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Reprinted irom May 1'192, Vol. 114.

Journal o l Pressure Vessel Technology

Expanded, and Welded-and-

Expanded Tube-to-Tubesheet
This paper discusses some practical aspects of expanded and welded-and-expanded
tube-to-tubesheet joints. It reviews elastic-plastic tube expanding theory, which it
uses as the basis for seuing pressures for uniform-pressure expanding and for es-
timating residual interfacial stress ai the tube-hole inrerjace. It addresses uniform-
S. Yokell pressure-expanded tube joint strength and the problem of correlating of roller-
expanded joint strength with wall reduction and rolling torque. It advocates two-
MGT Inc .. stage expanding: I) app(ving just sufficient pressure or torque to create /irm tube-
Boulder. CO 80306-4539 hole contact over substantially the tubesheet thickness; and 2) re-expanding ar full
Fellow ASME pressure or torque. It points out the advantages of segregating hears of tubing and
mapping the rube-hear locations. It recommends non-TE.'.IA Standard (and non-
HE/ Power Plant Standard) grooves for grooved-hole joints made by roller-ex-
panding, when the tubes are thin-walled, high-strength, low-elastic-modulus, and
for joints made b_v uniform-pressure expanding [/, 2). It stares what to examine
when considering grooves for small-diameter tubes. It retiews rube-to-tubesheer
welding requirements and discusses welding before and after expanding. It suggests
TE.\IA revise its standards to define strength and seal welds and urges the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Committee (the Code Committee) to incorporate
the TEMA definition in Section Vl/1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
(the Code} (J). It makes recommendations for pressure and leak-testing. The work
shows wh_v welded-and-expanded joints should be full-strength expanded and why
expansion length should equal the tubesheet thickness minus I :'8 in. (approximately
3 mm} rather than the lengths the TEMA and HE/ Standards permit.

1 Introduction
The tubes of most tubular exchangers are connected to the ~achining grooves into the tubesheet holes before seatine
tubesheets by expanding-only or by welding and expanding. the tubes, increases joint holding power and tightness. The
Expanded joints are standard for exchangers built to the TE~IA TEMA R and B Standards require grooving. The TEMA C
Standards (I) . The HEI Standard for Power Plant Heat Ex- standard requires grooving for 518 in. (approximately 16 mml
changers [2) requires tubes to be expanded into the tubesheet and larger diameter tubes for design pressures over 300 psi
for a depth of at least 2 in. (approximately 50 mml or within (2068 kPa) and or temperatures in excess of 350"F (approxi-
l/8 in. (approximately 3 mm) of the shell side tubesheet lace, mately 200"C). The HEI Power Plant Standard states, '' when
. whichever is less. The HEI Closed Feedwater Heater Standards required , each hole shall be grooved into two 1/8 in. wide x
are silent on joint design (4). Joint holding power and tightness l/ 64. in. deep (appro~imately 3 mm wide x 0.4 mm deep)
o f tubes expanded into bare holes are functions of the surface rectangular or curved grooves ... '. How.:ver. it does not state
area in contact between the tube and hole. residual imerfacial the conditions under which grooves are required.
pressure at the tube-tubesheet interface. P... produced by the Tubes are frequently seal-welded to the iront face oi the
expanding process. static coefficient of friction . o. and Pois- tubesheet to stop lluid that may have leaked past the tu be-
son's constant, v. Elastic-plastic and tinite element analyses hole contact suriace from passing into the lower-pressure side:.
of the expanding process have been published in the litc:rature Although seal welds confer additional strength on the attach-
[5-11) . ment, the incremental capacity o t' the joints to bear pressure
and temperature-imposed loads is negiected in calculating joint
load-carrying capacity. Nevertheless. the Code requires a quai-
Contributed b\' the Pressure Vessels and Pipint Ohim m tur J' U~Ii.:lth.ln 10 it'ied welding procedure to be used. Seal welding does not
the Julllt:<Al UF PIIESlt:IIE 'VESSEL fEC'H:<OUlGY . ~l~nus.:rrpt ro:-: c:\cu b y the PVP
Oi\i~ion , ~13,. 1-1. I WI : revisecl m:~nuscri pt reca,ed J:~nu:~ry ;-. IIN:. A;,o.:tlt.: relieve the manufacturer who conforms with the TEMA Stand-
Editor: Z . F. Sang. ards from the obligation to groove the holes.

Journal o f Pressure Vessel. Technology '.lAY 1992. Vnl 114/ 157

Hl\!ll nict :ll tcmrcr:J: ur::< .:omhincd wi th cyclical operation
.1:1 v relic1 c residual str~<s with consequem loss of joim mteg-
ri tl . !-or the ~c ..:ondiuon, , 11 is good practice to strength-weld
rhc tuhc~ 10 the t ubc .he~t 5 . Almmt all such strength welds arc
11 il:t w~ld -; eit her at 111~ 1ront lace ot the tubesheet or within
the hok . cInn rclati\'ei\' small number of exchangers. the tube
hoic' ma1 he drilled to match the tube inside diameter and th~
p ...
I _. .

