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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in

Management and Prevention

Management and

Program Resource


Stress Management and Prevention

Program Resource Guide


Datika Ransaw

Kaplan University

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

July 7, 2017
Table of Contents

Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................


Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................


Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................


Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................


Information to Remember..........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................



Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................


Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................

Information to Remember..........................................................................
Self-Assessment Exercises.........................................................................
Journal Writing...........................................................................................



Information to Remember..........................................................................



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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: The advancement of technology, which promised more leisure time, has increased
the pace of life so that many people feel stressed to keep up with this pace. (Seaward, 2015). This key
learning point has helped me to understand what types of challenges may be in the health and
wellness community. Understanding the advancement of technology, I can now understand what my
option are for connecting people with helpful resources.
Key Learning Point: There are three types of stress: eustress (good), neustress (neutral), and distress
(bad). There are two types of distress: acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term), the latter of which
is thought to be the more detrimental because the body does not return to a state of complete
homeostasis. (Seaward, 2015). This key point helped me to understand the difference between
healthy and unhealthy stress in my life. Stress can be a good thing if it creates productivity and not
unhealthy thoughts or symptoms to the body.
Key Learning Point: Stress can appear at any time in our lives, but the college years offer their own types
of stressors because it is now that one assumes more (if not complete) responsibility for ones lifestyle
behaviors. (Seaward, 2015). This key point has provided me with the understanding between
situational stress and chronic stress. We all have a certain level of stress but it can feel greater at
various times in our lives.

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The purpose of this Assignment is to develop self-awareness of stress reactions on
an individual basis. During this assessment, I had the opportunity to learn about
the health and wellness paradigm. This paradigm connects the four components
of health and wellness, spiritual, mental, physical and emotional. This unit
explains the need for balance among these elements to achieve a healthier life.


Journal Writing:
This journal assignment allowed me to specify my stressors and rate them
accordingly. This was a wonderful opportunity to manage my stress and the level I
allow it to reach.

Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: No one is exempt from the sociology of stress. (Seaward, 2015). This key point
explains the environment we all live in, no matter where we live there will be external influences on
our levels of stress. With this understanding, I can use this information to help people work through
their individual stressors with an understanding that we have a choice.

Key Learning Point: Social stress includes a decline in social etiquette. A lack of civility (demonstrated
by rude, impatient behavior) is on the rise. (Seaward, 2015). This key point clarifies the stress level in
the community and the way people have evolved. With the over use of electronics, it can be very
difficult to interacts on a personal level now more than ever.
Key Learning Point: Nature deficit disorder is a term describing peoples absence from the natural world.
One result is inadequate amounts of sunlight exposure, which produces a vitamin D deficiency.
(Seaward, 2015). This key point contests to the fact that nature and outdoors interaction is essential to
leading a healthy life. Being physical by exercising daily and being exposed to nature will allow an
individual to obtain optimal health.

Self-Assessment Exercise:
This self-assessment exercise is to measure your physical symptoms and your
overall picture of health. During this assessment, I learned about neuroplasticity
and the brains ability to change and adapt. Neuroplasticity is the physiological
changes in our brain that occurs during interactions with external environments,
this can include people noises and feelings or sensations.

Journal Writing:
How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?
I allow myself to be consumed with issues my family are dealing with. This plays a part in
how much energy I should spend on my own emotional needs. When I am consumed by the things
that go on in my families lives I tend to put my own emotions and needs on the back burner at times.
My anxiety is also trigger by my relationship, I have just begun to explore a relationship with a man I
have known since high school. As we have grown in age we have also changed as individuals, this
poses a challenge at times while we are getting to know each other as adults.

How is stress or anxiety about work affecting your life?

My anxiety level about work is very high right now I am in a place where I need change and a
big one is work. As I end my journey through school I only have seven weeks until I complete my
degree. The feelings of the unknown I am already reflecting on what I will do in my spare time
without school. My thoughts are anxiously searching for the next step in my search for a new career.

