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Tyler Cassity

HS 2050

1. Patient autonomy should stop when . . .

It should stop when the patient is no longer competent enough to make a decision, or is
incapable of understanding risks and benefits. I believe that every person should have
the right to what happens with their own body, but if the patient isnt mentally able to
make the decision, then it should be on a guardian. Parents should almost always have
the say of consent for their children, and elderly patients should have their spouse, or
children able to speak for them.
2. Medical research should . . .
I still think that medical research should be one of the most valued type of job a person
can have, and that it should be of higher importance for all humanity. This is the way
that we progress, and each step we take saves lives. This class made me realize that
there are different ways to go about research; particularly when it came to genetic
testing. This section made me see that there are two types of thought on some
diseases; either we are preventative with genetic research, and we find a way to
prevent births of people with the disease, or we focus on treating the disease after the
person is born. Both are important, but this topic made me realize that there are
different perspectives on research, as is the case with many of these topics.
3. Genetic testing for the future should . . .
As I just mentioned above, I am a big believer on the importance of research and
genetic testing. I think this is the next step of our species evolving, and there is a lot of
good that can come from it. I also know that there is a lot of bad that could come with
such a power, so this is an area that needs to be held with caution. I think that we can
learn a lot about ourselves, and a lot about how to protect our species from this testing.
There will always be the dark side of it, as there always is with new technology, but if we
can find a way to keep the bad in check then we should be pursuing as much research
in this area as possible.
4. Egg and sperm donation should be . . .
This is something that should be available to anyone that chooses to do it. Only the
couples involved should be the ones that decide, and the government should not have a
say in it. This semester we learned about the ethical dilemmas that come with it,
particularly a donation not being a donation if there is money involved, but I didnt think
that this was an issue. If someone is willing to give or sell their eggs or sperm, and
someone is willing to buy them, then I do not see a problem with it. This should be their
right, and nobody else should have a say in it.
5. Abortion should/should not be . . .
This is one that I fully believe should be legal, and available to anyone that needs it, but
I also know that there is a dark side to this as well. There are times where it is
necessary, so I dont think that any government agency should be involved in stating
whether or not its legal. It does have the potential to being abused, but I dont think that
people who need this option should be punished because of the actions of others. If the
child was conceived in traumatic unpleasant ways, or if the life of the mother is at stake,
then this is a necessary option that needs to be accepted and available.
6. Treating or terminating impaired infants should be decided by . . .
The fate of these infants should be determined by both the parents, and the medical
professionals. My final project for this semester had me working on a situation of just
this, and I believe that both entities should have a say. I think that it is important that a
parent can have a child treated as they believe fit, but when it comes to medical issues,
the doctor will be the one that should know best for the patient, and for this it must be
7. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be . . .
I believe that this should be an acceptable and available option to those that choose to
use it. This section of the class just solidified my beliefs on the matter, and showed me
that there are times when a patient wants and needs the ability to take matters into their
own hands. I do not think that there is anything wrong when people choose this option,
and there shouldnt be any reason that cannot.
8. Payment to organ donors or their families should be . . .
Payment should be legal, but regulated. I am a firm believer that a body belongs to the
person, and if they want to sell a part of it, then so be it. If another person needs or
wants an organ, and they are willing to pay for it, then thats great. This shouldnt be an
option taken off of the table, and I still believe this after the semester. I understand that
it is not a donation if there is money involved, but allowing payment doesnt take away
meaning from those that truly do donate it. If anything, it makes them more admirable
and makes it more meaningful.
9. Allocation of health care should/should not be considered based on a person's
age/quality of life/ability to pay
All individuals are entitled to health care in my opinion, and the status of their age, or
ability to pay should alter that. We live in a time where we perform miracles with
medicine every day, and that should be something that is available to all people. The
finances will have to be figured out afterwards, but it would not be ethical to turn anyone
away because of these factors.
10. Medical research for women should . . .
Research should not ever be biased, and should include everyone in their studies. As I
stated above, I believe that medical research should be among our top priorities.
Moving forward with research, I think it would be wise to include as many populations as
feasible, to get better results that are for the public and not just one specific population
of the society.
11. Health care for minorities should be . . .
Available to them without discrimination, and there should be change where there is
already discrimination in place. The lesson that sticks with me on this point, is the
difference in care for minorities in Washington DC. This was an example of how people
are treated differently, or just have different access to care in their area. There shouldnt
be a difference, and all people should have access to the same healthcare facilities no
matter where they are.
12. Those with AIDS/HIV should . . .
Be treated like any other person, and they should never be shamed or treated poorly
because of it. It is a health condition, and it should be treated just like any other. The
only thing that should be different is the way that they receive care, meaning there
should be more precautions to protect the healthcare provider. Other than these
precautions, nothing should need to be different, and they should be treated just like
any other patient you would encounter.
13. My opinion has changed on . . . because . . .
One way my opinion did change, was regarding consent for a child and how I now
believe medical professionals should be able to challenge the parents. I believe that
most of the time the parents will have the childs best interests for their child, but there
will be situations where the doctor needs to step in when the health of the child is
concerned. I learned the importance of this with the Charlie Gard case, and I think it is
an example of when there is a need for multiple inputs. Other than this one, I think a lot
of the opinions I held on these matters at the beginning of the semester, are still the

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