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Mineral Attachment and Bubble Bursting in Flotation Froths

N Barbian1, E Ventura-Medina1 and J J Cilliers1

ABSTRACT The mechanisms of attachment, entrainment, drainage and

bursting have a characteristic influence on the structural features
Mineral froth flotation is used to separate particles of valuable mineral
from its associated gangue. It involves the selective separation of the and dynamics of a flotation froth. As a result, several qualitative
hydrophobic particles from the slurry into the froth. As air is blown into studies have focused on the analysis of the froth phase and
the slurry, the hydrophobic particles attach to the air bubbles, while the showed that the froth structure could be used as a useful indicator
waste particles remain in suspension. While the froth rises up, bubbles of the performance of the flotation system (Feng and Aldrich,
start to coalesce and burst, allowing the entrained liquid surrounding the 1999; Banford et al, 1998). However, these studies indicated that
bubbles to drain and return part of the gangue to the pulp. there is no unique way to characterise froth structure, but
Mineral separation is therefore a function of the amount of valuable different parameters can be taken into account for a more
material loaded on the bubble shells, as well as the amount of gangue complete description of froth behaviour.
material entrained in the liquid channels separating the bubbles (Plateau Ventura-Medina and Cilliers (2002) showed through their
borders). As a result, the separation performance of the process is
model the necessity to understand the relationship between froth
affected by mineral attachment and drainage or bursting in the froth. This
study aims to establish the relationship between solids loading, froth structure and flotation performance with respect to froth stability.
stability and separation performance. For this purpose, a series of Ventura-Medina et al (2003) consequently measured how
industrial experiments were carried out to measure mineral attachment as changes in the fraction of air entering the cell that overflows the
well as bubble bursting by combining direct sampling of the bubble films weir or air recovery could be related to variations in the
and video image analysis of the froth surface. performance of a copper flotation process. This confirmed the
This work suggests that the solids loading on bubbles strongly affects importance of froth stability on flotation performance and
the separation performance. The results generally showed that solids established the need for the direct measurement and monitoring
loading and concentrate grade are closely related, while froth bursting of froth stability.
rate can be linked to the drainage of gangue from the Plateau borders and Several studies have also identified the need for measuring the
also to the overall recovery of valuable mineral. It was shown in
particular that higher loadings, usually associated with higher froth
amount of valuable mineral attached to the bubble shells. Since
bursting rates, are indicative of more selectivity in attachment and mineral recovery is achieved by attachment of solids onto rising
therefore a higher mineral grade in the concentrate. Additionally, this air bubbles, the separation performance of the process can then
work suggests that bubble solids loading and froth stability are essential be linked to the bubble solids loading. A number of authors have
parameters to include in froth flotation models as they allow control and focused on this measurement in order to understand better the
optimisation of the flotation performance. mechanisms of attachment and detachment in the pulp
(Bradshaw and OConnor, 1996) or in the froth (Ross, 1997).
INTRODUCTION More recently, Sadr-kazemi and Cilliers (2000) developed an
experimental technique to measure the bubble shell thickness and
In the flotation process, separation is achieved by selective concentration in coal flotation. Using this technique,
capture of mineral particles by the bubbles in the pulp. As air is Ventura-Medina et al (2004) successfully measured the solids
blown into the slurry, the hydrophobic particles attach to the loading and mineral content on the bubble shells in two different
rising air bubbles, while the waste particles remain in suspension. copper concentrators. Their results showed in particular that the
As the bubbles enter the froth, the drainage of a large proportion bubble loading decreased significantly with an increase in air
of water and entrained particles (both gangue and valuable) takes flowrate, whereas the mineral content on the lamellae remained
place from the slurry layers surrounding the bubbles. As the constant for all operating conditions, and was postulated to the
bubbles move higher into the froth, the froth is characterised by maximum grade that can be obtained from the ore under the
an increased air hold-up. The bubbles still have a relatively particular mineral liberation, ie if there was no gangue
spherical shape, and rise in a plug flow fashion. The layers of entrainment.
slurry surrounding the bubbles are still thick, and drainage of Although air recovery and bubble loading have been identified
waste particles from the froth continues freely. Drainage of liquid as new indicators of froth behaviour, no real attempts have yet
from the froth produces major upgrading, as unselectively been made to understand the roles played by both parameters on
entrained particles are allowed to drain back into the pulp. the separation mechanisms operating in the froth, and to further
Further from the pulp-froth interface, the bubble structure combine them as an indication of flotation performance.
changes from spherical to polyhedral bubble shape. The bubbles
For this purpose, a series of industrial experiments were
are then separated by thin liquid films, or lamellae. Drainage
carried out to measure mineral attachment as well as bubble
occurs into the Plateau borders, the channels formed where three
bursting by combining direct sampling of the bubble films and
lamellae meet. The mobility of the froth also decreases because
video image analysis of the froth surface. This paper presents the
of the increased rigidity due to the high ratio of attached particles
experimental results, and attempts to relate them to the
to water. If further drainage occurs, the lamellae will reach their
performance of the flotation process.
critical thickness, causing the bubbles to coalesce or burst on the
surface (Weaire and Hutzler, 1999). This results in the bubbles
releasing their valuable material into the Plateau borders, from THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
where it may drain back into the pulp through the network of
Plateau borders or reattach to bubbles below (Finch and Dobby, Mineral attachment
The solids content in bubble lamellae can be measured by using
the method proposed by Sadr-kazemi and Cilliers (2000) and
1. Froth and Foam Research Group, Chemical Engineering, The Ventura-Medina et al (2004). A clean microscope glass slide is
University of Manchester, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, used to touch the curved surface of a single bubble, so bursting
United Kingdom. the bubble and transferring the lamella contents onto the slide.

