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The relationship between hydrolytic

stability of adhesive joints and

equ 'brium water content
M.R. Bowditch, D. Hiscock and D.A. Moth

(Admiralty Research Establishment, UK)

The effects of a range of equilibrium water contents (EWCS) on the adhesion between
model adhesives and substrates were investigated using finely divided "adherends"
dispersed within an "adhesive" matrix. No evidence was found for the existence of a
limiting equilibrium water content (LEWC) below which joints were unaffected by water.
It was concluded that attack of adhesion interfaces by water was reversible and that at
any given EWC the full potential of water for degradatiotl of adhesion interfaces was
modified by the partitioning of water between the adherend surface and adhesive

Key words: adhesion; water absorption tests; modulus reduction; equilibrium water
content; water partitioning

A number of workers have noted that some adhesive feature of these studies would be that observations and
joints appear to be stable over long periods in the measurements would be made only on systems which
presence of limited water concentrations. Maloney had equilibrated with their environment.
et aLI found no significant weakening of epoxide to
aluminium alloy joints after exposure to 45% relative
humidity (RH) at about 20C for 10 000 hours, whilst
De Lollis2 has spoken of epoxide to aluminium joints A major problem associated with durability
which survived ambient laboratory humidity for I I investigations is that equilibrium conditions are slow to
years with no ill effect. In addition, Brockmann 3 achieve with conventional adhesive joints where
suggested that bonds to steel have, in his experience, generally impermeable adherends sandwich adhesive
successfully withstood humidities of up to about 60% between them. For test-pieces with geometries of this
for as long as 10 years. Whilst studying epoxide- type water can gain access only from around the
bonded, grit-blasted, mild steel butt joints, Gledhill perimeter of the joint and the pathway for the water is,
et al. 4 noted that exposure to 55% RH at 20C for 2500 necessarily, relatively long. Extended periods of
hours failed to result in any loss of joint strength, exposure are required, therefore, if tests are to be
although exposure to liquid water at progressively conducted on equilibrated specimens.
higher temperatures led to increasing loss of joint A secondary difficulty is that such joints have then
strength. Information of this kind led these authors to to be tested to destruction in order to assess the extent
introduce the concept of a critical water concentration to which they have succumbed to the ravages of water.
which must be present before degradation may occur. The number of observations that may be made are,
The objective of the present work was to study therefore, limited by the number of joints prepared at
model adhesive joint systems with a view to one time if specimens with a common history are to be
determining quantitatively such limiting equilibrium used throughout the investigation. The consequence is
water contents (LEWCS)below which the joints appear that the frequency of testing is inhibited by the limited
to be hydrolytically stable and to determine the way in number of specimens available.
which such LEWCSchange with adhesive chemistry At the Admiralty Research Establishment we have
and/or with the nature of the adherend. An important largely overcome these problems by use of a technique
0143-7496/91/030163-07 1991 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
in which the normal structure of a joint is reversed and develop as high a modulus as was possible compatible
impermeable adherend is surrounded by permeable with the maintenance of a suitably elastic product. In
adhesive: in short, the technique depends upon the use this way it was hoped that even relatively low levels of
of finely divided "adherend' (filler) surrounded by debonding by water would be indicated by a significant
'adhesive" (matrix). The presence of finely divided fall in modulus.
"adherend" adds substantially to the modulus of the After thoroughly mixing the two or three liquid
unfilled 'adhesive" and a drop in modulus signifies the components of the model adhesives, the finely divided
LEWC below which an adhesive joint is apparently adherend was added and also thoroughly blended in.
unaffected by the presence of water. Once mixed, the After degassing under vacuum, the resulting filled
adherend-filled adhesive is then cast into a thin sheet, resins were cast in about 1 mm thick section between
about 1 mm thick, which is cured and machined into Cellophane-clad glass plates. After 18 hours at room
dumb-bell shapes. After equilibration with the temperature, the cure was completed by exposure to
environment, testing involves making modulus 80C for 24 hours in an oven. On removal from the
