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JadeSnails Cold/Hot Multiple Mastertoad On Linux Guide

Who are you?

Im JadeSnail, but you can call me Snaily. Im your anonymous tech support and you can often find me
on the Pepecoin Telegram.

What is this guide?

This is a guide for the cryptocurrency Pepecoin teaching you how to set up multiple Mastertoads on
Linux using a Cold/Hot setup. Unlike other, inferior setups, this guide does not leave your beloved
Pepecoins on some wallet in the cloud, privy to being stolen by nefarious actors. With the Cold/Hot
setup you can keep your wallets private keys on your computer.

The Cold/Hot setup has 2 components:

1. The Cold Wallet. This is the wallet that holds your wallets private keys. It is also known as the
controller. The controller is used to start the Mastertoads. Once the Mastertoads are started, you can
even unplug the wallet from the internet, hence the name cold wallet.

2. The Hot Wallet. This is the wallet that functions as the Mastertoad. It is always connected to other
nodes and helps strengthen the network. You MUST keep this wallet online, hence the name hot

Note: Some security precautions are taken in this guide but you should look at locking your VPS down
and securing it in ways not mentioned here.

-Basic technical knowledge

- A couple hours time.

- 15 000 Pepecoin per Mastertoad, used as collateral on your cold wallet.

- A Windows computer for the controller wallet.

- A Linux VPS (I Recommend the Linux distribution Ubuntu 16.04) with Root access. Per Toad you will
need ~450 MB of RAM, ~5 GB of Space, and a somewhat decent processor. I personally use Vultrs 60 GB
plan for my 4 Mastertoads. If youre feeling gracious towards your humble Snaily you can sign up using
my referral link:

Note: The specifications for the Linux VPS are future-proof, for when the size of the blockchain grows.

Note 2: Whenever I ALL CAPS, you are supposed to customize this info.
Part 1: Setting up the Controller

Step 1: Going to the folder

The top bar of the explorer. Double click it and insert %appdata%, press enter.

You should now be in the Appdata Roaming folder.

Step 2: Creating the controllers pepecoin.conf

Search for and enter the PepeCoin folder (or create and enter it, if it doesnt exist yet)

In the PepeCoin folder make a file called: pepecoin.conf.

Then open the file using notepad or a similar program.

Copy and paste the following into the pepecoin.conf:


Step 3: Starting the Pepecoin Windows client

Now go download the latest Windows wallet:

Start the client.

Go to the Mastertoads tab, my Mastertoads, click create:

A prompt will pop up. At this point you will need the IP address of your VPS.

In the alias field you put a name you want for your Toad ex. Toad1 .

In the address field you put the YOURVPNIPADRESS:THEPORT

Example: (My VPNs IP is: , my VPNs port is 29377)

Done creating my 4 Toads:

Step 4: Send The Collateral to each Address
Copy the Mastertoad addresses and send EXACTLY 15000.00000000 to each Mastertoad address.

If you did this right the transaction type will be Darksend Make Collateral Inputs.

Note: The transactions need a minimum of 15 confirmations.

Step 5: Get the Mastertoad Configs

In the My Mastertoads section we will obtain the data for the Mastertoads. Click on each toad and copy
the information. We will need it later to put it into the pepecoin.conf of the individual files.
Step 6: Close the wallet
Close the wallet. Well start it again when we need it.

Part 2: Setting up the VPS

Ready? Set? Go! VPS TIME!

Alright. So youve chosen a good VPS provider and have the server running. Lets get going!

Step 1: Install Putty

To access your Linux command line on the VPS you will need a program called Putty.

You can download Putty here:

Here is a very thorough guide on using Putty:


Note: Some providers like Vultr also provide a console to access the command line, but it does not
support copy and pasting. Booo

Tip: You can paste into Putty by right clicking.

Step 2: Compiling Pepecoin

We will compile Pepecoin ourselves to ensure we have the latest version.

1. Installing The Libraries

Start by pasting this into the command line (completely):
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config
libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev
libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-
dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp3-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libgmp3-dev

The command line will ask if you want to install these libraries. Type: Y and press enter.

Linux will now install these libraries. Wait till done.

1.1 Adding a SWAP

A SWAP is Virtual memory, it allows your system (and thus your apps) additional virtual RAM beyond
what your system physically has - or in the case of droplets, what is allocated. It does this by using your
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/myswap.swap bs=1M count=4000
mkswap /mnt/myswap.swap
swapon /mnt/myswap.swap

We now add this to fstab so it will activate on startup.

nano /etc/fstab

Add the following line at the end of the file:

/mnt/myswap.swap none swap sw 0 0

Press Ctrl+O to save, and Ctrl+X to exit the nano editor. That is your 4GB swap all set up.

1.2 Create new user to install Pepecoin under

We need to create a new user so that the Pepecoin daemon does not run under root, this gives a little
extra security and is a nice easy step. Replace all instances of YOURNEWUSERNAME in this document
with the username you set here.

