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FITBOMB: P90X Yoga X Review 29/07/2017, 15*28

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P90X Yoga X Review

When I started P90X, I was almost contemptuous of the Yoga X DVD.

People do yoga to relax, I thought to myself. I don't want to relax.
P90X is supposed to be extreme, goddammit. February (67)

Sure, the moves were challenging and I totally sucked at most of them,
but I chalked it up to the fact that I've always been sorely lacking in
coordination, flexibility and balance. After my first couple of clumsy,
pratfall-filled Yoga X sessions, I felt like I was wasting my time. Search

I was wrong.

My Yoga X review, after the jump.

As a native Northern Californian, yogas not foreign to me. Yoga

studios are everywhere. Plenty of folks carry their rolled-up yoga mats
with them to work. Words like Iyengar and Bikram and Hatha roll
off peoples tongues. But until P90X, I never bothered to try yoga or
learn anything about it. I assumed it was more hokum than tonic. I
mean, sure, if you want to twist yourself into a pretzel shape and call it
a workout, by all means, but Im gonna go lift heavy stuff at the gym. Page 1 of 15
FITBOMB: P90X Yoga X Review 29/07/2017, 15*28

So when I saw that P90X calls for 90 minutes of yoga each week, I
was skeptical and less than enthused. And my first time through the
Yoga X DVD didnt help. I felt clumsy and awkward, stumbling and
hopping around to keep from falling. Plus, while contorting myself into
the various poses, I couldnt see the TV screen, and consequently had
a hell of a time trying to follow along with what Tony and his minions
were doing.

(As an aside, I initially found Tonys fellow onscreen trainers to be

maddeningly serene while I was flopping around trying to stay
balanced. Even Daniel Haas looks like hes a master yogi. All was
forgiven, though, when Tony yells out "This isn't a competition -- we're
just doing our best and WHAT, you guys?" and everyone ignores him.)

But after a few weeks of Yoga X, I started seeing positive changes. My

balance improved, and so did my flexibility. The moving asanas were
stretching out my stiff lower back and shoulders, and I could feel my
shoulders, arms and legs getting stronger from all the transitions. My
movements became much more fluid, but even as the routine got more
familiar, I felt more challenged to refine and perfect my poses.

At the end of my first 90 days of P90X, my improvement -- not just in

performing the postures, but also in my all-around flexibility and
balance -- was remarkable. Im confident that Yoga X was responsible
for boosting my fitness and enhanced the rest of my P90X training.

So what does it entail?

After a warm-up consisting of sun salutations -- a series of poses

strung together in a fluid sequence -- Yoga X can be divided into four
distinct sections:

Moving Asanas
Balance Postures
Floor Work Page 2 of 15
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Yoga Belly 7

Lets take 'em one at a time:

Moving Asanas

These poses are done in a flow or vinyasa style, which means they
are joined together by fluid transitions. Here, the transitions between
poses are sun salutations, sequencing together Mountain Pose, Plank
Position, Upward Dog, and Downward Dog.

Runner's Pose: This is essentially a low lunge position, with your

palms flat on the floor. The hamstring and outer hip of your front (bent)
leg and the hip flexors of your back leg all get a nice, long stretch.

Crescent Pose: From Runners Pose, sweep your arms to the front
and up until they and your upper body are vertical. This is a balance
challenge for your legs, and deepens the stretch in the hip flexors of
the back leg.

Warrior One: This pose is similar to Crescent Pose, but with your back
foot turned perpendicular to your front foot and your entire back foot on
the floor.

Warrior Two: The legs and feet are positioned the same as in Warrior
One, but you rotate your torso to open up your chest, and you bring
your arms to shoulder height so that theyre horizontal -- one pointing
forwards, and one pointing back, with both palms facing down.

