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A liberdade o oxignio da alma.

Woody Allen

Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

Woody Allen

Fernando Augusto Fernandes

Fernando Tristo Fernandes parece que nasceu ontem, pelo seu vigor, pela energia que nos passa e pe-
las constantes lies de advocacia. Sua formatura em 1958 foi o incio de uma caminhada conturbada,
cheia de obstculos: golpe militar, priso, confinamento, atentado contra sua vida. Mas Tristo venceu.
Ultrapassou todos os obstculos que lhe impuseram e trouxe de cada vitria pessoal um pouco de vrios
estados brasileiros.

Legou aos filhos e netos o amor pelo Brasil e o desejo de continuar construindo um pas mais justo, huma-
no e solidrio para as futuras geraes.

Na advocacia um smbolo. Ensinou-nos a enfrentar os desmandos policiais, as arbitrariedades, as injus-

tias com a garra necessria. Mostra-nos o desprendimento na luta diria em prol do amadurecimento do
sistema democrtico e a vigilncia para que a Constituio seja aplicada, garantida, a todos os brasileiros,
ricos, pobres, acusados, inocentes ou culpados.

Graas a ele conseguimos importantes decises judiciais, no s em leading cases como a primeira
anulao de gravao ambiental do pas na Suprema Corte, anulaes de gravaes telefnicas deferidas
de modo destemperado em uma das maiores operaes da Polcia Federal, impedimento de remessas
de informaes bancrias pelo COAF (Conselho de Controle de Atividades Financeiras), trancamentos de
inmeras aes penais por gesto temerria de instituio financeira, por tipos tributrios, previdencirios
, mas tambm em favor de colegas advogados atacados injustamente. Foram inmeras defesas de ad-
vogados com o fim de fortalecer prerrogativas profissionais que, em ultima anlise, so uma homenagem
aos 50 anos de advocacia de Tristo.

Homenagear este homem, este pai, este av, este brasileiro e acima de tudo este advogado brilhante
uma grande emoo. Temos o privilgio de comemorar os 50 anos da Fernando Fernandes Advogados
rememorando a vida de nosso fundador, que nos brinda com seu sorriso dirio e nos serve como exemplo
de honestidade, dedicao e destemor.

Fernando Augusto Fernandes

Fernando Tristo Fernandes seems to be born yesterday for his drive, energy devoted to us and the incessant
lessons on law practice. His graduation in 1958 represented the beginning of a troubled path, full of obstacles,
military coup, incarceration, confinement, attempted murder. However, Tristo conquered everything. He
overcame the obstacles in his way and, from this lesson, he brought a little of each Brazilian state to his life.

He left his sons and grandsons the love for Brazil and the desire of keeping fighting for a better country, more
human and fair for the next generations

He is an icon in the law area. He gave us the necessary strength to face the police abuse, the arbitrary deci-
sions, the injustice. He shows us his impartiality towards the daily fight in order to contribute to the develo-
pment of the democratic system and the concern with the enforcement of the Brazilian Constitution, which
is a basic right conferred upon any and all Brazilian citizens, either rich or poor, charged of any crime,
innocent or guilty.

He gave us the power to obtain significant court decisions in various leading cases, such as the first ban on
live recording in the Brazilian Supreme Court, and ban on court-authorized telephone recordings, which
were authorized on unfounded manner, in connection with one of the largest operation mounted by the
Federal Police, ban on the disclosure of bank information by COAF, the dismissal of countless criminal
lawsuits due to oppressive administration by financial institutions as a result of tax and social security
matters, but he also worked on behalf of fellow attorneys unfairly accused. He worked on a myriad of de-
fenses of attorneys with the purpose of strengthening professional rights that are, at last, homage to the 50
years of Tristos law practice.

Paying homage to the man, the father, the grandfather, the Brazilian citizen and above all the attorney is a
thrilling feeling. We are fortunate to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of Fernando Fernandes Advo-
gados by celebrating the life of our founder, who indulges us with his bright smiles and is the supreme model
of honesty, dedication and courage.
Sumrio :: Summary

Prefcio :: Preface Ren Ariel Dotti 13

Parte 1 :: Pelo Brasil Part 1 :: Through Brazil

Esprito Santo 23 Esprito Santo 23
Minas Gerais 29 Minas Gerais 29
Bahia 31 Bahia 31
Paran 35 Paran 35
Mato Grosso do Sul 49 Mato Grosso do Sul 49
Rio de Janeiro 61 Rio de Janeiro 61
So Paulo 65 So Paulo 65

Parte 2 :: O Escritrio Part 2 :: The Office

Histrico 73 History 73
Rio de Janeiro 77 Rio de Janeiro 77
So Paulo 81 So Paulo 81
Banca 85 Team 85

Parte 3 :: Memrias da Advocacia Part 3 :: Reminiscenses of Law Practice

Entrevista de 2005 95 Interview of 2005 95

Parte 4 :: Cinquenta Anos de Advocacia Part 4 :: Fifty Years of Law Practice

Entrevista Abril de 2009 113 Interview April 2009 113

Parte 5 :: A Famlia Part 5 :: The Family

Zulka 121 Zulka 121
Fernando Fernandy 122 Fernando Fernandy 123
Fernando Olinto 125 Fernando Olinto 125
Fernando Humberto 126 Fernando Humberto 126
Fernando Augusto 129 Fernando Augusto 129
Tempos de resistncia e conquista
Ren Ariel Dotti

A vida e a obra de Fernando Tristo Fernandes constituem referncias obrigatrias para seus familiares,
amigos e conhecidos que se dedicarem a qualquer trabalho de investigao histrica sobre os temas de
resistncia e da conquista do ser humano. No longo itinerrio fsico de Vitria ao Rio de Janeiro vivendo
a saga da liberdade pelos caminhos de Minas Gerais, Bahia, Paran e Mato Grosso do Sul, pontos cardeais
de viagem do corpo e do esprito, ele jamais escondeu a sua inquebrantvel f nas imensas possibilidades
humanas contra as opresses de qualquer natureza. Seu filho, o dinmico e sensvel Fernando Augusto,
conta a singela e inesquecvel lio que aprendeu, quando criana, a respeito de uma das mais antigas
mximas da verdade social e poltica:

Na praia ele abriu o jornal e me entregou uma folha pedindo que a rasgasse.
Foi fcil. Em seguida, deu-me o jornal inteiro, dobrado como era exposto
na banca. E repetiu o pedido. Mas ento eu no consegui.
assim, meu filho. A unio faz a fora.

Tristo Fernandes sempre foi um lder intimorato e um humanista de espinha inquebrantvel. Os exemplos
vinham dos gestos mais simples e com a lgica mais pura.

Eu o conheci nos anos dourados de minha juventude e do meu emprego de bancrio. No Bank of London
South America Limited, espao e prtica de lio de vida enquanto cursava Direito, eu acompanhava pela
leitura dos jornais e panfletos distribudos pelo sindicato a sua luta por maiores salrios e melhores condi-
es de trabalho. Ele era funcionrio do Banco do Brasil. Integrava, portanto, um grupo de servidores que
compunham uma espcie de aristocracia em relao aos demais trabalhadores das outras instituies finan-
ceiras. Mas aquele privilgio no lhe retirava a dedicao e a independncia exigidas para a atividade sindi-
cal na qual se destacava em relao ao universo de seus colegas. E quando se falava em greve palavra
amaldioada pelo feitio da guerra fria dos anos cinquenta pensava-se desde logo em lideranas corajosas
encarnadas por Tristo Fernandes e outros apstolos da resistncia contra a opresso.

Fomos colegas de turma na gloriosa Universidade Federal do Paran. O cenrio acadmico era iluminado
pela discusso das teses nacionalistas. Principalmente quando foras entreguistas se opunham vigorosa
campanha O petrleo nosso.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 13

Em recentssimo voto proferido no Supremo Tribunal Federal, o lcido e sensvel Ministro Marco Aurlio
lembrou que o advento da Lei n 2.004, de 3 de outubro de 1953, foi um grande divisor de guas na poltica
energtica brasileira. Surgiu o monoplio do petrleo, significando, em outros termos, que somente a Unio
poderia realizar as seguintes atividades: pesquisa e lavra das jazidas de petrleo existentes no territrio na-
cional; a refinao do petrleo, tanto o nacional como o estrangeiro; o transporte martimo do petrleo bruto
de origem nacional ou de derivados do petrleo que fossem produzidos no Pas e ainda o transporte, por
meio de condutos, de petrleo bruto e seus derivados bem como de gases raros de qualquer origem.

E l estava o nosso Tristo Fernandes, empunhando e acenando a bandeira

da soberania nacional em meio aos estudantes ainda perplexos com as dvidas
e a distncia da Introduo Cincia do Direito.

Corria o ano de 1954, que iria tambm marcar a tragdia do suicdio de Vargas: Quis criar a liberdade
nacional na potencializao de nossas riquezas atravs da Petrobrs, mal comea esta a funcionar, a onda
1 Ao Direta de de agitao se avoluma.2 A alma de brasilidade no corao de estudante j entoava a letra e a msica do
Hino Nacional revivido agora nas palavras vigorosas do Ministro Marco Aurlio, cinquenta anos mais tarde:
3.273-9 (Distrito Federal).
Requerente, o Governador Traduzindo: ter petrleo ter no somente energia, mas uma fonte de energia altamente qualificada,
do Paran e requerido, revelando soberania e independncia externa.3
o Presidente da Repblica.

2 Getlio Vargas (1883-1954), A luta em favor das teses nacionalistas e sociais iria marcar com ferro em brasa, a exemplo das antigas pe-
Lutei contra a espoliao nas de infmia, o corpo e a alma do lder sindical, do estudante e do profissional de Direito durante a vida, a
do Brasil. Lutei contra paixo e a morte da ditadura militar (1964-1985). Aps a priso por vrios meses em Curitiba, como um dos
a espoliao do povo (...)
Eu vos dei a minha vida.
perseguidos por convico poltica e ideolgica, ele banido para Ponta Por, no Mato Grosso do Sul.
Agora ofereo a minha morte.
Nada receio. Serenamente
A multiplicao das prises como reao em cadeia, por um lado, e as manifestaes de euforia, por outro,
dou o primeiro passo no caminho
da eternidade e saio da vida eram contrastes que revelavam cenrios to distintos quanto antagnicos. Nas ruas e nas praas ressoa-
para entrar na Histria.
vam os slogans das marchas da famlia, com Deus pela liberdade, enquanto nos pores e nas salas de
Em HLIO SILVA, 1954:
Um tiro no corao, Porto Alegre: tortura ecoavam os sons dos gemidos e se modelavam as mscaras dos tormentos fsicos e espirituais.
L&PM, 2004, p. 318/319. Era o tempo de um direito penal do terror que se abatia poderosamente contra todos quantos passariam
3 Trecho do voto na ADIN referida. a merecer o labu de subversivo. A chamada Revoluo de 1964 reencarnou vrios tipos de autores que
circulavam ao tempo das Ordenaes de Portugal: apstatas, feiticeiros, blasfemos e benzedores de ces
e outros bichos. Uma parte de sua odissia naquele perodo est registrada no livro Resistncia Demo-
crtica, que um acervo de narrativas sobre as fantasmagorias da ditadura e a resistncia de acusados,
testemunhas e advogados.

Prestando um depoimento ao organizador, o jornalista Milton Ivan Heller, a respeito das violncias sofri-
das, Tristo contou que atuava no Sindicato dos Bancrios de Curitiba desde 1953 e que contribuiu para
a criao de uma Federao da categoria e para a organizao dos trabalhadores rurais e dos porturios
de Paranagu, Antonina e So Francisco do Sul. Isso atraiu a oposio ferrenha das classes empresariais,

14 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

que o acusavam de comunista, embora ele no tivesse nenhum envolvimento partidrio. A sua liderana
entre os trabalhadores, a defesa da legalidade representada pela figura do presidente eleito Joo Goulart
e a tentativa de organizar algum tipo de resistncia contra o golpe militar de 1964 valeram-lhe meses de
crcere na Priso Provisria do Ahu, em Curitiba.

Ao ser libertado por habeas corpus, Tristo foi embarcado em um avio e remetido a Maracaju, onde havia
um grande nmero de leprosos. Vale recordar as suas prprias palavras: Protestamos energicamente,
porque minha esposa e filhos estariam sendo penalizados e eles nada tinham a ver com as minhas ativi-
dades sindicais ou polticas. Consentiram, ento, que eu fosse para Ponta Por, onde existe uma unidade 4 IPMs: Inquritos Policiais
Militares. (Nota do prefaciador).
do Exrcito. Sair da cidade, s com permisso do comandante e toda vez que havia um movimento nas
grandes cidades eu era recolhido ao quartel e ali permanecia durante vrios dias, incomunicvel. Na minha 5 Resistncia Democrtica -
maleta 007 eu j andava com escova, pasta de dentes, pincel de barba e talheres para me alimentar, porque A represso no Paran,
So Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra /
sabia que a qualquer momento poderia receber voz de priso. Isso durou at 1968 e onde houve reunies Secretaria de Estado da Cultura
sindicais com a minha participao, eu respondi a IPMs : Recife, Rio de Janeiro, etc. Onde encontravam o do Paran, 1988, p. 250.
meu nome, armavam um IPM.

Aps cinco anos de provao bblica nos labirintos dos processos criminais alimentados pelo preconceito
poltico e a intolerncia ideolgica, Tristo Fernandes obteve um habeas corpus no Superior Tribunal Militar
que reuniu duas figuras de saudosa memria: o corajoso advogado Jos Carlos Correia de Castro Alvim e
um notvel magistrado, vindo de gloriosa tribuna forense, o Ministro Romeiro Neto. Aquele, o impetrante e
amigo fraterno; este, o relator e cone de minha gerao de criminalistas.

Fernando Tristo Fernandes foi e continua sendo o homem, o cidado,

o chefe de famlia, o ser humano que resistiu e conquistou.
A injustia social que denunciou, a opresso que venceu, o crcere do qual
se libertou, as vicissitudes que enfrentou e a morte que enganou foram alguns
trechos do itinerrio de resistncia. A famlia unida, o lar domstico, a alegria
dos filhos, o prazer do trabalho, so alguns frutos de uma grande conquista.

Agora eu lembro isso tudo como brumas do passado e orgulho do presente. Em algumas visitas, feitas ao
seu escritrio no Rio de Janeiro, localizado por uma insinuao democrtica na Rua da Assemblia, eu vejo
na altura do andar nmero vinte um trecho iluminado da baa de Guanabara. As guas e o cu, pintados
de azul, brilham em frente aos meus olhos e na lembrana do tempo. Tempo que eu reconquisto agora
falando sobre o meu lder sindical, meu colega de turma, meu companheiro de profisso e meu amigo
reencontrado: Tristo Fernandes.

:: Ren Ariel Dotti Professor Titular de Direito Penal da Universidade Federal do Paran, Vice-Presidente
da Associao Internacional de Direito Penal e Presidente de seu Grupo Brasileiro (AIDP-Brasil). Membro da
Sociedade Mexicana de Criminologia.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 15

Times of struggle and achievements
Ren Ariel Dotti

The life and work of Fernando Tristo Fernandes are critical references to his family, friends and acquain-
tances who wish to dedicate themselves to any investigative work of historical events on topics related to the
struggle and achievements of the human being. Throughout the extensive journey from Vitoria to Rio de
Janeiro experiencing the ideal of freedom in the streets of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Paran and Mato Grosso
do Sul, cardinal points for the journey of the body and the mind, he never disguised his unyielding faith in
the vast potential of the human being against oppressions of any nature. His son, the motivated and ra-
tional Fernando Augusto, tells the simple and remarkable lesson he learned as a child related to one of the
most ancient tales of the social and political reality of the day:

He opened the newspaper on the beach and handed me over a sheet of news-
paper, asking me to tear it apart. It was easy. Then, he handed me over
the entire newspaper, folded as the newspaper was folded in the newsstand.
And he repeated the request. But this time I was unable to do as requested.
That is it, son. Union is strength.

Tristo Fernandes was always an intrepid leader and a humanist with unyielding principles. These ex-
amples were given by simple gestures intended with the purest common sense approach as possible.

I met him during the golden years of my youth and during my job as a bank employee. In the Bank of London
South America Limited, a place to gain and apply life experience while I attended Law school, I observed,
upon the reading of newspapers and pamphlets distributed by the union, his fight for higher salaries and
a better work environment. He worked in Banco do Brasil. He was therefore a member of a group of public
servants that represented a type of aristocracy as compared to the other employees of other financial institu-
tions. However, that kind of status was not enough to fade the dedication and independence necessary for
the union activities in which he succeeded in comparison with his colleagues. And if the word strike comes
to mind a word haunted by the threat of the Cold War in the 50s one could easily think about audacious
leaders personified by Tristo Fernandes and other disciples of the fight against oppression.

We were classmates in the Universidade Federal do Paran. The academic environment was enlightened
by the discussion of nationalist theories. In particular, when submissive powers resisted the vigorous cam-
paign The Oil Is Ours.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 17

By means of a recent vote cast in the Federal Supreme Court, the reasoned and rational Minister Marco
Aurelio reminded us that the enactment of Law n 2.004, of October 3, 1953, was a huge milestone in the
Brazilian policy towards electric energy. The oil monopoly system was created, meaning, in other words,
that only the Brazilian government was authorized to perform the following activities: survey and mining of
oil deposits existing in the Brazilian territory; oil refining, both Brazilian and foreign oil; maritime trans-
portation of crude oil discovered in Brazil or oil byproducts produced in Brazil and also the transportation,
by means of oil pipelines, of crude oil and its byproducts, as well as rare gases from any source1

And there was our Tristo Fernandes, brandishing and waving

the Brazilian flag amidst the students still bewildered at the doubts
and the remoteness of the Introduction to Law.

The year was 1954, which was also the year of the tragedy resulting in the suicide of Vargas: I wanted to
create a national freedom by means of the growth of our assets through Petrobrs but the company nearly
1 Direct Unconstitutionality started to operate and the wave of turbulence grows.2 The Brazilian soul in the heart of the student already
Suit 3.273-9 (Distrito Federal).
chanted the lyrics and music of the National Anthem now revived in the strong words of the Minister Marco
Plaintiff, the Governor of the
State of Parana and defendant, Aurelio, fifty years later: Translating: be in the possession of oil is having not only electric energy but a
the President of Republic. high-quality source of energy, which results in sovereignty and external independence.3
2 Getulio Vargas (1883-1954),
Letter of Will: I fought against The fight for the nationalist and social theories would leave profound marks, such as the old infamy pun-
the despoilment of Brazil.
I fought against the exploitation
ishments, on the body and soul of the union leader, of the student and of the lawyer throughout the life,
of the Brazilian citizens (...) fervor and death of the military dictatorship (1964-1985). After several months of incarceration in Curitiba,
I dedicated my life to the Brazilian
citizens. Now I give you my death.
as one among the persons persecuted for political and ideological convictions, he was exiled to Ponta-Por,
I shall not fear. I peacefully take in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.
the first step on the path to eternity
and depart this life to be a part of
the History. In HELIO SILVA, 1954: On one side, the increasing number of incarcerations like a chain reaction and, on the other side, the dem-
Um tiro no corao, Porto Alegre: onstrations of euphoria represented disparities that revealed quite different and opposing circumstances.
L&PM, 2004, p. 318/319
The slogan to family, with God, for freedom was recited in the streets and parks, while the sounds of the
3 Excerpt of the vote in moaning echoed in the basements and torture rooms where the masks of the physical and spiritual torment-
the aforementioned Direct
Unconstitutionality Suit. ing were molded. It was the age of dread criminal law which strongly fell upon all persons who deserved to
be designated as subversives. The so-called Revolution of 1964 brought back various types of authors who
were around during the Portugal Ordeals: apostates, witches, profanes and preachers dealing with dogs and
other animals. One part of his journey during that period is described in the book Democratic Resistance,
which is a compilation of narratives about the illusions of the dictatorship and the fight of criminals, wit-
nesses and lawyers. Tristo, in a statement given to the book organizer, the journalist Milton Ivan Heller,
about the aggressions suffered, mentioned that he worked in the Union of Bank Employees of Curitiba since
1953 and contributed to the creation of an Association of bank employees and the organization of rural and
port workers of Paranagu, Antonina and So Francisco do Sul. This fact attracted the rough opposition of
the businessmen who accused him of being a communist, even though he was not involved with any politi-

18 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

cal party. His leadership among the workers, the defense of the legitimacy represented in the person of the
elected president, Joo Goulart, and the attempt to organize some kind of fight against the military coup of
1964, resulted in months of imprisonment in the Temporary Prison of Ahu, in Curitiba. Upon his release by
means of a habeas corpus, Tristo was boarded onto a plane and sent to Maracaju, a place where a large
number of lepers were living. It is worth remembering in his own words: We protest vehemently because my
wife and kids would be punished and they have nothing to do with my union or political activities.

I was then allowed to move to Ponta Por, where an Army division is located. Leave town only with the per-
mission of the senior officer and every time a protest was held in any big city I was restrained to the quarters 4 PMs: Military Police
Investigations. (Introducers Note).
and kept there during several days, incommunicado. I already kept a toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving brush
and silverware in my 007 briefcase because I knew I could be arrested at any time. This situation lasted 5 The repression in the State
until 1968 and I was subject to military police investigations (IPMs)4 in places where union meetings were of Paran, So Paulo: Editora Paz
e Terra / State Secretary of Culture
held with my participation: Recife, Rio de Janeiro, etc. When my name was found, an IPM was started.5 of the State of Paran, 1988, p. 250.

After five years of biblical agony in the mazes of criminal processes encouraged by political prejudice and
ideological intolerance, Tristo Fernandes received a habeas corpus from the Superior Military Court which
united two persons worth mentioning: the audacious lawyer Jos Carlos Correia de Castro Alvim and one
remarkable magistrate from an esteemed court, the Minister Romeiro Neto. The first who is the petitioner
and a fraternal friend; and the second, the reporter and an icon of a generation of criminal lawyers.

Fernando Tristo Fernandes was and continues to be the man, the citizen,
head of the family, the human being who resisted and conquered.
Social injustice denounced, oppression subjugated, release from incarceration,
facing the many vicissitudes of life and the deceit of death were parts of this path
of resistance. The cohesive family, the home, the joy of raising the kids, and the
pleasure obtained from work are all the results of an extraordinary achievement.

Now I reminisce about all these events from the past and I am proud of the present day. In a few visits made
to his office in Rio de Janeiro which was located, at Rua da Assemblia, I see on the 21st floor a light-up
part of the Guanabara bay. The bay and the blue sky glow before my eyes through my memories of time. A
time that I now remember by talking about my union leader, my classmate, my colleague and my long-time
friend: Tristo Fernandes.