How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?
I am beginning to have more anxiety about the world as the years go by. More and more


disasters are occurring whether man made or natural. I feel like the world used to be a safer place than
it is today. Over the years technology has played a big part in the development of the world, at the
same time has provided potential tools for disaster.

How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?
I am on day 17 of a cleanse from soda, sugar, I made a deal with a friend that we could go 30
days without two of the things we love the most but are bad for us. I can say I have completed each
day so far with no soda and no sugar, what an amazing feeling. Now, I do not have any anxiety about
my eating habits.

How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?
I do not have anxiety about sleep or sleeplessness. I love my sleep and I have no problem
going to sleep early usually resulting in a full nights rest. There are times when I have weird dreams
that may or may not have to do with things going on in my life. I try my best to see the positive in my
dreams and learn from what my subconscious must tell me.

How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting your life?
My anxiety level with my physical routine is a bit high now. I work full time while attending
school, for the last two semesters I took three class each time. This type of work load made my social
life nonexistent. I am looking forward to working out more and the benefits that come along with it.

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Self-love is the critical inner resource described by Leo Buscaglia to cope with lifes
hardships. Self-love is unattainable, however, without unconditional acceptance of who you are (self-
acceptance). To share love, you must first possess love. (Seaward, 2015). This key point really hit
home for me, this concept can be used in many forms of each of our lives. I will remember this
concept when I am struggling with my inner appreciation.

Key Learning Point: Desires: In the Buddhist perspective of stress, desires are conditions and
expectations that are associated with goals. Desires with attachments cause stress. (Seaward, 2015).
This key point is the way the Tibetan culture lives, as Buddhists they attach to very little material
objects. This belief holds value to the materialistic approach of America.
Key Learning Point: Eastern philosophy (Tibetan Buddhism) explains stress as the tension between the
self (ego) and the greater mind (higher self), with desired expectations and outcomes pointed to as the
specific cause of this tension. (Seaward, 2015). This key point gave me the opportunity to understand
the difference in my Higher Self and my Ego. These two can seem similar and yet they are so
very different from one another. I enjoyed learning about ways to balance the two in a healthy

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The purpose of this Assignment is to develop self-awareness of stress-prone and
stress-resistant personalities and identifying obstacles or roadblocks on the path
to human spirituality. This assessment allowed me to learn about the Tibetan
culture and how they view mind and stress. This assessment taught me that years
ago there was a connection developed between the mind, body and spirit. The
Tibetan culture maintains a level of awareness and understanding so much so
that the stress rate is almost nonexistent.

Journal Writing:
When I performed my practice of meditation I began to feel more relaxed by the minute. At
the beginning of the practice it was a little difficult to stay focused on my breathing, not allowing my
mind to wander. The main part of meditation is to live in the now and acknowledge the body in the
presence. I began to remind myself of my purpose in my practice and that was to let go of all worry
and concerns for at least the time I was in meditation. I thought about how many things I spend my
time thinking of that hold no significance in my own path. I hold a lot of stress inside while I maintain
a straight face. During my meditation, I began to work on merging my mentality while in meditation
to my daily thoughts.
I am going to begin to consciously think of my reactions to daily events and move into a
mental state where I feel positive and less worry. I perform yoga weekly and I also incorporate
meditation in my practice. Yoga allows me to exercise my body as well as my mind, when

performing yoga at times it is a mental state you must put yourself in to push your body. Yoga has
been a great resource for my stress relief and peace of mind. I really enjoyed meditation in this unit


and I am grateful for the awareness. (Ransaw,2017).

Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: The expression used today is spiritual hunger, a term that describes a searching or
longing for that which cannot be attained by traditional religious practices. Another term used in
conjunction with spiritual hunger is spiritual bankruptcy, a concept that suggests a sense of moral
decay, perhaps caused by an emptiness that cannot be filled with material possessions. (Seaward,
2015). This key point provides me with the understanding of multiculturalism and traditions.
Working in health and wellness I am going to come across many people with many ideas of what
they believe is spiritual connection. Beliefs, values and attitude are all part of a persons overall
perspective, these components are all linked and yet they are different in meaning.
Key Learning Point: There are many roadblocks to spiritual evolution, perhaps the most significant being
the stress emotion, fear. (Seaward, 2015). This key point focusses on a persons ability to move
through spiritual road blocks that hold them back. This key point has helped me understand the
several factors in being open to my spiritual path.
Key Learning Point: Many coping and relaxation techniques share characteristics that foster the spiritual
process of centering, emptying, grounding, and connecting. (Seaward, 2015). Throughout this course
I have learned the many ways to cope with stress and the ability to remove it through practice. Yoga,
meditation and breathing methods can be used release stress and anxiety.

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The purpose of this Assignment is to develop self-awareness of behaviors and
values to use in managing stress on an individual basis. This assessment provided
information on self-esteem and ways we can create a healthy personal awareness.
Self-esteem is described as the way a person views their personal self-worth and
personal values.

Journal Writing:
FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness, panic, tenseness,
uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.
When I fell anxiety I generally feel it in my heart, as it races no I can feel the tension in my
body. I try to remind myself to really try and separate my mental thoughts from my physical being.
What a challenge! I take carry my own and other peoples problems with me daily, this alone can
cause anxiety and I realize my worries cause a lot of my anxiety. Certain public situations make me
nervous in the pit of my stomach until I have the chance to feel out my surroundings. My body begins
to become tense until I work through my uncomfortable feelings.

CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic, foggy, or unaware.

When I feel uncertain I usually feel it in the pit of my stomach it is almost like a worry or fear
based feeling. I often feel uncertain in dating relationships and I am aware this an area I need to work
on. My personal uncertainty stems from trust and my own issues from my past.

ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy, frustration, irritation,

grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.
My aggression is usually family or work related and when I begin to feel this I feel it in my
chest, while breathing rapidly I can also feel my heart race. Sometimes when I get mad I end crying
and I feel like this is a way of release for me. I dont like to be grumpy o irritated and I work with
myself in situations to calm down and pay attention to whether it really matters.

SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom, grief, hopelessness, insecurity,

loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.
When I have these feelings, I have a lower heart rate and feel gloomy and down. I usually
have no energy while I sit in my thoughts or ponder on a certain situation. I often live in my head as I
maneuver through life like a highway. I need to work on finding things that create joy and inspire me
to feel secure. I have made the choice to work a full-time job, part time job and attend school at the
same time. I made this choice consciously to avoided a personal relationship and family situations. I
place a lot of expectations on myself and now that school is over I must deal with the things I have
avoided on purpose. Scary!

SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse, mortification.

When I feel guilt, I tend to feel it in my breathing, my stomach and my heart. Mostly in my
stomach is where I hold a lot of my feelings. I notice that when I am sad, upset or frustrated I do not
want to eat. It can be almost instant if the situation is crucial enough, this can be a problem at time
when I am stressed.

LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness, infatuation, kindness,
liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.
When I feel love, and give love I feel it in my entire being. I am a very caring person who
places no judgment on people. I am always willing to listen and would do anything for my family.
When I feel compassion from others I feel energized and I feel like I can then pass it along. Giving
and receiving love has the potential to alleviate stress and worry, if I choose love over anger or worry
I can change my daily path.

JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment, enthusiasm, excitement,


exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.

When I feel these feelings, it is usually in my stomach and heart, its excitement and
adrenaline. These feelings make me want to do more and share something bigger than me, love. I
want to work on engaging in activities that facilitate these feelings more often. Once I am done with
school in four short weeks I will begin to get my personal life back. I am looking forward to my
journey. (Ransaw,2017).

Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: All stimuli received by the brain are processed through interpretation and classified
as negative, neutral, or positive; this process is called perception. (Seaward, 2015). Understanding
that everyone has their own perception of things allows me to look at situations with an open mind. I
will continue to use the information I have learned to communicate with patients and coworkers with
an empathetic approach.
Key Learning Point: Studies also show that humor promotes mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual
well-being. (Seaward, 2015). This key point brings another aspect to health and wellness that can be
used with patients regularly. When incorporating laughter to patient care it can bring their spirits up
and can also be a way to build morale.
Key Learning Point: Just as there are several types of personalities, there are also several senses of
humor, including conventional, life of the party, creative, and good sport. (Seaward, 2015). This key
point discusses the differences in humor from person to person. It is always important to remember

that others may not have the same sense of humor as you and in the professional world this is
important to account for.


Journal Writing:
When I began my walking meditation I wasnt sure how I would be able to let go of my
thoughts and stay in meditation while walking. I ended up surprising myself, once my mental state
shifted to a lighter place I began walking and meditating smoothly. My first strong feeling was
freedom, not stuck in a building or in the house. I felt the wind brush against my face arms and legs as
I strolled along. I am so caught up in the things I have going on that I often forget about the simplest
things in life and how much joy they bring me. When I was walking I made a strong effort to release
all the worries and concerns I had for the day and only focus on how I was feeling at the time. I
noticed that when I was done with my walk I was much calmer than I had been before and I was able
to get things done in a more comfortable state. Since my first walking meditation practice I have tried
to practice walking meditation for short intervals throughout my day at work or when I am feeling
anxious. This will be a practice I will use in the future as well as other meditation methods and yoga.

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,

Meditation, and Mental Imagery
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Diaphragmatic breathing is known to decrease episodes of chronic pain. (Seaward,
2015). This key point is important to remember when working with patients who have chronic illness
and pain. Alternative treatments to medication can be just as effective if practiced regular along with a
healthy diet and exercise.
Key Learning Point: Every relaxation technique involves some aspect of meditation. (Seaward, 2015).
This key point discusses the between meditation and other forms of holistic relaxation methods. Yoga
and deep breathing are connected directly to meditation, one practice focuses on physical wellbeing
while meditation focuses on mental wellbeing.

Key Learning Point: Mental imagery in some form has been used for thousands of years to access the
power of the mind to heal the body, mind, and soul. (Seaward, 2015). Mental imagery has been used
for many years and is still a practice used in relieving stress. This alternative treatment can be used
along with yoga and meditation or as a practice all its own.

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The purpose of this Assignment is to develop self-awareness of coping strategies
in managing stress on an individual basis. In this assessment, I discussed
diaphragmatic breathing and the positive effects it has on stress and anxiety
relief. Diaphragmatic breathing can be done alone or as part of meditation
practice. These types of exercises have a direct effect on a persons physical and
mental wellbeing.

Journal Writing:
I agree that I am my worst critic, daily I come up with things I am not good at or things I have
not accomplished yet. I am constantly telling myself that I am not where I am supposed to be in life
and that what I have achieved so far is not good enough. I tell myself regularly that I am not good in
relationships and that it may be impossible for me to maintain a successful one. I get down on myself
for being too accommodating to others while holding less value to my own time, energy and love.
These are things that stress my body and mind to the core. I have never thought about the fact that I
would never talk like this to others. I try my best to maintain a positive attitude with others as I uplift
them in moments of worry or discomfort. How is okay for me to say these things about myself? I am
working on becoming more positive about my path and realizing that just maybe I am on my own
time frame in life.

Seeds of suffering?
I have been watering my seeds of suffering for years, I feed into the unkind thoughts of myself
and my behavior daily. I realize that by watering my suffering I am placing expectations on myself
which are not at all achievable. Instead of appreciating where I am in life or the moments and
journeys yet to come, I wallow in the discomfort of negative thoughts. I wonder what would it be like
to erase the negative thoughts about myself and start with a clean slate. If I only allow positive
criticism into my thought process I know I would live a happier life.

Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?

