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Tenor Sax Angus Delaney

3 Parts of the

Introduction to the Tenor

The Tenor Saxophone is a member of the saxophone family
and is in the key of Bb. A man named Adolphe Sax (hence the
name) created the saxophone who combined the brass body of
the Ophiclude and the single reed of the clarinet. The
saxophone is comprised of 3 parts: the body, the gooseneck and
the mouthpiece. The gooseneck and body are made out of a
brass bled (usually 70% brass 30% zinc)

Quick Facts
Fact #1 Fact #2 Fact #3
The Tenor The Tenor The highest pitched
Saxophone (and all Saxophone is in the member of the
other saxophones) key of Bb (the same saxophone family
are part of the key as the trumpet is the Soprillo
woodwind family. and clarinet. Saxophone.

How are acoustics

Where is the sound is produced?
I a basic sense the saxophone creates sound when air
is blown through the reed (in turn vibrating the reed),
which produces sound waves. The pitch of a note is
determined by how many keys are pressed (holes are
covered) because the sound waves must travel a
further distance to make a sound. The further the
sound waves travel the lower the pitch of the note will
How else can pitch be affected?
Other than by pressing down keys, pitch can
be affected by the players embouchure on the
mouthpiece. The player by tightening and
loosening their embouchure bends the pitch
of the note. The pitch of a note is also
changed depending on the weather; if the
weather is cold (and the air is less dense)
How is volume changed? your sound is likely to be sharper and if the
air is dense (and the temperature is warmer)
The volume of the saxophone is altered depending on
your horn would be flatter.
how much air the saxophonist blows into their
instrument. If the player blows a small amount of air
into their horn with little for the decibel levels (db) or
volume will be low. If a player puts more air through
their instrument the volume will increase.
Timbre & Maintenance
The tenor saxophone can play a variety of different notes
in different styles. The lower notes on the tenor sax have
usually a soothing and calm tone to them. The tenor (like
most saxes) sounds best when played in the style of jazz.
When played by a jazz musician the tone of the saxophone is
bright, abrasive and vibrant. The saxophone also creates a
different a noise when doing a technique called growling.
This is when the saxophonist makes a throating humming
noise in the base of their throat and therefore creating an
edgy rock like noise.

Composition Careers
The tenor saxophone is written on the treble There are many possible career outcomes if
clef. The lowest note the tenor saxophone can you are committed to playing the saxophone
play is a Bb (concert Ab) and the highest note and have a sound understanding of the
the tenor saxophone is F (concert Eb.) Some instrument. Perhaps the most obvious would
be to become a saxophonist and play
tenor saxophones have a key for high F#
professionally as a solo artist or as part of a
(concert A.) An advanced saxophonist can play band. Another possible career out come would
notes know as altissimo notes. This is when to be a music teacher and pass on the
the player does alternate fingering and uses their knowledge you have attained onto students.
mouth to produce notes higher than is possible There is also the opportunity of becoming a
composer or songwriter and copyrighting your
by doing regular fingering. The tenor
pieces to then sell to bands.
saxophone works well as part of jazz ensembles,
big bands and often plays a non-traditional role
in concert bands. The saxophone blends well
with instruments. Like trumpet, trombone and a
rhythm section.

Resources used in my presentation.
1.) Personal Knowledge
2.) Expert Knowledge (Mr. Clarkson)


Aliquam commodo nisi

Fusce quis lacus
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nulla facilisi.
Vestibulum consequat. In elementum porta ipsum.
Morbi faucibus augue. Etiam aliquet placerat sapien.
Phasellus gravida urna ac turpis. Curabitur eget purus a
nunc gravida convallis. Suspendisse vestibulum.

Vivamus fringilla
Vivamus dignissim dolor placerat tellus. Sed purus.
Nam molestie, quam facilisis iaculis viverra, nulla
turpis dictum nunc, eu nonummy lacus felis eu elit.
Nunc ultricies, lorem sed rutrum congue, orci urna
porttitor mauris, sed rhoncus elit diam a massa.
Phasellus nonummy dolor sit amet mi.

Curabitur vitae erat

Nunc viverra, tellus id sagittis accumsan, justo sapien
hendrerit orci, sit amet semper eros urna a mauris.
Aenean felis ante, fringilla vitae, pretium nec, tincidunt
nec, dolor. Suspendisse id turpis. Maecenas quam
lectus, imperdiet sit amet, volutpat eu, tincidunt
rutrum, turpis.