:: Ren Ariel Dotti is a Professor of Criminal Law of Universidade do Paran, Vice President of the
International Association of Criminal Law and President of his Brazilian Group (AIDP-Brasil).
Member of the Mexican Society of Criminology.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 19

Prefira afrontar o mundo servindo
sua conscincia a afrontar a sua conscincia
para ser agradvel ao mundo.
Humberto de Campos

Choose to fight the world by serving

your conscience than to fight
you conscience by pleasing the world.
Humberto de Campos

No a conscincia do homem que

lhe determina o ser, mas, ao contrrio, o seu
ser social que lhe determina a conscincia.
Karl Marx

It is not the mans conscience which determines

the being, but, on the contrary, it is the
social being that determines the conscience.
Karl Marx
Pelo Brasil Through Brazil
Esprito Santo 23

Minas Gerais 29

Bahia 31

Paran 35

Mato Grosso do Sul 49

Rio de Janeiro 61

So Paulo 65
Colgio Estadual do Esprito Santo, 1945.
Tristo ao centro.
Colgio Estadual do Esprito Santo, 1945.
Tristo at the middle.
Captulo 1 :: Esprito Santo

CHAPTER 1 :: Esprito Santo

O que faz um homem manter uma coerncia gene- What makes a man maintain a consistent set of ide-
rosa ao longo de sua vida? Ser este compromisso als throughout his life? Is this daily commitment with
dirio consigo mesmo o responsvel pelo bom hu- himself responsible for the incessant good humor of a
mor constante de um homem, mesmo nos piores man, even in the worst moments of his life? The ex-
momentos de sua vida? O que temos como expli- planation is the individual life history of each person
cao a histria de cada um, dentro da grande within the greater history making of mankind.
histria de todos ns.
The path of Fernando Tristo Fernandes life has
O percurso de Fernando Tristo Fernandes teve in- begun on September 3, 1927, in a large house at Rua
cio em 3 de setembro de 1927, numa ampla casa da Conceio, in the City of Linhares, in the State of
da Rua da Conceio, a rua inaugural da cidade de Esprito Santo. He was the third son amongst eight
Linhares, no Esprito Santo. Ele foi o terceiro entre children. The first-born, the historian and profes-
os oito filhos de seus pais. O primognito, o histo- sor Jos Tristo Calmon Fernandes and his sister
riador professor Jos Tristo Calmon Fernandes, e a Cacilda Tristo Chequer live in the City of Vitria,
irm Cacilda Tristo Chequer vivem em Vitria, ES, ES. Jos Tristo Calmon Fernandes retired from the
ele, aposentado do Tribunal de Justia do Esprito Court of Justice of the State of Esprito Santo and
Santo e ela, da Receita Federal. Joel Fernandes, Cacilda Tristo Chequer retired from the Brazil-
aposentado do Banco do Brasil, mora em Salvador, ian Federal Revenue Department. Joel Fernandes,
BA. Maura Brugeff, viva, no Mato Grosso do Sul. retired from Banco do Brasil, lives in the City of
E a irm mais nova, Arlete, casada com o advogado Salvador, BA. Maura Brugeff, widower, lives in
Edesio Nassar, vive em Assis Chateaubriand, no Pa- the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. And the youngest
ran. Alm dos inesquecveis Humberto Neves Cal- sister, Arlete, married to the lawyer Edesio Nas-
mon Filho e Roberto Guarany Fernandes, falecidos sar, lives in the City of Assis Chateaubriand, in the
prematuramente. State of Paran. And not to mention the memorable
Humberto Neves Calmon Filho and Roberto Guara-
O imvel onde nasceu pertencia famlia Calmon ny Fernandes, prematurely deceased.
Ferreira Fernandes, descendente do pioneiro na-
quelas terras, Joo Felipe Calmon Du Pin e Almei- The property where he was born belonged to the fam-
da, que l chegou em 1809, com famlia e escravos, ily Calmon Ferreira Fernandes, descendant of one
vindo de Santo Amaro, na Bahia, para tomar posse of the pioneering families on that land, Joo Felipe
da sesmaria que recebera s margens do Rio Doce. Calmon Du Pin e Almeida, who was settled there in

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 23

O pai de Fernando Tristo, Hum- 1809, with the family and slaves, coming from San-
berto Calmon Neves Fernandes to Amaro in the State of Bahia, to take possession of
(foto na pgina ao lado), tinha uma the settlement given on the banks of the river Doce.
fazenda de porte mdio na regio Fernando Tristos father, Humberto Calmon Neves
com sua mulher, Esther Tristo Fernandes (picture on the page beside), owned a
Fernandes, da famlia Tristo, tradi- medium-sized farm in the region, together with
cional em Minas Gerais. Humberto his wife, Esther Tristo Fernandes, from the Tristo
foi o segundo prefeito do munic- family, a traditional family in the State of Minas
pio e seu primo, Jones Santos Ne- Gerais. Humberto was the second mayor of the city
ves, viria a substituir o capito Joo and his cousin, Jones Santos Neves, was the substi-
Punaro Bley, empossado em 1930 tute for Captain Joo Punaro Bley, who was chosen
como interventor federal no Espri- in 1930 as federal administrator in the State of Es-
Comecei carregando to Santo. Entre os primos mais ilustres de Fernando prito Santo. Among the most memorable cousins of
gua nas costas pra ganhar Fernandes figura Pedro Calmon, que foi reitor da Fernando Fernandes was Pedro Calmon, who was
um dinheirinho. antiga Universidade do Brasil. the dean of the former University of Brazil.
I began life carrying
Fernando foi criana numa Linhares em decadncia. Fernando grew up in the decaying surroundings of
water on my back
A cidade e as terras ao seu redor faziam parte do Linhares. The city and the surrounding lands were
to earn a bit of money.
municpio de Colatina e dele dependiam: recebiam part of the City of Colatina and depended on Lin-
de l, atravs de navios a vapor que desciam o Rio hares: receiving goods and information, through
Doce, desde jornais at diversos itens de seu co- steamboats that navigated in the River Rio Doce.
mrcio. Os navios eram ansiosamente esperados The arrival of the boats was anxiously expected
no cais do Porto do Rio Doce todos os sbados. in the docks of the Port of River Doce every Satur-
A cidade no tinha gua encanada durante a infn- day. There was no piped water in the city during
cia de Tristo. Menino, quando dispunha de tempo, his childhood. As a boy, if he had time, between
entre aulas e estudos, entregava o lquido precioso classes and study sessions, he delivered the pre-
em diversas casas da cidade, ganhando seu di- cious liquid to several residences, earning his bit
nheirinho pelo servio. Ele enchia no rio duas latas of money. He filled two cans of Jacar kerosene on
de Querosene Jacar, de 20 litros cada uma, e as the river, of 20 liters each and carried them, one
carregava penduradas num cip grosso, sobre os on each side of his shoulders, hanging by a thick
ombros (foto acima). As economias que reuniu com rope (picture beside). The cash he earned with this
esta atividade seriam muito importantes um pouco activity would be extremely important a few years
mais tarde, quando ele tinha 11 anos. later, when he was 11 years old.

Seu pai adoeceu e foi para a casa da av de Tristo, His father got sick and was sent to Tristo grand-
no Rio, na Rua Tavares Bastos, 21 casa 35, no Ca- mothers home, in Rio, at Rua Tavares Bastos, 21
tete, para fazer uma operao de apndice. Esta, house 35, in the Catete, to undergo an appendec-
porm, gerou complicaes que determinaram sua tomy. However, the surgery had complications that
estada na capital do pas por mais de um ano. A resulted in his fathers stay in the Brazilian capital

24 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

me, Esther, estava muito doente, os irmos mais for over one year. His mother, Esther, was very sick,
velhos j haviam se mudado e Fernando Tristo Fer- his older brothers had already moved out and Fer-
nandes, com 11 anos, passou a gerir as finanas nando Tristo Fernandes, with 11 years old, started
da famlia. Ento, em um destes muitos dias, um to manage the familys finances. Then, in one of
comerciante nordestino de nome Bonfim chegou many days, one Northeast salesman called Bonfim,
casa da famlia em Linhares, apressado, contando arrived to the familys house in Linhares, in a hur-
que tinha sido obrigado a matar um homem, j ry, and told them that he was forced to kill a man
que ele andava namorando a sua mulher. Agora who was dating his wife. Now he had to run away
precisava fugir, rpido, e queria vender o bar com fast and wanted to sell the bar with the pool table
bilhar que tinha na cidade. Fernando Fernandes he owned in the city. Fernando Fernandes bought
comprou e passou a gerenciar o negcio, enquanto the bar and started to manage the business, while
terminava o curso primrio. A renda do bar com bi- he finished elementary school. The income from the
lhar sustentou a famlia por um tempo, mas logo o bar with the pool table supported the family for a
estabelecimento perdeu o seu gerente. long time but soon the bar lost his manager.

A infraestrutura educacional, nas dcadas de 1930 The educational infrastructure in the 30s and 40s
e 1940, estava concentrada nas grandes cidades e was concentrated in the big cities and the finest
o melhor ensino, nas escolas pblicas. O pai, de education in the public schools. The father, who
volta e orgulhoso do que o filho fizera, presenteou- backed and is proud of his sons achievements, al-
o com o ginasial na capital do estado, Vitria. Aluno lowed him to attend high school in the Capital of the
State, Vitria. At the age of 13, as a student of the
American College during one year, he went to live in
a hostel and attended classes at Colgio Estadual
do Esprito Santo.
Residncia da famlia Calmon
onde Tristo nasceu. Ao lado,
Humberto Calmon Neves
Fernandes, pai de Tristo.
Residence of Calmons family
where Tristo was born. At the
right, Humberto Calmon Neves
Fernandes, Tristos father.

Fernando Tristo no Exrcito 1946.

Fernando Tristo in the Army 1946.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 25

interno do Colgio Americano durante um ano, aos There, he met three teachers who had strong nation-
13 anos foi morar numa penso e estudar no Col- alistic beliefs: Ademar de Oliveira Neves, rico Neves
gio Estadual do Esprito Santo. and Luiz Simes de Jesus. The youngsters most sen-
sitive to social matters learned to reflect on the prob-
Ali, encontrou trs professores dedicados e com lems in Brazil with these teachers, in particular the
firme postura patritica: Ademar de Oliveira Neves, right to health care and education.
rico Neves e Luiz Simes de Jesus. Os jovens mais
sensveis s questes sociais aprenderam com eles World War II spread destruction throughout Europe
a pensar sobre os problemas brasileiros, em espe- and the Pacific Ocean. Brazilian people believed that
cial o direito de todos sade e educao. Getlio Vargas, under the influence of the chief of
police of the Distrito Federal, Filinto Mller, and the
A Segunda Guerra Mundial veio espalhar destrui- Minister of War, General Gis Monteiro, was inclined
o pela Europa e pelo Oceano Pacfico. Acredita- to allow Brazil, a neutral country so far, to support
va-se que Getlio Vargas, sob influncia do chefe the nazist/fascist axis. Oswaldo Aranha, one of the
de polcia do Distrito Federal, Filinto Mller, e do main supporters of the Revolution of 1930, which
ministro da Guerra, general Gis Monteiro, tendia a led Getlio to the Palcio do Catete, had an oppo-
fazer com que o Brasil, neutro at ento, apoiasse site inclination and tried to organize groups capable
o eixo nazi-fascista. Oswaldo Aranha, um dos prin- of influencing the governments decision. Fernando
cipais articuladores da Revoluo de 30, que levou joined one of these groups at the age of 15. Months
Getlio ao Palcio do Catete, tinha posio opos- later, the Brazilian merchant vessel Baependi sank
ta e procurava organizar grupos capazes de influir in the shore of the State of Bahia. The attack was
na deciso do governo. Fernando ingressou num credited to the German navy and a group of students
destes grupos aos 15 anos. Meses depois, o navio walked across the streets in Vitria to protest.
mercante brasileiro Baependi foi posto a pique no
litoral baiano. O ataque foi atribudo marinha da The group raided the commercial store Arens Lan-
Alemanha e o grupo de estudantes foi s ruas em gen, owned by German citizens, and threw ma-
Vitria para protestar. chines and papers in the street. In the aftermath of
the event, Fernando Tristo spent a period of 10 days
O grupo invadiu a casa comercial Arens Langen, in Linhares. Brazil, as is already known, joined the
propriedade de alemes, jogando mquinas e war against the Axis. Fernando Tristo finished
papis para fora. A repercusso levou Fernando high school in the next year.
Tristo a fazer uma temporada de dez dias em Li-
nhares. O Brasil, como se sabe, entrou na guerra However, his father had no resources to support his
contra o eixo. Fernando Tristo terminou o ginsio studies in the Capital and told him this with some
no ano seguinte. embarrassment. Tristo found a solution in the
second year of high school: he requested a meeting
O pai, porm, no tinha recursos para sustent-lo with his fathers cousin, who was the Governor of
na capital estudando e disse isto a ele, constrangi- the State of Esprito Santo, Jones Santos Neves. He
do. Tristo encontrou a soluo no segundo ano do was temporarily appointed, at the age of 18, as an

26 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

clssico: pediu audincia ao primo de seu pai que administrative employee, letter J of the employees
ento governava o Esprito Santo, Jones Santos Ne- team, exercising the duties related to the preparation
ves. Foi nomeado, em carter interino, com 18 anos of tax debt clearance and liability certificates, ini-
de idade, oficial administrativo letra J do quadro de tialing and providing for the signature of the general
funcionrios, com as funes de preparar certides accountant. The working period, consisting of six
negativas ou positivas de dbitos fiscais, rubricar e hours/day, allowed him to continue to study. His fa-
pegar a assinatura do contador-geral. O expediente, ther was appointed Mayor of Linhares in the follow-
de seis horas por dia, permitia a continuidade dos ing year, the same month of Tristo 19th birthday.
estudos. Seu pai foi nomeado prefeito de Linhares
no ano seguinte, no mesmo ms em que Tristo The youngster gained the trust of his bosses and
completou 19 anos. worked in Palcio Anchieta, the executive office of
the State government, up to 1948, when he was ap-
O jovem ganhou a confiana de seus chefes e tra- proved in a test to work in Banco do Brasil in the
balhou no Palcio Anchieta, sede do governo esta- State of Esprito Santo. His political background
dual, at 1948, quando foi aprovado em concurso in the State though was not favorable to his hiring
para o Banco do Brasil no Esprito Santo. Sua ficha and he also wrote the exam in the State of Minas
poltica ali, porm, no recomendava a sua contra- Gerais, during which exam he was also success-
tao e ele fez o concurso tambm em Minas, em ful, and was designated to work in Aymors, in the
que tambm passou, sendo indicado para trabalhar State of Minas Gerais.
em Aimors, Minas Gerais.

Acima, Fernando Tristo Fernandes no Carnaval

de So Mateus, ES, 1944. Ao lado, sua turma
de formatura e no Exrcito.
Above, Fernando Tristo Fernandes during the Carnival
in So Mateus, ES, 1944. At the right, his graduation
fellows, and in the Army.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 27

Acima, Casamento com Zulka Henriques Fernandes Conselheiro Pena, MG, 1950.
Ao lado, a primeira casa onde foram morar.
Above, wedding to Zulka Henriques Fernandes, Conselheiro Pena, MG, 1950.
At the left, the first house where they lived.
Captulo 2 :: Minas Gerais

CHAPTER 2 :: Minas Gerais

O Banco do Brasil exercia diversas funes na econo- The Brazilian bank exercised several duties in the Bra-
mia brasileira: banco central, caixa do governo, banco zilian economy: central bank, governments funding
rural e de fomento indstria. Os funcionrios eram institution, rural bank and industrial development
respeitados em suas comunidades. Eles estavam bank. The employees were respected in their commu-
entre os que melhores salrios recebiam no pas e nities. The salaries paid to the banks employees were
s eram admitidos atravs de concurso pblico, que among the higher salaries in Brazil and the employees
inclua provas de matemtica, contabilidade pblica were only hired through public tests, of which subject
e comercial, ingls, francs, portugus e datilografia. matters included math, public and commercial ac-
O salrio e a posio social eram muito mais do que counting, English, French, Portuguese and typing.
o suficiente para um jovem de 21 anos. The salary and status were much more than sufficient
for a young man in his early 20s.
Fernando Tristo pagou o curso de tcnico agrcola
em Viosa para dois irmos e convidou as trs irms Tristo paid for the technical agricultural course of
para morar com ele. O convvio com elas o fez co- two brothers in Viosa and invited his three sisters to
nhecer uma prima mineira, pela qual se apaixonou. live with him. The relationship with his sisters caused
O namoro acontecia de acordo com as normas de him to meet a cousin from Minas Gerais and he fell
comportamento conservadoras que imperavam em in love. The courtship was in accordance with the
Minas Gerais: pouco contato fsico e muita con- conservative rules of behavior predominant in Minas
versa, aproximando identificaes e renovando o Gerais: little physical contact and lots of talk, getting
prazer de estarem juntos. Fernando Tristo a pediu to know similar tastes and relishing in the pleasure of
em casamento. Casaram-se em Conselheiro Pena, being together. Tristo asked her to marry him. They
Minas Gerais, em 1950. Ela, com 17 anos, passou married in Conselheiro Pena, in the State of Minas
a assinar-se Zulka Henriques Fernandes e foi morar Gerais, in 1950. She, at the age of 17, started to sign
com o marido, em Aimors, numa casinha muito Zulka Henriques Fernandes and lived with her hus-
bonitinha, como diz. No segundo ms de casamen- band in Aimors, in a nice small house, as she says.
to, engravidou. In the second month of marriage, she got pregnant.

O Banco do Brasil o transferiu ento para a Bahia. Banco do Brasil then transferred him to the State of
Fernando permaneceu apenas um ano em Minas, Bahia. Tristo only remained one year in the State of
mas estes meses representaram o primeiro contato Minas Gerais but this period represented the first con-
com a mulher com quem est at hoje. tact with the woman with whom he is still married.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 29

No era possvel, as mquinas poderiam ser abastecidas
em Juazeiro, s margens do Rio So Francisco,
100 quilometros depois, sem sacrifcio da populao.
It was unacceptable, the machines could be
filled in Juazeiro, at the banks of River So Francisco,
100 kilometers ahead, without sacrificing the population.

Zulka em Juazeiro, BA, 5 de outubro de 1952.

Zulka in Juazeiro, BA, October 5, 1952.
Captulo 3 :: Bahia

CHAPTER 3 :: Bahia

A transferncia para Senhor do Bonfim, cidade co- The transfer to Senhor do Bonfim, a city known in
nhecida na Bahia como a Princesa do Serto, foi the State of Bahia as the Princess of the Backcoun-
acompanhada de uma promoo para o cargo de try, was followed by a promotion to cashier. That
caixa. Aquela era a nica agncia bancria na cida- was the only bank branch in the city, constructed
de, instalada apenas sete anos antes. O cargo, o only seven years before. The position was the third
terceiro em importncia na agncia. in rank in the branch.

A carreira ia bem e a famlia crescera, com o nasci- The career was going well and the family was grow-
mento em Senhor do Bonfim de Fernando Fernandy ing after the birth of Fernando Fernandy Fernandes,
Fernandes, hoje desembargador, o primeiro filho. the first-born, in Senhor do Bonfim, who is currently
a Public Prosecutor.
A funo de caixa o colocava em contato direto
com os moradores da cidade e, por outro lado, o The position of cashier allowed him to have direct
pessoal do banco era bastante unido. Tristo, jovem contact with the city population and, on the other
e sempre bem-humorado, ampliou com rapidez seu hand, the banks employees were extremely close.
crculo de relacionamentos e passou a participar, to- Tristo, youthful and always in a good humor, quick-
dos os dias, de um programa de rdio. ly developed his relationship network and started to
participate, on a daily basis, in a radio show.
Senhor do Bonfim estava se transformando em plo
regional, graas acelerada expanso da Viao Fr- Senhor do Bonfim was becoming a regional influ-
rea Federal Leste Brasileiro, transportando bens e ence, thanks to the accelerated growth of Viao
passageiros: o municpio, em 1951, j tinha seis es- Frrea Federal Leste Brasileiro, which transported
taes. O problema principal era a seca, ainda mais goods and passengers: the city, in 1951, already
grave porque a pouca gua que chegava era des- had six train stations. The main problem was the
viada para os trens! Fernando Tristo ficou inconfor- drought, which was even more severe because the
mado com aquela situao: No era possvel, as small volume of water that was supplied to the
mquinas poderiam ser abastecidas em Juazeiro, city was diverged to the trains! Fernando Tristo
s margens do Rio So Francisco, 100 quilmetros was troubled by that situation: It was unaccept-
depois, sem sacrifcio da populao. Usou ento o able, the machines could be filled in Juazeiro, at
seu microfone na rdio para conclamar o povo de the banks of the River So Francisco, 100 kilometers
Senhor do Bonfim a protestar. Convocao atendi- ahead, without sacrificing the population. He then

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 31

da, pessoas da cidade quebraram o encanamento used his microphone on the radio station to ask the
que conduzia a gua para a estrada de ferro. population of Senhor do Bonfim to protest. His ap-
peal was heard and the citys population destroyed
Interesses poderosos foram contrariados. O pre- the pipeline that carried the water to the railway.
feito da cidade era de um partido conservador, a
UDN, que tambm elegera no municpio um depu- Powerful interests were provoked. The city mayor
tado federal. A direo do Banco do Brasil no Rio de was a member of a conservative party, UDN, which
Janeiro logo recebeu um telegrama denunciando also elected a federal congressman. The manage-
um funcionrio por danificar bem pblico. O banco ment of Banco do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro soon re-
enviou inspetores a Senhor do Bonfim, onde abri- ceived a cable denouncing an employee for damages
ram um inqurito administrativo. Depois de 40 dias, to governmental interests. The bank sent investiga-
concluram que havia um choque cultural entre o tors to Senhor do Bonfim, where an administrative
jovem que estudara numa capital e a mentalidade inquiry was commenced. After 40 days, the investi-
do interior do pas, onde mandavam os coronis. gators concluded on the existence of a cultural shock
A soluo foi a transferncia: Fernando Fernandes between the youngster who attended a school in the
deveria optar entre So Paulo e Curitiba. Capital and the countryside attitude, where the
words of colonels were the law. The transfer was
the solution: Fernando Fernandes should choose
between So Paulo and Curitiba.

Zulka em Senhor do Bonfim.

Zulka in Senhor do Bonfim.

Tristo em Senhor do Bonfim.

Ao lado, Tristo em Salvador
e os dois em Petrolina.
Tristo in Senhor do Bonfim.
At then right, above, Tristo in Salvador,
and below, they both in Petrolina.

32 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Zulka em Juazeiro. Zulka in Juazeiro.

Tristo em Salvador. Tristo in Salvador.

