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Conduction Heat Transfer

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
Associate Professor,
Mechanical Engg. Dept.
Institute of Technology, Nirma University

An energy balance on this thin element during a small time interval t can be
expressed as
Rate of heat
Rate of heat Rate of heat Rate of change
conduction - conduction + = of energy content
at x at x + Dx inside the of element
Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
Heat Generation
A medium through which heat is conducted may involve the conversion
of mechanical, electrical, nuclear, or chemical energy into heat (or
thermal energy).

Temperature of the resistance wire rises rapidly when electric current

passes through it as a result of the electrical energy being converted to
heat at a rate of I2R, where I is the current and R is the electrical
resistance of the wire.

Large amount of heat is generated in the fuel elements of nuclear reactors

as a result of nuclear fission that serves as the heat source for the nuclear
power plants.

Endothermic or Exothermic Chemical reactions.

Heat generation is a volumetric phenomenon. That is, it occurs

throughout the body of a medium
Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
Rate of heat
Rate of heat Rate of heat Rate of change
conduction - conduction + = of energy content
at x at x + Dx inside the of element

Q& x - Q& x + Dx + E& gen =

DEelement = Et + Dt - Et = mC (Tt + Dt - Tt )
= rxC(Tt + Dt - Tt )
E& gen = e&genVelement = e&gen x

T -T
Q& x - Q& x + Dx + e&gen ADx = rCADx t + Dt t

1 Q& x + Dx - Q& x Tt + Dt - Tt
- + egen = rC
A Dx Dt Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
1 Q& x + Dx - Q& x T -T
- + e&gen = rC t + Dt t
A Dx Dt
1 T T
kA + egen = rC
A x x t
from the definition of the derivative and Fouriers law of heat conduction,

Q& x + Dx - Q& x Q& T

Dx 0
= = - kA
Dx x x x

Variable conductivity k + e&gen = rC
x x t

2T e&gen 1 T
Constant conductivity + =
x 2
k a t

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry

T e&gen 1 T
+ =
x 2
k a t
d 2T e&gen
1. Steady state heat conduction + =0
dx 2

2T 1 T
2. Transient and no heat generation =
x 2
a t

d 2T
3. Steady state and no heat generation =0
dx 2

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry


An energy balance on this thin element during a small time interval t can be
expressed as
Rate of heat
Rate of heat Rate of heat Rate of change
conduction - conduction + = of energy content
at r at r + Dr inside the of element

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
Rate of heat
Rate of heat Rate of heat Rate of change
conduction - conduction + = of energy content
at r at r + Dr inside the of element

Q& r - Q& r + Dr + E& gen =

DEelement = Et + Dt - Et = mC (Tt + Dt - Tt )
= rrC(Tt + Dt - Tt )
E& gen = e&genVelement = e&gen r

T -T
Q& r - Q& r + Dr + e&gen ADr = rCADr t + Dt t

1 Q& r + Dr - Q& r Tt + Dt - Tt
- + egen = rC
A Dr Dt Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
1 Q& r + Dr - Q& r T -T
- + e&gen = rC t + Dt t
A Dr Dt
1 T T
kA + egen = rC
A r r t
from the definition of the derivative and Fouriers law of heat conduction,

Q& r + Dr - Q& r Q& T

Dr 0
= = - kA
Dr r r r

Here Heat Transfer Area = 2P (r + Dr / 2)L = 2PrL

Variable conductivity 1 T T
rk + e&gen = rC
r r r t

1 T e&gen 1 T
Constant conductivity r + =
r r r k a t

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry

1 T e&gen 1 T
r + =
r r r k a t

1 d dT e&gen
1. Steady state heat conduction r + =0
r dr dr k

1 T 1 T
2. Transient and no heat generation r =
r r r a t

1 d dT
3. Steady state and no heat generation r =0
r dr dr

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry


Here Heat Transfer Area = 4P r 2

An energy balance on this thin element during a small time interval t can be
expressed as
Rate of heat
Rate of heat Rate of heat Rate of change
conduction - conduction + = of energy content
at r at r + Dr inside the of element

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
Variable conductivity 1 2 T T
r k +
& = rC
r r
r t

1 2 T e&gen 1 T
Constant conductivity r + =
r r r k
a t

1 d 2 dT e&gen
1. Steady state heat conduction r + =0
r dr dr k

1 2 T 1 T
2. Transient and no heat generation r =
r r r a t

3. Steady state and no heat generation

d 2 dT d 2T dT
r =0 OR r 2 +2 =0
dr dr dr dr
Dr. Chetan S. Mistry
1 n T e&gen 1 T
r + =
r r r k
a t

where n = 0 for a plane wall, the variable r by x

n = 1 for a cylinder. replace
n = 2 for a sphere.

Dr. Chetan S. Mistry

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