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J Neurosurg 120:908918, 2014

AANS, 2014

Patients with brain contusions: predictors of outcome and

relationship between radiological and clinical evolution

Clinical article
Corrado Iaccarino, M.D.,1 Paolo Schiavi, M.D.,1 Edoardo Picetti, M.D., 2
Matteo Goldoni, Ph.D., 3 Davide Cerasti, M.D., 4 Marialuisa Caspani, M.D., 2
and Franco Servadei, M.D.1
Arcispedale Santa Maria NuovaIstituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia; and
Neurosurgery-Neurotraumatology Unit, 2Intensive Care Unit, 3Department of Biostatistics, and 4Department
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Parma, Parma, Italy

Object. Traumatic parenchymal mass lesions are common sequelae of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). They
occur in up to 8.2% of all TBI cases and 13%35% of severe TBI cases, and they account for up to 20% of surgical
intracranial lesions. Controversy exists concerning the association between radiological and clinical evolution of
brain contusions. The aim of this study was to identify predictors of unfavorable outcome, analyze the evolution of
brain contusions, and evaluate specific indications for surgery.
Methods. In a retrospective, multicenter study, patients with brain contusions were identified in separate patient
cohorts from 11 hospitals over a 4-year period (20082011). Data on clinical parameters and course of the contusion
were collected. Radiological parameters were registered by using CT images taken at the time of hospital admission
and at subsequent follow-up times. Patients who underwent surgical procedures were identified. Outcomes were
evaluated 6 months after trauma by using the Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended.
Results. Multivariate analysis revealed the following reliable predictors of unfavorable outcome: 1) increased
patient age, 2) lower Glasgow Coma Scale score at first evaluation, 3) clinical deterioration in the first hours after
trauma, and 4) onset or increase of midline shift on follow-up CT images. Further multivariate analysis identified the
following as statistically significant predictors of clinical deterioration during the first hours after trauma: 1) onset
of or increase in midline shift on follow-up CT images (p < 0.001) and 2) increased effacement of basal cisterns on
follow-up CT images (p < 0.001).
Conclusions. In TBI patients with cerebral contusion, the onset of clinical deterioration is predictably associated
with the onset or increase of midline shift and worsened status of basal cisterns but not with hematoma or edema
volume increase. A combination of clinical deterioration and increased midline shift/basal cistern compression is the
most reasonable indicator for surgery.

Key Words cerebral contusion radiological evolution outcome

clinical deterioration traumatic brain injury

raumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most disabling which occur in up to 8.2% of all TBI cases, in 13%35%
of traumatic injuries, often leading to lifelong of severe TBI cases, and which account for up to 20% of
physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional all surgical intracranial lesions in a representative series.2
impairment.17 The incidence of TBI throughout Europe Although the frequency of posttraumatic mass lesions is
ranges from 91 to 546 cases per 100,000 population per higher among comatose patients, these lesions also occur
year. If the extreme rates are deleted, the overall rate be- in patients with mild or moderate head injury. Most of
comes about 235 cases per 100,000 population per year.34 these patients will recover without deleterious sequelae,
In North America, the incidence ranges between 47 and but a few will progressively deteriorate, even to death
618 cases per 100,000 population per year.12 Common se- (talk-and-die cases).24 Repeated imaging of cerebral con-
quelae of TBIs are traumatic parenchymal mass lesions, tusions typically shows a progressive increase in mass le-
sions.4,6,21,22,32 These events may represent the effects of
Abbreviations used in this paper: GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; hematoma expansion, of perihematoma edema, or even of
GOSE = Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended; ICP = intracranial the development of new lesions in previously uninjured
pressure; IQR = interquartile range; ROC = receiver operating char- brain areas.27,32
acteristic; TBI = traumatic brain injury. The current scientific literature lacks uniformity in