Formatura na Universidade Federal do Paran, 1958.
Graduation ceremony at University Federal do Paran, 1958.
Captulo 4 :: Paran

CHAPTER 4 :: Paran

Universidade, sindicato UNIVERSITY, uNION

e advocacia AND the PRACTICE of law
Ele viu naquele banimento amigvel uma oportuni- He saw in that friendly exile an opportunity to go
dade de avanar em seus estudos e escolheu Curi- ahead with his learning and chose Curitiba because
tiba por causa da Universidade do Paran, a primeira of the Universidade do Paran, the first university to
a ser criada no Brasil, em 1912. Depois de dcadas be established in Brazil in 1912. After decades sepa-
desmembrada em faculdades, por fora de uma rated into colleges, by a law that prohibited inde-
lei que proibia universidades autnomas, em 1950 pendent universities, the university was again in-
ela havia sido unificada novamente e federalizada, tegrated and back in the possession of the Brazilian
tornando-se pblica e gratuita. government and became public and an institution
free of charge.
Fernando Tristo tinha 26 anos quando chegou
cidade, em 1953, com Zulka e Fernando Fernandy. Fernando Tristo was 26 years old when he came
Seu desejo era estudar economia poltica, interesse to the city in 1953, with Zulka and Fernando Fer-
despertado ainda em Vitria, pela leitura de Josu nandy. His dream was to study political econom-
de Castro, mas a Universidade do Paran no ofe- ics, an interest stimulated in Vitria, by the reading
recia o curso e ele entrou para a Faculdade de Cin- of Josu de Castro, but Universidade do Paran did
cias Econmicas do Paran. not offer the course and he joined the Faculdade de
Cincias Econmicas do Paran.
Ali, numa capital novamente, receberia, bem rpi-
do e em grande nmero, as notcias daquele ano There, again in the capital of a State, he would
movimentado. Morreu Stalin. Fidel Castro (nascido quickly receive, in large amounts, the news relat-
apenas 20 dias antes de Fernando Tristo) lanou ing to that busy year. Stalin was dead. Fidel Cas-
suas primeiras ofensivas armadas em Cuba. Nasser tro (born only 20 days before Fernando Tristo)
proclamou a repblica no Egito. A Coria foi dividida launched his first armed attack in Cuba. Nasser
em dois estados independentes. proclaimed the republic in Egypt. Korea was divided
into two independent countries.
As ruas de So Paulo viram 60 mil pessoas mar-
chando contra a carestia e tambm uma greve The streets of So Paulo received 60 thousand persons
geral de 300 mil trabalhadores, liderados pelos marching against poverty and also held a general
txteis. A campanha O Petrleo Nosso, lanada strike with 300 thousand workers, led by the textile

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 35

Diploma de Direito, 2 de fevereiro de 1959
e em Cincias Econmicas, de 1960.
Curso de Direito Penal ministrado por
Luis Jimnez de Asa, de 1954.
Bachelor of Law, february 2nd, 1959 and
Bachelor of Economic Sciences, 1960.
Criminal Law course taught by
Luis Jimnez de Asa, 1954.
em 1947, atraa apoio cada vez maior. Fernando workers. The campaign The Oil is Ours, launched
Fernandes nela engajou-se j nos primeiros dias in 1947, attracted even greater support. Fernando
depois de sua chegada e comemorou a vitria no Fernandes got involved with the campaign already
incio de outubro, quando foi sancionada a lei que in the early days after his arrival and celebrated the
criou o monoplio estatal do petrleo, entregue victory in the beginning of October, upon the enact-
Petrobras. Tristo pde ver, em dezembro daquele ment of a Law that established the governmental
ano, o presidente Getlio Vargas fazer em Curitiba monopoly of the oil, of which the monopoly was de-
um discurso em que denunciou, como causa cr- livered to Petrobrs. In December that year, Tristo
nica de diversos problemas do pas, a remessa de was able to watch President Getlio Vargas give a
lucros para o estrangeiro. speech in Curitiba by means of which the president
disapproved, as the consistent reason for several
O sindicalismo autntico ganhava fora no pas, em problems in Brazil, the remittance of profits abroad.
contraposio quele aliado ao patronato. O movi-
mento sindical no Paran era forte, graas dedi- The authentic syndicalism grew in Brazil as com- Os interventores
cao e ao trabalho de um grupo de homens como pared to the system of patronage. The union move- nos sindicatos e
Wilson Chedid, Otto Bracarence Costa, Lalio An- ment was strong in Paran, thanks to the dedica- federaes no Paran
drade, Expedito de Oliveira Rocha, rico Spoganisch, tion and the work of a group of men, such as Wilson no puderam
Antonio Batista Filho, Nereu Lagos, Jair Freire, Ed- Chedid, Otto Bracarence Costa, Lalio Andrade, acusar de corruptos
gard da Rocha Costa, Luiz Viegas da Mota Lima, Expedito de Oliveira Rocha, rico Spoganisch, An- os sindicalistas
Nilo Isidoro Biazetti, Olimpio Fernandes de Mello, tonio Batista Filho, Nereu Lagos, Jair Freire, Edgard de esquerda, toda
Victor Horcio de Souza Costa, presidente do F- da Rocha Costa, Luiz Viegas da Mota Lima, Nilo a contabilidade
rum Sindical de Debates de Paranagu... Fernando Isidoro Biazetti, Olimpio Fernandes de Mello, Vic- estava correta.
Tristo Fernandes ingressou no Sindicato dos Ban- tor Horcio de Souza Costa, president of the Union
The interventors
crios do Paran e, entre os lderes, ocupou a se- Meeting of Discussions of Paranagu. Fernando
in the unions and
cretaria, de onde teve uma viso mais abrangente Tristo Fernandes joined the Union of Bank Employ-
federations in Parana
dos obstculos e das possibilidades da organizao ees of Paran and, among the leaders, he occupied
could not bring charge
popular em torno de seus interesses. Seu instru- the position of Secretary, which position allowed
of corruption against
mental para lidar com aquela realidade comeou a him to have a broader view of the obstacles and pos-
the leftist unionists,
aumentar com a entrada na Faculdade de Direito da sibilities of the popular organization on behalf of his
since all the accounts
Universidade do Paran, que o fez interromper seu interests. His tools to deal with this reality started
were correct.
curso de Economia. to improve upon his acceptance in the Law School of
the Universidade do Paran, which caused him to
A vida sindical era regida pelo decreto-lei 9.070/46 interrupt the economic studies at college.
que, entre outras disposies, proibia greves de tra-
balhadores. O ordenamento jurdico vigente poca The syndicalism was governed by Decree Law
estabelecia a distribuio do imposto sindical, con- 9.070/46 which, among other provisions, prohib-
tribuio compulsria do trabalhador, corresponden- ited workers strikes. The legislation in force at the
te a um dia de salrio por ano: 60% para o sindicato, time provided for the distribution of union dues, a
20% para a federao e 20% para a confederao. mandatory contribution paid by the worker, corre-

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 37



1. Tristo o terceiro da primeira fileira. 3.

2. Tristo ao centro.
3. Tristo o segundo da direita para a esquerda.
4. Tristo discursando.
1.Tristo is the third on the front line.
2.Tristo at the middle.
3.Tristo is the second one from right to left.
4.Tristo making a speech.


Tristo entre Eulina e Julia Henriques,

me e irm de Zulka.
Tristo between Eulina e Julia Henriques,
Zulkas mother and sister.
A diretoria do Sindicato dos Bancrios do Paran sponding to one day of salary per year: a percentage
viu a a brecha que possibilitaria o crescimento e rate of 60% to the union, a percentage rate of 20%
a melhor estruturao das entidades dos trabalha- to the government and a percentage rate of 20% to
dores: se existisse uma federao dos bancrios, the workers association. The board of the Union of
ela teria acesso s verbas retidas havia anos! O Bank Employees of Paran saw in the union dues
decreto determinava que, para que fosse formada the opportunity to support the growth and the bet-
uma federao, deveria haver a unio de no mnimo ter organization of the workers various entities: if
cinco sindicatos. O Sindicato dos Bancrios de Curi- a bank employees association was created, this O maior sofrimento
tiba liderou a formao do grupo, que contava ainda association would have access to the contributions foram as presses sobre
com os sindicatos de Londrina, Santos, So Paulo e withheld for years! The Decree established that, for os filhos e as maiores
Paranagu. O vice-presidente na primeira diretoria purposes of organization of an association, at least decepes com aqueles
da Federao dos Empregados em Estabelecimen- five unions should be integrated. The Union of Bank que no respeitaram
tos Bancrios de So Paulo e Paran foi Fernando Employees of Curitiba was in charge of the groups as angstias da famlia.
Tristo. A expanso do movimento sindical viria a organization and was joined by the unions of Lon-
The greatest suffering
permitir, mais tarde, a criao de uma federao de drina, Santos, So Paulo and Paranagu. The
was the pressures on the
bancrios exclusivamente paranaense, fundada em vice president of the first board of the Association
children and the greatest
19 de outubro de 1956, e cuja presidncia Fernando of Employees of Bank Establishments of So Paulo
disappointments were with
Fernandes viria a assumir em 1963. and Paran was Fernando Tristo. The growth of
those who did not respect
the union movement would later allow the cre-
the family distresses.
No direito do funcionrio do Banco do Brasil, o exer- ation of a bank employees association of the State
ccio de mandato de presidente de federao ou of Paran only, which was founded on October 19,
confederao em capital, que permite licenciar-se 1956 and which board Fernando Fernandes would
recebendo o salrio-base, havia sido uma conquista come to chair in 1963.
sindical: Tristo ia ao banco duas vezes por semana,
para manter o contato com os colegas. O momento The right of the employee working in Banco do Bra-
exigia dedicao total e, nas palavras de Fernando sil, in the exercise of the term of office of president
Tristo, quando voc est em permanente luta con- of association or organization in a State Capital, to
tra os poderes, envolvido em greves, na organizao take a remunerated leave of absence was a union
de sindicatos, na criao de lderes, a toda hora sen- achievement: the employee went to the bank twice a
do solicitado... fica sem tempo mesmo para a fam- week to keep in touch with his colleagues. The occa-
lia. Ainda mais estudando: formou-se bacharel pela sion demanded full dedication and, in the words of
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Paran em Fernando Tristo, when you are in a constant fight
1958. Diplomado em 2 de fevereiro de 1959, teve against the powers, involved with strikes, partici-
sua carteira definitiva da Ordem dos Advogados do pate in the organization of unions and in the cre-
Brasil, Seccional Curitiba, emitida em 7 de abril de ation of leaders, being requested at all times... you
1960 e retomou os estudos de economia. have no spare time even for the family. And also
taking into consideration his studies: he received a
Acreditava-se que o pas iria mudar, que o mundo bachelor degree from the Law School of Universidade
estava em transformao rpida, eram anos de es- do Paran in 1958 on February 2, 1959, received an

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 39

perana. Um ano antes do golpe militar, o movi- definitive identity card from the Brazilian Bar Asso-
mento sindical do Paran parou por 15 dias os por- ciation, District of Curitiba, issued on April 7, 1960
tos de Paranagu, Antonina e So Francisco do Sul, and resumed the Economy college.
este em Santa Catarina. A imprensa contabilizava
os prejuzos diariamente e denunciava que o mo- It was believed that the country would change, that
vimento era comandado pelo presidente da Fede- the world was under a fast transformation, it was
rao dos Bancrios, Fernando Tristo Fernandes. the age of hope. One year before the military coup,
Quando Fernando e seus companheiros estavam the union movement of Paran interrupted, for a
ajudando a organizar sindicatos rurais no Paran, period of 15 days, the activities in the ports of Para-
os cafeicultores do norte do estado receberam em- nagu, Antonina and So Francisco do Sul, the
prstimos do governo federal a fundo perdido, atra- latter located in the State of Santa Catarina. The
vs do Banco do Brasil, para melhorar a qualidade media reported defeats on a daily basis and ac-
de seus cafezais e, assim, fazer frente crescente cused the union movement that it be controlled by
aceitao do caf colombiano no mercado inter- the president of the Bank Employees Association,
nacional. Parte dos cafeicultores que receberam Fernando Tristo Fernandes. When Fernando and
o emprstimo, no entanto, em vez de investir nos his union colleagues were helping to organize rural
cafezais, tocou fogo neles e acusou o movimento unions in the State of Paran, the coffee growers in
sindical pelos incndios. the Northern region of the State received unrecover-
able loans from the Brazilian government, by means
Fernando Tristo Fernandes dividia-se entre o mo- of Banco do Brasil, to improve the quality of their
vimento sindical e a advocacia naqueles anos efer- coffee plantations and, therefore, compete with the
vescentes da dcada de 1960. increasing acceptance of the Colombian coffee in the
foreign market. However, a part of the coffee growers
O presidente Joo Goulart realizaria um comcio no that received the loan, instead of getting rid of the
Rio de Janeiro no dia 13 de maro de 1964, em coffee plantations, burnt the plantations and ac-
frente ao edifcio da estao da Central do Brasil e, cused the union movement of the fire.
portanto, ao lado da sede do Ministrio da Guerra.
Tristo e nove de seus companheiros chegaram ao Fernando Tristo Fernandes was divided between
Rio com vrios dias de antecedncia, para organi- the union movement and the practice of law during
zar a participao do movimento sindical no evento. those years of turmoil in the 60s.
Jango, como era conhecido o presidente, anunciou
no comcio o decreto de regulamentao da remes- The president Joo Goulart held a political meeting
sa de lucros para o exterior, a estatizao de duas in Rio de Janeiro on March 13, 1964, in front of the
refinarias privadas e, ainda, declarou como de utili- building of the Central do Brasil train station and,
dade pblica as terras dentro de uma faixa de vinte therefore, next to the administrative building of the
quilmetros s margens das ferrovias e rodovias Ministry of War. Tristo and nine of his union col-
federais, para fins de reforma agrria. Estas me- leagues arrived in Rio several days prior to the meet-
didas desagradaram as empresas estrangeiras, os ing in order to organize the participation of the union
defensores exaltados da propriedade privada e os movement in the event. In the meeting, Jango, as the

40 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Fernando Tristo Fernandes e Zulka com Fernandy (de mos dadas com o pai),
Arlete (irm de Tristo) e Leizo (irmo de Zulka).
Fernando Tristo Fernandes and Zulka with Fernandy (hand in hand with his father),
Arlete (Tristos sister) and Leizo (Zulkas brother).
grandes proprietrios rurais. Os rumores sobre um president was known, announced the legislation to
possvel golpe de estado circulavam com desenvol- govern the remittance of profits abroad, the nation-
tura cada vez maior. Dizia-se que o embaixador nor- alization of two private refineries and also declared
te-americano no Brasil voltaria ao seu pas no dia 23 the lands located within an area with 20 kilometers
de maro para acertar a deposio do presidente. next to federal railways and highways to be of public
A Confederao Nacional dos Empregados em Es- interest for purposes of agrarian reform. These mea-
tabelecimentos Bancrios convocou as federaes sures were disapproved by the foreign companies, the
para preparar uma greve geral, com a finalidade de enthusiastic defenders of the private property and
No Brasil, os impedir o golpe. O movimento sindical estava bem the large farmers. The rumors about a potential coup
governos caem organizado nas cidades e no campo. circulated with greater frequency. It was rumored
e no h reao that the U.S. ambassador in Brazil should go back
nenhuma. Fernando Tristo e Zulka j tinham trs filhos: alm to the United States on March 23 to negotiate the
de Fernando Fernandy, dois nascidos em Curitiba, presidents deposition. The National Association of
In Brazil, the
Fernando Olinto e Fernando Humberto. Os aconte- Employees of Bank Establishments called the asso-
governments are
cimentos iriam atingir com fora esta famlia. ciations to organize a general strike with the purpose
thrown down
of thwarting the coup. The union movement was well
and there is no
Golpe e priso organized in the cities and in the countryside.
popular reaction.
No houve reao ou resistncia nos primeiros
momentos. Todos os dirigentes sindicais que no Fernando Tristo and Zulka already had three chil-
eram ligados ao patronato foram presos. Fernando dren: besides Fernando Fernandy, two were born in
Tristo Fernandes era o presidente da Federao Curitiba, Fernando Olinto, a doctor, and Fernando
dos Empregados em Estabelecimentos Bancrios Humberto, a businessman. The events would hit
do Paran, que congregava os sindicatos da cate- this family hard.
goria em Curitiba, Paranagu, Jacarezinho, Maring,
Apucarana e Ponta Grossa. Alm disso, ocupava o COUP AND INCARCERATION
posto de secretrio-geral para a organizao do II There was no reaction or struggle in the beginning.
Congresso dos Trabalhadores, que pretendia reunir All union leaders, who were not connected to such
trabalhadores de todas as categorias organizadas: patronage, were arrested. Fernando Tristo Fer-
algo como um presidente informal da Confederao nandes was the president of the Association of Em-
Geral dos Trabalhadores no estado. Com mandado ployees of Bank Establishments of Paran, which
de priso, foi intimado por edital a se apresentar ao consisted of this category of unions in the cities of
Banco do Brasil. Curitiba, Paranagu, Jacarezinho, Maring, Apu-
carana and Ponta Grossa. Moreover, he held the
Fernando procurou a casa de um amigo muito pr- position of general secretary in connection with
ximo, pediu refgio e foi atendido. Durante a noite, the organization of the II Workers Congress, which
entretanto, ouviu por acaso um telefonema muito intended to assemble workers of all organized cat-
estranho da mulher do amigo. Assim que amanhe- egories: something like an informal president of the
ceu o dia, saiu de l e, j na esquina, viu a casa ser General Association of Workers in the State. He was
cercada por patrulhas do Exrcito. Outro amigo mo- notified, by public notice, about an arrest warrant

42 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Carteira definitiva da OAB/PR emitida em 7 de abril de 1960.
Definitive identity card of the State of Paran Chapter
of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/PR) issued on April 7, 1960.

Tristo e Zulka em Curitiba.

Tristo e Zulka in Curitiba.
rava nas redondezas e l ele ficou seguro o tempo and was requested to come to Banco do Brasil.
suficiente para concluir que seria impossvel viver Fernando went to the house of a very close friend and
daquele jeito durante muito tempo. asked for and obtained protection. At night, however,
he overheard his friends wife in a very suspicious
Ento, fez contato com a sua agncia do Banco do phone call. As soon as morning came, he left the
Brasil e combinou que iria at l no dia 9 de abril, house and, in the corner, saw the house surrounded
em busca de uma soluo. Depois de entrar de for- by Army patrols. Another friend lived nearby and, in
ma discreta pelos fundos, foi at a gerncia. Vrios his friends house he remained safe for enough time
policiais do Departamento da Ordem Poltica e So- however to continue to live that life in that kind of
cial saram de trs de uma estante, junto com repr- situation for a long time would be intolerable.
teres e fotgrafos.
Then, he contacted the branch of Banco do Brasil
Este homem de importncia na comunidade onde where he worked and agreed to stop by on April 9 in
estava havia onze anos virou um prisioneiro. Ele diz order to reach an agreement. After his discrete en-
que foi como se tirassem o tapete: o impacto de trance at the back of the branch, he went to the man-
um peso de toneladas na cabea. Um dia voc agement. Several police officers from the Department
respeitado, h democracia, se tem fora e no ou- of Political and Social Order came from behind a
tro... preso! shelf, together with reporters and photographers.

Fernando foi levado para o Quartel da Polcia Mi- This esteemed man in the community where he lived
litar, onde estavam dezenas de presos com curso for 11 years became a prisoner. He said that: it was
superior, para interrogatrios e averiguaes. Zulka like if they tore my world apart: the impact of tons of
e Fernando Fernandy destruram parte de sua bi- weight on my head. In one day you are a respected
blioteca durante a madrugada. Criou sua rotina de man, democracy exists, you have strength and, in
exerccios, discusses e leituras na priso. O pa- another day... you are arrested!
gamento de seus salrios foi suspenso. A mulher
o visitava todos os dias e Eulina Henriques, me Fernando was taken to the Military Police head-
de Zulka, foi para Curitiba ajudar. Vrios dirigentes quarters, where dozens of prisoners with college
sindicais dos bancrios no Rio e em So Paulo fo- degrees were incarcerated, to be interrogated and
ram assassinados. Havia tortura no norte do Paran. investigated. Zulka and Fernando Fernandy par-
Temia-se pela vida de Fernando Tristo Fernandes, tially destroyed the library during the night. He
lder dos bancrios no Paran. established his routine consisting of exercises, dis-
cussions and reading in the prison. The payment
Zulka dirigiu seu fusca, com o filho de colo no ban- of his salaries was suspended. His wife visited him
co traseiro, at Juiz de Fora, para falar com o Ge- every day and Eulina Henriques, Zulkas mother,
neral Mouro Filho, um dos lderes do golpe militar, went to Curitiba to help. Various bank union lead-
que ela conhecia atravs de sua famlia de Minas ers in Rio and So Paulo were murdered. Torture
Gerais. Mouro Filho passou um rdio ao coman- was performed in the Northern region of the State
dante militar de Curitiba pedindo que o preso Fer- of Paran. The life of Fernando Tristo Fernandes,

44 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

nando Tristo Fernandes ficasse disposio da- leader of the bank employees in the State of Paran,
quele comando. was in danger.

Aps quatro meses na priso com salrios blo- Zulka drove her beetle to Juiz de Fora, with the infant
queados, as mulheres de mais de mil oficiais das in the back seat, in order to talk to General Mouro
Foras Armadas que tambm haviam sido presos Filho, one of the leaders of the military coup, whom
e tiveram suspenso o pagamento do soldo foram a she knew through her family in Minas Gerais. Mouro
Braslia, para protestar ao Ministro da Guerra e fu- Filho radioed the senior officer in Curitiba and re-
turo presidente Costa e Silva. Este foi solidrio com quested the prisoner Fernando Tristo Fernandes to
elas e defendeu que as famlias no tinham culpa be at the disposal of the military regiment.
dos atos de seus chefes e no deveriam pagar por
eles. O Banco do Brasil, ento, seguiu o exemplo After four months in prison with blocked payment of
e liberou o pagamento de quase 300 funcionrios salaries, the women of more than one thousand offi-
que foram presos no Brasil todo. cers of the Armed Forces who were also incarcerated,
with suspension of the soldiers salaries, went to Bra-
Quando saiu da priso, depois de oito meses, Tris- slia to protest before the Minister of War and future
to Fernandes respondeu a um Inqurito Policial president Costa e Silva. Costa e Silva was sympathetic
Militar e a uma comisso interna do Banco do Brasil to the women and defended that the families had no
que, antes de comear, j tinha a sua concluso: guilt to bear of the actions performed by the heads of
a ordem era deslocar os funcionrios de esquerda the family and should not be punished for these ac-
para longe dos centros urbanos. Ele foi designado, tions. Banco do Brasil then followed the example
ento, para trabalhar no estado do Mato Grosso do and released the salary payments of almost 300 em-
Sul, direcionado primeiro para Maracaju e, em defi- ployees who were incarcerated throughout Brazil.
nitivo, para Ponta Por, ambas na regio que hoje
pertence ao estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. When he was released from prison, eight months
after, Tristo Fernandes was subject to a Military
Police Investigation and had to appear before an in-
ternal commission of Banco do Brasil which, before
starting, had already reached a conclusion: the or-
der was to transfer the left-wing employees far away
from the urban centers. He was then designated to
work in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, first des-
ignated to work in Maracaju and, finally, in Ponta
Por, both cities located in the region currently be-
longing to the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 45

Ex-delegado do IAPB...
Gazeta do Povo, em 8/4/1964; pg. 8

DOPS deteve cem

Gazeta do Povo, em 14/4/1964; pg. 8

Sobre o cdigo penal militar

da insubordinao
Gazeta do Povo, em 10/5/1964; 3a Seo
Dirio Rural, pg. 1

Preso um dos cabeas

do esquema sindical comunista
Estado do Paran, em 10/4/1964

Libertao de funcionrios
do BB provoca protesto
Estado do Paran, em 1/5/1964
Former police chief of IAPB...
Gazeta do Povo, on 4/8/1964; page 08

DOPS held one hundred

Gazeta do Povo, on 4/14/1964; page 08

On the military criminal code

concerning insubordination
Gazeta do Povo, on 5/10/1964;
3rd Section Dirio Rural, page 01

One of the leaders of the communist

union system arrested
Estado do Paran, on 4/10/1964;

Release of employees of BB
causes protest
Estado do Paran, on 5/1/1964
Eu era duro quando falava no jri,
mas mantinha o bom humor; s vezes, depois
de uma briga tremenda com a promotoria,
tinha que ir ao banheiro para rir.
I was harsh when I spoke to the jury,
but kept my light mood; sometimes, after an
overwhelming struggle with the attorney,
I had to go to the bathroom in order to laugh.
Captulo 5 :: Mato Grosso do Sul

Chapter 5 :: Mato Grosso do Sul

Maracaju, local que a ditadura militar havia designa- Maracaju, the place where the military dictator-
do para Fernando Tristo Fernandes era, quela po- ship sent Fernando Tristo Fernandes, was at the
ca, conhecida pela grande concentrao de doen- time known for a large concentration of lepers and
tes de hansenase e o advogado protestou: no era the lawyer complained: it was not necessary to
preciso, como parte de sua punio, ameaar a sa- threaten his familys health as part of his punish-
de da famlia. Conseguiu ser deslocado para Ponta ment. He was then transferred to Ponta Por, where
Por, onde basta atravessar uma rua para chegar ao only one street separates the city from Paraguay, an
Paraguai, localizao interessante naqueles tempos interesting place to live in those dangerous days. He
perigosos. Chegou sozinho, em dezembro de 1964, came alone in December 1964, at the age of 37: his
com 37 anos: a famlia ficou no Paran por mais family stayed in the State of Paran for three more
trs meses. A notcia de que Fernando Tristo es- months. The news that Fernando Tristo was con-
tava ali confinado logo correu atravs do disse me fined in that place was circulating in the form of
disse de cidade pequena. Foi difcil at encontrar small-town gossip. I had a hard time even to find
residncia, porque ningum queria alugar casa para a house because nobody wanted to rent a house to
um dito comunista, diz Tristo. Nem todos ali, no a so-called communist, says Tristo. However, not
entanto, o receberiam com desconfiana. everyone there received him with suspicions.

