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LOST IN A CITY (How to ask and give directions)

Asking for directions:

- Excuse me, where is the bank, please? = Disculpe, dnde est el banco?
- Excuse me, is there a bank near here? = Disculpe, hay un banco cerca de aqu?
- Excuse me, can you tell me where the bank is, please? = Disculpe, puede decirme dnde est el
banco, por favor?

Giving directions:
- Go straight on.= Sigue recto
- Turn left / right (at the traffic light, at the zebra crossing, ). Gira a la izquierda / derecha (en el
semforo, en el paso de cebra, )
- Turn first (second, ) left / right. = Gira la primera (segunda, ) a la izqda/dcha.
- Go past the supermarket = Pasa por delante del supermercado
- Go across the bridge or Cross the bridge. = Cruza el puente
- Go to the end of the street / Go until you get to the end of ... = Vete hasta el final de la calle
- Go through the park.= Atraviesa el parque
- Its on your right / left. = Est a tu derecha / izquierda
- Its next to = Est al lado de
- Its opposite the = Est frente a
- Its between and = Est entre y
- Im sorry. Im not from here! = Lo siento. No soy de aqu.
- You cant miss it. = No tiene prdida.

Turn left (at) Turn right (at) Go straight on Turn second left
Go along... Take the 2nd turning on the left

Go past Go through Cross the road Turn second right

Exercise: Write dialogues asking and giving directions.

1) How to get to the supermarket:

A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest supermarket is?
B: Yes. Go straight on and turn first right. Go past the telephone box and turn second
right. The supermarket is on the right. You cant miss it.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Thats all right. Bye
A: Bye, bye

Exercise 1: Where am I?

1) Go straight on. Turn first left and then turn second right. Its on your left.
Im at the ___________________________
2) Go straight on. Go across the bridge and turn first right. Go past the hotel and the disco until
you get the end of the street. => Im at the ________________________

Exercise 2: Write some more dialogues to go to:

The public toilet The train station

The garage The Starlight Disco
The hospital The Castle

1) A: Excuse me, ________________________________________?

B: _______________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________
A: __________________________________________

2) A: Excuse me, ________________________________________?

B: _______________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________
A: __________________________________________

3) A: Excuse me, ________________________________________?

B: _______________________________________________________________
A: __________________________________________
A: __________________________________________

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