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Parashah 42: Mattot (Tribes)

Parashah 42: Mattot (Tribes); Numbers 30:1 through 32:42.

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Jeremiah 1:1 through 2:3.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Matthew 5:33-37.

Summary & Overview

o Numbers 30:1 | Vows Made by Women
o Numbers 31:1 | War against Midian
o Numbers 31:13 | Return from the War
o Numbers 31:25 | Disposition of Captives and Booty
o Numbers 32:1 | Conquest and Division of Transjordan

When we started with the Book of Numbers, we saw that it is based on the word
midbar which means wilderness. We also learned from its root word, chur
that means hole, as in made by a serpent, and prison cell. This is where
these enemies are hiding, waiting for you to step into their traps (holes), so that
they can entrap you and keep you in bondage. We looked at two of these
tactics or holes created by the enemy; the first one was perfect music as
revealed through Zimri, and leavened bread as revealed by his father Salu.
The main aim of the enemy is to target leadership, so that they can reach the
larger audience. This is why spiritual discernment in the Body of Messiah is so
important today. We also looked at Baal Peor, that revealed the gap between
you and YHVH and how the enemy wants to increase that gap to destroy your
relationship with the Father. This week we will look at the power of words and
the unwritten Commandments that apply to our lives.

Under Authority
Num 30:1 Moses said to the heads of the tribes of
Israel: This is what YHVH commands: 2 When a man
makes a vow to YHVH or takes an oath to obligate
himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but
must do everything he said.
The name of this Torah portion is Mattot, the plural form of
mattah hum that means tribe, staff and branch. The heads
or rosh of the tribes of Israel, are leaders, who also represent
the Authority they submit to. In last weeks Torah Portion, we
saw that Zimri was the rosh or head of the Tribe (mattah) of Simeon. He chose
to submit to the authority of Zur, by following the counsel or teaching of Balaam,
who again submitted to the authority of the Serpent. This means that Zimri
moved out from under the authority of YHVH, and submitted to the authority of
the Serpent. Zimri became the mediator between the Serpent (Lucifer) and his
people, leading them away from YHVH. Finally, Zimri was killed by Pinchas
(Messiah) and the Serpents head was crushed (Gen 3:15). This represented
the prophetic event of Yshuas death and resurrection (representing the image
of nachash / serpent that died), but the Serpent has yet to receive his final
blow during the Second Coming of Messiah Yshua.

Although the Serpent received a blow, he is still alive and able to deceive
YHVHs people through lies and the system of Babylon (mixing and confusion).
His power is found in everyone who submits to his authority and acts on the
teaching of Balaam, becoming part of the System of Babylon.
We are under the rosh or Head of Messiah, and if we keep to Yshuas
teachings, we will not be deceived and convert to become part of Babylon, the
Kingdom of Darkness that exists within the Kingdom of Light.
Col 1:15-18 He (Yshua) is the image of the invisible Elohim, the
firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are
in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through
Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things
consist. 18 And He is the head (rosh) of the Body, the Assembly, who is the
beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the
There is no power or principality higher or greater than that of YHVH, Who is
the Creator of all things, and this Authority manifests through Yshua the
Messiah, making His Name very powerful. Yshuas work is to take back the
authority the Serpent stole in the Garden of Eden, where mans sin caused the
Kingdoms of this World to transfer to the Serpent. When you submit under the
head or Authority of Yshua, you move out from under the Serpents authority
within the Kingdom of Darkness, which is this physical world, and become an
agent of the Kingdom of Light.