Logo nos primeiros dias aps a sua chegada, surgiu In the first days after his arrival, he was presented
uma boa oportunidade profissional: encerrava-se o with a professional opportunity: the term to propose
prazo para propor a ao de renovao do aluguel the renewal suit in connection with the lease of the
do prdio onde funcionava a agncia do Banco do building where Banco do Brasils branch was lo-
Brasil. O gerente viu no funcionrio recm-chegado cated was close to the end. The manager saw, in the
do Paran algum que poderia ajud-lo e pediu au- employee newly arrived from the State of Paran,
torizao direo geral do banco, em Braslia, para someone who could help the manager and request-
que o advogado pudesse representar a empresa ed the authorization of the banks general manage-
naquela ao. Assim foi feito e, dali em diante, Fer- ment, in Braslia, so that the lawyer could represent
nando Fernandes foi designado advogado do Banco the bank in connection with that suit. The request
do Brasil na regio. was approved and, from that time on, Fernando

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 49

Fernandes was appointed as the attorney of Banco
do Brasil in the region.

Escritrio em 1965, On the other hand, the military coup had already
na Rua Tiradentes 145,
Ponta Por, MS. removed the local leaders from their positions, start-
Office in 1965, ing with the elected mayor, who was impeached by
at Rua Tiradentes 145,
Ponta Por, MS. a City Council raided by military officers and UDN
politicians. People connected to political parties
that supported Jangos government was simply re-
moved from their positions in governmental institu-
tions and agencies. Fernando Tristo Fernandes,
with his history, was extremely well received in that
O golpe militar, por outro lado, havia environment. Several persons in that environment
destitudo as lideranas locais de seus became the attorneys clients and referred him to
postos, a comear pelo prefeito elei- friends in a similar political situation in the Cities
to, que sofreu impeachment por uma of Dourados and Campo Grande.
Cmara dos Vereadores invadida por
Fernando Augusto Fernandes. militares e polticos da UDN. Gente ligada aos parti- Fernando Fernandes opened an office in the City
Fernando Augusto Fernandes.
dos polticos que deram apoio ao governo de Jango and, as all attorneys in that period with compre-
foi simplesmente retirada de seus postos em ins- hensive field of work, he acted in all areas of law:
tituies e autarquias. Fernando Tristo Fernandes, dedicated to civil lawsuits, land appropriation,
com seu histrico, foi muito bem recebido naquele foreclosure against delinquent debtors of Banco do
meio. Vrias daquelas pessoas tornaram-se clientes Brasil and, in particular, criminal law, with a lot of
do advogado e o indicaram a amigos em situao work demand in that border region.
poltica semelhante nas cidades de Dourados e
Campo Grande. Contrary to his activities of political militancy in
the years spent in Curitiba, Fernando started to
Fernando Fernandes abriu escritrio na cidade e, exclusively dedicate to the practice of law. There
como os advogados naqueles tempos com vara was time for more learning. The quality of the
una, atuava em todos os ramos do direito: dedica- family life improved. He started to lunch and dine
va-se a processos cveis, disputas de terras, exe- at home and had a relationship with the children
cues contra devedores inadimplentes do Banco still living there, Olinto and Humberto. The older
do Brasil e, especialmente, advocacia penal, com son, Fernandy, attended the Military School, in
muita procura naquela regio de fronteira. the City of Belo Horizonte, in a way to protect him.
The couple got one more baby during confinement.
Diferentemente do que acontecia nos anos de On September 3, Tristos birth date, in Ponta
atividade poltica em Curitiba, Fernando passou a Por, Zulka gave birth to Fernando Augusto Fer-
dedicar-se exclusivamente advocacia. Havia tem- nandes, currently a criminal lawyer, his partner
po para estudar mais. A vida familiar ganhou muito. in the law firm.

50 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Passou a almoar e jantar em casa e convivia mais IPM and AI-5
tempo com os filhos Olinto e Humberto. O mais Meanwhile, Fernando Tristo remained, together
velho, Fernandy, estudava no Colgio Militar, em with the entire union leadership operating in the
Belo Horizonte, uma forma de proteg-lo. O casal State of Paran, as a defendant in the military pro-
ganhou mais um filho no confinamento. Zulka deu ceeding deriving from the Military Police Investiga-
luz Fernando Augusto Fernandes em 3 de setem- tion (IPM) of the Communist Party, commenced in
bro, data de aniversrio de Tristo, em Ponta Por. Curitiba. Subject to the National Security law, he
Fernando Augusto Fernandes hoje advogado cri- was prosecuted for treason against the country and
minalista, companheiro do pai no escritrio. had to participate in all phases of the proceeding in O tribunal do jri
the Inquiry Department of the 5th Military Region of um julgamento popular
IPM e AI-5 Curitiba and, for this reason, he traveled a number of atravs do poder
Enquanto isso, Fernando Tristo continuava, junto times from Ponta Por to Curitiba, in a plane owned judicirio; nele se julga
com toda a cpula sindical atuante no Paran, by the National Air Mail. no s juridicamente, mas
como ru no processo militar derivado do Inqurito socialmente, conjugando
Policial Militar (IPM) do Partido Comunista instau- The description of his attributes, prepared by the o crime com o ambiente
rado em Curitiba. Incurso na Lei de Segurana prosecutors, even though containing factual mis- social do acusado.
Nacional, era processado por traio ptria e takes cannot be considered as offensive. The con-
The judgment by a jury
tinha de comparecer a todos os atos do processo tent of the indictment was as follows, on pages
is a popular judgement,
na Auditoria da 5 Regio Militar de Curitiba e, por 56 to 57, and on the page 58 the habeas corpus
made through the judiciary
isso, viajou vrias vezes de Ponta Por at l em request of the defense attorney, Jos Carlos Correa
power; in it, one judges
avio do Correio Areo Nacional. de Castro.
not only juridically,
but also socially, viewing
A descrio das suas caractersticas, feita pela LIFE ATTEMPT
the crime according to the
acusao no processo, embora contendo erros fac- The Cities of Ponta Por, Dourados, Rio Bril-
accused social environment.
tuais, no pode ser considerada ofensiva. A denn- hante and Maracaju consisted of a region with big
cia estava redigida como a seguir, nas pginas 56 e farms, conflicts on land ownership, work exploi-
57 deste captulo, e na pgina 58 o pedido de ha- tation and coffee smuggling.Once upon a time,
beas corpus do advogado de defesa, Jos Carlos Tristo was asked to release three farm workers
Correa de Castro. from a farm, who have been arbitrarily arrested
and taken to the police precinct in another city,
Atentado where Tristo was informed that they were ar-
Os municpios de Ponta Por, Dourados, Rio Bri- rested for investigatory purposes. Confronted
lhante e Maracaju formavam uma regio de gran- with the presence of the attorney and the protests,
des fazendas, com conflitos sobre propriedade de the chief of police released the farm workers. We
terras, explorao do trabalho e contrabando de found them sat down at the end of a long corridor
caf. Certa vez, Tristo foi procurado para soltar trs in the police precinct and informed them that they
pees da uma fazenda, que haviam sido presos arbi- were released but the farm workers said that they
trariamente e levados para a delegacia de outro dis- unable to walk because they have been beaten on
trito, onde Tristo foi informado de que se tratava de the back and kidney, says Tristo.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 51

Aliana de casamento que desviou o projtil
direcionado para o corao de Fernando Tristo.
Wedding ring that deflected the bullet aimed
at Fernando Tristos heart.
uma priso para averiguaes. Diante da presena Fernando Tristo Fernandes put the farm workers in
do advogado e dos protestos, o delegado liberou os the truck and drove to the 11th Army Cavalry Divi-
pees. Fomos encontr-los sentados no fim de um sion, where he denounced the torture to which the
longo corredor da delegacia e lhes demos a notcia prisoners was submitted, showed the farm workers
de que estavam liberados, mas eles responderam and accused the police of acting as a political instru-
que no podiam andar, pois tinham sido espancados ment of persecution of workers in front of the eyes
nas costas e nos rins, diz Tristo. of Army, where the farmers children was enlisted.

Fernando Tristo Fernandes colocou os pees na The punishment would come on the next day, June
caminhonete e foi direto ao 11 Regimento de Cava- 11, 1979. The attorney made a quick stop to get a cof-
laria do Exrcito, onde denunciou a tortura sofrida fee in a bar at Avenida Internacional, 50 meters dis-
pelos presos, exibiu os pees e acusou a polcia de tant from the office, as he normally did. Nothing un-
estar servindo de instrumento poltico de persegui- usual or extraordinary seemed to affect his routine
o aos trabalhadores, ainda mais nas barbas do on that afternoon, when two cars slowly drove by
Exrcito, onde os filhos dos agricultores serviam. and the gunmen inside the vehicle fired against him.
I heard noises but I did not even notice that they fir-
A represlia viria no dia seguinte, 11 de junho de ing against me. It seemed like fireworks. In general,
1979. O advogado parou para tomar um cafezinho a person who is shot does not immediately feel pain
num bar da Avenida Internacional, a uns 50 metros such is the velocity of the bullet, says Tristo. Be-
do escritrio, como fazia com frequncia. Nada de tween ten to twelve bullets were shot, nobody knows
diferente ou excepcional parecia afetar sua rotina for sure. The last bullet was aimed at his heart but
naquela tarde, quando dois carros passaram de- Fernando Tristo put his hand on the chest and the
vagar e os pistoleiros que estavam no interior dos bullet hit the golden ring and shredded two fingers in
veculos abriram fogo contra ele. Ouvi estampi- the left hand. With the impact in the ring, the bullet
dos, mas nem percebi que estavam atirando em changed direction: it went up. The owner of Farm-
mim. Pareciam fogos de artifcio. Quem alvejado cia Rossana, next to the bar, Lino Valrio Bitencourt,
por tiros em geral no sente dor de imediato, tal jumped upon him and screamed: Thugs, they are
a rapidez da velocidade do projtil, relata Tristo. shooting at the doctor!.Lino Valrio applied a tour-
Foram entre dez e doze tiros, no se sabe ao cer- niquet to his friends right arm and drove him to the
to. O ltimo deles, direcionado para seu corao, hospital, to where all citys doctors ran, as soon as
tendo Fernando Tristo levado a mo ao peito por the news on the life attempt circulated in the city.
instinto, acertou a aliana de ouro, dilacerando dois Besides the left hand, shredded together with the
dedos da mo esquerda. Com o impacto na aliana, ring, the artery in the right forearm, causing dam-
a bala mudou de rumo, subiu (foto da bala e do que ages that still restrict his movements, and the right
sobrou da aliana na pgina ao lado). O dono da side of the chest, where he has signs of at least eight
Farmcia Rossana, ao lado do bar, Lino Valrio Bi- wounds, were hit.
tencourt, pulou em cima dele gritando: Bandidos,
esto atirando no doutor!. Lino Valrio providen- The artery was affected and had to be reconstructed
ciou um torniquete no brao direito do amigo e o by means of several surgeries, the first ones made in

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 53

levou para o hospital, para onde acorreram todos os Ponta Por. The son, Fernando Humberto, dealed
mdicos da cidade, logo que circulou a notcia do with the matter of his fathers safety in the hospital
atentado. Alm da mo esquerda, dilacerada junto so that he was not murdered. Gunmen had the nas-
com a aliana, foram atingidos a artria do antebra- ty habit of assaulting emergency rooms. However,
o direito, deixando leses que at hoje restringem Tristo greatest fear was that one of the bullets was
seus movimentos, e o lado direito do peito, onde poisoned, a normal practice among the gunmen in
ele tem marcas de pelo menos oito perfuraes. the region. A poisoned bullet resulted in death in 24
to 48 hours.
A artria foi afetada e teve que ser reconstituda por
vrias cirurgias, as primeiras realizadas em Ponta Thanks to the fees received by Tristo a few days be-
Por. O filho Fernando Humberto tratou da segu- fore the life attempt, the family contacted a friend,
rana do pai no hospital para que no fosse morto. Alfredo Scaff, in Campo Grande, and requested him
Havia o costume de pistoleiros invadirem as salas de to charter a plane with a medical crew in order to
socorro. O medo maior de Tristo, porm, era de que fly Tristo to Rio de Janeiro. On the next day, for
alguma das balas estivesse envenenada, como era purposes of security, three ambulances drove off the
costume entre os pistoleiros da regio. Uma bala en- hospital on the same time followed by Army patrols.
venenada causava a morte em 24 a 48 horas. The doctor Lauro Sanches was hired by the family to
fly with the injured to Rio. The doctor son Fernan-
Graas a honorrios que Tristo havia recebido pou- do Olinto waited with an ambulance in the Rio de
co antes do atentado, a famlia entrou em contato Janeiro airports landing lane and took him to the
com o amigo Alfredo Scaff, em Campo Grande, soli- Hospital da Beneficncia Portuguesa.
citando que fosse fretado um avio com equipe m-
dica para lev-lo ao Rio de Janeiro. No dia seguinte,
por segurana, saram do hospital, ao mesmo tem-
po, trs ambulncias acompanhadas por patrulhas
do Exrcito. O mdico Lauro Sanches foi contratado
pela famlia para acompanhar o ferido at o Rio. O
filho mdico Fernando Olinto o esperava com uma
ambulncia na pista do aeroporto do Rio e o condu-
ziu para o Hospital da Beneficncia Portuguesa.

54 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Expulso de Senhor do Bonfim,
por circunstncias polticas;
expulso de Curitiba pelo golpe de Estado
e expulso do Mato Grosso, bala, pelos coronis.
Expelled from Senhor do Bonfim because of political
circumstances; expelled from Curitiba by the coup
dtat; expelled from Mato Grosso, through shootings,
by the regional popular leaders, the colonels.
Acusao do regime militar de 1964.

Esse indiciado um elemento muito politizado, ativo, inteligente e de uma grande periculosidade,
sendo uma das chaves do movimento comuno-peleguista, perfeitamente integrado tambm
no esquema revolucionrio. Consta que j veio politizado do Esprito Santo, esse bancrio que
foi presidente do Sindicato dos Bancrios, funcionrio do Banco do Brasil e membro da CGT.

J est comprovado que a Federao dos Bancrios e o sindicato funcionavam no mesmo edifcio
onde funcionava o Partido Comunista chefiado por Agliberto Vieira de Azevedo, que mantinha ntima
ligao com este indiciado, comparecendo ao BB para agitar as diversas greves polticas que
promoveram, causando danos incalculveis Nao. Sem dvida ele chefiava os comunistas e as
greves, chegando ao ponto de conseguir, na ltima greve de outubro de 1963, paralisar o porto de
Paranagu, ajudado pelo presidente do Frum Sindical de Debates, o bancrio Victor Horcio.
Compareceu ao comcio do dia 13 de maro de 1964, sobre as chamadas reformas,
como representante da Federao dos Bancrios de Curitiba, aps o qual se declarou certo da vitria
da revoluo comunista, como revela a testemunha idnea dr. Salomo Pamplona, tambm funcionrio
do Banco do Brasil, que confirma as suas ligaes com o chefe comunista Agliberto Vieira de Azevedo.

Em face das suas qualidades de liderana e grande influncia, foi escolhido para ir a Cuba (...).
Compareceu ao Congresso Sindical, a servio do movimento, recebendo passagens de ida e volta
e dirias, e tinha ligaes ntimas com o Centro Popular de Cultura, rgo subversivo do MEC (...).
Compareceu Assemblia Legislativa, onde falou em nome do Movimento Sindical Paranaense,
combatendo uma mensagem do governador Ney Braga de modo subversivo. (...) Era eleitor
do Partido Comunista, conforme certido do Tribunal Eleitoral. A prova testemunhal bastante
vastssima e o incrimina gravemente em todos os sentidos, como patrocinador do movimento grevista,
protegido pela Administrao que quase no trabalhava, doutrinador dos seus companheiros,
atraindo-os para a ideologia comunista, (...), ameaando fuzilar os que no concordavam com ele.

56 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Accusation from the military regime of 1964.

The accused is an extremely politicized, active and intelligent individual representing great danger and is
one of the leaders of the communist-union movement. He is also perfectly integrated with the revolutionary
movement. It is observed that this bank employee, who was once the president of the Union of Bank Em-
ployees, an employee of Banco do Brasil and a member of CGT, was already a politicized individual when
he came from Esprito Santo. It is already confirmed that the Association of Bank Employees and the union
were located in the same building of the Communist Party, led by Agliberto Vieira de Azevedo, who kept a
close relationship with the accused and went to BB to organize the most unusual political strikes causing
irreparable damages to the country. He was undoubtedly the leader of the communists and in charge of the
strikes and succeeded, in the last strike in October 1963, to interrupt the activities in the port of Paranagu,
supported by the president of the Union Forum of Discussions, the bank employee Victor Horcio. He partici-
pated in the meeting held on March 13, 1964, relating to the so-called reforms, in the role of representative
of the Association of Bank Employees of Curitiba, after which he declared to be certain of the victory of the
communist revolution, as reported by the reputable witness, Mr. Salomo Pamplona, also an employee of
Banco do Brasil, who confirms his relationship with the communist leader Agliberto Vieira de Azevedo.

In view of his leadership qualities and huge influence, he was chosen to visit Cuba (...). He attended the
Union Congress, on the movements interest, and received two-way air tickets and accommodation, and
had close relationship with the Popular Culture Center, a subversive agency of MEC (...). He attended the
Legislative Session, where he spoke on behalf of the Union Movement of the State of Paran, and criticized
a message from the Governor Ney Braga on subversive manner. (...) He was a member of the Communist
Party, according to the certificate of the Election Court. The witness evidence is enormous and seriously
implicates him in all respects, as the sponsor of the strikes, protected by the Brazilian government taking
into consideration that he almost did not work, a doctrinaire of his colleagues, attracting them to the com-
munist ideology, (...), threatening to kill those who did not agree with him.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 57

O advogado de defesa, Jos Carlos Corra de Castro, no pedido de habeas corpus apenas complemen-
tou a descrio feita pela promotoria.

The defense attorney, Jos Carlos Corra de Castro, in the habeas corpus request, only supplemented the
description made by the prosecution.

Funcionrio do Banco do Brasil S/A desde 22

de abril de 1949, tendo servido nas agncias de:
Aymors, Estado de Minas Gerais; Senhor do
Bonfim, Estado da Bahia; Vitria do Esprito Santo;
Curitiba, Estado do Paran, e, finalmente,
Ponta Por, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul,
onde se encontra atualmente. Bom pai de famlia, Employee of Banco do Brasil S/A since April 22,
sendo pai de dois filhos, um dos quais estuda 1949, working in the branches of: Aymors, in the
no Colgio Militar de Belo Horizonte, sempre State of Minas Gerais; Senhor do Bonfim, in the
pautou sua conduta particular dentro dos mais State of Bahia; Vitria, in the State of Esprito Santo;
rigorosos padres de moralidade. Quanto sua Curitiba, in the State of Paran and, finally, Ponta
conduta como funcionrio do Banco do Brasil S/A, Por, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, where he
falam melhor do que palavras os boletins currently works. He, the loving father of two chil-
de informaes anexos. Pelos mesmos, dren, one of which attends the Military School of
observa-se que o paciente sempre alcana o Belo Horizonte, always based his private conduct
nmero mximo de pontos positivos, que so on the most rigorous moral standards. With respect
oriundos da operosidade, da conduta e to his behavior as an employee of Banco do Brasil
da dedicao. Advogado formado, vem S/A, the information bulletins attached hereto are
exercendo a sua profisso na Comarca de Ponta sufficient. Based on these bulletins, it is possible to
Por e Amamba, no Estado de Mato Grosso do observe that the accused always reaches the maxi-
Sul, sendo seu conceito profissional o melhor mum score of positive points, which are given due to
possvel, conforme declaraes anexas. the agility, conduct and dedication of the employee.
He, as an attorney with bachelor degree, exercises
his profession in the Judiciary District of Ponta Por
and Amamba, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul,
and his professional conduct is the best possible, ac-
cording to the statements attached hereto.

58 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Ele foi julgado no mesmo dia em que o lder campons e ex-deputado federal Gregrio Bezerra foi conde-
nado a 30 anos de priso. Os ministros do Superior Tribunal Militar, no entanto, concederam a Fernando
Tristo Fernandes um habeas corpus para exclu-lo do IPM, por falta de justa causa.

Isto foi em janeiro de 1968. Ele seria preso novamente em dezembro, quando os militares editaram o AI-5
e o Exrcito recolheu todos aqueles que o regime achava perigosos, inclusive os bons novos amigos de
Fernando na cidade. Ele passou vrios dias no quartel do 11 Regimento de Cavalaria.

At ento, Fernando Tristo Fernandes pensava que aqueles seriam breves anos de confinamento para si
e de autoritarismo para todos no pas. A edio do AI-5 tornou claro que os militares tinham um projeto de
poder de longo prazo. O advogado ficaria 14 anos em Ponta Por.

He was judged on the same date in which the rural leader and former federal congressman Gregrio Bezerra
was sentenced to 30 years in prison. However, the ministers of the Superior Military Court granted a habeas
corpus to Fernando Tristo Fernandes in order to exclude him from the IPM due to the lack of wrongful intent.

This event happened in January 1968. He was arrested again in December, when the military officers enacted
the AI-5 and the Army arrested everyone found to be dangerous by the military government, including Fer-
nandos new good friends in the city. He remained several days in the quarters of the 11th Cavalry Division.

Up to that date, Fernando Tristo Fernandes thought that he would be confined for a few years and that
the Brazilian population would be subject to an era of authoritarianism. The enactment of the AI-5 made
clear that the military officers had a long-term government project. The attorney would remain 14 years
in Ponta Por.

A melhor maneira de se contribuir

para a luta, sempre atento ao problema
social brasileiro, era a advocacia.
Fechou-se um caminho, abriu-se outro,
o da defesa do direito.
The best way to contribute to the fight,
always thinking of the Brazilian
social problem, was the Law. One way
was closed, another one was open,
the one of the defense of the rights.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 59

A anistia foi decretada pela lei n 6.683 de 28 de agosto de 1979.
Ao lado, Rua do Mercado, Centro do Rio.
The amnesty was decreed by law number 6.683, in August 28 1979.
At the left, Rua do Mercado, downtown Rio.
Captulo 6 :: Rio de Janeiro

Chapter 6 :: Rio de Janeiro

Aps o atentado em 1979, Fernando Tristo Fer-

nandes chegou ao Rio de Janeiro, onde faria uma
nova reconstruo da artria. Ele j montara um
apartamento na cidade para que os filhos mais ve-
lhos pudessem ter uma boa educao universitria.
A anistia veio naquele mesmo ano e com ela o fim
do confinamento. Tristo fixou residncia definitiva
na Cidade Maravilhosa.

Fernando Fernandy Fernandes, na poca, era advo- Theatro Municipal

do Rio de Janeiro.
gado e trabalhava com o professor Hlio Tornaghi. Theatro Municipal
Fernando Olinto Fernandes estudava medicina, na do Rio de Janeir0.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Humberto

viria a cursar Direito, na Pontifcia Universidade Ca- After the life attempt in 1979, Tristo Fernandes ar-
tlica do Rio de Janeiro. rived in Rio de Janeiro, where he would undergo a
new artery reconstruction surgery. He already had
Fernando Tristo Fernandes reabriu Fernando Fer- an apartment in the city so that his oldest sons
nandes Advogados, no Rio, na Travessa do Pao, could have a good college education. The amnesty
em frente ao Frum. Teve, naquele momento, a was also granted in 1979 and put an end to the con-
participao de seu filho mais velho que, logo aps, finement. Tristo established definitive residence in
passou a integrar o Ministrio Pblico do Estado do the Marvelous City.
Rio de Janeiro.
At the time, Fernando Fernandy was a lawyer and
worked with Professor Hlio Tornaghi. Fernando
Olinto Fernandes was a medical school student,
also in Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Humberto would end up attending Law school in
Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro.

