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Energy Body
Astral/ Emotional Body
Mental Body

The negative energies in the aura
The negative emotions in the aura
The energy of chakras to identify blocked or depleted chakras
The size of chakras to identify overactivated or under activated
The energy of the painful/ diseased area
The cords on chakras or affected body part

Prana Healing with the wand is done in four simple steps as follows
1 Cleaning the aura.
2 Balancing Ida-Pingala- Sushumna nadis
3 Finding and removing cords and Conditioning Chakras.
4 Healing the required area.


To Energise water with Prana
Can be used to heal animals and plants
To Clean Medicines
To Clean coffee, tea and beer before drinking
To Clean and remove negative energy from food
To Clean negative energy of homes, offices etc.
No cleaning
No need to recharge
No need to be programmed or reprogrammed
No need to say any mantra
No need of any kind of Meditation
No need to connect to the Universal Energy
No need of initiation/ attunement


As such there are no rules for the wand
Take it anywhere
Keep it anywhere
Share with anyone

Procedure for removing Black Magic / Occult Energy and Elevation Of

Souls from Energy, Astral and Mental Body by Prana Violet Healing.
Prior to removing of the Black Magic, Occult Energy and Souls please
contact Prana violet healing at or skype id
pranaviolethealing for an appointment for the healing of these negative
When the black magic, occult energy and souls are detected on the
energy body, astral body and mental body.
The patient must read the relevant forgiveness affirmation and then
identify who has been responsible for this negative energy.
Ask the patient to read the I am affirmation and the I Am Light
affirmation ( page 2 &3 of Spiritual Affirmation)
The patient should sit on a chair and another chair must be placed
about 6 feet away facing the patient.
The patient should sit with the hands facing upwards placed on the
The patient should visualize the person who has been identified for the
cause of the problem sitting on the chair in front.
The patient should close the eyes, do 3 to 4 deep inhaling and exhaling.
The patient must now deep inside him say Please forgive me and my
family if we have knowingly or unknowingly hurt you in any way.
Let there be peace and harmony between us always . Keep
repeating this for 3 min
After the 3 minutes the patient must think of his working place still
sitting in the chair.
After this please check the patient for any black magic, occult energy
and souls.
Please also check for past life souls in the energy body.
"Aura" is the invisible etheric / electromagnetic / energy field which
surrounds the human body or an object. Aura is colourful and
made up of Prana (energy) . It derives its colours from the light
energy that surrounds us just the way the rainbow gets its colours.
It is the combination of all subtle bodies that surround the
physical body namely
Energy or Etheric body,
Astral or emotional Body
Mental Body

ENERGY BODY- It is the 1st level of aura and lies closest to the
physical body and any negativity present here will have a stronger
impact on the physical health of a person. It contains all information
relating to the physical body and its organs like acidity, lack of
minerals and vitamins etc. which we can find out using the PHW
ASTRAL/ EMOTIONAL BODY It is the 2nd level of aura and
reflects all our emotions, negative and positive which can be sensed
with the PHW. Any disturbance or negativity here can cause
psychosomatic problems and will ultimately affect the physical health
MENTAL BODY It is the 3rd level of aura and reflects our strong
beliefs, thoughts and convictions which cannot be easily shaken or
changed eg religious fanaticism.
The aura starts from within the physical body and extends outwards
thus can be said to interpenetrate the internal body and extending
beyond the physical visible body
Animals, plants, fruits, food, water, etc also have an aura, even our
planet Earth has an aura of its own.

