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29j04pn012 fey fun) AVR32-NGW100 the tlesjtar embatun Home AVR ARM FPGA Howto Projects Links Imprint Introduction Originally wanted to start with my NGW100 buthad some problems to find all tho needed information. | will have to dig around the web to collect these information and decided to create this page for all the other beginners. I did not invent the wheel again. This website just brings together some information which you will find at the folowing pages: aurfveaks forum awrfreaks wiki ‘The AVR32 Linux project ‘ATMEL Technical Support Genter ATMEL AVR32_ Buildroot for AVR32 ‘AVR32737; AVR32 AP7 Linux Getting Started This website is a step by step tutorial how to set up your development tools, and update a NGW100. ‘The next picture shows an overview of the NGW/100, this picture can be found at the AVRtreaks wiki and in your local wiki running at the NGW100 too: em Flats MT32A77000 General apamsion Wenders so-care— a Dat las Gonsrat expansion Waders Ritinyze Bord Contrelter rs2Arv900 TAS" ASB 8 ‘The tutorial below bases on Ubuntu 7.10 and Buildroot 2.1.0. wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind ano 29j04pn012 wn embafun de/ai/avr32ngw20yindex hind embatun “ep Linux ‘We want to use the buildroot tool. Therefore we need a real Linux operation system, where I decided to use Ubuntu 7.10. Itied to get bullroot working on Cygwin and Mac OS X but without success. Here | use Ununurin a VMware, this has the advantage to be able to copy the image to a Windows or Mac OS X machine later to0, Even you can pass your image toa friend who wants to start playing with AVR32. to0. Download and install Ubuntu. For this tutorial here Iwill use an user avr32. Therefore create an user ‘avr32 on your machine to. ‘After you installed Ubuntu highly recommend to update your installation. Ihad some problems with the network in my VMware, after updateing the problems were solved. Buildroot ‘You will need the AVR32003: Buldroot for AVR32 application note. | will refer to revision 32062C- ‘AVR32-11/07, The buildroot page for ARV32 can be found at the ATMEL page. ‘To fll the requirements of the buidroot you need to install some packages which are not available on a {resh installed Ubuntu, You can install the packages with a GUlor at the command line in a Terminal Here Iwill use the Terminal, the syrtaxis: sudo apt-get install Yourmust execute the apt-get command as the superuser, therefore we need the sudo command, Please open a Terminal and install the following packages: ‘sudo apt-get install g++ ‘= sudo apt-get install bison flex autoconf gettext patch texinfo ‘+ sudo apt-get install ibncurses- Add/Remove... from the menuline of Ubuntu, The "Add/Remove Applications" window will be opened. Here press the "Preferences" button and navigate to the "Third- Party Software” folder. Press "+Add.." ‘tthe APT line type: deb http:/ivww.atmel.nolavr32lubuntufeisty binary! ‘The result should looks lke: wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind ano 29j04pn012 wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind embatun (Glick inside the picture to expand) Press the "+ Add Source” button, and the dialog should looks lke: (Click inside the picture to expand) Press the "Close" button ofthe “Software Source” window and follow the instruction. A new window will ‘open up, press the Reload button here. New packages information willbe loaded from the internat ‘The window will be closed automatically afterwards. Close the "Add/Remove Applications" and open a Terminal window. Type here: sudo apt-get update Now we can install the "STK1000 support software" with: sudo apt-get install stk1000bsp ‘Tris can take some minutes, depending on your internet connection speed. Now you installed the aw'32- linux toochain, and even the tool av’32program which is needed to program the w-boot, ‘The tool avr32program willbe used to connect to @ JTAGICE mkll over USB. Everytime you use the _avr32program you can use the sudo command, or grant access with the folowing hin from AVRtreaks wiki. On Ubuntu the “udev” partis working, therefore create a file called “avrtools rules" in the directory “fetcludeviules.d" with the folowing content # Atmel JTAGICE miki ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", SYSFS{idVendor)=="03eb", SYSFS{IdProduct}=="2103", GROUP="avriools", MODE="0660" ‘After adding this file you must change the access righ's to 644 of avrtools.sues, type: sudo chmod 644 avrtools.rules Now we must create a group avtools and add the user avr32 (which will be our user name), To create a ew group type: sudo addgroup avrtools. Now add the user av32 to the group avtools, ype: sudo adduser avr32 avrtools ‘As Imention earlier, lam working with user avrG2. you created a different user, you must use this one for the adduser command. lLis important to reboot your machine now. After rebooting open a Terminal and connect the JTAGICE mklto your machine. Now we want to check if we can access the JTAGICE mkl. To check the USB bus in general ype: sno 29j04pn012 wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind