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Sub Sector Minerva:

Sub Sector History:

The subsector was first colonised in M21 beginning with Cambria and in the following
centuries to the other major worlds of the subsector. The sub sector grew into an independent and
self-sufficient union and defended itself against attempts to absorb it into a larger collective.
During the first few millennia of its existence a small expeditionary fleet from Mars arrived in the
subsector seeking refuge from Xenos attacks these attacks would later be confirmed as Eldar.
This small group of Martians was granted a semi-habitable moon in orbit around Cambria,
formally thought of little use they quickly terraformed it and named it Nova Europa in honor their
home world. Several more millennia passed until M25 the Dark Age of Technology arrived and
warp storms isolated the subsector and madness began to befall its population. It is in M25 that the
first incarnation of Saint Minerva occurred, a peasant girl from the capital of Cambria, Caer Dydd,
rose to become Prime Minister and through military cunning and force of personality eliminated
the threat posed by the warp storms, using technologies devised by the Europans to keep the
immaterium at bay. Living a long life and creating a stable if isolated outpost of mankind she drew
the attention of vile Eldar. For fifty Terran years they raided and plundered the sector causing more
strife than the arrival of the warp storms. It was the final act of Minerva to carry a specially
designed singularity bomb into the webway gate of the Eldar and detonating it, fracturing the
webway in the subsector and ending the raids. The Eldar fleets skulked back into their now
shattered realm, dragging their mortally wounded leader.
For the next five thousand years the sector endured, until the coming of the Emperor. With
glorious light the great crusade smashed through the warp storms surrounding Sub-Sector Minerva
and they quickly joined the fledgling Imperium. Elements of the Imperial Fists Legion, Iron Hands
and Thousand Sons arrived to integrate the sector. The only dissenters were the Nova Europans
who did not want their independence curtailed, but after much persuasion they reluctantly
developed a measure of their independence to supporting the newly established Sector and
Imperium. During the Horus Heresy the sub sector was assaulted by force of Death Guard and
massed traitor guard, the sub sector loyal a calamitous war for survival broke out. Many of the
sub-sectors worlds fell, Germania, Iberia, Belgia, and Scania were just the largest hive worlds to be
destroyed utterly, trillions of lives lost to satisfy Horuss hubris. But it was upon Cambria an even
greater crime would be committed.
The Death Guard used vile heretical weaponry to scour the surface of Cambria, and they
incinerated the capital city leaving no survivors. The defenders could do little to stop their advance
retreating from city after city until all that remained was a small peninsula on the eastern most
portion of the single land mass of the planet and a few scattered islands with minimal settlement.
The Death Guard continued to press towards, whilst their cult followers began to perform vile
sorceries to summon beings from the immaterium. What they did not count on is a battle barge and
several strike cruisers of imperial fists which were cast from the warp following the Battle of Phall.
Commanded by Captain Arthur he rapidly brought his vessels down to a large island off the
peninsula called Avalon and deployed the three thousand legionnaires he arrived with. The Death
Guard were determined to raise the planet in defiance of the Emperor and assert Horuss control;
they were delayed in destroying every last settlement on the main continent. This gave the Imperial
Fists time to build a line of fortifications cutting off the peninsula from the rest of the continent,
and freshly arrived Mechanicum forces from Nova Europa allowed the Cambrians to deploy
Ordinatus Engines and even the might Europan Titan Legion to the defence of the peninsula. Even
with all this might when the traitors attacked the brought hordes of vile demons into the fray and
the defences were overwhelmed after a yearlong battle. Just as hope seemed to fade a young girl
from the peninsula, Gwenffrewi walked into the shrine of Minerva in her town and when she left
she was adorned in the saints arms. She smote the demons of the traitors as no other was able, and
she turned the tide of the battle, they drove the traitors from the walls and pushed them from
Cambria, tearing down their traitorous edifices and defilement. With victory at last the loyalists
could regroup, and at the triumphant victory parade upon the battlements a trickster Eldar pierced
the Saint through her heart and casting her body down to the foot of Captain Arthur. With the same
movement the Eldar attacked from unseen ways causing chaos, whilst Gwenffrewi spoke her final
words to the Space Marine tying him through oaths of loyalty to defend Cambria in perpetuity, as
with all those officers in the defence, but also not to try and reclaim the rest of the planet, but to
remind all future generations of what had transpired. The assembled loyalists agreed and quickly
had her body carried away for interment. They then sought about getting revenge on the Eldar
attacking their planet. Though a long and gruelling conflict Captain Arthur and his bodyguard did
eventually manage to board the Eldar Flagship and cause catastrophic damage forcing it to fall into
an orbiting webway gate which was destroyed as the ship collided through it.
Since these events the sub-sector has stabilised and remained loyal to the imperium. In
recent years however the pyskers of the region have become troubled by a growing darkness in the
warp. The Knights of Avalon and the Exploratory Fleet of the Adeptus Mechanicus now seek the
darkness that so threatens the Imperium, their motivations look less inwards and more towards the
threats of the future rather than the past.