Centenary of Flotation Symposium Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 321


The sample is allowed to dry and is subsequently weighed to attached on the bubble lamellae while the water separating the
determine the amount of solids attached in the lamellae. The bubbles transports non-selectively entrained valuable and gangue
images of the glass slides are also video recorded. The area material. By deriving mass flowrate equations, they showed that
covered by the bubble-print is determined by using image the flow of valuable material to the concentrate is related to the
processing. Hence, the bubble solids loading can be calculated: overflow of bubble surface, weighted by a linear contribution
from the lamellae (loading of valuable material) and a non-linear
m contribution from the Plateau borders (non-selective entrainment
= (1) of valuable material). The equation for the mass flowrate of
valuable minerals can be written as:
v = b M la + pb
s M
m is the amount of solids on the slide
A is the surface area of the bubble-print where:
Under steady-state conditions it is possible by multiple subscripts v and s refer to valuable and total solids
sampling to collect enough material to determine also the respectively
average grade of the material attached in the bubble lamellae.
Samples can be washed in a container full of clean water such superscripts la and pb refer to lamellae and the Plateau
that enough material for assays is collected. Since this sample borders respectively
only contains attached material (hydrophobic particles), this Mla and Mpb correspond to the grade of valuable mineral M in
gives an indication of the maximum grade that could be achieved the lamellae and the Plateau borders respectively
by flotation under the given operating conditions.
spb is the mass flowrate of solids in the Plateau borders
Bubble bursting b is the flowrate of bubble surface area
The fraction of bubbles bursting in a froth was first introduced by is bubble solids loading as previously defined
Woodburn et al (1994), who developed a semi-empirical model M corresponds to the amount of valuable mineral loaded per
combining froth surface features with froth dynamics. The unit area of lamellae
model, based on image analysis of the froth surface, introduced
different parameters to account for froth structure, in particular
the froth bubble surface area flux, which is a function of the INDUSTRIAL EXPERIMENTS
fraction of air overflowing the cell, or its complement, the Industrial experiments were carried out in order to measure the
fraction of air leaving the froth through bubble bursting. bubble solids loading and bubble bursting fraction and relate
Banford et al (1998) used a similar model to relate froth them to the flotation performance of the cell. The flotation
structure to reagent addition and cell performance. The performance was quantified by grade and flowrate of valuable
measurements are performed by filming a batch flotation mineral (copper). The study was confined to the first cell of the
experiment and using image processing to determine the average rougher bank in the flotation circuit. The operational variables
diameter db, specific surface area Sb and velocity vf of the considered were air flowrate, froth depth and frother addition.
bubbles on top of the froth. From these measurements, the
flowrate of bubble surface area b overflowing the weir can be Experimental system
quantified as well as the volumetric flowrate of air leaving the
top surface of the froth Qout (Equation 2). Industrial-scale experiments were carried out in the rougher cells
of two copper flotation circuits, Pyhsalmi Mine, Finland, and
Northparkes Mine, NSW Australia.
b = Qout S b = v f hw w S b (2)
In Pyhsalmi, the ore contains copper as chalcopyrite
A stability parameter can be defined (Equation 3), (CuFeS2). The cell is a circular Outokumpu tank with a diameter
representing the fraction of air introduced in the pulp that of 1.2 m. A feed flowrate of 0.3 m3/min was used in all
overflows the cell as unbroken bubbles, or air recovery: experiments, with a solid content of about 40 per cent by mass, a
nominal particle size of 40 per cent passing 38 m, and a feed
copper content of about 0.8 per cent by mass. All measurements
Qout v f hw w
= = (3) were done under steady state.
In Northparkes, all measurements were done in the first cell of
the rougher bank. The ore processed in Northparkes also contains
where: copper (mainly as bornite Cu5FeS4, and chalcopyrite, CuFeS2).
is the fraction of air in the overflowing froth and is often The rectangular rougher cells are 2.66 m wide by 3.34 m long. A
considered as unity feed flowrate of about 750 m3/hr was used in all experiments,
with a solid content of about 40 per cent by mass, a nominal
hw is the height of froth overflowing at the weir particle size of 65 per cent passing 75 m, and a copper content
w is the weir lip length. of about 0.7 per cent by mass.
hw can be measured and varies with operational conditions Samples of feed, concentrate and tails were taken, and after
whereas w depends upon the design of the cell. The higher , the filtering and drying, solids content, copper, and sulfur content
lower the loss of air by bubble breakage and the higher the froth were determined for each sample.
stability. Note that the complement to is the fraction of bubbles The solids content in bubble lamellae was measured by using
bursting on the top surface of the froth (1 - ). the method previously described. Three separate measurements
Ventura-Medina and Cilliers (2002) used dynamic image were done for each set of experimental conditions, as described
analysis and froth surface sampling to develop a flotation by Ventura-Medina et al (2004). Single-slide touching sampling
performance model based on mass fluxes. The model relies on a was carried out to collect enough material (80 samples) for the
froth structure in which the valuable material is selectively grade of the material in the bubble lamellae to be determined.