embatun lsusb ‘Tis will ist all the devices connected to the USB bus. My rasultlooks lke: Bus 002 Device 001: 0000:0000 Bus 001 Device 002: B 03eb:2103 Atmel Corp. JTAG ICE miki ‘The JTAGICE mkllis connected to your system, now type: avr32program ist the resull should looks like STAGICE mkil You can find the serial number of your device atthe botion of the JTAGICE mk f"aw32program ~ist" is not working, try to use "sudo avr32program ~list’. Fthis produces the correct output, you made a mistake with the avitools.ules, or with the group/user setting Now we have allthe tools installed and can program the u-boot to the target. Download u-boot Before we can download u-boo!, we must take a look at cur MAC addresses from the network interfaces. Therefore connect a RS232 Terminal to the NGW'100 withthe folowing parameters: 115200, 8,N 4 and connect power to the NGW100, Kyou see the folowing line from wboot Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 1 seconds pross space and youwillbe directed tothe u-boot prompt. Type here: printer hich willdisplay the environment of your NGW100, it coud look like: tee sete Festa Teed ele ectulmnabats Hamer Ec ss 5 ae thas - Note the values for ethaddr and ethtaddr, you wil need these values later. Iblacked out the values here, because Ido not want that you type in my numbers :0) Now we are ready o play a litle with the NGW/100. You can find this information at the AVEreaks wil to0, but forthe sake of completeness | will presentit here too. Connect your JTAGICE mkil with the NGW100 and power the target (you must use the JTAGICE mkl, the older version JTAGICE can not be used here). At the build machine open a Terminal and type: avr32program erase -fofi@0 ‘THis will erase the entire flash and takes some minutes. Now we can program the t-boot, therefore ‘change in the binaries/atngw100 directory and type: avr32program program ¥ bin -vfcfi@0 u-boot bin Tris will program the u-boot into the flash. Now we will download the filesystem by SD card inthe next step. sno 29j04pn012 wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind embatun Download the file system ‘You will find the information at the AVRtaaks wiki too. But will present you the way which was working for me. Becasue | must leave the way ofthe wiki, had some problems because flash_eraseall could not be found, First of al, we wil prepare a SD card withthe files we have created from the buildroot step. Therefore ‘we must format the SD card with an ext2 filesystem (wiki info). nsert a SD card in your reader, and type: at My resut looks lke: (Glick inside te picture to expand) Here the SD is mounted on /media/disk. Now we wil format the SD card and create the ex2 file system, Double check which device is your SD card, Imust use /dewsdb1 here. sudo umount /media/disk Sudo /sbin/e2fsck idevisdb1 sudo /sbinimkfs.ext2 idevisdb1 ‘sudo mount /devisdb1 /medialdisk Ifthe last command produced an error, ike "mount point /mediaidisk does not exist”. Remove the SD ‘card and insertit again, The system will auto mount the card for you, Now we can copy the files from the buildroot step to our SD card. Go to /medialdisk and type: ‘sudo ep SHOMEIAVRS2/bulldrootevr3242-1.O/binaies tng 100/rotls. avr82_nofpujt2-roat Do not forget the dot ater -root [space]{dot], This command copies the root fle system to the SD card. Now we must copy the usr file system fo the SD card too: ‘sudo ep SHOMEIAVR32/bulldrootovr3242-1fbinales gw 100/rotts.avr22_nofpus2-uer ‘These two files will be copied later tothe flash of the NGW100. But the target needs a filesystem to boot {rom SD card, therefore type: ‘aude tar xv! SHOMEIAVRS2/bulldrootavr52-2-1Oibinareslatngw 10nrootls.avr32¢ foutar ‘Tris will expand and copy the root file system to the SD card. Now we must solve a litle chicken egg problem. The files system on the SD card will mount the us file ‘system from devimtdblocks3 which is part of the flash. But we want to use the usr file system from our SD card. Therefore we must edit the fstab fle on the SD card now. Add a "#" In front of the Hdevimtdolock3 line ofthe fstab. Start the editor wit sudo gedit Imedialdiskietcifstab ‘After adding the "#, the result should now looks lke: (Click inside te pete to sxpand) sno 29j04pn012 wns embafundefavr/avr32ngu200yindex hind embatun ‘After saving the changes, you can close the editor. Change your position to ‘media and unmount the SD ‘card with sudo umount imedia/disk Now we have prepared our SD card and can goto the target. Connect a RS232 Terminal tothe target withthe following parameters: 115200, 8,N 1 ifyou powered the target, the result wil looks tke: ot cfs COUN > CE gatas DE - CUD Stee Ee ot es ete st alle? ina ny fom Bana we ese fit ug gtms fe naar Mra SE gata ay ot Ee al Re: Bat, wat MELE Nett Litho Bie i ang z BREESE nin cea ish THis is our t-boot which we copied to the target. But it could not find a root file system. Inthe next steps ‘we will download the roousr file system to the target. [found some information in the forum and even you can find some information on the wiki. With a mix of both Icame to my solution. Insert the SD card