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3. Genetic factors in allergic diseases that have the highest influence is the genetic code
for which of the following ?
a. Reactivity of epitheliat layer
b. Histamine production
c. IgE production
d. Mast-cell sensitization
e. Target organ reactivity
4. Among the following manifestations of food allergy, which one including the
mechanisms if mixture of IgE mediated and non- IgE mediated ?
a. Urticaria : IgE
b. Angioedema : IgE
c. Atopic dermatitis
d. Proctocolitis : non IgE
e. Anaphylaxis : IgE
5. Histamine release in type I hypersensitivity reaction is due to the role of ?
a. IgA and cell-mast
b. IgE and machrophage
c. IgE and cell-mast
d. IgG ang macrophage
e. IgG and cell-mast
6. T cells are involved in controlling type I hypersensitivity reaction to produce?
a. IL-2
b. IL-4 : menginduksi sel B untuk produksi IgE melalui sel plasma. IL-5 untuk
menginduksi eosinofil
c. IL-10
d. Interferon
e. TNF-alpha
8. This image shows a type I hipersensitivity reaction. What component is pointed by
arrows? (yg ditunjuk Histamine)

a. Antibody
b. Allergen
c. IL-5
d. Histamine
e. Mast cell

9. Allergic diseases below are included in the allergic march, EXCEPT ....
a. Asthma : 5-6 th
b. Cows milk intolerance

c. Eczema : 2-4 bulan di pipi, 1-3 th di siku

d. Urticaria
e. Allergic rhinitis : 7-10 th
10. Family history is very important in the history of patient with allergy, because it has a
correlation with which of the following?
a. .....
b. Genetic
c. Life style
d. Food consumption
e. .......
11. What is allergic disease most common occur in the early year of children?
a. Allergic rhinitis
b. Asthma
c. Atopic dermatitis
d. Drug allergy
e. Food allergy
12. What is allergic diseases most common occur in the productive age?
a. Cows-milk allergy : anak-anak
b. Asthma : usia produktif dengan rinitis alergi
c. Atopic dermatitis : anak-anak
d. Drug allergy : jarang
e. Food allergy
13. The palm if the hand image is a symptom of (gambar)...
a. Scabies
b. Varicella
c. Combustion
d. Pompholyx
e. Piodermia
14. What are the risk factors of allergic diseases ?
a. Contact with certain allergens
b. Genetic and environmental factor during 0-2 years
c. Genetic and environmental factor during intrauterine
d. Genetic and environmental factor during intrauterine until 2 years age
e. Genetic and environmental factor for more than 2 years
15. How many the prevalence of allergic rhinitis ?
a. 0-1%
b. 1-2%
c. 3-5%
d. 5-7%
e. 7-40% : 15-20%

16.In the following picture indicate symptom of :


17.What is the name of cell that produce IgE ?

e.T Lymphocytes cell

18.In the following picture is a type I hypersensitivity reaction,what is pointed with the
arrow ?

19.If one of parent is suffering from allergic disease, then their children risk of allergic
disease is ?
a.Less than 5%
e.40-60% : kedua orangtua menderita

5-15% : tidak ada riwayat keluarga

25-30% : salah satu saudara kandung

50-80% : kedua orang tua menderita alergi yang sama

20.tidak ada fotonya slidenya ce

21.What is the main purpose of skin prick test to cows milk allergy ?
a.To determine the severity of allergy to cow milk
b.To determine the target organ
c.To determine the cutaneous manifestations
d.To determine the allergen and diagnosis
e.To determine the type of cow milk allergy

22.Which of the following percentages is a negative predictive value of the skin prick test?
e.95% Untuk positifnya adalah 50%

23.The main purpose of skin prick test in allergy diagnostics to identify the presence of...
a.Eosinophil cells

b.Histamine release
c.Immunoglobulin E : IgE spesifik secara kualitatif. Untuk IgE kuantitatif
menggunakan RAST
d.TH2 lymphocytes
e.Mast cells

24.A 5 months baby has the rosy cheeks. Since birth, the baby was breastfred & formula
milk. Babys mother suffered from asthma. The skin prick test shows positive to cows
milk protein. The right education for management in this case is :
a.Baby avoide cows milk formula
b.Mother and baby avoide cows milk protein
c.Only mother who breast-feed avoide cows milk protein
d.Infant and mother avoide all food that contains cows milk protein
e.Pregnant mother avoide cows milk protein in the diet

