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The Voice of the Root Chakra:

"I havethe right to exist because I was BORN!"

Location in body At the base of the spine.

When your Muladhara Chakra You feel you have to constantly struggle to survive and achieve stability in
is closed life . You are emotionally needy and always looking for safety and security in
groups. There is never enough money, you hate your body and feel you are
not good enough the way you are.

When your Muladhara Chakra You have a strong connection with your family and or friends that are like
is opened family to you, and as a result feel wanted and loved, you feel like you belong,
you are content with your body and are confident with money, managing it
well and always having enough for what you need and want.

Blocked by Living in a fantasy world and not being grounded and practical . Constantly
polluting mind with thoughts of not being supported or not having enough
enough money. Being lazy and avoiding critical issues to be faced in life.

Symptoms of blockage Mental lathargy, "spaciness", incapable of inner stillness, emotional

( you may exhibit one or more of these ) instability, feelings of isolation. Malfunctioning may cause bladder &
prostrate problems, lower back pain, varicose veins, obesity or pain in

Associations Stability in career/personal life, wealth

and assets.

Unblocked by You become practical and grounded, stand on your own feet and start
facing reality .

Meditation to heal the chakra

Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.

Concentrate on the Root chakra at the base of the spine.
Chant the sound LAM.

Do for 10 minutes and feel the sensation of awakening of the root chakra .

Release limiting beliefs

I release laziness from every cell of my body
I release fear of facing critical issues in life
I release delaying of work
I release day dreaming and fantasizing
I release the belief that I am not supposed to be here
I release the belief that I can never get ahead
I release the belief that I can never get well
I release the belief that I am different from others
I release the belief that I should end relationships to avoid being deserted
I release the belief that I have lack of bonding as family
I release the belief that I cannot survive
I release the belief that I am undeserving
I release the belief that I am fat or ugly
I release the belief that my body is not right
I release the fear that everyone in my family has health and weight problems
I release the fear of living hand to mouth
I release the fear of not having enough money
I release belief that others are threatened by my power
I release belief that other people's power are a threat to me
I release the feeling of being disempowered
I release the feeling of being guilty if I put myself first
I release feeling of being a victim
I release fear of being betrayed
I release fear that my family is not good enough
I release belief that I am judged by my family
I release fear that I am not chosen
I release fear that I am not wanted

Now do affirmations below

Thank you God,
Doing work and facing issues in life helps me solve everything / I am ready to do all work/I will finish my work on time/ I am
grounded and practical / I am guided and inspired/I am worth it/I am enough/I am chosen/ I count/I am free to create
differently than my family/I am royalty/ I am God's gift to this world/I am secure/I am rich in all areas of my life/life flows
gracefully and easily for me/I am healthy/I am wealthy/ I am involved and powerful/I am connected/I am grounded in truth/ We
are all safe to be powerful/I am connected to God and receiving personal empowerment/I start and complete things easily/I am
free of DNA and family patterns that have kept me stuck
Thank you God,
I am true identity/I contribute to a united, loving, peaceful family life/Life loves me and I
love being here/I am safe to all that I can be/I am safe in relationships/I am creating
healthy relationships.
Thank you God,
I am wanted/I am chosen/I am receiving my good now/I am rich in all areas of life/I am
noticed for the good I contribute/I am welcomed here/I am experiencing heaven within me/I am experiencing a positive
connection to God/I am anchored in the light.

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