Fernando Tristo Fernandes reopened the law firm

Fernando Fernandes Advogados in Rio, at Travessa

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 61

Estes anos de conquista da advocacia no Rio de do Pao, in front of the Court. On that occasion,
Janeiro so representados por Fernando Fernandes he had the help of his oldest son who immediately
Advogados, onde esto concretizados 50 anos de thereafter was hired by the General Attorneys Office
advocacia comemorados a partir de seu diploma of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
emitido em 2 de fevereiro de 1959 e da sua cartei-
ra definitiva da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil n This period of practice of law in Rio de Janeiro is rep-
1848: 7 de abril de 1960. resented by Fernando Fernandes Advogados, where
50 years of law practice became a reality, celebrated
Os sonhos de luta da dcada de 1960 e a vontade de as of the date of his bachelor degree on February 2,
mudar o mundo no se perderam e se conciliaram 1959 and of issuance of the identity card of the Bra-
com uma viso de luta pela advocacia, pelo estado zilian Bar Association n 1848: April 7, 1960.
de direito, pelo respeito ao indivduo e ao cidado.
The dreams of struggle from the 60s and the desire to
A eficincia, associada tica, ao atendimento rpi- change the world were not lost and were reconciled
do nos deslindes de causas, ao compromisso lon- with a sense of fight for the law practice, the rights,
go com os clientes, de fidelidade, de cumplicidade the respect to the human being and citizenship.
e honestidade, somada ainda experincia de 50
anos de advocacia e a uma banca jovem e dinmi- The efficiency, aligned with ethics, the willingness
ca, consolidaram Fernando Fernandes Advogados to deal with the claims, the long-term relationship
no Rio de Janeiro, como se verifica a seguir. with clients, loyalty, complicity and honesty, to-
gether with the experience of 50 years of law prac-
tice and a young and motivated team, consolidated
Fernando Fernandes Advogados in Rio de Janeiro,
as verified below.

62 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

A Ilha Fiscal est situada na Baa de Guanabara.
The Ilha Fiscal is in the Baa da Guanabara.
Acima Praa XV de novembro, So Paulo.
Ao Lado, Faculdade de Direito Largo de So Francisco.
Above, Praa XV de Novembro, So Paulo.
At the left, Faculdade de Direito of Largo de So Francisco.
Captulo 7 :: So Paulo

Chapter 7 :: So Paulo

A relao de Fernando Tristo com So Paulo teve The relationship of Fernando Tristo with So
incio em 1956, ano em que a indstria automobi- Paulo began in 1956, the year in which the auto-
lstica se instalou na cidade e deu-se a inaugurao motive industry was installed in the city and the
do Conjunto Nacional, projeto de David Libeskind. year of inauguration of Conjunto Nacional, a proj-
O Conjunto Nacional tornou-se um espao frequen- ect by David Libeskind. Conjunto Nacional became
tado pela alta sociedade paulistana. As mesas da a place attended by the high society of So Paulo.
Confeitaria Fasano na Rua Augusta e o Restaurante The tables in Confeitaria Fasano at Rua Augusta
Fasano, no terrao do centro comercial, eram dispu- and Restaurante Fasano, in the terrace of the com-
tadssimas. Existia, ainda, o Cine Astor. Iniciavam- mercial complex, were fiercely sought. There was
se as obras do MASP Museu de Arte Moderna de also Astor Cinema. The construction of So Paulo
So Paulo, com projeto de Lina Bo Bardi. Naquele Modern Art Museum (MASP) had started based on
ano a Hungria, parte do bloco socialista comandado a project by Lina Bo Bardi. In this year, Hungary,
pela ento Unio Sovitica, se posicionava contra a member of the socialist group headed by the for-
a ditadura dos seguidores de Stalin, com suas tor- mer Soviet Union, assumed a position against the
turas e execues em massa dos supostos inimi- dictatorship of the Stalin followers, with the tor-
gos do regime, o culto personalidade do ditador ture and mass execution of the alleged enemies of
e o autoritarismo arbitrrio. Tristo foi fundador da the government, the dictators personality cult and
Federao dos Empregados dos Estabelecimentos the arbitrary authoritarianism. In 1956, Tristo
Bancrios de So Paulo e Paran em 19 de outubro founded the Association of Employees of Bank Es-
de 1956. Foi eleito vice-presidente, sendo o presi- tablishment of So Paulo and Paran (19/10/56).
dente Salvador Romano Lossaco. Nas dcadas de He was elected vice president and the president
1930 e 1940 os bancos acompanharam a economia was Salvador Romano Lossaco. In the 30s and
da cidade. Ao lado do Banco do Brasil e do Banco 40s, the financial institutions followed the citys
do Estado de So Paulo, e de uma segunda gerao economy. Among Banco do Brasil and Banco do
de bancos como o Banco Comercial de So Paulo e Estado de So Paulo, and a second generation of
o Banco do Noroeste do Estado de So Paulo, es- financial institutions, such as Banco Comercial
tavam os principais bancos estrangeiros, o National de So Paulo and Banco do Noroeste do Estado de
Royal Bank of New York, Bank of London & South So Paulo, were the main foreign financial insti-
America, Bank of Boston, entre outros. Grandes tutions, such as National Royal Bank of New York,
fuses e aquisies foram realizadas e grandes ins- Bank of London & South America, Bank of Boston,
tituies surgiram, a exemplo do Banco Mercantil among others. Significant merger and acquisition

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 65

de So Paulo, de Gasto Vidigal, fundado em 1938. transactions were carried out and large institu-
O governador era Janio Quadros. Eu encontrava tions were created, such as, for example, Banco
o Janio em Curitiba na Rua 15. Ele era candidato Mercantil de So Paulo, owned by Gasto Vidigal,
Presidncia da Repblica. Estava apoiado com o founded in 1938. The Governor was Janio Quadros.
brao na parede, se fingindo de fraco, com um san- I met Janio in Curitiba at rua 15. He was a presi-
duche no bolso de trs da cala. Depois ele come- dencial candidate. He leaned his arms against
ava a comer, relatou Tristo. the wall pretending to be weak with a sandwich
hidden in his back pocket. Thereafter he started to
A cidade passava por vrias modificaes. Em 1954, eat, Tristo told.
So Paulo comemorou o centenrio de sua funda-
o com diversos eventos, inclusive a inaugurao The city was quickly changing. In 1954, So Paulo
do Parque Ibirapuera, principal rea verde da cidade. celebrated the centenary of the citys foundation
O Zoo de So Paulo foi criado em junho de 1957, a by means of several events, including the inau-
partir de uma instruo do Sr. Governador Jnio Qua- guration of Ibirapuera Park, the main green area
dros ao Diretor do Departamento de Caa e Pesca of the city. The So Paulo Zoo was established in
da Secretaria da Agricultura, Sr. Emlio Varoli. A inau- June 1957, based upon instructions provided by the
gurao do Zoo, prevista para janeiro de 1958, teve Governor Jnio Quadros to the Director of the De-
que ser adiada devido s fortes chuvas daquele ano, partment of Hunting and Fishing of the Agriculture
mas no dia 16 de maro inaugurava-se oficialmen- Department, Mr. Emlio Varoli. The inauguration
te o Zoolgico de So Paulo.Construa-se o Ginsio of the zoo, scheduled to occur in January 1958, was
do Clube Atltico Paulistano. O Mercado Municipal postponed due to considerable rains in that year
Paulistano foi construdo em 1929 para substituir o but on March 16, the So Paulo Zoo was officially
mercado velho que ficava na rua 25 de maro. Em inaugurated. The Gymnasium of the Clube Atl-
1934 foi inaugurado o Edifcio Martinelli, no centro, tico Paulistano was built. The Municipal Market
o primeiro grande edifcio da Amrica Latina, com of So Paulo was built in 1929 to replace the old
30 andares, smbolo do processo de verticaliza- market which was located at Rua 25 de Maro.
o. O ritmo acelerado da verticalizao fez com In 1934, Edifcio Martinelli, located downtown,
que novos arranha-cus ofuscassem o Martinelli, was inaugurated and was the first tall building
em especial o prdio vizinho, Banco do Estado de of Latin America, with 30 floors, a symbol of the
So Paulo, inaugurado em junho de 1947. Sobre isto skyscraper process. The accelerated pace of the
Mrio de Andrade escreveu: L fora o corpo de So verticalization process caused the new skyscrapers
Paulo escorre vida ao guampasso dos arranhacus. to obliterate Martinelli, in particular the building
A dcada de 1940 foi marcada por uma interveno next to it, Banco do Estado de So Paulo, inaugu-
urbanstica sem precedentes na histria da cidade. rated in June 1947. Mrio de Andrade wrote about
O prefeito Prestes Maia colocou em prtica o seu the matter: Outside the life flows from the body of
Plano de Avenidas, com amplos investimentos no So Paulo at the pace of the skyscrapers.
sistema virio. Nos anos seguintes, a preocupao
com o espao urbano visava basicamente abrir ca- The 40s was marked by an investment into urban
minho para os automveis. Em 1958, ano em que a development that previously saw no precedent in

66 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

1. 2.

1. Tristo e Zulka, 1959.

2. Fasano Rua Augusta, 1958.
3. Vago-restaurante do Cruzeiro do Sul.
3. 4. Postal do trem Cruzeiro do Sul
1. Tristo and Zulka, 1959.
2. Fasano Rua Augusta, 1958.
3. Restaurant car of Cruzeiro do Sul train.
4. Postcard of Cruzeiro do Sul train.

Acervo Collection Revista Ferroviria

Acervo Collection Manoel Monachesi

the history of the city. The mayor Prestes Maia put

the Avenue Directive Plan into practice, which
provided for large investments in the highway sys-
tem. In the following years, the concern with urban
space basically was aimed at clearing the path for
cidade j era a dcima maior do mundo, na Sucia, the automobile. In 1958, the year in which the city
a seleo brasileira conquistou a primeira Copa, co- was ranked as the tenth largest city in the world,
mandada por um paulista, Paulo Machado de Car- the Brazilian soccer team won the first World Cup
valho, patrono do So Paulo. Naquele ano a famosa in Sweden, coached by So Paulo born, Paulo
Concha Acstica do Estdio do Pacaembu ainda Machado de Carvalho. In that year, the famous
existia, e o Vasco conquistava pela primeira vez o Acoustic covering of the Pacaembu Stadium was
Torneio Rio-So Paulo, ao golear impiedosamente a still in place, and the Vasco soccer team from Rio
Portuguesa de Desportos por 5 a 1 no Pacaembu. won, for the first time, the Rio-So Paulo Cham-
pionship, when the team mercilessly scored many
Fernando Tristo Fernandes viajou muito de trem goals against Portuguesa de Desportos: 5 to 1 in the
pelo Brasil. Lembra que quando ia visitar a noiva, Pacaembu stadium.
Zulka, na fazenda do pai: A maria-fumaa no para-
va, mas diminua a velocidade em frente Fazenda Fernando Tristo Fernandes traveled by train a lot
Dardanelos. Eu jogava a mala e depois pulava quando throughout Brazil. He remembers when he came to
o apito forte avisava a chegada. Entre Rio de Janeiro visit his fiance, Zulka on her fathers farm: the
e So Paulo viajava no Trem Azul, ou Cruzeiro do Sul, steam locomotive did not stop but did decrease in
como era oficialmente batizado. O trem representa- velocity in front of Dardanelos Farm. I tossed the

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 67

va o que de mais moderno e confortvel havia para a suitcase and then jumped after hearing the strong
viagem entre as duas mais importantes cidades do steam whistle of the train warning about the trains
Pas e era construdo em ao carbono e pintado em approach. I traveled, between Rio de Janeiro and
azul-escuro com pequenos detalhes em prata. So Paulo, in the Blue Train (Trem Azul) or the
Southern Cross (Cruzeiro do Sul), as the train
Mais do que um trem: era uma instituio, um was officially named. The train represented the
smbolo de luxo, um emblema de grandeza, como most modern and comfortable option among the
a ele se referiu Carlos Heitor Cony. Tristo conta que other options available for travel between the two
certa vez ingressou no trem no Rio de Janeiro para most important cities in Brazil. The train was built
So Paulo, para uma audincia. Ocupou uma cabine with carbon steel and painted in dark blue with
do vago com o amigo Joo Luiz Barbosa e dormi- small silver details.
ram. Quando acordaram acharam que j estavam
em So Paulo. Surpresa, pois o trem tinha voltado It was more than a train: it was a tradition, a
estao e estavam ainda no Rio de Janeiro. Foram symbol of luxury, a sign of opulence as described
urgente de txi para So Paulo. by Carlos Heitor Cony. Tristo tells the story when
he boarded the train in Rio de Janeiro bound for So
Em So Paulo tambm foi preso em 1963 durante a Paulo one day to participate in a hearing. He en-
Revolta dos Sargentos. Foi uma rebelio promovida tered the cabin of the sleeping-car with his friend,
por cabos, sargentos e suboficiais, sobretudo da Joo Luiz Barbosa, and they slept. When they woke
Aeronutica e da Marinha do Brasil, em 12 de se- up, they thought they were already in So Paulo. To
tembro de 1963, em Braslia, motivada pela deciso their surprise, because the train had returned to the
do Supremo Tribunal Federal de rea- station and they were still in Rio de Janeiro. They
firmar a inelegibilidade dos praas urgently took a cab and drove to So Paulo.
para os rgos do Poder Legislativo,
conforme previa a Constituio de In So Paulo, Fernando Tristo Fernandes was also
1946. No Campo de Aviao foi In- arrested in 1963, during The Sergeants Rebellion,
a rebellion initiated by corporals, sergeants and
junior officers, mainly from the Brazilian Air Force
and Navy, on September 12, 1963, in Braslia, which
was encouraged by the decision handed down by
the Federal Supreme Court to reaffirm the illegiti-
Acima, Largo da S. Ao lado, macy of the corporals, sergeants and junior officers
Theatro Municipal de So Paulo.
Above, Largo da S. At the right, to the positions of the Legislative Branch, as set forth
Theatro Municipal de So Paulo. in the Brazilian Constitution of 1946. He was inter-
rogated for hours in the Air Field and was released
to board a plane to Rio de Janeiro. Upon his arrival
in Rio, thinking to be cleared of all charges, he was
taken to DOPS. I had nothing to do with that rebel-
lion. We were suspects of everything at that time!!

68 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

terrogado por horas e foi liberado para embarque The oldest son, Fernando Fernandy, today an appel-
para o Rio de Janeiro. Ao saltar no Rio, achando late court, before attending the Nacional de Direito of
que estava liberado, foi levado para o DOPS. Eu Rio de Janeiro, took classes in the Capital of the State
no tinha nada com aquele movimento. Naquela of So Paulo and lived, as student, at Rua Jaguaribe,
poca ramos suspeitos de tudo! in Santa Ceclia. Fernando Augusto Fernandes, his
fathers partner in the law firm, is in charge of the
O filho mais velho, Fernando Fernandy, hoje desem- management of the office in So Paulo.
bargador, antes de estudar na Nacional de Direito do
Rio de Janeiro estudou na capital paulista e morou, But his connection with So Paulo is primarily
como estudante, na Rua Jaguaribe, em Santa Ceclia. emotional. Tristo was reborn in So Paulo twice.
Fernando Augusto Fernandes, companheiro do pai no He was operated on in 1991 by the physician Dr.
escritrio, assumiu a direo da sede de So Paulo. Zerbine and his medical staff. In 2007, at the age of
81, he was operated on by Dr. Jos Pedro da Silva,
Mas a ligao de Tristo com So Paulo acima who was assisted by Dr. Amrico Tangari. They
de tudo emocional. Ele renasceu em So Paulo por again saved the life of Tristo. I will not die from
duas vezes. Operado em 1991 pela equipe do Dr. heart disease anymore. I owe this to So Paulo,
Zerbine. Em 2007, com 81 anos foi operado pelo Dr. the city which is the New York of Latin America
Jos Pedro da Silva, com participao de Amrico through the association of immigrants, which is
Tangari. Salvaram Tristo novamente. Do corao the engine of Brazil.
no morro mais. Isto eu devo a So Paulo, esta cida-
de que a Nova York da Amrica Latina, neste aml-
gama de imigraes que a locomotiva do Brasil. Tristo em So Paulo, maio de 2009.
Tristo in So Paulo, May 2009.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 69

Antes a morte que o cansao.
No me sacio de servir.
No me canso de ser til.
Leonardo da Vinci

Better to be dead than exhausted.

I do not give up on serving.
I am not tired of helping.
Leonardo da Vinci

Quando acompanhado de boas

conversas, o trabalho corre alegre.

Work is a joy when

accompanied by good talk.
O Escritrio The Office
Histrico History 73

Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 77

So Paulo So Paulo 81

Banca Team 85

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 71

Captulo 1 :: Histrico

chapter 1 :: History

Fernando Fernandes Advogados tem a experincia Fernando Fernandes Advogados bears witness to
e a marca de seu fundador, Fernando Tristo Fernan- the experience and background of the founder, Fer-
des, advogado formado em 1959. A primeira sede nando Tristo Fernandes, who graduated in law
carioca do escritrio foi estabelecida em 1979, logo in 1959. The first head offices of the law practice in
aps a anistia poltica que libertou Tristo de seu Rio de Janeiro were established in 1979, immedi-
confinamento em Mato Grosso do Sul. ately following the political amnesty that brought
Tristo out from confinement in the State of Mato
As caractersticas de independncia e destemor Grosso do Sul.
com que Fernando Tristo Fernandes criou este es-
critrio foram transmitidas aos advogados que aju- The spirit of independence and pioneering drive with
dou a formar e, de forma especial, a seu filho Fer- which Fernando Tristo Fernandes built his office
nando Augusto Fernandes. Criminalista, Fernando and his team has been infused in the new genera-
Augusto fez especializao em Direito da Economia tion of lawyers groomed by him, especially his son
e da Empresa e em Direito Penal, alm de mestra- the criminal lawyer Fernando Augusto Fernandes
do em Direito Penal. who specializes in both Business, Corporate and
Criminal Law, before being awarded a Masters De-
Fernando Fernandes Advogados tem obtido, nos gree in Criminal Law.
tribunais superiores e em especial na Suprema Cor-
te, inmeras decises que inauguraram linhas juris- Fernando Fernandes Advogados has broken new
prudenciais (leading cases). Anulao de gravaes ground by establishing jurisprudence with court
ambientais em ofensa a direitos constitucionais. decisions in various leading cases brought before
Anulao de gravaes telefnicas autorizadas judi- the higher and supreme courts. These include a ban
cialmente, mas contra princpios legais. Trancamen- on environmental media recordings as being in vio-
to de ao penal por gesto temerria de institui- lation of constitutional rights and a ban on court-
es financeiras. So exemplos que se somam s authorized telephone recordings that breach vari-
inmeras vitrias em casos complexos, cassao ous legal principles. The firm also championed the
de prises ilegais e anulao de condenaes. refutation of criminal lawsuits due to oppressive
administration by financial institutions. These are
Fernando Fernandes Advogados segue a tradio but a few examples among the countless victories in
de uma advocacia que serve causa maior da resis- complex cases involving the annulment of illegal
tncia contra a opresso e a favor da liberdade hu- arrests and the repeal of sentences.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 73

mana. Neste sentido, destacou-se a defesa de um Fernando Fernandes Advogados follows the tradi-
estrangeiro, cuja entrega, pelo Brasil, em processo tion of legal consultancy in the service of a higher
de extradio foi impedida por basear-se em inte- cause, namely against oppression and in favor of
resses internacionais questionveis. Mas, tambm human liberty. This stance once notoriously pre-
em casos menos graves, mantm uma advocacia vented a foreigners extradition, when the process
combativa, recorrendo ao Supremo Tribunal Federal was disqualified for being based on questionable
por delitos de menor potencial ofensivo, buscando international grounds. The firm also has a com-
assegurar o respeito s garantias constitucionais e bative tradition in less severe cases, with appeals to
naturais do cidado. the Federal Supreme Court, seeking to ensure and
protect due respect to the natural and constitutional
Experiente na defesa de processos rumorosos, rights of citizens.
vem, atravs destes, estabelecendo bases jurdicas
para uma nova advocacia criminal em processos e As experts in the defense of controversial claims,
investigaes federais envolvendo prises e apre- the firm has used these cases to establish legal prec-
enses em vrios estados. edents thereby pioneering new criminal jurispru-
dence in federal suits and investigations involving
Fernando Fernandes Advogados trabalha pela valo- arrests and seizures in various states throughout
rizao da advocacia, tendo defendido advogados the country.
ilegalmente presos, processados ou com seus
escritrios invadidos ou, ainda, suas prerrogativas Fernando Fernandes Advogados believes in the im-
desrespeitadas. portance of the legal profession and is committed
to the enrichment of such and has defended other
Mais do que um escritrio de advocacia criminal, lawyers who have been illegally arrested, or whose
uma forte unio de profissionais, sob uma experin- privileges have been disrespected, or whose offices
cia de 50 anos, em torno do respeito ao conceito de have even been invaded.
Estado de Direito.
Fernando Fernandes Advogados is more than just a
criminal law practice, as it is a united team of pro-
fessionals with 50 years of experience, all equally
committed to the Rule of Law.

74 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

A advocacia criminal nos d, todos os dias,
a emoo de podermos funcionar como
um instrumento de defesa da liberdade humana.
Fernando Augusto Fernandes

The criminal law practice gives us,

everyday, the emotion of being a tool
for human freedoms defense.
Fernando Augusto Fernandes
Captulo 2 :: Rio de Janeiro

chapter 2 :: Rio de Janeiro

Fernando Fernandes Advogados tem sua sede no Fernando Fernandes Advogados has its main offices
Rio em um local estratgico do Centro da cidade: in Rio de Janeiro in a strategic location in the busi-
em frente Assemblia Legislativa do Estado do Rio ness center of the city, opposite the State Legislature
de Janeiro, muito prximo do Tribunal de Justia e building and very close to the State Court of Justice
do Tribunal Regional Federal e em um edifcio com and the Federal Regional Court, in a building named
nome de jurista Cndido Mendes. Ali, Fernando after the famous legal expert, Cndido Mendes.
Fernandes Advogados ocupa 400 m2 com arquite-
tura moderna, acolhedora, funcional e que garante The 400-square-meter office exhibits a modern archi-
aos clientes o sigilo e a discrio fundamentais para tectural design and is both welcoming and functional,
um escritrio de advocacia. ensuring client confidentiality and discretion that are
essential prerequisites of law practice.
A biblioteca, com grande acervo doutrinrio, tem
presena fsica compatvel com sua importncia The office library boasts a sizeable collection of doc-
nos trabalhos do dia a dia advocatcio. uma bi- trine and jurisprudence related to Brazilian Courts,
blioteca dinmica, que se beneficia de aquisies which is compatible with the importance of the day-
mensais de clssicos do Direito e de lanamentos to-day business of a law practice. It is a dynamic
na rea de atuao do escritrio. library that is enhanced with monthly purchases of
classic legal books and writings with new additions
Um ambiente seguro para a guarda de documentos complementing the offices spheres of activity.
foi criado. Os investimentos realizados em equipa-
mentos de comunicao garantem trocas de infor- A safe location for the storage of documents was cre-
maes, dentro e fora do escritrio, em qualquer ated and investments were made in communication
condio, o que representa rapidez no acesso s equipment to permit a swift exchange of informa-
decises dos tribunais, na pesquisa de jurisprudn- tion within and outside the office under any condi-
cia, no envio de peties e no contato com corres- tions. This ensures rapid access to court decisions as
pondentes e representantes em outros estados. well as research into jurisprudence, the submission
of petitions and contacts with correspondents and
O clima de trabalho dentro do escritrio reflexo representatives in other states.
direto do temperamento de Fernando Tristo Fer-
nandes. O bom humor constante e as relaes The working environment within the office directly
pessoais so informais, dentro do respeito profissio- reflects the temperament of Fernando Tristo Fer-

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 77

nal mtuo. O titular do escritrio participa de todas nandes. It is a pleasant and friendly environment
as decises importantes e acompanha de perto os in which personal relationships are informal thou-
diversos processos. gh without ever overstepping the bounds of profes-
sional mutual respect. The office director participa-
Antes havia um s juiz para todos os ramos do direi- tes actively in all important decisions and monitors
to. O advogado tambm atuava em todos eles. Hoje all lawsuits closely.
as varas so especializadas e os advogados tambm
precisam ser especialistas. O que o advogado fazia In the past, there was only one judge for all areas
sozinho, agora apenas uma empresa poder fazer, of law. The lawyer also worked in all areas of law.
com a responsabilidade e os conhecimentos dos Currently, there are specialized courts and the la-
seus componentes, opina Tristo Fernandes. wyers also need to be specialists. All the things the
lawyer did alone in the past, only a company could
do nowadays with the necessary level of responsibi-
lity and expertise, opine Tristo Fernandes.
Captulo 3 :: So Paulo

chapter 3 :: So Paulo

A sede de Fernando Fernandes Advogados em So The office in So Paulo is on the 9th floor of Edifcio
Paulo ocupa o nono andar no Edifcio Flamingo, Flamingo, located two blocks from the Federal Re-
localizado a dois quarteires do Tribunal Regional gional Court, which is the appeal court for the states
Federal, onde funciona a segunda instncia de So of So Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul.
Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul.
The office design is similar to that of the Rio de Janei-
O escritrio foi projetado no mesmo estilo da sede ro head office. Both are technologically integrated with
do Rio de Janeiro. Ambos esto integrados tec- dedicated Internet cables linking the telephone and
nologicamente por cabos dedicados de internet computer networks. The well-equipped library enables
que conectam as redes de computadores e de in-depth study of any aspects of criminal law and pro-
telefonia. O acervo de livros possibilita estudos cedure, with full access to sources of jurisprudence of the
aprofundados de qualquer questo jurdica, com Brazilian court system.
amplo acesso s fontes de jurisprudncia dos tri-
bunais brasileiros. The office installations afford an ideal environment
for the intellectual work of the lawyers, while per-
As instalaes garantem aos advogados condies mitting confidential attendance of clients with ma-
propcias ao trabalho intelectual, alm de garantir ximum discretion.
aos clientes atendimento de forma reservada.
The artwork on display in the office conveys the ethos
As obras de arte presentes no escritrio refletem of Fernando Fernandes Advogados. At the entrance,
o pensamento de Fernando Fernandes Advogados. there is a painting of Largo de So Francisco, which
Logo na entrada, encontra-se o Largo de So Fran- pays homage to the city itself and to the legal profes-
cisco que, mais do que uma homenagem prpria sion in the city of So Paulo, as well as the tradition
cidade e advocacia de So Paulo, representa a tra- which is also imbued in this law practice.
dio, que tambm se encontra neste escritrio.
On the wall opposite the painting of Largo de So
Logo em frente ao quadro do Largo de So Fran- Francisco, where is located the Faculdade de Direi-
cisco, onde se localiza a Faculdade de Direito da to of Universidade de So Paulo, there is an ano-

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 81

Universidade de So Paulo, est o da Faculdade de
Direito de Recife, fundada e simbolizando o conflito
intelectual de uma universidade que se destacou
por uma formao aberta, personificada por Tobias
Barreto. Ambas as obras so do artista paulistano
Marangoni que, nesta ltima, fez uma homenagem
a Tristo Fernandes.