908 J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014

Brain contusions: radiological and clinical evolution

defining the term radiological evolution, and the lack of We initially identified 629 patients but subsequently
agreement regarding this clinical definition might be one excluded 277 patients from the study because of 1 or more
reason for the wide range of reported hemorrhagic pro- of the following: cerebral contusion volume less than 1
gressions of contusions (from 16.4% to 51.0%) reported by ml, unsatisfactory and incomplete clinical report, lack
different clinical studies.1,4,6,21,22,35,37 Considering the natu- of available follow-up CT scans, and impossibility of as-
ral history of cerebral contusion, a major clinical question sessing patients outcome after 6 months. The remaining
remains as to when and how to perform surgery for a pa- 352 patients were included in the data analyses associated
tient harboring a brain contusion. with this study.
More than 20 years ago, Marshall et al.18 proposed
a classification of head injury based on cerebral CT im- Clinical Data Collection
ages. They stratified head injury according to the status
of the mesencephalic cisterns, the presence of midline The following clinical data were collected and ana-
shift (> 5 mm), and the volume of the main intracranial lyzed for all patients: age, sex, mechanism of injury, re-
lesion (> 25 ml). Patients with a lesion volume greater than sults of first GCS evaluation, history of concurrent condi-
25 ml who had not undergone surgical intervention were tions (hypertension and/or cardiopathy and/or diabetes),
classified as a nonoperated mass lesion cohort, indirectly treatment with an antiaggregant or anticoagulant, onset
suggesting that surgery was indicated for such patients. of neurological deterioration during the first 12 hours af-
According to a recent review by the Brain Trauma Foun- ter trauma, and neurosurgical intervention. Patients were
dation,2 current clinical indications for surgery for trau- classified as neurologically deteriorating if the GCS score
matic brain contusions comprise an amalgam of clinical decreased by at least 2 points or if onset of pupillary ab-
and radiographic criteria, including lower Glasgow Coma normalities (as defined by Morris et al.20) was registered.
Scale (GCS) score, presence of neurological deteriora- The mechanism of injury was classified as either high-
tion, location of contusion, increased lesion volume, CT energy trauma or low-energy trauma.31 All other data
image appearance (increased midline shift and/or basal were identified from clinical reports. The neurosurgical
cistern compression), and increased intracranial pressure procedures were identified from an online register from
(ICP). Among these parameters, the most frequent factors the neurosurgical hospitals.
used by attending neurosurgeons as criteria for surgical
intervention for posttraumatic parenchymal damage are Radiological Assessment
radiological and clinical deterioration.25 Our aim was to For each patient, we collected the first 3 CT scans,
evaluate specific clinical factors that might be accurately including the one taken at the time of hospital admission.
predictive of outcome and to investigate the association The CT images were reread by a central reader (D.C., a
between clinical and radiological deterioration. We also neuroradiologist), who was mostly blinded as to the time
analyzed indications for surgery in patients with cerebral of the scan. Other radiological data collected and analyzed
contusion. included the number of cerebral contusions, the cerebral
contusion location, hematoma volume, edema volume, the
Methods presence of midline shift (> 5 mm), the presence of basal
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria cistern effacement, the presence of other posttraumatic
intracranial lesions (subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural
We identified and retrospectively analyzed data from hematoma, extradural hematoma, intraventricular hem-
a prospectively registered database. We selected the re- orrhage, cranial fracture), and the number of intracranial
cords of all patients with a history of TBI and a CT diag- lesions identified in association with the cerebral contu-
nosis of cerebral contusion who had been treated during sion. As many as 5 cerebral contusions per patient were
from January 2008 to December 2011 in 11 hospitals of recorded. The location of the cerebral contusion was dis-
the northwestern Emilia region of Italy. In this area there tinguished regionally as frontal, temporal, parietal, oc-
are 2 central hospitals with neurosurgical departments cipital, posterior fossa (cerebellum or brainstem), or basal
(Parma and Reggio Emilia) and 9 peripheral hospitals that nucleus. Hematoma volume was calculated by using the
are connected by a continuous teleradiology service that following formula: volume = (ABC)/2 (cm3).16 For patients
enables decision making with regard to the suitability of with more than 1 cerebral contusion, the volume of each
transferring a patient on the basis of imaging and clinical contusion was calculated and then added to obtain the
information. The teleradiology system is combined with total volume of contusion. For most patients, the edema
area guidelines for management of head injuries.10 component had a hypodense circumferential, not regular,
Patients with the following characteristics were con- aspect. According to the attending neuroradiologists, we
sidered eligible for inclusion in the study: a cerebral con- registered 2 measurements: one including only the hyper-
tusion as the main posttraumatic intracranial lesion; a di- dense (hemorrhagic) component and the other including
agnosis of cerebral contusion with hemorrhagic volume the hypodense (pericontusion edema) and hyperdense
greater than 1 ml, as also reported by Chang et al.;4 at least (hemorrhagic) components of the lesion. By subtract-
3 CT scans acquired during hospitalization; complete and ing the first measurement from the second, we obtained
available clinical data with particular attention to any al- a volume that was considered a reliable estimate of the
terations in neurological examination findings during the hypodense component constituted by edematous tissue in
first hours after trauma; and hospitalization on the 1st day the first few hours after trauma.24 The midline shift was
of TBI. measured by 2 physicians, and the cases were divided ac-