measurements, the magnitude of each of which is a oven, castings were allowed to cool to room
function of the adhesive matrix, the presence of the temperature before demoulding and the preparation of
particulate adherend and, most importantly, the dumb-bells to BS 2782, Part 3. If the nature of the
adhesion between matrix and filler. Strain levels are product allowed, dumb-bells were cut from the sheet by
restricted to values within the elastic limit of the system use of a cutter in a hand press, but with higher
under test and the method is therefore non-destructive. modulus materials specimens were routed to shape
Confidence in the use of this test method derived from with tungsten carbide cutters. Once prepared,
earlier work 5 in which the effects of water on a filled specimens were spotted in preparation for
polyurethane elastomer were investigated and showed extensometry, numbered and then placed in a
that a number of tests of this kind could be conducted desiccator to thoroughly dry for a minimum of 14 days.
on the same specimen without any loss of performance. Various equilibrium water contents were introduced
This same work showed that attainment of equilibrium into the specimens by exposure to environments of
was the rate-determining stage and that there were no known relative humidity obtained by the use of a range
further changes in properties associated with longer of saturated salt solutions in thermostatically
exposure times. Test-pieces of this kind can equilibrate controlled enclosures. Required exposure times were
with the environment much more rapidly because obtained from experiments on small coupons of
water has only to travel about 0.5 m m to reach the material of the same thickness as the dumb-bells which
centre of the specimens. were exposed to the chosen environment maintained
within a small desiccator in a cabinet situated under a
Experimental recording microbalance. The specimens were
suspended in the desiccator by means of a fine wire
Work was undertaken with the hope that LEWCs could passing down the centre of a long glass tube fitted into
be identified and plotted against some function of the top of the desiccator. The output from the balance
adhesive chemistry. To this end, model 'adhesives' were was fed to a microcomputer programmed to plot
produced from stoichiometric mixes of standard percentage mass uptake against root time in hours. The
epoxide resin (the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A with time to equilibrium was indicated by the appearance of
an epoxide equivalent of about 200) with blends of two a plateau on the plot. Modulus measurements were
polyoxypropylene diamines of different molecular made soon after the dumb-bells had reached
weights. By using such blends, cross-link density was equilibrium with the environment.
arranged to vary between a m a x i m u m achieved by the Modulus measurements were made on an Instron
use of the lower molecular weight amine alone to a 1185 tensile test machine fitted with a 1 kg load cell
minimum resulting from the sole use of the higher and a Lloyd optical extensometer at a jaw separation
molecular weight reactant. rate of 500 mm m i n - k Six replicates of each
A number of finely divided 'adherends" were composition were tested after thorough drying in a
investigated (see Table 1), including pure barium desiccator over magnesium perchlorate (Anhydrone)
sulphate, an impure form of which had been used as a with the mean values used to plot points on the
filler in the poly}a,rethane rubber which had received modulus/water content curve. Normally, the same six
attention earlier ~. Rather more practical substrates, dumb-bells were used after equilibration with
such as ferric oxide, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, environments of increasing water activity levels.
were also included in the work. The concentration of However, a larger number, usually 12, were always
filler used depended, to some extent, on particle size processed in order that reserves were available to take
but in general the content was kept up in order to the place of specimens which did break. The generally
repeated use of the same test-pieces meant that less
Table 1. Specific surface areas of model adherends scatter was found with the results than would otherwise
have been the case. Because the accuracy of the
Adherend Specific surface area (m 2 g-l) experimental method was less good at low strain levels,
modulus values were calculated at 20% strain wherever
Calcium carbonate 0.29 possible, but otherwise the values at 10% strain were
Barium sulphate 2.80 recorded. The experimental method, therefore, limited
Zinc oxide 3.49 us to a range of lower modulus materials but, on the
Ferric oxide 6.46 other hand, because of their relatively low glass
Titanium dioxide 8.06 transition temperatures (Tgs) the presence of quite
small EWCs had little effect on the moduli of the


