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Angelas Ashes (Fifth Journal Entry)

3. Being a religious person is an indication of ones goodness.

One of the best examples indicated by this quote is Malachy McCourt Sr. Malachy Sr. is a man of
religious faith but he is also a drunk alcoholic who neglects his family duties. He cares more about the
picture of the Pope more than he cares about his familys well-being. He also inhibits principles for his
wife such as demanding her to stay at home, limit herself from the family finances and to always be
submissive to him. He then uses religion as a cover-up to justify his beliefs. Through his character, it just
goes to show that anyone can use religion as an excuse but it cannot define a persons moral goodness.

5. Fathers should be responsible for providing for families.

Initially, I disagreed with this statement. I thought that different circumstances in families
required different aids but this story changed my mind. On analysis of Malachy Sr., I now believe that it
is even more important that a father can provide for his own family. Again, we see that he is an alcoholic
who would rather spend his money at the pub rather than to feed his family. He neglected his duties as
a father for his personal indulgent. Instead, Frank is struggling to grow up faster so he can take his
fathers place and give the family what his father never provided. A child should be enjoying his
childhood, not worrying about taking the place of his father. A father should take complete
responsibility for providing care and nurture to his family.

9. It is okay to break a law, such as stealing, in dire circumstances.

I changed my opinion on my initial response based on events of the book. In chapter 7, Frank
steals a meal of fish and chips from a drunk man in the pub. He then goes to the Dominican church to
confess to the priest. He explains to the priests that he only stole the meal because he was hungry and
there wasnt anything at home because his father used the last of their money to drink. In Franks
situation, I dont think he did anything wrong. His father used the money that was sent over for the
familys use to feed his drinking addiction. Hence the reason the priest did not give him penance
because he is sympathetic of his situation.

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