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July 21, 2017

Governor Greg Abbott

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
Speaker Joe Straus

Dear Governor Abbott, Speaker Straus and Lt. Governor Patrick:

I write to you as the CEO of the Austin Technology Council, the oldest and largest technology industry association in
Texas. ATC has more than 200 member companies and represents roughly 60% of Austins total tech workforce of
125,000. Our companies are primarily past the startup phase and fall into the midsize and large enterprise category.
We are deeply proud of Austins national and global reputation as a leader in tech innovation, as an attractive place
for tech business headquarters to flourish, as well as one of the most desirable places for top global talent to balance a
great career with the Central Texas lifestyle that makes our area so appealing. But we are also very concerned about
the negative impact the continued push for discriminatory bathroom bills in the Texas Legislature will have on our
innovation economy here in Central Texas and State-wide. We urge you to oppose such legislation in the upcoming
special session.

We have heard from heads of staffing and recruitment at our member companies that out-of-market senior level
talent we so desperately need to grow our companies are holding off on making decisions about joining tech
companies here in Texas until they know whether our State Legislature will pass discriminatory legislation. These are
executives with skill sets and experience we dont find in home-grown candidates and they are not interested in living
in a state with a bathroom bill.

We also hear from venture capital and private equity firms from out-of-state that they will not invest in companies
headquartered in a state that passes discriminatory legislation. These investors provide the big series A and B and
subsequent funding rounds that our local firms dont have, and this money is critical to the growth our tech businesses
here in Texas.

We know from the North Carolina example that discriminatory bills against LGBT people, and bathroom bills in
particular, are a short-sighted disaster for business. Texas should continue to lead this nation as a great place for
innovation, open for business as one of the most desirable economies in the Country, and the best place to live for all
our citizens, but a discriminatory bathroom bill sends the message that innovation and innovation businesses are not
welcome here. Law enforcement officials tell us that laws policing, restricting, and segregating LGBT kids and adults
have no basis in the realities of public safety. Instead, the effect of these bills and the inflammatory rhetoric
surrounding them is to further marginalize folks who are no danger to their fellow Texans but are disproportionately
targets of violence and harassment.

We strongly urge you to focus on the real and pressing needs of the state and give us the freedom and ability to thrive
and contribute to the Texas economy. Please oppose the bathroom bills this special session.


Barbary Brunner

CEO, Austin Technology Council

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