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Section Five: Teacher Candidate Reflection


There is no doubt that I am passionate about teaching; there is nothing more rewarding to

me than creating a learning environment in which children are respected, valued and encouraged

to grow and develop. I hope to create this kind of learning environment when I have my own

classroom. Working with children within a classroom is no doubt hard work, but every smile, kind

gesture, growth and development makes every day worth it. To invest in children is to invest in

the future, and as teachers it is our responsibility to create relationships with families and

communities. I have been blessed with teachers who have had a great influence on me, and

fortunate to have teachers who have mentored me beyond my elementary schooling, but

throughout high school, university, and even influencing my decision to enroll in this program.

That is the type of teacher I hope to be one day; someone who sees the potential in each child and

creates a long lasting influence and relationship. For this reason, teaching is immensely rewarding

and something I have always wanted to do. My studies at Medaille College have assisted me in

providing me with the tools and resources needed to be this kind of teacher.

In this section of my portfolio, I will reflect on the skills and knowledge I have acquired

through developing this project and throughout my studies at Medaille College. Through reflecting

on the process of collecting the appropriate materials and specific research for this project,

compiling my artifacts, and organizing the content, I will present my readiness to be an educator

and my passion for teaching. I will discuss how my experiences at Medaille have helped prepared

me to become an educator, and how I meet the TEAC Accreditation claims through the artifacts

and experiences showcased in this portfolio.

Portfolio Project/Teacher Education Learning Experiences

Over the duration of my studies as a Medaille student, I have had numerous opportunities

to not only present, but reflect upon my abilities and capabilities to be a teacher. I have had the

privilege of learning from skilled educators, and studying amongst experienced peers, to learn

the academic and practical knowledge and skills needed to be an educator. The portfolio project

has allowed me to collect the various assignments and opportunities which reflect my confidence

in teaching. The portfolio project was thorough, requiring a lot of detail and work. However, it

allowed me to reflect upon the tasks I completed over the duration of this program, and how they

assist me in being a suitable teacher. Through this portfolio, I have refined my artifacts and done

thorough research to link my skills to the theories and practices which have influenced me. I

hoped to pick artifacts which reflect my abilities, as completing this portfolio has reminded me

why I am passionate about and excited to be a teacher!

My studies at Medaille were heavily influenced by the incredible instructors which I

studied under. These instructors were incredibly knowledgeable and aside from academic

knowledge, they provided us with their experiences and wisdom which is the practical awareness

and knowledge needed to be a teacher. My instructors taught me the importance of being a kind

and caring teacher (TEAC Claim 3: Caring Educator). They also taught me the importance of

being culturally responsive and aware of the diversities within my classroom from the lesson

plans to the classroom expectations and environment (TEAC Claim 2 Pedagogy, Best Teaching

Practices for Diverse Learners). They provided us with their experiences and stories which are

very beneficial as they reflect the practical realities that teachers have to face on a day to day

basis. They showcased the skills needed to be an effective teacher, through being caring and
kind, aware of the curriculum and course content, and diverse in their teaching strategies through

incorporating technology and interactive learning strategies.

One of the greatest challenges for me in this program was lesson and unit planning.

Though I have numerous experiences in the teaching field and have spent hundreds of hours

within the classroom and learning environment, I have not done formal lesson or unit plans. This

seemed like a daunting task and one which I was unfamiliar with. However, I was lucky to have

the support of my instructors and peers in reviewing and refining this process. Throughout my

courses, I have had numerous opportunities to create lesson plans and get valuable feedback to

improve the quality of my work.

For this reason, my lesson plan and specifically my unit plan is the artifact which I am

proudest of. This artifact took the most effort and energy. At the start it seemed like a frustrating

and impossible task; but with the proper resources and support, I can now proudly present a

complete unit plan for a foundational math concept, of addition. This is an important artifact

because regardless of age or grade level, all teachers will be lesson and unit planning. For new

teachers this is a crucial task which is unfamiliar and intimidating. However, this program and

this project allowed me to refine my skills so that I can enter this career capable and efficient at

unit and lesson planning. It allowed me to become familiar with the appropriate content (TEAC

Claim 1: Subject Matter) and the strategies I can use to deliver this material in an effective

manner. This is a valuable skill which will assist me in my planning as a teacher.

