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J Neurosurg 71:375-38 I, 1989

Subtorcular occipital encephaloceles

Anatomical considerations relevant to operative management


Divisions of Neurosurger.v and Pediatric Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts

v- Three cases of occipital encephalocele, one with associated myelomeningocele, are presented. All received
preoperative evaluation with magnetic resonance imaging. Such studies provide optimal demonstration of the
cerebral and hindbrain anatomy to guide operative treatment and formulate prognosis. Review of available
radiographic, operative, and pathological information suggests that most, if not all, occipital encephaloceles
are associated with an anomaly of the hindbrain, and the usual anomaly is a rhombic roof encephalocele. In
such cases, the site of cranial herniation is caudal to the torcula, regardless of the presence or absence of
occipital lobe tissue within the sac. Experimental and clinical analysis suggests that occipital encephaloceles
most likely arise from abnormalities in the development of the skull base.

KEY WORDS 9 occipital encephalocele 9 magnetic resonance imaging

Chiari malformation 9 cerebellum 9 congenital malformation 9
subtorcular encephalocele

CCIPITAL encephalocele occurs at an estimated of these lesions than heretofore. In particular, magnetic
rate of one every 3000 to 10,000 live births. resonance (MR) imaging has been of benefit in defining
The disorder is part of a spectrum of congenital not only the contents of the encephalocele but also any
dysraphic syndromes which includes other types of associated intracranial anomalies. The anatomical in-
encephaloceles as well as myelodysplasia. 2'3~ It repre- formation provided by such images is clearly helpful in
sents roughly 8% to 15% of this group of malforma- planning one's operative approach.
tions. Most encephaloceles (66% to 89%) occur in the Three cases illustrating these concepts are presented.
occipital area. The term "occipital encephalocele" refers We wish to emphasize the frequency with which the
to a variety of anatomical configurations. The cyst may site of herniation is below the torcula, in which case
contain cerebellum, brain stem, occipital lobes, vascular the fundamental anomaly is of posterior fossa struc-
structures, or only cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and glial tures. A coherent anatomical schema is proposed for
remnants. Herniation can occur through a bone de- these subtorcular occipital encephaloceles.
fect either above or below the tentorium in an infant
who is neurologically normal or variably retarded with Case Reports
multiple abnormalities. The anatomical and clinical
diversity of these anomalies has led to a number of Case 1
pathogenetic theories and has made both a systemat- This baby was the product of a 39-week gestation,
ic surgical approach and estimates of long-term prog- delivered by repeat Caesarean section to a 25-year-old
nosis difficult; although it is evident from early series mother. The pregnancy was complicated only by ma-
that the best single prognostic indicator is the amount ternal use of phenobarbital for a seizure disorder. Birth
and type of neural tissue present within the enceph- weight was 5 lb 10 oz, and Apgar scores were 9 and 10.
alocele s a c . 8"12"z5"21"22 An occipital encephalocele, 5 cm in diameter, was
Recent advances in neurodiagnostic imaging allow noted. It arose from a bone defect continuous with the
much greater versatility in the preoperative assessment posterior aspect of the foramen magnum. The neuro-

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 71/September, 1989 375

P. H. Chapman, B. Swearingen, and V. S. Caviness

FIG. 1. Magnetic resonance imaging in Case 1. Left: Sagittal view suggesting herniation of the occipital
lobe and cerebellar tissue into the cephalocele sac. The cleft between the structures is indicated by an arrow.
Right: Midline sagittal view showing the brain stem to be relatively undistorted, despite the presence of a
hindbrain anomaly. There is an unusually large massa intermedia (arrow).

