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The elderly population in India is continuously increasing and also the problems faced by these
people are increasing simultaneously. The number of people in old age homes is constantly
increasing and also most of the parents are now deciding to live in old age homes rather than
living with their children. Nowadays these people are facing the problems like lack of care,
emotional support and economic support from the family etc. Our culture recognizes the status of
the parents as that of God. A moral duty is put on the children to take care of their parents. But
nowadays what we are observing in our society is that the children are not willing to take care of
are forgetting that their parents, they do not want to spend money on them, they are treating their
parents as aliens, they do not want to share an emotional bond with parents. These children
foundation of their life is built up by the parents. They are forgetting their moral and ethical
duties towards their parents. This is because of fast life, industrialization, money oriented minds,
inflation etc. Children have no time to look after their parents because of their busy schedule and
as a consequence of this situation the elders are getting neglected. At this age almost all the
people need some kind of support.
Some laws are enacted to solve this problem. According to the mentality of people here, they do
not bother to follow moral duties but they have to follow legal duties because of fear of
punishment. The maintenance of parents is included in section 125 of CrPC, The Hindu
Adoption and Maintenance Act 1956. But the procedures under these laws are time consuming
and expensive. Under these acts parents can claim maintenance from their children. National Old
Age Pension Scheme (NOAP) was introduced by the Indian government to provide Rupees 200
per month to the old and destitute people. But money cant take place of emotional support, care
etc. In 2007, The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and senior Citizen Act (Senior Citizen
Act) is enacted to provide some speedy and inexpensive remedy to get maintenance. The bill
provides for
a) Appropriate mechanism to be set-up to provide need-based maintenance to the parents and
senior citizens
b) Providing better medical facilities to them
c) For institutionalization of a suitable, mechanism for protection of life and property of older
d) Setting-up of old age homes in every district
Family life is very necessary for senior citizens and for parents to lead a life of security, care and
dignity. So the act will really help senior citizens, and they will be able to live a normal life. This
will be a great relief to the parents and senior citizens. This act is also made applicable to senior
citizens who are childless. The High Court of Delhi in one case appreciated the efforts of
Parliament in enacting the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
So if you are a senior citizen and want to live with family go ahead. Also there is need of
creating awareness among the people regarding this act and the rights which are given to senior
citizens under this act.

National & International scenario:

National scenario:
In India, around 2/3rd of the population is below or close to 30, so talking about old age
problems sounds awkward.

Consider this, out of every 10 elderly couples in India; more than 6 are forced by their children
to leave their homes. With no place to go and all hopes lost, the elderly have to resort to old age
homes, which do not guarantee first class treatment. In India, unlike USA, parents do not leave
their children on their own after they turn 18, but children find it hard to accept the fact that there
are times when parents want to feel the love that they once shared with them. There are times
when parents just want to relax and want their children to reciprocate their care. Every
parent wants to see their child grow and be successful but no parent wants their child to treat
them like an unnecessary load on their responsibilities.

Every other day, we see news of parents being beaten up by their children, parents and in-laws
being forced to do the household chores, being made to live in small dungeon-like rooms, their
property being forcefully taken over by over ambitious children.

There are 81million older people in India-11 lakh in Delhi itself. According to an estimate,
nearly 40% of senior citizens living with their families are reportedly facing abuse of one kind or
another, but only 1 in 6 cases actually comes to light. Although the President has given her
assent to the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act which punishes
children who abandon parents with a prison term of three months or a fine, situation is grim for
elderly people in India.

According to NGOs incidences of elderly couples being forced to sell their houses are very high.
Some elderly people have also complained that in case of a property dispute they feel more
helpless when their wives side with their children. Many of them suffer in silence as they fear
humiliation or are too scared to speak up. According to them a phenomenon called grand
dumping is becoming common in urban areas these days as children are being increasingly
intolerant of their parents health problems.

