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Northeast Wind Conducting Symposium

Teaching an Ensemble to Listen - Allan McMurray (symposium resource)

I have included this handout in my processfolio because it stands out as a meaningful

experience from the conducting symposium. This handout, combined with our discussions, has

influenced my philosophy of music education. McMurray shares some important parts of his

philosophy of rehearsing in the first section of the handout. The main aspects of his philosophy

that stand out to me are the following: (1) a rehearsal must unite the performers, (2) every

rehearsal must have the potential to create beauty, and (3) rehearsals must focus on whats

right as well as what needs to be altered.

These are very powerful statements, and they have impacted my perception of teaching

music. I will do my best to create opportunities for my students to make musical decisions as a

group, without relying on me to constantly tell them how to play each phrase. This will help them

feel united, foster stronger relationships and teamwork, and promote an atmosphere where

everyone feels valued and important to the group (Maslow). It will also prepare them for

transitioning into making music in outside of school because they will be able to become more

independent musicians who are comfortable making musical decisions themselves and with

their friends (Jellison).

McMurrays statement about the importance of creating beauty through music in every

rehearsal has strongly impacted my philosophy (Reimer). This statement has helped me realize

the importance of focusing on the beauty of music in every rehearsal so that each rehearsal can

be an enriching musical experience for every student. Although I do emphasize beauty and

musical expression, I realized that in the past, I have often focused on technique (playing

correct notes and rhythms) for large parts of my rehearsals (especially when we are first

learning a piece), and sometimes I didnt focus enough on the emotive aspects of the music

(Langer). McMurrays comments have inspired me to strive to make each rehearsal an

opportunity to make creative, artistic, and beautiful music. The latter part of the handout focuses

on ways to encourage listening within an ensemble. I will emphasize the importance of listening

much more during rehearsals, because I believe that students will be able to develop a better

appreciation for the aesthetic qualities of music, and they will have more enriching musical

experiences if they are listening to the ways that all of the parts fit together.

Finally, McMurrays statement that rehearsals must focus on what is right as well as

what needs to be altered is relevant to my teaching practice. This statement has reinforced my

belief that positive reinforcement (Skinner, Thorndike) and encouragement are important

aspects of creating a supportive and safe space (Maslow) in which all students feel comfortable

and motivated to learn.

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