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Final Test 2

1. Translate the following words and expresions:

A lamb - Har -
A leaf - Smn -
Wise - Ucenic -
A match - Mulumit -
To meet - Bucuros -
A shepherd - Cadou -
Only - Adevrat -
Light - Adevr
Sad - Inginer -
Almighty - Viu -
To lead - Lume -
Same - Cuvnt -
Helper - A da -
To live - A primi -
To show - A fi necesar -
To be wrong - A gsi -
To do right - C -
Few - Comod -
A ceiling - Aici -
A chair - Fotoliu -
Earth - Minunat -
To become - A dovedi -
To want - Iat de ce -
To care - A mrturisi -
Cabbage - Spanac -
Cauliflower - elin -
Lettuce - Fasole -
Pea - Roii -
Eggplant - Cartofi -
Garlic - Dovleac -
Mushroom - Morcov -
Onion - Sfecl -
Blackberries - Ananas -
Raspberries - Portocal -
Pear - Pepene verde(rou) -
Almond - Prun -
Peach - Alun -

An umbrella - The umbrella -

Mielul lui este alb, iar al nostru este negru._________________________________________________
Tu eti elevul lor, iar eu sunt al lor.________________________________________________________
Acetia sunt copii ei, iar acela este al meu._________________________________________________
Aceasta este cartea voastr, iar acelea sunt ale lui.___________________________________________
Acelea sunt cadourile copiilor mei.________________________________________________________
Ei sunt prinii Anei.___________________________________________________________________
Numele surorii ei este Jane._____________________________________________________________
El are multe jucrii frumoase.___________________________________________________________
mi place s citesc n fiecare zi.__________________________________________________________
Nicu are trei pere galbene i frumoase.____________________________________________________
M-am ntors s te invit la mine.__________________________________________________________

2. Transform into the plural form:

My tooth is white._____________________________________________________________________
She has a brown mouse.________________________________________________________________
Her foot is tired(obosit).________________________________________________________________
His grandmother has a nice goose.________________________________________________________

3. Translate the sentence, then turn it into the negative form, interogative form and write all possible
I have three comfortable chairs at home.

4. Describe you favorite season. Write the number of its days, what months it has, etc.
5. Write about the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.

6. Describe a member of your family in a dialogue.


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