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Academy of Management Journal

2010, Vol. 53, No. 1, 107128.


American University

University of Maryland

Synthesizing theories of leadership, empowerment, and creativity, this research built

and tested a theoretical model linking empowering leadership with creativity via
several intervening variables. Using survey data from professional employees and
their supervisors in a large information technology company in China, we found that,
as anticipated, empowering leadership positively affected psychological empower-
ment, which in turn influenced both intrinsic motivation and creative process engage-
ment. These latter two variables then had a positive influence on creativity. Empow-
erment role identity moderated the link between empowering leadership and
psychological empowerment, whereas leader encouragement of creativity moderated
the connection between psychological empowerment and creative process engagement.

Given increasingly turbulent environments, ership behavior, such as transformational leader-

heightened competition, and unpredictable techno- ship theory, with mixed results (see Tierney, 2008:
logical change, more and more managers are com- 106). Noticeably missing from research attention
ing to realize that they should encourage their em- has been empowering leadership, despite sugges-
ployees to be creative (Shalley & Gilson, 2004). tions by creativity researchers that scholars focus
Considerable evidence indicates that employee cre- greater effort on leadership approaches that can
ativity can fundamentally contribute to organiza- address the elemental underpinnings of creativity
tional innovation, effectiveness, and survival (Am- (Mumford, Scott, Gaddis, & Strange, 2002; Tierney,
abile, 1996; Shalley, Zhou, & Oldham, 2004). 2008). Because empowering leadership involves
Creativity refers to the production of novel and sharing power with a view toward enhancing em-
useful ideas by an individual or by a group of ployees motivation and investment in their work
individuals working together (Amabile, 1988; Mad- (Kirkman & Rosen, 1997, 1999; Thomas & Velt-
jar, Oldham, & Pratt, 2002; Shalley, Gilson, & Blum, house, 1990), there are major reasons (detailed be-
2000; Zhou & Shalley, 2003). For creativity to occur low) to expect empowering leadership to have a
in organizations, managers need to support and positive impact on creativity (Amabile, 1988;
promote it, as they are the individuals who are Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby, & Herron, 1996;
most knowledgeable about which employee work Amabile et al., 2004; Thomas & Velthouse, 1990;
outcomes should be creative and they have consid- Zhou, 1998). Therefore, a major purpose of this
erable influence over the context within which cre- study was to build and test theory that addresses
ativity can occur (Shalley & Gilson, 2004). the connection between empowering leadership
Although a number of studies have investigated and creativity, including several important inter-
the impact of leaders on creativity, these investiga- vening variables.
tions have largely focused on issues of leader sup- In building a model linking empowering leader-
port (e.g., Amabile, Schatzel, Moneta, & Kramer, ship and creativity, we further drew on the psycho-
2004) and leader-member exchange (e.g., Tierney, logical empowerment literature and the creativity
Farmer, & Graen, 1999). More recently, researchers literature to posit three mediating mechanisms
have begun investigating broader theories of lead- with high potential to help explain linkages between
empowering leadership and creativity: psychological
We are grateful to Elizabeth W. Morrison and three empowerment, creative process engagement, and in-
anonymous reviewers, all of whom offered exceptionally trinsic motivation. The first mechanism, psychologi-
insightful suggestions. cal empowerment, is defined as a psychological state
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108 Academy of Management Journal February

that is manifested in four cognitions: meaning, com- the creative idea production phases of creative
petence, self-determination, and impact (Spreitzer, problem solving.1
1995). We thus explored the extent to which em- Finally, we further built theory via this study by
powering leadership works through psychological positing and testing two potentially important
empowerment to ultimately influence employee moderators of the empowering leadership creativ-
creativity. ity process: empowerment role identity and leader
Theoretical arguments have suggested that psy- encouragement of creativity. Empowerment role
chological empowerment, in turn, makes a critical identity is the extent to which an individual views
contribution to employee creativity by positively him- or herself as a person who wants to be em-
affecting an employees intrinsic motivation (Am- powered in a particular job. Leader encouragement
abile, 1996; Spreitzer, 1995), but empirical evi- of creativity refers to the extent of leader emphasis
dence of such an effect has been lacking (Shalley et on an employees being creative and actively en-
al., 2004). This connection is important because, gaging in processes that may lead to creative
conceptually, intrinsic motivation is considered to outcomes.
be a well-established predictor of creativity (Am- Overall, our purpose was and is to build theory
abile, 1996; Shalley et al., 2004). Intrinsic motiva- by conceptually and empirically linking empower-
tion is the extent to which an individual is inter- ing leadership theory, psychological empowerment
ested in a task and engages in it for the sake of the theory, and relevant creativity theories in answer to
task itself (Utman, 1997). We posit intrinsic moti- calls for a more comprehensive understanding of
vation as a second mediating element linking em- the empowering leadership phenomenon as it re-
powering leadership and creativity; we theorize lates to employee creativity (Menon, 2001; Shalley
that it acts as a connector between psychological et al., 2004).
empowerment and creative outcomes.
According to Amabiles (1983) componential
conceptualization of creativity, intrinsic task mo-
tivation is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition In this section, we trace the development of our
for creative outcomes. Amabile argued that engag- overall research model by first exploring the gen-
ing in creative process activities has an equal, if not eral nature of empowering leadership as it relates to
more important, influence on individual creative creativity. We next investigate how empowering
behaviors. Several researchers have begun to em- leadership influences psychological empowerment
phasize the value of understanding the creative as delineated by Spreitzer (1995), including consid-
process whereby individuals come to develop cre- eration of a potential moderator, empowerment
ative ideas, and they have called for more studies role identity. We then examine the influence of
addressing this issue (Drazin, Glynn, & Kazanjian, psychological empowerment on intrinsic motiva-
1999; Mumford, 2000; Shalley et al., 2004). In con- tion and creative process engagement. As part of
sidering this aspect, we argue for the role of a third these arguments, we incorporate leader encourage-
mediating variable, creative process engagement, ment of creativity as a moderating variable to help
which we posit as also helping to connect psycho- explain how leaders can affect the extent to which
logical empowerment with creative outcomes. Cre- psychological empowerment influences employee
ative process engagement is defined as employee creativity via creative process engagement. Finally,
involvement in creativity-relevant methods or pro- we examine links among intrinsic motivation, cre-
cesses, including (1) problem identification, (2) ative process engagement, and employee creativity.
information searching and encoding, and (3) idea The hypothesized model is depicted in Figure 1.
and alternative generation (Amabile, 1983; Reiter-
Palmon & Illies, 2004).
Empowering Leadership and Creativity
Although creativity can be used to describe
both an outcome and a process (Shalley & Zhou, Recent research indicates that different forms of
2008), in this article we use the word in the out- leadership are related to employee creativity (e.g.,
come sensethat is, to denote the extent to which
novel and useful ideas are produced. We use cre-
ative process engagement to refer to the process by 1
Evaluation of ideas/alternatives, another part of the
which creativity occurs. Our use of these two terms creative process, is typically considered part of the im-
allowed us to differentiate creative processes from plementation phase that follows, and is less dependent
creative outcomes in our model building. We note on, creative idea development (Gilson & Shalley, 2004;
that we focus on the three creative processes out- Mumford, 2001; Mumford & Connelly, 1991; Reiter-
lined above because they are generally viewed as Palmon & Illies, 2004).
2010 Zhang and Bartol 109