. I
tuoc:~ hun-welded to the tubesheet secondary face.) The TEMA
standards perm it considering omitting grooving and e:<panding -
men!!th-welded ioints . ::,ome manufacturers have built tubular
exchanl!er~ with the tubes strength-welded-only to the front
t a~e of: the tubesheet with no prior or subsequent tube e:<-
panding. The forthcoming discussion shows why it is better
Expanded length
practice to e:<pand the tubes fully into the holes after welding. Fig. 1 Variation of radial pressure along expanded length of tube In
elastomeric expanding
When changes in temperature from that at which the tubes
were expanded cause the tube to lose contact with the hole.
the benefits of post-weld expanding are lost. The methods used
to set expanded-joint temperature limits are also useful t'or tions: I l pressure is applied uniformly inside the tube holes;
examining this problem . 2) the tube is expanded into a hole centered in an infinitely
large plate-the effect of tube holes adjacent to the hole into
2 Expanded Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints which the tube is being expanded is neglected; 31 stress parallel
with the tube axis is zero (plane stress model). Initially. these
Most tube expanding is done by rolling. With the devel- assumptions will be applied for equal tube and plate yield
opment of suitable equipment and techniques, expanding by stresses {a,. = a, = a,). The situations when plate yield stress
applying hydraulic pressure directly in the region to be ex- is greater than tube yield stress (p = a/ a, greater than 1) and
panded has found a place in the industry [12, 13]. Bladder plate yield stress is less than tube yield stress tp = a.fa1 less
uniform pressure expandintz has also been performed by pres- than I) will then be examined.
surizing a bladder in the tube end. Axially compressing an
elastomer in the tube end (rubber expanding) applies radial The assumption that expanding pressure is applied uniformly
force uniformly at any point alontz the tube end. However, does not truly apply for tube rolling. Uniform-pressure ex-
the force may vary axially (Fig. I). Kinetic (explosive) ex- panding does not create localized stresses and the Poissoneffect
pandintz has also become a recognized successful process for causes verv slight reduction in tube-end leneth and about I to
expanding tubes into thick tubesheets. For some purposes, 3 percent ~all thinning.~ In contrast, rolli~g creates high lo-
hybrid expanding is very desirable. This consists of hydroex- calized stresses t~at affect the tube metal structure and spring-
panding to firm contact followed by rolling at about half the back [15]. These stresses cause greater wall thinning (3 to I2
usual torque [14). percent, depending upon the tube thickness. diameter and metal
properties) and sufficient tube-end extrusion to exceed the
2. I Elastic-Plastic Tube Expanding Theory. The objec- initial Poisson-effect tube-end shortening . Neglecting the ef-
tive of tube expanding is to create a residual interfacial pressure fects of the tubesheet holes is suitable for approximations. In
between the tube and surrounding tube plate equivalent to practice, they must be considered.
shrinking the plate-onto the tube. The residual pressure create~ Figure 2 illustrates schematically uniform-pressure expand-
equal and opposite stresses at the outside of the tube and the ing. As pressure is applied inside the tube end. the tube deforms
inside of the hole. The following summary parallels work in elastically. Increasing the pressure increases the deformation
the aforementioned literature. It is based upon these assump- until the tube makes contact with the hole. At contact the stress
See S. Yokel!.-1 Workmt Guid~ 10 Sh~/1-arrdTub~ H~al Exchallfltrs. ; Analysis of and equations for calculatins wall reduction and tube-end short-
\k(iraw-Hill. J'c" York. 1990, pp. 197-198. enin~oin the elaSlic and plastic ranges were developed by Ja~~oad et at. (81 .


a inside tube radius. in. (mm) axially extruding the tube, psi p = ratio of tubesheet to tube
b = outside tube radius, in. (mm) (Pa) yield stress = a,la,
c = radius to interface between PQ = residual interfacial pressure PL = limiting ratio of tubesheet to
elastic and plastic zones, in. at interface of tube and hole tube yield stress = (a,la,)L
tmm) after expanding pressure has at which expanding pressure
d tube outside diameter, in. been released, psi (Pa) P,rra, may be applied without
tmm) p' = tube hole drilling pitch, in . pressure at outside of tube
d ' = tube hole diameter, in. (mm) (mm) exceedi!lg plate plastic limit
h depth of groove in grooved r = radius from tube center to of (2N3)a,
tube holes, in. (mm) any point O'rad ::- radial plastic stress

L = joint !oad, lb (N) t = tube wall thickness, in. (mm) a, = tubesheet yield stress at man-
L ,. ::: push-out joint load, lb (N) w = groove width, in. (mm) ufacturing temperature, psi
L, = len~_tth of tube expanded into /3 constant defined in text, di- (Pa)
tubesheet, in. lmm) mensionless a, = tube yield stress at manufac-
L, pullout joint load, lb (N) "'( = constant defined in text, di- turing temperature, psi (Pa)
p = pressure, psi CPa) mensionless atan = tangential plastic stress, psi
P, expanding pressure, psi (Pa) 11 = ligament efficiency = (kPa)
P,m., maximum expanding pressure (p'-d ' ) / d' a_,. = yield stress, psi (kPa}
that can be applied without 0 static coefficient of friction II = Poisson's constant
158/ Vol. 114, MAY 1992 Transactions of the ASME
Tube in place before expanding
Assumed Temperature 70 F
(approximately 29 C)

Pressure applied. Tube and hole

just in cootacL Interfacial pressure I' :I
a =0. Denection may be fully ! )
elastic, fully plastic or plastic io I
inner tube shells and elastic io
outer ones. _j, L_

