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Note: I am about to dump a massive amount of info on you folks. 
READERS have no idea how fast I am trying to catch up on the
Progressive ‘Destruction of America’ over the course of the last 120
years.  I must continue to stress to my readers that we MUST kick the
United Nations out of our country as they are the facilitators of the
progressives’ agenda. 

For one moment, put aside the concepts of the Illuminati, devil
worship, the Rothschildes, etc., and look at the facts.  At this moment
in time, it does not matter what is driving the progressives to rule the
world, all that matters is that they are achieving it with the help of the
progressives in Congress and monied interests like George Soros. 

Turn the box; look at the situation differently.

Also, I do have a theory about what is stalling Bambi’s agenda;

ponder marxist revolutionaries versus global elites…)
A reader sent the following article to me this morning and because
of it’s utmost importance to the labyrinth of rabbit holes, I find
myself putting down ‘Chronology and Factbook of The United
Nations, 1941-1991‘  and ‘Luce and His Empire‘ to bring you the
following research about the UN’s plan to create a global socialist
state with ‘sustainable communities‘ under the guise of global

I know many of you have heard of the Agenda 21 Plan that came out
of the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. How many of you know that the
Secretary General of that summit was Maurice Strong? (More on
Maurice Strong later in this post.)

Senator Chris Dodd

Sen. Chris Dodd has only a few more months to shred the

Constitution and he is continuing to set up the infrastructure the
United Nations needs to collapse American sovereignty. 

He has brought the UN’s plan closer to fruition with the Livable
Communities bill under the guise of ‘traffic congestion’.  When his
term is over, how many want to lay a bet that he permanently
resides at his irish island estate on Galway Bay?


( – The Senate Banking Committee passed the Livable
Communities Act on Tuesday, moving the bill one step closer to final
passage. The bill creates $4 billion in neighborhood planning grants
for “sustainable” living projects and a new federal office to oversee

Similar legislation in the House has been criticized by Republicans on

the House Budget Committee, who charge that “the program’s aim is
to impose a Washington-based, central planning model on localities
across the country.”

In the Senate version, written by outgoing Chairman Sen. Chris Dodd

(D-Conn.), the Livable Communities Act would designate $4 billion to
aid local governments in planning high-density, walkable

Premised on helping local governments to combat suburban sprawl

and traffic congestion, the bill sets up two separate grant programs.
One, known as Comprehensive Planning Grants, would go to cities
and counties to assist them in carrying out such plans as
the following:

– “(1) coordinate land use, housing, transportation, and infrastructure

planning processes across jurisdictions and agencies” and
– “(3) conduct or update housing, infrastructure, transportation,
energy, and environmental assessments to determine regional needs
and promote sustainable development; [and]
– “… (5) implement local zoning and other code changes necessary to
implement a comprehensive regional plan and promote sustainable

The second grant type – Sustainability Challenge Grants – funds local

efforts to:

–“(1) promote integrated transportation, housing, energy, and

economic development activities carried out across policy and
governmental jurisdictions;
– (2) promote sustainable and location-efficient development; and
– (3) implement projects identified in a comprehensive regional plan.”

To administer and regulate these new grants, the bill creates the
Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities (OSHC) within the
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The legislation is designed to prod local communities toward high-

density, public transit-oriented neighborhoods that concentrate large
numbers of people into small geographic areas connected by train and
bus networks.

These high-density neighborhoods would be combined with high-

density commercial districts that – in theory – would reduce the need
for daily driving and commuting.

In describing the Livable Communities Act, Dodd has said that “with
sustainable development, our communities will cut traffic congestion;
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and gasoline consumption; protect
rural areas and green spaces; revitalize existing Main Streets and
urban centers; and create more affordable housing.”

In his opening statement on Tuesday, Dodd said, “Over the past 50

years, poorly coordinated transportation, community development and
housing policies led to growth away from urban areas and rural town

Between 1980 and 2000, the growth of the largest 99 metro areas in
the United States consumed 16 million acres of rural land – about an
acre for every new household.”

