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A Lesson Plan

Their /e/ there /'e/, and theyre /e/: An

Introduction to Homophones

Written by:

Name : Ade Septian Mulyana

NPM : 10613153

1. Title : Their /e/ there /'e/, and theyre /e/: An Introduction to


2. Subject : Grammar

3. Topic : Their, there, and theyre (Homophones)

4. Method : GTM

5. Grade Level : Low-Intermediate (Intermediate/8th grade)

6. Time Allocated : 10 Minutes

7. Teaching Instruments : Whiteboard, Steady hand to write on the board.

8. Objective : By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to tell the

difference between the homophones "their," "there," and "theyre."

9. Materials : Their /e/ there /'e/, and theyre /e/ are homophones.

Homo means same, and phone means sound. Words that are homophones will

have the same sounds. Words like there and their sound the same, but as we have shown,

have different spellings and different meanings. To those who are new to English,

homophones may seem extremely confusing.

i. There: is a noun, an adverb, an interjection, a pronoun, an idiom, or an adjective,

but it does not show possession. Only the word their (not there) shows possession.

ii. Their: is a pronoun, or a determiner almost always followed by a noun. That is not

true of the word there, which often stands alone as noun or pronoun.

iii. Theyre: is a contraction of they are.

10. Instructional Procedures:

Teachers Activities Students Activities

Teacher starts with greetings Students reply the greetings

Teacher tells students the common Students pays attention, and try to

problem with their, there, and theyre. understand the explanation. (And writes

Then tells students that the lessons them in their notebook.)

objective is to understand the difference

between the words and their, there, and

they're. Then teacher explain what

homophone is.

Teacher writes 1 each example of their, Students writes them in their notebook.

there, theyre.

Teacher writes the assessment on the Students that had been chosen by the

board, and pick 7 students to fill the space teacher tries to complete the sentences.

provided with one of the three


11. Assessments :

1. _________ was I, standing in the middle of the rain, crying.

2. _________ mastering the differences between three homophones.

3. Did you know that _________ lesbians?

4. One day _________ all going to die and _________ wealth will be


5. _________ GPA is high, but compared to students from other university

_________ nothing.

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