Hypothesized Model

Empowerment Role Leader Encouragement

Identity of Creativity

Creative Process

Empowering Psychological Employee

Leadership Empowerment Creativity


Amabile et al., 2004; George & Zhou, 2007; Shalley able employee latitude. We propose that one ap-
& Gilson, 2004; Shin & Zhou, 2003, 2007; Tierney et proach to doing so is empowering leadership.
al., 1999). For instance, Tierney et al. (1999) found According to Ahearne, Mathieu, and Rapps
that effective leader-member exchange (LMX) rela- (2005) conceptualization, empowering leadership
tionships are positively associated with employee involves highlighting the significance of the work,
creativity, a finding supported by related research providing participation in decision making, con-
(e.g., Scott & Bruce, 1994). Studies also have pro- veying confidence that performance will be high,
vided evidence for a positive relationship between and removing bureaucratic constraints. These be-
supportive leadership and creativity, and a nega- haviors are conceptually highly relevant to creativ-
tive relationship between controlling leadership ity. For instance, it is clear from the creativity lit-
and employee creativity (e.g., Amabile et al., 2004; erature that participation in decision making and
Madjar et al., 2002; Oldham & Cummings, 1996; perceptions of autonomy are vital preconditions for
Tierney & Farmer, 2002, 2004). In considering creative outcomes (Amabile, 1988; Amabile et al.,
broader leadership approaches, some studies have 2004). Inherent in the combination of empowering
shown support for a positive impact of transforma- leadership behaviors is delegating authority to an
tional leadership on employee creativity (e.g., employee, so as to enable the employee to make
Howell & Avolio, 1993; Jung, Chow, & Wu, 2003; decisions and implement actions without direct
Keller, 1992; Shin & Zhou, 2003; Sosik, Kahai, & supervision or intervention (Bass, 1985; Jung et al.,
Avolio, 1998), but others have produced contrary 2003). Given the nature of creativity, such delega-
results (e.g., Basu & Green, 1997; Jaussi & Dionne, tion helps establish a work context wherein an
2003; Kahai, Sosik, & Avolio, 2003). employee is encouraged and empowered to explore
Surprisingly lacking research attention is a lead- diverse creative alternatives before (perhaps) set-
ership approach with considerable promise of in- tling on a viable creative solution (Amabile et al.,
fluencing employee creativity: empowering leader- 1996). We define empowering leadership as the
ship. In view of evidence that leaders can affect process of implementing conditions that enable
employee creativity, several creativity scholars sharing power with an employee by delineating the
have argued for a closer look at leadership behav- significance of the employees job, providing
iors or styles that might fundamentally address the greater decision-making autonomy, expressing con-
nature of creative work (e.g., Mumford et al., 2002; fidence in the employees capabilities, and remov-
Tierney, 2008). Such work tends to involve com- ing hindrances to performance (Ahearne et at.,
plicated, ill-defined problems for which novel and 2005; Arnold, Arad, Rhoades, & Drasgow, 2000;
useful solutions are far from obvious (Ford, 2000; Kirkman & Rosen, 1997, 1999).
Mumford et al., 2002; Reiter-Palmon & Illies, 2004). Like the construct of leader-member exchange
As a result, leaders cannot rely on predefined struc- (Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975; Graen & Uhl-
tures that spell out means or even precise ends. Bien, 1995), empowering leadership relies theoret-
Instead, they must encourage employee motivation ically on the idea of vertical dyad linkage, and
to solve these problems and yet enable consider- empowering leadership as a dyadic phenomenon is
110 Academy of Management Journal February

the focus of this study. Along these lines, Forrester Spreitzer (1995) defined empowerment as a process
argued that a main reason why organizational em- or psychological state manifested in four cogni-
powerment initiatives often fall short is that they tions: meaning, competence, self-determination,
take a one-size-fits all empowerment approach and impact. Specifically, meaning concerns a sense
(2000: 69) that fails to differentiate among employ- of feeling that ones work is personally important.
ees capabilities and desires. Ford and Fottler pos- Competence refers to self-efficacy, or belief in ones
ited that empowerment is a matter of degree rather ability to successfully perform tasks. Self-determi-
than an absolute (2005: 22), indicating that man- nation indicates perceptions of freedom to choose
agers need to make judgments regarding whom to how to initiate and carry out tasks. Impact repre-
empower and to what extent. A number of empiri- sents the degree to which one views ones behav-
cal studies have supported the notion that empow- iors as making a difference in work outcomes.
erment can be productively viewed as a dyadic Spreitzer (1995) presented evidence that the four
relationship between a supervisor and an individ- dimensions (meaning, competence, self-determina-
ual subordinate (e.g., Ahearne et al., 2005, Robert, tion, and impact), although distinct, reflect an over-
Probst, Martocchio, Drasgow, & Lawler, 2000). For all psychological empowerment construct. Thus,
instance, Keller and Dansereau (1995) provided ev- psychological empowerment is seen as an enabling
idence that empowerment-related leadership prac- process that enhances an employees task initiation
tices are individualized at the subordinate level. and persistence (Conger & Kanungo, 1988).
Empirical studies by Ahearne et al. (2005) and Conceptually, a case can be made for a close
Leana (1986) have shown that supervisors differen- relationship between empowering leadership and
tiate among subordinates in the degree of latitude psychological empowerment, despite the limited
they allow. Yukl and Fu (1999), in an extensive research in this area (Ahearne et al., 2005; Zhang &
study that relied on surveys, interviews, and focus Sims, 2005). First of all, an empowering leader
groups, concluded that managers delegated more to tends to enhance the meaningfulness of work by
subordinates whom they viewed as competent, as helping an employee understand the importance of
pursuing task objectives congruent with the man- his or her contribution to overall organizational
agers, and as having favorable relationships with effectiveness. Second, an empowering leader ex-
the managers. presses confidence in an employees competence
In line with this research, Menon argued that to and prospects for high performance. For instance,
achieve an adequate understanding of empower- Ahearne et al. (2005) found a positive relationship
ment processes it is important to consider the per- between empowering leadership and employee
spective of the individual employee (2001: 158), self-efficacy. Third, an empowering leader pro-
pointing out that, for the empowering behavior of a vides an employee with autonomy and prospects
leader to have its intended effect, the focal em- for self-determination by encouraging the individ-
ployee must, in turn, feel psychologically empow- ual to decide how to carry out his or her job (Pearce
ered. Accordingly, we next consider the issue of et al., 2003; Sims & Manz, 1996). Lastly, an empow-
psychological empowerment. ering leader fosters an employees participation in
decision making (Manz & Sims, 1987). This process
potentially gives an employee a feeling of greater
Empowering Leadership and
control over the immediate work situation and an
Psychological Empowerment
enhanced sense that his or her own behaviors can
Psychological empowerment is conceptualized make a difference in work results, thus promoting
as an experienced psychological state or set of cog- the sense of impact. Therefore, it is reasonable to
nitions. Conger and Kanungo (1988) defined psy- argue that empowering leadership influences a fol-
chological empowerment as a process of heighten- lowers perceptions of psychological empower-
ing feelings of employee self-efficacy through the ment. Accordingly, we propose:
identification of conditions that foster powerless-
ness and through their removal by both formal Hypothesis 1. Empowering leadership is pos-
organizational practices and informal techniques itively related to employee psychological
of providing efficacy information (1988: 474). empowerment.
Thomas and Velthouse (1990) extended this ap-
proach by specifying a more complete set of task
Moderation by Empowerment Role Identity
assessments (meaningfulness, competence, choice,
and impact) that determine intrinsic task motiva- Although, generally, we expect empowering
tion in workers. Drawing on both Conger and Ka- leadership to positively influence psychological
nungo (1988) and Thomas and Velthouse (1990), empowerment, there is some evidence that employ-
2010 Zhang and Bartol 111