J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014 909

C. Iaccarino et al.

cording to a midline shift of more or less than 5 mm. The curve with 95% CIs and the cutoff value (for example, the
status of basal cisterns was categorized as normal versus flex point of the curve, where the sum of sensitivity and
abnormal (compressed or absent). On the second and third specificity was the maximum).
set of CT scans, we assessed the following specific pa-
rameters: percentage increase of hematoma size, expan-
sion of the edema, new onset or an increase of at least 2 Results
mm in the midline shift, worsening of the status of the
Patient Demographics and Cerebral Contusion
basal cisterns, expansion of at least one other posttrau- Characteristics
matic intracranial lesion. The CT scans were reread by
a central reader (D.C.), who was mostly blinded as to the A total of 352 patients met the inclusion criteria for
time of the scan. Evolution of hematoma size was defined the study; their demographic data are listed in Table 1.
as significant if enlargement of 30% of the original size The GCS scores at the time of admission were distrib-
was noted on CT scans, according to a recently published uted as follows: 41.5% mild head injury (GCS score of
study.1 Before choosing this expansion cutoff, we searched 1415), 29.8% moderate head injury (GCS score of 913),
the literature for a recognized cutoff. We identified a cut- and 28.7% severe head injury (GCS score of 38). Most
off of 30% volume increase in accordance with the more patients (n = 281 [80%]) were treated in hospitals with a
recent articles published on this issue, which considered neurosurgical unit, whereas only 71 (20%) were admitted
increases of 25%, 30%, and 33%.1,22,35 to peripheral hospitals under neurosurgical supervision,
The percentage increase of hematoma size was also where all inclusion criteria were observed. The mean time
inserted into the database as a linear variable. Unlike from injury to initial CT scan was 2 hours (range 47 min-
hemorrhage, a cutoff value for expansion of the edema utes11 hours, interquartile range [IQR] 6398 minutes).
component of a contusion has not been established in the The second set of CT images was obtained at an average
medical literature. In agreement with the previously de- of 9 hours (range 218 hours, IQR 154312 minutes) after
fined cutoff,1 an increase of more than 30% of edema vol- the initial scan. The third set of CT scans was obtained an
ume was considered significant. A worsening in the status average of 38 hours (range 1055 hours, IQR 1214 hours)
of the basal cisterns was registered if a normal parameter after the initial scan. Computed tomography parameters
became abnormal (compressed or absent cisterns). Expan- at the time of admission (admission CT) are shown in
sion of other posttraumatic intracranial lesions was evalu- Table 2.
ated by the attending neuroradiologist; all patients were Of the 352 patients, 91 (25.9%) had more than 1 ce-
stratified into 2 categories: 1) those with stable lesions or rebral contusion. The average volume of intraparenchy-
2) those with an increase of at least 1 intracranial lesion. mal bleeding was 12.2 10.7 ml (range 2121 ml). For
307 patients, the volume of the single contusion was 110
Outcome Measurements ml; for 28 patients, the volume was 1025 ml; and for 17
Initially, we carefully searched for death certificates patients, the volume was more than 25 ml. The average
in the archives to identify those patients who died during ( SD) edema volume detected on admission CT imag-
the first 6 months after TBI. Subsequently, after obtain- es was 3.7 4.9 ml. Most cerebral contusions were lo-
ing informed consent, we administered a Glasgow Out- cated in the frontal (53.2%) and temporal (29.8%) lobes;
come Scale-Extended (GOSE) by telephone to all patients the rest were scattered throughout the parietal (5.9%) and
6 months after trauma. If it was not possible to evaluate occipital (0.6%) lobes, posterior fossa (5.3%), and basal
the patients outcome, we excluded the patient from the nucleus (5.2%). The cerebral contusion was in the right
collective database. According to published studies,36 the hemisphere for 41% of patients and in the left hemisphere
outcome was classified as either favorable (GOSE Scores for 51.9%. Most patients had at least 1 other intracranial
58) or unfavorable (GOSE Scores 14). posttraumatic lesion. Frequency of associated lesions is
shown in Table 2. An urgent neurosurgical procedure was
Statistical Analyses performed for 15 patients (4.3%) after admission CT scan,
Prognostic factors were assessed by means of binary and a delayed neurosurgical intervention was performed
logistic regression models as follows: 1) univariate p value for 46 (13.1%) patients (41 after the second CT scan and
was calculated by using a logistic regression with single 5 after the third CT scan). All patients surgically treated
variables as predictors; and 2) multivariate p value was after the first CT scan had had a severe TBI and more than
calculated by using an adjusted logistic regression model, 20 ml of intraparenchymal bleeding; of these 15 patients,
including all predictors with a p value of at least 0.2 in the 14 had a midline shift, 12 had basal cistern effacement,
univariate model. Furthermore, multicollinearity was ex- and 11 had a single cerebral contusion. For 13 of these
cluded by performing a correlation matrix analysis (Pear- 15 patients, a decompressive craniectomy was performed
son and Spearman correlation tests), considering the most in association with lesion evacuation. Of the 46 patients
clinically significant prognostic factor when the coeffi- who underwent delayed neurosurgical intervention, 35 un-
cient of determination (R2) is greater than 0.5. Residual derwent a craniotomy with evacuation of cerebral contu-
output was also assessed to check residual values above sion and 11 also underwent a decompressive craniectomy.
or below 5 SDs, a cutoff based on the sample size of our Characteristics of patients who underwent surgical treat-
patient group. For assessment of the diagnostic power of ment after the second CT scan are shown in Table 3. The
a given prognostic factor, a receiver operating characteris- mean SD age for all 61 patients undergoing surgery was
tic (ROC) curve was used to calculate the area under the 47.8 29.4 years.

