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The Sky is Falling - Behavior Contingency Plan for Tattling Telling/Problem Solving /Social Skills

Working with students to reducing tattling telling and improve problem solving and social skills.
Undesirable behavior Tattling telling in the early grades is highly disruptive and takes away from instruction
time for the teacher and learning/focus time for the students. Students who tattle are seeking additional attention
from the teacher and sometime lack basic social and problem-solving skills.
Desirable behavior Using the problem-solving wheel to choose a resolution to their perceived issue. Keep
class interruptions to a minimum.
Types of positive reinforcement:
1. Immediate reinforcement with acorns to fill up basket on the bulletin board.
2. Visual and ongoing reinforcement as levels and rewards in basket are reached.
3. Science TEK related activity in life sciences
4. Once the desired behavior has been taught and modeled, teacher monitors desired behavior by
circulating through the classroom, catching students being good, reminding students of expectations,
and rewarding correct behavior frequently.
Interactive Learning activity- Each final positive reinforcement will be based on the book Chicken Little
and a related science activity that relates back to a grade appropriate TEK. The first reward will be creating a
model of clouds making rain (AKA things falling from the sky). 112.12. Science, Grade 1 (2) Scientific
investigation and reasoning. The student develops abilities to ask questions and seek answers in classroom and
outdoor investigations. (A)(B)(C)(D)(E).
Teaching the desired behaviors: Read Chicken Little out loud. Ask the students if Chicken Little has good
problem-solving skills. Use the texts as an introduction to scientific discussion and observation. In small groups
have the students think of a better way Chicken Little could have dealt with the acorn falling on his head. Write
ideas on sticky notes. Bring class back together and discuss their solutions.
Teaching the plan: Go through the list of things you tell your teacher vs things students can work out together
Desired behavior:
1. Think first
2. Is this a teacher problem? What is a teacher problem? Are you hurt? Is someone else hurt? Is someone
damaging the school? Is someone hurting an animal? (Post)
3. What are problems you can solve yourself? Sharing supplies, cutting in line, disagreements, perceived
slights (for example Jade is being mean to me!)
4. Solution?!? Use the problem-solving wheel!
Teaching the plan: Go through the list of things you tell your teacher vs things students can work out together
Model the use of the bulletin board with the choice wheel and show how the students earn an acorn to fill up the
basket. Let the students know there is a class reward for each level completed.
Provide Options: In upper grades, do not use the spinner. Have them chose the solution. This plan works well
across several behavioral issues in the classroom, it helps teach cooperation in the group, social skills and basic
conflict resolution skills. This works will for students with EBD, ADHD, LD and Autism as it models and
reinforces the desired behavior.
Science Lessons to be taught: Model of a rain cloud things falling from the sky,Gravity dropping eggs,
dissolve egg shell, diagram and dissect egg, fowl party.

Rebecca J Jackson #11

August 2, 2017
Rebecca J Jackson #11
August 2, 2017

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