Table 2. Composition of the four model adhesives
employed with cross-link density increasing from A IOG
to D with increasing D 2 3 0 content

Component Mix (phr)


Epoxide resin 100 1O0 100 1 O0 , \\.

(Araldite GY250)
o~ 8( _ \ \h,\\ ',, \ \
Hardener 1 166.2 140.2 110.8 83.1
(Jeffamine D2000)
Hardener 2 12.7 16.2 19.0 22.2
(Jeffamine D230) E

unfilled materials which were also evaluated side-by- 6o
-- ~ N\\
side with filled systems.

R e s u l t s and d i s c u s s i o n
The formulations of the four adhesives used are given \
in Table 2. Water absorption isotherms for these \

compositions appear in Fig. 1 where it can be seen that \

the difference between them is so small that EWC 4C I I I I ^\
20 40 60 80 I00
values appear to follow the same curve.
Relative humidity (%)
At an early stage these model adhesives were used
with finely divided AR grade barium sulphate as a Fig. 2 Plot showing the percentageof dry modulus retained by three
model adherend. Modulus measurements were made on barium sulphate-filled systems when equilibrated with a range
dumb-bells prepared from these materials after drying
and then after equilibration with a range of
progressively increasing relative humidities. Plots of as Fig. 2. The solid lines show discontinuities which
results obtained from three of the four systems appear would be expected to indicate the presence of LEWCS.
The values for these LEWCS may be obtained by
reference to the appropriate absorption isotherm.
However, these data are not presented because, despite
repeated attempts, it has not proved possible to

Formulotion I
Ax /
C o
reproduce such curves, and neither have we observed
similar behaviour with any other adhesive/adherend
combination. It is suggested that these data, with the
possible exception of the results obtained with
composition C, could equally be plotted as curves
D z~ without the discontinuity, as shown by the hatched

2.0 lines which were obtained by linear regression
Insofar as the horizontal portions of the solid curves
may reflect reality, it is suggested that they result from
the simultaneous operation of two mechanisms
resulting from ingress of water, one of which has a

degrading influence on adhesion, and hence modulus,
whilst the second may enhance such properties. There
is much experience of degradation resulting from
~. I.O
LU J' hydrolytic attack, but there is also evidence for the
presence of small quantities of water having a
beneficial effect on adhesive joint strength. We have,
for example, observed increases in joint strength
associated with the prolonged immersion in seawater6
of steel/steel butt joints. Such increases may have been
the result of water plasticizing the adhesive and
reducing the adverse effects of built-in stresses
0 I I following shrinkage during the curing process. In a
0 20 40 60 80 I00
review, Minford 7 has attributed to Pleuddemann the
Relotive humidity (%)
claim that shrinkage associated with the curing process
Fig. 1 Waterabsorptionisothermsforunfilledadhesives is a principal factor in bond failure. Brewis et al. s have


shown that aluminium alloy lap joints bonded with a 3.0
DGEBA-DAPEE system increased in joint strength with
increasing water content and they too suggested relief Barium sulphate o "]
of stresses within the joints as the explanation. Zinc oxide x I Filled
On this basis it may well be that the tolerance that
Calcium carbonate A
adhesive joints have shown to various ambient
humidities results from the simultaneous operation of
these two mechanisms rather than to an inherent
resistance of adhesion interfaces to aqueous attack 2.0 n
below certain critical water content levels. g
Our attempts to identify the existence of LEWCS g
included the investigation of many combinations of
adhesive and adherend. Apart from the use of four
formulations, already referred to, five different E=
particulate adherends were involved in the study
though not in every, combination with each of the resin
systems. uJ
Fig. 3 shows results obtained with adhesive A, the 1.0--
least cross-linked system used. The lower graph shows Unfilled
that the modulus of the unfilled system is apparently
unchanged as a result of progressive equilibration with
a range of relative humidities up to about 95%. The
modulus of this material is very low (about 4 MPa) and
at laboratory temperatures it was rubbery and well e
e x
above its Tg. In such circumstances the presence of
about 2.5% water, which is the EWC found with this o I I I
material when subjected to an environment of 95% RH, o 20 40 60 80 100
would not be expected to exert a noticeable effect on Relative humidity (%)
modulus. However, it is very clear that water present in Fig. 4 Equilibrium water content of adhesive A derived from data
the adhesive/adherend composites does have an effect obtained from filled materiels (plotted points) compared with the
on modulus. It can be seen that modulus reduces absorption isotherm for the unfilled adhesive (solid curve)
with increasing relative humidity and also, therefore,
with increasing EWe.
In Fig. 4 the continuous line represents the The plotted points represent EWCS of the unfilled
absorption characteristics of the unfilled adhesive A. adhesive calculated from water absorption data
obtained from the filled systems on the basis that water
5C take-up figures were a function of the organic content
Barium sulphate ~ "J only and were independent of the inorganic
component. It will be noted that the calculated values
Zinc oxide o Filled
follow the solid line quite closely.
Calcium carbonate x Fig. 5 features results obtained from the use of
adhesive B which had a marginally higher cross-link
density than did adhesive A. Here, a slight but
noticeable reduction in modulus with relative humidity
was observed with the unfilled adhesive. All three
systems, containing 250 phr filler, show a progressive
decrease in modulus with increasing EWC.
Because of some doubt over modulus values
o obtained with the barium sulphate composite at the 0%
and 10% RH points, at the end of the experimental
sequence - - when measurements after equilibration
"o with 95% RH had been made - - the material was
redried in a desiccator and the modulus was
remeasured. The value obtained, together with that
obtained after re-equilibration with the 10% RH
environment, is shown in addition to the original
The fact that the modulus of the unfilled adhesive is
relatively unchanged with increasing EWC indicates