Tube and hole position at

application or maximum --
.- -
-_ ,
expanding pressure. -- 3
InterfaCial pressure = -
equilibrium interfacial
stress a =
the lower or
(2/.fJ)a,{lo(b/a) or (2/.fJ)a,.
----- -t. --
Relaxed position arter
expanding pressure is
Fig. 2 Making an expanded tube-lolubeshut joint

and deflection of a thick, high-yield-stress tube may be fully 1.15,...-------------------

elastic: a thin. low-yield-stress tube may be fully plastic: be
tween these extremes, there may be a plastic-elastic interface 1r
in the tube. '
The requirements for creating the desired interfacial pressure o o.5r
are: 1) tube deformation must be fully plastic: 2) the sur- ... )
rounding plate must deflect under the pressure that ih~ tube
applies: and 3) upon pressure release, free plate recovery must
be greater than free tube recovery. E:<panding pressure beyond /
0. 5~ .
that required for tube/hole contact must be applied to meet i
these conditions. In the model used in this discussion, axial \
plastic stress is taken as zero. The plastic radial stress varies
with plastic tangential (hoop) stress as shown in Eq . (1) (16]
cr;1 4 - crrao~cr1111
+ ai.., = cr_;. (I)
1.5 ...__ _..___ _....__ _ _ _ _......__ ___,_ ___,
1.1 ., -o.a 0 0.5 u
This is an equation of an ellipse. q.,, 0',
Goodier and Schoessow (5) used an eccentric ellipse angle
8 as a parameter by which to express the stresses as Fig. 3 ...1, venus ,,.,.J., during application. of pressure 2,Jv 3

a,14 = ~3 cr_.sin(o-~): cr,... ="\a.. sin(8+~) (2)


Both Urad and cr,... are limited to lie between 2cr..;..., 3. This
is the frequently referred to plastic limit or limiting stress.
,. -M ' at 1.1547, 0.5774 ------- i
Figure 3 shows graphically the radial and tangential stresses . / . i.
as multiples of yield stress when pressure equal to the plastic
limit is applied. In this paper, P~mv. is the expanding pressure ..
0.1 1- /

equal to the plastic limit of (2/....l3)cr_... ,~~~

Figure 4 is the part of the ellipse in which plastic radial stress 0.-' r
varies from 0 to the limit of (2/v 3)a,.. This is the portion o f
the ellipse from which the radial stresses with which we are 0.2~
concerned can be determined. Jo at o.1
In the model used here, pressure greater than P,m... .:annat 0
be applied because the tube metal simply extrudes . L' nder in
ternal pressure the stress state \'aries from plastic to 0. 2--------------~------
-lZ ., O.I -o.e -o... -o.2 o 0 .2 o... o.e
elastic. When pressure P,mu. is applied. the radius oi the in-
terface between the plastic and clastic zones. c. is at a position q.,., 0',
I. 75 x the inside tube radius (c = 1. 7Sa). Fig. 4 ,.Jtl, venus .,..,It~, over the range 0 to 2J, 3 during application
The variation of stress from inside oi the tube to 1hc: plastic/ of pressure = 2,h 3
Projection or elastiC loachnc stress '


\.. \
. Plastic stress - loading 0~
. -~ .... . : ------------~----------------
1 ,Elastic: stnss '
'Eia~c stress - unloadinc o-
''. " 'tlastic stress - loadtni !i ..
0 5~ =--------------------------------~~~
Res1dual streSd
o 0.0 1 Ul 2 , -------------------
r / r: = radius lo any poinl/radius to plastic zone _, -------::--;;:=:::;::~===::::::==--
Fig. 5 Variation olt~,.,Jt~, with ric Residual stress

: i
elastic interface determined, by the method of Goodier and
Schoessow (5), is shown in Fig. 5. r/r: '"' lradlus to aoy polot)/(radlos to plastic zone)
Loading begins at the point marked "plastic stress-loading."
Fig. 6 ~-'~r versus r/c between Inside lube radius r = and radius
The tube/ tubesheet structure is stressed plastically from radius , = c
a to radius c.
This is shown in Fig. 6 as the ratio r i c. where r is the radius
to any point. At radius a. ri c is equal to a/ 1.15a = 0.57. At M11ximum = 0.245 111 bla ' = 1.45
radius c. ric= I . The stress beyond ric = I is elastic. In the C>----------------~7=~--,
, ~---------
figure, the continuation of the elastic loading stress is projected
from the point where r i c = I. u----------~~------------~~~-----
When the pressure is released, unloading is for practical
purposes elastic. The unloading stress can be determined by . ,.. ------.,....~-----:---------
superposing an equal elastic radial stress at the tube/ hole in-
terface. This stress is approximate as shown in Eq. (3) ( 17]

(3) ........ c ... - - - - ' - - - - - : - - - - -- - -- - - - - - : - -

Substituting P,m ..l a,. in Eq. (3) produces the curve marked,
"elastic stress-unloadi'ng" of Fig. 5. The residual stress or
pressure (?0 ) at the tube/tubesheet interface is the difierence
: "' _________________________;. _____
between the loading and unloading stresses. This is the bot- ; ... --:--~--:-------------.,..-----
tommost curve of Fig. 5. Figure 6 is an enlargement of the CO
curves of Fig. 5 from radius a, the inside of the tube. to radius
c, the plastic/ elastic (ri c = 0.57 to ric = 1).
The residual interfacial pressure P,. between the tube and
.. ., I '