After a certain age health problems begin to crop up leading to losing control over ones body,
even not recognizing own family owing to Alzheimer are common in old age. It is then children
began to see their parents as burden. It is these parents who at times wander out of their homes or
are thrown out. Some dump their old parents or grandparents in old-age homes and dont even
come to visit them anymore. Delhi has nearly 11 lakh senior citizens but there are only 4
governments run homes for them and 31 by NGOs, private agencies and charitable trusts. The
facilities are lacking in government run homes.
Forget the rights that the elderly enjoy in India. Just forget about the action that they can take.
Think on moral grounds. Why do we tend to forget that the reason we are in this world is our
parents, the reason we studied is our parents, the reason we were alive all this while is our
parents, the reason we survived all the diseases is our mothers care. The hands who made us
walk is our parents. When we were kids we never thought of it but we knew that no matter
what, our parents will be by our side. But when our time came to show our respect, to reciprocate
the love, to show our gratitude, we back out.

But the truth is that even when they are counting their last breath, they are still thinking of us!

Is the youth too insensitive to the elder? Passing comments at an old man walking slowly on the
road and disturbing the flow of the traffic are our ethics? Come on youth, stand up against such

International scenario:
Elders are treated in following ways in foreign countries:

Korea: Celebrating old age

Not only do Koreans respect the elderly, but they also celebrate them. For Koreans, the 60th and
70th birthdays are prominent life events, which are commemorated with large-scale family
parties and feasts. As in Chinese culture, the universal expectation in Korea is that roles reverse
once parents age, and that it is an adult child's duty and an honorable one at that to care for

Japan: An elderly predicament

Like the Chinese and the Koreans, the Japanese prize filial piety and expect children to dutifully
tend to their parents. But Japan also faces the unique problem of tending to an increasingly
elderly population.

The U.S. and U.K.: Protestantism at play

Western cultures tend to be youth-centric, emphasizing attributes like individualism and
independence. This relates back to the Protestant work ethic, which ties an individual's value to
his or her ability to work something that diminishes in old age. Anthropologist Jared
Diamond, who has studied the treatment of the elderly across cultures, has said the geriatric in
countries like the U.K. and U.S. live "lonely lives separated from their children and lifelong
friends." As their health deteriorates, the elderly in these cultures often move to retirement
communities, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes.

France: Parents also protected by law

It's difficult to imagine such an Elderly Rights Law being a legislative priority in many Western
cultures. France did, however, pass a similar decree in 2004 (Article 207 of the Civil Code)
requiring its citizens to keep in touch with their geriatric parents. It was only enacted following
two disturbing events, though: One was the publication of statistics revealing France had the
highest rate of pensioner suicides in Europe, and the other was the aftermath of a heat wave that
killed 15,000 people most of them elderly, and many of whom had been dead for weeks
before they were found.

It just goes to show that old age does not have to be a bad thing. In other societies the elderly are
respected and admired for their wisdom, rather than put down for their physical attributes. Some
laws may be quite harsh and overbearing, but if some cultures can celebrate old age, why cant

For the study both primary and secondary data has been used. The primary source of data was
collected by means of interactions with the aged people in the society.

Secondary data were collected from other published sources like journals, periodicals, brochures
& websites.

Tools for data collection:

Data was obtained using a structured interview schedule and a questionnaire. Aged people of
society were contacted personally to get the necessary data related to the study.

Data analysis and interpretation:


What type of accommodation do you live in?

Thinking about both the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you
rate the quality of your life as a whole?
Do you receive any Social Services form of help? If Yes, what help do you receive?
How might neighbours or friends help you if needed?
Who keeps an eye on you at home, and how often?
Do you feel safe in your home?
What main disability or illness do you have?
In the last 12 months, have you consulted a GP or local doctor about your health?
Do you have any health problems that cause you difficulty in getting around and doing things for
yourself? If Yes, then which type of problem?
Who helps you with household duties, home maintenance or personal care which you cannot do
on your own?