25.What are the advantages of a skin prick test for the diagnosis of allergic disease ?
a.Easy to buy allergen
b.Sensitivity of 100%
c.Specificity of 100%
d.Cost is cheaper
e.There is no risk of systemic reactions

26.The disease that can cause recurrent wheezing following is, EXCEPT :
e.Foreign body aspiration

27.Which is the first priority to manage the patients with allergy ?

a.Avoiding allergens
b.Antihistamine drugs
c.Antileukotrien drugs
d.Corticosteroid drugs

28.A 8 month s girl had colic and diarrhea since 2 weeks ago. Skin prick test showed
positive results to cows milk protein. She also consumed cow milk & breast milk.
what education can be given ?
a.Consumption of goat milk
b.Partial hydrolized formula consumption
c.Extensive hydrolized formula consumption
d.Elimination diets are not recommened for mothers
e.The food must be free of eggs and seafood

Ini termasuk gejala berat . tanda-tandanya : malnutrisi + , dermatitis atopik +, daire

berdarah dan ADB +, syok anafilaksis +, kolik berat +.

29.What is the primary prevention of cow milk allergy ?

a.Smoking has no effect in the prevention of allergic : harusnya pantang asap rokok
b.Diet of pregnant women should be given : harusnya tidak diet
c.If there is no milk can be fed soy formula : karena susu kedelai bisa diberikan mulai
usia 0 bulan
d.Amino acid formula milk can be given when breast milk cant be : terapinya/tersier
e.Giving probiotics before and after birth : sebelum lahir bisa ya atau tidak tergantung
ekonomi, kalau setelah lahir tidak dianjurkan.

30.Which of the following is true related to persistent types of allergic rhinitis ?

a.Happens to all year
b.Occured more than 4 days a week
c.Occured more than 4 days a week and more than 4 weeks in a year
d.Occured more than 4 days per week or more than 4 weeks in a year
e.Occured more than 4 weeks in a year

Intermiten : < 4 hari seminggu atau < 4 minggu

Persisten : > 4 hari seminggu dan > 4 minggu

31. which is true in the TRIAS symptoms of allergic rhinitis

A. Cough, runny nose, sneezing

B. Itchy nose, runny, cough
C. Red eyes, runny nose, itchy
D. Runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose
E. Sneezing, coughing, itchy nose

32. tissue damage in target organs of allergy, mainly due to the activity of the cell

A. Mast cells
B. Basophils
C. Eosinophils
D. Lymphocyte B
E. Lymphocyte T

33.Which of the main options for the treatment of moderate persistent type of heavy allergic
rhinitis ?

A. Intranasal decongestans
B. Intransal antihistamine
C. Intranasal corticosteroids
D. Oral antihistamine
E. Sodium cromoglicate

34. A child 7 years old suffering from allergic rhinitis, Skin prick test showed positive results to the
shrimp. Which education is the most appropriate to the patient ?

A. Only a 20 % chance the child is allergic to shrimp

B. Children can not eat any food countaining shrimp
C. Children can not eat shrimp and other seafood
D. Children can eat shrimp but taking antihistamines first
E. Children are allowed to eat shrimp piecemeal

35. A 7 years old child allergic rhinitis. He always has antihistamine medication from a doctor. His
father suffered from asthma. To support the diagnosis of allergy and to determine the type of
allergen, which examination is most appropriate ?

A. Atropi Patch Test

B. Intra dermal test
C. Spesific IgE test
D. Skin prick test
E. The number of total IgE

36. What is the advantage of the second generation of antihistamine usage ?

A. Could be given to patient at any age

B. Has anti-inflammation effect, no sedative, efek kerja jangka panjang
C. Safe for baby
D. Safe for pregnant woman
E. No side effect

37. the following picture the classic appereance of

A. Cows milk allergy

B. Erysipileas skin infection
C. Bug/ insect bite
D. Nickel allergy
E. Antibiotic allergy

38.the following picture is the classic appereance of

A. Dermatitis contact allergy

B. Latex allergy
C. Nickel allergy
D. Atopic dermatitis
E. Paederus dermatitis

39.which of the following drugs is the proper choice for mild intermittent allergic rhinitis with nose
obstruction ?