I 0 ..
hole is at the abscissa where radius r is equal to the outside
tuberadiusb (r/C' =ri b). Fig. 7 P.l, versus bl when P.,. = (2h' 3),
Since the radius of the plastic/elastic interface is 1. i5 x the
inside tube radius (c = 1.75a), at radius b, where r : c is set at
bl c, bla is I.15rlc. This permits calculating residual pressures may be plastically deformed out of round. In addition to the:
for various ratios of tube outside to inside radii. difficulty of expanding tubes into out-of-round holes, already-
Figure 7 shows how the residual stress between the tube and expanded-in tubes may be loosened. In extreme cases, leaks
tubeshc:c:t varies with the ratio of outside tube radius to inside of adjacent rolled-in joints may progress from tube: joint to
tube radius ( bla) when P,mv. is applied. tube joint. This is the phenomenon that shop workers call, "a
2.2 Pressures for Uniform-Pressure Expanding. Uniform- dog chasing its tail."
pressure expanding theory is useful for estimating pressures to Two-stage expansion is advisable to avoid these troubles: 1)
use in expanding the tubes into the tubesheets. The following expand first at a 'pressure or torque that will just set the tubes
considers three situations: I) the tubes and plate ha,c: equal (often called contact expanding); and 2) complete the expan-
yield stresses (a, = a.); 2) the plate yield stress is greater than sion at the: pressure at which the plastic/ elastic radius will just
tube yield stress (a, < a,); and 3) the tube yield stress is greater be tangent to the holes.
than the plate yield stress (a, > a.). In this discussion, it is Contact Expanding Pressure. The pressure required for
assumed that each uniform-pressure application is over the contact expanding can be calculated from the pressure drop
length of the tube to be embccfded in the tubc:shec:t. across the fully plastic tube. This is the: pressure at which yield
will just begin in the: tubesheet. Neglecting the clearance be-
2.2.1 Equal Tube and Plate Yield Stresses a, = a, = tween the tube and hole, for this condition, the pressure on
a,.. When a, = a1 , after tube-hole contact, the tube/tubeshc:et the outside of the perfectly plastic tube will be a.l-.!3 (referred
siructure is essentially a smaller-diameter hole in a plate:. In a to as the elastic limit). The required pressure: increase through
plate without adjacent holes, the greatest residual pressure is the tube is (2,.'3)a_.ln(b/a). Therefore, to just set the tubes,
achieved by applying pressure P,ma., ( = 2h/3)a,). However, if P, must be: just greater than (a,./v'3)]1 + 2ln(b/ a)].
the interface between the: plastic and elastic zones in a real For the usual drilling pitch of I 1I 4 tube diameters ( 2.5b), =
tubeshec:t lies beyond tangency with adjacent drilled holes. they the expanding pressure should be limited to the pressure: at

160/Vo1.114, MAY 1992 Transactions of the ASME

which c = 1.5b (the tube outside radius plus the ligament
width). The required pressure reduction from a pressure equal
to (2/,/J)a, may be determined by correlating c = 1.5b with
-----. -- Slaximum ='"o:ii3ai 'li,a :::l:Jz-- - -

tube diameter and thickness. For consistency with the Goodier

and Schoessow work [5), the following uses the ratio of inside -.. ___ ________
. ___ ________ _
to outside cube radii, alb as the diameter-to-thickness param-
eter. : ....___
At c equal 1.5b, ri c = rl 1.5b = 0.67b. Setting r equal to
the inside tube diameter a, alb = 0.67. This means that the
maximum values of ric (now = alb) in Fig. 6 at which ex- . ----~------~---------------------
panding pressure P,mu. = 2a..f.../2 can be applied is 0.67. For 0
a.. -----~--------------------
thinner tubes (diameter-to-thickness ratio more than about 6),
the expanding pressure must be reduced. The fact that plastic
portions of the curves of Figs. 5 and 6 are approximately
. _, _______
straight lines, with slopes of about - 1.384, can be used to set ---------
the appropriate expanding pressure [limited to (2/v'3)a,.). This
is shown in Eq. (4)