910 J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014

Brain contusions: radiological and clinical evolution
TABLE 1: Description of population: epidemiological data TABLE 2: Parameters measured on CT images taken at time of
Variable No. of Patients (%)*
Variable No. of Patients (%)
treatment site
neurosurgical hospital 1 236 (67.1) no. of cerebral contusions
neurosurgical hospital 2 45 (12.8) 1 261 (74.1)
peripheral hospital 71 (20.1) 2 91 (25.9)
patient sex total intraparenchymal bleeding (ml)
M 256 (72.7) 110 307 (87.2)
F 96 (27.3) 1025 28 (8.1)
comorbidities >25 17 (4.7)
absent 217 (64.5) midline shift >5 mm on admission CT image
present 125 (35.5) present 76 (21.6)
antiaggregant therapy absent 276 (78.4)
absent 273 (77.6) basal cisterns status on admission CT image
present 79 (22.4) absent or compressed 69 (19.6)
anticoagulant therapy normal 283 (80.4)
absent 330 (93.8) other associated lesions
present 22 (6.2) subdural hematoma 169 (48)
mechanism of injury subarachnoid hemorrhage 242 (68.8)
high-energy trauma 206 (41.3) epidural hematoma 40 (11.4)
low-energy trauma 145 (58.7) intraventricular hemorrhage 32 (9.1)
GCS score at admission cranial fracture 145 (41.2)
38 101 (28.7)
913 105 (29.8)
1415 146 (41.5) between the first and the second CT scans, for 135 (65.5%)
surgical procedure 45 (12.7) volume increased by 30% or more. Moreover, between the
GOSE score second and the third CT scan, for only 14 patients (36.8%),
patient age 398 yrs lesion volume increased by more than 30%. Overall, a
significant (> 30%) evolution of total intraparenchymal
unfavorable 121 (34.4)
bleeding was observed for 149 patients (42.3%). Increased
favorable 231 (65.6) cerebral edema was noted for 162 patients; among those,
patient age 1860 yr the increase was noted between the first and second CT
unfavorable 65 (18.4) scans for 59 patients (36.4%) and between the second and
favorable 287 (81.6) third CT scans for 103 patients (63.6%). A verifiable mid-
line shift was documented on the admission CT scans for
* Mean patient age SD was 59.1 23.4 years. 76 (18.1%) patients. Overall, for 97 patients, a worsening
Parma, Italy. of midline shift was observed on follow-up CT scans. For
Reggio Emilia, Italy. 70 patients, a new midline shift appeared on the second
CT scan in the absence of any previous signs of shift (Fig.
1). For 27 patients, a midline shift was document on the
admission CT scans and increased on follow-up CT scans.
Evolution of Neurological and Radiological Parameters on
CT Images
For 107 patients, worsening of the status of the bas-
al cisterns was observed on follow-up CT scans. For 76
The evolution of clinical and radiological parameters patients, although the appearance of the basal cisterns
is shown in Table 4. During the first 12 hours after trauma, was normal on the admission CT scans, on the follow-up
neurological examinations revealed the following: clinical scans, the basal cisterns had become compressed or ab-
deterioration for 111 (31.5%) patients, clinical improve- sent. Of the 31 patients in whom basal cisterns were absent
ment for 22 (6.3%), and stable neurological function for or compressed on the admission CT scans, the status of
219 (62.2%). Concerning CT parameters assessed in this the cisterns had worsened at the time of follow-up CT.
study, lesion volume decreased for 43 (12.2%) patients Analysis of the variables associated with a single con-
and remained unchanged between the first and second tusion (coexistence of other cerebral contusion, localiza-
CT scans for 103 (29.3%). All lesions that showed reduced tion, and volume at first CT scan) revealed that the volume
volume contained less than 2 ml. No lesions showing a re- of the single contusion is predictive for the evolution of the
duction between the first and the second CT scan showed hematoma (ROC curve documented that a value of 4 ml
an evolution between the second and the third CT scan. or less has a sensitivity of 95% and specificity of 75% for
Of the 206 patients in whom hematoma volume increased predicting absence of evolution).