logical examination was unremarkable. Head circum- slightly less than that of normal neonatal cerebellum,
ference was 31.5 cm (2nd percentile). Computerized neither hemispheric fissures nor vermis could be iden-
tomography (CT) and M R studies showed that the mass tified. Symmetrical fronds of choroid plexus emerged
contained soft tissue as well as fluid of CSF density from the inferior surface of the cerebellum and ex-
(Fig. 1). The base of the encephalocele was subtorcular. tended over its posterior aspect on either side of the
The relative contribution of cerebellum and/or occipi- midline. On retracting the cerebellum upward, the
tal lobes to the hernia could not be determined, and fourth ventricular floor and obex could be seen. The
there was no ventricular enlargement. rostral fourth ventricle appeared to be obliterated by
At operation, the sac was found to contain tissue fusion of the brain stem and cerebellum. There was no
from both occipital lobes, separated by a midline cleft. discernible aqueduct. The fluid cavity of the encephal-
A substantial volume of malformed cerebellar tissue ocele communicated directly with the distorted fourth
and choroid plexus was herniated just caudal to this ventricle. Microscopically, the inner lining of the sac
cleft (Fig. 2). Because the herniated tissue appeared consisted of glial elements alternating with a vascular
markedly distorted and gliotic, it was excised to facili-
tate repair of the encephalocele.

Case 2
This 1420-gm baby girl was delivered by Caesarean
section at 34 weeks to a 31-year-old mother. The preg-
nancy was complicated by preeclampsia, and an ultra-
sound study documented a posterior encephalocele.
Apgar scores were 1 and 7. Pulse and respiration im-
proved dramatically when the infant was repositioned
to relieve pressure on the 11 x 9-cm encephalocele sac.
Head circumference was 28 cm (5th percentile). Neu-
rologically, the infant appeared to have normal brain-
stem function. An MR evaluation demonstrated a large
cystic mass containing prolapsed cerebellum as well as
the apex of a markedly kinked brain stem (Fig. 3). The
posterior fossa was small, and there was no ventricu-
At operation, the base of the sac was found to be
occupied by a symmetrical mass of herniated cerebel- FIG. 2. Diagrammatic reconstruction of the anomaly in
lum and the apex of the brain-stem kink (Fig. 4). Case 1, based on the magnetic resonance and operative find-
Although the volume of this tissue appeared only ings.

376 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 71/September, 1989

Subtorcular occipital encephaloceles
a healthy 29-year-old mother with four pregnancies.
Apgar scores were 8 and 9. Multiple congenital abnor-
malities were noted, including a large epithelialized
occipital encephalocele and a sessile myelomeningocele
at T10-L5. There was no ventricular enlargement. A
lower thoracic sensorimotor level was noted. The infant
was initially managed nonoperatively. During the 1st
year of life, her large myelomeningocele epithelialized
without complication and she remained generally
healthy. At the age of 1 year, she was admitted for
operative repair of the encephalocele, which had grad-
ually enlarged and was now almost the size of the
infant's head. Magnetic resonance imaging of the en-
cephalocele demonstrated herniation of both occipital
lobes, as well as markedly distorted cerebellar tissue
(Figs. 5 and 6).
At operation, there was wide communication be-
tween the left occipital horn and the large fluid cavity.
Just caudal to this, a separate, smaller fluid space proved
to be an eventration of the fourth ventricle with asso-
ciated remnants of cerebellum. There was no tento-
FIG. 3. Case 2. Magnetic resonance image, sagittal view, rium. Given the volume and relatively well-formed
showing a markedly distorted brain stem with its apex in the appearance of the prolapsed occipital lobe tissue, no
base of the cephalocele. The hernia is located below the torcula attempt was made to resect it at the time of encephal-
(double arrows). Note the nubbin of cerebellar tissue (single ocele repair.
arrow) situated ventral to the brain stem.