Dodd said that his bill would try to entice localities to move away from
this model of suburban home- and land-ownership and toward a
centrally planned model where local government officials make
housing, business, and transportation decisions that steer residential
and economic growth into designated high-density areas.

Dodd said that the new centralized development model would reduce
traffic congestion, create jobs, and make residential and commercial
development more environmentally friendly.

“This legislation provides for planning and capital grants so that

regions can coordinate transportation, housing, and community
development policies to reduce traffic congestion, generate economic
growth, create and preserve affordable housing, and meet
environmental and energy goals,” he explained.

Dodd told that the grants were available for the taking,
saying that the program is voluntary and intended to let localities build
planned communities without having to worry about changing
economic conditions.

“The question is are the resources and the expertise available for
people then to do the kind of planning – that’s all we’re talking about
here – so they can plan better in these communities,” he said. “It’s not
a radical idea. What’s radical is not doing anything about it.

“The problems aren’t going to go away, the demographics aren’t

going to change because the economy’s down,” Dodd said.

“Some communities may be able to do it – this is not a mandate on

anybody – but just merely saying we understand your needs, we
understand the constraints you’re operating under, we understand
your appetite to want to do something about this, and here’s an
example where three levels of government – national, state, and local
– can work with each other towards a common goal,” he added.

Dodd said the OSHC would not be making planning decisions for city
and county governments. Instead, he said that the office – in addition
to administering the grants – would function as a resource for
localities seeking to do the planning themselves.

“That’s kind of the resource capacity for the communities,” Dodd


“It’s not standards. We’re not going to apply standards. We’re going
to stay far away from that. We’re not going to sit here and set
[development] standards because you’ve got to let the flexibility –
rural communities, suburban, large urban areas – they need to decide
themselves what they want to do in terms of how they link together
housing, transit, and energy needs in their communities.

“They ought to be given the total flexibility to decide how that

responds,” said Dodd.


Readers must do their homework by watching the following short
video and reading as much of the embedded Agenda 21 document.

I unfortunately just do not have time to explain it all and would be

retracing others’ work.  I would be giving you long, in-depth articles
if it was not for the numerous trails including Big Pharma, Big Oil,
the Central Banks, WTO, WHO, FAO, IMF, World Bank, etc., etc.,

Progressives have had over a century to weave the web and the
strands are interlocking with the United Nations as the face of the
organization and the ‘legitimate cover’ they so require.

SavantNoir has been racing parallel down the same rabbit hole and
has a laser focus on Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter. 
What follows are two brief excerpts from Canada Free Press of his
research, and then an article from this past Sunday, (8.1.2010),
stating that the freeloader in the White House has signed an
Executive Order complying with parts of Agenda 21.

If you value your individual independence and American

sovereignty, you MUST set aside chunks of time to read these
articles and watch the videos.

You then must start informing your family and neighbors of the
dangers we are in.  Maurice Strong’s name comes up again as he
was intricately involved in the creation of the Earth Charter
Initiative and other UN connected organizations. 

Savant has many amazing in-depth videos of the NGO’s, UNESCO,

Agenda 21, etc., found here.


I have some good news for you.  You have a life plan!  Your idyllic
paradise has been carefully conceived and is awaiting just a couple
more laws and regulations to be hammered out before given to you. 

The bad news is that your life plan is being planned by someone else.
Your paradise is not of your conception, nor perhaps even to your
liking.  It is artificial, imposed by the CEO’s of AP, Inc.

Although many years of planning have gone into constructing this

paradise that awaits you, you were never invited to participate in the
planning because no one ever told you about it. 

Chances are you may not have ever heard of Agenda 21; the blueprint
for your paradise; so you might be shocked to learn that the 18th
meeting of Agenda 21 just took place in NYC between May 3rd-14th
of 2010 to discuss the next phase of constructing your Utopia. 

In attendance were the 179 signatory nations as well as

representatives from 2,146 NGOs (non-government organizations)
that have been diligently working to facilitate the realization of your
paradise over these past 18 years.