P,=a_,(t.945-1.384~) (4) b/a

To illustrate. consider the cases of l-in. (approximately 25- Fig. 8 Pofr~, venus b /1 when P,. 1 "' r~.
mm) o .d. tubes. with wall thickness of 0.029 in. and 0.109 in.
(approximately O.i~ mm and 2.77 mm), diameter-to-thickness
ratios of 3~.5 and 9.1, respectively. For the thicker-walled tube, than the tube yield stress, P, must be reduced to a level at
the appropriate expanding pressure is about 86.3 percent of which the pressure at the outside oi the tube 1 = the pressure
the yield stress. For the thinner-walled one. the expanding on the hotel equals, but does not exceed. the plate plastic limi t
pressure should be about 64.5 percent of the yield stress. (2/v 3)a,. After the onset of plasticity, the plastic radial stress
The residual pressure calculated on the basis of an int1nite a"d at a is equal to the expanding pressure P,. P, relative to
plate with a pressurized hole will be reduced. However, the a, is calculated for various ratios oi p over the ranee from rl
result will be production of joints with the highest practically b ( = al b) of I (a tube of no thickness> to the r:b ( = al b)
attainable residual pressure at the tube/ tubesheet interface. at which P, = P,m..,; that is. P, = t:!t\. ) )a,. Figure 9 is the
Figure 8 shows how the residual stress varies with bi a when curve oi the variation of P,/(2/-.. 3)a, \ersus r b for p of ap-
P, is just equal to the tube yield stress. proximately 0.6. Figure 10 is the curve ior o =0.0. The curves
The elastic-plastic analysis of Kasraie and others [6) offers for all ratios of p terminate at the ordinate 2/ " 3. Note that
a closed-form equation for directly calculating P,.. It is par- when p = 0, the curve terminates at rtb = 0.33.5.
aphrased here in Eq. (4).
2.2.4 The Limit Line. The values oi al b coincident with
Pa= P.[~-(~rJ-~;a...[ln;] c5>
ordinates of 2.1... 3 for each ratio p are the limitinll values of
p, called here Pi. at which P,mu = t:!: -.. j)a, applied in the
tube produces the pressure on the hole oi (:!.'-... 3)a,. Figure II
2.1.2 Plate Yield Stress Higher Than Tube Yield Stress (a, is the curve of al b versus PL This is the limit line introduced
> a,). When the plate yield stress is higher than the tube in an earlier paper [9). For any value of a: bat which p is less
yield stress, the radius of the plastic/elastic interface for any than PL P, must be reduced in proponion to p t Pt. as shown
expanding pressure moves inward. In the unlikely circumstance in Eq. (il
that a, = 2a, the plate will always remain fully elastic when
the tube is fully plastic. This is because when P,mu. [ = (2/ P,=u,(t.945- 1.38~~).!!...
,,."J)a,] is applied inside the tube, the pressure on the outside D Pi.
of the tube is (2h; ))a,[l - ln(bla)], and for a tube of no
thickness, bla = I. Ln(l) being 0, the maximum pressure on 2.3 Maximum Tube Thickness for E.tpanding. The curve
the outside of the tube is (2N 3)a,. which is equal to (I N 3)a,. of p = 0 (fig. I 0) terminates at the point a,:14. a,. = 2.:-.. 3,
If we now consider the hole under the pressure applied by al b = 0.335. This means that when P,m;u is applied in the
the tube and again set the plastic radius to the point of tangency tube there is zero radial plastic stress (or pressure) at b for al
to the next hole. the ratio of the inside hole radius to radius b = 0.335. The material beyond that point will always remain
c: is bl1.5b = 0.67. The expanding pressure that will produce elastic. The limiting thickness for tube expanding in terms of
this result is in proportion to 1 and u,. and 1.5b and u. dl t is then approximately 3.
The d: t limit may be established alternatively by ~etti ng the
pressure drop through the fully plastic tube to P.. , ... thereby
t+b(;,) . u z. . .
P.. =a!
(1.945-1.38~-11) (6) producing zero pressure at b. For this condition t 3 lu, -
0 = (2/.... 3la,ln(b/ a)orln(b/ a) = J.fromwhichb: a = 2.719.
which corresponds with dl t of 3.16. This is in substantial
Defining a yield-stress ratio p = ". a,, Eq . .(6) becomes agreement with the graphic method.
1 :~(1.945-1.38~;) (6a) 2.4 Strength of Expanded-Only Joints. fube Jllint
strength is measured in terms of the for.:e required to pull or
P,. is limited to P,,a., based upon the tube yield stress. push the !ube out of the hole into whi.:h it has been expanded.
Because of the Poisson effect, pulling the tube rl!du.:es slightly
2.2.3 Plate rield Stress Lower Than Tube rield Stress (a, the tube diameter and pushing it increa~es it. In ei ther case.
< a.). This discussion follows the Goodier and S.:hoessow the hole detlects elastically to meet the! tuoe derlection. ~oodier
(5) practice of expressing radial stresses and pressures as mul- and Schoessow [5] analyzed the pullout and push-out loads.
tiples of yield stress. taking imo consideration the length or' tube embedded in the
In the single-hole model. when the plate yil!ld stress is lower tubeshee!. :he plate elastic modulus. Poisson\ ~ l.lnstant for
2/..fJ = 1.1 547

Plaltt yield suess 60'.\o

of tube yield scress
Limit line

: .

rib PL = Limiting ratio of a.ja 1 at wbicb P.., = J.aj..fJ may be applied

Fig. 9 PIISiic .,,..,.,, versus lb for p = 0.6
Fig. 11 lb versus PL
., ____________________________
2/{3 =: J.J 547
to 1.0. Furthermore. the frictional behavior of the structure
probably is different when it is hot and when it is cold (10].
Equation (10) is a practical approximation that neglects the
: Poisson effect of the tube and elastic response of the tubesheet.
: ;. Plate yield ums 6 =
: . of tube yield stftlls {10)