322 Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 Centenary of Flotation Symposium


A digital video camera and a high intensity light were set up

near the lip of the cell and above the froth surface. Under steady 0.016
state conditions and in each experiment the top surface of the froth
was video recorded for off-line image processing. Images were 0.014
grabbed and analysed to estimate bubble size distribution, average 0.012
bubble size and froth velocity of the overflowing froth. The image 1.3 cm/s

(g/cm 2)
processing was performed using the machine vision system
Smartfroth (Sweet et al, 2000; De Jager et al, 2003). These 1.9 cm/s
parameters were obtained by processing the digital videos over a 2.5 cm/s
period of 20 minutes from which average values were produced. 0.006
The operational variables manipulated during the study were 0.004
air flowrate (Q), froth depth (h) and frother concentration. Each
variable was studied when possible at low, standard and high 0.002
values and will be referred to as such. Tables 1 and 2 show the
actual values of the superficial gas velocity, froth depth and
frother concentration considered for each mine. 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Values for the operational variables in Pyhsalmi.
FIG 1 - Bubble solids loading as a function of the fraction of
Condition Variable bubbles bursting and superficial gas velocities in Pyhsalmi.
Superficial gas Froth depth Frother addition
velocity (cm/s) (mm) (ml/min)
Low 1.3 100 Nil
Standard 1.5 200 1.5 0.016
High 1.9 300 3 0.014
1.0 cm/s
(g/cm2 )