There are 4 levels of black magic and we would prefer to call the first two
level Dark and Black Energy and not black magic.
1st Level Dark Energy ( May or May not have Spirit Involvement )
2nd Level Black Energy ( Spirit Involvement )
3rd Level Black Magic ( Spirit Involvement )
4th Level Black Magic ( Spirit Involvement )

Dark Energy Level 1

Created by very negative thoughts between two people or more that two
people. These are continuous negative thoughts generated by one person
or more than one person.
Example1- Many or one men liking a beautiful girl and she is not
responding to any of these men. These men can get frustrated and
disappointed and eventually the girl will receive negative energy from
these men. Then she will start to experience pain in her physical body.
Example2 Person working very hard in the office coming to work early
and going back late, getting all the promotions and praise from the
management. He may or will soon receive lot of negative energy from his
office staff.
Example3- You can have a smart child and this can cause lot of jealous
energy from other family members and also at school. This child can fall
sick unnecessarily.
5 Black Energy Level 2
This type of negative energy is generated from a person when this person
goes to place of worship and starts to pray in a very negative way for
somebody he does not like or for the family of that person who he does
not like. As a result there would be lot of negative energy going from this
place to the other person against whom the prayers were done
Example1- A divorced person is praying for justice with negative emotions
towards ex-husband or ex- wife.
Example2- A person praying for a promotion in a company where there
are other people who are more eligible for that promotion. Making
offering or promising offering should this person get the promotion.
Example3- Mother in law praying against her daughter in law or daughter
in law praying against her mother in law
Black Magic Level 3
This type of black magic is done with the help of another person who is
practicing some form of negative energy by invocation. Such other person
can be called tantric, witch, shaman or by any other name in different
parts of the world. It is usually done with picture, cloth, body parts such
as hair, nails of the victim. Spirits are invoked for doing this and heavy
price is paid for this ritual and can involve animal sacrifice and in ancient
times even human sacrifice was done
Example1 For promotion in work
Example2 For marrying someone.
Example3 For mesmerizing a person or a group of people
Example4 For something bad to happen to the ex-life partner
Example5 For damaging the business of others and blocking the success
of others.
Example6 For the intention of causing bodily harm and even killing
Black Magic Level 4
This type of black magic is done from the spirit world. This can even come
from ancestors who have been tantrics during their lifetime
This black magic can come also from your past-life souls that may be
present in your aura and around you.
Example1 Experiencing rape in your dream or even sleep which can take
place in a very physical manner.
Example2 Souls around you sucking away your life force.
Example3 Ancestor souls protecting a person or family and causing
harm to other people.

Every soul is connected to the Creator by the Divine Cord.The

Divine Cord is connected from the Crown Chakra of the person to
the Causal Body of that person and from the Causal Body to the
Divine Cord on the Crown Chakra represents your connection to
God. As your connection to God becomes stronger, the strength of
your Divine Cord also increases.
There is another cord on the Crown coming from the Creator to the
person called the Antahkarna which represents Gods connection to
you. God will connect to you when God wants to use you as his
instrument for some purpose; for example he may use you for the
welfare of mankind such as healing, new technique of science or to
bring some of his energy for reason know to creator only .
With the Prana Healing Wand you can check the size and strength
of your Divine Cord and also the connection of your Antahkarna
The moment a White Magic comes into your Crown your Divine
Cord will immediately get replaced by the cord coming from guru.
GODs connection will reduce and now a very weak link will exist
between your soul and the Creator. This happens because you
have by your own free will chosen these Gurus as God. Thus white
magic can become the greatest hindrance in your souls spiritual
path and connection to the Creator.
Cords are energy links between two or more people. These are
strong thoughts or emotions of one person towards another and
can be positive or negative but generally negative thought forms will
manifest as a cord. These cords may be short lived and will come
only when the person is thinking of in that short span of time or can
be dynamic when the other person is constantly thinking of you
mostly in a negative way. A Negative thought of divorced life
partner can be a dynamic cord. If a beautiful girl visits a market
place and some men find her attractive and send her lustful energy,
such cords may be short lived because after sometime those men
may even forget about her. Another example say wife makes some
plan for weekend but husband suddenly has to go to office for
urgent work, wife can send cord to husband and also to his boss
but these may be a short lived cords
Sometimes cords may come from thoughts created by memories
stored in the subconscious mind and the person may not be even
aware of it and this thought energy will be going out towards the
other person in the form of a cord. An example- cord coming to
heart chakra of a 65 year old man can be from a girl whom he liked
when he was 20 but never married her and over the years has even
forgotten about it but that female would be still carrying that hurt in
her subconscious mind and sending him cord.
Therefore cords can be sent intentionally or unintentionally and can
come from people we know and at times even from people we
donot know. Sometimes cords will come from dead people also for
example a dead friend with whom you had some negative issue
which was never resolved.
Types of cords can be jealousy, envy, anger, hurt ,
disappointment, revenge, lust, etc. can be black magic & white
magic cords
Where can Cords can come from
Family members and relatives
In-laws family members
Your Spouse
Your children
Office colleagues
From his patients to a healer
Your competitors in work/ business
Ex-boyfriends/ girlfriends, ex-husband/ wife (extremely negative in
most cases)
Males / females you reject for marriage ( esp in India in case of
arranged marriages)
Spiritual Gurus/ Organisations/ Healers
Occult practitioners
Religious places etc