Suggestions & Recommendations:

The government must support to the Old Age Homes. Then they can improve their facilities.
The younger generation should be made aware of the love and care needed by the old people.
The community should facilitate economic help to the aged. The aged can be helped to receive
their pension, and be made aware of the different grant-in-aid schemes of the government. The
pubic may be encouraged to make donations for improving the standard of living of the inmates
of free type Old Age Homes and thus to help them to lead a better life.
As psychological factors play a vital role in the physical well being too, the facilities provided in
the Old Age Homes should be designed in such a way that they must physically and
psychologically be conducive to the aged people.
Social workers can help the elderly to be aware about the various policies and programmes
related to the welfare of the aged in our country. This will help the elderly to protect their
During the survey it was observed that single rooms are best suited for male inmates. The
elderly women, however, preferred sharing their rooms. The in-charges of the Old Age Homes
stated that women were more accommodative in nature but male inmates often created
problems both for themselves and for others when they share their rooms.
Attaching a day care activity for senior citizens with hospitals, primary health centers,
educational institutions, religious places etc are possible, if we seriously consider the protection
and care of the elderly as their rights.
Organization of group activities are essential for the inmates so that the aged people can spend
their time in meaningful activities. They should also be encouraged to participate in the day to
day working of these institutions and we voluntarily take up responsibilities like supervision of
kitchen and cooking, gardening and general cleanliness of the premises. These will develop in
them a sense of belonging to the institution. Participation in these activities has to be in
accordance with their health and physical strength.
To remove the feelings of loneliness and boredom and to improve the mental health of the aged
inmates, it is desirable that either a nursery or a crche be attached to these, preferably within
the home premises, so that the aged can take part in their functioning. It is a fact that kids and
old people are mutually attached to each other for both of groups can engage in leisure
activities and they can devote ample time for each other.
The Homes must be equipped for providing necessary first aid especially in case of emergency. A
full time nurse and a part time doctor should be employed for the care of their day to day
medical problems.
Free medical care may be provided with the help of some organizations.
Forming organizations of elderlies and caretakers will be a great help.
To help them psychologically counseling classes can be arranged.
Spiritual care is necessary for the aged. Most of them tend to be deeply religious and spiritual.
So pastoral care may be given to them.
All should realize that old age is not an issue to be taken up by some religion or a section of
society. It is a common phenomenon. Unless and until a moral boosting is given, these voiceless
people will remain as voiceless. So first of all families must be conscientised, giving them
concrete vision about the dignity of human kind and especially the elderly. The picture about
elderly in the eyes of the present generation must be one that of divine and majestic rather
than, rusty or useless. Hence, younger generation especially children may be motivated and
encouraged to take care of the aged in a family environment with due respect.
Research is needed on the psychology of the elderly, problems of single and childless couples,
efficacy of services for the aged, and health and nutritional problems of the elderly.

Due to socio-economic changes in the wake of urbanization and increase in the proportion of the aged
in the population, the problems of the elderly have become formidable. The ultimate responsibility for
supporting the aged is shifting from the family to secondary institutions. In these circumstances, it is
essential for setting up a large number of Old Age Homes with adequate amenities for those who have
no close relatives to look after them. But the coming generation realize that Old Age Homes are not a
dumping place for the elderly. Finally, the elderly should be considered as a valuable cultural resource
and role models for the younger generation. Therefore, governmental and non-governmental
organizations should come forward to motivate and create awareness among the youth to take care of
the elderly in the family. The Old Age Homes are no substitute for families. The researcher became more
enthusiastic and concerned about the issues of the aged in the society as a result of this course work.
The services rendered by the senior citizens of the Archdiocese of Changanacherry have been more and
more appreciated as the research progressed. More research is needed on the issues of the senior
citizens so that the coming generation may be more functional in finding ways of helping the seniors of
the society.

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