Current Status of Sub-Sector Minerva:

Sub Sector Capital: Cambria
Population: 1,000,000,000
Tithe Grade: Aptus Non
Class: Civilised World
Notes: Shrine World, Adeptus Astartes Homeworld, Knight World, Cambrian
Invictus Peninsula and outlying islands are all that are inhabited approximately 5%
of pre-heresy habitation, Adeptus Astartes can recruit from all planets, but only
their fortress monastery on Ynys Afalon is their territory act as praetorians for
entire sub-sector. Capital City is Caer Glas and is a hive consisting of concentric
circles around canals and bridges in times of conflict these many walkways
becomes multileveled defences for the city. Shrine for Saint Minvera and
Gwenffrewi located on the wall which still separates the habitation from the
desolation, pilgrims from entire sector visit and from its gate the imperial forces go
forth to cleanse any monster in the wilderness.

Forge Moon: Nova Europa

Population: 20,000,000
Tithe Grade: Aptus Non
Class: Forge World
Notes: Desert World (artificially controlled hydrosphere), not a full forge
world but has enjoyed substantial independence in their fealty to the oaths
given to Saint Minerva. A single settlement covers approximately a quarter
of the planet, which houses the forges and the Titan Legion Europa.

Major World: Hibernia

Population: 50,000,000
Tithe Grade: Solutio Tertius
Class: Agri-World
Notes: Fortress of the Ordo Hereticus is found on this stormy and rocky planet,
many recruits are found for the Militarum Tempestus and there is a training facility
in orbit. Population centred around the coast with the land on the interior of the
continents given over to terrace farming.

Major World: Alba

Population: 10,000,000
Tithe Grade: Solutio Tertius
Class: Feral World
Notes: Mining World, large deposits of mineral wealth found within the crust
mostly for ship building but some precious metals of which the sub sector
government maintains strict control. Only a few mining settlements are established
with the majority of the population living feral lives across the rocky landscape.

Major World: Amorica

Population: 100,000,000
Tithe Grade: Solutio Prima
Class: Feudal World
Notes: Astra Militarum training takes place upon this world with many officers
being recruited from the hierarchical society which dominates the many land
masses. A few small hives house the majority of the population but there are also
substantial rural farming settlements which are primarily concerned with

Major World: Frisii

Population: 10,000,000,000
Tithe Grade: Solutio Prima
Class: Agri-World
Notes: The main food producer of the sub-sector produces enjoy food annually to
feed the entire subsector for 3 years, most of the excess is taken as tithe by the
sector and wider imperium. Almost all water has been reclaimed by the inhabitants
and huge aquifers water the abundance of crops, population spread across the world
in small settlements.

Major World: Gallia

Population: 70,000,000,000
Tithe Grade: Exactus Tertius
Class: Hive World
Notes: Industrial World, large recruiting world for Astra Militarum, produces much
of the basic equipment for the military of the sub-sector with substantial
supervision by the Tech-priests of Nova Europa. Population in large hives across
the polluted planet.

Major World: Ys
Population: 5,000,000
Tithe Grade: Solutio Extremis
Class: Research Station
Notes: Ocean World, Most of the world is given over to tempestuous oceans, the
small land masses are made of incredibly hard rock, research is conducted on how
the land masses have failed to be eroded as little volcanic activity is present on the
planet. Further mysteries which the imperium seeks answers to is where the
original land mass has gone as the oceans appear hundreds of kilometres deep, and
in some places thousands. Adeptus Mechanicus uses remote islands for testing
potentially dangerous devices and the single permanent settlement bears the same
name as the planet and houses the majority of its population.
Dramatis Personae Cambriensis

Imperio Subiecti:

Saint Cerys Former manifestations; Gwenffrewi, Minerva

Astrorum Naves:

Madog ab Owain - Vice Admiral of the Cambrian Fleet. Flagship Nef Gwyth.

Equestris Imperii:

Brenin Rhys ap Tewdwr Head of House Tewdwr.

Uchelwr Maredudd ap Tewdwr Knight Paladin.

Uchelwr Gwilym ap Tewdwr Knight Errant.

Schola Progenium:

Lord Commissar Madog am Caerynys

Brigadier Arddur ap Gryfudd ap Llewellyn ap Sion - Commander of the Order of Llanynys

Ordo Hereticus:

Lord Inquisitor Rhys y Goch

Inquisitor Bloduedd am Hibernia

Adeptus Astartes - Knights of Avalon (Imperial Fists Successors):

Abbot Llewellyn - Chapter Master of the Knights of Avalon and 1st Company Captain

Primus Vicar Gryfudd - Anointed Successor to Llewellyn and 2nd Company Captain

Vicar Llyr 3rd Company Captain

Vicar Owain 4th Company Captain

Vicar Cadel 5th Company Captain

Primus Curatus Maelgwyn Chief Chaplain of the Knights of Avalon

Curatus Naigwyn Chaplain of the 1st Company

Curatus Aenyn Chaplain of the 2nd Company

Primus Prior Gwyndion - Chief Librarian of the Knights of Avalon, Keeper of the Self

Prior Bran Member of the Librarian Council, Keeper of the Self

Prior Myrddyn - Member of the Librarian Council, Keeper of the Flame

Prior Morgan - Member of the Librarian Council, Keeper of the Mind

Prior Emrys - Member of the Librarian Council, Keeper of Serenity

Deacon Hywel Master of the Forge of the Knights of Avalon

Brother Gawain Command of the Hellhammer Minerva Incendere

Apothecary Cadfael - Master of Medicines and Keeper of the Holy Gene-seed

Adeptus Mechanicus Caer Caledfwlch:

Forge Lord Logi Gofannon Archmagos of the Forge Moon Europa

Forge Adept Ceffeli Tech Priest Dominus Biologist

Forge Adept Dyfewi Tech Priest Dominus Artisan

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