TABLE 2 0.010
Values for the operational variables in Northparkes. 1.1 cm/s
1.2 cm/s
Condition Variable 0.006
Superficial gas Froth depth Frother addition
velocity (cm/s) (mm) (ml/min) 0.004
Low 1.0 110 65 0.002
Standard 1.1 155 75 0.000
High 1.2 200 95 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85%
Experiments were performed in which the condition of a single
variable was fixed and variations in the other two were done in
order to complete all the possible combination of conditions. FIG 2 - Bubble solids loading as a function of the fraction of
bubbles bursting and superficial gas velocities in Northparkes.
Results: mineral attachment and bubble bursting
fraction Another contribution to the increase in loading is the
coalescence in the froth that causes with bursting a decrease in
The fraction of bubbles bursting is directly estimated from image
processing results of average bubble size and froth velocity. The the flow of bubble surface area over the weir. The total surface
average bubble solids loading for Pyhsalmi and Northparkes are area available for the mass of particles present in the froth is
presented respectively in Figures 1 and 2 as a function of the therefore lower, and the average loading on bubbles increases.
bubble bursting fraction for the different superficial gas This is illustrated for Pyhsalmi in Figure 3 and Northparkes in
velocities studied. Figure 4, where the bubble loading is shown as a function of the
flow of bubble surface area and for three different ranges of
It is clear from Figures 1 and 2 that the bubble loading
bubble bursting fractions.
increases with froth bursting for each air flowrate investigated.
As first suggested by Finch and Dobby (1990) and observed by Equations 2 and 3 suggest that low flowrates of bubble surface
Ross (1997), the rupture of lamellae loaded with solids on the are obtained at low air flowrate and high bursting fraction (low
surface results in a release of valuable material into the Plateau ). As first measured by Ventura-Medina et al (2004), low air
borders where particles can reattach to lower bubbles in the froth flowrates are associated with higher mineral loadings. Both the
or form multiple layers inside the bubbles. Note that over the set effects of particle reattachment after bursting and high mineral
of conditions studied, the fraction of bubbles bursting in attachment at low air rate are combined for low flowrates of
Pyhsalmi is generally higher that in Northparkes, and therefore bubble surface area, and therefore result in significantly higher
results in significantly higher bubble loadings. loading on the bubbles, as clearly shown in Figure 3.
Even though bubble loading and bursting fraction are The data obtained in Northparkes is more scattered than for
positively correlated, Figures 1 and 2 indicate that a given bubble Pyhsalmi, however the same general trends can be observed. An
loading can be associated with different bursting fractions, increase in froth bursting associated with a drop in flowrate of
suggesting that both parameters play different roles on the bubble surface causes the bubbles to become more heavily
performance of the flotation cell. loaded with mineral.

Centenary of Flotation Symposium Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 323


0.016 100%
0.010 94-100%
(g/cm 2)


Cu /Cu la
87-94% 2
0.008 = 0.004 g/cm
80-87% 70%
0.000 50%
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016

(m 2/s) (g/cm 2)

FIG 3 - Bubble solids loading as a function of the flow of bubble FIG 5 - Concentrate grade ratio as a function of the bubble solids
surface and for different bursting fractions in Pyhsalmi. loading for Pyhsalmi.

0.016 100%
0.014 90%
(g/cm 2)

0.010 60%
Cu/Cu la

0.008 50% = 0.005 g/cm 2
60-70% 40%
0.004 20%
0.002 10%
0.000 0%
0 2 4 6 8 10 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
(m /s) (g/cm )

FIG 4 - Bubble solids loading as a function of the flow of bubble FIG 6 - Concentrate grade ratio as a function of the bubble solids
surface and for different bursting fractions in Northparkes. loading for Northparkes.

