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Results of Screening Questionnaire- ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE2

Kent State University_ Early Childhood Special Education

Ke-Jui Yen_

Childs Name: Jasmine Yen Parents: YI & LL

Childs Date of Birth: February, 2016 Date of Screening: 02.12.2017
Childs Chronological Age: 12 months, 8 days
Location of Screening: Taoyuan, Taiwan (through skype)
Childs Adjusted Age (if necessary): N/A

Reason for Referral: Jasmines parents completed a 12-month Ages & Stages Questionnaires-
Third Edition (ASQ-3) and a 12-month Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social Emotional-Second
Edition (ASQ: SE-2) as part of an assignment for Ke-Jui to practice the administration of
developmental screening tools.

Background information: Jasmine is second child in the family. She has an older sister who is
one year older than her. Jasmine lives with her sister, father, and mother. Father works as an
engineer and mother stay at home taking care of two children. Her parent reported that she is quiet
than her sister. She likes to mimic sounds from others. Also, she smiles a lot. Her mother reported
that she takes them to different activities class once or twice every week. They have story-telling
class, blocks-playing class, Play-Doh-Clay class and so on. These are classes that Jasmine and her
sister can play with other peers.

Current Assessment: The 12-month ASQ-3 and ASQ: SE-2 were administered by Ke-Jui, the
graduate student from Kent State University. Ke-Jui skyped with parents and explained the purpose
of these screening tools. The ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are two family-friendly measures to help
parents understand their childs development and are included different domains such as
communication (ex., using words or gestures to communicate), gross motor (e.g., walking,
climbing), fine motor (ex., picking up small things with fingertips, turning the pages of the book),
problem solving (e.g., putting toys in the box, learn how to reach toys), personal social (e.g.,
understand requests, playing with dolls), and social-emotional (ex., sleeping quality, feeling others
and body relaxing). Results from ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 provide information of Jasmines strengths
and needs. The childs scores will compare with cutoff scores to understand the childs
development in different domains. If the scores below cutoff scores in ASQ-3, more support may
be recommended in that specific areas. If the scores above cutoff scores in ASQ: SE-2, additional
examination or evaluation may be recommended.

Summary of Scores

Childs Scores ASQ-3/ASQ:SE-2 Cutoff Score*

Communication 50 30.99
Gross Motor 60 36.99
Fine Motor 50 18.07
Problem Solving 55 30.29
Personal-social 40 35.33
Social emotional 41.5 50
Results of Screening Questionnaire- ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE2
Kent State University_ Early Childhood Special Education
Ke-Jui Yen_
Communication, Gross motor, Fine motor, Problem-solving: There are four domains scores
above the cutoff scores, which means that Jasmines development appears to be on schedule
when compared to children at the same age.

Personal-social and Social-emotional: Jasmine scored 40 points in the personal-social domain,

which is close to the cutoff. It means that this may be supported with more learning opportunity.
Her development in this domain should be monitored. For social-emotional, the scores is close
to the cutoff. It means that the behavior of concerns should be monitored. The mother concerned
that baby sometimes does not look for her when a stranger comes near. Also, Jasmine is picky
about her food. She sometimes does not want to eat because of the texture of the food. If the
concerns affect Jasmines health, further evaluation may be recommended.

Overall Questions: Jasmines parents did not have major concerns about her health and
development except for the concerns about her safety and picky eating.

Recommendations: In general, Jasmines development is on the schedule. She likes to play

peekaboo with others. She can say dada, mama, kaka. She can walk and bend over by
herself. She can find the toys which are hidden. She can understand mothers requests, for
example, she gives a toy to mom when mom reaches her hand and asks for it. Continue the
regular activities such as going to different classes to explore her new skills. On the personal-
social regarding dress and take a turn when playing a ball, it may help for playing with her sister
and let Jasmine observed how to take a turn when she has a ball. Regarding dress, mom can use
scaffolding to let Jasmine understand the steps about dressing, for example, the first step is that
mom takes pants and ask her to raise her legs. The second step may describe how far to raise her
legs, like raising into the sky or foot sole up to the ceiling. Finally, put on one side and the other
side by saying right side or left side. It may increase Jasmines learning opportunity to dress if
there are small steps be told by parents. It may also be helpful to refer Jasmine for further
personal-social evaluation to learn more about her needs. Another suggestion for eating hobby
including playful eating, for example, you can make some sounds while putting food into her
mouth. Also, spoon as an airplane is flown into Jasmines mouth. If you would like more
suggestions for additional activities in social-emotional and personal-social areas, let me know,
please. I may recommend that father can complete ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE2 and follow up within
one month to see the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE2 screening result from the father and talk about
concerns that you listed before.

Student signature and date: Ke-Jui Yen 03152017

*For ASQ-3, scores below the cutoff score indicate that further evaluation may be
recommended; for ASQ:SE, scores above the cutoff score indicate that further evaluation may be

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