ees differ in the extent to which they welcome and identity set and to experience greater psychological
see themselves as psychologically empowered, empowerment in an empowering leadership con-
even in a context of empowering leader behaviors text. Accordingly, we propose:
(Ahearne et al., 2005; Forrester, 2000). To assess
Hypothesis 2. Empowerment role identity
this prospect, we draw on role identity theory
strengthens the relationship between empower-
(Burke, 1991; Burke & Tully, 1997; Stryker, 1980;
ing leadership and psychological empowerment.
Stryker & Burke, 2000), according to which indi-
viduals develop expectations regarding appropriate
behavior in various roles and internalize them as Psychological Empowerment and
components of self or role identities. A role iden- Intrinsic Motivation
tity, then, is a self-view, or meaning ascribed to the
In considering the role of psychological empow-
self with respect to a specific role (Farmer, Tierney,
erment in facilitating creativity, we note available
& Kung-Mcintyre, 2003; Stryker, 1980). Individuals
evidence demonstrating links between psychologi-
use role identities as cognitive schemata to provide
cal empowerment and intrinsic motivation. Intrin-
meaning for the self, help interpret events, and
sic motivation refers to the extent to which an
channel behavioral options (Callero, Howard, &
individual is inner-directed, is interested in or fas-
Piliavin, 1987; Piliavin, Grube, & Callero, 2002;
cinated with a task, and engages in it for the sake of
Stryker & Burke, 2000). As mentioned earlier, we
the task itself (Utman, 1997). According to Am-
define empowerment role identity as the extent to
abiles (1983) componential conceptualization of
which an individual views him- or herself as a
creativity, intrinsic motivation is one of the most
person who wants to be empowered in a particular
important and powerful influences on employee
job. According to role theory, role identity is com-
creativity (Amabile, 1988, 1996; Amabile et al.,
posed of related multiple selves that are defined
1996; Shalley, 1991, 1995).
further as a hierarchical ranking of identities. Indi-
Thomas and Velthouse posited that psychologi-
viduals carry out multiple roles in order of sa-
cal empowerment is presumed to be a proximal
lience, judging some identities to be more impor-
cause of intrinsic task motivation and satisfaction
tant than others (McCall & Simmons, 1966; Stryker
(1990: 668). Gagne, Senecal, and Koestner (1997)
& Serpe, 1994).
demonstrated a positive, significant relationship
In the case of empowerment, a grounded method
between meaningfulness and intrinsic task motiva-
study by Labianca, Gray, and Brass concluded that
tion. Koestner, Ryan, Bernieri, and Holt (1984) also
resistance to empowerment in the context of a
showed that feelings of self-determination posi-
change initiative was motivated more by well es-
tively relate to intrinsic motivation. Therefore, on
tablished, ingrained schema (2000: 235) regarding
the basis of theoretical arguments and previous
appropriate actions associated with an employees
studies demonstrating links between the elements
role than by self-interest. Kirkman and Shapiro
of psychological empowerment and intrinsic moti-
(1997) theorized that employees differ in the extent
vation (Spreitzer, 1995, 1996), we propose:
to which they desire self-control or self-manage-
ment and suggested that an employee is more likely Hypothesis 3. Psychological empowerment is
to be resistive when he or she is uncomfortable positively related to intrinsic motivation.
with work-related decision making, is reluctant to
work autonomously, and assumes a passive rather
Psychological Empowerment and Creative
than proactive stance with respect to work goals.
Process Engagement
Such resistance has been shown to be associated
with lower job satisfaction and lower organization- According to Amabiles (1983) componential
al commitment (Kirkman & Shapiro, 2001; May- conceptualization of creativity, intrinsic motiva-
nard, Mathieu, Marsh, & Ruddy, 2007), supporting tion is a necessary but not sufficient condition for
the notion that some workers consider empower- creative outcomes. Engaging in creative activities
ment as inconsistent with their desires and role has an equal, if not more important, role in promot-
perceptions. Forrester (2000) argued that some em- ing employee creativity (Amabile, 1988, 1996; Am-
ployees may view themselves as unready to handle abile et al., 1996). Recently, several scholars (e.g.,
new responsibilities or have other reasons for not Mainemelis, 2001; Mumford, 2000; Shalley et al.,
wanting to take on more empowered roles. On the 2004) have suggested that a promising direction for
other hand, role identify theory (Stryker, 1980; creativity research would be to focus on achieving
Stryker & Burke, 2000) suggests that an employee a better understanding of the process that eventu-
who envisions empowerment in a positive way is ally leads to creative outcomes. As mentioned ear-
likely to regard it as fitting within his or her role lier, we define creative process engagement as em-
112 Academy of Management Journal February

ployee involvement or engagement in creativity- engaging in processes likely to lead to creative out-
relevant cognitive processes, including (1) problem comes. Leader encouragement of creativity is de-
identification, (2) information searching and en- fined as the extent of a leaders emphasis on being
coding, and (3) idea and alternative generation creative and on actively engaging in processes that
(Amabile, 1983; Reiter-Palmon & Illies, 2004). Sim- may lead to creative outcomes. Such emphasis is
ple solutions that may not be novel and useful may likely to prime employee attention and facilitate
emerge when individuals minimally engage in the effort toward trying to be creative (Scott & Bruce,
process. On the other hand, when an individual 1994; Wyer & Srull, 1980).
spends effort to more fully identify a problem, ob- Several studies have suggested that when indi-
tains as much information as possible, and gener- viduals know the importance of creativity in their
ates numerous ideas and alternatives, solutions jobs, they are more likely to actually be creative
that are both novel and useful are more likely to be (e.g., Carson & Carson, 1993; Speller & Schuma-
produced. This line of reasoning is congruent with cher, 1975). For example, Shalley (1991, 1995)
research findings that the first ideas generated tend found that assigned creativity goals effectively en-
to be routine and less creative, whereas ideas iden- hanced employee creative performance, whereas
tified later in a process of idea generation tend to be assigned performance goals (e.g., production quan-
more creative (Runco, 1986). tity) actually detracted from creative performance.
We theorize that psychological empowerment Similarly, Pinto and Prescott (1988) concluded that
may have important influences on an employees a clearly stated mission by a leader enables a
willingness to engage in a creative process. Specif- greater focus on new idea development and subse-
ically, when an employee perceives that his or her quent successful innovation. Thus, we expect psy-
job requirements are meaningful and personally chological empowerment and leader encourage-
important, the employee will spend more effort on ment of creativity to interact to influence employee
understanding a problem from multiple perspec- tendencies to engage in creative processes. For-
tives, searching for a solution using a wide variety mally, we propose:
of information from multiple sources, and generat-
ing a significant number of alternatives by connect- Hypothesis 5. Leader encouragement of cre-
ing diverse sources of information (Gilson & Shal- ativity strengthens the relationship between
ley, 2004; Jabri, 1991). In addition, when an psychological empowerment and creative pro-
employee believes that he or she has the ability to cess engagement.
perform a task successfully, has a certain degree of
self-determination over job execution, and can
Intrinsic Motivation, Creative Process
shape desired outcomes through his or her behav-
Engagement, and Creativity
iors, the employee is likely to focus on an idea or a
problem longer and more persistently (Deci & Ryan, Amabile (1983) suggested that an individuals
1991; Spreitzer, 1995). Such an employee is also intrinsic task motivation plays an important role in
more likely to take risks, explore new cognitive determining behaviors that may result in creative
pathways, and be playful with ideas (Amabile et outcomes. This is because intrinsic motivation
al., 1996). Accordingly, we propose: makes the difference between what an individual
can do and what an individual will do (Amabile,
Hypothesis 4. Psychological empowerment 1988: 133). As we indicated earlier, the degree of
is positively related to creative process engagement in the creative process varies. If an
engagement. individual pays little attention to a problem and
chooses to minimally engage in its resolution, so-
lutions may not be creative and useful. On the other
Moderation by Leader Encouragement
hand, creative solutions may be generated when an
of Creativity
individual devotes substantial attention to a prob-
Although there are conceptual and empirical rea- lem and chooses to fully engage in the creative
sons to expect that a psychologically empowered processthat is, he or she fully identifies the prob-
employee will be more prone to creative process lem from various perspectives; gathers diverse, but
engagement, psychological empowerment, by defi- relevant, information; and creates a variety of alter-
nition, leaves an employee with considerable lati- natives. Simon (1967) indicated that the primary
tude. Nevertheless, leaders can actively encourage function of intrinsic motivation is the control of
engagement by articulating the need for creative job attention. When individuals are intrinsically in-
outcomes, spelling out what the organization val- volved in their work, they are more likely to devote
ues, and calling attention to the effectiveness of all of their attention to the problems they encoun-
2010 Zhang and Bartol 113