concentrate. Furthermore, bubble loadings above 0.004 g/cm2 are

likely to result in a decrease in mineral recovery due to the high
Results: flotation performance
bursting fraction and low flow of bubble surface observed under
Flotation performance is described by the concentrate grade those conditions. These aspects will be investigated in greater
ratio, ie the ratio of concentrate grade to lamellae grade (Cu/Cula) detail later in the discussion.
and the recovery of valuable material. The recoveries were The concentrate grade ratios found in Northparkes show a
calculated from the mass balances across the cell and the assays wider range than in Pyhsalmi. Figure 6 confirms that the
of copper. The lamellae grade was postulated by Ventura-Medina concentrate grade is closely related to the bubble solids loading.
et al (2004) to the maximum grade that can be obtained from the However, the concentrate grades vary between ten per cent and
ore under the particular mineral liberation, ie if there was no 95 per cent of the lamellae grade suggesting that the levels of
gangue entrainment. As a result, the ratio Cu/Cula describes how entrainment are significantly higher in Northparkes. Most of the
close the concentrate grade is from the maximum grade that measurements are indeed situated at less than 80 per cent of the
could be achieved, and can therefore be related to the degree of lamellae grade, contrary to Pyhsalmi, where almost all
gangue entrainment in the froth. concentrate grades were reaching more than 80 per cent of the
maximum grade. Nevertheless, Figure 6 still suggests that for
Concentrate grade bubble loadings above approximately 0.005 g/cm2 no further
The concentrate grade ratio is plotted as a function of bubble upgrading is obtained in the froth.
solids loading for Pyhsalmi and Northparkes respectively in Ventura-Medina and Cilliers (2002) suggested that when film
Figures 5 and 6. Figure 5 illustrates clearly how the concentrate rupture occurs, solid particles in the lamellae enter the Plateau
grade first increases with bubble loading until it reaches a plateau borders. Their results confirmed that as the froth bursting
where the grade achieved is limited by the value of the lamella fraction increases, so does the concentration of valuable mineral
grade. As a result, even though bubble loadings range from 0.002 in the Plateau borders. Figures 1 and 2 indicated that bubble
to 0.014 g/cm2 in Pyhsalmi, an increase in bubble loading above loading and bursting rate are positively correlated. The increase
0.004 g/cm2 does not result in further upgrading of the in the concentrate grade can therefore be attributed to both an

324 Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 Centenary of Flotation Symposium


increase in the amount of valuable attached to the bubbles and an

increase in the concentration of valuable in the plateau borders.
100% 2
Ross (1997) first suggested in his experiments that the bubbles > 4 mg/cm
might reach a point where their surfaces are fully covered, and 95%
no further reattachment is possible therefore transferring the
totality of the attached particles into the Plateau borders and 90% 7-14 mg/cm2
significantly improving its grade.

Cu/Cu la
It is worth noting that a monolayer of closely packed spherical < 4 mg/cm 4-7 mg/cm2
chalcopyrite particles of diameter 20 m, will occupy 90 per cent 0-4 mg/cm2
of the bubble surface area, and will result in a loading of 80%
0.005 g/cm2. This suggests that particles in Pyhsalmi and
Northparkes might attach to the lamellae until a monolayer of 75%
closely packed particles is formed. At this point, significant
amounts of valuable material start to be released in the Plateau 70%
borders, therefore rapidly saturating the Plateau borders and
reaching the maximum grade that can be achieved under the 72% 76% 80% 84% 88%
particular mineral liberation. Cu recovery

Grade-recovery maps
FIG 7 - Grade-recovery map for different bubble loadings in
The Grade-Recovery maps for Pyhsalmi are shown in Figure 7
for three ranges of bubble solids loading, and in Figure 8 for
three ranges of bubble bursting fraction. As suggested in Figure
5, an approximate boundary corresponding to a bubble loading of
4 mg/cm2 has been added for easier interpretation on Figures 7
and 8. The plots clearly summarise the information given by the 100%
bubble solids loading and the bubble bursting fraction. Both plots > 4 mg/cm2
display the characteristics of a typical grade-recovery curve, 95%
where mineral recovery is made at the expense of grade.
90% 80-87%
% Cu/ % Cu la