J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014 911

C. Iaccarino et al.
TABLE 3: Association between clinical and radiological parameters and need for surgery after second CT scan

Variable Surgery (n = 46) No Surgery (n = 291) Univariate p Value Multivariate p Value*

GCS score at admission
1415 2 144 <0.0001 0.03
913 12 93 0.5 0.078
38 32 54 <0.0001 0.019
mean patient age (yrs) SD 55.6 28.3 74. 25.1 <0.0001 <0.0001
worsening clinical condition 36 75 <0.0001 0.03
radiological appearance
increase or onset of midline shift 31 66 <0.0001 0.013
worsening of basal cistern status 29 78 <0.0001 0.002
evolution of hematoma 28 121 0.02 0.277
increased edema 22 140 0.06 0.102
patient outcome
favorable 21 (45.6%) 204 (70.1%)
severe disability 18 (39.1%) 44 (15.1%)
death 7 (15.2%) 43 (14.7%)

* Boldface indicates statistical significance.

Outcome Prognostic Factors relevant difference in the risk for unfavorable outcome
The results of univariate and multivariate analysis among patients treated in hospitals with or without a neu-
to identify factors predicting a favorable outcome are rosurgical department (p = 0.315), indirectly suggesting
shown in Table 5. The analyzed data excluded an asso- that patients admitted to and treated in peripheral hos-
ciation between outcome and intraventricular hemorrhage pitals after a selection is made via telemedicine do not
and expansion of other intracranial lesions. There was no

TABLE 4: Clinical and radiological evolution for 352 patients

Variable No. of Cases (%)

neurological deterioration
absent 241 (68.5)
present 111 (31.5)
evolution of hematoma
absent 203 (57.7)
present 149 (42.3)
increased edema vol
absent 190 (54)
present 162 (46)
midline shift on 1st CT
absent 276 (21.6)
present 76 (78.4)
appearance or increase of midline shift
absent 255 (72.4)
present 97 (27.6)
basal cistern status on admission CT
absent or compressed 69 (19.6)
normal 283 (80.4)
Fig. 1. Axial CT scans of TBI patient. A and B: Scan obtained at
onset of or increase in basal cistern effacement time of admission, showing a small amount of temporobasal bleeding in
absent 245 (69.6) the absence of documented midline shift. C and D: Scan acquired 5
present 107 (30.4) hours after admission, showing a temporal cerebral contusion and the
onset of midline shift.

912 J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014

Brain contusions: radiological and clinical evolution

TABLE 5: Predictors of favorable/unfavorable outcome*

Predictor Univariate p Value Multivariate p Value Exp(B) 95% CI per EXP(B)

age <0.0001 0.000 0.943 0.9140.972
sex 0.012 0.395 1.505 0.5873.857
hypertension 0.012 0.791 1.143 0.4263.065
cardiopathy <0.0001 0.863 0.902 0.2802.905
diabetes 0.013 0.395 1.765 0.4766.537
antiaggregant therapy <0.0001 0.588 1.336 0.4693.801
anticoagulant therapy 0.235 0.350 0.333 0.0333.351
INR at admission <0.0001 0.323 0.448 0.0912.203
mechanism of injury <0.0001 0.434 0.662 0.2351.862
GCS score at admission
38 <0.0001 0.000
913 <0.0001 0.000 0.034 0.0100.113
1415 <0.0001 0.005 0.211 0.0720.621
SAH (1st scan) 0.001 0.748 1.160 0.4702.862
SDH (1st scan) 0.006 0.349 1.509 0.6383.565
EDH (1st scan) 0.861 0.461 1.639 0.4416.094
cranial fracture 0.363 0.136 0.518 0.2191.229
total hematoma vol <0.0001 0.366 0.969 0.9061.037
midline shift on admission CT <0.0001 0.234 0.396 0.0861.819
clinical deterioration <0.0001 0.003 6.316 1.86721.373
surgery 0.018 0.419 0.616 0.1901.995
hematoma evolution 0.002 0.099 2.159 0.8655.390
edema vol evolution <0.0001 0.520 0.713 0.2542.000
midline shift on follow-up CT <0.0001 0.000 10.668 3.26834.827
basal cistern status on admission CT <0.0001 0.293 0.474 0.1181.907
basal cistern status on follow-up CT <0.0001 0.210 1.914 0.6945.280
increased hematoma vol <0.0001 0.663 1.001 0.9971.004

* EDH = epidural hematoma; INR = international normalized ratio; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage; SDH = subdural hematoma.