20 40

Relative humidity (%)

60 80
that this recovery, is not merely the result of removing a
plasticizer, but is largely attributable to the re-
establishment of adhesively bonded interfaces. To
demonstrate the reversibility of this process more
clearly the modulus of model adhesive A, using 400 phr
Fig, 3 The relationship between the modulus of model adhesive A, both of zinc oxide as the model adherend material, was
filled and unfilled, with various substrates and relative humidity measured in the d o ' condition and then again after


Barium sulphate x l
I Zinc oxide o Filled
Ferr ~c oxide ,.',
Recovery points




Fig. 6 Scanning electron micrograph showing the fracture surface of the

d~ dumb-bell


20 40 60 80 I00
Relative humidity (%)
Fig. 5 The relationship between the modulus of model adhesive B when
unfilled and filled with various substrates and relative humidity

Table 3. Illustrating the reversibility on redrying of

the degrading effect of w a t e r on a zinc oxide-filled
formulation A

Operation 'Dry" modulus 'Wet" modulus Fig. 7 Scanning electron micrograph showing the fracture surface of a
dumb-bell after equilibration with 66% RH
no. (M Pa) (M Pa)

1 23.8 17.8 adhesives but have not been included because of the
2 23.8 18.0 similarity of its performance with adhesive D.
3 23.9 15.9 The results obtained from the use of adhesive D
show much higher initial modulus figures, but these
reflect not only the greater cross-link density of mix D
equilibration with 86% relative humidity. The but also the fact that modulus values at 10% strain
composite dumb-bells were redried and the operation were measured rather than the usual 20% values. Much
was repeated on two further occasions. The results lower elongation at break values for this formulation
obtained are given in Table 3 and show that the imposed the selection of a lower strain for modulus
process is reversible. These results, obtained with an calculations upon us.
epoxide matrix, parallel the behaviour observed earlier ~ This formulation was also examined when used with
where we found similar reversibility, when using a 180 phr of three different particulate adherends and
polyurethane matrix. here, as can be seen in Fig. 8, the properties changed
Figs 6 and 7 show scanning electron micrographs of in a very similar way with the extent of debonding
the fractured surfaces of a "dry" and "wet" dumb-bell being a function of EWC.
respectively. By comparison with Fig. 6, Fig. 7 reveals To show that the water diffusion process was the
the presence of a much higher incidence of what is rate-determining stage for the epoxide system, modulus
apparently interfacial failure and provides further measurements were made on formulation D filled with
visual evidence that the loss of properties resulting 180 phr of titanium dioxide when dry, and after
from aqueous attack is largely attributable to the equilibration with an environment at 81% RH. The
disruption of interfacial adhesion forces. Because the results are presented in Fig. 9 and from these it
specimens had exceeded their elastic limit, interfaces in appears that the full extent of the disruption of the
the region of the fracture were separated beyond the adhesion interlace is rapidly achieved and is not
ability of the system to repair itself and the process was subsequently progressive with the passage of time.
very obviously irreversible. Each value is the mean of the results obtained from
The results obtained with adhesive C were entirely the three specimens which were tested at each
compatible with those obtained with the other model withdrawal. These results also parallel those found


I phr of titanium dioxide (see Fi~. 8). Even here. ~vherc
I Barium suiohate o
I I the joint area was about 3.76 m~- g-l of bonded
' ~ T~taniurn d~ox~de A
composite, the EWE7(about 0.27%) resulting from
I I Or-- Ferric oxiCe x exposure to _0,, Rtt is sufficient to occupy the entire
adherend surface with about 20 molecular layers which
should be sufficient to cause the loss of all effective
bond strength and an appropriate drop in modulus.
This calculation was based on the figure of
1.56 x 10-h~ m e for the area occupied bv one molecule
<- of water '~. Nevertheless, the facts are their degradation
is still lar from complete at this stage and filler/matrix
adhesion is still contributing significantly to the
modulus of the composite.
It is suggested that this may be explained by'
invoking a partitioning of the water between the
adhesive matrix and the adherend surface. In an
adhesive joint the energetic surface of the particulate
adherend vdll be competing for water molecules with
the adhesive matrix which has an abundant potential
10- for hydrogen bonding within the polyoxypropylene-
rich structure.
t I 1 I
40 60 80 I00 The operation of such a mechanism would explain
Relative humidity (%) commonly observed behaviour where loss of joint
strength after prolonged exposure to a given moist
Fig. 8 The relationship between the modulus of model adhesive D w h e n
filled with various substrates vs. relative humidity
environment levels out at some value depending on the
nature of the bonded system. If, as a result of
equilibration with a humid environment and the
90 operation of a partitioning mechanism, only a limited
proportion of the absorbed water is available for
interfacial attack and this is less than that necessary
80 B