Cords can come to the following locations

One or more or all major chakras
One or more body organs
Any area of the physical body
Energy/ astral/ emotional body
Cord has a tendency to come to the Solar Chakra normally as it lies
closest to the Spleen Chakra, the entry point of Prana but not
always necessary.
It has been observed that a cord will come to the weak parts of your
body. For an example if you are already having a physical problem
in the liver, the cord can easily come to the liver
Effect of cords on a person
6 Physical Ailment/ Pain
7 Emotional Disturbance
8 Mental Disturbance
9 Various types of Blocks
Whether cord goes out from you or comes into you, you will be
adversely affected.
When you are sending out a cord it is your prana which will leave
the body in the form of cord so you will become depleted in energy
and chakras from where cord is going out will become disturbed
and the function of organs which they control will be disrupted. Cord
is a result of negative emotions and thoughts so your aura will also
be disturbed and life force will be unnecessarily consumed by the
negative thought patterns being created by the mind and it can
make you feel agitated and stressed and can cause physical pains
When the cord come to your chakra, it will again disturb the supply
of energy to that region, block the flow of prana in the nadis and will
slowly affect the whole system. If an angry cord come to you, it will
create anger in you, if a lustful cord comes to you, it can create lust
in you , same holds true for other emotions like sadness, anxiety,
worries etc . You will start to manifest the same behavior
Person will become confused and frustrated and will not
understand why such thoughts or emotions are controlling his mind.
If cord is lodged for a long time in a chakra/ on a body organ it can
create serious physical problems,
Example 1- a cord on heart chakra for many years can result in
blocks in physical heart
Example 2 a cord on sex chakra/ uterus for many years can result
in uterine cancer or block in conceiving
Example 3 a cord on pancreas may not allow patient to recover from
Cords cannot be cut or thrown to earth, sun etc because cords are
negative thoughts of people directed towards to you and unless
their thoughts become positive towards you, they will continue to
send these cords.
You can stop these cords coming to you and affecting you if you
become positive and forgiving towards these people and bless
them. So you have to change within yourself.
In order to protect yourself you have to forgive others and ask
forgiveness from them and very importantly to establish a strong
connection with God so that God s protection will automatically
come to you.

Cords can create blocks in different areas of a persons life like

Healing of health problems
Consummation of marriage
Relationships- with spouse, with family members
Job, Career, growth in career
Buying, selling, renting out property etc
Spiritual Growth and Connection to Creator( in case of White Magic Cord)
Sometimes cords may not be there but the blocks may still be found in
the aura. These blocks can be due to your own negative thoughts called
as SELF BLOCK or these blocks can be due to the negative thoughts or
negative attitude of others. Blocks can come knowingly and even
unknowingly without the other person realising that his words or
thoughts are capable of creating a block.
Example 1 A woman may have fear to get married as her mind can be
holding information of brides being burnt for dowry by in laws family . This
fear can create a self block in her marriage.
Example 2 A person is not very confident of his work knowledge and
working capacity, this low self confidence can create a self block in his
getting a job.
Example 3 A husband may be required to move to another city on a
promotion but wife wants him to be with her and not leave her alone,
this can create a block in husbands promotion.

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