A. Intranasal decongestan : dekongestan adalah obat untuk menghilangkan pembengkakan di

B. Intranasal antihistamine
C. Systemic corticosteroid
D. Antihistamine oral
E. Sodium cromoglicate

40. the example of Type IV hypersensitivity is


A. Contact dermatitis
B. Atopic dermatitis
C. Paederus dermatitis
D. Insect sting
E. Antibiotic allergy

41.drugs that cause allergic can be a hapten or as a complete antigen. Types of drugs that act as
complete antigens are :

A. Penicillins
B. Cephalosporins
C. Sulfonmides
D. Insulin
E. Anti TB

42.the drugs that can cause contact dermatitis of the ear is ?

A. Cooper
B. Cobalt
C. Gold
D. Latex
E. Nickel

43. a 5 month old baby suffered from recurring redness on the cheeks & itchy. If the results of skin
prick test show a positive cows milk protein, what does it means :

A. All infants aged 5 months will provide a positive SPT result to formula
B. Redness on the cheecks due to exposure to droplets formula
C. Redness would be cured if patient were given milk formula
D. SPT false positive results, the cild must be allergic to eggs
E. Possibility of the child is allergic to formula milk is about 65%

44. at the time of the skin prick test, the child suddenly have blurred vision and loss of
consciousness. Physical examination showed extremities cold, damp, systolic blood pressure: 75
mmHg, what is the first action to be performed ?

A. Administration of oxygen
B. Apply IV line
C. Antihistamine injection
D. Injection of adrenaline
E. Steroid injection

45. the contraindication of immunotherapy is ?

A. Atsma pasien
B. Allergic rhinitis patient
C. Insect bite
D. Autoimmune patient
E. Allergic to pollen patient

46. What material is used in immunotherapy injections ?

a.Giving the injection of histamine

b.Giving the injection of adrenaline

c.Giving the injection of allergen
d.Steroid injections
e.Giving an antibiotic injection

47. What the way of administration in immunotherapy injection ?

e.per drip

48. Tidak ada fotonya soalnya

49. How is the blood lever of antibodies during immunotherapy?

a.IgA increase
b.IgA decrease
c.IgE increase
d.IgG increase
e.IgM decline

Ketika pemberian awal imunoterapi makanya terjadi peningkatan IgE, tetapi lama-
kelamaan IgE akan turun dan akan terbentuk IgG sehingga IgG inilah yang akan memblok

50.According to the national asthma consensus in child, 2001, ASTHMA is wheezing and /
or frequent coughing with the following characteristics, EXCEPT :
b.At night/early morning (noctural)
d.After physical activity

51.How is the prevalence of asthma according to some research in indonesia ?


52.What is the following image below ?

b.severe pneumonia
c.Lung cancer in children
d.Hyperinflation in asthma
e.Croup syndrome

53.How the priciple of therapy in asthma ?

a.controller only
b.reliever only
c.controller and reliever
d.immunotherapy alone
e.symptomatic drugs (only when asthma attacks)

54.which is of the following drugs can be used as both a reliever and controller ?
b.B2 agonist
c.inhaled corticosteroids
d.oral corticosteroids
e.sodium cromogylcate

55.What is the gold standard diagnostic tool for food allergy ?

a.Doubleblind placebo-controlled food challenge
b.atopy patch test prick test
d.Spesific IgE
e.The number of total IgE

56.What is the most important food allergens in the first year of life ?
a.Cows milk protein

57.What is the most appropriate test for diagnosis food allergies that can be used to detect
IgE mediated and non-IgE mediated ?
a.atopic patch test :non IgE
b.elimination and provocation
c.IgE-spesific : IgE
d.intradermal test : IgE
e.Skin prick test : IgE

58.Cows milk allergy can be diagnosed based on these parameters, EXCEPT :

a.Based on clinical manifestations
b.Cows milk allergen desensitization
c.Elimination and provocation test
d.Family history of atopic disease
e.Do spesific IgE to cows milk

59.What MILK is the most appropriate in the case of cows milk allergy with mild symptoms
if the baby is not breastfed ?
a.Reguler cows milk

b.Milk elemental amino acids

e.Extensive hypoallergenic
d.Hypoallergenic partial
e.Soy milk

60.Which of the following is one of the primary prevention of allergic disease ?

a.Avoid contact with potential allergens
b.Avoid swallowing antibiotics
c.Exclusive breastfeeding
d.Avoid infection
e.Routine antihistamine

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