Making a vow
Num 30:1 Moses said to the heads of the tribes of
Israel: This is what YHVH commands: 2 When a man
makes a vow to YHVH or takes an oath to obligate
himself by a pledge, he must not break his word but
must do everything he said.
Vow is the word nadir rdn which means, to make a vow, and
is found in Scripture in Lev 27:2 where it says that if a man makes a vow, his
soul is for YHVH by his estimation. What does this mean?
Estimation is the word erek ;ri that comes from the root word arak that
means, to arrange, set or put or lay in order, set in array, prepare, order, ordain,
handle, furnish, esteem, equal, direct, compare. These meanings sound like
they have to do with the military, namely the Army of YHVH. YHVH is setting
up, preparing, furnishing (equipping) and ordering (directing) His troops. The
moment you submit under the Authority of Yshua the Messiah, then your soul
is for YHVH, by His estimation. Accepting Yshua as your Lord and Saviour is
another way of making a vow unto YHVH, taking an oath to serve in His Army
under Yshua the Commander.
Arak is found in Scripture in Gen 22:9 where Abraham placed the wood in
order (arak) and placed Isaac on the ordered wood that made the altar. Then
YHVH swore (sheba) an oath by Himself Saying By myself have I sworn, says
YHVH, for because you have done this thing, and has not withheld your son,
your only son.

This act of Abraham was based on the Covenant relationship He had with
YHVH, and this was one of the brave steps he took as a soldier in the Army of
YHVH, to prepare the altar for the serpents head to be crushed
prophetically. That is the goal and purpose of the soldiers of YHVH, to do the
prep work so that the Messiah can come and do His final Work, annihilating the
enemy once and for all.

To Swear or Not to Swear

Did Yshua forbid us to swear at all, as mentioned in the Book of Matthew, by
abolishing the Commandment regarding vows in the Torah in Lev 29:12?
Matt 5:33-34 Again you have heard that it was said to the men of old,
`You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have
sworn.' 34 But I say to you, Do not swear at all, either by heaven ..."
It seems likely that Yshua did say: Do not swear at all " This is slightly
different to the same passage in the Hebrew Matthew (Shem Tov), and is
translated as follows:
"Again you have heard it said to those of long ago: You shall not swear
by my name falsely, but you shall return to the Lord your oath. But I say
to you not to swear in vain by anything, either by heaven ..."
The difference between the Greek and the Hebrew is striking. In the Greek,
Yshua appears to revoke the Torah as stated in Lev 29:12 You shall not swear
falsely by My name, so as to profane the Name of your Elohim; I am YHVH.
In the Hebrew (Shem Tov) Yshua is still in line with the Torah and forbids us to
swear in vain. Vain in Hebrew, means anything that has to do with a lie or
anything that is false. This is similar to the verse that says not to take YHVHs
Name in vain. These words of Yshua (Hebrew translation) is confirmed by Paul
who took a Nazarite vow, that is related to swearing an oath or making a vow
unto YHVH (Acts chapter 18).

Reading Between the Lines

The Sages teach that the Torah is black fire on white
fire, that the white spaces in between the black letters
are just as important as the black letters. If it were not for
the white areas, the black would not have been defined
as clearly, and that is why we need to think about what
the Torah does not say, equal to what it does say.
The Torah consists of three different categories; the things we must do, the
things we may do and the things we must not do. It is very clear when the Torah
says, do this or do not do that, but the things in between, the things we may do,
are very difficult to interpret. The things that you may do are the spaces in
between the black letters that are equally important as the dos and donts
written on the parchment, and the maybes are very dangerous if interpreted
wrongly. We all want to follow YHVH and do what He expects of us, and it is
easy when your situation is clearly addressed by a written Commandment. Most
of the time, your life and circumstances are not clearly comparable with
Scripture and not directly dealt with by a Commandment.

At these times we draw principles from the Commandments, from concepts that
are not written, things that exist only in the spaces between the letters,
interpreted from in between the black letters of the Torah. A vow falls into the
same category as the maybe Commandments since it is not written in the
Torah, but found in between the letters, in the white space of possibilities that
are allowed by YHVH, and still seen as a commandment between you and
These waters in between the Commandments are so difficult to navigate as
highlighted in this Torah Portion where a father hears a daughters vow, and if
she vowed something that is not wise, he could annul it. The same when a wife
makes a vow, her husband can cancel it when he thinks the vow is
We have looked at the meaning of a vow and the swearing of an oath because
it is similar to making a Covenant between YHVH and yourself. In this context, it
is the same as creating a Commandment that the person who made it, must
keep, no one else. These are personal Commandments that are not written in
the Torah, but are allowed and treated as Commandments from YHVHs point
of view, and should be kept with the same rigour as the general written
Example: The best example to explain this is comparing it to a secular
contract (covenant) between you and the car dealer (or
bank) when buying a vehicle. There are requirements you
have to agree to before this contract is accepted, and if
you do, you will enjoy the blessings that are related to
this contract. If you do not comply with its clauses, then
the curses or consequences of this agreement will come
into play.