Low mineral attachment on the bubbles corresponds to

significantly lower grades in the concentrate. However, the low 87-94%
bursting rates observed in those conditions result in a higher flow 85% < 4 mg/cm2
of bubble surface over the weir (Figure 3), and therefore higher 94-100%
overall recoveries of valuable mineral. 80%
On the other hand, an increase in mineral attachment
associated with a higher bursting fraction results in a grade 75%
improvement. It is also worth noticing that for loadings above
4 mg/cm2, the grade improvement becomes less significant, 70%
while the high froth bursting fractions that can be associated with 72% 76% 80% 84% 88%
these conditions (Figure 1) cause the recovery to significantly
decrease. The operating conditions should be such that the Cu recovery
bubble loading is situated just above 4 mg/cm2 (between 4 and
7 mg/cm2) and the froth bursting rate remains below 94 per cent.
Similarly, the grade-recovery curves for Northparkes are FIG 8 - Grade-recovery map for different bursting fractions in
shown in Figure 9 for three ranges of bubble solids loading, and Pyhsalmi.
in Figure 10 for three ranges of bubble bursting fraction. As
suggested in Figure 6, an approximate border corresponding to a
bubble loading of 5 mg/cm2 has been added for easier
interpretation on Figures 9 and 10. The range of grades and
recoveries observed for Northparkes are significantly wider than 100%
for Pyhsalmi. Nevertheless, the influence of both the bubble > 5 mg/cm2
loading and bursting fractions on the overall flotation 80%
performance confirms the observations previously made on
4.5-6 mg/cm2
Figures 7 and 8 for a completely different orebody.
Cu /Cu la

Higher loadings are indicative of more selectivity in 3.5-4.5 mg/cm2

attachment and therefore a higher copper grade in the < 5 mg/cm2 2-3.5 mg/cm2
concentrate. However, only bubble loadings reaching 40%
approximately 5 mg/cm2 in Northparkes produce a concentrate
whose grade reaches 90 per cent of the lamellae grade, contrary 20%
to Pyhsalmi where almost all conditions allowed the concentrate
grade to attain 90 per cent of its maximum value. In addition, if 0%
high bubble loadings are mostly associated with high bursting 0% 20% 40% 60%
rates and low recoveries, it is possible here to reach high mineral
attachment while operating at a bursting fraction of less than 75 Cu recovery
per cent (Figure 4). As a result, the small loss of flow of bubble
surface due to bursting is compensated by a high mineral
attachment on the bubbles (Figure 6), therefore maintaining the FIG 9 - Grade-recovery map for different bubble loadings in
copper recovery above 40 per cent. Northparkes.

Centenary of Flotation Symposium Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 325


of the gangue to the pulp. In addition, the rupture of the lamellae

promotes detachment of valuable mineral into the Plateau
> 5 mg/cm 2 borders, therefore increasing the overall concentrate grade.
Experiments in Pyhsalmi showed that most operating conditions
80% allowed high froth bursting fractions and therefore drainage of
65-70% most of the gangue, resulting in overall concentrate grades close
to the value of the lamellae grade. On the other hand, the lower
Cu /Cu la

70-75% bursting rates in Northparkes significantly lowered the grade of

< 5 mg/cm 2
75-80% the final concentrate.
40% Finally, since a given bursting rate can be associated with
different bubble loadings, and therefore a given mineral recovery
20% can be associated with different concentrate grades, it was shown
that both measurements are needed to give a full indication of the
flotation performance.
0% The bubble solids loading and froth bursting fraction therefore
0% 20% 40% 60% play a key role in the description of the separation mechanisms
Cu recovery
operating in the froth. This work suggests that bubble solids
loading and froth bursting are essential parameters to include
into froth flotation models as they allow control of the
contribution from the bubble lamellae towards overall mineral
FIG 10 - Grade-recovery map for different bursting fractions in recovery and therefore optimisation of the flotation performance.