I hold a lot of resentment towards myself and others in my family for multiple reasons. I hold
resentment for myself for not achieving things fast enough for my liking and by allowing myself to be


caught up in emotional situations. I am a feeler so whatever is going with my family, friends and work
I absorb and hold onto. It is difficult for me to separate or to truly think of myself only, when I do I
feel guilty and of course then comes the anxiety and physical stress. There is a fine line in which we
should all be selfish versus selfless. I have struggled all my life with the idea of becoming a selfish
person. My mother tells me all the time that if I practice thinking of myself more I could still never
really become a selfish person. I am working on understanding and implementing that balance.
Reflection on writing?
I have really enjoyed this journal, it allowed me the opportunity to put things in writing that
influenced me and my behaviors. I know that it will take time to change behaviors I have had all or
most of my life but I am hopeful that my level of awareness is the catalyst for change. I realize that
my behaviors have consequences and that by not working on them I will stay in my uncomfortable
thoughts, feelings and actions if I do not work on them daily. I will continue to reflect on certain
behaviors in the moment so that they do not become more than I can handle at once. My mother
always tells me that what I put out into the universe is what can come back to me. She reminds me to
send positive thoughts and be kind to others as a way of life. (Ransaw,2017).

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Food you eat can either boost or suppress the immune system. (Seaward, 2015).
This key point is essential when creating a meal plan for patient suffering from illnesses and obesity.
In my professional career, I will have the knowledge necessary to provide up to date information on
health and nutrition to my patients.
Key Learning Point: A malnourished dietone that is deficient in essential amino acids, essential fats,
vitamins, and mineralsis itself a stressor on the body. (Seaward, 2015). When providing nutritional

information and resources it will be important for me to incorporate the necessity of vitamins within
the body. Patients will have the opportunity to learn information on the recommended dietary intake


of vitamin supplements. Vitamin deficiency can lead to many illness or diseases if not monitored
Key Learning Point: Physical exercise is a form of stress: the enactment of all the physiological systems
that the fight-or-flight response triggers for physical survival. (Seaward, 2015). Along with diet and
nutritional supplements physical activity is essential to living a healthy life. These three components
create a balance between the bodies many functions. I will use this information in my career while
assisting patients.

Self-Assessment Exercise:
The purpose of this Assignment is to develop self-awareness of stress reactions on
an individual basis. This assessment taught me to be aware of the effects stress
has on my body. I will utilize this practice in my personal life as well as
professional. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms of stress our bodies
send out. Managing stress can be difficult to people if they do not have the
appropriate tools and resources available.

Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: The ancient fight-or-flight response prepares the body for immediate physical
movement. (Seaward, 2015). This key point is one to consider when working with patients to create
an exercise plan. When a person increases ventilation and circulation this provides the body with the
oxygen needed to function. The release of certain hormones can have a direct effect on the
psychological system when receiving these signals. It is important for a person to maintain a certain
level of physical activity regularly.
Key Learning Point: Although the primary purpose of food is as a source of nutrients, many people use
food as a means to fill an emotional void created by stress. (Seaward, 2015). This is a key point to
consider when working with weight loss patients. It is important to understand the reasons people

have certain behaviors, eating habits can be triggered by much more than a craving. Emotions and
stress can cause cravings when accompanied with stress and anxiety.
Key Learning Point: A malnourished dietone that is deficient in essential amino acids, essential fats,
vitamins, and mineralsis itself a stressor on the body. (Seaward, 2015). Teaching patients about
nutrition will be a part of my career. I will incorporate the knowledge that certain foods will provide
important vitamins our bodies need. I will provide resources to my patients about the appropriate diet
and share information on how illnesses can be prevented by good eating habits.