Reverse Warrior: From Warrior Two, inhale and turn your front hand
over (palm up), and as you exhale, bring your front arm overhead so
that your bicep is next to your ear. Rest your back hand on your back
leg. Lean back to get a nice stretch, and look at the eye of the elbow of
your upraised arm. Page 3 of 15
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Triangle Pose: This move works your side and hips. Starting in
Warrior Two position, bend at the front hip and lean forward as you
exhale. Keep your arms parallel until youve reached as far forward as
you can, and then lower your front arm to the floor while raising your
back arm up to the ceiling. Dont round your back.

Twisting Triangle Pose: Just like Triangle Pose, except with your
torso twisted the other way so that your arms switch positions.

Chair / Chair with Prayer Twist: From a standing position, bend at the
hips and knees into a squat position, like youre sitting down in a chair.
Your legs should stay together, and your knees should track over your
toes. Reach your arms up overhead and hold. Then, from Chair pose,
bring your hands to prayer position and exhale as you twist to one side,
hooking your elbow on the outside of your knee.

Right-Angle Pose / Extended Right-Angle Pose & Grab: This is like

Triangle Pose, but instead of keeping your legs straight, youre in a Page 4 of 15
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deep lunge position. Plus, to extend the pose, you reach your top arm
up over your head. And to make it more challenging still, you then bring
your top arm down behind your back and with your bottom arm, reach
between your legs to grab your other hand. I hate this one.

Prayer Twist from Runner's Pose / Side Arm Balance: From a lunge
position, twist with your hands in prayer position, and hook your elbow
on the outside of your bent knee and hold. Then, to move to Side Arm
Balance, get into a side plank position, pressing your bottom hand
firmly down while rotating your body up and raising your top arm and
leg up.

Warrior Three / Standing Splits: Warrior Three is no joke. Start in

Crescent Pose, and then push with your front leg so that your arms,
body and back leg form a horizontal plane. Dont lock your planted
knee -- I find that its less stressful (and more stable) than keeping it
straight. Drop your arms to the floor and lift your back leg up further to
get into Standing Splits. Page 5 of 15
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Half-Moon / Twisting Half-Moon: I really hate these poses, but they

do offer a great hip stretch while challenging your balance. From
Warrior Three, drop one palm to the floor and raise the other arm up to
the ceiling. Hold until you feel like youre going to pass out. Then turn
your torso to the other side and switch arms. Fun!

Balance Postures

Next up: Three moves that hone your proprioception and give you a
fuller sense of what your body can do in space. In other words, prepare
to tumble.

Tree: This move requires strength, balance and flexibility. Stand on

one leg, and place the foot of the other leg on the inside of the standing
thigh. Hold your hands in prayer position, and then separate and reach
them straight overhead. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat on the other

Royal Dancer: Royal Dancer is a balance challenge, but it also offers

a deep stretch for the hip flexors, hamstrings, and lower back. From a
standing position, put your weight on your right leg, and hold the inside
of your left ankle with your left hand. Lift your left leg back, and tilt at
the waist while reaching your right arm straight forward with your right
palm to the sky. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat on the other side.

Standing Leg Extension: Stand on one leg and raise the other until
it's parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds, and repeat on the other

Floor Work

At long last -- a chance to collapse to the floor and relax, right? Wrong. Page 6 of 15
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Crane: I love Crane. As soon as I saw Tony's pals perform this move, I
couldn't wait to get to the point where I could hold this pose for a full 60
seconds. (It didn't take as long as I thought it would, though.) From a
low squat, place your hands on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Walk
your feet close to your hands. Open your knees wider than your
elbows, and press the inside of your knees against your upper arms
(just outside your armpits). Rest your shins against your triceps,
keeping your elbows close to your sides. Take all the weight of your
body onto your arms and lift your legs off the ground. Hold for one
minute. Come to think of it, Crane's probably a better fit under the
Balance Postures; it's an arm balance pose, and is a preparatory move
for handstands.

Seated Spinal Stretch: A nice, long back stretch! Sit down, and with
your left foot on the floor and left knee bent, pull your right foot under
your left leg and tuck it next to your left buttock. Reach your right hand
straight up to the ceiling, and put your left palm on the floor below the
base of your spine. Twist your torso to the left and bring your right
elbow to the side of your left thigh. Breathe in and out five times, and
with each exhale, twist further to the left while pushing your right elbow
into your left thigh. Then switch sides.