On the other hand, low bursting fractions (less than 70 per
cent) result in high mineral recoveries without allowing enough Banford, A W, Aktas, Z and Woodburn, E T, 1998. Interpretation of the
upgrading in the froth. The bubble loadings associated with these effect of froth structure on the performance of froth flotation using
image analysis, Powder Technology, 98:61-73.
conditions remain low while the entrainment of gangue remains
too high to promote an efficient separation of the valuable Bradshaw, D J and OConnor, C T, 1996. Measurement of the
sub-process of bubble loading in flotation, Minerals Engineering,
mineral. 9(4):443-448.
De Jager, G, Hatfield, D P, Bradshaw, D J, Francis, J J and Rapacz, B M,
CONCLUSIONS 2003. The extraction of valuable minerals from mined ore,
Smartfroth Adams and Adams Patent Attorneys Pretoria A&A,
The experimental tests carried out on two different orebodies REF: v15597 (1-11) Provisional patent.
confirmed the importance of the bubble solids loading and the Feng, D and Aldrich, C, 1999. Effect of particle size on flotation
froth bursting fraction on the separation mechanisms operating in performance of complex sulphide ores, Minerals Engineering,
the froth. These two parameters were identified as key indicators 12(7):721-731.
of the flotation performance. As a whole, the study actually Finch, J A and Dobby, G S, 1990. Column Flotation (Pergamon Press).
confirms what has been commonly believed within generations Ross, V E, 1997. Particle-bubble attachment in flotation froths, Minerals
of flotation metallurgists, ie that the froth becomes more Engineering, 10(7):695-706.
selective when it is under stress (froth bursting) and that particles Sadr-kazemi, N and Cilliers, J J, 2000. A technique for measuring
have to compete for the limited number of available sites on the flotation bubble shell thickness and concentration, Minerals
surface of bubbles (upgrading with bubble loading). Engineering, 13(7):773-776.
In particular, the study established that bubble solids loading Sweet, C G, Bradshaw, D J, Cilliers, J J L, Wright, B A, De Jager, G and
and froth bursting fraction are positively correlated. When film Francis, J J, 2000. The extraction of valuable minerals from mined
ore. Smartfroth Adams and Adams Patent Attorneys Pretoria A&A,
rupture occurs, solid particles in the lamellae enter the Plateau
REF: v13676 (1-11).
borders where particles can reattach to lower bubbles in the froth
Ventura-Medina, E, Barbian, N and Cilliers, J J, 2003. Froth stability and
or form multiple layers inside the bubbles. flotation performance, in Proceedings IMPC 2003, Cape Town,
Consequently, the bubble loading was found to be closely South Africa.
related to the mineral grade in the concentrate. Higher loadings Ventura-Medina, E, Barbian, N and Cilliers, J J, 2004. Solids loading and
result in more selectivity in attachment and therefore a higher grade on mineral froth bubble lamellae, International Journal of
copper grade in the concentrate. However, the increase in the Mineral Processing, 74:189-200.
quality of the concentrate remains limited by the grade on the Ventura-Medina, E and Cilliers, J J, 2002. A model to describe flotation
bubble lamellae. No significant grade improvements were performance based on physics of foams and froth image analysis,
measured at either Pyhsalmi for loadings above 4 mg/cm2 or International Journal of Mineral Processing, 67:79-99.
Northparkes for loadings above 5 mg/cm2 at which values the Weaire, D and Hutzler, S, 1999. Physics of Foam (Clarendon Press:
mineral content in the concentrate had reached over 95 per cent Oxford).
of the lamellae grade. These values were found to be close to the Woodburn, E T, Austin, L G and Stockton, J B, 1994. A froth based
loading given by a monolayer of closely packed chalcopyrite flotation kinetic model, Chemical Engineering Research and Design,
particles. This suggested that the bubbles might reach a point 72(A2):211226.
where their surfaces are fully covered, therefore transferring
further valuable material into the Plateau borders and rapidly NOMENCLATURE
reaching a concentrate grade close to the mineral content on the
lamellae. Latin letters
The fraction of bubbles bursting in the froth was found to be
linked to mineral recovery. High bursting fractions usually result A Bubble surface sampled with microscope slide (m2)
in a lower flow of bubble surface and therefore a lower mineral h Froth depth in industrial flotation cells (m)
recovery. However, froths displaying high bursting fractions
allow the liquid surrounding the bubbles to drain and return part hw Height of froth overflowing at the weir (m)

326 Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 Centenary of Flotation Symposium


m Mass of particles loaded recovered on microscope slide (g) Greek letters

M la
Grade of valuable mineral M in the lamellae Fraction of air overflowing the weir or air recovery
M pb
Grade of valuable mineral M in the Plateau borders v Mass flowrate of valuable mineral (g/s)
Q Air flowrate introduced in the cell (m3/s) spb Mass flowrate of solids in the Plateau borders (g/s)
Qout Air flowrate overflowing the weir (m3/s) Bubble solids loading (g/m2)
Sb Froth specific surface area (m-1) b Flowrate of bubble surface area (m2/s)
vf Froth overflowing velocity (m/s) Fraction of air in the overflowing froth
W Weir width (m)

Centenary of Flotation Symposium Brisbane, QLD, 6 - 9 June 2005 327

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