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IRON MAN sadn ‘ore Super Het? Billionaire industrialist and philanthropist Earth mutant community, Stark’ work as Iron Man, his long-term membership of the AVENGERS. and position as head of Stark International arguably gives him even wider authority. aon Tony Stark is perhaps the most influential Pe superpowered individual on the planet. Faaepeessiatt ‘While PRoresson X has the respect of the & FORGING THE IRON MAN “The son of a wealthy industrialist, Tony Stark’ parents died in a car ersh when he was young, leaving him their business conglomerate, Stark Industries Taking over the company when he jas 21, in retrospect some of Tonys eatly business decisions were ethically cincumapect. An engineering rsa nie [ia ean ouaing no prodigy, many of Tony’ eadly inventions were designed for use by the US military and it was his dealings with the army thar ultimately led him. to create his Iron Man armor Developing mini-transizors for use ‘on the batleield, Tony travelled t0 ‘Vietnatn eo see them in we on the rund. The trial ended badly ‘when an exploding bomb lft a of shrapnel dangerously close to his heare and Tony was captured arnee ore Masa. by the North Vietnamese warlord, pe mores bnttenckatine me | Wong-Chu an frtiog hiner Tod hat che shrapnel would only be removed if he developed s weapon for the North Vietnamese, Tony responded with eypical Yinsen, Tony developed an ton suit that would protect his heat as well as bcd nvr, Srk son allow him to fight che warlord and his men and escape, Manamor serfs hs Mieeliuseanwennann SOCIAL CONSCIENCE In the following years, Tony donned this Man sas is bodyguaed and corporate emblem, a fst be smply wed 0 ight communis and threat to his business empire. With the advent of new technologies and ideas che armor evolved ‘becoming increasingly. a mes dangerously, sophisticated. ‘Over the years Tony's own world view Ses tegen ako began co evolve: he halted sles to the nliary, recognizing chat moze hart than good, an: tnumber of charitable foundstions. He became a founder member of the AVENGERS, allowing the eam to use his ‘mansion rk ir base and providing financial backin taking organization named for his mot ‘TM & © 2007 MARVEL, ig va the Maria S foundation —a non-profit Although immensely strong the pressures upon Tony Stark have proved overwhelm lure of alcohol. Tony's ist fll precipitated by a series of attacks villains hired by busi Haxouen, While fending these of, Ion Man was famed for the murder ofa diplomat, and a the same time national security agency SHIELD were attempting to buy his company and so gin his military secret aes At che same time he continued t0 serve 3s Iron teen, Man. Eventually, the mounting conflicts of TerySarrws | _incerest ed him to resign ftom the goverment Geadually, with the support of his pam e and announce that che oe of Iron Man ws now friends, Tony overcame these viartornin | being borne by someone ele ‘haeas and defeated his addiction, ead ar ‘Despite bis He many ups and downs To This cpitode ws nothing Scat remaing che sae man he aways vs, ‘ey oe sdhering ca his pFincipls with an coal wll. AB. pared 1@ Tony'¥secoad dance inks a reso 31 manip competitor Oui Stay, Tony After waking hospital, hebews ro a his ie, creanig a rere a deep depretsiogiand fr 2 new business empire fom secatch-— Stark Enterprises—and defeating Sane in comb AN ENEMY OF AMERICA {\ Abhough a long-term memb ‘ommonplie or ‘of the Avengers, into direct conflict with hie friends, ¢ well with the US nment, When Justin Hammer le Stark technelogy and dstributed i to criminals across the world, Tony began y smi in che Iron Man being courlaw by the US government. This antagonized CAPTAIN Auenica. netomat) A HEAVY BURDEN ‘ira oy Stet | Tony’ life has Sescoromtes “| changes. When eer Tron Man, his nial relief at no no lead a double life was short-lived. Successfly overnment postion TW. 4. ©2007 MARVEL eaan

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