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DC7 Management

DC7 Android Training plan

A. GENERAL INFORMATION. (Modified TMS Android Training plan)

Title Android development

Target Android beginners

Length 15 days

Pre-requisites OOP, Java programming

Objectives The program provides knowledge and

practices for employees who start learning
Android programming so that he is able to
work on real projects


1. Covered Topics
Setting up environment, first application
Activity life circle & Project structure (basic)
UI Event
ListView & Menu
Service & BroadcastReciever
AsyncTask and Thread
User preference & SQLite
Map and Location
Web service invocation
Application templates, trouble shooting, install app on device, subversion
Debugs in Eclipe, Multiscreen in Android
Data storage with preference and file, Android best practices

1. Outline
Day 1: Setting up environment, create first application
Get & Install Eclipse ADT. Ref:
Create a new project
Find out how the application start up

DC7 Management
Chapter 1 of Professional Android development.

Day 2: Activity life cycle & Project structure (basic)

Activity life cycle
Project structure
Chapter 3 of Professional Android development.
Day 3 UI Event
Understanding about user interface in Android
How to layout views using xml
Handle events using Event Listeners
Pop-up message using Toast
Chapter 4 of Professional Android development.
Day 4- ListView & Menu
Understand about ListView and How to use it.
Understand about menu and how to use it.
Ref: Chapter 5 of Professional Android development.
Day 5+6 Service & BroadcastReciever
What is a Service
Its life-cycle
Creating & Invoking a Service
What is BroadcastReciever ?
When do we use it?
Ref: Chapter 8 of Professional Android development.
Day 7- AsyncTask and Thread
Learn about system-level-message-passing
Understanding about using Handler to update UI while running background task
(thread) in Android application
Ref: Ref: Chapter 5 of Professional Android development.
Day 8 - User preference & SQLite
Understanding about how to use Shared References to store and retrieve data in
Android application
Create and open SQLite database in Android
Create table, insert records, bind variables and retrieve records from SQLite
database in Android.
Ref: Chapter 6 of Professional Android development.
Day 9- Map and Location

DC7 Management

Understanding about location-based services (LBS)

Understanding about map in Android.
Know how to combine LBS and map to build into application
Ref: Chapter 7 of Professional Android development.
Day 10+11 - Web service invocation
Consume web service with Restful (or SOAP)
Day 12- Application templates, trouble shooting, install app on device, subversion
Check Code and Compiler Warnings
How to install application on real devices
Commit source code to subversion
Day 13- Debugs in Eclipe, Multiscreen in Android,Java Coding standard
How to debug in Android
How to support multiscreen in Android
Java coding standard
Creating Application Preferences, accessing setting values. File handling: understand
document folder, store files, copy bundle resources.
Day 14-15: Demo
Select one of project assignments in part 4.

2. Texts & Supplemental Instructional Materials

E-book: Professional Android development.pdf or Beginning Android.pdf
Android developer library:

3. Assignments/Demos
Make a simple application can take pictures, play mp3 and video.
Expectation: no memory leak,can play in background,can view pictures in list
follow coding standard (code comments, naming convention, etc)
Both Portrait and Landscape
Support 320*480, 480*800.
Get weather of city for today and tomorrow, and track the weather of last 30 days.
Expectation: no memory leak, follow coding standard (code comments, naming
convention, etc)
Both Portrait and Landscape
Support 320*480, 480*800.

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