Cat Stretch: Another nice back stretch. Get on your hands and knees.
With each inhale, arch your back and lift your head; with each exhale,
round your back and drop your chin to your chest.

Frog: From Cat Stretch spread your legs wide, keeping your upper
legs at a right angle to your lower legs. Press your upper body down to
the floor while gently pressing your hips backward to stretch your inner

Bridge / Wheel: Try to do this: Page 7 of 15
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Plough to Shoulder Stand and back to Plough: While on your back,

raise your legs and hips, supporting your lower back with your hands.
Straighten your legs straight up to the sky. Split your legs apart. Then
put the soles of your feet together with knees bent and to the sides. Do
some scissor splits, too. Finally, drop both feet over your head and try
to touch the floor with your toes like this:

Table: From a seated position, place your palms on the floor directly
beneath your shoulders, pointing your fingers forward. With your feet
on the floor, bend your knees so that your body -- from head to thighs -
- is parallel to the floor.

Cobbler Pose: Sit with the soles of your feet together and your knees
to the sides. Grab your feet and open them up like a book, keeping
your back straight. Do this for 30 seconds, and then reach your arms
forward and hold for another 30 seconds.

One-Legged Hamstring Stretch into Two-Legged Hamstring Page 8 of 15
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Stretch: Sit and extend one leg out with the other foot tucked into the
inner thigh of the extended leg. Bend forward from your hips and grab
the foot of your extended leg. Repeat on the other side. Then, do the
same with both legs extended.

Yoga Belly 7

This is the part of Yoga X that focuses specifically on abs and core
work, as if our midsections needed even more of a workout.

Touch the Sky: Get on your back and straighten your arms and legs
up towards the sky. Hold.

Boat: Sit up, balancing on your tailbone while raising your legs
together while reaching your arms forward, palms up. Keep your back
straight and chest up.

Half Boat: Just like Boat, but with one foot on the floor.

Scissors: These are the same as Fifer Scissors from Ab Ripper X,

only you hold for 30 seconds before switching legs.

Torso Twist Hold / Deep Torso Twist Hold: Lie on your back with
your arms straight out to the sides. Lift your legs up together and tilt
them to the side at a 45-degree angle. After 30 seconds, switch to the
other side.

Three-Part Touch the Sky: Same as Touch the Sky, but this time
around, gradually raise your arms and legs higher to increase intensity.

Side Twist: Like on your back, bend your right knee, and pull your heel
in towards your butt. Put your left hand on the outside of your right
knee and pull it across your body towards the floor while turning your Page 9 of 15
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head to look to the right. Switch sides.

Glute Stretch: I'm getting tired of typing. Suffice it to say that this
move makes your butt feel good.

Happy Baby: Lie on your back and grab the outsides of your feet with
your hands while bending your knees. Roll side to side.

Child's Pose: Sit on your knees, and collapse down to the floor with
arms stretched forward and palms down.

Corpse Pose: By far my favorite Yoga X pose: You lie still and close
your eyes.

Fetal Pose: Lie on your side with your knees tucked into your chest in
a fetal position.

Meditation Pose: Sit up straight with crossed legs and rest your hands Page 10 of 15
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on your knees, palms up. Close your eyes and chant "OMMMMMMM"
with Tony.

After doing Yoga X for several months, I'm convinced that yoga
enhances overall fitness. It helps to stretch your tight muscles and
extend your range of motion, reducing your risk of injury and boosting
your bodys flexibility, balance and strength.

"I can't do a lot of pull ups and push ups because I workout on a pull up
bar all day," Tony says. "I can do a lot of pull ups and push ups
because I do yoga."