have a worse outcome than do patients directly admitted hematoma expansion), and the second analysis compared
to neurosurgery. For all other variables, univariate analy- patients with a doubling in hematoma size (313 patients
sis documented statistical significance. To document the without and 39 patients with doubling). No statistical sig-
predictive power for unfavorable outcome, we created a nificance was documented by either analysis (p = 0.152
logistic regression model with 26 parameters. The follow- and p = 169, respectively).
ing factors showed statistical significance: 1) older patient
age (p < 0.001); 2) low GCS scores at first evaluation (p <
0.001); 3) clinical deterioration in the first hours after trau- Correlation Between Radiological Progression and
ma (p = 0.003); and 4) onset or increase of midline shift at Clinical Deterioration
follow-up CT (p < 0.001). To evaluate whether there was a To prove the association between clinical deteriora-
reliable cutoff after which prognosis rapidly worsens, we tion and specific radiological parameters, we performed
created an ROC curve for prognostic value of patient age. univariate and logistic regression analyses (Table 6). For
The identified cutoff age was 69 years, but the sensitivity all patients with a midline shift greater than 5 mm, to-
(72.7%) and the specificity (75.3%) of the analysis were tal intraparenchymal bleeding greater than 12 ml was
too low to authorize use of this cutoff in medical practice. documented. The mean total intraparenchymal bleeding
No association was found between evolution of parenchy- among patients with midline shift was higher (16.3 ml)
mal bleeding and outcome. Similarly, no predictive prog- than that among patients without midline shift (8.1 ml).
nostic power was documented for edema expansion. Moreover, the mean edema volume among patients with
To investigate whether a dichotomization for hema- midline shift was higher (5.7 ml) than that among patients
toma expansion with a higher cutoff would give differ- without midline shift (2.1 ml). Using multivariate analysis,
ent results, we performed 2 univariate analyses. The first we identified that the ability of onset or increase in mid-
analysis compared patients with a hematoma expansion line shift at follow-up CT to predict clinical deterioration
cutoff of 50% (288 patients without and 64 patients with was statistically significant (p < 0.001) as was increased

J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014 913

C. Iaccarino et al.

TABLE 6: Predictors of clinical deterioration

Predictor Univariate p Value Multivariate p Value Exp(B) 95% CI per EXP(B)

midline shift on admission CT 0.676 0.655 1.408 0.3146.325
total hematoma vol 0.0003 0.927 0.957 0.3772.429
edema vol evolution <0.0001 0.753 0.856 0.3262.249
midline shift on follow-up CT <0.0001 0.000 0.009 0.0030.027
basal cisterns on admission CT <0.0001 0.988 1.011 0.2643.867
basal cisterns on follow-up CT <0.0001 0.000 0.054 0.0200.145
hematoma evolution <0.0001 0.177 1.051 0.9781.130
increased hematoma vol <0.0001 0.225 1.002 0.9991.005

basal cistern effacement at follow-up CT (p < 0.001) (Fig. firmed because, in our study, the use of antiplatelet agents
2). These same parameters as measured on admission CT clearly interacted with age in the multivariate analysis.
scans were not significantly associated with clinical de- Other studies have shown that a low number of platelets
terioration. The distribution of the different radiological (< 100,000) is associated with hematoma progression and
parameters among patients with and without worsening of a 9-fold increased risk for death.1 Glasgow Coma Scale
neurological function is shown in Table 7. scores have also been shown to be highly predictive of
prognosis.6,32,35 One of the most interesting observations
of our study is the high percentage (32% [111/352]) of
Discussion patients showing clinical deterioration during hospital-
ization. A worsening of neurological outcome occurred
Brain contusions are the most frequent type of post- overall for 1 patient out of 3 and, more specifically, for 5%
traumatic intracerebral lesions. Because they usually oc- of patients with mild TBI, 39% of patients with moder-
cur in combination with other types of hematoma, it is ate TBI, and 62% of patients with severe TBI. As previ-
difficult to collect a pure series of patients with isolated ously suggested,8 these data confirm that neurosurgeons
brain contusions. Unlike previously published studies,1 on duty await clinical deterioration before deciding in fa-
our study included only those patients for whom the brain vor of surgery. Another interesting finding is the high risk
contusion was the main lesion and/or the primary reason for clinical deterioration in patients with moderate head
for surgery. Because many of these patients are in hospitals injury (39%). In a previous multicenter study of patients
that do not have a neurosurgical unit but that are linked to with moderate TBI, harboring all types of intracranial he-
a neurosurgery department via image transmission,14 we matomas, clinical worsening occurred for 28%,7 thus con-
included patients who received treatment at both the pri- firming the high risk of deterioration for this population.
mary hospital neurosurgical unit and the peripheral hos- Multivariate analyses revealed that none of the prog-
pitals under supervision. Unlike the United States, where nostic parameters of admission CT scans (hematoma vol-
only 10% of patients are transferred to neurosurgical units ume, presence of associated lesions, midline shift, and
of major hospitals from peripheral hospitals,13 in Europe, basal cistern status) were associated with clinical out-
more than 40% are transferred to a major trauma center come. Admission CT scans did not predict outcome be-
from other smaller hospitals; some countries like Italy, cause contusions by definition are lesions prone to evolve
France, or the United Kingdom report well above 50% re- and outcomes are related to the evolved CT scan as previ-
ferrals from other hospitals.13 Our data demonstrate that ously reported.26 We defined an evolved hematoma as one
among patients with brain contusions, the management of that increased by more than 30%. This limit was arbitrari-
a minority of cases (71 patients [20.1%]) outside a major ly chosen and is in agreement with previously published
neurosurgical center, with the aid of teleradiology and criteria.1 Increases in cerebral contusion volume of 25%22
area guidelines,10 was not detrimental to patient outcome. and 50%6 have also been considered. When TBI results
In our study, older age was associated with worse out- in a contusion, the hemorrhagic lesion often expands or
comes in a continuous way (linear relationship), as pre- a new hemorrhagic lesion might develop remotely (non-
viously reported.13 When patient age exceeded 70 years, contiguously) from the original contusion during the first
clinical prognosis worsened but with very low specificity several hours after impact. Hemorrhagic progression of a
and sensitivity (sensitivity 72.7%; specificity 75.3%). Age contusion might be detected on CT scans even in patients
was found to be so prognostic that all medical risk fac- with mild head injury.17 For a delayed progression of hem-
tors (heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension) that are orrhage to occur, microvessels must have been ruptured at
significant on univariate analysis are included by age on the time of impact or microvessels unaffected at the time
multivariate analysis. of impact must show subsequent rupture, hours after the
In previous studies, we have shown how the use of impact, causing extravasation of blood. Recent findings
antiplatelet agents in elderly patients increases the risk for suggest that the latter scenario prevails.23,29
intracranial lesions (mainly contusions) after mild trau- Severe cerebral contusion is often associated with
matic head injury.11 These data were only partially con- nonhemorrhagic mass effects that progress rapidly within