Another artifact which I am proud to present within this portfolio was the ELA lesson

plan. Having completed an English Literature degree, ELA is a subject area which I am excited

and eager to teach. I was fortunate to have incredibly creative and knowledgeable instructors
within this program who provided us with the skills, ideas, and resources to be effective and

engaging ELA teachers. We were then provided the opportunities to create our own ELA lesson

plans and present the lessons. This allowed me to explore literature for elementary grade levels,

and ultimately create a lesson plan which was culturally responsive (TEAC Claim: 1 Subject

Matter). My lesson plan allowed me to fuse a religious holiday which I personally practice into

my lesson, to teach my students about a religious and cultural practice (TEAC Claim 2

Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners and TEAC Claim 1: Subject Matter).

This artifact is therefore close to my heart, as personally being able to present my

students with a religious holiday and teach them about something I practice myself is

empowering and something I hope to encourage as a teacher one day; that all differences are

celebrated and valued within the classroom. Taking something unique and creating a lesson with

it which can captivate and educate students is something I look forward to as a teacher and a

milestone moment within this program, as it shows that teachers can incorporate things into the

class which can change the ideologies and worldviews which students have, and create a safe

space for appreciating and accepting different practices and beliefs (TEAC Claim 3: Caring

Educator). Artifacts such as this one therefore allowed me to reflect on the process of culturally

responsive teaching and its importance within all subject areas and lessons (TEAC/CAEP Claim

2: Pedagogy and Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners). I believe this is a crucial and

foundational aspect of teaching, as it impacts the overall learning experience and environment. If

students feel safe and respected, it will shape the ways in which they interact with one another

and the world around them.

Lastly, the iPad assignment is an artifact which is important to me as it allowed me to

explore another area in which I am not very skilled or experienced- technology. The iPad

assignment allowed me to explore the various apps available to teachers and students and can be

useful tools, activities, games, and means of assessment within the classroom. These apps are

easily accessible, affordable, and engaging. This assignment allowed me to not only explore but

also educate myself on the ways in which I can incorporate technology into my classroom. I was

not aware of many of these apps, especially the ones catered for children with special needs and

of various language backgrounds (Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse

Learners). I was able to explore these apps and conclude that there are many uses to technology

that can be beneficial for learning new concepts. As a future teacher, it is important to stay

updated with the resources available to myself and find ways to incorporate them into my

teaching practices. Many school boards are taking a new approach to technology integration and

therefore it is a requirement and benefit to be up to date with these resources.

Compiling this portfolio was a complex task. It required much reflection, refinement of

my past works, and integration of course material. From the numerous assignments and activities

completed throughout the program which have greatly shaped my ideas and views towards

education, it was difficult to narrow it down to a few to showcase in this portfolio. However, it

allowed me to create a piece of work which reflects my abilities and passion to be a teacher. I

consider this career decision a journey, which I have been on from a young age. I have grown

and developed immensely while on this journey, and my studies at Medaille have opened my

eyes to so many theories, resources, and practices which are beneficial to the field of education.

My completion of studies at Medaille College has been a milestone on this journey, and provided

me with the appropriate skills and knowledge required to be an effective teacher.

Readiness to be a Teacher

My artifacts, personal reflections, and numerous work and volunteer experiences reflect

my readiness to become a teacher. Beyond a career choice, education is something which I am

passionate about. Seeing children grow and development, and be influenced by your efforts and

relationship with them is incredibly precious and rewarding for me. I hope to be a teacher who is

caring (TEAC Claim 3: Caring Educator), knowledgeable in the grade level material and creates

effective and engaging lessons (TEAC Claim 1: Subject Matter), and capable of creating a

learning environment which is diverse and accommodating (TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best

Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners).