ter. Such attention directs people to engage in a companys human resources (HR) department, we
creative process through self-regulation (Kanfer, sent an e-mail, along with an URL survey link, to
1990). Consequently, intrinsic motivation influ- 670 professional employees. The employees also
ences the extent to which an individual will persist received an e-mail from the vice president of the
in carrying out the creative process (Shalley, 1995; company supporting the study and encouraging
Shalley et al., 2000). Stated formally: participation. The 498 usable employee survey re-
sponses received constituted a 74.3 percent re-
Hypothesis 6. Intrinsic motivation is positively
sponse rate. Upon receipt of employee responses,
related to creative process engagement.
we contacted the 219 relevant direct supervisors.
As mentioned previously, for a creative response We received useful responses from 164 direct su-
to emerge, an individual must engage in creative pervisors, for a 74.9 percent response rate. Finally,
activities such as problem identification, environ- we were able to match 367 usable responses from
mental scanning, data gathering, unconscious men- both direct supervisors and employees. The num-
tal activity, solution generation and evaluation, and ber of employees evaluated by each supervisor var-
solution implementation (Shalley, 1991; Simon, ied from one to six, with most supervisors rating
1966). This creative process determine[s] the flex- two or three employees.
ibility with which cognitive pathways are ex- Participants comprising the final sample worked
plored, the attention given to particular aspects of in one of three types of jobs: R&D (48%), strategic
the task, and the extent to which a particular path- marketing (43%), and functional professions (9%).
way is followed in pursuit of a solution (Amabile, The average age of the participants was 30.4 years.
1996: 95). If cognitive processing is interrupted, The average organizational tenure was 3.62 years.
then critical information will not have been ac- Among the 367 respondents, 63.2 percent were
cessed or used in problem solving, which results male; 68 percent held bachelors degrees, and 32
in low creativity as an outcome (Shalley, 1995). percent had graduate degrees.
Hypothesis 7. Creative process engagement is Measures
positively related to employee creativity.
Unless otherwise indicated, all the variables
Finally, considerable evidence indicates that in- were measured by participant responses to ques-
trinsic task motivation is critical to creativity in tions on a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from
organizations, and research has reported positive strongly disagree to strongly agree. The spe-
associations between intrinsic motivation and em- cific measures are described below, along with the
ployee creativity on a task (e.g., Amabile, 1979, results of calculation of Cronbach alpha coeffi-
1987, 1996; Taggar, 2002). Accordingly, we hypoth- cients for the various measures. When a measure is
esize a direct impact of intrinsic motivation on described as having dimensions, the dimensions
employee creativity as an outcome: (items averaged) were used as indicators for their
construct in structural equation modeling (de-
Hypothesis 8. Intrinsic motivation is positively
scribed under Analysis). Otherwise, items were
related to employee creativity.
averaged into an overall scale score. Measures were
completed by employees, except for the creativity
METHODS measure, which was completed by supervisors. The
Appendix gives the texts of the items for our
Research Setting and Participants
primary measures.
This study was conducted in a major information Empowering leadership. For empowering lead-
technology (IT) company headquartered in the Peo- ership, we used Ahearne et al.s (2005) measure.
ples Republic of China (PRC). We used a web- This 12-item measure has multi-item subscales cor-
based survey tool to collect the data. The entire responding to four dimensions: (1) enhancing the
survey was translated from English into Chinese meaningfulness of work, (2) fostering participation
and then back-translated into English by two inde- in decision making, (3) expressing confidence in
pendent bilingual individuals to ensure equiva- high performance, and (4) providing autonomy
lency of meaning (Brislin, 1980). from bureaucratic constraints (s .89, .86, .85,
Participants were professional-level employees, and .79, respectively). The fit indexes for four first-
such as software engineers and new product devel- order factors (the four dimensions) plus one sec-
opers, whose work required substantial creativity ond-order factor fell within an acceptable range
in order to be effective, and their respective super- (2[50] 153.87, p .001; CFI .95, GFI .93,
visors. Using contact information obtained from the SRMR .07, RMSEA .08; see Analysis for
114 Academy of Management Journal February

interpretation of abbreviations), supporting the no- six-item scale ( .90) was adapted from Scott and
tion that the dimensions are distinct, but also col- Bruce (1994) for this study.
lectively reflective of the overall construct.2 Creativity. Employee creativity was measured
Psychological empowerment. Psychological em- with a 13-item creativity scale ( .91) developed
powerment was measured with Spreitzers (1995) by Zhou and George (2001) and was completed by
12-item scale as manifested in four dimensions of 3 supervisors. Respondents answered on a five-point
items each: meaning, competence, self-determina- scale ranging from not at all characteristic to
tion, and impact (s .86, .77, .81, and .87, re- very characteristic.
spectively). The fit indexes for four first-order fac- Control variables. We controlled for five demo-
tors plus one second-order factor fell within an graphic variables that have been found to be signif-
acceptable range (2[50] 127.40, p .001; CFI icantly related to creativity (e.g., George & Zhou,
.97, GFI .94, SRMR .04, RMSEA .07), sug- 2001; Shalley et al., 2004). Age was measured in
gesting that the dimensions reflected the overall years. Gender was measured as a dichotomous vari-
construct. able coded as 1 for male and 0 for female. Company
Empowerment role identity. A four-item scale tenure was measured as the number of years that an
( .77) to measure empowerment role identify employee had been in the company. Education was
was adapted from Calleros (1985) donor role iden- measured as the number of years of post high-
tity measure and Farmer et al.s (2003) creative role school education. Job type was measured as a di-
identity measure. chotomous dummy variable coded 1 for IT partici-
Creative process engagement. An 11-item scale pants (e.g., employees from the R&D division) and
was developed for this study on the basis of the 0 for non-IT participants (e.g., employees from
conceptual work of Amabile (1983) and Reiter- the strategic marketing division and functional
Palmon and Illies (2004). Prior to using the mea- divisions).
sure, we had six experts (doctoral students and We also controlled for job characteristics, as they
doctorate holders) independently review the items have long been considered an important contribu-
and sort them according to our definitions of the tor to employee creativity (West & Farr, 1990),
three intended dimensions. All allocated the items given that enriched jobs increase employees en-
to their intended dimensions (s .77, .77, and thusiasm for their work, which fosters creativity
.81) and judged them to be reasonable indicators. (Oldham & Cummings, 1996; Shalley et al., 2004;
The fit indexes for three first-order factors plus one Tierney & Farmer, 2002, 2004). We used a six-item
second-order factor fell within an acceptable range scale based on Hackman and Oldham (1974) and
(2[41] 93.42, p .001; CFI .97, GFI .96, Idaszak and Drasgow (1987) and adapted from Pic-
SRMR .04, RMSEA .06). Respondents an- colo and Colquitt (2006) to measure core job char-
swered on a five-point scale ranging from never acteristics on three dimensionstask variety, task
to very frequently. identity, and task significanceas they represent
Intrinsic motivation. Employee intrinsic motiva- the critical psychological states likely to influence
tion at work was measured with three items ( employee intrinsic motivation and job perfor-
.82) adapted from the work of Amabile (1985) and mance. Respondents answered on a five-point scale
Tierney et al. (1999). ranging from very inaccurate to very accurate.
Leader encouragement of creativity. To capture We treated the three dimensions of job characteris-
the extent of leader encouragement of creativity, a tics (s .68, .84, and .71) as separate indicators of
this construct.

As further evidence that it is reasonable to concep-
tualize the leadership dimensions as reflective, rather
than formative, we note the correlations among the di- Structural equation modeling (SEM) with EQS
mensions were substantial (Jarvis, Mackenzie, & Podsa- 6.1 (Bentler, 2005) was used to examine the hy-
koff, 2003). The correlations between the enhancing pothesized model. The advantage of SEM is that it
meaningfulness dimension and fostering participation in offers a simultaneous test of an entire system of
decision making, expressing confidence in high perfor-
variables in a hypothesized model and thus enables
mance, and providing autonomy from bureaucratic con-
straints dimensions were .64, .57, and .59, respectively.
assessment of the extent to which the model is
Correlations between the participation dimension and consistent with the data (Byrne, 1994).
the confidence and autonomy dimensions were .53 and In this study, we adopted Anderson and Gerb-
.59, respectively. Finally, the correlation between the ings (1988) comprehensive, two-step analytical
confidence and autonomy dimensions was .62. All were strategy to test the hypothesized model depicted in
significant at p .001. Figure 1. According to this strategy, the measure-
2010 Zhang and Bartol 115

