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23/7/2017 Lscher Colour Test


The Lscher-Color-Diagnostic measures a person's psycho-physical state, his or her ability to withstand
stress, to perform, and to communicate. It uncovers the cause of psychological stress, which can lead to
physical symptoms. Using 5015 precise definitions, the selections from among these pre-determined test
colors measure the state of 34 personality traits, some of which lie outside the realm of the conscious.
Because the color selections are guided in an unconscious manner, they reveal the person as he or she
really is, and not as he or she perceives him - or herself, or as he, or she would like to be perceived, which
occurs when questions are asked directly or by questionnaires.
The result of the LSCHER COLOR-DIAGNOSTIC contains indications pertaining to personal assessment and
special, professional recommendations as to how psychological stress and the resulting physical symptoms
can be avoided.

Please examine the colors under good light. It is important, based on numerous tests that one considers the exact colors as shown and not
an imagined lighter or nicer color. Each color has to be individually selected. Under no circumstances can two or more colors be selected
together as a nice color combination. The colors cannot be chosen for clothes, curtains, cars etc.


Please take your time and select the colors carefully.

Click on 3 of 4 red colors for choosing your favorites.

Best 2nd Least

NEXT click on 3 of 4 blue colors for choosing your favorites.

Best 2nd Least

Now click "Submit" to view the test result or "Reset" to input data again.

Submit Restablecer

Copyright 1997 - 2008 Color-Test-Verlag, 6002 Luzon

Results provided by The UE Foundation 1/1

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