Curabitur in dolor
Proin tempor, nunc sit amet scelerisque vulputate, urna
leo laoreet nunc, posuere ultricies ipsum ligula a odio.
Nunc convallis magna eget lacus. Curabitur
condimentum, mauris placerat sagittis ullamcorper,
purus orci rutrum mi, sit amet convallis dolor urna id
tortor. Sed a lectus. Suspendisse potenti.


Nunc urna lorem, gravida vel, sollicitudin in,

dignissim in, nunc
Etiam pharetra, elit a aliquam ultrices, nisl pede, et porttitor mi purus tristique mi.
quam viverra felis, non tincidunt eros leo non Vestibulum nec nisl sed odio semper auctor.
sapien. Pellentesque pretium nunc id nunc. Curabitur convallis elit id augue sollicitudin
Phasellus eget felis. Mauris euismod, velit nec mattis. Sed ipsum. Sed in leo non nisl
facilisis gravida, tortor justo consectetuer diam, sollicitudin faucibus. Aliquam pharetra semper
id venenatis diam orci vel leo. Suspendisse ut arcu. Proin ut ante. Integer consequat sapien
massa et lacus faucibus imperdiet. Nulla felis quis nunc convallis posuere. Vestibulum in
orci, iaculis sed, euismod ac, egestas in, odio. nunc a risus laoreet tempus. Pellentesque
Suspendisse consequat velit eu enim. Quisque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et
quis nisl. Cras ac libero varius dui porta malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
nonummy. Duis tincidunt, quam vitae cursus In consectetuer ligula ac tellus. Phasellus sit
aliquet, nisi arcu consectetuer orci, vitae amet tortor. Nunc ultricies, orci ac placerat
condimentum dui nisi quis diam. Aliquam erat iaculis, neque ligula sodales metus, vel
volutpat. Morbi sodales. Cras commodo, purus sollicitudin nibh sem ac lacus. Aenean iaculis.
et tempor mollis, orci est venenatis tortor, in Quisque vitae nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi
rutrum nibh neque sed purus. tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames
Aenean leo ante, commodo non, molestie id, ac turpis egestas. Quisque tortor ligula,
fringilla sit amet, dui. Ut a mi. Nulla nisi nisi, elementum sed, facilisis ut, auctor vitae, erat.
blandit non, sollicitudin non, faucibus sed, ante. Cras in justo nec ipsum vulputate faucibus.
Nullam vitae libero. Nulla posuere, augue a Integer consequat augue ut dolor. Fusce
gravida molestie, leo tellus euismod lorem, ut congue.
suscipit nisl tortor interdum arcu. Duis leo Nam ut enim nec velit tincidunt posuere.
nunc, congue in, aliquet ac, pretium sagittis, Vivamus dui. Vestibulum sagittis rutrum justo.
elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis Donec vel velit elementum diam consectetuer
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. lobortis. Nunc hendrerit, leo in sodales ornare,
Phasellus in sem. Curabitur auctor fermentum nisi dolor ullamcorper felis, vel sollicitudin
elit. Fusce et dolor. Cras pretium nonummy enim ipsum sed nulla. Donec sit amet urna non
justo. Vivamus pretium, massa et consequat augue pellentesque fermentum. Cras varius
consectetuer, massa nisi ullamcorper lectus, et risus auctor tellus. Vivamus venenatis tincidunt
luctus magna sem in velit. Cras egestas. Integer ligula. Praesent a turpis. Duis tempus, lorem
neque. Fusce sapien turpis, vulputate a, eget imperdiet condimentum, magna mauris
fermentum a, porta in, massa. Cras at quam. ornare turpis, vitae dapibus pede sem lacinia
Donec hendrerit volutpat leo. Praesent lobortis. sapien. Nulla ut eros eu nisi suscipit sodales.
Morbi tincidunt mollis dolor. Nulla malesuada, Suspendisse lobortis. Vestibulum accumsan
tortor ut auctor pulvinar, ligula felis ultricies ante id erat.


Suspendisse potenti!
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; In vestibulum accumsan quam. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae
ipsum vehicula neque vehicula mattis. Pellentesque bibendum
scelerisque ligula. Nulla ut nisl at nulla condimentum facilisis.
Etiam commodo nulla non turpis. Sed a justo. Aenean gravida.

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