O quadro Velando las armas, do argentino Gustavo

Ortiz, coloca Dom Quixote na sala de reunio. Este
personagem, que revolucionou a literatura, tem re-
lao com a prpria advocacia criminal, cheia de so-
nhos e vida por liberdade.

ther painting which depicts Faculdade de Recife,

founded in the same year symbolizing the intellec-
tual conflict of a university which prides itself in
forming open-minded individuals, personified by
Tobias Barreto. Both works are by the So Paulo-
based artist, Marangoni, who sought to pay homa-
ge to Tristo Fernandes in the latter work.

The painting Velando las armas by Argentinian

artist Gustavo Ortiz, places Dom Quixote squarely
in the meeting room. This character that revolutio-
nized literature, has close links with criminal law
practice, as he is always pursuing his dreams and
on a quest for freedom.
Nosso escritrio uma comunidade de profissionais
que se identificam ideologicamente com a luta em defesa das
garantias constitucionais do cidado e do Estado de Direito.
Fernando Tristo Fernandes

Our firm consists of a team of professionals that

share the same ideology about the defense of the citizens
constitutional rights and the rule of law.
Fernando Tristo Fernandes

Parte da Banca no tradicional caf da manh. Em torno da mesa, em sentido horrio:

Fernando Tristo Fernandes, Andre Hespanhol, Anderson Bezerra Lopes, Andrea Di Sarno, Ricardo Barbosa,
Nilson de Paiva, Ricardo Sidi, Wagner Gusmo, Michele Avelino e Fernando Augusto Fernandes.
Part of the team in the traditional breakfast. Clockwise around the desk: Fernando Tristo Fernandes,
Andre Hespanhol, Anderson Bezerra Lopes, Andrea Di Sarno, Ricardo Barbosa, Nilson de Paiva, Ricardo Sidi,
Wagner Gusmo, Michele Avelino and Fernando Augusto Fernandes.
Captulo 4 :: Banca

CHAPTER 4 :: Team

Os scios so especialistas, cada um em uma rea The firms partners are each specialized in one area
do Direito. Todos, no entanto, trabalham buscando of the law. All partners though work together to
a integrao de foras, informaes e capacidades. combine skills, information and ability. This busi-
Esta postura simbolizada pelo caf da manh de ness principle is symbolized by the morning break-
toda segunda-feira, em que a equipe constri sua fast offered every Monday where the team exchange
sintonia para a semana de trabalho, concretizada ideas for the work week ahead and which is put into
nos processos que contam com o empenho conjun- practice in the processes being dealt with through
to de todos os scios na procura por uma soluo. the participation of all partners in the search for a
common solution.
A advocacia combativa de Fernando Tristo Fernan-
des transmitida equipe quase como uma doutri- The tenacious mind-set of Fernando Tristo Fer-
na: o advogado precisa ser intransigente na defesa nandes is conveyed almost as a doctrine: the law-
do cliente, ainda que disso decorra o aborrecimento yer needs to be intransigent at the defense of his
de determinada autoridade. A administrao do es- client, even if it causes trouble with some author-
critrio, coerentemente, encoraja a autogesto e a ity.At the firm, the basis of our relationship is the
liberdade de ao por parte de cada scio. A base do trust and loyalty. The code we maintain in the
trabalho a confiana e a lealdade existentes entre work environment is represented by the absolute
os membros da equipe. trust among all lawyers.

A integrao ultrapassa os componentes da banca: The integration goes beyond the team members:
outros advogados, de reas afins ou complemen- other lawyers from related or complementary areas
tares, so chamados sempre que necessrio para are invited whenever necessary to better serve the
um atendimento melhor ao cliente. No temos client. We do not have competitors, we have part-
concorrentes, temos parceiros, diz Tristo. ners, says Tristo.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 85

O advogado um instrumento da
sociedade para proteger o indivduo.
Fernando Tristo Fernandes

86 ::
Fernando Tristo Fernandes

A atuao profissional deste advogado se confunde com a sua militncia poltica, que passou pelo duro
regime militar de 1964. Em quase meio sculo de advocacia, reuniu larga experincia em diversas reas do
Direito. Seu conhecimento da realidade e da sociedade brasileiras vem tambm de seu percurso de vida:
capixaba, residiu em diversos estados.

Ele casou-se em Minas Gerais, mas na Bahia nasceu seu primeiro filho, Fernando Fernandy Fernandes,
que, como procurador, foi secretrio de justia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, secretrio-geral do Ministrio
Pblico e hoje desembargador do Tribunal de Justia do Rio de Janeiro.

O Paran viu Fernando Tristo Fernandes formar-se em Direito e em Economia. Ali cresceu, na primeira
metade da dcada de 1960, sua importncia no movimento sindical. E em Curitiba, nasceu Fernando Olinto
Fernandes, seu filho mdico que integrou os Mdicos Sem Fronteiras, Prmio Nobel da Paz; passou dois
anos na tribo dos ianommis e participou de misses humanitrias em guerras, em Sri Lanka e Ruanda.

Confinado em Mato Grosso do Sul durante o perodo mais duro do regime militar, Tristo dedicou-se por intei-
ro advocacia e l nasceu o filho que hoje seu companheiro de escritrio, Fernando Augusto Fernandes.

Aps a anistia, fixou-se no Rio de Janeiro, onde criou um novo escritrio, hoje com sede tambm na
cidade de So Paulo.
Fernando Tristo Fernandes

Fernando Tristo Fernandes professional activities are closely tied to his political militancy during the harsh
military regime of 1964 and he has acquired vast experience in many legal areas in a career spanning almost
half a century of law practice. His subtle grasp of Brazilian reality and society are also derived from his life
trajectory, as he was born in the state of Esprito Santo and has lived in various states throughout Brazil.

He married in the state of Minas Gerais and his first son, Fernando Fernandy Fernandes, was born in the
state of Bahia. Fernandy became Prosecutor and Secretary of Justice for the state of Rio de Janeiro, having
also been general secretary of the Public Prosecution Service, and is today a Court of Appeals Judge in the Rio
de Janeiro Judiciary.

Fernando Tristo Fernandes obtained his Bachelor of Law and Economics degree in the state of Paran,
which is where his status in the trade union movement grew in the early 60s. His son, Fernando Olinto
Fernandes, was born in Curitiba, qualified as a doctor and was a member of Doctors without Borders before
being awarded a Nobel Peace prize. He also lived for two years among the Brazilian Ianomami tribe and
served on humanitarian missions in civil wars in Sri Lanka and Rwanda.

While in confinement in Mato Grosso do Sul during the harshest period of the military regime, Tristo Fer-
nandes was fully dedicated to the practice of law, and it was there that his son and current office partner,
Fernando Augusto Fernandes, was born.

After the political amnesty he moved to Rio de Janeiro and set up a new office, and there is now also a bran-
ch office in So Paulo.
Lawyers are societys mechanism
for protecting the individual.
Fernando Tristo Fernandes
A advocacia criminal uma atividade de resistncia
contra a opresso do Estado e a favor das garantias
naturais e legais do indivduo.
Fernando Augusto Fernandes

Criminal law practice is an activity involving resistance

against oppression by the State and is designed to guarantee
the natural and legal rights of the individual.
Fernando Augusto Fernandes
Fernando Augusto Fernandes

Professor de Direito Penal Econmico. Mestre em Criminologia e Direito Penal pela Universidade Cndido
Mendes, com dissertao sobre a defesa de presos polticos atravs da Repblica, desenvolvida sob a
orientao de Nilo Batista. Curso de Especializao em Advocacia Criminal na mesma instituio. MBA em
Direito da Economia e da Empresa, pela Fundao Getlio Vargas do Rio de Janeiro.

Diretor do Grupo Brasileiro da Associao Internacional de Direito Penal. Membro da Sociedade dos Advo-
gados Criminalistas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, do Instituto Carioca de Criminologia e do Instituto Brasi-
leiro de Cincias Criminais. Publicou diversas matrias em revistas especializadas em Direito Penal.

conselheiro da seccional Rio de Janeiro da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil e foi presidente de sua Co-
misso de Defesa, Assistncia e Prerrogativas.

Fernando Augusto Fernandes doutorando em Cincia Poltica na Universidade Federal Fluminense, onde
analisa, sob orientao de Gislio Cerqueira Filho, a formao dos advogados brasileiros a partir das pri-
meiras faculdades (So Paulo e Recife) e tambm a reforma universitria de 1930 e suas influncias nos
julgamentos de presos polticos e nas relaes de poder no Judicirio de hoje.

A professor in Economic Criminal Law, he has a Master`s in Criminal Law from Cndido Mendes Univer-
sity and his thesis was on the defense of political prisoners via the Republic, under the tutelage of Professor
Nilo Batista. He took a specialization course in Criminal Law at the same institution and also holds an
MBA in Economic and Corporate Law from the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro.

Fernando Augusto Fernandes is a director of the Brazilian Group of the International Criminal Law Asso-
ciation and member of the Criminal Lawyers Society in Rio de Janeiro, as well as the Criminology Institute
of Rio de Janeiro and the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences. He has also published various articles in
specialized criminal law magazines.

He is now a councilor of the Rio de Janeiro chapter of the Brazilian Bar Association and was the President of
its Defense, Assistance and Prerogatives Commission.

He is currently working on his Ph.D. in Political Science at Fluminense Federal University, in which he is
assessing the training of Brazilian lawyers, under the tutelage of Gislio Cerqueira Filho. He started by exa-
mining the early law schools (So Paulo and Recife), in addition to studying the 1930 University reform and
its influences on sentences on political prisoners and the power relationships within the Judiciary today.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 91

S o que se fez ensina o que
se dever fazer para o diante.
Moteiro Lobato

Only what is already made

can teach how to do in future.
Monteiro Lobato

O que lembro, tenho.

Guimares Rosa

What I remember, I have.

Guimares Rosa
Memrias da Advocacia Reminiscences of Law Practice
Entrevista de 2005 :: Interview of 2005 95

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 93


Fernando Tristo Fernandes

:: O senhor conhecido como um excelente e :: You are famous as a brilliant and passionate
apaixonado contador de casos e a sua vida profis- storyteller and your professional life afforded a
sional lhe proporcionou alguns muito bons. Diga few good ones. Name one you enjoy most.
um de que goste bastante.
The story of the near meeting between the im-
A histria do quase encontro entre o confinado e o prisoned and the dictator is the first that comes
ditador a primeira que me vem lembrana. Tudo to memory. It all started on a winter day at night,
comeou num dia de inverno em 1971, noitinha, the year was 1971, and I was walking in front of
quando eu estava passando em frente ao Frum de the Court of Justice of Ponta Por, which was lo-
Justia de Ponta Por, que ficava num sobrado, em cated in a two-storey building, on top of the police
cima da delegacia de polcia. Ouvi uns gritos, procu- station. I heard screams and tried to find out who
rei saber de quem eram, por que estavam gritando was screaming and why, among other things. Three
etc. Eram trs rapazes que estavam presos dentro boys were cramped in a type of wooden box, used
de uma espcie de caixote, utilizado como cadeia as a temporary prison cell, at the back of a police
da priso provisria, nos fundos da delegacia. Eles station. They said they were students from So
contaram que eram estudantes de So Paulo e ti- Paulo and have been arrested when they crossed
nham sido presos quando atravessavam com dois the street which separates Ponta Por from the City
quilos de maconha a avenida que separa Ponta Por of Pedro Juan Caballero in Paraguay with two kilos
da cidade paraguaia de Pedro Juan Caballero, no of marijuana. They claimed to be picked by their
Paraguai. Alegaram que tinham sido sorteados classmates to perform the task and believed that
pelos colegas para executar a tarefa e acreditavam the drug dealers themselves called the police.
que os prprios vendedores da droga haviam avisa-
do a polcia. One of the boys introduced himself as the son of
an executive officer working in Volkswagen and the
Um deles se apresentou como filho de um diretor other one said he was the son of an executive of-
da Volkswagen e o outro disse ser filho de um dire- ficer working in Arno. I offered to help, telling them
tor da Arno. Eu ofereci ajuda, dizendo que era ad- I was a lawyer, and they asked me to call their par-
vogado e eles me pediram que avisasse os pais do ents. As soon as I got home I made a phone call to
ocorrido. Quando cheguei em casa liguei para So So Paulo: I introduced myself and told them the
Paulo, me identifiquei, falei do rapaz e a pessoa que story about the boys and the person who answered
atendeu me disse que deveria ser algum engano, j the phone told me that it should be a mistake as

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 95

que os rapazes estavam em Guaruj, no litoral de the boys were in Guaruj, on the shore of the State
So Paulo. Insisti e, quando o diretor da Volkswa- of So Paulo. I insisted and, when the executive
gen compreendeu que eu estava falando a verda- officer of Volkswagen realized that I was telling the
de, disse amanh mesmo estaremos a. Quando truth, he said we will be there tomorrow. They
chegaram, em avio fretado, logo me constituram arrived in a chartered plane and soon retained me
advogado dos jovens, todos maiores de 18 anos. as the boys attorney, all of whom were above 18
No havia juiz em Ponta Por naquela ocasio e o years old. There was no judge in Ponta Por at that
substituto era o juiz de Bela Vista, a cem quilme- time and the substitute was the judge of the City of
tros. Redigi o pedido de soltura, com as provas de Bela Vista, one hundred kilometers away. I wrote
que eram estudantes, e fui para l. A cidade estava the prison release motion, attaching proof as to
cheia de faixas com o texto Mede-se o progresso their status as students, and went to the City of
do pas pelo Presidente Mdici. Ele estava na cida- Bela Vista. The city was full of signs stating the
de para a inaugurao de uma ponte sobre o Rio progress of Brazil is driven by President Mdici.
Apa, que liga Brasil e Paraguai. Logo conclu que o He was in town for the inauguration of a bridge over
magistrado s poderia estar na solenidade, dentro River Apa, which connects Brazil and Paraguay. I
do quartel do Exrcito. Eu no tinha convite, mas soon concluded that the judge could only be at the
fui com os pais dos trs rapazes at l e pedi para event, inside the Army headquarters. I was not in-
falar com o juiz. vited but went there with the parents of the three
boys and asked to talk to the judge.
O comandante do Regimento de Cavalaria de Bela
Vista era o coronel Pedro Doria Passos, casado com The commanding officer of the Cavalry Regiment of
Elza Mendes Gonalves, irm de Oswaldo Mendes Bela Vista was Colonel Pedro Doria Passos, married
Gonalves, proprietrio da fazenda Carambola, em to Elza Mendes Gonalves, the sister of Oswaldo
Ponta Por. Oswaldo, na juventude, havia estudado Mendes Gonalves, owner of the Carambola farm,
em Curitiba e, antes de 31 de maro de 1964, era in Ponta Por. Oswaldo, in his teens, attended the
filiado ao PTB. O meu relacionamento com a famlia school in Curitiba and, before March 31, 1964, was
vinha de longe. Alm disso, como criador de gado, affiliated to PTB. My relationship with his family dat-
era cliente do Banco do Brasil, onde obtinha em- ed back many years. Besides, being a cattle breed-
prstimos para a pecuria. Logo ao entrar no quar- er, he was a client of Banco do Brasil, where he was
tel, dirigindo-nos ao local onde estavam o presidente granted loans for the activities of cattle breeding. As
Mdici, o juiz de direito e as outras autoridades, en- soon as we came into the headquarters, towards
contramos Elza. Muito expansiva, ela me abraou e the place where President Mdici, the judge and
fez um comentrio sobre o esprito democrtico do other authorities were assembled, we bumped into
governo, j que ali estava um comunista no meio Elza. Elza, being extremely extroverted, hugged me
dos militares. Antes que a frase chamasse ateno and made a comment on the democratic mind-set
e para abafar a sua voz, abracei-a, beijei-lhe o rosto of the government, as a communist was among
e disse baixinho: Sempre brincalhona, mas essas the military officers. Before the comment drew at-
brincadeiras no momento so perigosas... Depois, tention and in order to muffle her voice, I hugged
falando normalmente, disse que o irmo Oswaldo her, kissed her on the cheeks and said whispering:

96 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Faixa e anel de formatura.
Sash and graduation ring.

Telefone utilizado no escritrio

do Tristo desde 1965 at a anistia.
Telephone used at Tristos office
from 1965 to the amnesty.
e a cunhada, Cecy, mandavam lembranas. O juiz always a teaser but these jokes are dangerous at
chegou, ouviu os meus argumentos e disse: Dr. the moment... Then, speaking in a normal tone of
Tristo, conheo bem sua postura profissional. O voice, I told her that her brother Oswaldo and sister-
que o senhor quer que eu faa?. Em seguida, de- in-law Cecy sent regards.
feriu os pedidos: expedio de alvar de soltura e
agendamento do interrogatrio para o perodo das The judge arrived, heard my argument and said:
frias escolares. Faltava, ainda, assinar o alvar de Dr. Tristo, I am well aware of your professional
soltura. Para evitar mais transtornos, sugeri que ele conduct. What do you want me to do?. Then, he
outorgasse poderes ao escrivo do cartrio para approved the motions: the release of the prison-
assinar o documento, evitando voltar cidade. A ers and the scheduling of the interrogation in the
sugesto foi imediatamente aceita. school vacation period even though the release
order was yet to be signed. In order to avoid any
A deferncia do juiz quele advogado do interior do further annoying requests, I suggest he granted
Mato Grosso do Sul impressionou os pais dos rapa- powers to the notary officer of the registry office
zes. Meses mais tarde, a boa impresso se confir- to sign the document thereby nullifying his need to
mou, com a absolvio dos estudantes por falta de return to the city. The suggestion was immediately
provas. Afinal, sem o exame pericial da erva apre- accepted.
endida, como seria possvel afirmar que se tratava
de entorpecente? The judges deference to that attorney from the
countryside of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul im-
pressed the boys parents. Months later, the good
impression was confirmed with the acquittal of the
students due to the lack of evidence. After all, with-
out the forensic analysis of the herb apprehended,
how would it be possible to affirm that it was in fact
an illegal drug?

Juramento feito
na formatura.
Vows made at
the graduation.

98 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

:: Alguma vez o senhor esteve na mira de armas de :: Have you ever been at gunpoint while at work in
fogo, no ato de exercer a sua profisso? your profession?

Vrias vezes. Renasci em 11 de junho de 1979, Several times. I was reborn on June 11, 1979, when I
quando atiraram em mim, e lembro uma outra. A was shot at and I can remember of at least one more
agncia do BB da cidade de Amambai incumbiu-me occasion. The branch of Banco do Brasil in the City of
de ir ao quartel do 17 Regimento de Cavalaria, a Amambai I was asked to go to the headquarters of the
uns doze quilmetros do Centro. Precisava cobrar 17th Cavalry Regiment, 12 kilometers away from the
de um sargento um cheque que havia sacado na downtown. I was asked to request, from a sergeant, a
boca do caixa, com uma funcionria nova, quando check that was cashed by the cashier a new employee,
sua conta j havia sido encerrada pela devoluo when his bank account was already closed due to the
de cheques sem fundo. Cheguei, me identifiquei return of rubber checks. I arrived at the branch, identi-
no porto onde fica a sentinela, com uma saleta. fied myself at the gate where the guard is posted in
Fui autorizado a entrar, andei uns 200 metros e fui a small room. My entrance was authorized: I walked
recebido pelo subcomandante, que determinou a about 200 meters and was received by the subordi-
presena do tal sargento. Eu fiquei s com ele e nate officer, who confirmed the presence of the ser-
disse que teria que ir gerncia cobrir o saque in- geant. I was left alone with the sergeant and told him
devido, sob pena de ser acionado criminalmente, o that he would have to go to the banks management
que iria atrapalhar a carreira no Exrcito, com possi- to cover the undue withdrawal under penalty of being
bilidade at de excluso. Ele disse que iria repor e criminally charged, which would ruin his career in the
sa. Aps passar o porto, na sada, ouvi o barulho Army, and he could even possibly face a discharge.
de engatilhar uma arma e, ao me virar, o soldado He told me that he would return the cash and I left.
sentinela estava apontando um fuzil em minha di- After leaving through the gate, I heard a noise of gun
reo. Me apavorei, gritando O que isso? Est being triggered and, when I turned in the direction
ficando doido? Sou advogado do Banco do Brasil! of noise, the guarding soldier was pointing a rifle at
Foram segundos e o soldado baixou a arma. Fiquei me. I got scared and shouted what is this? Are you
revoltado, peguei a Rural Willys, onde estava um crazy? I am the attorney of Banco do Brasil! It was a
amigo esperando, Heitor Antonio Marques, fui cor- matter of seconds and the soldier put the gun down. I
rendo para a agncia, chamei o gerente e o conta- was infruriated, grabbed the Rural Willys Jeep, where
dor, regressei com todos ao 17 Regimento e exigi a friend was waiting, Heitor Antonio Marques, ran to
falar com o comandante, que nos recebeu. Relatei the branch, called the manager and the accountant,
tudo e abriram o IPM. Concluso: uns oito meses returned to the 17th Regiment with them all and in-
depois, o soldado fora punido porque no reagira sisted to talk to the senior officer, who received us.
s supostas ofensas daquele advogado comunista, I narrated all the events and an IPM was created.
j que representava o comandante do regimento, Conclusion: about eight months later, the soldier was
o comandante da regio, o ministro da guerra e o punished because he did not respond to the alleged
presidente da Repblica! offenses of that communist lawyer, as he represented
the regiments senior officer, the regional commander,
the Minister of War and the President of the Republic!