0- ~
2.5 Tube Rolling. Rolling plastically strains and elast i-
........, ' cally relaxes the tube/ hole structure cyclically. To examine the
: . effect of cyclical loading it helps to conceive of the tube as a
series of concentric shells in intimate contact. As the rolls
. traverse the tube. momentarily, they apply force on an infin-
: <
itesimally small contact surface. thereby applying pressure far
.. greater than the plastic limit on the innermost shell. In doing
so, they create a slight depression in the inner concentric shells.
Consequently. the rolls are always pushing a wave of metal
: .
- : ----------~------~-------------
0 , : ~
:. : i ahead of them. As with the uniform-pressure model, any pres-
sure greater than C2N 3)a, wall cause tube-end extrusion. The
rib pressure on successive shells is reduced by the pressure drop
Fig. 10 Plastic .,,../o1 versus lb for p = 0.0 through the inner shells. The tube-end shonening that results
from the initial elastic and subsequent plastic overall tube
deformation is overcome by tube-end extrusion. This is the
reason for the well-known phenomenon of tube-end growth
the tube material, coefficient of friction between the tube and during rolling. If the tubes are not appropriately tack-rolled
hole and tube wall thickness. by lightly rolling in a few tubes at six or eight equally spaced
They treated the tube-hole assembly as being equivalent to peripheral locations and at the center, the tube extrusion can
a tube in a thick sleeve with its outside radius at the plastic/ cause a tubesheet to bow and tilt out of perpendicular. Plastic
elastic interface. Equations (8) and (9) restate their results in radial deformation of the ligaments also causes overall radial
the terms used in this paper. tubesheet growth, which must be accounted for in removable-
bundle exchangers.
For pullout loading A somewhat subtle phenomenon is that unless the tube end
is fixed in the hole before rolling begins, the "bite" of the
Lr=P0 2 ~b (L~-e--,L~) (8) hardened rolls twists the tubes. If the tubes are not ftxed in
"Y place before rolling, they may be loaded torsionally along their
For push-put loading length. The tubesheets of two-tubesheet exchangers may be
rotated relative to each other as much as IS deg. Restraining
L = P 2-rb (efJt.~- 1) (9) the tube twist, for example in U-tube bundles, applied tensile
~ 0 fj
stress to the straight lengths and ends that promotes stress
where corrosion cracking (SCC). This is one of the reasons that con-
c~-a! c 2 -b 2 trolled-tensile-stress tubes, often specified for closed feed water
-y=v b(c;-b 2 ); {J=v b(c2 -a 2 ) heaters. fail from sec.
Well-known to manufacturers, is that the maximum length
These equations would be useful if the coefficient of friction of tube that can be roller expanded in one rolling-tool appli-
could be precisely determined. However, the range of o, which cation is about 2 in. (about 50 mm). Accordingly, rolling is
is usually assumed to be 0.3 to 0. 7 with the average value of done in steps. If the step-rolled lengths do not overlap, there
0.5 used for most estimates, may actually be as great as 0.3 is a series of transitions between the rolled and unrolled lengths