stroma covered by cuboidal epithelium. Because the
soft-tissue hernia represented not only a large volume The morphology of the malformations of brain, men-
of cerebellum but also the apex of the brain stem, no inges, and skull associated with occipital encephaloceles
attempt was made to resect this mass in repairing the is remarkably variable in quality and degree. This prob-
encephalocele. ably reflects the stochastic interaction of multiple path-
ophysiological determinants. Previously published an-
Case 3 atomical studies illustrate the variability of this disor-
This baby girl was the product of a 4 l-week gestation der. Karch and Urich ~' described five postmortem
and was delivered vaginally. This was the third child of cases: all involved posterior fossa brain structures and
the hernia arose beneath the torcula. Two of the five
had no cerebellum; in the others, the cerebellum was
rudimentary and lacked a vermis. When present, the
vermis protruded into the hernia sac. In three instances,
the brain stem was also within the sac. The brain stem
was severely distorted in all five cases, usually with an
S-shaped kink. The posterior fossa was uniformly small,
with a bone defect either in the squamous portion of
the occipital bone or contiguous with the foramen
magnum. The spinal cords in all five cases were hydro-
myelic and there were cleft-like fissures extending into
the brain stem from the floor of the fourth ventricle.
Leong and Shaw 2~ reported five cases of occipital
encephaloceles with midline defects of the occipital
bone. One hernia contained only choroid plexus con-
nected to the diencephalic tela choroidea. In that case,
the only brain abnormalities were a disordered cerebel-
lar nodulus and a thin posterior medullary velum. A
second case showed herniation of the entire telenceph-
alon posterior to the rolandic fissure, with a poorly
FIG. 4. Diagrammatic reconstruction of the findings in developed brain stem and "inverted" cerebellum. In the
Case 2. See text for details. There was no occipital lobe tissue third case, both occipital lobes and the entire cerebellum
within the hernia. were included within the sac. The fourth patient had

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 71/September, 1989 377

P. H. Chapman, B. Swearingen, and V. S. Caviness

FIG. 5. Magnetic resonance imaging in Case 3. Left: Sagittal view indicating prolapse of hindbrain
elements as well as of the occipital lobe into the cephalocele sac. The brain stem is relatively undistorted.
Right: Note the small size of the posterior fossa, associated with caudal displacement of the occipital and
temporal lobes.

cle. In one, the fourth ventriculocele was bound to an

occipital lobe encephalocele which derived from the left
lateral ventricle through a microgyric cortical defect.
The ventriculocele passed through the occipital squama
to the left of midline. Only gliotic cerebellar remnants
were present and the lower brain stem was sharply
kinked along the axis of the ventriculocele with its apex
outside the bone defect. In their second case, the hernia
arose from an expansion of the velum medullare in the
lateral recess of the fourth ventricule. The cerebellum
was small, especially on the side of the diverticulum,
with cytoarchitectural abnormalities suggesting changes
that had occurred considerably later than, and possibly
as a consequence of, the massive ventriculocele. The
occipital lobe was not involved in this case.
A subset of occipital encephaloceles includes the
"inverse cerebellum" of Padget and Lindenberg 3~ and
Smith and Huntington, 33 as well as the "tecto-cerebellar
dysraphia with occipital encephalocele" described by
FIG. 6. Axial magnetic resonance imaging in Case 3. Friede? Dysgenesis of the tectum and cerebellar vermis
Left: A midline cerebellar cleft is identified by the arrow. is characteristic of both of these entities. The cerebellar
Right: At a higher level, herniation of both occipital lobes hemispheres are rotated ventrally around the pons, and
into the sac is evident. the brain stem itself is kinked and displaced posteriorly.
The fourth ventricular roof is deficient, so that the
fourth ventricle communicates with the hernia, consti-
an atrophic cerebellum with a herniation of the fight tuting a typical ventriculocele. The brain-stem tectum
temporal lobe and a pedicle of mesencephalon and roof may either be absent or extend extracranially into the
of the diencephalon. The fifth patient exhibited multi- encephalocele cavity. When it is deficient, the aqueduct
ple extracranial abnormalities with a skull defect con- remains open dorsally as part of the fourth ventriculo-
tiguous with the foramen m a g n u m through which had cele. Other abnormalities such as aplasia of the corpus
herniated a 374-gm microgyric brain without cerebel- callosum, fusion of the lobes of the thalamus, and
lum, connected to a split brain stem. herniation of the occipital lobes are variably present.
Caviness and Evrard 2-~' have presented a detailed Padget and coworkerts "~2~ emphasized that the cases of
pathological analysis of two cases with occipital en- inverse cerebellum h~ve structural affinities with both
cephaloceles, both originating from the fourth ventri- the Chiari and Dandy-Walker malformations and sug-

378 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 71/September, 1989

Subtorcular occipital encephaloceles

FIG. 7. Diagrammatic representation of various anatomical

features of subtorcular occipital encephaloceles.

