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@ The Kingwood Library Meeting Room

On Tuesday, July 20th, your local Superheroes in Disguise began screening documentaries designed to educate our
community to the TRUE history of our country and the world around us, and the series continues on. The first two
documentaries, “The Secret of Oz” , “Life On The Edge of a Bubble: Blowing the American Dream” showed how our
entire financial system and therefore, economy, is manipulated and controlled by a privately owned and for-profit
international banking cartel. We learned that this country could be set free from its economic chains by returning our nation
to a debt-free money system as laid out in our Constitution. Last week's documentary, “America: Freedom to Fascism”,
showed how the unconstitutional Income Tax guaranteed the private international bankers would get paid on the interest
gained by “loaning” our nation it's money and how the system has destroyed our once great Republic. This week, we're
shifting focus just a little bit away from the monetary system to present our first double feature!! We will be showing 2
documentaries that show a sharp contrast between what America was founded as and what America has become. First,
“Overview of America” explains the type of government we're supposed to have in this country and how personal morality
and limited government made this country great. The second documentary is celebrated author, Naomi Wolf's “End of
America” from 2008 in which she shows the 10 steps a government takes to shut down a free society and turn it into a
tyrannical dictatorship. Just as we saw last week with the comparison to the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto, America
has already taken all 10 steps in shutting down a free society as well. A must see, eye-opening film or all!!

SHOWING August 10th @ 2:00 PM

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by
gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden
usurpations.” - James Madison

Best-selling author Naomi Wolf lays out her case for saving American
democracy. In authoritative research and documentation Wolf explains how
events of the last nine years parallel steps taken in the early years of the 20th
century’s worst dictatorships such as Germany, Russia, China, and Chile. This
documentary cuts across political parties and ideologies and speaks directly to
those among us who are concerned about the ever-tightening noose being
placed around our liberties. In this timely call to arms, Naomi Wolf compels us
to face the way our free America is under assault. She warns us with the straight-
to-fellow-citizens urgency of one of Thomas Paine’s revolutionary pamphlets
that we have little time to lose if our children are to live in real freedom. The
End of America will shock, enrage, and motivate; spurring us to act, as the
Founders would have counted on us to do in a time such as this, as rebels and
patriots to save our liberty and defend our nation.
After the screening, there will be a discussion session to talk about solutions and what you can do to help create change
for the good in our society! Please email an RSVP to so we can get an accurate head
count prior to the meeting. We’re looking forward to meeting our neighbors and forging an alliance for TRUTH in our

Join us every Tuesday and soon

you'll become your very own
Superhero in Disguise!!

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