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Placenta Humana


1. Ailments from disappointment. Ailments from mortification.

2. Loss of ambition.
3. Anger at ones friend. Anger about meddling of mother. Anger if one does not win.
4. Cheerful.
5. Desire to have more children.(Oncor-t. Taosc.)
6. Communicative.
7. Aversion To Company. Amelioration when alone. Wants to wrap himself in a blanket. When thing dont
work out ideally.
8. Desire For Company. Cannot Go Away From People. Sudden desire for certain company. To undertake
something together.
9. Confusion of mind. As if under drugs.
10. Content. Contented with himself and with harmony in himself. Contented because thinks that
circumstances of life are ideal.
11. Conversation aggravates.
12. Delusion that when alone, finds himself in the company of his friends. Finds himself in a beautiful
atmosphere. Things look beautiful. Wish and need for another child. As if behind a glass. As if in a bubble
made of glass. Every place in nature or a big strange city could be his home. The body is made of
jelly.(Cypra-eg. Eupi.) Everything is right the way it is.(Positr.) He is separated from the world. He is strong
and good.
13. Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences.
14. Excited. Excitement besides oneself. Nervous excitement.
15. Fear of heart disease. In sleep, fear to close the eyes lest he should never wake.(Aeth. Ang. Hypoth.)
16. Forsaken feeling. Sensation of isolation.
17. Independent.
18. Industrious in household affairs.
19. Irritable.
20. Jesting
21. Fits of joy with bursts of laughter.
22. Meditating
23. Agreeable Mood.
24. Before menses, morose.
25. Aversion to political engagement.
26. Restlessness: goes from room to room, must move constantly.
27. Sadness: desire to close the eyes, During menses.
28. Sensitive to noise.
29. Likes to sing childrens songs.
30. Taciturn.
31. Talk of others aggravates.
32. Timidity: about appearing in public and talk in public.
33. Desire to be watched.
34. Disposition to yield.


1. Headache: pressing pain, pressing pain in temples, on left side, after afternoon sleep aggravates.

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