gested that they may represent an intermediate form of

these entities. Kinking of the brain stem, a small pos-
terior fossa, and hydromyelia are c o m m o n to both the
Chiari malformation and inverse cerebellum. Although
the typical caudal displacement of cerebellum seen in
Chiari malformation is not found with an inverse cer- present, herniation occurs below the torcula, regardless
ebellum, ventral protrusion of the cerebellar hemi- of the extent to which supratentorial structures are
spheres occurs with both entities. involved. In such cases, the fluid-filled sac communi-
Both the inverse cerebellum and the Dandy-Walker cates with the fourth ventricle as a ventriculocele. When
malformation exhibit agenesis of the vermis, and the the ventriculocele is midline, it is usually caudal to the
occipital encephalocele may be homologous to the pos- developing cerebellum, and variable degrees of cerebel-
terior fossa cyst. Kojima and colleagues j~ described the lar and tectal dysplasia are the rule. In extreme in-
CT and operative findings in two infants diagnosed as stances, there may be no identifiable cerebellum. If the
having Dandy-Walker cysts associated with occipital evagination arises from the aqueduct, posterior aque-
meningocele. In both instances, the posterior fossa was ductal recess, or intervening isthmic region, the degree
large with elevation of the torcula. There was agenesis of deformation and reduction in size of mesencephalic
of the vermis with direct communication between and rhombencephalic structures may be extreme. The
the posterior fossa cyst, the fourth ventricle, and the ex- term "meningocele" is occasionally used to describe
tracranial meningocele. Subsequently, Fenstermaker encephaloceles that contain no identifiable brain tissue.
and colleagues: presented four cases with rhombic roof This term implies a simple herniation of meninges
ventriculoceles extending extracranially as occipital en- without involvement of brain. In the case of occipital
cephaloceles. At least two of these patients had other- encephaloceles, evidence available from postmortem
wise typical Dandy-Walker anomalies with a large pos- specimens as well as from MR images argues that these
terior fossa cyst and elevation of the tentorium and are uniformly evaginations of the ventricular system of
dural venous sinuses. the brain. It would appear that the term has been
In reviewing the available literature and our own invoked when the ventriculocele consists of an ex-
experience, we are impressed by the frequency with tremely attenuated tectal remnant and there is no brain
which occipital encephaloceles represent an anomaly of tissue otherwise within the hernia.
posterior fossa structures (Fig. 7). This may be the case Three principal hypotheses have been offered to ac-
even when there is a substantial occipital lobe compo- count for the primary morphogenetic events that lead
nent to the hernia. Despite the morphological diversity to the formation of occipital encephaloceles. ~-~~~-~7'~
of such lesions, certain anatomical features can regu- One theory, advanced by Marin-Padilla, 2~':7 holds that
larly be identified. Whenever a hindbrain anomaly is there is a mismatch between growth of the basal skull

