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Teacher: Ms.

SIOP Lesson: Converting Foreign Currency
Subject: Mathematics
Unit: Ratios
Grade Level: 6th
Content Standards: CCSS Math.6.RP.A.3
Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world problems
Mathematics: Convert foreign currency by the reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios,
tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.
ELD Standard: Building academic vocabulary

Key Vocabulary: Supplementary Materials:

Content Vocabulary: Multiply, divide, Conversion Chart
convert, ratio, fractions, Indian Rupee, US Multiplication Charts
Dollars Calculators
White boards/ Dry erase markers
Academic Vocabulary: Currency exchange, Print outs of Money (Indian Rupee, US
foreign exchange, exchange rate Dollars)
Bulletin Board with Currency Rate
What do you know about money? Why do
Converting Foreign Exchange
we need money? Can you name different
types of money? Think about other countries.
Why do you think it is important for us to
learn how to convert US dollars to foreign

Connections to Students Background Experiences and Past Learning: SW orally share

information about what they know about money and linking it to their culture.
Links to students background experience: SW orally share information about what they
know about money
Links to prior Learning: Students are familiar with multiplication and long division.
Students should be familiar with ratios and proportional relationships.
Content Objective: Meaningful Activities Review/ Assessment:
1. Students will be Lesson Sequence: Observe students as
able to use ratios to Post and explain the they share with
convert foreign objectives. partners.
currency. TW ask students to Ask students to
Student Friendly CO: I peer share what they volunteer what they
will be able to convert know about money shared with their
Indian Rupees to US and what they know partner to the class.
Dollars and vice versa. about foreign money.
Introduce/Review the Teacher will make
Language Objective Indian Rupee Double Bubble Map
Realia (Echevarria & with students to
Graves pg. 389 )Pass
1. Students will be out Indian Rupees and compare/ contrast and
able to orally justify US Dollars for promote discussion.
choosing between students to examine/
1100 or $15 US compare
Dollars Make Bulletin Board
with students
displaying the Use Pictures
currency exchange for (Echevarria & Graves,
Indian Rupees to US pg. 309)
TW model (Echevarria
& Graves pg. 389) two Make Bulletin Board
equations converting (Echevarria & Graves
US Dollars to Indian pg. 391) with each step
Rupees and vice versa
Guided Practice
Students will solve
two converting
problems ( One US
Dollars to Rupees and
One Rupees to US
Dollars) with teacher
Students will Check for
independently solve understanding- Have
one converting students show their
problem on white work/ answer on white
board and show board.
Students will work
independently on Collect Foreign
Converting Foreign Currency Handout
Currency Handout
Students will work on Monitor student
Exit Slip/ Discuss with discussions
partner/ Compare with
Partner (Echevarria &
Graves, pg. 393) Collect Exit Slips at
Modifications (Echevarria & the door
Graves, pg 476)
TW pull struggling
learners in small group
or work 1:1
Modify the exchange
rate to whole numbers
Use table to show
patterns in order to
Use manipulatives,
multiplication chart,
Change the length of
Orally discuss with
Provide extra time
Closing: Given the choice between 1100 or $15.00 US Dollars students will discuss in
partners which would they choose and write down their justification on their exit slip.
Echevarria, J. & Graves, A. (2015). Sheltered instruction in the content areas. Boston, Ma
Echevarria, J. & Graves, A. (2015). Learning strategies. Boston, Ma
Lahiri, J. (1999 ) . Interpreter of maladies: Stories
Converting Foreign Currency Worksheet

()1 Indian Rupee equals = $0.015 US Dollar

$1.00 US Dollar = () 66.70 Indian Rupee
Rupee Symbol :
US Dollar Symbol: $

Convert US Dollars ($) to Indian Rupees()

1. $100 to Rupees

2. $40 to Rupees

3. $300 to Rupees

4. $ 500 to Rupees

5. $10000 to Rupees

Convert Indian Rupees () to US Dollars ($). Show your work.

6. 50 Indian Rupees to US Dollars

7. 100 Indian Rupees to US Dollars

8. 545 Indian Rupees to US Dollars

9. 1000 Indian Rupees to US Dollars

10. 25000 Indian Rupees to US Dollars


Would you rather have 1100 or $ 15.00?

Discuss with your partner.
Write one sentence justifying your answer.
*Tip- Convert 1100 to US Dollars*

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