ment model was first confirmed using confirmatory ering leadership as the dependent variable indi-
factor analysis (CFA), and we then performed SEM cated, as expected, that between-group variance
based on the measurement model to estimate the fit was not greater than within-group variance (F
of the hypothesized model to the data. To gauge the .95, p .62), thus supporting our conceptualiza-
model fit, chi-square (2) values are reported as the tion of the model at the individual level. We hence
index of absolute fit, which assesses the extent to proceeded to analyze our model using SEM and
which the covariances estimated in the model hierarchical regression analyses.
match the covariances in the measured variables Hierarchical multiple regression was used to ex-
(Kline, 1998). In addition, we also report the com- amine the role of empowerment role identity as a
parative fix index (CFI; Bentler, 1990), Joreskog- moderator of the relationship between empowering
Sorbom goodness-of-fit index (GFI), the standard- leadership and psychological empowerment and
ized root mean square residual (SRMR), and the the role of leader encouragement of creativity as a
root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA; moderator of the relationship between psychologi-
Steiger, 1990) to gauge model fit. These indexes cal empowerment and creative process engage-
indicate the extent to which a research model pro- ment. Hierarchical regression is one of the most
vides an improved overall fit relative to a null useful tools for testing interaction effects because it
model or independence model in which the corre- allows a researcher to base variables order of entry
lations among observed variables are assumed to be on their causal priority (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). All
zero. The CFI and GFI have been considered the interaction variables were mean-centered to reduce
best approximations of the population value for a multicollinearity (Aiken & West, 1991).
single model, with values greater than or equal to
.90 considered indicative of good fit (Medsker, Wil-
liams, & Holahan, 1994). The SRMR is a standard-
ized summary of the average covariance residuals; Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics, corre-
a favorable value is less than .10 (Kline, 1998). The lations, and scale reliabilities for the variables in
RMSEA is a measure of the average standardized the study. Because several of our constructs were
residual per degree of freedom; a favorable value is conceptually related and could be expected to be
less than or equal to .08, and values less than or associated in a substantive way, we conducted ad-
equal to .10 are considered fair (Browne & Cud- ditional analyses to establish the discriminant va-
eck, 1989). lidity of our measures. First, we performed second-
Prior to testing the measurement and structural order CFAs for empowering leadership and
models, we averaged items into dimensions for em- psychological empowerment in which a two-factor
powering leadership, psychological empowerment, model with individual variables loaded on their
and creative process engagement and treated the first-order factors (the dimensions) and the first-
different dimensions as separate indicators of their order factors loaded on their appropriate second-
corresponding construct in our SEM analyses. For order factors (in this case, four dimensions for em-
all other variables in our model, we averaged the powering leadership and four dimensions for
items into single indicators, except for the job char- psychological empowerment) was compared with a
acteristics control variable, which we also opera- second-order one-factor model in which all first-
tionalized at the dimension level. To adjust for order factors (representing all eight dimensions)
measurement error when using a single indicator were loaded on one second-order factor. The re-
for a latent variable, we fixed the loading of the sults indicated that the second-order two-factor
variable on its respective factor at one and fixed the model provided a significantly better fit than the
measurement error term by the variance multiplied second-order one-factor model (2[3] 759.23,
by one minus the reliability. p .001), supporting consideration of empowering
Because the majority of supervisors in our sam- leadership and psychological empowerment as two
ple evaluated the creativity of multiple employees, distinct constructs. Next, we conducted similar
nonindependence of observations was a possibility analyses for creative process engagement and in-
(that is, effects related to a supervisor rather than to trinsic motivation, which indicated that the sec-
a rated employee). A one-way analysis of variance ond-order two-factor model provided a signifi-
(ANOVA) with creativity as the dependent variable cantly better fit than the second-order one-factor
indicated no systematic differences in the ratings of model (2[1] 83.42, p .001), supporting con-
employees on creativity that were attributable to sideration of creative process engagement and in-
differences in supervisor rating patterns rather than trinsic motivation as separate constructs. Finally,
differences in employee creativity (F .98, p CFAs involving empowering leadership and leader
.56). In addition, a one-way ANOVA with empow- encouragement of creativity indicated that the sec-
116 Academy of Management Journal February

Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, and Reliabilitiesa

Variables Mean s.d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Creativity 3.72 0.46 (.91)

2. Age 30.47 4.75 .02
3. Gender 0.63 0.48 .20** .09
4. Job tenure 3.62 2.88 .03 .58** .02
5. Education 4.26 1.27 .04 .17** .06 .03
6. Job type 0.54 0.49 .08 .05 .14** .13* .24**
7. Job characteristics 3.58 0.44 .35** .09 .17** .02 .05 .04 (.71)
8. Empowering leadership 3.67 0.58 .24** .07 .08 .03 .05 .15** .48** (.92)
9. Psychological 3.74 0.42 .37** .05 .14** .06 .02 .14** .61** .59** (.82)
10. Creative process 3.92 0.43 .70** .03 .18** .07 .05 .02 .35** .24** .37** (.88)
11. Intrinsic motivation 3.94 0.55 .66** .05 .11* .04 .03 .01 .26** .20** .29** .65** (.82)
12. Empowerment role 3.83 0.52 .23** .01 .06 .00 .02 .11* .24** .35** .40** .24** .23** (.77)
13. Leader encouragement 3.68 0.63 .25** .14** .06 .09 .11* .13* .40** .69** .44* .18** .20** .30** (.90)

n 367. Internal reliabilities (alpha coefficients) for the overall constructs are given in parentheses on the diagonal.
* p .05
** p .01

ond-order two-factor model provided a signifi- observed and model-implied covariances are rela-
cantly better fit than the second-order one-factor tively small (Kline, 1998). Thus, we report multiple
model (2[1] 77.45, p .001), supporting the indexes in assessing model fit, as generally sug-
distinctiveness of these two constructs. Thus, we gested by SEM scholars (e.g., Bollen, 1989; Schu-
proceeded with SEM analyses. macker & Lomax, 2004) and as outlined earlier.

Measurement Model Structural Model

The measurement model results indicated a good Structural modeling results suggested that the
fit to the data (2[122] 463.60, p .001; CFI hypothesized model fit the data well (2[169]
.98, GFI .90, SRMR .06, RMSEA .07). They 626.80, p .001; CFI .97, GFI .88, SRMR .07,
provided evidence that further examination of the RMSEA .08). Table 2 summarizes all the model
structural model was justified. Although the chi- fit indexes. Figure 2 presents the overall structural
square test was statistically significant, this statistic model with path coefficients.
is well know to be sensitive to sample size and may Hypothesis 1 states that empowering leadership
be significant even when the differences between is positively related to psychological empower-

Summary of Model Fit Indexesa

Model Test 2 df CFI GFI SRMR RMSEA

1. Independence model 12,068,425 217

2. Measurement model 463.60 122 .98 .90 .06 .07
3. Hypothesized model 626.80 169 .97 .88 .07 .08
4. Alternative model 1: Direct path from empowering leadership to 626.15 168 .95 .87 .08 .09
intrinsic motivation ( .16, p .05)
5. Alternative model 2: Direct path from empowering leadership to 625.28 168 .95 .87 .08 .09
creative process engagement ( .13, p .05)
6. Alternative model 3: Direct path from empowering leadership to 626.82 168 .95 .87 .08 .09
employee creativity ( .00, p .05)
7. Alternative model 4: Remove direct path from intrinsic motivation to 640.96 170 .97 .87 .08 .08
employee creativity
8. Alternative model 5: Reverse link between creative process 626.76 169 .95 .87 .12 .09
engagement and intrinsic motivation

2-values for the measurement and structural models are significant at p .001.
2010 Zhang and Bartol 117

Structural Equation Modeling with Moderation Resultsa

Empowerment Role Leader Encouragement

Identity of Creativity

.18** .23**** Problem Information Idea

Identification Searching Generation
Promote .73 .86
Meaning Participation
Creative Process
.75 Engagement .55

Empowering Psychological .19

Leadership Empowerment .71 Creativity
.74 .79
Intrinsic .32
Express Provide Motivation
Confidence Autonomy
.58 .38 .75 .45
Meaning Competence Autonomy Impact
n 367. All paths in structural model analysis are significant at p .05. Control variables are not shown for ease of presentation.
** p .01
*** p .001