Connecting the Dots.

The Word of YHVH does not address every single aspect of your life, such as
who you should marry, what job you should take, etc. The Torah would be
infinite if it were designed to address every possible scenario of every persons
life, of all the people who ever lived. The Torah would be an infinite Book
containing all the detail of all possible scenarios, making it impractical and
impossible to follow. It is, instead, like connecting the dots to see how
Scripture applies to your life. This is one of the reasons why the Author of the
Torah is so amazing; He applied His infinite wisdom and placed only the things
we should know in the Torah, just enough to make it practical and possible to
restore us back to Him. Every word is carefully selected, backed by His infinite
wisdom, so that those who study it, will uncover the gems required to apply to
every situation. That is why He gave us His Spirit to help us, not only to
understand, but also to apply His embedded wisdom to our lives. That makes
the Torah the Book of infinite wisdom.
To glean the wisdom from His Torah, you must connect the dots so to speak,
studying and knowing His Word. With the help of His Spirit, you will read in
between the lines, closing the gaps in between the dots or words,
uncovering the wisdom you need for your specific situation.

What is important is to know these fundamental Commandments or dots, so
that you can connect each fundamental truth within every key Commandment,
that will enable you to receive the hidden unwritten words that lay beneath the
surface, in between every Commandment or truth.
We are all in a fallen state and each one of us needs another set of wisdom to
restore us back to the design parameters of the Creator, closing the gap
between Him and us. Your life might be very diverse and complex, and that is
why you must learn how to navigate these white spaces, which are grey
areas, to find the truth that will elevate you to a new level of Holiness.
Remember, the Holy Spirit is your Helper and will not do it for you, and the Spirit
of Truth reveals YHVHs Wisdom but does not replace the Word or Torah of
YHVH. You still have an active part to play in the process of your restoration,
but you are not alone, YHVHs Spirit will guide you through His Word and your
life, but will not live it for you.
Spiritual Application: Looking at the bigger picture
connecting the dots in between the Commandments
is similar to the picture that is created by the artist,
where he wants children to participate in creating
the final image he had in mind. This will make the
child become like the artist, who created the
beautiful picture.
In the same way, you as a child of YHVH, play a
part in the restoration process of you, using the
wisdom of His Word to connect the dots and close
the gaps between you and Him. When you look
back or zoom out, you will see the image of Him
overlaying the image of you and what you can look like if you continue and
complete your restoration with the help of His Word and His Spirit. YHVH
had a beautiful picture of you, in the image of Him, when He designed you in
His mind, prior to your existence. Now is the time to complete that picture so
that you can see how beautiful you are in the eyes of your Father.
The image of you will change over time as you see His image appear in your
life. The more you apply His Word in your life, the more you will look like Him.
This means that doing His Word is not for your Salvation, but to change your
look based on the image you saw in the mirror of the Word.
1 Cor 13:12 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a
child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish
things. 12 For now, we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I
know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also am fully known.
John 17:25 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I
have known You, and these have known that You sent Me. 26 I made
known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the
love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.
The ultimate goal is to know the Father and His Character (Name). Yshua says
in John 17 that He will keep on revealing the Fathers Name (Character /Image)
so that we can see Him when we look at Yshua (the Word).