After completing this program, I have had the opportunity to review the New York and

Ontario Standards and curriculum, and apply them to numerous lessons and activities. This

familiarity is the foundation to effective lessons, and has given me the confidence and

confidence to create lessons and activities which meet the curriculum standards (TEAC Claim 1:

Subject Matter). When I started the program I was intimidated by the process of lesson and unit

planning but I have come a far way. I am confident that I am now capable of creating effective

outlines and plans which can be easily organized and followed. As a new teacher, this is a very

important skill as it constitutes the majority of what and how material is learned.

My courses taught me numerous skills and knowledge needed to be a teacher. Some of

these valuable skills were technology related, as I learned in the Technology course. My

instructor emphasized the importance of the process over the end result, and truly encouraged us

to learn the skills needed to apply technological resources within our teaching. Hence, I am now

confident in using SmartBoard, PowerPoint, iPad apps, and many other online resources while

teaching to create engaging lessons.

Another course which has aided in my readiness to become a teacher was the special

needs course. As every classroom includes students with accommodations and diversities, it was

important to become familiar with IEPS and resources to assist these students and their families.

It is important to be aware of these disabilities in order to be prepared and able to identify any

concerns, while also being able to incorporate these needs within lessons and teaching practices.

(TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners). Being aware is

incredible important and this course helped educate me on different disabilities, and the

resources and appropriate measures that should be taken as a teacher. I know feel more prepared

to welcome students with disabilities within my class, and create a safe and respectful learning

environment which accommodates them.

Beyond having a desire to teach, it is important to have the appropriate practical and

academic knowledge to do so. My studies at Medaille College have provided me with both. The

thorough training has given me the knowledge and confidence to be an effective and competent

teacher who is respectful, aware, creative, kind and caring (TEAC Claim 3: Caring Teacher). I

have learned and adopted countless classroom management strategies which will assist in

creating an organized and effective learning environment; one which is tolerant, accommodating,

and respectful of diversities within the classroom (TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching

Practices for Diverse Learners). I have learned numerous theories of education such as the works

of Johann Pestalozzi, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Allan Bloom, Maria Montessori, and Lev

Vygotsky which shape the way in which we perceive children and schooling, and tools which

assist in the classroom such as Blooms Taxonomy for lesson planning. I have also completed

numerous workshops and professional development training such as DASA (Dignity for all

Students Act) in New York State, which is legislation for promotes equality within the schools,
classroom, and teaching practices. (TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for

Diverse Learners). Overall, The Master program at Medaille and the process of creating this

portfolio has allowed me to reflect and refine my skills and knowledge, and present my abilities

and capabilities of being an effective, all rounded teacher. Furthermore, it allowed me to think of

my professional portfolio and what I want to present about myself for future employers.

Overall, my experiences in this program and the process of creating this portfolio have

contributed to my readiness to be a teacher. I now feel confident in my abilities to create a

classroom environment which is inclusive and a safe space for all my students. I have learned

classroom management skills, and technological skills which I hope to implement in all of my

teaching practices and lessons. I have learned how to plan, instruct and assess through

familiarizing myself with the curriculum and the standards, as well as the effective method of

creating unit plans and lesson plans, and appropriate assessments. I have learned how to

accommodate students with IEPS and disabilities, and how to teach in a culturally responsive

method. All of these aspects of teaching, paired with the correct theories and best practices

contribute to my abilities to be a competent and well prepared teacher.


This section of my portfolio presented my reflection of the portfolio process and the

experiences and skills I have obtained during my studies at Medaille College. During my studies

I have familiarized myself with the standards, curriculum, process of lesson planning, the

theories that constitute our views towards education, culturally responsive education, special

education, IEPS, technology, and classroom management techniques. The portfolio reflected my

abilities to incorporate all of these aspects into my teaching beliefs and practices. In doing so, I
reflected on what I have learned from the courses, workshops, and instructors during my studies,

and presented my abilities to be a competent educator. The following section of my portfolio

consists of my interview video, which is a reflection and presentation of my portfolio.

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