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Writing Tips

begin your sentences
with capital letters
and end with a period.
This symbol means to capitalize a letter.
This symbol means to add a period.
Writing Tips
the topic you
are writing about so it
makes sense.
This symbol means to add something
to your sentence, like a missing word.
Writing Tips
Proofread your writing
left in
for any out words
your sentences.
This symbol means to add something
to your sentence, like a missing word.
Writing Tips
Adding commas, as you
may know, are necessary
in writing.
, Add commas before and after interrupting
phrases in your sentences.
Writing Tips
Commas add pauses,
reduce confusion and,
make writing more clear.
, Add commas after each item in a series.
Writing Tips
Do not, over use commas.
They are not always,
needed in a sentence.
This is the symbol for deleting something
in your sentence, like a comma.
Writing Tips
Avoid duplicating words in
in your sentences so so your
writing is clear to read.
This is the symbol for deleting something
in your sentence, like a repeating word.
Writing Tips
Capitalize proper nouns,
like Washington, But not
other Random words.
This is the symbol for removing a capitalized
letter and replacing it with lower case.
Writing Tips
Check your sentences for
contractions, so your sure
there being used correctly.
This is the symbol for deleting a word
and replacing it with the written word above
it in the sentence.
Writing Tips
These I words are always
i, id, ill, ive,
and im.
The word I is always capitalized and so are
the words that are contractions for it, such
as Id, Ill, Ive, and Im.
Writing Tips
This is a sentence. they can
vary in size and length. but
it is important to separate
ideas so they dont drag on.
Reduce long sentences by adding periods
to separate thoughts.
Writing Tips
Compound words, like
light house and ship wreck,
dont need spaces.
This is the symbol for removing a space
between words in a sentence.
Writing Tips
Compound words combine two
words to create a new meaning,
like gumball. It does not apply
to just anywords, like alot.
# #
# This is the symbol for adding a space
between words in writing.
Writing Tips
Adding excess space
in your writing may help
your paper look longer,
but it is unprofessional.
This is the symbol for deleting extra
space between words in a sentence.
Writing Tips
Homophones have different
meanings and spellings. For
too two
example, I to have too
eggs two make breakfast.
Two = number 2
To = be close, near, or in motion
Too = agree, join or a lot of
Writing Tips
The man said,that boat is
mine. This is an example of
a quote. When characters
speak you add quotations.
This is the symbol for adding quotation
marks to a sentence.
Writing Tips
Are you listening. The past
sentence was a question, so
it needs a question mark.
? The symbol to add a question mark to a sentence
in your writing.
Writing Tips
Carefully loook over your
writing for any spelling erors.
They can easily slip past u.
Review writing for errors, even on a device.
Spell check does not catch everything.
Writing Tips
A sentence ends with a
complete statement and not
in the middle. of ideas, or
you create. a fragment.
A sentence generally needs a subject and
a verb. The cat - is not a sentence. The cat
ran away - is a complete sentence.
Detroit,michigan is a city and
state. When used together you
need to add a comma to
separate them.
When a city or state is named in your
writing it is always capitalized for
being a proper noun.

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