigern, 24, 68 Weser, The, 107

VVetherall, Col., 221
Whish, Gen., i63
White, Sir Geo., 88, 130, 209 Yar Mohammed, 109
VVhitelock, Gen., 42 Yeatman Biggs, Gen., 74
White Oak Swamp, 228 Yezdegerd, 117
William III, 39, 173, 237 Yorimasa, 257
of Normandy, 96, 107, 259 Yoritomo, 228
Williams, Gen., 122, 261 Yoriyoshi, 127
Wills, Gen., 202 York, Duke of, 11, 33, 37, 256
Willshire, Gen., 123 5
Wilson, Commodore, 112 2l5
Wimp/fen, Gen., 234 235
Winder, Gen., 26, 36 \oshinaka, 228, 230
Windham, Gen., 187 Yoshino, 230
Windishgratz, Prince, 3, 121, 191, 224 Yoshinobu, 94
Winkelried, 227 Yoshinori, 129, 161
Winter, Sir William, 118 Yoshitsune, 73, 114
Wise, Gen., 211 Yositomo, 73
Wittgenstein, Count, 28, 32, 80, 145, 19 Youkinna, 8
Woleb, Heinrich, 92 Yukiiye, 257
Wolfe, Gen., 164, 204 Yule, Col., 209
Wolseley, Col., 174 Yussuf Pasha, 90, 155
Lord, 14, 246 Yssel, The, 139
Wood, Gen., iig
Sir Evelyn, 120
Woodgate Gen., 237
Worcester, Earl of, 231
Wrangel, 273
Zabergan, Prince of Bulgaria, 156
Wrede, Gen., 106
Zagatai, 184
Wurmser, 27, 52, 151, 153, 202 Zaid, 169
Wurtemberg Prince of, 73, 103 Zano, 254
Wyatt's Insurrection, 269
Zaragofa, Gen., 3, 134
Wyld, Col., H7
Zastern, Gen., 134
Wylde, Col., 221 Zay-ya-Thayan, 185
Zenobia, 15, 85, 186
Ziethen, 251
Zisca, John, 23, 76, 245
Zobin, 28
ZoUer, Gen., 125
Xanthippus, 255 Zotoff, Gen., 90
Xenil, The, 143 Zoutman, Adm., 77]
Xerxes, 248 Zrinyi, Count, 241
Ximenes, 182 Zulfiker Khan, 5, 98
Ziilu War, 114, 115, 257

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