You will be asked for a password which you can choose, obviously don't use the same one as your root

2. Cloning Pepecoin
We log out of our Putty session and into a new one with the new username and password of the user
we just created.

Now lets clone the code source of Pepecoin:

git clone

Wait till done.

3. Go into the folder and start compiling

Lets go into the newly created pepecoin folder:
cd pepecoin/src/

Lets compile the code:

make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-1
This process will take a while, 10-30 min. Wait till done.

Step 3: Toad folders & Pepecoinds

1. Creating Folder/Directories
We will first create a separate folder/directory for each Mastertoad.

Make sure were in the user folder:


Make folder for .pepecoin (There is a bug in the linux build that requires a .pepecoin folder, even if we
use a different data folder):
mkdir -m755 .pepecoin

Make folder for Toad 1:

mkdir -m755 toad1

Make folder for Toad 2:

mkdir -m755 toad2

Make folder for Toad 3:

mkdir -m755 toad3

Make folder for Toad 4:

mkdir -m755 toad4

2. Duplicating the Pepecoinds

The file we compiled is called pepecoind and is located in /YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src

We duplicate the pepecoind to each folder. (each Mastertoad needs a separate Port, RPCport, and
Pepecoind client)

Duplicating pepecoind for our first toad:

cp -avr /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind1

Duplicating pepecoind for our second toad:

cp -avr /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind2
Duplicating pepecoind for our third toad:
cp -avr /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind3

Duplicating pepecoind for our fourth toad:

cp -avr /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind /home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/pepecoin/src/pepecoind4

Step 4: Putting the config files into the Mastertoad folders

Using an FTP program like Filezilla, connect to your VPS. Here is a guide on how to do that:

We will use this program to upload the pepecoin.conf of each Mastertoad to the correct folder.

Remember that Mastertoad information we saved back in Part 1, step 5? We will use them now.

IMPORTANT: You must add the rpcport=DIFFERENTPORTFOREACHTOAD to your config as well! The
rpcport must be different for each Toad and cannot be equal to the other port.

Note: Your Masternode Private Key is NOT your wallets private key. If a nefarious actor would get
hold of your Masternodes Private Key there is not a lot they can do with it.

IMPORTANT2: Due to an odd interaction in the Linux code you also need to place a config in the
.pepecoin folder.

In the folder .pepecoin is this pepecoin.conf:


This is how my Toad1 pepecoin.conf file looks like. Make sure that all elements are present.:

And heres the Toad2 pepecoin.conf:


Toad 3 pepecoin.conf:

Toad 4 pepecoin.conf:

Now upload each pepecoin.conf file to their respective folder. Make sure that the name is still
pepecoin.conf .

Step 5: Starting the Hot wallets on the VPS

Go back to Putty and the command line interface. Were nearly done!

We will now start the wallets. It is required they are online in order for your Mastertoads to work

First we need to go to the folder where the clients are located:

cd pepecoin/src/

./pepecoind -daemon

Then we will run the wallet. Starting with the first one:
./pepecoind1 -daemon -datadir=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad1 -conf=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAMEtoad1/pepecoin.conf

Second one:
./pepecoind2 -daemon -datadir=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad2 -conf=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad2/pepecoin.conf

Third one:
./pepecoind3 -daemon -datadir=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad3 -conf=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad3/pepecoin.conf

Fourth one:
./pepecoind4 -daemon -datadir=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad4 -conf=/home/YOURNEWUSERNAME/toad4/pepecoin.conf

If youve done everything correctly there should be no errors. The wallets are now syncing the

Part 3: One Last Push

Step 1: Ensure your nodes are fully synced on the VPS

In the command line type:
cd pepecoin/src/

Lets check Toad1:

./pepecoind1 getblockcount

Toad 2:
./pepecoind2 getblockcount

Toad 3:
./pepecoind3 getblockcount

Toad 4:
./pepecoind4 getblockcount
Do they all match up with the latest block number? (check this on an explorer or ask it in the Telegram)
Great! The nodes are fully synced. If not, wait. These things, they take time.

Step 2: Start your controllers client.

Step 3: Check if the transaction(s) to the Mastertoad addresses have 15


Step 4: Unlock the controllers wallet for staking

Step 5: Go to your Mastertoad tab and click on start all.

Do you get a nice message that all your Mastertoads started?


Whewie, that was a whole lot of work and took a whole lot of time but we did it! WE DID IT!

Youll know its working when you can find your Mastertoad in the list and/or when you receive
transactions on the controller wallet.

If you have any more questions or ran into a problem contact me on the Pepecoin Telegram.

If youre feeling generous you can tip me PEPE here: PHv2ucrpiDeerReHFzo5esL217YWUfNrco

I used Tkons guide as a basis.

Thanks to Based Pepe, Pr0m3theus & Cryptowest for developing Pepecoin.

Thanks to B Street for modifying the guide to be run under a different user and adding SWAP.

Thanks to Kuan-Yin Liao for requesting this guide.


Praise Kek,

Snaily out.

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