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The first world war or the great war as it used to be called is known as the first cataclysm,
who involved all the popolation and countries all over the world.
Britain entered in 1914 by declaring war to Germany after the German invasion of
Belgium. First of all the war begins with few nations who fight for supremacy. This fight
involved in a long trench war. The first fleet tried to force the british blockade of Jutland.
From july to november British attacked the German in flanders. At the end British occupied
Gaza and Jerusalem. The war ended with a peace made at Versailles in 1919.


After the first world war Germany led by Adolf Hitler wanted revenge with nations who won
the Great War. Germany carried out his expansion programme. Before the occupation of
Austria in 1938 the fuhrer stipulated a pact of non-aggression with the URSS. When Hitler
invaded Poland, France and Britain declared war upon Germany. In the winter of 1942
Germany controlled all Europe and attacked URSS. On the other hand the USA took part
to the war fighting against Germany on the 7th december 1941. At the same time Japan
attacked americans pearl harbour's naval base. In order to stop Japan America in revenge
dropped two atomic bombs on the japanese towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The war
causes the death of 50 million of people. As a matter of fact the desire of Hitler to protect
arian race killed a lot of jeus and homosexuals, gypsies in death camps.


Modernism is a complex movement which started in europe after 1910. it influenced all
form of art,literature,cinema,music and visual arts. It combines a lot of attitude in order to
represent modern world. Modernists wanted to break with the traditions using
experimenrtation in terms of form and style. Modernism as been influenced by philosophy
too . Freud said that man is not master in his house . The human consciousness is multi-
layred. Bergson's position was in contrast with scientific materialism.
He said time is no fixed and objective. It is DUREE chronological time is only a
In modernist novel we can talk about the death of omniscent narrator. We have characters
who speak in first person. There is no plot and no chronological sequence of events. Novel
are not more mirror of society.

James Joyce was born in 1882 in Dublin. It is considered one of the most important
novelist of the 20th century. He followed the concept of DUREE of Bergson. It affirmed that
chronological time not necessarily coincited with chronological one. In his novels he gives
more importance of psichology of the characters. The most important characteristics of
Joyce's works are the steam of consciousness,the interior monologue and epiphanies.
Epiphanies are sudden revelations came from the past, a spiritual manifestation. The dead
is one of the most famous noel written by Joyce. The plot begins with an after-christmas
party. Gabriel, the protagonist, goes to the party with his wife Gretta. The house became a
mixture of irish tradition. And all the character are considered symbol of a religion. After the
speech of Gabriel to the party, on his way to the hotel, Gabriel remembered the best
moments with his wife. When he came back to the hetol, He realised that his wife was
crying. She suddeny had an epiphany. On hearing the desperate account of his wife
Gabriel had his epiphany too. The dead can be considered realistic but at the same time
symbolic too. The name of Gabriel reminds us to archangel's name.joyce wants to give us
a picture of inner thoughtsand feelings of the protagonist.Moreover Joyce uses indirect
interior monologue as a writing technique.

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