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 99

:: O senhor tem histrias de :: Do you have some jury stories to tell?
jri para contar?
Look, I participated in more than 40 trials by jury in
Olha, fiz mais de 40 jris no the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The most memo-
Mato Grosso do Sul. Os casos rable cases for a criminal lawyer are those that are
que marcam, para o criminalis- the most unusual. The criminal lawyer is able to
ta, so os diferentes. O crimi- see the beauty of certain tragedies, not for the vio-
nalista consegue ver beleza em lence they exhibit however for what they symbolize
certas tragdias, no pela vio- within the complexity of the human being. Three of
lncia, mas pelo que apresen- these cases are strongly committed to memory.
tam sobre a complexidade do
ser humano. Destes casos, trs :: Lets talk about the first?
ficaram fortes na memria.
The owner of a medium-sized farm, after coming
:: Vamos ao primeiro? back from the pastures where he went to inspect the
farms fences, looked inside his bedroom through a
O proprietrio de uma fazenda de porte mdio, ao crack in the wooden wall and saw his wife having sex
regressar do campo, aonde havia ido inspecionar as with the familys pet dog, called Sereno. The farmer,
cercas da fazenda, olhou para dentro do seu quarto while recovering from the shock, kept the dog and his
por uma fresta da parede de madeira e viu sua mu- wife under observation. The scene unfolded again in
lher mantendo relaes com o co de estimao the following month and the husband, talking to his
da famlia, chamado Sereno. Refeito do choque, wife, claimed that she was sick and therefore should
passou a manter o co e a mulher sob observao. leave to go to her parents house to get treatment.
A cena se repetiu no ms seguinte e o marido, em The wife declared, in the presence of an uncle, that
conversa com a mulher, argumentou que ela estava she would like to stay with Sereno but nonetheless
doente e por isso deveria ir para a casa dos pais fa- the husband took her to her parents house and left
zer um tratamento. A mulher afirmou, na presena their six-year old daughter with his mother.
de um tio, que preferia ficar com Sereno mas, as-
sim mesmo, o marido a levou para a casa dos pais One day, the husband, who was in Campo Grande,
dela, mantendo a filha de seis anos sob sua guarda came home at approximately midnight and did not
e de sua me. find the daughter: the mother went there to pick her
up and the grandmother feeling pity towards her al-
Certo dia, o marido, que estava em Campo Grande, lowed the mother to take the girl. The husband im-
chegou em casa aproximadamente meia-noite e mediately took a cab and drove to the city where
no encontrou a filha: a me tinha ido busc-la e a the wife was living. He arrived in the city at dawn.
av, com pena, deixou que a levasse. O marido to- He said he was there to take the daughter imme-
mou um txi na mesma hora e dirigiu-se cidade diately after going into the backyard of his in-laws
onde a mulher se encontrava, chegando ao amanhe- house. The wife ran inside and came back with the
cer. Ele anunciou que estava ali para buscar a filha husband of a sister-in-law armed with a 38-caliber

100 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

logo ao entrar no quintal da casa dos sogros. A mu- revolver. Her husband then shot the husband of the
lher correu para o interior da casa e voltou acompa- sister-in-law who dropped dead in the backyard. He
nhada de um concunhado, armado com um revlver then entered the house, murdered his wife with
38. O marido, ento, atirou no concunhado, que caiu two gunshots and ran in the cab with the girl. The
fulminado no quintal. Em seguida, entrou na casa, deceased was a plane pilot and members of the lo-
matou tambm a mulher com dois tiros e fugiu no cal air club took their planes in pursuit of the cab,
txi com a menina. O morto era aviador, e membros which was stopped when going through the City of
do aeroclube local saram de avio em perseguio Antnio Joo, MS. The husband was taken to the
ao txi, que foi detido ao passar pela cidade de An- crime scene where he was arrested in the act.
tnio Joo, MS. O marido foi conduzido ao local do
crime, onde se deu a priso em flagrante. The judgment was only held one year and eight
months later and attracted a large mob. We told this
O julgamento s ocorreu um ano e oito meses de- story to the jury: the defendant had caught his wife in
pois, atraindo uma verdadeira multido. No jri conta- the act, having sexual intercourse with the dog and,
mos esta histria: o acusado havia pegado a mulher even during the encounter the wife shouted that
em flagrante delito, mantendo relaes sexuais com she preferred to stay with the dog, that the dog was
o co e, mesmo na hora em que a mulher gritou que civilized, which indicated that only the momentary
preferia ficar com o cachorro, agiu civilizadamente, emotional distress of the defendant could cause him
o que indicava que s o descontrole emocional mo- to murder his wife. The theory adopted by the de-
mentneo do ru poderia t-lo levado a assassinar a fense was involuntary manslaughter committed right
mulher. Invocamos a tese de homicdio privilegiado, after unfair provocation by the victim. As to the pilots
que aquele cometido logo aps injusta provoca- death, my defense was that it was reputed self-de-
o da vtima. Quanto morte do aviador, defendi fense, where the defendant believes that the other
que seria legtima defesa putativa, aquela em que person will in fact kill him: the brother of the sister-
o agente acredita que o outro iria mat-lo: o concu- in-law ran out of the house armed with a revolver
nhado saiu correndo de dentro da casa com o revl- undoubtedly to kill the defendant. I suggested to the
ver em punho certamente para matar o ru. Sugeri jury that the couples daughter should remain under
ao jri que a filha do casal ficasse sob os cuidados the custody of the mothers parents, who could emo-
dos avs maternos, que emocionalmente poderiam tionally take the place of the murdered daughter.
substituir a filha assassinada na tragdia.
Despite the massive popular clamor, the defendant
Mesmo com o forte clamor popular, o acusado foi was acquitted on the pilots murder by seven to
absolvido da morte do aviador por sete a zero e con- zero and sentenced to one year and eight months
denado a um ano e oito meses de priso pela mor- for the wifes murder because the jury concluded
te da mulher, porque os jurados concluram que o that the crime was committed under strong emo-
crime foi cometido sob violenta emoo, logo aps tional distress, subsequent to unfair provocation by
injusta provocao da vtima. Como j estava preso the victim. Since he was already incarcerated for
h um ano e oito meses, o ru recebeu na hora o one year and eight months, the defendant was re-
alvar de soltura. leased with no additional jail time.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 101

:: Agora, o segundo caso? :: And now, the second story?

Um comerciante de armas e munies, casado, pai One gun and ammunition dealer, married, father
de duas filhas casadas com oficiais do Exrcito, foi of two daughters married to Army officers, was
pego em flagrante enquanto mantinha relaes ho- caught in the act while having sexual intercourse in
mossexuais em sua residncia, num domingo, por his house, on a Sunday, by a relative with a disability
um parente que tinha dificuldade de locomoo e and partial stutter. One could imagine, on that occa-
era semigago. Imagine, naquele tempo, a vergonha sion, the shame and disgrace of that man, in view
e a desonra deste homem, diante dos preconceitos of the citys intolerant attitude. The relative then
da cidade. O tal parente comeou, ento, a exigir blackmailed him in order not to spread the rumor.
dinheiro, ameaando espalhar o fato.
The gun and ammunition store was installed in the
A loja de armas e munies era na parte da frente front part of the house and was equipped with an in-
da casa, com comunicao interna para a residn- tercom connected to the house. Guests could enter
cia. A entrada social da residncia era feita pelo lado the house by the right side, through a high pathway
direito, por uma calada alta que ia at o final do ter- leading to the far end of the property, where the
reno, onde estava instalado o escritrio em que o office in which the relative caught the client having
parente surpreendeu o cliente na relao sexual. the sexual intercourse was located.

Segundo a acusao, o cliente, para escapar da According to the prosecution, the client, in order
chantagem, armou uma cilada para o parente. Este to avoid blackmail, set a trap for the relative. The
morava depois da casa onde estava instalada a loja relative lived past the house where the store was
e, para alcanar a entrada social, tinha que passar located and, in order to reach the social entrance,
pela frente do estabelecimento. Uma noite, o clien- he had to pass in front of the store. One night,
te deixou a porta da casa de comrcio ligeiramente the client left the store door slightly open and un-
aberta, com a trava apenas encostada do lado de locked from inside. The blackmailing relative, ac-
dentro. O parente chantagista, segundo a acusa- cording to the prosecution, slept little and, when
o, dormia pouco e, quando tinha fome, dirigia-se he was hungry, he went early to the defendants
muito cedo para a casa do acusado. Chegando l, house. After arriving to the defendants house,
aproximadamente s cinco horas da manh, em- approximately at 5:00 am, he slid the door open,
purrou a porta, derrubou a trava e penetrou no in- dropped the bolt and got into the store, where
terior da casa de comrcio, onde levou cinco tiros, he was shot five times and fell on the sidewalk.
indo cair na calada. Os vizinhos, ouvidos no pro- The neighbors, witnesses to the process, testified
cesso, afirmaram que haviam sido acordados com that they woke up with the sound of persistent
um insistente latido de co e vrios tiros e que, em barking and several gunshots and that, right after,
seguida, ouviram o funcionamento do motor de they heard the sound of a car getting started, a
um automvel, um porto sendo aberto e o veculo gate being opened and the car driving away. After
partindo. Aps esses acontecimentos, o acusado these events, the defendant took refuge on his
escondeu-se em sua fazenda no Paraguai. farm in Paraguay.

102 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Quando assumi a defesa, a opinio pblica era vis- The public opinion, when I took the defense, was ad-
ceralmente contra o acusado. Feita a denncia, a amantly against the defendant. Upon the indictment,
defesa teve o cuidado de trazer para os autos os the defense was prudent enough to include the prior-
boletins de registro atmosfrico do dia anterior ao days weather bulletins, not to mention the weather
crime e do prprio dia do crime, feitos pelo aeropor- bulletins of the day of the crime, prepared by the lo-
to local, que registravam fog intenso e teto zero; a cal airport of which registered intense fog and zero
notcia de que naquela rea s havia cachorro na flight visibility, in the court records; the reports that
casa do acusado e tambm pareceres de veterin- only the defendant had a dog in that area, including
rios atestando que, se o co latiu insistentemente, the opinions of veterinarians attesting that, if the dog
decerto no conhecia o cheiro da pessoa que se had barked persistently it was because the dog did
aproximava da casa. Argumentei que a neblina, que not recognize the scent of the person approaching
impedia o reconhecimento da vtima, e o latido in- the house,were also included. I claimed that the fog,
cessante do cachorro levaram o acusado a pensar which hindered the victims identification, and the
que se tratava de um ladro forando a porta da loja, non-stop barking of the dog, led the victim to think it
para entrar na sua residncia. was a burglar forcing the store door to make an as-
sault on the house.
Estava tudo calmo, parecia que o assunto estava es-
quecido e, quinze dias antes da data do julgamento, Everything was calm, the matter seemed to be for-
o cliente foi apresentado e preso. A opinio geral na gotten and, fifteen days before the judgment date,
cidade, dos jornais etc. era de que o monstro de- the client was surrendered and arrested. The gen-
veria ser condenado a 30 anos de priso. A tese de eral opinion in the city and newspapers, among oth-
legtima defesa da propriedade e de legtima defesa ers, was that the monster should be sentenced
putativa levou o jri a absolv-lo por sete a zero. to 30 years in prison. The theory of defense of per-
sonal property and reputed self-defense led to a
:: E o terceiro caso... unanimous acquittal by seven to zero.

L vai. Dois irmos fazendeiros herdaram do pai :: And the third story...
uma fazenda e, na partilha das terras e do gado, a
sede do imvel ficou no quinho do mais novo. O Here it goes. Two farming brothers inherited a farm
outro filho, em represlia, construiu pocilgas na di- from the father and, by the division of the land
visa das terras prxima sede da fazenda. A criao and the cattle the farm house was passed upon
de porcos frequentemente rompia a cerca ou era the youngest. The other son, in reprimand, built a
solta, causando discusses entre os irmos. O ir- pig-pen on the edge of the land close to the farm
mo que ficou com a sede reclamava do cheiro das house. The pigs frequently cracked the fence or
pocilgas e das invases dos sunos. As discusses were released, causing altercations between the
entre os dois eram constantes. brothers. The brother who remained with the farm
house complained about the smell of the pig-pen
Um dia, quando passava a cavalo por uma estrada and the constant escape of the pigs. The alterca-
de terra, o irmo mais novo, acompanhado de um tions between the two brothers were recurrent.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 103

Escudo da Universidade
Federal do Paran.
Coat of arms of the
Universidade Federal
do Paran.
peo, viu de longe a carroa do irmo mais velho One day, when riding a horse on a dirt road, the
vindo em sua direo. Para evitar o encontro, saiu youngest brother, accompanied by a farm worker,
da estrada e foi para o campo, seguindo por uma saw from far away the oldest brothers wheeled
antiga trilha. car coming in his direction. In order to avoid con-
frontation, he left the road and went to the pasture
O irmo mais velho percebeu a manobra e, vendo through an old trail.
que o mais novo havia sado da estrada para evitar
o encontro, resolveu tambm entrar na antiga tri- The oldest brother noticed the tactic and, realizing that
lha. O encontro dos dois foi inevitvel e a discus- the youngest brother left the road in order to avoid
so tambm. O irmo mais velho atirou da carroa confrontation, he also decided to go through the old
no mais novo, provocando a queda do cavalo des- trail. The confrontation of both brothers was inevita-
te sobre a perna do cavaleiro. Vendo o irmo mais ble so in resulting in an altercation. The oldest brother
novo imobilizado, o outro desceu da carroa com shot at the youngest brother from the wheeled car,
uma faca, para terminar o servio, quando o peo causing the horse to fall on the horsemans leg. In
que acompanhava o mais novo sacou do revlver e, seeing his youngest brother immobilized, the oldest
com dois tiros, matou o agressor. brother hopped down from the wheel car with a knife
to finish the job, when the farm worker accompany-
O Ministrio Pblico denunciou o peo e o irmo ing the youngest brother drew the revolver and, with
mais novo como autores do homicdio, incursos nas two shots, killed the attacker.
penas do artigo 121 do Cdigo Penal. Como no
foram presos em flagrante, ambos responderam ao The General Attorneys Office accused the farm
processo em liberdade. worker and the youngest brother of the murder,
subject to the penalties set forth in Article 121 of
Contratado para defend-los, juntei aos autos as the Criminal Code. Since they were not arrested in
seguintes provas: fotos da sede da fazenda e das the act, both criminals were released on bail.
instalaes da criao de sunos; mapa dos imveis
rurais; cpias da partilha dos bens e do inventrio; I was hired to defend the criminals and attached
mapa e desenho do local dos acontecimentos, com the following evidence to the court records: photos
a estrada e a antiga trilha onde se deu o encontro; of the farm house and the pig-pen; a map of the
fotografias da estrada, da trilha e do local dos acon- rural properties; copies of the estate and inventory
tecimentos. settlement and; a map and drawing of the crime
scene, including the road and the old trail where
O irmo mais novo negou qualquer participao no the confrontation took place; photos of the road,
crime. O peo assumiu a autoria, negou qualquer the trail and the crime scene.
ajuda ou participao de terceiros e afirmou que ati-
rou porque estava certo de que o irmo mais velho The youngest brother denied any involvement with
iria sangrar o que havia cado e estava imobilizado the crime. The farm worker took credit for the
embaixo do cavalo. crime, refuted the help or participation of third par-
ties and claimed that he only shot because he was

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 105

O juiz pronunciou os acusados e marcou o julga- certain that the oldest brother would hurt the
mento. O peo apresentou-se para ser julgado na fallen brother who was immobilized by the horse.
data marcada e o fazendeiro, que estava doente,
juntou atestado mdico para justificar sua ausncia. The judge indicted the defendants and scheduled
O peo foi absolvido com base na tese da legtima the trial. The farm worker appeared before the court
defesa putativa de terceiro. Julgado em outra data, on the date scheduled and the farmer, who was
o segundo acusado foi absolvido pela comprovao sick, attached a medical sworn statement to explain
da tese da negativa de autoria. his absence. The farm worker was acquitted based
on the theory of reputed third-party self-defense.
:: Algum personagem em especial ficou The second defendant, tried on another date, was
na memria daqueles tempos? acquitted due to the theory of denial of guilt.

Um cliente entregou uma nota promissria emi- :: Any person in particular at that time
tida pelo aougueiro, que no a pagara. Como a committed to memory?
cidade era pequena, fui pessoalmente cobrar a d-
vida e encontrei o aougueiro cortando carne com One client delivered a promissory note issued by a
uma faca enorme. Aps alguma animosidade, dis- butcher, who failed to pay the promissory note. As
se que iria ao meu escritrio pagar. Anos depois, it was a small town, I personally collected the debt
este aougueiro ingressou no escritrio, acusado and found the butcher cutting some meat with a
Tristo, 1953. Tristo, 1953. de vrios homicdios. Era um verdadeiro serial kil- huge knife. After some animosity, he told that he
ler e, no meio da entrevista, disse: Doutor Tristo, would go to my office to pay the debt. Years later,
no sei como no lhe matei aquele dia. Acho que the butcher entered my office, charged with several
gostei do senhor. murders. He was a true serial killer and, somewhere
during the interview, he said: Mr. Tristo, I do not
:: O senhor se lembra de algum caso know how I did not kill you on that day. I think I was
especialmente movimentado, de ao fond of you.
e suspense?
:: Do you remember any specific case that was
Esta histria comea no Rio e termina em Mato exciting, packed with action and suspense?
Grosso do Sul, passando pelo Paraguai. Uma das
minhas cunhadas, que morava com o marido e o This story begins in Rio and ends in Mato Grosso
filho de cinco anos, telefonou aos meus filhos que do Sul, going through Paraguay. One of my sisters-
moravam no mesmo bairro, Copacabana. Ela pediu in-law, who lived with her husband and five-year
ajuda, trancada no quarto do casal depois de ter sido son, contacted my sons who lived in the same
agredida fisicamente pelo marido. Os trs irmos neighborhood, Copacabana. She asked for help,
chegaram rpido e tiveram que imobilizar o tio, para after being locked in the couples bedroom after
que a tia e a criana pudessem sair do apartamento. being physically abused by her husband. The three
Me e filho no dia seguinte foram para Ponta Por, brothers came quickly and had to hold the uncle
onde ficaram abrigados na minha casa. down so the aunt and the kid could leave the apart-

106 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Menos de uma semana depois, quando passeava de ment. On the next day, mother and son were sent
carro com Zulka e o menino, o carro foi fechado to Ponta Por, where they were to remain safe in
por dois jipes do Exrcito. Os oficiais desceram e my house.
indagaram se aquela criana era o tal menino, meu
sobrinho. Havia uma acusao de sequestro poltico Less than a week later, when I was driving with
com pedido de resgate para a devoluo e, ao ob- Zulka and the boy, and the car was halted by two
terem a confirmao, os militares me intimaram a Army jeeps. The officers got out of the vehicles
comparecer ao quartel e me informaram que o pai and asked if the child was the so-called boy, my
do menino estava chegando de trem cidade para nephew. There was an impending political kid-
busc-lo. Com muito jeito e muita conversa, e todos napping charge with a ransom request and, upon
sabiam que eu era advogado do Banco do Brasil, con- confirmation, the military officers summoned me
segui convencer os oficiais a me acompanharem at to go to the headquarters and informed me that
minha casa, para encontrarem a me do menino. the boys father was coming by train to the town
to get the boy. With great care and plenty of con-
Eu j tinha um plano para ganhar tempo e evitar versation, and everyone knowing I was an attorney
que a minha cunhada fosse obrigada a entregar o working for Banco do Brasil, I was able to persuade
filho. Aps estacionar o carro na garagem, entrei the officers to follow me to my house to meet the
na casa e a orientei a fugir com o menino pelos boys mother.
fundos, em direo ao Paraguai (a fronteira ficava
a menos de 100 metros do quintal da residncia), I already had a plan to save some time and avoid
onde ela deveria aguardar Zulka, na loja China. Em my sister-in-law to be forced to surrender the son.
seguida, liguei para o juiz, abri a porta social e con- After parking the car in the garage, I came into the
videi os militares a entrar, comunicando que no house and instructed her to ran away with the boy
poderia entregar a criana, que estava na posse da by the back of the house to Paraguay (the border
me, exceto mediante ordem judicial de um juiz. Os was located less than 100 meters from the back-
oficiais, contrariados mas diante da presena do juiz yard of the house), where she should wait for Zul-
na minha residncia, retornaram ao quartel. ka in the Chinese store. Then, I phoned the judge,
opened the door and invited the military officers to
No Paraguai, a me e o menino ficaram hospedados come in and told them that I could not surrender
na fazenda da mulher do cnsul do Brasil, Dinorah the child, who was with his mother, except upon
Pinto Costa. O passo seguinte foi pedir a posse e court order. The officers were upset but in view of
guarda da criana. O juiz marcou audincia e, na the presence of the judge in my house returned to
data marcada, a me e o filho voltaram do Paraguai. the headquarters.
O pai, que era ligado ao SNI, queria forar a mulher
a voltar para ele, mas o juiz no se intimidou e deu In Paraguay, the mother and the boy were lodged
a guarda me. at the farm of the Brazilian ambassadors wife, Di-
norah Pinto Costa. The next step was to request
the possession and custody of the child. The judge
scheduled the hearing and, on the scheduled date,

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 107

:: O senhor defendeu presos polticos? the mother and son returned from Paraguay. The fa-
ther, who was affiliated to the SNI, wanted to force
Quando me formei no Paran, eu estava no movi- the wife to come back to him but the judge was not
mento poltico, era presidente da federao dos intimated and gave custody to the mother.
bancrios. Naqueles movimentos antes do golpe de
64 eu atuei como advogado e sindicalista, quando :: Have you defended any political prisoners?
havia prises. A minha ficha na presidncia da Re-
pblica diz assim: Em 1966, juntamente com ou- Upon my graduation in Paran, I was a member of
tros advogados, intercedeu pelas pessoas, maioria a political movement, and president of the bank
estudantes, que haviam sido detidas pelo DOPS/PR employees association. I worked as a lawyer and
por picharem ruas do Centro de Curitiba com frases union member in those movements before the
alusivas ao governo cubano. um erro do servio coup in 1964, a time in which incarcerations were
secreto da presidncia, que, por outro lado, regis- usual. My record with the government stated: in
trou minha atuao at 1987, quando anotou que fui 1966, together with other attorneys, he defended
um dos presentes reunio de fundao da subse- persons, mostly students, who were arrested by
o do Rio de Janeiro da Associao Americana de DOPS/PR for vandalizing the streets of downtown
Juristas, realizada na sede da OAB/RJ, em dois de Curitiba with phrases making references to the Cu-
dezembro de 87. Incrvel, at na OAB/RJ, em pleno ban government. It was a mistake committed by
regime democrtico, me vigiavam. Mas eu fui muito the Presidents secret service which, on the other
mais preso poltico do que advogado de preso pol- hand, registered my actions up to 1987, when they
tico. Estava impedido para a defesa poltica, poderia registered that I was one of the persons attend-
at prejudicar meus companheiros. :: ing the meeting of the foundation of the sub-district
in Rio de Janeiro of the American Lawyers As-
sociation, held in the head office of OAB/RJ, on
December 2, 1987. It is unbelievable, that in a full
democratic regime, I was under surveillance even
when I was in OAB/RJ. But I was far more a political
prisoner than a lawyer of a political prisoner. I was
prohibited from practicing political defense, I could
even jeopardize my fellow colleagues. ::

108 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

uma alegria e um orgulho ver o escritrio
to bem nas mos dos jovens.
Im glad and proud of seen the firm so well
conducted by young attorneys.
Cinquenta Anos de Advocacia Fifty Years of Law Practice
Entrevista Abril / 2009 :: Interview April / 2009 113

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 111


Fernando Tristo Fernandes

:: O que mudou na advocacia brasileira :: What are the changes in the Brazilian
nestes ltimos 50 anos? legal practice in the last 50 years?