ment. Our results supported this view ( .81, p an adequate fit to the data but was not significantly
.05). Hypothesis 3, which states that psychological better than the hypothesized model (2[1] 1.65,
empowerment is positively related to intrinsic mo- n.s.), and the direct path from empowering leader-
tivation, was also supported ( .31, p .05). ship to intrinsic motivation was not significant. For
Similarly, Hypothesis 4, which states that psycho- fit indexes and the path coefficient, see Table 2.
logical empowerment is positively related to cre- A case could also be made that empowering lead-
ative process engagement, received support as well ers directly influence employee tendencies to en-
( .19, p .05). Hypothesis 6 says that intrinsic gage in creative process, because an empowering
motivation is positively related to creative process leader tends to help a follower gain confidence,
engagement. Our results supported this hypothesis emphasize the importance of his or her work, and
( .71, p .05). Finally, results support the provide freedom to carry out the work. As a result,
Hypothesis 7 contention that creative process en- an employee may become more involved in his or
gagement is positively related to employee creativ- her job by engaging in processes likely to lead to
ity ( .55, p .05), as well as the Hypothesis 8 creative outcomes. Therefore, in the second alter-
prediction that intrinsic motivation is also posi- native model, we added a direct path from empow-
tively related to employee creativity ( .32, p ering leadership to creative process engagement.
.05). This model provided an adequate fit to the data but
In view of Anderson and Gerbings (1988) sug- was not significantly better than the hypothesized
gestions, we also examined five alternative models model (2[1] 1.01, n.s.), and the direct path from
that we believed were less likely to fit the data but empowering leadership to creative process engage-
were nevertheless plausible on the basis of theoret- ment was not significant (Table 2).
ical arguments. As discussed earlier, an empower- Relying on similar arguments, we added a direct
ing leader provides a follower with autonomy, ex- path from empowering leadership to employee cre-
presses confidence in his or her abilities, and maps ativity. This model provided an adequate fit to the
out the significance of the followers job, all of data but was not significantly better than the hy-
which may help directly enhance the employees pothesized model (2[1] 0.03, n.s.), and the
intrinsic motivation. Thus, in the first alternative direct path from empowering leadership to creative
model, we tested a direct effect of empowering process engagement was not significant (Table 2).
leadership on an employees intrinsic motivation We also considered two additional alternative
by adding a direct path from empowering leader- models that focused on relationships among intrin-
ship to intrinsic motivation. This model provided sic motivation, creative process engagement, and
118 Academy of Management Journal February

employee creativity. In one of these (alternative powerment when an employees empowerment

model 4), we tested the possibility that creative role identity is high ( .58, t 10.92, p .001)
process engagement might fully mediate the rela- than when such empowerment role identity is low
tionship between intrinsic motivation and em- ( .43, t 7.58, p .001). Thus, Hypothesis 2
ployee creativity by removing the direct link be- was supported.
tween intrinsic motivation and creativity. We The argument of Hypothesis 5 is that leader en-
found that this model had a significantly poorer fit couragement of creativity interacts significantly
than our hypothesized model (2[1] 14.15, p with psychological empowerment to influence cre-
.01). Finally, in alternative model 5, we considered ative process engagement. The results supported
the possibility that creative process engagement this argument ( .23, p .001). The plot (see
might lead to intrinsic motivation instead of the Figure 3) suggests that the impact of perceived
other way around. This alternative was less plausi- leader encouragement of creativity on creative pro-
ble from a theoretical point of view, and, perhaps cess engagement is higher when psychological em-
not surprisingly, this alternative had a relatively powerment is high than when it is low. Simple
poor fit. We did not compute a chi-square change slopes tests confirmed that psychological empow-
test for this model because it was not nested in the erment had a stronger positive effect on creative
hypothesized model, and, hence, the test was inap- process engagement when a leaders encourage-
propriate. Overall, the hypothesized model was ment of creativity is perceived to be high ( .56,
more consistent with the data than any of the five t 8.69, p .001) than when a leaders encourage-
alternative models. ment of creativity is perceived to be low ( .16,
To help elucidate the relationships among the t 2.41, p .05). Thus, Hypothesis 5 was
various mediating variables in the hypothesized supported.3
model, we conducted an effects decomposition to
further understand the direct and indirect effects
(Brown, 1997). Specific indirect effects represent DISCUSSION
the portion of the total effect that works through a Our research makes five distinct contributions.
single intervening variable (Fox, 1980). Our effects First, our overall contribution is that we have built
decomposition yielded a coefficient () of .22 (p and tested a conceptual model that uniquely inte-
.05) for the indirect effect of psychological empow- grates empowering leadership theory with im-
erment on creative process engagement through portant creativity theories. Although a number of
intrinsic motivation, which accounted for 53.92 studies have investigated relationships between
percent of the total effect of psychological empow- leadership style (e.g., supportive vs. controlling
erment on creative process engagement. In addi- leadership style, transformational leadership) and
tion, the coefficient for the indirect effect of intrin- employee creativity (e.g., Amabile et al., 2004; Tier-
sic motivation on creativity through creative ney & Farmer, 2002, 2004; Zhou & George, 2003),
process engagement was .40 (p .05), and the empowering leadership has been surprisingly ab-
effect accounted for 55.79 percent of the total effect sent from consideration. Yet, as we have argued
of intrinsic motivation on creativity. and uniquely modeled, there are strong theoretical
reasons to expect empowering leadership to be well
positioned to influence fundamentals underlying cre-
Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis
ative outcomes, a contention that we have supported
Table 3 summarizes the hierarchical multiple re- empirically here. Our results support suggestions by
gression results. In keeping with Hypothesis 2, we creativity scholars that leadership approaches ad-
found that empowerment role identity interacted
significantly with empowering leadership to influ-
ence psychological empowerment ( .18, p
.01). The plot, presented in Figure 3, suggests that, A structural equation model run with the two inter-
although a higher level of empowering leadership action terms as multiplicative terms, as suggested by Ping
is associated with higher psychological empower- (1998), produced results similar to those for the hypoth-
esized structural model depicted in Figure 2 (interaction
ment, empowering leadership is likely to be even
of empowering leadership and empowerment role iden-
more effective in influencing psychological em- tity influencing psychological empowerment, .15,
powerment when an employee wants to be empow- p .05; interaction of psychological empowerment and
ered (i.e., has high empowerment role identity). We leader encouragement of creativity influencing creative
further conducted a simple slopes test. Our results process engagement, .20, p .05). The fit remained
confirmed that empowering leadership has a stron- in the acceptable range (2[210] 811.11, p .001;
ger positive effect on employee psychological em- CFI .97, GFI .85, SRMR .08, RMSEA .09).
2010 Zhang and Bartol 119

Results of Hierarchical Regression Analysisa

(a) Moderating Effects of Empowerment Role Identity on the Empowering LeadershipPsychological Empowerment Relationshipb

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Age .09 (.03) .03 (.03) .04 (.03)

Gender .03 (.04) .03 (.03) .03 (.03)
Job tenure .10 (.03) .07 (.03) .09 (.03)
Education .01 (.03) .01 (.03) .02 (.03)
Job type .11* (.04) .07 (.03) .06 (.03)
Job characteristics .60*** (.04) .42*** (.05) .41*** (.05)
Empowering leadership .38*** (.03) .38*** (.03)
Empowerment role identity .01 (.04) .02 (.04)
Empowering leadership role identity .18** (.04)

R2 .11 .01
F for R2 37.01*** 4.14*
R2 .38 .49 .49
F 36.82*** 42.39*** 38.47***

(b) Moderating Effects of Leader Encouragement of Creativity on the Psychological EmpowermentCreative Process Engagement

Variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Age .41 (.04) .43 (.03) .44 (.03)

Gender .12** (.05) .12* (.04) .12** (.04)
Job tenure .42 (.04) .45 (.04) .47 (.03)
Education .10 (.04) .10 (.04) .12 (.04)
Job type .00 (.04) .03 (.04) .05 (.04)
Job characteristics .33*** (.05) .18** (.06) .15* (.06)
Psychological empowerment .26*** (.07) .27*** (.06)
Leadership encouragement .02 (.04) .03 (.04)
Psychological empowerment leadership encouragement .23*** (.06)

R2 .04 .05
F for R2 9.90*** 24.15***
R2 .14 0.18 .24
F 9.90*** 10.02*** 12.17***

n 367. Values are standardized coefficients, with standard errors in parentheses.
Psychological empowerment is the dependent variable.
Creative process engagement is the dependent variable.
* p .05
** p .01
*** p .001

dressing the underpinnings of creativity may be ef- connection between empowering leadership and
fective means for encouraging creativity. psychological empowerment. As Menon (2001)
Second, our study contributes to both the leader- noted, empowering leadership is unlikely to have
ship and the empowerment literatures by examin- its anticipated impact unless followers actually
ing and confirming psychological empowerment as experience psychological empowerment. Indeed,
a mediating mechanism through which empower- along these lines, we also introduced a promising
ing leadership ultimately influences employee cre- moderating variable, empowerment role identity.
ativity (Zhang & Sims, 2005). Our findings are con- Results of our study support the notion that em-
gruent with past research pointing to a positive powering leadership is likely to have a stronger
association between empowering leadership and impact on psychological empowerment to the ex-
the self-determination aspect of psychological em- tent that an individual views empowerment as part
powerment (Ahearne et al., 2005). However, there of his or her employee role identity. Future re-
has been a need to empirically test the specific search might assess means of influencing empow-
120 Academy of Management Journal February