My one complaint? This DVD is too fucking long. Ninety minutes is a

lot to ask of busy people who are already overdosing on Tony Horton.
There's a lot of good stuff crammed into this session, but a lot of folks
(who aren't fans of yoga to begin with) end up skipping yoga because
they don't think they can squeeze it into their already-packed

(Thankfully, the "One-on-One with Tony Horton" series has a 48-minute

yoga DVD that can be subbed in place of Yoga X. More on that

Lastly, for more information about power yoga moves that build
strength, flexibility and balance, check out "The Athlete's Guide to
Yoga" by Sage Rountree.

AT 11 : 3 2 P M 10 COMMENTS

TA G S : C R A N E , P 9 0 X , P 9 0 X R E V I E W S , Y O G A , Y O G A X

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Blobitz 6 years ago Page 12 of 15
FITBOMB: P90X Yoga X Review 29/07/2017, 15*28

You got Tony's quote wrong. It's, "I can do things at
my age not because I can do a bunch of pullups; it's
because I do yoga."
7 Reply Share

Tony Ferrante 5 years ago

Fantastic review of what started out as my least
favorite, and now at the end of Week 12 has become
my favorite workout of P90X. I've even decided to
continue doing Yoga X as an added workout to
whatever programs I do in the future. I always
thought of Yoga as a "Chick's Activity" Yeah, Tough
4 Reply Share

Sportzshea1313 5 years ago

I LOVE this DVD and agree with Theerod...I usually
do the DVD 35-45 minutes in and still get awesome
results. One downfall is that I cant find any other
yoga DVDs that are as intense and easy to follow so I
tend to use this one every other day which can be
boring. However, it gives me the results I want in my
butt, thighs and abs so I do it. :)
3 Reply Share

johjere > Sportzshea1313 4 years ago

dont post pointless reviews like this.....
Reply Share

TeachaTeacha > johjere

3 years ago
You must be fun at parties.
Reply Share

Theerod 6 years ago

If I'm pressed for time, I'll just get in the movements
and the balance postures. That's what's nice about it;
you can just do some of it.
2 Reply Share

Ussf 3 years ago

I replace Yoga X with X stretch. Same thing, less
time. Good enough
1 Reply Share

tommyloyd 4 years ago

Im 53 and practice yoga regularly for the past 7
years, my back has never felt better in my life. It has Page 13 of 15
FITBOMB: P90X Yoga X Review 29/07/2017, 15*28

years, my back has never felt better in my life. It has

been the ultimate tool in cross training, just a life
saver. I've Tried different styles...Bikram, Ashtanga,
Vinyasa, all good! 2-3x a week, I'm a believer!
1 Reply Share

Scott McKenzie 4 years ago

Great, comprehensive review. Thanks!

Totally agree that YogaX turns out to be one of the

most enjoyable workouts in P90X. It creates a great
balance against the weights and pull-up routines.
That mix-up is great for the body and the mind. It
exercises spots the other workouts don't reach and
creates a welcome change in pace once a week.

If you can't do the full 90 minutes each week,

consider doing what I do - alternate between the
first half and the second half each week. Much better
to do half than to skip it completely. I've explained it
here - http://www.mindbodywealth.m...
Reply Share

Jdf 5 years ago

Observations are precise. Can't disagree with one
point. Finished week three and have a totally
different perspective than week one ... including the
sense that its making a significant contribution to
my overall fitness. I get up earlier on 'yoga' day as I
feel I need all 90 minutes ... it is a long work out for
sure. Still struggling with 'Crane' ... can't get to
'Bridge' but I'm going to keep after it!
Reply Share


Change-Up Heavy Eyelids

3 comments 5 years ago 1 comment 5 years ago
kman Don't be a hero. Nina_CZ OMG that is
Rest your wrist, don't so scary!!! It is gonna be
pull, press or hold on to in my dreams tonight, I
anything heavier than a am sure!!! Dang!!! :D
'Tis The
pen.Season for I had
It needs rest. Friday's Workout
Brown an Candy Canes
injury similar to yours 1 comment 4 years ago
and I thought
5 years ago
I of ways to steve During your
Eva silent months when you
WONDERFUL THING. were focused on the
BUT THEY SURE NEED cookbook, did your
TO ADD BACON CANDY workouts suffer? Just
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