Q - What do people see when they look at you? Do they see a replica of Yshua
that does not look like the Father?
That is why we have to study Yshua (the Living Word) so that we can see the
Father and eventually look like Him.
1 John 3:2-3 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet
been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed,
we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who
has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
John reveals that we will be changed and will look like Him at the end of this
process. Everyone that has this hope must work with Him and purify
themselves, thus allowing the restoration process throughout their lives.

Warring Against Midian

Num 31:1-3,7-8 And YHVH spoke to
Moses, saying: 2 Take vengeance on the
Midianites for the children of Israel.
Afterwards, you shall be gathered to your
people. 3 So Moses spoke to the people,
saying, Arm some of yourselves for war,
and let them go against the Midianites to
take vengeance for YHVH on Midian. 7 And
they warred against the Midianites, just as YHVH commanded Moses,
and they killed all the males. 8 They killed the kings of Midian with the
rest of those who were killedEvi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba, the five
kings of Midian. Balaam the son of Beor they also killed with the sword.
Israel had a wakeup call when 24,000 died of the plague as a result of Balaams
teachings. Now, Israel is standing up against the enemy, that resulted in the
destruction of the Kings of Midian. We will now look at each one of these kings
or leaders who represent different tactics of this enemy who infiltrates YHVHs
people today.

1. Evi yva means my desire and unjust. Evi comes from the root word avah
which means, desire, incline, covet, lust wait longingly, wish, sigh, want, be
greedy, prefer. Evi is first found in Scripture in Num 11:4 where the people
murmured and complained about the manna and lusted (avah) after meat
(basar). Meat or basar comes from the root word ba-sar that means
messenger, good tidings, preach.
Spiritual Application: Evi represents spiritual leaders
in the Body of Messiah who preach good news, that
is intermingled with my desire, the things I can get
when I follow Jesus, and unjust truths that are
YHVHs Word intertwined with lies. This enemy
targets believers who have carnal desires and these
messages will tell them what they would like to hear,
tickling the ear.
Q - What is tickling your ear and how do you overcome this enemy?

First of all, you have to know the Scripture to discern these false messages.
Secondly, you have to be spiritually minded and not seek to have your fleshly
desires met. Then you will not be affected by good news messages that are
designed to entertain the fleshly minded. The SELF is the biggest problem
most people struggle with, and this is contrary to what we learned last week,
having a broken vav, a humble, contrite spirit.
Ps 51:1-3, 9-13 Have mercy upon me, O Elohim, According to Your
lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot
out my transgressions. 2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and
cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my
sin is always before me. Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out all my
iniquities. 10 Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim, And renew a steadfast
spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not
take Your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
and uphold me by Your Generous Spirit. 13 Then I will teach
transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You.

2. Rekem is the second king of Midian and his name means

vain pictures and variegation. Variegation is the appearance
of different coloured areas on the leaves, and sometimes stems
of plants. The green parts contain chlorophyll and can
photosynthesize, but the non-green parts do not contain
chlorophyll and are useless. Rekem comes from the root word
raqam that means, mixing colours, to fabricate, embroiderer,
needlework. Raqam is first found in Scripture in Exo 26:36 where it describes
the construction of the Tabernacle or House of YHVH by using different colours
and needlework.
Spiritual Application: Rekem is the enemy associated with colours and
images in relation to the House of YHVH. This relates to the creation of vain
pictures that can be either visions or dreams, used to construct the House
that contains the presence of YHVH. Visions and dreams are seen as part of
prophecy and generally give a Congregation a direction, in relation to their
main purpose. This is an enemy similar to Balaam where false prophets see
visions that derail YHVHs purpose for His people within that particular
This idea is connected to variegation in plants that cause the leaves not to
photosynthesize, and ultimately, not bear fruit. The aim of this enemy is to
give false visions so that YHVHs people can be ineffective in the Kingdom,
and actually make the members spiritually sick with yellow spots on their