Moderating Effects

erment role identity, as it appears to be an impor- company and the sales field. It may be possible to
tant boundary condition with respect to the adapt their approach to other venues, particularly
influence of empowering leadership on psycholog- those involving similar occupations and a single
ical empowerment. One possibility is knowledge company.
and experience, which Ahearne et al. (2005) opera- Third, our study is unique in explicating the
tionalized as a composite and termed employee connection of psychological empowerment with
empowerment readiness in their study of the in- not only intrinsic motivation, but also creative pro-
fluence of leadership empowerment on customer cess engagement. More specifically, our study
satisfaction and performance. Empowerment readi- shows that, as expected, psychological empower-
ness as used by Ahearne et al. focused on sales ment was positively related to intrinsic motivation
representatives knowledge of their company and (Spreitzer, 1995, 1996; Thomas & Velthouse, 1990).
its products, as well as their experience in the Similarly, this study also built theoretical argu-
2010 Zhang and Bartol 121

ments for and demonstrated a connection between ative processes. A finer-grained investigation of the
psychological empowerment and creative process three aspects of creative process engagement is a
engagement. Although creativity researchers have logical next step.
suggested the need for greater understanding of the Finally, this study also demonstrates mediation
processes that an individual follows in producing by intrinsic motivation between psychological em-
creative outcomes, to our knowledge, no previous powerment and employee creativity directly and
research has been an attempt to assess potential also indirectly, through its influence on creative
connections between psychological empowerment process engagement. Our results show that intrin-
and employee engagement in an effective creative sic motivation operating through creative process
process. engagement has an indirect effect on creative per-
Also as anticipated theoretically, our results con- formance that is stronger than its direct effect on
firmed that leader encouragement of creativity creative performance. This differential may help
moderated the link between psychological empow- explain prior research that has not shown a direct
erment and creative process engagement. These re- effect for intrinsic motivation when considered
sults not only support previous indications that an with other potential influences (e.g., Shalley &
employee tends to be more creative when he or she Perry-Smith, 2001). Possibly intrinsic motivation is
understands the importance of doing so (e.g., Car- operating at times through intervening variables,
son & Carson, 1993; Speller & Schumacher, 1975), such as engagement in creative processes. In light
but also demonstrate the important role that leaders of this notion, we place intrinsic motivation in a
can play in directing employee attention to effec- more complex nomological net than is often the
tive processes for achieving creativity. case, thus advancing understanding of its role, par-
Fourth, we specifically contribute to the creativ- ticularly in the context of empowering leadership.
ity literature by demonstrating the importance of Future research might also explore the extent to
creative process engagement in explaining em- which moderating factors, such as creative and/or
ployee creative outcomes. More specifically, sev- supportive coworkers (Perry-Smith, 2008), may in-
eral creativity theorists (e.g., Mainemelis, 2001; fluence the extent to which psychological empow-
Mumford, 2000; Shalley et al., 2004) have pointed erment translates into intrinsic motivation.
to the importance of allocating greater research at- In considering other areas for future research be-
tention to the creative process itself if understand- yond those that we have mentioned, several studies
ing of how creative outcomes are achieved is to (e.g., Farmer et al., 2003; Rodan & Galunic, 2004;
grow. In assessing this issue, Gilson and Shalley Tierney & Farmer, 2002) have indicated that cre-
(2004) offered an initial look at what might influ- ativity is contingent on a variety of individual dif-
ence an employees engagement in effective cre- ference variables, such as creative self-efficacy, cre-
ative process by focusing on the idea generation ative role identity, personality, knowledge, and
step in the process. The current study advances the skills. An interesting direction for future study
creativity literature by addressing creative process might be to assess the extent to which these indi-
engagement as a broader construct that includes the vidual difference variables interact with various
idea and alternative generation phase, but also en- aspects of creative process engagement to influence
compasses the other two phases of creative idea creative outcomes. For instance, it is possible that
productionthe problem identification phase and an individual with high creative self-efficacy or a
the information searching and encoding phase creativity-oriented personality (e.g., openness to
(Amabile, 1983; Mumford, 2001; Mumford & Con- experience, proactivity) may be more willing to
nelly, 1991; Reiter-Palmon & Illies, 2004). persist through the various stages of the creative
Moreover, we demonstrate the important medi- process in order to produce the needed novel and
ating role of creative process engagement for cre- useful ideas. In the current study, our focus was on
ativity with respect to both psychological empow- empowerment role identity as an important up-
erment and intrinsic motivation itself. Our results stream moderator variable in our model linking
indicate that part of the impact of psychological empowering leadership with creativity. Thus, we
empowerment on creativity stems from its impact also concentrated on what we theorized to be the
on creative process engagement directly and also most important intervening variables. Although
indirectly through intrinsic motivation. Thus, our Farmer et al. (2003) provided evidence that creative
findings support contentions (Mumford, 2000; role identity may influence individual creativity,
Shalley et al., 2004) that further research in the area future research might address the extent to which
of creative process engagement is warranted. A creative role identity is still a factor after taking into
promising direction for the future research would consideration empowerment-related variables.
be to further examine the nature of the three cre- In targeting other areas of future research inter-
122 Academy of Management Journal February

est, one is the extent to which training on creative ries, was tested in a Chinese organization. Al-
processes might enhance the impact of psycholog- though previous studies have shown consistent re-
ical empowerment on the propensity to engage in sults for the relationships between leadership and
such processes. Issues of rewards continue to be performance across cultures (e.g., Chen & Farh,
important, particularly suggestions that extrinsic 1999; Hackett, Farh, Song, & Kapierre, 2003), to our
rewards may have varying importance at different knowledge there have been no prior empirical stud-
stages of the creative process, with intrinsic moti- ies of the application of empowerment and creativ-
vation being more important at earlier stages (Am- ity theories in a Chinese culture. Thus, this study
abile, 1993; Durham & Bartol, 2000). Yet another provides initial support that Western empower-
area of interest is the extent to which empowering ment and creativity theories can be applied to other
leadership behaviors over time might strengthen an cultural contexts (e.g., China). Future work in other
employees psychological empowerment, poten- cultures can help verify the generalizability of our
tially leading the employee to accelerate the pace of findings.
creative idea production. Our theoretical model also has implications for
Although our research has focused on empower- managers. First of all, in encouraging employee
ing leadership as a dyadic construct, evidence sug- creativity, leadership does matter. Specifically, our
gests that empowering leadership can also be opera- results suggest that empowering leadership has the
tionalized at the team level (e.g., Srivastava, Bartol, capacity to positively influence employee psycho-
& Locke, 2006). In fact, some research points to logical empowerment, an element of importance in
possibilities for multilevel models involving em- affecting creative outcomes. However, managers
powerment issues (e.g., Chen, Kirkman, Kanfer, are likely to find differences in the extent to which
Allen, & Rosen, 2007; Seibert, Silver, & Randolph, employees wish to be empoweredthat is, identify
2004), although none has directly focused on em- with an employee role that includes empowerment.
powering leadership and creativity. Future re- Hence, managers may find that their empowerment
search might address multilevel factors in situa- efforts are more successful in engendering cogni-
tions in which there is a need for teams to be tions of psychological empowerment in those who
creative. Overall, there are many fruitful paths for view empowerment as part of their role identities.
future research seeking to develop a more compre- Indeed, evidence suggests that managers do not
hensive understanding of the connection between attempt to empower all employees to the same de-
empowering leadership and employee creativity. gree, at least at a given point in time (Forrester,
Like any study, this one is not without limita- 2000; Yukl & Fu, 1999), a strategy supported by our
tions. First, this study had a cross-sectional design. empowerment role identity findings. One implica-
Although the use of structural equation modeling tion is that, when empowerment role identity is
permitted a simultaneous test of the entire system low, leaders may need to expend some time grad-
of variables in the hypothesized model, the expla- ually increasing empowerment behaviors so as to
nation of results should still be made with caution. encourage employees to begin to view empower-
Second, data on many of the major constructs ment as part of their role identities. Fortunately,
were collected with self-reports from employees, role identity theory suggests that adding role iden-
raising the possibility of same-source bias. Since tities is possible through such a process, particu-
these constructs (psychological empowerment, cre- larly over time (Stryker, 1980).
ative process engagement, and intrinsic motiva- Second, our results suggest that creativity gains
tion) address individuals internal states, we would may be boosted if an employee is willing to spend
argue that it is logical to collect the data from par- the time and effort necessary to thoroughly identify
ticipants themselves. A mitigating factor is that the a problem, search for extensive information, and
rating of employee creativity was collected from generate multiple ideas from different perspec-
managers. tivesthat is, engage in an effective creative pro-
Third, all data were collected within a single cess. Fortunately, our findings also indicate that a
organization, which limits the observed variability leader can play an active role in encouraging such
and decreases external validity. Of course, con- creative process engagement by elucidating to a
ducting this study in a single organization did pro- follower the need for creative outcomes, spelling
vide the advantage of controlling for potential or- out what their organization values, and explaining
ganization-level confounding variables. Future the elements of an effective creative process, such
research in multiple organizational settings may as the one we have considered here. Training em-
increase the generalizability of the findings to other ployees in creativity-relevant methods or processes
types of employees and organizations. is likely to enhance such efforts.
Finally, the model, derived from Western theo- In conclusion, this study uniquely synthesizes
2010 Zhang and Bartol 123