914 J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014

Brain contusions: radiological and clinical evolution

by Kawamata et al.15 demonstrated that cerebral contu-

sion induces a rapid increase in tissue osmolality with-
out contribution from inorganic ion fluxes. Furthermore,
in this study, the authors suggest that the increase in col-
loid osmotic pressure through the metabolic production
of osmoles or the release of idiogenic osmoles is probably
the main cause of contusion edema. According to the lit-
erature, factors predicting hematoma evolution include
the presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage,6,22 presence of
an associated subdural hematoma,1,22 and high volume of
contusion at admission.1,4 Contusions of less than 10 ml
were never associated with hematoma evolution.1 In our
study, we found a similar observation for single lesions
of less than 4 ml, confirming a link between hematoma
evolution and contusion size at admission. Regarding
the existing issue of multiple contusions (98/352 patients
[27.8%]), we believe that the risk for clinical deterioration
is associated with the sum of the volumes of the different
hematomas, so we considered the additive volume of the
different intraparenchymal hematomas as a risk factor for
every patient. Since publication of the Marshall classifi-
cation18 for CT scans of TBI patients, the limit of 25 ml
has been used as the clinical standard and guideline for
surgical evacuation of hematomas, including those show-
ing minor changes.2 We suggest that when 25 ml is used
as a limit for surgical intervention, the fact that patients
with multiple contusions differ from patients with a single
contusion must be considered. We believe that the 25-ml
cumulative index might be more a sensitive and predictive
prognostic index of outcome and is therefore more useful.
Somewhat surprisingly, according to multivariate
analysis, the most reliable CT parameter related to out-
come was the appearance or increase of midline shift.
Midline shift in trauma patients has long been considered
an influential parameter in CT classification, but it has
never been shown to be superior to other CT data. In our
study, we attempted to correlate clinical worsening with
deterioration on CT scans. Our univariate analysis data
(Table 7) demonstrated that worsening of the clinical neu-
rological function is associated with hematoma evolution,
edema increase, onset or increase of midline shift, and
onset or increase of basal cistern effacement; our multi-
variate analysis data demonstrated that only onset and in-
crease of midline shift and basal cistern effacement were
significant. Our observations confirm those of Alahmadi
et al.,1 who reported that not all patients with hematoma
progression subsequently showed clinical deterioration.
Fig. 2. Upper: Patient with 2 cerebral contusions; intracranial hy- Conversely, Narayan et al.21 documented a link between
pertension and midline shift are present. Lower: Patient with 2 large
frontal bilateral cerebral contusions; common signs of intracranial hy- hematoma increase and clinical deterioration, although
pertension and midline shift are absent. in a limited case series. These observations have a clear
implication for surgical indications for patients with con-
tusion. The factors currently used as guidelines typically
1248 hours after trauma. The mechanisms underlying include clinical deterioration, hematoma progression, and
such a rapid progression of mass effect cannot be fully increased ICP (in monitored comatose patients). But what
explained by classic concepts of vasogenic and cytotoxic can we decide when hematoma progression does not cor-
brain edema. Data from previous clinical trials, includ- respond to clinical worsening (86/149 cases [57.7%]) or, to
ing diffusion-weighted MR imaging studies, have indi- the contrary, when clinical worsening does not correspond
cated that cells in the central (core) area of the contusion to hematoma progression (48/203 cases [23.6%])?
undergo shrinkage, disintegration, and homogenization, The correlation between radiological and clinical
whereas cellular swelling is located predominantly in the evolution remains a controversial issue. In a study of 116
peripheral (rim) area during this period.17 A recent study patients, Smith et al.30 reported that 5% of patients re-