3. Zur is the word stoor rvo that comes from the root
word stur which also means rock. Zur has the
gematria of 296 and connects to the following words
and meanings:

akore means trouble and disturbance

stoor means cramp, to bind, confine.
kee-kaw-lone means intense
disgrace, shame.
roots means to run.
We looked at Zur in the previous Torah Portion. The name of Zurs daughter,
Cozbi, means lies or false teachings.
Zur represents an enemy who manifests as a strong spiritual leader, who have
all the attributes and charisma to sway the people, but their words are infected
with lies, that become part of their offspring (members). The meanings of the
words connected to the number 296, show that leaders like this only brings
trouble. The consequences of their doctrines confines you and leads to
bondage and intense shame. The female aspect connected to the lies implies
that this enemy is targeting the Bride of Messiah, to strip her from the truth so
that She will not be ready for the returning Groom.
Q How do we overcome this enemy?
Know the Word, especially prophecy, and what is required to prepare as the
Bride. This will help you to remain standing strong during the ongoing preaching
of false messages regarding the end times, especially the doctrine of the Pre-
Tribulation-Rapture revealing the doctrine of the Runaway Bride (296). The
Brides purpose is to be there during the Harvest (Tribulation), as a midwife,
catching the new born babies as they become born again, because of the
reality of the time of distress and turmoil around them, before the returning

4. Hur rvx is pronounced chur which means liberty,

whiteness and whole. Chur is first found in Scripture
in Ex 17:10 where Moses, Aaron and Hur went up the
mountain in the battle against the Amorites. This is the
best illustration of what faith is, with Aaron and Hur
upholding Moses arms to overcome Amalek (flesh).
This enemy is a counterfeit Hur, supporting another
form of faith.
Hur comes from the root word chur that is found in the Book of Ester,
describing Mordechai appearing before the people in royal attire, made of white,
blue and purple, with a crown of gold upon his head. Knowing that this enemy
represents a counterfeit faith, will expose his true colours.
Q - Which enemy is represented by colours of white, purple and blue and wears
a crown of gold?

Could it be the New World Religion spear headed by the Pope of the Catholic
Church, another faith that is in the place of the real faith?
This powerful global organisation managed to get almost all Christian
denominations to unify and submit under Her authority, which makes Her the
Whore of Babylon, as described in the Book of Revelation. Hur represents One
World Religion that will play a big part in promoting the worship of the Anti-
Messiah in the last days.
5. Reba ibr means fourth, square or that lies or stoops down. It comes from
the root word "raba which means to lie down. It is first used in Scripture in Lev
18:23 where it forbids men and women to lie down or have sex with any beast
or animal. Beast is the word behama that comes from an unused root word
that means to be mute. This enemy is related to sins of sexual immorality,
done in secret.
Beast is a term used the in Book of Revelation in the context of worshipping
the beast, bowing down to it. Bowing down to other gods is seen as idolatry, the
spiritual form of physical adultery. This means that bowing down to the Beast,
worshipping it, is similar to the sexual sin of laying down with a beast or
animal, which is an abomination to YHVH. This enemy wants you to offend
YHVH in an extreme way, bowing down to the Beast, the System created by the
Serpent and facilitated by the Antichrist. This is just as abominable as a man or
woman having sexual relations with a beast or animal, or in any other way
YHVH does not approve of. One of the Seven Churches, Thyatira, was warned
against sexual immorality, and against the one promoting it, the leaders
infected by the spirit of Jezebel.
Rev 2:20-29 And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write(20)
Notwithstanding I have a few things against you because you suffer that
woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
(21) And I gave her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented
not. (22) Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit
adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
(23) And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall
know that I am he which searches the reins and hearts: and I will give
unto every one of you according to your works.
How many leaders of churches in our time have
either committed or allowed some sort of sexual
immorality in their Assemblies, either by
divorcing and remarrying or committing an
immoral sexual deed that ended up in the media?
Today we see the latest form of this immorality
through same-sex marriage where church leaders
support this agenda. Gays are accepted in
churches and even married by pastors and
church leaders, not even speaking of the acceptance of gay pastors. The Beast
is alive and well in the Body of Messiah today, and YHVH is not happy with His

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