162/ Vol. 114, MAY 1992 Transactions of the ASME

instead of just one at the shell-side face region. For sec- supportS the conclusions of Jawad and others (8) and Yosh
sensitive materials it creates that many more regions that can itomi et al. [I 5]. Idealized widths for hydroexpanding based
fail. The previously advocated hybrid expanding mitigates this upon the Jawad modification of the Yoshitomi work, and
problem. assuming" = 0.3, are as shown in Eq. (I I)
2.6 Wall Reduction. Rolling Torque and Joint Strength. W= I.h/(a+b)t (II)
The common way to try to achieve uniform tube rolling is to When an exchanger is built with small-diameter tubes. the
control rolling torque so as to achieve uniform wall reduction. designer should consider: I) the percentage of ligament width
Some analysis has been done to try to corelate wall reduction removed by the tube grooving; and 2) the percentage of tube
with joint strength (6] . However, to the best of the author's sheet thickness that the grooves occupy. For such tubes, better
knowledge, there are no published correlations of interfacial results might be achieved by using a coarse hole fini~h-in the
pressure with wall reduction. Moreover, rolled-joint interfacial range of 250 rms or grooves similar to those described for
pressure is not measurable in a production exchanger. There thin, high~strength tubes.
is also no evidence that wall reduction correlates directly with
pull or push-out strength. Accurate wall-reduction measure-
ments in relatively large-diameter, thin-walled tubes are dif- 3 Welded-and-Expanded Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints
ficult to make. When such tubes are of high-strength materials,
for example Ti Gr III, only a modest amount of wall reduction 3.1 Requirements for Welding Tubes to Tubesheets. It is
is attainable. Repeatability from tube to tube is hard to achieve. well known that to achieve tube-to-tubesheet welds free of
Consequently, some manufacturers try to correlate joint cracks. inclusions and porosity, all the surfaces to be joined
strength directly with rolling torque. This requires all tubes must be spollessly clean and dry. Extreme measures taken at
rolled at a given torque value to have the same physical prop- the outset may eliminate costly and often unsuccessful repairs
erties. after hydrostatic testing.
Tubesheets, to which tubes are to be welded must have a
2. 7 Tube Heat Mapping. Exchangers that have more than granular structure fine enough to permit consistently uniform
about 150 tubes will have tubes from more than one heat. It weld-metal deposits. Carbon steel plate for tubesheets should
is troublesome to segregate the heats into discrete groups when alway~ be grain refined. This is why SA-51 i plate is not de-
loading them into the bundle and map the heat locations. sirable for joining tubes by fusion welding. For the same reason
However, heats of the same diameter, gage and alloy, produced forged-steel tubesheets should be clad with reasonablv thick
by one manufacturer may vary very substantially from the fine-grain weld deposit by submerged-arc. plasma or ga~-tung
specified minimum yield and tensile strengths tabulated in the sten-arc-welding.
ASME Code's tables of permissible stress. Wall reduction or The tube metal, tubesheet metal and weld filler metal (when
rolling torque established on the basis of specimens from one used) must be compatible. This means not only that they are
heat may be too high or too low for tubes from another one. capable of fusing with each other and producing a tough, crack-
Heat treating the tube ends to a fully annealed condition may free weld nugget, but that the thermal coefficients of expansion
eliminate this problem provided that: 1) the heat treatment of the tube. the part of the tubesheet to which it is joined and
does not affect the corrosion resistance: 2) the heat-treated the weld metal deposit must be close to each other. Consider,
end is fully rolled to re-establish the required tube strength. for example. an austenitic tube eas-tun2sten arc welded to a
The latter is required despite the fact that the tubesheet liga- carbon steel tubesheet with high-~lloy iiiter metal. The fusion
ments support the tube end. temperature is in the range of 2800"F (1730"C). The thermal
In addition to variations in physical properties. tube-metal coefficient of expansion of the austenitic components is about
chemistry varies somewhat within the limits of the tube spec- 50 percent greater than that of the carbon steel. As the welds
ifications. By not segregating the several heats of tubing. when solidify (which occurs very rapidly), the difference in the rates
there are tube failures. the ability to connect tube chemistry of expansion engender high levels of thermal stress. Pressure
with the failure is lost. stresses superimposed on the thermal stresses may cause per
mature failures. [f the shrinkage stresses could be relieved.
2.8 T"oStage Expanding. Except for hybrid expanding heating would create thermal stresses due to restrained dif
and expanding of thick tubes. most tubes are expanded in one ferential expansion. Therefore, the re1;!ion of the tubesheet to
application of the expanding device. This is also true ior each which the tubes are welded should ha~e a thermal coefficient
step in step-rolling. However, in two-stage expanding, after of expansion close to that of the rube and filler metal. It is
the first roll. the tubes stiffen the ligaments. which makes it noteworthy that carbon steel weld-wire deposits on forged
less likely th!lt adjacent tubes will be knocked loose. steel tubesheets may have measurablv different thermal ex-
pansion coefficients than the tubes.
2.9 :--;onstandard Grooves-Grooves for Small-Diameter
Tubes. The two 1/8 in. wide x 1/64 in. deep (approximately 3.2 Strenath and Seal Welding. The meanings of strength
3 mm wide x 0.4 mm deep) grooves of the TE~tA and HEI and seal-welding tubes to the frontfaces of tubc:sheets are
Power Plant Standards (I, 2) are adequate for most rolled frequently misunderstood. This has been exacerbated by lack
joints. However, for thin-walled, high-strength tubes. a series of general agreement about joint coniigurations and weld sizes
of smaller. shallower grooves of the same total width produces. required for strength welds. The coniusion may be eliminated
better results (18]. Such grooves were described in the previ- with these det1nitions proposed for inclusion in the: Code:
ously-footnoted "Working Guide to Shell- and-Tube Heat Ex- .. Tube-to-tubesheet seal welds are ones used to prevent tluid
changers.'' The author has achieved good results with 60 deg transier between shell side and tube stde-no strength is as-
or smaller included-angle grooves having a depth h = 0.35t, sociated with it. Tube-to-tubesheet strenllth welds are ones used
width W = t spaced on 2.5t centers. For example, a 0.0::!9-in. to transler all longitudinal mechanicai -and.t or thermal loads
(about 0. 7.t-mm1 thick tube would be grooved with eight or from the tubes to the tubesheet. .. These definitions do not
nine 0.0:!9-in. (about 0.74-mm) wide x 0.01 in. !about 0.26 ~ontlict with Code sections that speciiy minimum leak paths
mm) deep grooves on 0.07-in (about 1.8-mml centers. in the weld as a percentage of tube wall thickness.
Analvsis of the stresses and deflections of rolled and hv- The su2gested definition of stren2th weld leads to the fol-