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ments of empowerment: An interpretive model of
Items for Primary Measures
intrinsic task motivation. Academy of Management
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J. Zhou & C. E. Shalley (Eds.), Handbook of organ- Enhancing the meaningfulness of work:
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Francis. 1. My manager helps me understand how my objectives
and goals relate to that of the company.
Tierney, P., & Farmer, S. M. 2002. Creative self-efficacy: 2. My manager helps me understand the importance of
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performance. Academy of Management Journal, 3. My manager helps me understand how my job fits into
45: 11371148. the bigger picture.
Tierney, P., & Farmer, S. M. 2004. The Pygmalion process
Fostering participation in decision making:
and employee creativity. Journal of Management,
30: 413 432. 4. My manager makes many decision together with me.
5. My manager often consults me on strategic decisions.
Tierney, P., Farmer, S. M., & Graen, G. B. 1999. An 6. My manager solicits my opinion on decisions that
examination of leadership and employee creativity: may affect me.
The relevance of traits and relationships. Personnel
Psychology, 52: 591 620. Expressing confidence in high performance:
Utman, C. H. 1997. Performance effects of motivational 7. My manager believes that I can handle demanding
state: A meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psy- tasks.
chology Review, 1: 170 182. 8. My manager believes in my ability to improve even
West, M. A., & Farr, J. L. 1990. Innovation at work. In M. when I make mistakes.
West & J. Farr (Eds.), Innovation and creativity at 9. My manager expresses confidence in my ability to
work: Psychological and organizational strategies: perform at a high level.
313. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley. Providing autonomy from bureaucratic constraints:
Wyer, R. S., & Srull, T. K. 1980. The processing of social 10. My manager allows me to do my job my way.
stimulus information: A conceptual integration. In 11. My manager makes it more efficient for me to do my
R. Hastie, T. M. Ostrom, E. B. Ebbeson, R. S. Wyer, job by keeping the rules and regulations simple.
D. L. Hamilton, & D. E. Carlston (Eds.), Person mem- 12. My manager allows me to make important decisions
ory: The cognitive basis of social perception: 227 quickly to satisfy customer needs.
300. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Yukl, G., & Fu, P. P. 1999. Determinants of delegation and Psychological Empowerment (from Spreitzer [1995])
consultation by managers. Journal of Organiza- Meaning items:
tional Behavior, 20: 219 232.
1. The work I do is very important to me.
Zhang, X., & Sims, H. P., Jr. 2005. Leadership, collabora- 2. My work activities are personally meaningful to me.
tive capital, and innovation. In M. Beyerlein, S. Bey- 3. The work I do is meaningful to me.
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plinary studies of work teams, vol. 14: 211236. Competence items:
Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 4. I am confident about my ability to do my jobs.
Zhou, J. 1998. Feedback valence, feedback style, task 5. I am self-assured about my capabilities to perform my
autonomy, and achievement orientation: Interactive work activities.
effects on creative performance. Journal of Applied 6. I have mastered the skills necessary for my job.
Psychology, 83: 261276. Self-determination items:
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7. I have significant autonomy in determining how I do
leads to creativity: Encouraging the expression of
my job.
voice. Academy of Management Journal, 44: 682
8. I can decide on my own how to go about doing my
Zhou, J., & George, J. M. 2003. Awakening employee 9. I have considerable opportunity for independence and
creativity: The role of leader emotional intelligence. freedom in how I do my job.
Leadership Quarterly, 14: 545568.
Impact items:
Zhou, J., & Shalley, C. E. 2003. Research on employee
creativity: A critical review and directions for future 10. My impact on what happens in my department is
research. In J. Martocchio (Ed.), Research in person- large.
nel and human resource management: 165217. 11. I have a great deal of control over what happens in
Oxford, U.K.: Elsevier. my department.
128 Academy of Management Journal February

12. I have significant influence over what happens in my 6. Is not afraid to take risks.
department. 7. Promotes and champions ideas to others.
8. Exhibits creativity on the job when given the oppor-
Creative Process Engagement (developed for the study tunity to.
drawing on Amabile [1983], Perry-Smith [2006], and Re- 9. Develops adequate plans and schedules for the im-
iter-Palmon and Illies [2004]) plementation of new ideas.
Respondents answered the following question: In 10. Often has new and innovative ideas.
your job, to what extent do you engage in the follow 11. Comes up with creative solutions to problems.
actions when seeking to accomplish an assignment or 12. Often has a fresh approach to problems.
solve a problem? (1 never, 2 rarely, 3 oc- 13. Suggests new ways of performing work tasks.
casionally, 4 frequently, 5 very frequently).
Problem identification: Empowerment Role Identity (adapted from Callero
1. I spend considerable time trying to understand the [1985], Farmer, Tierney, and Kung-Mcintyre [2003])
nature of the problem. 1. I often think about having greater control over my job.
2. I think about the problem from multiple perspectives. 2. I have a clear concept of myself as an employee who
3. I decompose a difficult problem/assignment into parts wants to have greater decision-making power.
to obtain greater understanding. 3. Having certain degree of power and discretion is an
Information searching and encoding: important part of my identity.
4. I would feel a loss if I have no discretion at all in my
4. I consult a wide variety of information. job.
5. I search for information from multiple sources (e.g.,
personal memories, others experience, documenta- Leader Encouragement of Creativity (developed for the
tion, Internet, etc.). study drawing on Scott and Bruce [1994])
6. I retain large amounts of detailed information in my
area of expertise for future use. 1. My manager encourages and emphasizes or reinforces
creativity by employees.
Idea generation: 2. My manager respects employees ability to function
7. I consider diverse sources of information in generat-
3. My manager allows employees to try to solve the same
ing new ideas.
problems in different ways.
8. I look for connections with solutions used in seeming
4. My manager expects employees to deal with problems
diverse areas.
in different ways.
9. I generate a significant number of alternatives to the
5. My manager will reward employees who are creative
same problem before I choose the final solution.
in doing their job.
10. I try to devise potential solutions that move away
6. My manager will publicly recognize those who are
from established ways of doing things.
11. I spend considerable time shifting through informa-
tion that helps to generate new ideas.

Intrinsic Motivation (adapted from Amabile [1985], Tier-

ney, Farmer, and Graen [1999])
Xiaomeng Zhang ( is an assis-
1. I enjoy finding solutions to complex problems. tant professor at the Kogod School of Business, American
2. I enjoy creating new procedures for work tasks. University. She received her Ph.D. in organizational be-
3. I enjoy improving existing processes or products. havior and human resource management from the Uni-
Creativity (from Zhou and George [2001]) versity of Maryland, College Park. Her research interests
Respondents answered the following question: To focus on creativity and innovation, leadership, and
what extent do you think the following statement is motivation.
characteristic? (1 not at all characteristic, 2 a Kathryn M. Bartol ( is the
little bit, 3 neutral, 4 characteristic, 5 very Robert H. Smith Professor of Management and Organiza-
characteristic). tion at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, Univer-
This employee: sity of Maryland, College Park. She received her Ph.D. in
1. Suggests new ways to achieve goals or objectives. organizational behavior and human resource manage-
2. Comes up with new and practical ideas to improve ment from Michigan State University. Her research cen-
performance. ters on leadership, social exchange, knowledge sharing,
3. Searches out new technologies, processes, tech- and information technology implications for manage-
niques, and/or product ideas. ment and organizations.
4. Suggests new ways to increase quality.
5. Is a good source of creative ideas.
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