and type the following at the w-boot prompt: askenv bootemd mmeinit; ext2load mme 0:1 0x10300000 /boot/uImage; bootm 0x10300000 ‘set bootargs ‘console=ttyS0 root=/devimmeblk0pt ro rootwait=1" boot Now the NGW100 will boot and use the file system which we have copied to the SD card. The last output {rom the Terminal wil looks ike: this caps ee Sarg HF a Srp FE Secs ne ltrs “hectares Rabun File stan ‘in oa vt Py ea tw Now we will erase the flash and copy the new fle systems. Double check that you tye the correct mtd. device. Otherwise itis possible that you delete your whole u-boot partition and youwill hace to start at the beginning to flash the u-boot with the JTAGICE mkllagain. The erase procedure will ake a while, but here youwill see some progress. The dd commands take some minutes too. I'my seen thatthe targets hangs. Do not break the command, the prompt will return, ‘Type the following at the BusyBox flash_eraseall devimtd3 flash_eraseall devimtd1 dd ifsirootfs.avr32_nofpu ffs2-root of=/devimtd1 bs=1024 dd ifsirootfs avr32_nofpu jffs2-usr of=/devimtd3 bs=1056 Now the rootusr fle system is fashed, and we can star the target again. But we must take a halt at the rbot and change something of the bootcmd arguments. After the reboot boots started. you see the line: ino 29j04pn012 wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind embatun Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 1 seconds Here press the space to enter u-boot. But frst we must reboot the NGW100. Therefore type at the BusyBox reboot Ifyou see "Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 1 seconds" press space and you willbe directed to the u- boot prompt. Here type the folowing: ‘setenv booted ‘fsload (bootlulmage;bootm’ Now we must save the changes, type: ‘Tis will store our changes in the fash, Now remove the SD card and boot the NGW100 with: boot ‘The NGW100 will now boot and at the end the Terminal should look like: at sce to etree he eet hog sb atric AES reat eu dats at Stearn ttn cote ona clas PonEnSHISEeae oot e ct AUN ocean chet BLtieanadiet coun eM EAP IDE a ghipaabaaclatie/atoiuaiicy aur ranaiontcsts Fae Na (GPa elder RousiesiceDeW Eb d tr See Pntb AURAL tbe ‘tne droeer soe Uh EES RE tatoo asl ee Seam 88 suru dno Srl Faso ne ow vo, bo Lf? OME ee? OE Mult ll Cad finer ator het ot ble ora Congratulation, you successfully updated u-boot and downloaded a new rootusr file system to your New00. ‘Oops, your network may not work, because you did not set the MAC addresses of the network interfaces. This must be done in u-boot. Therefore restart the engine and set the MAC addresses, type at the BusyBiox (you should know now how to stop u-boot reboot We want to take a look at the u-boot environment, therefore type at the boot prompt printenv ‘The environment of my NGW'100 looks like: Mo gute pelpteSlaam eras wttetnett Halsey Festeneteaut a Staecoat Ficmet sce ES bas tea “ Here ethaddr and eth taddr are missing which represents the MAC addresses. To set these adresses. ‘ype askenv ethaddr ano 29j04pn012 embatun u:va:29:11:22:30 askenv ethtaddr 00:04:25:11:22:31 boot ‘The addresses | used here, are fictive, You must use your own addresses which you listed in the chapter about the “Download woot” Bit, fyou want to halt your NGW100, ype halt atthe BusyBox and walt fo: System hated Now you can power ofthe target son AVR32 Studio ‘AVR32 Studio is based on Eclipse which is @ Java application, Check which Java is installed on your machine, type: Java version ‘THis will produce here the following result java version "1.5.0" dij (GNU lbgc) version 4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.1-Subuntus) First of allwe will update the Java to 1.6.0, Therefore open a Terminal an type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre This takes a while and will update your Java to 1.6.0_03. From one ofthe steps above you created a directory called AVR32 where you placed the bulldroot b22 file, Now download the AVR32 Studio from ATMEL and store this file in the AVR32 directory too. The AVR32 Studio can be found here. Download the AVR32 Studio for Linux, currendy, version 1.0 of AVR32 Studio is available. You must register to download the file Open a Terminal and go into the AVR32 directory. Now we want to expand the AVR32 Studio, type: unzip x avr32studio-1 0-linux.gtk x86 zip ‘Tis will oreate a new directory “avr32studio" with all the AVR32 Studio programs. Change into this new directory To start AVRS2 Studio, type: avr32studio ‘THis will start AVR32 Studio and you willbe asked about the workspace. The workspace is the place where all your AVR32 Studio projects will be stored later. After you chose the workspace, the window will look tke: (Glick inside the picture to expand) Now my storyis over, and you can play with your new toy. wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind sno 29j04pn012 embatun ‘The tutorial on this site is licensed under a Crealive Commons Attibution EIHEEEH 2.5 Liconse and is copyright (c) 2008 by me, Michael Fischer. wns embafun de/avr/avr32ngu200yindex hind ono

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