droexp~nded tubes in various grooves seems to substantiaie lowing co'"nsiderations: I) using the: joint efficiencies specified
that wider-than-TEMA-standard grooves are desirabi.e for hy- in the Code's Paragraph UW-151cl. :he total weld cross-sec-
..... "'"' Tl..- - - - 1 .... ~ ... -~' . .J"I _ _ .J - ' - - - rl/!1
paragraph mu st equal the tube cross-sectional area; :!) weld parent that it' pressures iess than those recommended here an:
st rength must be based upon the lower of the tube or tubesheet applied, upon shock cooling or other unto ward evem. the tubes
allowable stress: and 3) di iierential thermal expansion between may pull away lrom the hole~. This will reduce the tubesheet
the tube. tubesheet and weld metal must be considered. ligamenc efiiciency on which the tubesheetthickness was based.
In U-tu bl! uni ts it will also permit th e welds to bear the full
3 ..J Weldin~ Before Exp a ndin~ or Expandin~ Before Wehl- h~drostatic end load of the pressure in the tubes. This mav be
inl,! . To this day there is ongoing controversy abo ut whether a frequent cause ot' weld failures. If the tubes separate f~om
to expand first or weld iirst. This is what determines the se- the holes. the metal temperatures of the tubesheet and tube
quence: 1) the requirement that the surfaces be very clean: 2) end may also be far different. This mav intensit'v the effects
the need for a path of escape of welding-generated gases that of differences in thermal coefficients of ~xpansion. between the
will not cause porosity in the weld: 3 ) the maximum desirable tubes. tubesheet and weld metal.
root gap for the material being welded; and 4) the need to be
able to repai r welds that have failed in service.
Except for joining titanium tubes to titanium tubesheets , 4 Conclusions
these requirements indicate that tubes should be welded to the
tubesheets prior to expanding. If it were not for the necessity I Rubber or poiymeric expanding is an ideal way to set tubes
of keeping the root gap as small as possible in titanium joint. prior to welding because it can be adj usted to fasten the tube
it would also be desirable to weld it first. in place axiall~ but without hydraulic tightness. This permits
In order to set the tubes in place, it has been customary to welding-generated gases to escape.
"lightly" roll lpresumably to create tube/ hole contact that is 2 The variations of plastic radial stress with application of
not hydrau lically tight). To avoid contamination, no lubricant . expanding pressure and the elastic stress relaxation ha\'e been
should be used. Without lubricant. there is a possibility that graphically illustrated.
heat of fr iction will cause some of the hardened roll and cage 3 Graphic means. closed-form eq uat ions and empirical
material to flake off and contaminate the welds. Alternatives methods have been provided for estimating residual stress after
are to set the tubes in place with a drift pin, or to use one of tube expanding .
the commerciallv 4 A basis and equations for optimizing expanding pressures
. available expanders. that compresses
a pol-
for uniform-pressure expanding has been provided for the cases
ymer in the tube end to produce rad1al pressure. These can
be set to lock the tube in place without creating a hydraulically where tube and plate properties are the same. plate yield is
tight seal. higher than tube yield and tube yield higher than plate yield.
The limit line concept and its use have been explained.
3.4 Reasons for Full-Depth. Fuii -Stren~th Expandin~ After 5 Plastic/elastic theory has been used to estab lish maximum
Welding. When the welds are at or near the tubesheet front practicable tube thickness for expanding.
face. it is desirable to full-strength expand the tubes for ap- 6 A justification for using approximat e means fo r ca lcu-
proxi ma tely the whole tubesheet thickness. Here is why: lating expanded joint pullout strength has been provided.
7 The effects of tube rolling on the structure have been
I Expanding the tubes into the holes isolates the welds from examined. Practical suggestions for minimizin g harmful ones
the effects of tube vibration. which is always present to some have been made. The benefits of hydroexpanding have been
degree. outlined. Reasons have been advanced for questioning the
: Contact between the tube and hole permits heat to flow validity of tube wall reduction and rolling torque as deter-
between the tube and hole wall. Therefore, the metal temper- minants of pullout and push-out strength .
ature of the length of tube .embedded in the tubesheet is much 8 The recommendations has been made to seereeate and
closer to the temperature of the tubesheet metal than if there map tubes in exchangers in which more than one heat of tubing
were no contact. is installed. The basis for the recommendation has been ex-
3 When the tubes are in hydraulically tight contact with the plained.
holes for the full tubesheet thickness, the ligament efficiency, 9 A two-stage expanding technique has been suggested as a
upon which the elastic constants used in tubesheet design is way to avoid manufacturing problems during expanding.
based, is much greater than when there is no contact. This can 10 The use of non-TEMA-Standard grooves has been ad-
be illustrated by considering 3/ 4 in. o.d . x 0.065 in. (ap- vocated for high-strength, thin-walled tubes and an empirical
proximately 19 mm x 1.6 mm) tubes in holes drilled to a means of selecting groove configuration for small-diameter
TEMA special close fit on 15/ 16 in. (approximately 23 mm) tubes has been presented. The equation for grooves for rubber
pitch. If the tubes are simply welded to the tubesheet and not expanding recommended by Yoshitomi and others. as modified
subsequently expanded. the ligament efficiency is by Jawad and others for grooves for hydroexpanding has been
-0.9375-0.758 0 9 provided. It is based upon a typical Poisson constant of 0.3.
7l- 0.9375 '1 I Rough tube holes instead of grooving have been suggested for
small-diameter tubes.
However, if the tube is always in tight contact with the hole, 11 Requirements for successfully welding tubes to tube-
the hole size is effectively the inside diameter of the tube. sheets have been outlined. Strength and seal welding have been
Therefore, the ligament efficiency is defined and the basis for calculating weld sizes for strength
welding outlined.
= 0.9375 - 0.628 0.330 12 Reasons for welding before expanding for most materials
0.9375 have been submitted.
3.4.1 Reason for Full-Strength Expanding. The reasons 13 The advantages of full-depth strength expanding have
for recommending full-strength expanding are: l) interfacial been explained.
pressure may be lower at joint operating temperature than at
manufacturing temperature: 2) the required locked-in stresses References
in the tube and tubesheet may be creep relieved; and 3) residual
I Sta ndards for the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association. 7th Edi
stress declines drastically with reduced expanding pressure tion, The Tubular ::.xchanJer Manufacturers Association, Tarre}1own. New
(compare Figs. 7 and 8). From these considerations it is ap- Yor~. 1988.
2 Standard for Po,.er Plant Heat Exchangers. 1st Edition. The Heat Ex
chan~er Institute, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, 1980.
3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1989 Edition, American Societ)'

164/ Vol. 11 4, MAY 1992 Transactions of the ASME

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