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Road or GG SG DG
Army HQ, NP, Pistols or Cuirassiers. 800p 400p 200p
DILATORY ALLIES Heavy Cavalry or Sipahis. 1,200p 400p 200p
If an Allied Generals command has a lower aggression factor than that of the Army Commander, it Dragoons, Repeaters or Mounted Rifles. 1,200p 400p 400p
throws no PIP dice until the number of friendly bounds completed exceeds the difference. Light Cavalry or Rifle Cavalry. 1,600p 400p 300p
CP or Light Horse. 2,000p 400p 300p
SURPRISE Muskets or Stoic Foot unless marching, or Firelocks 400p 400p 200p
An attacker that has a Brilliant C-in-C or that has used AP for Concealed Positions throws 1 dice after his Light Infantry, Spearmen if Elite, or Marksmen. 800p 800p 600p
1st bound. Add 1 to the score if its C-in-C is Brilliant and 1 for each Concealed Position, 1 if the enemy C- Other foot. 600p 400p 400p
in-C is Inert and 2 if the weather is misty. Deduct 5 if the enemy has Aeronauts and the weather is good. Horse artillery. 1,200p 400p 200p
Half the total rounded up is the number of further bounds the attacker can make before the defender can Portable Artillery. 800p 400p 400p
throw PIP dice, shoot or move any element. Surprise ceases early if any of the attackers troops shoot, Heavy artillery. 400p 200p 0p
enter close combat or become visible within 800p. Other artillery (>1756) 400p 200p 200p
(1756>) 600p 400p 200p
WEATHER Pontooneers, Laager or Aeronauts. 400p 200p 0p
Wind direction is chosen by the attacking C-in-C, weather decided by his 1st bound unadjusted PIP score. Unless partly upstream If partly upstream
If this is 6, it is misty (or dust storm in desert) and continues so until the attacking C-in-C has an Steamer or Ironclad. Flotilla (1876>) 2,000p 1,200p
unadjusted PIP score of 6. Until then, maximum visibility and shooting range is 200p, Aeronauts cannot Submarines. 800p 400p
function, Naval other than Flotilla cannot move and off-road land movement cannot exceed slow going Sail or Flotilla (>1875). 1,200p 800p
If it is 1, the weather is wet and rain continues so until the defending C-in-C has an unadjusted PIP score SHOOTING RANGES
of 1. Until then, maximum visibility is 1,200p and Aeronauts cannot function. Until he has a 2nd such
score, Artillery and Laager cannot move more than slow going distance off-road. Until the end of the Artillery: 800p if Portable, 1,200p if smoothbore >1790, 1,600p if smoothbore 1790>, 2,400p if Mixed or
battle, movement on bad roads is hindered by mud and gullies are changed into streams. Brass Rifled, 3,200p if other Rifled. Add 400p to each of these if Heavy Artillery.
Increase to 6,000p if heavy Rifled firing at a BUA, or at troops on a hill, or at a logistics target.
MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS DUE TO ENEMY PROXIMITY Naval: Flotilla 400p (>1845). Flotilla or Submarines 800p against naval only (1876>).
Marksmen can only contact Train. HQ, Artillery or train can contact enemy only by an outcome move, Others 800p (<1850), 1,200p (1850-1858), 2,000p (1859-1886), 3,000p (1887-1905), 6,000p
and: (1906>).
- No mounted, Spearmen or CP elements can move more than 600p, nor other foot or dismounted or Others: 200p if Firelocks, Muskets, Bayonets (>1790 or if shooting at mounted <1851), Stoic Foot
naval element move more than 200p, and end in any contact with known enemy. (>1856) or dismounted Dragoons (>1863)
-No element can move into frontal contact with a known enemy element's flank or rear unless it starts 400p if other Bayonets, Light Infantry, Marksmen (>1857), dismounted Repeaters, or SP
entirely behind a line prolonging that base edge of the enemy element or partly behind both flank and garrison
rear edges 600p if Minie, Marksmen (1857>), Stoic Foot (1857-1875 if Elite, 1857-1880 if not), BL,
-No element may move while within 400p of a visible enemy element or enemy-occupied BUA or SP dismounted Dragoons (1863>) or a Laager
to its front (see p.27); except to move directly towards, line up opposite or into close combat with this, 1,200p if Rifles, Stoic Foot (1875> Elite, 1880> other), dismounted Rifle Cavalry or Mounted
or directly to its own rear. Rifles