Self-Assessment Exercises:
The requirements for this assessment were to create a health and wellness
program from the ground up. During this assessment, I created a wellness
program for a corporation. During the creation of this program I was given a list
of objectives to meet for a successful program. I enjoyed this project the most
because it will be part of my new career in health and wellness. I will use the
information I have learned from this program to implement programs in my

Journal Writing:
OPENNESS: I imagine being able to speak freely without judgment, to me being open is the ability to
be myself. I can imagine being truly open by not allowing my insecurities to get in the way. This is
something I struggle with regularly, I am always worried about the way I come across or the
impression I am leaving while others seem to have the ability to seem carefree. I imagine being able
to be my whole self with a person I am in a relationship with one day. I am beginning to work
mentally on my thoughts and the way they effect my behavior.

EMPATHY: I am imagining my students and the way I interact with them. There are so many times
where students need guidance in life along with the class room. I can imagine the way I feel when
they talk to me about their struggles in life. I understand the struggles I felt growing up and at times
they seemed unbearable. I can have empathy for them because I was once in their shoes and I know
what it has taken me to finally finish college.

COMPASSION: When I think of compassion I think of genuinely caring about others and their
feelings. I imagine being aware of the other persons feelings and needs. There are plenty of times we
all go around and choose not to be aware of anther persons feelings. I believe we choose to ignore
them because it would then take us to acknowledge responsibility. Can you imagine if we all
considered each other?

LOVING-KINDNESS: When I think of loving and kindness I can imagine people I smile at while
walking across the street or the way we show people we care. I know it makes me happy inside when
I can exchange a smile or positive comment with a stranger. This interaction reminds me there is a big
world out there and we are all connected. I have worked in the health care field for the past seventeen
years, I am truly a nurturer.

SYMPATHETIC JOY: When I imagine myself in these feelings it is when I am giving or doing
something for someone in need. I do not have children yet and I have always been a giver, I feel
happiness when I am able to give to others. I recognize I have plenty and what a joy it brings me to
see others happy. My nephews and nieces are a prime example of this type of interaction with me.
When they are with me they receive all my attention, love, energy and money. I wouldnt as for
anything else.

EQUANIMITY: When I think of this word I automatically think of sitting with my mother. My
mother has always been a strong influence on who I am as a person. Growing up I always had the
ability to grow as an individual learning from my mistakes. My mother has taught me so much about
developing the person I am internally aside form external beauty. I have had the opportunity to grow
from these lessons ultimately growing into who I am today. The way my mother communicates to
others is a gift, not everyone can relay messages in ways people choose to work on themselves. I am
grateful for her wisdom and I will continue to work with the tools she provides. (Ransaw,2017).

Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for


Management and Prevention to your

Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: No one relaxation technique works for everyone. (Seaward, 2015). This key point
discusses the fact that there are many techniques to practicing stress relief. While everyone does not
carry stress, the same nor do we all have the same issues or problems, treatment will be different for
everyone. Choosing the appropriate treatment with patients is essential for the success of the
program. If a patient does not feel comfortable with a certain treatment, there are many to choose
Key Learning Point: Balance all components of your well-being and take time to nurture them. (Seaward,
2015). Throughout this program I have had the opportunity to learn about the variety of components
involved with living a healthy life. I have learned the importance of balance between the mind, body
and spirt as well as ways to enhance them all. This is a key point I will not only use in my career but
will also use in my personal life.
Key Learning Point: Make a habit of spending some quality time each day to get to know yourself.
(Seaward, 2015). Throughout this course I have had the opportunity to look at myself, emotions and
behaviors and it has been great. I learned so much about my stressors and the reasons I hold on to
them daily. I will continue to take time to consider myself and think of my physical and spiritual
needs ongoing.

Additional Information
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This website provides information on nutrition and the benefits of maintaining a healthy diet. This
website also provides information on diseases and prevention. (Ransaw,2017).

Live Strong

This website provides helpful information and tips to the public on health and nutrition, as well as
diseases and treatments. This article contains information on the importance of vitamins and a healthy
diet. (Ransaw,2017).


Cespedes, A. (2015, May 09). Why Are Vitamins Important to Your Body? Retrieved July 30, 2017,


Nutrition. (2017, July 19). Retrieved July 30, 2017, from

Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (8th ed.).

Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New

Harbinger Publications, Inc.


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