for total disruption of adhesive bonding, then there will

obviously be a residual .joint strength.
70 If water does partition itself in this way between
\ adhesive matrix and adherend surface, the partition
\ coefficient should reflect the changing hydrophilicity
60 N associated with the varying chemistry of the adhesive
\ Approximate time
13. \ to equilibrium
in contact with a given adherend and the water-
attracting nature of different adherends bonded with a
50 _ N
N common adhesive. An examination of the results
.o \ __x x
x suggests that, for the adhesives investigated, the
40 differences in chemistry were unfortunately too small
for any particular trend to be apparent.
With the materials and methods used, and despite
20 repeated attempts, we were quite unable to identify the
presence of LEWCS in the sense that the overwhelming
evidence was that water - - even at veD' low
concentrations - - caused reductions in modulus which
were mainly attributed to disruption of adhesion
o I I I between 'adhesive' and "adherend'. It seems probable
10 I0 2 I0 3 I0 4
that there may well be apparent LEWCs for certain
Exposure time ( h ) bonded systems where invasion of the joint by water in
Fig. 9 Plot reflecting the extent of degradation of adhesion associated limited quantities results not only in a degree of
with a given EWC and its independence of time of exposure debonding but also in some reduction of internal
stresses resulting from shrinkage on cure for example.
The net effect may be for the strength of such joints to
earlier when working with a pol}a,trethane matrix 5. be retained and for the joints to appear as though they
Against this background it is of interest to note that had been unaffected by the water content at these low
for all adhesive/adherend combinations described, concentrations.
degradation proceeds with further additions of water It was apparent even after equilibration with low
long alter one would have expected maximum RHS, and with adhesive forces still abundantly present,
degradation. By way of illustration, the maximum that the Ewcs were tar in excess of what one might
bonded area associated with minimum resin content expect to be required to effect total disruption of
was tbund with adhesive lbrmulation D containing 180 adhesion interfaces.


It is concluded that these facts support the concept 2 De Lollis, N.J. Nat SAMPE Syrnp Exhibition 22 (1977) p 673.
3 Brockmann, W. in 'Durability of Structural Adhesives" edited by
of water partitioning itself between the relatively A.J. Kinloch (Applied Science Publishers, 1983) p 300
energetic adherend surfaces and hydrophilic regions 4 Gledhill, R.A., Kinloch, A.J. and Shaw, S.J. J Adhesion 11 No 1
within the adhesive matrix such as those hydrogen- (1980) p 3
bondable sites offered by the substantial polyether 5 Bowditch, M.R. and Stannard, D.J. J Adhesion 21 Nos 3-4
element of the epoxide structure. (1987) p 329
6 Bowditch, M.R., Clark. J.D. and Stannard, K.J. in "Adhesion 1 I"
edited by K.W. Allen (Elsevier Applied Science, London, (1987) p 1
7 Minford, J.D. in "Durability of Structural Adhesives" op. cit. p 151
8 Brewis, D.M., Comyn, J. end Tegg, J.L. Int J Adhesion and
Helpful discussions with Dr B.E. Foulger and Dr R.F. Adhesives 1 (1980) p 35
9 McClellan, A.L. and Hernsberger, H.F. J Colloid Int Sci 23 {1967)
Long are gratefully acknowledged. p 577

Copyright Controller, HMSO, London, 1990.

i Moloney, A.C., Brewis, D.M., Comyn, J. and Cope, B.C. in
The authors are with the Admiralty Research
"Adhesion 5' edited by K.W. Allen (Applied Science Publishers, Establishment, Holten Heath, Poole, Dorset, UK.
London, 1981) p 133 Enquiries should be directed to Mr Bowditch.


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