This is all for you, but you weren’t even

Maybe the heads of AP, Inc. just want to see the look of surprise on
your face when they present you with your future.  I hate to be a spoil-
sport and ruin this surprise, but I just can’t keep a secret very well I

According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development 

(one of 58,000 subsidiaries of AP, Inc.):

“Agenda 21 is a guide for business and government policies and for

personal choices into the next century. It was endorsed by the 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the largest-ever meeting of
world leaders.

They were joined by hundreds of officials from United Nations

organizations, municipal governments, business, scientific, non-
government and other groups.

Nearby, the `92 Global Forum held a series of meetings, lectures,

seminars and exhibits on environment and development issues for the
public. This drew 18,000 participants from 166 countries, as well as
400,000 visitors. There were 8,000 journalists covering the Rio
meetings, and the results were seen, heard and read about around the
These people sure know how to throw a party, don’t they?  This
shindig makes AIG spa-oriented conferences look like child’s play! 

All of this effort on your behalf, isn’t that nice?  I am particularly

touched by the fact that over 8,000 journalists were present; they all
must have been from the New York Times, MSNBC, and Times
Magazine; because I never heard a word about Agenda 21 until


Earth Charter Preamble

… we are one human family and one Earth community with a
common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable
global society founded on respect for nature…. Towards this end, it is
imperative that we, the peoples of Earth, declare our responsibility to
one another, to the greater community of life, and to future

According to the Charter, humanity must undergo a global “change of

mind and heart.” And the UN’s all-wise seers visualize themselves as
the lead change agents for this global undertaking.

The Earth Charter Initiative  , however, candidly admits that it intends

to recruit your children as change agents, as well. “We seek to
increase the participation of young people in utilizing the Earth
Charter as a guideline in their work as active agents of change,” says
the Earth Charter Initiative website.

They have been doing precisely that, and will be accelerating their
program throughout the world—including in schools in your
neighborhood. The U.S. Conference of Mayors  is but one of hundreds
of organizations, schools, municipalities, and other entities that have
signed on as supporters of this declaration of a new “global ethic” for
the world.

In writing articles it becomes necessary to waffle between fact and
conjecture.  The problem with interpreting political data is that it
always requires inferential analysis. The reasons for this are many-
fold, but the most obvious are simply because legislation is drafted in
legal language and thus requires such interpretations; and secondly;
those interpretations then have to be weighed against a body of
empirical evidence that illuminates a political agenda or overall
philosophy that has been exhibited over an extended period of time. 

Nothing is ever as simple as it appears, nor does anything ever

happen without a reason.  It is an arduous task to fit all the pieces
together and reveal the big picture, but one thing you should be
certain of is that there is a framework of thought that precedes all
policy. To garner the full implication of this article it must be
considered in conjunction with the Club of Rome and Agenda 21. 
That information can be obtained by clicking on their respective links
as they appear in this article.


Listen here
President Obama’s Executive Order 13547 issued July 19, further
extends federal power, embraces global governance, diminishes the
rights and privileges of individuals, and brings the United  States  into
compliance with Agenda 21, Chapter 17.6, which says:

“Each coastal State should consider establishing, or where necessary

strengthening, appropriate coordinating mechanisms (such as a high-
level policy planning body) for integrated management and
sustainable development of coastal and marine areas….”

The National Ocean Council created by the Executive Order creates

this mechanism – and much more.

The genius of the American system of governance created by the U.S.

Constitution is the delicate balance of power between the federal
government, state and local governments, and the people. 

The founders recognized the people as the source of power; the people
came first.  It was the people who organized states.  The states created
a federal government and through the Constitution, limited the power
of the new government to those specific powers set forth in Article 1,
Section 8.  All unspecified powers were explicitly retained by the states
or the people.

In the first 200 years, the United States of America produced greater
wealth and prosperity than the rest of the world had produced in 2000
years.  Why?  Because individuals were free to pursue their own
individual happiness.