J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014 915

C. Iaccarino et al.
TABLE 7: Patients with and without neurological deterioration: distribution of different neuroradiological parameters

Neurological Deterioration
(No. [%])
Parameter Present (n = 111) Absent (n = 241) Univariate p Value Multivariate p Value
hematoma evolution 0.0003 0.927
yes (n = 149) 63 (56.7) 86 (35.7)
no (n = 203) 48 (43.3) 155 (64.3)
edema increase <0.0001 0.753
yes (n = 162) 77 (69.4) 85 (35.3)
no (n =190) 34 (30.6) 156 (64.7)
onset or increase in midline shift <0.0001 <0.0001
yes (n = 97) 89 (80.2) 8 (3.3)
no (n = 255) 22 (19.8) 233 (96.7)
onset or increase in effacement of basal cisterns <0.0001 <0.0001
yes (n = 107) 74 (66.7) 33 (13.7)
no (n = 245) 37 (33.3) 208 (86.3)

quired neurosurgical intervention after routine follow-up dications before the onset of GCS score worsening. The
head CT indicating delayed cerebral lesions. However, in reasons underlying why hematoma increase and/or peri-
the above-cited study, the patients who required delayed contusion edema increase do not influence clinical dete-
surgery always exhibited associated clinical changes. rioration are probably associated with the complexity of
Furthermore Alahmadi et al.1 analyzed 98 patients with the anatomic lesions in these TBI patients. Many patients
brain contusions and reported that about half of the contu- have multiple contusions and/or small extracerebral hema-
sions managed conservatively would progress radiologi- tomas that contribute to brain compliance and genesis of
cally over time in hospitalized patients. However, not all mass effect. Only midline shift and cisternal compression
patients with radiological progression showed clinical de- are able to accurately depict brain compression leading to
terioration or required surgical intervention. Alahmadi et clinical deterioration.
al. reported that of the 17 patients who underwent delayed Another reason for the lack of correlation between
surgery, only 4 required a craniotomy for evacuation of hematoma evolution and clinical evolution could be a low
cerebral contusions and the others underwent surgery for (30%) cutoff for considering significant hematoma evo-
extracerebral posttraumatic hematoma or for insertion of lution. This cutoff was identified in accordance with the
an ICP monitor. Conversely, in our study, we restricted the more recent articles published on this issue.1,22,35 Addition-
definition of surgically treated patients to those requiring al analyses performed with a 50% increase and hematoma
surgery for brain contusion. It seems that in many pa- doubling confirmed the absence of a link between expan-
tients with brain contusions a correlation between clini- sion of a single hematoma and patient outcome.
cal and radiological parameters (hematoma and/or ede- We monitored ICP in 45 comatose patients after the
ma increase) is lacking. For our patient cohort, surgery second follow-up CT scan. In 18 patients (40%), pressure
to remove contusions was both early (4.3%) and delayed increased over 25 mm Hg despite CSF drainage and re-
(11.6%). Of the 61 patients who underwent surgery, for inforced medical therapy.33 Of these 18 patients, 16 un-
only 15 was it performed early. In another recently pub- derwent surgical intervention (10 also received an asso-
lished study, Compagnone et al.8 evaluated surgical man- ciated decompressive craniectomy). A recent prospective
agement in a group of 729 patients with intradural lesions; study demonstrated the lack of significant differences in
surgery was performed early for 404 patients (12.6% for outcome between comatose patients with or without ICP
contusions) and was delayed for 154 patients (31.2% for monitoring.5 Additional prospective9 and large retrospec-
contusions). Taken together, the results of our study and tive studies28 further demonstrated worsened outcomes
those of the above-mentioned study suggest that patients in aggressively monitored and treated patients. Our study
with cerebral contusions seem to require delayed surgery results suggest that ICP is the most useful guideline for
on a more frequent basis. surgical intervention in comatose patients with potentially
Our data suggest that a combination of clinical pa- evolving brain contusions. When measurements of clini-
rameters (neurological deterioration) together with se- cal outcome are unavailable, ICP monitoring has clinical
lected radiological parameters (including appearance or utility for surgical decision making for patients with post-
increase of midline shift and/or appearance of cisternal traumatic intracranial mass lesions.
compression) are better predictors of outcome than simple This study has some limitations. These limitations are
hematoma evolution alone, as previously advocated.3,19 the retrospective design, the total number of participants
Future studies are warranted to investigate whether these (which remains small overall but larger than that of many
radiological parameters can predict clinical deterioration other published studies), the potential for subjective de-
and therefore can be useful as guidelines for surgical in- termination of clinical and radiological measures among

916 J Neurosurg / Volume 120 / April 2014

Brain contusions: radiological and clinical evolution

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