To search for a ford, move an element up to the river edge using up 2 extra PIPs, and dice. Add 1 to the
score if there is a BUA within 400p on the near side of the river or within 400p plus the width of the river
on the far side, or 4 if both. If the total score is now:
Less than 5: No unknown ford exists within 1,200p, even if searched for again.
At least 5: A 1 element wide ford is marked and the searching element is moved until its
front edge touches the far bank.

Staff/Mtd Dismtd/ Foot Other TACTICAL FACTORS:

Army HQ +2 +2 +2
Command Party +1 +2 +3 +3 if in close combat against an element of a defeated enemy command.
Native Potentate +4 +2 +2 +2 if either shot at or in close combat while either protected in a redoubt or siege entrenchment, or a
Cuirassiers +4 +3 +2 garrison defending the edge of a BUA or an SP, if these are not yet afire.
HC or mtd RC +4 +2 +2 +2 if Marksmen shot at or in close combat while defending a BUA, wood or difficult hill.
Pistols +3 +3 +2 +1 if foot or dismounted, for each of:
LC, mtd Drag or Rep +2 +2 +2 Shooting or shot at or in close combat while protected in a field entrenchment.
Mtd Rif (mounted) +1 +2 +2 Shot at on a base edge entirely in difficult going other than a burning BUA or marsh.
BL, Rif, all dismtd* +4 +4 +2 Shot at by artillery while in slow going other than a gully or stream.
Musk, Min, Bay or LI +4 +3 +2 In close combat while manning an obstacle.
Stoic Foot +4 +2 +2 +1 if shot at by enemy all of which are beyond:
Firelocks +3 +2 +2 200p if the shooters are foot, dismounted or an SP or Laager, and the target is not artillery.
Marksmen +1 +2 +3 400p if the shooters are Smoothbore, Mixed or Portable Artillery and the target is neither
Dragoons dismtd +1 +2 +2 artillery, a BUA or an SP.
Heavy Art +2 +4 +4 Half maximum range if both shooters and target are Artillery or naval.
Other Art +3 +3 +3 +1 if shot at only by artillery either beyond a hill crest, or shooting over its own troops, or in support.
Sipahis +3 +2 +2 +1 for each element up to 3 (only 1 of which can be Artillery) aiding a primary shooter or a target.
Spearmen +2 +2 +1 -1 if supporting artillery is aiding opponent in close combat other than mounted against mounted.
Light Horse +1 +1 +2 -1 for each flank of a land element overlapped in close combat.
Sail, Steamers +2 +3 +4 -1 if close combat opponents started the bound uphill.
Flotilla +1 +1 +2 -1 if any land troops being shot at either (a) after making a march move, or (b) if Rifles, BL or
Ironclad +1 +2 +5 dismounted except Dragoons and being shot at by foot, dismounted or an SP after making a
Submarine - - +4 tactical move, or (c) if artillery shot at after a tactical move or who were repulsed this bound or last.
Pont or Aero +1 +1 +3 -2 if either an enfiladed land element, or Sail shooting from or shot at on its front or rear edge.
Laagers +5 +4 +2 -2 if mounted, artillery or a Laager; and in close combat in slow or difficult going or in a BUA.
Supply Base +3 +1 +2 -2 if silenced artillery in close combat, or a damaged naval element.
BUA - - +5 -2 if repulsed or routing, or if pursuers in close combat against new enemy mounted.
SP & garrison +4 +3 +3 -3 for each enemy land element in front edge contact with a land elements flank or rear edge.
Temp bridge - +2 +3
Perm bridge - +3 +4 GRADING FACTORS:
*except Dragoons
+1 if: ELITE and its total is:
Equal in close combat unless either is mounted and the other is foot or artillery.
Less if either shot at in distant combat unless by artillery or naval, or in close combat.
-1 if: INFERIOR and its total is:
Less if in close combat.
Equal or more if in distant combat and shot at by artillery or shooting.

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