O Poder Judicirio se fechou, h um distanciamento The Judiciary Branch nowadays is almost inacces-
maior em relao ao advogado. Durante o regime sible authority, there is a greater detachment in re-
militar, eles respeitavam mais o advogado do que lation to the lawyer. The lawyers were much more
hoje, quando parecem ter receio de nos encarar respected during the military regime, nowadays
frente a frente. At recentemente, invadiam escri- the judges seem to be afraid to look us in the face.
trios de advogados, aquelas operaes da Polcia Up until recently, law offices were invaded in tho-
Federal... melhorou, graas ao Gilmar (Ministro Gil- se Federal Police investigations... it got better now,
mar Mendes) no STF. O Supremo est fazendo com thanks to Gilmar (Minister Gilmar Mendes) in the
que a Constituio seja cumprida. Se no fosse o STF. The Supreme Court is enforcing the Brazilian
Supremo, ns estaramos hoje num estado policial, Constitution. If it had not been for the Supreme
e ainda h sintomas disso, graves, como a impossi- Court, we would be now living in a police state, and
bilidade de contato com os clientes por telefone e we still can see serious signs in that sense, such
o fato de se comear a condenar publicamente os as the impossibility to contact the clients by phone
acusados antes mesmo da abertura do processo. and the public condemnation of the accused even
Orgulho-me de ter um filho no Judicirio, desem- before the bringing forth of an action. Im proud of
bargador no Rio de janeiro, e que contribui diaria- having a son in the Judiciary Branch, judge of the
mente para o fortalecimento da Justia, recebendo Court of Appeals in Rio de Janeiro, and who contri-
a todos que o procuram. butes daily to the strengthening of Justice welco-
ming those who seek him.
:: A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil,
a OAB, poderia mudar isso, no? :: The Brazilian Bar Association,
or OAB, could change this situation, correct?
A OAB uma autarquia federal para defender a
profisso do advogado e ficar vigilante quanto a The OAB is a federal entity created to defend the
seus direitos, mas no est sendo utilizada de for- law practices activities and to pay attention to the
ma correta na defesa dos advogados. Entrei para a lawyers rights but it is not being used to defend
poltica da OAB, mas ainda no conseguimos que the lawyers. I joined the OAB in Rio de Janeiro but
ela exera a plenitude de suas funes. As reunies so far we were not able to make OAB exercise all

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 113

Tristo e Zulka na praia do
Leblon. Maio de 2009.
Tristo and Zulka at no Conselho no podem ser apenas para julgar pro- the duties incumbent upon it. The meetings of the
Leblons beach. May 2009. cessos contra advogados, quando individualmente Board are only held to judge lawsuits against at-
os advogados so desrespeitados pelo Poder Judici- torneys if the attorneys are individually disrespec-
rio. Temos que estar l, participando, atuantes. Mi- ted by the Judiciary Branch. We have to be there,
nha ambio poltica, hoje, ver esses jovens com present, acting. Today, my political ambition is to
dedicao, sapincia e honestidade tomando a OAB see these young, dedicated, bright and honest at-
no estado e no pas, para que ela seja a representan- torneys marching into OAB throughout the States
te dos advogados e aja como no regime militar. and Brazil so that the entity becomes more repre-
sentative of the lawyers and acts as it has acted
:: O que teria feito de diferente nestes during the military regime.
50 anos, se pudesse voltar atrs?
:: What would have you done differently
Faria tudo igual. Eu me sinto realizado, orgulhoso in these 50 years, if you could go back in time?
da trajetria, com uma satisfao imensa de servir
clientes, de ser procurado e de atuar na defesa fun- I would have done the same. As to the rest, I would
damental dos direitos do cidado. Mas se o regime not change anything. I am a fulfilled person, proud
militar no tivesse me tolhido a permanncia no Pa- of my profession, deriving great pleasure in serving
ran, teria ido alm, teria feito mestrado, doutorado, clients, be contacted and work in the basic defen-
como fizeram meus filhos. se of the citizens rights. But if military regime had

114 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

:: Sua vida profissional de sucesso evidente. not hindered my stay in the State of Paran, I would
E a pessoal? have gone farther, I would have gotten a Masters or
a Doctorate degree, as my sons has done.
Eu me considero de fato um privilegiado de muita
sorte. Felicidade um complexo de fatores: vida pes- :: Your professional career is clearly full
soal, familiar, coletiva... sou felicssimo, ainda mais of successes. And your personal life?
com a minha neta de nove anos, que a mais nova,
a Isabela. uma satisfao bacana, tenho o retrato I am in fact a privileged person, a lucky one. Ha-
dela quando abro o celular, e escrevo cartas para ela, ppiness consists of a group of factors: personal,
que agora mora em So Paulo, e coloco no correio, family, collective life... I am the happiest person in
para que ela leia e pense com calma e guarde de the world, even more now with my nine-year old
recordao. E tenho cinco netos homens. O mais granddaughter, the youngest, Isabela. It is a won-
velho Promotor de Justia concursado, o Joo, um derful pleasure, I see her picture when I open my
menino bom, de 28 anos. Outro, o Pedro, advoga- cell phone, and I write letters to her, and I put the
do, e Paulo engenheiro eletrnico. Estes dois, so letter in the mail so she can read it. And I have five
filhos do desembargador. Toda tera-feira, eles vm grandsons. The oldest is a public prosecutor, Joo,
tomar caf da manh em minha casa, uma forma de a nice boy, with 28 years old. The other one, Pedro,
conviver sem formalismos. A outra neta estuda Me- is a lawyer. The two are the sons of an appellate
dicina, est com 20 anos, e Arthur faz Direito. Mas court judge. They have breakfast in my house every
devo tudo a minha mulher, Zulka, com quem farei 60 Tuesday as a way to live together without formality.
anos de casado em 2010. Me salvei do atentado em The other granddaughter attends Med school and is
Mato Grosso graas aliana, que desviou o projtil. 20 years old. Arthur attends Law school. But I owe
Quer maior smbolo de amor? Ela minha scia na everything to my wife, Zulka, with whom I will cele-
vida, na felicidade, construiu esta famlia, me ajudou brate 60 years of marriage in 2010. I escaped from
a construir o escritrio e a educar nossos filhos. the attempted murder in Mato Grosso thanks to the
wedding ring, which made the bullet to ricochet. Is
:: O senhor, que comanda o escritrio no Rio, there any greater sign of unconditional love? She is
acompanha o que acontece no de So Paulo? my partner in life and joy. She put this family toge-
ther and helped me to build the office and educate
Sim! Em So Paulo, o movimento profissional our children.
permanente, e fico muito contente de ver a equipe,
cada vez mais experiente, abrindo novos caminhos :: Are you, who manage the office in Rio, able to
e sendo constantemente elogiada por clientes, ju- control what happens in the office in So Paulo?
zes e outras autoridades. uma luta bonita, linda
mesmo, satisfatria pessoal e profissionalmente. Of course! In So Paulo, the professional activities
Cada vitria jurdica um xtase. Hoje, o escritrio, are non-stop and I get really proud when I see the
nas duas cidades, tem obtido vitrias fabulosas, o team, with more and more experience, opening
que confirma a ascenso profissional de todos da new ways and being so often praised by clients,
equipe, pessoas admirveis, sbios na luta, dedica- judges and other authorities. It is a challenging fi-

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 115

dos. Temos conseguido provar ao Judicirio o des- ght, really splendid, pleasing on both personal and
respeito policial Constituio e s pessoas. professional levels. Each victory in the court is a de-
light. The offices in the two cities have as of now
:: O que diria a quem est entrando hoje obtained outstanding victories, which corrobora-
na faculdade de Direito? te the professional growth of all members of the
team, consisting of remarkable persons, wise and
Eu diria: meu amigo, estude mais o direito e princi- dedicated fighters. We have been able to show to
palmente o processo civil e penal! E tambm que the Judiciary Branch the polices disrespect of the
esta a melhor profisso social, a advocacia. Brazilian Constitution and the citizens.

:: Como ter o filho mais novo no escritrio? :: What would you say to anyone who is now
attending Law school?
No meu sentimento, o nascimento do filho mais
novo, 18 anos depois do terceiro, foi um prmio I would say: my dear friend, try harder to learn more
convivncia diria entre mim e a Zulka. Eu completo about the law, in particular the civil and criminal are-
50 anos de advocacia com um filho no escritrio, e as! And also that this is the best social career: legal
que o modernizou e atualizou, que assumiu suas practice.
bandeiras, garantindo a continuidade de vitrias. H
dias em que nos comunicamos vinte vezes! :: What is the feeling like to have your youngest
son working in the office?

In my opinion, the birth of the youngest son, 18 ye-

ars after the third one, was a gift of the on-going
relationship between Zulka and I. I will celebrate 50
years of legal practice with a son working in the
office, who modernized and updated the office and
who defended its point of view, ensuring the circle
of victories. On some days we talk with each other
about twenty times a day!

Como conselheiro mais antigo,

juramento na posse do Conselho da OAB.
Janeiro de 2007.
As senior counselor, making the vow
when taking position in the OAB Council,
January 2007.

116 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Eu completo 50 anos de advocacia
e tenho um filho que assumiu a direo
do escritrio e o modernizou e atualizou,
garantindo a continuidade de vitrias.
I have been working for fifty years as a Lawyer, and my son
has taken charge of the firm, updating and streamlining the
office, and this assures our continuing success.
Perdendo a solidariedade das famlias,
a sociedade perdeu essa fora fundamental que
Montesquieu descobrira e chamara Honra.

In losing the solidarity of families society

has lost the fundamental force
which Montesquieu named Honor.

Vs sois os arcos dos quais vossos filhos

so arremessados como flechas vivas.

You are the bows from which your

children as living arrows are sent forth.
A Famlia The Family
Zulka 121

Fernando Fernandy 122

Fernando Olinto 125

Fernando Humberto 126

Fernando Augusto 129

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 119

Zulka Henriques Fernandes
Artista plstica :: Plastic Artist

Artista plstica de cuja vida aventurosa se pode ter uma idia

neste livro.

Eu tinha 13 anos quando meu pai morreu, com apenas 48. A

morte de papai me transformou em adulta, em instantes. To-
mei conta das crianas. Era muito corajosa, fui criada para ser
independente, nunca tive medo de nada. Acho que eu e Tristo
somos almas gmeas, os dois destinados um ao outro. Eu s vezes me aborrecia em Curitiba porque ele
se dedicava inteiramente ao sindicato e eu quase nunca podia contar com ele. Depois do golpe militar, eu
saa na cidade e tinha carro me seguindo. Ele foi preso. E permaneceu tranquilo. Eu ia visit-lo, ele estava
bem, pedia livros, mas a poltica quase destruiu a nossa vida. Quando fomos para Ponta Por, eu disse:
No primeiro dia em que voc subir num palanque eu peo divrcio! Mas o camarada que gosta de poltica
sempre poltico em suas aes e ele logo se tornou uma pessoa superconhecida, benquista e a gente
frequentava a vida social. Ele sempre foi bem humorado, alegre, inteligente e romntico. Tristo nunca foi
pessoa de dizer estou bem ou estou mal. Nunca nada o abalou.

A plastic artist with an audacious life portrayed in this book.

I was 13 years old when my father died at the premature age of 48 years. My fathers death turned me into an
adult in the blink of an eye. I was very brave, was raised to be independent, and was not afraid of anything.
I believe me and Tristo are soul mates, both destined to each other. I, every now and then, became upset
in Curitiba because of his full commitment to the union and because I could not count on him most of the
time. After the military coup, I walked around town and a car followed me. He was arrested. And remained
calm. I went to visit him, he was fine, asked for books but the politics almost tore our life apart. When we
were sent to Ponta Por, I said: the moment you take a stand I will file for divorce! But the comrade who
enjoys politics is always political in his actions and he soon became a famous and popular person and we
had a social life. He was always in a good humor, cheerful, intelligent and romantic. Tristo never said I am
fineor I am feeling bad. Nothing ever disturbed him.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 121

Fernando Fernandy Fernandes
Desembargador do Tribunal de Justia
Court of Appeals Judge

Desembargador do Tribunal de Justia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro des-

de 2006; Procurador de Justia do Ministrio Pblico do mesmo estado de
1983 a 2006; Secretrio e Subsecretrio de Justia e Direitos do Cidado do
Estado do Rio de Janeiro em 2005; Subprocurador-geral de Justia em 2004;
Subsecretrio de Estado da Receita em 2003; Secretrio-geral do Ministrio
Pblico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro de 1991 a 1994; Diretor de Informtica
da Procuradoria-geral de Justia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro entre 1988 e
1990; Diretor Jurdico da Taba Transportes Areos da Bacia Amaznica, de
1980 a 1982.

Tenho algumas lembranas fortes de meu pai. Ele saindo de casa com ma-
terial para fazer a greve dos bancrios. Depois, quando um amigo me levou ao lugar onde ele estava escon-
dido, s vsperas de ser preso. Depois de duas horas de despistamento, chegamos e meu pai me disse:
No sei o que vai acontecer comigo; cuide de sua me e de seus irmos e, se puder, fique no Colgio
Militar porque l mais seguro. E muito depois, quando terminei o curso de Direito e ele me deu o anel
dele na formatura. Ele tinha apego quele anel. Os homens da gerao dele so muito duros, mais afeitos
ao positivismo e sem acesso ao inconsciente e s emoes. Tristo jamais fala de seus problemas pessoais,
ansiedades ou fraquezas. uma pessoa que exercita as emoes atravs do trabalho. Ele gosta muito de
pensar e estudar, tem voracidade de aprendizado e a sua sociabilidade vem de uma regra: preciso conviver
com o mundo. A postura de luta do Tristo tem reflexos na minha vida. Quando eu estava na universidade
e os professores faltavam demais, mandei um telegrama para o Ministro da Educao, Jarbas Passarinho,
reclamando. Era a ditadura, ainda, mas surtiu efeito e professores foram contratados. Mais tarde, j traba-
lhando, participei do movimento em torno da Constituinte, para criar um modelo poltico para o Ministrio
Pblico, dedicado transformao social. Fizemos com que os colegas contribussem financeiramente,
montamos uma base em Braslia e o texto final ficou muito bom.

122 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Court of Appeals Judge of the State of Rio de Janeiro since 2006; Public Prosecutor of the
General Attorneys Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro from 1983 to 2006; Secretary and
Sub-secretary of Justice and Rights of the Citizen of the State of Rio de Janeiro in 2005;
Assistant General Prosecutor in 2004; State Sub-secretary of the Federal Revenue Service
Department in 2003; General Secretary of the General Attorneys Office of the State of Rio
de Janeiro from 1991 to 1994; IT Manager of the General Attorneys Office of the State of Rio
de Janeiro between 1988 and 1990; Chief Legal Officer of Taba Transportes Areos da Bacia
Amaznica from 1980 to 1982.

I have a few vivid memories of my father. He was leaving the house with material for the bank employees
strike. Then, I remember when a friend took me to the place where he was hidden, on the brink of being
arrested. After two hours of deceptive tactics, we arrived and my father told me: I do not know what will
happen to me; take care of your mom and siblings and, if you can, continue in the Military School because
it is safer there. And, some time after, when I graduated from Law school he gave me his graduation ring.
He was fond of that ring. The men of his generation were very firm, more inclined to positivism with no
access to the mind and emotions. Tristo never talks about his personal problems, concerns or weaknesses.
He is a person who shows emotion through his work. He likes to reflect and study, is eager to learn and his Posse como
social skills rely upon one basic rule: we need to socialize with the rest of the world. Tristos combating Desembargador no
Tribunal de Justia do
conduct had an impact on my life. When I attended college and the professors were leaving too much out of Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
the curriculum, I sent a cable to the Minister of Education, Jarbas Passarinho, complaining. This was the Investiture as Court of
Appeals Judge of the State
era of dictatorship, but my cable hit the target and new professors were hired. Later, when I already began of Rio de Janeiro
working, I participated in the movement for the Brazilian Constitution for the
creation of a political model for the General Attorneys Office, dedicated to so-
cial change. We were able to convince colleagues to contribute with cash, esta-
blished a head office in Braslia and concluded the final wording of the Brazilian
Constitution that was extremely good.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 123

Acima, Fernando Olinto.
Combate malria
na rea ianommi.
Ao lado, quando criana.
Fernando Olinto in the superior
side. Prevention of malaria
in the Ianomni tribe area.
At the right, Olinto as a child.
Fernando Olinto Henriques Fernandes
Mdico :: Doctor

Os derrotados em 1964 foram lutadores, tinham uma agenda para incluir

os trabalhadores na vida social. Tenho admirao por eles. Quando deixei
de ser criana, virei um jovem idealista e pretendia lutar melhor. Uma das
caractersticas da nossa famlia vem claramente do Tristo: ns aprendemos
a viver sem medo. A influncia da sua viso humanista na minha carreira
clara. Logo que me formei como mdico, ia s comunidades nos morros para
prestar atendimento s pessoas. Depois, fui o primeiro mdico brasileiro a
fazer parte da organizao Mdicos Sem Fronteiras: passei dois anos na tribo
dos ianommis cuidando de um surto de malria e fui para reas de conflito
como Ruanda e Sri Lanka. A vivncia com o Tristo estava presente quando
dei entrada a um fotgrafo no quarto de hospital onde estava ferido o capito
da bomba no Riocentro. Tristo reconstruiu a vida em Ponta Por, depois veio para o Rio e refez a vida de
novo. Pouca gente tem a capacidade de se reerguer assim e refazer a cabea: a pessoa tem que ter uma
estrutura psicolgica para ir em frente, no ter iluses. Ele sempre foi um idealista ligado s questes da
democracia no Brasil. Um advogado militante. E um pai muito tranquilo, na dele, que cuidou bem da famlia
e dos filhos e que, hoje, gosta de conviver com a famlia e de cuidar dos netos.

Those defeated in 1964 were fighters: aimed at the goal of including the workers in the social life. I admire
them. When I left my childhood behind, I became a young idealist and intended to fight more. One of the
characteristics of our family is clearly derived from Tristo: we learn how to live without fear. The influence
of his humanist ideal on my career is obvious. As soon as I became a doctor, I went to the communities in
the hills to offer services to the general population. Later, I was the first Brazilian doctor to be a member of
the organization of Doctors Without Borders: I spent two years among the Brazilian Ianomni tribe dealing
with a malaria surge and was sent to conflict areas, such as Rwanda and Sri Lanka. My life that which is
influenced by Tristo could be easily seen when I facilitated the entrance of a photographer in the hospital
room where the injured captain of the bomb attack in Riocentro was hospitalized. Tristo rebuilt his life in
Ponta Por, then he came to Rio and rebuilt it again. Few people have the ability to rebuild life and change
their way of thinking: the person must have an emotional foundation to move forward and not have any
illusions. He always was an idealist linked to democratic issues in Brazil. A militant lawyer. And a very calm
father, minding his own business, who supported the family and his sons and who, even now, likes to gather
the family together and take care of the grandchildren.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 125

Fernando Humberto Henriques Fernandes
Empresrio :: Businessman

Graduado em Direito.

Quando houve o golpe eu tinha sete anos e nem soube da priso do meu pai, porque
no aconteceu em casa. S fui saber anos depois. A influncia maior do Tristo sobre
mim que eu me interesso muito pela poltica, pelos direitos dos cidados. Todos os
dias leio dois jornais, mais dois pela internet, leio duas revistas semanais e ainda vejo
a CNN, a BBC e o Jornal Nacional.

Graduated in Law.

I was seven years old at the time of the military coup and was unaware of my fathers
arrest because it did not happen at home. I came to know this period, only years later.
Tristos greatest influence on me is symbolized by my tremendous interest in politics
and human rights. I read two newspapers and two more on the internet everyday and I
read two weekly magazines and watch CNN, BBC and Jornal Nacional.

126 :: Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia

Fernando Augusto Henriques Fernandes
Advogado Criminalista :: Criminal Lawyer

Companheiro de Fernando Tristo Fernandes em seu escritrio.

Tristo acorda todo dia antes das quatro da manh, sai para caminhar, volta com o sol nas-
cendo e, antes de comear a trabalhar, fica provocando rudos em casa, para que todo mun-
do acorde tambm: uma mquina de trabalho e de disciplina. Um intelectual que tem a
coragem, sim, de encarar a autoridade e o perigo, mas tambm a sabedoria de usar vrias
formas de luta. Meu pai me incentivou desde o primeiro momento. Apenas um dia depois de
tirar minha carteira de estagirio da OAB, por exemplo, ele j me permitiu fazer parte de uma
sustentao oral no Superior Tribunal Militar, em que dividimos o tempo, pleiteando a libera-
o de fitas de udio dos julgamentos polticos dos anos 1970. Depois, ia comigo a Braslia para que eu
pudesse sustentar oralmente nos tribunais superiores. Quando me formei, com mais de dez sustentaes
no Superior Tribunal de Justia e umas doze no Supremo Tribunal Federal, ele brincou: Ainda bem que voc
se formou, assim no preciso mais acompanh-lo a Braslia. Almoo todos os dias de semana com ele,
sempre que nenhum de ns tem compromisso com clientes. Nestas oportunidades nos abeberamos um
do outro. A lembrana mais alegre que eu tenho do meu pai contnua: o riso constante. o Tristo mais
alegre do mundo. Eu sou apaixonado por ele.

Office partner of Fernando Tristo Fernandes in his office.

Tristo wakes up every day before 4:00 am, takes a walk, returns with the sun rising and, before starting
to work, he makes noises in the house to wake up the entire family: he is hard-working and a disciplined
machine. An intellectual with courage to face authority and danger yet with the wisdom to use several forms
of combat. My father encouraged me from the start. For example, only one day after receiving my trainee
identity card from OAB, he allowed me to equally participate in an oral argument before the Military Supe-
rior Court, in order to make a claim for the release of audio tapes from the political judgments of the 70s.
Later, we went to Braslia so that I could present my verbal argument in the superior courts. After my gra-
duation, with over ten arguments before the Superior Court of Justice and a dozen more before the Federal
Supreme Court, he teased: I am glad that you have graduated because I do not need to go to Braslia with you
anymore. I have lunch with him everyday whenever none of us has an appointment with a client. during
these occasions, we confide in each other. The most joyful memory I have from my father is constant: the
incessant laugh. He is the most cheerful Tristo in the world. I am in love with him.

Fernando Fernandes :: 50 anos de advocacia :: 129

Tristo e Zulka comemorando
50 anos de casados.
Tristo and Zulka celebrating
the anniversary of 50 years of marriage.

Tristo e Zulka em 2009.

Tristo and Zulka in 2009.
Parte da equipe em 2009. Part of the team in 2009.
Prefcio Preface
Ren Ariel Dotti
Textos em Portugus Texts in Portuguese
Bernardo Mariani
Textos em Ingls Texts in English
Robert Chanda
Fotos Photos
Beto Felcio, arquivo de famlia family archive
Coordenao Grfica, Projeto Grfico e Superviso de Produo
Graphic Coordenation, Graphic Design and Production | Carolina Ferman
Assistncia de Projeto Project Assistant | Carlos Alberto da Silva, Rita Ariani
Pesquisa Research
Drika Navarro e Rosane Montalvo
Reviso de Texto Editing
Caravelas Produes Editoriais

rio de janeiro
Rua da Assemblia 10, 20 andar | 20th floor
grupos | groups 2013 - 2015 Centro RJ Cep 20011-901
T 55 21 2212-0015

so paulo
Rua Haddock Lobo 746, 9 andar | 9th floor
Jardins SP Cep 01414-000
T 55 11 3062-9777

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