Throughout its entire history, however, there have been those who
believe that government is, or should be, the source of power; that the
people are, or should be, subjects of the state.

Since the 1970s, these people have used “environmental protection” as

an excuse to expand the power of government. They argued that free
people, in their pursuit of personal happiness, were polluting the

Therefore, government had to restrain free people in order to save the


Their arguments prevailed in Congress, in the schools, and

throughout society. The result has been ever- expanding government
power that continually diminishes individual freedom, which results in
less investment in the pursuit of individual happiness and a gradual
slowdown in the growth of prosperity for everyone.

Once, Americans could do whatever they could conceive, restrained

only by the possible consequences of infringing their neighbors’ right
to do the same.

Now, Americans must get permission from multiple layers of

government to do anything that produces income, pay multiple taxes
on whatever income is generated, and comply with expensive
regulations that govern every activity that might be pursued.

Consequently, the individual entrepreneurial spirit is steadily being

replaced by the ever-expanding reach of government’s ambition to
manage society.

President Obama’s most recent Executive Order is another example of

government’s ever-expanding reach. First, Obama created an
Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force in June of 2009.

This group worked a year to produce a report that recommends how

government can better protect the environment relating to the oceans
and the Great Lakes.

The Executive Order essentially adopts the recommendations in the

report as national policy, and creates a new bureaucracy called the
National Ocean Council to implement all the recommendations in the




Maurice Strong

What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude that the
principle risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich
countries? In order to save the planet, the group decides: isn’t the only
hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t
it our responsibility to bring this about? – Maurice Strong, 1990

Maurice Strong

Maurice F. Strong (born 1929) was named Senior Advisor to the

President of the World Bank in June 1995.

From December 1992 until December 1995, Mr. Strong was

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ontario Hydro, North
America’s largest utility. Until September 1992, Mr. Strong was
Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) and Under-
Secretary General of the United Nations. During 1985 and 1986, he
served as Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and
Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Office for Emergency
Operations in Africa and was a member of the World Commission on
Environment and Development.

Born in Canada and a resident of Toronto, Canada, Mr. Strong has

longstanding ties with both the private and public sectors. Mr. Strong
served as the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on
the Human Environment from November 1970 to December 1972,
and subsequently became the first Executive Director of the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya
(January 1973-December 1975). He was then appointed President,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canada’s national oil
company, Petro-Canada.

He also has been President of Power Corporation of Canada, first

President of the Canadian International Development
Agency (CIDA), Chairman of the Canada Development Investment
Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Governors of
the International Development Research Centre (IDCR) in Canada.
Mr. Strong is an advisor to the United Nations, and serves on the
board of several other public service organizations. He has been a
director and/or officer of a number of Canadian, U.S. and
international corporations.

“He has received a number of awards and honours including the

Order of Canada, the Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star, and
honourary doctorates from 37 universities. He is a Fellow of the Royal
Society (U.K.), the Royal Society of Canada and the Royal
Architectural Society of Canada.Mr. Strong was born 29 April 1929,
and educated in Manitoba, Canada. He is married to Hanne
Marstrandand has four children, a foster child and eight
grandchildren. His current appointments include:  [1]

 Under-Secretary General and Special Advisor to the Secretary-

General, United Nations
 Special Advisor to the Administrator of the United Nations
Development Programme
 Chairman, Earth Council Institute
 Chairman, International Advisory Board, CH2M Hill
Group Inc.
 Director, Foundation Board, World Economic Forum
 Director, The Human Society of the United States
 Member, Toyota International Advisory Board
 Director, Zenon Environmental Inc.
 Advisory Council, LEAD International  [2]

Past appointments include:

 Special Advisor to the President, World Bank

 1998-2001 Mamber International Advisory Board, Federation of
Korean Industry
 1992-1995 Chairman, Ontario Hydro
 1992 Secretary General, United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development
 1985-1986 Executive Coordinator, United Nations Office for
Emergency Operations in Africa
 1983-1987 Member World Commission on Environment and
 1976-1978 President, Chairman of the Board and Chairman of
the Executive Committee, Petro-Canada
 1973-1975 Executive Director, United Nations Environment
Programme, Nairobi, Kenya
 1970-1972 Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on the
Human Environment
 1970-1972, 1976-1980, Chairman, Board of Governors,
International Development Research Centre, Membmer of the
Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
 1966-1970 Headed Canada’s International Development
Assistance Program as Director-General of the External Aid Office,
and later as President and Chairman of the Board of the Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA)
 1966-1970 Alternate Governor for Canada- International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the Asian Development
Bank(ADB), and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB),
Chairman, Bureau of the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources

“After the Earth Summit, Strong continued to take a leading role in

implementing the results of Rio through establishment of the Earth
Council, the Earth Charter movement, his Chairmanship of the World
Resources Institute, Membership on the Board of the International
Institute for Sustainable Development, the Stockholm Environment
Institute, the African-American Institute, the Institute of Ecology in
Indonesia, the Beijer Institute of the Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences, and others. Strong was a longtime Foundation Director of
theWorld Economic Forum, a Senior Advisor to the President of
the World Bank, a Member of the International Advisory of Toyota
Motor Corporation, the Advisory Council for the Center for
International Development of Harvard University, the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development, the World Conservation
Union (IUCN), the World Wildlife Fund, Resources for the Future,
and the Eisenhower Fellowships.”  [3]

“Mr. Strong founded the Earth Council in 1992 after the Earth

Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and is now extending that leadership with a
new mandate to unite local councils and affiliated organizations under
the Earth Council Alliance with co-founder Tommy E. Short.

“In addition, he is currently spending much of his time in China in his

role as advisor to government, business and United Nations
organizations. He also is a special advisor to the Secretary-General of
the United Nations, as well as chairman of the council, University for
Peace, affiliated with United Nations…

Because of his time spent in China, Strong has remained out of the
spotlight. However, in May 2010, Strong found himself in the
headlines and even as a trending topic on Twitter following comments
made by Glenn Beck. Beck is a vocal denier of the scientific opinion
on climate change. His CNN Headline News May 2 2007 hour-long
special, Exposed: The Climate of Fear, was described by Media
Matters as “dominated by industry-funded “experts,” serial
misinformers.” [1]. He believes that global warming is being used to
secretly usher in a “new world order” [2].

Beck kicked off his May 13, 2010 show by posting an on-screen
graphic that read: “What if a small group of these world leaders were
to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions
of the rich countries?

In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for
the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our
responsibility to bring this about?” (Strong allegedly said this to a
reporter in 1990).

Beck went on to suggest that Strong’s hypothetical remark shows that

he is “involved in collapsing the global economies into the hands of a
global government” [3].

Strong then took to his website to address the issue:

Although I seldom respond to media criticisms which are for the most
part ideologically based it is useful to put on record for those who may
be interested, the facts which have been the subject of misinformation,
misinterpretation and outright lying by my critics (number 4 directly
addressed the quote used by Beck):

4. A particularly dishonest statement by long-time critic, Peter Foster,

to his own editor, citing a fictional account which was clearly stated to
be an extreme scenario of what might happen by the year 2030 if we
failed to act. This specifically stated that it was not a prediction, and
certainly not a recommendation, but the kind of prospect we must seek
to avoid.
“Earlier in his career Mr. Strong served in investment and senior
management positions with corporations in the energy and financial
sectors. He was president of the Power Corporation of Canada before
leaving in 1966 to head Canada’s External Aid Office, later
reorganized as the Canadian International Development Agency.

“Mr. Strong returned to Canada as president, chairman and CEO

of Petro-Canada(1976-78). He served as Chairman of
the International Energy Development Corporation from 1980 to
1983 and of the Canada Development Investment Corporation from
1982 to 1984.”  [4]

The Earth Charter Initiative:

NOW, I must get back to the labyrinth of American communists

that wrote the UN Charter and another little heard of foundation
that is funding the globalists as we speak.

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