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 71 /September. 1989 379

P. H. Chapman, B. Swearingen, and V. S. Caviness

(which is reduced) and of the posterior fossa neural cogently by Chiari ~4 in describing a range of posterior
structures (which are initially normal). This view is fossa malformations which bear his name. The present
supported by substantial experimental and clinical series of occipital encephaloceles best corresponds to
pathological evidence. The experimental support for the Chiari malformation, type III. Chiari observed that
this hypothesis has been observed in hamsters. 23 Mal- essentially all specimens in his series were associated
formations which closely approximate the occipital en- with hydrocephalus. He inferred that these deformities,
cephalocele encountered in man can be induced by including encephaloceles, arose secondary to a hydro-
administration of three different teratogens: sodium cephalic process. Subsequent experience has established
arsenate, clofibrate, and vitamin A. -~42535 It is critical that hydrocephalus is a frequent but not invariable
that these substances be introduced into the pregnant accompaniment to the full range of Chiari malforma-
dam when the hamster embryos are at the primitive tions, although it is essentially invariable in the type III
streak stage of development. Following exposure to one group. It is reasonable to conclude that hydrocephalus
of these teratogens, there is decrease in the rate and is a factor contributing to deformation with entrap-
ultimate degree of growth of the basal bones of the ment, compression, and displacement of posterior fossa
skull, in particular the basioccipital component of the structures. As considered above, however, observations
sphenoid bone (clivus). In consequence, the posterior in experimental animals and mutant models of the
fossa is small. Initially, closure and subsequent regional human malformation suggest that the hydrocephalic
segmentation of the neural tube proceeds normally, process probably arises secondary to entrapment and is
and the contour of the ventricular system is likewise not the primary mechanism of tissue distortion.
unremarkable. Eventually, growth of the brain stem A third morphogenetic hypothesis was set forth orig-
and cerebellum outstrip the capacity of the posterior inally by von Recklinghausen 3a to account for the spec-
fossa. Neural structures become crowded and progres- trum of developmental disorders associated with rach-
sively entrapped. There is resulting sharp angulation of ischisis. This view holds that all such anomalies reflect
the cervical flexure: the neural structures are driven a failure of neural tube closure. The evidence cited from
upward against the overlying anlagen of the occipital experimental animals and genetic models tends to re-
squamae, still at a membranous stage of development. fute this. Neural tube closure occurs normally and
In some cases, ventricular enlargement may supervene. deformation is a later event.
When this occurs, there is progressive cystic expansion Operative correction offers the only reasonable alter-
of the aqueductal or fourth ventricular roof. If the native for long-term management of infants with oc-
process is of moderate degree and the rate of expansion cipital encephalocele. Even with operation, the neuro-
is slow, allowing the integument to remain intact over logical morbidity rate is high. The early series, which
the cyst, the result is a typical occipital encephalocele. antedated modern shunting techniques, stressed that
If the conditions of expansion are more extreme and the absence of neural tissue within the sac was the best
associated with breech of the cutaneous and mesenchy- prognostic indicator and microcephaly the worst. ~'~
mal covering, neuroectodermal tissue is exposed to the More recent operative series have shown little improve-
amniotic fluid and dissolution of the neural elements ment on these earlier reports. ~221~2~32 The operative
occurs. The resulting severest degree of experimental approach for dealing with the herniated tissue has varied
malformation closely approximates anencephaly en- from series to series. Most surgeons resect the obviously
countered in humans. abnormal tissue. A limiting factor with this approach
The Dreher mutation in mice gives rise to a complex may be the presence of functional neural elements and
malformation of the central nervous system which in- important vasculature within the hernia? Another tech-
cludes occipital encephalocele, approximating closely nical problem can be a small cranium and/or posterior
the encephalocele induced by teratogens in hamsters. 3~ fossa which will not accommodate the herniated brain.
In both instances, the neurological disorder appears to One may attempt to enlarge the posterior fossa or
be secondary to impaired development of basal bones decompress it by ventriculostomy in order to protect
of the skull with entrapment of the mesencephalon and herniated tissue, although this is usually difficult. A
rhombencephalon within a posterior fossa of reduced conservative alternative is simply to close the soft tissues
size (Wahlsten and VS Caviness, unpublished data). over functional, herniated brain once the excess tissues
Importantly, correlative studies of human skulls with have been excised. Staged revision can then be carried
anencephaly and the spectrum of posterior fossa mal- out at a later time as necessary. This approach was
formations (including occipital encephalocele) confirm taken in our Cases 2 and 3, and has proved quite
a consistent and substantial reduction in the size of the satisfactory.
basioccipital bone. 2('-2vIn other words, the osseous ab- In the past, preoperative planning has been hampered
normalities observed in these human malformations by uncertainty regarding the contents of the sac and,
are essentially identical to those encountered in the especially, the possible association of brain-stem struc-
experimental animal homologues induced by adminis- tures with the anomaly. The images available with MR
tration of teratogens and in the Dreher mutant mouse. investigations now provide a superb tool for preopera-
The second morphogenetic hypothesis relating to tive assessment. Another diagnostic tool relevant to
encephaloceles to be mentioned here was set forth these lesions is fetal ultrasonography. 13~4 This allows

380 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 71/September, 1989

Subtorcular occipital encephaloceles

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